How to Write an Informative Essay: Everything You Need to Know

informative essay rough draft

Informative essays are often assigned in schools and universities. Here’s how to write them effectively:

  • Choose the Topic and Length : Pick a relevant topic and decide how long your essay will be.
  • Determine Your Audience : Identify who your readers are and understand their needs.
  • Research : Collect accurate information from reliable sources.
  • Choose the Main Points : Select the key points you want to cover.
  • Write the Introduction : Introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • Write the Body : Develop each main point in separate paragraphs.
  • Write the Conclusion : Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way.

After writing, make sure your essay is clear, balanced, and informative. Invest time in planning, thorough research, and effective organization. For more details on how to write an informative essay, our essay writer has got some expert tips up their sleeve! So, let's keep on reading this article.

What is an Informative Essay

What is an Informative Essay

Informative essays aim to educate the reader about a specific topic. They present facts, explanations, and insights in a clear and straightforward manner without trying to persuade or argue a particular point of view. The main goal is to increase the reader’s understanding of the subject by providing well-researched and organized information.

For example, an informative essay is often needed in an educational setting, such as when a student is assigned to explain the process of photosynthesis in a biology class. In this case, the student must consider the audience’s level of knowledge, ensuring the explanation is neither too basic nor too complex. The essay should include key details like the roles of sunlight, chlorophyll, and carbon dioxide, and it should be organized logically with clear transitions between points to help readers follow the explanation easily.

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How to Write an Informative Essay

Writing an informative essay involves several clear steps that help you present your topic effectively. By following these steps, you can ensure your essay is well-organized, thoroughly researched, and engaging for your readers. Here’s a detailed guide from our admission essay writing service on how to start an informative essay and help you continue the process.

Start an Informative Essay

Step 1. Choose a Topic

When writing an informative essay, you start by choosing a topic. This can set the tone for your entire essay, so it's important to pick something both interesting and relevant. Think about subjects that intrigue you or issues that are currently trending and have ample information available. The topic should be specific enough to be covered thoroughly in the length of your essay but broad enough to find plenty of sources.

Some informative writing topics include:

  • How new technologies and practices shape how we eat.
  • Discuss the benefits of kindness and how to spread it.
  • How is VR changing various fields?
  • Explain the importance of sleep for health and well-being.
  • Discuss the history, science, and benefits of fermented foods and drinks.

Step 2. Research

Research will build a strong case for your topic. Jot down everything including facts, questions, even random ideas. When you find something interesting, note the source and look at its references. Try to go beyond textbooks - look for documentaries, news articles, interviews, or even blog posts by experts. You can also explore offline by visiting your local library and browsing relevant sections. 

Take notes in your own words, summarizing key points and paraphrases. This helps you understand better and write smoothly. As you read, think critically - consider the author's perspective, evidence, and potential bias to add analysis to your essay.

Track your sources for later, but don't get hung up on strict formats during initial research. Focus on gathering strong material. By approaching your research thoughtfully and actively, you'll create a solid foundation for your essay.

Step 3. Create an Informative Essay Outline

The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to organize your thoughts and ensure your essay has a logical flow. By outlining, you can spot any gaps in your research and ensure all necessary points are covered. It’s best to create an outline after you’ve completed your research but before you start writing. This way, you have all the information you need and can arrange it in a coherent order.

  • Introduction : Start your outline with an informative essay introduction. Here you’ll introduce the topic and provide your thesis statement, which outlines the main points you will cover.
  • Body Paragraphs : Break down the body of your essay into several main points or sections. The topic of each body paragraph of an informative essay should be supported with facts and examples. Include sub-points or bullet points that highlight the key information you will discuss.
  • Conclusion: End your outline with the informative essay conclusion. Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. Include any final thoughts or reflections that provide closure to your essay - this is key to knowing how to write a conclusion for an informative essay.

For example, if your essay topic is "The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life," your outline might look something like this:

Introduction 📚
Introduce the topic of plastic pollution.
Present the thesis statement
Body Paragraphs 🐟
Explain how marine animals mistake plastic for food.
Discuss the impact on their health and survival.
Describe how animals get entangled in plastic debris.
Highlight the physical harm and risk of death.
Explore how plastics release harmful chemicals into the ocean.
Discuss the long-term effects on marine ecosystems.
Conclusion 📝
Summarize the key points
Restate the thesis
Provide a final thought on the importance of addressing this issue.

Step 4. Start Writing an Informative Essay

Now that you have an outline and know how to start an essay , you’re ready to start writing your informative essay. This step involves turning your organized thoughts and detailed notes into a coherent and engaging piece of writing.

Your first sentence should grab the reader’s attention—consider starting with a surprising fact, a quote, or a brief anecdote related to your topic. After this hook, provide some background information to set the context for your essay. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points you will cover.

Next, move on to the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your topic, as outlined earlier. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that states the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that include facts, examples, and explanations. 

After the body paragraphs, write your conclusion where you reinforce your main message. Throughout your writing, keep your language clear and concise. Avoid jargon unless you’re sure your audience will understand it, and explain any complex terms. Be sure to write in a neutral tone, focusing on informing rather than persuading. This will help ensure your essay is both informative and accessible to your readers.

Note : If you’re a computer science major, you’ll find our guide on IEEE format very helpful!

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

Once you have completed your informative essay, focus on proofreading for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Read your essay slowly and aloud to catch any mistakes that might have slipped through. Pay attention to how your sentences are constructed—make sure they are clear and contribute to the overall meaning of your essay.

Double-check the accuracy of any facts, statistics, or quotes you've included. Also check that each sentence and paragraph directly contribute to informing your reader about the topic without unnecessary distractions.

Lastly, consider sharing your essay with someone you trust, like a friend or teacher, for their input. You can also use our term paper writing services to make your essay even stronger. Remember, fresh eyes can often catch mistakes or suggest improvements. 

Informative Essay Examples

Essay examples show how theoretical ideas can be applied effectively and engagingly. So, let's check them out for good structure, organization, and presentation techniques.

Additionally, you can also explore essay writing apps that offer convenience and flexibility, allowing you to work on assignments wherever you are.

7 Tips for Writing an Informative Essay

Here are some helpful tips on how to write an informative essay that combines strong mechanics with engaging delivery and leaves your readers feeling more informed.

  • Employ the Inverted Pyramid Structure: Start with the most important information first, gradually providing more details as you move through your essay. 
  • Vary Your Verbs : Go beyond the simple "is" and "was." Strong action verbs add life and clarity to your writing.
  • Credible Sources Only: Steer clear of Wikipedia and non-academic websites. Prioritize scholarly articles, reputable news outlets, and government publications.
  • Vary Sentence Openings: Don't always start with the subject. Use introductory phrases, questions, or even quotes to grab the reader's attention and add variety.
  • Balance Objectivity and Subjectivity : While presenting facts, maintain a neutral tone and avoid personal bias unless specified otherwise.
  • Consider Your Audience : Tailor your language and examples to the knowledge level and interests of your intended readers.
  • Stay Focused : Stick to the main topic and avoid going off on tangents that do not contribute to the central theme of your essay.

Final Remarks

Now that you have these tips, you're ready to write a strong informative essay. This guide has given you key ideas, like how to pick a good topic, how to plan your essay, and how to write each part. It also offered helpful advice to improve your writing overall. By using these tips, you'll have a successful and informative writing experience, allowing you to share interesting information about a topic you care about! And if you struggle with getting started on your writing assignments, you can always order essay from our experts.

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Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Informative Essay Guide

Informative Essay Outline

Last updated on: Jun 20, 2023

Learn How to Create an Informative Essay Outline

By: Jared P.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Jun 1, 2021

Informative Essay Outline

An informative essay is written to educate readers on a particular topic. This type of essay can be written for several purposes, such as defining a term or comparing and contrasting something. This type of essay doesn’t require your opinion on the topic.

The purpose of writing an informative essay is to educate others on a certain topic. You should not express your opinion and do not try to persuade others to take a certain action.

If you are writing an informative essay for the first time, better create an outline first. The informative essay outline will help you structure your essay in the best way possible.

In this blog, you will learn about the basic rules for creating an informative essay outline. These guidelines and a sample outline are designed to help students get started with their projects successfully.

Informative Essay Outline

On this Page

What is an Informative Essay Outline?

An informative essay outline is like a checklist or action plan that you need to complete. The outline helps the writer not to lose focus while working on the essay. Creating an outline is not necessary, but expert writers recommend it. An outline is the only way not to get lost in the middle of the writing process.

The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to highlight ideas that you want to include in your essay.

Writing an outline is important because of the basic structure that it provides. In addition, the outline should contain some specific details regarding the layout of the essay. Creating an outline prior to the essay writing process is the key to writing a successful essay.

Essay Outliner

Outline Your Way to Writing Excellence!

How to Write an Informative Essay Outline?

The layout of an informative essay is similar to other types of academic essays. These include argumentative essays, persuasive essays, narrative essays, etc.

The outline for an informative essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Understanding what to include in each part of the informative essay is very important for a successful informative essay.

Informative Essay Introduction

Any idea how to start an informative essay?

Remember this is the section where you need to introduce your topic and provide a thesis statement. In a few lines, introduce the topic you are writing your essay on and provide some background information.

The introduction should end with a strong thesis statement. This statement should tell the audience what direction your essay is going to take. Therefore, make sure the thesis statement is brief, clear, and concise.

Tips for Writing an Effective Introduction:

  • Make sure to narrow down the scope of your essay.
  • There must be a connection between your introduction and thesis statement.
  • Hook your readers at the start of your introductory paragraph.

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Informative Essay Body Paragraphs

The main body of an informative essay is usually composed of three paragraphs. There are two things that you should consider while composing the body paragraphs of an informative essay. One is the target point, and the second is supporting facts.

