Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments

free argumentative essay about death penalty

Life without Parole


Victims’ Families

Methods of Execution

Medical Professionals’ Participation

Federal Death Penalty

1. Legality

The United States is one of 55 countries globally with a legal death penalty, according to Amnesty International. As of Mar. 24, 2021, within the US, 27 states had a legal death penalty (though 3 of those states had a moratorium on the punishment’s use).

Proponents of the death penalty being legal argue that such a harsh penalty is needed for criminals who have committed the worst crimes, that the punishment deters crime, and that the US Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty as constitutional.

Opponents of the death penalty being legal argue that the punishment is cruel and unusual, and, thus, unconstitutional, that innocent people are put to death for crimes they did not commit, and that the penalty is disproportionately applied to people of color.

Read More about This Debate:

Should the Death Penalty Be Legal?, “International Death Penalty Status,”, May 19, 2021, “Should the Death Penalty Be Legal?,”, Sep. 20, 2021, “States with the Death Penalty, Death Penalty Bans, and Death Penalty Moratoriums,”, Mar. 24, 2021

2. Life without Parole

Life without Parole (also called LWOP) is suggested by some as an alternative punishment for the death penalty.

Proponents of replacing the death penalty with life without parole argue that imprisoning someone for the duration of their life is more humane than the death penalty, that LWOP is a more fitting penalty that allows the criminal to think about what they’ve done, and that LWOP reduces the chances of executing an innocent person.

Opponents of replacing the death penalty with life without parole argue that LWOP is just an alternate death penalty and parole should always be a consideration even if the prisoner never earns the privilege. While other opponents argue that life without parole is not a harsh enough punishment for murderers and terrorists.

Should Life without Parole Replace the Death Penalty?, “Should Life without Parole Replace the Death Penalty?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

3. Deterrence

One of the main justifications for maintaining a death penalty is that the punishment may prevent people from committing crimes so as to not risk being sentenced to death.

Proponents who argue that the death penalty is a deterrent to capital crimes state that such a harsh penalty is needed to discourage people from murder and terrorism.

Opponents who argue that the death penalty is not a deterrent to capital crimes state that there is no evidence to support the claim that the penalty is a deterrent.

Does the Death Penalty Deter Crime?, “Does the Death Penalty Deter Crime?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

4. Retribution

Retribution in this debate is the idea that the death penalty is needed to bring about justice for the victims, the victims’ families, and/or society at large.

Proponents who argue that the death penalty is needed as retribution argue that “an eye for an eye” is appropriate, that the punishment should match the crime, and that the penalty is needed as a moral balance to the wrong done by the criminal.

Opponents who argue that the death penalty is not needed as retribution argue that reformative justice is more productive, that innocent people are often killed in the search for retribution, and that “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

Should the Death Penalty Be Used for Retribution for Victims and/or Society?, “Should the Death Penalty Be Used for Retribution for Victims and/or Society?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

5. Victims’ Families

Whether the death penalty can bring about some sort of closure or solace to the victims’ families after a horrible, life-changing experience has long been debated and used by both proponents and opponents of the death penalty.

Proponents who argue that the death penalty is needed to bring about closure and solace to victims’ families argue that the finality of the death penalty is needed for families to move on and not live in fear of the criminal getting out of prison.

Opponents who argue that the death penalty is needed to bring about closure and solace to victims’ families argue that retributive “justice” does not bring closure for anyone and that the death penalty can take years of media-friendly appeals to enact.

Does the Death Penalty Offer Closure or Solace to Victims’ Families?, “Does the Death Penalty Offer Closure or Solace to Victims’ Families?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

6. Methods of Execution

Because the drugs used for lethal injection have become difficult to obtain, some states are turning to other methods of execution. For example, South Carolina recently enacted legislation to allow for the firing squad and electric chair if lethal injection is not available at the time of the execution.

Proponents of alternate methods of execution argue that the state and federal government have an obligation to carry out the sentence handed down, and that, given the recent botched lethal injection executions, other methods may be more humane.

Opponents of alternate methods of execution argue that we should not be reverting to less humane methods of execution, and that the drug companies’ objection to use of lethal injection drugs should signal a need to abolish the penalty altogether.

Should States Authorize Other Methods of Execution Such as Hanging or the Firing Squad?, “Should States Authorize Other Methods of Execution Such as Hanging or the Firing Squad?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

7. Innocence

Reports indicate over 150 innocent people have been found not-guilty and exonerated since the death penalty was reinstated in 1973.

