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Graduate courses in Physics

In this section:

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Primarily for graduate students; undergraduates may enroll with consent of instructor.

PHYSICS 152B. Introduction to Particle Physics II

(Same as PHYSICS 252B.) Discoveries and observations in experimental particle physics and relation to theoretical developments. Asymptotic freedom. Charged and neutral weak interactions. Electroweak unification. Weak isospin. Gauge theories, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Quark and lepton mixing. CP violation. Neutrino oscillations. Prerequisites: 152 or 152A, 130, 131.

3 units, Spr (Dixon, L)

PHYSICS 210. Advanced Particle Mechanics

The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics of particles. Beyond small oscillations. Phase portraits, Hamilton-Jacoby theory, action-angle variables, adiabatic invariance. Nonlinear dynamical systems, continuous and discrete. Behavior near the fixed points, stability of solutions, attractors, chaotic motion. Transition to continuum mechanics. Prerequisite: 110 or equivalent.

3 units, Aut (Kahn, S)

PHYSICS 211. Continuum Mechanics

Elasticity, fluids, turbulence, waves, gas dynamics, shocks, and MHD plasmas. Examples from everyday phenomena, geophysics, and astrophysics.

3 units, Win (Peskin, M)

PHYSICS 212. Statistical Mechanics

Principles, ensembles, statistical equilibrium. Thermodynamic functions, ideal and near-ideal gases. Fluctuations. Mean-field description of phase-transitions and associated critical exponents. One-dimensional Ising model and other exact solutions. Renormalization and scaling relations. Prerequisites: 130, 131, 171, or equivalents.

3 units, Spr (Susskind, L)

PHYSICS 216. Back of the Envelope Physics

Techniques such as scaling and dimensional analysis, useful to make order-of-magnitude estimates of physical effects in different settings. Goals is to promote a synthesis of physics through solving problems, some not included in a standard curriculum. Applications include properties of materials, fluid mechanics, geophysics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Prerequisites: undergraduate mechanics, statistical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and quantum mechanics.

3 units, Aut (Madejski, G)

PHYSICS 220. Classical Electrodynamics

Electrostatics and magnetostatics: conductors and dielectrics, magnetic media, electric and magnetic forces, and energy. Maxwell's equations: electromagnetic waves, Poynting's theorem, electromagnetic properties of matter, dispersion relations, wave guides and cavities, magnetohydrodynamics. Special relativity: Lorentz transformations, covariant, equations of electrodynamics and mechanics, Lagrangian formulation, Noether's theorem and conservation laws. Radiation: dipole and quadrupole radiation, electromagnetic scattering and diffraction, the optical theorem, Li�nard-Wiechert potentials, relativistic Larmor's formula, frequency and angular distribution of radiation, synchrotron radiation. Energy losses in matter: Bohr's formula, Cherenkov radiation, bremsstrahlung and screening effects, transition radiation. Prerequisites: 121, 210, or equivalents; MATH 106 and 132.

3 units, Win (Tantawi, S)

PHYSICS 221. Classical Electrodynamics

Electrostatics and magnetostatics: conductors and dielectrics, magnetic media, electric and magnetic forces, and energy. Maxwell's equations: electromagnetic waves, Poynting's theorem, electromagnetic properties of matter, dispersion relations, wave guides and cavities, magnetohydrodynamics. Special relativity: Lorentz transformations, covariant, equations of electrodynamics and mechanics, Lagrangian formulation, Noether's theorem and conservation laws. Radiation: dipole and quadrupole radiation, electromagnetic scattering and diffraction, the optical theorem, Li�nard-Wiechert potentials, relativistic Larmor's formula, frequency and angular distribution of radiation, synchrotron radiation. Energy losses in matter: Bohr's formula, Cherenkov radiation, bremsstrahlung and screening effects, transition radiation. Prerequisites: 121 or equivalent; MATH 106 and 132, or PHYSICS 210 .

3 units, Spr (Tantawi, S)

PHYSICS 230. Quantum Mechanics

Fundamental concepts. Introduction to Hilbert spaces and Dirac's notation. Postulates applied to simple systems, including those with periodic structure. Symmetry operations and gauge transformation. The path integral formulation of quantum statistical mechanics. Problems related to measurement theory. The quantum theory of angular momenta and central potential problems. Prerequisite: 131 or equivalent.

3 units, Aut (Shenker, S)

PHYSICS 231. Quantum Mechanics

Basis for higher level courses on atomic solid state and particle physics. Wigner-Eckart theorem and addition of angular momenta. Approximation methods for time-independent and time-dependent perturbations. Semiclassical and quantum theory of radiation, second quantization of radiation and matter fields. Systems of identical particles and many electron atoms and molecules. Prerequisite: 230.

3 units, Win (Shenker, S)

PHYSICS 232. Quantum Mechanics

Special topics. Elementary excitations in solids (the free electron gas, electronic band structure, phonons). Elementary scattering theory (Born approximation, partial wave analyses, resonance scattering). Relativistic single-particle equations. Dirac equation applied to central potentials, relativistic corrections, and nonrelativistic limits.