Each body paragraph of an informative essay should begin with an idea (topic sentence). This is one sentence statement on which the whole paragraph will be based on. This statement must be in cohesion with the thesis statement written in the introductory paragraph.

After that, provide supporting evidence from the most credible sources. The evidence you provide must relate to your main target point. Don’t forget to quote sources and properly cite information to avoid plagiarism.

At the end of each body paragraph, summarize your points and explain their relevance to the thesis statement. Effective body paragraphs for an informative essay depend on the following points.

  • Making a claim
  • Evidence in support of the claim
  • Provide an explanation in the last

The informative essay can have more than three body paragraphs depending upon the chosen topic.

Tips for Effective Body Paragraphs:

  • Do not provide your opinion or point of view on the topic.
  • Completely rely on facts and research.
  • Discuss the strongest point in the first body paragraph.
  • Don’t forget to use transition words for a smooth flow of information in your body paragraphs.

Informative Essay Conclusion

This is the last part where you need to wrap up your information. Begin the conclusion by restating the thesis statement. After that, write about your major arguments and their purpose. The goal of the conclusion is to provide the reason for your informative essay and its importance in the real world.

The conclusion should describe the purpose of your informative essay and what it means for your readers. You should summarize your key arguments and provide a strong closing statement to summarize all your key points.

Tips for a Strong Conclusion:

  • Highlight the key points of your argument.
  • Do not introduce any new ideas in the conclusion.
  • Restate the thesis in other similar words and terms.

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Informative Essay Outline Template Free

Most of the essay outline contain the same elements. But each essay outline has particular points that you need to focus on. It is important to be well-aware of the distinctive features to come up with a good informative paper.






Informative Essay Outline Example

Wondering where you can get free informative essay outline examples? Having a well-written example in hand will help you in coming up with successful work. You can easily find many informative essay examples online for your help.


Sample Informative Essay Outline

Hopefully, the above guidelines and examples help you in writing a great informative essay. However, informative writing is sometimes not easy, especially when you are working on an unfamiliar topic.

In this situation, it is better to get help from professional writers. At, we provide the best ‘ do my essay paper ’ help to students struggling with their academic papers.

Our essay writers can help you create high-quality essays and research papers in no time. To get the best custom essay writing help, all you need is to contact us and hire our essay writer.

Whether you need help with your informative essay topic or with the complete writing process, we can help.

Place your order now and get the best essay writing help from professionals.

Jared P.

Masters Essay, Literature

Jared P. is a renowned author and writing service provider with over fifteen years of experience in the publishing industry. He has a Ph.D. degree in English Literature and has spent his entire career helping students achieve their academic goals by providing expert writing assistance.

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The purpose of Essay 2 is to synthesize evidence to formulate conclusions and analyze issues or problems surrounding a topic.  In other words, you will conduct an investigation so you can write an informative essay.  You may use definitions and/or descriptions that are supported by reliable sources, therefore increasing your credibility with an audience who needs your information.

The essay should include the folllowing:

  • 2 to 3 pages (double-spaced), not including the Works Cited page
  • In-text citations in the body of the essay
  • Works Cited page with your credible sources
  • A minimum of three sources
  • Utilize invention techniques : Before writing the essay, begin identifying your issue through a series of invention techniques, including but not limited to the following: brainstorming, listing, clustering, questioning, and conducting preliminary research.
  • Plan and organize your essay : After the invention process, it is important to begin planning the organizational pattern for the essay.  Planning includes identifying your thesis, establishing main ideas (or topic sentences) for each paragraph, supporting each paragraph with appropriate evidence, and creating ideas for the introductory and concluding paragraphs.
  • Draft and revise your essay : Once you have completed the planning process, write a rough draft of your essay.  Next, take steps to improve, polish, and revise your draft before turning it in for a final grade.  The revision process includes developing ideas, ensuring the thesis statement connects to the main ideas of each paragraph, taking account of your evidence and supporting details, checking for proper use of MLA citation style, reviewing source integration, avoiding plagiarism, and proofreading for formatting and grammatical errors.

Write an informative essay informing an audience of how your particular belief has had a positive or negative global or societal impact.  You are looking for how the belief is seen through action within the community.  Your goal will be to inform readers about the history of the belief and its impact if you can.  It will provide information about where you see the belief in action within the community.  Use pathos to connect the reader to the issue, logos to explain the scope of the belief, and ethos to build your credibility by citing trustworthy sources.

This assignment helps you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional life beyond school.  In this assignment you will:

  • Access and collect needed information from appropriate primary and secondary sources
  • Synthesize information to develop informed views to inform an audience
  • Compose a well-organized, informative writing to expand your knowledge of a topic
  • << Previous: Essay 1 - The Narrative Essay
  • Next: Essay 3 - The Classical Argument Essay >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 1, 2024 9:46 AM
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How to Write an Informative Essay: Definition, Structure, Steps & Examples

How to Write an Informative Essay

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An informative essay  is a piece of academic writing that provides clear and balanced information about a specific topic. Its main objective is to educate and inform the reader about a subject, rather than to persuade or argue a point of view.

In this article, we will talk about how to write an informative essay and structure it in an organized way. From introduction to conclusion, we will walk you through each step of informational essay format writing. Keep reading and you will find valuable tips from professional essay writing services and informative essay examples along the way. 

But before we dig deeper into details, let’s define what an informative essay is.

What Is an Informative Essay: Definition

An informative essay, as the name suggests, is a type of essay intended to enlighten the reader about a particular subject. The primary purpose of an informative essay is to present information in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. In this type of writing, students shouldn’t express personal opinions or attempt to persuade their audience.

Purpose of an Informative Essay

While informative essays and other academic writing styles may share some structural similarities (e.g., introduction, body, and conclusion), their goals and approaches are distinct. 

Unlike other popular forms of academic writing, such as argumentative or persuasive essays , informative essays focus solely on presenting factual information. They do not seek to persuade readers to adopt a particular viewpoint, nor do they provide an analysis, like analytical essays do. 

Many students also confuse it with an expository essay . However, unlike expository writing, informational essays do not explore a topic so extensively. Instead, they just offer relevant information. 

Informative essay writing deals largely with suggesting well-researched information to expand someone’s knowledge. Teachers assign it to test how well students can educate on a chosen matter without leaving personal biases or emotional appeals. In this sense, an informative essay is more of an educational than a persuasive tool.

Characteristics of Informative Essays

Informative essays have a few peculiar features that set them apart from other forms of writing. Here are the main ones:

  • Objective approach to presenting facts
  • Balanced coverage of information without redundant details
  • Accurate, factual content
  • Educational purpose of writing.

Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals, let’s look at how to structure an essay .

Informative Essay Structure 

To write informatively, you need to sort things out in a logical order. The structure of an informative essay is typical and comprises 5 paragraphs: an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Sometimes, you will need to compose more paragraphs if you feel that information you have provided is insufficient.

Informative Essay Structure

Let’s take a closer look at each part individually.

Informative Essay Introduction

An informative essay introduction paragraph is a perfect place to capture your reader's attention. It should include such components: 

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement.

Your opening will start with a compelling "hook" – a staggering statistic, an interesting anecdote, or a provocative question. This is followed by a brief transition to the topic, which provides some context. You may include essential facts, historical background, or why the theme is important. Remember to keep it concise and don’t overdo with details. 

Your introductory paragraph should end with a thesis statement. And we will talk about it right below. 

>> Read more: How to Write a Hook for an Essay

Informative Essay Thesis Statement 

Your thesis statement is arguably the most crucial sentence in your paper. It establishes your ruther direction by framing the main points you will cover. Thesis for an informative essay should be neutral and objective. Here, you should focus on presenting facts rather than asserting an opinion. A thesis statement is brief and usually takes no more than 1-2 sentences.

Informative Essay Body Part

The body part is where you delve into the details of your topic. Here are the things you should cover in each section:

  • Topic sentence  
  • Supporting details

Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence, which introduces the main point of that section. But this shouldn’t be a bold statement. Integrate supporting details, which may include facts, statistics, examples, or explanations that elaborate on the topic sentence. Use transition words for essay to build links between your sentences.

Every paragraph should stick to one main idea and shouldn't change the subject. Additionally, your body part should systematically address the key point mentioned in your thesis statement. For instance, if you are talking solely about the origin of art, you can’t suddenly change the direction and discuss its use in modern society.

>> Learn more: How to Write a Body Paragraph

Informative Essay Conclusion 

The conclusion of an informative essay serves to bring about the key points presented in your paper. This is the last paragraph and it should bring a sense of closure. Keep in mind this structure: 

  • Rewritten thesis statement 
  • Succinct summary
  • Prediction or implication.

While an informative essay doesn't typically require a call-to-action, you might end with a thought-provoking question or a relevant implication for further consideration.

How to Write an Informative Essay Step-by-Step? 

At this point, you should be equipped with all necessary knowledge, and we finally can discuss how to write an informative essay. This guide will walk you through each phase of your essay writing process . 

In the steps below, you'll learn how to select a captivating topic, retrieve necessary information and weave those facts into your paper. From penning a powerful thesis statement to rounding it all off with a succinct conclusion, we will cover each essential stage. Without further ado, let’s see how to write an informational essay together!

1. Choose a Proper Topic 

Choosing a topic is a critical first step in writing an informative essay. 

Before you pick any title, ensure you understand your assignment and its requirements thoroughly. Only when all instructions are clear, start brainstorming all potential informative essay topics . Remember to include subjects that pique your interest, as writing about something you love can make the process enjoyable. 

Once you've got your list, it's time to narrow it down. Select topics that are relevant to your audience and have ample information available for research. Also, consider the scope – it shouldn't be too broad or too narrow. After all, you don’t want to end up writing about a subject that has limited information. 

After evaluating based on all criteria described above, select the idea that ticks all the boxes.

