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UW-Milwaukee Academic Catalog

Computer science.


Computer Science, PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree offered by the University, is conferred in recognition of marked scholarship in a broad field of knowledge as well as distinguished critical or creative achievement within a special area of the general field (the special area being the subject of the doctoral dissertation). The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science program in the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) is designed to meet the traditional high standards for such programs. The PhD in Computer Science is administered by the division of Computer Science in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Some aspects of the program are delegated to the CEAS Graduate Office.

The program is flexible, allowing the student to develop a plan of studies tailored to meet individual needs. Evaluation of the study plan is based on its appropriateness as a computer science program, the availability within the University of appropriate course offerings, and the availability within the division of Computer Science of a faculty member who is qualified to serve as the student’s major professor.

The PhD degree requires a minimum of 66 credits beyond the baccalaureate, including a dissertation. The student must also satisfy a residence requirement.

Many of the courses leading toward graduate degrees in CEAS are offered in the late afternoon or evening. So, students can complete much of their coursework on a part-time basis.

Admission Requirements

Credits and courses, additional requirements, application deadlines.

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars .

An applicant must meet  Graduate School requirements  plus these program requirements to be considered for admission to the program:

  • Applicants holding a MS degree in computer science will generally be admitted without deficiencies. Applicants holding a BS degree in computer science may be admitted only if they are exceptionally strong, such as with a record including successful completion of courses normally taken at the graduate level in computer science.
  • Applicants holding MS degrees from domains outside of computer science may be admitted with specific program-defined course deficiencies, provided that the deficiencies amount to no more than two courses. The student is expected to satisfy deficiency requirements within three enrolled semesters. The deficiencies are monitored by the Graduate School and the division of Computer Science. No course credits earned in making up deficiencies may be counted as program credits required for the degree. The mathematics preparation must generally include mathematics equivalent to MATH 231 . Otherwise, the made-up deficiencies must be sufficient to assure that the applicant is able to proceed with advanced work directed toward the doctoral degree.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on the basis of 4.0, in the highest degree granted. An applicant with a master’s degree in engineering or computer science having a GPA of less than 3.0, but at least equal to 2.75, may be admitted if substantial evidence can be submitted demonstrating that the applicant has the capacity to perform satisfactory doctoral work.
  • All applicants are required to submit a brief (1 or 2 page) statement describing their professional goals and at least two letters of reference.
  • The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required for all international and domestic applicants.
  • International students require proof of English language proficiency. Complete information is available at the  UWM Center for International Education .
  • Applicants with a relevant master’s degree who intend to complete an additional master’s in Computer Science at UWM should announce their plans at the time of admission, and not later than the start of their second year into the PhD program.


A student who receives a master’s degree at UWM must formally apply for admission to the Graduate School as a doctoral student before continuing studies that will be credited toward the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science.

The minimum degree requirement is 66 graduate credits beyond the bachelor’s degree. The minimum credit  distribution of coursework to be undertaken must be as follows depending on the option selected.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Select 21 credits in the major area of concentration21
Select 9 credits in an approved minor area9
Select 6 credits in mathematics and/or quantitative methods6
Take for total of 18 credits:18
Doctoral Thesis
Select 9 credits of electives9
Effective Academic Writing1
Preparing Future Engineering Faculty & Professionals2
Total Credits66

The 6-credit requirement in mathematics and/or quantitative methods may be met by satisfactorily completing certain courses specified by the Department or by taking the minor in mathematics. When such courses also count for either the major or the minor area, the remaining credits may be taken as approved electives.

The student must achieve a 3.0 GPA separately in each of the following areas: the major area, the minor area, and the quantitative methods area.

The minor is normally in another area offered in the College or in the physical sciences or mathematics or in management sciences. Consideration of any other area as a minor requires the prior approval of the Department.

A minimum of 26 credits, excluding doctoral thesis, must be at the 700 level or higher.

Major Professor as Advisor

The Graduate School requires that the student must have a major professor to advise, supervise, and approve the program of study before registering for courses. The incoming student will be assigned to an initial Program Advisor at the time of admission. Prior to the completion of 12 credits (9 credits for part-time students), the student must select a major professor who will be the student’s thesis advisor. The student, in consultation with the major professor, develops a proposed program of studies which is submitted for approval. For subsequent changes, the student must file a revised program of study for approval.

