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Video essay for MIIS CM

Hi all, I recently submitted the video essay for MIIS CMU. I was shown one prompt which read as follows "Which courses do you want to pursue and why?". The suggestion initially was to answer to the prompt in 1-3 minutes and the stopwatch was for 3.5 minutes. What I don't understand is if I want to attempt the video essay again, will it replace the older on or will I have an option to send the one I like out of the three. Since I took complete 3.5 minutes and the delivery was broken on some instances, I'm thinking of doing it again but I don't want to automatically replace my previous video submission. Since submission deadline is in a couple of days, any quick help is highly appreciated. Thanks!

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CMU MIIPS Advanced Study 申請經驗分享 Fall 2022

Carnegie Mellon University





CMU MIIPS 申請資料準備

CMU MIIPS 的申請資料主要分成三個部分:5 題 Essays、Video Essay、PDF Portfolio:

CMU 的 MIIPS 把 SoP 拆成五小題的 essays,一題 300 字。原本以為只要拿原版的 SoP 改一改就可以了,但等到實際開始寫才發現我原版 SoP 的敘事邏輯和 essasy 的框架差異太大,而且 300 字比我原本 SoP 的任何一段都還要長,根本沒辦法直接套用,所以幾乎是全部重寫(哭)。以下分享我寫的內容:

  • Other than reputation, what most interests you about attending this graduate program in the College of Engineering at CMU? 這一題我分別從 (1) MIIPS 核心精神 – innovation (2) 課程安排 (2) program 多元性 – 結合 business, design, engineering (4) 學校資源 這幾個角度切入,說明 MIIPS 為什麼吸引我。為了讓字數多一點,中間也有稍微提到我能為 program 帶來的貢獻以及在團隊中可以扮演的角色。
  • Describe how your work, research, educational or other life experiences have prepared you for graduate study in this program. 這是唯一可以拿我原版 SoP 做刪減的一題(撒花),基本上架構就是一開頭點出了我的熱情和目標所在,然後接下來的三個段落分別敘述了一段經歷,說明我如何持續精進能力並且朝目標前進。
  • What are your goals after you complete your degree, and how will our graduate program help you achieve your immediate and longer-term future career objectives? 當初在這個題目上卡了非常久,主要的原因是不知道怎麼湊 300 字(真的好多)。最後我的方法是「鎖定一個特定的領域」去擴充內容。大致的架構是:我的目標、我想投入的領域、我在這個領域看到了什麼問題、我在這個領域的短期和長期目標,然後最後一段再次提到我相信 MIIPS 的課程和資源能夠幫助我達成目標。
  • Given your previous experience and goals, briefly share the type of internship that you will pursue in order to help you achieve those goals. 跟上一題相同,這一題我的方法也是「鎖定一個特定的領域」去寫。比方說我選定的是金融領域,所以我就去查了幾間 Fintech 開的 intern 職缺,通常 JD 裡面都會寫這個職缺需要具備的能力和工作內容,接著就可以把這些內容做轉換後寫進 essay 裡,舉例來說:JD 上寫了這份工作會和不同部門合作,就可以在 essay 裡面寫希望透過實習增強和不同專業背景的人溝通的技巧,只要內容可以回扣到目標應該就可以了。
  • Describe your exposure to product innovation. If you have no significant exposure, tell us about your interest in innovation. 這題我舉了一次在 App 中開發新功能的經驗,大致的架構是:新功能想要達到的目標、開發新功能的過程(包含了使用的設計軟體、方法、合作流程等),以及新功能達到的成果。 我一開始看到 innovation 這個詞的時候覺得很遙遠,感覺自己做的只是個小功能真的算是 innovation 嗎?後來想想覺得我應該聚焦在「用有邏輯的方式敘述這個 innovation 過程」,而不是糾結於功能本身,畢竟我如果真的做過什麼偉大的創新應該也不用讀研究所了哈哈。

2. Video Essay

類似托福口說第一題,系統會隨機跳出問題。我在一畝三分地上有找到一份 考古題 (太感謝網友了!),把相似的題目整併一下大概有 20 題。


我的題目: What kind of decisions is difficult to make? Why?

