keele personal statement requirements

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Ultimate guide to keele medicine interviews (2023) | questions & tips, keele medical school: overview.

Keele Medical School is one of the top 5 medical schools in England according to the 2022 Times University rankings. Keele offers an integrated, 5-year MBChB course, featuring elements of problem-based learning (PBL), clinical placements, lectures and workshops. 

Keele is also one of the smallest medical schools in the UK with just over 120 students admitted per year. Therefore, studying at Keele will definitely benefit those who prefer more personalised learning in a quieter environment.  

💡 How To Prepare for Medicine Interviews at Keele?


Pre-interview Selection: 🔢 How does Keele select candidates for interviews?

GCSEs:  Checked to ensure you meet minimum grade requirements, but not beyond that.

A-levels:  Not used to shortlist for interviews, beyond meeting minimum entry requirements.

Roles & Responsibilities (R+R):  This is the most important element of the application for UK students at Keele. It’s a document where you have to list and reflect on all of your non-academic activities that relate in any way to helping others, care or medicine. You can find more information about it on  Keele’s website .

Personal Statement:  Personal statements and references are not used to shortlist candidates for interviews at Keele.

UCAT:  UCAT is only used in tie-cases, “when the threshold R+R score exceeds the number of interview slots available” and doesn’t play a significant role when shortlisting for interviews.

BMAT:  BMAT is used to rank international candidates for an interview. 30ish candidates with the best BMAT score will receive an interview invitation at Keele.

You can find more detailed information on the selection process at Keele on their  official website .

📊 What is the lowest required UCAT/BMAT score to get an interview at Keele?

Note: Keele Medical School requires UCAT from Home candidates and BMAT from international students and graduates.

🇬🇧 Home Students:  For 2022 entry, the UCAT cut-off score was 2280 and Band 4. The average score to get an interview was 2520. However, keep in mind that UCAT is not given significant weighting at Keele.

🌏 International Students:  Using Keele’s BMAT scoring system, the cut off in 2021 was 14.1 out of 24.25 total points. However, the BMAT cut off tends to change every year, as it depends on the number of applications and average scores. Therefore, it’s hard to predict what the score will be this year, so treat the previous cut-offs with a pinch of salt.

Want to save yourself some  time, stress and money  preparing for the interview at Keele Medical School? Prepare with  Medfully , the best interview preparation tool for self-paced interview preparation and use the code BLOG10 for 10% off!

📤 When does Keele send out interview invitations?

Interview invitations from Keele are usually sent out on a rolling basis from December to March.

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 How many candidates get interviewed for Medicine at Keele?

🇬🇧 Home Students:  In 2021, 1825 UK students applied for medicine at Keele and 686 of them (38%) were interviewed.

🌏 International Students:  Latest data available is from 2019: Out of 215 applications, 29 were chosen for an interview. So roughly 14% of all international candidates were invited for an interview at Keele in the past.

🗓️  Keele Medicine Interview Dates:

Medicine interviews at Keele run from December until early March.

💬 What’s the interview format at Keele?

Historically, Keele is known to have conducted MMI interviews. In the last two years when interviews were moved online, Keele stuck with MMIs, but changed the format as follows:

The MMI comprised two 15-minute interviews, each held by two interviewers. Each of the interviewers was assessing you separately to ensure fairness and reliability. Both of the interviews were held on the same morning/afternoon but were separated by minutes or hours of spare time in between.

Each interview was comprised of 3, 5-minute parts (a’la stations) with 2 questions per each part (giving you ~2.5min. per question)

From the logistical point of view: a separate invitation link was sent by Keele to each of the interviews and at the start of each interview your ID was checked against your appearance.

Since the format of the interview may change this year depending on the Covid-19 guidelines, make sure to check  Keele University official website  for the latest information.

🚀  TOP Tip:  Interviewers at Keele Medical School are known to be strict with timing. Don’t be surprised if you are stopped mid-answer - it’s not your fault, you’ve just run out of the time allocated for the question.

➗  Keele Interview Maths Test:

If interviews at Keele will be held in-person this year, Keele may include a 30-minute maths test as a part of the interview. This used to always be the first item of the interview agenda at Keele but was scrapped as interviews were moved online.

Follow these links to see an official  Sample Keele Maths Test Questions  and  Answers .

Check Keele’s website for the latest information on the maths test that will be conducted this year or best email the admissions office directly.

🏆 How likely is it I’ll be given an offer after an interview at Keele?

Home Students:  Last year, after 686 interviews Keele made 412 offers, so approx. 60% of all interviewed candidates have received an offer.

International Students:  (Latest information available is from 2019). After 29 interviews Keele gave out 17 offers to international candidates. This makes around 60% of all international students interviewed.

💅 What to do before the interview at Keele Medical School?

  • carefully fill out the roles and responsibilities form
  • download Microsoft teams and check the connection
  • upload your ID and all completed exam qualifications to the Keele applicant portal
  • choose a formal interview outfit well in advance and check if you feel comfortable and confident in it

🤵‍♀️   What are the interviewers like at Keele?

Candidates who were interviewed at Keele generally agree the interviewers are friendly, smile and give you a sense of reassurance that what you say makes sense. However, they are known to be strict with timing and can interrupt you in mid-answer if you run out of time.

⏳ How long does it take to hear back from Keele after an interview?

Keele sends responses to interviewed candidates on a rolling basis, usually within 2-3 weeks from the interview. However, if your interview score is close to the threshold, you may be put on a waiting list and have to wait longer for a response from Keele. All decisions will be made by the 31st of March.

Moreover, it’s possible to request feedback between the 1st of April and the 31st of July of the application cycle.

🧠 Keele Medicine Interview Questions:

Keele Medical School is very kind to include the interview topics on their website. Here are a few example questions from each of the topics used at Keele:

Motivation and resilience:

  • Applying for medicine is a long and challenging process, much harder than applying to most other subjects. What keeps you motivated to pursue a career in medicine?
  • Why would you like to study at Keele Medical School? Follow-up: How could you contribute to Keele?
  • How can medical schools teach students to be more resilient?

Ethical reasoning:

  • Why do we keep patient information confidential and what kind of information should not be disclosed? Follow-up: Can confidentiality be ever breached?
  • What are the ethical considerations around the topic of abortion?
  • Imagine you are the head of the surgical department in a hospital. There are two patients, A and B, both requiring an urgent liver transplant, but there is only one viable liver. Patient A is a 32-year old social activist, with a drug abuse history. Patient B is a 78-year old woman, who takes care of 3 children, whose parents died in a car accident. How would you allocate the liver and why?


  • What should a doctor do if the procedure they are required to perform goes against their faith?
  • Can you think of a situation when lying to a patient would be acceptable and appropriate?

Caring for others/Responsibilities:

  • In your roles and responsibilities form you’ve written about  insert a volunteering/work experience placement.  Could you tell us a bit more about what your responsibilities were and what you learned from the experience?
  • How are sympathy and empathy different? Is any of them more important than the other in medicine?
  • What would you consider to be your greatest non-academic achievement?
  • What has been the most challenging aspect of  insert volunteering/work experience placement?
  • Despite the cutting-edge advancements in medicine, it’s not always possible to cure the patient. How will you manage the emotional burden that carries?

🚀  TOP Tip:  Have a hard time answering any of the above questions? You’ll find insider tactics to tackle all of the above questions and formulate convincing and structured answers at  Medfully - The Best Medicine Interview Preparation Resource.

Please note that these aren’t questions that have been asked at Keele Medical School in past years. Publishing such information would be against Keele’s policy. The above questions are adjusted for the interview style at Keele Medical School and are meant to give you a broad sense of the questions you may face.

✅ Keele Medical School Interviews: 3 Tips

Work on your mental maths:

If Keele decides to include their interview maths assessment as a part of the MMI, you want to have your maths skills on point. Refresh your GCSE maths and go through the Sample Questions provided by  Keele Medical School  (find  Answers   here). Practice makes perfect!

Ask strangers to interview you

During your medicine interview at Keele medical school, you’ll be interviewed by a total of 4 interviewers, each of which can have a different attitude, interviewing style and perspective. Asking strangers to interview you will get you used to this variety and make you more comfortable with it on the interview day. Simply reach out to your fellow aspiring medics on forums like Reddit and TSR. Remember to offer something in return - conduct a mock interview with them too or get them a coffee.

Take time with the roles and responsibilities (R+R) form

The roles and responsibilities form can make or break your interview invitation at Keele. Think back on all of your non-academic responsibilities and experiences involving help and care. Dig up any reflections that you may have written down. Take time to structure all your answers, check your grammar and get your teachers/family to review it.

🤞  Good luck with preparing for the Keele Medicine interview! Fingers crossed!

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Medical School Profiles: Applying To Keele Medical School

Applying to keele medical school.

Welcome to our series of medical school profiles. These are entirely free as part of Medicine Answered’s commitment to making information on medical careers free and easily available. These medical school profiles can be used in conjunction with our free guide “ how to choose which medical schools to apply to ” which covers 19 points that you can systematically run through when considering if a medical school is an excellent choice for you to apply to.

What this guide to applying to study Medicine at Keele Medical School covers

This medical school profile provides readers with key information that will assist in applying to study Medicine at Keele Medical School. We begin by outlining the courses on offer at Keele Medical School. We also cover Keele Medical School’s entry requirements for studying Medicine. This includes how Keele Medical School is unique in considering three admissions tests for different groups of applicants – the UKCAT, BMAT and the GAMSAT; Keele Medical Schools Medicine interview process and the numeracy test which is also part of the interview day; how the Medicine personal statement (and the additionally required “roles and responsibilities” form) is used at Keele Medical School and other important details and statistics which will help you in applying to study Medicine at Keele Medical School. Finally, we cover tips and advice on how to write a Medicine personal statement for Keele Medical School and advice on how to pass the Keele Medical School MMI interview.

Courses on offer at Keele Medical School:

  • Standard Entry Medicine (5 years). UCAS course code A100.
  • Medicine with a Foundation Year (6 years) UCAS course code A104

The competition for offers for a place to study Medicine at Keele Medical School:

Competition for the 5-year Medicine course at Keele Medical School:

Number of applicants per interview: 2.5 (home/EEA) 7.5 (international)

Number of applicants per place: 7.5 (home/EEA) 24 (international)

C ompetition for the 6-year Medicine with a Foundation Year course at Keele Medical School:

Number of applicants per interview: 2.5 (home/EEA) 4.5 (international)

Number of applicants per place: 10 (home/EEA) 15 (international)

International Applicants to study Medicine at Keele Medical School

Keele Medical School welcomes applications from overseas applicants to both its 5-year and 6-year Medicine programmes.

Graduate Entry Medicine at Keele Medical School:

Keele Medical School do not offer an accelerated 4-year Graduate Entry Medicine programme. Graduates wishing to apply to study Medicine at Keele Medical School should apply to the standard five-year Medicine programme. See our free guide to applying to Medicine as a graduate for information on the process including a detailed breakdown on deciding if applying to Medicine as a graduate is for you, fees, funding, choosing between accelerated programmes and standard entry Medicine programmes and much more. We also have a free guide on how to write an excellent graduate entry Medicine personal statement. This comprehensive guide takes you from the ideas phase with no plan or draft, all the way to a finished Graduate entry Medicine personal statement ready for submission.

Course structure at Keele Medical School:

The course structure at Keele Medical School is based on an integrated curriculum using a variety of teaching methods including Problem based learning (PBL), lectures, seminars and more. Integrated curriculums combine scientific teaching with clinical teaching instead of making a distinct separation between the two (as is the case in traditional Medicine courses which are now rare). This allows students to learn the scientific disciplines in the context of how patients present. Integrated curriculums typically allow for much earlier patient contact which is the case at Keele Medical School.

Intercalation at Keele Medical School

Keele Medical School offers its medical students the chance to intercalate. This includes bachelor’s degrees and masters level degrees. Intercalation is offered throughout UK medical schools and is a popular option. You can learn more about intercalation in our free medical blogs section. Intercalation allows students to suspend their Medicine degree and study another degree in a chosen subject and then return to complete their Medicine degree. This allows medical students to gain an additional qualification on top of their Medicine degree and often in a much quicker and cheaper manner. For example, a BSc can be awarded in one year instead of the typical three it would take a non-intercalating student to achieve. Keele Medical School also accept external applications for medical students from other universities who wish to intercalate at Keele Medical School.

Open days at Keele Medical School

Keele Medical School offers open days. Attending a Keele Medical School open day allows you to see the medical school and the campus yourself and speak to staff and students. A Keele Medical School open day also provides a great opportunity to explore the city of Keele for yourself.

What are the age requirements to study Medicine at Keele Medical School?

Candidates must be 18 by the time they commence the Keele MBChB Medicine course. Applicants younger then this at the time of application can apply for deferred entry, if this means they will be old enough once the course starts. There is no upper age limit to study Medicine at Keele Medical School.

Entry Requirements for Keele Medical Schools 5-year Medicine programme:

Applying to any medical school is a competitive process which involves meeting high entry requirements. While sharing many similarities, medical schools will also have very different entry requirements and policies in specific areas. The entry requirements for Keele Medical School are no different in this regard. For example, Keele Medical School is unusual in that it uses both the UKCAT (for students categorised as home/UK/EEA for fees purposes) and BMAT (for students categorised as overseas for fees purposes) admissions tests for different groups of students. Most medical schools use only one admissions exam or none. Keele Medical School will even consider the GAMSAT in a small group of graduate Medicine applicants with good degree results but without the required A-level subjects or grades. As a result, you must carefully understand the entry requirements for Keele Medical School before you make an application there and for anywhere else you are considering applying to. Below are some headline details about the entry requirements for Keele Medical School for 2019 entry to the 5-year Medicine course. You can see the full information on their prospectus or website.

A-Level entry requirements for Keele Medical School: Grades of A*AA from 3 A-levels completed in two years. This must include Chemistry or Biology and a second Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths/Statistics). Critical Thinking, General studies and applied A-levels are not accepted. Combinations such as Maths/Further Maths/Statistics are not accepted as two separate A-levels. Keele Medical School’s A-level entry requirements differ for graduate applicants.

GCSE entry requirements for Keele Medical School: A minimum of five full GCSE/or equivalent grades at A/7. Minimum grades of B/6 are required in Maths, Science and English Language. See Keele Medical School’s website for more details and for graduate and international applicants.

Admissions tests – how does Keele Medical School use UKCAT scores?

Keele Medical School is unique in that it uses both the UKCAT and BMAT admissions tests for different groups of students. It is also willing to consider GAMSAT results for candidates with a 1 st or 2:1 honours degree who do not meet Keele medical school’s A-level subject or grade requirements.

All home (UK/EEA) applicants to study A100 or A104 Medicine at Keele Medical School are required to sit the UKCAT. All students who are classified as overseas for the purposes of fees are required to sit the BMAT and not the UKCAT to apply for the A100 or A104 Medicine course at Keele.

Candidates who score a band 4 (lowest band) in the SJT component of the UKCAT or who score in the bottom 20% of scores are excluded from entry.

For more information about the UKCAT, BMAT and GAMSAT and how to prepare for the UKCAT, BMAT and GAMSAT see our free guide and FAQ .

How Does Keele Medical School use the Medicine personal statement and the roles and responsibilities form?

Keele Medical School use the Medicine personal statement as part of their selection process. The Medicine personal statement is also important as one of the MMI interview stations will involve discussion of your experiences. In addition to the Medicine personal statement, Keele requires home applicants to complete a roles and responsibilities forms after they submit their UCAS Medicine application. Applicants who are classed as overseas for fee purposes do not fill in this form unless their fee status changes. The roles and responsibilities form is the main method in which Keele assesses the non-academic achievements and aptitude of candidates. The form is essentially about the candidates work experience and what they learned from it and what skills and aptitudes they can demonstrate they possess or have developed from this work experience. Shadowing doctors, while beneficial, is not given credit in the roles and responsibilities form. Instead, what the candidate actually did, rather than observed is given credit.