Foreign Language

There is no foreign language requirement for the degree.

The program residence requirement is satisfied either by completing 8 or more graduate credits in two consecutive semesters, exclusive of summer sessions, or by completing 6 or more graduate credits in each of three consecutive semesters, exclusive of summer sessions.

Qualifying Examination

Each student in the program must take and pass a Qualifying Examination to demonstrate that the student is qualified for doctoral-level work. The Qualifying Examination is a written exam and is structured in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. The examination is offered twice a year during the regular academic year. 

Students entering with only a bachelor’s degree or with a master’s degree in an area unrelated to their major may take the Qualifying Examination for the first time after earning 12 credits of graduate work at UWM and must successfully pass the exam before earning 30 credits of graduate work at UWM.

Students admitted after completing an appropriate master’s degree must take this examination no later than the semester immediately after 18 credits of graduate work have been earned at UWM.

A student may take the Qualifying Examination twice. On the first attempt, the student must attempt both Part 1 and Part 2 of the examination.

  • If the student passes both parts, then the student has passed the entire examination and will be permitted to proceed toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
  • If the student fails both parts, then the student must take the entire exam again at its next offering.
  • If a student passes only one of the two parts, then the student must take the examination again at its next offering, but may choose to take only the part of the examination that was not passed on the first attempt.
  • If a passing grade is not obtained on the second attempt of the Qualifying Examination, the student will not be permitted to proceed toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

A student who fails the qualifying exam twice is subject to dismissal from the PhD in Computer Science program. A student may appeal the failure and dismissal within 30 days of being notified of the failure. If the student does not appeal or the appeal is not granted, the College will recommend to the Graduate School that the student be dismissed. A student who is dismissed from the PhD in Computer Science program because of failing the qualifying exam may not be enrolled in the PhD in Computer Science program for a complete calendar year. This does not preclude the student from being enrolled in any other degree program offered by the University. A student who wishes to re-enroll in the program after a calendar year has passed must apply as any other student would, including payment of fees. A student readmitted after having failed the qualifying exam twice must take the qualifying exam in the first semester of matriculation and this will count as the student’s first attempt at the exam. The student may appeal this requirement prior to the first scheduled day of classes. If the student fails the qualifying exam on this first attempt, the student is permitted the customary second attempt as described above. All appeals must be in writing and directed to the CEAS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Doctoral Program Committee

The Doctoral Program Committee is proposed by the major professor in consultation with the student and the department. The Committee must include at least five graduate faculty (three from major area, one from minor area, and one from any area, including the major and minor areas). The last member may be a person from outside the University (such as another university, a research laboratory, or a relevant industrial partner), provided that person meets Graduate School requirements. The Committee may have more than five members, provided that the majority of the Committee members are from the student’s major field.

Doctoral Preliminary Examination

A student is admitted to candidacy only after successful completion of the doctoral preliminary examination conducted by the Doctoral Program Committee. This examination, which normally is oral, must be taken before the completion of 48 credits of graduate work toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Science and should be taken within the first seven years in the program. Prior to the examination, the student must present a proposal for a doctoral dissertation project. The examination may cover both graduate course material and items related to the proposed dissertation project.

Dissertation and Dissertator Status

The student must carry out a creative effort in the major area under the supervision of the major professor and report the results in an acceptable dissertation. The effort of the student and the major professor to produce the dissertation is reflected in the PhD in Computer Science program requirement that the student complete at least 18 credits of doctoral thesis. 

After the student has successfully completed all degree requirements except the dissertation, the student may enter Dissertator Status. Achieving Dissertator Status requires successful completion of the Doctoral Preliminary Examination and prior approval of the student’s advisor, the Doctoral Program Committee, and the Computer Science GPR of a dissertation proposal that outlines the scope of the project, the research method, and the goals to be achieved. Any proposal that may involve a financial commitment by the University also must be approved by the Office of the Dean. After having achieved Dissertator Status, the student must continue to register for 3 credits of doctoral thesis per semester during the academic year until the dissertation is completed.

