History and Applications of Vedic Math

Table of contents.


13th November 2020

Reading time: 3 minutes


What is Vedic Math?

Who invented Vedic Math?

Vedic Mathematics is a collection of ancient tricks and techniques to execute arithmetic operations quickly and more efficiently. Vedic Math comes from the Vedas, more specifically the Atharva Veda. It was revived by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji between 1911 and 1918. He then published this work in a book called Vedic Mathematics in 1965. It comprises 16 sutras (formulae) and 13 sub sutras.

History and Applications of Vedic Math - PDF

If you ever want to read it again as many times as you want, here is a downloadable PDF to explore more.


  • Vedic Math Features
  • Squaring and Square root tricks
  • Addition and Subtraction Tricks
  • Multiplication and Division Tricks
  • Vedic Math Tricks and their Importance

What is the history of Vedic Math?

Bharati Krishna Tirtha was born in March 1884 in Puri Village, Orissa, a state in India. Apart from mathematics, he also excelled in Science, Humanities, and Sanskrit as a student. He was passionate about meditation and spiritualism. He claims to have gained knowledge of the Vedic Sutras while meditating in a forest near Singeri for eight years. According to Krishna Tirtha, he learned the sutras from the Vedas, like the Atharva Veda and the Rig Veda.  Hence the term ‘Vedic Mathematics’.

He wrote the initial 16 sutras in 1957. He planned to pen more down, but cataract developed in both eyes, and he passed away in 1960.

Krishna Tirtha, the reviver of Vedic Math

Applications of Vedic Math

Vedic Math is an ancient technique that simplifies multiplication, divisibility, complex numbers, squaring, cubing, square roots, cube roots, recurring decimals, and auxiliary fractions.

Vedic Maths has the following benefits:

  • Makes elementary calculation 10-15 times faster
  • Helps in accurate guessing
  • Useful for all classes
  • Reduces burden (need to learn tables up to 9 only)
  • A magical tool to reduce finger counting and rough work
  • Increases concentration
  • Helps in reducing silly mistakes

Why should you know Vedic Math?

Vedic maths provides answers in one line, as opposed to the several steps of traditional mathematics. There are six Vedanganas. The Jyotish Shastra is one of the six. Vedic Math forms part of this Jyotish Shastra. Vedic maths consists of 3 segments or ‘skandas’ (branches). The beauty of Vedic Math lies in its simplicity; all calculations can be done on pen and paper. The approach to solve problems stimulates and sharpens the mind, memory, and focus. It improves creativity and promotes innovation.

Easy to Understand

Vedic Maths is elementary and can be comprehended easily. Once a student begins to understand the basic concepts, they can get creative with their approach. Consequently, their understanding improves. It is flexible and applies to students of all ages. Using Vedic Math in competitive exams may give students an edge over the others.

Also learn:

  • Addition Tricks in Vedic Math
  • Subtraction Tricks in Vedic Math
  • Multiplication Tricks in Vedic Math
  • Division Tricks in Vedic Math
  • Squaring Tricks in Vedic Math
  • Squareroot Tricks in Vedic Math

Vedic math is easy to Understand

Vedic mathematics is a gift of Krishna Tirtha; it is a collection of invaluable techniques that can profoundly improve our speed, understanding, and performance in mathematics and other sciences. Vedic Maths is not getting its due importance; it is a fantastic method. Vedic Math is a great technique to master calculations, being more efficient and accurate. 

Practicing vedic math for 30 to 45 minutes a day will do wonders for anyone looking to better their abilities. Enhance your mental calculation. 

About Cuemath

Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular  Online Classes  for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both iOS and Android , is a one-stop solution for kids to develop multiple skills. Understand the Cuemath Fee structure and sign up for a free trial .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it called vedic maths.

The word Vedic is a derivative of Vedas. The Vedas are the inspiration for Vedic mathematics. ‘Ved’ means sacred knowledge.

How many levels is Vedic Math divided into?

There are four levels of Vedic Math. It is broadly divided into Junior and Senior, which are both divided further into two parts.

What is the right age to learn Vedic Math?

The right age to begin learning Vedic Math is around class 4 or 5.

Which is better Vedic Maths or Abacus?

Vedic mathematics is an ancient Indian technique, on the other hand, Abacus was practiced in China and Europe.

Vedic math can be done mentally, but for abacus, one needs a kit.

Abacus only covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Vedic Math applies to modern mathematics as well.

A student should start learning abacus from a young age, but Vedic Math has no such compulsion.

In competitive exams where no calculator is allowed, Vedic Math will make a difference.

Vedic Math will make a difference

  • What is Vedic Mathematics?
  • Nine Features of Vedic Maths
  • The Life of Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji
  • Audio recording of Tirthaji
  • Vedic Mathematics Book Index
  • The Vedic Numerical Code and pi
  • Fun With Figures
  • The Natural Calculator
  • Tables Practise
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  • Guide to Tutorials
  • How to get the Best of the Tutorials
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essay on importance of vedic mathematics

Issue129 Research in Vedic Mathematics

​ Vedic Mathematics Newsletter No. 129

A warm welcome to our new subscribers.

Answers to the puzzles from the previous newsletter are: 2021 = 43 × 47; 2491 (=47×53); 119, 120

This issue’s article is by Kenneth Williams, newsletter editor, and is titled “Research in Vedic Mathematics”.

“ Research can be very worthwhile: it focuses the mind, expands creativity and, hopefully, leads to something useful.“



The Institute for the Advancement of Vedic Mathematics (IAVM) website is at instavm.org but please note it is being rebuilt and will be up and running sometime in March.

Four events are announced below.

Knowledge Series Webinars

Commencing 13 th March

A series of six free webinars throughout the year on mathematical understanding from ancient India and mathematical practices in diverse cultures.

13 th March

Exploring ancient Indian mathematics: From zero to infinity Prajakti Gokhale  

In this session, we will explore the journey of ancient Indian mathematics from Indian subcontinent to Europe. We will understand the timeline of ancient Indian texts and important contributions by Indian mathematicians. Prajakti will also demonstrate some key techniques and practical applications. The talk will conclude with views from mathematicians around the world on the merits of ancient Indian mathematics. Register here to attend.

Further talks will be announced on our website.

Masterclasses for IVMO

10 th , 11 th , 17 th , 18 th April

Continuing from last Autumn, four masterclasses will be given by James Glover dealing with further VM techniques in preparation for IVMO 2021. Topics covered: Squaring, Cubing, Coordinate Geometry, Combined Ratios, Scale Factors, Algebraic Division, Binomial Expansions.

  7 th Annual Online Conference

11 th – 12 th June

The conference will be held across two days. The first day will be given over to presentations of papers and presentations of how best to deliver mathematics online.

The second day will comprise free workshop sessions for students of different grades as well as teachers. Student workshops will include activities and puzzles together with a poetry competition. Further details will be sent in due course.

International Vedic Maths Olympiad (IVMO 2021)

11 th September

Postponed from 2020, IVMO 2021 will now take place in both online and paper format. Both formats have multiple choice formats. Further details will be sent to Regional Coordinators in due course. Please email us if you want to be a Regional Coordinator.


