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PhD and research

Department of Biomedical Engineering

  • Summer research experience program

Biomedical Engineering Summer Research Program (SREP)

The BME Summer Research Experience Program (SREP) provides students a meaningful experience in a Biomedical Engineering research laboratory.  These placements help inform future career choices, including Research or Research & Development pathways via PhD study or working in research laboratory positions as a Masters graduate.

Students participating in SREP will undertake research with academics and research staff in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, gaining valuable exposure to the world of research. Projects are sourced by students approaching individual academics requesting supervision in a topic in which they are interested.

The SREP is available as a 12.5 point Approved Elective in the Master of Engineering (Biomedical).

  • Approved Elective (12.5 point) subject: The SREP subject (BMEN90041) will run over the summer semester, from 2 January to 25 February 2024. The handbook entry for this subject can be found here:  https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/2023/subjects/bmen90041

Eligibility for Master of Engineering students (Biomedical or Biomedical with Business)

  • Current enrolment in UoM Master of Engineering and study plan space for an Approved Elective.
  • 75% WAM or better.

How to apply

If you meet the eligibility criteria, first you will need to identify a supervisor who is willing to supervise your summer research, and who leads research that you are interested in pursuing. Please reach out to them to discuss their potential availability to supervise a BMEN90041 project and agree on your project topic. Profiles and contact details for Biomedical Engineering academics can be found here: https://biomedical.eng.unimelb.edu.au/people#academic Secondly, please send the BMEN90041 subject coordinator ( [email protected] ) an email from your UoM student account containing the following information:

  • Student number
  • Current postal address
  • Current phone number
  • Identified supervisor with whom you have confirmed a research topic AND evidence that you have secured the explicit approval and agreement of an Academic Supervisor for this subject
  • Why you are interested in undertaking the program and your plans for further studies
  • Attach your UoM Statement of Results to-date, and your undergraduate transcript if it was completed at a non-UoM institution.

Applications should be submitted by 24 November 2023 to guarantee consideration.

  • Biomaterials and tissue engineering
  • Biomechanics and mechanobiology
  • Biomicrosystems
  • Biomedical imaging
  • Neural engineering
  • Systems and synthetic biology
  • Patients see light as first sign of restored vision from bionic eye prototype
  • Hydrodynamic forces tapped for therapeutic purposes
  • New joint design unlocks improvements for jaw repairs
  • Polymer implants provide next-generation medical treatments
  • Porosity to improve craniofacial surgical implants
  • Mathematical refinements to sharpen radiation scanning systems
  • Regeneration chamber provides space for natural tissue regrowth
  • Intelligent controller to optimise robotic-aided stroke rehabilitation
  • Electrical approach triggers new treatments for chronic disease
  • Our industry engagement
  • Internships and student industry projects
  • Undergraduate study
  • Graduate study
  • Graduate research
  • Melbourne University Biomedical Engineering Society
  • News and events
  • Biomechanics Research Group
  • Micro-computed tomography for structure-function investigation
  • Quantitative morphometric analysis (QMA) and image processing
  • Biofabrication and tissue engineering
  • Mechanobiology and remodelling
  • Micro-computed tomography
  • Micro-mechanics
  • Publications
  • Student projects
  • Neurophysiology
  • Endovascular neural interface (Stentrode)
  • Neuromodulation (Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease)
  • Brain machine interfaces
  • Medical devices and neuro-rehabilitation
  • John NeuroBionics Lab Alumni
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  • Entrepreneurial
  • Audition, speech and bionic ear design
  • Bionic eye design and vision
  • Computational neuroscience
  • Neuroimaging and neuroinformatics
  • About NeuroEngineering
  • NeuroEngineering people
  • NeuroEngineering collaborators
  • Past seminars
  • NeuroEng 2013
  • Tissue Engineering Research opportunities
  • Current Students
  • Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

Research Experience Program

Each semester first year psychology students may accumulate up to 5 hours of participation in research projects through the School Research Experience Program. This service is supplied via Sona Systems, which provides the means for participants to sign-up for and participate in projects online. The system also allows researchers to organise their data collection session online.

