Agrovet Business Plan

Agrovet Business Plan, Agrovet Business Guide

This Agrovet Business Plan focuses the business of selling through a retail shop farm inputs like seeds, fertilizers, animal feeds, pest icides , herbicides, acaricides, knapsacks and other farm inputs directly to farmers. The Agrovet Business has expanded since the late 90s as more people get into farming. Lately there has been an upsurge of people doing farming as a business. Such farmers whether big or small are more professional thus use as much as of the necessary inputs through out all stages of production . This has increased the demand for farm inputs and has attracted entrepreneurs to the Agrovet business. Farm chemical companies have also becom e more aggressive in their marketing leading to the establishment of more distribution systems up to the grassroots level.

Wholesaler and Distributors Other than being a manufacturer or retailer you can also get into the agrovet business   as a wholesaler or distributor.

Companies use various distribution methods to get their products to the retailer. In the first instance a company sells produce to a distributor, who is more of a super wholesaler. In some instances the distributor can only sell to wholesalers, while in others he can sell; to both wholesalers and retailers. There are companies which do n’t use exclusive distributors rather they sell to wholesalers who then sell to retailers.

In some instance manufactures sell directly to retailers. This is more so for the small er companies or when introducing new products. A l though farm input companie s sometimes seek distributors by advertising in the public media, often distributors are appointed by virtue of volumes and cash at hand.

The exact requirements needed to become a wholesaler or distributor will vary from company to company. There are those who ask for a security deposit of say Ksh . 1m to 5m , set minimum purchases at Kshs.500 , 000 and so forth. Others will zone regions so that there are only a limited number of distributors within a certain area. There are also those who require distributors not to touch products from rival companies.

Download Agrovet Business Plan / guide  here

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How to Start an Agrovet Business in Kenya

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Are you looking to venture into the world of agrovets and contribute to the agricultural supply chain in Kenya?

Starting an agrovet business in Kenya can be a rewarding and profitable venture.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of establishing your own agrovet business in Kenya, highlighting its benefits and providing valuable tips to boost your profitability.

Table of Contents

What is an agrovet.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of starting an agrovet business, let’s first understand what an agrovet actually is.

An agrovet is a store that specializes in selling a wide range of agricultural products and services. The term “agrovet” is a clever blend of the words “agriculture” and “veterinary,” reflecting the comprehensive nature of these stores.

Agrovets are essential components of the agricultural supply chain as they provide farmers with a one-stop-shop for all their agricultural needs.

From seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides to animal feed and veterinary supplies, agrovets stock an array of products.

They also offer valuable services like farm consultations and pest control, acting as a knowledge hub for farmers by sharing the latest agricultural technologies and practices.

Benefits of Using an Agrovet

If you’re a farmer or involved in the agricultural sector, utilizing an agrovet can bring you a multitude of benefits. Let’s take a look at some of these advantages:

1. Convenience

Agrovets are strategically located in rural areas, ensuring easy access for farmers. This convenience saves them precious time and effort in sourcing the required agricultural products and services.

2. Expertise

Agrovets employ knowledgeable staff who possess expertise in agriculture. This means that farmers can benefit from professional advice and guidance, allowing them to make informed decisions and maximize their agricultural yield.

3. Variety of Products and Services

One of the standout features of agrovets is the extensive range of products and services they offer. By consolidating multiple offerings under one roof, agrovets simplify the shopping experience for farmers, ultimately saving them both time and money.

4. Support for Sustainable Agriculture

Many agrovets actively promote and support sustainable agriculture practices, including organic farming. By fostering awareness and providing the necessary resources, agrovets play a pivotal role in driving sustainable agricultural development in Kenya.

Is Agrovet Business Profitable?

Now, let’s address the question on everyone’s mind: Is starting an agrovet business in Kenya a profitable endeavor ? The answer lies in several crucial factors that can significantly impact the profitability of your agrovet business.

