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assignment and online test extension application form

How can I apply for an assessment extension or deferred exam?

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assignment and online test extension application form

Applications for Assessment Extensions or Extenuating Circumstances

Students may request an Assessment Extension if they are unable to complete an assessment task (other than an exam) by the due date because of exceptional circumstances beyond their control. Exceptional circumstances that may warrant approval for an Assessment Extension include but are not limited to:

  • Medical reasons (student injury, illness or medical condition) of such significance that completion of the assessment task was not possible;
  • Family/personal reasons (family injury or illness, bereavement) of such significance that completion of the assessment task was not possible;
  • Employment related reasons: where a student’s employment status or employment arrangements change unexpectedly due to circumstances beyond their control of such significance that completion of the task was not possible. 

(Source: )

However, if you fit into any one of the below circumstances, you should submit an Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA) instead: 

  • You require more than 10 days’ extension for an assessment item worth more than 20% of the final grade;
  • You require extenuating circumstances taken into consideration during the marking of an assessment item that is already submitted (i.e. special consideration); OR
  • You need to apply for a deferred examination because you are unable to sit an examination due to extenuating circumstances.
  • All requests for Assessment Adjustment (including Requests for Extension and for Consideration of Extenuation Circumstances) should be submitted via ISIS. In ISIS, select Manage My Degree, and then the blue ECA link .

For more information regarding ECA applications please visit the Extenuating Circumstances Application webpage .   

Students who are suffering long-term illness or difficulties should contact  Accessibility (formerly Access & Inclusion).

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Assignment extensions: new online form available

Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students can now apply for assignment extensions using a new online form available on the Examinations and Results website .

Assignment extensions must be submitted in conjunction with reading the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy which outlines the rules for extensions.  For assessments weighted 20% or less, or for extensions of less than 24 hours, please speak to your Course Coordinator before completing the form as in this situation, the documentation requirements may be reduced or not required. 

Ensure that you submit the form to your Course Coordinator before the assessment deadline.  Extensions are normally only granted based on medical, compassionate, or extenuating circumstances and for up to 10 business days (or up to 3 business days for students enrolled in online teaching periods).

If you have any questions, please speak to your Course Coordinator.

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Assessment extensions

We understand that on occasion there may be circumstances that prevent you completing and submitting an assessment item by the published due date. In these circumstances, you may be able to apply for an assessment extension .   

Assessment extensions are not available for all assessment items, so check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

If you are experiencing Special Circumstances and an assessment extension is not available for a specific assessment item, you may be asked to complete a deferred and/or varied assessment item instead. You can ask to defer an assessment item using the online Assessment Extension request available in your Student Centre.

Formal Examinations are not eligible for assessment extensions. If you are unable to complete your formal examination due to special circumstances , you may be able to apply for a deferred examination .

A short three (3) calendar day extension is available for many types of assessments and may help you manage short-term interruptions to your study that effect your ability to complete and submit assessment items by the published due date.

A short extension is not allowed for all assessment items. Check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

  • Short extension requests must be submitted by the published due date for the assessment item, using the online form in your Student Centre.
  • The first time you request a short extension on a particular assessment item you won’t need to provide a reason or supporting documents.
  • Note : If the assessment item is a quiz and the published due date has passed, or you have submitted your request outside University business hours, you will need to wait for our confirmation email that your course StudyDesk has been updated to reflect your due date extension. You won’t be able to attempt the quiz before we make the date changes to your quiz link in StudyDesk.
  • The revised due date for the assessment item may or may not be a University Business Day.

A short extension is only available once for eligible assessment items. If you require a further extension for the same assessment item, this will be considered a long extension. You will need to submit a new online request before the revised due date and provide supporting documentation, in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstance Procedure .

A long assessment extension of four (4) or more calendar days, is available for many types of assessments and may help you manage special circumstances that have a significant impact on your study and effect your ability to complete and submit assessment items by the published due date, or the revised due date of an approved short extension.  

The Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure explains how the University decides if a situation meets the criteria to be called a Special Circumstance and provides examples of the types of supporting documents that may need to be provided for a further extension request to be considered. Examples are provided on the  reasons for requesting long extensions and Deferred Assessment  page.