Dissertation Defense

The final examination, which is oral, consists of a defense of the dissertation project. The doctoral defense examination may only be taken after all coursework and other requirements have been completed. The student must have Dissertator Status at the time of the defense.

All degree requirements must be completed within ten years from the date of initial enrollment in the doctoral program.

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Computer Science (PhD)

Empower your future with Dalhousie's PhD in Computer Science, combining groundbreaking research with real-world applications.

Why choose this program?

Choosing Dalhousie's PhD in Computer Science offers benefits such as access to world-class research facilities, collaboration with leading experts, and opportunities for interdisciplinary projects.

The program emphasizes innovation, practical experience, and strong industry connections, preparing students for advanced careers in academia, research, and industry.

By the time you've completed your degree, you will be ready for a career in industry, or within an academic setting.

Possible careers include:

Computer science professor 

Researcher in industrial or government lap

Chief Technical Officer

CEO of your own start-up 

Admission requirements

You'll need to meet the  Faculty of Graduate Studies minimum requirements  as well as any program-specific admissions requirements before you can apply.

Financial information

At Dalhousie, we want our students to focus on their studies, rather than worry about their personal finances. We offer competitive tuition rates and funding programs to support graduate students in almost all of our degree programs.

Program options

Thesis : Conduct innovative and important research supervised by an expert in your field, culminating in an original thesis.

Standard program duration:

5 years or longer

Enrolment options:

Delivery format:.

All graduate programs at Dalhousie are collaboratively delivered by a home Faculty and the  Faculty of Graduate Studies .

Contact an admissions advisor

Questions about admissions or the application process get in touch with the program..

Email:  [email protected]

I'm ready to apply!

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While every effort is made to ensure accuracy on this page, in the event of a discrepancy,  Dalhousie's Academic Calendars  are the official reference.

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RPI Graduate School / Ph.D. Program

Hello there,

I recently got accepted into RPI's Computer Science Ph.D. program and I am waiting to for the financial letter from the CS department before making a decision. I have some questions and I appreciate if anyone can answer:

What is it like studying at RPI graduate school (any program is fine) ?

How is the stipend amount (i.e., is it adequate for living at Troy) ?

How do you get assign to be a TA?

What is it like teaching undergrad at RPI as a TA?

How are the students (both undergrad & grad) ?

Can you join a lab in a different speciality (e.g., cognitive lab) and can you be a part of two labs?

Additionally, if you have any tips for surviving graduate school, I would like to hear them. Lastly, anyone interested in spiking neuron model?

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    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  Sep 03, 2024  
Rensselaer Catalog 2017-2018    
Rensselaer Catalog 2017-2018 [Archived Catalog]


During the first few semesters, the student focuses on obtaining a breadth of knowledge in computer science. Full-time students must complete all requirements for the core qualifying examination by the end of their third semester. Part-time students may take up to six semesters to complete the core qualifying exam requirements. The timing is measured from the student’s semester of Ph.D. program entry, regardless of whether the student is concurrently enrolled in another degree program. The only exception is that students in the accelerated B.S.-Ph.D. program may begin the timing when they complete 128 credits.

To pass the core qualifying exam, students must meet the grading criteria in a course in each of five areas. The grading criteria are that the student must earn a grade of A in a course in at least two of the areas, and that no more than one of the five courses may have a grade of B+. No course with a grade lower than B+ will count. The student may earn A- grades in the remaining courses. Students who do not meet the grading criteria in an area may take additional courses in that area until the required grade is achieved.

A list of courses that may be used for each area is available on the Computer Science Department Web site. All students must pass Area 1, Area 2, and Area 3. Students may, in consultation with their advisers, choose any two additional areas from Areas 4-8. In general, when courses are offered at both the 4000 level and 6000 level, only the 6000-level course is included on the list of eligible courses. In some cases, students who were enrolled at Rensselaer prior to joining the Ph.D. program may have already taken 4000-level versions of courses whose 6000-level counterparts are qualifying exam courses. In these circumstances, up to two of the 4000-level versions of core qualifying exam courses may be counted toward the core qualifying exam.

