
Essay on Plastic Bags

Students are often asked to write an essay on Plastic Bags in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Plastic Bags

The importance of plastic bags.

Plastic bags are light, cheap, and easy to store. They are found in every store because they are convenient for carrying items. They are waterproof and can hold many things.

The Downside of Plastic Bags

Alternatives to plastic bags.

We can use reusable bags made of cloth or jute. These are eco-friendly and can be used many times.

While plastic bags are handy, they harm our environment. We should use alternatives for a healthier planet.

250 Words Essay on Plastic Bags


Plastic bags, ubiquitous in our daily lives, are a paradox of utility and environmental hazard. They are lightweight, cheap, and waterproof, making them an essential tool for carrying goods. However, the environmental impact they cause is severe, thus necessitating a critical examination of their use.

The Utility of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags have become indispensable due to their convenience. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and can be easily produced on a large scale. Moreover, their waterproof nature ensures the safe transportation of goods, even in adverse weather conditions. Thus, the utility of plastic bags is undeniable.

Environmental Impact

Despite their convenience, plastic bags pose a significant threat to the environment. They are non-biodegradable, meaning they do not decompose naturally. Instead, they break into smaller, toxic particles known as microplastics, contaminating soil and water bodies. They are also a major contributor to landfill waste and can harm wildlife when improperly disposed of.

Alternatives and Solutions

Addressing the plastic bag problem requires a two-pronged approach. Firstly, promoting alternatives such as reusable bags, biodegradable plastics, or materials like jute and cloth. Secondly, implementing strict regulations on plastic bag production and use, including levies or outright bans.

500 Words Essay on Plastic Bags

Plastic bags have become an integral part of our everyday lives, serving a variety of purposes, from carrying groceries to packaging goods. Their convenience and affordability have made them a ubiquitous presence in our consumer society. However, the environmental impact of their widespread use has emerged as a major concern.

The Rise of Plastic Bags

The advent of plastic bags in the mid-20th century revolutionized the packaging industry. They were lighter, cheaper, and more durable than paper or cloth bags. Additionally, their water-resistant properties made them more versatile. However, this convenience came with a cost. Plastic bags are typically made from non-renewable resources such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal. This makes their production energy-intensive and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

The environmental impact of plastic bags is profound. They take hundreds of years to decompose, leading to long-lasting pollution. In landfills, they slowly release toxic chemicals into the soil. In oceans, they pose a threat to marine life, often mistaken for food by animals, causing suffocation and death. Furthermore, plastic bags contribute to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating mass of plastic debris twice the size of Texas.

Health Impact

There are several alternatives to plastic bags, such as reusable bags made of cloth or other sustainable materials. Many countries and cities have implemented bans or taxes on plastic bags, encouraging consumers to switch to these alternatives. Recycling is another potential solution, although the rate of plastic bag recycling is currently very low.

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essay on use of plastic bags

Should Plastic Bags Be Banned? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Should plastic bags be banned for free in all 50 states and instead charge a fee for each plastic bag used at the checkout? This will be the focused research question for this essay. In contemporary settings, the need to conserve the environment holds essence to a considerable degree. Plastic bags contribute to environmental pollution significantly. Thus, the establishment of policies that seek to curb the use of such bags is essential (Ritch et al. 170). In the United States, various states consider establishing and implementing strategies to curb the use of plastic bags at the checkout of retail and grocery stores. Several cities impose charges of up to $10 on customers using plastic bags. However, the strategy has not been effective in discouraging the utilization of environmentally unfriendly materials (Clapp and Swanston 318). Currently, several states including Arizona, Missouri, Idaho, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Utah, have tabled laws that would see the ban of plastic bags use, primarily at retail store checkouts. However, there is a need for all 50 states to prohibit the use of plastic bags at the checkout of retail and grocery stores.

The use of plastic bags has detrimental effects on the environment. Plastic bags cause harmful consequences to forests, lakes, rivers, and oceans. The harm undermines the survival of flora and fauna in their natural habitat. Usually, plastic waste finds its way to water bodies where it soaks the toxins, which are transferred to aquatic life. Besides endangering the life of aquatic creatures, the toxins have the potential of finding their way to the top of the food chain, thereby posing adverse health implications on the human population. The problem of plastic bags threatens the sustainability of the 40 billion dollar ocean economy (Clapp and Swanston 320). Further, it is costly to finance the cleanup and recycling of plastic bags conducted in the entire United States. Therefore, the need to foster the sustainability of the natural environment calls for the free ban on plastic bags used for shopping in all the 50 states.

The research seeks to advocate legislation that would see the permanent ban on the use of plastic bags when shopping in retail and grocery outlets. The current proposal also aims at underlining the essence of engaging in practices that foster environmental sustainability in the United States. The inquiry seeks to uncover the insignificance of charging shoppers who use plastic bags at the checkout. The value of the environment overrides the collected revenues. Environmental degradation has long-term implications for generations to come. Further, the ban would relieve citizens from the financial burdens incurred from the activities involved in the cleanup and recycling of plastic waste.

The following research questions would be crucial in establishing a solution to the current problem induced by the use of plastic bags when shopping.

  • What are the environmentally adverse effects of using plastic bags when shopping at retail and grocery stores in the United States?
  • Does the application of charges at the checkpoints to shoppers using plastic bags contribute to the reduction of pollution caused by such materials?
  • How would the ban on the usage of plastic bags when shopping at retail and grocery stores contribute to the sustainability of the environment in the United States?

The inquiry has considerable significance on the move towards the creation of a green environment. Thus, it would be integral in promoting a collaborative approach towards fostering the sustainability of the environment. Answering the research questions would underline the relevance of the inquiry.

The study would heighten awareness regarding the harmful outcomes of using plastic bags when shopping. Uncovering the threats posed by the plastic bags would emphasize the need to protect people, plants, and animals from harm caused by the waste that is usually difficult to dispose of efficiently. The inquiry is also significant since it would inspire the importance of sustainable development in the United States’ economy.

The study is also important since it would facilitate an evaluation of the various measures implemented to discourage the use of paper bags in the United States. Notably, the charges subjected to shoppers using the bags have realized insignificant successes in combating pollution. Moreover, the inquiry is relevant since it will facilitate the implementation of a policy that will be integral in tackling contamination in contemporary settings.

The inquiry holds the belief that plastic bags account for a significant degree of pollution of the water bodies. Therefore, failure to ban the use of plastic bags is believed to undermine the sustainability of the United States’ environment. However, the study assumes that paper bags have greater adverse effects on the environment compared to plastic bags.

The primary idea of this study is to uncover the relevance of banning the use of plastic bags in the United States. However, the study is prejudiced since it treats the plastic bags as if they are the principal cause of environmental degradation in the country. The environment faces degradation threats resulting from major pollutants such as industrial wastes and toxic gas emissions.

The undertaking of the inquiry would consider the integration of mixed research design. As such, the sample population would comprise of the key stakeholders who influence the use of plastic bags for shopping purposes. The research would use non-probability sampling methods to acquire the sample population. Stakeholders including policymakers, environmental conservation experts, and shoppers would constitute the sample population.

The preliminary research reveals that several states have established policies that ban the use of plastic bags as others are on the verge of making significant progress. However, there is a need to intensify the effectiveness of such policies in the entire country as a way to combat the problem of environmental degradation. In this regard, advocacy for the banning of plastic bags should take the center-stage in all the 50 states.

The prohibition would be a significant step towards the establishment of similar policies that seek to foster environmental conservation. The cost of cleaning up and recycling plastic bags poses a sizable burden on the taxpayer. Paper bags have an adverse implication on the environment in comparison to plastic bags. Nevertheless, winning small battles is what inspires stakeholders to pursue victory in wars. Conversations are underway to establish environmental policies that will prohibit the use of plastic bags across the United States. Environmentalists from the different states are coming together to push for comprehensive policies. The objective is to ensure that no state is left behind in the endeavor to conserve the environment.

The prohibition of the use of plastic bags in shopping at retail and grocery stores can go a long way towards conserving the environment instead of imposing charges on customers who disregard the essence of considering bio-degradable bags. The problem of the use of plastic bags is serious since it has the potential of harming the health of individuals who consume aquatic foods contaminated with toxins from the plastic bags wastes. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate the viability of banning plastic bags.

Works Cited

Clapp, Jennifer, and Linda Swanston. “Doing Away with Plastic Shopping Bags: International Patterns of Norm Emergence and Policy Implementation.” Environmental Politics , vol. 18, no. 3, 2009, pp. 315-332.

Ritch, Elaine, et al. “Plastic Bag Politics: Modifying Consumer Behavior for Sustainable Development.” International Journal of Consumer Studies , vol. 33, no. 2, 2009, pp. 168-174.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 14). Should Plastic Bags Be Banned? https://ivypanda.com/essays/should-plastic-bags-be-banned/

"Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?" IvyPanda , 14 Sept. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/should-plastic-bags-be-banned/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Should Plastic Bags Be Banned'. 14 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?" September 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/should-plastic-bags-be-banned/.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?" September 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/should-plastic-bags-be-banned/.


IvyPanda . "Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?" September 14, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/should-plastic-bags-be-banned/.

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  • Should Plastic be Banned


Essay on Plastic Ban: Why We Must Ban Plastic

Plastic bags, made of stable organic polymers, pose a significant threat to the environment. These long chains of carbon atoms are chemically stable, making them resistant to environmental breakdown. Despite their industrial importance and affordability, the environmental impact of plastic bags is becoming evident.

The non-degradable waste from years of plastic use is now causing pollution in the air, water, soil, and every part of nature. Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to land and water pollution globally. The excessive use of plastics introduces them into our food chain, posing health risks such as organ failure and respiratory distress.

Animals, both on land and in water, unknowingly consume plastic, leading to blockages and respiratory failure. Marine animals often die from entanglement in plastic waste. Additionally, plastic bags accumulate in waterways, clogging drains and sewers, resulting in disease vectors and reduced oxygen supply to aquatic animals.

Efforts to tax plastic use have been ineffective. However, before banning plastics, suitable replacements must be available to avoid inconvenience. The urgency to save our planet, our only home, calls for a global ban on plastic bags.

The pervasive use of plastic, while convenient and durable, has unleashed a hidden monster - plastic pollution. This threat affects every corner of the planet, endangering life on land and in water. Banning single-use plastics is crucial for a healthier planet and a brighter future.

Plastic pollution extends to our oceans, with an estimated 8 million tons entering annually. Gyres of plastic debris harm marine life, suffocating sea turtles and posing threats to entire ecosystems. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch serves as a stark reminder of the uncontrolled plastic plague.

The impact on land is equally alarming, with plastic bags causing floods, contaminating the food chain with microplastics, and overflowing landfills. The health risks to humans include disruptions to the endocrine system and potential long-term consequences from exposure to microplastics.

To combat plastic pollution, a multi-pronged approach is needed. Banning single-use plastics, promoting responsible production and disposal, and investing in alternatives are crucial steps. This crisis presents an opportunity for collective action, innovation, and a shift towards a circular economy.

The fight against single-use plastic is not just an environmental crusade but a battle for the health and future of our planet. It requires a shift towards responsible use, mindful disposal, and a commitment to a future where convenience does not harm the planet. By embracing the ban on single-use plastics, we pave the way for a healthier planet and a testament to human ingenuity and environmental stewardship.

Towards a Plastic-Free Tomorrow

Imagine a world where beautiful beaches invite you with golden sands, not piles of plastic. Coral reefs thrive with life, free from plastic's suffocating hold. Clean air fills our lungs, untouched by the fumes of burning plastic. This isn't a far-off dream; it's a possible future if we take action.

A plastic ban isn't a fight against convenience; it's a necessary shift for a sustainable future. It's a call to embrace responsibility, innovation, and deep respect for our shared planet. Let's meet this challenge, break free from plastic's grasp, and reclaim a future where life unfolds in vibrant, unspoiled glory.

The plastic crisis isn't a distant threat; it's a fire at our doorstep. A plastic ban might seem drastic, but it's the necessary action we need. By prioritizing our planet's health and our well-being, we can pave the way for a plastic-free future. It's not just about inconvenience; it's about reclaiming our future, one reusable bag, one biodegradable choice at a time.


FAQs on Should Plastic be Banned

1. Are plastic bags a boon for nature or a curse?

Plastic bags are small and lightweight, making them easy to transport.

This may appear to be a blessing to us, but there is another side to the coin.

Because they are light, they are easily carried away by the wind and water.

As a result, they end up in seas and oceans, polluting them. Furthermore, they become tangled in fences and trash our landscapes when carried away by the wind.

The ingredient used to produce plastic bags is polypropylene, which is why they are so long-lasting.

This polypropylene, on the other hand, is made from natural gas and petroleum, and it is non-biodegradable.

There is a common misperception that recycling is a better option than using plastic bags. This eventually compels the producers to produce more, and the process repeats itself with a tiny modification in the number of units produced.

Plastic bags are damaging to human health, even though they are one of the most practical bags for carrying lots of things.

2. How to minimize the use of plastic?

Plastic bag-related hazards are frequently disregarded and underestimated.

This is because individuals do not consider the long-term consequences of the compact, easy-to-carry bags they use on a daily basis.

Plastic bags have been banned in a number of several throughout the world.

In many Indian states, the use of plastic bags has also been limited by the government.

To ensure that the usage of these bags is prohibited, the government must take stringent measures. There needs to be a complete ban on the production of plastic bags.

Retailers must also be penalized if they offer plastic bags.

Those who are caught carrying plastic bags should be penalized as well.

3. Why should plastic be banned?

There are a variety of reasons why governments around the world have enacted tough regulations to limit the use of plastic bags. Here are a few reasons

Plastic bags that have been discarded are heavily damaging the land and water.

Plastic bags have become a hazard to the lives of both terrestrial and aquatic species.

Waste plastic bags emit chemicals into the soil, rendering it infertile.

The use of plastic bags has a harmful influence on human health.

The drainage issue is caused by plastic bags

4. What problems are caused by plastics?

Here are some of the issues that plastic bags cause:

Non-Biodegradable- Plastic bags do not decompose. As a result, disposing of plastics is the most difficult task.

Environmental Degradation- They are destroying nature as a result of their negative impact. Today, plastic bags are the leading cause of land pollution. Plastic bags that end up in aquatic bodies are a major source of pollution. As a result, we may conclude that these are wreaking havoc on our ecosystem in every manner possible.

Animals and Marine Creatures are Harmed- Plastic particles are inadvertently consumed by animals and aquatic species. According to research, waste plastic bags are a major cause of untimely animal fatalities.

Illness in Humans- Toxic chemicals are released during the manufacture of plastic bags. These are the leading causes of death. The polluted environment is a key cause of a variety of diseases that are easily spread among humans.

Sewage Back-Up- The biggest cause of drain and sewage blockages, especially during rainstorms, is waste plastic bags. This could result in a flood-like situation, disrupting people's daily lives.

5. Does plastic cause pollution?

Yes, plastic causes pollution. Plastic bags are a key source of plastic pollution, a type of waste that is wreaking havoc on our ecosystem. It poses a threat to human life on the planet. To decrease pollution, plastic bags must be prohibited. Plastic bags pollute the environment, the air, and the water. This is why they have been outlawed in a number several. However, they are still widely used in most parts of the world, and they are proving to be environmentally hazardous.

6. Are Plastic Bags Banned in India?

In October 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a nationwide ban on single-use plastic which is used for carrying food for eating or drinking cups that is discarded immediately after one use was put into effect so as to achieve the goal to make India plastic-free by 2022. As this kind of plastic is not easily recyclable it is a great way to conserve nature.

7. What are the Alternatives to Plastic?

As of now till there are other options one can use paper bags or cotton bags, these are easily available and can also be easily hand-made. The material is so good that it lasts a long time and doesn’t get damaged easily and when dumped is decomposed easily as it is made of biodegradable and renewable sources.

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Essay on Plastic Bag in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Plastic Bags: Plastic Bags are used for various purposes. The most common use of these bags is to carry grocery items. These are easily available in the market and thus used extensively. However, disposing these bags is a big issue as these are non-biodegradable. They have become a major cause of land pollution. Plastic bags are harming our environment more than anything else. The use of these bags must be banned in order to save the environment from their harmful effects.

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Long and Short Essay on Plastic Bag in English

Here are essays on Plastic Bag of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. You can go with any Plastic Bag essay which you like the best for you:

Essay on Plastic Bag | Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay | Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health

Short Essay on Plastic Bags – Essay 1 (200 words)

Plastic bags are commonly seen in the market. These bags are available in various sizes and come handy while shopping. These are light and inexpensive. This is the reason why these are being used extensively. However, it is important to understand that as convenient as these are to carry and use these are equally harmful for the environment.

Unlike the cloth and paper bags, the plastic bags are non-biodegradable. It is a challenge to dispose them off. Used plastic bags stay in the environment for years and contribute to land and water pollution. This is the reason why many countries have banned the use of these bags. These countries have replaced plastic bags with paper bags or reusable cloth bags.