A long extension is not allowed for all assessment items. Check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

  • Long extension requests must be submitted by the published due date for the assessment item, using the online form in your Student Centre.
  • A long extension request must be supported by a statement of circumstances and relevant, acceptable supporting documents, in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstance Procedure. 
  • Long extension requests that exceed the maximum number of days allowable for an assessment item will be considered a Deferred Assessment . 

Assessment extension requests will be considered a deferred assessment when one or more of the following occurs.

  • The assessment item is not eligible for an extension, and a deferred assessment is available because of  Special Circumstances , in accordance with the Assessment Procedure .
  • The assessment item is eligible for an extension, however the length and impact of an individual student’s Special Circumstances exceed the maximum long extension available for that assessment item.
  • The assessment item cannot be submitted before the last day of the study period, and the grade for the course cannot be finalised by the published results release date.

The deferred assessment will be equivalent, but may not be identical, to the original assessment item. You may be asked to complete a varied piece of assessment if it is not appropriate to defer the original assessment item. A varied assessment item will assess the same knowledge or skills as the original assessment item.

Deferred Assessment due dates

The revised due date for a deferred assessment is normally after the last day of the study period for your course, and no later than 1 University business day before the start of the next study period in your program. This may have the following implications:

  • An assessment item that is not eligible for an extension and has a published due date early in the study period may instead be approved as a deferred assessment with a revised due date after the study period ends. Extended periods of time between published due dates and revised due dates may impact your time management and how you build and consolidate your knowledge, understanding and skills.
  • Deferred assessment for multiple assessment items in one or more courses, may have the same revised due date. Managing your time effectively will be critical to ensuring your ability to complete multiple deferred assessments by the revised due dates. As the situation allows, we suggest working on your assessments and submitting each one as soon as possible. A penalty will be deducted from your mark for any assessment item submitted late.
  • Submitting deferred assessment on the revised due date does not guarantee that you will receive your final grade before the start of the next study period in your program. You may receive a temporary grade of Deferred Assessment (DA) at results release. If the grade for your course cannot be finalised by the published results release date, your final grade will normally be provided to you by the census date of the next study period in your program, and may impact your future course enrolments and academic progress.

A deferred assessment is not available for an assessment item that has already been deferred . If there are any reasons that might prevent you submitting a deferred assessment item by the revised due date, let us know as soon as possible.

If you have questions about a deferred assessment due date or need advice that is specific to your circumstances, contact the Assessment Support Team for individualised support.

A Supplementary Assessment is an exceptional, additional assessment, such as a supplementary examination or assessment item, that is normally offered to a student who has achieved at least 45% and less than 50% of the marks available for the course.

You are not able to apply for supplementary assessment . UniSQ will determine whether you are eligible and let you know how and when to complete any supplementary assessments.

  • If you are offered a supplementary assessment, your Course Coordinator can answer any questions you may have about the individual supplementary assessment item. 
  • If you require an extension on supplementary assessment because of special circumstances , email a detailed statement of your circumstances to the Assessment Support Team at [email protected]  and attach the relevant, acceptable supporting documentation.

If you have questions and need advice that is specific to your circumstances, contact the Assessment Support Team for individualised support.

Assessment Support is available during business hours through iconnect.

For urgent enquiries :

Phone: +61 7 4631 2285 or 1800 007 252 (within Australia only)

Email:  [email protected]  

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Can i get an extension to submit my assignment (assessment) after the due date.

No, you need to:

  • complete an application for an assignment extension by the due time on the due date for the assessment item (emailed requests will not be considered)
  • if required, submit appropriate documentation to support your application.

Once approved, you may need to download and attach your Assessment Extension Approved Items coversheet to your assignment. This coversheet can be generated via your Assessment Application Status page.

Important: There are penalties if you have not received approval for an extension .

See also: How do I apply for an extension on an assessment (e.g.: assignment)? How do I apply for an extension on an assessment (e.g. assignment )?

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  • How do I apply for an extension on an assessment (e.g. assignment)?
  • How do I apply for a deferred assessment (e.g. deferred exam)?
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Extensions on assignments

If something prevents you from meeting the deadline for an assignment, then you should refer to your subject outline for the details of the extension process.

If you need an extension because of illness or misadventure beyond the end of session, see  Long-term extensions (Grade Pending) .

How to apply

Before you apply, follow these steps to make sure you're eligible and if so, that your application is complete.

Check your subject outline

You should apply for Special Consideration as soon as possible after the circumstances have occurred.