CMU 的 Video Essay 可以無限次試錄,系統的介面指示十分清楚,不用擔心會不小心按到按鈕突然開始錄,但要特別注意的是 正式開始之後一定要在規定的時間內錄完,千萬不要關掉視窗!關掉再打開題目是不會變的。

我試錄+喬筆電角度+調整肢體大概花了一個小時才終於鼓起勇氣按下正式的按鈕。錄影的時間限制是 180 秒,我講了一分半就講不下去了(到底要怎麼講到三分鐘!)強烈建議在深夜的安靜時段錄,我正式錄的時候遇到傍晚的垃圾車來,所以我整段錄影都有垃圾車當 BGM⋯⋯好在我當下沒有發現,是事後看回放才發現,但還是很糗 ☺️

雖然 Video Essay 不像 Virtaul Interview 需要和面試官互動對答,但很建議如果跟我一樣對於 Video Essay 沒有很有信心的人可以多看一些 Virtual Interview Tips 的影片 ,跟著影片的方法準備一個適合錄影的環境,緊張程度會大幅降低!

3. PDF Portfolio

我總共交了三個作品,分別是一個品牌官網、手機遊戲和一個 App,並沒有針對學校做客製。

需要 WES 成績單嗎?

準備途中我在某個地方看到網友說 MIIPS 需要交 WES 的成績單,又在某份文件上看到 *If your GPA is not on a 4.0 scale, you must request a WES Basic Course by Course evaluation through World Education Services (WES) or the ECE Course by Course evaluation through Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE).

不過寄信問學校,學校回覆他們有專業的成績評估標準,不需要 WES 成績喔!如果你有在網路上看到相關資訊覺得很疑惑的話以上資訊提供參考,不過任何問題都很建議大家直接寄信到系上,一般來說都能很快得到回覆。

CMU 是我覺得申請資料難度最高的一間,essays 真的好難寫呀,還一度說服自己不要申請了,但這一切的辛苦都在收到錄取信之後被拋諸腦後。

分享的都是個人經驗,有任何建議或疑問都歡迎一起交流,也祝福看到這邊的你申請順利、心想事成!雖然最後沒有選擇 CMU,能分享也只有申請過程,有任何問題或想聊聊的話都歡迎到 Instagram 傳訊息給我。

為什麼當時沒有選擇 CMU? (2023.04.28 補充 )

最近適逢申請放榜,收到很多私訊詢問我當時沒有選擇 CMU 的原因,當時的考量主要是 MIIPS 主打的是三個領域結合,而我比較有興趣的只有 Design 的部分,且當時有一位學姊提到了 Engineering 的課程需要接麵包板,麵包板完全是我國高中的噩夢呀,真的沒辦法!另外一方面是 爬文 的時候感覺 MIIPS 未來的職涯發展較偏向 PM 以及實體產品,而我已經有軟體 PM 的正職經驗了,未來也想專注在軟體的部分,因此覺得對我的幫助可能有限。

以上考量就是我忍痛放棄 CMU 的原因,現在打出這些字看似簡單,但老實說我當時也搖擺了將近一個月!甚至連 CMU 台幣七千多的保證金都付了(心好痛),還已經可以登入 CMU 的 email。

不過說到底我也沒有真正唸過 MIIPS,實際上能獲得怎麼樣的收穫、怎麼樣的體驗我也無從得知。每年 program 的內容和修課規定都可能有所調整,強烈建議多問問近一兩屆的學長姐,祝福大家都能做出在當下最好的決定 ❤️

美國 MS HCI/UX 申請總結與心得分享 FALL 2022


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Master of Software Engineering Programs

Software and societal systems department.