The government of India has also banned the use of plastic bags in many states however the same has never been implemented properly. We must understand that these have been banned for our good. Every individual must take it has his responsibility to stop the use of these bags to make our environment cleaner.

The use of plastic bags must be banned throughout the world in order to make earth a better place to live. The task should not be very difficult as these can easily be replaced by bags made of other materials.

Essay on How Plastic Bag is Harmful to Health and Environment – Essay 2 (300 words)


Plastic bags are preferred over other kinds of bags as these are economical, light and easy to carry. Though these are widely popular we cannot overlook the harmful effects of these bags on the environment as well as the health hazards they cause.

Plastic Bags Ruin the Environment

Plastic bags contain synthetic polymer – a substance that causes harm to the environment as it is non-biodegradable. It is hard to dispose of plastic bags due to this nature of plastic. The waste plastic bags lead to pollution. Since these are extremely light they are easily blown by the wind and scatter far and wide. They do not only pollute our towns and cities but even enter the oceans and become a threat for the marine life.

Plastic Bags are Hazardous for Health

Plastic bags cause health problems in human beings as well as animals. Waste food and vegetable and fruit peels are usually thrown away in plastic bags. Animals and birds often gulp pieces of plastic while having food. This causes various diseases and illnesses in them. Gulping plastic bags can even choke their throat and suffocate them to death.

Likewise, the marine creatures also tend to mistake the plastic pieces for food and eat them. This toxic substance causes various health problems in them. People who have sea food can get infected if they have fishes, lobsters or other marine creatures suffering from illness.

Besides, the pollution caused due to plastic bags is a cause of various illnesses.

Thus, plastic bags are ruining our beautiful environment and have become a threat to our health. It is high time we must stop the use of plastic bags. We must think about the bigger scenario rather than convenience of a few seconds. It is not that difficult to keep a cloth bag with us as we head to the market. This will go a long way in keeping our environment clean.

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Essay on Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags – Essay 3 (400 words)

Plastic bags are one of the most widely used bags when it comes to carrying grocery items. However, these are one of the worst types of bags to use as these cause a major harm to the environment. These light bags get torn into small pieces over the time but do not get disposed off because they are non-biodegradable. They remain in the environment for years and years and add to land, air and water pollution.

Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags on Plants

Trees and plants are an integral part of our environment. They are a source of the life-giving oxygen and one of the main reasons life is possible on our planet. Unfortunately, we human beings are ruining these beautiful creations of God. Among other things, it is the plastic bags that are causing immense harm to the flora.

Today, plastic bags have become a major cause of land pollution. The toxic chemicals produced by plastic contaminate the soil. This is hampering the growth of the plants. Since these are light and are carried by wind to different places, the agricultural land is also getting affected by them. They are deteriorating the soil quality making it less fertile. They damage the seeds sown in the ground and interfere with the growth of plants.

Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags on Animals and Humans

As the environment gets deteriorated and the growth of agricultural crops and other trees and plants gets hindered, life of animals and human beings is likely to get worse. The pollution caused due to plastic bags impacts the human beings and animals directly as well as indirectly.

Animals open eat plastic bags lying in the garbage. These bags can cause severe damage to their digestive tract and cause various illnesses. Birds, fishes and various marine creatures also eat the plastic content that floats in the air and water and incur various diseases. Humans who consume these creatures having illnesses are likely to incur serious illness.

Besides, animals and marine creatures even tend to gulp plastic bags as it is and are often suffocated to death. Large number of innocent animals die each year because of plastic bags.

Plastic bags are causing immense harm to our environment. The use of these bags must be banned by the government and as responsible citizens we must stop using these bags. In fact, the government should put a ban on the manufacturing of these bags so that these are not circulated in the market.

Essay on Say No to Plastic Bags – Essay 4 (500 words)

Plastic bags are a convenient way to carry our goods. These have become an integral part of our modern day life. We use these almost every day and are often miffed when the shopkeepers tell us these are banned and that we need to either get our own bag or purchase a cloth bag from them to carry our goods. What we fail to understand is that the government has put a ban on these bags for our good.

Why Say NO to Plastic Bags?

Here is why we must say NO to plastic bags and switch to eco-friendly alternatives:

  • Major Cause of Land Pollution

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. These are not good for use mainly because they create a lot of waste. These use and throw bags are a challenge when it comes to disposing them off. They break into tiny pieces and remain in the environment for thousands of years and add to land pollution.

  • Adds to Water Pollution

Plastic bags are extremely light. People litter these bags carelessly. These are easily blown by the wind and enter the water bodies. Besides, most of our packaged food comes in plastic packing. People who go for picnics and camping carry such food and throw the waste plastic bags in the seas and rivers thereby adding to the water pollution.

  • Effect on Plant Growth

The chemicals present in plastic bags contaminate the soil. They make the soil infertile and hinder the growth of plants. These are thus interfering with agriculture which is the major occupation of our country.

  • Serious Illness in Animals

Animals are unable to distinguish between food and packing. They often gulp the whole thing from the garbage bins. Plastic bags get stuck in the digestive system of the animals. They even get stuck in the throat when gulped as it is and chokes them. Besides, tiny pieces of plastic that they eat from the garbage along with their food also gets accumulated in their body and eventually leads to serious illness in them.

  • Responsible for Climate Change

Plastic bags are mostly made of polypropylene which is produced from petroleum and natural gas. These are both non-renewable fossil fuels and their extraction creates greenhouse gases that are the leading cause of global warming.

How to Say NO to Plastic Bags?

Although plastic bags have become an integral part of our everyday life saying no to these should not be as difficult as it seems. The government has put a ban on the use of plastic bags in many states of India but people continue to use these as these are still available in the market.

The government must take strict measures to ensure these are not used. Besides, each one of us should take it as a responsibility to stop using these. Ban on plastic bags can only be successfully implemented if each one of us stops using these sincerely.

The harmful impact of using plastic bags has been stressed upon time and again. We are all aware about the harm they are causing to our environment. We must stop their use to make our environment safer to live.

Essay on Ban on Plastic bags to Save Environment – Essay 5 (600 words)

Plastic is a man-made substance. Unlike natural substances, it is difficult to dispose of plastic as it is non-biodegradable. Plastic bags are used extensively throughout the world and produce a large amount of waste. It is a waste that remains on earth for thousands of years and causes land, water and air pollution. This gives way to serious illnesses and degrades the overall environment.

Plastic Bags should be banned completely because it is a Threat to the Environment

Plastic bags when thrown after use prove to be a major threat to the environment. They pollute the soil and effect the growth of flora. They lead to infertile soil. Both wild plants as well as agricultural crops are affected by this. When the trees and plants suffer then the entire environment is impacted negatively.

Birds and animals mistake plastic for food and eat it. This causes serious illness in them. Large number of animals and marine creatures die each year because of consuming plastic bags. Plastic bags contribute majorly in land and water pollution. These are degrading our environment by the day.

Besides, petroleum is used in the production of plastic. Petroleum is a non-renewable resource and is required for various other purposes as well. Several things that we cannot imagine our lives without run on petroleum. So, we must save this resource for their production rather than wasting it on producing plastic which is ruining our environment.

Ban on Plastic to Save Environment

  • Government Must Take Strict Measures

Plastic bags have been banned in many countries around the world. The government of India has also banned the use of plastic bags in many states. However, the same has not been implemented properly. These are still used extensively throughout the market. It is essential for the government to take strict measures to ensure that the usage of these bags is stopped. Here are some suggestions to ensure strict and smooth implementation of ban on plastic bags:

  • The production of plastic bags must be stopped.
  • The shopkeepers must be fined for circulating plastic bags. Those seen carrying plastic bags must also be fined.
  • Plastic bags already available in the market must be made chargeable.
  • People Must Act Mature

It is high time that the people of our country should understand that plastic bags have been banned for our own good. These have been banned so as to make the environment cleaners and healthier to live. They must thus act maturely and contribute their bit by saying no to plastic bags.

  • Alternatives to Plastic Bags

We have grown used to using plastic bags but is it that difficult to replace these and stop their use? The answer is No! There are many alternatives to the plastic bags.

Plastic bags are mainly used by shoppers to carry grocery items and other goods. It is a good idea to carry a jute bag or a cloth bag whenever we head to the market. Big shopping bags made of clothes are available in the market. We can buy one and reuse it several times. These bags are much better than the plastic bags as they have more capacity. We can keep a good number of things in a big cloth bag. It is much better than holding several small plastic bags. Cloth bags are easier to carry and are also quite firm.

You can also use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Many stores have started providing paper bags as an alternative to the plastic bags.

We humans have caused immense harm to our planet earth. We have degraded the environment and are continuing to do so every day. A switch from plastic bag to cloth bag can be our little effort to reduce pollution and save our environment.

Related Information:

  • Essay on Environment
  • Why Plastic Bags should be Banned
  • Why Plastic Bags are Harmful for Health
  • Speech on Plastic Pollution
  • Speech on Beat Plastic Pollution

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Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment - IELTS Band 9 Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment.

What damage does plastic do to the environment?

What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2  Band 9 Essay Sample Answer (Plastic Bags, Plastic Bottles and Plastic Packaging)

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Sample Essay 1

The pervasive use of plastic, from bags and bottles to packaging, presents a formidable challenge to environmental sustainability. This ubiquity is detrimental due to its non-biodegradable nature, leading to significant pollution and harm to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This essay posits that mitigating plastic's environmental impact requires concerted efforts from both governments and individuals, focusing on enhanced recycling initiatives and fostering a cultural shift towards sustainable consumption.

Governments play a pivotal role in addressing the plastic crisis through policy and infrastructure. By instituting stringent regulations on plastic production and use, including bans on single-use plastics, authorities can significantly reduce plastic waste. For instance, Rwanda's ban on plastic bags has led to notable environmental improvements, underscoring the efficacy of such measures. Moreover, investing in recycling infrastructure and innovation can transform plastic waste management. Advanced recycling technologies not only reduce landfill reliance but also create a circular economy for plastics, minimizing the need for new production. Encouragingly, initiatives like Norway's plastic bottle recycling program, boasting over a 95% recycling rate, exemplify the potential of government-led solutions.

Individual actions are equally crucial in combating plastic pollution. Conscious consumer choices, such as opting for reusable alternatives to plastic bags, bottles, and packaging, can significantly curtail personal plastic footprint. Furthermore, participating in and promoting recycling can enhance the effectiveness of waste management systems. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs can amplify these efforts, fostering a culture of sustainability. Notably, grassroots movements and community-led beach clean-ups have demonstrated the power of collective action in environmental preservation.

In conclusion, the plastic pollution crisis necessitates a dual approach, with governments and individuals both playing essential roles. Through regulatory measures, investment in recycling infrastructure, and a shift towards sustainable consumption practices, the detrimental impacts of plastic on the environment can be significantly mitigated. It is through this synergistic effort that we can aspire to a cleaner, more sustainable future for our planet.

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Sample Essay 2

It is argued that the ecology is negatively impacted by plastic bottles, bags, and packaging. Both governmental and individual initiatives can stop additional devastation by banning the use of plastic, adopting renewable resources, and raising public awareness.

Plastics are not biodegradable, and they are made from crude oil which emits significant amounts of pollution. Specially, our sea creatures are becoming the worst victims because most of the people do not deign to dispose unwanted plastic goods properly. It affects all organisms in the food chain from tiny species like plankton to giant whales. The Natural Environment website estimates that approximately 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals die every year because they get strangled in plastic items. In addition, most of the plastic bags and bottles are thrown into rivers and oceans, causing a significant habitat catastrophe, and leading up to a severe extinction of sea animals.

However, governments can curb these hazardous activities by imposing strict environment law and promoting the environment friendly materials that can be easily recycled and used in place of plastics. As a deterrence, the government could impose extra tax on plastic items and compel people to pay higher for plastic products. Also, organising environmental awareness campaigns could be an effective approach to disseminate the essential information. People from individual level can also make some big impact in deterring plastics by cutting the use of unnecessary packages and shifting to try out scoop shops, loose leaf tea, homemade food cooked from raw materials etc.

To conclude, humans are responsible for environmental damage, impacting the metabolism and killing the marine species, regardless of their sizes. However, proper law enforcement, promotional campaigns to raise public awareness, and lifestyle changes at individual levels could be effective measures to address this issue.

Sample Essay 3

All the plastic materials, such as bags, bottles and packaging, are harmful for the environments. Those materials cause the acute damage to ocean ecology and wildlife. These problems can be tackled by not only imposing the levy or tax refund from government agency but also the self-awareness from consumers.

First and foremost, plastic items have a detrimental impact on the ecology. In other words, because plastics cannot decompose, they pollute both the ocean ecosystem and the food chain of wild animals. For instance, plastic garbage that accumulates on top of coral reefs has a significant negative influence on the famed Great Barrier Reef, which is located on Australia's north-eastern coast. This expulsion of symbiotic algae from the reefs leads to perpetual bleaching. Another appalling example is the possibility of plastic garbage choking wild creatures. Animals can spread toxic wastes via food chains despite the fact that they do not perish from improper feeding.

However, the government can tackle these problems effectively through tax subsidies for using paper products, imposing extra levy on plastics or abolishing one-time use bags. As per policy in the U.K., for instance, the plastic factory would require paying carbon tax when they produce the plastic related products. In addition, the consumers should have self-consciousness on protecting the environment as their responsibilities. They can bring their own collapsible cups instead of purchasing bottles from supermarkets and adopt the reusable bags while doing grocery shopping. Therefore, the government agency can implement the policy and individuals can apply for the reuse products to reduce the plastic substances.

To sum up, plastics are likely to be detrimental to the nature environments like ocean and wildlife. The government and individuals can work together to implement multiple methods to reduce the use of the plastic products.

Sample Essay 4

There are a number of causes of pollution to our environment, for instance, using plenty of plastic materials such as plastic bags for grocery shopping, plastic cups from coffee shops and individual items packed with plastics. But certain measures could be taken to alleviate this problem.

There are several reasons why plastic harms our planet. The main one is that plastic sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins, since our plastic waste has invaded the highest mountains and deepest oceans. No one knows how long it will take to disappear, but it’s at least hundreds of years. In addition, almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels such as gas and oil. It means that our reliance on plastic prolongs our demand of these dirty fuels.

Various possible courses of action could be taken by both governments and people in order to tackle the above. In the first place, governments could provide people proper education about plastic recycling. By educating the general population about recycling symbols, for example, where to locate them on packages, which ones are recyclable will help people make better choices about the plastic they use. The easiest and most direct way that individuals can get started is by reducing use of single-use plastics. Single-use plastics include plastic bags, water bottles, straws, cups, utensils, dry cleaning bags, take-away containers and any other plastic items that are used once and then discarded. To avoid using these, people can purchase and carry with them reusable versions of those products, including bring own reusable bags for grocery shopping and coffee cups to a coffee shop.

In conclusion, various factors have led to problems related to damaging to the environment, but this situation could be addressed by offering free education of plastic recycling by governments and replacing single use plastics to reusable items by individuals. Given this situation, it is recommended that steps should be taken immediately in order to ensure that save our planet where we and the wildlife live on.

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Expert Commentary

The good and the bad of plastic bag bans: Research review

Government bans on lightweight plastic shopping bags have spread in recent years amid fears about plastic’s negative impact on the environment. But alternatives are not necessarily better.

essay on use of plastic bags

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by David Trilling, The Journalist's Resource December 13, 2016

This <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org/environment/plastic-bag-bans-grocery-shopping-environment/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://journalistsresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-jr-favicon-150x150.png" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

Plastic bags kill wildlife, clog waterways and pack landfills. Discarded bags can  spread malaria if   they collect rainwater, offering mosquitos a casual breeding ground. In recent years, local and national governments have begun phasing out or banning lightweight plastic shopping bags. But alternatives are not necessarily greener: People buy more plastic trash bags when shopping bags are unavailable. And a British government study found single-use paper bags contribute more toward global warming than plastic bags.

Not so straightforward:

For some activists, the effort to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags is both urgent and too late. According to a  2008 estimate in Waste Management,  people around the world discard between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags a year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  lists single-use plastic bags as a major contributor, along with food wrappers and fishing nets, to the  Great Pacific Garbage Patch  — vast, shifting waves of trash that often arrive via storm drains and rivers and can entangle marine life or be ingested . According to a 2014 estimate published in PLOS ONE , more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic (not all from bags) weighing a combined 250,000 tons are floating in the world’s oceans.

Yet substitutes also offer cause for concern. A comprehensive  2011 study by the British environmental agency argued that plastic bags are greener than many alternatives. A paper bag must be used four or more times “to reduce its global warming potential to below” that of conventional plastic bags. The reason is that paper production — from the felling of trees to the emissions  and effluent from paper factories — is dirty. The study found “no significant reuse of paper bags,” not even as trash-can liners.