Tips on how to write a successful Medicine personal statement and roles and responsibilities form for Keele Medical School

  • Remember that you still need to write a Medicine personal statement for Keele Medical School and for your other medical schools. The roles and responsibilities form is different to a Medicine personal statement. You should not simply copy and paste what is your Medicine personal statement into the roles and responsibilities for. Treat it as a separate piece of work. However, you use the same skills and techniques and many of the same examples. You will possibly even use many of the same sentences.
  • Just like with the Medicine personal statement, the meaning and insight gained from experiences such as work experience or extracurricular activities are the most critical thing admissions tutors are looking for, even more so then what you actually did. Simply making long lists of achievements or diary accounts of activities is not what admissions tutors at Keele Medical School or any other medical school are looking for. It is up to you to make the most of what you have done and show the medical school admissions panel how your experiences will make a good candidate to study Medicine. Our free article: How to show the attributes of self-reflection and personal insight into your Medicine application will help you to write in the manner that admissions tutors are looking for.
  • Read our comprehensive free guide on how to write a medical school personal statement in 10 steps. This guide takes you from step 1 – with no draft, plan or anything written down, all the way to step 10 – a completed and excellent medical school personal statement ready for you to submit to UCAS. This will not only help you in your Keele Medicine personal statement but will also help you to complete the Keele roles and responsibilities form as the process is the same.
  • You can also use our analysis of a successful Medicine personal statement if you are looking for some inspiration on getting started. As well as providing an example of a Medicine personal statement that received four offers it also details our analysis of the strengths of the statement.
  • You can consider a Medicine personal statement review service. These are offered by various companies. They are not essential, so do not believe any company that tells you otherwise. However, services by competent providers can add real value to your Medicine application. When looking at providers ensure that they are by experts in Medicine admissions and have professional skills in editing and reviewing. Medicine Answered provide an excellent medical school personal statement review service with a unique level of expertise. A professional editor and then a doctor (who received all four offers to study Medicine) will examine the personal statement line by line and make the appropriate corrections. After making sure the grammar and writing are flawless, they will also comment on the overall strength of the application and make suggestions of things which may be asked at your Medicine interview based on your medical school personal statement.

What type of interviews does Keele Medical School use?

A Keele medical school interview day consists of the Medicine interview and a numeracy test. Keele Medical School uses MMI interviews. Each Keele MMI station lasts 5 minutes. Attributes assessed at the Keele Medical School MMI stations include:

– Caring nature – Communication skills – Empathy and insight – Ethical awareness – Responsibility – Motivation and awareness of the challenges of being a doctor – Resilience

Keele numeracy test.

Keele Medical School also requires students to sit a half hour numeracy skills assessment which takes place on the interview day either before or after the candidate completes the Keele MMI interview. Candidates must pass the numeracy test. The questions are based on clinical scenarios. However, no special clinical knowledge required to sit this exam. There are no trick questions and the questions are designed to be realistic. Medical students and doctors need to be able to use simple maths to solve problems during their work. A simple calculator is permitted.

Tips for passing a Keele Medical School MMI interview

Success at a Keele Medical School interview, or any medical school interview is not a random process. It involves a tried and tested set of steps that you can also follow:

  • A strategic plan on how to prepare for your medical school interview  – We cover this in detail in our entirely free guide on how to prepare for your medical school interview in seven steps.
  • Learning key medical school interview strategies –  We have a wealth of free articles covering medical school interview strategies. We also have a free database of real medical school interview questions with full competent answers, analysis, and advice on how to answer these medical school interview questions. We also have a free guide to Medical Ethics and free blog articles such answering opinion questions, dealing with rude or hostile interviewers/ MMI actors and many more topics
  • Avoiding common medical school interview mistakes – See our free guide on common medical school Interview mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • Intelligent, reflective Medicine interview practice  – Use our free exclusive database of Medicine interview questions and answers .
  • Execution on the interview day  – Preparation and practice are one part of success. The other part is peak performance and execution on the day. Read our free article about dealing with nerves in your interview .

If you prefer a face to face approach, Medicine Answered also provide excellent doctor delivered one-day Medicine interview courses as well as one to one private tutoring online or in person. All of our courses and tutoring are delivered only by doctors who passed all four of their Medicine interviews. For more information see our services section.

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Keele University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to Keele University. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal statements for application at other universities .

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Studying at Keele Medical School

Keele University Medical School offers a modern, spiral-based, highly integrated medical curriculum, combining a range of learning strategies including problem-based-learning (PBL), lectures and seminars. There is early clinical exposure with students being able to meet their very first patients from the initial stages of the course.

Table of Contents

Keele University places a heavy emphasis on their Roles and Responsibilities form which will be sent to you after applying. This form is the main way that applicants are shortlisted for interview. The UCAT or BMAT (for international students) is only used to distinguish between borderline applicants.

  • Integrated Curriculum
  • Optional Intercalation

Keele Medical School is a medical school located in Staffordshire, England, which offers undergraduate and postgraduate medical education programs.

To be eligible for undergraduate medical degree programs at Keele Medical School, applicants must have a minimum of AAA at A-level (or equivalent), including chemistry and biology. Applicants are also required to take the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) or the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT), and to provide references and a personal statement.

Keele Medical School offers a five-year Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) program, as well as a six-year MBChB program with an integrated foundation year.

The curriculum for undergraduate medical degree programs at Keele Medical School is designed to be comprehensive and student-centered, with an emphasis on hands-on learning and clinical experience. The program covers all aspects of medical education, including basic science, clinical skills, and patient care.

Keele Medical School offers a variety of postgraduate medical education programs, including Master of Science (MSc) degrees in areas such as medical education and clinical education, as well as postgraduate diplomas and certificates in various medical specialties.

Graduates of Keele Medical School are well-prepared for a variety of career opportunities in medicine, including roles in research, clinical practice, and academic medicine. Many graduates go on to complete postgraduate training in a specialized area of medicine, while others pursue careers in public health, health policy, or healthcare management.

Admission to Keele Medical School is competitive, but it is difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question as admission requirements and acceptance rates can vary from year to year. However, generally, Keele Medical School is considered a highly selective medical school in the UK. The admission process considers various factors such as academic achievements, UKCAT/BMAT scores, personal statement, references, and performance at the interview stage. Meeting the minimum entry requirements and having a strong application is important to increase your chances of being accepted. It is recommended that prospective students research the admission requirements carefully and apply with a strong application to increase their chances of being accepted.

About the university

Key Information
Phone number 01782 733632
Course Information
Teaching style
A modern, spiral, highly-integrated medical curriculum combines early clinical experience, integrated communication and clinical skills teaching, practical sessions, including dissection, problem-based-learning, lectures and seminars.
Course length 5 years
Courses offered
A100 Standard Entry - 5 years A104 Foundation Year Entry - 6 years
Graduate entry No
Foundation or access Yes
University Life
Local area
Keele University is based in the small city of Stoke-on-Trent within the North Midlands.The campus itself is located on the outskirts of the city so can feel quite separate. The campus itself is very large (over 600 acres!) and has everything you need including food outlets, the students union bar, grocery store and even its own GP surgery! The advantage of this campus-based life is a strong sense of community within the university and the medical school.
Social life The campus has a range of common rooms and bars open to all students regardless of if you live on campus or not. Keele also has a great reputation for sports, and has a huge array of sports societies for students to join. There is also a 'Talented Athlete Scheme' for students who play sport to high levels.
Interview style
Online multiple interview usually consisting of two interviews each made up of two or more tasks
Interview dates Jan-Feb
Admissions Tests
Applicants score in the bottom 20% or SJT in band 4 are automatically rejected.
Shortlisting for interview is based on information in the Roles & Responsibilities form. Keele uses UCAT scores to distinguish between borderline cases.
GAMSAT Can be used to meet A-Level criteria for graduate applicants
Academic Requirements
Minimum of five GCSEs/Scottish National 5s at grade 7/A Minimum of grade 6/B in English language, maths and sciences (combined science or biology + chemistry + physics)
Standard offer is A*AA, or AAA + EPQ at A or A*; criteria for alternative offers are listed at Must include: biology or chemistry; plus one from biology, chemistry, economics, maths/further maths/statistics, physics, psychology; plus any third academic subject Any practical non-exam assessment (practical endorsement) forming part of a science A-Level must be passed Only one from maths/further maths/statistics will be accepted in the three subjects to meet the offer conditions
Scottish Advanced/Highers
Higher: minimum of AAAA including chemistry or biology plus a second science (biology/chemistry/physics) must be achieved by the end of S5 (i.e. before applying) and
IB Diploma with a score of at least 37 points (including ToK/EE) including 7 or 6 in Higher Level biology or chemistry and 7 or 6 at Higher Level in one of biology, chemistry, economics, maths (any), physics or psychology or 766 in three Higher Level subjects including biology or chemistry plus one from biology, chemistry, economics, maths (any), physics or psychology Any science not taken at the higher level must be offered at Standard Level grade 5 or GCSE grade 6 (or equivalent).
Bachelor's Degree (Gradutes Only)
Minimum of 2i in any discipline Must have either (a) BBB at A-Level, including: biology or chemistry; plus one from biology, chemistry, economics, maths/further maths/statistics, physics, psychology; plus any third academic subject (not general studies/critical thinking/citizenship studies) or (b) GAMSAT (see web site for details of required scores) Must also have GCSE minimum 6/B in English language, maths and sciences (combined science or biology + chemistry + physics); GAMSAT may be offered in lieu of maths and science GCSEs
Number of applicants per interview 4
Number of applicants per place 15

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Generation Medics

Keele University

Medical school profile.

Keele University

Here, we’ll detail how Keele University School of Medicine selects candidates during the medical application process.

Use the menu below to help you navigate the profile:, grade requirements.

So you have questions about the grades needed to get into Keele University School of Medicine? You’re in the right place to find the answers!

  • What GCSE grades does Keele University look for?

Minimum five GCSEs at grade 7 (A). English Language, Maths and Sciences must have been passed at a minimum of 6 (B).

  • What IB score are Keele University looking for in prospective medical applicants?
  • Which A-Level subjects do Keele University require?

A-Level A*AA to include (a) biology or chemistry, (b) one more from biology, chemistry, economics, further maths, maths, physics, psychology, statistics, (c) any third reformed A-Level. Practical endorsements must be achieved for biology, chemistry and physics A-Levels.

  • Which Scottish Highers Subject combination do Keele University look for?

Higher AAAAA at Higher including chemistry or biology plus a second science (biology, chemistry, physics) plus Advanced Higher AB from two sciences.

  • What are the degree requirements for this course (for graduate applicants)?

Minimum of upper second-class honours (2:1) in any subject, meet standard GCSE requirements and have A-Level grades of BBB or better with the same subject requirements as listed for school-leavers.

You’ll find this information summarised in the table below:

Summary Grade Requirements Table

Qualification Grade Requirements for Keele University School of Medicine

biology, chemistry, economics, further maths, maths, physics, psychology,
statistics, (c) any third reformed A-Level. Practical endorsements must be
achieved for biology, chemistry and physics A-Levels.
Higher AAAAA at Higher including chemistry or biology plus a second
science (biology, chemistry, physics) plus Advanced Higher AB from two

language, maths and sciences (combined science or biology, chemistry & physics) must be achieved at a minumum of grade 6/B.

subjects are: HL 666 including biology or chemistry plus one more from biology, chemistry, maths (A&A or A&I), physics; SL 555 including any science not achieved at HL grade 6 or GCSE grade 6.

biology or chemistry plus a second from the list below. Must hold GCSEs at grade 6/B or above in mathematics, English language and combined science or three separate sciences.

Application Requirements

So you have questions about the medical application requirements to get into Keele University School of Medicine? You’re in the right place to find the answers!

  • What are Keele Univerity’s work experience requirements?
  • How does Keele University use the Medical Personal Statement?

Not assessed but may be used within an interview station

  • Does Keele University require the UCAT or BMAT for medicine?

UCAT (Home applicants), BMAT (International applicants), GAMSAT (graduate applicants not meeting A-Level/GCSE requirements; must also sit UCAT or BMAT, as appropriate).

  • Which interview style does Keele University use in it’s selection of medical students?

Multiple mini-interviews..

Summary Application Requirements Table

Stage How it's used in selection

Please note: The information listed above has been submitted from the medical school and is updated by them each application cycle.

To confirm this information, see details on the course’s entry requirements, and learn more about the course itself, take a look at their webpage..

Keele University

Keele University School of Medicine in Newcastle-under-Lyme, England provides the following courses that require UCAT:

  • Medicine (A100)
  • Medicine with gateway year (A104)

Academic scores used to award interviews.

Uses UCAT in borderline cases and for cut-off score (excludes candidates who are in bottom 20% nationally and if in SJT Band 4, will not be invited to interview.) For 2022 entry, the threshold was 2280 Band 3. If there is a number of applicants with the same academic scores, UCAT will be used.

Personal Statement

Keele does not use UCAS personal statements and references in ranking of applications for interview or offer. Instead, it uses its own ‘Roles & Responsibilities’ Form to shortlist candidates for interview. The experiences discussed in this form will be further explored during the interview stage.

Academic Requirements

Gcse requirements.

GCSE Requirements for Keele University School of Medicine are:

  • Maths - Grade 6 minimum
  • English - Grade 6 minimum
  • Science - Grade 6 minimum in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, or Double/Triple Award Science
  • Other requirements - 5 GCSEs at grade 7 minimum

GCSEs are not scored. Only minimum requirements needed

A-levels or Scottish Higher requirements.

A*AA or AAA + EPQ at A level completed within a two-year period, to include Chemistry or Biology plus a second science (Biology, Chemistry, Further Maths, Maths, Physics, Statistics) and a third academic subject. Only one from Maths, Further Maths and Statistics may be included in the offer. Science A levels must include the practical annotation. AB at Advanced Higher including Chemistry or Biology plus a second science. AAAAA at Higher including Chemistry or Biology plus a second science

Scottish Highers: minimum of AAAAA, including Chemistry or Biology plus a second science (Biology/Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics) both at A, to be achieved by the end of S5. Advanced Highers: minimum of AB including Chemistry or Biology sat in S6. Any additional subject sat at Higher Level in S6 must be achieved at grade B or higher.

International Baccalaureate

36 points from six academic subjects. Grades of 666 at Higher Level including Chemistry or Biology, an additional science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Mathematics) and a third subject. At Standard Level, three subjects each at Grade 5 are required The total score includes the Core points available for Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. English Language (Language A) at SL grade 6 is acceptable in lieu of GCSE English language but all other GCSE requirements (or equivalent) must have been completed.

Graduate Applicant Degree Requirements

If the applicant has a 2:1 degree in any discipline then BBB at A level including chemistry or biology plus one further subject from: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths/Further Maths/Statistics, Physics, Psychology; would be considered. Graduate applicants not meeting this requirement must have taken the GAMSAT and have achieved certain scores. All graduates must hold GCSE maths, English language and combined sciences or three separate sciences at grade B/6. See website for details .

Widening Participation

Students with specific indicators of educational and socio-economic disadvantage may be eligible for adjustments to entry criteria. See website for details.

University Link

Keele University School of Medicine

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What do English tutors look for in a personal statement?

If you're about to start drafting your personal statement, thinking about this question is a good place to kick off your thought process. Here's what a couple of admissions tutors we spoke to said...

‘A succinct and focused statement that:

  • specifies the kind of books you enjoy
  • details the specific aspects of literary study that appeal to you and, crucially, why
  • is written in good English (naturally), using correct punctuation and uncomplicated syntax.

‘You should be specific about the texts, contexts, and critical tendencies that really excite you. We read hundreds of statements each year, but genuine passion and detail will always catch our eye.

Which texts and authors should you cover?

Do use your statement as an opportunity to discuss one or two specific writers you're interested in – and preferably one who isn’t on the GCSE or A-Level English syllabus. It's a great way of demonstrating your interests and what inspires you about the study of literature.

Be genuine. Tutors want to hear an account in your own words of those books and features of literature that you found most enjoyable. But, while you might want to try and think outside the box by picking a more unusual novelist or poem, don't be obscure just for the sake of it. An insightful, imaginative, and critical response to literature is what will impress, not what's on your bookshelf.