3 units, Spr (Dimopoulos, S)

PHYSICS 252A. Introduction to Particle Physics I

(Same as PHYSICS 152A.) Elementary particles and the fundamental forces. Quarks and leptons. The mediators of the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. Interaction of particles with matter, particle acceleration, and detection techniques. Symmetries and conservation laws. Bound states. Decay rates. Cross sections. Feynman diagrams. Introduction to Feynman integrals. The Dirac equation. Feynman rules for quantum electrodynamics and for chromodynamics. Prerequisite: 130. Pre- or corequisite: 131.

4 units, Win (Dixon, L)

PHYSICS 252B. Introduction to Particle Physics II

(Same as PHYSICS 152B.) Discoveries and observations in experimental particle physics and relation to theoretical developments. Asymptotic freedom. Charged and neutral weak interactions. Electroweak unification. Weak isospin. Gauge theories, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Quark and lepton mixing. CP violation. Neutrino oscillations. Prerequisites: 152 or 152A, 130, 131.

PHYSICS 260. Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology

The observed properties and theoretical models of stars, galaxies, and the universe. Physical processes for production of radiation from cosmic sources. Observations of cosmic microwave background radiation. Newtonian and general relativistic models of the universe. Physics of the early universe, nucleosynthesis, baryogenesis, nature of dark matter and dark energy and inflation. Prerequisites: 110, 121, and 171, or equivalents.

3 units, Aut (Petrosian, V)

PHYSICS 262. Introduction to Gravitation

Introduction to general relativity. Curvature, energy-momentum tensor, Einstein field equations. Weak field limit of general relativity. Black holes, relativistic stars, gravitational waves, cosmology. Prerequisite: 121 or equivalent including special relativity.

3 units, Spr (Michelson, P)

PHYSICS 275. Electrons in Nanostructures

The behavior of electrons in metals or semiconductors at length scales below 1 micron, smaller than familiar macroscopic objects but larger than atoms. Ballistic transport, Coulomb blockade, localization, quantum mechanical interference, and persistent currents. Topics may include quantum Hall systems, graphen, spin transport, spin-orbit coupling in nanostructures, magnetic tunnel junctions, Kondo systems, and 1-dimensional systems. Readings focus on the experimental research literature, and recent texts and reviews. Prerequisite: undergraduate quantum mechanics and solid state physics.

3 units, alternate years, not given this year

PHYSICS 290. Research Activities at Stanford

Required of first-year Physics graduate students; suggested for junior or senior Physics majors for 1 unit. Review of research activities in the department and elsewhere at Stanford at a level suitable for entering graduate students.

1-3 units, Aut (Michelson, P)

PHYSICS 291. Practical Training

Opportunity for practical training in industrial labs. Arranged by student with the research adviser's approval. A brief summary of activities is required, approved by the research adviser.

3 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

PHYSICS 293. Literature of Physics

Study of the literature of any special topic. Preparation, presentation of reports. If taken under the supervision of a faculty member outside the department, approval of the Physics chair required. Prerequisites: 25 units of college physics, consent of instructor.

1-15 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

PHYSICS 294. Teaching of Physics Seminar

Required of teaching assistants in Physics in the year in which they first teach. Techniques of teaching physics by means of weekly seminars, simulated teaching situations, observation of other teachers, and evaluation of in-class teaching performance.

1 unit, Aut (Pam, R)

PHYSICS 301. Astrophysics Laboratory

Seminar/lab. Astronomical observational techniques and physical models of astronomical objects. Observational component uses the 24-inch telescope at the Stanford Observatory and ancillary photometric and spectroscopic instrumentation. Emphasis is on spectroscopic and photometric observation of main sequence, post-main sequence, and variable stars. Term project developing observational equipment or software. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

3 units, Spr (Church, S)

PHYSICS 312. Basic Plasma Physics

For the nonspecialist who needs a working knowledge of plasma physics for space science, astrophysics, fusion, or laser applications. Topics: orbit theory, the Boltzmann equation, fluid equations, MHD waves and instabilities, EM waves, the Vlasov theory of ES waves and instabilities including Landau damping and quasilinear theory, the Fokker-Planck equation, and relaxation processes. Advanced topics in resistive instabilities and particle acceleration. Prerequisite: 210 and 220, or consent of instructor.

3 units, Win (Kosovichev, A)

PHYSICS 321. Laser Spectroscopy

Theoretical concepts and experimental techniques. Absorption, dispersion, Kramers-Kronig relations, line-shapes. Classical and laser linear spectroscopy. Semiclassical theory of laser atom interaction: time-dependent perturbation theory, density matrix, optical Bloch equations, coherent pulse propagation, multiphoton transitions. High-resolution nonlinear laser spectroscopy: saturation spectroscopy, polarization spectroscopy, two-photon and multiphoton spectroscopy, optical Ramsey spectroscopy. Phase conjugation. Four-wave mixing, harmonic generation. Coherent Raman spectroscopy, quantum beats, ultra-sensitive detection. Prerequisite: 230. Recommended: 231.

