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Algae experiments, ideas, and lesson plans.

Want to teach your students about algae? Here are some resources to help you!

Here are some Lesson Plans:

  • Algae Growing   (Google document)
  • Algae Bloom Investigation  (Google document)
  • Algae Bloom Experiment  (Downloadable PDF)

Zooplankton project are really great too:

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Science project, growing algae.

101 experiment alga science

Grade Level: 6th - 12th; Type: Life Science, Engineering

This project measures the growth rate of algae supplied with supplemental carbon dioxide.

The goal is to have the student conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about conditions affecting the growth of algae.

Research Questions:

  • Does supplemental carbon dioxide affect the growth rate of algae?
  • Is the experimental design capable of producing enough carbon dioxide to drive algal growth?

Algae are organisms commonly found in aquatic environments. There are two types: macroalgae and microalgae. The large multicellular macroalgae are often found in ponds and in the ocean. They tend to be measurable in inches, although giant kelp in the ocean can grow to more than 100 feet in length. Microalgae are tiny unicellular algae that grow as suspensions in water; they are measurable in micrometers. Common sources of microalgae are bogs, marshes, and swamps.

All algae require sunlight, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide for growth. Through the process of photosynthesis, algae convert the carbon dioxide into glucose (a sugar). The glucose is then broken down into fatty acids, which under normal conditions, are used to produce membranes for new algal cells. If, however, the algae are starved of nutrients, the fatty acids produce fat molecules (oil). Because carbon dioxide is the only source of carbon for algae, having an adequate supply is essential if they are to be used for commercial purposes.

  • What materials are required? Three one-liter bottles of purified water; sugar; brewer’s yeast; silicone sealant; drill; 6-mm aquarium airline tubing; algae
  • Materials can be found at the following places: Purified water (supermarket), sugar (supermarket), brewer’s yeast (supermarket), silicone sealant (Walmart-type store); aquarium; airline (pet store); algae (pond or marsh or biological/scientific supply house); 10-15-10 liquid plant food (plant nursery or Internet)

Experimental Procedure:

  • Read about the conditions required for algae to grow, and formulate a hypothesis to predict whether giving algae supplemental carbon dioxide would be a feasible way to increase algae growth.
  • Collect some algae from a pond, marsh, swamp, swimming pool, fish aquarium, bird bath, or other source. If you are unable to locate a natural source, contact a biological/scientific supply house (Google).
  • Add equivalent amounts of algae to two (clear plastic) bottles of purified water. Discard the bottle caps.
  • Add two drops of 10-15-10 liquid plant food to each bottle.
  • Pour out a small amount of water from a third bottle of purified water, leaving about an inch of air space at the top of the bottle. This bottle will be the carbon dioxide reactor.
  • Make a hole in the bottle cap of the reactor bottle that is just large enough to allow an aquarium airline to pass through it, then run the airline through the hole so that it extends into the free air space when the cap is on. Seal the airline to the top of the bottle cap with a silicone sealant.
  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of brewers yeast in the reactor. (Yeast is a fungus that converts sugar into carbon dioxide bubbles.)
  • Extend the aquarium airline from the reactor bottle to one of the bottles containing algae. The airline should extend about half way into the algae bottle.
  • Place all three bottles outdoors where they will get indirect sun. (TIP: Direct sunlight may inhibit growth. The optimum temperature for algal growth is between 20 and 24 degrees C. Temperatures above 35 degrees C are lethal to algae.)
  • Monitor the growth of the algae in the two sample bottles for one month. If necessary, replace the sugar, yeast, and water in the reactor to keep the carbon dioxide source operating.
  • At the end of the month, compare the amounts of algae in the two sample bottles.
  • Evaluate your hypothesis in light of your findings. Revise it if necessary and propose additional experiments.

Terms: Photosynthesis; Algae; Microalgae; Macroalgae; Carbon dioxide; Yeast; Sugar



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The Algae-in-a-Bottle Experiment: A High-Impact Learning Activity

This activity was selected for the On the Cutting Edge Reviewed Teaching Collection

This activity has received positive reviews in a peer review process involving five review categories. The five categories included in the process are

For more information about the peer review process itself, please see .

