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  • NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS
  • Chapter 7: Experiments With Water

NCERT Class 5 EVS Chapter 7- Experiments with Water

NCERT Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 explains to children the various properties of water. It guides students in identifying the objects that float and sink in the water and the objects that are soluble and insoluble in water. The differences and similarities between different kinds of liquids like water, oil, milk, cold drinks, etc., are taught in this chapter. The chapter also covers the process of evaporation.

The Class 5 EVS, Chapter 7 Experiments with Water contains questions such as the following:

Would the cap of plastic bottle cap sink or float on water?

At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?

These are a few questions from the EVS, Class 5, Chapter 7. If you wish to know more, view the NCERT Solutions below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water


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Think what would happen if

Q1. Ayesha put a puffed puri in a bowl of water. Would it sink or float?

Answer: When puffed puri is put in a bowl of water, it floats.

Q2. You put a steel plate on water. Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon?

Answer: If you place a steel plate on the water carefully, it will float. When you put the spoon in the water, it sinks.

Q3. Would the cap of a plastic bottle sink or float on water?

Answer: The cap of a plastic bottle floats when put in the water since it is plastic.

Q4. Have you seen that some things float on water while others sink? Think how this happens!

Answer: It is observed that a few things float and a few sink in the water. If the item put in the water is lighter, it floats. If it is heavier, it sinks. It depends upon the volume of the item.

Do this and find out

Do this experiment in groups of four friends. Each group will need a big pot filled with water and the things listed in the table. Put each thing one-by-one in water and observe. Write your observations in the table given below:

Q1. Mark [✓] for the things that float. Mark [✕] for those that sink.

Things to be put in water I guessed before I did it I saw when I did it
(a) Empty bowl (katorl)

(b) After putting in 6-7 small pebbles, one by one.





Iron nail or pin X X
(a) Empty plastic bottle with its lid closed

(b) bottle half-filled with water

(c) bottle full of water



Aluminium foil (from medicine packing)

(a) open and spread out

(b) pressed tightly into a ball

(c) in a cup-like shape



(a) Soap cake

(b) Soap cake on a small plastic plate



A piece of ice

Q2. Find out from the other groups which things floated and which sank in the water?

Answer: Things which are heavy usually sink, like metal chains, hammers, steel key chains, etc. Things which are lighter float, like plastic balls, foam balls, etc.

Q3. After doing the experiment, fill in the blanks.

1. The iron nail ______ in water but the katori ______. I think this happened because _________________________________

2. The empty plastic bottle ______ on water. The bottle filled with water ______ because ______________________________

3. The aluminium foil ______ when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it __________. This may have happened because ____________________________________

1. The iron nail sank into water, but the katori floated. I think this happened because the iron nail displaced less amount of water than the katori displaced.

2. The empty plastic bottle floated on water. The bottle filled with water sank because the bottle filled with water displaced less amount of water than the empty bottle displaced.

3. The aluminium foil floated when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball, it sank. This may have happened because when pressed tightly into a ball it would have displaced less amount of weight than the aluminium foil spread out.

Is it magic?

Q1. Take some water in a glass. Put a lemon in it. Now keep putting salt in the water, half a spoon at a time. Were you able to float your lemon in water?

Answer: Yes the lemon started to float on water.

Q2. What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water, because……

Answer: When we keep adding salt to the water, the water becomes thicker, and hence the lemon floats.

What dissolved, what did not?

Q1. Suggest some ways to Hamid for quickly dissolving sugar

Answer: For dissolving sugar quickly, Hamid can follow these methods:

  • Continuously stirring the mixture.
  • On low flame stirring the mixture.

Do this experiment

Q1. Make groups of four friends. For the experiment you will need 4-5 glasses or bowls, spoons, water, and the things listed in the table. Take some water in each glass. Now try to dissolve one thing in one glass. Observe what happens and note in the table

Things Did it dissolve or not? What happened after keeping for 2 minutes?
1. salt

2. Soil

3. Chalk powder

4. 1 spoon milk

5. Oil






Salt got mixed well with the water.

Soil does not get mixed with water. Instead it settles down at the bottom.

Chalk powder too settles down at the bottom by turning the water into white colour.

Milk gets mixed with water by turning the water into white colour.

Oil doesn’t get mixed with water instead it floats on water.

Q1. Could you see the salt after it dissolved in water? If no, why?

Answer: Salt, when dissolved in water, cannot be seen since it is soluble in nature.

