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Applied Behavior Analysis Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2009 2009.

It is Time to Play! Peer Implemented Pivotal Response Training with a Child with Autism during Recess , Leigh Anne Sams

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The Evaluation of a Commercially-Available Abduction Prevention Program , Kimberly V. Beck

Expert Video Modeling with Video Feedback to Enhance Gymnastics Skills , Eva Boyer

Behavior Contracting with Dependent Runaway Youth , Jessica Colon

Can Using One Trainer Solely to Deliver Prompts and Feedback During Role Plays Increase Correct Performance of Parenting Skills in a Behavioral Parent Training Program? , Michael M. Cripe

Evaluation of a Functional Treatment for Binge Eating Associated with Bulimia Nervosa , Tamela Cheri DeWeese-Giddings

Teaching Functional Skills to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Using Video Prompting , Julie A. Horn

Evaluation of a Standardized Protocol for Parent Training in Positive Behavior Support Using a Multiple Baseline Design , Robin Lane

Publicly Posted Feedback with Goal Setting to Improve Tennis Performance , Gretchen Mathews

Improving Staff Performance by Enhancing Staff Training Procedures and Organizational Behavior Management Procedures , Dennis Martin McClelland Jr.

Supporting Teachers and Children During In-Class Transitions: The Power of Prevention , Sarah M. Mele

Effects of Supervisor’s Presence on Staff Response to Tactile Prompts and Self-Monitoring in a Group Home Setting , Judy M. Mowery

Social Skills Training with Typically Developing Adolescents: Measurement of Skill Acquisition , Jessica Anne Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Evaluating the effects of a reinforcement system for students participating in the Fast Forword language program , Catherine C. Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The Acquisition of Functional Sign Language by Non-Hearing Impaired Infants , Kerri Haley-Garrett

Response Cards in the Elementary School Classroom: Effects on Student and Teacher Behavior , Shannon McKallip-Moss

The Effects of a Parent Training Course on Coercive Interactions Between Parents and Children , Lezlee Powell

The Effects of Role-Playing on the Development of Adaptive Skills in a Parent Training Program , Chantell A. Rodriguez-Del Valle

Archival evaluation of a proactive school wide discipline plan , Beth Rutz-Beynart

Effects of a multi-component interdependent group contingency game on the classroom behavior of typically developing elementary school children , Stacey D. Simonds

Establishing a Functional Analysis Protocol for Examining Behavioral Deficits using Social Withdrawal as an Exemplar , Melissa Penaranda Walters

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Role of Choice Versus Preference: An Analysis of Why Choice Interventions Work , John D. Adelinis

The Effect of Direct Instruction Math Curriculum on Higher-Order Problem Solving , Pamela Christofori

The Effects of Response Cards on the Performance and Generalization of Parenting Skills , Bennie L. Colbert

A Comparison of Two Prompting Procedures on Tacting Behavior , Kelley N. Gardner

The Effects Of The Presence Of A Dog On The Social Interactions Of Children With Developmental Disabilities , Stephanie Walters

The Effects of Fluency Training on Performance, Maintenance, and Generalization of Parenting Skills , Gertie Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Use of the Power Card Strategy as an Intervention with an Elementary School Student with Asperger Syndrome: Increasing On-Task Behavior in the General Education Setting , Jane M. Devenport

The Importance of Program-Delivered Differential Reinforcement in the Development of Classical Music Auditory Discrimination , Gudmundur Torfi Heimisson

The Impact of a Goal Setting Procedure on the Work Performance of Young Adults with Behavioral/Emotional/Learning Challenges , Robin Wagner Hogsholm

The Effects of Graphic Display and Training in Visual Inspection on Teachers' Detection of Behavior Change , Allana Duncan Luquette

Imitation and its Reciprocity in the Treatment of Autism , Roxana I. Nedelcu

Utility of Positive Peer Reporting to Improve Interactions Among Children in Foster Care , Jenny L. Van Horn

Behavioral Analysis of Interactions Between Teachers and Children with Selective Mutism , Jason D. Wallace

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Creating Positive Experiences: Increasing Parent Participation In A Low Income Elementary School , Krista Stinson Cayer

Evaluation Of A Presentation And Measurement Method For Assessing Activity Preference , Tara L. Lieblein

Using The ABLLS with English Language Learners: Implications for Students and Teachers , Lorie G. Schultz

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Thesis Projects

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Participant Preferences of Identified Maintaining Contingencies , Aubrey Ashby

An Assessment Process and Guide for Intervention to Increase Procedural Fidelity , Silvia Cabal

Functional Analysis and Intervention of Multiply Controlled Behavior , Nicole Carbonelli Rosa

The Efficacy of Contingent Positive and Negative Reinforcement in the Treatment of Compliance and Reduction of Disruptive Behavior with Medical Demands , Michelle Rebecca Davidson

An Evaluation of Rate Calculations During Extinction , Madison Holland

Using Behavioral Skills Training Within the Pyramidal Training Model to Teach Caregivers a New Skill , Caitlyn Hutton

An Extension of the Response-Restriction Preference Assessment , Jazmin Ramos

Socialization Procedure for an Adult Feral Cat in a Home Setting , Erica Serito

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Assessing Visual Analysis Skills with Board-Certified Behavior Analysts , Marina Forsythe

Determining the Utilization of Trial-Based Functional Analyses in a Clinical Setting , Cayla Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Pre-Session Pairing and Instructional Fading Prior to Instruction , Claudia Aguayo

Trial-based Measurements as an Index of Response Strength , Vasily Belichenko

A Comparison of Positive and Negative Reinforcement to Decrease Disruptive Behavior During Medical Demands , Rachel Commodario

Comparing Operant Discrimination Training and Response Contingent Pairing for Eliciting Vocalizations , Jade Grimes

The Effectiveness of a Skills Assessment Sequence on Evaluating Independent Handwriting , Rebecca Mischuck

A Comparison of Models in Video Modeling to Teach Vocal Skills , Caroline Phan

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Refining the Stimulus Pairing Observation Procedure for Tact and Listener Responding , Jennifer Brennan

Comparing the Effects of Feedback Types on Caregiver Training of Hispanic Parents , Natasha Cintron

Effectiveness of Visual Prompts on Correct Disposal of Trash and Recyclable Materials , Ronni Hemstreet

An Analysis of the Effects of Extinction Relative to Baseline Measures Including and Excluding Consumption Time , Kelti Keister

Assessing the Interference of Stereotypy During Unmastered Academic Tasks , Taylor LaBour

Investigating Maintaining Variables of Physical Activity , Michelle Loaiza

Evaluation of a Vocal Mand Assessment and Vocal Mand Training Procedures: A Systematic Replication , Toni O'Connell

Noncontingent Reinforcement in the Treatment of Attention Maintained Problem Behavior: Schedule Thinning Within Extended Sessions , Kelly O'Donnell

A Functional Analysis of Physical Activity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Nicole Ramirez

Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Online Safety Responses to Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder , John Zinicola

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Assessing TAGteach Methodology to Improve Oral Reading Fluency in English Learners , Luz G. Cabrera

Evaluating the Diverted Attention Condition in a Trial-Based Functional Analysis , Kyle Frank

An Experimental Analysis of Voice Volume for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Arturo Garcia

Assessing Controlling Stimuli for Safety Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Andrea Giraldo

A Functional Analysis of Physical Activity in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities , Alexandra Knerr

Validity Analysis of a Modified Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF) Assessment: Preliminary Analysis , Christina Marie Sheppard

Assessing Displacement and Magnitude Effects on Relative Preferences of Edible and High-tech Leisure Items , Morgan Smith

Teaching Safe Dog-Greeting Skills with Parents and Children , Ashley Torres

Resurgence of Caregiver and Therapist Responses: The Recurrence of Unwanted Responses Under a Negative Reinforcement Context , Gabrielle Wiggins

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Varying Inter-Stimulus and Inter-Trial Intervals During Stimulus-Stimulus Pairing: A Translational Extension of Autoshaping , Patricia Eberhardt

Evaluating Correspondence Between Preference Assessments Requiring Motor and Vocal Responses , Marie Gilbert

Increasing Variable Play in Children with Autism Using a Lag Schedule and Stimulus Fading , Amelia Nelson

Using Video-Based Training to Teach Students the Conservative Dual-Criteria Method , Chandler Pelfrey

A Model for the Treatment of Food Selectivity , Angie Van Arsdale

An Evaluation of Differential Positive Reinforcement without Extinction for Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior , Sabrina Veilleux

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Using Response Card Technology to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in the College Classroom , Meera Aggarwal

Teaching Children with ASD Intraverbal Responses About the Past , Jeanne Gonzalez

A Comparison of Traditional and Culturally Sensitive Parent Training of Functional Communication Training , Adriana Rodriguez

Assessment and Treatment of Behavior Maintained by Automatic Reinforcement , Nicolette Yatros

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Generalized Reinforcement Effects on Manding: A Replication , Christina Rose Greco

Evaluating Preference Stability Among Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease , Sabrine Maali

Functional Analysis and Treatment of Self-Injurious Feather Plucking in a Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) , Kristen L. Morris

Evaluating TAGteach as a Training Procedure for Novice-to-Advanced Fastpitch Softball Pitchers , Breanna Sniffen

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Applied Behavior Analysis Master’s Thesis

Many master’s degree programs in applied behavior analysis require completion and successful defense of a thesis project in order for the degree to be conferred. The master’s research project is intended as a capstone to the degree program, providing the student with an opportunity to investigate a behavioral science topic of their choosing and develop independent thinking and research skills in the process.

