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Call for Presentations for SHRM Events

A man is giving a presentation to a group of people.

SHRM events feature the most preeminent lineup of HR leaders, innovators and experts from a cross-section of industries. We strongly encourage interested speakers to familiarize yourself with the requirements and to submit proposals in advance of the deadline to avoid any technical issues. Proposals must be finalized before 5:00 pm ET on the deadline date.

Please continue to check back for updates.  Due to the sheer volume of speaker applications, we cannot schedule briefing calls or respond to individual inquiries. 

Please refer to the below chart for details on when events are accepting proposals. 

Click when timeline is open for details.  

Speaking opportunities are also available at  SHRM State and Affiliate Conferences . Please direct questions and inquiries regarding those to the contact listed for the specific SHRM State or Affiliate Conference. These events are not managed by SHRM National.

Important information regarding proposal submissions:

When developing educational sessions at SHRM events, our primary goal is to address the most pressing, current and emerging HR management issues. We aim to help HR professionals excel in their careers. In addition to featuring the profession's current and emerging trends, topics are also mapped to The SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge  (SHRM BASK), which outlines the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge needed for effective job performance.

Please click on the conference name for details regarding suggested topics:

Talent Conference & Expo

Annual Conference & Expo

INCLUSION Please click on the below links for additional details regarding speaking at SHRM Events:

Session formats

Speaker benefits provided by SHRM

Speaker expectations and payment

Proof of performance

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  • Present at TCEA 2025

TCEA Convention & Exposition | Feb. 1-5, 2025 | Austin, Texas

Call for Presenters

Open april 1 through june 3, 2024., shine and share at tcea 2025.

TCEA is a nonprofit association that’s dedicated to breaking down barriers in education so that every student learns to the max.

We’re amplifying the voices of innovative educators and leaders from all academic disciplines and levels in the field who are working toward this mission – limitless learning.

We provide the platform at TCEA’s Convention & Exposition , and we’re interested in your presentation ideas!

Support other educators by sharing your experience, successes, and knowledge at TCEA 2025 – one of the largest, most exciting, energizing, and rewarding ed tech conferences in the U.S.

conference call for presentations

Why present at TCEA 2025?

  • Be a part of transforming education. Facilitate aha moments that are game-changing for school communities, student learning, and the future of education.
  • Position yourself as a leader. Build your brand and PLN by networking with incredible educators, presenters, and vendors.
  • Collaborate with other educators! It’s the perfect time to share ideas, get feedback on your presentation skills, and brainstorm new projects.
  • Stay “in the know.” Learn about trends you’ve not yet discovered and hear about products and updates that are being announced by vendors during TCEA!
  • Attend the event for just $99! Primary presenters attend TCEA at a discounted rate. That’s pretty fantastic.
  • Experience TCEA by day, and tacos and tourism by night! Have a great time with your TCEA friends in one of the most vibrant, musical, and delicious cities in the world.

The TCEA Presenter Timeline

April – july.

  • Read the “ Before Submitting ” information carefully.
  • Submit your application by June 3 .
  • Your submission will go through a blind review selection process by a committee of educators.

August – November

  • Receive your acceptance or regret email in August 2024 .
  • If accepted, verify your (and any co-presenter) information is correct and complete your presenter contract.
  • Register for TCEA 2025 by the deadline in your acceptance email.

December – January

  • Prepare your presentation and presentation materials.
  • Keep an eye out for important email updates!
  • Provide handouts, materials, and your presentation slides in advance.
  • Come to TCEA 2025 in Austin, Texas, and present your heart out.

Read this before submitting.

Here’s everything you need to know before you click Submit on your presentation application. Read carefully to be sure you have what you need to complete the process! You will not be submitting your entire presentation at this time, just your presentation ideas.

Need to finish your application later? You can click Save and Continue Later , so don’t fret! Feel free to get started and come back later to finish up before June 3, 2024.

Want to submit multiple ideas? You’ll need to submit a new form for each idea you’re proposing. Just click Submit to Present and use the same email address each time.

1. Provide your presenter information.

You will have several opportunities before the event to verify, edit, and add to your information. The following is required in order to submit:

  • Your first name
  • School district/company

NOTE: Your contact information will not be shared with attendees, but they can contact you through the TCEA App.

2. Choose your presentation format.

Panel discussion (90 min), presenter-led session (60 and 90 minute), poster fair.

Create a display with demonstration materials, student work, manipulatives, and other artifacts using a provided table and bulletin board. Interact with attendees and offer them resources as they explore your display and walk through the fair to discover new things to try in their own educational setting. More information about the poster fair can be found here .

Learning Lab (90 minute and 3 hour)

3. write an amazing title, short description, and detailed description..

Take a look at these helpful tips, suggestions, and guidelines for writing your title and description.

  • How to Write Attention-Grabbing Session Titles
  • How to Write Must-Attend Session Descriptions

4. Choose up to two topics.

Before submitting, familiarize yourself with all the presentation topics available. Please only select topics in your application that directly relate to your presentation.

Topics to choose from:

Advocacy / Educational Policy / Funding

Artificial Intelligence

Assessment and Data

Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality

Blended / Personalized Learning

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Coding / Computational Thinking

Computer Science

Cybersafety / Security

Digital Tools for Learning

Digital Literacy

Diversity and Inclusion

Early Childhood and Young Learners

Gifted and Talented

Information Technology / Technical Support

Innovation in Higher Education

Library Media / Media Integration

Mental Health and Wellness

Professional Learning

Research and Best Practices in Teaching and Learning

Social Studies

Special Needs

Virtual Learning

5. Add your co-presenters.

You’re ready. you got this..

TCEA 2024 Convention & Exposition | Feb. 3-7, 2024 White

Stay Connected

Join our email list to stay connected with everything that is happening at TCEA.

See You at the TCEA Convention & Exposition!

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Call For Presentations for July 2024 Conference in Washington, D.C.

conference call for presentations

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is excited to again offer a Call for Presentations for its upcoming 2024 National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, D.C., July 8 – 10, 2024. Content for this conference will be sourced from Alliance staff and submitted by experts in the field.

In an effort to foster increased input and collaboration from field partners, the Alliance is accepting presentation proposals for three session formats:  Innovations Sessions , Spotlight Sessions , and Transformation Talks . All content for the Transformation Talks will be entirely sourced from submitted proposals, and a select amount of the Innovation and Spotlight Sessions will be selected from submitted proposals. Please see below for detailed descriptions of each session format.

This conference will focus on the innovative and creative ways that all members of the homelessness system can foster connections and explore collaborative partnerships, leverage new resources, and implement best practices to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness.

In requesting submissions at its conference, the Alliance seeks to highlight a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Submissions are open to anyone with skill, background, knowledge, or expertise relevant to ending homelessness. Speakers with lived expertise of homelessness, and speakers presenting research & data, are especially encouraged to submit proposals.

General conference registration will open by late April. Parties interested in both speaking at and attending the conference should plan to submit their proposals now, and formally register once registration is available. Selected presenters for Innovation and Spotlight Sessions will receive complimentary conference registration; those who have already registered will be refunded for their registration fee upon conclusion of the event. Selected presenters for Transformation Talks will receive half-off their conference registration fees . Additional registration slots will not be held for submitting presenters who are not selected.

Submission Overview

The Alliance encourages submissions from people working across all roles in the homeless service sector, including systems leaders, frontline workers, advocates, people with lived experience of homelessness, researchers, and others. The Alliance specifically encourages researchers to consider opportunities to share new and emerging research.

All proposals must fall within at least one of the conference’s core categories:

  • Assisting People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness
  • Improving and Expanding Emergency Shelter Options
  • Housing Solutions: Re-housing Strategies and Resources
  • Optimizing System Planning and Performance
  • Advancing Equity and Justice
  • Providing Robust Services Through Advocacy, Cross-sector Partnerships, and Tailored Case Management Models

Requirements for Presenters

  • In-Person Presentations : All presentations must occur in person at the event. Proposals for virtual presentations will not be accepted for this conference.
  • Non-Federal Affiliation : Please note: HUD staff, HUD TA providers, and USICH staff are not eligible to apply to submit a presentation proposal.
  • TA providers not funded by HUD are eligible.

Submission Guidelines

  • All proposals must be submitted electronically through the Alliance conference website on or before the de adline date of March 18 .
  • Only a complete submission is eligible for review. Be sure to follow all directions before you submit.
  • Presentations should not serve as a platform for promotion of an individual, organization, or project. Preference will be given to proposals that reflect a variety of perspectives on a core topic and/or lead to innovative solutions to ending homelessness.
  • Each presentation has a limited number of speakers per session. Each Innovation Session should have between two and three presenters, each Spotlight Session should have no more than two presenters, and each Transformation Talk should only have one presenter.
  • The individual submitting the proposal (author) must also be the primary presenter. The primary presenter is allowed a maximum of one (1) proposal submission per conference. If more than one (1) proposal is submitted per primary presenter, only the first submission will be reviewed and eligible for acceptance.
  • The author/primary presenter will be the point of contact for all communication with the Alliance conference planning committee.
  • A proposal may only be submitted under one presentation type (i.e., Innovation Session , Spotlight Session , Transformation Talk ).
  • An organization may submit multiple presentations. However, an individual presenter is only eligible to speak at one session through the Call for Presentations process. Presenters that are speaking on an approved proposal are still eligible to speak at Alliance-led sessions, should they be recruited by Alliance staff to do so.

Proposal submissions that are incomplete after the submission deadline will not be eligible for presentation, nor will they be considered for review. Be sure to complete all steps to ensure your proposal has been fully submitted.

A laptop and LCD projector will be provided for all sessions. If you need additional AV or session supplies, please note that in your proposal.

To submit your proposal, please read through each session type and submission guidelines below, and submit through the button at the bottom of this page.

Proposals are due by Monday, March 18, at 5:00 P.M. PT/8:00 P.M. ET. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

A confirmation email will automatically be sent to the email provided for the individual submitting the presentation once the proposal has been fully submitted. This individual will be notified during the week o f March 25 on whether or not their submission has been selected.

For all session types, authors must select their target audience for the presentation. Target audiences include: frontline providers, people with lived expertise, program leaders, system leaders, policy advocates, policy administrators, and researchers.

Innovation Session

A 75-minute session intended to engage participants in an interactive discussion or activity around a new or pressing issue. This session is designed to maximize the opportunity for session participants to engage in discussion, as opposed to just listening to speakers present on a specific topic.

Innovation sessions should be limited to two to three speaker(s). Speakers are expected to lead discussions by inviting comments and questions from those around the room. Innovation sessions can be designed as a fishbowl, campfire, or other type of facilitated discussion.

  • Create an atmosphere where attendees are encouraged to discuss new or pressing issue(s) in the field.
  • Encourage collaboration and brainstorming of solutions to issues.
  • Help others to learn about innovative and/or creative things happening in other communities.