REP Policy Webpage

Sona Systems can be accessed via the following link:

Sona Systems

Issues with accounts should be communiated via email to the REP Administrator listed below.

The School maintains two Sona System accounts, one for the management of undergraduate research participation and the second for projects that offer reimbursement to participants. The two systems are distinct, and therefore require two separate access accounts.

More information on the Reimbursement Participant System can be found here .

Below are the links to the operational manuals for the system for both researchers and students

Sona System Manual

Students enrolled in both first-year psychology subjects may participate in 5 hours of research participation per semester (i.e., 10 hours in total during first-year). Students who choose to participate in the REP will be awarded 1% course credit per hour of research participation completed, up to a maximum of 5% per semester. Note that students are not eligible for additional course credit beyond 5 hours (5%) per semester.

Participation in five hours of research activities is expected to be completed by the end of week 12 of each semester.

To establish fair access for researchers, each Honours and Postgraduate Diploma student wishing to access this resource in first semester will have a limit of 80 hours. Postgraduate students and staff will be able to apply for 100 hours per semester.

It is important to note that prior to applying for the Research Experience Program (REP), your study must be approved by the relevant ethics committee.

Process of making an application

Step 1: Please ensure you have read the REP policy  and understand your responsibilities as a researcher

If you do not yet have an existing REP researcher profile:

Step 2: Send an email to [email protected] with:

  • You full name
  • Your UoM Staff or Student ID
  • Your principal supervisor's full name (for PhD/MPsych/Fourth-Year students only)

Step 3: You will be advised by email when your researcher profile has been created

Step 4: Visit  https://unimelb.sona-systems.com to access the REP portal where you can create new studies, administer existing studies, assign credits to participants, etc.

If you already have an existing REP researcher profile:

Step 2: Visit https://unimelb.sona-systems.com to access the REP portal where you can create new studies, administer existing studies, assign credits to participants, etc.

If you require assistance with accessing the REP portal, please email [email protected]

Project advertising

Note that advertising of experiments should not occur in first level psychology lectures or laboratory classes. Payment or other incentives cannot be used for studies advertised as part of the Research Participation Program, except under special circumstances (see REP policy).

Project reporting

At the end of each semester, the Principal Investigator for each REP study must ensure that a summary report of (preliminary) findings is completed using an online form available at  http://go.unimelb.edu.au/7pjj . Summary reports will be made available to REP participants at this webpage:  http://go.unimelb.edu.au/3pjj .

For REP studies that run across semesters, a preliminary report should be completed at the end of Semester 1 and then updated at the end of Semester 2. To update an existing summary report, complete the online form ( http://go.unimelb.edu.au/7pjj ) again and add “Semester 2 update” to the end of the study title.

By registering and using the REP system, you are agreeing to abide by the following terms and conditions:

  • At the end of each experimental session, you or an authorised research assistant must enter credit point in SONA system for the student that participated in your study.
  • Full debriefing is obligatory. 'Debriefing' means that subjects are provided with an account of why the research is being conducted, and what hypotheses or theories are being tested. How this information is provided may vary depending on the nature of the project. Researchers may provide each subject with a verbal debriefing immediately after their participation and/or they may provide a written information sheet when the project as a whole is complete.
  • Note that appropriate debriefing is particularly important when accessing the research participation program. A condition of the operation of this program is that the experience it provides educational benefit to the participants. This condition cannot be met if adequate debriefing information is not provided. Failure to give such debriefing is therefore regarded as a serious violation of research ethics.
  • You should use no more hours than those allocated to you by the REP Convenor. Additional hours may be approved upon application to the REP Convenor. Those who exceed their allocation may not be offered access to the research participation program in future.
  • After analysis has been completed, or at the end of the semester, a summary report of (preliminary) findings is to be completed using an online form available at  http://go.unimelb.edu.au/7pjj .

This is an important aspect of the REP and supports the educational objectives of the program.

Summary reports should include a description of the REP study’s background, aims and hypotheses, methods, (preliminary) findings, and (preliminary) implications/conclusions.

