Soul Hackers 2 – Vanity, Calamity, Humanity

Soul Hackers 2

This guide is for the Vanity, Calamity, Humanity request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available at Club Cretaceous after unlocking the 24th Ward Municipal Tower on the City Map.

Client: Makiko

Location: Karakucho

Ideal Lv: 50

Reward: 200,00 yen

research notebook soul hackers 2

Retrieve the Research Notebook

Head for Karakucho then speak with the Exhausted Woman wearing the light pink suit across from the vending machine near De La Mancha. When you’re done, head for the 24th Ward Municipal Tower then explore the area talking to your recon demons. Eventually one will hand over the Research Notebook. Return to it Makiko to complete the request.

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Soul Hackers 2 Quest Guide; All Locations, Answers & Availability

Quest Guide Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 contains a myriad of quests granting various rewards, from delectable consumables to game-changing stat alterations. This guide encompasses every quest in the game, not counting the Soul Matrix. In addition, every notable location not explicitly stated by the game has correlative screenshots pasted below alongside their respective quests. Further, relative time frames for when these quests appear are provided.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that while I am fairly confident in my assessments of this presented accuracy, there could very well be minor errors that don’t entirely match up with quest availability. With that being said, please let me know if there are any issues, such as unclear phrasing or outright falsities, in need of correction. The emboldened text comprises quest titles and rewards.

Two other points worth bringing attention to are that the quests obtained from Flamma at the Axis can not be completed once the West Shipping District dungeon is beaten and that there are DLC-specific quests, but those are not covered here.

  • 5 Beginner Tips
  • New Game+ Features
  • Aion Directive Boss Location Guide

Merch Search

Available when you first have access to Karakucho from the Club Ginko presides over. Head over to De La Mancha and speak to the receptionist, Yume. She’ll assign you the task of finding Superhero Merch lost at the East Shipping District. As it turns out, an Omoniraki has stolen it and must be confronted at the southeastern part of the map, viewable below. The fight comprises 2 of this demon. Prepare accordingly. They are weak to the Ice element. After succeeding in your acquisition, head back to Yume at De La Mancha to return the merch. Your reward comprises new items being sold in the shop .

Merch Search

Lady on the Mind

Available when you first have access to Karakucho from the Club Ginko presides over. Talk to Teruya, the white-suited man right outside Club Cretaceous. He’ll give you a love letter. Ooh la la. Head over to the East Shipping District and walk east to the first fork in the road. Teruya’s love, Chris, will be standing there. Talk to her to learn her answer, then head back to talk to Teruya, who is in the same spot as prior. ¥3,000 is given as a reward.

Lady on the Mind

A New Hee-Home: Part 1

Can be started after beating the boss of the East Shipping District dungeon. Speak to the friendly Jack Frost, Ichiro Frost, right at the entrance of the East Shipping District. He’ll request you to exterminate 5 Tsuchigumo in the same dungeon. Thankfully, enemy icons on the map that contain demons relevant to undertaken quests are denoted with a unique symbol to differentiate them from other mobs. Tsuchigumo are typically found in the dungeon’s latter half, so utilize the warp point to reach where you fought the story boss prior and backtrack to identify and defeat the distinct enemies. Then, head back to talk to Ichiro Frost, who is standing in the same spot to be rewarded a Lourdes Water . You can endlessly redo this quest to repeatedly gain the reward.

A New Hee Home Part 1

A Necklace, a Movie, and Me

Accessible right after entering the first floor of Arrow’s Soul Matrix. Acquired from Madame Ginko. Speak to the Zafiro receptionist at Shinsando, Mannequin, to learn he desires a rare collectible called Eliza’s Necklace. He informs you that a certain someone in the Mansei Realm likely holds it, so he gives you money to acquire it. Then, head to the Mansei Realm to speak to the Pompous Woman, viewable below. Pick the first option, “It’s a request from Mannequin…”. You’ll receive the item. Lastly, head back to Zafiro in Shinsando to speak to Mannequin and give him the necklace. You get to keep the money he gave you earlier, and you unlock new accessories for purchase at his shop .

A Necklace a Movie and Me

Vengeance Claimed

Accessible right after entering the first floor of Arrow’s Soul Matrix. Acquired from Madame Ginko. Speak to Saki in Shinsando, who’s denoted with the quest marker to be assigned a quest to rid the world of a rogue summoner named Rock, hiding at the East Shipping District. His location is viewable below. He is weak to Physical attacks, while his demon, Gremlin, is weak to Fire. Defeat Rock, then go back to speak to Saki, who is standing in the same spot as last time, to receive a ¥5,000  reward.

Vengeance Claimed

Curiosity Shopper

Accessible right after entering the first floor of Arrow’s Soul Matrix. Acquired from Madame Ginko. Speak to the Exhausted Summoner, Wyatt, denoted with the Quest Marker in the Mansei Realm. He’s looking for a Brightsoul, an item only found in the Soul Matrix via Demon Recon. It might take a little while since its retrieval is dependent on RNG. Once found, report back to Wyatt standing in the same spot to be awarded ¥10,000 .

Curiosity Shopper

Phantom of the Night

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after clearing 4 requests originating from that same locale (not 100% confident on how the quest spawns.) Speak to Detective Masoyoshi denoted with the Quest Marker at Shinsando regarding the mysterious Phantom. Next, speak to the lady in Red on the same map, the Scary Story Lover. Ask her for details.

Then, head to Karakucho to talk to the Well-Informed Woman in blue, who tells you the Phantom is apparently in the East Shipping District. So, head there and warp to the dungeon’s latter half, where you can now walk past the gate that was previously locked. The Phantom lies beyond and must be fought. As it turns out, it’s a Mad Gasser Demon. Prepare accordingly as it’s weak to Ice. After winning, head back to Shinsando and speak to the Detective who’s standing in the same spot to receive a Gas Mask accessory .

Phantom of the Night 1 scaled

Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep?

Speak to Flamma via the Axis after clearing the first levels of your party’s Soul Matrixes. Testing on my end was inconsistent with whether this triggers after clearing the story-required Arrow Soul Matrix or if Milady’s and Saizo’s also count.

Regardless, you should might as well just complete all of their first levels. Speak to the Buzzed Man in black below Bar Heidrun. Then, head over to the Mansei Realm and talk to the Sad Man, who gives you the Bloody COMP you need. Conclude the quest by speaking to Flamma at the Axis, who awards you with A Tree of Life .

Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep 1 scaled

Money Makes the World Go Round

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after getting introduced to Victor and Demon Fusion. Speak to Lina, the Yang Yang Palace shop receptionist at the Mansei Realm. She wants you to deliver an item to a certain someone in the Middle Area of the Central Line dungeon. Their location is viewable below. Report back o Lina to gain 2 Revival Beads .

Money Makes the World Go Round

The Gunsmith

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after getting introduced to Victor and Demon Fusion. Speak to Tara, the COMP Smith in the Mansei Realm, and she requests you to defeat 3 Qing Long demons. However, the finishing blow has to be from fire. It can be found in the Soul Matrix and the Central Line dungeon’s Upper Area. Report back to Tara to gain access to new COMP Upgrades .

Mock the Invisible World

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after getting introduced to Victor and Demon Fusion. Simply speak to Victor and provide him with a Koppa Tengu. It can be easily fused with demons from previous areas, and the searching functionality in the fusion menu allows you to see all possible combinations. The reward is 50,000 yen and a 5% summoning discount . Note that Victor will not return the demon .

Academics Wanted

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after getting introduced to Victor and Demon Fusion. Speak to Kyuta in the Roppo Realm and provide the following responses:

Academics Wanted

  • Question 1 : What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated? Answer: Australia
  • Question 2 : What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur’s name? Answer: “Dweller beneath the butterbur.”
  • Question 3 : Which demon is also known by the title “count of death and destruction?” Answer: Halphas.

Afterward, you’ll receive ¥6,000 .

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf

Accessible in the Abandoned Central Line dungeon when first entering it. Speak to the friendly Makami in the Middle Area spot below to initiate it. Then, backtrack to the Upper Area of the dungeon and find the Loa demon in the room below. Prepare accordingly and battle the 3 Loa. They are weak to Wind. Finally, report back to the Makami to earn ¥8,000 .

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf 1 scaled

A New Hee-Home: Part 2

Accessible right when clearing the Central Line Dungeon. Speak to the Jack Frost at the dungeon’s entrance, who requests you to defeat 5 Zhun Tsu She demons found in the Central Line Middle Area. They have quest icons. Report back to receive 2 Life Stones . Similar to the first iteration of this quest, you can farm this quest for the same reward.

An Earring, A Memory, and Me

Accessible right after entering Komadori Orphanage for the first time. Obtained from Club Cretaceous. Speak to Mannequin at Zafiro, who’s looking for Eliza’s earring. He assigns you to search for someone who likely has it in the Roppo Realm. Speak to the NPC below and pay ¥12,000 . Afterward, report back to Mannequin at Zafiro for new items at the shop.

An Earring A Memory and Me

Accursed Creator

Accessible right after entering Komadori Orphanage for the first time. Obtained from Club Cretaceous. Talk to Victor, and he’ll request a Turbo Granny demon to keep. It can be easily fused by searching under the criteria of demons you have not yet obtained. I also encountered it in the Level 2 Soul Matrixes, primarily Arrow’s. The reward is a 5% decrease in summoning fees .

Many Birds, One Stone

Accessible right after entering Komadori Orphanage for the first time. Obtained from Club Cretaceous. Go talk to Saki with the quest icon at Shinsando. She’ll request you to exterminate 20 Zhen at the East Shipping District. The mobs containing these enemies all have quest icons, so it should all be pretty straightforward. You’ll have to walk from the dungeon’s start to end to encounter every Zhen. Report back to receive ¥25,000 .

Close My Eyes and Think of You

Accessible right after entering Komadori Orphanage for the first time. Obtained from Club Cretaceous. Speak to the NPC Sakuro in the Central Line Middle Area portion pictured below. This will unlock a new sub-dungeon on the world map, the Lower Central Line. He’ll want you to find his wristwatch on this specific map, which is obtainable via Demon Recon. The area is pretty compact, so it shouldn’t take long. Report back to earn a Chakra Drop . Meh.

Close My Eyes and Think of You

That Which Lurks in Shadow – NEW GAME PLUS ONLY

Accessible right after entering Komadori Orphanage for the first time. Obtained from Club Cretaceous. Ginko assigns you a monster eradication quest against a foe within Subway Line 14. It’s accessible at the point on the map below.

So, this fight is a tad more unique than your conventional battles since I’m fairly certain the only way for this Turbo Granny to be damaged is via Tetrakarn and similar applications. Physical damage reflection is the only way I’ve been able to damage this monster so keep that in mind. They’re relatively fragile once you know that. After winning, return to Ginko to receive an Original Flame and get some lore dumped.

That Which Lurks in Shadow

Mistiqal Maiden

Accessible after clearing the Central Line dungeon and going to Komadori Orphanage. Speak to the girl with the quest icon at Roppo Realm. Give her any Mistique to unlock this new vendor you can trade with . UNSURE OF WHEN THIS TRIGGERS.

Girls Night Out

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after beating the first boss in Subway Line 14.  Go to Shinsando and speak to Detective Masayoshi, denoted with the quest icon. From there, head over to Karakucho and pay up at the store vendors listed below. Afterward, head back to speak to the Detective, who informs us that robberies are still occurring, with the Ringo-lookalike heading off toward the Central Line dungeon. Confront the Doppelganger at the spot listed below, and after talking to her in an outcome that shockingly does not conclude with violence, head back to the Detective and report the quest complete. You’ll receive a Mirror Pendant accessory as your reward.