Factors that Contribute to Profitability

The following factors can greatly influence the success and profitability of your agrovet business:

1. Location

The location of your agrovet is pivotal to its profitability. Optimal locations include areas with a high concentration of farmers, as it ensures a steady flow of customers seeking agricultural products and services.

Larger agrovets tend to have a higher likelihood of profitability. By offering a wider range of products and services, you can attract a larger customer base and cater to a broader spectrum of agricultural needs.

3. Products and Services

The variety of products and services you offer can significantly impact the success of your agrovet business. By diversifying your offerings, you can cater to a wider range of customer demands, thereby increasing your chances of profitability.

4. Marketing Strategy

A robust marketing strategy is paramount to stand out in the highly competitive agrovet industry. By effectively promoting your agrovet and creating a strong brand presence, you can attract more customers and ultimately boost your profitability.

Challenges to Consider

While the agrovet

business has immense potential, it’s important to be aware of the challenges that can affect your profitability:

1. Competition

Competition within the agrovet industry is fierce. To thrive, you must find innovative ways to differentiate yourself from competitors. Consider offering unique products, personalized services, or value-added benefits to attract and retain customers.

2. Variety of Products and Services

To meet the diverse needs of farmers, it’s essential to offer a wide range of products and services. This ensures that you capture a larger market share and establish your agrovet as a go-to destination for agricultural supplies.

3. Marketing

An effective marketing strategy is crucial for reaching your target customers. Leverage various channels such as social media, local advertisements, and community engagement to create awareness and drive foot traffic to your agrovet.

Tips for Increasing Agrovet Business Profitability

To maximize the profitability of your agrovet business, consider implementing the following tips:

1. Offer Value-Added Services

In addition to selling agricultural products, consider providing value-added services such as farm consultations and pest control. These additional offerings can differentiate your agrovet from competitors, attract more customers, and increase your revenue streams.

2. Stay Up-to-Date on Agricultural Trends

To cater to farmers’ evolving needs, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest agricultural trends. Regularly update your inventory with innovative products and cutting-edge solutions, ensuring that you provide farmers with the resources they require to stay competitive.

3. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is the key to building long-term relationships with farmers. Train your staff to provide knowledgeable guidance, personalized recommendations, and prompt assistance. A satisfied customer is more likely to become a loyal patron and recommend your agrovet to others.

4. Manage Your Finances Carefully

Maintaining sound financial management practices is vital for the success of any business, including agrovets. Track your income and expenses diligently, set a budget, and ensure that you fulfill your tax obligations promptly.

You can optimize your profitability and avoid unnecessary pitfalls by staying financially organized.

5. Build a Strong Team

Your employees are the backbone of your agrovet business. Invest in hiring and training qualified staff who are passionate about agriculture and customer service.

A motivated and knowledgeable team will help enhance your agrovet’s reputation and drive customer satisfaction.

By following these valuable tips, you can boost the profitability of your agrovet business and position yourself for long-term success in the dynamic Kenyan agricultural market.

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of agrovets and make a difference in Kenya’s agricultural sector?

Step 1: Conduct Market Research

Before embarking on any business venture, it’s crucial to understand the market you’ll be entering. Start by conducting thorough market research to assess the demand for agrovet products and services in your area. Identify your target customers, study their needs and preferences, and analyze the competition. Look for gaps in the market that you can fill with your unique offerings. By gaining insights into the market, you can tailor your business strategy to meet the specific demands of your customers.

Step 2: Develop a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is the roadmap to success for any business.

It serves as a blueprint for your agrovet business, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. Your business plan should include information on your target market, marketing and sales strategies, product offerings, pricing, and projected financial statements.

A solid business plan will not only guide your decision-making process but also help you secure financing if needed.

It demonstrates your commitment and professionalism to potential investors and lenders.

Read also: Agrovet Business Plan + Template + Sample

Step 3: Register Your Business

To operate legally in Kenya, you must register your agrovet business with the relevant authorities.