Submission Criteria:

Innovation Session submissions shall not exceed the character limit of each section overall and must include:  

  • Session title (no more than 75 characters)
  • Session description (no more than 500 characters)
  • Additional session presenter(s) information
  • Three learning objectives for session (500 characters per objective)
  • Brief description of proposed session format. Preference will be given to proposals that reflect specific methods for ensuring an interactive experience, beyond simply including time for questions and answers (no more than 750 characters)
  • Brief description of what findings or lessons learned will be presented. If relevant, include summary recommendations for others who may be considering a similar approach. (no more than 750 characters)

Spotlight Session

The spotlight sessions are 45–minutes long, intended to provide program participants with a more detailed examination of a particular nuanced concept or community example. It is designed to maximize the amount of time the conference participants have for asking detailed questions. It is important that the speaker(s) in the Spotlight Session be strong and engaging public speakers.

A Spotlight Session is limited to one to two speaker(s). The speaker(s) should plan their presentations to allow for 20-25 minutes of extended Q&A. They may choose to give a 15–20 minute presentation followed by extended Q&A, or they may choose a longer presentation that encourages Q&A throughout.

  • Allow speakers more time to explain a topic in more detail and engage attendees in discussions.
  • Educate attendees on new tools and resources.
  • Increase collaboration and discussion on certain topics.

Spotlight Session submissions shall not exceed the character limit of each section of each section overall and must include:  

  • Additional session presenter information (if applicable)

Transformation Talks

Transformation Talks are 10-minute presentations, modeled on TED Talks, intended to engage conference participants on a single idea or new development. Presented in concise, focused presentations, Transformation Talks feature one speaker per topic covering distinct points of view.

Transformation Talks feature multiple speakers, each providing a brief presentation (no more than 10 minutes) on one specific topic or transformative idea, presented from their point of view. Speakers are encouraged to use audio and visual aids in their presentations. Presentations are scheduled back-to-back and do not include time for Q&A.

Transformation Talk submissions shall not exceed the character limit of each section of each section overall and must include:  

  • Title for talk (no more than 75 characters)
  • Talk description (no more than 500 characters)
  • The Learning Objectives, Session Format, Findings and Lessons Learned fields in the application are not required for Transformation Talks.

To submit your proposal, click on the button below. Proposals are due by Monday, March 18, at 5:00 P.M. PT/8:00 P.M. ET. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

The Alliance will conduct a review of proposals using a cross-functional team of staff and stakeholders. The team will consider these criteria in evaluating and choosing abstracts to be presented at the conference:

  • Meets all submission criteria
  • Addresses one of the subject topics listed
  • Shows an innovative approach or solution
  • Submitted in a timely manner

All proposals are due by Monday, March 18, 2024, by 5:00 P.M. PT/8:00 P.M. ET. Members of the Alliance conference planning committee will select submissions for presentation. All points of contact (those who submit the proposal) will be notified of application status between March 25 – 29, 2024 , via email.

If your proposal is accepted, the Alliance reserves the right to make changes to the recommended presenters, program, and materials. Proposals that are similar in subject matter may be accepted and merged at the discretion of the Alliance.

Priority will be given to speakers and organizations who were not previously selected via the Call for Presentations process.

Important Dates

All selected presenters will be required to:.

  • Submit an outline of your presentation to [email protected] no later than April 19, 2024  confi rming presentation content.
  • Submit all final presentation materials (slides, handouts, etc.) to conference planning team by June 4, 2024.
  • Complete and submit a speaker details form.

If a proposal is selected:

  • Selected presenters for Innovation and Spotlight Sessions will receive complimentary conference registration. This registration is reserved for the presenter only and is non-transferable. Individuals who have already registered will be refunded for their registration fee upon conclusion of the event.
  • Selected presenters for Transformation Talks will receive half-off their conference registration fee. Individuals who have already registered will be refunded half of their registration fee upon conclusion of the event.
  • Additional registration slots will not be held for submitting presenters who are not selected.
  • If you are a person with lived expertise of homelessness, and you will require travel assistance to participate, please check the appropriate box on the application.
  • All presenters are expected to be available for all conference dates (July 8 – 10, 2024) in order to facilitate session scheduling.
  • Presenters are responsible for their own conference-related expenses , including but not limited to travel, lodging accommodations, and meals outside of ones provided during the conference. However, the Alliance has a limited budget to support participation of presenters with lived expertise of homelessness.

Please direct any questions to [email protected] .

Privacy Overview

  • Join / Renew

Image Description

Call for Presentations

The 2025 call for presentations will open in late June 2024.

conference call for presentations

11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway

Leawood, KS 66211

(800) 274-7928

[email protected]  

June 12, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: Advisors and Coaches: The Evolving Role of Faculty and Resident Relationships

June 27, 2024, 12 PM CT:  C BME Webinar Series: Individualized Learning and Resident Assessment: A CBME Orientation for Residents

July 10, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: How to Have Reflective Feedback Conversations and Develop a Culture of Effective Feedback

August 14, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: Fostering Master Adaptive Learning and a Growth Mindset in Your Program

September 18, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: How to Effectively Use Electives to Help Residents Attain Competency in the Core Outcomes

September 15-18, 2024: 2024 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement

October 9, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: The Role of Resident Portfolios in Competency-Based Assessment

November 13, 2024, 12 PM CT: CBME Webinar Series: Managing Assessment Burden in CBME

May 23, 2024: Applications for Leadership Training for Residency Learning Networks Due

May 24, 2024: Applications to serve on the Steering Committee for the STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement Due

May 30, 2024: Applications to Serve as Emerging Leaders Fellowship Chair Due

June 4, 2024: Proposals to Present at the 2025 STFM Conference on Medical Student Education Due

August 15, 2024: Submissions for Recruiting, Mentoring, and Promoting a Diverse Family Medicine Resource to Family Medicine Journal Due

Useful Links

conference call for presentations


Get ready to experience AHIMA 24 Conference, the largest gathering of HI professionals in the nation! Happening October 27-29 in "bee-UTAH-ful" Salt Lake City, Utah, AHIMA 24 is the only conference designed for HI professionals by HI professionals.

Early Bird Registration is now open!

Register Now!

Welcome New Members

In-Person Attendees Can Expect

Bullet Point

Face-to-face networking that builds your community and creates life-long professional connections.

A platform to conduct business with hi vendors that are advancing the industry via cutting-edge products, services, and technology., insight into real-time hi advances via pre-conference workshops and health site visits., ability to earn valuable ceus and nursing contact hours during in-person and post-event.

AHIMA 24 TIP: AHIMA 24 Conference is a hybrid event. That means some sessions will be streamed live from the Salt Palace Convention Center and made available on-demand after the conference ends. AHIMA 24 in-person attendees may view live stream on-demand sessions until February 5, 2025, so you can continue learning and earning CEUs well into 2025! The Live Stream session schedule will be provided in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates!

Plan Now for Your Ultimate AHIMA 24 Experience

Planning ahead has many advantages. We encourage conference goers to take advantage of our early bird rates and special savings on group rates. Remember to check out the conference agenda too and include time for pre- and post-conference Workshops and Site Visits . Attendees will also enjoy AHIMA 24 Conference preferred pricing and a variety of hotel choices to accommodate every budget and comfort level. All our hotels are within walking distance of the Salt Palace Convention Center. Be sure to book your hotel with AHIMA and save!

AHIMA 24 TIP : Be sure your AHIMA membership renewal is up to date so you’re sure to enjoy AHIMA member-exclusive conference rates! Not a member yet? Join now!

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Set Your Sites on “bee-UTAH-ful” Salt Lake City!

AHIMA 24 TIP: Did you know Salt Lake City is one of the nation’s largest tech innovation hubs? Salt Lake City is home to 477 tech startups and 85 health-tech companies!

Visit Salt Lake City’s official AHIMA 24 travel website to explore sights and sounds, discover attendee discounts to restaurants and bars, and more!

In-Person Registration Fees at a Glance

Find out what your registration fee includes.

Group Discount: Groups of seven (7) or more from the same company are encouraged to take advantage of our group discount: groups of seven (7) or more people are eligible for a $100 discount per person in the group. Please note that all attendees must register at the same time to receive the group discount. The group discount is for the In-Person event only; group discount does not apply to Virtual registration. To register, please use the Group code:  24GROUP24 . For questions, please email [email protected] .

Not able to join us in Salt Lake City?

Don’t worry, we have you covered! Attendees who opt for our virtual Live Stream / On-Demand only option will have access to select sessions during the in-person conference, and on-demand after the in-person conference until December 27, 2024, and may earn up to 28 CEUs derived from sessions live streamed during the conference dates and on-demand sessions. Learn more about our virtual experience .

Explore the AHIMA 24 Impact Areas of Focus, Designed Specifically for HI Professionals

AHIMA 24 educational sessions are designed to help health information professionals upskill their knowledge base with resources and tools needed to advance their careers and adapt to the future of HI. Our educational sessions will be organized into four impact areas of focus:

conference call for presentations

Workforce Strategy

Sessions in this impact area will address topics such as:

  • Preparing the healthcare workforce for new challenges
  • Engaging and reengaging staff for optimal performance
  • Leading and managing remotely
  • The impact of technology on the workforce

Data Utilization

Data Utilization

  • The impact of the increasing volume and sources of data in healthcare
  • Ensuring the integrity and quality of data
  • Using data to ensure effective, equitable care
  • Data literacy

Operational Outcomes

Operational Outcomes

  • Improving clinical, quality, and safety outcomes
  • Leveraging technology to improve financial results
  • Improving operational efficiencies and productivity (artificial intelligence, revenue cycle optimization, etc.)
  • Telehealth strategies

Information Sharing

Information Sharing

  • Protecting patient data
  • Individual right of access
  • Interoperability, information blocking, and the changing regulatory environment
  • Patient matching and identification

Sponsorship and Exhibiting at AHIMA 24

Join us at AHIMA 24 Conference to connect with thousands of highly influential health information professionals and key decision makers who are ready to engage with impactful solutions — like yours.

"Sponsoring the AHIMA Conference provided an opportunity for our sales team to connect with key decision-makers. Those interactions opened the door to future conversations, which helped convert leads to closed deals. We will definitely attend future AHIMA conferences." — VP, Sales & Marketing

Hurry, sponsorship opportunities are selling out fast! Learn More

  • View Prospectus

Sponsorship and Exhibiting at AHIMA24

ICMA Conference Logo

Call for Presentations

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Submission Deadline

The deadline to submit your proposal is closed.

conference call for presentations

How it Works

Our committee will evaluate each proposal and make selections based on topic, content, and alignment with the 14 Practices for Effective Local Government Management and Leadership . All those who submit proposals will be notified after the selection process.

conference call for presentations

Your question may be answered in the FAQ, if not, please contact Felicia Littky, manager of conference education programming, at [email protected] .

Are you passionate about local governance, leadership, and making a difference in your community? We invite you to be a part of the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference by sharing your expertise and insights as a presenter!

At ICMA, we are committed to advancing the field of local government management and leadership. As we prepare for the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference, all educational tracks and sessions will be carefully aligned with the 14 Practices for Effective Local Government Management and Leadership . This alignment ensures that our conference program directly addresses the key challenges and opportunities facing local government professionals today. The 14 Practices serve as a comprehensive framework for excellence in local government management. They are the result of extensive research, feedback from our Conference Planning Committee, and data analytics that help us identify the most critical areas of focus.