See  Time Limits for Special Consideration submission .

Make sure you're eligible

You’re eligible for one automatic extension per subject, per session, for subjects studied in Session 1 (30), Session 2 (60) and Session 3 (90). Automatic extensions are not available for micro-sessions and year-long subjects.

For any other extension requests, you’ll need to make sure you include the right documentary evidence to support your application.

If you're applying because of illness, your medical practitioner will need complete a  Charles Sturt University Student Medical Certificate form [PDF] and you must submit this with your request.

Submit a Request for Special Consideration form .

To apply for an automatic 7-day extension, select An automatic 7-day extension for an assessment item.

To apply for a longer extension, or another extension for the same subject, select An extension to complete an assignment, assessment or placement.

Get support

Contact  Student Central or  Student Advocacy if you need help with your application.

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Information about extensions.

If you are unable to submit an assessment item before the due date as a result of special circumstances , you can request additional time in the form of an assessment extension. Extension requests should be made as early as possible and before the assessment task is due.

In most cases, an extension of up to 7 days may be granted for reasons including personal health issues, unexpected work or family commitments or other extenuating circumstances. Longer extension may be considered in more serious circumstances.

Depending on your situation and the length of your extension request, you may need to provide  supporting documentation .

To request an extension, please submit the  Assignment Extension Form  as soon as possible.

Please refer to the  Assessment Guidelines policy or the JMP - The Joint Medical Program Manual for further information on Assessment Extensions.

  For information regarding other options which may be available to you, please refer to:

  • Applying for Special Consideration
  • Applying for a Special Examination
  • Applying for a Special Extension of Time

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  • Special Extension of Time
  • Information about Special Circumstances
  • Supporting Documents for Assessment Extensions
  • Submitting Assessments After the Due Date

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Applying for an assessment extension

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1. Overview

Don't leave assignment writing until the last minute. We encourage you to plan your workload so you can meet assessment deadlines.

If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from submitting an assessment item by the on-time, you can apply for an individual or group extension. Extensions can be requested for assessment items such as:

  • assignments
  • case studies
  • laboratory reports
  • take-home assessments
  • tutorial group assignments, and in some cases
  • oral assessment.

You can't request extensions for:

  • in-semester examinations
  • end-of-semester examinations
  • deferred or supplementary examinations.

If you have been ill or unable to attend class for more than 4 weeks in a semester, we advise you to carefully consider whether you are capable of successfully completing your courses. You might need to consider applying for removal of course .

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If you can't submit an assessment on time due to circumstances outside your control, you may be eligible for an extension to the due date.

What is an extension?

If you are prevented from submitting an assessment on time by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance for an extension to the due date of up to seven calendar days . 

If you need an extension of more than seven days, you must apply for  special consideration . However, if you have an  equitable assessment arrangement  which allows for the negotiation of submission dates with academic/teaching staff, extensions of more than seven days may be considered.

Assessments eligible for an extension

You can apply for an extension for assessments with a deadline such as assignments, essays and projects, but not for timed assessments such as tests, exams, quizzes or lab/practical assessments. If you're seeking assessment flexibility for a timed assessment, you must apply for  special consideration .

How to apply

You must  apply at least one working day before the assessment deadline . If you are applying for an extension on or after an assessment due date, you must apply for  special consideration .

There are two ways to apply depending on your access to Canvas:

  • If you have access, use the Assessment Extensions Tool in Canvas. For help using the tool, refer to the  Student Assessment Extensions Tool Guide  .
  • If you don’t have access to Canvas or the extension tool, download and complete the  Application for Extension of Time for Submission of Assessable Work Form (PDF, 149KB)  and submit it to the  RMIT School  that runs your course. Schools may have different procedures, so check whether the form needs to be submitted to the School Administrative Officer, Course Coordinator (higher education), Program Manager (vocational education) or the teaching staff member who will mark the assessment.

Where your documentary evidence is in a language other than English, you must provide an English translation by a  NAATI accredited translator .

More information

For more adjustment to assessment options, go to Extensions and special consideration . 

If you have a question about extensions, please contact your college or school .

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Ask - /faq/5667/applying-for-an-extension/

Applying for an extension, how do i apply for an assignment extension.

If circumstances have affected your ability to complete an assessment task on time, you may be eligible for an assignment extension of up to ten working days .