Your master’s thesis project is expected to involve significant independent research on a behavioral science subject that you will choose in concert with your faculty thesis advisor. The project should represent novel research or ideas in the field of behavioral science, although it need not be groundbreaking research. Expectations for subject matter and scope of the research are scaled to the level of the student so you are not competing with full-fledged academic researchers.

If you undertake a thesis project, it will typically be in the final year of your program. You will select one of your professors to serve as your thesis advisor and confer closely with them in the course of choosing a topic, conducting the necessary research, and writing the thesis paper.

Despite the input from your advisor, however, you will be expected to take the initiative in all aspects of the thesis project and maintain your own motivation in developing the topic, creating a research program to study it, and writing a scholarly document to substantiate your theories.

The Thesis Process

The thesis process is very formalized and has a large number of required steps that involve a considerable amount of paperwork and presentation. The steps will vary from school to school, but typically fall into these general categories:

  • Acquire an academic advisor for the project and file a formal notice of intent with your department chair
  • Select an acceptable research topic and file a thesis proposal with your department
  • Select a thesis committee to review and approve the project
  • Conduct the necessary basic research on the subject
  • Write the thesis paper according to university and department style guides
  • Present and defend the thesis paper before the thesis committee

You will have to conduct all of these steps while still attending classes and conforming to other requirements for your program.

The Thesis Proposal

Developing your formal thesis proposal will require a significant amount of work and writing before you can even begin the primary research on the topic.

Together with your advisor, you will select a suitable subject and write a proposal document to support the selection. You will have to outline the process you intend to follow in the course of your research and state the elements that will be required to either prove or disprove the thesis statement. The proposal will include:

  • An overview of the topic
  • A review of existing literature that discusses the topic, including any previous research projects
  • An outline of the methods and procedures you intend to use while conducting your own research into the subject

Many students operate under the common misconception that thesis research should be on a topic never before explored. Although it is true that research is expected to be original, it’s a mistake to interpret the requirement to mean it should be ground-breaking. According to a 1990 article published in The Behavior Analyst journal, an appropriate thesis topic should fit systematically into the existing literature . That is to say that it should logically extend existing investigations in a novel manner, such as researching the effects of Pivotal Response Training (a widely-implemented ABA treatment technique) as applied during a specific environmental scenario with a particular category of patient, as one recent thesis paper did .

This approach to selecting a thesis topic helps the student in extending their understanding of a broader subject area, but also furthers the science of ABA generally by testing its applications in specific areas in a way that more innovative research cannot always do.

Some recent ABA master’s thesis subjects have included:

  • Peer-implemented pivotal response training during recess with an ASD patient.
  • Video modeling and feedback in a gymnastics skills program.
  • Implementing behavior contracts with runaway youth.
  • Functional skills teaching with video prompts for developmentally disabled students.

As a field that was founded relatively recently and remains small and somewhat unexplored, potential applied behavior analysis thesis topics are not difficult to come by.

Creating the proposal will take several months and involve a considerable amount of research and discussion with your advisor. Once you have completed the proposal, you will have to present it to your thesis committee before actually beginning the project. Their review will be intended to validate that the proposed research methods and procedures could actually serve as a legitimate investigation into the subject matter. This way, regardless of the outcome of the research, they will be able to assess the project on the merits of your conduct and analysis.

The Thesis Research Project

The greater part of the time you spend on your thesis project will be in the research phase.

It will be important to closely follow the procedures you outlined in your proposal. Because applied behavior analysis relies heavily on observation, your protocols for observing and recording the object of study will be heavily scrutinized. The consistency of your observations will be crucial to establishing accurate data for analysis.

In addition to conducting your own investigations, you will probably spend a great deal of time analyzing data generated by other research projects. This will both shape your own research and provide input beyond data you could generate on your own.

Once the research and analysis has been completed, you will have to write the thesis paper itself.

Many schools and departments have very strict rules for the organization of your paper. Most require the following components:

  • An introduction to the topic
  • A review of the existing literature relating to the topic
  • The methodology with which the research or investigation was conducted
  • The results of that research
  • A discussion of the results and their bearing on the thesis statement and conclusions that can be drawn from them
  • An overall summary of the paper
  • Citations and references

This generally is wrapped up into around 100 pages of clear, focused, informative writing. Getting to the final product will require a number of drafts, each reviewed closely by your advisor. Only when the advisor believes that you have achieved a version that will be acceptable to the thesis committee will you be allowed to make your presentation.

The Thesis Defense

The final step of the thesis process is known as the thesis defense. This involves presenting the results of the research to your thesis committee and going in front of them to demonstrate your grasp of the research and conclusions.

Many graduate students shrink at the prospect of having to articulate original research and defend their ideas and conclusions in front of a thesis committee, but the experience is intended to be about learning and will naturally push you out of your comfort zone a bit. Very few thesis papers are ever rejected outright.

The process begins by distributing copies of the thesis paper to all the committee members several weeks before the final presentation. This gives the committee time to familiarize themselves with your work and conclusions and formulate any questions they might have about it.

During the formal presentation, you will have to speak for an hour or more to present your project and findings to the committee. Committee members may include faculty from your department and outside experts in the field, depending on the requirements of your department.

You can then expect to spend another couple of hours fielding questions from the committee members. Their goal will be to establish to their own satisfaction that you have genuinely understood the material and that your facts are accurate and your conclusions well-reasoned and supported.

Even the best thesis papers are usually not accepted outright. The thesis committee is likely to have a number of revision requests they feel will be necessary, based on issues raised during the defense, before the paper can be accepted.

Your thesis project will be an enormous undertaking as part of your ABA master’s degree program , but it will also serve to provide a tremendous foundation for your career in applied behavior analysis by giving you a depth of insight into the field that would not otherwise be duplicated.

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  • Complete Guide to Becoming an ABA Therapist
  • Jobs Related to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • State-by-State Guide to ABA Licensing
  • State-by-State Guide to Autism Insurance Laws
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  • BCBA Certification vs ABA Certification
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  • How George Mason University’s MSPED Pushes ABA Beyond Its Traditional Scope
  • Ethics for Behavior Analysts
  • Behavior Chaining
  • The Versatility of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • BCBA Exam Pass Rate by School
  • Mental Health Resources for Applied Behavior Analysts
  • The AppliedBehaviorAnalysisEDU Scholarship is Now Closed
  • What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
  • Graduate Program Overview
  • Master’s in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • ABA Master’s Thesis
  • Doctorate in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • Bachelor’s in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • Degrees in Education with a Focus in ABA
  • Degrees in Psychology with a Focus in ABA
  • Graduate Programs with Approved Course Sequence
  • Undergraduate Programs with Verified Course Sequence
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  • FAQ’s
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  • 20 Best Schools Offering ABA Master’s Programs 
  • 23 Best Master’s in Psychology Programs with ABA Emphasis
  • 32 Best Master’s in Education Programs with an ABA Emphasis
  • 35 Top ABA Graduate Programs (Master’s and Doctorate)
  • 57 Best Schools for ABA Assistants (BCaBA)
  • 62 Best Schools with Online ABA Master’s and Certificate Programs
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  • Domains and Specialties
  • ADD and ADHD
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  • Behavioral Addictions (Gambling, Internet, Sex)
  • Behavioral Gerontology
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
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  • CBT for Insomnia
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  • Northeastern University
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  • Bouvé College of Health Sciences Theses and Dissertations
  • Bouvé College of Health Sciences Master's Theses
  • Applied Behavioral Analysis Master's Theses

Applied Behavioral Analysis Master's Theses Collection

Acquisition when reinforcement is delayed

An analysis and treatment of chronic thumb sucking and chronic hair pulling

An analysis of remedial trials on math skill acquisition

Analysis of the effects of psychotropic medication on the behavior of individuals diagnosed with autism

An analysis of the effects of reinforcers arranged in choice contexts

An analysis to determine the most efficient teaching procedures for children with autism

Assessing and enhancing the value of social interactions for individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder

Assessing and treating problem behavior reported to be evoked by noise

Assessing relative preference for and reinforcing effectiveness of social consequences

Assessing the effects of matched and unmatched stimuli on the persistence of stereotypy no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale, characteristics, and student advisement strategies

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1990, The Behavior Analyst

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2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

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Program Overview

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the ethical evaluation, design, and implementation of environmental changes to produce socially significant improvements in behavior. The MS Applied Behavior Analysis program incorporates the content areas and practicum requirements for eligibility to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA®) by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) in addition to providing a solid foundation in the philosophy, science, and application of behavior analysis. Please see further information about professional licensure and certification below.  

The aim of the program is to prepare students for a rewarding career in the rapidly growing field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Graduates serve many different populations including children, adults, and seniors and may work in residential, school, and community-based settings. Individuals served may have no diagnoses (e.g., school children in a regular education class or teachers seeking to be more effective) or may have diagnoses such as autism, behavioral difficulties, developmental disabilities, mental illness, and a variety of geriatric conditions.

The MS Applied Behavior Analysis program develops students into professionals who can support individuals and organizations as well as select, implement, and manage effective systems to improve outcomes across a variety of settings. The program provides students with a solid understanding of the science and philosophy of Behavior Analysis as the foundation that informs applied behavior analysis, the experimental analysis of behavior, and service delivery domains to produce graduates who rely on the science of behavior to contribute to the betterment of society.