2. Conduct Research and Collect Information 

The integral part of academic essay writing is a thorough investigation. When you're ready to start gathering facts for your informative essay, the first thing to remember is to truly understand the concept. Look it up online and read a few general articles to get a handle on the subject.

When it comes to research sources, variety is your friend. Try to explore a mix of resources like books, academic articles, reliable websites, and documentaries. It is better to exclude sources that provide an opinion on the matter (for example, article review , book review or critical analysis ). Pay attention to the date of publishing and avoid outdated sources older than 5 years. 

While researching, be critical. Not all information you'll find, especially on the internet, is accurate or reliable. Check the author's credentials and the source's reputation. Always aim for information from authoritative and trustworthy sources.

3. Write Down Crucial Facts 

As you carry out your research, remember to take notes. There are 2 things you should keep in mind at this stage: 

  • Important facts Write down key points, interesting facts, or quotes that you think will support your essay. Organize them based on the main points of your essay. This will make the writing process smoother.
  • Source referencing details When it's time to reference sources in your informative essay, you'll need accurate information about where you found your data. It's much easier to do this as you go along, rather than trying to find it again later.

Now let’s figure out how to write a thesis statement for an informative essay.

4. Prepare a Thesis Statement 

Writing a thesis statement for an informative essay is like drawing a map for your reader. Usually, it’s a 1-2 sentences statement that highlights the major focus of your paper. This is your opportunity to tell your audience exactly what information you will be presenting. 

Avoid being vague or overly general. For instance, if your essay is about the impacts of climate change on agriculture, your thesis statement could be: 

Climate change has profound effects on agriculture, with potential consequences for food security globally.

As you can see, this statement is informative, but neutral. In this case, a college essay writer isn’t trying to take any particular stance on climate change. Instead, they are just saying that climate change affects agriculture. Let’s consider another example of a thesis statement for informative essay on the history of the Internet: 

The history of the Internet showcases a remarkable evolution, from its humble beginning as a military project to the widespread global network today.

5. Build an Outline 

By having a clear plan of action, you will be able to write an informative essay without taking unexpected turns. Much like a compass, an outline serves as a vital tool during the writing process helping students to stay on track. 

In most cases, instructions may not explicitly require the preparation of an outline. However, we still suggest that you create a basic plan listing the main ideas of each section. By having a layout, students can easily refer to it whenever they veer off topic. This ensures that your thoughts remain aligned with the central theme of your writing.

6. Write the First Draft 

Writing an informative essay is all about breaking down complex information into digestible chunks of information. There are 2 ways to go about creating an informative essay: 

  • Start writing a polished version right after building a plan. 
  • Compose a  rough draft  and revise it later.

You may think that skipping the draft will save you time, and opt for the first way. We highly recommend preparing a draft instead. This way, you'll see your thoughts on paper and be able to rearrange them if needed. Ultimately, it takes less time and allows you to craft a well-organized paper. 

Your draft shouldn’t be perfect. It's a starting point that you'll polish later. At this stage, just focus on transforming your ideas and research into a structured form. You can try essay typer free right now instead of doing the task yourself.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction?

Next, let’s explore how to start an informative essay in an engaging manner. Our professionals shared some valuable tips on composing a truly effective opening paragraph. 

Your task in the introduction for informative essay is to get your readers interested and present them with a preview of what's to come. 

To begin, create a hook. ​​This could be a striking fact or an intriguing question. Another nice option is adding a simile or metaphor. The purpose of the hook is to entice your readers right from the beginning. For instance, if you're writing about recycling, your hook could be something like this: 

Did you know that only 9% of the world's plastic waste has been recycled?

Your next move is to prepare your audience for the major point of your informative writing. This is where you need to contextualize your subject matter. You can briefly touch on its history, why it's relevant, or its implications. Using our recycling example, you might mention when the concept of recycling was introduced and its significance in environmental conservation. 

Finally,  finish your informative essay introduction paragraph with your thesis statement. Simply state what you will talk about in your piece. Using the recycling topic, your thesis might be: 

This essay will explore the different types of recycling processes, their effectiveness, and their impact on the environment.

Let’s see how to put all these guidelines into practice. 

Informative Essay Introduction Example

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, impacting many aspects of our lives. A key area where this change is apparent is education. In the past, classrooms were defined by physical boundaries and face-to-face interaction. Today, however, the landscape of education is increasingly blending with technology. In fact, it's estimated that about 95% of classrooms now have access to computers, a far cry from a few decades ago. In the context of this technological evolution, it's important to understand how the integration of technology is reshaping the way we teach and learn. In this essay, we will explore the various ways technology is changing the face of education, from the rise of online learning and digital literacy to the use of augmented reality in classrooms. We'll also discuss the challenges these changes present and how educators can navigate them to enhance education. 

>> Learn more: How to Start an Introduction for an Essay

How to Write an Informative Essay Body Paragraphs?

A body section is where you demonstrate all your research and provide your readers with the information you've promised in your thesis statement. Generally, you will need to come up with 3 distinct points and cover them in each body paragraph. You can extend your paper to more paragraphs if there is a lot to say about your subject. 

As a rule, the body paragraphs of an informative essay should include these parts: 

  • The main aspect – your topic sentence
  • Supporting details – your research and facts
  • A closing line that wraps up your point or smoothly transitions to the next paragraph.

Always make sure your information is clear and your points are well organized. You want your reader to easily follow your line of thought. Use simple, straightforward language to explain complex ideas or concepts.

Informative Essay Body Paragraph Example  

One significant way technology has transformed education is through the advent of online learning platforms. These platforms have expanded the boundaries of education beyond the traditional classroom. Students from all over the world can now access courses offered by prestigious universities, right from the comfort of their homes. Websites like Coursera host thousands of courses across a wide range of subjects. This widespread availability of knowledge has democratized education to a great extent. No longer are learning opportunities restricted by geography or socio-economic status. Indeed, with a stable Internet connection and a willingness to learn, anyone can pursue a course in a field of their interest. This shift towards digital learning is one of the most profound changes brought about by the integration of technology in education.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Informative Essay?

We are approaching the finish line and it’s time to learn how to end an informative essay and make it memorable.

A useful approach is to round out your critical  points. But avoid simply repeating them. Aim to synthesize information, showing your reader how the pieces fit together to build a clear picture. 

Then, revisit your thesis statement. Has your essay successfully conveyed the information you intended? If so, rephrase your thesis statement in a way that shows its significance. 

Finally, close out your essay with a statement that leaves your reader with something to think about. It is a good idea to finish your informative essay with an implication, forecast or a final thought. 

Example of an Informative Essay Conclusion Paragraph  

It is clear that technology has impacted education, drastically transforming its landscape. From online learning platforms broadening access to education, to digital literacy becoming a vital skill in today's world, the intersection of technology and education is rich. This exploration of the topic has demonstrated how the classroom's physical boundaries have extended into the digital realm, opening up opportunities for learning beyond what was previously imaginable. The integration  of technology, as we've discussed, isn't without its challenges. However, the benefits it brings, like making education more accessible and fostering digital citizenship, are significant strides towards a future-ready society. The ongoing evolution of this relationship invites further study, promising many more enlightening revelations.

7. Revise and Edit 

When you're satisfied  with the organization and content of your essay, it's time to add the final touches. Essay revision is a crucial step in the writing process since it helps ensure that you've created an informative and accurate piece of work.

To make sure that your informational essay is error-free, read through the text several times and pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure you’ve applied the right style, and that citations are properly formatted. Also, check if your sources are credible and are correctly referenced in your paper.

Informative Essay Format 

It is time to say several words about the format of an informative essay. Most instructions will have this point among the rest, so do not overlook these requirements. When formatting your writing, you will deal with 2 essential aspects:

  • Direct/indirect in-text citations inserted in the body text
  • List of references, which appears at the end of the informative essay after the concluding paragraph.

The format of each citation varies depending on the paper style you are using. Most likely you will apply one of these popular formats:

  • APA style format
  • Chicago style .

Informative Essay Examples

One more thing that a student might lack after reading the article is a decent informative essay example. Fortunately, we have rendered some good sample informative essay examples that you may use as a template.


Informative Essay Writing Checklist 

As a writer, your role is much like that of a tour guide, leading your readers through the landscape of your chosen subject. Your ultimate goal is to ensure your audience finishes the tour more knowledgeable than when they started. Use this handy checklist and tips on how to write a good informative essay to compose your own piece.

  • checkbox I gathered sufficient information about my subject from reliable sources.
  • checkbox I brainstormed and organized my thoughts in an outline.
  • checkbox My informative essay is written following the structure I've set up.
  • checkbox The introductory paragraph contains background information and ends with a thesis statement.
  • checkbox I did fact-checking to offer accurate details.
  • checkbox My essay educates the audience and doesn’t try to persuade or support any viewpoint.
  • checkbox I cited all sources and formatted quotations properly.

Bottom Line on How to Write an Informative Essay

Now that you have a full grasp of how to write an informative essay, all that's left to do is sit down and start creating your own paper. Remember to be unbiased and carefully plan each section. Above all, strive to enlighten your readers with valuable insights, helping them sharpen their knowledge.


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FAQ About Informative Essays

1. what is the main purpose in writing an informative essay.

The main purpose of writing an informative essay is to educate and provide information. Writer's task is to present facts, details, and explanations about a subject without convincing the audience.

2. How to start an informative essay?

To start an informative essay, you can begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that creates context and engages the reader's interest. You can use a relevant anecdote or a shocking fact to make your opening section intriguing. Then, introduce your topic and provide a brief thesis statement communicating your main focus.

3. How many paragraphs are there in an informative essay?

The number of paragraphs in an informative essay can vary depending on the essay length and its complexity. However, a typical informative essay includes 5 paragraphs. You can always adjust the number of sections based on how much you want to tell.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Stick to the chosen format and use the corresponding manual for specific  guidelines.

Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

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How to Write a Rough Draft

Last Updated: February 6, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Michelle Golden, PhD . Michelle Golden is an English teacher in Athens, Georgia. She received her MA in Language Arts Teacher Education in 2008 and received her PhD in English from Georgia State University in 2015. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 300,964 times.

Writing a rough draft is an essential part of the writing process, an opportunity to get your initial ideas and thoughts down on paper. It might be difficult to dive right into a rough draft of an essay or a creative piece, such as a novel or a short story. You should start by brainstorming ideas for the draft to get your creative juices flowing and take the time to outline your draft. You will then be better prepared to sit down and write your rough draft.

Brainstorming Ideas for the Draft

Step 1 Do a freewrite...

  • Freewrites often work best if you give yourself a time limit, such as five minutes or ten minutes. You should then try to not take your pen off the page as you write so you are forced to keep writing about the subject or topic for the set period of time.
  • For example, if you were writing an essay about the death penalty, you may use the prompt: “What are the possible issues or problems with the death penalty?” and write about it freely for ten minutes.
  • Often, freewrites are also a good way to generate content that you can use later in your rough draft. You may surprised at what you realize as you write freely about the topic.

Step 2 Make a cluster map about the topic or subject.

  • To use the clustering method, you will place a word that describes your topic or subject in the center of your paper. You will then write keywords and thoughts around the center word. Circle the center word and draw lines away from the center to other keywords and ideas. Then, circle each word as you group them around the central word.
  • For example, if you were trying to write a short story around a theme like “anger”, you will write “anger” in the middle of the page. You may then write keywords around “anger”, like “volcano”, “heat”, “my mother”, and “rage”.

Step 3 Read writing about the topic or subject.

  • If you are writing a creative piece, you may look for texts written about a certain idea or theme that you want to explore in your own writing. You could look up texts by subject matter and read through several texts to get ideas for your story.
  • You might have favorite writers that you return to often for inspiration or search for new writers who are doing interesting things with the topic. You could then borrow elements of the writer’s approach and use it in your own rough draft.
  • You can find additional resources and texts online and at your local library. Speak to the reference librarian at your local library for more information on resources and texts.

Outlining Your Draft

Step 1 Make a plot outline

  • You may use the snowflake method to create the plot outline. In this method, you will write a one line summary of your story, followed by a one paragraph summary, and then character synopses. You will also create a spreadsheet of scenes.
  • Alternatively, you can use a plot diagram. In this method, you will have six sections: the set up, the inciting incident, the rising action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution.
  • No matter which option you chose, you should make sure your outline contains at least the inciting incident, the climax, and the resolution. Having these three elements set in your mind will make writing your rough draft much easier.

Step 2 Try the three act structure.

  • Act 1: In Act 1, your protagonist meets the other characters in the story. The central conflict of the story is also revealed. Your protagonist should also have a specific goal that will cause them to make a decision. For example, in Act 1, you may have your main character get bitten by a vampire after a one night stand. She may then go into hiding once she discovers she has become a vampire.
  • Act 2: In Act 2, you introduce a complication that makes the central conflict even more of an issue. The complication can also make it more difficult for your protagonist to achieve their goal. For example, in Act 2, you may have your main character realize she has a wedding to go to next week for her best friend, despite the fact she has now become a vampire. The best friend may also call to confirm she is coming, making it more difficult for your protagonist to stay in hiding.
  • Act 3: In Act 3, you present a resolution to the central conflict of the story. The resolution may have your protagonist achieve their goal or fail to achieve their goal. For example, in Act 3, you may have your protagonist show up to the wedding and try to pretend to not be a vampire. The best friend may then find out and accept your protagonist anyway. You may end your story by having your protagonist bite the groom, turning him into her vampire lover.

Step 3 Create an essay outline.

  • Section 1: Introduction, including a hook opening line, a thesis statement , and three main discussion points. Most academic essays contain at least three key discussion points.
  • Section 2: Body paragraphs, including a discussion of your three main points. You should also have supporting evidence for each main point, from outside sources and your own perspective.
  • Section 3: Conclusion, including a summary of your three main points, a restatement of your thesis, and concluding statements or thoughts.

Step 4 Have a thesis statement.

  • For example, maybe you are creating a rough draft for a paper on gluten-intolerance. A weak thesis statement for this paper would be, “There are some positives and negatives to gluten, and some people develop gluten-intolerance.” This thesis statement is vague and does not assert an argument for the paper.
  • A stronger thesis statement for the paper would be, “Due to the use of GMO wheat in food sold in North America, a rising number of Americans are experiencing gluten-intolerance and gluten-related issues.” This thesis statement is specific and presents an argument that will be discussed in the paper.

Step 5 Include a list of sources.

  • Your professor or teacher may require you to create a bibliography using MLA style or APA style. You will need to organize your sources based on either style.

Writing the Rough Draft

Step 1 Find a quiet, focused environment for writing.

  • You may also make sure the room is set to an ideal temperature for sitting down and writing. You may also put on some classical or jazz music in the background to set the scene and bring a snack to your writing area so you have something to munch on as you write.

Step 2 Start in the middle.

  • You may also write the ending of the essay or story before you write the beginning. Many writing guides advise writing your introductory paragraph last, as you will then be able to create a great introduction based on the piece as a whole.

Step 3 Do not worry about making mistakes.

  • You should also try not to read over what you are writing as you get into the flow. Do not examine every word before moving on to the next word or edit as you go. Instead, focus on moving forward with the rough draft and getting your ideas down on the page.

Step 4 Use the active voice.

  • For example, rather than write, “It was decided by my mother that I would learn violin when I was two,” go for the active voice by placing the subject of the sentence in front of the verb, “My mother decided I would learn violin when I turned two.”
  • You should also avoid using the verb “to be” in your writing, as this is often a sign of passive voice. Removing “to be” and focusing on the active voice will ensure your writing is clear and effective.

Step 5 Refer to your outline when you get stuck.

  • You may also review the brainstorming materials you created before you sat down to write, such as your clustering exercise or your freewrite. Reviewing these materials could help to guide you as you write and help you focus on finishing the rough draft.
  • You may want to take breaks if you find you are getting writer’s block. Going for a walk, taking a nap, or even doing the dishes can help you focus on something else and give your brain a rest. You can then start writing again with a fresh approach after your break.

Step 6 Read over your rough draft and revise it.

  • You should also read the rough draft out loud to yourself. Listen for any sentences that sound unclear or confusing. Highlight or underline them so you know they need to be revised. Do not be afraid to revise whole sections or lines of the rough draft. It is a draft, after all, and will only improve with revision.
  • You can also read the rough draft out loud to someone else. Be willing to accept feedback and constructive criticism on the draft from the person. Getting a different perspective on your writing will often make it that much better.

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About This Article

Michelle Golden, PhD

To write a rough draft, don't worry if you make minor mistakes or write sentences that aren't perfect. You can revise them later! Also, try not to read over what you're writing as you go, which will slow you down and mess up your flow. Instead, focus on getting all of your thoughts and ideas down on paper, even if you're not sure you'll keep them in the final draft. If you get stuck, refer to your outline or sources to help you come up with new ideas. For tips on brainstorming and outlining for a rough draft, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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8.3 Drafting

Learning objectives.

  • Identify drafting strategies that improve writing.
  • Use drafting strategies to prepare the first draft of an essay.

Drafting is the stage of the writing process in which you develop a complete first version of a piece of writing.

Even professional writers admit that an empty page scares them because they feel they need to come up with something fresh and original every time they open a blank document on their computers. Because you have completed the first two steps in the writing process, you have already recovered from empty page syndrome. You have hours of prewriting and planning already done. You know what will go on that blank page: what you wrote in your outline.

Getting Started: Strategies For Drafting

Your objective for this portion of Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” is to draft the body paragraphs of a standard five-paragraph essay. A five-paragraph essay contains an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. If you are more comfortable starting on paper than on the computer, you can start on paper and then type it before you revise. You can also use a voice recorder to get yourself started, dictating a paragraph or two to get you thinking. In this lesson, Mariah does all her work on the computer, but you may use pen and paper or the computer to write a rough draft.

Making the Writing Process Work for You

What makes the writing process so beneficial to writers is that it encourages alternatives to standard practices while motivating you to develop your best ideas. For instance, the following approaches, done alone or in combination with others, may improve your writing and help you move forward in the writing process:

  • Begin writing with the part you know the most about. You can start with the third paragraph in your outline if ideas come easily to mind. You can start with the second paragraph or the first paragraph, too. Although paragraphs may vary in length, keep in mind that short paragraphs may contain insufficient support. Readers may also think the writing is abrupt. Long paragraphs may be wordy and may lose your reader’s interest. As a guideline, try to write paragraphs longer than one sentence but shorter than the length of an entire double-spaced page.
  • Write one paragraph at a time and then stop. As long as you complete the assignment on time, you may choose how many paragraphs you complete in one sitting. Pace yourself. On the other hand, try not to procrastinate. Writers should always meet their deadlines.
  • Take short breaks to refresh your mind. This tip might be most useful if you are writing a multipage report or essay. Still, if you are antsy or cannot concentrate, take a break to let your mind rest. But do not let breaks extend too long. If you spend too much time away from your essay, you may have trouble starting again. You may forget key points or lose momentum. Try setting an alarm to limit your break, and when the time is up, return to your desk to write.
  • Be reasonable with your goals. If you decide to take ten-minute breaks, try to stick to that goal. If you told yourself that you need more facts, then commit to finding them. Holding yourself to your own goals will create successful writing assignments.
  • Keep your audience and purpose in mind as you write. These aspects of writing are just as important when you are writing a single paragraph for your essay as when you are considering the direction of the entire essay.