3 units, Spr (Kasevich, M)

PHYSICS 323. Laser Cooling and Trapping

Principles of laser cooling and atom trapping. Optical forces on atoms, forms of laser cooling, atom optics and atom interferometry, ultra-cold collisions, and introduction to Bose condensation of dilute gases. Emphasis is on the development of the general formalisms that treat these topics. Applications of the cooling and trapping techniques: atomic clocks, internal sensors, measurements that address high-energy physics questions, many-body effects, polymer science, and biology. Prerequisite: 231 or equivalent.

3 units, not given this year

PHYSICS 330. Quantum Field Theory

Quantization of scalar and Dirac fields. Introduction to supersymmetry. Feynman diagrams. Quantum electrodynamics. Elementary electrodynamic processes: Compton scattering; e+e- annihilation. Loop diagrams and electron (g-2). Prerequisites: 130, 131, or equivalents.

3 units, Aut (Kallosh, R)

PHYSICS 331. Quantum Field Theory

Functional integral methods. Local gauge invariance and Yang-Mills fields. Asymptotic freedom. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Unified models of weak and electromagnetic interactions. Prerequisite: 330.

3 units, Win (Kallosh, R)

PHYSICS 332. Quantum Field Theory

Theory of renormalization. The renormalization group and applications to the theory of phase transitions. Renormalization of Yang-Mills theories. Applications of the renormalization group of quantum chromodynamics. Perturbation theory anomalies. Applications to particle phenomenology.

3 units, Spr (Wacker, J)

PHYSICS 351. Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond

Group theory, symmetries, the standard model of particle physics, gauge hierarchy and the cosmological constant problem as motivations for beyond the standard model, introduction to supersymmetry, technicolor, extra dimension, split SUSY. Corequisite: 230.

3 units, Aut (Dimopoulos, S)

PHYSICS 352. Neutrino Physics

Neutrino masses and mixing. Kinematics tests for neutrino masses. Neutrino interactions, the number of light neutrino species. Solar and atmospheric neutrino anomalies. Artificial neutrino sources: reactors and particle accelerators. Majorana and Dirac neutrinos. Double-beta decay. Neutrinos in supernovae. Relic neutrinos. Neutrino telescopes. (Vogel)

PHYSICS 360. Physics of Astrophysics

Theoretical concepts and tools for modern astrophysics. Radiation transfer equations; emission, scattering, and absorption mechanisms: Compton, synchrotron and bremsstrahlung processes; photoionization and line emission. Equations of state of ideal, interacting, and degenerate gasses. Application to astrophysical sources such as HII regions, supernova remnants, cluster of galaxies, and compact sources such as accretion disks, X-ray, gamma-ray, and radio sources. Prerequisites: 121, 171 or equivalent.

3 units, Win (Romani, R)

PHYSICS 361. Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics

Astronomical data on stars, star clusters, interstellar medium, and the Milky Way galaxy. Theory of stellar structure; hydrostatic equilibrium, radiation balance, and energy production. Stellar formation, Jean's mass, and protostars. Evolution of stars to the main sequence and beyond to red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. Supernovae and compact sources. Structure of the Milky Way: disk and spiral arms; dark matter and the halo mass; central bulge or bar; and black hole. Prerequisite: 221 or equivalent. Recommended: 260, 360.

3 units, Spr (Romani, R)

PHYSICS 362. Advanced Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology

Observational data on the content and activities of galaxies, the content of the Universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, gravitational lensing, and dark matter. Models of the origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe based on the theory of general relativity. Test of the models and the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Physics of the early Universe, inflation, baryosynthesis, nucleosynthesis, and galaxy formation. Prerequisites: 210, 211, 260 or 360.

PHYSICS 363. Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Structure, mechanisms, and properties of the Sun's interior and atmosphere. Tools for solar observations; magnetic fields and polarimetry. Solar oscillations and helioseismology. Differential rotation and turbulent convection. Solar MHD, Alfven and magneto-acoustic waves. Solar cycle and dynamo. Magnetic energy release, reconnection, particle acceleration. Solar activity, sunspots, flares, coronal mass ejections; UV, X-ray, and high-energy particle emissions. The interaction of the solar wind with Earth's magnetosphere and its terrestrial effects; space weather. Prerequisite: 221 or equivalent.

PHYSICS 364. Advanced Gravitation

Early universe cosmology. Topics at the interface between cosmology and gravity, particle theory, and speculative theories of physics at the Planck scale such as string theory. Inflationary cosmology and generation of density pertubations, models of baryogenesis, big bang nucleosynthesis, and speculations about the Universe at the Planck scale. Experiments in the near future that may extend or revise current notions.