Recent research by Brian G. Mc Enery has led to the development of new software designed to investigate the potential for using Pythagorean Triples, in a modern computational environment.  The software development is based on Kenneth Williams’ book Triples and has led to the development of Python classes for Triple and CodeNumber objects. The software is also being developed using Jupyter notebooks, as a way of developing a dynamic interactive presentation. At present the software is located in a git repository, and the notebook may be viewed at, https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/BrianGMcEnery/pythagorean-triples.git/HEAD .


  • " Continued Fractions using the Sesa Sutra "

by Kenneth Williams, 2021

One of the Sūtras of Vedic mathematics is shown to have useful applications in various ways in relation to continued fractions. We see how to easily convert a given fraction to a continued fraction and vice versa, how to get the convergents and the accuracy involved in switching to any given convergent. Some applications of continued fractions are also briefly described.

  • " Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple using the Sesa Sutra "

This paper shows how to obtain highest common factors and lowest common multiples of two or more numbers, using the Vedic Mathematics Sutra The Remainders By the Last Digit . Includes applications to polynomial expressions.



The Advanced Diploma course starts on 29 th March 2021.

The next Teacher Training Course is scheduled for 24 th May 2021.

For details of these and the several other courses offered by the VM Academy please see:



This course takes up the subject of triples, like 3,4,5, which represent the sides of right-angled triangles (e.g. 3 2 + 4 2 = 5 2 ). Most of the techniques developed though are not restricted to integer-sided triangles. We see how to find two sides of a right-angled triangle given only one side, and the many applications of this, including in equations, in 2 and 3-dimensional geometry and astronomy. The course is independent of any other of our courses and the content is not repeated in any of them. No calculator required. See further details here.


Copyright has now expired on the book “Vedic Mathematics” by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. This is the original work, first published in 1965, that has inspired much subsequent research (and also controversy). This book is now available in pdf format, with errors corrected and indexes etc., for anyone who wishes to request it.




Vedic Maths research is going on all around the world. This is clear from the articles appearing in journals, conference papers, magazines etc. from many individuals.

From time to time we get questions about research: what to study, how to study, how to publish, and so on. So here is some brief guidance for those interested in pursuing research in this fascinating subject which has such high potential for research opportunities.

What to Study

Research can be very worthwhile: it focuses the mind, expands creativity and, hopefully, leads to something useful.

Obviously, a subject of research must be chosen and I generally advise that it should be either a topic that you are very familiar with (i.e. know in some depth) or one which you have a special interest in. Preferably both of these.

There are many topics in Tirthaji’s book that could be followed up. Looking at the amazing Vedic methods and practising them often leads to thoughts about how they can be extended or applied in a different setting. Tirthaji himself gives many hints. For example, in Chapter 17 he writes: “This portion of the Vedic Sūtras deals also with the Binomial theorem, factorisations, factorials, repeated factors, continued fractions, Differentiations, Integrations, Successive Differentiations, Integrations by means of continued fractions etc.”.

There are several other such comments in the book, in particular the two lists in Chapter 40 are of special significance.

How to Study

To carry out the research you need to know your chosen subject thoroughly and you need to know Vedic Maths thoroughly. It is really essential that you know VM very well and have a feel for what a VM approach to a problem would be like, i.e. holistic, simple and directly related to the Sutras. Look for unifying principles in your research.

Understand that there are likely to be setbacks, disappointments etc. You may find that after considerable effort and time you have discovered something that was obvious or that has been found by someone else previously. So above all be determined to continue in spite of these events.

Put the study aside for a while if it is going nowhere, and return later. And you should not rush, this really does reduce the creative faculties.

On the other hand you may have too many ideas. Writing the ideas down will help to consolidate and clarify what is important and weed out less useful points. In time these will organise themselves.

To keep the mind still and clear some form of meditation is highly beneficial. Get to know how your mind works and use this to help direct your study.

If you get a nice result, you may be tempted to stop studying and write it up – this often happens. But maybe if you look further your result may be a clue to something deeper. See if it is part of a bigger picture.

Write-up and Publication

Look at VM articles that have been published to get an idea of expected format, length etc. and follow any guidelines that your intended publisher expects. For example: https://www.vedicmaths.org/resources/journal-of-vedic-mathematics

Make sure there are no errors; it gives a poor impression when an article has mistakes.

Check your work is original by searching online and asking those working in the same field as you for advice.

Give references to any work cited in your paper, it will be assumed that you are claiming authorship of any material you do not ascribe to someone else. Similarly for proofs: include proofs of results or theorems you have used or give references.

For publication of Vedic Maths articles there is the online International Journal of Vedic Mathematics (see link above) and Vedic maths conferences. There are currently two annual conferences: online and in-person. These are organised by the Institute for the Advancement of Vedic Mathematics who can be contacted for more information.

End of article.


Your comments about this Newsletter are invited.

Previous issues of this Newsletter can be viewed and copied from the Web Site: https://www.vedicmaths.org/community/newsletter

To unsubscribe from this newsletter simply reply to it putting the word unsubscribe in the subject box.

Editor: Kenneth Williams

The Vedic Mathematics web site is at: https://www.vedicmaths.org

3 rd March 2021


Newsletter Indexes

  • Issue129 - Research in Vedic Mathematics
  • Issue130 - Structures in the Vedic Mathematics Sutras
  • Issue131 - Validity of the Vedic Formulae

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Vedic Math-A new perspective of Mathematics

What is Vedic Math?

The Magic of Vedic Maths

  • Indian Arts and Culture
  • India Past and Present
  • Important Texts
  • Temples and Organizations
  • Hindu Gurus and Saints
  • M.A., English Literature, University of North Bengal

What does mathematics have to do with Hinduism? Well, just as the basic principles of Hinduism lie in the Vedas, so do the roots of mathematics. The Vedas , written around 1500-900 BCE, are ancient Indian texts containing a record of human experience and knowledge. Thousands of years ago, Vedic mathematicians authored various theses and dissertations on mathematics. It is now commonly believed and widely accepted that these treatises laid down the foundations of algebra, algorithm, square roots, cube roots, various methods of calculation, and the concept of zero.

Vedic Mathematics

Sutras: natural formulae, why sutras.

Dr L M Singhvi, the former High Commissioner of India in the UK, who is an avid endorser of the system says: "A single sutra would generally encompass a varied and wide range of particular applications and may be likened to a programmed chip of our computer age". Another Vedic maths enthusiast, Clive Middleton of vedicmaths.org feels, "These formulas describe the way the mind naturally works, and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution."

A Simple & Easy System

Try these out.