The program requires 49 credit hours, which include 46 core credit hours and 3 credit hours in elective coursework. Within core coursework students are required to complete 4 credit hours of practicum. Practicum courses are designed to meet the requirements of the BACB®.

The Master of Science (MS) in Applied Behavior Analysis Online program is accredited by ABAI effective July 2022.

Program Philosophy

The program is designed to prepare students in a wide variety of specialization areas within ABA. Although it is common for lay people to assume that ABA is relevant only to individuals with autism or other developmental and/or intellectual disabilities, behavior analysis can be applied to any population or problem. Thus, students can focus not only on issues related to the assessment and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders, but also on the assessment and treatment of severe behavior problems, instructional design, organizational behavior management, and applications with non-traditional populations such as geriatric, individuals with traumatic brain injury, and regular and special education. Thus, while ABA techniques are typically associated with application to individuals with disabilities, they are also invaluable to individuals in the general population and in solving societal problems that require behavior change.

The program provides training to students related to all four domains of Behavior Analysis (i.e., Theory & Philosophy, Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Service Delivery). Further, the programs and curricula are designed to infuse the scientist-practitioner model across these domains and teach students to be consumers of new research findings, evaluators of their own interventions and programs using empirical methods, and researchers, producing new data from their own settings and reporting these data to the applied and scientific community.

In summary, the program’s mission is to provide students with the scientific, analytical, and conceptual tools they need to provide effective, ethical, and practical behavior-analytic interventions to the diverse populations that they serve. The vision of the program is to provide the most comprehensive and effective graduate training in ABA, and to that end, the faculty provide the students with the most up-to-date information and research, and encourage critical analysis of the research with an emphasis on using it to drive practice. The program emphasizes not only knowledge of the research and assessment and intervention techniques, but sound understanding of the basic concepts and principles of behavior analysis, so that students will have the conceptual and scientific underpinnings necessary to understand why interventions work, how to measure their effects, and to make appropriate program modifications when they do not. Because ABA is based on a rapidly developing and evolving behavioral technology grounded in research, the knowledge base is constantly changing. It is the program’s mission to remain at the forefront of the development of this field.

Program Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of this program students will be able to:

Professional Practice

  • Analyze behavior, design interventions, and evaluate interventions, by applying basic behavioral principles and assessment techniques to effect socially significant behavior change.
  • Evaluate the impact of diversity issues on individuals and society (as a whole in domestic or international settings,) and demonstrate sensitivity and competence while working with diverse populations.

Professional Behavior

  • Evaluate and resolve ethical dilemmas in accordance with behavior-analytic and psychological ethical guidelines.
  • Establish rapport and communicate effectively with clients, stakeholders, and other professionals.


  • Conduct behavior-analytic research and evaluate behavior-analytic and other psychological research effectively and ethically.

For information on where The Chicago School meets, does not meet, or has not determined if the program meets licensure eligibility requirements for the state in which you wish to be licensed, please visit: .

Admission Requirements

For information on where The Chicago School is currently authorized, licensed, registered, exempt or not subject to approval, please visit

Application to The Chicago School’s MS Applied Behavior Analysis program is open to any person who has earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution and who meets other entrance requirements.  Applicants will be judged on their overall ability to do graduate work. Factors that are considered in admission are: GPA from undergraduate and any graduate schools, successful work history after completion of the baccalaureate degree, the admission essay, and letters of recommendation from academic professors or professional or volunteer experience supervisors. Generally, an undergraduate GPA of a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale is required for admission. Applicants must submit official transcripts from all schools where a degree was earned. It is recommended that transcripts are submitted from all schools where credit was received to enhance their applications.

Standardized Testing

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required for master’s level applicants.  Scores should be sent directly to the school (GRE School Code:  1119) for consideration.  Please see the application for detailed instructions and information regarding application requirements, application deadlines, and letters of recommendation.

Applicant Notification

The Chicago School reviews applications on a rolling basis. Once review begins, complete applications will be considered by the Admission Committee and applicants will be notified regarding the admission decision. The Chicago School does not share information or provide any feedback regarding admission decisions.

If a student is offered admission and in order to secure a place in the incoming class, a non-refundable tuition deposit of $250 will be required by the deposit deadline indicated in the offer of admission. The non-refundable deposit will be applied in full toward the student’s tuition upon enrollment.

Degree Completion Requirements:

  • Successful completion of 49 credit hours of coursework
  • Successful completion of Advanced Research Project or Advanced Applied Project

The following policies are located under  Academic Policies and Procedures   : Academic Calendar, Admissions Requirements, Attendance, Satisfactory Academic Progress, Service Learning, and Transfer Credit/Course Waiver. 

Articulation Agreements

The Chicago School has also established agreements between the MS Applied Behavior Analysis program and the programs listed below to allow qualified students to receive transfer credit for courses taken in other The Chicago School programs that can be counted toward degree completion requirements for either program.Click on the link of the program that interests you for details

MS Applied Behavior Analysis and MA Applied Behavior Analysis     

Ethical Guidelines

Students are expected to learn and to follow the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® during and after their work at The Chicago School. A class in ethics is required, and student adherence to ethical codes is evaluated both formally and informally.

Advanced Research Project OR Advanced Applied Project

Students are also required to complete a thesis (Advanced Research Project) or a non-thesis option (Advanced Applied Project). The thesis must be a data-based empirical evaluation, but does not necessarily need to mark an original contribution to the published literature (it may be a replication and extension). The primary function of the Master’s thesis is to demonstrate that students are actively learning to function as scientist-practitioners who are continually engaged in making data-based assessment and treatment decisions. The applied project is a demonstration that the student can assess and treat a client effectively and ethically from start to finish. The applied project process is as stringent as the thesis option and demonstrates similar skills but focuses on application rather than research. The course sequence facilitates student completion of theses and applied projects with a carefully designed course sequence that has the necessary steps toward thesis and project completion embedded into the required coursework. Any student considering going on to a Ph.D. program should choose the thesis option.

The program requires four credits of field-based clinical training (practicum training, see for supervision requirements) held at approved sites. Each student is responsible for identifying potential practicum/internship sites. Students registered in this program incur a one-time $195 Experiential Learning Technology Fee.

The Curriculum

Required Core: 46 credit hours

Electives: 3 credit hours

Program Total

M.S. Applied Behavior Analysis: 49 credit hours

Required Core

  • AB 540 - Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis I (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 541 - Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis II (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 569 - Clinical Skills (2 credit hours)
  • AB 537 - Introduction to the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (3 credit hours)
  • AB 539 - Science and Human Behavior (3 credit hours)
  • AB 546 - Diversity in Clinical Practice (3 credit hours)
  • AB 556 - Behavior Change Procedures I (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 557 - Behavior Change Procedures II (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 545 - Measurement and Design in Behavior Analysis (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 563 - Verbal Behavior (3 credit hours)
  • AB 564 - Behavior Assessment (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 565 - Professional Ethics and Issues in Behavior Analysis (3 credit hours)(course fee online only $56)
  • AB 576 - Scientific Writing (3 credit hours)
  • AB 590 - Professional Development Group (1 credit hour)
  • AB 630 - Practicum I (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 631 - Practicum II (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 632 - Practicum III (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 633 - Practicum IV (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 634 - Practicum V (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 635 - Practicum VI (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 636 - Practicum VII (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)
  • AB 637 - Practicum VIII (0.5 credit hour)(auto half time)

Student choose either Advanced Research Project OR Advanced Applied Project Series

  • AB 560 - Advanced Research Project I (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 561 - Advanced Research Project II (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 562 - Advanced Research Project III (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 566 - Advanced Applied Project I (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 567 - Advanced Applied Project II (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 568 - Advanced Applied Project III (1 credit hour) (auto full time)
  • AB 510 - Psychopathology (3 credit hours)
  • AB 512 - Psychology of the Lifespan (3 credit hours)
  • AB 525 - Precision Teaching (2 credit hours)
  • AB 526 - Relational Frame Theory (2 credit hours)
  • AB 527 - Instructional Consultation I (2 credit hours)
  • AB 528 - Instructional Consultation II (2 credit hours)
  • AB 529 - Seminal Writings in Behavior Analysis (2 credit hours)
  • AB 532 - Behavioral Pharmacology (3 credit hours)
  • AB 533 - Advanced Intervention: Behavioral (2 credit hours)
  • AB 534 - Radical Behaviorism (2 credit hours)
  • AB 535 - Introduction to Instructional Design (2 credit hours)
  • AB 572 - Organizational Behavior Management (2 credit hours)
  • AB 581 - Special Topics I (1 credit hour)
  • AB 582 - Special Topics II (2 credit hours)
  • AB 583 - Special Topics III (3 credit hours)
  • AB 584 - Publications: Writing and the Peer Review Process (1 credit hour)
  • AB 587 - Advanced Verbal Behavior (2 credit hours)

Option for Online M.S. Applied Behavior Analysis students to complete individual supervision through the following courses:

  • EBC 520 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 521 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 522 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 523 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 524 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 525 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 526 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 527 - Individual Supervision (0.5 credit hours)(auto half time)

Extension Courses

  • AB 940A - Manuscript Preparation (MP) Extension (0 credit hours) - auto full-time
  • AB 941A - Manuscript Preparation (MP) Extension (0 credit hours) - auto half-time
  • AB 952A-L - Thesis Extension (.5 credit hours) - auto half-time
  • AB 953A-L - Thesis Extension (.5 credit hours) - auto full-time
  • AB 956A-L - Project Extension (.5 credit hours) - auto half-time
  • AB 957A-L - Project Extension (.5 credit hours) - auto full-time
  • AB 997A-D - Practicum Extension (0 credit hours)(auto half time)
  • EBC 567A-D - Individual Supervision Extension (0 credit hours)(auto half time)

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Applied Behavior Analysis Master of Arts Online

Graduate degree program offered by the UNT College of Health and Public Service

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The Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis at the University of North Texas is a professional practice degree program designed to provide the knowledge base for effective and compassionate practice in behavior analysis. This program is flexibly designed to allow students to take from one to four classes per semester to find the best fit with their schedule. All courses are completely online and conveniently offered every semester. This program meets the coursework specifications for the Behavior Analysis Certification Board.