  • First Publication: December 22, 2015
  • Reviewed: December 10, 2020 -- Reviewed by the On the Cutting Edge Activity Review Process

The Algae-in-a-Bottle Experiment provides an engaging and flexible high-impact teaching tool for helping students to know, understand, and apply a number of concepts related to the biology and ecology of aquatic plants and their environments. It is also relevant to methods being developed for the use of algae as an alternative energy source, that is, biofuels. The protocols in this experiment can be adapted use as a demonstration activity in one or two class sessions, or as a nature of science, inquiry-based activity over a few to several weeks. The easy-to-obtain and inexpensive materials used in the experiment make it accessible to institutions where resources and space are limited, as long as sunlight or artificial light are available to carry out the experiment. Preliminary results with non-majors enrolled in introductory general education oceanography courses in a community college indicate increased engagement and a high level of enthusiasm for the experiments, and suggest a better knowledge and understanding of the effects of light and nutrients on photosynthesis, and greater appreciation for the nature of science. We believe that the Algae-in-a-Bottle Experiment offers an effective means for improving science literacy and for introducing scientific research to diverse learners from middle school to college.

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101 Experiment

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  • Experimentera i magnetismens och elektronikens underbara värld. Bygg, testa och upptäck elektronikens spännande värld. I den här satsen finns allt som behövs för att utföra 101 spännande, roliga och riktigt hårresande experiment med statisk elektricitet, magnetism, batterier, elektromagnetism, elmotorer och mycket, mycket mer. Experimenten, som bygger på frågor och svar, varvas med lättläst fakta om tekniken och några av de banbrytande upptäckter som gjorts. Kräver 1 st 9V batteri (ingår ej). Instruktioner på svenska.
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Family-Style Homeschooling

101 experiment alga science

Algae and Pollution Experiment

This experiment is for all ages, as the colored smilies show. You can do the algae and pollution experiment with your whole family together!

101 experiment alga science

The algae and pollution experiment is a Biology experiment from the Layers of Learning Ecology unit. Layers of Learning has hands-on experiments in every unit of this family-friendly curriculum. Learn more about Layers of Learning .

Algae grows naturally in ponds and is a normal part of the ecosystem of a pond. However, certain pollutants can affect the growth of algae. Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients for plant growth, but if too much phosphorus makes its way into a pond, river, or lake, it can cause the algae and other aquatic plants to explode in growth. They use up all the oxygen in the water and suffocate out other life forms like frogs and fish.

Acid rain is another problematic pollutant. If the pH level is outside of the normal range in water, then it kills off the algae and other living things.

101 experiment alga science

Step 1: Library Research

Before you begin exploring, read a book or two about pollution. Here are some suggestions, but if you can’t find these, look for books at your library about pollution, water pollution, conservation, and phosphates. The colored smilies above each book tell you what age level they’re recommended for.

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You Wouldn’t Want To Live Without Clean Water!

by Roger Canavan

101 experiment alga science

My River: Cleaning Up the LaHave River

by Stella Bowles

101 experiment alga science

by Dan Fagin

101 experiment alga science

Step 2: Algae and Pollution Experiment

WARNING: This experiment uses chemicals that can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Keep out of reach of small children, wear gloves when handling chemicals, and never mix two chemicals together.

For this experiment you need jars, pond water, chemicals containing phosphates like detergents or fertilizer, and vinegar, which is an acid.

101 experiment alga science

Before you begin this experiment get the scientific method worksheet and use this process to set up your experiment.

Collect two or more jars and add pond water to each jar to the same level. If you can actually see some larger patches of algae to scoop up, it will sure help the process to be quicker.

Gathering pond water

Let it sit in a sunny spot for a week to get growing.

We grew algae from pond water in jars and then added various pollutants to test how they would affect the algae growth.

Label one jar “Control” and leave it chemical free. It will be the jar you compare your others to.

