project management methodology european commission

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PM C1 - PM² Essentials, Project Management Methodology

Course details

  • Content module: Including video animations, action cards and short quizzes.

Assessment module: Including 20 questions with a pass mark of 60%.

Target audience

Project Managers Professionals, Open to Everyone

Learning objectives

  • Roles and Responsibilities in Project Management 
  • Key concepts used in Project Management 
  • Principles of the PM² Methodology

project management methodology european commission

This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

project management methodology european commission

  • Learning Module
  • Supplementary Materials - Podcasts

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project management methodology european commission

project management methodology european commission

  • PM² Project Management Methodology
  • Topics: Standardisation

PM² Project Management Methodology Guide - v.3.0.1

The PM²   Guide v.3.0.1 is available via the Publications Office of the European Union:

978-92-76-31380-9 | doi: 10.2799/08869

To download a copy, click on the "External" link below.

Project Management for EU funded projects

Thousands of european projects for the benefit of all citizens a common project management methodology for all projects, better project management for eu beneficiaries.

Approximately 80% of EU funds are managed in partnership with national and regional authorities through a system of “shared management”, largely through  5 big funds  – the  Structural & Investment Funds . Collectively, these help to implement the  Europe 2020 strategy .  

Other funds (approximately 20%) are managed directly by the EU, and are provided in the form of  Grants  for  specific projects in relation to EU policies , or  Contracts issued by EU institutions to. 

Horizon Europe  is the EU’s ambitious research and innovation framework programme (2021-2027) with a budget of € 100 billion in Grants . It aims to strengthen the EU’s scientific and technological bases, to boost Europe’s innovation capacity, competitiveness and jobs, to deliver on citizens’ priorities and sustain our socioeconomic model and values.  The EU Research Executive Agency (REA) manages many of the EU research grants and act as a funding body for research and innovation. 

All EU funding is managed according to strict rules to ensure tight control over how funds are used and that the money is spent in a transparent and accountable manner which implements the EU’s policy priorities and maximises the impact and benefits of the funds. To get funding for your project, you will need to identify a relevant call and submit a proposal. Competition is quite high so that means that you will have to have a well-developed proposal which covers all the technical requirements of the call, including indication of adequacy in project managemen

Discover the PM² Advantage

The PM² Methodology has been developed by the European Commission and its knowledge and use can greatly benefit beneficiaries of EU Funds and Grants. Therefore, the capacity to implement the methodology is of essence for anyone involved with the Project Management of European and National funded projects. 

A PM2 pill for EU Projects

Helping Europe succeed, one project at a time!

The PM² Alliance promotes the use of the PM² Methodology for the effective management of EU funded projects. 

Adopt the European Commission’s own methodology to manage your projects and demonstrate your commitment to high quality project management and the efficient investment of EU funds:

  • Speak the same “project” language as thousands of PM² Certified European Commission staff, Project Officers, assessors and auditors.
  • Establish a common language and a common way of working for your project.
  • Define clear roles and responsibilities for consortium partners, work package leaders and members.
  • Establish a real project lifecycle that will guide you through better project initiating and planning, more effective monitoring and controlling and even project closing.
  • Use the PM² templates, checklists and project logs and apply the PM² best practices in your documentation.

The PM² Alliance brings the benefits of PM² closer to EU funded projects

Apply the PM² best practices in all aspects of your EU funded work. From proposal writing to project coordination and reporting; from the planning of  dissemination activities to defining sustainability and exploitation objectives. Achieve increased project efficiency while aiming for results with maximum impact. 

Get your consortium, organisation and project PM² enabled.  Your capacity to effectively use the PM² methodology has become increasingly important when involved in  European and National, publicly funded or subsidised projects.

At the PM² Alliance, we have taken four specific actions t o bring the advantages of PM² closer to beneficiaries:

  • We have established an  EU Funded Programmes Advisory Committee comprised of seasoned experts that establish the Alliance’s strategic priorities in this domain.
  • We have established a Working Group focused on the continuous development and tailoring of content to serve the needs of European collaborative projects.
  • We have established a working partnership with the European Academy to help organisations manage their EU funded projects.
  • We offer a PM² Certification suitable for project coordinators and project team members. 

This dedicated PM² Alliance’s  Advisory Committee develops strategies that aim to bring the benefits of the PM² Methodology to EU Funded Programmes. They help the PM² Alliance:

  • Raise awareness and use of PM² best practices for the management of EU funded projects
  • Help connect funding objectives to annual programmes
  • Strengthen the relationship of project deliverables to positive and sustainable impact
  • Position the PM² Alliance as a trusted advisor for all EU funding programmes 
  • Provide PM² Certification to Project Coordinators and connect them with our qualified PM² Affiliated Training Provider (ATPs) network
  • Connect Consortia and beneficiaries with qualified PM² partners and suppliers 
  • Participate in selected EU Funded Projects as a contributor in the field of project coordination.