  • If you want to find the square of 45, you can employ the Ekadhikena Purvena sutra ("By one more than the one before"). The rule says since the first digit is 4 and the second one is 5, you will first have to multiply 4 (4 +1), that is 4 X 5, which is equal to 20 and then multiply 5 with 5, which is 25. Viola! The answer is 2025. Now, you can employ this method to multiply all numbers ending with 5.
  • If you want to subtract 4679 from 10000, you can easily apply the Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah sutra ("All from 9 and the last from 10"). Each figure in 4679 is subtracted from 9 and the last figure is subtracted from 10, yielding 5321. Similarly, other sutras lay down such simple rules of calculation.
  • The 16 Sutras of Vedic Math
  • Can Vedic Astrology Foretell the Future?
  • The History & Future of Vedic Maths
  • Vedic Astrology: Signs or Rashis
  • Sanskrit Words Beginning With S
  • Sanskrit Words beginning with A
  • What You Need to Know About the Vedas--India's Most Sacred Texts
  • Sanskrit Words beginning with R
  • Namkaran: the Hindu Naming Ceremony
  • Heaven and Hell in Early Hindu Belief
  • A Guide to the Fundamental Tenets of Hinduism
  • The Origins of Hinduism
  • Symbolism of Hindu Deities Explained
  • Symbolism in the Rituals of Hindu Worship
  • Major Hindu Symbols
  • Arranged Marriage, Polygamy, and Hinduism

Vedic Maths

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Vedic maths is a system of mathematics that was discovered by an Indian mathematician, Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji during A.D. 1911 and 1918. He printed his findings in a Vedic Mathematics book – Tirthaji Maharaj. Vedic mathematics is also called mental mathematics in the mathematical world. We can say that the brain’s capacity and its speed of calculations increases fivefold with the practice of Vedic maths.

essay on importance of vedic mathematics

Learn: Mathematics

Vedic Maths Meaning

Vedic Maths or Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Methods or Sutras to solve numerical computations quickly and faster. It consists of 16 Sutras called Formulae and 13 sub-sutras called Sub Formulae, which can be applied to the solving of problems in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics, etc. All the sutras and sub sutras of Vedic maths help to perform mathematical operations quickly and accurately.

Vedic Maths Sutras

The list of Sutras and Subsutras are tabulated below:


Ekadhiken Purvena



Nikhilam Navatacharamam Dasatah

Sisyate Sesajnah





Paravartya Yojayet

Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat


Sunyma Samyasamuchaye



(Anurupye) Sunyamanyat

Yavadunam Tavadunam



Yavadunam Tavadunikrtya Varganca Yojayet














Sesanyankena Caramena




Gunitasamuccayah Samuccayagunitah


Ekanyunena Purvena





Vedic Maths Benefits

The importance of Vedic Maths can be explained in various ways. The application of Vedic maths in the simplification of numerical problems is many times faster than the modern methods of calculations. Sometimes, this way of simplifying numerical calculations does not require paper and pen also. Thus, learning Vedic maths saves time and improves the interest in learning more applications of maths. Some of the benefits of Vedic mathematics sutras are listed below:

  • Calculations become easy and short.
  • Simplifications can be done in less time.
  • Students undergo less mental stress.
  • Results obtained by sutra-based methods can be easily verified with normal procedures.
  • The possibility of committing errors by students using these sutras is negligible
  • The use of sutras helps students to improve their knowledge and interest in the subject of mathematics.
  • Vedic maths helps to solve hard problems using mental calculations.

Vedic Maths Tricks

Vedic maths has many tricks to perform different mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, square roots, etc. All these tricks help to compute the numerical problems in very little time when compared to the normal maths procedures. Vedic maths tricks reduce the time in finishing the calculations and create interest in learning more such tricks. Let’s have a look at some of the tricks along with examples for a better understanding here.

Also, check: Maths Tricks

Vedic Maths Addition Tricks

We have various tricks to perform the addition in Vedic maths. In this section, you will learn how to add numbers using one of the sutras called Ekadhikena Purvena with the help of an example.

Compute: 98765 + 63217 + 89522 + 60543

By Sutra Ekadhikena Purvena, add 98765, 63217, 89522, and 60543.

Steps for adding numbers using Ekadhiken Purvena Sutra:

Step 1: Write the given numbers in rows and columns by giving some space between the digits.

Step 2: Column I (from the right side), add the first two digits, 5 + 7 = 12

Step 3: Mark Ekadhika dot(.) on 1, (digit which is next to 7 in column II)

Step 4: Now, start again adding with 2;

Again start with 4 such that 4 + 3 = 7

Step 5: Write 7 below at the answer’s place

Step 6: Add the remaining columns in the same way.

Thus, the final answer will be obtained as:

Vedic Maths Subtraction Tricks

Subtraction can be performed using 4 or 5 different methods in Vedic mathematics, and the best, as well as easiest way to subtract the numbers, is the Sutra Ekadhiken Purvena and Param Mitra Unka (the best friend). Here, two digits are called each other’s best friends if their sum is equal to 10. For example, 3 is the best friend of 7 since 3 + 7 = 10.

Go through the example given below to understand the subtraction of numbers by Sutra Ekadhiken Purvena.

Subtract 389 from 746.

Steps for subtraction in Sutra Ekadhiken Purvena:

Step 2: Consider column I (from the right end), 9 is greater than 6 so we cannot subtract it from 6.

1 is the best friend of 9 and add 1 to 6, i.e. 1 + 6 = 7. So write 7 in the answer place and mark Ekadhika dot(.) on 8, which is in the same row of column II such that it becomes 9 (as 8 + 1 = 9).

Here, dot(.) on the number represents one more than the previous number.

Step 3: Similarly, we need to subtract the remaining numbers. Thus, the answer will be:

Therefore, 746 – 789 = 357.

Vedic Maths Multiplication Tricks

Like addition and subtraction, multiplication can also be done using different sutras in Vedic maths. In this section, you will learn two simple methods of multiplying numbers along with examples.

In this method, we can multiply the numbers whose unit digits are added up to 10 or powers of 10.

Let’s have a look at the solved example given below to understand the multiplication of numbers.

Multiply 63 and 67.

Sum of unit digits = 3 + 7 = 10

Digits in tens places = 6

So, we can write the multiplication as:

63 × 67 = 6 × (6 + 1)/3 × 7

= 6 × 7/3 × 7

We can also verify the result using normal mathematical calculations.

This method of multiplication is referred to as the Sutra Ekadhiken Purvena. This method can also be used to multiply two numbers whose last two digits are added up to 100, the last three digits are added up to 1000. Also, in the case of mixed fractions, the sum of proper fractions must be added up to 1 to apply this method of multiplication.

If two numbers are to be multiplied and one of these numbers is having only 9’s then we can apply this method.

Multiply 876 and 999.

Given, two numbers are 876 and 999.

Now, subtract 1 from 876.

876 – 1 = 875

Subtract 875 from 999.

999 – 875 = 124

876 × 999 = 876 – 1/999 – 875

This method of multiplying numbers is Sutra Ekanyunena Purvena.

Similarly, there are many sutras in Vedic maths to perform the multiplication of numbers.

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Abacus and Vedic Maths

Vedic Mathematics- Exploring Its Benefits & Importance in Modern Education

Math anxiety. It’s a real struggle for many students. Due to reliance on rote memorization and a lack of conceptual understanding many students fear Math. But what if there was a way to learn math that goes beyond memorizing formulas and creating a deeper understanding for numbers? 

Vedic Mathematics offers a refreshing alternative.

It’s a collection of powerful techniques, or “sutras, ” designed to simplify and fasten the calculations.

As an age-old system, it  emphasizes mental math techniques and insightful problem-solving strategies, equipping students with the tools to truly understand mathematical concepts. 

Join us as we explore the importance of Vedic Math in modern education, and discover how it can transform math from a dreaded subject 

While Vedic Math offers a unique and potentially powerful approach to mathematics, let’s delve deeper into the questions you have:

What is the best way to learn Vedic Math in India?