Visit the Companies Registry or the Single Business Permit office in your county to initiate the registration process. Be prepared to provide necessary documents such as your business plan, proof of identification, and the registration fee.

Registering your business ensures compliance with the law and instills trust and credibility in your customers and partners.

Step 4: Secure Financing

Starting an agrovet business requires initial investment to cover various expenses such as rent, inventory, licenses, and marketing. If you need financing, explore different options available in Kenya.

You can apply for loans from banks, microfinance institutions, or government agencies that support entrepreneurship. Prepare a comprehensive business proposal highlighting the potential of your agrovet business and its projected financial returns. Having a solid business plan and financial projections will significantly enhance your chances of securing funding.

Step 5: Identify a Location

The location of your agrovet business plays a vital role in its success. Look for areas with a high concentration of farmers and a strong demand for agricultural products and services.

Consider factors such as accessibility, visibility, parking facilities, and proximity to your target market.

Evaluate the cost of rent or lease agreements to ensure it aligns with your budget.

A strategic location will attract more customers and contribute to the profitability of your agrovet business.

Step 6: Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Permits

To operate legally, you must obtain the required licenses and permits for your agrovet business in Kenya.

In addition to the business registration, you will need a business permit from your county government. Depending on your products and services, you may also need specific licenses or certificates.

For example, you may require a license from the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) and a certificate from the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS).

Ensure that you comply with all legal requirements to avoid any potential setbacks.

Step 7: Stock Your Shelves

Now it’s time to fill your shelves with a wide range of agricultural products and services. Consider stocking items such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, animal feed, and veterinary supplies. Offering a diverse range of products will attract a larger customer base and cater to various farming needs. To stand out from the competition, consider providing value-added services like farm consultations and pest control. This will position your agrovet as a one-stop-shop for all agricultural requirements, giving you a competitive edge.

Step 8: Market Your Business

To thrive in the agrovet industry, you must effectively market your business to farmers and potential customers. Develop a robust marketing strategy that includes both online and offline tactics. Utilize social media platforms to showcase your products, engage with customers, and share informative content. Advertise in local agricultural publications and participate in trade shows and events to create awareness. Network with farmers, agricultural organizations, and community groups to build valuable connections. A well-executed marketing plan will help you reach your target audience and generate a steady stream of customers.

Costs and Requirements To Start Agrovet Business in Kenya

The costs of starting an agrovet business in Kenya can vary depending on the size and location of your venture. As a general estimate, expect to invest at least Ksh. 100,000 in start-up costs. This includes expenses such as rent, inventory, licenses and permits, and marketing initiatives.

The specific requirements for starting an agrovet business in Kenya include:

  • A business permit from your county government
  • A license from the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB)
  • A certificate from the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)
  • A well-prepared business plan
  • Adequate working capital to sustain operations and meet initial expenses

Additional Tips for Success

To increase your chances of success in the agrovet business, consider the following tips:

  • Get involved in the agricultural community : Participate in farmer associations, attend agricultural workshops, and engage with local farmers. Building relationships and understanding their needs will help you tailor your products and services accordingly.
  • Offer value-added services : Differentiate your agrovet by providing additional services such as soil testing, irrigation advice, or training sessions. This enhances the overall customer experience and positions you as a trusted advisor.
  • Stay up-to-date on agricultural trends : Keep yourself informed about the latest advancements and trends in agriculture. Regularly update your product offerings to meet the evolving needs of farmers and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Provide excellent customer service : Deliver exceptional customer service to build long-term relationships. Train your staff to be knowledgeable, friendly, and responsive to customer inquiries and concerns. Word-of-mouth recommendations can significantly contribute to your business growth.

What Can You Sell in Your Agrovet?