Q2. Does that mean that now the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt?

Answer: Salt being dissolved in the water doesn’t mean the water does not have salt.

Q3. What difference did you see – in the water with salt, and the water with chalk powder – after keeping for some time?

Answer: Salt, when dissolved in water, makes the water look transparent. Chalk powder doesn’t dissolve in water; instead, it settles down at the bottom of water.

Q4. Which of the two would you be able to separate from the water by straining with a cloth – salt or chalk powder?

Answer: We can separate chalk powder by straining it with a cloth since it doesn’t get dissolved. Salt gets dissolved in water hence we cannot strain it.

Q5. Do you think the oil got dissolved in the water? Why do you think so?

Answer: No, the oil doesn’t get dissolved in water. It just floats on the water.

Racing drops

Ayesha put two drops of oil on the lid of her tiffin box. Next to that, she put two drops of water and two drops of sugar solution. She tilted the lid. She saw some drops slid down quickly, while some were left behind.

Q1. You also try to do the same and then tell – which drop went ahead? Why did it slide faster?

Answer: Drops of water slide faster than the oil drops or sugar solution since both oil and sugar solution are thicker than water and get stuck to the box making it difficult to slide.

Where did the water go?

One day Ayesha’s mother put some water to boil on the stove for making tea. She got busy with something and forgot about it. When she remembered and came to check, she found very little water left in the pan.

Q1. Think where did the water go?

Answer: The water evaporated, and hence less water remained in the pan.

Q2. Why did Chittibabu and Chinnababu keep their mango jelly in the sun?

Answer: Chittibabu and Chinnababu kept their mango jelly in the sun so that the water in it gets evaporated.

Q3. At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?

Answer: At my home, they prepare papad, pickles, sabudana papad, and mango jelly by drying them in the sun.

What we have learnt

Q1. You have washed your handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What all can you do?

Answer: To dry the washed handkerchief, firstly, we can squeeze and spread it out properly and leave it to dry in the sun. We can also use ironing to dry the kerchief.

Q2. What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of those things dissolves in water?

Answer: To prepare tea, we need to add sugar, tea powder, and milk to the water. Milk and sugar get dissolved in water while the tea powder settles down at the bottom later. By using a strainer, we can obtain tea.

Q3. You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly.

Answer: Lumps of sugar can be dissolved by adding a little amount of water and putting it on low flame. Lumps of sugar can be crushed into smaller pieces later by adding water to it and could be heated over a flame. Continuous stirring results in dissolving.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water

February 1, 2024 by Sastry CBSE

NCERT  Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water

Questions from textbook solved.

Think What Would Happen If 1.Ayesha put a puffed puri in a bowl of water. Would it sink or float? Ans. The puri would float.

2.You put a steel plate on water. Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon? Ans. If I put the steel plate carefully on water, it would float. The spoon would sink.

3.Would the cap of a plastic bottle sink or float on water? Ans. The cap of the plastic bottles would float on water.

4.Have you seen that some things float on water while others sink? Think how this happens? Ans. Yes, I have observed that certain things float on water while others sink. Everything displaces water equal to its volume. If the displaced water is more than the weight of a thing, then the thing floats, otherwise it sinks in water.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water Do This and Findout Q1

2.Find out from the other groups which things floated and which sank in the water? Ans. A ball, a Styrofoam ball, etc. can float on water. An iron nail, a key, etc. will sink in water.

3.After doing the experiment, fill in the blanks:     1. The iron nail…..in water but the katori…..I think this happened because……     2. The empty plastic bottle……on water. The bottle filled with water……because……     3. The aluminium foil…….when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it…….This may have happened           because….. Ans. 1. Iron nail sank in water but the katori floated. I think this happened because iron nail could displace less amount of water than what   was displaced by the katori. 2. The empty plastic bottle floated. The bottle filled with water sank because the filled bottle could displace less amount of water compared to its weight. 3. The aluminium foil floated when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it sank. This may have happened because aluminium foil spread out could displace more water compared to its weight.

It Is Magic? 1.Take some water in a glass. Put a lemon in it. Now keep putting salt in the water, half-a-spoon at a time. Were you able to float your lemon in water? Ans. Yes, the lemon started to float on water.

2.What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water because……. Ans. After adding salt, the water became thicker and thus the lemon started floating.