As Keele University says, it’s fine to talk about your wider cultural insights too, such as plays you’ve seen or pieces of journalism you’ve liked.

What else should you include?

  • A strong opening – like the literary greats, you need to engage the reader from the very first line. Avoid gimmicks by keeping it specific. 'I don’t want a philosophical essay on the joys of reading, I want to know what turns you on about literature – start with that', one admissions tutor told us.
  • Evidence that demonstrates you're an analytical reader – not just someone who enjoys reading. For example, University of Bristol admissions tutors want to see some evidence of your analytical approach to the books you've read, and for you to express this in a way that shows clear thinking and understanding.
  • Your long-term career goals – if you have a profession in mind, do expand on this (warning: just saying you 'want to be a journalist' will make you sound like thousands of others). If you don't know what you want to do yet though, don't worry.
  • Your ambitions – according to Dr Emma Bainbridge, an English Admissions Officer at the University of Kent, expanding on what you hope to achieve while studying literature, not just what you already know, will impress.

English personal statement pitfalls to avoid

  • A boring opening – avoid 'I have always loved literature/reading' or 'I have always had a passion for literature…'.
  • Irrelevant context – talking about the Beatrix Potter book you were given when you were six probably won’t impress.
  • Overblown language – English applicants need a strong writing style, but don't go overboard. Cut lines like 'I was totally encapsulated by To Kill a Mockingbird' or 'my achievements at school were vast', and limit reaching for that 'synonyms' button.
  • Cut the cheese – the University of Southampton very sensibly suggests avoiding rhetorical phrases like 'So why English and philosophy, then?' You are applying to an English department, not The Apprentice.
  • Poor spelling and grammar – it is an English degree, after all!

Extracurricular interests

Most universities like to see some detail of this, but keep it interesting and brief – probably 20% maximum – and ask yourself why it’s relevant. For example, your experience listening to or coaching readers in your local primary school will probably make more impact than playing badminton.

How much you dedicate in your statement to outside interests will also depend on the kind of English degree you're applying for, or whether you're combining it with another subject.

Dr Antonella Castelvedere at University Campus Suffolk, whose degree course focuses on English language as well as literature, is looking for students to reflect on both elements, and mentions book group membership, theatre attendance, cultural projects or voluntary work in schools as examples of the kind of activities that would impress – along with anything that demonstrates inquisitiveness or critical thinking.

Put your personality into it

The English department at Royal Holloway reinforces Dr Thurston's point above about being turned off by ‘deep and meaningful philosophical statements’. The bottom line is, they would much rather read about you, your tastes in reading, your cultural activities, your aspirations, and some of your relevant personal experiences.

In summary, do try to give them a sense of your analytical approach and the breadth of your literary or cultural interests. But engage them with your passion and enthusiasm too.

Read more advice about writing your personal statement , and our English subject guide , covering courses, entry requirements, and careers.   

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3 Tips for a Keele Medicine Interview

Tips for Keele Medicine Interview

Looking for top tips for a Keele medicine interview? You’ve come to the right place!

Interview format:  MMI

Applying to Medicine this year? Book a space on our  MMI Circuits !

1. Know what your Keele medicine interview will involve

Keele state that they assess the following in the MMI :

  • Motivation / Experiences informing your decision to pursue a medical career
  • Empathy and Insight
  • Responsibilities and challenges of being a doctor
  • Awareness of ethical issues in health and society
  • Comprehension
  • Effective communication

So practice questions on these topics!

Go to Medical School Interview Questions and Answer Guides>>

I’d also recommend re-reading your Roles and Responsibilities form before your Keele medicine interview – it portrays the skills and qualities you’ve recognised throughout your work experiences and what you’ve learnt from them. Be able to expand on each point you make as well as well as giving suitable examples.

2. Practice analysing ethical issues

As stated above, Keele will most likely have a station which assesses your knowledge of  ethical issues. It may seem daunting to answer such questions but with background knowledge of the four pillars of medical ethics, you’ll be able to apply them to any scenario you are presented with.

So – do your research! Here are some guides to get you started:

  • Read more about Autonomy >>
  • Read more about Beneficence >>
  • Read more about Non-Maleficence>>
  • Read more about Justice>>

Then, once you’ve gained a further understanding of what they are, try practising answering some ethical questions with a friend or family member, as there input and opinion might help you to strengthen your answer. When trying to answer such questions, I recommend thinking from both sides of perspective rather than just strongly agreeing or disagreeing.

See answer guides to ethical scenario questions>>

3. Prepare for the maths test

A Keele medicine interview will involve a maths test of 20 questions in 30 minutes – and you must score a minimum of 5 to pass.

I recommend going onto the Keele website and trying the sample questions which they have released in order to expose yourself to the types of questions that might feature, and seeing which areas you could improve on.

Another top tip is to try to brush up on your conversions (eg. converting grams to milligrams) as this is what most of the questions are based on – your ability to be able to convert correctly and accurately.

Read more about how to do drug calculations>>

Words: Alisha Imran

Got other interview offers? Read more in the series:

  • 3 Tips for a Bristol Medicine Interview
  • 3 Tips for a Cardiff Medicine Interview
  • 3 Tips for a King’s Medicine Interview

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Keele University


Keele University: Acceptance Rate, Fees & Courses

Staffordshire, United Kingdom

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University Type

QS Global Rank

Average Living Expenses

Keele University is an open research university. It was established in 1949 located in Staffordshire, England. The university has three prominent faculties: The faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Medicine and Health. It has been observed as the largest campus in the country consisting of a science park and grand buildings.

What is the acceptance rate of Keele University?

The Keele University acceptance rate is 80% approx.

The University has over 10,000 students enroled in the programmes and constitutes international students across 120 different nations. It offers unsurpassed programmes through 20 subject areas- Science, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Management Studies, and Medicine and Health Sciences. Keele University is accredited with ACU EUA Universities UK Midlands Innovation UWM.

Top Reasons to Study in the Keele University

Keele University is a prestigious university spread across 620 acres. The campus assists and supports building the firm community of leading individuals diligently making a difference in society. 

  • Keele University scholarships are granted to individuals based on their country, talents, and field of education. Some of the scholarships are the Developing Countries Scholarship, US federal student loans, Article 26 Asylum Seeker Bursary, etc.
  • Keele University welcomes visiting students and exchange students to experience the campus and its study modules on the permit by their home university. 

Cost of Studying at Keele University

Average tuition fee

5000+ Students

Availed education loan

Loan amount sanctioned

Assistance for loan process

Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)

Average living expenses (Masters)

Average on-campus living expenses

Admissions at The Keele University

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)

Application Fee

How to Apply at Keele University

  • Keele University accepts UG programmes through UCAS registrations. 
  • UCAS refers to the University and colleges Admissions Service. 
  • The students must fill out the application with their personal details in the six sections. 
  • After the submission of the form, the students can apply to up to 5 programmes. 
  • The application must have personal information, past qualifications, and course preferences.
  • The students applying for PG Keele University courses must apply directly on the university’s application portal. 

Note: Application Portal : UCAS for bachelors and Online application portal for masters.

Keele University requirements for application fee: For UG courses: 16.82 GBP (917.53 INR); For PG courses: No fee.

Documents Required to Apply to Keele University

  • Personal statement
  • Transcripts of academic achievements and educational qualifications
  • Statement of purpose 
  • Reference letter by certified authorities 
  • Portfolio, Curriculum vitae 
  • Test scores of the entrance exams and English test scores like IELTS, TOEFL, etc.

Exams Accepted By Keele University

Keele University's admission requirements are distinct for its offered courses. It usually relies on the prior academic qualifications of the students. However, the candidates with the following test scores would be considered over others in the preferred disciplines. 









GRE- Verbal


English Proficiency Requirements 

Keele University has the following English Proficiency minimum requirements to enrol at the institution.







Cambridge (CAE & CPE)

169 with a minimum score of 162 in Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing

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Vipra Salunke

Law, Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies

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Soundar Rajan


Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology)

Alumni at Keele University

Keele University has an array of alumni communities working for the upliftment and betterment of numerous sectors in distinct professions. The community has expanded to over 100,000 students. The rich and versatile alumni include Priti Patel (British Politician), Kojo Annan (Businessman), Clare Short (British Politician), Jem Finer (Musician), Michael Mansfield (English Barrister), and Zulfikar Ghose (Novelist).

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Reviews for Keele University

Campus life

Number of campuses the university has 1

Campus locations Staffordshire

View on Google Earth

Transportation in the city

The university is well-connected through bus services- Newcastle and Stoke-on-Trent operating between the campus and Hanley. The primary bus route is 25 connecting to and from the campus crossing the main city centres. The students enjoy travelling at discounted fares. The students can use the Keele Key ticket for economical travel on the First bus and D&G.

The freshers receive a free bus pass in case of the absence of the campus accommodation by the authorities. 

Services offered by the university

  • The campus has a dedicated Athletic Union to encourage students into various sports like dodgeball, rugby, etc. It consists of sports halls of national levels, a dance studio, a gymnasium, and a fitness centre.
  • It is the first higher education institution to have full facilities of the Kinesis gym.

Student life at Keele University

Keele University is known for catering to the requirements of students and opening up global opportunities. The campus maintains established relationships with the UK and overseas.

  • The student union is responsible for handling any social activities and events throughout the year. 
  • It has a 24/7 library with utmost facilities, study space, a vast collection of books, journals, directories, etc. It constitutes a campus library and a dedicated health campus with exhaustive online and print resources.

On campus accomodation at Keele University

It provides guaranteed accommodation to international students through its vast network of amenities and facilities available within the campus or a short walk from the centre of campus. The students are offered assistance to find private accommodation near the campus if necessary.

  • The premises have 2800 bedrooms available onsite for the students. The rooms are designed to suit the preferences and the individual requirements of the students.
  • The variety of rooms features easy access to cafes, restaurants, sports centre, medical and health centre, libraries, and bars. 
  • The accommodation provides 24/7 campus security, internet accessibility, and support from the authorities. 

Accommodation Expenses 

The weekly accommodation at the Keele University cost starts at 97 GBP (9,162 INR).

Faculty Information

University Faculty Stats

The university has a total number of 10,000 students bifurcated into a male to female ratio of 42:58. The total number of teachers in the institute consists of 860 members. The student to faculty ratio is 20:1.

Jobs and Opportunities

Research opportunities at Keele University

It is a research-oriented university. It has maintained complex and highly respectable research amenities and a student training centre. The campus has a comprehensive research culture. It has collaborated with various global institutions and organisations to handle scenarios of the climate crisis and global health. Some of the recent commendable researches are Soil analysis in UK churchyards for contamination and National assessment analysis.

Internship opportunities at Keele University

Keele University has partnered with numerous institutions to enhance the abilities of students to understand their interests and the suitability of their fields. The current internships are available in organisations like Reliance Medical, KRISP Project by Dunelm Leaders, Market business analyst and CRM Management by Thea Pharmaceuticals Ltd, and Digital marketing executive by Strategy 365.

Placement of Keele University

Keele University has a high placement rate of 96%. The graduates from the university find highly prestigious jobs right after graduation or advance to higher studies. The university encourages the students to undertake placement as a portion of the degree. It allows the candidates to improve their skills, refine the chances of better employment prospects, and apply a practical approach to theoretical knowledge. A greater percentage of Keele University international students , as well as native students, receive job letters after their internships. Graduates of Keele University earn an average salary of 83,399 GBP (8,064,774 INR) per year with a degree in law.

1. What is the acceptance rate of Keele University? The university has a high acceptance rate of 82%.

2. What is the graduation rate at Keele University? The graduation rate maintained by the campus is 90%.

3. What are the GPA requirements for Keele University?  The university has a minimum GPA requirement of 3.3. 

4. Does Keele University provide distance learning courses? Keele University offers masters programmes in the distance. The programmes are 100% flexible and designed for innovative individuals. 

5. Is Keele University a good choice for international students? It is a good choice for international students as it offers a supportive and friendly environment for them. 


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UCAT Cut Off Guide 2024

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👇🏻 Medicine (Quick Links) ​

Medical School UCAT Requirements (2025 entry)

Low UCAT Medical Schools (2025 Entry)

Medical Schools for SJT Band 4 (2025 Entry)

UCAT Scores Guide for 2024

👇🏻 Dentistry (Quick Links) ​

Dental School UCAT Requirements (2025 entry)

Low UCAT Dental Schools (2025 Entry)

Dental Schools - Overview

✅ What Is This Page?

A guide to help select a university based upon your UCAT score (updated for 2025 entry - as best as we can) and application in 2024. Here you can find out about what courses require the ucat, and how it is used in shortlisting applicants for interviews. These are all of the ucat requirements for universities in 2024. 

We know how difficult it is to choose which four Medical or Dental Schools to apply to.

✅ A Quick Message

We have created this UCAT Universities Guide to help students make a more informed decision on UCAT schools while detailing how each university uses the UCAT. We endeavour to keep this updated for 2024 (2025 entry), but we alw ays recommend checking each medical school's website for the most accurate and latest information. We assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions on this page - please let us know if you notice any errors - we are trying our best! 

✅ How Is My UCAT Score Used?

Each university will use the UCAT score in different ways to try and shortlist candidates for the UCAT.

✅ Generally, there are three different ways that universities are likely to use the UCAT score :

Cut off scores for each section/overall score for the 2025 entry (using UCAT/GCSE/Contextual etc)

All top-ranking candidates will be shortlisted for interview

Used along with every other aspect of the application to decide whom to invite for an interview.

You can see how each university will use the UCAT score here

Remember to check out our UK Medical School Guide for more information on each university and how they use different aspects of the UCAT and interviews in the application process. Some of these universities have ucat cut off scores for 2025 entry, which you will be able to see below. These UKCAT medical schools that require the ukcat have all outlined how they use the UCAT within the decision-making application process. There is no direct minimum ucat cut off for medicine, but each university has its requirements. 

To find out where you can apply with a low UCAT score - click here

NB: Always check the university's website for the latest available information

UCAT Cut Off Scores High UCAT Score Low UCAT Score ucat cut off scores 2024 entry 2025 entry

UCAT Universities Medicine Cut Off For A100 Medical Schools 2024 (2025 Entry)

Aberdeen Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Aberdeen Medical School

Aberdeen ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry, aberdeen medical school ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry:.


2023 Entry: (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2670), (Graduates, Average Invited = 2630)

2022 entry: 2440 (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2670), 2440 (Graduates, Average Invited = 2660)

2021 entry: 2370 (School Leavers), 2630 (Graduates)

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Scores INVITED TO INTERVIEW (University of Aberdeen UCAT Cut off) [ Rest of the UK ]

2024 Entry: 2440 (non-WP)

2023 Entry: 2500 (non-WP) (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2760), (Graduates, Average Invited = 2660)

2022 entry: 2580 (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2850), (Graduates, Average Invited = 2720)

2021 entry: 2650 (School Leavers), 2620 (Graduates)

👉🏼   LOWEST UCAT Scores INVITED TO INTERVIEW (Aberdeen UCAT Cut off) [International Students ]

2024 Entry: 2700 

2023 Entry: 2700 (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2800), (Graduates, Average Invited = 2770)

2022 entry: 2570 (School Leavers, Average Invited = 2640), 2570 (Graduates, Average Invited = 2910)

2021 entry: 2600 (School Leavers), 2630 (Graduates)

Aberdeen Medicine Entry Requirements & Selection Criteria:

Your application is assessed and scored objectively by:

Assessing your academic achievements/predictions (30%).

UCAT score (20%) - SJT not scored.

Adding the academic and UCAT score together, then inviting the highest-scoring applicants to interview.

Interview performance (50%) is added to the already achieved score.

The SJT is used if there are two similar candidates

Places Available:

Scottish Students: 254

Rest of UK Students: 25

International Students: 19

Post Interview Offer % (Home, Non-WP, RUK Student):   Using the latest data available

Anglia Ruskin Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at Anglia Ruskin Medical School

How does anglia ruskin medical school look at the ucat, anglia ruskin ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry.

