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Midwifery Personal Statement

Perfect your Midwifery personal statement following this example from a UCL applicant. Use it as a guide to writing your personal statement for the Midwifery course . See below the personal statement example for Midwifery .

Midwifery Personal Statement Example

As a future midwife, I am passionate about providing compassionate care to mothers and their families during one of the most pivotal moments in their lives. I am excited about the opportunity to study midwifery at UCL University and contribute to the field through research and clinical practice.

I have always been drawn to the medical field, and I have been working as a labour and delivery assistant for the past three years. This experience has solidified my desire to become a midwife and has taught me the importance of communication, empathy, and clinical competence.

I have a strong background in science, having completed my undergraduate degree in biology with a focus on women’s health. I am also currently pursuing my Master of Science in midwifery, which has provided me with a strong foundation in the theory and practice of midwifery care.

I am confident that studying at UCL University will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become a successful midwife. I am eager to join the vibrant midwifery community at UCL and contribute to the field through my research and clinical practice. I am committed to providing high-quality care to mothers and their families, and I am dedicated to lifelong learning and professional development. Thank you for considering my application.

In addition to my academic and professional experience, I am also a member of the Midwives Association of North America, where I have had the opportunity to attend conferences, network with other midwives, and stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in the field. I am also a volunteer at a local pregnancy resource centre, where I assist pregnant women and new mothers with information and support.

I am excited about the prospect of studying at UCL University and becoming part of the rich history and tradition of midwifery at the institution. I am committed to working hard and achieving my goals, and I believe that studying at UCL will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become a successful midwife. Thank you for considering my application.

Over the course of my school career, I have always been recognized for my hard work and dedication. Both independently and in a group, I am able to perform at a high level. Having the ability to work independently and as part of a team is important for midwives. As a result, he has been given important leadership roles, such as house captain and prefect. Moreover, public speaking has helped me to improve my communication skills so that I can clearly convey my ideas and thoughts to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Midwifery Personal Statement Tips

When writing your midwifery personal statement , include the following:

  • What inspired you to choose Midwifery
  • Why do you wish to work as Midwifery
  • What you know about midwifery
  • Qualities and abilities that will make you a great midwife
  • Working with babies is a plus, add experience if have it
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of midwifery
  • The degree, modules, and dissertation topic you chose were relevant.
  • Skills, hobbies, and achievements relevant to the midwifery course

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Bournemouth University

Student Blog

Top tips on how to write a personal statement for midwifery.

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To celebrate International Midwives Day on 5 May, current student Jess, shares some tips on how to write a personal statement if your applying for BSc (Hons) Midwifery.

Writing about yourself in general is hard enough but when you only have 4,000 characters to make a great first impression, mention all your transferable skills, talk about your experience, why you want to be a midwife and somehow make it exciting to read is one tall order!

Writing my personal statement I knew already how competitive it is when applying for a place on a midwifery programme. Limiting my chances by only applying to 2 university’s made the process even scarier! I started drafting my personal statement as early as I could, having been through the process before I had a personal statement to work from BUT i am so glad I scrapped the whole thing and started over. The best thing I did was get hold of a book for writing personal statements for midwifery. I made every mistake going when writing my personal statement at 17 and that truly was from a lack of research and understanding of the role of a midwife and not for lack of passion.

Here’s my top tips for writing a personal statement!

1) Start as early as you can! Even if you just start with a bullet pointed list of everything you want to put into your statement… it’s a start.

2) Draft, Draft and Re-Draft! Make the most of support from tutors or other professionals who offer to read your statement. It’s so important to make sure your sentence structure, spelling and grammar are up to scratch.

3) Read it out loud. It helps so much to read it through and you will pick up on so many more typing issues and mistakes by reading it out loud.

4) When you do start writing make sure you type it in a word document or keep a hard copy rather than typing straight into UCAS as this makes it easier for spell check and checking the word limit.

5) If your a few characters over make sure you check the end of your sentences and paragraphs as I didn’t realise that I always put extra spaces on the end which does take up characters and line space!

Now for midwifery specific tips!

1) Don’t talk about babies! The role of a midwife is about supporting women, and that should be the focus of your statement.