What Dissolved, What Did Not? 1.Suggest some ways to Hamid for quickly dissolving sugar. Ans. Hamid should follow any of these methods: (a) Stir the mixture thoroughly. (b) Warm the mixture over a flame. .

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water Do This Experiment Q1

Tell 1.Could you see the salt after it dissolved in water? If no, why? Ans. Salt cannot be seen after it dissolves in water. This is because the salt is completely soluble in water.

2.Does that mean that the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt? Ans. No, it does not mean that the water does not have salt. The salt is dissolved in water.

3.What difference did you see—in the water with salt and the water with chalk powder—after keeping for some time? Ans. Salt mixed completely with water, while chalk powder settled down at bottom. Which of the two would you be able to

4.separate from the water by straining with a cloth—salt or chalk powder? Ans. We can separate chalk powder from water; by straining with a cloth.

5.Do you think the oil got dissolved in the water? Why do you think so? Ans. I think that the oil did not dissolve in water. Oil floating on water surface made me to think so.

6.You also try to do the same and then tell—which drop went ahead? Why did it slide faster? Ans. The drop of water went ahead slide faster. Drops of oil or sugar-syrup stick to the tiffin box.

Where Did the Water Go? One day Ayesha’s mother put some water to boil on the stove for making tea. She got busy with something and forgot about it. When she remembered and came to check, she found only a few drops of water left in the pan. 1.Think where did the water go? Ans. The water evaporated and turned into vapour.

2.Why did Chittibabu and Chinnababu keep their mango jelly in the sun? Ans. They kept their mango jelly in the sun so that the water from the jelly could evaporate.

3.At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun? Ans. Following items are made in my house by drying in the sun: Potato chips, papad, pickles, badis and sabudaana papad.

What We Have Learnt 1.You have washed your handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What all can you do? Ans. I will squeeze the water out of the handkerchief. Then I will spread the handkerchief on a clothes line, in the sun. I can also use a hot electric iron to dry the handkerchief.

2.What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of those things dissolves in water? Ans. For making tea, I put sugar, milk and tea leaves in water. Sugar and milk dissolve in water.

3.You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly. Ans. Follow these steps to dissolve the mishri pieces quickly: 1. Crush the mishri pieces into fine powder. 2. Put it in water and stir thoroughly. 3. You can also warm the mixture on a flame.

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Class 5 EVS Experiments with Water Worksheet with Answers

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Are you a Class 5 student studying EVS Chapter 7: Experiments with Water? If so, you're in luck! This comprehensive worksheet with answers is designed to help you grasp the concepts covered in the chapter and test your understanding. With this resource, you'll be able to practice and apply your knowledge effectively.

Unleash the budding scientist in your child with our interactive Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 worksheets with answers, designed specifically to simplify and enrich learning. This collection is not just a set of worksheets, it's a carefully curated tool to aid the understanding of the pivotal topic 'Experiments with Water for Class 5'. Each experiment with water EVS Class 5 worksheet with answers has been thoughtfully designed to make the learning process enjoyable while reinforcing key concepts.

As we dive into 'Experiments with Water Class 5 Worksheet', children will not only answer questions but also understand the relevance of each experiment with water. For a more in-depth approach, our Experiments with Water Class 5 worksheet provides a detailed analysis of each experiment, ensuring every curious mind is satisfied.

When it comes to Class 5th EVS Chapter 7 question answer, our resources offer the most comprehensive answers, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Each experiment with water Class 5th topic is dissected to provide a thorough understanding, instilling a love for environmental studies in your child.

If you are on the lookout for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 question answer or Class 5th Chapter 7 question answer, our expansive collection will provide all the tools needed for comprehensive learning. Moreover, our Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 question answer PDF allows for convenient studying, whether at home or on the go.

Inculcating practical understanding is crucial, and that’s exactly what our ‘Experiments with Water for Class 5’ worksheets offer - an opportunity for hands-on learning. Venture into this exciting world of water experiments and enhance your child's understanding because every experiment counts in their journey of knowledge.

What are some experiments that can be conducted with water?

There are several experiments that can be conducted with water to understand its properties and behavior. Some examples include:

1. Floating and sinking: Students can experiment with different objects and observe whether they float or sink in water.

2. Water displacement: By placing objects in a container filled with water and measuring the change in water level, students can learn about water displacement.

3. Evaporation: Students can observe the process of water evaporating by leaving a container of water exposed to air and measuring the decrease in water level over time.