The product range for an agrovet business in Kenya is vast and diverse. Some popular products include:

  • Seeds : Stock a variety of seeds for different crops, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Fertilizers : Offer a range of organic and inorganic fertilizers to cater to different farming practices.
  • Pesticides : Provide insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides to help farmers combat pests and diseases.
  • Animal feed : Offer feeds for various livestock, such as cattle, poultry, and fish.
  • Veterinary supplies : Stock medicines, vaccines, and equipment for livestock health and management.
  • Other products : Consider selling tools, equipment, and farm supplies to meet the broader needs of farmers.

Selecting the right products for your agrovet depends on understanding your target market and their specific requirements.

Regularly assess market demand, stay in touch with farmers, and update your product offerings accordingly. High-quality, up-to-date products will earn the trust of your customers and contribute to the success of your agrovet business.

Choosing the Best Agrovet Stock Suppliers in Nairobi

When starting an agrovet business in Kenya, it’s crucial to partner with reliable and reputable suppliers. Here are some of the best agrovet stock suppliers in Nairobi:

1. Jumbo Agrovet

Image of Jumbo Agrovet Nairobi

With branches all over Nairobi, Jumbo Agrovet is a renowned agrovet chain.

They offer a wide variety of products and services, including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, animal feed, and veterinary supplies.

Jumbo Agrovet’s extensive network and diverse product range make them a go-to supplier for agrovet businesses in Kenya.

2. Skylab Cropcare Limited

Skylab Cropcare Limited Nairobi

Skylab Cropcare Limited is a leading supplier of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers in Kenya.

They have a wide range of products to choose from, and their competitive prices make them a popular choice among agrovet businesses in Kenya.

Partnering with Skylab Cropcare Limited can ensure you can access quality agricultural inputs at affordable rates.

3. Mkulima Best Agrovet and Farm Supplies

Image of Mkulima Best Agrovet and Farm Supplies Nairobi

Mkulima Best Agrovet and Farm Supplies is a family-owned business that has been serving Nairobi for over 20 years.

They offer a wide variety of products and services, and their commitment to excellent customer service sets them apart.

By partnering with Mkulima Best Agrovet and Farm Supplies, you can benefit from their extensive knowledge and personalized assistance.

4. Greenspan Kenya

Greenspan Kenya is a leading supplier of agricultural products and services in East Africa. They offer a diverse range of products, ensuring that agrovet businesses have access to a comprehensive selection. Additionally, Greenspan Kenya’s competitive pricing makes them a trusted partner for agrovet businesses seeking quality supplies at reasonable costs.

Seed Co Nairobi

Seed Co is a prominent supplier of seeds and agricultural inputs in Kenya. They offer a wide range of high-quality seeds, enabling agrovet businesses to meet the diverse needs of farmers.

Seed Co’s competitive prices and commitment to quality make them an excellent choice for agrovet businesses in Kenya.

When selecting an agrovet stock supplier, consider factors such as product and service range, pricing, and customer service.

It’s beneficial to seek recommendations from other farmers or agricultural professionals, visit the supplier’s premises to assess their products firsthand, compare prices from different suppliers, and inquire about delivery terms and conditions.

By choosing a reputable and reliable supplier, you can ensure a steady supply of quality products for your agrovet business in Kenya.

Effective Management of Your Agrovet Business in Kenya

How do you manage Agrovet?

Managing an agrovet business in Kenya requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your agrovet business:

1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Define your goals and objectives for your agrovet business. Having a clear vision will guide your strategies and actions, enabling you to work towards achieving your desired outcomes.

2. Create a Business Plan

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-crafted business plan will not only serve as a roadmap for your agro

vet business but also assist you in securing financing, if needed.

3. Efficient Inventory Management

Effectively managing your inventory is vital to meet customer demands and maintain profitability. Keep track of stock levels, ensure proper storage of products, and establish efficient ordering systems to replenish inventory promptly.

4. Provide Excellent Customer Service

In the agrovet industry, excellent customer service is paramount. Farmers often seek advice and guidance when making purchasing decisions. Train your staff to deliver knowledgeable and personalized customer service, building lasting relationships with your customers.