Of all of these considerations, keeping your purpose and your audience at the front of your mind is the most important key to writing success. If your purpose is to persuade, for example, you will present your facts and details in the most logical and convincing way you can.

Your purpose will guide your mind as you compose your sentences. Your audience will guide word choice. Are you writing for experts, for a general audience, for other college students, or for people who know very little about your topic? Keep asking yourself what your readers, with their background and experience, need to be told in order to understand your ideas. How can you best express your ideas so they are totally clear and your communication is effective?

You may want to identify your purpose and audience on an index card that you clip to your paper (or keep next to your computer). On that card, you may want to write notes to yourself—perhaps about what that audience might not know or what it needs to know—so that you will be sure to address those issues when you write. It may be a good idea to also state exactly what you want to explain to that audience, or to inform them of, or to persuade them about.

Writing at Work

Many of the documents you produce at work target a particular audience for a particular purpose. You may find that it is highly advantageous to know as much as you can about your target audience and to prepare your message to reach that audience, even if the audience is a coworker or your boss. Menu language is a common example. Descriptions like “organic romaine” and “free-range chicken” are intended to appeal to a certain type of customer though perhaps not to the same customer who craves a thick steak. Similarly, mail-order companies research the demographics of the people who buy their merchandise. Successful vendors customize product descriptions in catalogs to appeal to their buyers’ tastes. For example, the product descriptions in a skateboarder catalog will differ from the descriptions in a clothing catalog for mature adults.

Using the topic for the essay that you outlined in Section 8.2 “Outlining” , describe your purpose and your audience as specifically as you can. Use your own sheet of paper to record your responses. Then keep these responses near you during future stages of the writing process.

My purpose: ____________________________________________


My audience: ____________________________________________

Setting Goals for Your First Draft

A draft is a complete version of a piece of writing, but it is not the final version. The step in the writing process after drafting, as you may remember, is revising. During revising, you will have the opportunity to make changes to your first draft before you put the finishing touches on it during the editing and proofreading stage. A first draft gives you a working version that you can later improve.

Workplace writing in certain environments is done by teams of writers who collaborate on the planning, writing, and revising of documents, such as long reports, technical manuals, and the results of scientific research. Collaborators do not need to be in the same room, the same building, or even the same city. Many collaborations are conducted over the Internet.

In a perfect collaboration, each contributor has the right to add, edit, and delete text. Strong communication skills, in addition to strong writing skills, are important in this kind of writing situation because disagreements over style, content, process, emphasis, and other issues may arise.

The collaborative software, or document management systems, that groups use to work on common projects is sometimes called groupware or workgroup support systems.

The reviewing tool on some word-processing programs also gives you access to a collaborative tool that many smaller workgroups use when they exchange documents. You can also use it to leave comments to yourself.

If you invest some time now to investigate how the reviewing tool in your word processor works, you will be able to use it with confidence during the revision stage of the writing process. Then, when you start to revise, set your reviewing tool to track any changes you make, so you will be able to tinker with text and commit only those final changes you want to keep.

Discovering the Basic Elements of a First Draft

If you have been using the information in this chapter step by step to help you develop an assignment, you already have both a formal topic outline and a formal sentence outline to direct your writing. Knowing what a first draft looks like will help you make the creative leap from the outline to the first draft. A first draft should include the following elements:

  • An introduction that piques the audience’s interest, tells what the essay is about, and motivates readers to keep reading.
  • A thesis statement that presents the main point, or controlling idea, of the entire piece of writing.
  • A topic sentence in each paragraph that states the main idea of the paragraph and implies how that main idea connects to the thesis statement.
  • Supporting sentences in each paragraph that develop or explain the topic sentence. These can be specific facts, examples, anecdotes, or other details that elaborate on the topic sentence.
  • A conclusion that reinforces the thesis statement and leaves the audience with a feeling of completion.

These elements follow the standard five-paragraph essay format, which you probably first encountered in high school. This basic format is valid for most essays you will write in college, even much longer ones. For now, however, Mariah focuses on writing the three body paragraphs from her outline. Chapter 9 “Writing Essays: From Start to Finish” covers writing introductions and conclusions, and you will read Mariah’s introduction and conclusion in Chapter 9 “Writing Essays: From Start to Finish” .

The Role of Topic Sentences

Topic sentences make the structure of a text and the writer’s basic arguments easy to locate and comprehend. In college writing, using a topic sentence in each paragraph of the essay is the standard rule. However, the topic sentence does not always have to be the first sentence in your paragraph even if it the first item in your formal outline.

When you begin to draft your paragraphs, you should follow your outline fairly closely. After all, you spent valuable time developing those ideas. However, as you begin to express your ideas in complete sentences, it might strike you that the topic sentence might work better at the end of the paragraph or in the middle. Try it. Writing a draft, by its nature, is a good time for experimentation.

The topic sentence can be the first, middle, or final sentence in a paragraph. The assignment’s audience and purpose will often determine where a topic sentence belongs. When the purpose of the assignment is to persuade, for example, the topic sentence should be the first sentence in a paragraph. In a persuasive essay, the writer’s point of view should be clearly expressed at the beginning of each paragraph.

Choosing where to position the topic sentence depends not only on your audience and purpose but also on the essay’s arrangement, or order. When you organize information according to order of importance, the topic sentence may be the final sentence in a paragraph. All the supporting sentences build up to the topic sentence. Chronological order may also position the topic sentence as the final sentence because the controlling idea of the paragraph may make the most sense at the end of a sequence.

When you organize information according to spatial order, a topic sentence may appear as the middle sentence in a paragraph. An essay arranged by spatial order often contains paragraphs that begin with descriptions. A reader may first need a visual in his or her mind before understanding the development of the paragraph. When the topic sentence is in the middle, it unites the details that come before it with the ones that come after it.

As you read critically throughout the writing process, keep topic sentences in mind. You may discover topic sentences that are not always located at the beginning of a paragraph. For example, fiction writers customarily use topic ideas, either expressed or implied, to move readers through their texts. In nonfiction writing, such as popular magazines, topic sentences are often used when the author thinks it is appropriate (based on the audience and the purpose, of course). A single topic sentence might even control the development of a number of paragraphs. For more information on topic sentences, please see Chapter 6 “Writing Paragraphs: Separating Ideas and Shaping Content” .

Developing topic sentences and thinking about their placement in a paragraph will prepare you to write the rest of the paragraph.

The paragraph is the main structural component of an essay as well as other forms of writing. Each paragraph of an essay adds another related main idea to support the writer’s thesis, or controlling idea. Each related main idea is supported and developed with facts, examples, and other details that explain it. By exploring and refining one main idea at a time, writers build a strong case for their thesis.

Paragraph Length

How long should a paragraph be?

One answer to this important question may be “long enough”—long enough for you to address your points and explain your main idea. To grab attention or to present succinct supporting ideas, a paragraph can be fairly short and consist of two to three sentences. A paragraph in a complex essay about some abstract point in philosophy or archaeology can be three-quarters of a page or more in length. As long as the writer maintains close focus on the topic and does not ramble, a long paragraph is acceptable in college-level writing. In general, try to keep the paragraphs longer than one sentence but shorter than one full page of double-spaced text.

Journalistic style often calls for brief two- or three-sentence paragraphs because of how people read the news, both online and in print. Blogs and other online information sources often adopt this paragraphing style, too. Readers often skim the first paragraphs of a great many articles before settling on the handful of stories they want to read in detail.

You may find that a particular paragraph you write may be longer than one that will hold your audience’s interest. In such cases, you should divide the paragraph into two or more shorter paragraphs, adding a topic statement or some kind of transitional word or phrase at the start of the new paragraph. Transition words or phrases show the connection between the two ideas.

In all cases, however, be guided by what you instructor wants and expects to find in your draft. Many instructors will expect you to develop a mature college-level style as you progress through the semester’s assignments.

To build your sense of appropriate paragraph length, use the Internet to find examples of the following items. Copy them into a file, identify your sources, and present them to your instructor with your annotations, or notes.

  • A news article written in short paragraphs. Take notes on, or annotate, your selection with your observations about the effect of combining paragraphs that develop the same topic idea. Explain how effective those paragraphs would be.
  • A long paragraph from a scholarly work that you identify through an academic search engine. Annotate it with your observations about the author’s paragraphing style.

Starting Your First Draft

Now we are finally ready to look over Mariah’s shoulder as she begins to write her essay about digital technology and the confusing choices that consumers face. As she does, you should have in front of you your outline, with its thesis statement and topic sentences, and the notes you wrote earlier in this lesson on your purpose and audience. Reviewing these will put both you and Mariah in the proper mind-set to start.

The following is Mariah’s thesis statement.

Everyone wants the newest and the best digital technology ,but the choices are many, and the specifications are often confusing

Here are the notes that Mariah wrote to herself to characterize her purpose and audience.

Mariah's notes to herself

Mariah chose to begin by writing a quick introduction based on her thesis statement. She knew that she would want to improve her introduction significantly when she revised. Right now, she just wanted to give herself a starting point. You will read her introduction again in Section 8.4 “Revising and Editing” when she revises it.

Remember Mariah’s other options. She could have started directly with any of the body paragraphs.

You will learn more about writing attention-getting introductions and effective conclusions in Chapter 9 “Writing Essays: From Start to Finish” .

With her thesis statement and her purpose and audience notes in front of her, Mariah then looked at her sentence outline. She chose to use that outline because it includes the topic sentences. The following is the portion of her outline for the first body paragraph. The roman numeral II identifies the topic sentence for the paragraph, capital letters indicate supporting details, and arabic numerals label subpoints.

The roman numeral II identifies the topic sentence for the paragraph, capital letters indicate supporting details, and arabic numerals label subpoints.