REP Convenor:

Dr Peter Koval

REP Enquiries:

[email protected]

REP summary reports can be viewed through the following link.

REP Summary Reports

Melbourne Social Equity Institute

Applications are now open for the community fellows program 2025.

Group photo of 10 people in front of a sandstone building

The 2023/24 Community Fellows at their orientation event at the University of Melbourne in February 2023.

Melbourne Social Equity Institute is pleased to announce that applications for the Community Fellows Program for 2025 are now open.

The Community Fellows Program is the only program of its kind in Australia. It was developed in recognition that community organisations possess deep and extensive practice knowledge, but often lack the capacity, time and resources to test, codify and share this knowledge.

Community Fellows conduct their own research projects and spend time at the University of Melbourne to develop their research skills. Each Community Fellow is assigned an Academic Mentor with relevant expertise to support their project. During their placement, Fellows also participate in a range of academic and professional development activities.

Through the Community Fellows Program, we aim to support research that will lead to positive outcomes such as improved service delivery, the development of new services, the improved ability to advocate effectively or the improved capacity to undertake future research projects.

Grants of $7000 are made available to the community-based organisations to compensate them for the time that Fellows spend working on their research projects. A small research budget is also allocated to each Community Fellow to enable them to undertake their research.

To learn more about the program, register for the online information session on Thursday 19 September.

Community Fellows Program Website

More Information

[email protected]

  • Publications
  • Current Students
  • Faculty of Business and Economics

Associate Professor  Patrick J. Kelly

Associate professor of finance & deputy program director (master of finance).

Department of Finance

research program unimelb

Patrick J. Kelly is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance in the Faculty of Business and Economics at The University of Melbourne. Previously Dr. Kelly was an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Finance Department at the New Economic School in Moscow and a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of Financial Economics, hosted by the International College of Economics Finance and the London School of Economics. Dr. Kelly earned his Ph.D. in Finance and Master Degree in Economics from the W.P.Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Austin, a visiting lecturer in the Ph.D. program at the University of Melbourne and an assistant professor at the University of South Florida where he won awards for both his teaching and research. His research focuses on the impact of the media on asset prices and corporate governance, market efficiency, empirical asset pricing and behavioral finance, and he has published articles on these topics in top academic journals including the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management and the Quarterly Journal of Finance. Prior to his Finance studies, Dr. Kelly taught English as a Foreign Language in Poland, was the lead singer in an alternative rock band, and volunteered as an English teacher for the U.S. Peace Corps in Poland. For more, including a CV, working papers and publications, please see:  http://www.patrickjkelly.info/ For Google Scholar citations, please see:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ss76_RkAAAAJ

Research interests

  • Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Scholarships

Vacation Research Scholarship

Application is required. Check eligibility

Key scholarship details

Application status

Not open yet

Eligible study level


Eligible student type

Domestic and international students

Eligible study stage

Current study

Benefit duration

Undergraduate Science and Biomedical Science students have the opportunity to undertake 4-6 weeks work full time on a project within the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.

The work performed is not for credit but a report of the work is required at the end of the scholarship period. The Vacation Research Scholarship covers research projects conducted within laboratories of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.

The scholarships can be held for 4-6 weeks by arrangement with your supervisor. In the Vacation Scholarship, the student will work in their supervisor’s laboratory on the design, execution and analysis of a series of experiments. It is important that a student first obtain the agreement of a supervisor before completing this form.

The scholarship will be paid as lump sum midway through your tenure.

Four scholarships per annum each with a value of $2,000.

Eligibility and selection criteria


  • Research project must be aligned with one of the following disciplines: Anatomy, Cell and Developmental Biology or Neuroscience. (Students with Physiology disciplines projects are encouraged to apply for the RD Wright Studentship )
  • Student must have discussed the scholarship project with a supervisor in the department and have supervisor approval.
  • The student cannot be currently enrolled in BIOM30003 or SCIE30001 and the project work completed as part of this scholarship cannot be used for academic credit.
  • Be a current University of Melbourne Bachelor student with at least 250points completed or have recently completed their University of Melbourne Bachelor degree (same calendar year as applying for scholarship)
  • In the case of multiple applications, awards are made on academic merit.