4. Water cycle: Students can create a mini water cycle by placing a container of water in the sun and observing the condensation, precipitation, and evaporation processes.

5. Water pollution: Students can simulate water pollution by adding substances like oil, food coloring, or dirt to water and observing the effects on its clarity and cleanliness. These experiments not only make learning about water fun and interactive but also help students develop a deeper understanding of its properties and importance in our daily lives.

How does water change its state from liquid to gas?

Water changes its state from liquid to gas through a process called evaporation. When water is heated, the energy causes the water molecules to move faster and break free from the liquid state. As the molecules escape into the air, they form water vapor, which is the gaseous state of water. This process occurs naturally when water is exposed to heat or when the temperature rises. It is an important part of the water cycle and plays a crucial role in the Earth's climate system.

Things that dissolve or do not dissolve in water

In the chapter "Experiments with Water," students will learn about substances that dissolve in water and those that do not. Some common substances that dissolve in water include salt, sugar, and coffee. These substances are known as soluble substances. On the other hand, substances like oil and sand do not dissolve in water and are considered insoluble substances. Understanding the properties of substances and their ability to dissolve in water is important for various scientific experiments and everyday life.

why some object float and some objects sink in water

The ability of an object to float or sink in water is determined by its density. Density is the measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume. If an object is denser than water, it will sink. If it is less dense than water, it will float. This is because the buoyant force exerted by the water is greater than the weight of the object, causing it to float. Objects that are made of materials with a higher density, such as metals, will sink in water. Objects that are made of materials with a lower density, such as wood or plastic, will float. The shape and size of the object also play a role in whether it will float or sink. Objects with a larger surface area relative to their volume, like a boat or a piece of foam, are more likely to float because they displace a larger amount of water.

Our educational resources go beyond regular curriculum, offering Experiments with Water Class 5 extra questions and answers. This enhancement fosters a more profound understanding of Class 5 EVS Chapter 7, allowing students to broaden their knowledge. We also provide a detailed Experiments with Water Class 5 questions and answers guide to help students approach their study with confidence. To make it even easier, we offer the Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 question answer PDF, a convenient tool that puts a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

Whether you're performing a water experiment, investigating the experiment in water, or learning about the experiment of water, our resources bring these concepts to life in an easy to understand manner. Our Experiments with Water resources are designed to ignite curiosity and deepen understanding.

Remember, these aren't just Experiments with Water for Class 5, these are lessons that will instill a lifelong appreciation for the resources around us. And with our Experiments with Water for Class 5 worksheet with answers, you'll find an ideal companion to guide your child through this enlightening journey. Because when it comes to environmental studies, it's not just about answers, it's about understanding every single experiment.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Experiments with water

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NCERT Class 5 EVS Chapter wise Solutions

  • Chapter-1 Super Senses
  • Chapter- 2 A snake Charmers story
  • Chapter- 3 From Tasting to Digesting
  • Chapter- 4 Mangoes Round the year
  • Chapter- 5 Seeds and Seeds
  • Chapter- 6 Every drop counts
  • Chapter- 7 Experiments with water
  • Chapter- 8 A treat for mosquitoes
  • Chapter- 9 Up you go
  • Chapter- 10 Walls tells stories
  • Chapter- 11 Sunita in space
  • Chapter- 12 What if it Finishes files
  • Chapter- 13 A shelter so high
  • Chapter- 14 When the earth shook
  • Chapter- 15 Blow hot block cold
  • Chapter- 16 Who will do this work
  • Chapter- 17 Across the wall
  • Chapter- 18 No place for us
  • Chapter-19 A seed tells a farmer story
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1. ayesha put a puffed puri in a bowl of water. would it sink or float.

Ans. It would float.

2. You put a steel plate on water. Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon?

Ans. If the steel plate is put carefully over the surface of water, it would float. However, the spoon will sink.

3. Would the cap of plastic bottle cap sink or float on water?

4. have you seen that something float on water while of hers sink think how this happens.

Ans. Yes, I think that, when water displaced by any thing is greater than it weight, it floats on water otherwise it sinks.

5. Find out from the other groups which things floats and which sank in the water?

Ans. A football, a piece of thermocol etc. float on water while a cricket ball, a spoon etc. sink.

After doing the experiment, write

1. The iron nail sank in the water but the katori floated. I think this happened because the weight of water displaced by the iron was less than it but the weight of water displaced by the katori was more than it.