2) Research the skills and qualities of a midwife and try to talk about how you have those skills. Try to follow the format of what is the skill? show evidence of you having it ( talk about experience) and then why that skill is important in midwifery practice.

3) BUZZ WORDS! the 6 C’s of care are a great place to start and if you don’t know what they are go and read up about them! Also consider the importance of non-judgemental care especially in the context of the diversity of women and families that you may encounter through midwifery care.

4) The NMC’s code of conduct is a great resource and I would definitely make sure you’ve read it at some point before interviews.

5) Find something about midwifery that gets you excited and talk about it, get that passion across. Look up current ‘hot topics’ if your ensure.

6) Bring that reader in with that very first sentence! I would make use of your buzz words or show something about your understanding of the role of a midwife in that very first sentence!

7) Don’t worry if you can’t summarise why you want to be a midwife! Its not about the why its about how you’ve got to this point now, what have you done to prove that this is the career for you!

8) Remember your applying for a degree and not a job as a midwife just yet, so try and make some acknowledgement to being able to cope with the academic side of the course and your ability to manage your time especially as the midwifery course is 50% study and 50% placement.

9) Make sure you finish that personal statement with a really powerful ending. That will be the very last thing they read and if they haven’t made their mind up by that point that could be what sways it!

10) Make sure that it truly represents you and DON’T LIE! your personal statement will be the only thing they have about you when it comes to interview so they will talk about it with you if you can’t expand on what you’ve said or you seem to not know much about that 6 year placement you did in Antarctica setting up a midwifery unit for Eskimo’s they will realise it was probably a lie!

Just be yourself and if you haven’t got experience or struggle to get it that’s fine! So many transferable skills can come from other jobs. Retail work is about working with people, communicating with customers. Having patience when dealing with frustrated customers. Its all transferable skills so talk about it!

I hope these tips help anyone writing their statement and good luck on your journey to becoming student midwives!

how to start my midwifery personal statement

Jess Correia, Midwifery student.

Find out more

BSc (Hons) Midwifery

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University Personal Statement

By the time you start to write your personal statement, you should know why you want to be a midwife. This is your chance to show the admission tutors why, out of the hundreds of applicants they receive, they should be particularly keen to interview you.

Going wrong

Most people either provide personal statements which are boring and very similar to everyone else’s, or provide information which isn’t relevant or appropriate.

It’s important for your application to show the right:

  • Personality
  • Commitment/ enthusiasm
  • Understanding

What should you include in your personal statement?

  • Reasons why you want to be a midwife
  • Your awareness of what a midwife is
  • Your understanding of the needs of service users
  • Your ability to communicate, work in a team, be organised and have empathy
  • Demonstrate that you are non-judgemental

Personal statements that stand-out

Getting on a midwifery course is tough, and gets tougher every year. So you may need to be a little ‘tactical’ about how you approach it in order to secure your place within this highly sought- after career.