Selection criteria

Recipients will be selected based on:

  • Alignment of project to the discipline’s areas of Anatomy, Cell and Developmental Biology or Neuroscience.
  • Academic Merit

Study level:

Student type:

Study stage type:

Study area:

Need help understanding the process?

Application, how to apply.

Students need to submit the application form by the due date. You will be requested to attach a copy of your academic transcript and a letter of recommendation from your intended supervisor to the application form.

The letter of recommendation from the supervisor should include:

  • a statement that the supervisor will host the student in their lab for the period of the scholarship
  • acknowledgement that the student and supervisor have discussed the scope of the project
  • a short summary of the work that will be completed

2023/2024 Applications close Wednesday 6 December 2023 at 11.59pm

Please contact [email protected]

When will I know the outcome?

Successful applicants will be advised within 2 weeks of the application closing date.

  • 2023/2024: Madeleine Jones, Anamika Sudhi Nair
  • 2022/2023: Not awarded
  • 2021/2022: Rachel Ko, Xiuying Tang, Steven Zhang

The information listed here is subject to change without notice. Where we have listed information about jointly run scholarships programs, please also see our partners' websites. Information describing the number and value of scholarships awarded is indicative.

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Research program

Study abroad/ exchange research program.

The University of Melbourne offers students studying at overseas institutions the opportunity to complete a period of research as part of your home degree studies. You may be able to undertake this research as an Exchange or Study Abroad student.

As part of our Study Abroad or Exchange research program you may undertake research at Melbourne for a minimum of three months and a maximum of twelve months. Your research period may be extended to up to two years with special permission.

To complete a period of research with us you are required to find an academic at the University of Melbourne willing to act as your temporary supervisor for the duration of your research program.

Please note, you must allow time for student visa processing when planning your start date.

If you are a staff member, requiring more information on the different ways that international researchers can choose to visit the University of Melbourne, please visit our Honorary and University Guests appointments webpage.


To be eligible to complete a period of research at Melbourne, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in a degree at an overseas institution that is recognised by the University of Melbourne
  • Your participation in our program is to undertake research towards your degree at your home institution
  • Meet the University’s English language requirements or satisfy the University that your level of English is suitable for the purpose of your research and will allow you to meet all safety requirements
  • Have an agreement in writing from an academic at the University of Melbourne who is willing to act as your temporary supervisor while you are undertaking your research
  • Plan to undertake research for a minimum period of three months or a maximum period of twelve months, this may be extended up to two years with special permission
  • As an Exchange research student you must attend an institution that is a current partner institution of the University and have the support of your home institution’s exchange office to join our research program

Note: You are able to arrive in Australia up to three weeks prior to, or three weeks after, your official start date.

Finding a supervisor

It is mandatory for all Study Abroad and Exchange research students to find a supervisor to provide you with guidance and support throughout the duration of your stay.

When selecting a prospective research supervisor, it is important to contact an academic with the expertise to guide you in your field of research. They should also have the capacity to meet the needs of your research schedule and encourage you to meet your academic goals.

If you do not have contacts at the University of Melbourne, check out our Find an expert website.

Visit Find an expert

How to apply

Follow these steps to submit your Study Abroad or Exchange research application:

  • Ensure you have all required documentation; including official academic transcripts and evidence of language proficiency
  • Make contact with a temporary supervisor who is willing to academically support you during your studies here in Melbourne
  • Download the application guide and follow the instructions carefully
  • Research the appropriate Australian visa for your visit. Learn more about your visa options . You can check visa processing times at this webpage and should apply early enough for allow for your visa to be processed before your planned arrival date.

Download the guide to submit your Study Abroad/ Exchange Research application.

Once you have submitted your application, we will contact you if further information is required.  If you require assistance with a study abroad research application you may contact us at [email protected] , noting that we are unable to assist with finding temporary supervisors and you must follow the above instructions and provide all required information for assessment.