2. The empty plastic bottle floated on water. The bottle filled with water sank because the weight of water displaced by the empty plastic bottle was more than its weight but the weight of bottle filled with water was more that that of the weight of watered displaced by it.

3. The aluminium foil floated when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it sank. This may have happened because the weight of aluminium foil is less than that of water displaced by it but the weight of aluminium ball is more than that of the water displaced by it.

6. Take some water in a glass. Put a lemon in it. Now keep putting salt in the water, half-a-spoon at a time. Were you able to float your lemon in water?

Ans. Yes, the lemon starts to float on water.

7. What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water because….

Ans. Because after adding salt, water because sticker.

8. Make groups of four friends. For the experiment you will need 4-5 glasses or bowls or bowls and the things listed in the table. Take some water in each glass. Now try to dissolve one thing in one glass. Observe that happens and note in the table.


Did it dissolve or not?

What happened after

Keeping for 2 minutes?

1. Salt


Salt and water got mix together completely.

2. Soil


Soil settled down at the bottom of the glass.

3. Chalk powder


Chalk settled down at the bottom of the glass.

4. 1 Spoon milk


Milk and water got mixed together completely.

5. Oil


Oil floats on the surface of water.

9. Could you see the salt after it dissolved in water? If no, why?

Ans. No, because salt got dissolved completely into the water.

10. Does that mean that the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt?

Ans. Of course, water contains sal. It is completely mixed up with water.

11. What difference did you see in water with salt and water with chalk powder after keeping for sometime?

Ans. Water and salt got mixed together completely while chalk powder settle down at the bottom of water.

12. Which of the two would you be able to separate from the water by straining with a cloth-salt or chalk powder?

Ans. We can separate chalk powder by straining with a cloth.

13. Do you think the oil dissolved in the water? Why do you think so?

Ans. I do not think so because oil is insoluble in water.

14. You also try to do the same and then which drop went ahead? Why did it slide faster?

Ans. The water drop went ahead. It happens because water does not stick to the tiffin box but the sugar and oil drop sticks.

15. One day Ayesha’s mother put some water to boil on the stove for making tea. She got busy with something and forget about it. When she remembered and came to check, she found only a few drops of water left in the pan.

Think where did the water go?

Ans. The water evaporated.

16. Why did Chittibabu and Chinnubabu keep their mango jelly in sun?

Ans. They did so to evaporated water from their mango jelly.

17. At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?

Ans. Eatables like mango jelly (aam papad), papad, badis and potato chips are made by keeping in the sum.

18. You have washed you handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What all can you do?

Ans. For that, first the water form the handkerchief should be squeezed out properly and then it should be kept in the sun or pressed (by iron).

19. What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of these things dissolve in water?

Ans. To make tea, we add milk, tea leaves and sugar into the water. Out of these milk and sugar get dissolved.

20. You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly.

Ans. To dissolve the mishri quickly. First it should be crushed to make powder of it. Then after adding it into water, the mixture should be stirred thoroughly.

The mixture could also be heated over the flame to dissolve the mishri quickly.

NCERT solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with water

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NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water (PDF)

NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water is here. You can read and download Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 PDF from this page of aglasem.com. Experiments with Water is one of the many lessons in NCERT Book Class 5 EVS in the new , updated version of 2024 . So if you are in 5th standard , and studying EVS textbook (named Looking Around ), then you can read Ch 7 here and afterwards use NCERT Solutions to solve questions answers of Experiments with Water.

NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water

The complete Chapter 7 , which is Experiments with Water , from NCERT Books for Class 5 EVS is as follows.

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NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water PDF

The direct link to download class 5 EVS NCERT Book PDF for chapter 7 Experiments with Water is given above. However if you want to read the complete lesson on Experiments with Water then that is also possible here at aglasem. So here is the complete class 5 EVS Ch 7 Experiments with Water.

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NCERT Book for Class 5 EVS

Besides the chapter on Experiments with Water, you can read or download the NCERT Class 5 EVS PDF full book from aglasem. Here is the complete book:

  • Chapter 1 Super Senses
  • Chapter 2 A Snake Charmer’s Story
  • Chapter 3 From Tasting to Digesting
  • Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year
  • Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds
  • Chapter 6 Every Drop Counts
  • Chapter 7 Experiments with Water
  • Chapter 8 A Treat for Mosquitoes
  • Chapter 9 Up You Go!
  • Chapter 10 Walls Tell Stories
  • Chapter 11 Sunita in Space
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Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 7 (Free PDF Download)

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  • Chapter 7 Experiments With Water


Experiments with Water Revision Notes and Worksheets: Faster Preparation and Quick Revision

Class 5 EVS teaches students many things about the physical and chemical properties of water in Chapter 7. This chapter is unique and crucial for the conceptual development of the students. They get introduced to the basic concepts of physics and chemistry in this chapter. It explains why some things float in liquids and some drown. You will also learn new facts about famous water bodies. To understand the context of this chapter, refer to the Experiments with Water revision notes .