  • Your application is submitted before the assignment due date, or date of the assessment.
  • You meet all requirements as listed in the policy outlining extensions .

How to apply

  • Whether an extension is appropriate for your circumstances, and
  • Confirm which faculty or school owns the subject, as the process varies from faculty to faculty.
  • Follow the appropriate process outlined in the table below. You can apply any time before the assignment due date or date of assessment.
 Subject owning Faculty/School  How to apply
Architecture, Building and Planning For extensions of up to 10 working days made before the due date of the assessment, students must apply online using the Faculty’s . This includes students with an Academic Adjustment Plan (AAP). 
For extensions of more than 10 working days or requests made after the due date of the assessment, students are required to apply for .

End-of-Semester examinations

All other assessments
Check for instructions on your LMS or apply directly to your subject coordinator

Business and Economics 


For longer extensions, please  .

Education See website for more information on how to apply.
Engineering and IT

 and complete the online declaration

For extensions between 4 to 10 working days, please apply for  .


Apply using the "Apply for an extension" form on the   page for:

Extensions less than 10 days

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences See 'Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Students' below.

For extensions 10 days or less, check for instructions on your LMS or apply directly to your subject coordinator.
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

For extensions less than 10 days, apply using this . 
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

For extensions less than 10 days, apply using this .
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

Fine Arts and Music

End-of-Semester examinations

All other assessments
Submit an  (under the 'Assignment and Exam forms')

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Students

Graduate School/ Degree  Extensions up to 10 working days  Placements   Attendance Requirements
Psychology Complete the electronic Extension Request form from the main menu on the LMS subject site Attendance is a hurdle requirement for all subjects. Check subject entry in the  .
Health Sciences Physiotherapy students applying for missed placements are required to submit a medical certificate to the subject coordinator to cover any short absences. NA
School of Biomedical Sciences Check for instructions on your subject LMS page NA Check for instructions on your subject LMS page
Doctor Of Medicine (MD) Contact the subject coordinator (or clinical rotation coordinator) for in-term assessments and written assessment submissions. MD Students should refer to the  for Leave of Absence. Attendance is a hurdle requirement across all years of the MD. Check the subject's assessment requirements in the  .
Melbourne Medical School Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator Check the subject's assessment requirements in the  .
Population Global Health Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator
Melbourne Dental School Contact your subject coordinator NA

Project Extension form

You must also complete the  Project Extension form for the following subjects:

  • PSYT90074 - Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 1
  • PSYT90075 - Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 2
  • PSYT90086 - Mental Health Science Research Project 1
  • PSYT90087 - Mental Health Science Research Project 2
  • PSYT90093 - Psychiatric Research Project
  • RADI90003 - Minor Thesis (Radiology)
  • PAED90023 - Research Dissertation: Minor Thesis
  • PAED90015 - Adolescent Health Minor Thesis
  • POPH90268 - Adolescent Health Minor Thesis

The subject coordinator will notify you of the outcome of your application within three working days.

There are three possible outcomes:

  • Granted: You will be notified within three working days of the receipt of your application about the new assignment due date or assessment date.
  • Not granted: Your original assignment due date or assessment date will apply.
  • Referred: You may be referred to submit an application for Special consideration .

When should I apply for Special consideration instead of an extension?

  • The impact of your circumstances requires an extension of more than ten working days and you meet the eligibility criteria for Special consideration.

If you are affected by a chronic, permanent or ongoing illness, disability or hardship, are an Elite Athlete, Elite Performer, Army Reservist or Emergency volunteer you may Register for ongoing support . Your Academic Adjustment Plan (AAP) cannot be applied retrospectively so it is important to have this in place well in advance of any assessment deadlines.

For Graduate Researchers - extending your candidature

  • 4 years (8 years part time) for a PhD or doctoral degree
  • 2 years (4 years part time) for a masters by research degree

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Last updated: Aug. 1, 2024, 9:50 a.m.

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Applying for assignment extensions

How do I apply for an extension of the due-date for my assignment?

Answer ID 46 | Last updated on 27/05/2024 08.58 AM

Extensions are normally only granted if there are exceptional circumstances affecting your study, which you can substantiate with supporting documentation. To apply for an extension you need to:

  • Submit an  application for Special Consideration  no later than three University working days after the assessment is due date or class missed); and
  • Attach supporting documents or evidence. For example, a medical certificate. 