There is no Anglia Ruskin UCAT cut-off score (2024 Entry)

All candidates are ranked and a proportion is invited to interview. 

👉🏼 LOWEST  UCAT scores per year INVITED TO INTERVIEW [UK Students] ie UCAT Cut Off 2024:

UCAT 2023 Entry: 2640 (RUK), 2570 (if local student)

UCAT 2022 Entry: 2590

UCAT 2021 entry: 2370 (Average = 2595)

UCAT 2020 entry: 2430 (Average = 2606)

UCAT 2019 entry: 2440 (Average = 2612)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT scores per year INVITED TO INTERVIEW [UK Students]:

UCAT 2023 entry: 2778

UCAT 2022 entry: 2748

UCAT 2021 entry: 2612

UCAT 2020 entry: 2605

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT scores per year OFFERED a place [UK Students]:

UCAT 2022 entry: 2590

UCAT 2021 entry: 2380

UCAT 2020 entry: 2410 

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT scores per year OFFERED a place [UK Students]:

UCAT 2022 entry: 2745

UCAT 2021 entry: 2613

UCAT 2020 entry: 2605 

LOWEST interviewed UCAT scores per year [Graduate Students]:

UCAT 2021 entry: 2410 (Average = 2580)

UCAT 2020 entry: 2530 (Average = 2651)

UCAT 2019 entry: 2590 (Average = 2691)

🚩 SJT Band 4 = automatic rejection.

UCAT Score Cut Off - 2024 Entry

Your UCAT Score will be ranked and shortlisted points allocated for living or studying up to one academic year prior to the time of your application in the East of England region, with further points for Essex. We will invite all the shortlisted applicants to interview.

Selection Process – 3 phases

Phase 1: Academic Screen - All applications are checked to ensure that they meet the minimum academic entry requirements.

Phase 2: Shortlisting - All applicants meeting the main academic entry requirements with predicted grades of AAA or WAMS applicants with a lower Conditional offer of ABB, will be ranked on their UCAT Score, with shortlisting points for living or studying in the East of England region, with further points for Essex.

Phase 3: Interviews (MMI) - After the interview, applicants will receive the University's decision via UCAS. All offers will have conditions of satisfactory DBS and Occupational Health checks attached to them.

NOTE: Extra points are allocated for living or studying up to one academic year prior to the time of your application in the East of England region, with further points for Essex.

Aston Medical School Requirements

UCAT at University of Aston Medical School

How Does Aston Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Aston UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry:

(2024 Entry) - there is no Aston Medical School UCAT cut-off score - it is used in conjunction with academics (see scoring below). 

They look at Academics (24 points) + UCAT score (12 points) = Total of 36 points [see below how to score]

👉🏼 Aston Score Cut Offs

2023 Entry: 31.5/36 points (non-WP)

🏆 Aston UCAT Points Scoring Criteria (Max 12 points)

3500 - 3600 = 12 points 

3400 - 3490 = 11.5 points 

3300 - 3390 = 11 points 

3200 - 3290 = 10.5 points 

3100 - 3190 = 10 points 

3000 - 3090 = 9.5 points 

2900 - 2990 = 9 points 

2800 - 2890 = 8.5 points 

2700 - 2790 = 8 points 

2600 - 2690 = 7.5 points 

2500 - 2590 = 7 points 

2400 - 2490 = 6.5 points 

2300 - 2390 = 6 points 

2200 - 2290 = 5.5 points 

2100 - 2190 = 5 points 

2000 - 2090 = 4.5 points 

1900 - 1990 = 4 points 

...and so on

✅ Aston GCSE & A-Level Scoring Criteria [Note it differs if predicted or completed A-Levels]

👉🏼 LOWEST academic scores INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Aston Medical School (2022 Entry):

Lowest = 22 points

Average = 23 points

Highest = 24 points

🏆 If NOT completed A-Levels - max = 24 points

Scoring of 6 GCSE grades (Maximum = 24 points)

9/8/A* = 4 points

7/A = 3 points

6/B = 2 points

5/4/C = 1 point

2022 entry: Average Points = 23.8

🏆 If HAVE completed A-Levels (need a minimum of A*AA) - max = 24 points

Scoring of 6 GCSE grades (Maximum = 12 points)

9/8/7/A*/A = 2 points

6/B = 1 points

5/4/C = 0 point

Scoring of 3 A Level grades (Maximum = 12 points)

A*/A = 4 points


2023 Entry: 2610 (non-WP)

2022 entry: 2380 (Home), 2450 (WP), 2050 (International); note some places mentioned 2680 as their UCAT Cut Off Score

2021 entry - 2150* note may include WP students; no data for non-WP students, but may be >2680.

2020 entry - 2110* note may include WP students 


2022 entry: 2631 (Home), 2657 (WP), 2496 (International)


2022 entry: 2380 (Home), 2450 (WP), 2210 (International)


2022 entry: 2661 (Home), 2655 (WP), 2525 (International)

SJT is only used in borderline candidates (2023)

Aston Medical School Admission Process:

We rank all applicants based on their achieved qualifications which are normally GCSEs or equivalent international qualifications and total UCAT score. We do not consider the SJT banding in our ranking. The top-ranking applicants are then invited for an interview and re-ranked with the total score for their Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs). Upon completion of the MMIs, the top-ranking applicants are offered a place to study in the MBChB programme at AMS. Applicants are divided into Home non-widening Participation (Home), Home Widening Participation (WP) and International and are ranked separately within their group.

For 2024 entry: Note that Aston aims for 40% of its UK places to be allocated for widening participation criteria

🏆 Aston Selection Post Interview

Aston add your interview score to your academic and ucat score

This is done as 25% of your total score

Ie total selection score = Academics (50%) + UCAT (25%) + Interview (25%)

75% (use UCAT post interview)

Bangor University & University of North Wales Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at Bangor University Medical School

How Does Bangor Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Bangor UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Scores are used in the selection process, but there is no minimum threshold score.

As this is a new course, there is no current available UCAT cut off scores or past data for the medical school.

Selection Process:

The selection process involves evaluating UCAT scores, personal statements, and interviews.

Queen Mary Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at Barts & Queen Mary Medical School

How Does Barts Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Queen Mary Medical School (Barts) UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Traditionally, one needs a high UCAT score to be invited for an interview.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score Invited To Interview (Barts UCAT Cut Off Score)

2023 Entry: 2720 (Home), 2870 (International), 2940 (Graduate - another source says 2770)

Fourth decile and above - you will not be offered an interview if you obtain a total UCAT score below the fourth decile. 

A-Level predictions are scored

UCAT must be in the top 60% of scores.

🚩 SJT Band 4 = rejection.

Once candidates reach the interview stage, the scores achieved at the interview are primarily used to influence potential offers being made. This year, interview scores were combined with candidates' SJT (Situational Judgement component of the UCAT) scores and ranked based on the combined score.

Please note that we do not rank applicants according to GCSE results and no data is held on this.

Barts Selection

This included their overall interview score and points awarded for their SJT band.

SJT Band 1 = 2 points

SJT Band 2 = 1 point

SJT Bands 3 and 4 = 0 points

Graduate Students

The lowest UCAT score for Graduates with a 1st class degree who received offers for interview this year was 2820. The lowest UCAT score for Graduates with a 2.1 that received offers for interview this year was 3210.

Selection Criteria:

Applicants will be selected for interview on the basis of a weighted score compared to other applicants who apply in the same year, and may be comprised of UCAT score, UCAS tariff of entry qualifications predicted or achieved, or weighted scoring of degree for graduates. 

Selection after interview may consider all assessment factors: interview score, situational judgement test, UCAS tariff of entry qualifications predicted or achieved or weighted scoring from degree and UCAT score.

University of Birmingham Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Birmingham Medical School

How Does Birmingham Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Birmingham UCAT Cut Off Score 2024 for 2025 Entry

For 2023 entry, the UCAT Cut Off Score was 2670 .

Used in combination with academics (see Birmingham Application Score Calculator ). Candidates are split into deciles and allocated a score based on that. The top decile requires approximately 2950 in the UCAT ( See UCAT Deciles for more information )

No Birmingham UCAT cut-off score. 

Ranking for the interview is by application score:

GCSEs = 45%

Contextual = 15%

Birmingham Score Cutoffs (2023 Entry)

GCSE Score: 3.75 (Non-WP), 3.00 (WP)

Total Application Score: 8.125 (Non-WP) 8.067 (WP)

Minimum GCSE Score: 4.125 (Non-WP), 3.0 (WP)

Median GCSE Score: 4.5 (Non-WP), 4.5 (WP)

International : predicted A level equivalent at least A*AA

🚩 SJT contributes to the interview score. 


2023 Entry: 2880 (standard), 2500 (contextual), 2960 (International)

2022 Entry: 2850 (standard), 2360 (contextual)

2021 Entry: 2690

👉🏼 MEDIAN UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Birmingham Medical School:

2023 Entry: 3000 (standard), 2770 (contextual)

2022 Entry: 2670

2021 Entry: 2720

2020 Entry 2650

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Birmingham Medical School:

2023 Entry: 2873 (those not guaranteed interview), 3079 (International)

2022 entry: 2811

2021 entry: 2822

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Birmingham Medical School [International]:

2023 entry: 2960 (International)

2022 entry: 2880

2021 entry: 2820

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Birmingham Medical School


2023 entry: 3079 (International)

2022 entry: 2831 (Home),  2952 (International)

2021 entry: 2843 (Home), 2955 (International)

Birmingham Medical School Selection Process 2023

We will apply the following selection process to all standard applicants:

Applications will receive an overall score, which is the sum of weighted scores for each of three components: academic, UCAT and contextual

The inclusion of a contextual element to the score replaces our previous method of assigning 20% of interview places to contextual applicants

The weighting will be: 45% academic, 40% UCAT and 15% contextual. 

We will not score your personal statement, but you must offer evidence of commitment to medicine (see ' Preparing to Apply ')

Scoring an application

An application score is generated from GCSE and UCAT results as well as a contextual element as follows:

Each application will receive a score for academic achievement based on results in seven GCSE (or equivalent) subjects. The subjects that will be scored are: English (both English Language and English Literature), Mathematics (or one, but not both, of Methods in Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics), Biology and Chemistry (or dual award science), plus two additional GCSEs in any subject. We will not exempt anyone from requiring a score for all identified subjects.

For the subjects specified above a minimum of grade B/6 must be offered and the scores allocated to the different grades are as follows:

8 or 9/A* = 4

For each of the two unspecified subjects, a score of 2 will be allocated when an 8 or 9/A*grade has been obtained. Lower grades will not receive a score.

The total GCSE score will be scaled to a maximum of 4.5.

Because we rank applicants according to a total score, we cannot define a GCSE grade profile that will be acceptable.

There is no minimum UCAT cut-off score. Your total UCAT score from the four subtests (i.e. excluding the band result for the Situational Judgment Test, SJT), will be ranked among those for all applicants. The scores will be segregated into deciles and we will allocate our own score to each decile. For example, the top 10% of applicants’ scores will be in the top decile and will receive a maximum score of 4.0 in our process [this changes every year depending on the deciles]. 

The band score for the Situational Judgment Test (SJT) component of UCAT will be used at the interview stage.

For 2022 entry:  >8.0/10 for an interview for non-WP participants, minimum UCAT score of 2850 and minimum GCSE score of 4.0

Contextual Requirements

Applicants must have attended a contextual school or have been in receipt of free school meals (FSM) during their secondary education to receive a score for this element.

Consideration of contextual information is not new but from 2020/21 we have incorporated the contextual element into the algorithm used to score all applicants, instead of setting aside interview places for contextual applicants. We also incorporate POLAR4 data into our process.

We describe elsewhere the mechanism we use for identifying a contextual school and an explanation of POLAR4 (see ‘ Entry Requirements MBChB (5 year) ’).

Contextual School

If you studied at a school that meets our contextual criteria for GCSEs and/or A Levels, you will receive a score for the contextual element. Applicants from state (non-independent) schools in Wales will receive a contextual score.  Please contact your school provider or search for your school on for more information.

You can retrieve your POLAR4 quintile from the Office for Students website: OFS Postcode Lookup .

Selection for interview is determined by ranking applicants according to the total application score (combination of GCSE, UCAT and contextual scores, with a maximum of 10). We expect to interview over 1,100 standard applicants.

If this ranking does not allow us to identify an exact cut-off, we will rank applicants with the same score according to their UCAT results (focusing primarily on the score for Verbal Reasoning).

🏆 Birmingham Admissions Statistics (2022-2023)

Standard Entry: 900 Applications, 299 Interviews, 254 Offers

Graduate Entry: 130 Applications, 30 Interviews, 20 Offers

Contextual: 989 Applications, 517 Interviews, 365 Offers

Widening Participation: 280 Applications, 229 Interviews, 142 Offers

Number of places (2023 entry): Home – 372; International – 28

Brighton and Sussex Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at Brighton And Sussex Medical School

How Does Brighton BSMS Look At The UCAT?

Brighton Medical School UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

As 2024 entry was the first year that BSMS are using the UCAT, no cut-off scores are currently known. 

Admission Statistics [International]

2023 Entry: 313 Applicants, 57 Interviews, 31 Offers

Admission Statistics [UKWPMED] [Guaranteed Interview in 2024 Entry]

2024 Entry: Applicants - 17, Interviewed - 17, Offers - 10

2023 Entry: Applicants - 7, Interviewed - 7, Offers - 6

Bristol Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Bristol Medical School

How Does Bristol Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Bristol UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Places great importance on UCAT - 100% weighting on those invited to interview (as GCSE and A-Levels are just used as cutoffs).

👉🏻   LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW for Bristol (ie Bristol UCAT Cut Off Scores)

UCAT Cut Off 2023 Entry: 2910 (Home), 2960 (International), 1890 (Contextual)

2022 Entry: 2870 (Home), 2910 (International), 1790 (Contextual)

2021 Entry: 2830 (Home), 2750 (International), 2020 (Contextual)

👉🏻   AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW for Bristol Medical School:

2023: 2978 (Home), 3022 (International)

2022: 2948 (Home), 3002 (International)

2021: 2936 (Home), 2998 (International)

👉🏻   LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER for Bristol:

2023 Entry: 1910 (Home, likely WP)

👉🏻   AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER for Bristol:

2023 Entry: 2982 (Home), 3018 (International)

2022 Entry: 2941

Information From 2023 Entry

Interview offers are then made based on interview performance only (ie academics and UCAT are then not considered) (2023 entry)

As we do not weight A-levels or GCSEs (or equivalent qualifications), applicants who are predicted to, or have already achieved our minimum academic entry requirements will then have their application scored with a 100% weighting on the UCAT result, which will be used to select candidates for interview.

Bristol Admission Statistics (Home)

2023: 1215 Applications, 830 Interviewed, 595 Offers

2022: 1595 Applications, 790 Interviewed, 395 Offers

Brunel Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at Brunel Medical School

How does a Brunel Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Brunel Medical School UCAT Cut-Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Applicants are ranked according to their UCAT Score. No prior data is available. There is no Brunel UCAT Cut Off Score.

Selection Criteria for a Brunel Medicine Interview:

Interviews are scheduled in accordance with UCAT score, academic ranking, personal statement and reference. The timing of the interview will not influence the likelihood of being offered a place.

IELTS :7.0 overall (min 7.0 in all areas)

SJT Band 4 = Rejection.

You may still apply if you have not taken UCAT/GAMSAT, but your invitation to interview may be delayed, or you may not receive an invitation, depending on the availability of interview slots. If places are still available, applicants who have not taken UCAT/GAMSAT are reviewed by the Selection Panel and are ranked according to their predicted or achieved academic scores.

Applications in the following circumstances will not be normally considered:

Previous enrolment on a medicine course, whether completed or not

Transfer from another undergraduate science or medicine programme

Previously undertaken Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) at Brunel Medical School.

Cambridge Medicine Requirements

UCAT at University of Cambridge Medical School

How Does Cambridge Medical School Look At The UCAT?

University of Cambridge UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

As this is the first year that Cambridge are using the UCAT, no cut-off scores are currently known. 

It is likely that scores will be on the higher side. 