Girls Night Out 1 scaled

Raiders of the Lost Gift

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after beating the first boss in Subway Line 14. Speak to Yume at De Le Mancha to be sent on an item retrieval quest for a gift lost within Subway Line 14. Head over to that dungeon and the spot depicted below, near the area’s start. Talk to, and battle the Lilim. Prepare accordingly, as they are weak to Ice. Return to Yume after winning and receive price drops at De Le Mancha .

Raiders of the Lost Gift

A Christmas Memory

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after beating the first boss in Subway Line 14. Speak to the lady with the quest icon in Shinsando, and you’ll be granted a new hangout event with Arrow at Bar Heidrun. Complete it, and then head back to the girl to complete the quest and receive the Heart Anklet accessory .

The Little Sister

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after beating the first boss in Subway Line 14. Speak to the lady with the quest icon at Karakucho, and you’ll be told her brother has gone missing at the Central Line. If you speak to the NPC in the Central Line Upper Area, he’ll imply the brother is in the Lower Area. And, of course, he is there. So, go to the spot on the map below to find him. Then, report back to the sister to receive ¥12,000 .

The Little Sister

A New Hee –Home: Part 3

Accessible from the Jack Frost at the start of the Subway 14 dungeon after clearing its story requirements. You are assigned to defeat 5 Shiisaa. I commonly encountered them in the northern screens of the Upper Area. Just as a reminder, the enemy encounters on the map will be marked with the quest icon beforehand, so you’ll know if you’ll run into a Shiisaa. Report back to the Jack Frost at the dungeon’s entrance to be rewarded 2 Frost Epitaphs . You can endlessly redo this quest for the same reward if you’d like.

A Brooch, a Fresh Start, and Me + Glory Days

These are two quests that merge. Start with the former, accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Go talk to Mannequin at Zafiro about Eliza’s brooch. After a vague hint, go talk to the Pretentious Man, Ed, at Kakurocho, pictured below, and he’ll go to Madam Ginko to file a request for the brooch he’s looking for. This unlocks the Glory Days quest, which merges with the one you started with. You’ll have to go to the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon to randomly find this item via Demon Recon. After acquiring it, report back to Ed to receive ¥30,000 . This completes the Glory Days quest, but speak to him again and mention Mannequin, correlating to the initial quest that began these events. Ed will go talk to him, and once you go to Zafiro, you’ll find out that everything resolved itself, and you’ll be rewarded with you’ll receive discounted prices at Zafiro .

A Brooch A Fresh Start and Me Glory Days

Master and Apprentice

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Talk to Tara, the COMP Smith, and she’ll assign you to kill 3 Quezalcoatl with gunfire. This is pretty self-explanatory, as they can be found within the third Soul Matrix Levels and the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon, primarily its fourth floor. Do the deed, and you’ll earn more upgrades at the COMP Smith after reporting back to Tara.

Deepest Mysteries of Creation

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Talk to Victor, who reveals he wants an Apsaras demon. These can be found within the newest Soul Matrix levels you unlock by now, the third, and the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. So give him the demon, though be warned that he will not return it to you. Afterward, you’ll be rewarded ¥90,000 and a further 5% discount for the Compendium .

That Witch Thirsts for Blood – NEW GAME PLUS ONLY

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. A particularly dangerous foe awaits at Ozaki Hope Towers, located in the screenshot below at Tower B Floor 3. You’ll be facing 2 robust Dakini who are weak to Ice. Unlike the first New Game Plus-only quest, this is actually a real fight. I highly recommend having high-end demons with late-stage Ice skills and to prioritize Fire defense, as these Dakini tend to spam Maragidyne in my experience. Report back to Ginko after winning to receive an Original Flame .

That Which Thirsts for Blood

Story of Your Love

Accessible after unlocking the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Go talk to Flamma at the Axis, who tells you to investigate Teruya, the host you should remember from an earlier side quest who was trying to impress a girl, Chris. Next, talk to the NPC right outside Club Cretaceous, who implies the girl he likes might know something, and last we saw of her, she was at the East Shipping District.

So, head to the spot Chris was at last time, which was at the first fork of the road in the dungeon. After discussing the matter of Teruya’s disappearance, the two of you decide to split up, with Ringo taking Subway Line 14. He’s near the start of the dungeon, viewable below. After talking to him, head back to the outside of Club Cretaceous to speak to the duo once more before concluding the quest by talking to Flamma and being given a Mark of Cain accessory .

Story of Your Love

All’s Fair in Love and Commerce

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after defeating the first boss in Ozaki Hope Towers. Talk to Lina, the receptionist of Yang Yang Palace in the Roppo Realm, and she’ll give you two items to deliver at Subway Line 14. The locations are depicted below. Report back to Lina afterward to receive discounted prices at her shop .

Alls Fair in Love and Commerce 1 scaled

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after defeating the first boss in Ozaki Hope Towers. Speak to the lady with the quest icon in Shinsando, Saki. She’ll tell you to talk to Wyatt at the Mansei Realm, pictured below. Then, he’ll inform you that your target is in the Upper Area of the Central Line. Their location is depicted below. You’ll have to battle her, and she has an Incubus and Apsaras demon with her, while she herself is weak to Ice. Report back to Saki in Shinsando after winning to receive ¥50,000 .

Mad Dog 1 scaled

Academics Wanted (Again)

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after defeating the first boss in Ozaki Hope Towers. Speak to the NPC with the quest marker in the Roppo Realm, whom you helped with quiz answers last time. This time, the answers are as follows:

  • What is the name of the demon said to seduce men and born from the demon Lillith? Answer – Lilim.
  • Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Whom did he fight? Answer – Sun Wukong.
  • The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she known to drain from her victims? Answer – Brains
  • What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with? Answer – Drink and Theater.
  • You’ll receive ¥24,000 for your troubles.

Hopes, Dreams, and Aion

Accessible after clearing the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Speak to Flamma at the Axis. She assigns you to slay a Pazuzu at Ozaki Hope Towers C, a new location on the map. She also specifies that it’s best done sooner rather than later with highlighted text. While I’m uncertain, I think this quest cannot be done after clearing the next dungeon, so keep that potential in mind. Pazuzu’s location is depicted below. It can be somewhat tough if you aren’t prepared. Just have some good Ice-centric offensive builds with buffs, and you should be good. After defeating it, speak to the NPC in the Mansei Realm below, and then conclude the quest by speaking to Flamma at the Axis. You’ll receive a Babel Shard accessory for your troubles.

Hopes Dreams and Aion 1 scaled

Farewell, My Love

Obtained from Ozaki Hope Towers C, which is a mini-dungeon you unlock after starting the Hopes, Dreams, and Aion quest. You have to talk to a friendly Mermaid demon in this spot of the map below, and she asks you to go find the summoner who abandoned her, Hans. She is pretty tsun for him. She states he is working at an establishment called Undine in Shinsando, but after talking to the NPC pictured below, you learn that he no longer works there. After a hint viewable from Ringo’s quest log, you have to speak with Hans in the Mansei Realm. He has no quest icon and is depicted below. Afterward, report back to Mermaid, who is at the same spot in Ozaki Hope Towers C, to be awarded ¥80,000 .

Farewell My Love 1 scaled

A New Hee-Home: Part 4

Accessible after completing the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Same old drill. Speak to the Jack Frost at the entrance of the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon, and he wants you to defeat 5 Orobas in the area. I commonly found them in Tower B, especially on the second floor. After doing the deed, report back to receive 2 Frost Glyphs . As always, you can redo it to constantly acquire the same reward.

Night of the Living Snowman

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after being assigned the mandatory Soul Matrix segment in the story’s latter half. Speak to Detective Masayoshi in Shinsando with the Quest marker, then talk to the Movie Lover NPC in Karakucho pictured below. Afterward, head over to speak to the Opportunistic Summoner in the Mansei Realm depicted below. Finally, make your way to Ozaki Hope Towers B and battle the Kudlak, who summons allied Succubus. The Kudlalk is weak to Fire, but be wary as Paralysis is a common status ailment here. After prevailing, report to Masayoshi in Shinsando to be given ¥70,000 .

Night of the Living Snowman 1 scaled

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after being assigned the mandatory Soul Matrix segment in the story’s latter half. Speak to Victor again, who wants a Rakshasa. Chances are you probably won’t be at the recommended level to fuse this yet, but that method might be the way to go. I believe Rakshasa might be obtainable from the following story dungeon after the one you’re currently on. Still, the game transparently tells you how to fuse demons anyway, so I’d just follow that. Give the Rakshasa demon to Victor, who’ll reward you with another 5% summoning discount from the compendium and ¥140,000 .

The Heartbreaker

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after being assigned the mandatory Soul Matrix segment in the story’s latter half. Speak to Ash with the quest icon in the Roppo Realm, and you’ll then unlock a Heidrun conversation with Saizo. Initiate it and then go back to report to Ash, who’ll give you a Skull Ring accessory as your reward.

Priceless Treasure

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the West Shipping District dungeon. Speak to Yume, who informs you that her brother, Mirai, has gone missing in Ozaki Hope Towers B. He is found at the spot below. But, he refuses to go home until he gets back his unspecified treasure, which is being held by a demon in the room to the south. It’s a singular Orthrus, and it’s pretty weak. Utilize ice to take it down. After defeating it, go back to Mirai and hand him the item. Finally, head back to Yume to conclude the quest, which grants you new items to purchase at De La Mancha .

Priceless Treasure 1 scaled

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the West Shipping District dungeon. Talk to Tara, the COMP Smith. In the middle of the scene, choose “Look Around” and “Pick Up,” informing you to defeat 3 Dragon Vritas with Almighty. These enemies can be found in the West Shipping District. You should probably have demons with Almighty skills by now, but if you don’t, you can buy Almighty-inflicting items from Yang Yang Palace. After completing the tasks, report back to Tara to obtain a juicy reward. COMP upgrades now cost fewer materials .

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf Again

Accessible right after unlocking the West Shipping District dungeon. Speak to the Makami demon, pictured below, who requests you to defeat a demon in the Upper Area of the Central Line. After finding the demon depicted below, battle it. It is a singular Fenrir weak to Ruin, so make quick work of it. Afterward, report back to Makami to achieve ¥75,000 .

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf Again 1 scaled

Fatal Countdown

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the West Shipping District dungeon. Talk to the client at Karakucho, and then make your way to the Ozaki Hope Towers dungeon. Speak to the NPC on the first floor pictured below, and you’ll have to find bombs placed throughout the dungeon. These items are only found via Demon Recon, but they appear fairly quickly. Two can be found on the first floor of Tower A, while a demon can pick up the remaining bomb in Tower B. I’m uncertain of if they can appear on higher floors, but just sticking to both Towers’ first floors got me the bombs essentially immediately on both of my playthroughs. Next, go back and talk to the NPC on the entrance floor and then report back to your client in Karakucho to receive ¥100,000 .

Fatal Countdown

A Woman of Many Faces

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the final dungeon. Speak to Lina, the Yang Yang Palace’s owner in the Mansei Realm, to be informed of an item for delivery placed on the second floor of the Municipal Tower dungeon. Its location is pictured below. Afterward, you must deliver it to the designated NPC in Karakucho, also shown below. After that, report back to Lina to receive new items for purchase at the Yang Yang Palace .