At this point you are going to design your own experiment with the chemicals you want to use. You can use phosphate-containing chemicals to see how phosphates affect the growth of algae or you can use vinegar to see how acid rain might affect the growth of algae. If there are other common pollutants you are concerned about, you can try those in your experiment jars too.

Add various pollutants to jars of pond water.  Observe how the pollutants affect the algae growth.

Add only one chemical per jar. DO NOT MIX CHEMICALS WITH EACH OTHER!

Here are some choices to add to your jars.

  • Laundry or dishwasher detergent with phosphates
  • Laundry or dishwasher detergent without phosphates (to test against phosphate detergents to see if it is the phosphates that are making the difference).

Be sure to properly label the jars then set them in a place with warmth and sunlight for 1-2 more weeks and observe the growth.

Test pollution in water with pond water, algae, and various pollutants in jars.

You can observe the different amounts of growth by eye and even observe some of the algae that is too small for the naked eye under a microscope by placing a drop on a slide and observing it. You can also watch for color changes or density changes within the samples.

Which conditions created greater algae growth? Which created less? What does this tell you about the effect of things like fertilizer and detergent pollution? Acid rain? What affect does rampant algae growth have on a pond or a lake environment? What does too little algae growth mean for a pond or lake environment? Do you think all types of algae would respond the same way to pollutants that your variety did?

Step 3: Show What You Know

Complete your scientific method worksheet . On the back side make some notes about how you would adjust the experiment next time or further experiments you could make.

Additional Layers

Additional Layers are extra activities you can do or tangents you can take off on. You will find them in the sidebars of each Layers of Learning unit . They are optional, so just choose what interests you.

Deep Thoughts

Did you go into the experiment with expectations of what would happen?  Real scientists do too.  It’s called a hypothesis. 

Good scientists don’t let their hypothesis get in the way of the truth though.  If their experiment proves them wrong they’ll change their minds.

How did you control for bias in your experiment? Can you redesign the experiment to be even more fair?

Additional Layer

How does a city sewage system work?  How might pollutants leak from your home into ponds and lakes in your area from the city sewage? 

What if you live in the suburbs or country and have a septic tank?  How can pollutants affect the area then?

Scientists and entrepreneurs are looking at using certain types of algae to produce bio-fuels.  Research more about this.

101 experiment alga science

Free Samples

Try family-style homeschooling now with free samples of four Layers of Learning units when you subscribe. You'll get to try family-style history, geography, science, and arts with your children.

You can unsubscribe any time.


54 thoughts on “Algae and Pollution Experiment”

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Is a T a tablespoon or teaspoon?

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Capital T is tablespoon.

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This is not a detailed idea for an experiment. It is not this simple. Algae will not survive with simply scooping up pond water and sitting it outside. Waste of time.

Yes, algae will survive if it is in sunlight, at least for the few days or weeks required for the experiment. Also, the details of the experiment are purposely left up to the child. Part of this lesson is learning to think independently and creatively as opposed to following a recipe.

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Hi there! I’m doing a research project on How pollution affects algae, and I was hoping if you could possible elaborate more on how pollution effects algae and it’s environment. Great experiment by the way!

Hi Diana, there is tons of research about how algae growth is an indicator of pollution. Here is one article to get you started: . There are many kinds of algae and many kinds and amounts of pollution, so the specifics will vary, but in general, as algae has specific growing requirements, you can observe how algae growth is either rampant or stunted by what is present within the water it is growing in. We recommend that you look up several scholarly journals that detail ecological experiments dealing with pollution’s effect on algae growth. This is a topic that is easy to find. Best of luck on your project.

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Can you please clarify what detergent does/does not have phosphate? thank you

Just read the labels. They will say if they have phosphates. If they do not have phosphates they are usually labeled “phosphate free”. In some places phosphates are illegal (Washington State is one I know of) in laundry detergent, so you won’t find them on grocery shelves.

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If you’re still on the topic, I did a lot of looking for detergent with phosphates and I found that phosphates have been banned from detergent because they promote algae growth. This ban caused literally every company to remove phosphates from dish soap, detergent, hand soap, and basically any soap you can find. Luckily, if I did my research correctly, you can just buy trisodium phosphate (TSP) which is marketed as a “heavy duty” all purpose cleaner from home depot for about $7.