Proponents of abolishing the death penalty because innocent people may be executed argue that humans are fallible and the justice system is flawed, putting more Black and brown people on death row than are guilty of capital crimes, and that we cannot risk executing one innocent person just to carry about retributive “justice.”

Opponents of abolishing the death penalty because innocent people may be executed argue that the fact that death row inmates have been exonerated proves that the checks and balances to prevent innocent people from being executed are in place and working well, almost eliminating the chance that an innocent person will be executed.

Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished Because Innocent People May Be Executed?, “Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished Because Innocent People May Be Executed?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

8. Morality

Both religious and secular debates have continued about whether it is moral for humans to kill one another, even in the name of justice, and whether executing people makes for a moral and just government.

Proponents who argue that the death penalty is a moral punishment state that “an eye for an eye” is justified to promote a good and just society than shuns evil.

Opponents who argue that the death penalty is an immoral punishment state that humans should not kill other humans, no matter the reasons, because killing is killing.

Is the Death Penalty Immoral?, “Is the Death Penalty Immoral?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

9. Medical Professionals’ Participation

With the introduction of lethal injection as execution method, states began asking that medical professionals participate in executions to ensure the injections were administered properly and to provide medical care if the execution were botched.

Proponents who argue that medical professionals can participate in executions ethically state that doctors and others ensure that the execution is not “cruel or unusual,” and ensure that the person being executed receives medical care during the execution.

Opponents who argue that medical professionals cannot participate in executions ethically state that doctors and others should keep people alive instead of participate in killing, and that the medicalization of execution leads to a false acceptance of the practice.

Is Participation in Executions Ethical for Medical Professionals?, “Is Participation in Executions Ethical for Medical Professionals?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

10. Federal Death Penalty

The federal death penalty has only been carried out 16 times since its reinstatement after Furman v. Georgia in 1988: twice in 2001, once in 2003, ten times in 2020, and three times in 2021. Several moratoriums have been put in place by presidents in the interims. Under President Joe Biden, the US Justice Department has enacted a moratorium on the death penalty, reversing President Donald Trump’s policy of carrying out federal executions.

Proponents of keeping the federal death penalty argue that justice must be carried out to deter crime and offer closure to families, and that the federal government has an obligation to enact the sentences handed down by the courts.

Proponents of banning the federal death penalty argue that the United States federal government should set an example for the states with a ban, and that only a ban will prevent the next president from executing the prisoners on death row.

Should the US President Reinstate the Federal Death Penalty?, “Most Recent Executions in Each US State,”, Aug. 26, 2021, “Should the US President Reinstate the Federal Death Penalty?,”, Sep. 20, 2021

free argumentative essay about death penalty

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The Death Penalty Debate: An Argumentative Analysis

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Persuasive Essay About Death Penalty Examples

Are you feeling stuck with the task of writing a persuasive essay about the death penalty? 

Looking for some examples to get your ideas flowing? 

You’re in luck — we’ve got just the thing! Take a look at these free downloadable examples.

Example of a Persuasive essay about death penalty

Persuasive essay about death penalty in the Philippines

Short Persuasive essay about death penalty

Persuasive essay about death penalty should be abolished

The death penalty pros and cons essay

Looking for some more examples on persuasive essays? Check out our blog about persuasive essay examples !

Argumentative Essay About Death Penalty Examples 

We have compiled some of the best examples to help you start crafting your essay.

These examples will provide dynamic perspectives and insights from real-world legal cases to personal essays. 

Have a look at them to get inspired!!

Argumentative essay about death penalty in the Philippines

Argumentative essay about death penalty with introduction body conclusion

Argumentative essay about death penalty should be abolished

Argumentative essay about death penalty conclusion

6 Tips To Write an A+ Persuasive Essay

We know it can be daunting to compose a perfect essay that effectively conveys your point of view to your readers. Worry no more. 

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1. Understand the assignment and audience

 Before you start writing your essay, you must understand what type of essay you are being asked to write. Who your target audience should be?

Make sure you know exactly what you’re arguing for and against, as this will help shape your essay's content.

2. Brainstorm and research

Once you understand the topic better, brainstorm ideas that support your argument.

During this process, be sure to do additional research on any unfamiliar points or topics.

3. Create an outline

After doing your initial research, create an outline for your essay that includes all the main points you want to make. 

This will help keep your thoughts organized and ensure you cover all the necessary points cohesively.

Check out our extensive guide on persuasive essay outlines to master the art of creating essays.