Full details on Special Consideration , including eligibility criteria is published online on our Current Students' website .

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  • Extension of candidature
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Application for assignment extension, deferred examination or special consideration

If you have special circumstances that are impacting on your ability to complete your assessment, you may be eligible to apply for a concession.

Assignment extension

Apply for an assignment extension if special circumstances prevent you from completing your assignment by the due date.

Apply for an assignment extension

Deferred examination

Apply for a deferred examination if you're unable to sit an examination due to medical or other special circumstances. This is available for the end-of-semester examination period or an examination organised by your unit coordinator during the semester (in-semester).

Apply for a deferred examination

Special consideration

Apply for special consideration if you believe your performance in an examination or assignment was adversely affected by medical, compassionate or other special circumstances.

Apply for special consideration

Lodging your application

Start by selecting the link above relevant to your circumstances. You'll be asked to log in to HiQ.

Lodge your application as early as possible.

It may take up to five working days to receive a response to assignment extension or deferred exam applications. You should continue working on your assessment while your application is being processed.

Supporting documentation

All other applications will be processed as normal and will need supporting evidence.

You must provide relevant supporting documentation by scanning or photographing documents and uploading them to your online application form.

Applications won't be processed until your documentation is received.

The original supporting documentation must be available to be produced on request. Medical certificates must make it clear that your doctor thought you were unable to study.

Multiple assessment items

A separate application is required for each assessment item.

Further advice

Check our assignment extension , deferred exam and special consideration advice for full details on applying, including when to apply and requirements for supporting documentation.

Student resources

A-z forms and applications, assessment forms.

  • Assessment Appeal Application Form
  • Assessment Extension Request Form  (online form)
  • Client/Interviewee Consent Form
  • Consent Form – Video Interview With Minors
  • Clinical Practice Workshop Application
  • Academic Consideration in Assessment (online form)
  • How to conduct a Practice Counselling Session via Zoom

Enrolment and Variation Forms

  • Course Transfer Application (online form)
  • Special Circumstances Application
  • Variation of Enrolment
  • Application to Enrol by Proxy
  • Update My Details Form (online form)


  • Cancellation of FEE-HELP Loan Request
  • FEE-HELP Review and Appeals Procedures

Graduation and Academic Transcripts

  • Graduation – Students do not need to apply. Please see the Graduation page for further information.
  • Letter of Completion Request
  • Official Statement of Results Application Form
  • Replacement Testamur Application Form

Advanced Standing Forms

  • Recognition of Prior Learning Application
  • Domestic Student Refund Form
  • Information on Applying for Credit (Higher Education) 
  • RPL Application (Vocational Education & Training)

International Student Forms

  • Application for International Student Withdrawal from Course of Study
  • International Enrolment and Application Form
  • International Students Application for Release
  • International Students Declaration Form
  • International Students Application for Deferral of Studies
  • International Student Refund Form
  • International Students Reduced Study Load Application
  • International Genuine Student Requirement
  • Counselling Applicant Screening Questionnaire
  • Show Cause Cover Sheet
  • Show Cause Student Information Sheet
  • News and Opinion
  • Student Portal
  • Managing My Course
  • Policies & Procedures
  • 1800 039 139

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  2. Assessment applications

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    You can find other forms of appropriate supporting documentation at Assessment Applications. Track your application after submitting. Important: If you require a further extension on an already approved Assignment Extension Application, you can now do this via the online application. Further documentation to support an additional extension is ...

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    However, if you fit into any one of the below circumstances, you should submit an Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA) instead: You require more than 10 days' extension for an assessment item worth more than 20% of the final grade; You require extenuating circumstances taken into consideration during the marking of an assessment item ...

  6. Monash Forms

    When to submit this form. You must apply as soon as possible and by 11.55pm on the day your assessment is due. If you miss the deadline for a short extension, you'll need to apply for special consideration instead. For more details about this process, including the required supporting documents or how to apply to defer a scheduled final ...

  7. Assignment extensions: new online form available

    Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students can now apply for assignment extensions using a new online form available on the Examinations and Results website.. Assignment extensions must be submitted in conjunction with reading the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy which outlines the rules for extensions. For assessments weighted 20% or less, or for extensions of ...