Our curriculum focuses on these areas:

  • Foundational and conceptual knowledge about the science of behavior analysis, behavioral principles, and the behavior change procedures derived from these principles leading to an ability to flexibly and compassionately apply this knowledge to teach meaningful skills
  • A comprehensive understanding of meaningful assessment of environmental context, skills, and problems
  • Rationales for observable and socially-valid interventions that are based on experimental proofs of effectiveness and single-subject research
  • Culturally-responsive decision making and ethical behavior in the context of a rapidly-diversifying practice context
  • Behavioral practices for Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Evidence-based staff training within behavioral practice

A career in Applied Behavior Analysis provides opportunities in a variety of fields, including working with:

  • Children with autism
  • Employees in large corporations or governmental organizations
  • Patients in healthcare institutions
  • People with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  • Students in educational settings

Applicants will need to meet additional requirements before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination. In particular, supervision hours must be acquired separately and are not offered by BAO.

Disclaimer Regarding Licensure Laws Many states are passing laws that require licensure to practice Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Licensing is different from certification. It is possible that even after becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) you will not be able to practice in the state where you live without licensure. Some states even have rules regarding which coursework programs will be allowed when applying for licensure in that state. These laws and regulations are changing rapidly and vary from state to state, so please monitor your state by going to the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) and by contacting the licensing board in your state. Behavior Analysis Online is not responsible for ensuring that our Master of Arts degree or Graduate Academic Certificate in ABA meet state licensure requirements. Each student is responsible for determining the requirements to practice ABA in the state in which they wish to practice.

Top Careers & Job Titles

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
  • Behavior Analyst
  • Behavior Health Specialist
  • Early Intervention Specialist
  • Behavioral Specialist
  • Educational Consultant
  • Curriculum Coordinator
  • Clinical Director (BCBA)
  • Education and Behavior Specialist

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M.Ed. in Special Education with emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the application of behavioral principles to change behavior in meaningful ways. Assessment and intervention strategies based in ABA are implemented with individuals of all ages, with and without disabilities, in clinics, schools, and community settings.

At the University of Utah, the M.Ed. in Special Education with emphasis in ABA prepares behavior analysts who are skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical practitioners. Students who are accepted into the program will complete all coursework requirements needed to apply to sit for the  Board Certified Behavior Analyst® exam . ABA coursework equips students with understanding of basic and advanced behavioral principles and applications of those principles, while providing ethical and theoretical frameworks for decision making as behavior analysts.


Program Mission and Values

The mission of the University of Utah ABA program is to support the professional development of behavior analysts who are skilled, knowledgeable, compassionate, and ethical through high-quality training and mentorship.

  • We are committed to the continuous improvement of the science and practice of behavior analysis with a focus on socially significant behavior change.
  • We believe that the effectiveness of interventions is defined by meaningful impact on the consumer and that interventions must be centered on consumer needs.
  • We center social validity as a core tenet of applied behavior analysis and believe that seeking consumer feedback to inform research and practice is an essential value of the field.
  • We believe in centering the autonomy of individuals with disabilities and designing interventions that promote quality of life as defined by people with disabilities and their supporters.
  • We value the flexibility of applied behavior analysis and the application of behavioral principles to meet the needs of diverse consumers through contextually relevant practice.
  • We are committed to the ethical and compassionate practice of applied behavior analysis, centering well-being and positive behavioral supports in our research and in our practice.
  • We acknowledge harm when caused and work with consumers to improve our field and our practice to avoid future harm.

Students Will Learn





  • M.ED. without a License
  • Additional ABA Offerings and Opportunities  

M.Ed. Coursework Requirements

36 total credit hours 

ABA Coursework Sequence

Students who are accepted to the University of Utah ABA program will enroll in coursework that includes the required courwork necessary to apply to sit for the BCBA exam, as well as a core coursework that prepares students to implement ABA in school contexts. Additionally, students are required to enroll in a practicum sequences that enhances and extends the core curriculum to promote professional and interpersonal skill development essential for success as a practicing behavior analyst. In the second year of the program, students will complete a two-semester experiential learning sequence to demonstrate essential skills and knowledge.

Year 1 Fall Semester

Number Course Name Credits

SP ED 6810

Concepts and Principles of ABA 3

SP ED 6230

Advanced Behavioral Support Strategies (ABA 1)

SP ED 6054 Professional Writing 2

SP ED 6960

ABA Practicum 1 1

Year 1 Spring Semester

Number Course Name Credits

SP ED 6825

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA 2) 3

SP ED 7020/

ED PS 7410

Single-Case Research Design

ED PS 6390 Interventions in Schools 3

SP ED 6960

ABA Practicum 2 1

Year 2 Fall Semester

Number Course Name Credits

ED PS 6470

Consultation in Applied Settings (OBM) 3


Behavioral Theory and Philosophy

SP ED XXXX Experiential Learning 1 3

SP ED 6960

ABA Practicum 3 1

Year 2 Spring Semester

Number Course Name Credits

SP ED 6850

Ethics in ABA 3
SP ED XXXX Experiential Learning 2 3


ABA Practicum 3 1

Supervised Fieldwork Experience (0-5 credit hours)

Students working in clinical and/or applied contexts may enroll in supervision credits to access individualized supervision from program faculty and/or staff that meets the requirements for supervised fieldwork experience as defined by the BACB and required to apply to sit for the BCBA exam. Students interested in registering for supervision credits should contact the faculty program coordinator to determine the appropriate number of credits to register for, given individual needs and context.

Number Course Name Credits Term

SP ED 6900

Supervision in Applied Behavior Analysis 0-5 Fall, Spring, Summer

M.S. in Special Education with Emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis

Students who are interested in pursuing an M.S. in Special Education with Emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis should contact their advisor no later than the end of the Spring Semester of their first year. The M.S. option requires that students work with their advisor to complete a thesis project (e.g., single case research design study, systematic literature review).

Professional Online M.Ed. in Special Education with Emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis

The University of Utah offers an asynchronous online M.Ed. program that meets coursework requirements to apply to sit for the BCBA exam, as well as a two-semester experiential learning sequence.

ABA Coursework Only Option

 Students who already hold a master's degree may apply to enroll in some or all coursework required to apply to sit for the BCBA exam.

Other Study Requirements

Besides the courses above, other study requirements must be completed to earn the M.S. degree. 

  • Establish a Supervisory Committee
  • Qualifying Examination
  • Continuous Enrollment
  • Master's Degree Residency Requirement

Questions? Ask our Program Contacts

masters thesis behavior analysis

Kaitlin Lindsey

Academic Advisor

[email protected] 801-581-4764

masters thesis behavior analysis

Kathleen Strickland-Cohen

Assistant Professor Program Coordinator

[email protected]   801-581-3260

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  • v.13(2); Fall 1990

The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale, characteristics, and student advisement strategies

Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (959K), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References .

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Selected References

These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article.

  • Baer DM, Wolf MM, Risley TR. Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. J Appl Behav Anal. 1968 Spring; 1 (1):91–97. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Baer DM, Wolf MM. Some still-current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. J Appl Behav Anal. 1987 Winter; 20 (4):313–327. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Benet LZ. Obligations of a major professor to a graduate student. Am J Pharm Educ. 1977 Nov; 41 (4):383–385. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Chase PN, Wylie RG. Doctoral training in behavior analysis: Training generalized problem-solving skills. Behav Anal. 1985 Fall; 8 (2):159–176. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Deitz SM. Defining applied behavior analysis: an historical analogy. Behav Anal. 1982 Spring; 5 (1):53–64. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Hayes SC, Rincover A, Solnick JV. The technical drift of applied behavior analysis. J Appl Behav Anal. 1980 Summer; 13 (2):275–285. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Parson LR, Heward WL. Training peers to tutor: evaluation of a tutor training package for primary learning disabled students. J Appl Behav Anal. 1979 Summer; 12 (2):309–310. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Pennypacker HS. On behavioral analysis. Behav Anal. 1981 Fall; 4 (2):159–161. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]

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Master of Science in Behavior Analysis and Therapy | SIU

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SIU BAT students work with Student in Autism Lab

The graduate program in behavior analysis and therapy is an award-winning, comprehensive course of study that involves classroom instruction, clinical experience and a wide variety of research opportunities. With an emphasis on taking the lessons learned in coursework out into real-world practical settings, earning a Master of Science in BAT provides graduates with a firm foundation for careers assisting diverse populations. With options for both on-campus and fully online learning, this degree is open to students of all backgrounds.