By aligning our conference tracks and sessions with these practices, we aim to provide local government professionals with relevant and actionable insights that will empower them to make a real difference in their communities. Whether they are seasoned professionals or just beginning their career in local government, they will find valuable sessions that speak directly to their needs and aspirations.

conference call for presentations

Why Should You Submit a Presentation Proposal?

Share your expertise.

Showcase your knowledge, experiences, and success stories.

conference call for presentations

Impactful Networking

Connect with peers, mentors, and innovators in the field.

conference call for presentations

Influence Change

Shape the future of local governance and leadership.

Showcase Innovations

Highlight your community’s achievements and innovations.

Professional Growth

Enhance your own skills and leadership capabilities.

Topics We’re Interested In

Digital agility.

An exploration of the latest in digital technologies and data-driven decision-making.

The ability to adopt and leverage digital technologies and capabilities to achieve strategic goals and create value is essential. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, local governments face unique challenges and opportunities as they strive to deliver efficient and effective services to their communities. This track highlights operational technologies, tools, and other innovations that allow organizations to advance their operations, asset integrity, risk management, and business continuity and growth. Topics may include approaches to navigating the digital transformation journey, data-driven decision-making, cybersecurity, resilience and privacy, digital service delivery, innovative civic engagement, e-government regulations and compliance, digital inclusion and equity, effective IT governance, and managing at the speed of emerging technologies, such as AI, IoT, blockchain, and 5G, that can be leveraged to enhance services, improve efficiency, and drive innovation in local government.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 11 Technological Literacy

Adapting leadership approaches to navigate change and uncertainty.

What have we learned about effectively engaging others in developing, achieving, articulating, and embodying shared values, ethics, sense of purpose, and vision in the face of so much change and uncertainty? This track will explore how public servants can adapt leadership approaches to navigate current and future challenges.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 6 Strategic Leadership

Livable Communities

Addressing “wicked problems” and building community resilience.

The “wicked problems” impacting places can lead to opportunities for government staff and local stakeholders to communicate, build trust, and collaborate in new ways. This track will explore approaches that are making a difference in community resilience and quality of life.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 2 Community Engagement 7 Strategic Planning 8 Policy Facilitation and Implementation 9 Community and Resident Service 10 Service Delivery 14 Communication and Information Sharing

Future-proof processes, systems, and policies in local government.

ICMA and the local government management profession have built a 100-year+ history around ethical, efficient, transparent, and results-oriented oversight of local government operations. To ensure leaders and the local government workforce continue to meet those obligations, this track will focus on the challenges and opportunities in future-proofing processes, systems, and policies. This also includes HR, workforce, staffing, etc.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 1 Personal and Professional Integrity 3 Equity and Inclusion 4 Staff Effectiveness 6 Strategic Planning 8 Policy Facilitation and Implementation 12 Financial Management and Budgeting 13 Human Resources Management and Workforce Engagement


Unlocking your potential, enhancing well-being, and creating positive change.

Designed for individuals committed to unlocking their fullest potential, enhancing their well-being, and creating positive change in their lives and focusing on making oneself better. This track highlights:

  • Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence: The practice of mindfulness and its role in developing emotional intelligence; techniques for managing stress, improving self-awareness, and fostering healthier relationships.
  • Goal setting and Achievement: The art of setting meaningful, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations; strategies for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated on your path to success.
  • Positive Well-being: The principles of positive psychology and how to cultivate happiness and well-being in your life; the science of flourishing and strategies for enhancing life satisfaction.
  • Resilience and Adversity Mastery: How to build resilience in the face of life’s challenges and techniques for bouncing back from setbacks and emerging stronger and more resilient than ever.
  • Personal Growth Strategies: Insights into various personal growth frameworks and approaches, from self-reflection to self-improvement techniques; identifying your unique strengths and areas for growth.
  • Life Balance and Time Management: Finding harmony in life by mastering the art of time management and work-life balance; practical strategies for juggling personal and professional responsibilities.
  • Transformational Leadership: Unleashing leadership potential by understanding how personal growth contributes to effective leadership; exploring leadership models that prioritize authenticity and personal development.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 5 Personal Resiliency and Development

Service Delivery

Reimagining service delivery and public safety operations.

Across the range of local government service areas, current expectations, systems, and delivery models often look vastly different than when many managers entered the profession. This track will explore how, where, when, and by whom the work gets done presents opportunities for reimagination to make the best use of resources and meet the needs of the public. Also includes public safety and emergency services operations.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 9 Community and Resident Service 10 Service Delivery

Thriving Economies

Promoting economic mobility and inclusive, sustainable development.

Local governments and communities worldwide are in varying states of rebounding from the pandemic, natural disasters, and other economic shifts. This track will help leaders learn to monitor and adapt to disruptive industries and trends, as well as identify opportunities to promote economic mobility and inclusive, sustainable development.

Addresses Effective Local Government Leadership and Management Practices: 6 Strategic Leadership 7 Strategic Planning 12 Financial Management and Budgeting

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you make a lasting impact at the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference. Please email Felicia Littky, manager of conference education programming, at [email protected] .

Presentation Formats

Educational session.

Session Length: 60-minute, 45-minute presentation + 15-minute Q&A session

An educational session consists of a formal presentation made by an expert(s) on the subject. The presenter(s) does/do not have to be an acknowledged expert in the field, but should be well-versed on the topic through experience and/or research. Experienced CAOs or other practitioners are welcome to submit. Presentation presenters are encouraged to prepare a PowerPoint for their presentation, using the PowerPoint template which will be provided to them by ICMA upon acceptance.

Limited to FOUR (4) speakers per session

Intended Outcome: caring (about the topic), insights, awareness, understanding, comprehension, reflection, and/or knowledge.

Session Length: 60-minute

A discussion is a group conversation between a small group of participants on a specific topic or issue. Discussion sessions typically include a 5- to 10-minute introduction by the organizer to introduce the topic, followed by discussion and feedback from participants. Discussions are meant to be interactive between the facilitator and attendees. As such, they take place in rooms set for up to 60 participants seated at roundtables. These sessions are NOT formal presentations and should be created to facilitate group conversations.

Limited to FOUR (4) discussion leaders/facilitators per session

Intended Outcome: targeted feedback, engaging discussions, and/or networking with similarly interested participants.

Skill-Building Workshop

Session Length: 120-minute

These workshops are intended to be skill-focused, active, and engaging. The content and outcomes of the session should be specifically focused on one or more of the ICMA Practices for Effective Local Government Management and Leadership .  Please note: The ICMA Professional Development Staff will provide skill-building workshop instructors with guidelines on how to develop their sessions, activities, PowerPoint slides, participant guides (strongly recommended), and post-session communications/activities. Skill-building workshops are meant to be interactive between the facilitator and attendees. As such, these take place in rooms set for up to 60 participants.

Limited to TWO (2) instructors per session.

Intended Outcome: Clear and specific performance-based outcomes and skills that participants can apply in a real-world context.

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Call for Presentations

As of the Jan. 31 submission deadline, IAAO has closed the submission process for topics for the 2024 Annual Conference, Aug. 25-28 in Denver that reflect innovative, cutting-edge content that stimulates and provokes discussion and audience engagement, and facilitates knowledge transfer and development of new competencies. Submissions are welcome from both seasoned professionals and those new to the profession. Notices on selected presentations will be made at the end of March.

Topic Areas

Topic areas are defined by the IAAO Body of Knowledge (BoK) . The BoK is a framework for defining the key knowledge, skills, and subskills for the mass appraisal profession. Your submission should relate to one or more of these knowledge areas. As you consider your presentation topic, the BoK and potential topic areas are provided in the submission guidelines and should be used as a guide for developing your potential presentation. 

Business Partners

As a business partner, you are encouraged to submit presentations related to best practices. These presentations cannot be sales pitches or commercials and must include a representative from a government assessment office as a subject matter expert. Carefully evaluate your presentation idea. Submissions by exhibitors that do not fully separate out any sales will not be selected by the Conference Content Task Force. Again this year is an Exhibitor Showcase – a chance for business partners to provide live demonstrations in a dedicated space.  A separate submission form will be required. This will be available in March 2024. 

Proposal Process + Selection Criteria Peer Review

Submissions are reviewed by the Conference Content Task Force, appointed by the 2024 IAAO President and President-Elect. To assist members applying for continuing education credits with states in 2024, please note these requirements. For accepted presentations, biographies of all presenters and a timed outline are to be submitted no later than June 14. Full final presentations are due by August 2, 2024.

Evaluation Process

All submissions are evaluated on each of the following criteria:

  • Overall topic and how it relates to the assessment/appraisal profession
  • Three clearly defined practical learning objectives
  • Program design/interactive learning elements
  • Overall quality of submission 
  • CONFERENCE CHECK IN: 30 minutes prior to the on-site session (Colorado Convention Center)

If you have questions on the Annual Conference Call for Presentations, contact Kristin Taylor at [email protected] .

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Call for Presentations

Inspire Esri’s global user community with a presentation about your innovative use of GIS.

Submission deadline

The deadline to submit an abstract for your presentation has passed.

Notifications about the status of submitted abstracts will be sent in early March 2024.

How it works

Our committee will evaluate each abstract and make selections based on topic, content, and time availability. All those who submit abstracts will be notified after the selection process.

Tips and guidelines

Submissions should tell inspiring stories that illustrate how you are using Esri GIS technology to positively impact your communities or industries.

conference call for presentations

Eligibility and requirements

All submissions must be in English and include the following:

  • Speaker name(s): For business partner and distributor submissions, your end user must be added in your submission as the primary speaker at the conference.
  • Presentation title (80 characters or fewer, including spaces)
  • Company name
  • Complete address, phone, and email information
  • Abstract (600 characters or fewer, including spaces): Please make sure that any content in the main abstract field is ready to be published. If your presentation is accepted, this will be your description in the agenda. If you have additional information you’d like to share about your abstract, please include it in the expanded abstract field.
  • Keyword set (list only 3–5 keywords): Keywords are used to organize presentations into appropriate sessions, so choose words that clearly describe the main ideas of your work.

The information you enter will be published on the website and agenda. Eliminate bullet points and numbering. Avoid using words in all capital letters. All papers and presentations must be noncommercial. At no time is it permissible for speakers to use their time slot to advertise or promote a product, service, or company.

You will need an Esri account to access the submission form and submit your abstract. If you do not have an Esri account, you can create a free account.

Presentation topics

This year we are specifically interested in the following topics:

Architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC)

  • Facility management
  • Financial services
  • Logistics and supply chain
  • Manufacturing
  • Real estate
  • Technology and high tech
  • Conservation
  • Health and human services
  • Hospitals and health systems
  • Public health


  • Electric utilities
  • Gas utilities
  • Telecommunications
  • Water resources
  • Water utilities
  • National government
  • Defense and intelligence
  • National mapping, navigation, and geospatial authorities
  • Official statistics and census agencies
  • Tribal and Indigenous governance

Natural resources

  • Agriculture
  • Environmental and natural resources management
  • Fisheries and wildlife management

Nonprofit organizations

Public safety.