These notes will help you understand the concepts of water and other liquids by giving a simpler explanation of the various topics and subtopics of this chapter. Every section has been explained in an easier tone so that you can get Experiments with Water summary easily. Resolve doubts on your own using these notes and prepare this chapter well.

Class 5 EVS Revision Notes - Chapter-wise List

The class 5 EVS notes will help students prepare better for their examinations. They are prepared by experts and are in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines.

Experiments With Water

Access Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 7: Experiments with Water

Summary of experiments with water.

This chapter helps us to understand the features of water.

How an object sinks and floats on water.

This chapter helps us to do some experiments with water and understand the properties of water or a liquid in a better way.

What Floats – What Sinks?

Ayesha was looking forward to her meal. Her Ammi was making puri and spicy potatoes today, which is one of her favourite dishes.

Ayesha stood there watching her mother roll out the puri and drop it into the boiling oil.

She noticed that the puri initially sank to the bottom of the pan.

The puri rose to the surface and began to float in the oil as it puffed up. One puri did not puff up or float as well as the others.

Ayesha took some dough and rolled it into a ball after seeing this. She pressed it flat and placed it in a bowl of water. Alas! It sank to the bottom and remained there for a long time.

This shows things sink in a liquid because of its structure not weight.

Like a big ship doesn’t sink but a small needle sink because the structure of the ship has a vacuum but the needle’s structure is occupied.

(Image will be uploaded soon)

Is it Magic?

Salt helps things with higher density float in the water.

While boiling eggs when we add salt to the water, we can see that the eggs start floating.

The Dead Sea is a good example.

Salty water can be found in all oceans and seas. The Dead Sea is the saltiest of all.

Surprisingly, a person who does not know how to swim would not drown in this sea.

About 300g of salt is found in 1 liter of water of the dead sea.

What dissolved, what did not?

Several things dissolve with water quickly, some take time and some never dissolve. 

Let’s have a look


Dissolves Quickly

Dissolves but take a long time

Doesn’t dissolve at all













Chalk Powder



Yes(Some particles don’t dissolve)

Racing drops

Here we can study which liquid travels faster.

A pure water travels faster.

Water with impurities or solution will travel slowly.

Liquids with higher density will travel slowly.

Evaporation and Dandi March

When a liquid substance turns into a gas, it is called evaporation. Water evaporates when it is heated. 

Dandi March took place in 1930 before India became independent.

For many years, the British had enacted legislation prohibiting people from producing their salt.

Salt was also subjected to a high tax. This law made it illegal for people to make salt at home.

To protest this law, Gandhiji and a group of others went on a yatra (long walk) from Ahmedabad to the Dandi seashore in Gujarat.

Making of Salt

The seawater is collected in shallow sand-filled beds. 

The sun is used to dry the water. 

The salt remains on the ground after the water has dried.

Practice Questions

Q1. Why would a person continue to float in the Dead Sea if he has no idea what he is doing?

Ans: The Dead Sea has a lot of salt, which helps you stay afloat.

Q2. On a sunny day, why do clothes dry faster than on a cloudy day?

Ans: In hotter weather, the temperature in the sun is higher than in the shade, and evaporation occurs more quickly. As a result, wet clothes dry quickly in the sun.

Q3. Why did Mahatma Gandhi undertake the Dandi March? 

Ans: The Dandi March is a protest against British injustices and the salt monopoly that was led by Mahatma Gandhi and his volunteers on March 12, 1930, from Sabarmati Ashram. The production of salt was a monopoly practised by the British, who also levied a high tax on it.

Word Meanings

Sinks: become submerged in something by descending below its surface, especially in a liquid

Float: Without sinking, one can stand or move close to the liquid's surface.

Vacuum: a place devoid of all material.

Density: the degree to which a substance is compact.

Dissolve: become or make a substance a part of a liquid by incorporation in order to create a solution.