  • Work experience We’ve all done a range of jobs, but not all of them will show evidence to uni tutors that you have the skills to train as a midwife. Midwifery-related work experience, including any volunteering or shadowing is very useful, but if you haven’t got this there are plenty of other ways you can show you have what it takes. There are plenty of ‘caring’ professions through which you can show a range of very transferable skills such as a kind, empathetic and practical approach. Even jobs which don’t fall neatly into this category can have a lot of merit when it comes to proving your worth to application assessors. You just need to know how to present your experience in a way which makes it seem relevant and highly desirable, even if at first glance it’s not obvious how this role and midwifery connect.
  • Extra activities When there is a pile of application forms on a desk, all describing similar qualifications and similar work experience, it can be the extra activities which make all the difference to your application, so use your free time wisely! If you are just finishing school or college you may be thinking about taking a year out and applying for a uni place on your return. You can use this year to get experience in a relevant profession or do some volunteering either locally or abroad. Travelling can have its merits, although you will need to demonstrate that you did more than bar-hop across continents if you want to impress potential employers!
  • Reading You don’t need to quote journals at length to make a good impression, but if you give some indication of reading around your subject it will go a long way to towards showing your commitment to the profession. You may wish to mention something current happening in the profession mentioned in the mainstream media or a latest piece of research which could have an impact on practice. By referencing this, not simply as a snippet directly lifted but as a basis for your own comment and reflection, you will show your interest in the profession ad motivation to learn more.
  • Understanding the course Some universities want to be sure you know what you are letting yourself in for! They will expect to see that you understand the clinical placement aspect of the course, that this may involve travel, shifts and a real work environment (no slacking just because you are a ‘student’!)
  • Appreciation of the challenges  Uni tutors are wary of selecting anyone who may drop out of the course, or leave the profession early, simply because they didn’t appreciate the demands which they would be facing. To have come this far you’ll know that a career in midwifery is not an easy option. Rewarding, fascinating, fulfilling yes, but rarely easy. The training requirements are no different, and if you can show that you have not only understood this but have strategies to overcome these obstacles, your uni assessors will be able to put another ‘yes’ tick next to your name.
  • Examples  Personal statements tend to be littered with phrases such as ‘work well independently as well as part of a team,’ ‘good communication skills’ and ‘reliable and hardworking’. The problem is, when everyone is writing the same thing it becomes rather meaningless. To really stand out you need to prove these things, and that’s done through your personal examples. These have the power to back up even the blandest generalisation and turn your personal statement into something that will make your tutors sit up and smile.

With all of these recommendations, understanding that you need to apply them to your statement is easier said than done. What’s the best way to write an example, how much detail should you include, where should you put it? How can you seem genuine about the challenges you will face and how can you convince your audience that you can face these? What extra activities are highly regarded and which would be frowned upon? There are plenty of opportunities you get your personal statement spot-on, and plenty to mess it up as well! If you’d like more help on how to get it right, click here.

Top 10 Personal Statement Mistakes

  • 1. Your personal statement is lacking personality.
  • 2. You write about previous work experience, which is unrelated to your application.
  • 3. You write about your own experience of giving birth.
  • 4. You write about being a team player and how well you communicate, but do not give any examples.
  • 5. You forget to write why you have chosen to be a midwife.
  • 6. You don’t demonstrate any wider reading about health care or midwifery.
  • 7. You don’t demonstrate your awareness of challenges such a shift work or balancing placement with academia, and how you would overcome such obstacles.
  • 8. You haven’t done any work experience within the care sector
  • 9. You mention your other commitments, which may hinder your ability to work full time.
  • 10. You submit your personal statement without getting someone to proof read it for structure, typos and grammar.

Get expert help with your Personal Statement

Useful resource, next page: the university selection day.

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  • Personal Statements
  • Midwifery Personal Statements

Midwifery Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For quite a long time I have known that my future career lies within the nursing profession but was unsure of my exact direction. In the last couple of years I have spoken to several different nurses and have attended hospital open days and two work placements and I am now convinced that midwifery is for me.

I have been very impressed with the midwives that I have met and feel that the opportunity to look after women throughout their pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond into the postnatal period would be very rewarding. Being involved with women and their families at such an exciting and yet still quite stressful time of life will enable me to use my communication skills and my abilities to care for people in a calm and non-judgemental way.

Being a good midwife is about having the medical skills and knowledge to guide a woman through a healthy pregnancy and to be alert to the earliest signs that something may be wrong. Caring for diabetic women in pregnancy is a particular interest, as my older sister was diabetic and experienced various complications during her pregnancy last year. Having a calm and dependable midwife was essential to her well being throughout the pregnancy.

It is very important for midwives to be aware of the latest medical knowledge and to inform and explain things to women as clearly and sympathetically as possible so that they can be empowered to make their own informed decisions. Although it would be emotionally challenging, I would like to gain experience working with women who have given birth prematurely or who have had a baby who is born with serious health problems. I believe I have the maturity to provide the support as well as the medical care necessary.

My two work placements so far have been in the maternity unit of my local hospital and out with a community midwife. These were two very different experiences but I thoroughly enjoyed them both. During my placement in the hospital I was able to help monitor a fetal heart beat and to chat to mothers whose babies were just a day old. My days out with the community midwife showed me just how variable this work is and I was excited by the chance to see families and babies in their own homes. The midwife that I shadowed was welcomed and treated as part of the family group, which showed me just how important midwives are in the wider community.