There are several ways to learn Vedic Math in India. Here are some options:

  • Enroll in a Vedic Math course: Institutes and academies across India offer Vedic Math courses for students of various age groups.
  • Online resources: Numerous websites and platforms offer online courses and tutorials on Vedic Math.
  • Books and self-study materials: Several books and workbooks are available to guide you through the principles and techniques of Vedic Math.  

How useful is Vedic Math in today's modern world? Are there any benefits?

Vedic Math offers surprising benefits even in the age of calculators and computers. Here’s how:

  • Enhanced mental math skills: Vedic Math techniques can significantly improve your ability to perform calculations mentally, boosting cognitive function and problem-solving abilities.
  • Deeper understanding of concepts: The methods go beyond  memorization, fostering a more intuitive grasp of mathematical principles.

Increased speed and accuracy: Vedic Math techniques can significantly reduce calculation time and improve accuracy, particularly for repetitive tasks.

Is there enough demand to learn Vedic Mathematics?

The demand for Vedic Math learning is growing, particularly among parents seeking alternative methods to enhance their children’s math skills. This is particularly important in today’s competitive era when solving math calculations easily is necessary for competitive exams as well. 

Why is Vedic math important today?


Vedic Math provides a valuable alternative for those struggling with traditional math methods. It emphasizes mental math, fosters a deeper understanding, and can boost confidence in dealing with numbers.

Vedic math also offers a strategic edge in competitive exams by:

Improving Speed and Accuracy: Vedic math offers many techniques that can significantly reduce calculation time. This is crucial in competitive exams where time management is essential for attempting more questions.

Reduced Dependence on Memorization: Traditional methods often rely on rote memorization of formulas. Vedic math, however, emphasizes concepts and mental calculations, leading to a deeper understanding that reduces dependence on memorization. 

Boosted Confidence: Mastering Vedic Math empowers you with alternative approaches to problems. This newfound confidence can go a long way in exam scenarios, reducing anxiety and allowing you to approach challenges with a strategic mindset.

Why is Vedic mathematics not taught in Indian schools?

There’s no single reason. The existing curriculum might be a factor, and teacher training in Vedic Math methods may be limited. However, there’s a growing interest in integrating Vedic Math concepts into mainstream education.

Explore Further:

Learn more about the potential inclusion of Vedic Math in the NEP curriculum.

How is Vedic math useful for Math Calculation?

Vedic Math offers a collection of “sutras” (techniques) for calculations. These techniques focus on mental math and often involve breaking down complex problems into simpler steps, leading to faster and more efficient solutions.

Why do people learn Vedic Mathematics?


People learn Vedic Math for various reasons:

  • To improve their mental math skills and calculation speed.
  • To develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
  • To increase their confidence and enjoyment math.
  • To explore an alternative approach to traditional math methods.

Is Vedic math better than Simple Mathematics?

Vedic Math isn’t necessarily “better” than traditional math, but it offers a different approach. It focuses on mental math, visualization, and alternative calculation methods. Traditional math emphasizes a strong conceptual foundation and problem-solving skills. Both approaches have their merits, and Vedic Math can be a valuable tool to complement traditional math education.

How to learn Vedic Mathematics?

As mentioned earlier, there are various ways to learn Vedic Math in India, including courses, online resources, and self-study materials. It’s best to choose a method that suits your learning style and goals.

Now, are you ready to learn more about Vedic math?

Don’t wait & Enroll today in our Online Vedic Math course at Abacus & Vedic Math!

We at abacus and vedic math, provide a convenient and effective learning platform for both kids and adults.  Here’s what you can expect:

  • Interactive Lessons : Our engaging curriculum makes learning Vedic math enjoyable and easy to understand.
  • Quizzes and Practice Sessions: Solidify your knowledge with interactive quizzes and practical exercises.
  • Flexible Courses: Choose the program as per your needs and learning goals.

Don’t miss out  Register now and start your journey to mastering Vedic math with Abacus & Vedic Math:

Final Thoughts

Whether you choose to delve deeper into Vedic Math or simply learn its core ideas, remember this: math isn’t just about memorizing formulas. Vedic Math offers a fresh perspective on this language, inviting us to rediscover the joy and elegance of numbers.

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The Vedas as the original source of the Hindu Indian ancient and modern mathematical sciences: A survey article

Profile image of Poonam K Sharma

2022, Journal of Mathematical Problems, Equations and Statistics

In [1] , it was studied Indian Influence in Mathematics of Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, in 2022. Also, contributions of Indian mathematicians can be seen in [3] in 2021. This survey will serve as an impetus to stimulate the interests in basic Indian Mathematicians to record and recognize them as pioneers not only in the fields of mathematics but also in science, in applied and natural science, in engineering and social science for further teaching as well as research in their respective subject matters with mainly the choicest blessings of the absolute Supreme Creator, Founder God of the Universe, like that in Islam too, Allah has 99 names emphasizing on education leading to both basic as well as higher level mathematics like ideals, quasi-ideals and bi-ideals in semihypergroups, ordered semihypergroups, Γ-semigroups, ordered Γ-semigroups, Γ-near ring with the spirited hope for future perspective in teaching and in research.

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advantages of vedic maths

Table of Contents

Features, advantages and application of vedic maths.

Lets discuss here the advantages and importance of Vedic Maths, its features, and how its application in maths, technology have given benefits to children in school and in the real world. Discover the incredible and unparalleled benefits of Vedic Maths and skyrocket your mathematical proficiency to unprecedented heights with a vast array of time-saving techniques, mind-blowing shortcut methods, and razor-sharp mental math skills. From beginner-level grade school to advanced engineering, this ancient yet timeless Indian system of mathematics, with its diverse range of applications and mind-expanding possibilities, has the power to transform anyone into a veritable math genius and unleash their full mathematical potential beyond their wildest dreams.

Vedic Maths importance is known all over the world since it has helped million of students overcome maths fear and that they have been able to do calculations with ease. It has worked wonders and made maths look so easy for everyone. The credit for this goes to Shri Bharti Krishna Tirathji who is also called the Father of Vedic Maths . He wrote a book on it and it was called – Vedic Mathematics.  We have written about – What is Vedic Maths? check here . The book had several sutras for faster calculations and his methodology has become popular the world over. Please find below the advantages and application of Vedic Maths in detail below.

Logical and Consistent

The first advantage of Vedic Maths lies in its coherence. Its techniques are excellently interconnected, forming a systematic and unified approach to solving mathematical problems. For instance, the speed-building method of addition is intricately related to the speed-building methods of multiplication. This interconnectedness not only makes learning Vedic Maths easier but also enhances the implementation of these methods in solving sums. Each technique builds upon the other, fostering a logical and consistent problem-solving process. This coherence ensures that once a student grasps one method, they can easily adapt to others, creating a seamless learning experience. The logical flow and consistency of Vedic Maths make it a powerful tool for enhancing mathematical proficiency, offering a structured yet flexible approach that simplifies complex calculations and fosters a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

Time Saving Methods

time saving methods with short tricks in vedic maths

The second characteristic of Vedic Maths is its shortcut methods , known as Vedic Sutras. These Sutras are time-saving techniques and formulas that facilitate faster calculations while ensuring accuracy. By employing these shortcuts, students can significantly increase their calculation speed, which is particularly beneficial during exams and competitive tests. These methods are designed to simplify complex problems, making them more approachable and less intimidating for learners. The logical structure of Vedic Sutras allows students to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, rather than just memorizing procedures.