The second year is devoted to research exploration and selection of a doctoral committee. By the end of the second year, students must pass a research qualifying exam demonstrating breadth of knowledge in their research area. The research qualifying exam is supervised by three faculty members and may take the form of coursework, a survey paper, and/or an oral presentation. If courses are used for the research qualifying exam, they may not also be counted for the core qualifying exam. In the third year, the student develops a detailed understanding of the chosen research area and prepares a research proposal. The student must pass an oral candidacy exam by the end of the third year. The candidacy exam is an oral exam focusing on a thesis proposal and administered by the student’s doctoral committee. The student begins by presenting the thesis proposal and is then questioned by the committee.

In addition to the above requirements, the student must earn a total of 72 credits beyond the bachelor’s level, with at least 36 course credits and at least 24 dissertation research credits. Students entering the program with an M.S. degree must earn a total of 48 credits, with at least 12 course credits and at least 24 dissertation research credits. The limit on independent study credits that may be counted toward the degree is nine for students completing a 72-credit degree and six for students completing a 48-credit degree. Students are expected to attend at least 50% of departmental colloquia during their first two years in the Ph.D. program. All doctoral students are expected to have presented at least one public lecture (such as a conference presentation) on their research prior to their defense.

Outcomes of the Graduate Curriculum Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

  • demonstrate the ability to conduct novel, high quality, independent research in computer science with tangible contributions to computer science evidenced by publication of the research results in high quality venues
  • identify, investigate and articulate open research questions within their computer science sub-specialty.
  • demonstrate solid knowledge of computer systems, algorithms and theory, and the application of computer science.

Graduate Education

Application requirements by program, aerospace engineering (aero).

  • Minimum GPA: 3.3
  • GRE: Not required
  • Instructions:  https://mane.rpi.edu/undergraduate/co-terminal-programs
  • Statement of Background and Goals: Required
  • Other factors:  CV/resume required
  • Contact : Beth Macey
  • Deadline:  Fall graduates: April 15; Spring graduates: November 1

Applied Mathematics (APMA)

  • GRE: Recommended
  • Recommendations: Not required
  • Statement of Background and Goals: Not required
  • Applying 2 weeks ahead of the institute deadline, so we have time to review applications
  • Non-math majors required to have taken at least 4 4000-level 4-credit MATH/MATP courses by B.S. graduation.
  • Contact : Mary Foti
  • Deadline:   Standard

Applied Science (ASCI)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • GRE: Strongly recommended
  • Recommendations:  Two recommendations required -- at least one from RPI faculty
  • Other factors:  Applicants should identify a faculty advisor and speak with the Graduate Program Director
  • Contact : Sibel Adali

Architecture (ARCH-Geofutures)

  • Other factors:  Applicants must seek approval of the director of the concentration to which they are applying
  • Contact : Dr. Chris Perry

Architectural Sciences (ARCS)

  • Contact : Dr. Ning Xiang

Architecture (ARCH - Design Technology)

  • Contact : Dr. Dennis Sheldon

Astronomy (ASTR)

  • Recommendations: One letter from the MS advisor required, including a brief description of the scope of the research project or thesis
  • Other factors: Must be accepted to an astronomy research group. Suitability of background and preparation, especially for non-physics/applied physics majors, must be discussed with the future advisor
  • Contact : Department

Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.2
  • Recommendations:  Two recommendations required
  • Other factors:  None
  • Contact : Dallas Dudley
  • Deadline: Fall graduates: April 1; Spring graduates: October 1

Biomedical Engineering (BMED)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.3 (3.0 GPA minimum for graduating seniors only)
  • Recommendations:  Not required
  • Other factors:  Applications reviewed monthly: August, October, January - April
  • Co-Terminal applicants may apply to the M. Eng. degree program option only.
  • Contact : Elizabeth Harwood and have all applications submitted to her by October 15th.
  • Deadline:  Spring 2024 bachelor's graduates - February 15, 2024; Fall 2024 bachelor's gradautes - April 15, 2024

Biology (BIOL)

  • Recommendations:  Two recommendations required - one from your BIOL master's advisor and one from another RPI faculty member
  • Other factors: Applicants must contact the department for additional application materials
  • Deadline:  Fall graduates: April 1; Spring graduates: October 1

Business Administration (MBA)

  • Other factors:  Interested students should reach out to Dr. Brian Clark, Graduate Program Director in the Lally School of Management.
  • Contact : Charlieann Chacon

Business Analytics (BSAN)

  • Other factors:  Interested students should reach out to Dr. Brian Clark, Graduate Program Director in the Lally School of Management.