  • Emergency communications and 911
  • Emergency and disaster management
  • Fire, rescue, EMS, and wildfire
  • Humanitarian
  • Law enforcement and national security
  • Security operations
  • Climate change
  • Earth sciences
  • Geographic information (GI) science
  • Weather and climate

Social impact

  • Equity and social justice
  • State and local government
  • Economic development
  • Land records
  • Parks and recreation
  • Public works
  • Redistricting

Sustainable development

  • Sustainable and global development


  • Airports and aviation
  • Maritime and ports
  • Public transit
  • Roads and highways

Questions to be answered

What problem did you solve with gis, what advantage did gis give you, did you find a more useful way to do something, what difficulties did you overcome to solve your organization or departmental problems, what were your findings or results, how can this project be useful for the audience, submission guidelines.

Ensure that your abstract reflects what will be included in your presentation. Attendees sign up for sessions based on the advertised content.

Be enthusiastic

Present content that's both relevant and exciting. Demonstrate to the audience why the information you are sharing is valuable.

Be specific

Identify your target audience and the roles that will specifically benefit from this session. Make sure your presentation stays on topic and relevant to the session.

Be original

Attendees want to see new presentations that cover the latest innovations in technology. Take time to create well-written titles, abstracts, and outlines and to select the appropriate audience and expertise level.

Be educational

Use your presentation to inform rather than to promote. Ensure that your proposal demonstrates an exciting opportunity for attendees to learn something new, instead of appearing like a sales pitch.

Helpful tips

Focus on esri technology.

The focus of your presentation should detail how you've leveraged Esri technology to overcome a challenge and realize success in your project.

Include relevant details

Provide any pertinent information that will help us understand your selection of discipline and determine the appropriate topic category for your presentation.

Avoid product promotion

Papers and presentations must be noncommercial. Attendees are there to learn techniques, solve problems, and be inspired by what you’ve accomplished. Your presentation should give the audience valuable takeaways they can use in their own work, not promote a product or service.

Frequently asked questions

How long should my presentation be.

Presentations can range from 5-minute Lightning Talks to 25-minute presentations. If selected, you will be notified of your presentation length.

How are abstracts chosen?

Our committee will evaluate each abstract and make selections based on topic, content, and time availability. All those who submit abstracts will be notified in early March after the selection process.

What is provided to speakers before and during the event?

Speakers will be provided with presentation information as well as their time slot and instructions. During the event, Esri staff will help facilitate the session with you and the other speakers.

Who can submit an abstract for a presentation?

Submitting abstracts is open to members of the Esri user community.

Am I allowed to promote my product?

No, product promotion is prohibited. While we understand you have products and services to sell, we would like these sessions to be inspiring, informative, and educational rather than a series of exhibit booth sales demonstrations.

Submissions are now closed

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Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education

Call for Presentations

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Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino • March 15-21

Call for proposals due: october 20, 2024.

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SITE  is unique as the only organization which has as its sole focus the integration of instructional technologies into teacher education programs. SITE promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional practice knowledge through conferences, books, projects, and the  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE) .

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Hundreds of presentations in 30+ major topic areas!

The  Conference Review Policy  requires that each proposal will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for inclusion in the conference program, and conference proceedings.

SITE is the premiere international conference in this field and annually attracts more than 1,300 leaders in the field from over 60 countries.

The SITE Conference is designed for:

  • Teacher educators in ALL disciplines
  • Computer technology coordinators
  • K-12 administrators
  • Curriculum developers
  • All interested in improving education through technology

conference call for presentations

The Conference invites proposals from the introductory through advanced level on all topics related to:

  • the use of information technology in teacher education, and
  • Graduate Teacher Education
  • Faculty & Staff Development

Proposals which address the theory, research and applications as well as describe innovative projects are encouraged.

Presentation Categories

The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.

  • Keynote Speakers
  • Invited Panels/Speakers
  • Papers (If there is a Final Call, a limited number of Full Papers will be accepted for this Call.)
  • Posters/Demonstrations
  • Corporate Showcases & Demonstration
  • Roundtables
  • Virtual Papers

Presentations are invited from participants with interest in Information Technology and Teacher Education and areas.

Corporate Participation

A variety of opportunities such as Corporate Showcases (30 minutes) and Corporate Demonstrations (2-hours, scheduled with the Poster/Demos) are available to present research-oriented papers, or to showcase and market your products and services.


Accepted papers will be published  by AACE in the Conference Proceedings and internationally distributed via the online  LearnTechLib  – Learning and Technology Library, sponsored by AACE. This Proceedings serves as a major source document indicating the current state of the teacher education and information technology.

Each Conference registrant will receive permanent online access to the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers may be invited for publication in AACE’s respected journals especially in the  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE) .

Paper Awards

All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards within several categories. Award winning papers may be invited for publication in the  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)  or  Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education (CITE) .

Virtual Presentations

In consideration of presenters who may be unable to attend SITE in person due to funding or time constraints, Virtual Presentations have been added to the program with the same validity (publication, certification, etc.) as the face-to-face (F2F) conference and with the capability to interact with session participants.

Why a Virtual Presentation?

  • Saves money. No travel, accommodation, and restaurant costs
  • Saves time. No travel or away time required
  • Present either live streamed virtually to San Diego or asynchronously at your convenience
  • Same validity as the face-to-face (F2F) conference (publication, certification, etc.)
  • Paper published in LearnTechLib  proceedings
  • Publish and share all supporting media (PPT, video, etc.) in the  LearnTechLib  proceedings
  • Capability to interact with your session’s participants live and/or asynchronously prior to, during and after the event
  • Participate in all conference session discussions live and/or asynchronously
  • Viewing of keynote and invited speaker talks
  • Virtual presentations are  green  and reduce your carbon footprint
  • And more…

Proposal Requirements

After submitting your proposal by the deadline , use the menu at  Submission  and select “Add Files to Submission” to upload your PowerPoint file in PPT or PPTX format (without audio or video). Also, at least one author must confirm by registering by the Early Registration deadline .

Virtual Brief Papers

Virtual showcases, virtual corporate showcases.

The registration fee for Virtual Presenters includes:

  • Paper processing and publication in the LearnTechLib  proceedings.
  • Capability to interact with your session’s participants (async) prior to, during and after the event.
  • Technical support for online presentation platform.
  • Access to Keynote & Invited Speaker talks.
  • Access to all conference session discussions (async).
  • Viewing of keynote and invited speaker talks.
  • Proceedings access via the  LearnTechLib

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SITE  2024 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 25-29.   More Info>

LearnTechLib logo

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You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our privacy page.

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The AI Conference logo for The AI Conference 2023, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, and Neural Architectures.

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS for: The Ai Conference 2024 is now closed

Thank you to everyone who applied! We will respond to all entries by 5/1/24.

Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

Join The AI Conference 2024 , a two-day event for professionals eager to explore the latest in AI applications, Research, Engineering, Tools, Platforms, and Infrastructure. We seek speakers with expertise in:

  • Real-world AI use cases across industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, media, and ecommerce, and more
  • AI research, development, and deployment
  • Cutting-edge developer tools and platforms for AI solutions
  • Alignment, security, ethics, public policy, technological impact, strategy

Key Topics we plan to showcase at the conference include (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Large Language Models and other Foundation Models
  • Large-scale AI applications: recommenders, forecasting tools, computer vision, NLP, speech applications, etc.
  • Developer tools and platforms: we are particularly keen on open source (or open core) solutions.
  • Emerging Topics:  Robotics and Physical World AI, Agents, Frontier Models, Alignment and Responsible AI; Privacy, Security, and Governance; AI Regulations; Data-centric AI;  Synthetic Data; Vector Databases; AI Metadata, etc

**The industry is changing fast. Apply now and if accepted as a presenter, you can revise your topic through August 5th.

We are looking for speakers who can share their real-world experiences with AI, including the challenges and successes they have encountered. We are not interested in vendor pitches or product promotions.

**We know everything is moving fast! Don’t worry, If accepted as a presenter, you can revise your topic within 45 days of the event!

Submit your proposal by  03/01/2024 with the following details:

  • Short Summary and Description: focus on what your talk will cover.
  • Speaker Bio, Link to Profile Picture
  • Video from a previous talk (URL), or a short sample video of you making a presentation.
  • Contact information

We’ll review all submissions and notify you of our decision by 5/01/24.

Read: Topics And Tips For Presentations In 2024

Sponsors making this possible, co-presented by:.

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San Francisco 2024

Join us for The AI Conference 2024, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, Neural Architectures.


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Home Blog Business Conference Presentation Slides: A Guide for Success

Conference Presentation Slides: A Guide for Success

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In our experience, a common error when preparing a conference presentation is using designs that heavily rely on bullet points and massive chunks of text. A potential reason behind this slide design mistake is aiming to include as much information as possible in just one slide. In the end, slides become a sort of teleprompter for the speaker, and the audience recalls boredom instead of an informative experience.

As part of our mission to help presenters deliver their message effectively, we have summarized what makes a good conference presentation slide, as well as tips on how to design a successful conference slide.

Table of Contents

What is a conference presentation

Common mistakes presenters make when creating conference presentation slides, how can a well-crafted conference presentation help your professional life, how to start a conference presentation, how to end a conference presentation, tailoring your message to different audiences, visualizing data effectively, engaging with your audience, designing for impact, mastering slide transitions and animation, handling time constraints, incorporating multimedia elements, post-presentation engagement, crisis management during presentations, sustainability and green presentations, measuring presentation success, 13 tips to create stellar conference presentations, final thoughts.

The Britannica Dictionary defines conferences as 

A formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic (such as medicine or business), usually for several days.

We can then define conference presentations as the combination of a speaker, a slide deck , and the required hardware to introduce an idea or topic in a conference setting. Some characteristics differentiate conference presentations from other formats.


Conference presentations are bounded by a 15-30 minute time limit, which the event’s moderators establish. These restrictions are applied to allow a crowded agenda to be met on time, and it is common to count with over 10 speakers on the same day.

To that time limit, we have to add the time required for switching between speakers, which implies loading a new slide deck to the streaming platform, microphone testing, lighting effects, etc. Say it is around 10-15 minutes extra, so depending on the number of speakers per day during the event, the time available to deliver a presentation, plus the questions & answers time.

Delivery format

Conferences can be delivered in live event format or via webinars. Since this article is mainly intended to live event conferences, we will only mention that the requirements for webinars are as follows:

  • Voice-over or, best, speaker layover the presentation slides so the speaker interacts with the audience.
  • Quality graphics.
  • Not abusing the amount of information to introduce per slide.

On the other hand, live event conferences will differ depending on the category under which they fall. Academic conferences have a structure in which there’s a previous poster session; then speakers start delivering their talks, then after 4-5 speakers, we have a coffee break. Those pauses help the AV crew to check the equipment, and they also become an opportunity for researchers to expand their network contacts. 