One common issue children face is rote learning of multiplication tables, which often leads to frustration and pressure from parents if they fail to recall them accurately. The traditional approach of memorizing tables can be tedious and stressful for many students, leading to a dislike for mathematics. However, with Vedic Maths, there is no need to memorize tables beyond nine. The techniques allow for easy and quick calculations of tables up to 19 or even higher, simplifying the learning process and reducing stress.

For example, the Nikhilam Sutra, one of the Vedic Sutras, can be used to perform multiplication of large numbers by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable components. This not only makes the calculation faster but also reduces the likelihood of errors. Another Sutra, the Ekadhikena Purvena, helps in finding squares of numbers ending in 5, providing a quick and efficient method to solve what might otherwise be a time-consuming problem.

These shortcut methods not only enhance computational efficiency but also make learning mathematics more enjoyable. They encourage a more intuitive and creative approach to problem-solving, allowing students to explore different ways of arriving at the correct answer. Vedic Maths thus offers a practical solution to common learning challenges, fostering a positive and productive mathematical experience for students. By making mathematics more accessible and less daunting, Vedic Maths can help students build confidence in their mathematical abilities and achieve greater academic success.

Methodology can be learnt in a short span of time

The third property of Vedic Maths is its short-term learning curve . The entire course can be completed in just 8 months, making it an efficient way to enhance mathematical skills within a relatively short period. This brevity in learning time is particularly advantageous for students who need quick improvements in their calculation speed and accuracy.

For younger students, specifically those in grades 3 to 5, there are junior Vedic Maths courses tailored to their level of understanding. These courses introduce foundational techniques that simplify basic arithmetic operations and build a strong mathematical base. As students progress to higher grades, from 6 to 10, they can enroll in senior Vedic Maths programs. These advanced courses delve deeper into complex mathematical concepts, equipping students with powerful tools to tackle higher-level problems.

The structured progression from junior to senior levels ensures that students receive age-appropriate instruction that grows with their cognitive abilities. By incorporating Vedic Maths into their curriculum, students can develop a lifelong appreciation for mathematics, gaining confidence and proficiency that extends beyond the classroom. This short-term yet comprehensive approach makes Vedic Maths an appealing option for both students and educators seeking effective and time-efficient mathematical training.

One can check the syllabus of Vedic Maths.

Vedic Maths Develops Mental Maths

The fourth advantage of Vedic Maths is that it significantly boosts mental maths skills. Mental Maths involves performing calculations in the head without relying on paper and pencil. This skill not only improves computational efficiency but also enhances self-confidence and fosters a genuine interest in mathematics. Vedic Maths, with its array of Sutras, excels in developing this capability in students.

The Sutras in Vedic Maths consist of various shortcut tricks and techniques that enable students to solve mathematical problems mentally. By mastering these methods, students can perform complex calculations quickly and accurately without the need for extensive written work. This reduction or elimination of rough work saves valuable time during exams and everyday calculations, allowing students to focus more on understanding and solving problems rather than getting bogged down by lengthy computations.

As students progress through different grades in school, the complexity of mathematical problems increases. Vedic Maths equips them with the necessary tools to tackle these challenges effectively. The mental agility developed through Vedic Maths helps students handle higher-level mathematics with ease, making them more competitive and confident in their abilities. This competitive edge is especially beneficial in academic settings, where speed and accuracy are often crucial for success.

Moreover, the emphasis on mental calculations makes mathematics more engaging and enjoyable for students. Instead of perceiving math as a daunting subject, they begin to see it as a series of interesting puzzles that can be solved quickly and efficiently. This positive attitude towards mathematics can lead to a lifelong appreciation for the subject, encouraging students to pursue further studies and careers in STEM fields.

The growing recognition of the benefits of Vedic Maths has led to its increasing importance in modern education. By enhancing mental maths skills, Vedic Maths not only prepares students for academic success but also equips them with valuable life skills that can be applied in various real-world situations.

Easy to Pick up

vedic maths in easy to learn

Another feature of Vedic Maths is its accessibility and ease of learning. Children can grasp the tricks and techniques quickly, thanks to the simple and intuitive methods it employs. Even students as young as those in grade 2 or 3 can start with a junior Vedic Maths program, which focuses on the four main pillars of mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

For instance, the trick of “making 10” uses a base value for numbers that is easy to understand and universally applicable. This method not only saves time for kids but is also quickly picked up, making it an efficient learning tool. Similarly, tricks for subtraction, multiplication, and other operations are designed to be easily comprehensible and memorable. Once students learn these tricks, they can perform calculations swiftly and accurately, which boosts their confidence and proficiency in mathematics.

The simplicity and effectiveness of these techniques mean that students can “Rock On” at Maths, turning what might have been a challenging subject into an enjoyable and rewarding experience. This approach demystifies complex calculations and fosters a positive attitude toward mathematics, encouraging students to engage with the subject more deeply and with greater enthusiasm.

The growing importance of Vedic Maths can be attributed to these factors. By making mathematics more accessible and enjoyable, it helps build a strong foundation in the subject from an early age. This early confidence and competence can lead to sustained interest and success in mathematics throughout a student’s academic career. The increasing recognition of Vedic Maths’ benefits highlights its role in modern education as a valuable tool for enhancing mathematical skills and fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Higher Scores in Maths at School and Math Competitions

Know the fast methods of calculations as taught in Vedic Maths, students have benefited immensely by scoring excellently in school maths exams and getting top rank in maths competitions. All the tests and competitions give a lesser time limit and have a higher difficulty level to test the competence of the child. Vedic Maths teaches time-saving methods and builds maths accuracy. Using these methods children have scored brilliantly in maths.

Application of Vedic Maths in Technology

use of vedic maths in technology

DSP Application :

One of the sutras in Vedic Maths is called Nikhilam Sutra. Vedic Multiplier is based on this Sutra. It is said to be faster when implemented in the hardware. This multiplier can be efficiently used in any DSP application or in any DSP processor that requires low power consumption.

DSP implies Digital Signal Processing. The DSP operations are one of the important concepts in engineering. Some of the examples are Audio compression, digital image processing, compression of videos, speech processing, and recognition, digital communications, radio detection, and ranging systems, seismology, and sound navigation and ranging systems are examples of digital signal processing applications

The concept of multiplication as explained in Vedic Sutras of Nikhilam is used for the designing of DSP operations.

Use in Technology:

Vedic Maths Sutras are also used in technology. Now guess which one would this be. This is ‘ Ekadhikina Purvena and EkanyunenaPurvena. An example is   “  i<-i+1 or i<–i−1 “ which is used in the software. This has also been used in many android applications.

Application in Algebra

Vedic Maths Benefits Application in Algebra

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and these symbols reflect quantities without fixed values, called variables and here equations represent relationships between variables. It has operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 

Vedic Maths helps in building speed and accuracy in calculations which are based on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, roots, and higher calculations. Hence the students of Vedic Maths can easily apply the Vedic Sutras in algebra. As a result of their calculations shall be faster with accuracy than usual methods as taught in the school. This will eventually help in scoring high for kids in exams or olympiads.