With a referendum in November 2016, California became the first state to ban single-use plastic bags, according to the National Conference on State Legislatures, which keeps an active list  of American laws. Thicker, reusable bags are still available for purchase for 10 cents. Before California, cities often organized the bans: In 2016, for example,  Cambridge  became the first Massachusetts city to ban plastic bags altogether and require merchants to offer paper bags for a fee of no less than 10 cents. By contrast, Missouri’s legislature in 2015 forbid  cities and counties in the state from enacting plastic bag bans.

The European Union passed legislation in 2015 aiming to cut plastic bag use in half by 2019 and half again by 2025. E.U.-member France went further, banning single-use plastic bags on July 1, 2016, and phasing in other , more restrictive bans in the upcoming years – including the prohibition of plastic cooking utensils by 2020.

Do these bans work? They do appear to reduce the number of shopping bags used, but the effect on demand for (potentially pernicious) alternatives is unknown.

  • Five years after Ireland instituted a 15 Euro cent levy on plastic bags in 2002 – Irish stores had been giving out 1.2 billion each year for free – a paper published in  Environmental and Resource Economics   suggested  a 90 percent reduction in use.
  • One year after its ban San Jose  reported “a reduction in bag litter of approximately 89 percent in the storm drain system, 60 percent in the creeks and rivers, and 59 percent in city streets and neighborhoods.”
  • Researchers at Cardiff University, in the United Kingdom, found that a fee for plastic bags introduced in October 2015 has led to a sharp decline in the number of shoppers who take single-use bags at checkout, from 25 percent to 7 percent after one year.
  • China, which banned many types of plastic bags in 2008, claims some successes. But some reports suggest the rule has been difficult to enforce.

Academics have measured consumer behavior and public opinion on plastic bags in many countries, including Turkey , Uganda and Canada . A 2016 study in Social Marketing Quarterly examines how shoppers respond to different incentives for bringing their own shopping bags – such as avoiding a fee or paying a tax – and remarks “that a penalty framed as a tax may be more effective in motivating shoppers to bring reusable bags.”

“Biodegradable” plastic bags:

In 2010, raw plastics production in the U.S. used the energy and natural gas equivalent of 172 million barrels of oil,   government figures  suggest. But some newer plastics are made from vegetable matter, allowing manufacturers to claim their plastics are biodegradable. In theory, that means these plastics can be used to feed bacteria that convert them into water, carbon dioxide and biological matter. But the process rarely works in a landfill – these products need to be composted with the right microbes. When they’re not, they may not break down at all or can release methane, a greenhouse gas. So-called starch-polyester bags, made from a blend of vegetable matter and synthetic plastics, had the highest global warming impact in the  2011 study conducted by the British environmental agency “due to the high impacts of raw material production, transport and the generation of methane from landfill[s].”

The European Union hosts an online forum to discuss biodegradable plastic bags.

Researchers have looked into the policy challenges of biodegradable plastics, how they break down in the ocean and wider environmental impacts .

Our health:

Besides assuming a deviant place in marine ecosystems, there are concerns about the synthetic compounds in plastic that may be oozing into our food. One of the main building blocks of plastics, bisphenol A (also known as BPA), has been shown to stimulate breast cancer cells and damage the quality of rat sperm. Phthalates are another subject of disquiet.


Another plastic causing concern is the microbeads found in some exfoliating facial scrubs and toothpastes, which are rinsed down drains into rivers, lakes and oceans . A 2015 study in the Marine Pollution Bulletin estimated that between 4,594 and 94,500 microplastic particles pass into the sewer during each use (between 16 and 86 metric tons annually in Britain alone). A forthcoming study in Chemosphere finds that microbeads do not accumulate in the gut when fed to goldfish, though both studies recognize their chemical effect in the food chain is unknown. In 2015, President Obama signed the Microbead-Free Waters Act to ban microbeads in hygienic products, though they continue to be used in other countries.

Arguments for plastic:

Proponents of plastic bags argue that they are hygienic and cheap and preserve foods that would otherwise spoil. A number of lobbies have worked to confound legislation that would reduce the availability of plastic bags. In California, for example, The Washington Pos t found that the American Progressive Bag Alliance – a Washington-based group run by a plastics lobby – spent over $3 million in the fourth quarter of 2014 to oppose California’s attempts then to legislate a ban.

Plasticfilmrecycling.org (a project of the American Chemistry Council ) is supported with funds from large multinationals like Dow Chemical and ExxonMobil. Some organizations – such as the Plastics Industry Association , which directs visitors to the American Progressive Bag Alliance and bagtheban.com — support recycling as a solution, rather than less plastic.

Plastic shopping bags are widely reused as trash-can liners, the British environmental agency study points out. When they are banned, the study adds, consumers purchase more plastic trash bags: “The reuse of conventional HDPE [plastic] and other lightweight carrier bags for shopping and/or as bin-liners is pivotal to their environmental performance and reuse as bin liners produces greater benefits than recycling bags.”

Anti-plastic lobbying and activism:

The California plastic bag ban received support from the California Grocers Association . Grocery stores stood to benefit because the law mandated they charge 10 cents for reusable bags.

  • The American Forest and Paper Association argues for the use of paper bags and against the imposition of fees on paper bags.
  • A website – plasticbaglaws.org – founded by a California lawyer who consults for activist organizations, has a number of useful links .
  • The Worldwatch Institute , another nonprofit campaigner, estimates at least 267 animal species have suffered “from entanglement or ingestion of marine debris, and plastics and other synthetic materials.”

Other resources:

  • This 2011 E.U. study shows, among other things, that residents of eastern E.U. members and Portugal use the most plastic bags in the union.
  • Journalist’s Resource profiled a 2016 paper on gender stereotypes and environmentally friendly behavior that found some people think recycling is feminine.
  • A 2015 paper in the Journal of Marketing found that people who bring reusable grocery bags on their shopping trips may purchase more junk food.
  • NOAA has fact sheets on microplastics in the ocean and plastic marine debris .

Keywords: Trash, pollution, waste, plastics, regulations, petrochemicals, chemical lobby

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David Trilling

Plastic Pollution Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on plastic pollution.

Plastic is everywhere nowadays. People are using it endlessly just for their comfort. However, no one realizes how it is harming our planet. We need to become aware of the consequences so that we can stop plastic pollution . Kids should be taught from their childhood to avoid using plastic. Similarly, adults must check each other on the same. In addition, the government must take stringent measures to stop plastic pollution before it gets too late.

Uprise of Plastic Pollution

Plastic has become one of the most used substances. It is seen everywhere these days, from supermarkets to common households. Why is that? Why is the use of plastic on the rise instead of diminishing? The main reason is that plastic is very cheap. It costs lesser than other alternatives like paper and cloth. This is why it is so common.

essay on use of plastic bags

Secondly, it is very easy to use. Plastic can be used for almost anything either liquid or solid. Moreover, it comes in different forms which we can easily mold.

Furthermore, we see that plastic is a non-biodegradable material. It does not leave the face of the Earth . We cannot dissolve plastic in land or water, it remains forever. Thus, more and more use of plastic means more plastic which won’t get dissolved. Thus, the uprise of plastic pollution is happening at a very rapid rate.

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Impact of Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution is affecting the whole earth, including mankind, wildlife, and aquatic life. It is spreading like a disease which has no cure. We all must realize the harmful impact it has on our lives so as to avert it as soon as possible.

Plastic pollutes our water. Each year, tonnes of plastic are dumped into the ocean. As plastic does not dissolve, it remains in the water thereby hampering its purity. This means we won’t be left with clean water in the coming years.

Furthermore, plastic pollutes our land as well. When humans dump Plastic waste into landfills, the soil gets damaged. It ruins the fertility of the soil. In addition to this, various disease-carrying insects collect in that area, causing deadly illnesses.

Should Plastic Be Banned? Read the Essay here

Most importantly, plastic pollution harms the Marine life . The plastic litter in the water is mistaken for food by the aquatic animals. They eat it and die eventually. For instance, a dolphin died due to a plastic ring stuck in its mouth. It couldn’t open its mouth due to that and died of starvation. Thus, we see how innocent animals are dying because of plastic pollution.

In short, we see how plastic pollution is ruining everyone’s life on earth. We must take major steps to prevent it. We must use alternatives like cloth bags and paper bags instead of plastic bags. If we are purchasing plastic, we must reuse it. We must avoid drinking bottled water which contributes largely to plastic pollution. The government must put a plastic ban on the use of plastic. All this can prevent plastic pollution to a large extent.

FAQs on Plastic Pollution Essay

Q.1 Why is plastic pollution on the rise?

A.1 Plastic Pollution is on the rise because nowadays people are using plastic endlessly. It is very economical and easily available. Moreover, plastic does not dissolve in the land or water, it stays for more than hundred years contributing to uprise of plastic pollution.

Q.2 How is plastic pollution impacting the earth?

A.2 Plastic pollution is impacting the earth in various ways. Firstly, it is polluting our water. This causes a shortage of clean water and thus we cannot have enough supply for all. Moreover, it is also ruining our soils and lands. The soil fertility is depleting and disease-carrying insects are collecting in landfills of plastic.

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Essay on Plastic Bags | Plastic Bags Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Plastic Bags: Synthetic bags are one of the most commonly used items today. It makes our work easier and provides us with a lot of conveniences. They are found in essential parts of our lives now, and we use them almost every day for different purposes.

The usage is to the extent that we often get angry at shopkeepers who refuse to offer ten plastic bags. It becomes daunting to carry your bag every time. The shopkeepers’ refusal is due to the governments ban on plastic bags. Plastic bags to make our life easy, but it comes at a cost. Damage or environment and it is high time we all stop using them.

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Long and Short Essays on Plastic Bags for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic “plastic bags” for reference.

Long Essay on Plastic Bags 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Plastic Bags is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Millions of polythene bags are given out to customers by supermarkets and stores to carry their goods in. They are also cheap, durable, light, easy to carry and in many cases, free. The most regularly used shopping bag is made of high-density polythene, which is used in most supermarkets and stores.

Despite being aware of the health risks caused by plastics, people continue to use it regularly. The plastic bag is a significant villain that poses a threat to ecology in general and living things in particular. So it is high time that we eradicate this deathly thing from our environment if we are unable to put a conscious effort to recycle it.

Plastics do not undergo the usual process of decomposition due to its non-biodegradable properties. Hence, it floors the way to severe environmental pollution, spoils the earth and its fertility. Studies suggest that over one trillion plastic bags are being used worldwide every year, and the issue is regarding its disposal.

These plastic wastes accumulate in hips and become a great menace to the ecosystem. If we look forward to burning plastic bag, they emit toxic gases into the atmosphere, which when inhaled causes severe health problems. The usage of plastic bags has been an effective way of transporting articles, but due to the harmful effects and inappropriate disposal, most countries have banned its use to opt for safer options.

Another issue occurs when plastic bags interact with soil and diminish fertility. It has a significant impact on agricultural produce and yielding. During rainfall, these flow into water bodies causing water pollution. Despite this, it wreaks havoc two aquatic species and marine wildlife.

Plastic bags littered carelessly are fed upon cats, dogs, cows, monkeys, etc. This, in turn, can block their uh uh digestive system and ultimately render them to slow death. So the use of plastic bags is considered dangerous to animals. Moreover, children, if exposed to plastic objects, are at high risk of suffocation.

Plastic bags mounted in hips raise much Public Health issue. The dumping yards become the breeding areas of microorganisms that are the source of different life-threatening diseases. This can also lead to multiplication of rats, mosquitoes, etc. It has also found to enter into drainage system resulting in severe blockage.

The usage of plastic bags, in the long run, seeks to contribute to climate variation and global warming. The process of manufacturing plastic involves the emission of greenhouse gases. Plastic bags are proven to cause the environmental imbalance which threatens the environment, which is our basic life-supporting system.

Everyone should make it a practice to use jute bags, cloth bags paper bags instead of plastic bags. We, as humans should encourage others to do the same and let them follow our example. One should spread awareness on the ill effects of plastic bags and be enthusiastic about going green. Switching over to an eco friendly embracing the three R’s, namely reduced, reuse, and recycle.

Short Essay on Plastic Bags 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Plastic Bags is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Plastic bags have become part and parcel of our regular life. From a tiny pen to used containers, plastics possess the lion’s share. If we mainly take a look around us, we can find umpteen items which have plastic content in them. Being inexpensive and easy to carry, it has accomplished to creep into every household.

The ban on plastic does not necessarily mean that its use will cease. The ban is only to control the personal use of plastic bags because people are responsible when it comes to disposal, thus causing environmental pollution. As plastic bags are not disposed of properly, they also degrade the quality of the soil.

We can either see the cons of forbidding plastic bags as a problem or an opportunity. On realising the need, the issue of having less natural resources can turn into a chance to create more natural resources by planting more trees. We must come together to initiate a prohibition on plastics and make the world safer and healthier.

10 Lines on Plastic Bags in English

  • Plastic bags, though helpful in many ways, have proven to be extremely harmful to the environment.
  • Soil stick more than five hundred yours to decompose one plastic bag.
  • Various studies state that these plastic bags are the primary cause of water pollution.
  • Plastic bags can clog our waterways and is also a very harmful toxin for aquatic life.
  • Plastic bag waste cannot be when disposed of through incineration as the process releases harmful gases.
  • These plastic bags are many times mistaken for eatables by birds and animals.
  • The plastic consumed by these animals, congest the digestive tract, often leading to health problems like infections.
  • These plastic bags often get carried away by winds and glitter our landscapes.
  • Polypropylene is the material used to make plastic bags.
  • Plastic bags are banned in most of the countries globally.

FAQ’s on Plastic Bags Essay

Question 1. How can one say no to plastic?

Answer: It is easy to quit using plastic bags. We must carry a cloth or paper bag when shopping. Moreover, we must not accept plastic bags from shopkeepers.

Question 2. Why must we stop using plastic bags?

Answer: Stop using plastic bags as they cause land pollutions, water pollution and soil pollution. They also are the cause of suffocation and death of many animals.

Question 3. How many plastic bags are there in the ecosystem?

Answer: Over one million plastic bags are being used every minute and damaging our environment. In simple words, a child, a man, and a woman uses around 86 plastic bags every year.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1238 - plastic bags, bottles and packaging are bad for the environment, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment., what damage does plastic do to the environment what can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem.

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essay on use of plastic bags

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Plastic Bags

by Dave | Sample Answers | 14 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Plastic Bags

This is the IELTS Writing Task 2 from March 3rd on the topic of banning plastic bags.

It’s a topical issue because cities and nations all around the world have been enacting laws related to this in recent years., read on for a sample answer from a former examiner, analysis, vocabulary practice and some handwritten notes, for more, check out our other sample answers here: ielts sample answers ., be sure to avoid the mistakes that most students make on writing by signing up for my exclusive ielts ebooks here on patreon., sample answer.

Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Some people say they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

No one would deny that the plastic bags used in supermarkets and shops have a negative effect on the environment because they do not degrade and end up as litter in our cities or oceans. However, the replacements for plastic bags also carry significant environmental risks. That is why I think plastic bags should not be banned.