4. Make an argument

Use persuasive language and techniques to construct your essay. Strong evidence, such as facts and statistics, can also help to strengthen your argument.

5. Edit and revise 

Before you submit your essay, take the time to edit and revise it carefully. 

This will ensure that your argument is clear and concise and that there are no grammar or spelling errors.

6. Get feedback

Lastly, consider asking someone else to read over your essay before you submit it.

Feedback from another person can help you see any weaknesses in your argument or areas that need improvement. 

Summing up, 

Writing a persuasive essay about the death penalty doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With these examples and tips, you can be sure to write an essay that will impress your teacher.

Whether it’s an essay about the death penalty or any other controversial topic, you can ace it with these steps! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most persuasive argument for the death penalty.

The most persuasive argument for the death penalty is that it is a deterrent to violent crime. 

The idea is that by punishing criminals, other potential criminals will be less likely to act out of fear of similar punishment.

How do you start a persuasive speech on the death penalty?

When starting a persuasive speech on the death penalty, begin by introducing and defining the topic. Provide an overview of the controversial issue. 

Outline your points and arguments clearly, including evidence to support your position. 

What are good topics for persuasive essays?

Good topics for persuasive essays include 

  • Whether or not the death penalty is a fair punishment for violent crime
  • Whether harsher punishments will reduce crime rates
  • Will capital punishment is worth the costs associated with it
  • How rehabilitation should be taken into consideration when dealing with criminals.

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Death Penalty Argumentative essay

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death penalty argumentative essay

The Death Penalty, Argumentative Essay Sample

October 21, 2016 Gloria Kopp Writing Samples 12

The majority of Americans have a clear and strong stance when it comes to the death penalty, no matter which side of the debate they sit on. Supporters of this punishment argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime, and that justice is being served. My personal stance on the death penalty is that it is an outdated and ineffective punishment, serving no true benefit to society and causing more harm than good to society as a whole.

When looking at the argument that the death penalty serves as a deterrent to others thinking about committing the same crime, we need only look to other countries around the world as examples to disprove this. Throughout the world, we are able to see that, in those countries where there is no death penalty, murders and other violent crimes happen at a much lower rate than in the United States. It does seem counter-intuitive, but the evidence is clear.

We can also clearly see that, in the United States, many people still commit these horrendous crimes, knowing full well that capital punishment exists. In the heat of the moment, when a person is not thinking clearly and logically, the existence of the death penalty and the possibility that they could be facing this punishment does not typically cross their mind, and cause them to alter their behavior. The consequences of their actions are not at the forefront of their minds while they’re in the midst of carrying out those actions. We can see this in the consistent, and increasing, number of violent crimes being committed year after year in this country.

There have also been widely publicised cases of wrongly convicted individuals, who were either put to death or were awaiting their punishment, that were revealed to be innocent. In the cases where the death penalty had already been carried out, it was too late for those innocent people. And, in the cases where innocence was discovered in time, we can only be thankful that it wasn’t too late. There are definitely cases of people being wrongly accused and convicted, and for each case that’s brought to light, we must keep in mind that there are likely more that we’ve never – and will never – hear about. Having even one innocent person put to death wrongly is a crime unto itself.

We must also look at the mental competence of the individuals being convicted and sentenced to this punishment. If a person is not mentally capable of processing and understanding the actions they have committed, it is ethically wrong to execute them for this.

When looking at the ethics of capital punishment, it’s also essential to assess whether or not it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. There have been advancements in the technologies being used to enact the death penalty that are designed to lessen the pain and suffering a person endures. But, in reality, the only individuals who can attest to their effectiveness are those being executed. We cannot say for certain whether or not someone suffered unduly while they were being executed, whether everything worked as it should to ensure a quick and painless death.

And, yes, there are those who will argue that a death marked by pain and suffering is a part of the justice being served. But, as we try to hold ourselves as a nation to a higher standard than our worst criminals, we should at the very least allow our justice system to work as it should, according to the Supreme Court. And, nowhere in history has the Supreme Court ever advocated for the use of cruel and unusual punishment. We would like to think that we have more compassion and humanity than those who have committed such horrendous crimes, and as such, we should demonstrate this by showing them the humanity they denied someone else, not by sinking to their level.

The argument for or against the death penalty has been passionately argued throughout our nation’s history, with each side having their own strong viewpoints. When we look at the evidence from around the world on the effectiveness of capital punishment as a deterrent, as well as the ethical dilemma of potentially executing innocent or mentally incompetent individuals, it is easy to see that the practice of capital punishment offers no benefits to our society.