The program emphasizes empirically based development and application of learning principles to a wide range of situations. Our rigorous program prepares students to work with a wide range of ages and populations and to help people with disabilities. Our coursework satisfies the content requirements so students can become Board Certified Behavior Analysts

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  • Meet Our Faculty
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Clinical Experience

Prior to graduation, BAT graduate students must complete a supervised internship. Worth nine credit hours, the internship is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scale and typically begins following the first two semesters of graduate coursework. A faculty member of the behavior analysis and therapy program is assigned to each student to oversee and supervise the internship. This guidance ensures the most fulfilling and successful experience for each student, to complement coursework and research. By completing the internship requirement of the BAT graduate program, students gain hands-on experience in analyzing behaviors in a number of populations and clinical settings.

For the on-campus program, placement options include one of the approved facilities in our region, including the SIUC Autism Center, Project 12-Ways, the Smoking Lab at SIU, the Evaluation and Development Center, and Tri-County Special Education. Each of these facilities focuses on patterns of behavior and disabilities and gives BAT graduate students important insight into the analysis and treatment plans of persons with autism, addiction, brain injuries, parenting concerns, and children receiving special education services.

Program Requirements

Courses in the 45-hour graduate program cover the basics of BAT along with legal and ethical issues, observation methods, behavior consultation and management, research tactics and applications of behavior analysis.

Electives allow students to study topics such as verbal behavior, radical behaviorism and experimental analysis. Either an empirical thesis or pre-approved research paper is also mandatory for completion of the graduate degree.

On Campus Program

While the curriculum is the same for on campus and online students, our on campus students have access to research opportunities, clinical experience, and on campus internships within our facilities or in our local area. Nearly all of our on-campus students have applied for and gotten  graduate assistantships . These assistantships waive all tuition costs leaving only the cost of books, housing and fees left to be covered.

Student Research

A multitude of opportunities exist for graduate students who wish to participate in research projects while earning an advanced degree in BAT. Topics including disability-related issues, behavior therapy, autism, and complex human operant behavior are led by our nationally recognized, award-winning faculty members.

While participation in research studies is optional, the experience provides mentorship and additional insight into the field of behavior analysis and therapy.

Online Program

For graduate students who work full-time during the academic year or have other obligations that prevent traditional, in-person learning, SIU offers a Master of Science in BAT fully online. The convenience of online learning allows professionals to further their education and increase earning potential without sacrificing current employment or requiring relocation. Online students are required to seek out their own internship locations.

Flexible Learning

The entire curriculum of coursework for the program is offered in an online format and can be completed in the evening for those who work during the day. All courses are even offered in a live format to encourage real-time interaction and participation with faculty as well as fellow students. For career advancement and increased earning potential, the online BAT program offers an advanced degree without the demands of on-campus attendance.

Program Compass

BCBA Course Sequence

For persons who have previously earned a graduate degree in any field of study from a U.S. accredited institution, SIU offers a Verified Course Sequence to provide coursework to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The course sequence consists of 21 credits (i.e., seven 3-credit courses) covering topics such as behavioral principles, behavior consultation and management, single subject research designs, legal and ethical issues in behavior analysis, observation methods, and two professional seminars.

All of the courses are completely online and offered in the evening to allow working professionals time and convenience to complete the sequence.  The GMAT and GRE is not required to complete the BCBA course sequence, but applicants must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher and submit the following items to gain acceptance into the program:

  • Personal Data
  • Program information (Be sure to complete "What is your area of interest?”)
  • Education History
  • Official Transcripts (from all previously attended institutions). Official transcripts must be sealed from the original institution.
  • Resume/Vita
  • A one-page document (no set format) about your education/training/career, your experiences, and what made you choose this profession
  • A one page document (no set format) about any past research you have done or are doing, what your research interests are for the future, and whom from our faculty you would like to do research with.
  • Public Safety
  • Signature Page
  • Recommendations (3)

Research/Thesis Option

As part of the requirements to earn a master’s degree in BAT, students must complete either an empirical thesis or a research paper prior to graduation.

The empirical thesis should be of an experimental nature, with a survey or other form of research that exhibits the collection and analysis of empirical data. A successful thesis shall demonstrate the candidate’s skills in formulating researchable questions or hypotheses, identifying and manipulating relevant variables and analyzing and reporting the results of the experiment.

The thesis committee for each student will consist of a BAT faculty member selected by program consensus referred to as the chairperson and two additional faculty members to serve as thesis committee review members. This three person committee is responsible for reviewing the thesis before its initiation and participation in oral defense of the thesis.

Research Paper

As an alternative option, BAT graduate students may complete a research paper instead of a thesis. Prior approval from the program is required for this research paper and the paper must include the same empirical data, hypothesis, variable identification and analysis as the thesis. Students who wish to write a research paper will be assigned a chairperson who is a member of the BAT faculty. Additionally, a second faculty member, selected by the student and chairperson, may be selected as a reader for the research paper.

Young Boy plays pool in SIU's Autism Lab

Prospective on-campus students are encouraged to apply for one of the many  graduate assistantships available to offset the costs of tuition. Although these assistantships do not cover fees, housing, or books, the tuition waiver drastically offsets the cost of the program. On-campus students who receive graduate assistantships are able to focus on coursework, internships, research, and clinical experience without the burden of added financial stress. Graduate assistantships benefit on-campus students financially and academically, while also providing research and behavior analytic services to SIU and the community. The BAT program also maintains grants to fund close to 90% of the on-campus students enrolled in the program. Graduate assistantships are only available to on-campus students. Prospective online students are encouraged to apply for financial aid and scholarships to help fund their education in the BAT program.

Prospective students who seek a Master of Science in Behavior Analysis and Therapy, either on-campus or online, as well as the BCBA course sequence, must complete the admissions process for their chosen category. The application requirements and deadlines are straightforward and multiple resources exist for guidance through the admissions process.

  • Deadline: January 2

The master’s degree program in behavior analysis and therapy is accredited by the Association for Behavioral Analysis International (ABAI) . This accreditation signifies the continued efforts of the Behavior Analysis and Therapy program to meet the highest standards of theoretical and evidence-based, practical instruction within the curriculum at SIU. Instructors must regularly update coursework to reflect current principles and comply with ABAI regulations.

The profession of behavior analysis and therapy is constantly on the rise and a number of career opportunities exist for graduates of all backgrounds and areas of interest. Employment opportunities abound regionally, nationally and across the globe for BAT professionals. Graduates of SIU’s program find careers in autism service delivery, brain injury rehabilitation, child and family support, dementia patient care and a multitude of mental health services.

Historically, SIU's Behavior Analysis and Therapy program has a 100% career placement for successful BAT graduates and is committed to continue doing so for many years to come. Upon completion of the requisite courses, internship, clinical experience and thesis, students are well-equipped with the knowledge and field experience that lead to positions in settings such as special education programs, autism centers, hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation facilities.

Contact Information

Ryan Redner, On-campus Program Director Rehn Hall 335A Carbondale, IL 62901 618-453-8295 [email protected]

Natalia Baires, Online Program Director Life Science II 281 Carbondale, IL 62901 618-453-3529 [email protected]

Psychology: Behavior Analysis, M.S.

Degree requirements.

  • Credit Hours: Students are required to complete a minimum of 36 graduate-level credit hours in Psychology or other related disciplines approved by the student’s advising committee.
  • Grade Point Average: After admission to a doctoral program major, students must earn a minimum cumulative and major GPA of 2.75.
  • Master's Thesis: An empirical research project in behavior analysis, as approved by the student's master's thesis committee.
  • Benchmarks: Thesis proposal approval not later than May 15, Year 2. Thesis defense and ETD submission not later than May 15, Year 3.
  • Additional Requirements: None.

Curriculum Requirements

Course List
Code Title Hours
Research Methods6
Research Design and Data Analysis 1
Single-Subject Research Methods
Principles of Behavior3
Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Conceptual Analysis3
Behavior Theory and Philosophy
Applied Behavioral Analysis6
Applied Behavior Analysis
Performance Management
Assessment and Intervention for Severe Behavior
Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
Behavior Analysis in Education
Basic Behavior Analysis3
Human Behavior
Stimulus Control and Memory
Reinforcement and Punishment
Advanced Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Ethics in Behavior Analysis
Supervised Experiential Learning11
Seminar on Teaching Psychology
Behavior Analysis Practicum
Advanced Behavior Analysis Practicum
Teaching Practicum
Independent Study
Professional Development1
Professional Issues in Behavior Analysis
Total Hours36

Major Learning Outcomes

Psychology: behavior analysis.

Students graduating with an MS in Psychology: Behavior Analysis will:

  • Conduct a high-quality experiment examining impacts of environment on behavior, in close collaboration with a faculty member.
  • Describe behavior-analytic research in the context of a larger body of literature.
  • Maintain certification in ethical standards of conducting research.
  • Analyze data using a variety of quantitative and data-visualization methods.

WVU Morgantown

Graduate/Professional Catalog Information

  • Academic and Professional Standards
  • Advising, Enrollment and Evaluation
  • Degree Regulations
  • Financial Aid
  • Graduate Certificates
  • Programs, Courses and Credits
  • Tuition, Fees and Residency

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Get a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis

Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis

With a Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis from Florida Tech, Applied Behavior Analysts (ABAs) help to better the lives of children and adults struggling with behaviors ranging from difficulty with everyday social interactions to complex issues such as autism spectrum disorders, substance abuse, and many areas in between by applying a systematic, scientific approach.