Business conferences are usually more dynamic. Some presenters opt not to use slide decks, giving a powerful speech instead, as they feel much more comfortable that way. Other speakers at business conferences adopt videos to summarize their ideas and then proceed to speak.

conference call for presentations

Overall, the format guidelines are sent to speakers before the event. Adapt your presentation style to meet the requirements of moderators so you can maximize the effect of your message.

The audience

Unlike other presentation settings, conferences gather a knowledgeable audience on the discussed topics. It is imperative to consider this, as tone, delivery format, information to include, and more depend on this sole factor. Moreover, the audience will participate in your presentation at the last minute, as it is a common practice to hold a Q&A session. 

Mistake #1 – Massive chunks of text

Do you intend your audience to read your slides instead of being seduced by your presentation? Presenters often add large amounts of text to each slide since they need help deciding which data to exclude. Another excuse for this practice is so the audience remembers the content exposed.

Research indicates images are much better retained than words, a phenomenon known as the Picture Superiority Effect ; therefore, opt to avoid this tendency and work into creating compelling graphics.

Mistake #2 – Not creating contrast between data and graphics

Have you tried to read a slide from 4 rows behind the presenter and not get a single number? This can happen if the presenter is not careful to work with the appropriate contrast between the color of the typeface and the background. Particularly if serif fonts are used.

Using WebAIM tool to check color contrast

Use online tools such as WebAIM’s Contrast Checker to make your slides legible for your audience. Creating an overlay with a white or black transparent tint can also help when you place text above images.

Mistake #3 – Not rehearsing the presentation

This is a sin in conference presentations, as when you don’t practice the content you intend to deliver, you don’t have a measure of how much time it is actually going to take. 

Locating the rehearsing timing options in PowerPoint

PowerPoint’s rehearse timing feature can help a great deal, as you can record yourself practising the presentation and observe areas for improvement. Remember, conference presentations are time-limited , don’t disrespect fellow speakers by overlapping their scheduled slot or, worse, have moderators trim your presentation after several warnings.

Mistake #4 – Lacking hierarchy for the presented content

Looking at a slide and not knowing where the main point is discouraging for the audience, especially if you introduce several pieces of content under the same slide. Instead, opt to create a hierarchy that comprehends both text and images. It helps to arrange the content according to your narrative, and we’ll see more on this later on.

Consider your conference presentation as your introduction card in the professional world. Maybe you have a broad network of colleagues, but be certain there are plenty of people out there that have yet to learn about who you are and the work you produce.

Conferences help businesspeople and academics alike to introduce the results of months of research on a specific topic in front of a knowledgeable audience. It is different from a product launch as you don’t need to present a “completed product” but rather your views or advances, in other words, your contribution with valuable insights to the field.

Putting dedication into your conference presentation, from the slide deck design to presentation skills , is definitely worth the effort. The audience can get valuable references from the quality of work you are able to produce, often leading to potential partnerships. In business conferences, securing an investor deal can happen after a powerful presentation that drives the audience to perceive your work as the very best thing that’s about to be launched. It is all about how your body language reflects your intent, how well-explained the concepts are, and the emotional impact you can drive from it.

There are multiple ways on how to start a presentation for a conference, but overall, we can recap a good approach as follows.

Present a fact

Nothing grabs the interest of an audience quicker than introducing an interesting fact during the first 30 seconds of your presentation. The said fact has to be pivotal to the content your conference presentation will discuss later on, but as an ice-breaker, it is a strategy worth applying from time to time.

Ask a question

The main point when starting a conference presentation is to make an impact on the audience. We cannot think of a better way to engage with the audience than to ask them a question relevant to your work or research. It grabs the viewer’s interest for the potential feedback you shall give to those answers received.

Use powerful graphics

The value of visual presentations cannot be neglected in conferences. Sometimes an image makes a bigger impact than a lengthy speech, hence why you should consider starting your conference presentation with a photo or visual element that speaks for itself.

an example of combining powerful graphics with facts for conference presentation slides

For more tips and insights on how to start a presentation , we invite you to check this article.

Just as important as starting the presentation, the closure you give to your conference presentation matters a lot. This is the opportunity in which you can add your personal experience on the topic and reflect upon it with the audience or smoothly transition between the presentation and your Q&A session.

Below are some quick tips on how to end a presentation for a conference event.

End the presentation with a quote

Give your audience something to ruminate about with the help of a quote tailored to the topic you were discussing. There are plenty of resources for finding suitable quotes, and a great method for this is to design your penultimate slide with an image or black background plus a quote. Follow this with a final “thank you” slide.

Consider a video

If we say a video whose length is shorter than 1 minute, this is a fantastic resource to summarize the intent of your conference presentation. 

If you get the two-minute warning and you feel far off from finishing your presentation, first, don’t fret. Try to give a good closure when presenting in a conference without rushing information, as the audience wouldn’t get any concept clear that way. Mention that the information you presented will be available for further reading at the event’s platform site or your company’s digital business card , and proceed to your closure phase for the presentation.

It is better to miss some of the components of the conference than to get kicked out after several warnings for exceeding the allotted time.

Tailoring your conference presentation to suit your audience is crucial to delivering an impactful talk. Different audiences have varying levels of expertise, interests, and expectations. By customizing your content, tone, and examples, you can enhance the relevance and engagement of your presentation.

Understanding Audience Backgrounds and Expectations

Before crafting your presentation, research your audience’s backgrounds and interests. Are they professionals in your field, students, or a mix of both? Are they familiar with the topic, or must you provide more context? Understanding these factors will help you pitch your content correctly and avoid overwhelming or boring your audience.

Adapting Language and Tone for Relevance

Use language that resonates with your audience. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse those unfamiliar with your field. Conversely, don’t oversimplify if your audience consists of experts. Adjust your tone to match the event’s formality and your listeners’ preferences.

Customizing Examples and Case Studies

Incorporate case studies, examples, and anecdotes that your audience can relate to. If you’re speaking to professionals, use real-world scenarios from their industry. For a more general audience, choose examples that are universally relatable. This personal touch makes your content relatable and memorable.

Effectively presenting data is essential for conveying complex information to your audience. Visualizations can help simplify intricate concepts and make your points more digestible.

Choosing the Right Data Representation

Select the appropriate type of graph or chart to illustrate your data. Bar graphs, pie charts, line charts, and scatter plots each serve specific purposes. Choose the one that best supports your message and ensures clarity.

Designing Graphs and Charts for Clarity

Ensure your graphs and charts are easily read. Use clear labels, appropriate color contrasts, and consistent scales. Avoid clutter and simplify the design to highlight the most important data points.

Incorporating Annotations and Explanations

Add annotations or callouts to your graphs to emphasize key findings. Explain the significance of each data point to guide your audience’s understanding. Utilize visual cues, such as arrows and labels, to direct attention.

Engaging your audience is a fundamental skill for a successful presentation for conference. Captivate their attention, encourage participation, and foster a positive connection.

Establishing Eye Contact and Body Language

Maintain eye contact with different audience parts to create a sense of connection. Effective body language, such as confident posture and expressive gestures, enhances your presence on stage.

Encouraging Participation and Interaction

Involve your audience through questions, polls, or interactive activities. Encourage them to share their thoughts or experiences related to your topic. This engagement fosters a more dynamic and memorable presentation.

Using Humor and Engaging Stories

Incorporate humor and relatable anecdotes to make your presentation more enjoyable. Well-timed jokes or personal stories can create a rapport with your audience and make your content more memorable.

The design of your conference presentation slides plays a crucial role in capturing and retaining your audience’s attention. Thoughtful design can amplify your message and reinforce key points. Take a look at these suggestions to boost the performance of your conference presentation slides, or create an entire slide deck in minutes by using SlideModel’s AI Presentation Maker from text .

Creating Memorable Opening Slides

Craft an opening slide that piques the audience’s curiosity and sets the tone for your presentation. Use an engaging visual, thought-provoking quote, or intriguing question to grab their attention from the start.

Using Visual Hierarchy for Emphasis

Employ visual hierarchy to guide your audience’s focus. Highlight key points with larger fonts, bold colors, or strategic placement. Organize information logically to enhance comprehension.

Designing a Powerful Closing Slide

End your presentation with a compelling closing slide that reinforces your main message. Summarize your key points, offer a memorable takeaway, or invite the audience to take action. Use visuals that resonate and leave a lasting impression.

Slide transitions and animations can enhance the flow of your presentation and emphasize important content. However, their use requires careful consideration to avoid distractions or confusion.

Enhancing Flow with Transitions

Select slide transitions that smoothly guide the audience from one point to the next. Avoid overly flashy transitions that detract from your content. Choose options that enhance, rather than disrupt, the presentation’s rhythm.

Using Animation to Highlight Points

Animate elements on your slides to draw attention to specific information. Animate text, images, or graphs to appear as you discuss them, helping the audience follow your narrative more effectively.

Avoiding Overuse of Effects

While animation can be engaging, avoid excessive use that might overwhelm or distract the audience. Maintain a balance between animated elements and static content for a polished presentation.

Effective time management is crucial for delivering a concise and impactful conference presentation within the allocated time frame.

Structuring for Short vs. Long Presentations

Adapt your content and pacing based on the duration of your presentation. Clearly outline the main points for shorter talks, and delve into more depth for longer sessions. Ensure your message aligns with the time available.

Prioritizing Key Information

Identify the core information you want your audience to take away. Focus on conveying these essential points, and be prepared to trim or elaborate on supporting details based on the available time.

Practicing Time Management

Rehearse your presentation while timing yourself to ensure you stay within the allocated time. Adjust your delivery speed to match your time limit, allowing for smooth transitions and adequate Q&A time.

Multimedia elements, such as videos, audio clips, and live demonstrations, can enrich your presentation and provide a dynamic experience for your audience.

Integrating Videos and Audio Clips

Use videos and audio clips strategically to reinforce your points or provide real-world examples. Ensure that the multimedia content is of high quality and directly supports your narrative.

Showcasing Live Demonstrations

Live demonstrations can engage the audience by showcasing practical applications of your topic. Practice the demonstration beforehand to ensure it runs smoothly and aligns with your message.

Using Hyperlinks for Additional Resources

Incorporate hyperlinks into your presentation to direct the audience to additional resources, references, or related content. This allows interested attendees to explore the topic further after the presentation.

Engaging with your audience after your presentation can extend the impact of your talk and foster valuable connections.

Leveraging Post-Presentation Materials

Make your presentation slides and related materials available to attendees after the event. Share them through email, a website, or a conference platform, allowing interested individuals to review the content.

Sharing Slides and Handouts

Provide downloadable versions of your slides and any handouts you used during the presentation. This helps attendees revisit key points and share the information with colleagues.

Networking and Following Up

Utilize networking opportunities during and after the conference to connect with attendees who are interested in your topic. Exchange contact information and follow up with personalized messages to continue the conversation.

Preparing for unexpected challenges during your presenting at a conference can help you maintain professionalism and composure, ensuring a seamless delivery.

Dealing with Technical Glitches

Technical issues can occur, from projector malfunctions to software crashes. Stay calm and have a backup plan, such as having your slides available on multiple devices or using printed handouts.