All aspects of the candidate's packet are given equal weight and consideration. No single admission criterion overshadows another; rather, it is the composite of all of the application materials that determines the admission decision. The ability to perform graduate-level work, a solid undergraduate background in computer science or related disciplines, software development maturity, and industry experience are several factors considered for admission. In some cases, excellence and promise can balance a lack of formal preparation. 

Word to the Wise

We encourage all prospective students to review important  consumer information  regarding study at Carnegie Mellon; this information is available via  The Hub .


Admission requirements.


MSE for Recent Grads

  • An undergraduate degree in Computer Science or other scientific or technical discipline.
  • Cumulative QPA higher than 2.5.
  • Less than two years of industry experience. Preference is given to applicants with at least one year of experience, such as an internship in a software development role.
  • Knowledge — at least at the level of an undergraduate course — of discrete mathematics, algorithms and data structures, and programming languages.
  • Skills in programming-in-the-small, as well as competence in using imperative block-structured or objective-oriented languages such as Java, C++, and Python.


MSE for Professionals

  • An undergraduate degree, preferably in Computer Science or other scientific or technical discipline.
  • At least two years of industry experience in one or more software development roles, including the ability to describe specific tasks performed in those roles.
  • Knowledge — at least at the level of an undergraduate course — of discrete mathematics, algorithms and data structures, and programming languages.
  • Statement of Purpose: Your statement should include specific details about your professional goals and about your software engineering experience on teams and projects. The Statement of Purpose guidelines can be found here .
  • Letters of Recommendation: At least three letters of recommendation should be submitted on your behalf from academic and/or industry personnel who have worked closely with you recently. Letters are typically written by faculty and supervisors. It is encouraged that you contact your recommenders as soon as possible in order to allow them enough time to compose your letter. The deadline for recommenders to submit your letter is approximately one week after the application deadline.
  • Video Essay: Prepare a personal video, no more than 3 minutes in length, that covers one of the following prompts from the guidelines which can be found here .
  • Unofficial Transcripts: You are required to upload electronic transcripts from each college/university that you attended in which you completed coursework. Do not send official transcripts at this time.
  • Unofficial GRE Scores (optional) :  GRE scores are optional. An application without GRE scores is not at a disadvantage; however, applicants who have taken the GREs are encouraged to submit their scores. The GRE at Home Test is accepted. 
  • If you have not received a bachelor’s degree in the U.S., you will need to submit an English proficiency score no older than two years. (Scores from exams taken before Sept. 1, 2022, will not be accepted.)
  • If you are currently working on or have received a bachelor's and/or a master's degree in the U.S., you may submit an expired test score up to five years old. (Scores from exams taken before Sept. 1, 2019, will not be accepted.)
  • Online Coding Assessment: Invitations will be sent out two days after the application deadline. Applicants have approximately one week to complete the assessment. Previously, there have been anywhere from 3-4 coding tests of varying levels of difficulty that candidates must complete. There is a time limit, but it is rare for an applicant to run out of time. Additionally, applicants may have the opportunity to complete a practice test. Tests may be submitted in any coding language. Instructions on how to access and complete the assessment will be included in the invitation. This test is only an assessment, students are accepted with both strong and weak programming ability. Any evidence of cheating will result in rejection of the application.

Admissions Timeline

Application Opens

September 4, 2024




Coding Assessment Invitations Sent*

December 13, 2024

Letter of Recommendation Deadline

December 18, 2024

Coding Assessment Deadline

December 19, 2024

Admissions Decisions Released

March 2025

Virtual Visit Day for Admitted Students

 Late March 2025

* Invitations are sent to the email listed on your application. If you submitted an application but do not receive a coding invitation on December 13th, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible. The deadline to submit a coding test is December 19th.

Should I send official transcripts and score reports?

If accepted into the program, you will receive instructions for submitting official transcripts and test scores (if applicable). Please note that official documents cannot be tracked or accepted during the initial application process. You only need to provide official transcripts and test scores after being admitted to the program and receiving instructions.

How do I calculate my years of experience?