A Woman of Many Faces 1 scaled

A Wintry Friend

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the final dungeon. Speak to Ichika, one of the youths at Komadori Orphanage. You’ll then unlock a Hangout event with Milady at Bar Heidrun. Finally, after completing that, head back to Ichika at Komadori to receive the Acorn Earring accessory .

Requiem for a G

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the final dungeon. Head to the West Shipping District and utilize the warp point to teleport to the area’s end. Speak to the R.S. crewman here to spawn quest monsters in the vicinity. Of course, you’ll have to defeat them, and they litter the entirety of the dungeon, so you’ll have to walk around the relatively compact space. Thankfully, each required encounter is denoted by the recognizable quest icon. These battles primarily comprise Valkyrie, with the occasional Sandman and Leanan Sidhe, but they really shouldn’t pose much of a challenge at this point. After prevailing against each fight, the game will notify you of your success, and you’ll have to check up on the R.S. Crewman. You’ll receive the sellable Twisted Gold Chain item for your troubles.

Requiem for a G

Vanity, Calamity, Humanity

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the final dungeon. Speak to Makiko, denoted with the quest icon, in Karakucho. She’ll tell you of a Research Notebook within the 24 th Municipal Tower she’s seeking to reclaim. Head there, and these following directions may be somewhat confusing but stick with me. To be blunt, while this item is found via recon, I do not know if its location is always predetermined. However, on the off chance it is, the following directions will lead you to where I found it during both of my playthroughs.

Approach the Middle/South Decarbia demon and have it change the water flow upwards. Enter it and follow the linear path until you reach the immediately subsequent Decarbia you can interact with, and set the Water Flow upwards. (This demon will only be here after natural dungeon progression. Then, follow the linear path, ignoring any stairways, and enter the dead-end room to find a demon of yours who’ll have the Research Notebook.  Finally, report back to Makiko at Karakucho to receive ¥200,000 .

Vanity Calamity Humanity

Academics Wanted (Yes, Again)

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after unlocking the final dungeon. Head over to the same NPC you’ve done this quest with before, Kyuta, at the Roppo Realm right outside the fusion place I can never remember the spelling of. Time for another quiz, with 5 questions this time around. The following inquiries and correct responses are listed below:

  • Divine Power is a ranked title for angels. What is their original Greek name? Answer – Exousiai.
  • Which of these demons is known to have a great knowledge of both birds and jewelry? Answer – Decarabia.
  • Which evil dragon is famous for being slain by the Scandinavian hero, Siegfried? Answer – Fafnir
  • Considering the vampire Kudlak, and the emissary of light, Kresnik. What color are their animal forms when they do battle? Answer – Black and White.
  • What is the name of the place of judgment where the Egyptian god Anubis weighs hearts of the dead? Answer – The Court of Osiris.

After answering each aforementioned question correctly, you’ll receive ¥180,000 as your reward.

Dark Night Rises

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after defeating the second mini-boss battle of the final dungeon. Speak to Detective Masoyoshi with the quest marker at Shinsando, and you’ll have to speak to individuals in the city, particularly one in Karakucho and another in Shinsando, pictured below. (Not entirely sure if these 2 NPCc are required to talk to, but if the following conversation doesn’t pan out, then speak to who I’ve mentioned above. They are also depicted below in screenshots.)

Then, speak to the brother and sister from The Little Sister quest in Karakucho to be informed that your objective is at the 24 th Municipal Tower dungeon. Afterward, you’ll have to reach a specific room in the dungeon via the following method.

Reach the second-floor fork with the numerous Decarabias that can spawn water flows. Interact with the East/Right Decarabia and set the Water Flow Upwards. Follow the linear path to reach a dead-end room containing a battle. Afterward, report back to Masayoshi in Shinsando to receive a Messenger’s Robe accessory .

Dark Night Rises 1 scaled

That Which Lies Ahead – NEW GAME PLUS ONLY

Accessible from Club Cretaceous after defeating the second mini-boss battle of the final dungeon. Ginko assigns you one last formidable foe located at the 24 th Municipal Tower dungeon. They are located in the next room, so you can just use the warp point on this floor found during basic exploration with the Water Flows. You’ll be fighting Seth, a level 90 demon weak to Ice, so prioritize that element. However, the summoned demon backups comprise 3 Succubi to 2 Pazuzu, and the former absorbs Ice, so be careful. If you’re under-leveled, the battle may drag on, but it’s not all that difficult if you use buffs and debuffs. Report back to Ginko to receive an Original Flame .

That Which Lies Ahead

A New Hee-Home: Part 5

Accessible from talking to the friendly Jack Frost NPC, Goro, at the entrance of the 24 th Municipal Tower dungeon after defeating the second mini-boss. He wants you to beat 5 Baihus, which are frequently found throughout the dungeon’s first floor. They’re weak to Fire and shouldn’t pose much of a threat. After accomplishing your threat, report back to the Jack Frost to receive an Amrita Drop . And, just like all of the prior Hee-Home quests, you can redo this quest as often as you’d like for repeated rewards.

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All Soul Hackers 2 Academics Wanted Requests Quiz Answers

Image of Cameron Waldrop

Quiz minigames in video games aren’t always all that fun. Most of the time, they require additional research, and it isn’t always obvious where to start. When it comes to the requests in Soul Hackers 2 that require taking a quiz, we have you covered.. Here are all the answers to the Academics Wanted requests in Soul Hackers 2.

There are three of these Academica Wanted requests in Soul Hackers 2 to complete that come at different parts of the story. As with all of these requests, you can find the client, Kyuta, outside of the Cirque du Goumaden tent in Roppo Realm. Make sure to keep an eye out for the notifications that Club Cretaceous has new requests to take these on, as it is unknown if requests are missable if not undertaken in time.

Academics Wanted Request Quiz Answers

For this first request, there are three questions to answer.

  • Answer: Australia.
  • Answer: “Dweller beneath the butterbur.”
  • Answer: Halphas.

Academics Wanted (Again) Request Quiz Answers

The second Academics Wanted request will occur in the same place as before, but with four questions this time.

  • Answer: Lilim.
  • Answer: Sun Wukong.
  • Answer: Brains.
  • Answer: Drink and Theater.

Academics Wanted (Yes, Again) Request Quiz Answers

This third request will be the last one. It also continues the pattern and has five questions to answer.

  • Answer: Exousiai.
  • Answer: Decarabia.
  • Answer: Fafnir.
  • Answer: Black and white.
  • Answer: The Court of Osiris.

With that, the request is finished, and you can collect the final reward. That is everything you need for all the answers to the Academics Wanted requests in Soul Hackers 2 . Check all the links below if you’re looking for more news on Soul Hackers 2 .

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Soul Hackers 2 Requests: Visual Guide & Quest Target Locations - Technobubble Gaming

A list of requests in soul hackers 2, including screenshots of where to find your various quest targets on the field..

Are you a show-me kind of guy? Then here’s a useful guide that shows the locations of the various requests in Soul Hackers 2.

In addition to telling you how and when to unlock quest, this Technobubble Gaming guide will also include screenshots of where to find request targets as well as the locations of special quest givers.

Soul Hackers 2 review: I see dead people (seriously)

This guide has all Requests from the campaign and will be regularly updated with images showing the locations of key NPCs and demons to fulfill them.

A New Hee-Home: Part 1

  • Client: Frost Ichiro (East Shipping District)
  • Reward: Lourdes Water
  • Ideal Level: 4

This quest becomes available after first unlocking Requests at Club Cretaceous. Go to the East Shipping District (the dungeon where you fought R.S.) and you will see a Jack Frost near the entrance with a quest marker. He will ask you to get rid of 5 Tsuchigumo monsters , who his brother is apparently allergic to. Tsuchigumo can typically be found on the northern part of the map. This quest can be repeated every time you leave the dungeon and come back. This can also be done at the same time as the next two requests below.

Lady on the Mind

  • Client: Teruya (Karakucho)
  • Reward: 3,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 5

This quest also becomes available after unlocking Club Cretaceous for the first time. Accept the request from Madam Ginko and you will see a man in a white suit standing outside the club. Head to the East Shipping District and walk east through a long, narrow alley and you will find a female summoner in the southeast corner. Try to give the letter to her then head back to Teruya.

Merch Search

  • Client: Yume (Karakucho)
  • Reward: New items at De La Mancha
  • Ideal Level: 6

This quest is another that’s available after first unlocking Requests at Club Cretaceous. Talk to Yume at De La Mancha and she will ask you to recover a lost item for her. Go to the East Shipping District dungeon and you will find a Human-faced Bird Demon on the eastern side of the middle part of the map. Defeat the monster and it will drop Yume’s lost Superhero Merch .

A Necklace, A Movie and Me

  • Client: Mannequin
  • Reward: New items at Zafiro boutique

This request is unlocked at Club Cretaceous along with the next two quests below after visiting The Axis area for the first time. Head to Zafiro to talk to Mannequin and he will ask you to find a certain necklace for him. Head to the Mansei Realm and talk to the Pompous Woman in front of the Yang Yang Palace and you will acquire Eliza’s Necklace.

Curiosity Shopper

  • Client: Wyatt
  • Reward: 10,000 yen

While you’re at the Mansei Realm, make sure you also talk to a guy in a trench coat named Wyatt. He will ask you to procure a Brightsoul for him. This can be acquired by going to the first floor of Arrow’s personal dungeon in The Axis. It will be found by one of your demons during your regular Recon so look for a demon with the telltale symbol for a unique item on their body. Return to Wyatt and hand over the Brightsoul.

Vengeance Claimed

  • Client: Saki (Shinsando)
  • Reward: 5,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 8

Head to Shinsando and talk to the female summoner Saki. She will tell you to hunt down a “Dark Summoner,” which is the term used to describe a summoner who has gone down the wrong path. Head to the East Shipping District after that and go to the western side of the map and you will find a summoner in a suit and glasses toward the middle by the storage area. Dark Summoner Rock is weak against physical attacks while his Jaki demon summon is weak against fire. Defeat him and report back to Saki.

Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep?

  • Client: Flamma (Axis)
  • Reward: Tree of Life Leaf
  • Ideal Level: Level 5

Solve the mystery behind Akira’s Bloody COMP. First, talk with Flamma to initiate the quest. Then head to Shinsando and talk to the Buzzed Man near Bar Heidrun.

Head to Mansei Realm and talk to the Sad Man dressed in a black hoodie to get Akira’s COMP.

Head back to Flamma and she’ll ask a couple of questions. I don’t think the answer matters but I picked “It’s human nature” and “I think so.”

You will then collect your reward.

Phantom of the Night

  • Client: Masayoshi (Shinsando)
  • Reward: Gas Mask
  • Ideal Level: 9

Talk to professional jerk, er, detective Masayoshi just west of Bar Heidrun to find out about a mysterious case of people getting sick. Talk to various NPCs about the “Phantom of Miasma,” Some will have info and others will be clueless so the ones with actual information are:

The Scary Story Lover  (lady with the red shirt) just south of Masayoshi in Shinsando.

The Well-informed Woman in front of Breaking Mart at Karakucho. She will tell you that the Phantom can be found at the East Shipping District.

Beat the Mad Gasser in the northwest part of the East Shipping District and report back to the doof-, er, detective.