The main environmental side effect related to plastic bags is that they pollute both the land and water. an insignificant percentage of people may reuse or recycle plastic bags, but most ultimately litter or throw them in the trash. if they are thrown in the trash, plastic bags will wind up in the ever-increasing number of landfills and contribute to soil pollution. the ones that are simply tossed in the street clog drains in cities and eventually find their way to the sea and entangle marine life. this is why many feel that plastic bags should be banned., despite the advantages of banning plastic bags, the solutions for plastic bags are worse than the original problem. most people who advocate banning plastic bags suggest paper bags (which are biodegradable) or reusable bags that are typically made from cotton or plastic. both of these replacements are flawed. paper bags require us to continue clearing forests and also carry a large carbon footprint. reusable bags are plagued by similar problems. independent studies have shown that the production of cotton and reusable plastic causes more harm to the environment than disposable plastic bags. coupled with the fact that reusable bags are more difficult to recycle, their overall effect on the environment is worse., i do not think overly simplistic restrictions on plastic bags would have the desired positive effect. rather than thoughtlessly banning them, policy makers should come up with a policy that balances the materials we use for bags in order to produce an overall positive impact on the environment., sample answer analysis, 1. no one would deny that the plastic bags used in supermarkets and shops have a negative effect on the environment because they do not degrade and end up as litter in our cities or oceans. 2. however, the replacements for plastic bags also carry significant environmental risks. 3. that is why i think plastic bags should not be banned., 1. the first sentence simply restates what the general topic is – banning plastic bags. it also includes my main idea for why they should be banned., 2. the second sentence gives the other main idea – why they should not be banned., 3. the third sentence is my opinion – they should not be banned., 1. the main environmental side effect related to plastic bags is that they pollute both the land and water. 2. an insignificant percentage of people may reuse or recycle plastic bags, but most ultimately litter or throw them in the trash. 3. if they are thrown in the trash, plastic bags will wind up in the ever-increasing number of landfills and contribute to soil pollution. 4. the ones that are simply tossed in the street clog drains in cities and eventually find their way to the sea and entangle marine life. 5. this is why many feel that plastic bags should be banned., 1. the first sentence is a topic sentence that includes my main idea for the whole paragraph (the main problem is pollution for land and water). , 2. the second sentence explains my main idea by saying that most plastic bags are either littered or thrown in the trash., 3. the third sentence explains what happens when they are thrown in the trash and the impact on land., 4. the fourth sentence explains the second problem – that the bags that are littered end up in the ocean., 5. the fifth sentence summarizes that these are the reasons plastic bags should be banned., 1. despite the advantages of banning plastic bags, the solutions for plastic bags are worse than the original problem. 2. most people who advocate banning plastic bags suggest paper bags (which are biodegradable) or reusable bags that are typically made from cotton or plastic. 3. both of these replacements are flawed. 4. paper bags require us to continue clearing forests and also carry a large carbon footprint. 5. reusable bags are plagued by similar problems. 6. independent studies have shown that the production of cotton and reusable plastic causes more harm to the environment than disposable plastic bags. 7. coupled with the fact that reusable bags are more difficult to recycle, their overall effect on the environment is worse., 1. the first sentence is a topic sentence that includes my main idea for the whole paragraph (replacing plastic bags is worse than having them)., 2. the second sentence explains my opinion by saying that advocates of banning plastic bags usually recommend paper or reusable cotton bags., 3. the third sentence supports my opinion by saying that both solutions are flawed., 4. the fourth sentence supports my main idea by explaining that paper bags also have a negative environmental impact., 5. the fifth sentence shifts to why reusable bags are also not a good solution., 6. the sixth sentence adds that reusable bags are more difficult to recycle and this makes them worse than single-use plastic bags., 7. state the overall impact to finish the paragraph., 1. i do not think overly simplistic restrictions on plastic bags would have the desired positive effect. 2. rather than thoughtlessly banning them, policy makers should come up with a policy that balances the materials we use for bags in order to produce an overall positive impact on the environment., 1. the first sentence restates the main ideas from the sample answer as well as my overall opinion. make sure you have an overall opinion because the question directly asks you whether or not you agree than plastic bags should be banned., 2. the second sentence adds an extra detail (saying that governments should focus on a more balanced policy rather than a ban) that is needed to get above a band 7 for task achievement according to some, but not all, examiners., vocabulary analysis and practice, i have highlighted some of the key vocabulary from the sample answer., before looking at the definition let’s do some practice, answer the following questions about everything in bold:.

1. Is it a noun/verb/adjective/adverb? Is it a collocation ? A noun-verb collocation? Or verb-noun? 2. What does it mean? 3. Can you think of a synonym?

No one would deny that the plastic bags used in supermarkets and shops have a negative effect on the environment because they do not degrade and end up as litter in our cities or oceans. However, the replacements for plastic bags also carry significant environmental risks . That is why I think plastic bags should not be banned.

The main environmental side effect related to plastic bags is that they pollute both the land and water. an insignificant percentage of people may reuse or recycle plastic bags, but most ultimately litter or throw them in the trash. if they are thrown in the trash, plastic bags will wind up in the ever-increasing number of landfills and contribute to soil pollution. the ones that are simply tossed in the street clog drains in cities and eventually find their way to the sea and entangle marine life. this is why  many feel that  plastic bags should be banned., despite the advantages of banning plastic bags, the solutions for plastic bags are worse than the original problem . most people who advocate banning plastic bags suggest paper bags (which are biodegradable ) or reusable bags  that are typically made from cotton or plastic. both of these replacements are flawed . paper bags require us to continue clearing forests and also carry a large carbon footprint . reusable bags are plagued by similar problems. independent studies have shown that the production of cotton and reusable plastic causes more harm to the environment than disposable plastic bags. coupled with the fact that reusable bags are more difficult to recycle, their overall effect on the environment is worse., i do not think overly simplistic restrictions on plastic bags would have the desired positive effect. rather than thoughtlessly banning them, policy makers  should come up with a policy that balances the materials we use for bags in order to produce an overall positive impact on the environment., vocabulary definitions, negative effect (n):  causes something bad to happen, degrade (v) :  something can fall apart, materials like paper and foods can decay, end up (phrasal verb) :  winds end or finally becomes, litter (n/v): trash that we throw on the street rather than in bins, significant environmental risks (n):  big potential problems for the environment, side effect (n): impact or effect that is not intended but happens anyway, insignificant percentage (n):  small %, reuse (v):  can be used again and again, wind up (phrasal verb):  ends up or finally becomes, ever-increasing (adj):  continues to increase all the time, landfills (n):  big holes in the ground where trash is stored, contribute to (v): adds to or helps make up, clog drains (v):  block drains where water flows when it rains, entangle (v):  get stuck, original problem (n):  the problem from the beginning, advocate (v):  support or suggest, biodegradable (adj):  fancier way of saying degradable, reusable bags (n):  bags that can be used more than once, typically (adv):  usually or normally, flawed (adj):  not perfect, has mistakes or drawbacks, clearing forests (v): cutting down forests, carbon footprint (n): the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, plagued (v): cause trouble to or upset by, i ndependent studies (n): research conducted by outside groups, coupled (v): combined, overall effect (n): the total impact, overly simplistic (adj): too simple, thoughtlessly (adv): without a thought, policy makers (n): the people who make laws, members of government, come up with (phrasal verb): create or imagine, balances (v): to make something equal, produce (v): create or make, join our private facebook group or subscribe to our youtube for more vocabulary exercises: howtodoielts facebook group   and  howtodoielts youtube., plastic bag articles.

The plastic bags ban will greatly disadvantage the poor

Taiwanese Ban on Plastic Bags

Kyoto protocols failures, pros and cons of plastic bags, why you should love plastic bags, beautiful plastic bags, do plastic bag bans work, plastic bag videos, the impact of plastic bags, should plastic bags be banned, example notes, here are some notes i made about plastic bags ( check out more on  our instagram page ).

essay on use of plastic bags

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Do you think plastic bags should be banned? Or should we start using more of them?

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Dear dave, You forgot to analyse the 7th sentence in second body paragraph. 7. Coupled with the fact that…


I got ideas for my essay. Thank you

You’re very welcome!


You’re welcome!


Hi Dave, I am a bit confused about this type of question. I read the blog, how to understand the question for task 2. It was very informative. In this particular essay, as per my understanding, para 1 – describes the problem and para 2- states reason to disagree. But, as per the blog, we need to write the reason for disagreement in both paragraphs.

Thanks for the question, Hari!

This one isn’t a two part question! For this one, I just need to discuss one or both sides and give my opinion.

Read about these here: https://howtodoielts.com/ielts-writing-task-2-structure-agree-disagree-essay/

Nguyễn Đức Nam

Hi Dave Can I write my paragraph with 2 main ideas that are Body 1: the consequences of using plastic bags Body 2: the conveniences of using plastic bags

Yes, that is fine as long as you have an overall opinion on whether or not they should be banned by the end – don’t sit in the middle!


You are doing Mind-blowing job hat’s off

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Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned

List of essays on why plastic bags should be banned in english, short essay on why plastic bags should be banned – essay 1 (100 words), short essay on why plastic bags should be banned – essay 2 (250 words), essay on why plastic bags should not be banned – essay 3 (250 words), essay on why plastic bags should be banned: pros and cons – essay 4 (300 words), essay on why plastic bags should be banned: harmful effects of plastic – essay 5 (300 words), essay on why should plastic bags be banned – essay 6 (400 words), short essay on why plastic bags should be banned – essay 7 (500 words), essay on plastic bags – a boon or a curse – essay 8 (750 words), long essay on why plastic bags should be banned – essay 9 (1000 words).

The students should, therefore, learn how they are made and why is it necessary to ban them? It is very important keeping in mind the ever-increasing global warming and environmental pollution. These short essays for students shall motivate them to discard the use of plastic bags altogether and they shall, in fact, be able to guide others as well.

Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned: Read 5 Selected Essays on Plastic Bags: Pros, Cons, Harmful Effects and Impact of Plastic Bags on Environment.

The ban on plastic bags does not necessarily mean that its use will cease. The ban is only to control individual use of plastic bags because people are irresponsible when it comes to disposal thus causing environmental pollution. As plastic bags are not disposed properly, they degrade the quality of the soil, thus causing soil pollution. This makes the soil infertile and hence affects agriculture. So plastic bags needs to be banned to save soil and ultimately the environment. The ban will regulate the distribution of plastic bags only to heavy duty use and at a fee.

Ban on plastic bags

A lot of people do not know but there are several states that have imposed ban on plastic bags. Different states came up with different laws at varying point of time. However, what is pitiable is the fact that ever since ban on plastic bags were introduced; most shopping stores ended up making these bags chargeable. Their use didn’t decline just that, companies were now making money out of it.

What is to be done?

This brings us to the question as to what is to be done as far as ban on plastic bags is concerned. Keeping in mind the sad state of the environment and the kind of risk we have imposed, the right measures need to be taken at the earliest.

The basic information

First of all, people need to be educated about why they should steer away from the use of plastic. It is only when people truly understand as to how the use of plastic ends up creating damage to the environment which may jeopardize their life or those of the future generation, they may be inclined to do their bit and follow the ban on plastic bags seriously.

Offer alternatives

Further, when the states impose ban on plastic bags, it is important to offer other recycled products and paper bags. It is also important not to have them chargeable because no one likes to pay unnecessarily. So, this is a grave situation and the right actions must be taken before we do more damage than what we can mitigate.

There are no visible reasons behind why plastic bags should not be banned as they are claimed to have poor decomposition property. However, there are certain groups and organizations that support the use of plastic bags. According to their claims, the plastic bag takes up lesser space as compared to its alternative paper bags. In addition the decomposition time and process of paper and plastic bags is the same.

These are some of the findings which clearly explain as why plastic bags should not be banned. The answer to the pollution caused by the plastic bags is bio degradable plastic. Paper bags have been touted to be the best alternative for the plastic bags. However, it is important to understand that the papers are made up of tree. Millions of trees are cut to produce paper. A shortage of tree has led to diminishing forests and disturbed environmental cycle. Shortage of trees has cause many natural calamities like draught and landslides. This is also one of the reasons for why plastic bags should not be banned.

As of now, plastic is irreplaceable. Paper bags can be used for carrying stuff from market to home. But the same cannot be used for storing products like shampoo, chips, candies, and more. Not many are aware of the importance of the plastic and why plastic bags should not be banned. Banning something is not a solution rather finding an alternative can be. Although the government of India is doing its bit in securing the environment, it should also evaluate the other side of the coin. The concerned parties should consider why plastic bags should not be banned if they are not able to find an alternative.


Plastic bags, though useful in many ways, have proved to be extremely harmful to the environment due to one single reason – they are non-bio degradable, which means they do not decompose easily making their disposal a huge challenge.

Our soil takes almost 500 years to decompose one plastic bag. Burning them also does not help as it releases poisonous gases into the atmosphere. Despite its extreme harmful effects, plastic bags are extensively used today because they are light weight, convenient, durable and economical.

Plastic bags are the hash one pollutants of land and ocean. Banning them would mean that we will forever be free from the extreme damages it causes on our environment. Our lands and oceans will have a lot less litter in them. The adverse health effects it causes on humans, animals and marine life is irrevocable. Banning them will tread us on a much healthier journey.

Plastic bags are manufactured using petroleum and produced in quantities of trillions per year. Such huge volumes of petroleum can instead be directed towards more important basic necessities like automobile fuel.

Banning plastic bags will mean that we will have to find a more organic material as an alternate. A well-known alternate for plastic bags are paper bags. The commodity paper is extensively used today and hence is already under mass production, causing a huge toll on our environment by the number of trees being cut down for this sake. Now introducing paper bags will only adverse this. In that case, introducing any other organic material as an alternate for such an extensively used product will only mean a greater depletion of the already minimized natural resources.

We can either look at the cons of banning plastic bags as a problem or opportunity. On realizing the need, the problem of having less natural resources can turn into an opportunity to create more natural resources by planting more trees.


Environmental conservation is a critical aspect that every nation should prioritize. Plastic bags are a great enemy to the environment because they are not biodegradable and contributes to environmental pollution among other hazards. Plastic bags are made of chemicals that are toxic to both humans and the environment.

The use of plastic bags has been an effective way of transporting items but due to the harmful effects and the inappropriate disposal, most countries have banned its use in order to opt for safer options. India has a plan to do away with the use of plastic bags by the year 2022 and I believe it is a realizable goal which will help in reducing the harmful effects.

Harmful effects of plastic bags.

Plastic bags have harmful effects that are related to ow they are used. Using plastic bags to heat food in a microwave cause the release of toxins to the food in it, which upon consumption by humans cause diseases like cancer, asthma and ulcers. Plastic bags that end up in water bodies cause deleterious effects to aquatic life. This is as a result of inappropriate disposal of these plastic bags. The policy of recycling plastic bags has terribly failed because people do not adhere to rules as they are ignorant regarding harmful effects of plastics.

Benefits of banning plastic bags.

Banning plastic bags will definitely reduce harmful effects. Although not immediately because an environmental clean-up will be required. The ban and will regulate disposal of plastic bags through policies of taxation and fines. The world would be a better place without environmental pollution because animals will not die due to consumption of plastic bags, humans would not contact illnesses and the physical and biological aspects of the environment would remain unchanged by plastic bags.


The urbanization, technical revolution, and the ease of every process have led to the usage of plastic in such a way that plastics have become an inevitable component in our day to day life. Plastic bags have become a very common commodity that these are given for free during the purchases at the grocery shops or vegetable shops. But, the actual scenario is, instead of making our lives easy, these plastic bags are the root cause of various issues like environmental pollution, illness in humans and animals, etc.

Problems of using plastic bags:

These plastic bags that we rely on for our every purchase at every store are perilous for the environment. The problem of using plastic bags is much more serious than it actually appears. Various studies report that these plastic bags are the major cause of water pollution. Additionally, these plastic bags make our fertile agricultural land highly infertile by occupying the underground and avoiding the uptake of minerals by the plants.

The increased use of plastic bags makes the disposal of them a herculean task. As plastic is non-biodegradable, it takes almost 5000 years for the degradation to take place. The plastic bags can clog our waterways and is also a very harmful toxin for the aquatic life. Plastic bag wastes cannot be even disposed of through incineration as the process releases harmful gases that can deteriorate the atmosphere.

On a larger scale, plastic bags should be banned as they can be dreadful to wild and marine life as well. Many times, these bags are mistaken for eatables by birds and animals. The plastic, which is consumed by these species, will then congest their digestive tracts, often leading to health problems like infections. Sometimes, this could even lead to the death of these animals by suffocation.

Above all, there are some external costs linked to these plastic bags. In addition to the costs linked to the production and buying of these plastic bags, there are other costs, such as:

  • Environmental costs
  • Resource extraction
  • Resource depletion
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Economic loss
  • Wildlife loss


Plastic bags are banned in most of the countries globally. However, we must understand that mere ban can never help to sort the hazardous effects of the plastic bags. It is high time that we realize the importance of our precious environment and avoid things that can degrade our environment. It is proved that plastics and plastic made materials like bags and toys are making the lifecycle of plants, animals and of course, the users of the plastic bags, the humans tougher. So, let’s go green and avoid plastics for a safer environment and a healthier life.

Plastics have become part and parcel of our daily life. From a tiny pen to huge containers, plastic possess the lion’s share. If we merely take a look around us, we can find umpteen items which have plastic content it. Being cheap and easy to carry, it has managed to creep into every household.

Despite being aware of the health hazards caused by plastics, people continue to use it on a regular basis. The plastic bag is a major villain that poses a threat to the ecology in general and living things in particular. So it is high time that we eradicate this deathly item from our environment, if we are unable to put a conscious effort to recycle it.

Why say no to plastic bags?

Plastics do not undergo the natural process of decomposition due to its non-bio degradable properties; hence, it paves the way to severe environmental pollution, spoils the soil and its fertility.

Studies suggest that over one trillion plastics bags are being used worldwide every year. The issue is regarding its disposal. These wastes accumulate in heaps and become a great menace to the ecosystem. If we look forward to burning plastic bags, they emit toxic gases into the atmosphere, which when inhaled causes severe health problems.

Another issue occurs when the plastic bags interact with soil and diminish the fertility. It has a significant impact on the agricultural produce and yielding. During rain, these flow into water bodies causing water pollution. In spite of this, it wreaks havoc to aquatic species and marine wildlife. Marine species have found consuming plastic pieces by mistake as natural food and finally succumb to death.