The cutoff date to use in your calculation is December 2024 which is the month in which this application is due. For example, if you started working at a company in March 2021 and you currently work there and intend to continue working there until August 2025, you would calculate the start date as March 2021 and the end date as December 2024. You would report on the application that you worked at the company for 3 years, 9 months.

Should I include internships in my years of experience calculation?

It is reasonable to include software engineering internships in your calculation as long as the internship was with a legitimate company and led to an increase of knowledge in software engineering.

Is there an application fee?

Yes, the application fee is $100.

Is it possible to take courses without being admitted to a program?

Non-degree seeking students may take a maximum of 36 units (three full-semester courses). To continue taking courses beyond the 36 unit limit, the non-degree student must formally apply and be admitted to one of the graduate software engineering programs.

Can I see a sample SOP?

Although we do not provide samples, we do have  guidelines [pdf] which you should read before you start writing your SOP.

Is it possible to get an MSE degree online?

Yes. You can find information about the MSE Online program and application requirements in the MSE Online section of the website.

Ask me anything!

cmu miips video essay

Have questions about the application process? Senior Admissions Officer Marlana Ivey is here to help. Get in touch.

Entertainment Industry Management Video Essay

Follow the detailed instructions below for successfully completing your video essay and submitting it to Heinz College as part of your application for admission to the Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) program.

If you decide to submit a video essay, please prepare a one-minute-long video that lets the Admissions Committee know who you are, what you do well, and what you are looking to achieve in your graduate study at the Heinz College. Please note that the video must be of you, the applicant (not a proxy). If there is more than one person in the video, please clarify which person is you, the applicant. What you do or say is totally up to you as long as you provide the information requested.

Upload the video to an easily accessible website (such as YouTube) and give us the URL and any required access codes in the appropriate fields within the application for admission. It is the applicant’s responsibility to correctly configure the security and access settings for the video. We recommend that the applicant use the strongest privacy settings available while still allowing access to Heinz College. If using YouTube, we suggest using the “Unlisted Video” setting so that only individuals who have the URL can view it. The applicant is also responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions of the website used to share the video essay. Following evaluation of the video essay, Heinz College will retain a short excerpt or screen shot of the video as a part of the official student record.

We are unable to watch videos that come in any form other than a URL link. We will not accept videos sent by email or on DVD through the mail.

Important: The video essay option is limited to applicants for admission to the Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) program . The video essay is  not an option for applicants to programs other than the MEIM program at Carnegie Mellon University.

Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + design + business.

Carnegie Mellon University Integrated Innovation Institute Logo

Admissions: Online Degree & Certificates

World-class education, wherever you are..

Designed with the working professional in mind, our online programs offer a flexible learning structure that allows you to go to school and continue to work full time.

The stackable online certificates are offered on a rotational schedule, while students can start the MIIPS Online degree every semester.

Getting started is easy — c omplete your application in minutes and receive an admissions decision in days. 


  • Start Your Application
  • Connect with Admissions Ambassadors
  • Tuition and Financial Aid
  • Admissions Toolkit
  • Request More Info

Upcoming Virtual Events

  • Nov 6 8:00PM EST - MIIPS Online Portfolio Q&A
  • Nov 12 8:00PM EST - iii Online Virtual Open House

Online Applications are always open, with rolling admission cycles

Current Admission Cycle: Deadline for Spring 2025 Applications Open: Now    Application Deadline: December 15, 2024

Learn How To Apply

Spring 2025

application deadline: December 1st enrolled deadline: December 15th class start: mid-January Certificates being offered:

  • Technology for Product Management
  • Product Design Innovation

Summer 2025

Certificates being offered:

  • Methods & Tools for Product Innovation
  • New Product Management

Am I a Good Fit?

Highly qualified candidates demonstrate a passion for product & service development, innovation, or entrepreneurship.

They are comfortable with ambiguity, want to collaborate with individuals outside of their discipline, learn best in a "learn-by-doing" environment, and wish to continue their education in a flexible, online environment. 