Chemical Engineering (CHME)

  • Minimum GPA: Recommended 3.3 in CHME courses for M.Eng. degree. Recommended 3.5 in CHME courses for M.S. degree.
  • Recommendations:   Recommendation form
  • Other factors:  All applications will be reviewed by the CBE Graduate Committee. Applicants for the M.S. degree are expected to have research experience, or will complete research experience before finishing the B.S. degree.
  • Contact : Marylouise Dowd
  • Deadlines:  Spring B.S. graduates: October 15th; Fall graduates: April 15th

Chemistry (CHEM)

  • Recommendations:  One recommendation required -- Must be from your MS research advisor 
  • Contact : Jacob Shelley Must contact before preparing application.
  • Deadline:  Application materials should be submitted to Jacob Shelley for initial review at least two weeks before the formal application deadline of May 1 for fall applicants and November 15 for spring applicants.

Civil Engineering (CIVL)

  • Contact : Kim Boyce

Cognitive Science (COGS)

  • GRE: Not Required
  • Recommendations:  One letter recommendation required from the faculty member who will supervise your work.
  • Personal Statement: Required
  • Other factors:  Interested students must contact Jenn Mumby before applying. Students must be accepted to a COGS research group with the intention of that lab.
  • Contact : Jenn Mumby
  • Deadline:  November 1 for Spring B.S. graduates and April 15 for Fall B.S. graduates

Computer Science (CSCI)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.5
  • Recommendations:  One letter from the MS advisor required, detailing the research project or thesis
  • Other factors:   Must be accepted to a CSCI research group. Non-CSCI majors must have a substantial CSCI background. Interested students must contact Tracy Hoffman ( [email protected] ) before applying.
  • Contact : Tracy Hoffman
  • Deadline:  April 15th for Fall B.S. graduates & November 1st for Spring B.S. graduates.

Computer & Systems Engineering (CSYS)

  • Recommendations:  Two recommendations required
  • Other factors:  Applicants must meet with Kelley Kritz and provide a copy of their Degree Works Report, Plan of Study, and resume.
  • Contact : Kelley Kritz
  • Deadline:  November 1st for spring applicants and April 15th for fall applicants

Critical Game Design

  • Recommendations: One letter of recommendation required from the faculty member who will supervise your master’s work
  • Other factors:  Interested Students MUST contact Jenn Mumby prior to applying

Economics (ECON)

  • Recommendations:  One letter of recommendation required from the faculty member who will supervise your master’s work
  • Other factors:  Interested students must contact Jenn Mumby before applying.

Electrical Engineering (ELEC)

  • Other factors:  Applicants must meet with Kelley Kritz and provide a copy of their Degree Works Report, Plan of Study, and CV/resume. 
  • Deadline:  November 1st for spring applicants and April 15th for fall applicants.

Environmental Engineering (ENVE)

Geology (geol).

  • Contact : Michelle Kolota

Information Technology (ITEC)

  • Contact : Jeanne Luker

Industrial and Management Engineering (MGTE)

  • Contact :  Marylouise Dowd 
  • Deadline:  Two weeks before the standard deadlines. The standard deadlines are May 1 for fall applicants and November 15 for spring applicants.

Lighting (LGHT)

  • Recommendations:  Two recommendations required -- one from RPI faculty
  • Other factors:  Applicants must seek approval of the director of the concetration to which they are applying
  • Contact : Carly Brackett/Lecia O'Dell

Materials Engineering (MATL)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.3, unless waived by department
  • Recommendations: Two recommendation letters required
  • Statement of Background and Goals:  Required
  • Other factors:  Reasons for GPA waivers include: primarily research experience or experience in a faculty member's area
  • Contact : Ganpati Ramanath
  • Deadline:  November 1 for Spring graduates & April 15 for fall graduates 

Mathematics (MATH)

  • Minimum GPA: 3.6
  • Deadline:  April 15th for students applying for fall admission & November 1st for students applying for spring admission

Mechanical Engineering (MECL)

  • Instructions:   https://mane.rpi.edu/undergraduate/co-terminal-programs
  • Deadline:  Spring graduates: November 1; Fall graduates: April 15

Multidisciplinary Science (MDSC)

  • Recommendations: Two recommendations required -- at least one from RPI faculty
  • Other factors:  Applicants must seek approval of the director of the concentration in which they are applying

Nuclear Engineering (NUCS)

Physics (phys).