Yes, phosphates became banned in several states in the US and so manufacturers have changed their formulas. Dishwasher soap still often has phosphates because the bans applied primarily to laundry soaps. Thanks for your tip.

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How do you measure or weigh the algae growth?

You won’t be measuring it quantitatively. You will observe the growth. As your algae grows, it will become more and more compact inside the container. As the algae population gets more dense, it also becomes more opaque. You will visibly see growth and may see color changes, depending on the type of algae you collected. You can also put a sample drop of water on a microscope slide for a view of some of the algae that is present but too small to see with the naked eye.

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Could we use plant lights instead of placing the jars outside?

Yes, that should work well.

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When you scoop the water, do you need to make sure algae is collected, too?

Not necessarily. The pond water will contain organisms too small for you to see and then you can watch it grow. However, if you can begin with some visible algae, it will speed up the process and be easier and quicker to observe.

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Thank you . I really needed help in an activity. i didn’t have much ideas. you all helped it a lot. get going. Doing a great job guys.

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Will the algae be in the water in cold weather still? I don’t mean in the dead of winter, but around Halloween?

Is algae still alive in pond water around Halloween in Central Maine? The temperature is about 45-60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Algae probably isn’t actively growing at this time of year, but if you collect pond water and bring it indoors to a warmer temperature it should take off and begin to grow.

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How can I expand on the experiment? What could I use as a hypothesis?

You could hypothesize about the effects of any variety of specific chemicals on algae growth. Your hypothesis would include what you predict would happen specifically when the algae is exposed to a particular contaminant.

Ok, thank you!

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What are the measurements for these? How much water and how much algae do I use for this experiment to get good results?

Exact measurements aren’t important. Just fill the jar most of the way and capture some algae, even a little algae will grow to much more in a few days if given sunlight.

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How much pollutant should I add to two cups of water?

I would add about a tablespoon, but you can design the experiment however you like.

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Does the container have to remain open, and is it okay to leave it inside by a window? or does it have to be outside?

The container should be left open and it can be inside. It just needs to have light, so in a window sill is perfect.

Okay, thank you!

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Would the “pollutants” be the vinegar, bone meal, and fertilizer?

The specific pollutants you use are up to you, but those are a few ideas. You can just do one jar with one of the pollutants recommended, or you can use several jars, each with one pollutant. For example, you may have one jar with water and algae that you add fertilizer to while you have another jar with water and algae that you add vinegar to. In addition, make sure to keep one control jar that you haven’t polluted at all. You will be comparing the algae growth between the jars.

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whats the conclusion of this experiment meant to be? Like what will I find after doing this experiment?

The nature of an experiment is that you have to do it to find out. Otherwise it is a recipe.

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How much Bone meal and other stuff like that do i put in the pond water ?

Chloe, it’s up to you. You are the experimenter. You can approach this in different ways. If you want to simulate a real polluted body of water, then you need to do research to find out how many parts per million of pollutant is in the pond or lake, then figure out how much you would need from that.

If you just want to see what kind of general effect the pollutant has on growth, then as long as you carefully measure and keep your data records, then you can use your judgement. It might also be cool to try several different concentrations of the same pollutant in multiple jars instead of trying different pollutants in each jar. For example, you could try 1 gram, 2 grams, and 3 grams of bone meal in three different jars.

okay thank you! I also forgot to ask another thing, would I be able to use creek water because i have one by my home.

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is karen the maker of the layer of learning? i need this infomation for my science fair project

Michelle Copher and Karen Loutzenhiser are the authors of Layers of Learning.

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How long will it take for the algae to appear im doing an experiment about this for school and it needs to be done by a certain time.

That really depends on the type of algae you collected, the temperature of the water and air, and other factors. We could begin to see growth within a week and had significant growth in about a two weeks, but it’s dependent on your conditions. Good luck!

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does it have to be pond water or would i be able to use something like salt water

It needs to be pond water. You are collecting microorganisms along with the pond water.

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How many days do we have to let it sit out until it observes growth.