Academic Experience

  • Engineering (all types)
  • Design (including fine arts, architecture, UX/UI & HCI)
  • Business (including economics)
  • Communications
  • Psychology 

Work Experience

Connect with current online students.

Learn firsthand what makes our Online Program unique, challenging, and life-changing by speaking with a student.

image of Sofia Zertuche

Sofia Zertuche

   Sofia is currently a Visual Design Manager for MAX at WBD. She has experience working with brands like the Oscars, UEFA Champions League, Barbie, and more! She's currently pursuing the MIIPS Masters degree and plans to graduate May 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Athena Huether,  Head of Graduate Enrollment &  Associate Director of Admissions at the iii, answers frequently asked questions about the iii's online certificate programs and MIIPS online degree in this video playlist.

For additional information, visit the FAQ page . 

Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition rates: 2023-2024.

iii Online Certificate (20 units)


Online MIIPS Degree (102 units)


2023-24 Student Fees: $230 per semester

Tuition Rates: 2024-2025

iii Online Certificate (20 units)


Per Course Tuition


Online MIIPS Degree (102 units)


2024-25 Student Fees: $235 per semester (technology fee)

  • *Indicates the estimated total tuition. Actual cost will vary as degree-seeking students should plan to complete the program in 2 or more academic years.
  • Official rate for the 2025-2026 academic year will be released in Spring 2025.
  • All students are billed per unit rate, regardless of the degree progress status.

Student Fees

All CMU students are charged a Technology Fee per semester. Learn more about   CMU Student Fees .  

Financial Resources

Self funding & payment options.

Students enrolled in professional programs at CMU are primarily self-funded. The MIIPS Online Degree and iii Online Certificate programs are not eligible for federal financial aid loans.

Explore   private loan options  and   payment plans   on the Student Financial Services website. 

Review the College of Engineering's section on   Financial Support , which includes details on how to find alternative external funding.

Part-time students could consider Employer Tuition Benefits to help cover their costs. Check out   for more resources to start a conversation with your employer.

Student Consumer Information

Carnegie Mellon University is accredited by the  Middle States Commission on Higher Education . Visit CMU's  Consumer Information page  for more about the University's accreditation and state authorizations.

Your Admissions Toolkit

Ready to apply?

Applicants are highly encouraged to only submit one application per cycle. If you would like to change your application format after starting, please contact the Admissions Team,   [email protected] . Connect directly with admissions.

Certificate Applications

Apply for an individual, stackable certificate in three easy steps:, step 1: create an online account, step 2: upload your unofficial transcripts.

  • Mailing directly to the Integrated Innovation Institute's Pittsburgh address.
  • Sending electronically via an official parchment service (e.g. When using these services, please send them to [email protected] .
  • Via a credential evaluation service - Required for certain transcripts*

Step 3: Add Your TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo Score

All international and United States permanent resident applicants must take an English language proficiency exam. This is required as a component in determining academic success in the program. The scores must be received by the application deadline for the semester in which students are applying. An English language proficiency test is not required if the applicant will have graduated from a US university by the time of enrollment or if the applicant is a CMU student or alum. It is also not required for applicants with United Kingdom, Canadian, or Australian citizenship. The following forms of English language proficiency assessments are accepted:

TOEFL – minimum score 95 with no sub-score below a 23

Institution Code: 2074 Department Code: 99 (Other)

IELTS – minimum score of 6.5

We accept electronic IELTS scores only, using the physical address to confirm the right college/department.

Please contact your IELTS testing center and request that your scores be sent to:

Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering 431 Hamerschlag Drive ANSYS Hall Suite 250 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 United States

Duolingo English Test – minimum score of 105

Select "CMU – College of Engineering"

MIIPS Online Degree Applications

In addition to steps 1 through 2 above, complete the following:, step 4: upload your resume/cv.

When applying for the MIIPS Online degree, please include  your most recent professional resume or curriculum vitae.