Mariah then began to expand the ideas in her outline into a paragraph. Notice how the outline helped her guarantee that all her sentences in the body of the paragraph develop the topic sentence.

Outlines help guarantee that all sentences in the body of the paragraph develop the topic sentence.

If you write your first draft on the computer, consider creating a new file folder for each course with a set of subfolders inside the course folders for each assignment you are given. Label the folders clearly with the course names, and label each assignment folder and word processing document with a title that you will easily recognize. The assignment name is a good choice for the document. Then use that subfolder to store all the drafts you create. When you start each new draft, do not just write over the last one. Instead, save the draft with a new tag after the title—draft 1, draft 2, and so on—so that you will have a complete history of drafts in case your instructor wishes you to submit them.

In your documents, observe any formatting requirements—for margins, headers, placement of page numbers, and other layout matters—that your instructor requires.

Study how Mariah made the transition from her sentence outline to her first draft. First, copy her outline onto your own sheet of paper. Leave a few spaces between each part of the outline. Then copy sentences from Mariah’s paragraph to align each sentence with its corresponding entry in her outline.

Continuing the First Draft

Mariah continued writing her essay, moving to the second and third body paragraphs. She had supporting details but no numbered subpoints in her outline, so she had to consult her prewriting notes for specific information to include.

If you decide to take a break between finishing your first body paragraph and starting the next one, do not start writing immediately when you return to your work. Put yourself back in context and in the mood by rereading what you have already written. This is what Mariah did. If she had stopped writing in the middle of writing the paragraph, she could have jotted down some quick notes to herself about what she would write next.

Preceding each body paragraph that Mariah wrote is the appropriate section of her sentence outline. Notice how she expanded roman numeral III from her outline into a first draft of the second body paragraph. As you read, ask yourself how closely she stayed on purpose and how well she paid attention to the needs of her audience.

Outline excerpt

Mariah then began her third and final body paragraph using roman numeral IV from her outline.

Outline excerpt

Reread body paragraphs two and three of the essay that Mariah is writing. Then answer the questions on your own sheet of paper.

  • In body paragraph two, Mariah decided to develop her paragraph as a nonfiction narrative. Do you agree with her decision? Explain. How else could she have chosen to develop the paragraph? Why is that better?
  • Compare the writing styles of paragraphs two and three. What evidence do you have that Mariah was getting tired or running out of steam? What advice would you give her? Why?
  • Choose one of these two body paragraphs. Write a version of your own that you think better fits Mariah’s audience and purpose.

Writing a Title

A writer’s best choice for a title is one that alludes to the main point of the entire essay. Like the headline in a newspaper or the big, bold title in a magazine, an essay’s title gives the audience a first peek at the content. If readers like the title, they are likely to keep reading.

Following her outline carefully, Mariah crafted each paragraph of her essay. Moving step by step in the writing process, Mariah finished the draft and even included a brief concluding paragraph (you will read her conclusion in Chapter 9 “Writing Essays: From Start to Finish” ). She then decided, as the final touch for her writing session, to add an engaging title.

Thesis Statement: Everyone wants the newest and the best digital technology, but the choices are many, and the specifications are often confusing. Working Title: Digital Technology: The Newest and the Best at What Price?

Writing Your Own First Draft

Now you may begin your own first draft, if you have not already done so. Follow the suggestions and the guidelines presented in this section.

Key Takeaways

  • Make the writing process work for you. Use any and all of the strategies that help you move forward in the writing process.
  • Always be aware of your purpose for writing and the needs of your audience. Cater to those needs in every sensible way.
  • Remember to include all the key structural parts of an essay: a thesis statement that is part of your introductory paragraph, three or more body paragraphs as described in your outline, and a concluding paragraph. Then add an engaging title to draw in readers.
  • Write paragraphs of an appropriate length for your writing assignment. Paragraphs in college-level writing can be a page long, as long as they cover the main topics in your outline.
  • Use your topic outline or your sentence outline to guide the development of your paragraphs and the elaboration of your ideas. Each main idea, indicated by a roman numeral in your outline, becomes the topic of a new paragraph. Develop it with the supporting details and the subpoints of those details that you included in your outline.
  • Generally speaking, write your introduction and conclusion last, after you have fleshed out the body paragraphs.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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14 Do's and Don'ts When Writing an Informative Essay

##14 Do’s and Don’ts for When Writing an Informative Essay

Writing a high-quality informative essay can be straightforward when you know what to do and what to avoid in your process.

Wondering what to do and what to avoid in your informative essay-writing process? When writing one, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts.

Keep reading to learn more!

Here is our list of do’s for when writing an informative essay:

Research the Topic Thoroughly

Search for related topics on Google Scholar . This can help you find additional sources and articles to gain more information from. Also, you can use the search engine to give you the keywords you need for your paper.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the whole research process. However, it is important to remember that you are not expected to read everything you find. Instead, use the keywords that you find in Google Scholar to help you narrow down your search for information.

You should only spend a little bit of time reading articles on subjects that are relevant to your topic. This will help you save time and improve your writing since you are providing relevant information to your readers.

Brainstorm Ideas for Your Informative Essay

Brainstorming is an essential part of the writing process. It can help you generate ideas and discover a topic that interests you. It can also help you plan your ideas and organize your essay. Many students need help with knowing where to start when writing an essay. Brainstorming can help you get started.

Brainstorming can help you:

Discover a topic that interests you Plan your ideas and organize your essay Organize your ideas and research Get started writing your essay

Brainstorming can help you plan and organize your essay, but it's just one part of the writing process. It should not replace other important writing steps such as pre-writing, drafting, and editing

Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas

The best way to organize ideas is to write them down. You can write them in a journal or use a word processing program. Using a word processing program, you can use the outlining feature to organize your thoughts. Outlines are a great way to organize your ideas. Outlines can be used in a variety of ways. For example, some people use them to write essays and reports.

Others use them to plan speeches or presentations. No matter how you use an outline, it will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Outlining is a great way to start writing. It helps you think about your topic and write your thoughts down. Once you have an outline, you can start writing.

You can start by writing the introduction and filling in each point from your outline. This will help you write a strong paper that is organized and coherent. Outlining is a great way if you want to write an organized paper.

Select a Focus and Make a Thesis Statement

Allowing yourself a thesis statement can help when it comes to writing. Whether it's a 1,000-word essay or a 100-word paragraph, it makes the writing process easier. However, writing 1,000 words without a thesis statement can be daunting, so it's best to start by making one.

Having a thesis statement lets you narrow down the topic and write about it more easily. You'll be able to connect your ideas and tell your reader what you want to say. Start with a thesis statement to make writing a seamless process.

Include Relevant Facts and Data

What is the context of the writing? What is the author trying to convey and why? What is the purpose of the text, and what is the author's intention? Before evaluating the content, dig a little to understand the background.

Ask yourself: Is the text written for a specific publication? Is it a college writing assignment? Is it an online tutorial? How is the author trying to engage the reader? What is the author's purpose? What kind of audience is the author trying to reach? The more you know about the text itself, the easier it will be to understand what is being said and how the author is saying it.

Support Your Arguments with Evidence

It’s easy to get caught up in what you’re trying to say and forget to back it up with evidence. Writing is an act of communication, and to be truly effective, you need to make sure your audience understands where you are coming from and why you are making the points you are.

Citing evidence is important for a few reasons. First of all, it demonstrates that you understand the context of your argument and are capable of keeping your perspective in mind as you dive into the details. Secondly, citing evidence shows your audience how you came to that conclusion and gives them a path to follow if they want to come to the same conclusion themselves.

Finally, citing evidence shows your audience that you are not afraid to admit your sources and creates a sense of trust that you are presenting what you know to be true rather than making unfounded assumptions.

Use a Logical Structure

A logical structure starts with fundamental concepts and builds toward more complex ideas. This is the most important thing to consider when creating a logical structure for your essay. The first sentence of an essay should always provide the reader with the most essential information to help them understand the rest of the essay.

This sentence should provide the reader with the main idea and help them understand the structure of the essay. It should lead into the next paragraph, further elaborating on the main idea. Stay consistent with your main idea, and don’t go off on tangents.

An effective essay has a logical structure, meaning it starts with the most important information and builds upon it with each subsequent paragraph. A logical structure can be achieved in many ways, but the most important thing is to stay consistent with your main idea.

Don’t go off on tangents or try to include too much information. A logical structure will help you convey your main idea clearly and concisely to your audience.

Use Simple and Clear Language

The best writing is clear and concise. Readers don’t want to be confused, and they certainly don’t want to re-read paragraphs or sentences to understand your message. So, use simple and clear language. The best way to do this is to avoid using big words when small ones will do, and to keep your sentences short and to the point.

Writing that’s complex or difficult to read can often be simplified, so never fear doing that. Instead, you’ll end up with writing that is clear and easy to understand, which is exactly what your readers want.

Use a Variety of Sentence Structures

This means using the correct punctuation. For example, if you are making a statement, use a period to finish it. Do not use a question mark. This is incorrect punctuation. When asking a question, use a question mark at the end of your sentence. It is important to use the correct punctuation as it is an important part of writing.

Cite Your Sources Properly

If we are not certain of the credibility of a source, we should not use it. It is a common mistake for students to cite dubious sources when they are unsure if the source is credible. This can result in a plagiarized paper with references that do not support the author’s observations or opinions. Checking the source’s credibility prevents such situations from happening.

In addition, the student should always ensure that the source they use is relevant to the topic. This can prevent unnecessary repetition of information, which can be a telltale sign of plagiarism. Furthermore, it helps us to stay focused on the essence of the topic and present our ideas more creatively and innovatively.

Check Your Work for Accuracy

Many teachers primarily focus on the content of a student’s writing, particularly when it comes to essay writing. An essay’s content is the most important, and it’s the hardest thing to master. It’s easier to work on your grammar skills and ensure your writing is error-free.