This is meant to be an experiment, not a recipe. You are the scientist. You set the parameters for the test. A minimum would be a week, but longer is better.

This experiment makes no sense at all. I can’t get the 1 qt jars cause they cost to much. And i can’t use pond water/

You can use any jars including those that you save from food packaging, like peanut butter or jam jars.

Why does it need to be pond water instead of distilled water

You have to have algae from pond water plus the things the algae eats that are in the pond water. You are testing natural waters and the effect pollution has on them.

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Can you tell me the exact measurements for each material you used because I have a science fair coming up and I need the measurements for my project.

Hi Anne, There aren’t any specific measurements required. You will need to measure your own experiment and use those measurements. This same experiment has been done many times and in many ways. You will need to decide how much pond water you want in each jar (making it the same in each one) and then decide which pollutants you want to experiment with. As long as you track what you use, it will be an accurate experiment. A friend of ours is an environmental scientist and he goes around to ponds, lakes, and rivers all over our regions conducting this exact same experiment over and over again each year. This is what real scientists do to see the effects of pollutants on aquatic environments. Good luck!

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Do you need to keep the lids off of the jars? Is oxygen needed for algae growth? Thank you for this experiment. We’re going to start it at the library next week for an Earth Day program.

Plants require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and the algae will do better with the lids off. But it would be a good experiment to have a jar with the lid on and one with the lid off and everything else the same.

That’s a great idea. Though not sure if I have another jar. But if I do, I’ll try it! Thank you so much.

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  • Nordic Tricot by Ivana Helsinki
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  • Autonpesutarvikkeet
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  • Allaskemikaalit
  • Uima-altaan suojat ja reunat ja kannet
  • Uima-altaan suodattimet ja tarvikkeet
  • SUP-laudat ja tarvikkeet
  • Kumiveneet ja tarvikkeet
  • Kanootit ja tarvikkeet
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  • Trampoliinin suojaverkot ja reunat
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  • Kalastustarvikkeet
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  • Skootterit, mopot ja sähköpotkulaudat
  • Hevosen tarvikkeet
  • Hevosen hoitotarvikkeet
  • Hevosen ravinto, ravinteet ja ruokinta
  • Hevostallin tarvikkeet
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  • Tabletit ja tablettitarvikkeet
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  • Parranajokoneet ja karvanpoistolaitteet
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  • Hiustenhoitolaitteet
  • Sormiparistot
  • Nappiparistot
  • Erikoisparistot
  • Ladattavat paristot
  • Paristolaturit
  • Kodintekniikan Klubitarjoukset
  • Elämyslahjat
  • Miny Kauneudenhoito ja puhdistus
  • Miny Kosmetiikka
  • Miny Terveys ja hyvinvointi
  • Miny Naisten vaatteet ja asusteet
  • Miny Lasten vaatteet ja asusteet
  • Miny Jalkineet
  • Miny Reput, kassit, lompakot ja sadetarvikkeet
  • Miny Pyykinpesu ja huuhteluaineet
  • Miny Astiat
  • Miny Sisustusesineet
  • Miny Sisustustekstiilit
  • Miny Keittiön tekstiilit
  • Miny Valaisimet, paristot ja lamput
  • Miny Tekokasvit ja kukkaruukut
  • Miny Kylpyhuone ja sauna
  • Miny Tietotekniikka ja pelaaminen
  • Miny Kortit ja paketointi
  • Miny Kuntoilu
  • Miny Viihde-elektroniikka
  • Miny Kodinpuhdistusaineet ja ilmanraikastimet
  • Miny Roskakorit
  • Miny Leivonta-astiat
  • Miny Leivontavälineet
  • Miny Kauneus- ja terveyselektroniikka
  • Miny Ompelu- ja käsityöt
  • Miny lyhyesti
  • Miny Matkustus
  • Miny Juhlatarvikkeet
  • I love Miny
  • Puutarhakalusteryhmät
  • Puutarhatuolit ja pehmusteet
  • Puutarhapöydät
  • Puutarhakeinut
  • Puutarhakatokset ja aurinkovarjot
  • Pihakoristeet
  • Piha- ja parvekelaatat
  • Lasten piha- ja puutarhakalusteet
  • Ruohonleikkurit
  • Ruohotrimmerit
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  • Vesiautomaatit
  • Vesipumput ja tarvikkeet
  • Lehtipuhaltimet
  • Puutarhajyrsimet
  • Pensasleikkurit ja tarvikkeet
  • Piha- ja puutarhakoneiden akut ja laturit
  • Oksasilppurit
  • Muurinpohjapannut ja parilat
  • Grillaustarvikkeet
  • Grillihiilet ja sytytystarvikkeet
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  • Puutarhalannoitteet
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  • Kasvihuoneet
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  • Pihan rakennusmateriaalit
  • Istutustyökalut
  • Maanmuokkaustyökalut
  • Puutarhasakset, -sahat ja viikatteet
  • Piha- ja katuharjat
  • Räystäskourunpuhdistajat
  • Kottikärryt
  • Sisäkukkaruukut
  • Sisäkukkien kastelu
  • Usein kysytyt kysymykset
  • Käyttöehdot ja tietosuojaseloste
  • Klubitarjoukset
  • Tokmanni-sovellus
  • Näytä kaikki kategoriat + Piilota kategoriat -
  • Asiakastilini
  • Kirjaudu ulos
  • Vertaa tuotteita
  • Lelut ja lastentarvikkeet