Through class discussions of case studies, involvement in research studies on perplexing human behavior, or applied work at numerous internship sites in the area, students gain the knowledge and skills needed to understand and work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Students earning a master’s in applied behavior analysis learn from faculty who themselves are making a difference in the world, be it through their meaningful research, professional services, or community activities.

Flexible Schedule—and a Choice of Campus Locations

Individuals seeking a master’s in ABA can choose to attend Florida Tech’s main campus, or attend class at the Orlando Graduate Center, located in the Baldwin Park area of Orlando. The program offers daytime, evening, and weekend class schedules, and is in close proximity to a thriving medical community, including hospitals and clinics that provide internships and applied learning opportunities for students. The Admissions committee may waive the GRE requirement for Orlando campus applicants with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or above.

Flexible Program—Professional Culture

Florida Tech students include a diverse mix of full-time workers in the local area to students from around the globe seeking to obtain higher-level management skills. Students who choose one of Florida Tech’s applied behavior analysis programs build the foundation necessary to become a well-respected professional in the healthcare community.

“ Why Pursue a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis at Florida Tech? ”

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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  • At an Education Center near you

You have three graduate study opportunities:

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  • 100% Online

ABAI Green Seal

Florida Tech’s School of Behavior Analysis has four programs accredited by the  Association for Behavior Analysis International Accreditation Board , and all of the core course sequence are also approved by the  Behavior Analyst Certification Board ®  (BACB ® ). The BACB has also approved the Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork in Behavior Analysis as meeting the fieldwork requirements for the experiential component of the BCBA ® examination.

Florida Tech’s on-campus master’s-level ABA programs (applied behavior analysis, organizational behavior management, and the dual program) provide students with the requirements to take the BCBA examination immediately upon graduation.

Respected Faculty—Close-Knit Learning Environment

Florida Tech has among the most applied behavior analysis faculty of any program in the world.

Professors in the ABA programs are dedicated, productive researchers and practitioners with a commitment to developing the field of behavior analysis. Training the next generation of behavior analytic researchers and practitioners, the faculty is made up of Board-Certified Behavior Analysts ® . Students receive one-on-one attention from professors who work alongside them in research and through client interaction. A close student-professor culture in the applied behavior analysis programs creates a professional environment where students are viewed as research professionals and colleagues.

Students choosing to complete a master’s in ABA at Florida Tech are part of a program with a greater diversity of faculty than any other program of its kind in the world, with many published authors and experts on different facets of applied behavior analysis. Working alongside professors who provide one-on-one attention during research and client interaction, students earn visibility as a research professional and colleague able to study and work in the field.

Several faculty members conduct ongoing research at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment, located on Florida Tech’s campus. This world-renowned facility is dedicated to working with children who have autism and other behavioral disorders. Under the guidance of their professor, students working towards their master’s in ABA can work with children and their families to provide assessment, training, and behavior therapy.

Research Opportunities

Many School of Psychology professors perform applied research outside of their teaching responsibilities, working in settings such as clinical treatment or organizational consulting. Students participate in this research, and often publish research articles in respected ABA journals. Leading training sessions for educators on classroom behavior problems and working with children and their families to provide assessment, training, and behavior therapy at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment are examples of how Florida Tech’s applied behavior analysis programs provide real-world experience.

Facilities and Resources

Florida Tech Commons houses the School of Psychology, classrooms, human research areas, observation and treatment rooms, computer facilities, two conference rooms, and a student workroom/lounge. In addition, the Scott Center for Autism Treatment is located directly on Florida Tech’s campus, giving students an opportunity to study among professionals who work with children with autism and related disorders, implementing procedures based on the science of applied behavior analysis. The Society for Performance Management, Behavior Analysis Student Association, and Florida Tech Continuing Education Office are also available resources for students in applied behavior analysis programs.

“ What Applied Behavior Analysis research or other opportunities can I expect? ”

The mission of Florida Tech’s applied behavior analysis training is to develop behavior-analytic practitioners and consultants who understand the basic principles of behavior analysis, contribute to behavioral research, and attain BCBA certification, ready to enter a doctoral program.

Applied behavior analysis training includes participation in behavior-based research projects under the mentorship of a faculty member. Many professors are published authors and experts on many facets of applied behavior analysis, such as:

  • Behavioral economics
  • Token economies
  • Self-management
  • Sports psychology
  • Organizational behavior management

Some students participate in research on assessing and treatment behavior problems or teaching methods for individuals with disabilities. Faculty members conduct ongoing research at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment and are thought-leaders in the understanding of autism spectrum disorders. Many ABA students do their practicum work at this state-of-the-art facility.

Portfolio of Published Articles

Outside of research and internships, ABA students often publish research in respected ABA journals, including the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Analysis in Practice , and Behavioral Interventions . Organizations and research centers located both on and off campus help students delve deeper into applied behavior analysis training, such as:

  • The Society for Performance Management —Designed to facilitate up-to-date information on the newest research and practices performed by professionals in the field.
  • Behavior Analysis Student Association —MS and PhD students who meet regularly to discuss topics in behavior analysis and hold an annual conference on the field.
  • The Scott Center for Autism Treatment —Specializes in working with children with autism and related disorders.
  • Florida Tech Continuing Education Office —Professional development courses and certification programs online.

“ How will a master's degree benefit my applied behavior analysis career? ”

Though ABAs are often best known for advances in autism treatment and support, the field offers a variety of options for graduates with an MS in Applied Behavior Analysis. Alumni of Florida Tech behavior analysis programs reside around the world, working in businesses, schools, clinics, residential treatment centers, group homes, and private practice.

These applied behavior analysis jobs involve working with children, individuals with autism, and people with schizophrenia or intellectual disabilities. Graduates also work with employees in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in business, industry, speech-language pathology, animal behavior and training, and special education.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook , published by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides detailed information about hundreds of occupations, including, entry-level education, overall working environment, and employment prospects. According to the Bureau, overall employment in psychology careers such as applied behavior analysis jobs are projected to grow 12% through 2022. This includes a higher demand for school psychologists to work with students, particularly those with special needs, learning disabilities, and behavioral issues. Jobs will also include professionals who can assess and counsel students, as well as study how in-school and out-of-school factors affect learning.

Applied behavior analysis jobs include:

  • Private practice as a certified ABA providing early intervention services to children with autism
  • ABA in a school district assisting teachers to manage students with problem behavior
  • ABA in a group home
  • ABA consultant to companies focusing on improving employee performance
  • ABA internal consultant to improve employee performance
  • Program manager or director of specialized school
  • ABA for state or federal government

Doctoral Program

Graduates with a master’s in applied behavior analysis can also pursue further study in the discipline by obtaining a PhD.

Florida Tech PhD students receive significant assistantships from the Scott Center for Autism Treatment that cover the majority of their academic costs.

female psychologist with patient

MS in Applied Behavior Analysis

Pepperdine University’s on-campus Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis program prepares students to become board-certified behavior analysts (BCBA®) while providing them with a thorough understanding of how to utilize applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques to enrich lives.

Featuring in-person coursework at Pepperdine's West Los Angeles campus, students learn the skills necessary to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds in a variety of settings, including education, developmental disabilities, autism, residential supports, and rehabilitation. They also learn how ABA can be used for organizational behavior management (OBM). 

MSABA students gain in-person experience and BCBA supervision while working at approved clinical sites while attending a practicum course, wherein they discuss their clinical cases and receive feedback.

For more information, view the BACB exam pass-rate data . Pass-rate data are not published for verified course sequences within their first four years of operation.

Employing the practitioner-scholar model of professional training, a rigorous theoretical study is paired with in-depth clinical training where students will accrue experience hours working alongside professional behavior analysts, helping patients to develop adaptive skills for optimal functioning in educational, family, social, and occupational roles.

* As of January 1, 2023, the BACB no longers provides certification outside of the U.S. and Canada. If you are considering certification outside of the U.S. or Canada, please see updates about BACB global certification .

Program Benefits

Reputable program.

Pepperdine University is one of the highest-ranked universities in the United States by  U.S. News & Report, Best Colleges Rankings, National Universities .

Values Centered

Students are empowered to make a lasting impact through GSEP's core values of academic excellence, social purpose, and meaningful service.

Quick Facts

West Los Angeles
16 months / 30 units
$1,565 per unit

50+ Clinical Practicum Sites

With over 50 high-quality site partners, ABA students experience hands-on clinical practice as a signature component of a comprehensive approach to preparing behavior analysts. 

Verified Course Sequence (VCS)*

Verified Course Sequence (VCS) Program by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).

Convenient Evening Format

Evening format class schedules to accommodate working professionals.

Meet Fieldwork Requirements

Students currently working in an ABA-based setting can meet fieldwork requirements at the site of their current employment.

No GRE or Standardized Tests Required

We offer an equitable admission process that considers your ability and commitment to succeed rather than test scores.

Networking Opportunities

through our alumni network with more than 20,000 professionals.