Handling Unexpected Interruptions

Interruptions, such as questions from the audience or unforeseen disruptions, are a normal part of live presentations. Address them politely, stay adaptable, and seamlessly return to your prepared content.

Staying Calm and Professional

Maintain a composed demeanor regardless of unexpected situations. Your ability to handle challenges gracefully reflects your professionalism and dedication to delivering a successful presentation.

Creating environmentally friendly presentations demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.

Designing Eco-Friendly Slides

Minimize the use of resources by designing slides with efficient layouts, avoiding unnecessary graphics or animations, and using eco-friendly color schemes.

Reducing Paper and Material Waste

Promote a paperless approach by encouraging attendees to access digital materials rather than printing handouts. If print materials are necessary, consider using recycled paper.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

Advocate for sustainability during your presentation by discussing relevant initiatives, practices, or innovations that align with environmentally conscious values.

Measuring the success of your conference presentation goes beyond the applause and immediate feedback. It involves assessing the impact of your presentation on your audience, goals, and growth as a presenter.

Collecting Audience Feedback

After presenting at a conference, gather feedback from attendees. Provide feedback forms or online surveys to capture their thoughts on the content, delivery, and visuals. Analyzing their feedback can reveal areas for improvement and give insights into audience preferences.

Evaluating Key Performance Metrics

Consider objective metrics such as audience engagement, participation, and post-presentation interactions. Did attendees ask questions? Did your content spark discussions? Tracking these metrics can help you gauge the effectiveness of your presentation in conveying your message.

Continuous Improvement Strategies

Use the feedback and insights gathered to enhance your future presentations. Identify strengths to build upon and weaknesses to address. Continuously refine your presentation skills , design choices, and content to create even more impactful presentations in the future.

Tip #1 – Exhibit a single idea per slide

Just one slide per concept, avoiding large text blocks. If you can compile the idea with an image, it’s better that way.

Research shows that people’s attention span is limited ; therefore, redirect your efforts in what concerns presentation slides so your ideas become crystal clear for the spectators.

Tip #2 – Avoid jargon whenever possible

Using complex terms does not directly imply you fully understand the concept you are about to discuss. In spite of your work being presented to a knowledgeable audience, avoid jargon as much as possible because you run the risk of people not understanding what you are saying.

Instead, opt to rehearse your presentation in front of a not-knowledgeable audience to measure the jargon volume you are adding to it. Technical terms are obviously expected in a conference situation, but archaic terms or purely jargon can be easily trimmed this way.

Tip #3 – Replace bulleted listings with structured layouts or diagrams

Bullet points are attention grabbers for the audience. People tend to instantly check what’s written in them, in contrast to waiting for you to introduce the point itself. 

Using bullet points as a way to expose elements of your presentation should be restricted. Opt for limiting the bullet points to non-avoidable facts to list or crucial information. 

Tip #4 – Customize presentation templates

Using presentation templates is a great idea to save time in design decisions. These pre-made slide decks are entirely customizable; however, many users fall into using them as they come, exposing themselves to design inconsistencies (especially with images) or that another presenter had the same idea (it is extremely rare, but it can happen).

Learning how to properly change color themes in PowerPoint is an advantageous asset. We also recommend you use your own images or royalty-free images selected by you rather than sticking to the ones included in a template.

Tip #5 – Displaying charts

Graphs and charts comprise around 80% of the information in most business and academic conferences. Since data visualization is important, avoid common pitfalls such as using 3D effects in bar charts. Depending on the audience’s point of view, those 3D effects can make the data hard to read or get an accurate interpretation of what it represents.

using 2D graphics to show relevant data in conference presentation slides

Tip #6 – Using images in the background

Use some of the images you were planning to expose as background for the slides – again, not all of them but relevant slides.

Be careful when placing text above the slides if they have a background image, as accessibility problems may arise due to contrast. Instead, apply an extra color layer above the image with reduced opacity – black or white, depending on the image and text requirements. This makes the text more legible for the audience, and you can use your images without any inconvenience.

Tip #7 – Embrace negative space

Negative space is a concept seen in design situations. If we consider positive space as the designed area, meaning the objects, shapes, etc., that are “your design,” negative space can be defined as the surrounding area. If we work on a white canvas, negative space is the remaining white area surrounding your design.

The main advantage of using negative space appropriately is to let your designs breathe. Stuffing charts, images and text makes it hard to get a proper understanding of what’s going on in the slide. Apply the “less is more” motto to your conference presentation slides, and embrace negative space as your new design asset.

Tip #8 – Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation

You would be surprised to see how many typos can be seen in slides at professional gatherings. Whereas typos can often pass by as a humor-relief moment, grammatical or awful spelling mistakes make you look unprofessional. 

Take 5 extra minutes before submitting your slide deck to proofread the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If in doubt, browse dictionaries for complex technical words.

Tip #10 – Use an appropriate presentation style

The format of the conference will undoubtedly require its own presentation style. By this we mean that it is different from delivering a conference presentation in front of a live audience as a webinar conference. The interaction with the audience is different, the demands for the Q&A session will be different, and also during webinars the audience is closely looking at your slides.

Tip #11 – Control your speaking tone

Another huge mistake when delivering a conference presentation is to speak with a monotonous tone. The message you transmit to your attendees is that you simply do not care about your work. If you believe you fall into this category, get feedback from others: try pitching to them, and afterward, consider how you talk. 

Practicing breathing exercises can help to articulate your speech skills, especially if anxiety hinders your presentation performance.

Tip #12 – On eye contact and note reading

In order to connect with your audience, it is imperative to make eye contact. Not stare, but look at your spectators from time to time as the talk is directed at them.

If you struggle on this point, a good tip we can provide is to act like you’re looking at your viewers. Pick a good point a few centimeters above your viewer and direct your speech there. They will believe you are communicating directly with them. Shift your head slightly on the upcoming slide or bullet and choose a new location.

Regarding note reading, while it is an acceptable practice to check your notes, do not make the entire talk a lecture in which you simply read your notes to the audience. This goes hand-by-hand with the speaking tone in terms of demonstrating interest in the work you do. Practice as often as you need before the event to avoid constantly reading your notes. Reading a paragraph or two is okay, but not the entire presentation.

Tip #13 – Be ready for the Q&A session

Despite it being a requirement in most conference events, not all presenters get ready for the Q&A session. It is a part of the conference presentation itself, so you should pace your speech to give enough time for the audience to ask 1-3 questions and get a proper answer.

a Q&A slide to start the Q&A session

Don’t be lengthy or overbearing in replying to each question, as you may run out of time. It is preferable to give a general opinion and then reach the interested person with your contact information to discuss the topic in detail.

Observing what others do at conference events is good practice for learning a tip or two for improving your own work. As we have seen throughout this article, conference presentation slides have specific requirements to become a tool in your presentation rather than a mixture of information without order.

Employ these tips and suggestions to craft your upcoming conference presentation without any hurdles. Best of luck!

1. Conference PowerPoint Template

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Use This Template

2. Free Conference Presentation Template

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Presentation Approaches, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Filed under Business

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conference call for presentations

NAAEE: North American Association for Environmental Education

  • Conference & Research Symposium
  • Theme and Strands
  • Promotional Toolkit

Call for Presentations

  • Research Symposium Call for Presentations

view of autumn leaves in puddle on street

2024 Conference: Call for Presentations

The 2024 Call for Presentations is closed.

conference call for presentations

53rd Annual NAAEE Conference

Building Bridges

November 6–9, 2024 ● Pittsburgh, PA The Call for Presentations closed on April 26, 2024; we are no longer accepting proposals.

Pittsburgh, renowned as the city of bridges with an impressive 446 structures spanning its rugged terrain, stands as a testament to the power of connectivity. These bridges, which gracefully cross the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers and other waterways, have set a world record, symbolizing unity across neighborhoods once divided by landscapes of deep valleys, steep hillsides, creeks, and rivers.

Our conference draws inspiration from Pittsburgh's iconic bridges, celebrating their symbolic significance while embracing our theme of "Building Bridges" to address challenges in the environmental education landscape. In a world grappling with complex environmental and social issues, ranging from climate change to injustice, collaboration and understanding are more crucial than ever.

We seek to spotlight environmental educators as natural bridge builders. Focused on bridging gaps across borders, disciplines, and ideas, our event aims to foster mutual understanding and explore how to discover common ground. We recognize the pivotal role environmental educators play in developing solutions by dismantling barriers in communities, working collaboratively across borders, nurturing innovative partnerships, and amplifying program impact.

NAAEE seeks compelling proposals that advance this theme of connectivity, as well as justice, equity, and inclusion in the field and how education and civic engagement can help us address our toughest challenges and create a more just and sustainable future for all.  

Conference Strands >

Program listings will be searchable by keywords. You can tag your proposal with up to three keywords selected from the word bank on the online proposal form.

Session Formats

All sessions will be presented at our in-person gathering in Pittsburgh; the length and structure vary by format. Select the most appropriate format for your proposal. 

Bright Spots

(10 minutes) Bright spots are succinct talks that celebrate specific triumphs and showcase things that work. These 10-minute presentations highlight successful and innovative family programs, school programs, community partnerships, conservation achievements, expanded audiences, research and evaluation findings, civic engagement, and more. Three loosely related sessions are presented back-to-back during one 40-minute time block, followed by a short discussion. A/V equipment is provided.

Hands-On Presentations

(90 minutes) Hands-on sessions provide participants with an opportunity to engage in teaching activities and interactive discussions about a particular topic. A/V equipment is provided. 

Poster Presentations

Posters are two-dimensional printed presentations of any size up to 36 x 48 inches. Posters summarize programs, resources, research studies, or other work through text, images, and data. They are most often created using applications such as Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Canva. Posters are fixed to portable bulletin boards for attendees to review at leisure throughout the conference. We will schedule a one-hour general poster session during which all presenters stand near and share their posters with conference participants. No A/V equipment or electricity is provided, but presenters may use their own laptops or tablets during the poster session. 

Roundtable Discussions

(40 minutes) Roundtable discussions emphasize spirited discussion between the presenter(s) and session attendees about a central question. Presenters briefly introduce the baseline idea or issue they wish to explore, and then open the discussion for input and exchange of ideas among participants. Examples and interactive materials are welcome, but this format does not lend itself to formal presentations, and PowerPoints are strongly discouraged. Up to six roundtable discussions are scheduled simultaneously in the same large room; no A/V equipment or electricity is provided but presenters may use their own laptops or tablets at a volume low enough not to disrupt nearby discussions. 

(90 minutes) Symposia are panel discussions presenting different perspectives on a topic or question related to one of the focus points for each strand. Proposals must include a moderator and a minimum of three panelists representing different organizations, ideas, or experiences. To enhance the richness of discussion, criteria for selecting symposia include the diversity of presenters and viewpoints. A/V equipment is provided.

Traditional Presentations

40 minutes) Traditional presentations focus on a single topic or program, typically including a talk or PowerPoint (or other media) presentation followed by questions and answers or a short discussion. A/V equipment is provided.