  • Recommendations: One letter from the MS advisor required, including a brief description of the scope of the research project or thesis.
  • Other factors:  Must be accepted to a physics research group. Non-physics/applied physics majors must have substantial physics background.

Quantitative Finance & Risk Analytics (QFRA)

Science and technology studies (sts).

  • Recommendations: One recommendation required from the faculty member who will supervise your master's work
  • Other factors: Interested students must contact Jenn Mumby prior to applying

Semiconductor Technology (MaST)

Supply chain management (spcm), systems engineering and technology management (setm), transportation engineering (tran).

  • Other factors: None

Office of Graduate Education

1516 Peoples Ave. Troy, NY 12180

(518) 276-6488

[email protected]

OGE Office


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  1. Computer Science (MCSc)

    Choosing the Dalhousie University Computer Science graduate program offers several benefits, including a focus on innovation and research, a collaborative learning environment, and strong industry connections. ... Graduates from Dalhousie's Computer Science program work in diverse fields such as software development, data analytics ...

  2. Computer Science, PhD

    The PhD in Computer Science is administered by the division of Computer Science in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Some aspects of the program are delegated to the CEAS Graduate Office. The program is flexible, allowing the student to develop a plan of studies tailored to meet individual needs. Evaluation of the ...

  3. Computer Science (PhD)

    Choosing Dalhousie's PhD in Computer Science offers benefits such as access to world-class research facilities, collaboration with leading experts, and opportunities for interdisciplinary projects. The program emphasizes innovation, practical experience, and strong industry connections, preparing students for advanced careers in academia ...

  4. Computer Science

    The PhD in Computer Science is the highest professional degree awarded by the Rensselaer Computer Science Department, demonstrating the ability to do in-depth, original, and independent problem-solving at the highest level. RPI CS Ph.D. graduates go on to positions with great potential for leadership and contribution in the private sector ...

  5. Computer Science

    The School of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY invites applications for the position of Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. or foreign degree equivalent in Computer Science or related fields (exceptional candidates with M.S. may be considered).

  6. Graduate Programs

    Graduate Programs. RPI provides an outstanding environment for training graduate students for professional careers. Our internationally recognized faculty are recipients of many career awards and professional honors from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Association ...

  7. Academic Programs

    An M.S. in Computer Science will demonstrate the skills, experience, and expertise need for professional success. Rensselaer's M.S. students are widely recruited for open-ended professional trajectories in the nation's top companies. Graduates have gone on to outstanding careers at all levels and many have started their own successful businesses.

  8. Computer Science

    Computer science is the study of the design, analysis, communication, implementation, and application of computational processes. At Rensselaer, an education in computer science prepares students to solve applied real-world problems and conduct research in computer science. The program provides students with a solid grounding in both theory and ...

  9. Resources for Prospective Graduate Students

    Thank you for your interest in the graduate program in Computer Science at Rensselaer. We have one of the strongest computer science programs in the nation, and are actively looking for graduate students with a solid undergraduate record and a strong potential for research. Below you will find answers to many of the questions frequently asked ...

  10. Computer Science

    The Master of Science degree in Computer Science at Rensselaer is a technical degree from which students may advance to positions of responsibility in the computing field with a solid foundation of knowledge to serve them. A number of students will continue into Ph.D. study and will be similarly well prepared. An M.S. degree provides ...

  11. Program: Computer Science Ph.D.

    Computer Science Ph.D. During the first few semesters, the student focuses on obtaining a breadth of knowledge in computer science. Full-time students must complete all requirements for the core qualifying examination by the end of their third semester. Part-time students may take up to six semesters to complete the core qualifying exam ...