Increase In Nationwide Demand For Individuals Holding BCBA Certification From 2022-23**

California Had The Highest Demand For Behavior Analysts In 2023**

Clinical Practicum Sites

Units Of Supervised Field Placement

Start Term in the Fall

Program May Be Completed In Only 16 Months

GSEP Student:Faculty Ratio

GSEP Average Class Size

Scholarships Available

*The Association for Behavior Analysis International has verified the following courses toward the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst® or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® examination. Applicants will need to meet additional eligibility requirements and demonstrate they reside in an authorized country before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination. View the verified course content hours here.

**Verified by the BACB Certification Board 

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Information sessions.

Aug 21 MS in Applied Behavior Analysis Info Session (Virtual Meeting) Sep 25 MS in Applied Behavior Analysis Info Session (Virtual Meeting)


Antiracism and Antidiscrimination Statement

The MSABA and GSEP psychology division stand in solidarity against racial inequities and injustice and other forms of discrimination and oppression. We are committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment that is enriched and strengthened by diversity including but not limited to race, ethnicity and national origin, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class, age, ability status, and religion. GSEP also encourages all community members to engage in critical learning and reflection to strengthen our capacity for being effective, active, and outspoken against all forms of racism and intersectional oppression.


Curriculum Overview

Designed for both working professionals and full-time students alike, the ABA degree program provides a thorough understanding of the concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). 

This program provides the breadth and depth of topics, theory, and practicum needed to become a highly competent and compassionate board-certified behavior analyst.

Upon graduation and completion of all necessary experience hours, students will be eligible to sit for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) exam .

female therapist with child

Expand Your Career Possibilities

There is an increasingly high demand for behavior analysts with BCBA credentials, particularly in behavioral health care, educational services, and social services. After earning your degree, you may pursue certification and employment in a variety of roles.

scholarships form

Scholarships & Financial Aid

Pepperdine GSEP generously offers over $6,000,000 in scholarships every year, with the majority of students receiving financial assistance . There are numerous scholarship opportunities that are both merit and need-based in addition to discounts for meeting application deadlines .

GSEP welcomes federal and state aid eligibility and veteran benefits which may further reduce tuition cost.

The Financial Aid Office is available to answer questions and help you navigate funding your education at GSEP through numerous scholarship, grant, loan, and other opportunities. 

To help determine your total cost of tuition and living expenses for this specific program, please refer to our GSEP tuition calculator . 

Alumni and Faculty Spotlight

"I was under the impression that going into a master’s program; I would be a little more isolated, doing work on my own, just completing a degree. I was met with a community of professors, faculty members, and students who all worked together to get each other to our licensure exams. They’re some of the most meaningful relationships and friendships I’ve made to date." - Azizull Dhadwall, Alumni

What Our Alumni Are Saying

Svetlana Danielyan headshot

"My relationship with the faculty was excellent. I felt very supported as a student. They guided me and modeled pivotal skills that a clinician would have."

-Svetlana Danielyan, MS in ABA '20

Azizull Dhadwall headshot

"If you're really interested in understanding behavior in a scientific way and an applied way in terms of how you can use it almost every day, this is a program for you."

-Azizull Dhadwall, MS in ABA '17

Why Pepperdine

Passion and purpose driven, reputable university, distinguished faculty, alumni network, student and career support, veteran and military support.

Since our founding in 1937, Pepperdine University has had one mission: to strengthen students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership in a learning environment where academic excellence is rooted in a Christian faith and values.

Our graduate programs empower students to transform into the best possible expression of themselves for meaningful work and purposeful lives. That legacy is alive today more than ever, as we help students all over the world gain the skills they need to achieve personal fulfillment, lead with purpose, and make a lasting impact in the lives and communities they serve.

GSEP offers prestigious programs at one of the top universities in the US, committed to the highest standards of academic excellence. Consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful places to study, Pepperdine is where you're inspired to learn as you learn to inspire.

Best-Value Schools U.S. News & Report

Best College Value in the West/SW Kiplinger

Most Entrepreneurial Universities Forbes

  • GSEP faculty are nationally-recognized scholar-practitioners with exemplary academic achievements, industry expertise, educational experience, and scholarly credentials.
  • Professors are accomplished professionals who balance theory and real-world application in a practitioner-based curriculum informed by their desire to prepare students to make a difference.
  • Average class size of 14 students and a 12:1 faculty-student ratio provides a supportive educational setting, meaningful interactions, and long-term professional and personal connections.
  • Extensive Pepperdine alumni network creates influential business connections with more than 110,000 professionals. Our alumni network has 32 chapters and affinity programs in the U.S. and abroad.
  • Pepperdine alumni, faculty, staff, and parents make themselves available to offer the resources you need and help graduates build professional, personal, and purposeful relationships with Pepperdine people all over the world.
  • As a Pepperdine alumnus, you have exclusive access to the PeppConnect Mentoring Program, a global network of alumni who are willing to mentor and offer career or industry advice.
  • GSEP Student Services supports our rigorous curricula through academic advising, records, writing support, library, student groups, and much more.
  • Students are further supported through our Office of Student Accessibility, world-class facilities, and highly competitive programs, all of which contribute to our exceptional programs and rankings.
  • GSEP Career Services operates from an innovative model of career education and holistic career counseling for today's rapidly changing job market helping students and alumni construct their career narrative, build lifelong employability skills, and connect with alumni and industry leaders.
  • The Office of International Students Services (OISS) values our international students for what they bring to our campus—diversity, global perspective, cultural respect, determination, and a wonderful sense of adventure. We welcome students from all nationalities, faiths, and education systems, as they provide a diverse perspective in our classrooms.

Pepperdine has served veterans and their family members for over 75 years and is proud to support nearly 500 enrolled veterans, service members, and dependents. 

As an active participant in the Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program , we proudly offer tuition support to Yellow Ribbon-eligible students. Pepperdine invests almost $3M annually to help cover 100% of tuition costs for eligible students.

Under the Yellow Ribbon program, Pepperdine in the VA matches all remaining tuition costs. Pepperdine also does not limit the number of eligible students who can utilize the Yellow Ribbon program. 

Accreditations and Recognitions

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Gary Younger Enrollment Officer Pepperdine GSEP

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  • MA in Psychology
  • MA in Psychology MFT
  • MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (Online Format)

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The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale, characteristics, and student advisement strategies

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  • DOI: 10.1007/BF03392542

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Special Education: Applied Behavior Analysis Master of Arts

Quick facts.

University of Arizona College of Education

of all Higher-Ed Institutions

- Center for World University Rankings, 2022

Best Online Master's in Education Programs

- U.S. News & World Report, 2024

Interested in working with people who need assistance to improve their communication, social and adaptive skills? This program will prepare you to provide evidence-based services in applied behavior analysis in clinical, school, and home settings.

You will also have the opportunity to complete an original applied project in your area of interest within behavior analysis. Projects are supervised by individual faculty and are conducted in lieu of a master’s thesis.

Program coursework has been verified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and includes all 7 courses required to take the Board Certification Behavior Analyst (BCBA) exam. The program also fulfills the master’s degree requirement for the exam.

You may choose to complete the degree in 6 semesters or 24 months.

Please contact Rebecca Hartzell, Ph.D, BCBA-D, Assistant Professor of Practice in the Special Education Program [email protected] with questions about the program.

Students will need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.

Core Coursework of the Master of Arts in Special Education is 36 Units. Students in the Applied Behavior Analysis program must complete these 12 3-unit courses.

SERP 500: Foundations of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Provides beginning graduate students with an overview of issues surrounding the fields of special education and rehabilitation, including legal principles, concepts of assessment; and principles of teaching and counseling. Students will examine and develop their personal philosophies regarding assessment of, services to and intervention with individuals with exceptionalities.

SERP 502: Behavior Principles and Disability: Assessment and Intervention

Grounds participants in the basic behavioral principles and techniques needed to successfully complete effective Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA), function-based interventions, and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).  Participants complete an FBA, develop an intervention based on the results, and design a BIP.

SERP 503: Special Services in the Schools

Information to aid teachers in dealing with responsibilities and concerns in school settings with regard to P.L. 94-142. Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and other legal issues.

SERP 504: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Exceptional Learners

Provides a theoretical base and practical approach to the study of special needs of students with language and cultural differences; basic premises of bilingual special education and the interface of the two fields.

SERP 529A: Advanced Positive Behavioral Support I

Addresses environmental factors that affect student behavior and continues to develop competency in FBAs, function-based interventions, and effective BIPs.  Participants complete a second FBA, develop and test a function-based intervention, complete a BIP, implement and monitor the intervention, and make data-based decisions about whether to continue or revise the intervention based on their data.

SERP 529B: Advanced Positive Behavioral Support II

Addresses other factors that can affect development and implementation of interventions such as legal issues, crisis intervention, and teaming and collaboration issues.  Participants complete two FBAs and develop and monitor two function-based interventions and BIPs.  A certificate identifying skills learned is awarded at the end of the three course sequence.

SERP 552: Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis

Addresses advanced skills and knowledge in applied behavior analysis and the factors that affect the application of behavior principles within school settings. Topics examined include reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus control, self-management, verbal behavior, and functional analysis.

SERP 553: Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis

Enables students to explain the need for ethical guidelines, identify appropriate ethical standards and guidelines of behavior analysis and their own profession, if different, and apply the ethical guidelines to real-life situations.

SERP 555: Applied Behavior Analysis: Personnel Supervision and Management

Basic concepts essential in applying applied behavior analysis in personnel supervision and management of employees, parents, and other professionals.