Plastic bags littered carelessly are fed upon by dogs, cats, monkeys, cows, etc. This, in turn, can block their digestive system and ultimately render them a slow death. So the use of plastic bags is quite dangerous to animals. Moreover, children, if exposed to plastic items are at high risks of suffocation. They seem to be quite attracted to the plastic bags of different colors and shape, which is very hazardous.

Plastic bags mounted in heaps raises much public health issues. The dumping yards become the breeding grounds of microorganisms that are sources of different life-threatening diseases. These can also lead to the multiplication of mosquitoes, rats, etc., which are the carriers of many epidemics. Plastic bags have proven to cause a visible depletion of natural resources. It is also found to enter into drainage system resulting in severe blocks.

The use of plastic bags, in the long run, seeks to contribute to climate change and global warming. The process of manufacturing plastics involves the emission of greenhouse gases. Hence plastic bags are proven to cause the ecological imbalance which threatens the environment, which is our basic life supporting system.

What can be the solution?

Make it a practice to use jute bags, cloth bags or paper bags instead of plastic bags. Encourage others to do the same and let them follow your example. Spread awareness on the ill effects of plastic bags and be enthusiastic to go green. Switch over to an eco-friendly lifestyle and embrace the 3 R’s, namely Reduce, Re-use and Re-cycle. Remember, change begins from you, and so keep plastic bags at bay.

We come across the use of plastic bags almost every day. There would hardly be a person would not have come across plastic bags. Most the plastic bags we use are discarded after some uses and then these plastic bags find themselves lying in a heap of garbage.

Do you know what happens to them after that? We assume that like the vegetable waste from our kitchens, these bags shall be put to some good use. However, this is not true. They may be recycled, but apart from that, there is hardly anything which can be done from them.

In fact, they are a non-biodegradable waste and shall remain in their present form in the soil or water even after a thousand years. So, do we all realise how harmful these plastic bags are for the environment?

History of Plastic Bags

The plastics we utilize today have made some amazing progress since Alexander Parkes originally acquainted them with the world at London’s Great International Exhibition in 1862. Parkes’ material was a natural subsidiary of cellulose that could be formed when warmed and after that kept up its shape after cooling.

The Coining of the word “Plastic”

Yet, it wasn’t until 1909 that “plastic” was instituted. Leo H. Baekeland utilized the term to depict another class of materials that included “Bakelite,” a substance he made from coal tar. Bakelite was utilized to deliver numerous things, including phones, cameras, and even ashtrays. In spite of the fact that a key segment in these things, plastics did not turn out to be extremely well known until after World War I, when oil, a more effortlessly handled substance than coal, turned out to be promptly accessible.

Plastic Bags – A Boon or a Curse?

Plastic bags are lightweight and be carried anywhere without much effort. This may sound a boon to us but wait; there is another side of the coin as well. Being lightweight makes them getting carried away by the wind as well as water. Hence they land up in seas and oceans and pollute them. Moreover, while getting carried away with the wind, at times, they get stuck up in fences and litter our landscapes.

Polypropylene is the material used to make plastic bags which makes them so durable to use. However, this polypropylene is prepared from natural gas and petroleum and they are no-biodegradable as well. Moreover, during the production of various plastic products, including the plastic bags, green-house gases are released which is a major cause of global warming in the world today.

There is a misconception that recycling is an alternative to the misuse of plastic bags. However, it is not widely known that an average of only 5% of the plastic bags can be recycled with the remaining 95% finding their way in soil, water and landscapes.

Although they are considered as one of the most convenient bags to carry loads of products, plastic bags are harmful to human health. There are a few synthetic substances from the plastic bags which can disturb the typical working of hormones in the body.

Most plastic pieces in the seas like plastic bags have a few contaminations, for example, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) together with PAHs (Polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbons) which are hormone disturbing. When the marine creatures devour these synthetic concoctions, they travel through the food web then later into the people who consume sea animals especially the fishes. They could create malignant growths or different genuine conditions.

How can we minimise their use?

Plastic bags have been restricted in a number of nations all over the world. The government of India has additionally restricted the utilization of plastic bags in many states. It is important for the government to take strict measures to guarantee that the use of these bags is stopped. In fact, there must be curbs on the production of plastic bags altogether.

Similarly, the retailers must be fined for selling plastic bags. Those seen carrying plastic bags should likewise be fined. Another strategy which can be used is that good quality plastic bags which are made available in the market must be made chargeable.

There is no doubt that plastic bags have made our lives simpler from multiple points of view. We see them blowing around on the roads and they regularly wind up in streams and the seas. These bags can be unsafe to creatures, for example, turtles, that ingest them or are choked by them, particularly in marine conditions where plastic bags look like jellyfish and other eatable things.

The one stop bag which comes as a solution to carrying liquids, commodities to garments, plastic bags have been a rage since the beginning of time ( At least for the Millennials & Techno Kids). In 1933, when the world’s super powers were busy fighting each other, one of the powerful monarchs of the time, British Empire had time to create a Polyethylene in a plant in Northwest England solely for Industrial purposes.

After nearly 30 years of research the Swedish Company Celloplast patented the Polyethylene Bag which was designed by Sten Gustaf Thulin. Thus, putting an end to the organic counterpart’s cloth, paper and glass bottles for liquid storages. In this essay we will discuss briefly the aftermath of this unique discovery.

Popularity of Plastic Bags

The popularity of the plastic bags is majorly because of the super markets across Europe and US which quickly adopted the bags in the early 1980’s. Safeway and Kroger were the two supermarket giants of US who became the pioneers in spreading the then boon of carrying of state of matter. From the mid of 80’s plastic bags were in the nook and corner of the earth making it an indispensable product in the world.

Bane of Plastic Bags

Most of the plastics which are in existence are made of long chains of Ethylene monomer molecules which in turn is derived from natural gas and petroleum. Also , the outlook of the plastic is enhanced by adding coloured dyes and other additives . These make the plastic durable and at the same time non-degradable. In one of the articles by “The Outlook”, it has been mentioned that one plastic bag takes around 500 to 1000 years to decompose .

In another article written by Darrin Qualman it has come to light that humans produce around 400 million tonnes of plastic a year. Hence it was no wonder when in 1997 Charles Moore, a sailor researcher discovered the Giant Pacific Garbage patch which had immense amount of plastic waste.

Impact of Plastic Bags on Environmental Pollution

Plastic bags have huge impact on land and water. The pollution of ocean water by the plastics has a drastic impact on the food web. All the aquatic animals and plants take into their systems plastic fragments which is in the ocean. (To be precise, 46,000-1,000,000 plastic fragments is present in every square mile of our world’s oceans). Humans then consume the sea foods and take it to themselves in a harmful way. Sharks and Whales are washed to the shores dead as they gobble these plastic bags considering it as Zoo planktons. Also, the deposition of plastic waste hinders the free flow of rainwater thereby reducing the ground water.

Humans and Animals Suffer

It is no wonder that plastics would affect the living things in this planet. Every plastic bag which looks enticing, emulates different toxic elements, making the food product harmful. Sometimes these turn out to be carcinogenic as well.

Researchers have discovered that the plastic minuscules entering the food packets are true. Used plastic bags that are thrown up on the roads are consumed by many animals such as cows, goats since they think it as eatables. This can result in the animals choking up and prove to be fatal. In other cases, it gets accumulated in the animal’s body inducing illness and death eventually.

Poor Waste Management

Plastics live forever. All of the plastics bags and plastics which was ever produced from the beginning of time (i.e. approximately from 1960’s) still live in some form in this planet. Out of the total plastic waste only 18% is recycled. The rest are found clogging the drains, polluting the soil, land and water. Plastic is invincible, it doesn’t allow decay and it doesn’t decay . Every time a person throws away a straw or disposes a water bottle after drinking a billion kilograms of it just gets accumulated. Plastics when burnt give out very harmful gases such as hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans and heavy metals, as well as particulates. There is no such thing as you can destroy plastic bags but to prevent it from usage would be one of the best options.

Clogging and Bangladesh

Dhaka, the Capital of Bangladesh is one of the populated cities in the world. Monsoon hits Bangladesh between May to July, the city gets waterlogged and the sewers are all plastic clogged and is nothing short of a crisis. They had a disastrous flooding because of the plastic waste clogging the drains. In the year 2002, Bangladesh stepped up becoming the first country to ban plastic bags . According to a Waste Concern Study, it was found that Bangladesh produced around six million tonnes of plastic waste annually. Out of this a whopping 51% (323,000 tonnes) is recycled. The country passed a law in 2010 making Jute packaging a mandate replacing the plastic packaging even though it was expensive. In the year 2017, Kenya followed suit and banned plastic bags and products and levies a high fine if the ban is overruled.

Alternatives for Plastics

Man should return to basics. Usage of cloth, paper and jute bags was how the baby boomers lived in this world. We are also aware that when man returns to making paper bags, forests may be cut down. Efficient choices such as beneficial lifestyle choices like a reusable bag, carrying your water bottles, drinking the juice from your cups rather than using a straw etc. can help the society be sustainable . Bangladesh ensured a new industry (Jute Industry) rises when they banned plastic bags. Wiser choices make a healthier environment.

Plastic bag usage has become an imminent catastrophe which needs immediate attention. Every government and its citizens should make conscious efforts to mitigate the usage of plastic bags and the impact of it. #BeatPlasticPollution has been chosen as the theme of World Environment Day this year 2018. Every company and government around the world are announcing initiatives and awareness campaigns to curb plastic bad usage. We need to create a viable environment for the upcoming generation and banning plastic bags is one of the ways forward.

Environment Pollution , Plastic

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Essays on Plastic Bags

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Should Plastic be Banned Essay

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One type of pollution that is seriously harming our ecosystem is plastic pollution, to which plastic bags are a significant contributor. It poses a risk to Earthly life. The reduction of usage of plastic bags is necessary to minimize pollution. Plastic bags pollute the land, the air, and the water. This is the rationale behind the bans on them in a number of nations. Nevertheless, these are still frequently utilized and proven to be harmful to the environment in most regions of the world.

In this article, we will exoplore essays arguing in favor of banning plastic bags. Let’s see.

Table of Content

Long and Short English Essay on the Need for a Plastic Bag Ban

Short essay on why plastic bags should be banned – 200 words, essay on environmental pollution and plastic – 300 words, essay on why plastic bags are harmful for health – 400 words, essay on problems caused by plastic bags – 500 words, long essay on why plastic bags should be banned – 600 words.

You can use these various length essays on the topic of why plastic bags should be prohibited for your examinations and school projects. You can choose any essay on why plastic bags ought to be outlawed based on your needs and preferences.

Plastic bags are frequently used and easily found in stores. Because they are useful for transporting groceries, these are particularly well-liked at grocery stores. These come in a variety of sizes and are reasonably priced in addition to being lightweight. But we don’t consider the expense of utilizing these bags. These bags are depleting our lovely surroundings. Indeed! The ecology is at risk from the plastic bags we use on a daily basis.

The issue is far more serious than it first seems. According to researchers, one of the main reasons for water pollution is plastic bags. Some other reasons would be infertility of crop lands.

Many states in our nation have banned the use of plastic bags. Nevertheless, this rule hasn’t been properly implemented. These are still offered for sale. The stores give these bags to customers, who are happy to take their belongings in these convenient tote bags. It’s time for each of us to realize how serious the problem is and to give up using plastic bags.

The level of pollution in our surroundings is increasing daily. It has grown significantly since the start of the industrial revolution. In the previous few decades, pollution has multiplied due to an increase in factories and automobiles on our globe. While factory and car smoke has negatively impacted air quality and made breathing difficult, trash from homes and businesses has primarily contributed to the pollution of water and land, which has led to a number of serious illnesses.

Plastic: Major Cause of Environmental Pollution

Plastic is one of the primary drivers of contamination in the modern world, in addition to other things. Plastic is normally used in the creation of a wide range of things, like plastic sacks, kitchenware, furniture, entryways, sheeting, bundling material, ledges, and that’s just the beginning. Plastic is gotten from non-renewable energy sources like oil and petrol. Individuals like plastic items since they are more reasonable and lightweight than wood or metal items.

How much plastic waste that is challenging to discard is becoming because of the expanded utilization of plastic. The material plastic isn’t biodegradable. It deteriorates and ages over the long haul, yet it never mixes in with the dirt. Plastic adds to natural harm and is available in the climate for many years. Poisons that damage soil and water are delivered into landfills. Plastic couldn’t actually be scorched to dispose of it since consuming plastic deliveries destructive exhaust that can prompt significant medical conditions. Accordingly, discarding plastic has become progressively troublesome.

Along these lines, a few countries have prohibited plastic packs, which contribute essentially to plastic contamination. In any case, just prohibiting plastic packs won’t cut it. To decrease ecological contamination, extra plastic articles should likewise be prohibited.

It is imperative that we comprehend the extent to which plastic is devasting our ecosystem and making life more difficult for humans, animals, plants, and marine life. Reduced plastic product consumption is necessary to maintain a cleaner environment.

The ubiquitous plastic bags we use on a daily basis pose a threat to life as we know it. These have gradually crept into our lives and are now a significant contributor to both human and animal illness.

Plastic Bags: Dangerous to Human Well-Being

The health of individuals is enormously hurt by plastic packs. Plastic packs just adversely influence human wellbeing from the second they are created until they are discarded as garbage.

The wellbeing of individuals who work in the plastic pack industry is harmed by the risky synthetics made during the most common way of giving plastic sacks their ideal shape. Food bundling often utilizes plastic packs. As per scientists, a few destructive substances from the plastic get into the food items that are bundled in it. Accordingly, rather than keeping the food securely pressed, plastic sacks pollute it. Various occurrences of plastic sullying food have been recorded. Devouring such food can seriously endanger one for food contamination, stomach related issues, and different sicknesses.

Furthermore, a lot of non-biodegradable trash is delivered by plastic packs. For almost 500 years, this junk is as yet present on the planet. The nature of drinking water is brought down when this waste material gets into water bodies. Throughout recent many years, there has been a huge decrease in the nature of drinking water. The essential driver of this is the developing amount of plastic packs that are being discarded in drinking water sources like streams. Various ailments spread by water have supplanted this.

Plastic Bags: Cause Serious Illness in Animals

Plastic back trash significantly affects creatures, particularly marine life. After utilizing the plastic packs, we imprudently dispose of them. Most of the rubbish places where the exposed animals assemble looking for food are loaded up with these plastic sacks. Animals habitually consume entire plastic sacks or minimal plastic particles with their dinner. Over the long run, the limited quantity of plastic that collects in their bodies prompts medical problems. Be that as it may, assuming that they gulp down the entire plastic sack immediately, they risk being quickly choked to death.

The marine life is in a comparable situation. Plastic waste has extraordinarily expanded the contamination of oceanic bodies. The water that marine life drinks is turning out to be more regrettable subsequently. Fish, turtles, and other amphibian creatures likewise consume plastic.

Thus, plastic bags are really bad for your health. We should cease using them and replace them with more environmentally friendly options.

Since plastic sacks are lightweight and helpful to deal with, they are exceptionally famous. Moreover, we don’t have to purchase these when we go out to shop, dissimilar to fabric or paper packs. Since they are modest, the storekeepers give them out without limitation when clients purchase anything. Retailers and clients the same blessing plastic sacks for the reasons recorded previously. In any case, we likewise need to see the more extensive picture and see past the transient accommodation.

Problems Caused by Plastic Bags

Here are some of the problems caused by plastic bags:

(a) Non Biodegradable

Packs made of plastic don’t biodegrade. The biggest problem is disposing of them. They don’t crumble; all things being equal, they separate into little particles and infiltrate soil and water bodies. For many years, they wait in the dirt and water, delivering unsafe synthetic substances that hurt our exquisite planet.

(b) Deterioration of environment

Due to their adverse consequences, they are obliterating the normal world. Nowadays, one of the primary reasons of land defilement is plastic packs. The pre-owned plastic sacks are unloaded in landfills, where it will take them approximately 500 years to separate. Since these sacks are lightweight, the breeze can convey them to significant stretches. Land tainting results from their littering of the encompassing region and landfills. One of the primary drivers of water contamination is plastic sacks that end up in water bodies. Accordingly, these are hurting our biological system in each way.

(c) Dangerous to Marine Life and Animals

Plastic garbage is eaten by creatures and marine life notwithstanding food. Since plastic can’t be separated, it becomes trapped in their digestive organs. Different creatures and marine life experience grave medical problems because of a lot of plastic structure up in their digestive organs. At times, creatures accidentally gulp down the entire plastic pack. They are gagged to death when something becomes held up in their digestion tracts or throat. Especially famous for consuming the full plastic sack immediately, ocean turtles botch it for jellyfish. Studies uncover that disposed of plastic packs have been a critical supporter of untimely creature passings.