By doing a midwifery degree I hope to become as well qualified as possible on the medical side but I realise that being a good midwife is also about gaining experience of different situations. I would welcome the opportunity to work abroad at some stage of my early career, in a developing world situation. I was lucky enough to visit Kenya last summer with a project to raise awareness of childhood vaccination and to assist the vaccination teams. I met lots of mothers and children and saw how different their situation is compared to a typical family in the UK.

I am working hard to get the grades I need for university but outside work I enjoy playing badminton and painting with watercolours. Some of my time is also devoted to my new niece who is now 6 months old and who has become a very special person on my life. Seeing her grow and develop has confirmed my wish to work with mothers and babies and I am excited to start my journey into midwifery.

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An Effective Guide to Writing Midwifery Personal Statements

Table of Contents

Midwifery personal statements are a vital part of the application process for those pursuing midwifery degrees. They allow the admission staff to get to know you as an individual and can be used to demonstrate your commitment to the profession. Like any other piece of writing, you must take care when crafting your statement if you want it to stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we have listed a few valuable tips for writing an effective midwifery personal statement, along with examples to use as inspiration.

What Is a Midwifery Personal Statement?

A midwifery personal statement is a written document that explains an individual’s motivations, qualifications , and experience for pursuing a career in midwifery. Prospective students often use it to apply for entrance into Midwifery education programs. The personal statement allows educators to understand the applicant as more than just grades and test scores. It provides insight into their qualities, aspirations, and dedication to a Midwife practice.

Why Is a Midwifery Personal Statement Important?

Midwifery personal statement is not just about explaining what you’ve accomplished in your field of work. It is about demonstrating the skills and attributes necessary for someone to be qualified to competently and responsibly help with the process of childbirth.

A well-written personal statement will demonstrate your understanding of the human body and your capacity for empathy.

Tips to Write Midwifery Personal Statements

The following tips will help you write good midwifery personal statements and better convey your qualities and qualifications.

  • Start with an introduction that captures the reader’s attention and highlights why you are interested in becoming a midwife.
  • Give specific examples of your experience working with pregnant women and newborns, whether through volunteering, work, or personal experiences.
  • Explain what qualities make you a good fit for the role of midwife, such as being patient, compassionate, and proactive.
  • Discuss any academic achievements related to pregnancy care or childbirth education that you have attained thus far in your studies/career.
  • Reiterate why you want to pursue a career as a midwife and how this opportunity will allow you to reach your long-term goals.

a woman carrying a newborn baby at the hospital

What to Avoid When Writing a Midwifery Personal Statement?

Things to avoid when writing a midwifery personal statement:

  • Don’t make excuses for your lack of experience.
  • Avoid listing reasons why you want to be a midwife without providing concrete examples to support your claims.
  • Don’t present yourself as someone perfect – no one is! Be honest and open about your flaws and weaknesses, but highlight how you have worked to overcome them.
  • Avoid writing anything negative about previous employers or educators, even if they were less than stellar. Focus on the positive lessons you learned from them instead.

Personal Statement Midwifery Examples

Below are some midwifery personal statement examples to assist you in writing one on your own:

Like many other midwives, I was drawn to the profession after experiencing a positive birth myself. As soon as my son was born, I knew that I wanted to help other women have similarly empowering experiences. My journey into motherhood revealed just how important it is for pregnant women and their families to have access to quality care. They need someone who understands their needs and can support them throughout the process. Midwifery is all about providing individualized care — something that’s extremely important during childbirth.

I am passionate about helping mothers bring new life into this world in a safe and healthy way. And while training as a midwife will be challenging, I know it will also be incredibly rewarding. Through hands-on experience and theoretical learning, I hope to gain the knowledge and skills needed to deliver babies. I also want to ensure that every woman feels confident in her ability to give birth naturally if she chooses. To me, being a midwife isn’t just a job. It’s an opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives by supporting them through one of the most special moments of their lives.