The PM² Alliance Working Group for EU Funded Programmes is comprised of members of the PM² Alliance’s Academic & Universities Advisory Committee, members of the PM² Alliance’s EU Institutions Advisory Committee, European Academy’s Certified PM² Trainers, experienced FP7 and Horizon 2020 coordinators and project officers. Its goals are to:

  • Produce Guides for the use of PM² in European Projects
  • Provide Managing authorities with information that helps beneficiaries 
  • Collect PM² use statistics on key European projects
  • Foster collaboration between all actors involved in European Projects
  • Provide incentives for research in PM²

Train your project coordinators, work package leaders and staff on how to use PM² in EU funded projects:

  • Learn how to apply project management best practices and how to implement the PM² Methodology on EU funded projects
  • Adopt best practices to manage stakeholders, risks, and facilitate effective communication with project partners
  • Improve the success rate of your project proposals 
  • Improve the quality of your project planning and reporting 
  • Increase your organisation’s competitiveness 
  • Receive tangible and actionable advice on your projects
  • Network and exchange experience with peers and possible partners from across EU

Certify your project coordinators, work package leaders and project staff in PM² project management:

  • The  PM² Basic Certification is designed to confirm candidates’ understanding of the PM²  Methodology
  • The exam questions are based on the four pillars of PM² and the PM² Mindsets, focusing on the key aspects of PM² such as the lifecycle and artefacts.
  • Certify that your project staff can be productive in a PM² project, communicate effectively with team members and project coordinators. 
  • Visit the certification page here .

A new benefit for all PM² Alliance members

In collaboration with the  European Academy  the PM² Alliance extends an exclusive offer to all its registered members which includes a 10% course discount and a pre-paid (cost € 150) PM² Basic Certification voucher. 

Publication detail

project management methodology european commission

PM², Project management methodology guide

Open edition, metadati delle pubblicazioni, formati e lingue disponibili, inglese (en).

  • Dettagli della pubblicazione
  • Pubblicazioni correlate
  • Tutte le edizioni
  • Pubblicato: 2016
  • Servizio autore: Direzione generale dei Servizi digitali ( Commissione europea )
  • Temi: Organizzazione e gestione delle imprese
  • Argomento: direzione d'azienda , esecuzione di progetto , istituzione dell'Unione europea , manuale dell'utente , norma di qualità , tecnica di gestione , terminologia
ISSN ISBN 978-92-79-63872-5 DOI 10.2799/957700 Numero di catalogo NO-07-16-056-EN-N
  • Released on EU Publications: 2016-11-29

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The European Union Delegation to Ukraine is looking for: Project Officer in the Operations Section (five jobs).

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays an important role in international affairs through diplomacy, trade, development aid and working with global organizations. Abroad, the EU is represented through more than 140 diplomatic representations, known also as EU Delegations, which have a similar function to those of an embassy.

The EU Delegation to Ukraine works in close coordination with the Embassies and Consulates of the 27 EU Member States. We are a fully-fledged diplomatic mission and represent the European Union in dealings with the Ukrainian government in areas that are part of the EU’s remit.

Two posts of a Project Officer (Local Agent Group I) in the Delegation’s Operations Section 1 , sector profiles: i) Human Rights and ii) European Integration . The team consists of 15 people and there are occasional atypical working hours. Under these posts, the recruited persons will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the Delegation, and on the changes of these needs. The successful candidates will serve under the supervision and responsibility of the Head of Operations Section 1, supporting preparation, implementation and coordination of EU-funded projects with a focus on activities in the areas of i) Human Rights and ii) European Integration;

Two posts of a Project Officer (Local Agent Group I) in the Delegation’s Operations Section 2 , sector profiles: iii) Public Finance Management and iv) Agriculture and Rural Environment . The team consists of 16 people and there are occasional atypical working hours. Under these posts, the recruited persons will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the Delegation, and on the changes of these needs. The successful candidates will serve under the supervision and responsibility of the Head of Operations Section 2, supporting preparation, implementation and coordination of EU-funded projects with a focus on activities in the areas of iii) Public Finance Management and iv) Agriculture and Rural Environment;

One post of a Project Officer (Local Agent Group I) in the Delegation’s Operations Section 3 , sector profile v) Green Infrastructure . The team consists of 13 people and there are occasional atypical working hours. Under this post, the recruited person will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the Delegation, and on the changes of these needs. The successful candidate will serve under the supervision and responsibility of the Head of Operations Section 3, supporting preparation, implementation and coordination of EU-funded projects with a focus on activities in the area of v) Green Infrastructure.