Application in Geometry

Geometry figures in maths

Geometry has topics on angles, shapes, lines, and space and is very useful in arts, architecture, and astronomy. Calculating area for example of a rectangle requires multiplication as the formula for the same is  -length x breadth. The perimeter of a 2D shape implies you have to give the total distance around the specific shape, which implies adding all sides.

So, doing Geometry also involves the use of arithmetic operations implying if one is good at Vedic Maths, he or she will be good at Geometry and thereby shall also be more skillful in arts, architecture, and astronomy.

Clearly Vedic Maths has advantages that can make students brilliant in maths. It has the power that can make human beings maths genius. This reminds us of Shakuntla Devi who was called the Human-Computer in Maths. She also talks about how Vedic Maths has helped children in removing maths fear. Students have been able to score higher ranks in maths olympiads and scored higher in maths exams with the help of Vedic maths. It develops mental maths skills with a lot of short tricks and techniques. And its application is in all the branches of mathematics and not just arithmetic operations. Even Algebra, Geometry, and other such higher maths can be done with ease with the help of Vedic maths. Even in technological development, it has played a vital role. Winaum Learning organizes special classes for Vedic Maths through its expert teachers and thousands of children have benefitted from the classes. It has trained hundreds of teachers across the world, who then take the teachings forward to children in schools and colleges. Book a free trial and know more about it.

About Winaum Learning

The advantages to students at Winaum Learning are that it provides an educational platform for children to develop their skills in Maths via (Vedic Maths and Curriculum program-Grow with Maths, Handwriting, and English grammar. It offers kids online live classes and offline sessions done in small batches through its trained and expert teachers. It organizes competitions also for math and handwriting to motivate students, teachers and schools. Know more by signing up for a trial class.

Related Articles and Links

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  • Importance of Maths and Calculations
  • Tips for Success in Maths Exams
  • Understanding Number and Names
  • How to train yourself as teachers in Vedic Maths

External References

  • Wikipedia-Vedic Maths
  • Wikibooks- Vedic Maths

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Understanding Vedic Maths & its Usage for Beginners

vedic maths for beginners

Vedic Maths is a powerful system of mathematical techniques derived from ancient Indian scriptures that enables efficient and accurate problem solving. Vedic Mathematics encompasses a wide range of techniques that simplify complex calculations and provide alternative approaches to conventional methods. By utilising these methods, individuals can improve their speed, accuracy, and mental agility when dealing with numbers. Let’s delve into importnce of Vedic Mathematics.

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Importance of Vedic Maths

Vedic maths holds immense importance due to its unique, innovative approach towards mathematical problems. Its versatility lies in its ability to simplify not just simple arithmetic but also complex branches of maths such as algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus. Here are some importance of vedic maths

  • Making Mathematics Fun and Interesting

One of the most significant attributes of Vedic maths is that it changes the way we perceive mathematics. Instead of viewing maths as a challenging, stressful subject, Vedic maths enables us to see it as a fun, interesting, and interactive field. It brings out the playfulness in numbers and calculations, taking away the dread associated with the subject.

  • A Boost to Mental Agility

Vedic maths isn’t just about learning a new way to calculate; it also contributes significantly to cognitive development. It enhances your brain’s functioning, promoting logical thinking, improving memory, and boosting mental agility. In a world where mental sharpness is key, Vedic maths provides an excellent workout for your brain.

  • Enhancing Calculation Speed

Imagine being able to perform complex calculations in your head within seconds. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Well, with Vedic maths, this dream can become a reality. It offers efficient techniques and strategies that can drastically increase your calculation speed, a boon for students and professionals alike.

  • Applications Beyond the Classroom

Vedic mathematics is significant for reasons other than scholastic achievement. Its applications go beyond the workplace and assist us with daily tasks like budgeting, budgeting, baking, and shopping by allowing us to make quick calculations. Vedic mathematics can also be an effective tool in professions like engineering, banking, and research where complex calculations are commonplace.

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Vedic maths for beginners

The journey into Vedic maths begins with understanding the fundamental concepts. It revolves around 16 sutras, or aphorisms, each of which provides a unique approach to mathematical calculations. Becoming familiar with these sutras is your first step towards mastering Vedic maths.

Beginners can start their Vedic maths journey by exploring its techniques for simple arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For instance, the “All from 9 and the last from 10” sutra simplifies subtraction, especially when subtracting from larger numbers. Once you’re comfortable with basic arithmetic, you can move on to more complex areas of maths, such as algebra, geometry, and even calculus. Vedic maths offers simplified approaches to these subjects too, turning even the most complex mathematical problems into manageable tasks.

There are numerous resources available to assist in learning Vedic maths. From books such as “Vedic Mathematics for All Ages” to online courses and apps, these resources can provide step-by-step guidance and practice problems to help hone your skills.

Also Read: What is mental math? Mental math for all ages

Use of vedic maths for children

Incorporating Vedic maths into a child’s daily routine can greatly simplify their approach to numbers and calculation. Not only does it make maths more accessible, but it also enhances problem-solving skills, turning mathematics into an enjoyable adventure. Let’s look at some practical examples.

  • In Schoolwork

Vedic maths can be a lifesaver when it comes to schoolwork. It can help children quickly solve homework problems or prepare for exams. Whether it’s multiplication, division, or even complex algebra, Vedic maths techniques can help simplify these tasks, reducing the time and stress associated with them.

  • In Play and Games

Maths isn’t restricted to the classroom; it’s a part of many games and activities children enjoy. Vedic maths can be used to quickly tally scores or solve puzzles in various games, turning playtime into an enjoyable learning experience.

  • In Time Management

Vedic maths can also aid in understanding and managing time. For instance, children can use it to calculate how much time they have left for play after completing their homework, or to determine how many minutes they have  spent on a particular activity.

  • In Money Management

Learning how to handle money is a valuable life skill. With Vedic maths, children can easily calculate the change they should get after a purchase or understand how much they need to save to buy a desired toy. This can be a stepping stone to better financial understanding and responsibility.

  • In Day-to-Day Activities

Even routine activities like setting the dinner table can involve maths. Vedic maths can help children calculate how many plates are needed if some friends come over, or how many apples are left after they have  eaten one.

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Benefits of Vedic Maths

Vedic maths, a unique approach to mathematical calculations, brings with it a host of benefits. It’s more than just a set of techniques for solving maths problems; it’s a new way of thinking about and understanding maths.

  • Simplifies Complex Calculations

The most immediate benefit of Vedic maths is the simplification of complex calculations. From arithmetic to algebra, the techniques of Vedic maths can break down seemingly intimidating problems into manageable parts, making the process of solving them much simpler and more intuitive.

  • Improves Speed and Accuracy

With practice, Vedic maths can dramatically improve your speed of calculation. It can allow you to perform even complex calculations in your head, reducing reliance on calculators and enhancing mental agility. This, in turn, can lead to increased accuracy as the intuitive principles of Vedic maths reduce the chance of making errors.

  • Enhances Cognitive Skills

Vedic maths isn’t just about learning new calculation techniques. It’s also an excellent workout for the brain. It can improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function, making it a valuable tool for mental development.