Fees and payments

Study abroad research students.

As a Study Abroad research student you will have your tuition fees waived by the faculty at Melbourne hosting your research.

If you are applying for a student visa you will need to pay for the cost of visa length Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) when you accept your offer.

Exchange research students

As an Exchange research student nominated by your home institution to undertake research at Melbourne, you will not be required to pay tuition fees to the University of Melbourne.

The exchange office at your home institution is required to send the University of Melbourne your exchange nomination at the time of your application.

Plan your arrival

Once you've applied and been accepted into a program, it's a good idea to start planning you arrival at Melbourne. From organising visas to finding accommodation, there are several things you'll need to get ready before you depart.

  • Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
  • News & Events

University of Melbourne and the Pacific Climate Change Centre welcome 15 Indo-Pacific leaders for the Advancing Climate, Health, and Equity Outcomes Australia Awards program

The University of Melbourne and the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) officially launched an innovative Australia Awards Fellowship program on 6 th November 2023. Fifteen emerging climate and health leaders from eleven Indo-Pacific countries are participating in an immersive six-week leadership, capacity development, knowledge exchange and networking program, hosted by the University of Melbourne.

The ‘Advancing Climate, Health, and Equity Outcomes through Local Action in the Indo-Pacific’ program is co-hosted by Melbourne Climate Futures and the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health in partnership with PCCC, and has been funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia Awards initiative.

Our recently arrived Australia Awards Fellows (L-R): Dr Arthit Phosri (Thailand), Mr Teanibuaka Tabunga (Kiribati), Mr Mackzine Lakjohn (Republic of the Marshall Islands), Dr Lutfan Lazuardi (Indonesia), Dr Im Sophea (Cambodia), Ms Tsatsa Seimarlie (Solomon Islands), Ms Vanessa Uelese Va'ai (Kiribati), Ms Litiana Talake (Tuvalu), Mr Correy Ariote Abraham (Federated States of Miconesia), Mr Ruben Robin (Papua New Guinea), Mr Samisoni Mumui Tupou (Tonga), Ms Loiloi Otuangu Evadne Latu (Tonga), Ms Victoria Ieremia-Faasili (Samoa), Mr Molyka Nov (Cambodia).

Our recently arrived Australia Awards Fellows (L-R): Dr Arthit Phosri (Thailand), Mr Teanibuaka Tabunga (Kiribati), Mr Mackzine Lakjohn (Republic of the Marshall Islands), Dr Lutfan Lazuardi (Indonesia), Dr Im Sophea (Cambodia), Ms Tsatsa Seimarlie (Solomon Islands), Ms Vanessa Uelese Va'ai (Kiribati), Ms Litiana Talake (Tuvalu), Mr Correy Ariote Abraham (Federated States of Miconesia), Mr Ruben Robin (Papua New Guinea), Mr Samisoni Mumui Tupou (Tonga), Ms Loiloi Otuangu Evadne Latu (Tonga), Ms Victoria Ieremia-Faasili (Samoa), Mr Molyka Nov (Cambodia).

The initiative strives to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences in Australia and overseas. Fellows bring a diversity of lived experience and expertise from their climate and health roles in government and academia across the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

The University was delighted to host Mr. Sefanaia Nawadra, Director General of the South Pacific Regional Environment Centre to officially launch the program, in collaboration with Professor Michael Wesley, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global, Culture and Engagement; and Mr Shaun Starmer, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security, DFAT.

Beyond completing formal training on a range of climate, health, equity, advocacy, policy and research strategies, delivered by experts from across the University and several external partners, Fellows will co-design and develop a climate and health policy/practice output relevant to their local context with support of a University mentor. In addition to strengthening public speaking and presentation skills, this will facilitate bidirectional knowledge exchange between the cohort and feedback from the group will strengthen each Fellow’s capacity to implement their output upon returning home.