Money Makes the World Go Round

  • Client: Lina (Mansei Realm)
  • Reward: Revival Bead x2
  • Ideal Level: 10

Talk to Lina at Yang Yang Palace in Mansei Realm after you’ve unlocked the Roppo Realm and she’ll ask you to deliver Red Full-Body Tights to some weirdo at the Central Line. You’ll find the guy wearing a white suit in the eastern part of the Middle Area.

The Gunsmith

  • Client: Tatara (Mansei Realm)
  • Reward: More upgrades at COMP Smith
  • Ideal Level: 14

Talk to Tatara at the COMP Smith in Mansei Realm after you’ve unlocked the Roppo Realm and she will ask you to take part in a little experiment. Just go to the Central Line and beat 3 Qing Long with a Fire attack. The dragons can be found in the places like the Middle Area.

Academics Wanted

  • Client: Kyuta (Roppo Realm)
  • Reward: 6,000 yen

Pass Kyuta’s first quiz, which becomes available after you visit Roppo Realm for the first time. The answers are “Australia,” “Dweller beneath the butterbur,” and “Halphas.” Here’s the full list of questions.

  • What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated? Answer: Australia
  • What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur's name? Answer: Dweller beneath the butterbur
  • Which demon is also known by the title "count of death and destruction?  Answer: Halphas

Mock the Invisible World

  • Client: Victor (Roppo Realm)
  • Reward: 50,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 17

Recruit or fuse a Koppa Tengu and give it to Victor.

A New Hee-Home: Part 2

  • Client: Frost Jiro (Central Line)
  • Reward: Life Stone x2
  • Ideal Level: 11

Beat 5 Zhu Tun She.

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf

  • Client: Makami (Central Line)
  • Reward: 8,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 19

Beat the special Loa in the Central Line.

An Earring, A Memory, and Me

  • Client: Mannequin (Shinsando)
  • Reward: New items at Zafiro
  • Ideal Level: 15

Acquire Eliza’s earrings from the Sullen Man at Roppo Realm. He’ll ask for 12,000 yen but you can haggle it down to 9,000 yen.

Mistiqal Maiden

  • Client: ??? (Roppo Realm)
  • Reward: Mistiques tradeable

Talk to the Mysterious Girl with an exclamation point outside of Victor’s circus in Roppo Realm.

Many Birds, One Stone

  • Reward: 25,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 16

Talk to Saki at Shinsando and then beat 20 Zhen at the East Shipping District. The demons are weak to Gun attacks.

Close My Eyes and Think of You

  • Client: Sakuro (Central Line)
  • Reward: Chakra Drop
  • Ideal Level: 18

Look for Sakuro at the Central Line dungeon. He’s inside the last room at the northeast part of the map. He’ll ask you to find his watch, which you can acquire via Demon Recon by talking to your demons in the Lower Area.

Accursed Creator

  • Reward: 60,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 24

Recruit or fuse a Turbo Granny and give it to Victor.

Girl’s Night Out

  • Reward: Mirror Pendant
  • Ideal Level: 20

Go to the Breaking Mart and Ramen Stall in Karakucho after talking to Masayoshi then go to the Upper Area of the Central Line to find your target and wrap up the request.

A Christmas Memory

  • Client: Ako (Shinsando)
  • Reward: Heart Anklet

Talk to the lady in front of Zafiro then head to the bar and trigger a Hangout Event with Arrow. Chat with Arrow to talk about the memory then return to the client.

The Little Sister

  • Client: Mei (Karakucho)
  • Reward: 12,000 yen

Activate the request by talking to the client before the Breaking Mart and then head to the Central Line to find your target.

Raiders of the Lost Gift

  • Reward: Lower prices at De La Mancha
  • Ideal Level: 26

Talk to Yume then go to Subway Line 14 and track down the Night demon Lilim. Lilim is weak against ice, resists poison and immune to Lightning.

A New Hee-Home: Part 3

  • Client: Frost Saburo (Subway Line 14)
  • Reward: Frost Epitaph
  • Ideal Level: 22

Beat 5 Shiisaa demons. Shiisaa are weak to fire and recover health from Lightning attacks.

Story of Your Love

  • Reward: Mark of Cain
  • Ideal Level: 25

Go to Karakucho and talk to the NPC near Club Cretaceous. Then talk to Chris at the East Shipping District and then go to Subway Line 14 and find Teruya. Return to Karakucho and then go to Axis to report to Flamma.

A Brooch, A Fresh Start, and Me

  • Reward:  Lower prices at Zafiro
  • Ideal Level: 30

Talk to Mannequin and then head to Karakucho to talk to an NPC and unlock the “Glory Days” request. Complete that quest and talk to Ed then Mannequin.

  • Client: Ed (Karakucho)
  • Reward: 30,000 yen

This gets unlocked after starting Mannequin’s brooch request. Talk to Ed then find the brooch via Demon Recon at Ozaki Hope Towers.

Deepest Mysteries of Creation

  • Reward: 90,000 yen; 5% discount for summoning via Compendium
  • Ideal Level: 31

Recruit or fuse an Apsaras and give it to Victor.

Master and Apprentice

  • Reward: New COMP Smith upgrades
  • Ideal Level: 34

Defeat 3 Quetzalcoatl demons with gunfire.

All's Fair in Love and Commerce

  • Reward: Price drop for Yang Yang Palace

Deliver merchandise from Lina to two different clients at Subway Line 14.

  • Ideal Level: 35

Talk to Saki to start the request then head to Mansei Realm and talk to Wyatt. Go to the Central Line and battle the target at the Upper Area.

Academics Wanted (Again)

  • Reward: 24,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 38

Kyuta’s quiz has four questions this time around. The answers are Lilim, Sun Wukong, Brains, and Drink and Theater. Here are the questions:

  • What is the name of the demon said to seduce men and born from demon Lilith? Answer: Lilim
  • Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Whom did he fight? Answer: Sun Wukong
  • The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she known to drain from her victims? Answer: Brains
  • What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with? Answer: Drink and Theater

Farewell, My Love

  • Client: Mermaid (Ozaki Hope Towers)
  • Reward: 80,000 yen

Head to Tower C to talk to Mermaid then talk to NPCs at Shinsando and Mansei Realm. Talk to the Mermaid again afterward.

Hopes, Dreams, and Aion

  • Reward: Babel Shard
  • Ideal Level: 46

Go to Tower C to find and defeat a Pazuzu. Talk to an NPC near the COMP Smith in Mansei Realm and go back to Flamma.

The Heartbreaker

  • Client: Ash (Roppo Realm)
  • Reward: Skull Ring

Go to Roppo Realm to talk to Ash. This will trigger a new Hangout Event at Bar Heidrun. Talk to Saizo then return to Ash.

A New Hee-Home: Part 4

  • Client: Frost Shiro
  • Reward: Frost Glyph x2
  • Ideal Level: 36

Talk to the Jack Frost again, this time at Ozaki Hope Towers. It will ask you to beat 5 Orobas. The monster is weak against Ice and Ruin, resists Fire, Lightning and Gun damage and is immune to Force.


  • Reward: 140,000 yen; 5% discount for summoning via Compendium
  • Ideal Level: 45

Give Victor a Rakshasa demon.

Night of the Living Snowman

  • Reward: 70,000 yen

After chatting with Masayoshi, talk to the Movie Lover in Karakucho, the Opportunistic Summoner in the Mansei Realm, and then head to Tower B of Ozaki Hope Towers to confront Black Frost.

Fatal Countdown

  • Client: Akito (Karakucho)
  • Reward: 100,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 40

After talking to Akito, head to Ozaki Hope Towers and talk to the NPC on 1F of Tower A. Find 3 time bombs via Demon Recon then talk to both NPCs.

Priceless Treasure

  • Reward: New De La Mancha items for sale

Go to Ozaki Hope Tower after talking to Yume and head to Tower B. Talk to Yume’s brother Mirai and then find and battle an Orthrus. The demon is weak to Ice, resists Physical and Gun attacks, and absorbs Fire.

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf Again

  • Client: Makami (West Shipping District)
  • Reward: 75,000

This guy, again. Talk to it at the West Shipping District, then fight a Fenrir. Hit it with Ruin attacks to defeat it.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

  • Reward: COMP upgrades require fewer materials
  • Ideal Level: 49

Talk to Tatara and then look around the shop to learn some info. Beat 3 Vritra with an Almighty attack at the West Shipping District.

A Wintry Friend

  • Client: Ichika (Komadori Orphanage)
  • Reward: Acorn Earring

Talk to Ichika to unlock a new Hangout event at Bar Heidrun Talk to Milady and then talk to Ichika again.

A Woman of Many Faces

  • Reward: New items for sale Yang Yang Palace
  • Ideal Level: 50

Talk to Lina at Yang Yang palace then pick up an item at Sea Area 2F of the 24th Ward Municipal Tower. Go to Karakucho and give the item to the Unspoiled Boy in front of the Ramen Stall.

Vanity, Calamity, Humanity

  • Client: Makiko (Karakucho)
  • Reward: 200,000 yen

To fulfill Makiko’s request, you will need to go to the 24th Ward Municipal Tower and find a “Research Notebook.” This can be found via Demon Recon. If you find yourself stuck, this dungeon also has a puzzle involving a star-shaped demon called Decarabia. Just set the water flow upward when given the option.

Requiem for a G

  • Client: R.S. Crewman (West Shipping District)
  • Reward: Twisted Gold Chain
  • Ideal Level: 58

Head to the West Shipping Dream and talk to a former crew member of Phantom Society’s R.S. You will then need to get rid of demons that spawn as part of the quest. 

Academics Wanted (Yes, Again)

  • Reward: 180,000 yen
  • Ideal Level: 59

Talk to Kyuta at the Roppo Realm and he will give you another quiz. You have to answer 5 questions this time with: Exousia, Decarabia, Fafnir, Black and white, and The Court of Osiris.

A New Hee-Home: Part 5

  • Client: Frost Goro (24th Ward Municipal Tower)
  • Reward: Amrita Drop

Defeat 5 Byakko white tigers.

Dark Night Rises

  • Reward: Messenger’s Robe

Talk to Masayoshi and then talk to several NPCs at Shinsando and Karakucho. Then head to the 24th Ward Municipal Tower and interact with a Decarabia in the east section of the middle of the map and set the water flow upward to access the right path. Go through the path and get ready for a battle.

Up next: New Game+ requests

Jason Hidalgo covers business  and technology for the Reno Gazette Journal, and also reviews the latest video games. Follow him on Twitter @jasonhidalgo . Like this content?  Support local journalism with an  RGJ digital subscription .

research notebook soul hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Walkthrough and Guide

Soul Hackers 2 - Walkthrough and Guide

Soul Hackers 2 (SH 2) Walkthrough and Strategy Guide Page containing all main storyline walkthroughs, side quests, requests, boss guides, character guides, demonic compendium, best demons to recruit, best demon skill builds, strategy guides, tips and tricks, post-game unlockables, new game plus unlockables, game databases, cheats, tips and tricks, news and updates, and more. Soul Hackers 2 is a single-player, turn-based role-playing game developed and published by Atlus for the Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows, and Steam.

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Soul Hackers 2 - Requests Banner

Club Cretaceous Requests

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Homecoming Tribute and Worship

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? Boss ? Boss

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Ringo Figue
Arrow Milady
Saizo Nana

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Iron Mask Zenon
Ichiro Onda Raven
Kaburagi R.S.

