Revised July 3, 2024
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PHS Assignment Request Form

For assistance with the information required on this form, please refer to the appropriate application guide on the How to Apply page.

NOTE: The forms in these topics reflect FORMS-H, which must be used for applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023 (see guide notice NOT-OD-22-195 . Also see the annotated form set and summary of changes for Forms-H.) For due dates on or before January 24, 2023, use FORMS-G.

Steps for Filling out the Form

The PHS Assignment Request form is used for capturing assignment requests.

This form replaces certain information from the application cover letter attachment, and should be used to:

  • request an assignment to an institute/center for funding consideration
  • request an assignment to a specific study section for initial peer review
  • identify individuals who may not be appropriate to review their application
  • identify scientific areas of expertise needed to review the application

This form is only visible to receipt and referral staff and scientific review officers, who may need to act on the information.

For guidance on completing the form in ASSIST, refer to the steps below.

Adding an Assignment Request Form

To add an Assignment Request form:

  • Select the Add Optional Form button from the Actions navigation panel.

Add Optional Form window

  • Complete the required fields and any other appropriate information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  • To save the information and keep the form open for further editing, select the Save and Keep Lock options.
  • To save the information and close the form, select the Save and Release Lock button.
  • To delete the form and return to the original application, select the Remove Form button.

NOTE: Selecting the Cancel and Release Lock button - followed by the Continue button on the confirmation - returns the form to read-only and does not save any of the entered information onto the form.

Viewing and Editing the Assignment Request Form

To view and/or edit an assignment request form:

Once the Save and Release Lock button has been clicked, the details of the form are displayed as read-only.

To further modify the form, select the Edit button.

For feedback on the online help, please email the ' + 'eRA Communications Office' + ' .

phs assignment request form fillable

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Encouraging Use of the PHS Assignment Request Form in Applications

You have likely come across the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form when putting together your grant application. It’s optional, but we encourage applicants to fill it out.

This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review information to referral and review staff.

Applicants may suggest NIH Institute/Center/Office (ICO) assignments, particular study sections, names of people who may have a conflict with reviewing the application, and areas of expertise needed for the review. The information provided is not included in the assembled application and is only shared with appropriate NIH review staff, not with reviewers or others at NIH.

Several resources exist to help identify which NIH ICO or study section may be appropriate. For instance, you can search RePORTER for grants where related research was funded and reviewed (see also this blog ). The NIH Center for Scientific Review’s Assisted Referral Tool can also help you identify potentially appropriate study sections .

Please keep in mind that suggestions for peer reviewers are not allowed on the form (or the cover letter or anywhere else in the application). The PHS form clearly states “do not provide names of individuals” you would like to review your application.

The main reason we do not allow these suggestions is due to potential conflicts of interest between the applicant and reviewer. Any recommendations of reviewers that an applicant provides are ignored. We will likely even be more hesitant to recruit them to serve on the study section because of the possible unforeseen conflicts of interest.

Overall, the information provided on the PHS Assignment Request form is quite helpful for NIH review staff, who refer to it when considering the best course of action for your application’s timely review. Our staff will carefully consider your suggestions, which are also balanced with many other factors when making appropriate ICO and review group assignments.

Check out this NIH All About Grants podcast for more ( MP3 / Transcript ).


I wonder how carefully CSR reads these forms. Recently I requested assignment to an institute as primary, who wanted to receive it, and instead it was assigned to the secondary institute that had already rejected the application. I eventually was able to get this switched but it took a great deal of time and effort.

I in my experience CSR does not use the information to assign proposal to study sections

It might encourage use of this form to know more about how the NIH assigns study sections. I assume that the NIH might use tools like the ones listed on this post; therefore, if I do the same and send the results on the PHS form it seems redundant. If NIH does not use these tools, why not? And what researcher perspectives on desirable assignments are useful?

I have has similar experience as previous comments. Two of my recent proposals were not assigned to the study section requested. This has happened in the past too.