Cardiff Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Cardiff Medical School

How does cardiff medical school look at the ucat, cardiff ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry.

There is no Cardiff UCAT cut-off score. There is no minimum UCAT or GAMSAT threshold score that applicants must achieve, however in 2024, it is believed that as so many applicants achieved maximum academic scores, the UCAT cut off score for Cardiff was 2690. 

We prioritise attained academic qualifications, Level 2, (and Level 3, if offered) but we will use a UCAT tariff if we are oversubscribed with applicants with exceptional academic scores to help select which applicants to interview. Use (or not) of the UCAT can only be determined each year after we have assessed the academic scores of all the applicants. We always aim to interview as many well-qualified applicants as possible.

👉🏼 GCSE Point Scoring at Cardiff Medical School (2022 Entry)

The top 9 GCSEs are scored (must include Maths, English Language, Biology, Chemistry)

A*/8/9 = 3 points

A/7 = 2 points

B/6 = 1 point

👉🏼 LOWEST GCSE Points Needed FOR AN INTERVIEW at Cardiff Medical School (2022 Entry)

2022 Entry = 27 points

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Cardiff (ie Cardiff UCAT Cut Off): (use with caution)

2024 entry: 2690 (was the home ucat cut off used for those who scored maximum academic scores)

2023 entry: 1980

2022 entry: 2010

2021 entry: 2100


2023 entry: 2767 (Home), 2751 (International)

2022 entry: 2733 (Home), 2718 (International)

2021 entry: 2729 (Home), 2666 (International)

2020 entry: 2588 (Home), 2513 (International)

👉🏼   LOWEST UCAT score GIVEN AN OFFER at Cardiff:

2023 entry: 2180

2022 entry: 2210

2021 entry: 2120

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT score GIVEN AN OFFER at Cardiff:

2023 entry: 2802

2022 entry: 2745

2021 entry: 2618

2020 entry: 2604

NB: re Welsh Students & Contextual Students:

" Welsh-domiciled applicants, along with contextualised applicants (as detailed in our Admissions Policy) are provided with additional consideration during the initial selection process, as these are

Chester Medical School Entry Requirements - Medicine

UCAT at University of Chester Medical School

How Does Chester Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Chester UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

UCAT is one of the entry criteria for graduate entry and you must meet the minimum threshold mark, there is no current information as to what this is. 

Note: It is only available for graduates for 2024 entry

Dundee Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Dundee Medical School

How does dundee medical school look at the ucat, dundee ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry.

There is no Dundee direct cut-off score for the UCAT. The UCAT score is used alongside academic achievements to generate a pre-interview score. 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Dundee (ie Dundee UCAT Cut Off): 

2023 entry: 1940 (Scottish), 2460 (RUK), 2110 (International)

2022 entry: 2090 (Scottish), 2350 (RUK), 2090 (International)

2021 entry: 1980

2020 entry: 1980


2023 entry: 2672 (Scottish), 2794 (RUK), 2701 (International)

2022 entry: 2732 (Scottish), 2795 (RUK), 2616 (International)

2021 entry: 2666

2020 entry: 2706

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score of Offer Holders at Dundee

2023 entry: 2773 (Scottish), 2786 (RUK), 2730 (International)

2022 entry: 2763 (Scottish), 2804 (RUK), 2649 (International)

Dundee Medical School Selection Process

With regard to the selection process the University combines an Academic Score (based on certified and predicted grades and contextual factors) and UCAT score. These scores were weighted 60:40 Academic: UCAT for non-graduates and 40:60 Academic: UCAT for graduates. 

We use the UCAT score by categorising the applicants in deciles of UCAT performance. GCSE results and predicted grades are scored and together makeup 60% of the initial assessment stage for school leavers. UCAT accounts for the other 40%.

UCAT Situational Judgement (SJT) Bands are not considered as part of the assessment process (2024 Entry)

Edge HIll Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at Edge Hill Medical School

How does edge hill medical school look at the ucat, edge hill ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry.

(2024 Entry) Applicants who meet the UCAT threshold will be invited to interview. No clear guidance as to what this threshold is. All candidates are ranked according to their UCAT score, and then a threshold is applied. 


2023 Entry: 2610

2022 Entry: 2600

2021 Entry: 2440


2023 entry: 2720

2022 entry: 2700


2023 Entry: 2748

2022 Entry: 2725

2021 Entry: 2661

Selection process at Edge Hill Medical School

Stage 1: Application screening against the standard academic criteria

All applications will be screened to determine whether they meet the standard academic criteria. Applications which do not meet the minimum eligibility and academic criteria will not be progressed to the next stage.

Stage 2: UCAT ranking

Applicants who meet the minimum academic criteria will be ranked according to their UCAT scores. A UCAT threshold will be set depending on the number of interviews to be held.

Applicants who meet the UCAT threshold will be invited to interview. The UCAT threshold set by the University may differ from year to year as it is dependent on the scores achieved by those who apply to us in each admissions cycle. Any candidate scoring within band 4 in the Situational Judgement Test will be automatically rejected.

The UCAT threshold will be extended for candidates who meet specific widening participation criteria or have successfully completed the Widening Access to Medicine Programme at Edge Hill University.

Stage 3: Interview

All candidates who progress from stage 2 will be required to attend interview. Interviews for September 2023 entry will take place virtually via Microsoft Teams.

🚩  SJT Band 4 = rejection (2024 Entry)

Edge Hill Foundation Medicine UCAT Scores (2023 Entry)

Number of applications: 129

Number of interviews: 39

Number of offers: 24

UCAT Cut Off: 2350

Highest UCAT Applicant: 3050

Edinburgh University Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Edinburgh Medical School

How does edinburgh medical school look at ucat scores, edinburgh ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry .

In 2023/2024 this was 2470

You are required to meet a minimum UCAT score as part of our entry requirements for 2024 entry.  

Our UCAT total cut-off score for those applying for 2024 entry will be 2470 - everyone else is rejected. However, use this with caution looking at the average scores below.

Selection Process A100 - 2023 Entry:

Academic score (achieved or predicted): 25%

UCAT score (by decile): 17.5%

Situational judgement test (SJT) banding: 7.5%

Assessment day scores: 50%.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Edinburgh Medical School, ie UCAT Cut Off Score: 

2023 Entry: (Scottish), (RUK), 2130 (International, use with caution)  

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Edinburgh Medical School: 

2023 Entry: 2890 (Scottish & RUK combined, not particularly helpful), 3039 (International)  

2022 Entry: 2790 (Scottish), 2940 (RUK), 2840 (International) 

2021 Entry: 2818 (Scottish), 2936 (RUK), 2840 (International) 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Edinburgh Medical School, ie UCAT Cut-Off Score: 

2023 Entry: 2178 (Scottish & RUK combined, not particularly helpful), 2910 (International)  

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Edinburgh Medical School: 

2023 Entry: 2934 (Scottish & RUK combined, not particularly helpful), 3102 (International)  

2022 Entry: 2800 (Scottish), 3090 (RUK), 3090 (International)

2021 Entry: 2850 (Scottish), 2986 (RUK), 3079 (International)

Once all the scores are received we rank them, divide the cohort into deciles (ten equal groups) and allocate a score. We also allocate a score to your SJT banding. The points are then added to your academic score to contribute towards your final ranking for shortlisting and possible invitation to one of our Assessment Days. The individual sections of the total score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made where there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer.

These points are then added to the academic score, which contributes to the final ranking for shortlisting and invitation to an interview.  

For MBChB Medicine the University scores an applicant’s eight best GCSEs, which must include Chemistry, Biology, Maths, and English. The applicant must have achieved a minimum grade of 7 or A in these GCSEs

The total UCAT score and academic score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made and there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer. 

Once all the scores are received we rank them, divide the cohort into deciles (ten equal groups) and allocate a score. We also allocate a score to your situational judgement banding. The points are then added to your academic score to contribute towards your final ranking for shortlisting and possible invitation to one of our Assessment Days.  

The total score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made and there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer.

🚩  SJT Band 4 = rejection.

How Edinburgh Score The Application:

The academic portion of each application to our Medicine programme is scored independently by two members of the Admissions Team. The academic scores outlined in the table below are doubled, to provide an academic score out of a total of 20 points. The academic portion of each application constitutes 25% of the overall application score.

Once the academic part of an application is scored, we await confirmation of each applicant's UCAT total score and Situational Judgement Test banding directly from UCAT. These are weighted separately, with the UCAT total score awarding 17.5% of the total application score and the SJT banding awarding 7.5%. Applicants who are awarded Band 4 in the SJT or whose UCAT total score falls below our cut-off score for that cycle are removed from the selection process (with the exception of Plus Flag applicants, who are exempt from the UCAT total score cut-off).

The total of these three components (50% of the overall application score) is used to shortlist for invitations to our Assessment Day (per fee category). The Assessment Day (Interview) score provides the final 50% of the overall application score. This final overall score is then used to shortlist for offers (also per fee category).

Exeter Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Exeter Medical School

How does exeter medical school look at the ucat, exeter ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry .

Candidates ranked by UCAT and this list determines those who are invited to interview in 2024. 

Applicants who meet the published entry requirements will have their UCAT and Academic qualifications weighted in order to assign a score. 

Weightings will be 25% UCAT and 75% Academic achievement.

Please check their selection criteria to work out your Essex Score.

👉🏼 Exeter Medical School Score Cut Off (use the link above)

95 points cut off (essentially meant that you required 3A* predictions and a top 3 decile UCAT score) 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Exeter (not actually a cut-off) (Non-Widening Participation) ?anomalies in their data

2022 Entry: 1820 

2021 Entry: 1820

2020 Entry: 1830

2019 Entry: 2020

2018 Entry: 1900

2017 Entry: 1560


2022 Entry: 2892 

2021 Entry: 2767

2020 Entry: 2652

2019 Entry: 2629

2018 Entry: 2735

2017 Entry: 2144

Glasgow Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Glasgow Medical School

How Does Glasgow Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Glasgow UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry 

Interviews holistically allocated by UCAT score. 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW per entry year (Glasgow Cut Off Scores):

2023 Entry: 2800 (International)

2022 Entry: 2900 (International)

2021 Entry - 2690 (Scottish), 2830 (Rest of UK), 2700 (International)

2020 Entry - 2620 (Scottish), 2680 (Rest of UK), 2680 (International)

2019 Entry - 2650 (Scottish), 2680 (Rest of UK), 2600 (International)

2018 Entry - 2680 (Scottish), 2680 (Rest of UK), 2680 (International)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score of Offer Holders at Glasgow:

2022 Entry: 2863 (including uplifts), 2805 (raw score)

2021 Entry: 2873 (including uplifts), 2816 (raw score)

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Glasgow A100:

2023 Entry: 2810 (International)

👉🏼 Application Statistics Glasgow A100 [International]

2023 Entry: 533 Applications, 164 Invited To Interview, 95 Offers, 22 Places

2022 Entry: 543 Applications, 91 Interviewed, 52 Offers, 22 Places

2021 Entry: 631 Applications, 161 Interviewed, 65 Offers, 22 Places

Hull York Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at Hull And York Medical School

How Does Hull York Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Hull York UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry 

Used in conjunction with academic scores. 40% weighting on UCAT score alongside GCSE and SJT performance (2024 Entry)

SJT is looked at after the interview.

Hull York Medicine Selection Process:

Applicants meeting our minimum academic requirements and eligibility criteria for our programmes are ranked for interview.

Applications are considered within the context of the applicants to the same programme as you (Medicine or Medicine with a Gateway Year), in the same application cohort as you.

We do not look for a specific score to be achieved, but instead, rank you in numerical order and invite the topscoring applicants to interview.

GCSE results (30 points)

Applications will be given an academic score based upon the best six achieved grades at GCSE for Medicine, or best five GCSEs for Medicine with a Gateway Year, or equivalent Year 11 qualifications.

UCAT Score (40 points)

We award a number of points based upon your total UCAT score; we do this once UCAT results are released to universities in November. As such the number of points that each UCAT score will receive as part of our Selection Procedure will be determined after the UCAS deadline.

UCAT Situational Judgement Test at HYMS (15 points)

Points are allocated depending on the SJT Band achieved, up to a maximum of 15 points.

Contextual data (up to 15 points)

We are committed to selecting the best applicants based on their potential, we, therefore, use contextual information alongside your UCAS form to better inform decision-making. Due to the availability and comparability of data, the use of contextual information will apply to UK school leaver applicants only.

An additional up to 15 points will be awarded to candidates who meet at least two of the following criteria:

The candidate’s home postcode is in an area of low participation (POLAR quintile 1 or 2)

No parental experience in higher education

The candidate is in receipt of the UCAT Bursary

🏆 Selection For Offer at HYMS

The following scores are collated:

Overall interview score

SJT Band - (10 points)

Conextual data: (10 points)

Imperial Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at Imperial College London

How Does Imperial College London Look At The UCAT?

Imperial UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry 

As this is the first year that Imperial are using the UCAT, no cut-off scores are currently known. 

Scores will likely be on the higher side. 

Imperial UCAT Selection Criteria for 2025 Entry

This is what Imperial have said:

The UCAT score will be used to help rank candidates to invite for interview. We anticipate inviting the top third [approximately] ranked candidates to interview.

As this is our first year using UCAT, we are not able to provide a minimum threshold score for 2025 entry.

In line with past BMAT thresholds, our final cut offs vary every year depending on the cohort’s set of results. Contextual, non-contextual and Overseas variance in the thresholds may also apply.

This suggests that there will be cut off scores for each section, but this has not been confirmed. 

Selection Process

The selection panel is comprised of teachers in undergraduate education with experience in the admissions process, who will ratify overall interview numbers. The following criteria may be considered when assessing your application:

A-level or equivalent predicted (or achieved) grades

UCAT scores

Evidence of commitment to the values of the NHS Constitution

Motivation and understanding of medicine as a career

Community activities

Leadership and teamwork

Extracurricular interests

Referee’s report

Keele University Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Keele Medical School

How Does Keele Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Keele UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry : 

Single Keele UCAT cut off score (2024 Entry)

For the 2023 entry, the cut-off score was 2280 . This equates to the bottom two UCAT deciles being rejected. 

The UCAT is then not used in any decision-making process. 


2022 Entry: 2629

2021 Entry: 2573

Keele Medicine Selection Process [2024 Entry]

**Note: the Keele process has changed for 2024 entry, the Roles & Responsibilities form is no longer used **

Shortlisting for interview is based on a combination of UCAT scores and the UCAS personal statement. 

The UCAT grade and personal statement grade will be calculated as shown below and combined to give a total on a scale of 1 to 25. This total mark will be used to rank A100 applicants for interviews.

UCAT Quintile (20%) [Total = 5 points]

1st (Top 20%) = 5 points

2nd = 4 points

3rd = 3 points

4th = 2 points

5th = 1 point

SJT Band [Total = 2 points]

1 = 2 points

2 = 1 point

3 = 0 points

Other Points [Total = 3 points]

UCAT Bursary = 1 point

Contextual Offer = 1 point

School in Keele region = 1 point

Keele Personal Statement Grade Calculation

UCAS personal statements will be assessed against the person specification for a Keele medical student (see below) to give a score on a scale of 0 to 15. 

Your personal statement must provide examples of ways in which you have demonstrated the characteristics listed in the person specification. 

Please see the guidance notes accompanying the person specification to help you with writing your personal statement. If you are applying directly from school/college, please make sure your head of sixth form, UCAS adviser and any other relevant member of staff is aware of the need to address these requirements.