5. Stay Updated on Agricultural Trends

Stay abreast of the latest agricultural trends, innovations, and technologies. This knowledge will help you offer relevant and sought-after products and services, ensuring that your agrovet business remains competitive.

6. Effective Marketing Strategies

Implement effective marketing strategies to promote your agrovet business. Utilize advertising, networking, and participation in trade shows and events to reach your target audience. Leverage digital platforms and social media to expand your online presence.

7. Diligent Financial Management

Manage your finances diligently by tracking income and expenses, setting a budget, and fulfilling your tax obligations promptly. A solid financial foundation is crucial for the long-term success of your agrovet business.

8. Build a Competent Team

Your employees play a vital role in the success of your agrovet business. Hire and train qualified staff who are knowledgeable about agriculture and possess excellent customer service skills. Foster a positive work environment that encourages growth and teamwork.

9. Embrace Technology

Leverage technology to streamline your agrovet business operations. Utilize software programs and apps to manage inventory, track finances, and enhance marketing efforts. Embracing technology can significantly improve efficiency and productivity.

10. Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

While managing your agrovet business, remember to prioritize your well-being. Take breaks, get enough rest, exercise regularly, and spend quality time with your loved ones. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall happiness and success.

By implementing these management tips, you can effectively run your agrovet business and increase your chances of success in Kenya’s agricultural market.

In conclusion, starting an agrovet business in Kenya can be a fulfilling and profitable endeavor.

Partnering with reputable agrovet stock suppliers, managing your business effectively, and staying updated on agricultural trends, you can establish a successful agrovet business that caters to the needs of farmers.

Remember to provide excellent customer service, utilize marketing strategies, and build a competent team to drive growth and profitability.

With dedication, strategic planning, and a passion for agriculture, your agrovet business can thrive in Kenya’s agricultural landscape.

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Agrovet Business Plan Pdf Kenya

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Start a successful agrovet business in Kenya with the Agrovet Business Plan Pdf Kenya. This comprehensive guide offers insights into setting up and managing a profitable agrovet, including market research, financial forecasting, and operational strategies. Ideal for entrepreneurs looking to enter Kenya’s agricultural sector, this plan covers veterinary services, product management, and marketing strategies to attract and retain clients. #Agrovet Business Plan Pdf Kenya

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Launch Your Agrovet Business with Our Expert Business Plan PDF for Kenya!

Are you passionate about agriculture and animal husbandry? Our Agrovet Business Plan PDF is expertly crafted to provide the insights and strategies you need to successfully establish and grow your agrovet business in the dynamic Kenyan market.

Why Choose Our Business Plan?

Comprehensive and Tailored: This business plan includes all essential components necessary for launching and managing your agrovet venture, ensuring you are well-equipped to navigate the agricultural sector.

What You Will Receive: The Agrovet Business Plan includes key sections such as:

  • Executive Summary: A concise overview of your agrovet business concept, mission, vision, and unique selling propositions aimed at farmers and livestock owners.
  • Business Description: Detailed insights into the agrovet industry in Kenya, including market trends, target demographics, and competitor analysis.
  • Market Analysis: Comprehensive research on the demand for agrovet products and services, identifying target customers and effective pricing strategies.
  • Operational Plan: Practical guidelines for sourcing products, managing inventory, staff requirements, and complying with local agricultural regulations.
  • Marketing Strategy: Creative tactics to effectively promote your agrovet business, leveraging social media, local advertising, and community outreach.
  • Financial Projections: Detailed financial forecasts including startup costs, projected revenues, operating expenses, and break-even analysis.

Why Start an Agrovet Business? The agricultural sector is a cornerstone of Kenya’s economy, with a growing demand for quality veterinary products and services, making it an opportune time to venture into agrovet services.

Take the First Step! The Agrovet Business Plan PDF for Kenya is your guide to launching a successful agrovet business and contributing to the agricultural community.