3 units, Win (Silverstein, E)

PHYSICS 370. Theory of Many-Particle Systems

Application of quantum field theory to the nonrelativistic, many-body problem, including methods of temperature-dependent Green's functions and canonical transformations. Theory of finite-temperature, interacting Bose and Fermi systems with applications to superfluidity, superconductivity, and electron gas. Prerequisite: 232.

3 units, Aut (Zhang, S)

PHYSICS 372. Condensed Matter Theory I

Fermi liquid theory, many-body perturbation theory, response function, functional integrals, interaction of electrons with impurities. Prerequisite: APPPHYS 273.

PHYSICS 373. Condensed Matter Theory II

Superfluidity and superconductivity. Quantum magnetism. Prerequisite: 372.

PHYSICS 376. Superfluidity and Superconductivity

Introduction to superfluid He: two-fluid model, phonons, and rotons, Feynman description, vortices, Bogoliubov theory. Phenomenology of superconductors: London description, Ginzburg-Landau model, type-I vs. type-II materials, Josephson effects, thin films, Kosterlitz-Thouless behavior, electron-phonon coupling. BCS theory: bulk systems, tunneling, strong-coupling materials, dirty and gapless superconductivity, fluctuation effects, Ginzburg criterion. Recommended: APPPHYS 272, 273, or equivalents. (Kivelson)

3 units, Win (Laughlin, R)


General properties of proton-proton collisions at 14 TeV. Capabilities of the LHC experiments. QCD predictions for hard-scattering reactions: parton distributions, radiative corrections, jets, parton shower. Methods for computing multijet cross sections. Properties of W, Z, top quarks, and Higgs bosons at the LHC. Methods for discovering new heavy particles. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: 262, 330, 331, and 332.

3 units, Aut (Peskin, M)

PHYSICS 451. Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Naturalness and the hierarchy problem. Technicolor and extended technicolor. The supersymmetric standard model, supersymmetric unification, and dark matter candidates. Large extra dimensions and TeV scale gravity. The cosmological constant problem, Weinberg's solution, and the landscape. Split supersymetry. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: 330.

3 units, Win (Dimopoulos, S)

PHYSICS 452. Supersymmetry, Supergravity, and Cosmology

Issues in supersymmetry and supergravity related to cosmology. The current status of dark energy in supersymmetric theories. Available cosmological data on the early universe and possible supergravity or string theory models explaining the data. A tension between the light gravitino and known mechanisms of moduli stabilization in string cosmology. Future data in cosmology and from the LHC as tests of fundamental physics. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: 262, 330, 331, and 332.

3 units, Spr (Kallosh, R)

PHYSICS 463. Special Topics in Astrophysics: Theoretical Cosmology

Content varies depending on participant interest. This year, topics include: large-scale structure formation, the formation and structure of dark matter halos, and N-body simulations; alternative dark matter models; galaxy clustering, the halo model, and halo occupation statistics; galaxy formation models and galaxy evolution; and constraints on cosmological parameters and galaxy formation from large surveys.

PHYSICS 475. Advanced Topics in Condensed Matter Physics

Current literature and advanced topics. Journal club format. Content varies depending on interests of participants. May be repeated for credit. Recommended: APPPHYS 272, 273, or equivalents.

1-3 units, not given this year

PHYSICS 490. Research

Open only to Physics graduate students, with consent of instructor. Work is in experimental or theoretical problems in research, as distinguished from independent study of a non-research character in 190 and 293.

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Robert Moffat, expert on heat transfer and beloved teacher, dies at 96

Black and white portrait of Moffat at this desk, centered on a red background.

Robert Moffat, a professor emeritus of mechanical engineering whose research on heat transfer led to improved methods for cooling electronic components and gas turbine engines, died May 10 in Los Altos. He was 96.

One of the foremost experts on experimental methods in the thermal sciences, Moffat was also distinguished for his work on a portable incubator for ill and premature newborns. He developed the incubator with Alvin Hackel, a professor of anesthesiology and of pediatrics at the Stanford School of Medicine. The battery-powered incubator could fit in a helicopter or ambulance and was used to transport tens of thousands of sick infants. (Hackel died in 2023.)

Moffat joined the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1967 and served as chairman of its Thermosciences Division from 1973 to 1986. (The division was later split into two units: the Thermofluids, Energy, and Propulsion Systems Group and the Flow Physics and Computational Engineering Group.)

He retired in 1993 but continued to conduct research, consult for companies, and co-author papers through the 2010s. With engineer and retired Kyoto University professor Roy Henk, Moffat also co-authored Planning and Executing Credible Experiments: A Guidebook for Engineering, Science, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, and Business (Wiley, 2020).

“Retirement didn’t slow him down in the slightest,” said his wife, Karina Nilsen.

Moffat was a beloved teacher, said Alfonso Ortega, who was Moffat’s PhD advisee at Stanford. “He was funny. He clearly liked teaching. He made his students laugh and enjoy class,” said Ortega, now a professor of engineering at Villanova University. “I was always really proud to be called Bob’s protégé.”