Born and raised in a small town near the Mexican border, I was always interested in helping others. My fascination with birth began when I was a young girl; watching my cousins give birth at home fascinated me. Witnessing the strength and power of a woman giving birth left a lasting impression on me that has stuck with me throughout my life. As time passed, I continued to explore my interest in childbirth by taking classes on natural childbirth and becoming certified as a doula.

During my undergraduate studies at The University of Arizona, I had the opportunity to have clinical experience working alongside midwives at our local hospital. I assisted women during their births and provided support post-birth both in the clinic setting and within people’s homes. This invaluable experience solidified my desire to become a midwife myself one day soon!

The most rewarding part of this journey has been witnessing firsthand how pregnancy and birthing can empower women. No matter what walk of life they come from or how difficult their journey may be. Every woman who chooses to bring new life into this world is heroic in her own unique way. And it is an honor to help them through this profound process. It could be accompanying them through labor physically or simply being there emotionally to support them every step along the way.

A personal statement provides insight into the applicant’s character and motivation to attend the midwifery program. A key aspect of completing your personal statement is to make it concise. This article provides effective tips and examples to help you write a strong midwifery personal statement. Although an impactful personal statement is not easy to write, it is worth the effort. Stay focused.

An Effective Guide to Writing Midwifery Personal Statements

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Midwifery Personal Statement | Advice & Template

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Found your dream midwifery role, but stuck on what to write in your personal statement? Here is our expert advice on what to include and how to present your skills and experience to create an excellent first impression and get invited to interview.

Personal statements give you the chance to showcase what you’re all about and where your talents lie. We recommend using this personal profile to promote your strengths, achievements and key skills. Use this 100-150 words to provide examples of how you match the job specifications, and show your desire for this midwifery vacancy.

What should you include in your midwifery personal statement?

Education and training

Provide a brief overview of your previous education and midwifery training (School/University/Higher Education Courses)

Why you are applying for the role?

Demonstrate your knowledge of the position to show awareness of what the role demands. What can you bring to this role? You need to show real passion and enthusiasm for why you want the job.

Activity: Where have you gained midwifery experience?

Provide details of your previous midwifery experience including the name of the hospital and the duration of your experience.

Skills: What have you done?

Examples could include:

  • Teaching women how to have a healthy pregnancy journey, including promoting the right diet, the correct medications to take and what exercise they should undertake.
  • Communicating effectively with other midwives and medical team and providing regular updates on the status of patients.
  • Identifying and explaining risks clearly.
  • Using my initiative, acting quickly and identifying whether the patients need a caesarean section.
  • Providing support to patients and their relatives, before, during and after the birth to aid the patient’s recovery.
  • Maintaining a calm and positive disposition with excellent communication skills.
  • Emotional and mental strength.

Evidence: Give examples of your work experience

From conducting one-to-one meetings I have learnt how to communicate confidently with patients and educate pregnant patients on diet, which medications to take and what vitamins they need most and exercises to do to deliver a healthy newborn. I have delivered a number of babies safely and provided aftercare for the mother. I am also experienced in communicating with the medical team and other midwives as well as providing support during caesarean sections.

Midwifery Personal Statement Template

Kind, professional and highly trained midwife with excellent communication skills. I am committed to providing the best quality care and support for mothers and families throughout their pregnancies. 10 years' experience and a first class honours midwifery degree from University of Manchester. I work well under pressure and thrive in a team environment. My positive and friendly disposition means that I get on with all different types of people and put patients at ease which I think is key for this role. I am very knowledgeable about all aspects of pregnancy and am confident communicating this knowledge to patients. My previous experience working at the maternity ward at Barnet Hospital has taught me the importance of acting quickly and calmly. With my skills and experience, I am confident that I would be an asset to your team.

If you are seeking further useful information, then read our expert guide on how to write a personal statement .

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Midwifery Personal Statement

My enthusiasm to venture into a challenging yet rewarding career began from an early exposure to midwifery. Observing my mother closely, eight years ago, through her antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period gave me an insight into what this field entails and enabled me to truly embrace the vital responsibilities of a midwife. To be a midwife; to be able to support women and their families through the most vulnerable point in their lives, to be a part of a mother-to-be’s journey with the most rewarding outcome of a newborn infant and educating women on sexual health is, in my opinion, one of the most heartwarming experiences a job can offer. I firmly have faith in my abilities to pursue this career. 