Step 5: Upload Letters of Recommendation

When applying for the MIIPS Online degree, please include three professional and/or academic references. Each reference will automatically be emailed a link to submit a letter of recommendation directly to our online system. 

Step 6: Complete Short Essay Responses

Step 7: complete video essay, step 8: portfolio.

When applying for the MIIPS Online degree, t he portfolio is an opportunity to tell us your story. Showcase three to six projects that best illustrate your skills, talents, and interests. Your examples should speak to your problem-solving abilities, visualization skills, and overall level of craftsmanship. In each project, please briefly describe and summarize your contributions. We accept photographs, drawings, or interactive presentations. Please submit your portfolio as a PDF to our online application system (Max: 20 pages).

Want pointers on how to approach the portfolio? Kyle Caruso, a current MIIPS online student, shares his tips:

Step 9: Online Application Fee

An online student's perspective.

Employer tuition reimbursement is often an underutilized perk.  Kyle details how he is leveraging his employer's plan to pay for his online degree.

Wondering what the application is really like? Hear from Kyle about how long it took him to complete the application and how quickly he got his decision back from admissions.

Does the thought of creating a portfolio have you stressed out? Kyle shares how he approached the portfolio process and gives his tips for creating your own.

cmu miips video essay

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cmu miips video essay


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iii Tell us about one song that you could not possibly go without ever hearing again and why?


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cmu miips video essay


  1. CMU MIIS MCDS Video Essay (Fall 2023)

    cmu miips video essay

  2. Boyuan Zheng CMU MIIS Video Essay

    cmu miips video essay

  3. Pursuing a Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services MIIPS from CMU

    cmu miips video essay

  4. CMU MCDS, MIIS Video Essay [Admitted for Fall 22]

    cmu miips video essay

  5. CMU MITS Video essay-YUSHUO FAN

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  6. 讲座·live |在新常春藤CMU卡内基梅隆大学学习MIIPS是一种怎样的体验?

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  1. Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services

    The MIIPS degree at CMU's Integrated Innovation Institute trains the next generation of innovators, design thinkers, disruptors, and world changers. ... Step 5: Complete Video Essay. The video platform gives our admissions committee the opportunity to learn more about you beyond the written materials you have provided. You must answer one ...

  2. Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services

    The MIIPS degree in innovation trains the next generation of design thinkers, disruptors, and world changers. ... Founded in 1986, the course originated from the writings of Nobel Laureate and Carnegie Mellon University professor Herb Simon and became the cornerstone of the MIIPS program in 2003. The course and MIIPS degree program have become ...

  3. Carnegie Mellon University MHCI Video Essay

    Admitted for Fall 2022Prior Education: Cornell B.S. + Harvard Master'sBackground: Business, with 3 years of work experiencePortfolio: Prepared using case stu...

  4. Did anyone submit their video essay for the MS SE program at CMU

    I'm almost done with my application for Carnegie Mellon University (Silicon Valley Campus). I just need to submit the video essay and I'm quite nervous about it. Did anyone here complete their essay? Any pointers? Thanks. Did you get accepted? What all questions did they ask? I'm applying for SE program too. I'm almost done with my ...

  5. CMU Video Essay

    This is my video essay submission for CMU Heinz College's Master's in Informational Sciences Management degree with a concentration in Business Intelligence ...

  6. Video essay in CMU MIIS program : r/gradadmissions

    Computer Sciences. Hi all, I recently submitted the video essay for MIIS CMU. I was shown one prompt which read as follows "Which courses do you want to pursue and why?". The suggestion initially was to answer to the prompt in 1-3 minutes and the stopwatch was for 3.5 minutes. What I don't understand is if I want to attempt the video essay ...

  7. Video essay for MIIS CM : r/MSCS

    Hi all, I recently submitted the video essay for MIIS CMU. I was shown one prompt which read as follows "Which courses do you want to pursue and why?". The suggestion initially was to answer to the prompt in 1-3 minutes and the stopwatch was for 3.5 minutes. What I don't understand is if I want to attempt the video essay again, will it replace ...