Download Now! Secure your copy of the Agrovet Business Plan PDF for Kenya today and embark on your journey toward a flourishing agrovet business!

The Agrovet Business Plan PDF includes an executive summary, business description, market analysis, operational plan, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

Select a location that is accessible to farmers and livestock owners, preferably near agricultural hubs.

You need to register your business, obtain necessary licenses, and adhere to regulations set by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Essential equipment may include storage for products, point-of-sale systems, and transportation vehicles.

Utilize local advertising, partnerships with farmers’ associations, and social media outreach to promote your services.

Initial costs may include inventory procurement, licensing fees, transportation, and marketing expenses.

Source products from reputable suppliers and maintain quality control standards.

You will be part of a vital industry that contributes to food security and supports local farmers.

Stay informed through agricultural publications, trade shows, and networking with other professionals in the field.

Analyze feedback from customers, review inventory practices, and adjust your marketing strategies.

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How to start Agrovet Business in Kenya – Licensing Requirements

  • October 2, 2020
  • Posted by: simba001
  • Categories: Agrovet Business in Kenya, General

agrovet business in Kenya

Running an Agrovet business in Kenya is one of the best opportunities that an entrepreneur can pursue. 

It can be argued that as more young people shift towards white collar jobs and move to urban centers, farming and animal keeping should be diminishing. On the contrary, we can now see more specialized farming and a skillful approach towards agriculture with an overall goal of maximizing yields.

This implies that an Agrovet business in Kenya is one of the best opportunities that an entrepreneur can pursue in Kenya. Farmers are starting to appreciate scientific approach to agriculture and thus providing a ready market for agro products.

Farm chemical companies are also doing a better job at marketing their manufactured products making it easier for retailers to resell even to areas where selling these products would otherwise be difficult.

In order to successfully start an agrovet business in Kenya, it’s important to consider the legal and licensing requirements.

To start and operate an agrovet business in Kenya you need the following licenses;

County business permit.

This is a mandatory permit that is needed of all types of businesses and is an average of 7,000 Kenyan shillings, varying from county to county.

Certifications from the Pest Control and Products Board.

This license is issued to agrovets that deal in pesticides and other related products.

The license fee is 1,000 for retailers and 4,000 for both wholesalers and distributors; payable annually.

Certification from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS).

KEPHIS issues certificates to agrovet businesses that indicates the agrovet is offering genuine and certified products like seeds, fertilizers etc..

For a retail business, it costs KES – 1,000; for a  wholesaler, KES. 5,000 and a distributor

Although many small agrovets ignore this license, it is nevertheless important to always stay on the right side of the law to avoid heavy penalties.

Check out the series on Running an Agrovet Business in Kenya and also learn more about how a POS System can help you run & grow your business

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How to Start an Agrovet Business in Kenya

agrovet business plan pdf

With the increase in agricultural farming in Kenya, an agrovet business in an excellent idea . The lack of white-collar jobs has made many people start to livestock farming , creating a demand for livestock products. Nevertheless, starting an agrovet business in Kenya is not a walk in the park. It requires hard work and uniqueness. 

Carry Out a Market Research

To succeed in the agrovet business , you need to understand the market. Market research will help you to know the risks in the market and get ready for them. You will also know your competitors and how you can beat them.

It will also help you to discover new opportunities , products and services you can provide in the market. Ultimately, you will know whether the venture is viable in the locality you wish to start one.

Design an Agrovet Business Plan

The first step for those wishing to start an agrovet business in Kenya is to design a business plan. A good business plan should capture startup costs, in demand agrovet products in Kenya, business location, competition, advertising, market share, strengths and weaknesses, risks and cash flow projections. Having an agrovet business plan is essential to keep track of business goals and ensure financial discipline. 