I agree with the above investigators’ comments. In my experience, Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form has not been helpful to me as an investigator. I encountered many instances that my applications were assigned by the CSR to a different institute or study section I did not requested. I wrote to argue many times without success. In a latest instance last year, I specifically requested to exclude a potential reviewer from reviewing my application in the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form who I believe is historically very biased and impartial to investigators of color. Yet CSR and my SRO still assigned my application(s) to this reviewer to review my application with nearly 2 pages’ critiques on my research strategy alone and a score 8 out of 9!

If the CSR encourages the investigators to use the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form, my suggestion is that the CSR and SRO should consider the investigators’ requests and concerns.

I’ve had similar experiences as the other commenters – multiple times I have submitted the form and then been assigned another study section with no strong rationale provided as to why, and it has been very difficult to get it changed (only successful about half of the time).

After working very hard on a grant for months and tailoring it to a specific audience (and having the salary of me and my team dependent on it), it is very disappointing to have a grant reviewed by a section that has different expectations and background knowledge, with little transparency provided throughout the process.

CSR appreciates information provided by investigators. The information is considered in making assignments to funding institutes, review groups, and in identifying conflicts of interest. However, requests cannot always be honored. There are many reasons for assignments made to groups other than those requested. For example, sometimes a request is made for assignment to a funding institute that does not participate in the funding opportunity announcement under which the application was submitted. In making assignments to review groups, investigator suggestions are considered but within the parameters of the published study section descriptions. The need to manage conflicts of interest also contribute to assignment decisions. Questions about funding institute assignment may be directed to the CSR Division of Receipt and Referral at [email protected] and questions about review group assignment should be directed to the assigned scientific review officer, identified in your eRA Commons account.

Before submitting your comment, please review our blog comment policies.

Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Inform the Center for Scientific Review of Your Assignment Preferences

Funding News Edition: September 6, 2023 See more articles in this edition

Labeled specimens for malaria and other vector research.

List up to five types of expertise (general or specific) required to evaluate your application.

When it comes to grant applications, investigators often have an idea of what assignments they’d like; that is, in terms of institute or center (IC) or study section. While the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) in the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will make these assignments based on the best scientific fit, you may let staff know your preferences.

In any case, it’s a good idea to consult a program officer to get his or her advice on the appropriate institute and study section assignments.

By using the optional PHS Assignment Request Form , you can convey the following to DRR. Keep in mind that you do not need to fill in all the form’s sections and fields.

Enter up to three ICs for “Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions.” Then enter up to three choices for “Study Section Assignment Suggestions.”

List up to five types of expertise (general or specific) required to evaluate your application. Do not name specific people.

List specific people who should review your application and provide sufficient information on why they should be excluded.

Check Your Assignments

Here’s what you can expect, assignment-wise.

Within 7 to 10 days after you submit your application: You should find your initial assignment information in the eRA Commons. If a CSR review branch is listed instead of a specific study section, don’t worry. CSR will update this information with your study section assignment in the next few days.

Approximately 30 days before the review meeting: Your study section’s roster will be posted in eRA Commons.

To be clear, which reviewers are assigned to which application is never shared. The total roster is public, but individual assignments are not. If a review meeting has only an application or two, then the rosters are often aggregated with those of other small meetings to maintain anonymity of assignments.

Making Changes

If you used the PHS Assignment Request Form and feel you did not get the appropriate IC assignment, you can email CSR’s Division of Receipt and Referral to ask for a change. You can also request a change if you submitted an investigator-initiated R01, R21, or R03 application and feel your application was not assigned to an appropriate study section. Contact the review branch chief where your application is currently assigned for further advice. CSR will consider your request, but in the end, its decision is final.

For further details on checking and changing assignments, go to Application Assigned to a Review Group and First-Level Peer Review to expand on the role of reviewers, NIAID versus CSR review, and more.

Email us at [email protected] for help navigating NIAID’s grant and contract policies and procedures.

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USC Department of Contracts and Grants

PHS Assignment Request Form in Grant Applications

February 6, 2023

Announcement: ​ The National Institutes of Health is encouraging the use of the  Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form  when putting together grant applications.

This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review information to referral and review staff.