That way, you’ll be well prepared to write an essay that will get you the desired results with the least amount of stress. It’s a good idea to focus on what’s important and ensure your content is interesting, engaging, and informative before worrying about grammar and spelling.

Proofread and Edit Your Informative Essay

The combination of writing an essay and balancing a hectic schedule can be quite overwhelming. Mistakes like grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors are bound to happen. Proofreading and editing your essay is a great way to go about it.

You can use Rephrasely’s Grammar Corrector, a free online tool that helps in identifying grammatical errors and helps in fixing them. Once you're done with your draft, you can use the tool to proofread your essay.

Ask Someone Else to Review Your Informative Essay

It means that your writing is so off-base that you can’t even convince a stranger that your writing is good. That’s a problem. It could be that your writing is just plain bad, or it could be that you’ve been so consumed by your ideas that you can’t even see them objectively.

This is a clear sign that you need to get someone else to review your writing. Either that, or you need to take a break, walk away from your writing for a bit, and come back to it with a fresh mind.

Revise and Refine Your Informative Essay

Student writing can be hard to come to terms with because it’s not always clear exactly what the teacher is looking for. “Revise and refine” can be tricky because it’s hard to know where to start. Is it a case of just putting some ‘revise and refine’ at the top and hoping for the best? Well, sort of.

It’s hard to know exactly what your teachers are looking for, so it’s always best to start with a rough draft of your essay and then revise and refine it from there. Revising and refining your writing can be just as important as the initial draft, so make sure your essay is well-structured, well-researched, and well-written.

Here is our list of don’ts for writing an informative essay:

Don't Copy and Paste from Other Sources

While students may not have the essay writing skills to create a compelling argument, they can at least give themselves a fighting chance by avoiding plagiarism . By not copying and pasting content from other sources, students can at least be confident that the content they are presenting is original and accurate.

Some students may have the misconception that using other content is fine as long as they cite it, but they must remember that they are risking their academic standing by doing so.

Don't Use Biased Language

If you are writing a research paper, ensure that the material you are using is cited properly. This includes the titles, the authors, and the publishers. If you do not do this, you are guilty of plagiarism. Therefore, make sure that you are properly citing your sources so that you can avoid being accused of plagiarism.

When you are not properly citing your sources, you steal someone else’s work. When you are accused of plagiarism, you are accused of stealing someone else’s work.

Don't Make Baseless Claims

One of my biggest pet peeves is when students make claims that aren’t backed up by facts. For example, if a student were to write, “The Beatles were the most influential band of all time,” but didn’t offer any evidence to support this claim, it would leave the reader wondering if this statement is true or just an opinion.

As a writer, it’s important to back up your claims with examples, statistics, or any other evidence proving your point. By doing this, you’re ensuring that your argument is sound and well-supported, which will help your readers understand your point of view and make them more likely to agree with you.

Don't Use Jargon or Complex Terminology

Using jargon or complex terminology may make you seem authoritative, but can also make you seem inaccessible to the reader. If your writing is filled with unfamiliar terms that the average reader will not understand, they will be unable to follow your argument. Instead, consider the average reader and write in a style that is easy to understand and engaging.

Don't Use First-Person Pronouns

Many students have a habit of using first-person pronouns in their written assignments. For example, they will use ‘I,’ ‘me,’ ‘my,’ ‘mine,’ ‘myself’ or ‘our’, etc., in their written assignments so that it becomes distracting to the reader. It doesn’t look professional, and it is better to avoid it.

While you may want to use them, you should ask yourself, “is it important to know who is saying this?” If it isn’t, then don’t mention it. Just write your thoughts. It is much more professional and easier to follow if you do. It may take a while to get used to, but it is worth it!

Don't Exaggerate or Make Assumptions

Students should use evidence to support their arguments rather than exaggerating or making assumptions to get their point across. In the context of student writing, this means that students should provide concrete evidence for their arguments rather than just stating opinions.

For example, if a student is writing an essay about why the death penalty should be abolished, they shouldn't just state that it's immoral and unjust; they should provide specific examples and evidence to support their argument.

Don't Provide False Information

Writers should never include false information. Instead, they should write about their experiences in a way that is honest and engaging without exaggerating or including things that never happened. Never underestimate your reader and their ability to detect misinformation!

Don't Use Too Many Quotes

Quoting is a great way to show that expert opinions support your research and can also be a great way to add some personality to your writing. However, you want to make sure that you don't go overboard and quote too much. Otherwise, your writing can end up sounding dry and uninteresting, which is the opposite of what you're trying to achieve. So as with all things, moderation is key.

Don't Be Afraid to Be Opinionated

Students are often too afraid to be opinionated. They’re worried about coming across as too confident or even arrogant. When students are afraid to express their own opinions, their writing suffers. This is because they aren’t trying to engage with the text.

Instead, they’re simply regurgitating what the author has already said. When students are more willing to share their opinions, they have more to say about the text. This leads to more engaging writing, which is exactly what you want your writing to be. So, don’t be afraid to be opinionated! Be confident in your ideas and share them with the world.

Don't Forget to Include a Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of a student's essay. It summarizes what the writer said in the essay’s body, and gives the reader a sense of completeness and closure. Conclusions add to the essay's structure and organization. It also helps the reader remember what the writer said in the essay.

The conclusion should not be a summary of the body. Instead, it should be a new and original thought that ties together the main ideas of the body. A conclusion should also leave the reader with an understanding of how the writer's point of view affects their life.

The conclusion should be concise and to the point. It should be between one and three sentences long. It should avoid being overly long or overly complicated. The conclusion should also have a transition sentence leading to the essay's body.

Don't Ignore the Purpose of Your Informative Essay

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Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you're writing a paper with someone and you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help. Your partner might have a different perspective than you, and they can provide some insight that you haven't considered. Even if they can't help, they'll probably be glad to know they're not the only ones struggling!

Don't Forget to Check the Formatting Requirements

All academic papers are required to be formatted and structured in a particular way. It is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure your professor can easily read and assess your work. Furthermore, by taking the time and effort to format your papers properly, you will not only impress your professor but also improve your chances of receiving a good grade.

Not sure how to format your paper? Don't worry - plenty of resources online can help you get it right. A quick Google search will reveal many websites and apps showing you exactly how to format your paper in MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.

By taking the time to format and structure your paper properly, you will ensure that it is easy to read and understand, which will ultimately lead to better results.

Don't Wait Until the Last Minute to Write Your Informative Essay

Many students believe they can write a good essay only in the last minutes before the deadline. And they are right. If they don't take care to arrange their ideas and get the first draft done before the deadline, they will be writing from scratch at the last minute. It is better to dedicate time to writing the first draft of your essay and then go over it and edit it on time.

If you are stuck for ideas, try brainstorming or using some of the effective writing prompts available online. It helps to have a first draft ready before the deadline and then go over it for editing. This way, you save time on writing from scratch and can focus on perfecting your informative essay.

Final Thoughts

Following our list of do’s and don’ts for writing an informative essay will help you score top marks.

Here is our list of do’s for writing an informative essay:

Research the topic thoroughly Brainstorm ideas for your informative essay Organize your thoughts and ideas Select a focus and make a thesis statement Include relevant facts and data Support your arguments with evidence Use a logical structure Use simple and clear language Use a variety of sentence structures Cite your sources properly Check your work for accuracy Proofread and edit your informative essay Ask someone else to review your informative essay Revise and refine your informative essay

Don't copy and paste from other sources Don't use biased language Don't make baseless claims Don't use jargon or complex terminology Don't use first-person pronouns Don't exaggerate or make assumptions Don't provide false information Don't use too many quotes Don't be afraid to be opinionated Don't forget to include a conclusion Don't ignore the purpose of your informative essay Don't be afraid to ask for help Don't forget to check the formatting requirements Don't wait until the last minute to write your informative essay

We hope you’ve found our article helpful. Don’t forget to share it with a fellow student!

Works Cited: How to improve your writing. Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Google scholar. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from 20 important questions to consider when writing an essay. Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Google. (n.d.). My word! Google Books. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Step-by-step guide on how to write a well-structured and informative essay to grab readers’ attention and convey your message clearly and effectively.

How to write a informative essay

Have you ever found yourself struggling to convey a complex concept in a clear and concise manner? Crafting an informative essay requires finesse and meticulous attention to detail. This ultimate guide will equip you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your essay writing skills, ensuring your ideas are effectively communicated to your readers.

One of the key aspects of writing an informative essay is the ability to present information in a logical and coherent manner. By employing a structured approach, you can guide your readers through your essay, building connections and facilitating understanding. Additionally, using appropriate vocabulary and terminology will enhance the clarity of your writing, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

While it is essential to provide factual information, it is equally important to engage your readers and maintain their interest throughout your essay. Utilizing captivating anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, or impactful statistics can grab your readers’ attention and make your essay more compelling. Remember, the goal is not only to inform but also to engage and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Tips for Choosing a Topic for Your Informative Essay

When it comes to selecting a subject for your informative essay, it is crucial to consider a few key factors that can guide your decision-making process. By carefully choosing a topic that aligns with your interests and expertise, you can create a compelling and engaging essay that will captivate your readers.

First and foremost, think about your own passions and areas of knowledge. What subjects do you find most fascinating? Which topics are you well-versed in? By selecting a topic that resonates with you, you will be more motivated to conduct thorough research and present the information in an enthusiastic and knowledgeable manner.

Next, consider the target audience for your essay. Are you writing for a specific group of people, such as students, professionals, or a general audience? Tailoring your topic to suit the interests and needs of your readers can greatly enhance the impact of your essay.