Setti Alga Science 101 Experiments

Setti Alga Science 101 Experiments

Tarkista myymäläsaatavuus

Huomioithan, että tuotteen myymäläsaldot vaihtelevat eikä myymäläkohtaista saatavuutta voida taata.

Lisäksi verkkokaupassamme näkyvä 1 kpl saldo saattaa viitata myymälämme mallikappaleeseen.

Huomioithan, että myymälän hinta saattaa poiketa verkkokaupan hinnasta.

Kaikki myymälät

Tilaa tarjouskirjeemme, niin saat 10 euron arvoisen etukoodin yli 50 euron verkkokauppatilaukselle! Edun saat, jos olet uusi tilaaja.

Hei klubilainen!

Muistathan hyödyntää klubietusi! Sinulla on seuraava(t) voimassa oleva(t) alennuskoodi(t). Aktivoi koodi ostoskorisivulla.

Alennuskoodi Voimassa Selite

Huomioithan, että vanhat verkkokauppatunnuksesi ovat poistumassa käytöstä. Säästä ja rekisteröidy nyt Tokmanni Klubiin! Saat klubitarjoukset sekä 10 % alennuksen valitsemastasi ostoksesta!

Rekisteröidy Tokmanni Klubiin

101 experiment alga science

Käytössäsi on vanhempi selain, jota ei enää tue. Lue lisää täältä.

Toimitus tunnissa

Alga Science 101 Experiments


  • Hauskuus Arvosana 3.3/5 3,3
  • Tuotteen laatu Arvosana 3.3/5 3,3
  • Uudelleenleikkimisarvo Arvosana 3/5 3,0

Mielenkiintoinen paketti koko perheelle

Elektroniikasta oppii hyvin, halpa setti laajuuteen nähden, opas vaatii aikuisen läsnäoloa, rakentelusarja, hyvä vastine rahalle, monipuolinen pakkaus, mielenkiintoista puuhailua myös äidille ja isälle..., monipuolinen setti, 101 ehkä vähän liiottelua, jotenkin liian vaikea, not good for kids.

  • Lue kaikki 12 tuotearvostelua

0 / 5 tuotetta vertailussa



    101 experiment alga science

  2. Köp Alga Science 101 Experiment på

    101 experiment alga science

  3. Alga Science, 101 Experiment

    101 experiment alga science

  4. Alga Science 101 Experiment

    101 experiment alga science

  5. Köp Alga Science 101 Experiment på

    101 experiment alga science

  6. Alga Science 101 Experiment

    101 experiment alga science


  1. Australia vs West Indies Live

  2. cell structure in algae part 1,BSc I year

  3. Grow Algae

  4. Timelapse of Algae Settling

  5. Chem 101, Experiment 1

  6. Wizard 101 Experiment The Truth behind Earthquake


  1. Science Projects (Search: algae)

    Science Fair Project Idea. Scientific Method. Harmful algal blooms occur when algae, which form the base of the ocean food web, grow in massive numbers and produce toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds. In this project you will learn how to use archived data from continuous monitoring stations on the ...