  12. Program: Computer Science Ph.D.

    At least one of the lectures must be for the Graduate Student Seminar. The other may be a conference presentation or invited lecture. Graduate students are expected to attend the Computer Science Colloquium series on a regular basis. The Ph.D. program culminates with the submission of a thesis and the oral dissertation defense.

  13. Application Requirements

    The minimum requirement for admission consideration is the completion and award of a four year U.S. bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, by the time of planned enrollment. GRE/GMAT Scores. Optional for all other degree programs. Strongly recommended for: Computer Science, MS and Ph.D.

  14. Graduate Programs

    Below are the current graduate degree programs offered by Rensselaer. ... Computer Science: M.S., Ph.D. Geology: M.S., Ph.D. Information Technology: ... Graduate Admissions Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, New York 12180-3590 Phone (518) 276-6216 Fax (518) 276-4072

  15. Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

    Doctoral Program (Ph.D.) The doctoral degree requirements include 72 credits for students entering the graduate program with a bachelor's degree or 48 credits for students entering with a master's degree. In addition to residence and dissertation credits requirements, students must successfully complete 36 course credits if entering with a ...

  16. Program: Computer Science Ph.D.

    Students entering the program with an M.S. degree must earn a total of 48 credits, at least 12 of which must be course credits and at least 24 dissertation research credits. All doctoral students are expected to have presented at least one public lecture (such as a conference presentation) on their research prior to their defense.

  17. RPI Graduate School / Ph.D. Program : r/RPI

    I recently got accepted into RPI's Computer Science Ph.D. program and I am waiting to for the financial letter from the CS department before making a decision. I have some questions and I appreciate if anyone can answer: ... Congratulations! I joined the PhD program this semester and it is great! The CS faculty is amazing and super helpful. The ...

  18. Graduate Admissions

    Application Deadlines. January 1, 2025. Fall 2025 Doctoral Application Deadline. March 1, 2025. Fall 2025 Master's Application Deadline. November 1, 2024. Lally MS/MBA Application Deadline - Round 1. December 15, 2024. Lally MS/MBA Application Deadline - Round 2.

  19. Program: Computer Science Ph.D.

    110 Eighth Street Troy, NY USA 12180 (518) 276-6000 SCHOOLS & PROGRAMS Architecture

  20. Doctoral Program

    The purpose of the exam is to determine the likelihood that the student will complete the doctoral requirements successfully and produce high-quality independent research. The current DQE consists of two parts: 1) the Research Qualifying Exam (RQE); 2) the Major/Minor course concentration requirements. Anyone taking the RQE in Spring 2024 on ...

  21. Computer Science

    Professor Emeritus. George Slota. Computer Science. Assistant Professor. James Hendler. Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA) Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Science and Director of the Future of Computing Institute. Jianxi Gao. Computer Science.

  22. Christopher D. Carothers

    Department of Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, New York 12180 (518) 276-2930 [email protected] Office Hours: Please see your course syllabus ... Message To Prospective Graduate Students. My research program is very software intensive, focusing largely in the area of parallel and distributing ...

  23. Co-Terminal Program

    Co-Terminal Program. Please note that the co-terminal program will change for students who joined RPI as undergraduates in Fall 2024 or later. The information presented on this page describes the current co-terminal program. If you are a new undergraduate student considering the co-terminal program, please email [email protected] for information.

  24. Graduate Admissions

    Image Science: Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Geographic Information Science ... we encourage you to visit Rensselaer! Please contact our Graduate Program Administrator, Ms. Kelley Kritz, at [email protected] to coordinate a visit. She will see to it that you are able to meet with faculty who work within your area of research interest(s ...

  25. Science and Technology Studies, Ph.D.

    Students who earn a PhD in Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer translate new understandings of science and technology into improved scientific and technological practices and policies. Graduates of this program are known for their global reach, theoretical breadth, and critical ethical engagement. They pursue research into questions and problems that extend beyond the boundaries of ...

  26. Application Requirements by Program

    Computer Science (CSCI) One letter from the MS advisor required, detailing the research project or thesis. Must be accepted to a CSCI research group. Non-CSCI majors must have a substantial CSCI background. Interested students must contact Tracy Hoffman (. April 15th for Fall B.S. graduates & November 1st for Spring B.S. graduates.