(d) The Reason Behind Human Illness

When plastic bags are made, hazardous chemicals are released into the air, endangering the health of those who work on them. Food contained in plastic bags may potentially be harmful to your health. Furthermore, waste plastic bags pollute the environment, as was already explained. One of the main factors contributing to the spread of many diseases among humans is pollution.

(e) Blockage in Sewage

Rubbish plastic sacks every now and again become trapped in channels and sewers in the wake of imploding in water or being passed up the breeze. The two individuals and creatures might be in danger from stopped up channels and sewers, especially while it’s coming down. Water develops in the channels because of plastic sack deterrents. This could create what is going on like a flood and impede individuals’ day to day routines.

We must recognize the issues that the convenient plastic bags are causing and put an end to their use. It’s time for our government to enact stringent legislation outlawing plastic bags.

One of the fundamental supporters of ecological debasement is plastic sacks. Since plastic is a non-biodegradable material, plastic packs dirty the biological system significantly for many years after they are left in the climate. It is currently exceptionally important to ban plastic packs before they thoroughly annihilate our planet.

Countries Where Plastic Bags are Prohibited

To restrict the utilization of plastic packs, various countries have either forced charges on them or through and through prohibited them. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Britain, Germany, Hawaii, South Africa, Morocco, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, New York, Italy, Scotland, Rhode Island, and Maine are a couple of these. The utilization of plastic packs has essentially diminished because of these activities. But since these endeavors haven’t been as effective in executing them, the issue actually hasn’t been completely fixed.

In a few of these countries, there is an underground market for plastic packs, and these dangerous sacks are as yet being sold unlawfully.

Reasons to Ban Plastic Bags

The governments of several nations have implemented strict policies to restrict the use of plastic bags for a variety of reasons. Among these are a few of these:

  • Plastic bag waste is severely damaging the land and water.
  • Animals that live on land and in water face a threat from plastic bags.
  • Plastic bag waste releases chemicals into the earth, rendering it unusable for cultivation.
  • The health of people is being severely impacted by plastic bags.
  • Plastic bags cause issues with drainage.

Maintain a Tab

It is challenging to suddenly stop utilizing plastic packs when we have become so used to them. We should continually be helping ourselves to remember the adverse outcomes that plastic sacks have on the climate and screen our utilization of them assuming we are to prevail in this goal. We will ultimately become acclimated to living without these packs.

L ook for Substitutes

Plastic bags have a lot of environmentally acceptable substitutes. Every time we go to the market, we can bring a reusable jute or cloth bag to carry our groceries and other belongings instead of the plastic ones.

Reuse: Before tossing away the plastic bags we now own at home, we should utilize them as often as possible.

Raise Awareness

We may likewise bring issues to light through informal, despite the fact that the public authority ought to utilize commercials and hoardings to bring issues to light of the adverse consequences of plastic packs and the requirement for a boycott. We can illuminate the young locally, maids, and vehicle wash drivers about the mischief that plastic sacks do to the climate and urge them to quit any pretense of utilizing them.

Plastic sack related issues are as often as possible ignored and underestimated. This is a consequence of people not considering the drawn out impacts of the little, lightweight sacks they use consistently. They keep on utilizing these sacks regardless of realizing that they have adverse consequences on account of how advantageous they are.

Related Articles:

  • Plastic Pollution
  • Single Use Plastics – Concerns and Solutions

FAQs on Should Plastic be Banned Essay

What is a 5 sentence on plastic.

Plastic is an artificial material that doesn’t break down naturally. We haphazardly incorporate it into practically all daily products. Plastic waste builds up and contaminates the environment. Its buildup affects the land, rivers, and seas.

Why we should stop using plastic?

The remaining three quarters, which are not recycled, end up in our environment where they contaminate our oceans and disrupt our ecosystem. Marine life is particularly vulnerable since most plastic debris from less developed nations ends up in the ocean.

Why is plastic harmful?

Plastic persists in the ecosystem for a very long time, endangering species and dispersing pollutants. The use of plastic also fuels global warming. The chemicals used to make almost all plastics are derived from the burning of fossil fuels including coal, oil, and gas.

What is the slogan for no plastic?

“No plastic, no pollution.” “Protect Earth: avoid plastic.” “Say no to plastic, make Earth magic.” “Use less plastic, love Earth more.” This is the slogan for no plastic.

How plastic is affecting our life?

They offer packaging that minimizes food waste, such as the use of packaging with a modified environment to keep meat and vegetables fresher longer (Mullan, 2002). Plastics lower transportation costs and, thus, atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions because of their light weight.

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Pollution Caused by Plastic Bags

This essay will address the environmental impact of plastic bag pollution. It will discuss how plastic bags contribute to litter, harm wildlife, and create long-term waste management issues. The piece will explore alternatives to plastic bags and the effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing plastic bag use. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Plastic Pollution.

How it works

Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into oceans. The plastic waste problem is a great issue that the world is facing today. While plastic has brought many great benefits to society, it has done so at the cost of harm to the environment and wildlife. Plastic bags, in particular, contribute greatly to this ongoing crisis. There has been great attention given to single use plastics recently. Many companies, cities, and some countries have banned certain single use plastics.

Now is the time for the U.S. to also take part in protecting the environment. The U.S. should ban plastic shopping bags because of the great harm plastic bags have on the environment.

Plastic bags have many harmful effects on animals. Thousands of marine animals are killed every year due to plastic in the oceans and almost 700 species are affected by plastic (Parker). Consumption of plastic and entanglement by plastic can cause potential death by starvation or suffocation. In addition, floating plastic in water sources can transport invasive species that disrupt habitats (Knoblauch). According to the National Geographic, in June 2018 an autopsy of a male pilot whale revealed that more than 17 pounds of plastic was found in the whale’s stomach. This plastic waste consisted of more than 80 plastic shopping bags and other plastic debris (Zachos). By banning plastic bags, thousands of animals can be saved.

Furthermore, to produce plastic bags a great amount of oil, money, and energy is needed. For the 30 million plastic bags used in the United States per year alone, 12 million barrels of oil are required (Macklin). Converting this oil into plastic bags involves burning fossil fuels which further harms the environment. Around 100 to 500 million tons of carbon are released every year from plastic manufacturing (Macklin). This further contributes to global climate change. There is only a limited amount of oil in the Earth and banning plastic bags will allow this oil to be conserved and used for better purposes. By banning plastic bags, the amount of oil, money, and energy being used can be reduced as well as the amount of carbon released into the environment.

In addition, cleaning up plastic bag pollution costs a large amount of money. In one year, U.S. taxpayers spent almost 11 billion dollars to clean up litter (Penn State). The New York City Sanitation Department collects more than 1,700 tons of single-use carry-out bags every week, and has to spend $12.5 million a year to dispose of them (Adler). In San Diego, California 160,000 dollars were used annually to clean up plastic bag litter (Penn State). Banning plastic bags can save large amounts of money which can be used for better purposes.

Plastic bags also pollute the land and oceans. Only around 0.5 to three percent of plastic bags are recycled. This leads to an estimated 100 billion plastic bags sent to landfills in the U.S. every year (Macklin). Plastic bags caught in trees or stuck in sewer pipes are a common sight in many cities. Plastic bags carelessly thrown away or not recycled end up being blown or washed into the oceans and other water sources. This leads to large amounts of plastic being collected in the ocean, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which covers an estimated area of 1.6 million square kilometers (The Ocean Cleanup). By banning plastic bags, the amount of plastic in water sources and land can be reduced.

Most plastics are not biodegradable, which means that they are not able to be broken down by living organisms. On average, a plastic bag is used for 12 minutes (Center for Biological Diversity). Yet, plastic bags last for hundreds of years before broken into extremely tiny pieces of plastic called microplastics. These microplastics will remain and accumulate on the earth, leading to more environmental pollution, as plastic bags in landfills leak toxic chemicals that can enter water sources. These toxins can be consumed by sea life, which are then consumed by humans, resulting in the toxins entering humans (Penn State). Banning plastic bags can protect both humans and animals from the harmful toxins leaked by plastic bags, as the bags do not biodegrade.

Many countries and cities around the world have enacted plastic bag bans. In 2002, Bangladesh became the first country to have a nationwide ban on plastic bags (Lights). In 2008, China banned plastic bags eliminating the use of over 40 billion single use plastic bags (Lights). These are just some of the numerous examples that demonstrate that the ban can be effective. There are many cities and states in the U.S. that have certain legislation regarding plastic bags. California became the first state to have a statewide ban on single use plastic bags at certain large retail stores. The law further required that there be a ten cent fee on other available bags (NCSL). Most of Hawaii’s largest cities have a prohibition on non biodegradable plastic bags and paper bags that have less than 40 percent of recycled material (NCSL). The plastic bag ban in San Jose, California led to an 89 percent reduction in the number of plastic bags that ended up in the city’s storm drains (Adler). Other cities with plastic bag bans include: Austin, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; and Seattle, Washington (NCSL). These examples show that a nationwide ban can be possible, as many cities have already proven the effectiveness of the ban.

Some may argue that banning plastic bags will cause consumers to turn to thicker, more durable, and less biodegradable plastic bags which is more harmful to the environment than thin plastic shopping bags. However, what this claim does not consider is that consumers would be more likely and more encouraged to turn to reusable cloth bags instead. Another study based in San Francisco cited that after a plastic bag ban went into effect food borne illnesses increased by 46% due to customers placing food in dirty, unwashed reusable cloth bags. This caused bacteria to increase rapidly in the bags leading to disease. However, a fast checking website, PolitiFact, found the study to be mostly false and the study’s methodology and conclusions to be overly simplistic. A San Francisco public health official further stated that the study had not been peer reviewed and its data was limited (Alcorn). Furthermore, this issue can be easily solved by washing reusable bags or wiping them down with disinfectant.

Others may argue that banning plastic bags will lead to an increase in the use of paper bags, which is worse for the environment (Lights). This is because they claim that paper bags have a higher carbon footprint than plastic bags and will lead to the destruction of many more trees. Furthermore, more energy is used to manufacture paper bags and paper bags release more pollutants into the air than paper bags (The Environmental). However, many cities around the world have also placed a fee on paper bags as well as plastic bags. This will lead customers to use reusable cloth bags instead of paper and plastic bags. Another claim made by those against the plastic bag ban is that it will lead to a loss of jobs for those in the plastic manufacturing and recycling business (Lights). Furthermore, the ban will hurt businesses as customers will begin shopping in places that do not have plastic bag bans. While these claims are valid, these are only small consequences compared to the great benefits of the plastic bag ban.

The U.S. should ban plastic bags, as the environmental consequences far outweigh the short term benefits of plastic bags. Banning plastic bags would help protect and save thousands of animals, reduce the amount of oil and energy being used and carbon being released into the air, save large amounts of money, reduce litter on both the land and waterways, and reduce the amount of toxic chemicals being leaked into the ground. Many countries, cities, and companies have banned plastic bags and have demonstrated the effectiveness of the ban. Some claims made against the plastic bag ban have been proven to be false, while others overlook certain aspects. As Carl Sagan put it, it is the responsibility of each person to “… deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” (The Planetary Society). The U.S. can contribute to preserving and cherishing Earth by banning plastic bags.

Works Cited

  • Adler, Ben. ‘Banning Plastic Bags Is Great for the World, Right? Not So Fast.’ WIRED, 10 June 2016, www.wired.com/2016/06/banning-plastic-bags-great-world-right-not-fast/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Alcorn, Gay. ‘The Plastic Bag Ban is Not Going to Kill Us. Here’s Why Andrew Bolt is So Wrong.’ The Guardian, 27 June 2018, www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/27/the-bag-ban-is-not-an-end-in-itself-its-the-beginning-of-a-revolution. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Center for Biological Diversity. ’10 Facts About Single-use Plastic Bags.’ Center for Biological Diversity, www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/population_and_sustainability/sustainability/plastic_bag_facts.html. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Fischer, Douglas. ‘The Environmental Toll of Plastics.’ Environmental Health News, 20 Dec. 2017, www.ehn.org/plastic-environmental-impact-2501923191.html. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Lights, Zion. ‘What’s So Bad About Plastic Bags?’ One Green Planet, 17 Dec. 2014, www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/whats-so-bad-about-plastic-bags/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Macklin, Malorie. ‘Is It Really Worth the Convenience? 6 Ways Plastic is Harming Animals, the Planet and Us.’ One Green Planet, 11 Apr. 2018, www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/how-plastic-is-harming-animals-the-planet-and-us/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Myers, Todd. ‘Plastic Bag Bans Do Not Protect the Environment.’ The Environment, edited by Lynn M. Zott, Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/EJ3010132412/OVIC?u=txshracd2500&sid=OVIC&xid=565a35c1. Accessed 24 Oct. 2018. Originally published as ‘Plastic Bag Bans: Another Feel-Good Eco-Fad,’ Real Clear Science, 31 July 2012.
  • NCSL. ‘State Plastic and Paper Bag Legislation.’ National Conference of State Legislatures, 17 May 2018, www.ncsl.org/research/environment-and-natural-resources/plastic-bag-legislation.aspx. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Parker, Laura. ‘We Made Plastic. We Depend on it. Now We’re Drowning in it.’ National Geographic, 16 May 2018, www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/06/plastic-planet-waste-pollution-trash-crisis/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Penn State. ‘Plastic Bag Bans.’ Penn State, sites.psu.edu/banthebag/plastic-bags-the-environment-economics/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • The Environmental Literacy Council. ‘Paper or Plastic?’ The Environmental Literacy Council, enviroliteracy.org/environment-society/life-cycle-analysis/paper-or-plastic/. Accessed 29 Oct. 2018.
  • The Ocean Cleanup. ‘The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.’ The Ocean Cleanup, www.theoceancleanup.com/great-pacific-garbage-patch/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • The Planetary Society. ‘A Pale Blue Dot.’ The Planetary Society, www.planetary.org/explore/space-topics/earth/pale-blue-dot.html. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.
  • Zachos, Elaina. ‘How This Whale Got Nearly 20 Pounds of Plastic in Its Stomach.’ National Geographic, 4 June 2018, news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/06/whale-dead-plastic-bags-thailand-animals/. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018.       


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Plastic Bags essay

Environmental preservation and conservation have been fads these days. The hard work of nature advocates has seemingly achieved success and a product of this is the campaign to ban the use of plastic bags in many places worldwide. Plastic bags, as noted by environmentalists, are among the main causes of nature degradation. They are not biodegradable so when people throw these bags away; they will just end up piled up in pits. If burned, plastic bags will release harmful chemicals which are not only hazardous to our health, but damaging to the ozone layer as well.

When thrown in bodies of water, plastic bags pose more danger as these do not only pollute the water but also kill fishes and other sea animals. These and more reasons make the banning of plastic bags quite agreeable. However, it should be noted that banning is not an appropriate solution for the pollution problem that we now have. When examining the reasons why the use of plastic bags should be prohibited, one can’t help but notice that the real problem is not the utilization of plastic bags.

Rather, the problem stems from the methods of how the bags are disposed of. So, it would probably be better if the environmental campaign would start at a grand crusade to promote the effective use and disposal of plastic bags. Instead of asking people to stop using bags and forcing them to engage in a dilemma of disposing the hundreds of plastic bags that they probably have at home, it might be better if you would teach them how to dispose of those bags properly. Also, a ban of plastic bags would not be quite effective if it is not implemented at a national level.

It is pointless to ban the use of plastic bags in a small town while the nearby metropolitan area does not share the same regulations. After all, the pollution and problems caused by plastic bags usually stem from commercial sites, not from a sparsely populated suburban area. It should be noted however, that launching a nationwide ban on plastic bags may be impractical and ineffective simply because many organizations and industries would find it devastating for most of their business processes. Another problem is that there is really no efficient alternative to plastic bags.

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While paper bags are indeed environmental friendlier, not all items stored in plastic bags can be placed in paper bags. This lack of an alternative must be addressed before proposing the bans. Instead of banning the use of plastic bags, it might be better if campaigns would be focused on inventing new ways to make “worn-out” plastic bags useful again. Also, new garbage collecting schemes must be implemented, not just in some areas but worldwide. If possible, companies which are in dire need of plastic bags must be encouraged – if not forced – to recycle the “used and worn” bags into new ones.

  • Sustainability

Microplastics Are Everywhere. Here’s How to Avoid Eating Them.

Katie Okamoto

By Katie Okamoto

Katie Okamoto is an editor on the discovery team. She’s covered the intersections of products, sustainability, and health for more than a decade.

Microplastics and nanoplastics are everywhere.

The teeny tiny pieces of plastic have been found in everything from drinking water to chicken nuggets, apples, and broccoli.

Recent studies have linked these pollutants to heart disease , lung disorders , and more worrying health issues.

But unfortunately, microplastics are now so pervasive that they’re nearly impossible to avoid.

If you’re concerned about the health effects linked to microplastics, the experts I spoke with said that you can lower your risk by taking care of your general health: getting plenty of sleep and exercise, eating a balanced diet, lowering stress, and seeking preventative care.