  2. Alga Science

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  3. Alga Science 101 Experiment

    Alga Science 101 Experiment. Paket med 40 delar för att kunna utföra 101 experiment. Experimenten låter användaren bygga, testa och upptäcka. Lär bl.a. ut om statisk elektricitet, elektromagnetism, batterier, motorer och solceller. Experimenten är lätta att göra tack vare en svensk steg-för-steg-guide. Passar barn från 8 år.

  4. Algae Experiments, Ideas, and Lesson Plans

    Here are some resources to help you! Here are some Lesson Plans: Algae Growing (Google document) Algae Bloom Investigation (Google document) Algae Bloom Experiment (Downloadable PDF) Zooplankton project are really great too: Brainy Briny family of products. Here are some videos: ARS Phototaxis in Brine Shrimp.

  5. PDF Experiments with Algae Student Handouts

    4. Experimental Procedure: a) Remove algae beads from the test tube by pouring through the kitchen strainer. b) Use the plastic spoon to place an equal number (approximately 10) of algae beads in all four vials/cuvettes. c) Fill all four vials with algae beads to the top with hydrogen carbonate pH indicator solution.

  6. Growing Algae

    The optimum temperature for algal growth is between 20 and 24 degrees C. Temperatures above 35 degrees C are lethal to algae.) Monitor the growth of the algae in the two sample bottles for one month. If necessary, replace the sugar, yeast, and water in the reactor to keep the carbon dioxide source operating. At the end of the month, compare the ...

  7. Alga Science 101 Experiment

    Alga Science 101 Experiment. Pakke med 40 deler som du kan utføre 101 eksperimenter med. Eksperimentene lar deg bygge, teste og oppdage. Lær om bl.a. statisk elektrisitet, elektromagnetisme, batterier, motorer og solceller. Eksperimentene er enkle å utføre takket være en norsk trinn-for-trinn-guide. Egnet for barn på 8 år og eldre.

  8. The Algae-in-a-Bottle Experiment: A High-Impact Learning Activity

    Summary. The Algae-in-a-Bottle Experiment provides an engaging and flexible high-impact teaching tool for helping students to know, understand, and apply a number of concepts related to the biology and ecology of aquatic plants and their environments. It is also relevant to methods being developed for the use of algae as an alternative energy ...

  9. 101 Experiment

    101 Experiment . Experimentera i magnetismens och elektronikens underbara värld. Bygg, testa och upptäck elektronikens spännande värld. ... Product specifications Alga games. Kategorier. Science. Förpackningsbredd (mm) 431 Förpackningshöjd (mm) 252 Förpackningsdjup (mm) 59 Ålder 8 + CE Ja. Nyligen sett.

  10. Algae and Pollution Experiment

    Ecology. The algae and pollution experiment is a Biology experiment from the Layers of Learning Ecology unit. Layers of Learning has hands-on experiments in every unit of this family-friendly curriculum. Learn more about Layers of Learning. Algae grows naturally in ponds and is a normal part of the ecosystem of a pond.

  11. ALGA science 101experiment Electric motor (experiment no.100)

    Alga science 101 experiment sähkömoottori.DIY 9V electric motor

  12. Alga Science 101 Experiment

    Alga Science 101 Experiment är ett roligt och lärorikt set för barn som vill utforska världen av vetenskap. Med detta set kan de utföra över 100 experiment med elektricitet, magnetism och mekanik. Setet innehåller alla delar som behövs för att utföra experimenten, inklusive en instruktionsbok med tydliga instruktioner. ...