Importance of CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments with Water

This chapter introduces students to the different features of water. For instance, there are many things that float in water. Some things submerge and float whereas some entirely drown. This is a natural phenomenon that this chapter will explain using experiments and examples.

You will also understand the reason behind the behaviour of an iron nail in water and an empty bowl. This chapter aims at building a conceptual foundation so that you can learn various scientific principles later in the advanced classes.

Find out the results of the experiments and correlate them to the concepts this chapter aims to teach. Get to know how these things happen naturally and what the reasons behind them are. Learning and determining things that float in water will also help you differentiate between things based on this concept.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Experiments with Water Worksheets and Revision Notes

The notes have been prepared to simplify this chapter for the students. It will help students to find out the meaning and concepts of certain phenomena of water. They will learn why these things happen and how we can explain them using notes.

Refer to the notes when you are studying this chapter. Download the PDF version and use it at your convenience to resolve doubts on your own.

When you are done preparing this chapter, solve the worksheets and refer to the solutions. Find out 10 things that do not dissolve in water and things that float. It will help develop your answering skills and conceptual foundation.

Download Experiments with Water for Class 5 EVS Revision Notes

Get the free PDF versions of these notes and worksheets. Make your study material for this chapter complete. Learn the fascinating new concepts using these notes and become better at answering questions. Recall what you have studied using these notes before an exam and score well.


The "Experiments with Water" chapter in Class 5 CBSE EVS is a valuable educational resource that provides young learners with a captivating hands-on exploration of water's remarkable properties and behaviors. This chapter not only promotes scientific curiosity and inquiry but also underscores the essential role of water in our lives and the environment. By engaging in practical experiments and activities, students gain a deeper understanding of water's ability to change states, dissolve substances, and support life on Earth. Moreover, it fosters an appreciation for scientific exploration and environmental consciousness, setting a foundation for a lifelong love of learning and a responsible attitude towards our planet's precious resources, particularly water.


FAQs on Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 7 (Free PDF Download)

1. Why does a nail drown in water?

A nail does not have ample surface to displace water and reduce its weight. This is why a nail drowns when left in water.

2. Why does a boat float on water?

A boat floats on water because its surface area submerged in water is higher than its weight. It helps the boat to float. For the same reasons, a rolled puri drowns in oil but floats when it puffs up.

3. Why do people float in the Dead Sea?

The Dead Sea is known for its high content of salt. It is so salty that it does not have fish in it. Due to the heaviness of the water, people float.

4. Are these experiments safe to perform at home?

Many students might want to know if they can replicate these experiments in a home setting, and if so, how to do it safely.

5. How do these experiments relate to real-life situations?

Students often want to understand how the knowledge gained from these experiments can be applied in everyday life.

6. What is the water cycle, and how does it connect to the experiments in this chapter?

Explaining the connection between the water cycle and the experiments can provide context and relevance.

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Grade 5 Experiments With Water Worksheets

A. Observe the following picture and fill in the blanks:

Floats, Oil tanker, Oil sill, Spreads

CBSE Class 5 EVS Experiments with Water Worksheets 1

B. While learning to swim, children are first trained with air filled tubes. Why?

C. Take a tub of water or trough of water. Drop the following and record your observations in the table below:

CBSE Class 5 EVS Experiments with Water Worksheets 2

  • Worksheet for Class 5 Environmental Studies Experiments with Water Assignment

D. Observe the following pictures and fill in the blanks:

CBSE Class 5 EVS Experiments with Water Worksheets 3

E. Fill in the blanks:

1. A soap ……………….. in the water but a soap case with soap ……………… in the water. 2. On ………………… sugar gets quickly dissolved in water. 3. Oil does not ………………… in water. 4. The ……………….. can be used to make salt.

Worksheets for Class 5 EVS

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Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

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In this part of our learning, we'll talk about water and why things either sink or float in it . We'll do some fun experiments to understand more about water and liquids. It's going to be interesting and easy to learn, so let's get started!

Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

What Floats – What Sinks

  • Ayesha eagerly awaited her meal, as her mom was preparing her favorite dish—puri with spicy potatoes. She observed her mother making puris, dropping them into hot oil. Initially, the puris sank to the pan's bottom but later floated as they puffed up. One puri didn't puff or float as much.
  • Curious, Ayesha tried a dough ball in the water, and it sank and stayed at the bottom for a while. This indicates that  things sink in liquid due to their structure, not just their weight.
  • She drew a comparison with ships, explaining that big ships float because of their structure, which includes a vacuum, while small needles sink because their structure is filled.
>> If the weight of an object is less than the water displaced by it, the object will float on it. >> If the weight of an object is more than the water displaced by it, the object will sink into it.

sinks, float​

floats, floats more​

floats, sink​

sinks, becomes brown​

The correct option is A sinks, float​ The puffed poori has empty spaces inside it.​ So, when it is put in a bowl of hot oil will float as it is lighter.​

Is It Magic?

When Ayesha woke up, her mom was sick with a fever. Her dad made tea and gave medicine to her mom. He asked Ayesha to boil eggs and told her to add some salt to the water. Ayesha took a pot, but accidentally put too much salt in the water. The eggs came up a little and started floating when Ayesha put too much salt in the water because the water got denser and the weight of the liquid displaced by the eggs was more than the eggs themselves, that’s why the eggs came up a little and start floating.

Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

  • Salt makes heavy things float in water.
  • When we cook eggs and put salt in the water, the eggs start floating.
  • The Dead Sea is a great example of water with a lot of salt. All oceans and seas have some salt, but the Dead Sea has the most.
  • Even if someone can't swim, they won't sink in the Dead Sea because it has so much salt.
  • Imagine, there's about  300 grams of salt  in every litre of water in the Dead Sea. That's a lot of salt!

The density of a person decreases in the water of the dead sea.

Excessive salt content decreases the density of water

Excessive salt content increases the density of water

The density of a person increases in the water of the dead sea.

The water of the Dead Sea is full of salt, which makes it much denser and heavier than freshwater, so a person doesn't sink.  

What Dissolved, What Did Not?

  • There are several things that  disappear in water when we add them to water. They are called soluble substances . For example, salt, sugar, glucose, vinegar and lemon juice etc.
  • There are several other things that do not disappear in water but settle down when we add them to water. They are called insoluble substances . For example, salt, sand, pebbles, chalk powder, and cement, etc.

Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

Take a look at the table given below:

Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

How to Dissolve Things Quickly in Water?

  • By continuously stirring the solution while adding soluble substances to it.
  • By heating the mixture.

Racing Drops

  • We will learn about liquids and how fast they move.
  • When we put two drops each of water, oil, and sugar solutions on the lid of the tiffin box and tilt it. We find that the drops of water will slide faster than the drops of oil and sugar solutions because the drops of both oil and sugar solutions are stuck on the lid of the tiffin box making it difficult to slide.
  • Clean water moves quickly.
  • Water with things added or mixed in it moves  slowly .
  • Liquids that are heavy move slowly.
  • Oil does not mix with water because it is an immiscible liquid and forms a layer on the surface of the water.

Oil in Water

Evaporation and Dandi March

  • When a liquid, like water, turns into a gas because of heat, we call it evaporation . So, if you heat water, it goes up into the air.
  • Now, let's talk about an event in 1930  called Dandi March . 

Dandi March

  • They also put a high tax on salt , making it illegal for people to make it at home.
  • To protest against these rules,  Mahatma Gandhi (whom people lovingly call Gandhiji) and a group of others went on a long walk from Ahmedabad to the Dandi seashore in Gujarat . 
  • They did this to show they didn't agree with the law about salt and wanted to make a statement.

It disappears

It becomes invisible

It breaks down into tiny particles

It is still in the water, but we can’t see it

The salt particles mix with the water and go into the spaces between the particles of water and form a salt solution.

Making of Salt

Making of Salt

  • They let the sun dry the water.
  • After the water is gone, salt is left behind on the ground.
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FAQs on Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

1. What are some objects that float and sink in water?
2. Is it possible to make something that sinks float in water?
3. What factors determine whether an object will float or sink in water?
4. What is the process of evaporation?
5. How does salt dissolve in water?
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    Chapter 7-FINAL.pmd. favourite food - puri and spicy potatoes. Ayesha watched as her mother rolled out the puri and put it in the hot oil. She saw that at first the puri sank to the bottom of the pan. As it puffed up, the puri came up and started floating on the oil. One puri did not puff up and did not float like the others.

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  19. Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7

    People gather seawater in flat, sandy areas. Making of Salt. They let the sun dry the water. After the water is gone, salt is left behind on the ground. The document Experiments with Water Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 7 is a part of the Class 5 Course EVS Class 5. All you need of Class 5 at this link: Class 5.