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Graphic Organizer: Research an Influential Person

The Graphic Organizer: Research an Influential Person worksheet is a tool for students to analyze articles that they read while researching a specific person. Whether it’s a poet, inventor, or famous scientist, this worksheet will help learners gather and organize important information. The Research an Influential Person Graphic Organizer is ideal for fourth and fifth grade students.

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 Famous People Lessons

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Rap artist
Baseball player
Nobel-prize winning physicist
Singer and songwriter
German Chancellor
Opera singer
Sumo wrestler
Founder of the Republic of Turkey
Myanmar leader

U.N Secretary-General
44th President of the USA
Microsoft founder
Singer and poet
Singer / reggae legend
Ex-Venezuela leader
Freedom fighter
Fashion designer
Soccer player
Argentina President
Spiritual leader
Ex-socer player
Rock legend, actor, artist...
Russian Prime Minister
British princess
45th President of the USA

President of Liberia
Record-breaking yachtswoman
Racing car and F1 pioneer
Ex-Argentina First Lady
Painter and sculptor
Former leader of Cuba
Aboriginal storyteller
Artist, painter, potter
Writer, academic and feminist
Singer and musician
Ex-Philippines President
Social and political commentator
Ex-New Zealand leader
Ex-US Secretary of State
Ex-Chinese leader
Ex-Venezuelan President

Baseball player
CEO of Pepsi Co
Freed hostage
Writer and novelist
Twitter user
Kung fu artist and actor
Singer / Rap artist
Actress and singer
Harry Potter author
Singer / Beatles member
Ex-US Presidential candidate
Apple (iPad) designer
East Timor President
Actor and singer
Ex-leader of North Korea
Former King of Thailand
King of Swaziland
Actor / TV personality
Basketball player
Co-founder of Google
Formula 1 race car driver
Soccer player
Prime Minister of Mozambique

famous person research worksheet pdf

Leader of Palestine
Ex-Iran leader
Civil rights activist
Ex-UK Prime Minister
Opera singer
Education pioneer
Tennis player
Two-time Nobel Prize winner
Facebook founder
Civil rights leader
2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner
Singer and rap artist
Writer and poet
Singer, danger, pop legend
Documentary movie maker
President of Chile
Rap artist
Political and ideological leader
Charity worker
Religious leader
Tennis champion
Ex-President of South Africa
Political writer and linguist

Chat show presenter and businesswoman
Al Qaeda founder
Paralympic sprinter
Artist / painter
Former Pope
United Kingdom's Queen
Jordan's Queen
Movie Director
Writer and environmentalist
Former Serbian leader
Indian industrialist
Zimbabwe President
Actor and comedian
Ex-US Vice-Presidential nominee
Co-founder of Google
UAE Vice President and Leader of Dubai
U.A.E. Government Minister
Video game designer
Nobel Peace Prize winner
Indian political leader
Founder of Apple, genius
Movie producer and director
Inventor of the World Wide Web
Actress and model
Tennis player
Cartoonist and movie producer
Football player
British Royals
Basketball player
Pole vaulter
Ukrainian political leader



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Biographies Worksheets

Fact Or Fiction

Fact Or Fiction

Exploring Biography Basics

Exploring Biography Basics

Comparing Life Narratives

Comparing Life Narratives

Fill In The Blanks

Fill In The Blanks

Answering Key Questions

Answering Key Questions

Unveil And Organize

Unveil And Organize

Famous Person Research

Famous Person Research

Taking Note Of The Elements

Taking Note Of The Elements

Components Checklist

Components Checklist

Character Study

Character Study

Journey Through Time

Journey Through Time

Understanding Biographical Significance

Understanding Biographical Significance

Book Review And Rating

Book Review And Rating

A Learning Summary

A Learning Summary

Write Your Own Biography

Write Your Own Biography

All about these 15 worksheets.

Biography worksheets can be a fun way to learn more about different people who have made an impact on our world. They could be about a famous scientist, a great musician, an influential political leader, or even a successful athlete. Anyone who’s life story can teach us something.

By using these worksheets, you can learn about their struggles, their victories, their journey, and how they’ve shaped our world. It’s like reading a book or watching a movie about them, but in this case, you’re doing it in a more interactive way.

These worksheets might ask you to fill in the blanks about a person’s life, or it might have questions that make you think and analyze the person’s choices and achievements. For example, a worksheet about Albert Einstein might ask you about where he was born, what his major contributions to science were, and what challenges he faced in his journey. Then it might ask you to think about how his discoveries still affect us today.

Sometimes, biography worksheets might also include interesting activities like creating a timeline of the person’s life, drawing a picture of them, writing a letter to them, or even pretending to interview them. These kinds of activities help you to better understand the person and their life.

These worksheets are really useful, especially in subjects like history and social studies, where understanding the lives of significant individuals can help you better understand the time and place they lived in. Plus, they help you develop important skills like reading comprehension, critical thinking, and empathy.

What are Biographies?

Biographies are a genre of literature that focuses on the life story of a real person. They provide a detailed account of an individual’s life, including their personal experiences, achievements, relationships, and contributions to their field or society. Biographies often cover various aspects of a person’s life, such as their childhood, education, career, personal life, and significant events or accomplishments.

Biographies can be written about various types of individuals, including historical figures, politicians, artists, scientists, athletes, and more. They aim to provide an in-depth understanding of the person’s character, motivations, and the context in which they lived. By reading biographies, readers can gain insight into the lives of remarkable people, learn from their experiences, and draw inspiration from their achievements.

What Are The Different Types of Biographies?

Autobiographies – Written by the person themselves, autobiographies are first-hand accounts of the individual’s life story. They offer a personal perspective and an intimate look into the author’s life, thoughts, and experiences.

Memoirs – While similar to autobiographies, memoirs are more focused on specific events or periods in a person’s life rather than providing a comprehensive life story. They often include personal reflections and insights from the author’s perspective.

Biographies written by another author – These are accounts of a person’s life written by someone else, often a journalist, historian, or professional biographer. These biographies are typically based on extensive research, interviews, and primary source materials, and they may offer a more objective perspective on the subject’s life.

Collective biographies – These biographies profile multiple individuals who are connected by a common theme, profession, or historical event. They provide insights into the lives and accomplishments of various people, offering a broader perspective on their shared experiences or contributions to society.

Works That Have Had a Significant Impact

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Written by one of America’s founding fathers, this autobiography is not only an account of Franklin’s life but also provides insight into American history during the 18th century. It is considered one of the most important and influential autobiographies in American literature.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

This diary, written by a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II, is a firsthand account of her life in hiding and the fears, hopes, and dreams she experienced. It has been translated into numerous languages and has been read by millions of people worldwide.

The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi

This autobiography details the life of Gandhi, who played a crucial role in India’s struggle for independence from British rule. The book offers insights into his philosophy of nonviolence and his approach to social and political issues.

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

The autobiography of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president and a global icon in the fight against apartheid, chronicles his life, struggles, and eventual triumph over injustice and racial discrimination.

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

This biography offers an in-depth look at the life and career of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, providing insights into his personality, management style, and the development of groundbreaking products that shaped the technology industry.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

This autobiography is the first in a series of books that chronicle the life of poet and writer Maya Angelou. The book covers her early life, including her experiences with racism, trauma, and her journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

Alexander the Great by Robin Lane Fox

This biography provides an extensive account of the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, one of history’s most famous military leaders and conquerors.

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