Moffat once told the Stanford News Service that his award for excellence in undergraduate teaching from Stanford’s chapter of Tau Beta Pi, an engineering honor society, was more important to him than his PhD.

In a 2003 article in Stanford magazine, alumna Shelly Williams Trainor recalled how, in the mid-1970s, she was three years into her mechanical engineering studies – “not really sure I was very good at anything” – when she enrolled in a thermosciences course taught by Moffat.

“In his class I discovered I could actually be good at engineering – good enough to get my first A+,” she wrote. “I had finally found something I loved doing and someone who encouraged me to do it. Professor Moffat – one of the few engineering professors who did not seem put off by having women in his class – became my friend and mentor that last year. I left Stanford with a clear sense of my abilities and the strength to survive in a male-dominated field.”

General Motors to Stanford

Robert John Moffat was born Nov. 29, 1927, in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He enrolled at the University of Michigan but at the end of his first semester was drafted into the Army.

After being discharged, he re-enrolled at Michigan, earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1952 and then taking a job as a research engineer in applied thermometry, the discipline of measuring temperature, at General Motors. He was promoted a few year later and assumed responsibility for testing periodic-flow heat exchangers for regenerative-gas turbines.

In 1961, while still a GM employee, he earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Wayne State University. He earned a PhD in mechanical engineering from Stanford in 1967.

As a member of the Stanford School of Engineering faculty, he worked on convective heat transfer in engineering systems, with an initial focus on gas turbine blades and vanes. The overarching goal was to figure out ways to dissipate the immense heat – temperatures as high as 3,000 F – generated by jet engines. Much of his research was sponsored by industry, and he was a sought-after consultant for jet-engine manufacturers, said John Eaton, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering and the Charles Lee Powell Foundation Professor, Emeritus.

Building a prototype of a gas turbine engine can cost upward of $2 billion, so companies are often interested in first gathering evidence that the design will work, Eaton said. They want to determine, for example, whether high temperatures will melt certain components and if the cooling mechanism works. Moffat was skilled at setting up experiments to accurately obtain this kind of information, Eaton said. He also developed deep expertise in the use of thermochromic liquid crystals for measuring temperature on surfaces.

Around 1980, Moffat turned his expertise in thermometry to understanding the complex flow and transport phenomena in forced air cooling of electronic components. His research group at Stanford was the first to use the superposition principle to understand heat transfer from arrays of objects that weren’t uniformly heated. (The principle states that the effects of two or more stimuli in a linear system can be determined by adding them up.)

“Using concepts adapted from heat transfer in gas turbine cooling applications, Bob and his team introduced the concept of the adiabatic heat transfer coefficient,” Ortega said. “The concept was revolutionary and paved the way to understanding how to handle any situation in which heat transfer takes place from discrete, isolated heat sources that may interact with each other” – such as microchips on printed circuit boards.

He added, “It is rare that a researcher can introduce a truly unique concept to a field, but without a doubt, the concept of adiabatic heat transfer coefficient was unique and is illustrative of the innovative nature of Bob’s research.”

In 1989, Moffat received the Heat Transfer Memorial Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASME also awarded him the prestigious Holley Medal in 1988 for “pioneering work in the invention, analysis, design, testing and prototype construction of the proven standard of infant incubator-transporter which has saved the lives of thousands of critically ill neonates.” And he was awarded ASME’s Melville Medal in 1986 for best original research.

The Instrument Society of America (now International Society of Automation) presented him with the Robert Abernethy Award in 1989, the Mills Dean Award in 1985, and the Donald P. Eckman Award in 1977. Moffat was a fellow of both the ASME and the ISA.

The Semiconductor Thermal Measurement, Modeling and Management Symposium, held annually in Silicon Valley, inducted Moffat into its Thermal Hall of Fame in 2017 for his lifetime achievements and contributions to the field of electronics thermal management.

Moffat co-authored more than 250 papers and served as the primary adviser or co-adviser for 36 PhD students and four engineer’s degree students.

Renaissance man and trout psychologist

Friends and colleagues considered Moffat a Renaissance man. “Bob’s curiosity about the world was legendary, and not just in engineering,” Ortega said. “One year he decided to learn to grow orchids in his apartment. Another year he decided to learn Japanese. In yet another year he took up calligraphy and tried to convert me into a calligrapher.”

Moffat especially enjoyed fly fishing in Ketchum, Idaho, where he owned a second home. “He was deeply immersed in trout psychology, and trudged across stubble fields to wade the rivers and forget his obligations for a while,” Nilsen said. He also enjoyed biking, traveling, wine tasting, and building a wine collection, she said.

In addition to Nilsen, who lives in Los Altos, Moffat is survived by a son, John Moffat of Seattle, from an earlier marriage.