Guidance notes on writing the personal statement for Keele

The essential characteristics are:

a) Awareness of the roles of a doctor within the healthcare team, community and society

b) Ability to engage meaningfully with people who have some need of care, support and/or help

c) Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of people

d) Willingness to take on responsibility and fulfil it to the best of your ability

e) Ability to maintain one or more significant activities alongside your academic studies over a prolonged period

f) Evidence of having made a positive difference to another person’s life

Entry Requirements for Kent Medway Medical School

UCAT at Kent And Medway Medical School

How Does Kent & Medway Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Kent & Medway UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

For 2022 entry: KMMS operated a selection threshold of total UCAT score 2470 or above (corresponding to the 44th centile) and UCAT SJT band 3 or above.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score given an INTERVIEW (ie Kent UCAT Cut Off) :

2023 Entry: 2470 (Home), 2470 (International)

2022 entry: 2200

2021 entry: 2160

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score given an INTERVIEWED at Kent & Medway:

2023 Entry: 2657 (Home), 2637 (International)

2022 entry: 2629

2021 entry: 2623

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score given an OFFER at Kent for Medicine:

2023 Entry: 2470 (Home), 2480 (International)

2022 entry: 2650

2021 entry: 2605

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score given an OFFER at Kent A100:

2023 Entry: 2656 (Home), 2615 (International)

KMMS does not use predicted A level grades in selecting applicants.

King's College London Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at Kings College London

How Does King's Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Kings UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

No King's UCAT cut-off score (2024 Entry) - but it is worth noting they average your score across the subtests and give that more consideration than individual subtest scores, and they consider SJT scores too. There is no cut-off score as UCAT is used in combination with the rest of your application in the shortlisting process. 

It is believed that Interview Selection is made up of a score that is made up out of 170 (2024 Entry)

Contextual /20 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW [ie Kings College London UCAT Cut Off Score]:

2023 Entry: 2520 (non-WP), 2710 (International)

2022 Entry: 2360 (non-WP), 2380 (WP)

2021 Entry: 2510 (non-WP), 2390 (WP)

2020 Entry 2400 (non-WP), 2180 (WP)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at King's College A100:

2023 Entry: 2985 (Home), 3101 (International)

2022 Entry: 2951 (SJT Band 1), 2857 (WP)

2021 Entry: 2953 (non-WP), 2890 (WP)

2020 Entry: 2824 (non-WP), 2751 (WP)

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at King's College A100:

2023 Entry: 2470 (Home - unclear if WP or not), 2710 (International)

2022 Entry: 2850 (International)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at King's College A100:

2023 Entry: 2984 (Home), 3108 (International)

2022 Entry: 2850

2021 Entry: 2220 (use with caution)

✅ King's College Medicine Selection Process

For ranking in previous cycles, applications which met the entry requirements were ranked according to their UCAT score (average score and SJT band) compared to other applicants with improvement given for GCSE results (number of A*s) and School performance as well as an improvement on ranking if considered a Widening Participation applicant. 

Interview selection was scored out of 170 – UCAT 100 + SJT 10 + GCSE 40 + WP 20

✅ UCAT Score

UCAT percentile rank (compared to King's applications) multiplied by 100.

✅ SJT Scoring

Points added according to the SJT Band: 

SJT Band 1 = 10 points

SJT Band 2 = 5 points

SJT Band 3/4 = 0 points

For GCSEs, points were awarded according to the number of A*s achieved at GCSE (subject is not considered). Less than 5 scored 0, 5 scored 10, 6 scored 20, 7 scored 30, 8+ scored 40. Scores were adjusted according to the GCSE attainment quintile of the school. 

School in bottom two quintiles, then A = A*

School in the third quintile, then A = 0.5A*

School in top two quintiles, then A=A 

Predicted or achieved A Level grades or equivalent have been used to assess whether applicants would meet or exceed the minimum entrance requirements for the course.  Thereafter such grades have not been factored into the ranking process which takes place afterward and has determined who is and is not invited to interview for the course. 

Post-interviews, interview score has been the main factor used to decide who offers have been made to.

Graduate Entry Medicine at Kings College London UCAT Cut Off Scores (A102)


2023 Entry: 2890


2023 Entry: 3038

2022 Entry: 3046

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER for Kings Graduate Entry Medicine:


2023 Entry: 3022

2022 Entry: 3056

🏫  King's College London acceptance rates and statistics for MBBS Graduate/Professional Entry Programme GEM:

2023 Entry: 980 Applications, 78 Interviews, 24 Offers

2022 Entry: 1247 Applications, 75 Interviews, 28 Offers

University of Central Lancashire Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Lancaster Medical School

How Does Lancaster Look At The UCAT?

Lancaster UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Lancaster cut-off scores are currently known. 

Leeds Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Leeds Medical School

How Does Leeds Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Leeds Medical School will require the UCAT for 2024 & 2025 Entry - this was changed in 2023. 

This means that anyone sitting their  UCAT entrance exams in 2024- will need to sit the UCAT and not the BMAT for entry to Leeds. 

There is no known UCAT Cut Off Score for Leeds Medical School - this will only be known retrospectively (ie later in 2024). 

Leeds Medicine Application Statistics [International]

2024 Entry: 339 Applicants, 32 Interviews, 12 Offers

2023 Entry: 576 Applicants, 16 Interviews, 7 Offers

2022 Entry: 574 Applicants, NA Interviews, 17 Offers

Leicester Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Leicester Medical School

How Does Leicester Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Leicester UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: 

UCAT will form 50% of the pre-interview scoring system, with academics forming the other 50% of scoring (2024 Entry)

Interview Selection at Leicester:

UCAT (50%) - 32 Marks

Academics (50%) - 32 Marks

Leicester Interview Cut-Off Score:

2023 Entry: 59.5 (for those with predicted A-Levels), 60 (for those with achieved A-Levels),  59 (for internationals)

2022 Entry: 58.5 (for those with predicted A-Levels), 58 (for internationals). 

The bottom two deciles are automatically rejected. 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INTERVIEWED at Leicester (ie Leicester UCAT Cut-Off Score):

2023 Entry: 2510 (Home), 2570 (International)

2022 Entry: 2510

2021 Entry: 2310


2023 Entry: 2836

2022 Entry: 2773

2021 Entry: 2648

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score OFFERED A PLACE at Leicester:

2023 Entry: 2510 (Home), 2680 (International)

2022 Entry: 2520

2021 Entry: 2420


2023 Entry: 2817

2022 Entry: 2785

2021 Entry: 2595

Leicester Medical School Selection Process 2023 for 2024 entry

Academic ability will be scored on the basis of 8 GCSE results including the mandatory subjects of English Language, Maths, Chemistry and Biology (or Science and Additional Science). It will form 50% of the preinterview score.

Your academic score will be combined with a score based on your UCAT results, again up to 32 points, giving a maximum possible score of 64 points overall.

Your combined score will determine whether you are invited for interview . In order to distinguish between 'borderline' applicants, we may also take into account your 'personal qualities' based on your personal statement and reference.

👉🏼 GCSE scoring will be as follows, 8 GCSEs are looked at [max 32 points]: 

9 = 4 point

8 = 3 point

7 = 2 point

6 = 1 point

The GCSEs looked at will include: English language, Maths, Double Science (2), and the best four other subjects

👉🏼 UCAT Scoring as follows (confirmed for 2024 entry)

3,200 = 32 points

3150 – 3199 = 31.5 points

3100 – 3149 = 31 points

3050 – 3099 = 30.5 points

3000 – 3049 = 30 points

2950 – 2999 = 29.5 points

2900 – 2949 = 29 points

2850 - 2899 = 28.5 points

2800 - 2849 = 28 points

2750 - 2799 = 27.5 points

2700 – 2749 = 27 points

2650 - 2699 = 26.5 points

2600 – 2649 = 26 points

2550 - 2599 = 25.5 points

2500 - 2549 = 25 points

2450 - 2499 = 24.5 points

2400 - 2449 = 24 points

2350 - 2399 = 23.5 points

2300 - 2349 = 23 or 16* (depending on where bottom two deciles are

If you have achieved A-Levels (ie in a Gap Year Now)


UCAT Score: Top 2 Deciles

SJT Band 1-3

In your first gap year

Otherwise, your application will be scored using your GCSEs and UCAT score. Bonus points will be awarded for more than one A* at A level as follows: A*A*A = 1, A*A*A* = 2, with the academic score capped at 32. 

If you are in your second gap year, unless there has been for instance significant illness, or mandatory national service, we will expect you to have evidence of paid employment in a caring role

Leicester Medicine A100 Application Statistics [UKWPMED]

2024 Entry: 84 Applicants, 73 Interviews, 24 Offers

2023 Entry: not part of UKWPMED

Lincoln Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Lincoln Medical School

How Does Lincoln Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Lincoln UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: 

There is no fixed UCAT threshold score when selecting for an interview. They have their own scoring system as below (similar to Nottingham, however their threshold is usually lower). 

Lincoln Cut Off A10L Score:

2023 Entry: 122/152 points (use scoring system below to calculate your own score)

Average UCAT Score of an Offer Holder at Lincoln A10L:

2023 Entry: 2649 (94% achieved UCAT SJT Band 1)

SJT Band 4 = Rejection

Lincoln Application Scoring (2024 Entry) - the same as University of Nottingham. 

They use a combination of UCAT & GCSE grades

🏆 GCSE Scoring

When selecting for an interview, we’ll score your highest eight GCSEs. You must have:

A minimum of six GCSEs at Level 7 (A), including both Biology and Chemistry

Achieved a minimum of a grade 6 (B) in Maths and English Language

✅ GCSE Points Scoring (32 Points)

9 or A* = 4 points

8 = 3 points 

7 or A = 2 points

6 or B1 = 1 point

🏆 UCAT Scoring (120 points)

A maximum of 60 points can be awarded for the cognitive skills element of the UCAT.  

There is no fixed threshold score to be selected for interview.

✅ Cognitive Skills (Max 60 points)

Each section of the UCAT is scored. The VR score is doubled. Ie max scores are: VR (24 points), AR (12 points), DM (12 points), QR (12 points). 

801 to 900: 12 Points

701 to 800: 10 Points

601 to 700: 8 Points

501 to 600: 6 Points

401 to 500: 2 Points

✅ Situational Judgement Test (Max 60 points)

Band 1: 60 Points

Band 2: 45 Points

Band 3: 20 Points

Band 4: 0 Points

SJT Band 4 = Rejection Automatically

Therefore TOTAL SCORE is out of 120 + 32 points = 152 points

We do not score A levels, AS levels, or equivalent as we do not require predicted A level grades as part of our selection process. However, you'll still need to achieve the A level grades or equivalent required to meet the academic conditions of any offers.

Liverpool Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Liverpool Medical School

How Does Liverpool Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Liverpool UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

The selection process for 2024 Entry was in stages (note this changed fairly last minute for 2023 entry, where previously GCSEs were used more heavily - so be careful):

Stage 1: Applications are ranked based on the results of the relevant admissions tests. UCAT or GAMSAT  

Stage 2: Those with the most competitive admissions test scores are assessed to determine which meet/exceed minimum academic criteria  

Stage 1 & 2 repeated until all interviews are allocated

SJT Band 4 = rejection. 

Predicted Grades not used at all in selection (2022 entry)

Liverpool mention what 'competitive UCAT scores were':

A competitive score in the 2018-19 admissions cycle was 2420; the score in 2019-20 was 2400, for 2022 entry was 2620 and for 2023 entry: 2660.

🏆 Stage 2: Academic Criteria (15+ points needed)

A minimum score of 15 points from the best 9 GCSEs or equivalents. Points awarded as in the table below: 

A*/A/7/8/9 = 2 points 

B/6 = 1 point 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Liverpool (ie Liverpool UCAT Cut Off):

2023 Entry: 2660

2022 entry: 2620

2021 entry: NA

2020 entry: 2230

2019 entry: 2400


2023 entry: 2793 (Home), 2859 (International)

2022 entry: 2738 (Home), 2740 (International)

2021 entry: NA (Home), 2654 (International)

2020 entry: 2682 (Home), 2673 (International)

2019 entry: 2632

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT score GIVEN AN OFFER at Liverpool:

2022 entry: 2280 (Home)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Liverpool Medical School:

2023 entry: 2797.

2022 entry: 2740

2020 entry: 2630

Liverpool A100 Medicine Admission Statistics

2023 Entry: 2918 Applications, 583 Offers

2022 Entry: 3785 Applications, 423 Offers

2021 Entry: 3265 Applications, 596 Offers

2020 Entry: 2397 Applications, 923 Offers

2019 Entry: 2787 Applications, 1060 Offers

Manchester University Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Manchester Medical School

How Does Manchester Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Manchester UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: 

Manchester University Medicine UCAT: Required UCAT scores in the top third nationally ( top 4 deciles ) and SJT Band 1 or 2 will be invited to interview. SJT Band 3 and 4 Likely Rejected


2023 Entry: 2750 (Non-WP), 2620 (WP)

2022 Entry: 2730 (Non-WP), 2590 (WP)

2021 Entry: 2640 (Non-WP), 2500 (WP)

2020 Entry: 2610 (Non-WP), 2470 (WP)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW At Manchester Medical School

2023 Entry: 2896 (shortlisted for interview)

2022 Entry: 2826 

2021 Entry: 2623

Also has a Non-Academic Information Form that will be required to be filled out after the UCAS deadline in October 2024. 

Newcastle Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Newcastle Medical School

How Does Newcastle Medical School Look At The UCAT?

A100 Newcastle Medicine Selection Process 2024 (2025 Entry) - NEW PROCESS

Newcastle's medicine selection process has changed in 2024 for all 2025 entry applicants. This is a summary of their process. Generally speaking there is a greater weighting to GCSE grades now. 

Step 1: Academic screening (Score / 100)

All applicants are screened to see if their predicted or actual grades meet the minimum entry requirements. Those who don't meet the requirements are not considered further.

Applicants are scored out of 100 based on their Achieved Grades and UCAT results.

Either GCSE  (/40) or Achieved A-Levels (/40) or Achieved Degree grades (/40) will be considered

Step 1a) GCSE Grades (Score / 40)

Best 8 GCSEs including: English language, English literature, mathematics, and science subjects

Grade 9 = 5 points

Grade 8 = 4 points

Grade 7 = 3points

Grade 6 = 1 points

Grade 5 = 0 points

or Step 1b) A-Level Grades (Score / 40)

A-Levels including Maths and Science subjects will be considered. Please note maximum 40 points even if you exceed this. 

A* = 16 points

A = 8 points

B = 8 points

or Step 1c) Degree Grades (Score / 40)

1:1/1st Class Degree = 40 points

2:1 = 40 points

Step 2: UCAT Score (Score / 60 points)

Up to 60 points are awarded for the UCAT result on a sliding scale. 

UCAT Score (rough idea of scoring points) - see here for more accurate scoring

3200 - 3600 = 60 points

3134 = 55 points

3067 = 50 points

3001 = 45 points

2934 = 40 points

2868 = 35 points

2801 = 30 points

2735 = 25 points

2668 = 21 points

2535 = 11 points

2419 = 2 points

Step 2: Interview

Approximately 1000 students are interviewed each year.

Interviews take place on campus between December and February.

The MMI format is used, with seven stations assessing different competencies.

Each station lasts 7 minutes, and one station involves a roleplay scenario.

Step 3: Offer

After interviews, all applications are reviewed and offers are made.

Both the academic screening score and the interview performance are considered equally.

Personal statements and references are checked at this point.

Successful applicants must meet the conditions of their offer.

The video also mentions that the entry requirements are three A's at A-level, but science subjects are not required. Applicants who are eligible for the contextual

Newcastle Medical School UCAT Cut Off 2023 for 2024 Entry (note this may not be relevant for 2025 entry onwards)

Applicants who meet the academic threshold are ranked based on their UCAT scores. A UCAT threshold is set depending on the number of interviews to be held. Applicants who meet the UCAT threshold will be invited to an interview. The UCAT threshold may differ from year to year as it is dependent on the scores achieved by those who apply to us in each admissions cycle.

Invitation to interview will be based on the ranking of applicants’ UCAT scores.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW (ie Newcastle UCAT Cut Off Score/Interview Threshold)

2023 Entry: 2820 (Home), 2600 (International), 2510 [some resources state 2550) (PARTNERS)

2022 Entry: 2800 (Home), 2870 (International), 2710 (Partners)

2021 Entry: 2820, 2720 (Partners)

2020 Entry: 2730, 2620 (Partners)

2019 Entry: 2720, 2550 (Partners)

2018 Entry: 2580

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score of applicants INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Newcastle:

2023 Entry: 2943

2022 entry: 2952


2023 Entry: 2740 (Home), 2550 (PARTNERS), 2600 (International)

Norwich University Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Norwich Medical School

How does norwich medical school (east anglia) uea look at the ucat, university of east anglia (uea) ucat cut off 2024 for 2025 entry:.