(3½ hours) Pre-conference workshops are in-depth sessions that actively develop specific professional competencies and have widespread potential for implementation. They will be offered prior to the conference on November 6. Workshops require a separate registration fee, and all workshops are subject to cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. Note that workshop proposals are highly competitive and very few are selected for the conference program. A/V equipment is provided.

Audio-Visual Equipment

Rooms for all presentations except roundtable discussions and poster sessions are equipped with a PC laptop (with Office Suite loaded), LCD projector, and screen. We do not provide audio-visual equipment for roundtable discussions and posters, but presenters in these sessions may use their own battery-powered laptops or tablets. NAAEE strongly recommends bringing PowerPoint and other audio-visual materials on portable drives and using the equipment provided. Internet access is available in all meeting rooms. 

Review Criteria

The strongest proposals carefully address the criteria listed below and provide enough detail for reviewers to fully understand what the session will entail.

Proposals will be assessed and selected by how well they: 

  • Describe in detail what will occur in the session
  • Explain why the session is appropriate for the selected format and allotted time
  • Describe how the session will effectively engage the audience in innovative thinking about new or proven ideas and approaches
  • Raise important questions or deliver positive, solution-oriented outcomes supported by research and/or program evaluation
  • Explain how the session will inform environmental educators about proven practices, push the leading edge of the profession, and/or motivate the pursuit of excellence
  • Demonstrate how the session fits the strand description and one or more focus points 

We also place importance on advancing justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in EE and hope that many proposals will reflect these concerns. These sessions may explore strategies and programs that help diversify our audiences as well as our workforce, build cultural competence, support environmental justice, focus on vulnerable communities, engage with new audiences, forge new and lasting partnerships, honor traditional knowledge, and increase our reach and relevance throughout society.  To help us identify these sessions, reviewers will also consider these program criteria:

  • Incorporate culturally rooted practices and an understanding of how people from different backgrounds relate to, engage with, and care about the environment in urban, suburban, and rural communities
  • Affirm differences in skills, abilities, and perspectives as resources and opportunities to build stronger programs
  • Describe how curriculum design, participant recruitment, program leadership, or administrative structure result in equitable environmental education opportunities
  • Contribute to a more just, equitable, diverse, inclusive, diverse, and accessible field

How to Submit a Proposal

The Call for Presentations closed on April 26; we are no longer accepting proposals.  

Each individual or team of individuals is limited to three proposals to maximize the number and diversity of presenters and perspectives on the conference program. 

Important: Please use the same email address for submitting your proposal and registering for the conference. 

Read the Presenter Agreement

  • Proposals must be submitted online through All Academic, our proposal management system.
  • The submission system is now closed.
  • If you’ve been part of a proposal in the past, you likely already have an All Academic account. Log in with your email as your username and your password from 2023. (Older passwords will no longer work.)
  • If you need to reset your password, click on the appropriate link in All Academic. You will receive an email message from [email protected] with further instructions.
  • If you do not have an All Academic account, you'll need to create one by clicking on the new user link. Use your email address as your username. You will immediately receive an email message from [email protected] with further instructions.
  • Check your filters if you do not receive the message. You will continue to receive messages from this email address; make sure it is in your safe senders list. 
  • On your home page in All Academic, click "Submit a Proposal." Select “Conference” or "Research Symposium" and complete the online submission form.
  • Click the “Accept and Continue” button on each page until you reach the final confirmation page.
  • When your proposal is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from [email protected] . This email address is often caught by sensitive filters. If you haven't received it, check your junk folder and make sure the “@allacademic.com” domain is in your safe sender list so you receive future mailings.

Important Notes About Registration

All presenters and co-presenters are required to register and pay published fees for the conference.

NAAEE depends on registration fees to cover conference expenses and cannot provide waivers or discounts to presenters. There are typically more than 500 presenters on the conference program. 

NAAEE has not yet finalized fees, but we expect conference registration for current NAAEE members to be about $500 for a professional and $350 for a student or retiree. Nonmember rates will be about 30% higher, and we hope to provide lower-cost options for those with limited funding. There is a separate registration fee for the NAAEE Research Symposium.

All presenters must confirm their participation by registering for the conference by the September 13, 2024 early bird deadline.

If your proposal is accepted, you will have an additional opportunity to finalize session information after receiving your acceptance notice.

As a first step, please check the Frequently Asked Questions for assistance with submitting your proposals. If you need additional help, please contact us at [email protected]


Environments for Aging

April 26-29, 2025

Central bank center lexington, ky.

  • Inquire Now
  • Why Exhibit / Inquire

call for presentations

Now accepting presentation proposals for efa conference + expo 2025, april 26-29, 2025 central bank center | lexington, ky.

The Environments for Aging Conference + Expo is the only event focused exclusively on the topic of designing senior living environments. The educational program is driven by industry experts who share case studies, research, best practices, and new approaches throughout the three-day learning experience.

A call for presentations is opened to create the annual program, with submissions selected via a rigorous review process. All conference sessions must qualify for continuing education units, with four distinct learning objectives and one hour of content delivered.

Follow the link below to view instructions and submit a presentation proposal.

Top-of-mind topics for sessions include but are not limited to: affordability, new housing models, dining and social spaces, intergenerational communities, sustainability and resiliency, remodels and renovations, adaptive reuse, flexibility and community-based aging in place, health and wellness, and more.


Wednesday, july 17, 2024, 5:00 p.m. pdt / 8:00 p.m. edt , call for presentations will close in:.

2024 Spring Conference Call for Presentations

conference call for presentations

Deadline for Submissions – 5:00 p.m. March 18, 2024

Scroll down to complete form.

The i2i Center is excited for our 2024 Spring Conference, June 11-12, 2024.  There are so many exciting changes occurring with the public MH/IDD/SUS service system that move us toward whole person, integrated services and supports, especially the implementation of the Tailored Plans July 1st.  The i2i Center’s conference will emphasize new partnerships, the advancement of connections in integrated services and supports, and the exploration of innovative practices in whole person care.  Integrated care necessitates partnerships across the health and human services spectrum and in the areas of non-medical drivers of health. 

This will be an in-person conference that will be enhanced by the use the Whova Event Management APP to expand learning, networking, and information sharing.


The i2i Center is requesting in person proposals, but reserves the option to also offer virtual pre-recorded sessions using the Whova APP.  Both in person and virtual presentations offer significant exposure to the i2i Center’s expansive and diverse audience of professionals, individuals with lived experience, families, and advocates.   

We are seeking experienced individuals who can provide participants with cutting-edge knowledge, perspectives, abilities, and tools to navigate and enhance partnerships for success in North Carolina’s revamped Medicaid managed and integrated care program.  We are interested in exploring innovations in whole person approaches to services, strategies to address health disparities and promote racial equity, managing economic uncertainties, addressing value-based care and embracing the growing opportunities to utilize technology for both service management and practice.

This conference brings together leaders and stakeholders (300-400+) from the behavioral health, I/DD and health care system .  Attendees include managers and executive team leaders from provider agencies, public and private Medicaid plan managers, individual behavioral health and I/DD professionals, State and local agency leaders, elected officials, hospital leaders, beneficiaries, family members, advocates and others.  We are also seeking to include integrated care partners from the medical, social, education and justice systems.

We are seeking 1.5-hour session proposals and 1 hour Sparking Innovation submissions focused on innovative projects and programs .  All proposals should aim to address policy issues and implications, services, consumer involvement, and/or administrative aspects of any of the topic areas below.  Submissions relevant to integrated care partners will be of high interest.

  Innovations in integrated care that improve collaboration between mental health, intellectual-developmental disabilities and substance use services and healthcare providers that advance whole person care : (ex. new protocols, service supports, systems or technologies that enhance collaboration among providers and advance quality, whole person care) .

 Improvements in services and/or administrative operations that advance whole person care in a managed care environment : (ex. utilizing population health data, care management, cross-system formalized partnerships, value-based contracting, addressing unmet health needs and non-medical drivers of health) .

  Importance of data ,  data sharing and system integration  that can track and report outcomes in real-time, provide interface between providers, payers, care managers, CINs and ACOs, and track milestones for alternative payment mechanisms.

  Technological advancements that improve individual care and/or organizational management  (ex: AI, technology enabled supports, digital interoperability, digital integration and transformation, consumer self-management technology, cyber security, robot technology etc.)

  Innovations or initiatives to improve service-user outcomes, participation and/or access to care  (ex: self-advocacy initiatives, community-based system linkages, strengthening the family voice, community inclusion, employment, recovery, expanding the use of peer support services, partnerships with schools and the justice system).

  New State and Federal policy changes impacting MH/IDD/SUD services (ex: Medicaid expansion, new state or federal funding for care, technology, partnerships, etc.

  Clinical and Other Topics : Innovation in the treatment of opioid addiction, suicide prevention, whole person care, foster care, collaborations across health and human service systems/professionals, veterans care, and unmet health-related needs.    Specialty Topics : Addressing Racial and Social Injustice, Workforce Issues (including diversification and bias) Interfacing with the Justice System and Services and Supports for Individuals with Complex Needs.

CTE Conference

Call for Presentations – Deadline to Submit: Friday, June 14, 2024

Call for presentations.

We invite you to showcase your model programs, effective practices, and experiences at this conference.

Presentation Topics

The Conference Committee is interested in presentations that focus on:

  • Adult Education
  • Advisory Committees
  • Assessment and Accountability
  • Career Technical Education Incentive Grants
  • Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)
  • Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Effective Teaching and Classroom Management Techniques
  • Employer and Community Partnerships
  • Industry Certifications
  • Innovative Instructional Strategies
  • K-12 Strong Workforce Program
  • Linked Learning
  • Literacy Teaching Strategies
  • Marketing CTE Programs
  • Middle School Academies/Programs
  • Mobile Apps/Google Drive
  • Partnership Academies
  • Professional Learning Community
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Secondary-Postsecondary Connections/Partnerships
  • Special Populations
  • Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners
  •  Student Recruitment and Retention
  • Student Guidance and Counseling
  • Work-Based Learning, Internships and Pre-Apprenticeships
  • 12 Elements of High-Quality CTE

Criteria for Selection

All conference presentations must provide high-quality and comprehensive professional development for one or more of the following stakeholders–teachers, counselors, and/or administrators. Presentations should meet the following criteria:

  • Provide information that attendees can take home and implement immediately instead of giving overviews and telling “why” you did this.
  • Demonstrate innovative strategies, best practices, and strong program results.
  • Presenters are encouraged to use innovative presentation styles to present their session.

The Conference Committee will review submissions and will notify presenters as to whether their proposal has been selected.

Requirements for Presenting

  • No discount for conference registration fee.
  • It is not mandatory to register for the conference if you are not participating in any of the sessions and meal functions.
  • Arrange and pay for own travel and lodging.
  • Agree to present on the day assigned by the Conference Committee.
  • Presenters need to bring copies of materials for their workshop and/or provide electronic access to attendees.
  • The Conference Committee will not print handouts and/or PowerPoint for workshop attendees.