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2024 Excellence in Mentoring and Service Award

July 10, 2024

Dr. Ted Graves

Dr. Ted Graves, Associate Professor

Ted Graves has been awarded the 2024 Excellence in Mentoring and Service Award by the Office of Graduate Education at Stanford. This award recognizes faculty who make distinguished contributions towards enhancing the quality of training and the experiences of Stanford Biosciences graduate students. Congratulations!

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Explore IntroSems Catalog now open for 2024-25!

Apply for priority enrollment in your top three Autumn IntroSems by 4PM (Pacific Time) on Monday, August 26th. Read about the seminars on this website and then apply in the IntroSems' VCA .

AA 121Q: It IS Rocket Science!

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Quarter(s) & Preference

General education requirements.

See Explore Courses for Schedule

This seminar is expected to be in high demand. If you rank it as your first choice for priority enrollment, please be sure to apply for a second and third choice seminar for the quarter. You are also encouraged to write an additional statement for your lower ranked selection(s) so those faculty learn about your interest.

Course Description

It's an exciting time for space exploration. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are launching rockets into space and bringing them back for reuse. NASA is developing the world's most powerful rocket. Startups are deploying constellations of hundreds of cubesats for communications, navigation, and earth monitoring. The human race has recently gotten a close look at Pluto, soft landed on a comet, and orbited two asteroids. The James Webb Space Telescope is poised to allow astronomers to look closer to the beginning of time than ever before. 

The workings of space systems remain mysterious to most people, but in this seminar, we'll pull back the curtain for a look at the basics of "rocket science." How does a SpaceX rocket get into space? How do imaging satellites capture images for Google Earth? How did the New Horizons probe find its way to Pluto? How do we communicate with spacecraft that are so distant? We'll explore these topics and a range of others during the quarter. We'll cover just enough physics and math to determine where to look in the sky for a spacecraft, planet, or star. Then we'll check our math by going outside for an evening pizza party observing these objects in the night sky. We'll also plan to visit a spacecraft production facility or Mission Operations Center to see theory put into practice.

We'll use case studies of past and future space missions that will include not only the rockets and spacecraft but also the human element of the businesses and organizations that actually accomplish them. There will be a heavy emphasis on the real world of space missions with a guest speaker, a field trip, and a sky observing session. No prior engineering or programming experience is required.  For the problem sets, students will learn to use simple MATLAB programs that we provide to you.

Meet the Instructor: Andrew Barrows

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“I began my aerospace career at Cape Canaveral sitting on my dad's shoulders watching Apollo 17 blast off for the Moon. I later earned S.B, S.M., and Ph.D. degrees in Aero Astro from M.I.T. and Stanford. I have co-founded and sold two avionics companies, and I now teach Space Mechanics in Stanford's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I can often be found flying small planes from the Palo Alto Airport.”


Aeronautics & Astronautics

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Flag of Elektrostal, metallurgy and heavy machinery manufacturing city in Moscow Oblast, Russia

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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format_list_bulleted Topic Overview

Paying students (graduate and undergraduate).

Students can accept employment at Stanford to meet academic year earning expectations for financial aid packages and/or to perform services related to their course of graduate study. This overview outlines information about paying student workers and various methods of funding graduate students.

In rare occasions, if a student (not employed by Stanford) participates or contributes to a special Stanford activity or event, they may be paid through an  honorarium .

Roles and Responsibilities

Faculty members often supervise student employees on hourly-paid jobs and graduate students on assistantships and fellowships. Administrators within the departments are responsible for setting up employee records and pay instructions with Payroll, and assisting faculty with their supervisory tasks, such as approving rates of pay and, in the case of hourly employees, approving hours worked. Administrators are responsible for entering all graduate payments in the Graduate Financial Support (GFS) system.

Paying Student Workers

When undergraduate or graduate students are performing a service for Stanford, treat them as employees with the requisite paperwork and, if they are working in an hourly position, keep an accurate record of hours worked.

Hourly-Paid Students

Students working in hourly-paid positions are hired as employees, with job records in PeopleSoft.

  • For PeopleSoft entry deadlines for each pay period, refer to Resource: Payroll Schedules and Deadlines .
  • For employment guidelines, including pay scales and work-hour limitations, refer to Administrative Guide Policy 10.1.1: Undergraduate Student Employment on Campus  and Administrative Guide Policy 10.2.2: Graduate Student Hourly Employment .
  • To enroll in direct deposit, refer to How to: Enroll/Update/Cancel Direct Deposit .

Hourly-paid students must record actual hours worked in Axess Timecard each pay period. Refer to Topic Overview: Time and Leave Reporting  for more information.

I-9 Collection and Reverification

To comply with U.S. law, Stanford administrators must verify the eligibility for employment for all new employees, including student employees. However, students who are continuously enrolled, except during normal school break periods, do not need to submit a new I-9 Form when moving between jobs. They need to present renewal documents before current documents expire to avoid any disruptions in pay. Refer to How to: Verify Employment Eligibility (I-9)  for more information.