  8. Assessment extensions

    Long extensions. A long assessment extension of four (4) or more calendar days, is available for many types of assessments and may help you manage that have a significant impact on your study and effect your ability to complete and submit assessment items by the published due date, or the revised due date of an approved short extension.

  9. Assessment and exams

    test or quiz; Deferral of other assessment tasks, if you are unable to submit them by the due date, are applied for using an assignment extension. ... Applications for a deferred assessment must be submitted through the online application form no later than three working days after the assessment was scheduled to take place.

  10. Can I get an extension to submit my assignment (assessment) after the

    Once approved, you may need to download and attach your Assessment Extension Approved Items coversheet to your assignment. This coversheet can be generated via your Assessment Application Status page. Important: There are penalties if you have not received approval for an extension.

  11. Extensions and special consideration

    Grading and results update Grading and results update. Extensions and special consideration Extensions and special consideration. Extensions and special consideration. Defer or reschedule your scheduled final assessment Defer or reschedule your scheduled final assessment. Supporting documents Supporting documents.

  12. Extensions on assignments

    Submit a Request for Special Consideration form. To apply for an automatic 7-day extension, select An automatic 7-day extension for an assessment item. To apply for a longer extension, or another extension for the same subject, select An extension to complete an assignment, assessment or placement. Apply now

  13. UNE Online Application

    Extension requests should be made as early as possible and before the assessment task is due. In most cases, an extension of up to 7 days may be granted for reasons including personal health issues, unexpected work or family commitments or other extenuating circumstances. Longer extension may be considered in more serious circumstances ...

  14. Can I get an extension for my assignment?

    In accordance with the University's regulations, the penalty is 5 per cent (of the maximum mark available) for each calendar day that your assignment is late, up to seven calendar days. If your assignment is submitted more than one week (seven calendar days) late, you will be awarded a mark of zero. An extension of time will not be made ...

  15. Applying for an assessment extension

    How to apply. 1. Overview. Don't leave assignment writing until the last minute. We encourage you to plan your workload so you can meet assessment deadlines. If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from submitting an assessment item by the on-time, you can apply for an individual or group extension.

  16. Extensions

    For help using the tool, refer to the Student Assessment Extensions Tool Guide . If you don't have access to Canvas or the extension tool, download and complete the Application for Extension of Time for Submission of Assessable Work Form (PDF, 149KB) and submit it to the RMIT School that runs your course. Schools may have different procedures ...

  17. ask.unimelb: FAQ / Applying for an Extension

    For extensions less than 10 days, apply using this online form. For extensions over 10 days, please apply for Special consideration. Fine Arts and Music: End-of-Semester examinations Apply for Special consideration. All other assessments Submit an assignment extension application form (under the 'Assignment and Exam forms')

  18. Applying for assignment extensions

    To apply for an extension you need to: Submit an application for Special Consideration no later than three University working days after the assessment is due date or class missed); and. Attach supporting documents or evidence. For example, a medical certificate. Your application and supporting documentation will be treated confidentially.

  19. PDF Application for Extension on Assignment

    Application for Extension on Assignment • This form is to be used by students who believe they have exceptional circumstances for why their assignment task willl be late. • Normal occupational commitments and extracurricular activities are not accepted as grounds for granting extra time because

  20. Get the free Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form

    Adding the pdfFiller Google Chrome Extension to your web browser will allow you to start editing assignment and online test and other documents right away when you search for them on a Google page. People who use Chrome can use the service to make changes to their files while they are on the Chrome browser. pdfFiller lets you make fillable ...

  21. QUT

    Assignment extension. Apply for an assignment extension if special circumstances prevent you from completing your assignment by the due date. Apply for an assignment extension. Deferred examination. Apply for a deferred examination if you're unable to sit an examination due to medical or other special circumstances.

  22. A-Z Forms and Applications

    Assessment Appeal Application Form. Assessment Extension Request Form (online form) Client/Interviewee Consent Form. Consent Form - Video Interview With Minors. Clinical Practice Workshop Application. Academic Consideration in Assessment (online form) How to conduct a Practice Counselling Session via Zoom.

  23. Assignment and Online Test Extension Application Form

    If the assignment is to be submitted online, a scanned copy of the approved form must be provided with the assignment or online test. IMPORTANT: For applications submitted within 3 days prior to the assignment due date, a current draft of the assignment showing progress towards completion must be submitted with the extension application.