Soul Hackers 2 Characters

Demonic Compendium

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Rumor Race Demons Snake Race Demons
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New and Debut Demons

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Dormarth Hare of Inaba
Halphas Nata Taishi
Kresnik Gremlin
Kinmamon Kudlak

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Strategy Guides

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Skill Types Guide Status Effects Guide

Useful Guides

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SEGA Game Guides

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Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio

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Game Overview

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Soul Hackers 2 (ソウルハッカーズ2, Souru Hakkaazu 2), is a single-player, turn-based role-playing game developed by Atlus. The game is published by Atlus and Sega for the Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows, and Steam. It is the fifth main entry of the Devil Summoner series and a sequel of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, the previous entry that launched last April 16, 2013, for the Nintendo 3DS worldwide.

Soul Hackers 2 - Game Overview

Soul Hackers 2 was announced last February 2022. The development was composed of veteran staff members from other Atlus and Megami Tensei titles and is led by a duo of directors/producers, Mitsuru Hirata and Eiji Ishida. Their latest work includes Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. The “Devil Summoner” title was omitted in order to make the “Soul Hackers” term in the forefront.

Soul Hackers 2 - Characters

Soul Hackers 2 (SH 2) aims to replicate the same feelings of the first game where technology, people, and occult elements interact. This time with a modernized take on the theme. SH 2’s theme will focus on how technology views people which was the opposite theme of the original Soul Hackers game. The game derives elements from new and re-released Atlus games such as Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, Persona 5 Royal, and Shin Megami Tensei V in terms of the battle system, social simulation elements, and more.

Soul Hackers 2 - Story Overview

Soul Hackers 2 is set in the mid-21st century in the neon lights of cyberpunk Japan. Aion, a sentient artificial intelligence, predicts the end of the world and creates two sentient agents name Ringo and Figue to prevent it from happening. Among their initial tasks is to rescue and protect two Devil Summoners from different factions since their deaths will cause the end of the world. From that point, they will join forces with more Devil Summoners to uncover the truth behind the world’s end.

Soul Hackers 2 shares similar elements from previous Shin Megami Tensei and Persona titles/spin-offs while having its own new and unique gameplay systems as well. Here is a quick summary of SH 2’s unique gameplay:

Soul Hackers 2 - Karakucho City Realm Exploration

Realms are the cities that only Devil Summoners can enter and explore. Within these realms are facilities that allow demon fusions, COMP enhancements, and information gathering. In addition, demons can be seen roaming around and they vary per realm.

Soul Hackers 2 - Realms City Map Exploration

As for city exploration, it features a birds-eye view feature similar to Persona titles and Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. Select a location and you will be transferred to that place.

Soul Hackers 2 - COMP

A COMP is a device that enables summoning demons. In addition, this device grants its user access to demon skills without the need for demon summoning. This feature is similar to Demi-fiend of SMT III and Nahobino of SMT V where you can customize your own usable skills possibly through a Magatama-like or Essence-like mechanic. This time, all your party members have access to this feature through their own COMP devices.

Ringo’s COMP, however, has unique properties such as using Commander Skills (somewhat similar to Magatsuhi Skills) and Sabbath attacks (similar to All-Out Attacks) which can be augmented by Tandem Skills.

Mixed and Improved Battle System

Soul Hackers 2 - Battle Combat System

Soul Hackers 2 combat system is a mixed influence of recent Shin Megami Tensei games and Persona games. There is no Press Turn System but there is a counter when you exploit the weakness of your enemies. The affinity chart is somewhat similar to SMT games and less compared to Persona games. They include Physical, Gunfire, Fire, Ice, Electric, Force, Ruin (Dark/Ailment), and Almighty.

Soul Hackers 2 - Battle System Exploit Weaknesses

Stacking weaknesses is essential since it will unlock a unity attack called a “Sabbath”. This is similar to Persona’s “All-Out Attack” mechanic. This allows Ringo’s demons to hurt enemies and the number of demons participating will vary based on the stacks accumulated.

You have devil summoners as party members and you have demons as summons. You can have a stock of 16 demons and one demon can be assigned to a party member at a time. You carry over their stats and their affinity strengths and weaknesses to the wielder.

Soul Hackers 2 - COMP Upgrades

Each party member has a COMP device that can be modified and upgraded to wield additional skills such as Exploration, Recovery, and Support skills.

Returning and New Skill Systems

Soul Hackers 2 - Sabbath Attacks

Soul Hackers 2 features returning and new skill systems in the game. One of which is Sabbath Attacks which are similar to All-Out Attacks. Instead of your party, your demons are the ones who will execute a united attack against enemies. The number of demons who will participate depends on the weakness exploit stacks you’ve acquired during a battle. You can unleash up to 16 demons for a Sabbath Attack.

Tandem Skills is a new skill type that adds an effect to your Sabbath Attacks. You can choose one Tandem Skill to add a secondary layer to your Sabbath Attack. Options include HP recovery for your party or inflicting ailments to enemies after receiving damage.

Another skill system is Commander Skills which is exclusive to Ringo. These skills are unique but somewhat identical to Magatsuhi Skills of SMT V. These skills do not consume SP and you will have more skill options when you’ve upgraded her COMP weapon.

New and Returning Demons

Soul Hackers 2 - New and Returning Demons

Staple and signature demons from previous SMT and Persona titles will appear both as ally summons and foes. Most demon returnees come from Persona 5 and Shin Megami Tensei V.

Soul Hackers 2 - New Demons

There are demons that will debut in their newest Unreal Engine forms such as Dormarth and Vritra. While other demons that appeared as 3D models from the SMT Dx2 Liberation mobile game like Hare of Inaba, Kinmamon, and Zhu Tun She will also appear. Furthermore, some demons will revert back to their Devil Summoner form or color scheme such as Angel, Jack Frost, and Scathach.

Soul Hackers 2 - Ai-Ho kun

Also, returning to this game are demon variants. Jack Frost has multiple variants in this game apart from Black Frost. They are Ai-Ho kun, Blue Hawaii Frost, Strawberry Frost, Melon Frost, Lemon Frost, and Milky Frost.

Game Trailers

Soul hackers 2 – announcement trailer.

Soul Hackers 2 – The Calling Trailer

Soul Hackers 2 – English Cast Trailer

Soul Hackers 2 – Twisted Fates Trailer

Soul Hackers 2 – Aion’s Allies & Mission Trailer

Soul Hackers 2 – Devil Summoning and Combat

Soul Hackers 2 – DLC Lineup

Soul Hackers 2 – Opening Movie

Soul Hackers 2 – The Realm of Demons

Game Information

Title Soul Hackers 2 (WW)
Genre Single-player / Turn-based / Role-playing
Platform and System Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows, and Steam
Developer Atlus
Publisher Atlus and Sega
Release date August 26, 2022 (Nintendo Switch)
Official Website

© 2016 Samurai Gamers

Soul Hackers 2 Quiz Guide - Trivia Quiz Answers to Academics Wanted

Soul Hackers 2 has a handful of quests, which we detail out in our Soul Hackers 2 Quiz Guide. One of the trickier sets of quests is the one from an NPC named Kyuta, who will periodically ask Ringo some trivia questions in order to open a mysterious box he has found. These trivia quests stem from the various mythologies that Megami Tensei games plainly reference in many of its demon origins.

Kyuta has three quests in total, with each getting progressively harder further into the game. If you fail to answer the questions correctly, it's no big deal as you can try to answer again as many times as you need. However, we're here to help make it easier on you by providing the answers to these questions.

The answers to the three quests can be found below.

research notebook soul hackers 2

Academics Wanted

Early in the game, after meeting Victor at Goumaden for the first time, one of the quests available to you will be your introduction to Kyuta, who will ask you to answer certain quiz questions in order to undo the lock on a mysterious box he found.

  • What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated? - Australia
  • What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur's name? - Dweller beneath the butterbur
  • Which demon is also known by the title "count of death and destruction?" - Halphas

Academics Wanted (Again)

Part way through the Ozaki Tower dungeon, you'll get your second quiz quest from Kyuta. This time, you have to get 4 questions right. Here are the answers.

  • What is the name of the demon said to seduce men and born from demon Lilith? - Lilim
  • Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Whom did he fight? - Sun Wukong
  • The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she known to drain from her victims? - Brains
  • What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with? - Drink and Theater

Academics Wanted (Yes, Again)

After getting access to the late-game 34th Ward Municipal Building dungeon, you'll receive the third and final quest from Kyuta, which is also the most tricky trivia yet. You have to answer five questions correctly, and here are the answers.

  • Divine Power is a ranked title for angels. What is their original Greek name? - Exousiai
  • Which of these demons is known to have a great knowledge of both birds and jewelry? - Decabaria
  • Which evil dragon is famous for being slain by the Scandinavian hero, Siegfried? - Fafnir
  • Concerning the vampire Kudlak and the emissary of light, Kresnik. What color are their animal forms when they do battle? - Black and white
  • What is the name of the place of judgement where the Egyptian god Anubis weighs the hearts of the dead? - The Court of Osiris

Soul Hackers 2: Complete Requests And Aion Directives Guide


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Dead rising deluxe remaster: mixed juice recipe guide, best rpgs you can play offline, quick links, complete request list, complete aion directive list.

During your task of saving the world in Soul Hackers 2 , you'll come across requests from various people and demons looking for a little aid from a helpful Devil Summoner. Requests can be found primarily from Club Cretaceous, while others will appear while you're in dungeons or out in the world.

RELATED: Soul Hackers 2: Beginner Tips

Helping clients out will earn you a range of rewards that will help you and your team, such as consumables, equipment, or even unlocking additional items in stores. Here's everything you need to know about requests, including when they become available and the rewards you'll earn.

This guide is a work in progress and we will update it as we have more information.

Updated September 6, 2022: We've added even more requests and directives to this guide.

Soul Hackers 2 Club Cretaceous doorway

Lady On The Mind

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Merch Search

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


New items unlocked at De La Mancha



A New Hee-Home: Part 1 (Repeatable)

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Frost Ichiro - East Shipping District




Does Aion Dream of Electric Sheep?

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Flamma - Axis




A Necklace, A Movie, And Me

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


New items at Zafiro.



Vengeance Claimed

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Curiosity Shopper

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Money Makes the World Go Around

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




The Gunsmith

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


More upgrades become available at COMP Smith.



Mock the Invisible World

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Academic Wanted

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous



What is the current name of the country where the story of Night Mokoi originated? Australia

What is the translated meaning of Jirae Koropokkur's name? "Dweller beneath the butterbur."

Which demon is known by the title "count of death and destruction"? Halphas


The Wolf Who Cried Wolf

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Makami - Central Line




A New Hee-Home: Part 2 (Repeatable)

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Frost Jiro - Central Line




Mistiqal Maiden

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Mysterious Girl - Roppo Realm


Mistiques can be traded with this NPC via the Mystique Exchange.



Phantom of the Night

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




An Earring, A Memory, And Me

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


New items at Zafiro.



Accursed Creator

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Many Birds, One Stone

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


25,000 yen



Close My Eyes and Think Of You

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Chakra Drop



Girl's Night Out

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Mirror Pendant



Raiders of the Lost Gift

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


De La Mancha's prices drop.



A Christmas Memory

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Heart Anklet



The Little Sister

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


12,000 yen



A New Hee-Home: Part 3 (Repeatable)

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Frost Saburo - Subway Line 14


Frost Epitaph x2



Master and Apprentice

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


More upgrades at COMP Smith.