(2024 Entry) - No cut-off - but high scores are welcomed. The score is used for selection for interviews & in consideration of making offers. SJT score is used alongside the interview score.

How is the UCAT used at the University of East Anglia?

How do we use the UCAT?

The overall UCAT score is used to rank applicants for selection for interview.

The overall UCAT score is used alongside the interview score to rank and select applicants to whom an offer is made.

The SJT component score is included within the interview score.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT INTERVIEWED at UEA/East Anglia ie UCAT Cut Off Score (Non-WP)

2024 Entry: 2190 [check average scores]

2023 entry: 2290 [uncommon, be careful]

2022 entry 1970


2024 Entry: 2790 (Home)

2023 entry: 2839 (also stated as 2849), median = 2810

2022 entry 2730

2021 entry: 2699


2024 Entry: 2440 (Home)

2023 entry: 2510 (Home), 2670 (International)

2022 entry 2580

2021 entry: 2290


2024 Entry: 2809 (Home)

2023 entry: 2714 (Home), 2808(International)

2022 entry 2818

2021 entry: 2746

After interview, they rank students based on a combination of UCAT Score, Interview Score & SJT

🚩  SJT included in interview score

Nottingham University Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Nottingham Medical School

How Does Nottingham Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Nottingham Medicine Points UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: Varying Nottingham UCAT cut off every year. There is a significant emphasis on Verbal reasoning (scores double points).  We do not accept applicants who score a Band 4 on the Situational Judgement Test. Nottingham doubles the score for verbal reasoning due to  published research evidence .

🏆 Overall Nottingham Points Scoring Threshold:

2023 Entry: 131/152 points (see scoring below to calculate your own score) - for home non-graduates


2022 entry: 2807

2021 entry: 2854

2020 entry: 2741


2023 entry: 2858 - 95% achieved SJT Band 1, 3228 interviewed, 527 offered a place (16.3%)

2022 entry: 2806

2021 entry: 2891

2020 entry: 2744

🏆 Nottingham UCAT Scoring

There is no fixed UCAT threshold score when selecting for an interview. 

Nottingham Application Scoring (2024 Entry):

There is no fixed threshold score to be selected for the interview.

Oxford Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Oxford Medical School

How Does Oxford Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Oxford UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

As this is the first year that Oxford are using the UCAT, no cut-off scores are currently known. 

Plymouth Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Plymouth Medical School

How Does Plymouth Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Plymouth UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 entry

Holistic assessment based on GCSE, A Level (or predictions) and UCAT Score.

For the 2023 Entry, there were official UCAT Cut Off scores for Plymouth Medical School: 2680 (Home), 2330 (UKWPMED), and 2440 (International).

Selection process (2023 Entry): What is used? Predicted or achieved academic outcomes, UCAT or GAMSAT scores, Contextual Markers for Widening Participation applicants (some of which data must be gathered outside of the application received from UCAS).

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score Interviewed at Plymouth (ie Plymouth UCAT Cut-off score):

2024 Entry: 2210 (Home), 2210 (WP)

2023 Entry: 2680 (Home),  2460 (International), 2330 (WP)

2022 Entry: 2610 (Home), 2610 (International)

2021 Entry: 2400

2020 Entry: 2390

2019 Entry: 2330

2018 Entry: 2400

2017 Entry: 1870

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score Invited to INTERVIEW at Plymouth:

2023 Entry: 2776 (Home), 2689 (International)

2022 Entry: 2728 (Home), 2716 (International)

2021 Entry: 2583 (Home), 2556 (International)

2020 Entry: 2562

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score given an OFFER at Plymouth:

2023 entry: 2370 (Home, likely WP), 2510 (International)

2022 entry: 2610

2021 entry: 2400

2020 entry: 2390

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score given an OFFER at Plymouth:

2023 entry: 2774 (Home), 2638 (International)

2022 entry: 2727

2021 entry: 2590

2020 entry: 2571

We do not currently include the SJT banding score (2023 Entry)

🏆 Plymouth Application Statistics

2023 Entry (Home): 1367 Applications, 591 Interviews, 281 Offers

2023 Entry (International): 158 Applications, 30 Interviews, 11 Offers - India x3, Canada x1, Egypt x 1, USA x 1, Germany x1, Pakistan x1, Sri Lanka x 1, Hong Kong x1, UK National (int. fee) x1.

2022 Entry (Home): 2171 Applications, 649 Interviews, 196 Offers

2022 Entry (International): 280 Applications, 56 Interviews, Unclear (>5) Offers

2021 Entry (Home): 1567 Applications, 696 Interviews, 297 Offers

2022 Entry (International): 267 Applications, 75 Interviews, 13 Offers

Belfast Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Queen's Belfast Medical School

How Does Queen's Belfast Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Queen's Belfast UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: 

The UCAT is used with GCSEs to rank for interviews at Queen's (2024 Entry)

UCAT = 12.5% (6 points)

GCSEs = 87.5% (36 points) - top 9 GCSEs looked at

Total = 42 points

👉🏼 Past Thresholds ie Cut Off Scores for Queens Belfast

2023 Entry: 38 points (see below for scoring)

2022 Entry: 37 points

2021 Entry: 32 points

2020 Entry: 30 points

2019 Entry: 32 points

2018 Entry: 30 points

👉🏼 UCAT Points Scoring (Maximum 6 Points)

1200 – 1899 = 0 

1900 – 2099 = 1 

2100 – 2299 = 2 

2300 – 2499 = 3 

2500 – 2699 = 4 

2700 – 2899 = 5 

2900 – 3600 = 6

👉🏼 GCSE Points Scoring (Maximum 36 Points)

Top 9 GCSEs are scored:

A*/9 = 4 points

A/7/8 = 3 points

B/6 = 2 points

C/4/5 = 1 point

SJT is used either:

On borderline applicants who have achieved a similar academic score, or

On borderline applicants who have achieved a similar score at interview.

If two candidates have the same rank order but there was only one place then the offer is made to the candidate with the highest SJT score in the UCAT.

Full scoring here

Queen's Belfast A100 Application Statistics

2023 Entry: 775 Interviewed, 333 Offers

2022 Entry: 787 Interviewed, 305 Offers

Sheffield Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Sheffield Medical School

How Does Sheffield Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Sheffield UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry:

For 2023 entry: Sheffield UCAT Cutoff score was 2850 to be invited for an interview (non-contextual).

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Sheffield (ie Sheffield UCAT Cut Off Score):

2023 Entry: 2850 (Home), 2840 (International)

2022 entry: 2780 (Home), 2710 (International)

2021 entry: 2740 (Home), 2760 (International)

2020 entry: 2660 (Home), 2700 (International)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Sheffield Medical School:

2023 Entry: 2950 (Home), 2930 (International)

2022 entry: 2920

2021 entry: 2890

2020 entry: 2800

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT score GIVEN AN OFFER at Sheffield Medical School:

2023 entry: 2850 (Home), 2840 (International)

2022 entry: 2780 (Home), 2720 (International)

2020 entry: 2660

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT score GIVEN AN OFFER at Sheffield A100 Medicine:

2023 entry: 2960 (Home), 2990 (International)

2022 entry: 2930

2021 entry: 2900

In addition to the eight sections in the interview, applicants' scores in the UCAT Situational Judgement Test (SJT) will be considered as a ninth virtual station. The UCAT SJT will contribute to the interview score as follows:

✅ Interview Score (out of 40 points) + SJT (5 points) = 45 points total post interview

8 actual stations (each out of 5 points), and 1 station is SJT scored as follows:

Band 1 = 5 points

Band 2 = 4 points

Band 3 = 3 points

Band 4 = 2 points

Sheffield Medicine Application Statistics

2023 Entry [Home]: 1795 Applicants, 1100 Interviewed, 513 Offers, 271 Accept

2023 Entry [International]: 310 Applicants, 100 Interviewed, 35 Offers, 18 Accept

University of Southampton Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Southampton Medical School

How Does Southampton Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Southampton UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

Applicants ranked by UCAT (2024 Entry) 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Scores Invited To Interview (ie Southampton UCAT Cut Off Score):

2023 Entry: 2770 (International)

2022 entry: 2750

2021 entry: 2680

2020 entry: 2570

SJT is not used (2023 Entry)

Offers based on interview performance. 

👉🏼 Southampton GEM Graduate Entry LOWEST UCAT Scores Invited To Interview (ie Southampton UCAT Cut Off Score) - GRADUATE ENTRY Medicine BM4:

2023 entry: 2900 (Non-Southampton graduate), 2660 (Southampton graduate)

2022 entry: 2940 (Non-Southampton graduate), 2830 (Southampton graduate)

2021 entry: 2930 (Non-Southampton graduate), 2780 (Southampton graduate)

University of St Andrews Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of St Andrews Medical School

How Does St Andrews Medical School Look At The UCAT?

St Andrew UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 entry: 

Applicants ranked by UCAT, top 500 invited to interview (2024 Entry)

UCAT is used if two people have the same interview score.

Note WP participants are given a 10% uplift on their UCAT scores. 


2023 Entry: 2260 (Scotland), 2570 (RUK, though 2827 is mentioned in some places), 2610 (International)

2022 entry: 2330 (Scotland), 2630 (RUK), 2200 (International)

2021 entry: 2550

2020 entry: 2490

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at St. Andrews [RUK]:

2023 Entry: 2580 (RUK)

2022 Entry: 2620 (RUK)

2021 entry: 2550 (RUK)


2023 Entry: 2876 (RUK, differs in some places), 2719 (Scotland), 2866 (International)

2022 Entry: 2907 (RUK), 2723 (Scotland), 2754 (International)

2021 entry: 2916 (RUK), 2854 (Scotland)

2020 entry: 2895 (RUK), 2895 (Scotland)

2019 entry: 2794 (RUK), 2794 (Scotland)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at St. Andrews:

2023 Entry: 2892 (RUK)

2022 Entry: 2918 (RUK), 2804 (Scotland)

2021 entry: 2940 (RUK), 2856 (Scotland)

2020 entry: 2940 (RUK), 2819 (Scotland)

2019 entry: 2813 (RUK), 2776 (Scotland)


2022 Entry: 2560

St Andrews A100 Application Statistics [RUK]

2023 Entry: 450 Applications, 148 Interviews, 109 Offers

2022 Entry: 562 Applications, 146 Interviews, 95 Offers

2021 Entry: 463 Applications, 161 Interviews, 105 Offers

The selection process for applicants to Medicine includes an assessment of all information on the application form including:

academic performance

personal statement and reference

UCAT scores.

Applicants meeting these requirements will be ranked on the basis of their UCAT global score. Those ranked in the top 500 or so will be given an interview. Decisions to make offers will be based on the interview score and the ‘route’ to which applicants have applied. Where applicants have the same interview score, the global UCAT score will be used to differentiate between them.

St Andrews A100 Medicine Application Statistics & Data

2023 Entry [RUK]: 450 Applications, 148 Interviewed, 109 Offered

A990 Medicine at St Andrews UCAT Cut Off Scores (for Canadian Citizens)


2023 Entry: 2440


2023 Entry: 2704

2023 Entry: 2620

2022 Entry: 2630


2023 Entry: 2830

St Andrews Medicine A990 Application Statistics [Canadian Applicants]

2023 Entry: Applications: 94, Interviewed: 49, Offers: 24, Entrants: 12

2022 Entry: Applications: 87, Interviewed: 23, Offers: 25, Entrants: 15

St George's University of London Medicine Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of St George's Medical School

How Does St. George's Medical School Look At The UCAT?

St George's Medical School UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry:

Needs a minimum of 500 in each  UCAT subsection

For 2023 Entry SJT is used as part of the decision-making process

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Scores INVITED TO INTERVIEW (ie St Geroges UCAT Cut Off Scores)

2023 Entry: 2630 (note: St George's entered clearing this year)

2022 Entry UCAT Cut off: 2710 (Home), 2710 (International), 2810 (Graduate)

2021 Entry UCAT Cut-off: 2620 (Home), 2710 (International) 2800 (Graduate)

2020 Entry UCAT Cut-off: 2480

2019 Entry UCAT Cut-off: 2490

2018 Entry UCAT Cut-off: 2590

2017 Entry UCAT Cut off: 2600

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Scores GIVEN AN OFFER at St George's:

2022 entry: 2832

2021 entry: 2829

Extenuating circumstances regarding UCAT are not considered

Sunderland Medical School Entry Requirements

UCAT at University of Sunderland Medical School

How Does Sunderland Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Sunderland UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

UCAT score must be in the top 8 deciles. This meant that the minimum score for 2024 entry was 2300. 

Predicted grades are not looked at (2024 Entry)

They have a numeracy test to sit during the interview selection process. 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW ie Sunderland UCAT Cut Off Score:

2023 Entry: 2280 (note some documentation states 2260 )

2022 Entry: 2540

👉🏼 MEDIAN UCAT Score Invited to Interview:


2023 Entry: 2554

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER ie Sunderland:

2023 Entry: 2260 (some say 2300)

2022 Entry: 2310

2021 Entry: 2290

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Sunderland A100:

2023 Entry: 2578

2022 Entry: 2570

2021 Entry: 2552

Sunderland Interview Selection Tool (Roles & Responsibilities Form) - unclear if this is changing for 2024 Entry

The interview selection tool is a survey used as part of the shortlisting process for selection for an interview. Here are some helpful tips for completing the survey:

This survey is used as part of the shortlisting process for selection for interview

This is a survey about your work experience over the  past 2 years only (if your work experience is still ongoing and commenced more than 2 years ago that can be included)

We class ‘work experience’ as hands-on work in a public-facing role. This can be either voluntary or paid.  In addition to the above, significant caring responsibilities for the family will also be included as work experience: this will typically be caring for an unwell or disabled family member.

We do not include school- or college-organised programs as work experience,  unless you have helped to develop these yourself

Shadowing staff in clinical environments  should not  be included in this survey but is useful in preparing you for an interview

You can list up to 4 work experiences, however, please note it is not the number of work experiences we look at but the total commitment you have shown with your experience(s)

For any sections, you are not completing please leave blank

You must supply contact details for your most significant work experience provider (employer/provider) or give the contact information of a teacher who knows your family situation.

Only complete one form. If you do submit two forms, we will only look at the first one that was submitted

Application Statistics:

2023 Entry: 944 Applications, 180 Offers, 100 places

2023 Entry: 203 on the reserve list, 41 made an offer

2022 Entry: 631 Applications, 169 Offers, 100 places

2021 Entry: 490 Applications, 252 Offers, 100 places

Surrey Graduate Entry Medicine Requirements

UCAT at Surrey University Medical School

How does surrey medical school look at the ucat.

As a graduate entry only programme, Surrey mainly looks at the GAMSAT, however there are some situations where the UCAT can be looked at (see below).

As this is a relatively new course there are no known surrey UCAT cut off scores.

Surrey Medical School Selection Process 2024

Stage 1: Preliminary Shortlisting

Evaluation: Applications are reviewed based on academic achievement and predicted grades. Incomplete applications or those not meeting minimum requirements are rejected.

Stage 2: Aptitude Test - GAMSAT or UCAT

GAMSAT: Required for most applicants.

UCAT: Accepted for applicants with relevant Biomedical/Biochemistry/Biosciences degrees. UCAT scores are sent directly to the University.

Stage 3: Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI)

Interview Invitation: Virtual or in-person MMIs.

IELTS Academic:  A score of at least 7.0 overall and at least 7.0 in all components.

❓ Applying for 2024 Entry?

✅ Irrespective of your UCAT score you need a good personal statement and interview technique  - don't leave anything down to chance!

✅ Have your PS checked today for Medicine or Dentistry ✅ Begin expert 1-1 coaching for interviews with an excellent 420 Question Interview Q&A Guide and 1-1 Mock Interviews ✅ Expert 1-1 Medicine Interview Coaching & Dentistry Interview Coaching

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How Do I Decide Which UCAT University I Should Apply To?