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An Argumentative Essay on Death Penalty


In the United States of America today, it has been realized that the death penalty or capital punishment concept has been a much –questioned part of the present criminal justice system. Based on the online Webster dictionary research, the death penalty is defined as a form of judicially ordered execution of prisoners that acts as punishment for serious crimes that relate to treason or murder. Thus, the fact that it is divisive has been evidenced that it is a topic that has sparked passion within individuals in society regarding the effectiveness and equality of the American criminal justice system. As a result, everyone in society is entitled to their own opinion about the death penalty/capital punishment. Some individuals in society wish that the criminal justice system should make it harsher to those members who are prone to various types of crime and violence. Whereas others feel that this form of criminal justice punishment should be nullified, they have got their reason that they have been presenting to the courts why it has to be uplifted (Kyambalesa, 16). Therefore, this essay’s primary purpose is to offer a concrete argument on why the death penalty should not be part and parcel of the criminal justice system, which contrasts with the main character’s thoughts of the assigned reading “David B Muhlhausen.”

Thus, before bringing out the argument, it will be an essential approach to note that capital punishment in the United States of America has been administered in diverse ways amongst the 50 States. For instance, most of the literature about this topic indicates that the federal government and States currently have the death penalty. Practice this method of punishment in different ways. For instance, it has been revealed that some of the most commonly used methods include lethal injection, lethal gas, hanging, firing squad, and electrocution (Loewy, 2-3). However, it should be noted that amongst those five methods of capital punishment, the most commonly used method in various states is that of lethal injection. It has come to the individual realization that only one state amongst those with the death penalty does not put it into practice.

According to, Amanda et al. (2020) in their article entitled “Which U.S. States Still Have the Death Penalty?” I have been indicated that data from Death Penalty demonstrates that out of the 50 states in the United States, 28 states are still using the capital punishment/ death penalty (Delvin et al.1-2) The remaining 22 states that do not have the death penalty in their criminal justices system include Washington, District of Columbia, Wisconsin, West Virginia, New York, Delaware, Iowa, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Michigan, Minnesota, Maine, Hawaii, Alaska, Connecticut, Illinois, New Mexico, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Colorado, Maryland, and lastly Vermont. Additionally, it’s also noted from the same article that 1527 people have been executed in the U.S. as from 1976 (Delvin et al., 2-3). However, the federal government has refrained from doing so since (2003).

Therefore, one of the reasons why the United States criminal justice system needs to uplift capital punishment is because it has come to individuals’ understanding that this method of discipline, which happens to be brutal. It has existed for a long period, and indeed, if it is true, it saves a life. The current society should not be experiencing continued loss of lives through murder and crime. Thus, it should be regarded as having reached its expiration date and both the criminal and judicial system and needs to end immediately. Like the famous quote, “out with the old in with the new,” no matter in what form of that capital punishment has been administered in society, capital punishment has accomplished nothing less than terrorizing individuals in society (Conklin, 4). They are not just criminals who are experiencing his but also a close friend and family members at large. Therefore this s the reason why whenever the topic of the death penalty that has been evidenced to be divisive is introduced to individuals in the society, they tend to develop a lot of negative thoughts. Some of the society members who ought to be innocent have also undergone execution through this form of punishment has resulted in the worst feelings among various families and friends. These negative feelings usually result in various psychological ill-health issues. For instance, they tend to undergo some sought of emotional trauma and, at some point, even depression. Take a look at the Texas cases of Todd Willingham, a thirty-six-year-old man, who was executed by lethal injection on 17 th  February 2004. Cameron Todd Willingham was executed for murdering his three young children through the fire, but later, when investigations are made, it becomes clear that Texas had executed an innocent man. Most literature also indicates that for a long time in the history of America, there have been several cases of wrongful convictions of defendants (Conklin, 2-3). Yet, the death penalty has been a significant stumbling block for various opportunities that arise to rectify any miscarriage of justice.

Apart from the inefficiency, which has already been depicted in this form of punishment, it is also essential to note that even though Muhlhausen indicates that, a Gallup poll from May on the issue of capital punishment that about sixty-one percent of Americans today have a perception that this form of punishment is morally acceptable. It has been evidenced from the pew research center that the majority of Americans have been doing so because they tend to believe that it plays a significant role in society by deterring various crimes of murder and gruesome murders. However, the fact remains that their perceptions are very much far from the truth. The argument is based on the findings of modern theologians and scholars who usually claim that a tiny fraction of those individuals found guilty of homicides is given the death penalty. Most of them are generally freed on various terms; thus, the death penalty does not deter crime in society (Azamjonovich, 1377). Therefore, the only way society can achieve better protection is through incarcerating dangerous individuals in their entire life without parole. Incarceration has been evidenced to play an essential role in most countries that have adopted it since its one way that has been evidenced to create that idea of rehabilitation that capital punishment or death penalty has way failed in achieving.