  • Boosts Confidence and Interest in Maths

Maths can be a challenging subject for many, often leading to a lack of confidence and interest. However, the fun and interactive nature of Vedic maths can change this perspective. It can make maths less daunting and more engaging, fostering a greater sense of confidence and curiosity about the subject.

  • Applicable in Daily Life

The techniques of Vedic maths aren’t just useful for academic or professional purposes; they also have practical applications in daily life. Whether you’re budgeting your expenses, calculating discounts, or planning a project, Vedic maths can help you navigate these tasks with ease.

  • Helps in Competitive Exams

Many competitive exams have sections dedicated to numerical ability or quantitative aptitude. Vedic maths, with its quick calculation techniques, can be a powerful tool in solving these problems swiftly and correctly, increasing your chances of success.

Also Read: Top 10 Ways to Utilise Maths Formulas in Day-to-Day Life

Euroschool provides a comprehensive support system for students who are learning Vedic maths. This support system helps students to learn the subject in a fun and engaging way, and it also helps them to track their progress and get the help they need if they are struggling.

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Importance of Vedic Maths

Curiosity is the very basis of education – Arnold Edinborough

essay on importance of vedic mathematics


Do you dread the sight of numbers and signs? Or do you love learning and solving math problems? Either way Vedic Maths is an ancient science of problem solving that has proven to be one of the most effective in strengthening your understanding of Mathematics. Today this concept has been recognised globally yet many Indians are unaware of this rich jewel that was passed on to us by our scholars. We are a land of veteran mathematicians such as Aryabhatta, Shakuntala Devi, C.R Rao to name a few. From finding the value of zero to solving complex math problems mentally Indians have tactfully mastered Maths, giving us more reasons to borrow from our ancestral wisdom. Schools and institutes such as St. James London and IIT already swear by the easy and quick methods taught via Vedic Maths to save time on calculations.

essay on importance of vedic mathematics

What is Vedic Maths?

As the name suggests Vedic maths has been derived from our ancient Vedas. According to Vedic Maths, most math problems irrespective of their difficulty level can be solved in a foolproof manner using 16 word Sanskrit formulae or Sutras. Each of these Sutras help in strengthening our capacity to calculate mentally.

How does it work?

The most unique quality of Vedic maths is the way it has been designed. Even though it is said to be rediscovered back in the day between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji, it still holds relevance and a structure of techniques that are well interconnected. Experts claim that these techniques will make it easier for any one across age groups to understand the subtle nuances of Mathematics.

essay on importance of vedic mathematics

There are many ways in which Vedic Math can benefit students. It isn’t just about mastering a subject but it is an overall skill set that will help redefine their perspective towards life

  • Improving speed and efficiency to solve even the most complex Math problems
  • Helps in developing a flexible bent of mind with reduction in memorizing concepts and more practical applications
  • Increases concentration and retention, also improves their confidence levels
  • Helps strengthen their logical reasoning skills
  • Lays a foundation that will help them understand concepts easily even when studying advanced levels or preparing for competitive exams in the future

essay on importance of vedic mathematics

We at Practically understand the importance of creative problem solving and have a robust Vedic Maths course to help them. We believe that students will benefit the most when they are able to engage with a subject via right guidance. This course is crafted to complement their school and higher learning.

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Solving these CBSE class 10 previous 10-year papers will help students to understand the concepts properly which will further help them to enhance their problem-solving speed. As we all know maths papers are sometimes lengthy so you have to increase your speed of solving questions so that even if a lengthy question paper comes, you don’t face any kind of problem.

However, if you are not satisfied with these question papers you can always go for more. Where to go you wonder? so, check out the links we have given below, just follow them and have fun with more to practice.

Class 10 Maths Blueprint

Class 10 Maths Sample Papers

Advantages of Solving CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers

Let’s discuss a few of the advantages of solving these class 10 previous year papers.

  • Helps you to understand the paper pattern and marking scheme of the maths.
  • It also helps you to understand the section-wise distribution of marks in maths.
  • When you’re continuously solving the previous year paper, you prepare yourself to solve the different types of questions.
  • This will also help you to work on your time management skills and further help to improve the same.
  • By solving CBSE class 10 maths previous 10 year papers you can build your solving strategy i.e while practicing one will come to know more time-consuming section and less time-consuming section.
  • With the help of these papers, you can build your understanding of the question paper structure that will help you to build a proper strategy to solve the question paper on time even if the paper is lengthy.

Why CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers are Important?

Here we discuss some of the important points on solving the CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers.

  • It comes with a set of tips and tricks which help you to crack the exam and score easily.
  • These are prepared by a team of subject matter experts with years of experience in their respective fields and exam paper solutions are designed for easy understanding.
  • These papers help you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
  • When you solve a problem repeatedly, you will get familiar with the concept and formulas that are revolving around the problem. So, this enables you to solve the same or similar kinds of problems easily.
  • As revision is vital to performing well in the exam, the previous year’s papers will give you an idea of how much revision is there and how far ahead you still need to go.

Hopefully, you liked our article on  CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers. If you have any doubt regarding this article then feel free to ask us in the comment section. We are glad to help you out. Best of luck with your upcoming board exams.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions
When should students start practicing CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers? Ans 1. After completing the entire CBSE class 10 maths syllabus of NCERT, students should start practicing with CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers.
Yes, regular practice of CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers increases your speed of solving the question paper.
Yes, because the chances of getting questions from class 10 last 10-year papers or class 10 last 5-year papers in your current board exam are around 20-30%. That’s why you should solve previous year’s maths questions.
No, it is not enough but it is more than efficient. However, if you want to do more practice then you should try solving the additional books of maths such as RD Sharma or RS Aggarwal.

recomended for you

  • CBSE Class 10th Previous Year Papers – Maths, Science, Social Science

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  1. Ancient Indians Contribution To Mathematics

  2. Vedic Mathematics

  3. Is Vedic Maths Confusing?

  4. What is Vedic Maths and why is it relevant today? UPSC Topper Ayan Jain, AIR 16 IAS Interview

  5. Vedic Maths by Dr.Remella Avadhanulu #3

  6. Education during Vedic period , paper-1 , Unit-2,B.ed 1st sem by Namita patro


  1. PDF Importance of Ancient Vedic Mathematics to Modern Times

    "Educational importance of Vedic Mathematics" by Singh (2019): This paper emphasizes the potential benefits of incorporating Vedic Mathematics into contemporary education systems. Singh argues that the methods can facilitate more effective learning and reduce mathematical anxiety among students. 4.

  2. Vedic Math

    Applications of Vedic Math. Vedic Math is an ancient technique that simplifies multiplication, divisibility, complex numbers, squaring, cubing, square roots, cube roots, recurring decimals, and auxiliary fractions. Vedic Maths has the following benefits: Makes elementary calculation 10-15 times faster. Helps in accurate guessing.

  3. What is Vedic Mathematics? Explore History, Benefits and Sutras

    Vedic Mathematics is an ancient and holistic system of mathematical principles originating in India's Vedas - ancient sacred texts with philosophical, religious, and mythological roots. Unlike conventional mathematical approaches, Vedic Mathematics employs strategies to simplify and speed up numerical calculations.