Applicants may suggest NIH Institute/Center/Office (ICO) assignments, particular study sections, names of people who may have a conflict with reviewing the application, and areas of expertise needed for the review. The information provided is not included in the assembled application and is only shared with appropriate NIH review staff, not with reviewers or others at NIH.

Available resources to help identify which NIH ICO or study section may be appropriate:

  • RePORTER  for grants where related research was funded and reviewed (see also  this blog ).
  • Assisted Referral Tool  can help you identify potentially appropriate  study sections .

Please keep in mind that suggestions for peer reviewers are not allowed on the form (or the  cover letter  or anywhere else in the application). The PHS form clearly states “do not provide names of individuals” you would like to review your application as this could cause a potential  conflict of interest  between the applicant and reviewer.

Questions?  If you have any questions regarding the PHS form, please reach out to your  DCG Officer . 

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  • About Grants
  • Forms Directory

Grant Application - Standard Form 424 (Research & Related)

  • SF424 (R&R)

Use to apply for grants and cooperative agreements.

There is NOT a universal form set available for download that can be used to submit a grant application to NIH.

Forms must be completed and submitted using one of the available Submission Options

  • Workspace (single-project only)
  • Institutional system-to-system solution

Check with your administrative officials before choosing how you will submit.

The Application and Submission Information section (Section IV) of each funding opportunity identifies the customized set of forms (referred to as an “application package”) required for that opportunity. Each of the approved submission options automatically present the correct application package based on opportunity number (e.g., PA-FY-123).

See How to Apply – Application Guide for general instructions. Additional instructions may be found in the funding opportunity.

tips about forms

  • Annotated forms
  • Accessing forms video (2 mins)

PDF copies of forms found in electronic application packages.

The individual application forms (in PDF format) below are for reference only. These forms CANNOT be uploaded to Workspace or ASSIST and CANNOT be used for grant application submission to NIH. Only forms accessed, prepared and submitted through ASSIST, an institutional S2S solution, or Workspace will be accepted.

  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
  • R&R Other Project Information
  • Project/Performance Site Locations(s)
  • R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded)
  • R&R Budget- 5yr
  • R&R Budget - 10yr
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget
  • PHS 398 Training Budget
  • SF 424C Budget Information – Construction Programs
  • PHS 398 Research Plan
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form
  • PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan
  • PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form
  • SBIR/STTR Information
  • Study Record
  • PHS Assignment Request Form

Having trouble opening the PDFs? Download form and open with your local PDF viewer, not your browser.

These fillable form PDFs (created and maintained by ) are not compatible with the PDF viewers of all browsers.

PDF Compatibility Notice

  • Download Form
  • Go to your Downloads folder
  • Right-Click on your file > Open with > Acrobat Reader

Note that you may have to update Acrobat to the latest version .

This page last updated on: August 28, 2024

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  1. G.600

    600 - PHS Assignment Request Form. The PHS Assignment Request Form may be used to communicate specific application assignment and review requests to the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) and to Scientific Review Officers (SROs). This information will not be part of your assembled application, and it will neither be made available to ...

  2. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 01/31/2026 Funding Opportunity Number: Funding Opportunity Title: Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions (optional) If you have a suggestion for an awarding component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, use the link below to identify the appropriate short abbreviation (e.g., "NCI" for National

  3. Use the PHS Assignment Request Form

    Use the optional PHS Assignment Request Form to list expertise needed to review your application, exclude reviewers, and request an institute assignment. For investigator-initiated R01, R21, and R03 applications, we also advise you to request assignment to the most appropriate study section of reviewers. In any case, it's a good idea to ...

  4. PHS Assignment Request Form

    The PHS Assignment Request form is used for capturing assignment requests. This form replaces certain information from the application cover letter attachment, and should be used to: This form is only visible to receipt and referral staff and scientific review officers, who may need to act on the information. For guidance on completing the form ...