“This programme will establish a supportive, collaborative regional community and equip regional policy makers with practical knowledge to boost the development of healthy and equitable climate policies and programmes in their home countries, improving climate resilience and outcomes across the whole Indo-Pacific region,” said Professor Kathryn Bowen, Deputy Director, Melbourne Climate Futures; and Professor of Climate, Environment and Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne.

Cultural learning experiences to understand and engage with Australia’s First Nations history and perspectives, and unique natural environments, are integrated throughout the program. Fellows will also visit the University of Melbourne’s Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub at the Dookie campus in Week 3 of the program, to learn more about efforts to enhance economic, environmental and social resilience to drought and the interdependencies of sustainable agriculture, food and water security and health.

Attendees at the Australia Awards launch at Melbourne Connect.

Attendees at the Australia Awards launch at Melbourne Connect.

The Fellows will join a hybrid follow-up workshop in early 2024, hosted by the PCCC in Samoa, to discuss implementation of their policy/practice output and explore how participants have applied skills developed during the Fellowship to their practice. Mrs Ófa Kaisamy, Manager of PCCC said, “This collaboration builds on existing efforts by PCCC and the University of Melbourne on climate and health capacity-building. It will create a regional community of policy makers and researchers whose knowledge of climate and health will support better outcomes for populations in their respective countries.”

To learn more about the ‘Advancing Climate, Health, and Equity Outcomes through Local Action in the Indo-Pacific’ Australia Awards program and our visiting Fellows, visit the Climate CATCH Lab ’s website for updates.


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  1. Research opportunities in Melbourne: PhD and graduate degrees

    Your research options. Discover the types of graduate research we offer, including the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and masters by research. Explore our research areas - from arts, humanities and social sciences to veterinary, agricultural and food sciences and learn more about your opportunities as a graduate ...

  2. Research at the University of Melbourne

    Our research is a global magnet for prospective students, graduate researchers, academics and partners. We work across seven campuses and three innovation precincts including the Southbank Arts Precinct, Melbourne Connect and the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct. Currently we are actively working on 5,000 externally funded research projects in a ...

  3. Graduate Research Degrees

    Our graduate research scholarships will support you to focus on research you're passionate about. Our 700+ scholarships include fee remission, living allowance and travel, research and activity-based bursaries. You are automatically considered for scholarships when you apply. Research Training Program scholarship.

  4. Graduate research

    How to apply. Graduate research at Melbourne will help you develop the expertise and skill needed to make an impact in academia, industry, government and in the community. Get started now and find out about scholarships and fees and the application process. Find out more.

  5. Your research options

    Your research options. Our graduate research degrees allow you to explore your area of interest in depth through either a: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which marks your admission to the community of scholars in your discipline and requires the completion of a thesis of 80,000-100,000 words on a specialised topic; Master of Philosophy (MPhil), an ...

  6. How to apply

    Graduate research. Melbourne is a place where world-class researchers choose to study and work. You'll study alongside talented peers in an environment focused on research impact and relevance, and be supervised by leading experts in your field. Our graduate schools offer graduate research programs in most major disciplines, so you can pursue ...

  7. Graduate research in the Faculty of Science

    As a graduate researcher in the Faculty of Science, you'll: Learn from inspiring supervisors. Be part of exciting research projects. Gain access to cutting-edge facilities. Build strong peer relationships. Enjoy an experience like no other. We'll also support your journey with scholarships that recognise your talent and allow you to pursue ...

  8. Research Training Program Scholarship (Indigenous)

    The Research Training Program Scholarship is provided by the Australian Commonwealth Government and the University of Melbourne, and offered to high-achieving Indigenous research students. ... Have applied for and meet the entry requirements for a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne, or be currently enrolled in a graduate ...

  9. PhD and research

    PhD and research

  10. Amgen Scholars Program

    The Amgen Scholars Program is an international program that gives undergraduate students hands-on lab experience, working for 7 weeks in one of our world-class labs. You'll get the chance to research full time on a project, meet like-minded students, and experience the wealth of scientific opportunity that Melbourne has to offer.