A matter that is of vital importance to me is the rate of deaths of women from a Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic background during labour, and is something I wish to tackle when I become qualified. Recent reports (from MBRRACE-UK 11, ‘Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care’) mortality rates between women from Black and Asian aggregated ethnic groups and White women. Because of this, I believe that it should be a priority to eradicate the inequalities faced by ethnic minorities faced in health and social care settings. I recognised the difficulties of this career path, however I am motivated to support the NHS through the recent challenges they are facing and I hope to contribute to the change. 

From December 2018 to January 2019 I had the privilege of visiting my home country, Uganda where I was lucky to have the opportunity to visit the less developed areas of Jinja and Kamapla, in particular the maternity clinics. I was inspired by the level of care being provided despite the very limited resources (such as access to epidural) allowing me to appreciate how privileged many people are in developed countries in regard to healthcare services. I was also able to gain awareness of new cultures and perspectives which makes me want to contribute to the change in developing countries once I qualify as a midwife. 

Furthermore, volunteering with the Imperial College Hospital Hammersmith has enabled me to learn, advance and broaden my skills in person-centred care. I have been able to meet many patients from a variety of different backgrounds and now I have the chance to befriend individuals during a lonely and isolated period and to support and social interactions during a period of uncertainty. I am most proud of how well I have been taught to execute the 6 C's when caring for patients.  

Through my ongoing volunteering with Age UK Camden to provide one-to-one attention to elderly clients who may suffer from a range of mental health complications, dementia or are feeling isolated has enabled me to gain knowledge and insight into issues that impact on older people’s lives. My own job at Waitrose has additionally aided my personal development as it has given me space to expand my communication skills, listening abilities and have allowed me to learn to speak with clarity in my voice, knowing how to change and adapt my tone to suit different individuals to make them feel comfortable. I also have learnt one-to-one conversational support which is a key

skill in the midwifery field as difficult times are likely to occur and a calm and reassuring manner will be vital.  

In my free time, I am an enthusiastic reader as I have an incredibly vivid imagination which contributes to my passion. Most importantly, I am a feminist and have a strong determination to advocate for all women to have equal rights and opportunities to fight against oppression. I stay up to date with the news about women across the world who are struggling and hidden behind the patriarchal society (in particular countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan). 

I am highly motivated by the prospects of developing knowledge, in person experience and skills through my higher education courses. I am excited the best I can be, in order to advocate for both the mother and baby.  

Word count: 4190/4000

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Midwifery personal statement example 3.

Midwifery became my passion at the age of 10, when my step-mother became pregnant. This sparked off my fascination with all aspects of pregnancy, insisting that I attended every antenatal appointment that I could. From this I discovered what a vital role midwives play in caring for mother and baby in the months leading up to the birth, the labour and the postnatal period.

After having this interest for quite some time, I feel my aim now is to prosper in this subject by attending a university course; this will enable me to gain a greater understanding of the medical and practical side of midwifery.

As two of my core qualities is to care and nurture, I feel I possess two of the vital attributes to pursue a career within the Health and My aspiration for a career in midwifery is reflected in my A-level choices, where good time keeping, self-motivated study skills and ability to cope under pressure and stress are essential.

From studying Biology I have gained further knowledge of human biology, learning more about how our major body organs function and genes and genetic engineering. I found this particularly interesting as it is linked to reproduction.

Since studying Psychology, I have gained a better understanding of people and how their minds perform. I can apply this knowledge to the way I interact and understand people in certain situations as my interpersonal skills have been expanded.

Both of these subjects tested my ability to recall large volumes of knowledge, which has given me practice for similar situations that I will face whilst studying for a degree.

Studying modules in Health and Social Care such as communication and values, and positive care environments has given me a greater awareness of how to communication verbally and physically to people, and how this is interpreted by them. Investigating disease has made me conscious of how easily diseases are spread, their effects and ways of preventing them.

This is particularly important when working in a hospital environment, and being around pregnant women and young babies, as they are highly susceptible to infections. I am currently working on an Extended Project Qualification, my title is 'What are the risks associated with teenage pregnancy and what are the roles of their midwives?'