SERP 556: Research Methods in Education

Basic concepts essential to the comprehension of research in education, including measurement principles and descriptive statistics.

SERP 590: Single Subject Research Design

Addresses the advantages and disadvantages of various research designs and how to select a research design appropriate to a given scenario. Participants learn to critically evaluate professional research that incorporates single subject research designs, create data graphs, and develop a comprehensive research proposal.

SERP 909: Master’s Project

An original applied project in an area of behavior analysis. Projects are supervised by individual faculty and are conducted in lieu of a master’s thesis.

Earning your Master of Arts in Special Education: Applied Behavior Analysis will build core skills, including:

  • Special education
  • Individualized education programs
  • Lesson planning
  • Working with children
  • Disabilities
  • Child development
  • Classroom management
  • Preschool education
  • Interpersonal communications

Potential Career Paths

Graduates of the Special Education: Applied Behavior Analysis MA program will be prepared to pursue the following careers:

  • Teaching Assistant, Except Postsecondary
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Interpreters and Translator
  • Paraprofessional
  • Paraeducator
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Instructional Assistant
  • Instructional Aide
  • Special Education Paraeducator
  • Teaching Assistant

16+ Months to Complete

No GMAT or GRE Exam Required

Zero Residency Requirement

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    McNeese State University
  Aug 22, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog    
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Total Hours Required for Degree: 58

McNeese State University’s Master of Arts in Psychology program with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been approved by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board and accredited by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). The program prepares master’s level graduates to practice in community settings as applied behavior analysts. It provides the academic training and supervised experience necessary for graduates to apply for national board certification in behavior analysis. Training emphasizes the development of both assessment and intervention skills.

The student is required to complete 18 hours of core credits and 40 credit hours of concentration classes for a total of 58 credit hours. This is a thesis program and internship. All practicum and internship placements are in the McNeese Autism Program and/or the Clinical Applied Behavior Analysis Academy. The Department of Psychology and Counseling also has human and animal operant lab facilities in which students can gain experience in single-subject procedures.

The Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration, MA program is offered both face-to-face and 100% online.

Program Admission

In addition to the  general requirements for admission    to the William J. Doré, Sr. School of Graduate Studies, applicants for admission to the Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration, MA program must meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum score of 285 on the GRE (Quantitative + Verbal); and
  • Three hours of statistics plus a minimum of 18 hours in psychology, including 3 hours in each of the following:  experimental psychology, abnormal psychology, and social psychology.

The above are considered minimum requirements. In addition, students must be accepted by the Departmental Admissions and Retention Committee, which will make its determination subsequent to the student’s completion of 12 hours or the first semester of graduate work. Students are considered to be working on the Master of Arts in Psychology only after being accepted by the committee and being admitted to candidacy.

Term 1: Fall - 10 hours

  • PSYC 603 - Principles of Learning and Behavior Cr: 3
  • PSYC 605 - Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis Cr: 1
  • PSYC 620 - Single-Subject Methodology Cr: 3
  • PSYC 647 - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis Cr: 3

Term 2: Spring - 9 hours

  • PSYC 612 - Conceptual Foundations of Behavior Analysis Cr: 3
  • PSYC 627 - Applied Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis Cr: 3
  • PSYC 628 - Applied Behavior Analysis Interventions Cr: 3

Term 3: Summer - 9 hours

  • PSYC 625 - Ethics for Behavior Analysts Cr: 3
  • PSYC 639 - Human Growth and Development Cr: 3
  • PSYC 660 - Applied Behavior Analysis Internship I Cr: 3

Term 4: Fall - 12 hours

  • PSYC 615 - Verbal Behavior Cr: 3
  • PSYC 658 - Experimental Analysis of Behavior Cr: 3
  • PSYC 661 - Applied Behavior Analysis Internship II Cr: 3
  • PSYC 699 - Thesis Cr: 1-6  (Must accrue 3 credit hours)

Term 5: Spring - 9 hours

  • PSYC 617 - Behavioral Assessment Cr: 3
  • PSYC 662 - Applied Behavior Analysis Internship III Cr: 3
  • PSYC 684 - Professional Standards for Behavior Analysts Cr: 3

Term 6: Summer - 3 hours

  • PSYC 663 - Applied Behavior Analysis Internship IV Cr: 3

Term 7: Fall - 6 hours

  • PSYC 600 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis Cr: 3
  • PSYC 664 - Applied Behavior Analysis Internship V Cr: 3

General Notes

  • At least one-half of the total number of credit hours required for a graduate degree, excluding credit for thesis, must be at the 600 level.
  • Credits applied must be earned within 6 calendar years from the time the student first enrolled in the program.
  • No grade below C and not more than 6 credit hours of C work can be applied toward the degree.
  • Only transfer credits with a grade of B or better may be applied toward the degree.
  • All degree and graduation requirements may be found on the Graduate School Regulations    page.

Purdue University Graduate School

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Steel-concrete composite (SC) walls are increasingly gaining interest as an alternative to reinforced concrete (RC) walls for safety-related nuclear facilities. The major loading for the SC design is seismic loading. Seismic loading results in combined in-plane shear with axial or out-of-plane moment loading on SC structures. The primary resistance against the lateral loading in these structures is provided by in-plane shear resistance. While the AISC N690 design code includes equations for determining in-plane shear capacity and combined loading, its guidance is limited to pure in-plane shear capacity, in-plane shear combined with out-of-plane moments and combined out-of-plane shear forces. It lacks comprehensive design equations for combined loadings, such as in-plane shear with axial or out-of-plane moment loading. Additionally, the N690 design equation for in-plane shear capacity is somewhat conservative. Understanding the behavior of SC walls under these combined loadings is crucial for their optimal design.

This research addresses this gap by performing numerical investigation based on the finite element modelling (FEM) and mechanics-based approaches to analyze the behavior of SC walls under these loadings. The models were verified and validated using data from previous experimental studies. A parametric study was conducted to evaluate the impact of various design and material parameters on the in-plane shear capacity under combined loadings. Based on the parametric data and linear regression analysis, design equations were formulated to predict the in-plane shear capacity. Interaction envelopes were developed to compare the results from these models with those from previous numerical studies. Finally, practical design guidance and design equations were provided to design these structures.

Degree Type

  • Master of Science
  • Civil Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Additional committee member 2, additional committee member 3, usage metrics.

  • Structural engineering

CC BY 4.0

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masters thesis behavior analysis

Presentation Master's thesis - Katharina A. Pohlmeier - Work & Organisational Psychology

Roeterseilandcampus - Building G, Street: Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-b, Room: GS.05


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  2. PDF Masters of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis Thesis Manual

    I. Introduction to the Master's Thesis. In the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Department at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP), a requirement for graduation with a Master's Degree includes the development of a written Master's Thesis, and the subsequent oral defense of the thesis.

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    Abstract. The purpose of the present study was to compare rates of multiplication fact acquisition in a control condition with two other remedial trial conditions. The participants were two school-aged children with autism. During a pretest, the participants were presented with flashcards containing unsolved multiplication facts and were asked ...

  8. The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale

    The Behavior Analyst 1990, 13, 205-210 No. 2 (Fall) The Masters Thesis in Applied Behavior Analysis: Rationale, Characteristics, and Student Advisement Strategies William L. Heward, Timothy E. Heron, and John 0. Cooper The Ohio State University The conceptualization and successful production of original scholarship in the form of a dissertation ...

  9. The Masters Thesis in Applied Behavior Analysis: Rationale

    Finally, we invite faculty in programs requiring a thesis to share the outcomes with the behavior analysis community. Discover the world's research 25+ million members

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  12. PDF The Masters Thesis in Applied Behavior Analysis: Rationale

    the advisement behavior the the of thesis and ' masters a the has ...

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  14. The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale

    The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale, characteristics, and student advisement strategies. William L. Heward, ... Chase PN, Wylie RG. Doctoral training in behavior analysis: Training generalized problem-solving skills. Behav Anal. 1985 Fall; 8 (2):159-176. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] Deitz SM. Defining applied ...

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    games, meaning that it takes little effort to engage in the game and that the sequence from bet. to outcome is quick (Petry, 2005; Weiner, 1962). Once the pattern of behavior is established, the level of response cost can be increased and still maintain the behavior (Petry, 2005).

  20. The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale

    The masters thesis in applied behavior analysis: Rationale, characteristics, and student advisement strategies Behav Anal. 1990 Fall;13(2):205-10. doi: 10.1007/BF03392542. Authors W L Heward, T E Heron, J O Cooper. PMID: 22478071 PMCID: PMC2733421 DOI: 10.1007/BF03392542 No abstract available ...

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    Steel-concrete composite (SC) walls are increasingly gaining interest as an alternative to reinforced concrete (RC) walls for safety-related nuclear facilities. The major loading for the SC design is seismic loading. Seismic loading results in combined in-plane shear with axial or out-of-plane moment loading on SC structures. The primary resistance against the lateral loading in these ...

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    Comparative Cultural Analysis (master) Comparative Literature (master) ... Presentation Master's thesis - Katharina A. Pohlmeier - Work & Organisational Psychology. Last modified on 21-08-2024 16:52. share. print. Reward of Rejection for Speaking Up - The Relationship Between Employee Voice Behavior and Leader Rejection Mediated by Leader´s ...