Additionally, think about the current trends and issues in society. Is there a particular topic that is generating a lot of discussion and debate? Choosing a topic that is relevant and timely can make your essay more compelling and thought-provoking.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that your chosen topic is informative and can be thoroughly explored within the scope of your essay. Avoid topics that are too broad or vague, as this can result in a lack of focus and depth. Instead, narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or angle that you can delve into and analyze in detail.

Lastly, consider the availability of credible and reliable sources for your chosen topic. Conduct a preliminary search to determine if there is a sufficient amount of information available to support your essay. Having access to reputable sources will strengthen the credibility and validity of your arguments.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can choose a topic for your informative essay that will not only capture the interest of your readers but also allow you to showcase your expertise and passion for the subject matter.

Consider your audience and their interests

When writing an informative essay, it is important to take into consideration your audience and their interests. Understanding who will be reading your essay can help you tailor your content to better engage and inform your readers. By considering your audience, you can ensure that the information you provide is relevant and valuable to them.

One way to understand your audience is to consider their demographics and characteristics. This includes factors such as age, education level, and background knowledge on the topic. For example, if you are writing an informative essay on climate change for a college-level audience, you can assume that they have a certain level of understanding on the topic and can dive into more complex details.

Another important factor to consider is your audience’s interests and motivations. What topics are they passionate about? What issues do they care about? By addressing these interests and motivations in your essay, you can capture and maintain your readers’ attention. For instance, if your audience is environmentally conscious, focusing on the impact of climate change on the environment and potential solutions can be engaging and informative.

Furthermore, it is essential to use language that is appropriate for your audience. The tone and style of your writing should resonate with your readers, making the information more accessible and relatable. Consider using examples, analogies, and real-life stories to illustrate your points and make the content more engaging.

Lastly, it is imperative to keep in mind any potential biases or preconceptions your audience may have. Providing a balanced and objective view of the topic will help build trust and credibility with your readers. By addressing potential counterarguments or presenting different perspectives, you can present a well-rounded and informative essay.

In conclusion, considering your audience and their interests is crucial when writing an informative essay. By tailoring your content to their needs, you can effectively engage and inform your readers. Keep in mind their demographics, interests, and potential biases to deliver a well-rounded and impactful essay.

Brainstorm potential topics based on your knowledge and expertise

Coming up with a topic for your informative essay can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, you can make the process easier by tapping into your own knowledge and expertise. By brainstorming potential topics that you are knowledgeable about, you can ensure that you have a solid foundation to build your essay upon.

Start by reflecting on your areas of expertise and interests. Consider the subjects that you have studied or have experience in. Think about the topics that you are passionate about or have a deep understanding of. These could be anything from history, science, literature, or even personal hobbies and experiences.

Once you have identified your areas of expertise, try narrowing down your potential topics by considering the relevance and importance of each subject. Ask yourself what information or insights you can provide that would be valuable to your readers. Look for topics that are not only interesting to you, but also have potential to educate and engage your audience.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and explore unique angles or lesser-known aspects of a topic. Your expertise and knowledge might allow you to shed new light on a subject, making it more interesting and informative for your readers.

Remember, the key is to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and you will be able to provide valuable insights through your essay.

Research the availability of credible sources on each topic

Research the availability of credible sources on each topic

Before diving into writing an informative essay, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and ensure the availability of credible sources on each chosen topic. A well-researched essay relies on the quality of sources used, as they help provide accurate and reliable information to support your arguments and claims.

Begin by brainstorming potential topics and narrowing down your choices. Once you have decided on a particular topic, take the time to evaluate the availability of credible sources. This includes searching for scholarly articles, academic journals, books, and reputable websites related to the subject matter.

When assessing the credibility of a source, consider factors such as the author’s qualifications and expertise in the field, the publication date, the reputation of the publishing source, and whether the information is backed by evidence and supported by other reliable sources. It is important to avoid using biased or unreliable sources, as they can weaken the credibility of your essay.

Make use of online databases and libraries to access a wide range of sources. These platforms provide access to scholarly research, academic articles, and other reliable resources. Additionally, consider reaching out to experts in the field or conducting interviews to gather first-hand information and insights that can enhance the credibility of your essay.

Remember, the research process is an essential step in writing an informative essay. Invest time and effort in finding credible sources to ensure that your essay is well-supported and backed by reliable information.

Choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant

Choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant

When it comes to writing an informative essay, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is choosing a topic. It’s essential to select a subject that is both interesting and relevant to your audience. By doing so, you’ll not only capture your readers’ attention, but you’ll also provide them with valuable information that they can apply or learn from.

Choosing an interesting topic is crucial because it sets the tone for your entire essay. If you select a topic that is dull or uninteresting, your readers may lose interest before they even finish reading the first paragraph. On the other hand, if you choose a topic that is exciting and engaging, you’ll captivate your audience from the start.

However, it’s not enough for a topic to be interesting; it also needs to be relevant. Select a subject that is timely and offers information that your audience can benefit from. It should provide insights, answer questions, or shed light on a current issue or trend. By choosing a relevant topic, you’ll demonstrate that you have done your research and are well-informed on the subject matter.

When brainstorming for potential topics, consider your target audience and their interests. Think about the type of information they would find valuable or the questions they might have. Additionally, stay up to date with current events and the latest trends to identify relevant topics that are of interest to your readers.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, choose a topic that aligns with your own interests and expertise. Writing about something you are passionate about will not only make the writing process more enjoyable, but it will also allow you to bring a unique perspective to the topic.

In conclusion, choosing a topic that is both interesting and relevant is crucial when writing an informative essay. By selecting a subject that captivates your readers and provides them with valuable information, you’ll be able to engage your audience and make your essay more impactful.

Narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or angle

When it comes to writing an informative essay, it is crucial to choose a topic that is focused and specific. By narrowing down your topic to a specific aspect or angle, you are able to provide more in-depth information and analysis to your readers.

Consider your initial topic and think about the different angles or perspectives that can be explored. This could be a particular time period, a specific geographic location, a certain demographic group, or an aspect that hasn’t been extensively discussed.

For example, if your initial topic is “climate change,” you could narrow it down by focusing on the impact of climate change on a specific region or the role of government policies in addressing climate change. By choosing a specific aspect, you can delve deeper into the subject matter and provide a more comprehensive analysis.

Additionally, narrowing down your topic allows you to avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. It helps you stay focused and ensures that your essay remains informative and concise.

In order to narrow down your topic effectively, it is important to conduct thorough research and gather relevant information. This will help you identify the specific aspect or angle that interests you the most and aligns with your essay’s purpose.

Benefits of narrowing down your topic
1. Allows for a more in-depth analysis
2. Helps to avoid overwhelming the reader
3. Provides a focused and concise essay
4. Enables you to showcase your expertise on a specific aspect

In conclusion, narrowing down your topic to a specific aspect or angle is crucial for writing an informative essay. It allows for a more focused and comprehensive analysis, avoids overwhelming the reader, and helps you showcase your expertise on a particular subject. Take the time to choose a specific aspect that interests you and conduct thorough research to gather relevant information.

Avoid controversial or sensitive topics that may be difficult to handle objectively

When writing an informative essay, it is crucial to choose a topic that allows for objective analysis and discussion. It is important to avoid picking controversial or sensitive subjects that can lead to emotional responses and biased opinions. By selecting a topic that is neutral and has a solid factual foundation, you ensure that your essay remains informative and credible.

Controversial topics often involve heated debates and strong opinions. They tend to polarize people and make it challenging to present information in an unbiased manner. When faced with sensitive subjects, emotions can cloud judgment, and it becomes difficult to separate fact from opinion. To maintain the credibility of your essay, it is best to steer clear of topics that may trigger emotional responses or arguments.

Additionally, choosing a neutral topic ensures that you can provide comprehensive and balanced information. By focusing on an objective subject, you can gather a variety of sources and perspectives to present a well-rounded view. This approach allows readers to form their own opinions based on the facts presented and encourages critical thinking.

It is also important to consider the potential impact of your topic on your audience. Sensitive subjects may touch on personal beliefs and experiences, causing discomfort or distress for some readers. By selecting a topic that is less likely to offend or trigger negative emotions, you create a safer and more inclusive environment for your audience.

Ultimately, by avoiding controversial or sensitive topics, you ensure that your informative essay remains focused on providing objective information. Choose a neutral subject that allows for thorough research, balanced analysis, and respectful discussion to create a compelling and informative piece of writing.

Seek feedback from peers or teachers to help finalize your topic choice

Getting input from others can be a valuable step in the process of choosing a topic for your informative essay. It’s always helpful to have an outside perspective, as it can offer new ideas and insights that you may not have considered on your own. By seeking feedback from peers or teachers, you can gather different viewpoints and opinions that will help you make a more informed decision.

When asking for feedback, it’s important to be open to criticism and constructive suggestions. Your peers or teachers may have valuable input that can help you refine your topic choice and make it more focused and interesting. They might recommend specific angles or aspects to explore, or suggest alternative topics that you haven’t thought of yet. Embrace their insights and consider their suggestions carefully.

Additionally, seeking feedback from peers or teachers can help you gauge the level of interest and relevance of your chosen topic. They can provide valuable insights into whether the topic is engaging and has the potential to captivate your audience. If multiple people express enthusiasm or curiosity about your topic, it can serve as a confirmation that you’re on the right track.

Feedback can also be a useful tool for identifying any potential weaknesses or shortcomings in your chosen topic. Peers or teachers may point out areas that need further research or clarification, helping you to address any gaps in your knowledge or understanding. By seeking feedback, you have the opportunity to strengthen your essay by addressing any criticisms or concerns early on.

In conclusion, seeking feedback from peers or teachers is an essential step in finalizing your topic choice for an informative essay. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision. Embrace their feedback, consider their suggestions, and use it to refine and strengthen your chosen topic. With their input, you can ensure that your essay is engaging, relevant, and well-rounded.

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