Whilst carrying out this project I have learnt more about the challenges midwives face, and how they overcome them. It has also given me an insight into a specialist area of midwifery, caring for young people.

Outside my academic studies, I volunteer at my local hospital. My role is to hand out beverages to the patients, and talk to them. This is important as it boosts their morale. I regularly volunteer on the maternity and gynaecology ward, and have experience on many other wards.

This has given me an insight into the roles of different health professionals, and witness part of the process of midwifery. From this I have become more confident and comfortable in a hospital setting, and have a greater awareness of current NHS practices.

This experience has also expanded my interpersonal and communication skills, I feel it also represents the committed and caring attitude of my personality. I have a part-time job in a clothes shop.

From working in a retail environment and coming into contact with members of the public I have learnt how to work under pressure. It has also improved my organisational and time keeping skills and demonstrated the hardworking side of my character.

I am excited by the prospect of having a high level of responsibility and independence that corresponds with university life.

I am aware of the demands and challenges that I will face during my studies and within in a medical career, but my commitment and desire to become a midwife has been strengthened by my life and work experiences and the job satisfaction that I will gain from it.

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This personal statement was written by Mehh for application in 2009.

Related Personal Statements

Tue, 23/02/2010 - 12:10

Brilliant Personal Statement I do hope you were accepted into the course.

Fri, 15/10/2010 - 12:15

Hi I think you did a great job with this p/s but I think you need to work on your openning statement I think they have heard that one loads of times. think outside the box. GOOD luck

i need help

Wed, 31/08/2011 - 23:05

i am 15 and i need to know how i can get to be a midwife? ps: do u think becouse i am portugues that i can never be a midwife pls help me

Wed, 31/08/2011 - 23:07

pls email me back to: [email protected] pls i realy need your help

Mon, 05/09/2011 - 22:23

i was think and i think i better u tex to this mail [email protected] pls tell your history

Can i ask if you recieved the

Mon, 10/10/2011 - 14:40

Can i ask if you recieved the entry requirements for your course? Did you get any offers? xx

were u accepted? :)

Mon, 17/09/2012 - 18:05

WOW !!! what an excellent p.s

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 23:43

WOW !!! what an excellent p.s this is how it should be done...i do hope you got plenty of acceptence offers for your hard has inspired me to start writting my own ...thanks tracey day x

Mon, 25/11/2013 - 14:01

My personal statement was

Sat, 08/02/2014 - 19:50

My personal statement was very similar to this (just seen it) yet I have had three rejections so far! Just don't know what they want?! Be interested to know if this got any interviews.

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The best statements tend to be genuine and specific from the very start. You'll be on the right track if you show your enthusiasm for the subject or course, your understanding of it, and what you want to achieve.

Admissions tutors – the people who read and score your personal statement – say don’t get stressed about trying to think of a ‘killer opening’. Discover the advice below and take your time to think about how best to introduce yourself.

Liz Bryan: HE Coordinator and Careers Advisor, Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Preparing to write your personal statement.

Start by making some notes . The personal statement allows admissions tutors to form a picture of who you are. So, for the opener, think about writing down things, such as:

  • why you’re a good candidate
  • your motivations
  • what brings you to this course

If you’re applying for multiple courses , think about how your skills, academic interests, and the way you think are relevant to all the courses you've chosen.

how to start my midwifery personal statement

Top tips on how to write your statement opener

We spoke to admissions tutors at unis and colleges – read on for their tips.

1. Don't begin with the overkill opening

Try not to overthink the opening sentence. You need to engage the reader with your relevant thoughts and ideas, but not go overboard .

Tutors said: ‘The opening is your chance to introduce yourself, to explain your motivation for studying the course and to demonstrate your understanding of it. The best personal statements get to the point quickly. Go straight in. What excites you about the course and why do you want to learn about it more?’

Be succinct and draw the reader in, but not with a gimmick. This isn't the X Factor. Admissions tutor

2. Write about why you want to study that course

Think about why you want to study the course and how you can demonstrate this in your written statement :

’Your interest in the course is the biggest thing. Start with a short sentence that captures the reason why you’re interested in studying the area you’re applying for and that communicates your enthusiasm for it. Don't waffle or say you want to study something just because it's interesting. Explain what you find interesting about it.’