Following main tasks and duties are currently required:

Policy development

  • To conduct conceptual reflections and assist in elaborating work programmes, strategic documents and new approaches in the relevant sector
  • To participate in and support preparation of policy dialogue with relevant ministries, agencies, donors and other relevant stakeholders in the relevant sector
  • To provide analytical, statistical or any other input for EC funded programming and implementation, as well as for their development in the relevant area

Programme/project management (finance, budget and control)

  • To initiate  launching, to assist in the management and the monitoring of calls for proposals/tenders, evaluation and selection of projects; to prepare Terms of Reference and to initiate procurement process,
  • To ensure the follow-up of project implementation, also by means of the IT tools developed / provided, the performance of project contractors and partners, monitoring contractual obligations, gathering and handling external expertise,
  • To analyse and assess project results, notably through  project reports, and proceed with payment requests,
  • To interact and co-ordinate with beneficiary institutions, national / regional authorities and administrations, other donors and other relevant stakeholders in the areas of responsibility.

Evaluation and Audit

  • To assist and contribute to evaluation and audit activities initiated by the Commission and other EU bodies.

Information, Communication, Publications

  • To contribute to the Delegation’s Annual Management Plan forecast and the External Assistance Management Report in the area of activity,
  • To extract and disseminate best practice and present the programme and its projects, and to contribute to the Information and Communication activities,
  • To provide every relevant information to Commission services and European External Action Service, to elaborate briefings and reports in the area of activity, to provide assistance to headquarter missions.

The Employment Contract will be signed until 31/12/2027. The base salary will depend on relevant and verified employment experience, typically starting from 3911 USD (gross). There is a competitive benefits package, subject to certain conditions, including personal leave days and public holidays, health insurances and a retirement savings plan.

The expected start date will be December 2024 – January 2025. 

Minimum requirements / eligibility criteria (necessary for the application to be considered)

  • University education with at least Master’s degree;
  • Job-Related experience: minimum of 3 years of experience of working in the areas of international relations and/or project management ;
  • Good knowledge of project management and coordination issues
  • Good knowledge of relevant European Union policies
  • Good understanding of the European Union’s external assistance in Ukraine
  • Good understanding of contracting procedures and financial issues
  • Good knowledge of organisational practices along project management cycle
  • Working knowledge  of English – C2 (Listening, Reading, Spoken interaction, Spoken production, Writing); Ukrainian – C2 (Listening, Reading, Spoken interaction, Spoken production, Writing);
  • Knowledge of IT tools: Computer skills and knowledge of Word Office, Excel IT tools;
  • Right to residence and work in Ukraine;
  • Medical fitness to carry out the tasks assigned.

Assets / selection criteria (basis for awarding points to select the best applicant)

  • minimum of 3 years of experience of working in the relevant sector
  • experience of working with International Organisations, civil society or think tanks
  • experience of project implementation with various implementing partners

Personal skills 

  • Good drafting skills and ability to summarise complex issues in a concise and readable fashion
  • Capacity to communicate clearly and concisely orally
  • Ability to listen and understand, to consult and to share information and ideas
  • Ability to work in a team in a multi-cultural environment
  • Ability to discuss and negotiate with administrations and other entities from both private and public sector
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Ability to apply contractual rules to diverse real-life situations and find practical solutions
  • Good organisational skills
  • Ability to prioritise tasks and meet deadlines
  • Commitment to quality, speed and accuracy in ensuring a smooth and correct implementation of contractual procedures
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Ability to both work independently (self-motivated) and as a member of a team
  • Integrity and high degree of responsibility in handling EU funding

How to apply

Please submit in English your application, consisting of a cover letter, Europass format CV and a declaration on honor regarding the work rights and medical fitness (no template, free format) via the Email: [email protected] . Reference : Project Officer in i) Human Rights / ii) European Integration / iii) Public Finance Management / iv) Agriculture and Rural Environment / v) Green Infrastructure job (choose the sector as appropriate) no later than 31/08/2024. Only complete applications received on time via [email protected] will be considered.

The successful candidate will be subject to a medical check.

The process

After the deadline for applications, the eligible applications will be admitted to the Selection by the Committee set up for this purpose.

Depending on the number of applications received, successive phases of Selection may include shortlisting of candidates based assessment of the information provided in the cover letter, CV; practical testing and interviews.

Only candidates admitted to each successive selection phase will be contacted individually. The Delegation will use the same means of publication as for this job advertisement to inform the remaining candidates once the recruitment procedure has been completed and that a candidate has (or has not) been recruited.

The Delegation will not supply additional information or discuss the selection procedure. During the selection process, please do not contact the members of the Selection Committee, but address your questions and comments to [email protected]


The European Union is committed to an equal opportunities policy for all its employees and applicants for employment. As an employer, the EU is committed to promoting gender equality and to preventing discrimination on any grounds. It actively welcomes applications from all qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds and from the broadest possible geographical basis amongst the EU Member States. We aim at a service which is truly representative of society, where each staff member feels respected, is able to give their best and can develop their full potential.