Deepest Mysteries of Creation

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Story of Your Love

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Flamma - Axis


Mark of Cain



A Brooch, A Fresh Start, And Me

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Zafiro's prices drop.



Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


30,000 yen



All's Fair in Love and Commerce

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Yang Yang Palace's prices drop.



Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


50,000 yen



Academics Wanted (Again)

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


24,000 yen


What is the name of the demon said to seduce menb and born from the demon Lilith? Lilim

Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Whom did he fight? Sun Wukong

The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she known to drain from her victims? Brains

What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with? Drink and Theater


Hopes, Dreams, And Aion

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Flamma - Axis


Babel Shard



Farwell, My Love

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Mermaid - Hope Towers: Tower C


80,000 yen



The Heartbreaker

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Skull Ring x1




Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




Night of the Living Snowman

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous




A New Hee-Home Part 4 (Repeatable)

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Frost Shiro - Ozaki Hope Towers


Frost Glyph x2



Fatal Countdown

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


100,000 yen



Light at the End of the Tunnel

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


Fewer materials needed at COMP Smith.



Priceless Treasure

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Club Cretaceous


New items at De La Mancha.



The Wolf Who Cried Wolf Again

Ideal Level


Client & Location

Makami - West Shipping District


75,000 yen



Soul Hackers 2 the team entering the Soul matrix


Ideal Level & Location

Instructions & Conditions




Eliminate 9x Gremlin.


After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 6x Chain Crystaloid Alpha via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Fortuna unlocked.

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat Mokoi. It can be found in the dead end just southwest of the Gate 2 portal.

HP Incense Shard

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 9x Inugami.

Shaman's Mark x3

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 7x Chain Crystaloid Beta via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Yoshitsune unlocked.

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat Inugami. It can be found in the dead end just south of the Gate 2 portal.

Totem Memory

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 9x Jack Frost.

Frost Epitaph x3

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 6x Needle Crystaloid Alpha via Demon Recon.

Sharpened Heel

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat Nozuchi. It can be found in the dead end just south of the Gate 2 portal.

Lu Incense Shard

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 9x Jack-o'-Lantern.

Flame Glyph

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 7x Needle Crystaloid Beta via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Ara Mitama unlocked.

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat R.S.

Totem Memory

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 9x Mad Gasser.

Ancient Scripture

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 6x Orb Crystaloid Alpha via Demon Recon.

Sphere Bangle

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat Halphas. It can be found in the dead end in the northwestern part of the map.

Ag Incense Shard

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 6x Archangel.

Witch's Mark

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Retrieve 7x Orb Crystaloid Beta via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Nigi Mitama unlocked.

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat Muu Shuwuu.

Cheap Chip

After you defeat Kishin Take-Minakata in Arrow Sector 1F.


Defeat 9x Nekomata.

Witch Doctor Mark x5

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Retrieve 8x Chain Crystaloid Gamma via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Saki Mitama unlocked.

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Defeat Unicorn.

Genuine Chip

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Defeat 9x Apsaras.

Shaman Lord's Mark.

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Retrieve 8x Needle Crystaloid Gamma via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Gurulu unlocked.

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Defeat Quetzalcoatl.

Genuine Chip

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Defeat 9x Lamia.

Witch Doctor's Mark x5

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Retrieve 8x Orb Crystaloid Gamma via Demon Recon.

Fusion of Kushi Mitama unlocked.

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.


Defeat Ippon-Datara.

Genuine Chip

After your first battle encounter with Zenon and Iron Mask in Subway Line 14.

Milady Sector Cleanup 4


Defeat 6x Vouivre.

Forbidden Scripture

After you stop Milady from confronting Raven at the orphanage.

Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Delta


Retrieve 9x Needle Crystaloid Delta via Demon Recon.

Shard Pendant

After you stop Milady from confronting Raven at the orphanage.

Target: B Haiwaii Frost


Defeat Hawaii Frost.

HP Incense Shard

After you stop Milady from confronting Raven at the orphanage.

NEXT: Soul Hackers 2: Combat Tips

How To Defeat Zenon And Iron Mask

Soul hackers 2: complete guide, soul hackers 2: beginner tips.

  • Triple-A Games
  • Soul Hackers 2

research notebook soul hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 Review

An entertaining but overly familiar jrpg..

Cameron Hawkins Avatar

After laying pretty much dormant for 25 years, Soul Hackers is an unexpected series for Atlus to try and bring into the modern age. While it doesn’t take any risks or bring anything new to the JRPG table, Soul Hackers 2 is enjoyable enough to justify that long-awaited revival. It may be held back a bit by its uninspired level design and turn-based battle mechanics, but the story still shines bright enough to help carry it thanks to a diverse cast of characters and engaging themes about what it means to be human.

Soul Hackers 2 may technically be a sequel, but it smartly serves more as a soft reboot, benefitting players who are hopping into the franchise for the first time. Created as an agent of a near-all-knowing artificial intelligence, you play as Ringo, a charismatically curious human construct who is sent on a mission with their partner Figue to change the future and save the world from being destroyed. Ringo brings an intriguing perspective while saving the world, trying to learn more about both it and the human race while doing so. Throughout the story they learn more and more about humans, why they’re important to save, and why their flaws matter, and it was fascinating to watch them go along that journey.

Soul Hackers 2 Screens

research notebook soul hackers 2

IGN's Twenty Questions - Guess the game!

Even with the knowledge that Soul Hackers 2 and its predecessor are hardly connected, it is worth mentioning the change in tone between them. The original presented itself as dark and grimy while the sequel is bright and flamboyant, exploring bustling locations in Japan to shop, upgrade weapons, or complete requests. It feels like Atlus wants to shift this franchise into a new light, and while this updated style does bring more flashy flair, it doesn’t seem to have much other benefit to it. The minute-to-minute gameplay is eerily similar to Atlus’s other modern JRPGs, which leaves Soul Hackers 2 without the ability to stand out from the pack.

The overall plot serves as a rather generic “end of the world'' scenario, a popular trope for both JRPGs and Atlus games alike, but having those stakes laid out in the opening cinematic halts much of the urgency or evolution to it. The main focus, however, are the party members who are dealing with the struggles in their personal lives. Unlike most other Atlus JRPGs, the party members that joined up as companions during my near-60-hour adventure were introduced pleasantly early on, allowing me to familiarize myself with them for a longer time. Milady, the passive but passionate assassin of the group stood out to me due to her interesting relationship with a few key characters, but I believe that the fan favorite will end up being the selfish-but=loveable detective Saizo, who is fighting to reconcile his relationship with his ex-partner.

Each of them quickly caught my interest with their polarized perspectives on both the world and the ongoing threat at large – personified by a villian poignantly named Iron Mask. Iron Mask’s goal is to collect five spectral beings called covenants, which will allow him to summon an entity known as “The Great One” and destroy the world. That may sound one-note, but some genuine surprises and relationships Iron Mask has give him more depth than you'd expect (even if the plot takes some hits for it in ways I won't spoil). The story likes to present itself as something more intimate between its small group of intriguing characters, but that focus can feel out of place considering how big the stakes are from the get-go. And despite the lengthy play time, a few major character moments don’t feel entirely earned because certain subplots aren’t given the time to fully flesh them out.

Soul Hackers 2 is more or less split into two parts. There are Japan’s dungeons, which progress the main plot as you complete them, and the Axis, which lets you delve into a “Soul Matrix” – an optional datascape dungeon for each character in your party. While it is not an absolute necessity to complete each Soul Matrix, you do pick up some useful new skills, and I found that they contained the biggest and most important chunk of each character's backstory. If I weren’t completing each new floor as they unlocked, there would have been several character moments later on in the main story that wouldn’t have resonated on the same level.

What is your favorite Atlus game/series?

Each Matrix gets a new floor when you reach a specific part of the campaign, but there are several gates that can only be opened once you hit a required soul level with that character. These soul levels can be increased when selecting certain dialogue choices that are supported by that party member or by having a drink with them at the local bar. Getting to spend extra moments with each character and learn more about them through these interactions is where I found myself experiencing a deeper and more profound connection with my party members.

Your party consists of Devil Summoners, people who forge contracts with demons to gain their abilities. When exploring dungeons, the demons that made up my team would place themselves at different locations as I scoured my way through. Whenever I spoke with them I was given a bunch of rewards, including upgrade materials, items, healing, and even the ability to recruit a new demon. I always felt rewarded by finding these conversations, and each demon has a unique personality that brought additional charm whenever a new one joined my team.

The dungeons themselves, however, left much to be desired. Every single level was underwhelming to explore, which is a real shame knowing full well what Atlus is capable of from other JRPGs. Levels either contained no puzzles at all or, when puzzles were present, they felt like more of a distraction to slow me down rather than an engaging, gratifying challenge that I wanted to overcome. Variety between the designs is also stagnant; there are several dungeons that take place in similar-looking underground railway locations, as well as the Soul Matrix that is visually identical as you descend to a new floor.

Combat in Soul Hackers 2 is very familiar if you’ve played a Persona game or Tokyo Mirage Sessions , but doesn’t meet the depth of what came before it. Atlus loves to try out new battle mechanics that you must master in order to maximize your combat effectiveness in every game, and Soul Hackers 2’s flavor of this is building a demon stack. Initially, a stack is made whenever you hit an enemy with their weakness, and at the end of every turn you perform a sabbath – an all-out attack where all the demons in the stack assault the enemies. It’s a fun mechanic that gets the job done, but doesn’t stay consistently engaging due to lack of growth over the campaign. As my party members gained summoner skills by progressing through their respective Soul Matrix, they learned other ways to build a stack, but even with those new additions I never saw a significant increase to my stack count.

One of the few things that is unique to Soul Hackers 2 is sabbath skills. These abilities can be used to add another effect to the team assault, like dealing more damage or healing your party. By going to the local circus I could fuse my demons into stronger ones, while going to the local weapon smith would let me gain commander skills, like being able to change demons on the fly or adding more to a stack. However, similarly to the stack mechanic, these features were introduced so early on that it started to get stale by the time I got to later sections.

Soul Hackers 2 is, at its heart, a streamlined Atlus JRPG, serving as a great entry point for anyone new to the genre or the developer in general. The combat and dungeon delving are entertaining, if fairly familiar, and the charming cast of characters kept me interested all the way through its roughly 60-hour campaign. But a disappointing lack of creativity in its battle systems and a fairly shallow overarching story mean this newly resurrected series will need to do more if it wants to set itself apart amongst Atlus’ best.

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Soul Hackers 2 Guide: All Academics Wanted Quest Answers

All the Answers for Soul Hackers 2 Academic Wanted Quests is here #SoulHackers2 #SegaAtlus

Soul Hackers 2 All Academic Wanted Answers Guide

Knowledge is power and is the pinnacle of learning to overcome any obstacle. It is very important to know what you are doing-especially in Atlus’ newest game, Soul Hackers 2 . In the game, there is a quest called Academics Wanted, and players must answer a series of questions correctly and will be rewarded for doing so.

You might be thinking why should this quest be completed? Not only is this quest a goal to get a 100% completion rate in Soul Hackers 2, but also, you will earn big money rewards which will be needed in the game. We, of Sirus Gaming, have made a guide to help players answer correctly the questions that will be given to them.