Taxation of Student Pay

Student-employee pay is subject to federal and state income tax withholdings and is reported on Form W-2. Work performed in California is subject to withholding and reporting to California, regardless of residency status of the student. Registered degree-seeking students do not pay FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes or California Voluntary Disability Insurance for the quarters that they are enrolled in classes.

Students can refer to the Student Financial Services Taxes websites for information on tax considerations for:

  • U.S. Citizen and Resident non-U.S. Citizen Students
  • Non-Resident non-U.S. Citizen Students

Paying Non-Registered Students

Students who are working, but are not enrolled for a given quarter, are treated as temporary employees. Terminate the student job record, and rehire the student as a temporary employee. The wages paid during this period are subject to FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes and California Voluntary Disability Insurance. Refer to Termination Process (PeopleSoft HRMS Job Aids) for more information.

Taxation of Student Awards

Award payments to U.S. citizens, permanent residents and residents for tax purposes are taxable to the recipient, but not reported by Stanford on a tax document. Stanford does not withhold tax from these payments. Recipients may need to make quarterly tax payments to the IRS and State of California using Form 1040-ES  at the IRS website and 540-ES at the State of California Franchise Tax Board website. A letter summarizing payments greater than $600 is mailed to the recipient each January for year-end tax reporting.

Scholarships and fellowships that qualify under Section 117 of the Internal Revenue Code are excludable from the recipient’s gross income. To qualify for the Section 117 exclusion:

  • An award must be a qualified scholarship (the award is only applicable to tuition and mandatory fees).
  • The recipient must be a candidate for a degree.
  • The award must be for the purpose of studying or conducting research at an educational organization.

Refer to the IRS discussion of these exclusions . 

Award payments to nonresidents of the U.S. are subject to a 30% federal tax withholding and are reported on Tax Form 1042-S . Form 1042-S is mailed annually by March 15.

Federal Work Study

Students who are awarded Federal Work Study (FWS) funds may use these funds to seek employment at Stanford. For graduate students, FWS positions are sometimes structured in the form of a research or teaching assistantship with a corresponding tuition allowance.

FWS is funded primarily by the federal government with matching contributions from Stanford, and, for off-campus employment in Community Service, the hiring organization.

Upon the hiring of a work-study student, the department manager must complete the FWS Authorization Request to confirm the employment and to receive instructions on the Oracle Labor Distribution allocation for the student. The student is responsible for monitoring hour limits. Additional hours worked are funded by the hiring department. Refer to Financial Aid Federal Work Study for more information.

Since FWS jobs are structured in different ways by the various departments and schools, students should contact their academic department or school office for information about FWS opportunities. Undergraduate students interested in Community Service FWS should contact the Haas Center for Public Service . All students who wish to receive FWS funding must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid . FWS awards are based on computed financial need and available funds. Additional information may be available from the Financial Aid Office .

SU-21 Fellowship/Award Form

The SU-21 Fellowship/Award Form  is used to request an award check  to be presented during a ceremony to a Stanford graduate student and for reimbursement for conference and training fees, travel expenses, and purchases of  computers, books and supplies for medical residents and clinical fellows (SHC or LPCH employees).

The SU-21 Form is also used to request fellowship payments (subsistence payments and travel grants) for visitors. Refer to How to: Request Subsistence Payment and Travel Grant for Visitors .

The SU-21 Form is not for use for payment for services, nor for fellowship payments to Stanford students.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate student assistantships enable students to earn compensation for their research or teaching activities while continuing their academic and professional development. Graduate assistantships are controlled and/or administered by academic departments. The department administrators decide who receives these forms of financial support, and at what level a graduate student is supported. 

Assistantship salaries are set up by assigned administrative personnel within schools and departments, and paid through (Graduate Financial Support) GFS. Faculty who supervise graduate students on assistantships are assigned to approve quarterly payments for their students.

For GFS entry deadlines for each pay period, administrators can refer to Resource: Payroll Schedules and Deadlines . For policy guidelines, including pay scales and work-hour limitations, refer to the GFS Policy Manual .

Graduate students may opt to have tuition and fees deducted from their pay. Refer to Paying Tuition and Other Fees via Payroll Deduction on the Student Financial Services website for more information.

Graduate assistantships are paid on the following standard appointment periods:

  • Autumn Quarter: Oct. 1 - Dec. 31
  • Winter Quarter: Jan. 1 - March 31
  • Spring Quarter: April 1 - June 30
  • Summer Quarter: July 1 - Sept. 30

Graduate Financial Aid

Graduate financial aid is administered by Stanford University’s Financial Aid Office, the Schools of Medicine Financial Aid Office, the Law School Financial Aid Office and the Graduate School of Business Financial Aid Office. Refer to the Financial Aid Offices for links to specific aid offices.

Federal and non-federal student loans are available to graduate students enrolled at least half-time in a degree program. Student loans are administered by the various Financial Aid Offices on campus. To apply for federal student loans, students need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid . Students should contact their Financial Aid Office for information and application instructions.