  11. Programs for researchers

    Exchange programs. By participating in an exchange program, you will receive assistance from the University of Melbourne to undertake research at one of our partner institutions, while continuing with your current tuition arrangement with us. There are several benefits to undertaking an exchange program: Pay tuition fees to the University of ...

  12. Summer research experience program

    The BME Summer Research Experience Program (SREP) provides students a meaningful experience in a Biomedical Engineering research laboratory. These placements help inform future career choices, including Research or Research & Development pathways via PhD study or working in research laboratory positions as a Masters graduate.

  13. Study health research

    Australia's first cancer-specific, multidisciplinary program, which has been designed to meet a projected shortage of skilled practitioners in the oncology workforce. 1 year full time / 2 years part-time, online. ... the Murdoch Children's Institute for Research and The University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics. 2 years full-time / 4 ...

  14. Research Experience Program

    Process of making an application. Step 1: Please ensure you have read the REP policy and understand your responsibilities as a researcher. If you do not yet have an existing REP researcher profile: Step 2: Send an email to [email protected] with: You full name. Your UoM Staff or Student ID.

  15. Graduate Research Scholarships

    Living allowance of $37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full-time study rate) for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or up to 3.5 years for students undertaking a doctoral degree. The living allowance may be indexed annually and includes limited paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.

  16. Research Training Program Scholarship

    Research Training Program Scholarship (Stipend and Fee Offset) Full fee offset for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters by Research degree or up to four years for students undertaking a doctoral degree. Living allowance of $37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full-time study rate) for up to two years for students undertaking a Masters ...

  17. Community Fellows Program 2025 Applications

    Through the Community Fellows Program, we aim to support research that will lead to positive outcomes such as improved service delivery, the development of new services, improved ability to advocate effectively or the improved capacity to undertake future research projects. ... If unsure, please contact [email protected].

  18. Science research options

    Physical sciences. Astronomical and space sciences. Atomic, molecular, nuclear and particle and plasma physics. Condensed matter physics. Optical physics. Quantum physics. Depending on your research theme, you'll be aligned with a school within the Faculty of Science: School of BioSciences. School of Chemistry.

  19. Applications Are Now Open for the Community Fellows Program 2025

    The 2023/24 Community Fellows at their orientation event at the University of Melbourne in February 2023. ... Through the Community Fellows Program, we aim to support research that will lead to positive outcomes such as improved service delivery, the development of new services, the improved ability to advocate effectively or the improved ...

  20. Associate Professor Patrick J. Kelly

    Phone number +61 3 8344 3961. Email [email protected]. Find an Expert Find an Expert. Patrick J. Kelly is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance in the Faculty of Business and Economics at The University of Melbourne. Previously Dr. Kelly was an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Finance Department at the New ...

  21. Vacation Research Scholarship

    Undergraduate Science and Biomedical Science students have the opportunity to undertake 4-6 weeks work full time on a project within the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.The work performed is not for credit but a report of the work is required at the end of the scholarship period. The Vacation Research Scholarship covers research projects conducted within laboratories of the Department of ...

  22. Study Abroad/ Exchange Research program

    Eligibility. To be eligible to complete a period of research at Melbourne, you must meet the following requirements: Be enrolled in a degree at an overseas institution that is recognised by the University of Melbourne. Your participation in our program is to undertake research towards your degree at your home institution.

  23. University of Melbourne and the Pacific Climate Change Centre welcome

    The University of Melbourne and the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) officially launched an innovative Australia Awards Fellowship program on 6 th November 2023. Fifteen emerging climate and health leaders from eleven Indo-Pacific countries are participating in an immersive six-week leadership, capacity development, knowledge exchange and ...

  24. Master's Programme in Population and Development

    The Master's program "Population and Development" is intended for students who want to understand the impact of the development of society on socio-economic processes. The courses are taught in English and prepare specialists of both national and international levels. Students master the skills of collecting statistical data for conducting ...

  25. Research support

    Through the Research Gateway, our academic and honorary staff, graduate researchers and professional staff can find information on everything from ethics and integrity to research reporting and data management. Note that you will need to log in with your University of Melbourne username and password. Staff can also contact the research helpline.