Locate an Excellent Agrovet Business Location

Business location is an essential factor to excel in the agrovet business. Agrovets thrive well near agricultural farms. You need to consider the competition in the area. It is not a wise decision to start an agrovet in an area with many other agrovets. An excellent business location for an agrovet should be:

  • Accessible by on foot customers
  • Secure with adequate storage space for agrovet products
  • Near agricultural farms
  • Well ventilated and with adequate water supply

Obtain the Necessary Agrovet Business Permits and Licences

To run a legal and successful agrovet business in Kenya, you need to ensure that your business complies with all the set standards. You need the following business licences to run any the venture in Kenya.

1. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) Certificate

The KEPHIS certificate is essential to ensure that customers have confidence in your products. The certificate is issued only to businesses that sell approved products by KEPHIS.

The government is not keen on checking for the certificate, but it is essential since some of your customers may need assurance that you are selling approved products. Display the certificate in a place where customers can see it. For wholesalers, it costs Ksh 3,000 and Ksh 1,000 for agrovet retailers.

2. Pest Control and Products Board Certificate

Since you will be dealing with pest control products, you need to get a certificate from the pest control and products board. For retailers, it costs Ksh 1,000 and Ksh 4,000 for wholesalers and distributors. 

3. County Government Business Permit

You need to get a single business permit from the county government. It is mandatory for all businesses. The prices vary from one county to the other. However, the cost of a business permit is around Ksh 10,000 every year.  

Identify Agrovet Products to Sell in Your Agrovet Business

You might be wondering what to sell in your agrovet business. Agrovets sell a wide variety of products that can be used on livestock, farms and pests. Among the agrovet products to sell include: animal feeds , pests and sprays, pumps, supplements, fertilizers and agrochemicals.

Identify Reliable Agrovet Products Suppliers

Make sure to source agrovet products from reliable suppliers approved by KEPHIS. The following are some agrochemical suppliers in Kenya.

  • Animal and crop-production suppliers . They supply crop and animal products.
  • Animal production suppliers . They only supply animal products.
  • Crop production suppliers . They only deal with crop production supplies.
  • Animal, crop, equipment and industrial chemicals . They deal with a wide range of agricultural products.

Advertise Your Agrovet Business

It is essential to advertise and promote your business. You need to make potential customers know about the existence of your business and services and products you are providing. You can use posters, business cards for advertisement.

Furthermore, you also need social media presence and if you can, a website would be best for your agrovet business. Always indicate the contact details of your business and respond to customer questions immediately.

Read also: How we started animal feeds supplies store.  

Hire Professionals

You need to hire staffs that are knowledgeable about agricultural products. Also, they need to know how to handle chemicals. Sometimes customers without knowledge about agrochemicals will come asking for your help. You need to advise them appropriately. Therefore, being knowledgeable about agrochemicals will be a big plus for your business from most of your competitors.

How Much Do I Need to Start an Agrovet Business?

The cost of starting an agrovet in Kenya depends on the size of business you want to start and the location. For instance, starting an agrovet in town is expensive compared to rural areas. You need about Ksh 500,000 to start a small agrovet business in Kenya and grow it with time.

Is Agrovet Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes. With an excellent business location and customer service, the business can generate revenue of about Ksh 200,000 every month. Make sure to source products from reputable suppliers and have proper storage of products to prevent losses. For instance, some fertilizers should not be kept in direct sunlight since they are volatile.

Identify the Best Agrovet Products in Kenya and their Suppliers

Getting the best suppliers and distributors is a great deal for your agrovet business. You will get high-quality agrovet products at lower prices. This will give you an opportunity to sell products to your customers at relatively lower prices in the market and keep them coming back.

You can source agrovet products from the following companies.

  • Kenya seed company
  • Simlaw seeds
  • MEA fertilizers
  • Regina seeds
  • Orbit chemicals
  • Nairobi veterinary center
  • Organix Limited
  • Ultraveties
  • Pannar seeds

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Tips to Succeed in the Agrovet Business

During the planting seasons, there is a higher demand for agrovet products. Make sure that during such peaks, you have enough stock like seeds and fertilizers. Understand the products that are in demand during peaks and stock them early before suppliers can inflate the prices.