Emergency Grant-in-Aid Funds

Emergency Grant-in-Aid Funds assist graduate students who experience a financial emergency or an unanticipated expense (e.g., medical, dental or legal), causing financial hardship. This program is designed to assist those who cannot reasonably resolve their financial difficulty through fellowships or loans. For more detailed information and the application procedures, refer to the Emergency Grant-In-Aid (PDF) instructions and application form .

Graduate Fellowships

Graduate fellowships from Stanford-based funds generally are controlled by the school and administered by the university department. The department administrators determine the requirements and restrictions for fellowships, as well as the level of support given, ranging from funds to cover partial tuition to full tuition and a living stipend.

Processing Fellowship Support in GFS

Fellowship tuition and stipend payments are entered in the GFS by department personnel and are processed by the Student Financial Services Department. Fellowship tuition support is credited against tuition charges on the student’s university bill. Stipends are not paid in cash, nor are they convertible to cash. The default for disbursement of stipends is “standard charges,” i.e., after other university charges, such as room and board, have been deducted, the remaining fellowship stipend is paid as a refund check to the student. If students prefer to receive the fellowship check for the entire amount and pay the other charges with personal funds, the students must request their home department to issue the stipend as a "check only - no deductions" (use "Stipend" charge priority). Refer to the Graduate Financial Support Policy Manual  for more information on Fellowships.

Credit Balances

Credit balances on student accounts may result from aid awards that exceed charges and/or aid awards intended to be disbursed entirely to the student (not for the payment of tuition or fee charges). Some student aid has restrictions placed on it by the donor or sponsor that preclude the aid from paying specific types of charges. Therefore, students may receive credit balance checks that include excess aid and/or stipend. Also, students who have unpaid charges on their account that aid is not eligible to pay, may receive a credit balance check from their student account. To prevent this, refer to the Financial Aid and Student Permissions section on the University Bill Payment Methods .

Refund/Stipend Checks

Refund/ Stipend checks distributed from student accounts are sent via Direct Deposit . Students are strongly encouraged to use Direct Deposit, because it is the fastest way for students to receive their funds, and it ensures receipt of funds regardless of address changes.

For students who are not enrolled in Direct Deposit, live checks are mailed by the Student Financial Services Office directly to the mailing address on file in Axess . Live checks are mailed on the next business day after they are printed. 

Students may review refund/stipend disbursement data in Axess by selecting View Refund Stipend Check  the Finances drop-down menu in the Student tab.

Leaves of Absence After Fellowships Are Paid

If students withdraw during a quarter, the department/school administrators determine whether a prorated amount of stipend must be repaid. To have the charges reduced, and thus be able to recapture any non-applicable tuition from the fellowship, students should file a request for a Leave of Absence as soon as they know it will be needed.

External Fellowships Paid Directly to Students

In some cases, an external agency may award a fellowship directly to students, and the funding is not processed in any way through Stanford. In this case, the students are billed for tuition and fees in the same manner as other students, and they pay those expenses directly. The students’ home department should enter this support in GFS as “Info Only” to allow coordination of all aid the students may receive.

Graduate students with a fellowship award paid directly to them may be eligible for a Cardinal Care health insurance subsidy. Entering an “Info Only” aid line in GFS will trigger the subsidy, if appropriate.

Department administrators should keep a copy of appropriate documentation defining such fellowship awards before making an “Info Only” entry in GFS.

See the Graduate Financial Support Policy Manual  for more information on Fellowships.

Announcement Jul 22, 2024 Year-End Close: 2024 Reminders and Deadlines

Announcement Feb 22, 2024 Continuous Improvements to Fingate

Announcement Dec 07, 2023 Tax Reminders and Resources

Payroll Submit a Support Request

Stanford University

© Stanford University , Stanford , California 94305 .


  1. Graduate Admissions

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  2. Ph.D. program

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  9. Welcome

    Academic Programs. Overview; PhD program; Master's program; Coterminal Masters in Applied & Engineering Physics; Undergraduate Opportunities; Honors Cooperative; Admissions. ... Discover Applied Physics at Stanford. The Applied Physics Department seeks out and develops new areas of physics with broad impact on science, engineering and society ...

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  11. Master's program

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  12. Graduate courses in Physics

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  18. PHYS-BS Program

    However, if a student is considering pursuing a PhD in Physics, the department recommends completing more than the required Math and Physics courses in a pathway. In particular, they should take PHYSICS 110, 121, 131, 134, and 171, which are necessary elements of undergraduate Physics in preparation for PhD programs.

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  20. Graduate Students Overview

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  21. Systems for Machine Learning Course I Stanford Online

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    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located approximately 40 kilometers east of Moscow. It has a population of approximately 150,000 inhabitants, making it one of the largest cities in the oblast.

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  30. Paying Students (Graduate and Undergraduate)

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