Soul Hackers 2 Academic Wanted Answers

Academics Wanted Quest answers

Unlock Requirement:  After Fusing two Demons for the first time Reward:  6,000 yen

Academics Wanted (Again) Quest answers

Unlock Requirement:  After fighting Ash in the Ozaki Hope Tower Reward:  24,000 yen

Academics Wanted (Yes, Again) Quest answers

Unlock Requirement:  Gain access to the 24th Municipal Ward Reward:  180,000 yen

Completing all these questions and answering them will be rewarding and will give players a chance to nearly complete the game at 100% and earn a platinum trophy.

Soul Hackers 2 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (via  Steam ) worldwide. The game comes in both Physical and Digital Editions. Each with its own bonuses. 

Not only that, the game has a special 25th-anniversary set that includes the game, a music album that has over 30 songs, a 25th-Anniversary book, DLC costumes, BGMs, accessories, and a figurine of AI Ho-Kun, and also Persona 5 costumes as well.

Check out as well our review on Soul Hackers 2 on what we think about the game and if it’s worth playing.

For More Soul Hackers News:

  • Soul Hackers 2 Milady Character Trailer Released
  • Soul Hackers 2 Reveals More Character Details and New Battle System Detailed
  • Second Soul Hackers 2 Trailer Reveals New Characters and Details
  • Soul Hackers 2 Has Free PS5 Upgrade with Save Transfer Support
  • Soul Hackers 2 New Story Details Revealed and More
  • Soul Hackers 2 Officially Revealed with Announce Trailer
  • Soul Hackers 2 Character Trailer Introduces Freelance Demon Summoner Saizo
  • Soul Hackers 2 Summoner’s Guide Vol. 2 Video Explains How Dungeon Explorations Work
  • Soul Hackers 2 Character Trailer Introduces Ringo and Figue
  • Soul Hackers 2 Worldview Trailer Now Available
  • Soul Hackers 2 English Cast Reveal Trailer Released

Check these video guides of FP Good Game to see their guides on how to clear the Academic Wanted Quest in Soul Hackers 2:

Megami Tensei Wiki

24th Ward Municipal Tower

  • Edit source

The 24th Ward Municipal Tower is a location in Soul Hackers 2 .

  • 1 Appearances
  • 4.1.1 Bosses
  • 4.2.1 Bosses
  • 5 Risky Enemies

Appearances [ ]

  • Soul Hackers 2

Profile [ ]

The 24th Ward Municipal Tower is a landmark of next generation tech that houses the OMNIsystem, a technological masterpiece constructed by Ichiro Onda shortly before his demise at the hands of Zenon and Iron Mask during their acquisition of the Covenants .

Ringo and company follow Figue here, following her after she assimilates Aion into herself and enters the tower, seeking to break the chains of humanity's sorrow in her own way. They find the tower in an unusual state, with the interior appearing as the inside of a sea or aquarium, which they speculate is the result of spatial distortion caused by the OMNIsystem.

Shortly into the first floor, the party runs into two members of the Phantom Society , who have been given orders to eliminate anyone attempting to get past them further into the tower. After being defeated, they allude to a stronger member of Phantom who will take care of the party in their stead.

The party will soon come across the executor that they suspected would be present, in the form of the demon Azazel . Azazel wishes to stop the party from interfering with Figue , as he plans to collect the enriched souls of humanity once her task is complete. After being defeated, he takes notice of Arrow being a Summoner of Yatagarasu , and reveals that the organization has sent their best operatives out to deal with Figue by any means necessary. He wonders what side Arrow will choose, relishing the dramatic meanings of either choice before disappearing.

The elite of Yatagarasu will reveal himself in the Bone Area of the tower. Hozumi greets the party as they find him standing among dead members of Phantom before the area's first gate. He addresses Arrow, stating that he has been sent to kill Figue and take control of the Covenants. He pressures Arrow into joining his mission, stating that opposing him equates to opposing Yatagarasu. Following the confrontation with him, he relents and allows the party to pass, briefly questioning Ringo on what she plans to do if Figue will not relent. After her answer, the party walks away, with Arrow bowing to Hozumi briefly before joining them.

Past this point are four gates which must be unlocked with either a Sunlight Key or Moonlight Key obtained from decisions made in the available branches of the Bone Area path. Aion will pose questions to Ringo about the deceased holders of the Covenants and whether or not she agrees with their choices. Answering "I do." will grant a Sunlight Key, while answering "I do not." will grant a Moonlight Key. These keys will be used to open each gate to allow the party to access more of the area. If a Sunlight Key is received at any point, the party will be locked into the normal ending of the game. Four Moonlight Keys must be collected in order to proceed on the true ending route.

Once the path to Figue has been cleared, the party will be stopped by Aion itself, which feels conflicted as to what route the future should take, manifesting Dominion to confront the party. Should Ringo select choices which conflict with Aion's views another Dominion will be added to confront the party, with a total of five being possible if Ringo selects every choice Aion holds the opposite view of.

Character Prompt Aion Agree/Disagree Line
Mangetsu Kuzunoha His soul was marked by sacrifice. When he faced death, he accepted it, putting his faith in those who would follow in his footsteps. Ringo. Do you agree with his choices? Agree I believe it is right to trust in your successors to carry on your will.
Ichiro Onda His soul was marked by a ravenous ambition. When he faced death, he welcomed it, knowing that not even oblivion could shake his burning pride. Ringo. Do you agree with his choices? Agree I believe it is right to live in pursuit of your passions, and to let them give you meaning in death.
Iron Mask/Paul His soul was marked by compassion. When he faced death, he gave in, knowing that life itself was all but meaningless. Ringo. Do you agree with his choices? Disagree I believe it is right to accept meaning in human nature, and seek to preserve their lives.
Raven His soul was marked by conflict. When he faced death, he resigned himself to it, overcome by his own powerlessness. Ringo. Do you agree with his choices? Disagree I believe it is right to fight back against a painful fate you do not deserve.
  • Matching choices lead to battle against 1 Dominion.
  • Responding "I do." to any of the prompts and receiving a Sunlight Key locks the game into the normal ending.

Following the battle, Aion will apoligize to Ringo, and due to its conflict and decision chooses to leave the decision to Ringo and Figue. Aion will request that Ringo choose wisely before falling silent.

Treasure [ ]

  • Sealing Talisman key item - Sea Area 2F, during " A Woman of Many Faces " request .
  • Research Notebook key item - Sea Area 2F, during " Vanity, Calamity, Humanity " request .
  • Portable Gaming Device key item - Sea Area 4F

Enemies [ ]

Sea area [ ].

Demon Race Level HP Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Ruin Skills Drop
50 780 - - Wk Drn - - Res , Holy White Fur
True Demon Alloy
51 1,180 Null Null - Wk - Wk - , Drake Spine
True Demon Alloy
52 1,170 Nul Nul - - Wk Rpl Wk , Genma's Rump
True Nitrodite
52 710 Wk - Res Res Res Res Wk , Angelic Halo
True Nitrodite
53 750 - Wk - - Rpl Wk - , , Silver Feather
53 1,500 - Res Res Wk - Drn - , Vile Cockscomb
54 880 Wk - Rpl Rpl Rpl Rpl Nul , , Fairy Embroidery
54 765 - - Nul Wk Res Res - , Fallen Arm
55 1,050 - - Nul Nul Wk - Wk , Dragon King's Neck
True Demon Alloy
56 1,400 Res Res Wk Res Res Res Null , Divine Scale
57 1,100 - - Rpl Wk - - - , , Canine Teeth
True Demon Alloy
59 1,220 Res - Wk Rpl - - Wk , Yoma Blood
60 1,200 Rpl Rpl Wk Wk Wk Wk - , Cycloptic Eye
62 ? - Wk - - Rpl Wk - , Headless Figurine x1
Demon Race Level HP Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Ruin Skills Drop
Swordswoman 54 ~3,300 Res - - Res Wk Res Nul Rampage Slash, ?
Rifleman 54 ~2,700 - Res Rpl Wk - - Nul Inferno Shot ?
53 ~2,100 - - Nul Wk Res Res - , , Fallen Arm x1
53 ~2,400 - Wk - - Rpl Wk - , Silver Feather x1
57 ~8,800 Rpl - - - - Wk Nul , , , ,
, , , ,
Law of Wisdom*, Law of Phenomena*
Magnetite Mass x1
Totem Memory x1
  • * Law of Wisdom will make Azazel weak to Phyical attacks and Drain Force attacks. Law of Phenomena will return his resistances to normal.

Bone Area [ ]

Demon Race Level HP Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Ruin Skills Drop
60 1,200 Rpl Rpl Wk Wk Wk Wk - , Cycloptic Eye
60 1,180 Res Wk - - Drn - Res , Raptor Fang
True Nitrodite
62 1,620 Res - - Nul Wk Nul - , Yoma Tusk
62 1,540 Rpl Rpl - Wk Wk Wk - , Hooked Claw
True Nitrodite
63 1,900 - - Drn - - - Wk , Wilder's Jawbone
True Demon Alloy
63 1,210 - Wk Rpl Rpl Rpl Rpl - , Angel's Pinky
64 2,500 Res Res Res Res Res Wk Wk , Dragon God's Fangs
True Nitrodite
64 1,600 - - Wk Drn - - Nul , , Earth Mother's Tress
67 2,090 - Res Nul Res Res Wk - , Fiery Angel's Eye
True Demon Alloy
62 ? - Wk - - Rpl Wk - , Headless Figurine x1
Demon Race Level HP Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Ruin Skills Drop
62 ~5,000 - - - - - - Nul Attack Module, Guard Module, Technique Module, Reformat,
Magnetite Mass x1
Totem Memory x1
61 ~2,300 Nul Nul - Nul Wk Rpl Wk , , Genma's Rump x1
61 ~2,800 - - Rpl Wk - - - , , , Canine Teeth x1
61 ~1,400 Wk - Rpl Rpl Rpl Rpl Nul , , Fairy Embroidery x1
61 ~4,000 Rpl Rpl Wk Wk Wk Wk - , , Cycloptic Eye x1
64 ~2,560 Wk - Res Res Res Res Wk , Shaman Lord's Mark x1

Risky Enemies [ ]

Risky enemies are leveled and will become stronger as the party does. Once the party approaches their level, risky enemies will begin appearing as the next set of demons.

Demon Race Level HP Phys Gun Fire Ice Elec Force Ruin Skills Drop
65 1,450 - Rpl Nul - Drn Wk - , Alexandrite
Aromatic Woodchip
Aromatic Wood
65 1,500 Nul Nul - Rpl Wk Nul Nul , Mite Breath,
65 ? Nul Wk Drn Wk - Rpl Nul , , , ?
65 1,800 Rpl - Wk Drn Rpl - Res , ,
75 ? Rpl Wk - - Drn - Nul , ,
Aromatic Woodchip x1
Aromatic Wood x1
75 ~2,500 Rpl Drn - - Wk Rpl Wk , ,
85 ? Res Res Drn Wk - - Nul , Mite Breath,
Aromatic Woodchip
Aromatic Wood
85 ? - - Rpl Wk - - Nul ,
85 ~6,600 Drn - Drn Rpl - - Wk , , ,
95 2,200 Wk Wk - Wk Res Wk Wk
Aromatic Woodchip x4
Aromatic Wood x2
95 4,600 - Res - Wk Nul - Wk ,
95 3,200 Wk - Rpl Rpl Rpl Rpl Nul , ,
98 ~4,300 - - Wk Rpl Rpl - - ,
Aromatic Woodchip x1
Aromatic Wood x3
98 ~5,400 Rpl Wk - - - Nul - , Countdown, ,
98 ~3,800 Nul Rpl Nul - Nul Wk - ,
  • Dancing War-Spear can act twice per turn.
  • Deadly Blade Dancer can act twice per turn.
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A sweeping shot of the Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix Optional Dungeon

  • Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix Guide

Written by Andrew Stretch

Published: August 26, 2022 12:00 AM

Soul Hackers 2 is the new JRPG from Atlus and a new addition to the Soul Hacker sub-series of Shin Megami Tensei . Players get to form a team of Devil Summoners and take to a series of dungeons to try to save the world but when they're not progressing through the main story of Soul Hackers 2 they also have the option of visiting the optional Soul Matrix sub-dungeon. In this Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix Guide we'll cover the purpose of the Soul Matrix, what your characters will earn as you progress through it, and some of the optional quests that you'll come across in it.