Presentation Details

All breakout sessions are 60-minutes in length on either Thursday, November 16th, or Friday, November 17th. Since the time slots are short, please be sure to make your information concise and give attendees something they can take away from the presentation. Audience size may vary from 20 to 50 people.

Vendors interested in presenting contact Don Bertucci at [email protected].

Audio-Visual Equipment

  • Presenters need to provide their own laptop.
  • Each breakout session will be equipped with Screen, Internet, LCD Projector, and Presentation Table.

Contact Linda Matzek at [email protected]  

Please complete the proposal form by Friday, June 14, 2024.

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  • Show Agenda
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  • Continuing Education
  • Press Registration
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Oct. 5-8, 2024

Indiana convention center indianapolis.

  • Register Now


Hcd 2024 call for presentations is now closed..

Join us Oct. 5-8, 2024, in Indianapolis for the ultimate healthcare design education, networking, and product-sourcing event!

conference call for presentations

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Listen to the NVIDIA (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call here

Here's how you can tune into NVIDIA's latest financial earnings call.

Donovan Erskine

This afternoon, NVIDIA (NVDA) will release its earnings report for the first quarter of its 2025 fiscal year. Shortly thereafter, the company will hold an earnings call to discuss those results. If you’d like to hear the conversation and glean some insight about one of the hottest companies in tech, you can listen to NVIDIA’s Q1 2025 earnings call here.

Listen to the NVIDIA (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call

NVIDIA’s (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call will take place today at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET. We’ll be streaming the call on the Shacknews Twitch channel , which you can view using the embed above.

During the call, we can expect to hear NVIDIA’s leadership talk a lot about the growth and development of AI technology at the company. NVIDIA’s advancements in AI and the reliance of other major companies on its infrastructure have led NVDA to become one of the hottest stocks on the market.

That’s how you can listen to NVIDIA’s Q1 2025 earnings call. If you aren’t able to listen, expect to read all your NVIDIA news right here on Shacknews.

News Editor

Donovan is a young journalist from Maryland, who likes to game. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge Scream nerd and film fanatic that will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

  • Stock Market
  • earnings call
  • Market News

legacy 10 years

Donovan Erskine posted a new article, Listen to the NVIDIA (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call here

The future is now.


Hey I heard the "old man" you left off that.

I just learned I am a year older, if it is 2025. That would mean my memory is not good. :)

Hello, Meet Lola


  1. Call for Presentations for SHRM Events

    Call for Presentations for SHRM Events. SHRM events feature the most preeminent lineup of HR leaders, innovators and experts from a cross-section of industries. We strongly encourage interested ...

  2. AAPA 2025 Call for Presentations

    All PA faculty must be current members of AAPA at the time of participation and must register for AAPA 2025. CME is scheduled for each day of AAPA 2025 (Saturday, May 17 to Wednesday, May 21). Please do not submit a proposal unless you can appear on any day of the conference. Submissions and Selection Process.

  3. Seeking Educators to Present

    Call for Presenters Open April 1 through June 3, 2024. ... We provide the platform at TCEA's Convention & Exposition, and we're interested in your presentation ideas! Support other educators by sharing your experience, successes, and knowledge at TCEA 2025 - one of the largest, most exciting, energizing, and rewarding ed tech conferences ...

  4. Call For Presentations for July 2024 Conference in Washington, D.C

    The National Alliance to End Homelessness is excited to again offer a Call for Presentations for its upcoming 2024 National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, D.C., July 8 - 10, 2024. Content for this conference will be sourced from Alliance staff and submitted by experts in the field.

  5. Call for Presentations > Annual Spring Conference

    Call for Presentations. The 2025 call for presentations will open in late June 2024. Contact Us. 11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway. Leawood, KS 66211. (800) 274-7928. [email protected] . Events. June 12, 2024, 12 PM CT:CBME Webinar Series: Advisors and Coaches: The Evolving Role of Faculty and Resident Relationships.

  6. Call For Speakers

    Represent a variety of different industries, roles and backgrounds. Share how they are making a positive impact on work, workers and workplaces. Offer guidance on promoting the value of the Human Resources function and positioning HR initiatives for future success. get started. The call for presentations window will close on May 20, 2024.

  7. Call for presentations

    SHARE YOUR STORY at AHIMA24 CONFERENCE . Be a part of AHIMA24 Conference where you can share insights with thousands of highly engaged attendees, including C-level executives, policymakers, academic leaders, health information rock stars, and more.. We're looking for presentations that: Include measurable outcomes and their effect on people, organizations, communities, and society

  8. Call for Presentations

    Call for Presentations; Call for Presentations webadmin 2023-12-04T10:32:41-05:00. Submission Deadline. The deadline to submit your proposal is closed. ... Your question may be answered in the FAQ, if not, please contact Felicia Littky, manager of conference education programming, at [email protected].

  9. IEEE

    Conference publications. IEEE produces cutting-edge conference publications in various technology areas that are recognized by academia and industry worldwide. Articles submitted for publication follow a paper-selection process and are peer reviewed before they are published. Learn more about IEEE conference publications (PDF, 2 MB)

  10. Call For Presentations

    Call for Presentations. As of the Jan. 31 submission deadline, IAAO has closed the submission process for topics for the 2024 Annual Conference, Aug. 25-28 in Denver that reflect innovative, cutting-edge content that stimulates and provokes discussion and audience engagement, and facilitates knowledge transfer and development of new competencies.

  11. Call for Presentations

    All submissions must be in English and include the following: Speaker name (s): For business partner and distributor submissions, your end user must be added in your submission as the primary speaker at the conference. Presentation title (80 characters or fewer, including spaces) Company name. Complete address, phone, and email information.

  12. Call for Presentations

    Call for Proposals Due: October 20, 2024. SITE 2025 is the 36th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. This society represents individual teacher educators and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all disciplines, who are interested in the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the ...

  13. 2024 Call for Presentations

    Annual Conference. 2024 Call for Presentations. We cordially invite you to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 Annual Conference & Hill Day: Learn, Connect, Advocate, Succeed for NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. The NAADAC 2024 Annual Conference & Hill Day will be held in the Washington, DC area at the Gaylord National ...

  14. Call For Presentations

    CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS for:The Ai Conference 2024 is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied! We will respond to all entries by 5/1/24. Contact us at [email protected] with any questions. Join The AI Conference 2024, a two-day event for professionals eager to explore the latest in AI applications, Research, Engineering, Tools ...

  15. Call for Presentations & Speakers

    The GSX 2024 Call for Presentations is now open. This is your opportunity to share your expertise with our global audience of security management practitioners. 23 - 25 September, 2024 ... A diverse conference advisory committee identifies potential content gaps from the submissions received and further evaluates the Online Review Committee ...

  16. Submitting a Talk for a Call for Presentations

    April 28, 2019. NOTE: CFP is a common term used when a conference, summit or some other type of event is making a call for potential speakers to submit talks. CFP commonly stands for "Call for Papers" or "Call for Presentations". We wanted to share with you the lessons learned from the past Summit CFP submissions.

  17. Conference Presentation Slides: A Guide for Success

    Some characteristics differentiate conference presentations from other formats. Time-restricted. Conference presentations are bounded by a 15-30 minute time limit, which the event's moderators establish. These restrictions are applied to allow a crowded agenda to be met on time, and it is common to count with over 10 speakers on the same day.

  18. 2024 Conference: Call for Presentations

    Call for Presentations. November 6-9, 2024 Pittsburgh, PA. The Call for Presentations closed on April 26, 2024; we are no longer accepting proposals. Pittsburgh, renowned as the city of bridges with an impressive 446 structures spanning its rugged terrain, stands as a testament to the power of connectivity.

  19. Call for Presentations

    The Environments for Aging Conference + Expo is the only event focused exclusively on the topic of designing senior living environments. The educational program is driven by industry experts who share case studies, research, best practices, and new approaches throughout the three-day learning experience. A call for presentations is opened to ...

  20. Florida Council on Aging

    The 2024 Florida Conference on Aging Call for Presentations is Closed. Open Call for Presentations You are invited to share your aging-related expertise, research, and promising practices by submitting proposals for presentations. All proposals must be submitted using the online submission form. Proposals for intermediate and advanced ...

  21. 2024 Spring Conference Call for Presentations

    The i2i Center is excited for our 2024 Spring Conference, June 11-12, 2024. There are so many exciting changes occurring with the public MH/IDD/SUS service system that move us toward whole person, integrated services and supports, especially the implementation of the Tailored Plans July 1st. The i2i Center's conference will emphasize new ...

  22. Call for Presentations

    The Conference Committee is interested in presentations that focus on: Adult Education. Advisory Committees. Assessment and Accountability. Career Technical Education Incentive Grants. Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) Career Pathways/Industry Sectors. Differentiated Instruction. Effective Teaching and Classroom Management Techniques.

  23. PDF Presentation Opportunities

    q Timeline/Outline of Major Presentation Topics • 60 minutes presentation time • 15 minutes for Q&A will be added; do not include in timeline. (example follows) q 75 minute Round Table Session q 75 minute Workshop Session q Presenter(s): q Session Description *Limit to 50 words (for conference program MUST ACCURATELY REPRESENT SESSION!) 1. Definition of ADA, FMLA, Assault Leave,

  24. Call for Presentations

    HCD 2024 Call for Presentations is now closed. Join us Oct. 5-8, 2024, in Indianapolis for the ultimate healthcare design education, networking, and product-sourcing event! Register Now.

  25. e-Records Conference 2024

    Records and Data e-Records Conference 2022: Discovering the Path Forward e-Records Conference 2021: Accelerating Towards the Texas of Tomorrow e-Records Conference 2020: Records are Virtually Everywhere e-Records Conference 2019: ... Call for Presentations. We are now accepting presentation proposals from state government organizations (state ...

  26. FRO

    Frontline plc.'s preliminary first quarter 2024 results will be released on Thursday May 30, 2024, and a webcast and conference call will be held at 3:00 p.m. CET (9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time ...

  27. NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript

    SA Transcripts. 147.02K Follower s. NVIDIA Corporation ( NASDAQ: NVDA) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference Call May 22, 2024 5:00 PM ET. Company Participants. Simona Jankowski - Vice President, Investor ...

  28. FRO

    Frontline plc.'s preliminary first quarter 2024 results will be released on Thursday May 30, 2024, and a webcast and conference call will be held at 3:00 p.m. CET (9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time). The results presentation will be available for download from the Investor Relations section at www.frontlineplc.cy ahead of the conference call. In order to attend the conference call you may do one ...

  29. Invitation to Q1 2024 Results Conference Call and Webcast

    The results presentation will be available for download from the Investor Relations section at www.frontlineplc.cy ahead of the conference call. In order to attend the conference call you may do one of the following: a. Webcast. Go to the Investor Relations section at www.frontlineplc.cy and follow the "Webcast" link, or access directly ...

  30. Listen to the NVIDIA (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call here

    NVIDIA's (NVDA) Q1 2025 earnings call will take place today at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET. We'll be streaming the call on the Shacknews Twitch channel, which you can view using the embed above ...