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  4. The first PM² Programme Management Methodology Guide is now available

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  1. PM² Project Management Methodology

    The PM² Methodologies are methodologies developed by the European Commission and open to all. Their purpose is to enable managers deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their projects, programmes and portfolios. The PM² Methodologies include PM² Project Management, PM²-Agile ...

  2. What is PM²?

    The PM² Project Management Methodology is developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their projects. The methodology has been created with the needs of European Union Institutions and projects in ...

  3. PM²

    PM², the official European Commission project management methodology enables project teams to manage their projects effectively, and to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. While the methodology is suitable to any type of project, it is ideal for projects related to the public sector, EU programmes and grants.

  4. PM², Project management methodology guide

    PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project. PM² has been custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture ...

  5. PDF Project Management Methodology

    1.3 About the PM² Methodology PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable Project Managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their project. PM² has been created with the needs of European Union

  6. PM², Project management methodology

    PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is light, easy to implement and suitable for any project. PM² has been custom developed with ...

  7. PM² Project Management Methodology Guide

    PM² Project Management Methodology Guide. PM² is a Project Management Methodology by the European Commission, suitable for any project type. It offers governance, lifecycle, processes, artefacts, and mindsets, blending EU-specific needs with global best practices. It is an EC solution. For more information about PM², please follow the PM² ...

  8. PM C1

    This course provides a summary of the PM ² Methodology developed by the European Commission, to enable Project Managers deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing projects. The aim of the course is to provide learners with an overall understanding of the roles and responsibilities in project management.

  9. PM² Project Management Methodology

    PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed and supported by the European Commission, used by many other EU Institutions and open to Contractors, Member States and EU Citizens. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders.

  10. PM²

    PM² (pronounced "P-M squared") is a project management methodology developed and endorsed by the European Commission (EC). It is the official project management methodology of the EC, incorporating elements from a range of widely accepted best practices in project management and building heavily on PMBOK, PRINCE2, IPMA-ICB, CMMI, TEMPO, and operational experience from EU institutions.

  11. The PM² Methodology

    The PM² Methodology is the official project management methodology of the EC and is currently being rapidly adopted internationally. It is a lean and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project as it enables project teams to manage projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders through the effective management of project work.

  12. PM² Project Management Methodology Guide

    European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL) Published on: 13/10/2017 Last update: 27/10/2022. The PM² Guide v.3.0.1 is available via the Publications Office of the European Union: 978-92-76-31380-9 | doi: 10.2799/08869. To download a copy, click on the "External" link below.

  13. PDF Project Management Methodology

    1.3 About the PM² Methodology . PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable Project Managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their project.

  14. PDF Project Management Methodology

    1.1 About the PM² Methodology PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable Project Managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing project work.

  15. PM² Project management methodology

    PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is light, easy to implement and suitable for any project.

  16. What is PM²

    PM² (pronounced "P-M squared") is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission. The PM² Methodology is the official project management methodology of the EC and is currently being rapidly adopted internationally. It is a lean and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project as it enables project ...

  17. PM² Essentials and PM²-Agile Essentials training

    PM²-Essentials. This course provides a summary of the PM² Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission, to enable Project Managers deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing projects. Register here.

  18. Management and Coordination of EC Funded Projects; The PM² Methodology

    PM² is a Project Management Methodology custom developed by the European Commission to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU Institutions. Its purpose is to facilitate the effective management of a project's complete lifecycle, and to increase the quality of the project management process and project results.

  19. PM² Project Management Methodology for European Funded Projects

    PM² is a Project Management Methodology custom developed by the European Commission to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU Institutions. Its purpose is to facilitate the effective management of a project's complete lifecycle, and to increase the quality of the project management process and project results.

  20. PM², Project management methodology guide

    PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project. PM² has been custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture ...

  21. PM² Methodology for EU funded projects

    Adopt the European Commission's own methodology to manage your projects and demonstrate your commitment to high quality project management and the efficient investment of EU funds: Speak the same "project" language as thousands of PM² Certified European Commission staff, Project Officers, assessors and auditors.

  22. PM², Project management methodology guide

    PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project.

  23. The European Union Delegation to Ukraine is looking for: Project

    We are The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays an important role in international affairs through diplomacy, trade, development aid and working with global organizations. Abroad, the EU is represented through more than 140 diplomatic representations, known also as EU Delegations, which have a similar function to those of an ...

  24. PDF Project Management Methodology

    1.3 About the PM² Methodology PM² is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable Project Managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their project.