Quicklinks: Soul Hackers 2 Party Members Abilities | Soul Hackers 2 Floor Guardians

What is the Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix?

If you've played Persona or Shin Megami Tensei this dungeon is likely comparable to Tartarus or the Labyrinth of Amala. There are three separate dungeons, each for one of Ringo's party members. As you work your way through the floors you'll need to obtain a high enough Soul Level with each of your party members while also completing the story to obtain new levels. Each doorway you open in the dungeon your party member will have a choice of abilities to select. These are some of the most useful abilities that your party will obtain so it's well worth ranking them up to earn these.

You'll obtain flashbacks and character stories up to the end of the 4th floor of every character's dungeon but if you want to obtain every skill they could possess then you'll want to get their Soul Level well over 100 to unlock and explore the 5th floor.

The party in Soul Hackers 2 when they first arrive in the Axis, doorway to the Soul Matrix

How do I level up a party member's Soul Level?

You can increase your Soul Level with your party members through the following means:

  • Selecting dialogue options that favor that character through the main story
  • Taking the character on Hangout events

Every time there's a chance via dialogue to improve a Soul Level the game will tell you exactly who that Soul Level will affect, and how much they'll obtain. You unlock more hangout opportunities by completing side quests, exploring dungeons and talking to Demons, and by progressing through the story.

In New Game + your Soul Link will increase even faster, this means that where you'd normally get 10 Soul Link you can now get 20. It pretty much ensures full completion of the Soul Matrix on subsequent playthroughs.

What are each character's upgrade abilities in Soul Hackers 2 ?

As you open the different Soul Link gates you'll get access to different characters' innate abilities. These won't be abilities that deal damage like Demon abilities but can give them increased chance to heal, ways to add faster to the stack, or map abilities to make traversing dungeons easier or harder. You'll always have a choice of learning certain options, whichever option you don't pick will still be an option next time you choose to upgrade so don't feel like you're missing out on anything, you just have a choice to prioritize where you want.

For each 10 Soul Link that you obtain for all three party characters, Ringo will also have the chance to learn a new move. This means all characters have to be at least 10 Soul Level for the first ability, and at least 30 Soul Level for the Third Ability, etc.

Below is a list of each character and all of the abilities they can learn, this list might be in a slightly different order than what you obtain based on how you selected the upgrades. I have bolded the abilities that will contribute to a higher stack count. It's also worth noting that certain character members gain extra affinity in certain elemental stacks. It's always worth ensuring Ringo can use Electricity abilities, Arrow can use Ice abilities, Milady can use Fire abilities, and Saizo can use Force abilities so capitalize on your stack potential.

Ringo Upgrade Abilities

  • Traesto - Instantly escape a dungeon and return to the City Map
  • LUK Hack - LUK increases by 3
  • Optimize Process - When using skills in battle, there is a chance you won't spend MP
  • Electricity Stack - When striking a weakness to Electricity, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • Physical Stack - Physical skills ass 1 demon to the Stack when striking an enemy weakness
  • Estoma - For a given distance, enemies 3 levels below Ringo will not appear
  • Demon Skill Unlock 1 - Increases demonic allies skill slots by 1
  • Recursive Processing - Low chance of increasing action count by 1 at start of turn
  • Initiator Stack - When an ally's Bonus Attack succeeds, 1-2 demons join the Stack
  • Demon Skill Unlock 2 - Further increases demonic allies' skill slots by 1
  • Critical Stack - When you score a critical hit, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • VIT Hack+ - VIT increases by 4
  • Shortcut Command - Decreases turn cost of Commander Skills by 1
  • Weakness Stack+ - When striking a weakness, chance of 1 demon joining the Stack

Arrow Upgrade Abilities

  • Adept Healer - Strengthens the healing power from demons on recon
  • Int Hack - INT increases by 2
  • Vengeful Opportunist - When guarding, slightly recover HP
  • Gunfire Stack - Gunfire skills add 1 demon to the Stack when striking an enemy weakness
  • Wild Uproar - Higher stack counts in battle provide higher EXP bonuses
  • Ice Stack - When striking a weakness to Ice, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • Treasure Hunter - Demons on recon may acquire additional rare items
  • Brotherly Guidance - Increases EXP gained by demonic allies on standby
  • Deathblow Stack - When an enemy is slain, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • Riberama - For a given distance, enemies appear more often
  • Critical Stack - When you score a Critical hit, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • LUK Hack+ - LUK increases by 4

Milady Upgrade Abilities

  • VIT Hack - VIT increases by 3
  • Carmilla's Echo - When an enemy is slain, slightly recover MP
  • Coercive Glare - For a given distance, enemies cannot ambush you easily, and Bonus Attacks become easier.
  • Fire Stack - When striking a weakness to Fire, 1 demon joins the stack
  • Assassin's Eye - Increases chance of material/item rewards from enemies slain in sabbaths
  • Physical Stack - Physical skills add 1 demon to the Stack when striking an enemy weakness
  • Meditative Breath - Increases MP recovery rate in battle
  • Sublime Massacre - Higher Stack counts in battle provide higher money bonuses
  • Ailment Stack - When you inflict an ailment on the enemy, 1 demon joins the Stack
  • STR Hack+ - STR increases by 3

Saizo Upgrade Abilities

  • STR Hack - STR increases by 2
  • Thrifty Habits - When you use an item in battle, there is a low chance it will not be consumed
  • Slowma - For a given distance, slows enemy movement speed
  • Force Stack - When striking a weakness to Force, 1 demon joins the stack
  • Decadent Feast - Effects of HP recovery items used in battle are 1.5x more potent
  • Gunfire Stack - Gunfire skills ass 1 demon to the Stack when striking an enemy weakness
  • Slick Negotiator - Increases chance of receiving powerful Mistiques as gifts
  • Recovery Stack - When recovering HP, chance of 1 demon joining the Stack
  • Freelancer's Wit - Increases chance of demons on recon introducing high-level demons

Images of the three party members that join Ringo on her journey

Soul Hacker 2 Floor Guardians

At the end of each character's Soul Matrix dungeon there will be a boss fight before you can progress to the next level. We've noted here each of the bosses you'll fight as well as what they're weak/resistant to, as well as a basic strategy in case they have any special conditions. After defeating each of the Floor Guardians it will then be possible to summon them during Demon Summoning.

Arrow's Floor Guardians

Lv 10 Take-Minakata At half health he will summon 2x Lv 9 Cironnup

Immune to Elec and Ruin

This fight is a relatively simple one where you'll just need to keep fighting. The Cironnup 

Lv 26 Divine Archangel

Weak to Ranged Normal to Physical, Fire, Ice, Force, Electricity Blocks Ruin

He uses "Beast Eye" to get two actions a round Affinity Resistance changes throughout the battle where he will be able to resist everything EXCEPT one type of damage. If you have the affinity revealed then you'll be able to see what he can change it to.

Lv 40 Herald Sandalphon

Normal to Phys Weak to ranged Resist Force, Fire, Ice, Elec

Sandalphon will summon two Principality (Weak to Phys & Elec, Immune to Fire and Ruin)

The Sandalphon will shatter a resistance to a certain element and then attack with that element. The attack will hit the whole party but will do 1K+ damage to the one who had the resistance shattered. It's worth fully healing them and having them defend if you have the chance  

Lv 56 Kaburagi Summons a Lv 56 Leanan Sidhe and a Lv 56 Kurama Tengu

Kaburagi Weak to ice Resists Elec

Leanan Sidhe Weak to Fire.

Kurama Tengu Weak to Elec Absorbs Force

Milady's Floor Guardians

Lv 15 Herald Melchizedek Will summon 1x Lv 14 Angel at 2/3rds health, and then another one at 1/3rd health

Weak to Ranged attacked Strong to Physical and Ruin

Lv 26 Kurama-Tengu and a Lv 26 Koppa Tengu

Kurama-Tengu is weak to Electricity Kurama-Tengu will absorb Force attacks, block Ruin attacks, resist ranged attacks

Koppa Tengu is weak to Physical and Ruin attacks

The Koppa Tengu will cover the weakness of Kurama-Tengu with a spell so try to get in some powerful attacks quickly. After that attack physically against Koppa Tengu to kill him and drop the protection field. Kurama-Tengu will use a more, transmigration, to spawn another Koppa Tengu

Kurama-Tengu has a chance to poison all of your enemies. If they happens try to have a few Me Lourdes Balls so cure your whole team.

Once the boss reaches half health he won't summon another Koppa Tengu but instead will summon another Kurama-Tengu. Unlike other Floor Bosses where defeating the main antagonist will end the battle you need to defeat both to conclude this battle.

Make sure no one in your party has Force Reflect on, if you reflect a Force attack it will then be absorbed by the enemy allowing them to heal themselves

Lv 40 Fury Asura

Weak to Ruin Resist Phys and Ranged

Throughout the battle Asura will continually up his attacks, while lowering his defences. This boss is the definition of a glass cannon. Any Demons that you can equip that will reflect Physical damage will be a great help. 

While he can give himself additional moves his priority if he gets inflicted with a status effect like poison will be to cure himself. It gives you a chance to have him waste his power

Lv 56 Summoner Kubaragi Summons a Lv 56 Leanan Sidhe and Lv 56 Genma Kurama Tengu

Saizo's Floor Guardians

Lv 15 Fury Dionysus

Weak to Ice and Force Resists Ruin, and reflect Fire

Honestly one of the more straightforward battles. Just prepare with a lot of force attacks and you should have no issue.

After defeating him you'll obtain the ability to fuse him

Lv 26 Fairy Jack-o'-Lantern and Lv 26 Fairy Jack Frost

The video game 'ice and fire' battle, Be sure to have both elements in your party

Use ice on the Jack-o'-Lantern and Fire on Jack Frost

Additional Jack-o'-Lantern and Jack Frost will spawn each round, and then they will all attack It's important to kill the originals as quickly as possible as this battle is like a neverending wave

Lv 40 Reaper Chernobog

Resist Phys, Rang, Ice, Elec, Fire Weak to Force

Will cast Poisma and other attacks to poison the party. If you have any poison resist now is the time to use it. 

At 50% of health a Nekomata will be summoned, can also summon a Mothman past that (Weak to elec, absorbs Force)

That's it for our Soul Hackers 2 Soul Matrix Guide - check out more guides below!

More Soul Hackers 2  Guides

  • Soul Hackers 2 Guide Hub
  • Soul Hackers 2 Fusion Quest Guide
  • Soul Hackers 2 Academics Wanted Quest Guide
  • Soul Hackers 2 Bestiary Guide
  • Soul Hackers 2 Fusion Guide

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  23. Soul Hackers 2

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