It's much better to engage us with something interesting, relevant, specific and current in your opening line… Start with what's inspiring you now, not what inspired you when you were six. Admissions tutor

3. Avoid cliches

Try to avoid cliches and the most obvious opening sentences so you stand out from the very first line . UCAS publishes a list of common opening lines each year. Here are just some overused phrases to avoid using in your personal statement:

  • From a young age…      
  • For as long as I can remember…
  • I am applying for this course because…
  • I have always been interested in…
  • Throughout my life I have always enjoyed…

And try not to use quotes . Quotations are top of the list of admissions tutors' pet hates.

4. Maybe don't begin at the start?

’Concentrate on the main content of your statement and write the introduction last. I think the opening line is the hardest one to write, so I often say leave it until the end and just try and get something down on paper.’

It may be easier to get on with writing the main content of your statement and coming back to the introduction afterwards –that way you will also know what you’re introducing.

I often advise applicants to start with paragraph two, where you get into why you want to study the course. That's what we're really interested in. Admissions tutor

how to start my midwifery personal statement

The personal statement tool image

Don’t be tempted to copy or share your statement.

UCAS scans all personal statements through a similarity detection system to compare them with previous statements.

Any similarity greater than 30% will be flagged and we'll inform the universities and colleges to which you have applied. 

Find out more

Joseph bolton: year 2 history& politics student, university of liverpool.

  • Do talk about you and your enthusiasm for the subject from the very start.
  • Do be specific. Explain what you want to study and why in the first two sentences.
  • Do come back to the opening sentences if you can’t think what to write straightaway.
  • Don’t waste time trying to think of a catchy opening.
  • Don't waffle – simply explain what you find interesting about the subject and show that you know what you are applying for.
  • Don't rely on someone else's words. It's your statement after all – they want to know what you think.

One final thought

Think about making a link between your opening sentence and closing paragraph – a technique sometimes called the 'necklace approach’.

You can reinforce what you said at the start or add an extra dimension. For example, if you started with an interesting line about what’s currently motivating you to study your chosen degree course, you could link back to it at the end, perhaps with something about why you’d love to study this further at uni.

Need more advice?

  • Struggling with the conclusion to your personal statement? Read our guide on how to finish your statement the right way .
  • Read more dos and don’ts when writing your personal statement . 
  • Discover what to include in your personal statement .
  • Start your opening sentences with our personal statement builder now.

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    Midwifery Personal Statement. My enthusiasm to venture into a challenging yet rewarding career began from an early exposure to midwifery. Observing my mother closely, eight years ago, through her antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period gave me an insight into what this field entails and enabled me to truly embrace the vital responsibilities ...

  22. Midwifery Personal Statement Example 3

    Midwifery Personal Statement Example 3. Midwifery became my passion at the age of 10, when my step-mother became pregnant. This sparked off my fascination with all aspects of pregnancy, insisting that I attended every antenatal appointment that I could. From this I discovered what a vital role midwives play in caring for mother and baby in the ...

  23. How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber

    Top tips on how to write your statement opener. We spoke to admissions tutors at unis and colleges - read on for their tips. 1. Don't begin with the overkill opening. Try not to overthink the opening sentence. You need to engage the reader with your relevant thoughts and ideas, but not go overboard. Tutors said: 'The opening is your chance ...

  24. Writing a Job Application as a Newly Qualified Midwife, with an Example

    An Example Personal Statement from a Band 5 Application. This has been edited to ensure anonymity. It was written when this midwife was a final year midwifery student. ... care where required. I hope to continue consolidating my skills, and to have the needed passion for excellence in midwifery care to start my career in midwifery at St Thomas ...

  25. How to Start and Structure Your Graduate School Personal Statement

    Do tailor your personal statement specifically to the social work profession to differentiate from other related professions. Do follow the prompts and address all components of each prompt. Do tie your examples and themes together for each prompt. Don'ts: Don't start your personal statement last minute or rush the writing/revision process.