Still, it’s probably a good idea to lower your exposure to microplastics even if you can’t avoid them completely. Although you can cut back your exposure in as many ways as there are sources of plastic, the experts I spoke with recommended focusing on exposures from water, food, and air.

I talked to three doctors and a research scientist for tips on how to reduce the amount of tiny plastics and their chemicals that you (or your kids ) might ingest. Here’s what they recommend.

1. Cut back on bottled water

Some research indicates plastic bottled water may be a significant source of microplastics. While scientists are still studying just how significant, one study from 2019 of water and other commonly consumed food and drink found it to be the most concentrated source .

There is emerging evidence that on average, bottled water contains more microplastics than tap. (One study published in 2024 suggests that we have underestimated measured concentrations.)

Drinking bottled water in a pinch isn't the end of the world, but if you have concerns about it, you could always consider carrying a reusable steel or glass bottle or tumbler when out and about.

2. Get an NSF-certified water filter

Switching to tap water from plastic bottled water will likely significantly reduce your routine exposure to plastics. But while the average plastic water bottle contains more microplastics and nanoplastics than tap, research shows that tap water may also be a source of microplastics.

Several of our water filter picks are specifically NSF/American National Standards Institute–certified to reduce microplastics, which means they’ve been rigorously tested in an accredited lab. They’re certified only to reduce since the filters cannot guarantee total elimination. Our picks include under-sink filters , such as the Aquasana AQ-5200 , and the Brita Elite , a pitcher filter .

essay on use of plastic bags

Aquasana AQ-5200

Exceptional, affordable under-sink filtration.

Certified for the most contaminants, widely available, affordable, and compact.

Buying Options

$100 + FS w/code AQWC50

essay on use of plastic bags

Brita Elite Filter

Ace filtration, long lifespan.

This 10-cup, user-friendly model is rated to last six months between replacements.

Yes, it’s ironic that most NSF/ANSI-certified water filters contain plastic. But any microplastic shedding from using the plastic filter is likely to be minimal, as long as you avoid running hot water through the filter and store your water in the fridge, since heat accelerates plastic degradation.

Research suggests that boiling tap water, cooling it, and then filtering it may be especially effective at reducing microplastics, although it’s less practical for most people than simply using a filter.

3. Don’t use plastic to store food

Plastic food storage and packaging is so common that it’s difficult to avoid entirely. But your safest bet is to avoid storing food or liquid in plastic when possible and to minimize exposing any plastic (even those that say they’re BPA-free or microwave-safe) to high heat. Sunlight, acids, and physical erosion can also degrade plastic.

4. Don’t reuse single-use plastics for food and drinks

It’s great to reuse single-use plastic —just not for food. Unless you’re using the plastic in the freezer, save it for something that isn’t food storage or reheating, said Dr. Gillian Goddard, an endocrinologist and author at ParentData , a science-based online resource for parents. That means don’t reuse plastic takeout containers, breastmilk bags, or drink bottles.

5. Don’t microwave in plastic

Avoid microwaving or heating food or water in plastic—even if it says it’s microwave-safe, said Tracey Woodruff, director of the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at University of California San Francisco. Instead, consider glass or ceramic. The Pyrex Simply Store 18-Piece Set is our pick for the best food storage containers , and they survived our drop tests, stack neatly, and come with user-friendly lids (although you may not want to microwave the plastic lids). Our runner-up, the leakproof Glasslock 18-Piece Container Set , is another great option.

essay on use of plastic bags

Pyrex Simply Store 18-Piece Set

The best glass container set.

The Pyrex Simply Store containers stack neatly and are made from durable tempered glass. The colorful lids make it easier to match their shape to the corresponding container, though you may need to replace them over time.

essay on use of plastic bags

Glasslock 18-Piece Container Set

The best leakproof glass container set.

The Glasslock containers have locking lids that will prevent leaks. But these lids also put stress on the lips of the containers, so the glass may be prone to chipping over time.

6. Wash plastic by hand

Dishwasher temperatures run very hot and can degrade plastic—even dishwasher-safe plastic—and lead to microplastic shedding. Try to wash your plastic food containers by hand.

7. Use wood or bamboo cutting boards

Some research suggests that plastic cutting boards can be a significant source of microplastics in your diet, since repeated cutting on their surface can dislodge particles that adhere to food. Wood cutting boards also have some other advantages: They’re better for your knife blades and last longer than plastic when properly maintained.

essay on use of plastic bags

Teakhaus Medium Professional Carving Board with Juice Canal 109

The best wood cutting board.

This beautiful teak board requires more careful cleaning than a plastic board, but it feels better under a knife and is easier to maintain than the other wood boards we tested.

Our cutting board pick, the Teakhaus Medium Professional Carving Board with Juice Canal 109 , is made from sustainably harvested teak. If you still prefer plastic for certain uses, use it sparingly and replace it after heavy scarring.

8. Clean your air

The air we breathe is also a potential source of microplastics, in the form of dust. Reducing airborne dust in your home, then, may reduce your exposure to inhaled microplastics.

essay on use of plastic bags

SEBO Airbelt K3 Premium

The best canister vacuum.

This bagged canister vacuum excels on both bare floors and carpets, and has many adjustment options and useful attachments. It should last for the long haul.

7-Year Standard Warranty

10-Year Extended Warranty

That means doing boring stuff, like vacuuming regularly with a bagged, sealed-system vacuum that has a HEPA or S-class filter and mopping and wiping down surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth (since dusting kicks those tiny particles back up into the air).

essay on use of plastic bags

Coway Airmega AP-1512HH Mighty

Exceptional, efficient, affordable.

Perfect for bedrooms, playrooms, and living rooms, this air purifier is one of the highest-performing, most-durable, and most-economical models we’ve tested.

You should also take care of seasonal chores like cleaning fans and AC unit filters and changing HVAC filters, and consider getting an air purifier if you live near a busy road.

Take special steps for infants and young children

Infants may be exposed to microplastics and nanoplastics in much higher concentrations than adults. Research shows that this exposure may be cause for concern, particularly at critical stages of early development. But much like health risks to adults, it’s important to think of microplastics exposure as just one piece of a child’s overall health.

“I emphasize that before putting much energy and resources into minimizing unknown risks, it is worth attending to reducing the risks we know about,” said Dr. Carlos Lerner, a pediatrician and professor of clinical pediatrics at UCLA Health. He cited following safe sleep recommendations for infants, avoiding secondhand smoke, and practicing good nutrition as examples.

If you want to take a more precautionary approach, avoid using plastic to warm formula or breastmilk. This is the main point of advice from the experts I spoke with, as well as the Cleveland Clinic .

1. Avoid microwaving or heating formula in plastic

Recent evidence shows that polypropylene-bottle-fed babies may swallow very high levels of tiny plastics due to the high temperatures used to sterilize bottles and prepare formula, as well as shaking the bottles to mix. If you want to feed your baby warmed formula and use plastic bottles, consider premixing the formula in a glass container, then cooling it down before transferring it to the feeding bottle.

2. Rinse heat-sterilized plastic bottles before adding formula or breastmilk

If you use heat to sterilize plastic bottles, leave them to cool then rinse them several times before filling them with formula or breastmilk, Lerner suggested.

3. Consider glass or silicone over plastic bottles

If your baby prefers warmed milk or formula, consider heating it in a glass or silicone bottle. (If you don't use a bottle warmer, we have advice about how to safely do this without one.) The Philips Avent Glass Natural Response Baby Bottle  is our recommendation for the best glass baby bottle.

essay on use of plastic bags

Philips Avent Glass Natural Response Baby Bottle

Our favorite glass bottles.

With only three pieces and a large, easy-to-screw-on collar, this glass bottle is simple to use and didn’t leak in our test. But the very wide nipple may not work well for all babies.

4. Wash hands before eating

For young kids who eat with their hands, try to establish a habit of handwashing before eating, said Woodruff. While handwashing is not always possible, it can help reduce exposure from touching microplastics in dust and soil (and maybe, just maybe, stem the tide of germs).

How worried should you be about microplastics?

Scientists are still studying the exact connections between these teeny tiny pieces of plastic and human health. But it’s clear that exposure to plastic—whether it’s those tiny particles, the chemicals they leach, or a combination—is being linked to a variety of worrying health issues.

Some of those connections still require more research, such as ties to colon cancer , respiratory disease , metabolic function , and disruption to endocrine systems , while others—like a recent study that found those with levels of plastics in their arteries were at a higher risk for heart attacks, strokes, and death—seem a little more clear.

It’s important to remember that these links point to concerns about the impact of microplastics on public health, but they are not specific, predictable outcomes. “What I’m thinking about is population risk, not a risk to a specific individual,” said Goddard.

The tricky thing is that microplastics and nanoplastics are impossible to avoid, no matter how diligent you are: They’re in the air we breathe , our drinking water , and our food. But scientists aren’t sure what levels of microplastics and nanoplastics we’re each taking in from those sources.

The oft-cited estimate that the average person eats a credit card’s worth of plastic every week has been called into question . But our bodies are certainly taking in plastic, and that’s more than nature intended.

Given the growing body of evidence, it’s possible that we’ll start to see more public health measures that address microplastic pollution. Until then, taking care of your overall health is the first line of defense, followed by taking reasonable steps to reduce microplastic exposure.

This article was edited by Christine Cyr Clisset and Ben Frumin.

Tracey Woodruff, director of the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at UCSF , phone interview , April 25, 2024

Gillian Goddard, MD, endocrinologist and adjunct assistant professor at NYU Langone Hospital and author of “Hot Flash” newsletter from ParentData , phone interview , April 26, 2024

Carlos Lerner, MD, pediatrician at the Children’s Health Center at UCLA and professor and Jack H. Skirball endowed chair in Pediatrics at UCLA , email interview , April 26, 2024

Hayley Goldbach, MD, board-certified physician and dermatologic surgeon at Brown University , email interview , April 29, 2024

Meet your guide

essay on use of plastic bags

Katie Okamoto

Katie Okamoto is an editor on the discovery team and leads Wirecutter’s sustainability coverage. She has been covering products—from food to furniture—and their intersections with environmental impact and environmental health for more than a decade. Previously, Katie was an editor at Metropolis Magazine.

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  • After more than 30 hours researching hundreds of models, we’ve found the best under-sink water filtration systems for most people. Here’s what we recommend. The Best Under-Sink Water Filter  
  • Water filters and pitchers are the simplest, most affordable way to get reliable filtered water at home. The Best Water Filter Pitcher and Dispenser  
  • Most plastic isn’t actually recycled. These 12 tips can help you reduce your overall plastic use—and make a difference in the global plastic pollution problem. 12 Ways to Break Up With Single-Use Plastics  
  • After years of using and abusing food-storage containers, we recommend the glass Pyrex Simply Store 18-Piece Set and the Snapware Total Solution 20-Piece Set. The Best Food Storage Containers  

Further reading

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Laundry detergent sheets claim to be a more-sustainable option than traditional liquid, powder, or pod detergents. Unfortunately, they don’t clean well.

A person's hand pulling out a freezer bag of frozen corn from a freezer.

Expert Tips for Freezing Food and Reducing Food Waste

by Anna Perling and Katie Okamoto

We have the best freezer containers, plus expert advice on saving money and reducing waste by getting the most from your freezer.

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Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life

Michael Copley

Your future's in the trash can: How the plastic industry promoted waste to make money

A trash can overflows as people sit outside of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C.

A trash can overflows as people sit outside of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. Jacquelyn Martin/AP hide caption

Just for a minute, think about how much of the plastic you use today will end up as trash. Drink bottles? Grocery bags? Food wrappers? If you live in the United States, it’ll probably add up to about a pound of stuff — just today.

Most plastic is dumped in landfills or becomes pollution in places like rivers and oceans, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Along the way, it sheds microplastics that can make their way into animals and people . Just 4% of plastic in the U.S. is recycled.

It wasn’t always this way. But over the past 70 years, plastic has become embedded in nearly every aspect of human life. The world produces around 230 times more plastic now than it did in 1950, according to Our World in Data.

As production soared, so did pollution. Many scientists and activists say chemical and fossil fuel companies make too much plastic now for society to manage sustainably. The United Nations says the problem is also being fueled by a “worrying shift” toward single-use products and packaging , which are designed to be used once and thrown away.

Plastic became ingrained in modern life in large part because the plastics industry started working in the 1950s to convince people to embrace the material as cheap, abundant and disposable.

The marketing campaign worked so well that litter soon became a problem across the U.S., and there was a public backlash. The industry responded by pitching recycling. But almost from the outset, corporations knew that recycling probably wouldn’t work to rein in waste, multiple investigations have shown.

Now, faced with spiraling plastic pollution, the U.N has set out to write a legally-binding agreement to deal with the problem. But the negotiations are fraught.

And even if nations can broker a deal, it’ll be a daunting task to actually reduce the world’s consumption of plastic, which is in almost everything, from clothing and diapers to medical devices.

“We’ll continue to need plastic for specific uses,” Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said at the latest round of U.N. negotiations in Canada in April. “But there’s a growing agreement,” she said, that a lot of single-use plastic “can probably go.”

Vintage Bakelite and other plastic objects at a museum in England.

Vintage Bakelite and other plastic objects at a museum in England. Matt Cardy/Getty Images/Getty Images Europe hide caption

The plastics industry pitched disposability to make more money

As part of the treaty talks, some countries want to cap production of new plastic, which is made from oil and gas. However, those efforts are opposed by big fossil fuel producers that are determined to keep plastic demand growing. State and local governments in the U.S. have tried to limit pollution by passing laws that ban plastic shopping bags or single-use plastic bottles .

The industry has responded by fighting regulations that could hurt demand for its products. It says the solution to environmental problems is better recycling, not using less plastic.

Matt Seaholm, chief executive of the Plastics Industry Association, says his group is advocating on behalf of plastic producers and consumers alike, since “it is an essential part of society at this point.”

Synthetic plastic was patented in the early 1900s. It was known as Bakelite, and it sparked a boom in durable and affordable consumer goods. Soon, companies started selling different kinds of plastic. At first, most of it was marketed as sturdy and reusable. One television ad from 1955 — about a made-up homemaker named Jane in a made-up place called Plasticstown, USA — touts how plastic containers are ideal for families because they won’t break if kids accidentally drop them.

But soon, the messaging started to change. In 1956, the industry learned about a new way to boost sales — and profits. At the plastics industry’s annual conference in New York, Lloyd Stouffer, the editor of an influential trade magazine, urged executives to stop emphasizing plastics’ durability. Stouffer told the companies to focus instead on making a lot of inexpensive, expendable material. Their future, he said, was in the trash can.

Companies got the message. They realized they could sell more plastic if people threw more of it away. “Those corporations were doing what they’re supposed to do, which is make a lot of money,” says Heather Davis, an assistant professor at The New School in New York who’s written about the plastics industry.

Garbage is dumped at the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island, New York, in 1989.

Garbage is dumped at the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island, New York, in 1989. David Cantor/AP/AP hide caption

Throw-away living was a foreign concept in 1950s America

But getting people to throw away items after a single use took a lot of work.

Adults in the 1950s had lived through The Great Depression and World War II, and they were trained to save as much as possible, Davis says.

“It was a really difficult sell to the American public in the post-war period, to inculcate people into a throwaway living,” she says. “That is not what people were used to.”

A solution companies came up with was emphasizing that plastic was a low-cost, abundant material.

A 1960 marketing study for Scott Cup said the containers were “almost indestructible,” but that the manufacturer could still convince people to discard them after a few uses. To counter any “pangs of conscience” consumers might feel about throwing them away, the researchers suggested a “direct attack”: Tell people the cups are cheap, they said, and that “there are more where these came from.”

A few years later, Scott ran an advertisement saying its plastic cups were available at “‘toss-away prices.”

In a 1963 report for another plastics conference in Chicago, Stouffer congratulated the industry for filling dumps and garbage cans with plastic bottles and bags.

“The happy day has arrived,” Stouffer wrote, “when nobody any longer considers the [plastic] package too good to throw away.”

Workers remove garbage floating on the Negro River in Manaus, Brazil.

Workers remove garbage floating on the Negro River in Manaus, Brazil. Edmar Barros/AP/AP hide caption

A booming market hit a consumer backlash

By the early 1970s, plastics were booming. The market was expanding faster than the “rosiest of predictions,” and its growth prospects were “out of sight,” an executive at the chemical company DuPont told the Chamber of Commerce in Parkersburg, West Virginia , in 1973. Soon, big soft drink companies introduced plastic soda bottles.

But the industry faced a growing public-relations problem that was especially threatening to beverage companies, whose names were stamped on the packaging: Plastic litter was becoming an eyesore across the country.

“Even if you’ve convinced people that maybe the disposability of plastics isn’t such a bad thing, people are still seeing this waste out in public,” says Bart Elmore, a professor of environmental history at Ohio State University.