  13. Alga Science 101 Experiment, yli 8-vuotiaille

    Alga Science 101 Experiment - rakenna, testaa ja kokeile yhdessä lapsesi kanssa ja opi lisää sähköstä ja magnetismista. Mukana vaiheittaiset ohjeet. 1 x 9V-paristo myydään erikseen. Kokeet ja faktat Kokeet perustuvat kysymyksiin ja vastauksiin, joita tukevat helppolukuiset faktatiedot tekniikasta ja eräistä mullistavista keksinnöistä.

  14. 101 Experiment, Alga Science (SE/FI/NO/DK)

    Hinta: 33,50 €. Osta 101 Experiment, Alga Science (SE/FI/NO/DK) Adlibris-verkkokirjakaupasta. Tarjoamme laajan tuotevalikoiman verkossa. Ilmainen toimitus yli 39,90 tilauksiin ... Setissä on kaikki, mitä tarvitset tehdäksesi 101 jännittävää, hauskaa ja hiuksia nostattavaa koetta staattisella sähköllä, magnetismilla, paristoilla ...

  15. ALGA Science 101 Eksperimenter

    Beskrivelse. Byg, test og leg. Eksperimentér i elektronikkens forunderlige verden og få svar på, hvordan hverdagens små mysterier fungerer. I dette sæt finder du alt, hvad der skal bruges for at udføre 101 spændende, sjove og rigtigt hårrejsende forsøg med statisk elektricitet, magnetisme, batterier, elektromagnetisme, elmotorer og ...

  16. Setti Alga Science 101 Experiments

    Alga Science 101 Experiments -tiedesetti sisältää kuvitetun ohjekirjan sekä välineet 101 jännittävän, hauskan ja mielenkiintoisen kokeen tekemiseen staattisella sähköllä, magnetismilla, paristoilla, sähkömagnetismilla, sähkömoottoreilla ja paljolla muulla. Kokeet rakentuvat kysymyksien ja vastausten varaan ja niiden kanssa ...

  17. Alga Science 101 Experiments

    Alga Science 101 Experiments. 12 arvostelua Kysy ensimmäinen kysymys. Suurenna kuva. Alv 25,5 %. 34,99. Maksa myöhemmin Tilillä. Lähetettävissä yli 25 kpl. Lisää ostoskoriin. Toimitus postinumeroon.

  18. Alga 101 Experiments (21 butiker) hitta bästa priset här

    Alga 101 Experiments - Hitta lägsta pris hos PriceRunner Jämför priser från 21 butiker redan idag! Jämför priser, läs recensioner och hitta mer information om Alga 101 Experiments på PriceRunner.

  19. Alga 101 Experiments

    Miksi lamppu syttyy kun painaa nappia?<br /><br />Rakenna, kokeile ja havainnoi sähkön jännittävää maailmaa yhdessä lapsen kanssa. Sarjaan sisältyy kaikki, mitä tarvitaan 101 jännittävän, hauskan ja mielenkiintoisen kokeen tekemiseen staattisella sähköllä, magnetismilla, paristoilla, sähkömagnetismilla, sähkömoottoreilla ja paljolla, paljolla muulla. Kokeet rakentuvat ...

  20. Alga Science 101 Experiments

    Alga Science 101 Experiments. Nyt havaintoja tekemään koko perheen voimin! Rakenna, kokeile ja havainnoi sähkön ihmeellistä maailmaa yhdessä lapsesi kanssa. Mukana selkeä, kuvitettu suomenkielinen ohjekirja yhteensä 101 mielenkiintoiseen kokeiluun. Osaan kokeista tarvitaan 9V paristo, ei sisälly pakkaukseen.

  21. Alga 101 Experiments (17 butikker) se bedste pris i dag

    Laveste pris på Alga 101 Experiments Eksperimentkasse er 246 kr. Det er bedste pris lige nu blandt 17 butikker 2.5 ud af 2 anmeldelser på PriceRunner - spar her. Eksperimentkasse, Fra 8 år ... Alga Science 101 Experiment. 369 kr. 59 kr. fragt, 1-5 dage. Vis alle (13)

  22. ALGA 101 Experiments playset

    ALGA 101 Experiments playset for 459.00 SEK at the online store % | An extensive selection of entertaining toys for every child and for every taste.