  4. Full article: Vedic Mathematics: A Mathematical Tale from the Ancient

    Vedic mathematics is primarily a collection of methods, called the sutras, that aim at making one faster at numerical computations.These formulas are claimed to have been retrieved from the Vedas (Khare Citation 2006); however, there is considerable disagreement on this issue (Dani Citation 2001; Plofker Citation 2008).. The Vedas are religious texts, originating in ancient India, composed in ...

  5. VedicMaths.Org

    Vedic Mathematics Newsletter No. 129. A warm welcome to our new subscribers. Answers to the puzzles from the previous newsletter are: 2021 = 43 × 47; 2491 (=47×53); 119, 120. This issue's article is by Kenneth Williams, newsletter editor, and is titled "Research in Vedic Mathematics". " Research can be very worthwhile: it focuses the ...

  6. (PDF) Vedic Mathematics: A Mathematical Tale from the ...

    malrhmon [email protected]. Vedic Mathematics: A Mathematical T ale from the. Ancient Veda to Modern T imes, by Giuseppe Dattoli, Silvia Licciardi, and Marcello Artioli, World Scienti c, 2021, 232 pp ...

  7. The History & Future of Vedic Maths

    Vedic math was rediscovered from the ancient Indian scriptures between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji (1884-1960), a scholar of Sanskrit, Mathematics, History and Philosophy. He studied these ancient texts for years, and after careful investigation was able to reconstruct a series of mathematical formulae called.

  8. Vedic Math-A new perspective of Mathematics

    Tekriwal is the Founder and President of the Vedic Maths Forum, India. He inspires and informs people, helping them to realize their true potential by introducing them to the magic of the world's fastest mental Mathematics system called 'Vedic Mathematics'. He has taken the Vedic Mathematics System to over four million students in India ...

  9. The Magic of Vedic Mathematic

    The Vedas, written around 1500-900 BCE, are ancient Indian texts containing a record of human experience and knowledge. Thousands of years ago, Vedic mathematicians authored various theses and dissertations on mathematics. It is now commonly believed and widely accepted that these treatises laid down the foundations of algebra, algorithm ...

  10. The Origins and Modern Applications of Vedic Mathematics

    According to the Hindu tradition, the Vedas are a set of divine Sanskrit texts credited to Brahma, which address various aspects of life. Veda translates to the "fountainhead of all knowledge (Vedic Mathematics, pg 5.)" Some argue that Vedic mathematics do not originate from the true Vedas, this point is argued on either side.

  11. Vedic Maths (Vedic Mathematics)

    Vedic Maths Benefits. The importance of Vedic Maths can be explained in various ways. The application of Vedic maths in the simplification of numerical problems is many times faster than the modern methods of calculations. Sometimes, this way of simplifying numerical calculations does not require paper and pen also.

  12. PDF The sutras of Vedic Mathematics in Geometry James Glover

    6. Deficiency The single-word sutra, Yavadunam, is applicable wherever a problem is solved by using or referring to a defficiency from some whole. 7. Observation Vilokanam translates as By mere observation and comes into play wherever the answer to a problem appears just by inspection. The fact that this is included in the list of sutras indicates that the mental

  13. PDF Paramount Value of Vedic- Mathematics in Modern Era

    Importance of Vedic Mathematics- We are livelihood in the era of terrific sum of contest and Vedic Mathematics techniques become a boon for all the contests for us. Today`s Mathematics, a difficult subject needed higher sum of attempts in learning. Mathematics can be picked up and mastered with minimal attempts in a very short period of time ...

  14. Vedic Mathematics- Exploring Its Benefits & Importance in Modern

    Don't miss out Register now and start your journey to mastering Vedic math with Abacus & Vedic Math: Phone: +91-865-787-8563. Email: [email protected]. Final Thoughts. Whether you choose to delve deeper into Vedic Math or simply learn its core ideas, remember this: math isn't just about memorizing formulas.

  15. (PDF) The Vedas as the original source of the Hindu ...

    Related Papers. Dr Abul Basar, Professor Bhavanari Satyanarayana and Dr.Poonam Kumar Sharma, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ... system of Harappa ; Mathematical activity in Vedic Period, Panini and Scientific Notation, Indian Numeral system, Importance of Astronomy, Applied Mathematics as well as Philosophy and Mathematics ...

  16. VedicMaths.Org

    53. "Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple using the Sesa Sutra" by Kenneth Williams, 2021This paper shows how the Sutras of Vedic mathematics can be used to obtain highest common factors and lowest common multiples of two or more numbers, using the Vedic Mathematics Sutra The Remainders By the Last Digit.

  17. Importance of Vedic Maths: "Why Vedic Maths Matters in Modern Education

    Discover the timeless wisdom of Vedic Maths and its transformative impact on modern education. Uncover the historical roots, benefits, and real-world applications of this ancient mathematical approach. Explore success stories, global adoption trends, and the challenges faced, paving the way for a future where Vedic Maths shapes a holistic and innovative educational landscape.

  18. PDF Vedic Mathematics in Modern Era

    Vedic mathematics is an ancient scheme based on 16 formulas (sutras). These are easy & simple methods for fast mental calculations. Many researcher have worked on it for its usefulness in various branches like engineering, astronomy, mathematics. Vedic mathematics helps in faster and accurate mental calculations. By this 16 sutras & 13 up sutras.

  19. Features, Advantages and Application of Vedic Maths

    Lets discuss here the advantages and importance of Vedic Maths, its features, and how its application in maths, technology have given benefits to children in school and in the real world. Discover the incredible and unparalleled benefits of Vedic Maths and skyrocket your mathematical proficiency to unprecedented heights with a vast array of time-saving techniques, mind-blowing shortcut methods ...

  20. Vedic Mathematics

    Vedic Mathematics is a book written by Indian Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Tirtha and first published in 1965. It contains a list of mathematical techniques which were falsely claimed to contain advanced mathematical knowledge. [1] The book was posthumously published under its deceptive title by editor V. S. Agrawala, [2] who noted in the foreword that the claim of Vedic origin, made by the ...

  21. Vedic Maths: Importance, Benefits & Use

    Importance of Vedic Maths. Vedic maths holds immense importance due to its unique, innovative approach towards mathematical problems. Its versatility lies in its ability to simplify not just simple arithmetic but also complex branches of maths such as algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus. Here are some importance of vedic maths.

  22. PDF The Implementation of Vedic Mathematics toAlgebra and Geometry

    rediscovered in early twentieth century. Vedic mathematics is mainly based on sixteen principles or word-formulae which are termed as sutras. We discuss possible application of Vedic mathematics to branches of mathematics i.e. algebra and geometry. In this paper, after a gentle introduction of these sutras, it is applied to

  23. Importance of Vedic Maths

    Importance of Vedic Maths. There are many ways in which Vedic Math can benefit students. It isn't just about mastering a subject but it is an overall skill set that will help redefine their perspective towards life. Vedic Maths is helpful in many ways life. Improving speed and efficiency to solve even the most complex Math problems.

  24. CBSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers With Solutions PDF

    Here we discuss some of the important points on solving the CBSE class 10 maths previous year papers. It comes with a set of tips and tricks which help you to crack the exam and score easily. These are prepared by a team of subject matter experts with years of experience in their respective fields and exam paper solutions are designed for easy ...