So drink makers went on offense. Elmore says they fought bans on throw-away bottles and joined the plastics industry in pushing recycling as an environmental solution.

However, multiple investigations, including by NPR , have shown that plastics industry representatives long knew that recycling would probably never be effective on a large scale. Officials have said they encouraged recycling to avoid regulations and ensure that demand for plastic kept growing.

Trade groups for plastic companies say those investigations don’t accurately reflect today’s industry.

There isn’t evidence that drink makers were part of those internal discussions about recycling’s viability. But Elmore says they should have had enough information at the time to know recycling was a risky bet.

In 1976 — two years before big soft-drink makers introduced plastic soda bottles — a study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that “substantial recycling of plastics is unlikely in the near future.” That echoes the agency’s 1975 draft report that found “recycling of plastic bottles is unlikely to be commercially feasible.”

“To make a gamble like that, where public agencies and public documents are saying this at the time, I think raises real questions about culpability, accountability in an era when I think a lot of people are asking for that,” Elmore says.

Less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled globally. As countries try to negotiate a global waste agreement, activists and scientists are focusing a lot of their attention on chemical and fossil fuel companies that make plastic. But Elmore says consumer goods companies like beverage makers also deserve scrutiny, because they use a ton of plastic packaging and rank as some of the biggest plastic polluters globally .

“If they take a stand, one way or the other, it has a huge global impact,” Elmore says.

A business group called the American Beverage Association said in a statement to NPR that one of its highest priorities is creating a so-called circular economy where plastic is recycled and reused to prevent waste.

An aerial view of Buffalo, New York, facing Lake Erie.

An aerial view of Buffalo, New York, facing Lake Erie. Bruce Bennett/Getty Images/Getty Images North America hide caption

A lawsuit aims to hold a major plastic polluter accountable

The disposable culture that was fostered by the plastics industry is playing out in places like the Buffalo River, which empties into Lake Erie in western New York. Plastic debris litters the banks of the river, and it breaks down into fragments called microplastics that accumulate in the lake , contaminating drinking water for about 11 million people .

One morning this spring, volunteers met at the river to clean up some of the pollution. “We see plastic tops, bottles, we have single-use plastics from takeout food,” says Jill Jedlicka, who leads Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, a nonprofit that organized the event.

It’s constant work. The debris that volunteers collected will be replaced in weeks by more plastic trash. “It’s an onslaught,” Jedlicka says.

A lot of the plastic waste around the Buffalo River is packaging sold by the food and beverage giant PepsiCo, according to a lawsuit that New York State Attorney General Letitia James filed last year against the company. New York prosecutors say plastic pollution around the Buffalo River is a public nuisance, and that Pepsi contributes to the problem by selling tons of single-use packaging.

Activists say lawsuits like the one New York filed against Pepsi are a way to try to hold corporations accountable.

In a court filing, Pepsi said it isn’t responsible for the Buffalo River pollution, and that it shouldn’t have to warn people that plastic waste poses environmental and health risks.

“Consumers are more than capable of purchasing a beverage or snack product, consuming it, and placing the packaging in a recycling or waste bin,” the company said.

Researchers say companies often blame consumers when plastic waste gets into the environment.

Pepsi said in statements to NPR that “no single group or entity bears responsibility for plastic pollution,” and that it is trying to improve recycling and reduce how much new plastic it uses.

However, in its latest sustainability report, Pepsi said its use of new plastic increased slightly in 2022 , partly because recycled material was expensive and hard to find. Pepsi isn’t alone: Despite growing public pressure, companies increased their use of new plastic by 11% between 2018 and 2022 , according to data compiled by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

“There is so much that the plastics industry needs to do to improve the sustainability of plastics,” says Shelie Miller, a professor at the School for Environmental Sustainability at the University of Michigan. But she says consumer culture is also part of the problem.

“If our stance is, consumers should be able to consume whatever they want in whatever quantity they want and it’s someone else’s job to deal with it,” Miller says, “that’s not a path toward sustainability.”

  • Get involved

Banning single-use plastic bags

A major step in environmental efforts

June 14, 2024

essay on use of plastic bags

For the past two years, shoppers were already bringing their reusable bags which significantly reduced single-use plastic pollution, thanks to the Phatsa Sakho Nawe campaign.

essay on use of plastic bags

Nontobeko Mlangeni

Programme Analyst – Head of Solutions Mapping, UNDP Eswatini Accelerator Lab

As the world grapples with the urgent need to combat plastic pollution, Eswatini has joined the list of countries that have banned single-use plastic bags. This landmark decision  announced by the Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Hon. Jane Mkhonta-Simelane, is exciting to UNDP and the global community for two reasons:

The timing is crucial; coinciding with the conclusion of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) dedicated to crafting a global legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, particularly in marine environments (INC-4), held from 23 to 29 April. The aim is to secure an agreement by the close of 2024. The negotiation process for a Global Plastic Treaty began with high hopes, but at the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4), it became evident that a true battle lay ahead, and an outcome was far from guaranteed. With one more scheduled INC meeting to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, the urgency to reach an agreement is palpable. 

Nevertheless, numerous nations are making significant strides, both large and small, in combatting plastic pollution, exemplified by Eswatini's recent prohibition of single-use plastic bags. At the regional level, these global negotiations follow some strides that many African countries have made to solve the plastic pollution challenge. In November 2019 the 17th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment, the Durban Declaration incorporated the first collective statement of support from all African Environment Ministers for global action to address plastic pollution including the call for a new global agreement. Some African countries are calling on the AU to lead on a regional protocol banning single-use plastic. The step taken by Eswatini underlies the seriousness with which it regards the need to protect the environment and the livelihoods of its people. 

essay on use of plastic bags

Small businesses owned by women generated income from making reusable bags during the Patsa Sakho Nawe campaign.

At UNDP Eswatini, we are especially enthusiastic about this development because of the significant contribution we've undertaken towards the elimination of single-use plastic waste through our Accelerator Lab. Our efforts haven't merely focused on raising awareness; we've actively co-created alternative solutions to combat single-use plastic bags. The "Phatsa Sakho Nawe" Campaign, executed in collaboration with the Eswatini Environment Authority, the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, and the five major supermarkets, piloted a partial ban and assessed a scenario where single-use plastic bags were unavailable in stores. The campaign was launched in  December 2020 and scheduled to run for three months but was later extended, ultimately lasting for two years and being joined by large and small retail outlets because of the significant reduction of plastic pollution in the country.

Throughout the campaign, we witnessed how small businesses, particularly those owned by  women , started producing alternative shopping bags, primarily using textile waste from Matsapha Industrial site where at least 105 tonnes of textile waste is generated monthly, presenting yet another environmental challenge that demands attention. We saw these small businesses growing producing other products such as undergarments using the textile waste. 

The initiative also garnered positive feedback from livestock farmers who noticed a decline in the mortality rates from animals ingesting plastic bags littering their rangelands. Furthermore,  we observed some plastic producers proactively adjusting their production lines in anticipation of forthcoming plastic bag regulations. Additionally, EEA reported a 60% reduction in single-use plastic bag distribution in the country, a significant step toward enhancing the visual appeal of our environment. 

essay on use of plastic bags

Reducing single-use plastic bag pollution keeps the environment clean and prevents reduces the high livestock mortality rate resulting from ingesting plastic bags.

Therefore, UNDP commends the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini for this bold and progressive decision to ban all single-use plastic carrier bags.  This landmark move is significant because as the  UNDP Chemicals and Waste Hub notes plastic pollution:

Drives nature loss and destroys important ecosystems.

Fuels the climate crisis.

Threatens human health.

As a result, the Hub supports governments to intervene through:

Policy and regulation 

Innovation and technology 

Waste management 

Capacity development and knowledge management 

The Acc Lab supports UNDP Country Offices in designing and implementing innovative solutions to address challenges that governments face such as plastic pollution. UNDP Eswatini Acc Lab is proud to have played such a significant role in the elimination of single-use plastic pollution in the kingdom.


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    essay on use of plastic bags

  5. 10 Lines Essay on Say No to Plastic Bags in English

    essay on use of plastic bags

  6. Recycling plastic bags essay

    essay on use of plastic bags


  1. Essay On Plastic Bag

  2. Single-use plastic bags will be banned from New York State next year, what is a paper bag's fate?

  3. You can use plastic bags to print out a beautiful bouquet 💐 #reels #craft #art #tiktok #gadgets

  4. Essay on plastic bag 150 words| Plastic bags paragraph #essayinenglish #shortsvideo #trend

  5. Essay on Plastic Bag

  6. Banning on Single Used Plastic Bags


  1. Essay on Plastic Bag for Students and Children

    Firstly, plastic bags are a major source of plastic pollution. As they are non-biodegradable, they take years to decompose. They contribute to a lot of waste which keeps collecting over the years. Plastic takes thousands of years to break down and decompose. It remains in the land which contributes to the rising problem of land pollution.

  2. Should Plastic Be Banned Essay for Students

    500+ Words Essay on Should Plastic be Banned. Plastic bags are a major cause of environmental pollutio n. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years polluting it immensely. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags before they ruin our planet completely.

  3. 100 Words Essay on Plastic Bags

    500 Words Essay on Plastic Bags Introduction. Plastic bags have become an integral part of our everyday lives, serving a variety of purposes, from carrying groceries to packaging goods. Their convenience and affordability have made them a ubiquitous presence in our consumer society. However, the environmental impact of their widespread use has ...

  4. Should Plastic Bags Be Banned?

    In this regard, advocacy for the banning of plastic bags should take the center-stage in all the 50 states. The prohibition would be a significant step towards the establishment of similar policies that seek to foster environmental conservation. The cost of cleaning up and recycling plastic bags poses a sizable burden on the taxpayer.

  5. Should Plastic Bags Be Banned Everywhere?

    In " Get Ready, New York: The Plastic Bag Ban Is Starting ," Anne Barnard writes about the law and its intended outcomes: New York is banning the distribution of single-use plastic bags ...

  6. Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay for Students and Children in

    You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. Long and Short Essays on Plastic Bags Should be banned for Students and Kids in English. In the article below, we have provided a 600-word why plastic bags should be banned essay in English for students to use for various purposes.

  7. Plastic Bag Essay

    Plastic bags, when thrown away in water bodies, drains or on roads, are carried away by water or wind and act as a pollutant for the water. Plastic bags either float on the water and thus lowers the availability of biological oxygen, or they reach deep in the water and make the lives of aquatic creatures hazardous.

  8. Should Plastic be Banned Essay for Students in English

    The pervasive use of plastic, while convenient and durable, has unleashed a hidden monster - plastic pollution. This threat affects every corner of the planet, endangering life on land and in water. Banning single-use plastics is crucial for a healthier planet and a brighter future. Plastic pollution extends to our oceans, with an estimated 8 ...

  9. Essay on Plastic Bag in English for Children and Students

    Essay on Plastic Bags: Plastic Bags are used for various purposes. The most common use of these bags is to carry grocery items. These are easily available in the market and thus used extensively. However, disposing these bags is a big issue as these are non-biodegradable. They have become a major cause of land pollution.

  10. Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging

    Sample Essay 1. The pervasive use of plastic, from bags and bottles to packaging, presents a formidable challenge to environmental sustainability. This ubiquity is detrimental due to its non-biodegradable nature, leading to significant pollution and harm to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This essay posits that mitigating plastic's ...

  11. The good and the bad of plastic bag bans: Research review

    The European Union passed legislation in 2015 aiming to cut plastic bag use in half by 2019 and half again by 2025. E.U.-member France went further, banning single-use plastic bags on July 1, 2016, and phasing in other, more restrictive bans in the upcoming years - including the prohibition of plastic cooking utensils by 2020. Do these bans work?

  12. Plastic Pollution Essay for Students and Children

    We must use alternatives like cloth bags and paper bags instead of plastic bags. If we are purchasing plastic, we must reuse it. We must avoid drinking bottled water which contributes largely to plastic pollution. The government must put a plastic ban on the use of plastic. All this can prevent plastic pollution to a large extent. FAQs on ...

  13. Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned: [Essay Example], 924 words

    Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned. Plastic, once hailed as a revolutionary material for its versatility and convenience, has now evolved into an unprecedented global environmental crisis. The ubiquity of plastic in our daily lives has led to a proliferation of plastic waste, causing profound harm to ecosystems, human health, and economies ...

  14. Essay on Plastic Bags

    Long Essay on Plastic Bags is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Millions of polythene bags are given out to customers by supermarkets and stores to carry their goods in. They are also cheap, durable, light, easy to carry and in many cases, free. The most regularly used shopping bag is made of high-density polythene, which is used in ...

  15. IELTS Essay # 1238

    To limit the use of plastic bags, people need to use bags made of biodegradable materials like jute fibre. ... Sample Essay: Undeniably, plastic is one of the most dangerous objects for the environment as it is nonbiodegradabl e. Plastic bags, bottles, and packaging are a bane for our surroundings, all living beings, and especially aquatic ...

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Plastic Bags

    1. The first sentence is a topic sentence that includes my main idea for the whole paragraph (the main problem is pollution for land and water). 2. The second sentence explains my main idea by saying that most plastic bags are either littered or thrown in the trash. 3.

  17. Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned

    Short Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned - Essay 1 (100 Words) The ban on plastic bags does not necessarily mean that its use will cease. The ban is only to control individual use of plastic bags because people are irresponsible when it comes to disposal thus causing environmental pollution. As plastic bags are not disposed properly ...

  18. Essays on Plastic Bags

    The use of plastic in daily life has become ubiquitous, transforming various aspects of modern living. While plastic offers convenience, durability, and versatility, concerns about its environmental impact, particularly in terms of pollution and waste, have sparked debates about its continued use. This essay presents...

  19. Should Plastic be Banned Essay for Students in English

    Plastic bags pollute the land, the air, and the water. This is the rationale behind the bans on them in a number of nations. Nevertheless, these are still frequently utilized and proven to be harmful to the environment in most regions of the world. In this article, we will exoplore essays arguing in favor of banning plastic bags.

  20. Pollution Caused by Plastic Bags

    The piece will explore alternatives to plastic bags and the effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing plastic bag use. On PapersOwl, there's also a selection of free essay templates associated with Plastic Pollution. Category: Plastic Pollution. Type: Research. Date added: 2021/06/10. Pages: 6. Words: 1748. Download: 1691. Order Original Essay.

  21. Trash or Recycling? Why Plastic Keeps Us Guessing

    A growing number of states and cities have banned single-use plastic bags. Others have banned plastic foam products, which can't be recycled. Others have banned plastic foam products, which can ...

  22. Plastic Bags essay Essay

    Plastic Bags essay. Environmental preservation and conservation have been fads these days. The hard work of nature advocates has seemingly achieved success and a product of this is the campaign to ban the use of plastic bags in many places worldwide. Plastic bags, as noted by environmentalists, are among the main causes of nature degradation.

  23. Microplastics Are Everywhere. Here's How to Avoid Eating Them

    Toilet papers; Toilet brushes; ... That means don't reuse plastic takeout containers, breastmilk bags, or drink bottles. ... These 12 tips can help you reduce your overall plastic use—and make ...

  24. Essay On Plastic Bags

    Decent Essays. 1019 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Since 1985, America has used plastic bags due to them being waterproof and having handles making them easier to carry goods. Paper and plastic have always been a huge controversy in supermarkets through the preference of customers. Some customers prefer having the paper bags standing up ...

  25. Persuasive Essay On Plastic And Paper Bags

    Decent Essays. 1347 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. plastic bags are one of the main issues in our country. These plastic bags are left behind after use, which can lead into these bags going into our oceans. It is important to focus on these issues because millions of sea animals die from consuming the bags that are left behind in their ocean home.

  26. Plastics industry worked for decades to create a throw-away culture

    Plastic has become embedded in everyday life. That's because for the last 70 years, the plastics industry convinced consumers to embrace the material for its low cost and disposability.

  27. Banning single-use plastic bags

    Furthermore, we observed some plastic producers proactively adjusting their production lines in anticipation of forthcoming plastic bag regulations. Additionally, EEA reported a 60% reduction in single-use plastic bag distribution in the country, a significant step toward enhancing the visual appeal of our environment.

  28. New report estimates over a billion fewer plastic bags used in ...

    In January, 9News reported that the Centennial State used an estimated 1.5 to 1.8 billion fewer plastic bags in 2023 after the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act was passed in 2021 as part of House ...


    The most common single-use plastics found on beaches are in order of magnitude, cigarette butts, plastic beverage bottles, plastic bottle caps, food wrappers, plastic grocery bags, plastic lids, straws and stirrers, and foam take-away containers. Although there are some successful initiatives that aim to tackle other types of single-use

  30. 10 Best Reusable Grocery Bags 2024

    As more cities and states ban single-use plastic shopping bags, reusable grocery bags are becoming more popular than ever. Read on to find the best reusable bags that are totes better for the ...