Offering affordable prices is an excellent way to keep your customers coming back. Understand the prices at which your competitors are selling their products. If you can offer slightly lower prices than those of your competitors, you are sure to get more customers.

Starting an agrovet business requires a lot of hard work, skills and knowledge and  quality customer care. To succeed in this business, make sure to order supplies from suppliers in small quantities when you are starting. This will help you understand the market and reach more customers without incurring losses. With time and demand, you can scale up your stock.

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Get in touch

For business consultancy, business plan writing, market research, strategic planning, risk management, financial management & accounting at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through:

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Basic things you need to know before starting agrovet

agrovet business plan pdf

With rise in demand for farm inputs, many people are venturing into the agrovet business. The shops are among the most popular in various towns enabling farmers to easily access animal feeds, drugs and pesticides. FILE PHOTO | NATION MEDIA GROUP

agrovet business plan pdf

By  Anita Chepkoech

Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

Felix Opinya, an agricultural researcher at Egerton University Department of Animal Sciences, says that though the agrovet business is lucrative, it is critical that it is run professionally to ensure safety.

To avoid stocking fake goods, agrovets should source feeds from a wholesaler that is certified by Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (Kephis), he advises.

With rise in demand for farm inputs, many people are venturing into the agrovet business.

The shops are among the most popular in various towns enabling farmers to easily access animal feeds, drugs and pesticides.

However, experts note that while the impression is that it is easy to start and run an agrovet, the business has many demands that many people fail to meet.

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Jared Mutai, the Assistant Director of Agriculture in Nandi County, says the law requires that the shops be run by trained personnel. 

The owners, according to him, must employ people who are trained in plant and animal health. The employees should be registered with professional bodies like Kenya Veterinary Board.

He regrets that most agrovets employ unqualified staff yet they dispense chemicals and drugs to farmers.

“Due to the problem, we normally advise farmers to engage extension officers from the Ministry of Agriculture who will recommend chemicals or seeds they need before visiting the agrovets, where they can be sold inputs that will make them incur losses.”

The agrovets, particularly those dealing in pesticides and animal feeds, should have cool conditions and they should not be located near a food premise or a supermarket to ensure safety of people.

“The agrovet should be a member of an association involving the business to ensure that ethics and standards in the field are observed,” offers Mutai.

He notes that managing finances is one of the greatest challenges facing the businesses but there are bodies that train the stockists on management.

“Once the body accredits them, the banks will have confidence in giving them loans with terms that favour their business. Agricultural Marketing Information Network (Agmark), an NGO is one that offers such services.”

He advises that the agrovet should have an extension section that educates farmers on various issues, like pest control or crop rotation.

He warns that injectibles like Adamycin, an antibiotic, and Pen and Atrep, a pennysilin, should not be exposed to sunlight since it reduces their effectiveness. Vaccines should always be put under refrigeration for the same reason.

“Unfortunately, some agrovets sell poorly stored products to unsuspecting customers but once they note the problem, you lose trust. It is good practice to always be fair and sell genuine products if you are to survive in the business,” Opinya says.

He notes that movement of rodents and other pests should be prevented from where there are feeds.

“Animal feeds should be separated from chemicals to avoid contamination. To further control contamination, shelves should be set aside for specific products and expiry of goods be checked regularly.”

Seeds and fertilisers should not be in contact with the ground as they absorb moisture occasioning afflatoxin.

“Fertiliser should be kept away from sunlight because some are highly volatile. Caked fertilisers should never be sold to customers,” he declares.

Also, preservatives used on cereals and other human food should be separated from other chemicals since when consumed, they are absorbed directly into the blood system and can be lethal.

To open an agrovet, one has to have a business permit which is given by the county government after inspection done alongside bodies like Kephis and Kenya Veterinary Board.

Opinya says an agrovet should display its certifications to give customers confidence.

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