  8. MIIPS Program Details: 16 Month Degree Format

    MIIPS Program Details: 16 Month Degree Format Building on the core MIIPS curriculum, the Advanced Study degree takes your Integrated Innovation training a step further. You'll gain practical, industry experience in a summer internship and delve further into cutting-edge technology and applied research. Program Features:

  9. Applying to the MIIPS Program at CMU and what to expect after

    Statement of Purpose: Spend a lot of time thinking about why you want to apply to the program, and how it will help you grow personally and professionally. Tell your story, and do not be afraid to ...

  10. CMU MCDS, MIIS Video Essay [Admitted for Fall 22]

    Video essay for admission to the Masters of Computational Data Science and Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems at Language Technologies Inst...

  11. CMU MIIPS Advanced Study 申請經驗分享 Fall 2022

    申請 CMU MIIPS 並成功錄取的申請經驗分享。MIIPS 申請資料主要分成三個部分:5 題 Essays、Video Essay、PDF Portfolio,對我來說是所有申請的學校中準備資料難度最高的一間!簡單分享 Essays 的撰寫內容和送出申請、收到錄取信的時間點。

  12. PDF Integrated Innovation Institute

    the core MIIPS degree during the first nine months and then expand their study with a required summer internship and additional fall-term semester focusing on a master's essay paper. The MIIPS Advanced Study and Integrated Study in Computer Science degree is a 2-year full-time program. Students complete the MIIPS Advanced Study degree ...

  13. Master of Software Engineering Programs

    Video Essay: Prepare a personal video, no more than 3 minutes in length, that covers one of the following prompts from the guidelines which can be found here. Unofficial Transcripts: You are required to upload electronic transcripts from each college/university that you attended in which you completed coursework. Do not send official ...

  14. Entertainment Industry Management Video Essay

    Follow the detailed instructions below for successfully completing your video essay and submitting it to Heinz College as part of your application for admission to the Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) program. If you decide to submit a video essay, please prepare a one-minute-long video that lets the Admissions Committee know ...

  15. Carnegie Mellon University LTI MLT Video Essay (Admitted)

    Video for my application to the Master in Language Technologies at CMU LTI for the Fall 2020 intake.Website: "Prepare a 1-2 minute v...

  16. 请问大家都是怎么准备CMU MIIPS的video essay的|一亩三分地研究生申请版

    请问大家都是怎么准备CMU MIIPS的video essay的|一亩三分地研究生申请版. 论坛 留学申请 研究生申请 请问大家都是怎么准备CMU MIIPS的video essay的. 1 2 / 2 页 下一页. 返回列表. 查看: 3744 | 回复: 13. 直达.

  17. Exploring Opportunities for Innovation

    The master's essay is an exercise in applying the research skills and practices gained throughout the MIIPS experience for a rich and refined argument. Often, master's essays topics are culiminations of academic work and insights gained from the summer internship experience.

  18. Integrated Innovation Institute

    Carnegie Mellon University Integrate Innovation Institute c/o Admissions 311 S Craig St 2nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3734 United States. 2. Sending electronically via an official parchment service (e.g. When using these services, please send to [email protected]. 3. Via a credential evaluation service.

  19. CMU MSAII Video Essay

    Immensely excited to pursue the MSAII program which is geared towards AI & Entrepreneurship. You can reach out to me personally for any queries regarding the...

  20. Online Degree & Certificates

    Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering 431 Hamerschlag Drive ANSYS Hall Suite 250 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 United States. Duolingo English Test - minimum score of 105. Select "CMU - College of Engineering"

  21. CMU MIIPS video essay问题|一亩三分地研究生申请版

    请问有没有前辈或者正在申请的同学分享一下你们video essay遇到的问题呀!. 我注册了另一个账号看问题是. iii Tell us about one song that you could not possibly go without ever hearing again and why?. 1point 3acres. 广告. 我表示懵逼. 希望知道更多提前准备一下!. 谢谢啦 ...