It is difficult to choose where to apply based on your score in the UCAT. Fortunately, you will be given your UCAT score before you apply, which means you can spend some time researching which universities require higher UCAT scores or lower UCAT scores.

Which medical school to apply to with a low UCAT score?

If you did not score very well, or think that you have a bad UCAT score, you have several options:

Apply to universities that traditionally require low UCAT scores

​Aston Medical School  -  work out your score, depends on GCSEs   (see above)

Cardiff  - work out your score

Plymouth  - UCAT cut-off has been increasing recently

Queen's Belfast  - work out your pre-application score

Keele  - Needs a very good personal statement and is likely to use UCAT more for 2024 entry

Sunderland  - usually recommended if you have done lots of volunteering in the last two years

Kent & Medway  - have a look at the information above

Apply to medical schools that have a greater emphasis on academics ​

Queen's Belfast

Hull York Medical Sc

Apply to medical schools that have other methods of scoring students ​

Sunderland - uses a Roles & Responsibilities form (or equivalent for 2024 entry)

Apply to universities that look at the BMAT

Some of these universities are often tougher to get into, so please bear this in mind.​

Although, students that don't do well on the UCAT also don't tend to do well in the BMAT

Find out more about BMAT requirements for universities here

Take a gap year

Retake the UCAT next year - focus of this year is primarily on making sure you nail your A-Levels/IB grades

Apply to universities in Europe

They do not require the UCAT for entry​

See our article outlining how to apply to Europe for medicine.

Graduate Entry Medicine

Begin an alternate degree, and reapply to medicine either in 1st year during the 3rd year of the degree to apply to graduate entry medicine in the UK. ​

Note this is usually harder than applying via undergraduate medicine

Find out more about graduate entry medicine here.

Which UCAT Medical Universities Can I Apply To With A SJT Band 4? (2023 Entry)

Scoring a band 4 in the situational judgement test can limit your choices of universities that you apply to. Please see the table below to better understand how each university looks at the SJT and whether they have any automatic rejection of those scoring a band 4 in the UCAT SJT. Remember it is important to meet the minimum academic requirement, as well as consider your total ucat score or average ucat score.

The following medical schools reject any applicant with a band 4 in their SJT in 2022 (2023 Entry):

Anglia Ruskin

Kent And Medway

So which medical schools/universities can you apply to with a band 4 in your SJT in 2022  (2023 Entry) ?

Barts And London

Brighton And Sussex

Imperial College London

Kings College London

Queen's University Belfast


St George's

UCL (University College London)

Band 3 in UCAT SJT: every else you can apply to, but we would advise against applying to Manchester, Nottingham and Lincoln.

UCAT ANZ Medical Schools  (2023)

There are several universities in Australia and New Zealand that require the UCAT to be sat:

Charles Stuart

New South Wales

Western Sydney University

UCAT Dentistry Cut Offs For A200 Dental Schools (BDS) 2024 (2025 Entry)

There are many dentistry and dental universities in the UK that look at the UCAT in their application process. Here you can see what the dentistry ucat cut-offs are for each university.

Some of these universities have a minimum ucat score for dentistry, whereas others consider dentistry holistically in the selection process. There is no information on the lowest ucat score accepted for dentistry, so you must check the latest information available to find out what ucat score is needed for dentistry. 

Boost Your Application

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Medicine entry requirements

Entry requirements for medicine a100.

Keele University is committed to graduating excellent clinicians. The admissions process is designed to select students with abilities and characteristics that indicate their potential to become excellent doctors.

On this page you will find information about:

  • Entry requirements for UK/home applicants
  • Aptitude tests
  • Equivalent qualifications
  • Entry requirements for international applicants

Applicants must meet all of the entry requirements detailed in the route they are eligible for.

In addition to the academic entry requirements listed on this webpage, applicants should also read our 'how to apply' webpage which includes information about additional entry requirements and the interview process. 

UK / Home Applicants

A Level route

Applicants who have not undertaken study for any higher-level qualifications (above level 3, or level 7 in Scotland).

Aptitude test – UCAT

A total UCAT score below 2,280 or with an SJT score in Band 4 will not be considered.

Five GCSEs at grade 7/A including a minimum of grade 6/B in

GCSE combined science (6/6) and IGCSE co-ordinated sciences (double award, 66 or BB) are accepted. Biology and Chemistry without Physics will not be accepted. 

English Language and Maths GCSEs at 6/B are essential. GAMSAT may be offered in lieu of the other GCSEs listed above (see Aptitude test column).

GCSE requirements must be met before applying.


A Level grades A*AA or AAA + EPQ grade A (please see our pages for details of adjusted offers)

Any science A Level (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) completed in England from 2017 must include a pass in the practical endorsement.

Applications from students currently in their third year of A Level or equivalent study will not be considered unless (a) they have had relevant extenuating circumstances accepted by the University or (b) they have already met grade requirements and are taking one additional designated subject to meet subject requirements. 

Applications from students who have taken more than three years to complete three A Levels meeting the stated requirements will not be considered.

A level subjects must include -

A first designated subject from 


A second designated subject from


A third academic subject (pre-reform subjects such as General Studies, Critical Thinking and Citizenship Studies will not be accepted). 

Only one subject from a combination of Maths/Further Maths/Statistics will be considered. 

Applicants may apply with achieved grades of A*AA with only one first or second designated subject if they are currently taking further A Levels to complete the subject requirements.


Applicants applying with a Bachelor's or undergraduate master's honours degree



Aptitude test - UCAT

A total UCAT score below 2,280 or with an SJT score in Band 4 will not be considered.

GAMSAT is also required if A level or science GCSE requirements not met:

an overall score of 55 or more with a section III score of 58 or more supported by a score of 50 or more in all other sections


an overall score of 58 or more with a section III score of 55 or more supported by a score of 50 or more in all other sections.

GCSE minimum grade 6/B in

GCSE combined science (6/6) and IGCSE co-ordinated sciences (double award, 66 or BB) are accepted. Biology and Chemistry without Physics will not be accepted. 

GCSE requirements must be met before applying.


A level grades BBB including:

A first designated subject from


A second designated subject from


A third academic subject (pre-reform subjects such as General Studies, Critical Thinking and Citizenship Studies will not be accepted).

Equivalent level-3 qualifications (e.g. BTEC (DDM), International Baccalaureate (555 in three Higher Levels, or 30 points), Access to HE diploma) are accepted (see Equivalent qualifications, below).

A-Level or equivalent qualification requirements must be met before applying.

Honours degree 1st or 2:1 in any subject.

Postgraduate qualifications (PGCert, PGDip, master’s degrees, doctorates) will not be taken into consideration.

Applicants who have been out of formal (school/college/university) education and have not undertaken Level-3 or higher qualifications within three years prior to commencing the Access course.

Aptitude test – UCAT

A total UCAT score below 2,280 or with an SJT score in Band 4 will not be considered.

GCSE minimum grade 6/B in

May be taken during the current academic year.


An Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) complying with the   with 45 graded level-3 credits at distinction plus 15 ungraded level-2/3 credits passed.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to check that the Access diploma meets this requirement before enrolling; diplomas that do not conform to the QAA subject descriptor for medicine will not be accepted. 

For 2025 entry, no Access diploma that does not conform to the QAA subject descriptor for medicine will be accepted, even if it was completed before the introduction of the subject descriptor.  

The Access to HE route is intended for applicants with life experience outside formal education; it is not a “back door” route for applicants who have recently performed poorly in school, college or university qualifications. 

Applicants who have studied for level-3 or university-level qualifications less than 3 years before commencing the Access course will not be considered.

Applicants who have not previously studied for post-level-2 qualifications must have been out of full-time education for at least 3 years before commencing the Access course.

Students who have previously commenced study of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine without completing their programmes will not usually be considered via any route. If you have been prevented from completing another medicine programme by serious events (e.g. war, revolution, forced repatriation), please contact [email protected] to discuss your circumstances before applying. If you had to withdraw from a previous programme on health grounds, we expect you to return to your previous institution to complete that programme rather than starting a new one. 

Students who are currently enrolled on a degree or other HE programme that will not be completed in the current academic year will not be considered via any route. 

Foundation years undertaken at other HE institutions or non-medicine foundation years undertaken at Keele, will not be considered in lieu of the stated A Level or equivalent requirements. 

Aptitude Tests

All applicants must take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) in the year of application (i.e. in 2024 if applying in October 2024 for 2025 entry or deferred entry in 2026). UCAT results are only valid for 1 year and you may only sit the test once in a calendar year. 

Graduate applicants who do not meet the A Level or science GCSE requirements must take the Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) as well as the UCAT as above. GAMSAT results are valid for 2 years and there is no limit on the number of times you may sit the test.

Applicants with home fees status will have a range of factors taken into account in shortlisting for interview (see How To Apply ). Applicants with international fees status who meet academic requirements will be shortlisted on the basis of UCAT score only. 

For information on how fee status is assessed visit the  UKCISA webpages for more information. Applicants may be required to complete a fees assessment before their application can be assessed. 

International Applicants

A level (or equivalent) route


Applicants who have not undertaken study for any higher-level qualifications

Aptitude test - UCAT total score must be 2,600 or higher and SJT must be band 3 or better

International applicants will be shortlisted for interview on the basis of the ranking of their UCAT score within the cohort of applicants.

GCSE or equivalent or evidence up to 11th grade/age 16 of high performance in:

NB  of these subjects are essential. 

GCSE English language grade 6/B or

A Level grades A*AA

A Level subjects must include -

A first designated subject from 


A second designated subject from


A third academic subject excluding General studies, Citizenship, Critical thinking and barred subject combinations

Only one subject from a combination of Maths/Further Maths/Statistics will be considered.

Applicants may apply with achieved grades of A*AA with only one first or second designated subject if they are currently taking further A-Levels to complete the subject requirements.



Applicants applying with a Bachelor's honours degree 

Aptitude test - UCAT

GAMSAT is also required if A Level or science GCSE (or equivalent) requirements not met  

an overall score of 55 or more with a section III score of 58 or more supported by a score of 50 or more in all other section 

an overall score of 58 or more with a section III score of 55 or more supported by a score of 50 or more in all other sections 

GCSE or equivalent or evidence up to 11th grade/age 16 of high performance in  

NB  of these subjects are essential 

GCSE English language grade 6/B or  

 A Level grades BBB including  

 A first designated subject from 


 A second designated subject from  


A third academic subject excluding General studies, Citizenship, Critical thinking and barred subject combinations.

Only one subject from a combination of Maths/Further Maths/Statistics will be considered. 

A-Level or equivalent qualification requirements must be met before applying. 

Postgraduate qualifications (PGCert, PGDip, master’s degrees, doctorates) will not be taken into consideration.

Equivalent Qualifications

Please note, the following qualifications will not be considered for entry to A100 (standard 5-year MBChB):  

  • BTEC qualifications
  • Key skills qualifications

Certain T-Levels and BTEC qualifications may be considered for entry to A104 (Health Foundation Year for Medicine), subject to applicants’ meeting strict eligibility criteria based on evidence of educational and socio-economic disadvantage. 

The following qualifications are considered with the stated requirements:

A minimum of P1 standard in all components including Global Perspectives and Independent Research (GPR).

Principal subjects with grades of D1 D3 M1 with Chemistry required at a minimum of M1.

A second science (Biology, Mathematics or Physics) and a third subject with no grades below M1.

The following combinations of subjects are not accepted: Biology and Sports Science; Mathematics and Further Mathematics.

Scores for Pre-U short courses in modern languages will not be taken into consideration.

Up to two A-Levels at grade A or above may be substituted for Pre-U Principal subjects.  The overall Principal grades should be equivalent to the A-Levels substituted: D3 equivalent to A, D1 equivalent to A*.  The subject and combination exclusions apply to A level components .

A level route equivalent 

A minimum of five National 5s at grade A with a minimum of B in English Language, Mathematics and Sciences.

Higher: minimum of AAAAA including Chemistry/Biology plus a second science (Chemistry/Biology/Physics) both at A, to be achieved by the end of S5 (i.e. before applying). Advanced Higher: minimum of AB from two subjects (both sciences: Chemistry/Biology/Physics) sat in S6 - any additional subject sat at Higher level in S6 must be achieved at grade B or higher. Any science subject not being offered at Higher or Advanced Higher level must have been passed at National 5 grade B.

Graduate route equivalent

Higher: minimum of BBBBB plus Advanced Higher grades of BB including Chemistry or Biology and a second science at Higher and two sciences at Advanced Higher.

Grades of AA required in 2 Advanced Highers (including Chemistry or Biology) plus AA in interdisciplinary project unit and 1 higher. Chemistry or Biology must be at Advanced Higher grade A. National 5 requirements must also be met.

Grade A pass in the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma and two full science A-levels at grade A*A taken within a two-year period. Chemistry or Biology is essential plus one subject from:

  • Maths/Further Maths/Statistics

GCSE requirements must also be met, as detailed in the A-level route above.

Achieve IB Diploma with a score of at least 37 points (including ToK/EE) including 7 or 6 in Higher Level Biology or Chemistry and 7 or 6 at Higher Level in one of Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths (any), Physics or Psychology.

766 in three Higher Level subjects including Biology or Chemistry plus one from Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths (any), Physics or Psychology.

Any science not taken at the higher level must be offered at Standard Level grade 5 or GCSE grade 6 (or equivalent).  

GCSE requirements must also be met, as detailed in the A-level route above.  

English Language (Language A) at Standard level grade 6 is accepted in lieu of GCSE English language.  

Middle Years Programme (MYP) with five grade 6s and including Maths and all the Sciences at grade 5 is accepted in lieu of GCSE requirements.    Graduate route equivalent  

Achieve IB Diploma with a score of at least 30 points (including ToK/EE) including minimum of 5 in Higher Level Biology or Chemistry and 5 at Higher Level in one of Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths (any), Physics or Psychology and a third rigorous subject, with no subject grades below 4 and no more than one HL below 5.

555 in three Higher Level subjects including Biology or Chemistry plus one from Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths (any), Physics or Psychology and a third rigorous subject.

Any science not taken at the higher level must be offered at Standard Level grade 5 or GCSE grade 6 (or equivalent).   

Six H1 or H2 grades at Higher level including Biology or Chemistry, plus two more of the following subjects:  

  • Agricultural science
  • Mathematics/Applied Mathematics 

A minimum of five Higher Merits at Junior Cycle with English and Maths (Higher Level) and Science (Common Level) at minimum Merit.    Graduate route equivalent 

Three subjects at H2 or higher including Chemistry or Biology, plus one more of the following subjects  

  • Physics  

plus three more at H3 or higher

English Language and Maths (Higher Level) and Science (Common Level) at Junior Cycle Merit.   

A Level route equivalent

BTEC qualifications are not accepted for entry to the standard 5-year MBChB programme. Some BTEC qualifications are accepted for entry to the Health Foundation Year for Medicine .

The following may be accepted as equivalent to BBB at A Level for graduate applicants who entered their previous degree on the basis of BTEC qualifications:

  • BTEC National Extended Diploma in Applied Science, Health & Social Care or Sport and Exercise Science at DDM.
  • Combination of DD in BTEC National Diploma or D in BTEC National Extended Certificate with one or two A Levels, respectively, at minimum of grade B; if the BTEC qualification is not in one of the subjects listed for Extended Diploma in the previous paragraph, then Chemistry or Biology is required at A Level, with a second A Level or BTEC National qualification in a science or numerate subject.
  • BTEC qualifications completed alongside or after the previous degree will not be considered.

Only Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) conforming to the QAA subject descriptor for medicine is accepted (see table above).

The following may be accepted as equivalent to BBB at A Level for graduate applicants who entered their previous degree on the basis of an Access to HE qualification:

  • Access to HE Diploma in a science subject (not computer science, data science or social science): 60 credits with 45 graded level-3 credits equivalent to 122 UCAS tariff points, with a minimum of 30 credits at Distinction.
  • Access Diplomas – other than subject-descriptor-compliant Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) – completed alongside or after the previous degree will not be considered.


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  8. PDF Guidance notes for writing the personal statement

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