  5. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form List individuals who should not review your application and whyIdentify scientific areas of expertise needed to review your applicationOnly 1000 characters allowed (optional) (optional) Note: Please do not provide names of individuals Expertise: Only 40 characters allowed 12345

  6. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 10/31/2018 Funding Opportunity Number: Funding Opportunity Title: Awarding Component Assignment Request (optional) If you have a preference for an Awarding Component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, please use the link below to identify the most appropriate assignment then enter the short

  7. G.600

    The PHS Assignment Request Form may be used to communicate specific application assignment and review preferences to the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) and to Scientific Review Officers (SROs). This information will not be part of your assembled application, and it will neither be made available to program staff nor provided to reviewers.

  8. G.600

    600 - PHS Assignment Request Form. The PHS Assignment Request Form may be used to communicate specific application assignment and review preferences to the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) and to Scientific Review Officers (SROs). This information will not be part of your assembled application, and it will neither be made available to ...

  9. The Cover Letter & PHS Assignment Request Form

    The Grant Services & Analysis Office (GS&A), a Unit of the U-M Medical School Office of Research, provides guidance on the Cover Letter and PHS Assignment Re...

  10. Encouraging Use of the PHS Assignment Request Form in Applications

    You have likely come across the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form when putting together your grant application. It's optional, but we encourage applicants to fill it out. This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review information to referral and review staff.

  11. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    %PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 25 0 obj > endobj 33 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[25 20 46 1]/Info 24 0 R/Length 66/Prev 97211/Root 26 0 R/Size 47/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1 ...

  12. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    applications and assignment requests cannot always be honored. For example, you would enter CAMP if you wish to request assignment to the Cancer Molecular Pathobiology study section or enter ZRG1 HDM-R if you wish to request assignment to the Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies SBIR/STTR panel for informatics.

  13. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    The document you are trying to load requires Adobe Reader 8 or higher. You may not have the Adobe Reader installed or your viewing environment may not be properly ...

  14. Inform the Center for Scientific Review of Your Assignment Preferences

    If you used the PHS Assignment Request Form and feel you did not get the appropriate IC assignment, you can email CSR's Division of Receipt and Referral to ask for a change. You can also request a change if you submitted an investigator-initiated R01, R21, or R03 application and feel your application was not assigned to an appropriate study ...

  15. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.

  16. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    review is predetermined for some applications and assignment request cannot always be honored. For example, you would enter "CAMP" if you wish to request assignment to the Cancer Molecular Pathobiology study section or enter "ZRG1 HDM -R" if you wish to request assignment to the Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies SBIR/STTR panel for informatics.

  17. PHS Assignment Request Form in Grant Applications

    February 6, 2023. Announcement: The National Institutes of Health is encouraging the use of the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form when putting together grant applications. This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review ...

  18. Phs assignment request form 2024: Fill out & sign online

    Edit Phs assignment request form 2022. Easily add and highlight text, insert pictures, checkmarks, and icons, drop new fillable areas, and rearrange or delete pages from your paperwork. Get the Phs assignment request form 2022 accomplished. Download your modified document, export it to the cloud, print it from the editor, or share it with ...

  19. Get PHS Assignment Request 2020-2024

    Make the steps below to optimize your Phs assignment request form download online: Open needed sample from the catalog. Fill out the blanks with Text and place Check and Cross tools to the tickboxes. Use the right-hand panel to alter the template with new fillable areas. Opt for the areas based on the type of data you wish to be collected.

  20. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.

  21. PHS Assignment Information

    A tool in NIHRePORTER, called "Matchmaker", allows you to paste your abstract/specific aims in a query box and get information about which NIH Institutes/Centers may have funded similar work in the past. NIH Institute/Center requests are not required. However, if you wish to make an assignment request, please use the correct short abbreviation ...

  22. Phs assignment request form: Fill out & sign online

    Edit Phs assignment request form 2019. Easily add and highlight text, insert pictures, checkmarks, and icons, drop new fillable fields, and rearrange or remove pages from your document. Get the Phs assignment request form 2019 completed. Download your updated document, export it to the cloud, print it from the editor, or share it with others ...

  23. Grant Application

    PHS Assignment Request Form ; Updates: FORMS-H Due dates on/after January 25, 2023 Having trouble opening the PDFs? Download form and open with your local PDF viewer, not your browser. These fillable form PDFs (created and maintained by are not compatible with the PDF viewers of all browsers.