Additionally, the fact that in the United States of America there are many racial disparities in this form of punishment that various individuals have questioned in society. The death penalty should not be seen as something that is morally upright and one that is playing a significant role in saving other people’s lives in society, from various literatures that has been presented on this topic. It has been evidenced that defendants who are usually charged with killing the whites in the United States of America are more susceptible to being punished through capital punishment than those who are usually charged with killing the Black. Still, on the issues of racial disparities, it has also come to individual’s realization that those individuals in the society who are usually grouped as the underclass, minorities, and the poor. These are the most frequent individuals in society who have been hit with this type of criminal justice punishment compared to the other societal group. The reason is that, unlike the rich, it has been noted that the poor and the minorities have found it very hard to be in a position to hire some of the private attorneys. As a result, those defendants from this group happen to be not favorites of various stakeholders in both the criminal and judicial justice system, such as; judges, police, governors, and prosecutors. When it comes to the death penalty issue, they are usually seen as the victims of discriminatory applications.

Moreover, it has also been evidenced that in most cases, some states have supported the issues of capital punishment because they tend to see it as a form of punishment that is somehow less costly compared to incarceration. Though the fact remain that it is far from the truth, and society should perceive killings to various felonies as something that is immorally upright. Recent research conducted on both criminal and judicial justice systems in the United States of America indicates that indeed a vast amount of taxpayer money is usually used in execution processes to find its legality. For instance, it has been evidenced that it accounts for an average of about 63.3 US dollars annually in California. In Maryland, it has been evidenced from the new study that the states pay up to 37 million U.S. dollars for one execution (Kovera, 1142). Lastly, in New Jersey, it has been evidenced that capital punishment has cost the state about 253 US million dollars in taxpayers’ money. The above values can easily cater for criminal’s rehabilitation.

In summary, it has to come to the understanding of society that the death penalty is immoral in principle. To some extent, it’s also discriminatory and unfair in its practice, as it has been indicated. Today no one deserves to die. As a result, in a civilized society, individuals should reject the principles that advocate doing to criminals what they did to their victims since it has been evidenced to be a remnant of societies regarded as uncivilized.

Works Cited

Conklin, Michael. “White Paper: Innocent Or Inconclusive: Analyzing Abolitionists’ Claims about the Death Penalty.”  Neb. L. Rev. Bulletin  (2018): 1.

Loewy, Arnold H. “Why Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished.”  Tex. Tech L. Rev.  51 (2018): 31.

Kyambalesa, Henry. “The Death Penalty: Arguments For and Against.”  Available at SSRN 3474715  (2019).

Azamjonovich, Ismoilov Ihtiyorjon. “The death penalty for a crime and its philosophical and legal aspects.”  ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL  11.1 (2021): 1376-1381.

Kovera, Margaret Bull. “Racial disparities in the criminal justice system: Prevalence, causes, and a search for solutions.”  Journal of Social Issues  75.4 (2019): 1139-1164.

Delvin, Amanda et al. “Which US States Still Have The Death Penalty?”.  The Sun , 2020,

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Persuasive Paper on The Death Penalty

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Published: Jun 14, 2024

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The death penalty, a contentious and polarizing issue, has been a subject of debate for centuries. It involves the state-sanctioned execution of a person as punishment for a serious crime. While many countries have abolished the [...]

Marzilli Eric, J. (2019). The death penalty deters crime and saves lives. Boston Herald. Retrieved from

The death penalty has been a contentious issue in the United States for decades. Advocates argue that it serves as a deterrent for heinous crimes, while opponents highlight the moral and ethical implications of state-sanctioned [...]

The legality of the death penalty remains one of the most contentious issues in modern society. As a form of capital punishment, it is intended to serve as the ultimate deterrent against heinous crimes such as murder and [...]

I believe the death penalty should be legal throughout the nation. Discussing the death penalty pros and cons, there are many reasons as to why I think the death penalty should be legalized in all states, including deterrence, [...]

The Death Penalty has frequently been on the rise lately. In Micheal Cohen’s “Death Penalty should be Abolished now”, he gives some very good valid point on why the Death Penalty should be Abolished. Starting off with one being [...]

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