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Housekeeping Attendant Daily Assignment Sheet

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Hotel Room Attendant Daily Report


As you can see in this form, all of tasks assigned to them can be categorized into four big groups, those are Checking, Cleaning, Replacing and Refilling.

  • Checking : Check functions of all item, mechanically and electronically. Like check television, phone, internet, lights etc.
  • Cleaning : Clean beds, floors and bathroom
  • Replacing : Replace bed cover and towels with new ones
  • Refilling : Refill soap, shampoo, stationery, etc.

And there are remarks column to write important information that needs to be reported, like broken air conditioner, locked safety box, broken glass etc. Before starting to fill needed information, remember to write its hotel room number. And if you don’t have a strong brain to memorize your activities, it is recommended to write it every time you completed your task in one room.

This hotel room attendant daily report form also can be used for apartment, villas, which requires to be cleaning and maintained daily. Sometimes, cleaning people is not employed by the hotel, and having this form will help you settling any disputes between hotel and outsourcing parties. Feel free to modify this template to meet your business requirement. You just need a Microsoft Word to edit it.

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Housekeeping | Attendant sheets

[Housekeeping > Attendant sheets]

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Easily create daily attendant sheets for the housekeeping staff. The sheets show which attendants have to clean which rooms, and what time or point value is available per room for the tasks involved. As need arises, the created overview may be adjusted manually before printing the attendant sheets (for example, by moving a room from attendant A to attendant B).

The sheets can be created on a daily basis and distributed in paper form to the respective attendants.

The attendant sheets can be created for an individual attendant, for a group of attendants, or for all of the hotel's attendants. The sheets contain all of the necessary information required for cleaning the rooms: room status and front office status (arrival, overnight stay, departure, departure & arrival), laundry pattern, preset minutes/points per room, guest preferences, etc. The rooms are listed in alphanumeric order in the sheets. The information to be printed can be set individually.

Different options are available for generating the sheets - for example, the rooms to be cleaned can be distributed evenly among a specified number of attendants, or based on a maximum number of minutes or points per attendant.

Business considerations

The Attendant sheets feature is not supported by the protel Air Housekeeping App, i.e. attendant sheets will not be displayed in the App. Of course you can use all of the advantages of the attendant sheet feature in connection with the App if you print out the attendant sheets and distribute them manually to your housekeeping team.

Creating attendant sheets

Housekeeping > Attendant sheets

Call up the Attendant sheets by clicking on the Housekeeping > Attendant sheets menu. The Attendant sheets window appears.

Attendant sheets dialog box




Mandatory field. Is populated with the current end-of-day date (business date).

The attendant sheets are usually created for the current business date or a date in the future.

Room type

Click the down arrow to select one or more room types from the dropdown list. The attendant sheets will then only be created for the selected room type(s).

If you do not select anything here, the attendant sheet will be created for all room types (default setting).

Room status

Click the down arrow to select one or more room statuses from the dropdown list. The attendant sheets are then only created for rooms with the selected status.

The attendant sheets are created for dirty rooms by default, that is why the Dirty room status is preselected.

Defined: Choose this option to create the attendant sheets for the attendants who are already in the system.

Click the down arrow to select one or more attendants from the dropdown list. The attendant sheets will then only be created for the selected attendant(s).

Assigning a section to an attendant who usually works in that particular section, will be accounted for when creating the sheets. If the attendants are not assigned a section, the rooms in the attendant sheets will need to be manually assigned (the rooms then appear in the "Not allocated" list).

When setting up an attendant, the number of points or minutes you select to be calculated for that particular attendant, are taken into consideration when creating the sheets. If, for example, an attendant's shift is comprised of 360 minutes, the rooms are assigned in the attendant's sheet so that this value is not exceeded.

Custom: Select this option if you want to create the list based on a predefined number of attendants.

Attendants per section: Enter the number of attendants you need per section. Example: If you enter a "2" here, two attendants will be assigned to each area. If, for example, you have divided Housekeeping into 5 sections/locations, a total of 10 attendant sheets will be created.

Max. minutes per attendant: Enter the maximum number of minutes / points that can be assigned to an attendant here. The rooms are then divided so that the value entered here per attendant and attendant sheet, is not exceeded.

All remaining minutes/points are written to a separate sheet (Not allocated, see ).

Section group

Select the group for which the attendant sheets are to be created. For example Section Group 1 for "AM shift", Section Group 2 for "PM shift" or Section Group 3 for the respective part of the building.

Additional information about configuring groups can be found in the following section: System data > Housekeeping > .


Maximum minutes: Used when the maximum available minutes/points per attendant are to be used, i.e. as many rooms as possible are allocated to each attendant.

Distribute evenly: If this option is selected, the tasks are distributed as evenly as possible, always taking into account the attendant's section and the maximum number of minutes or points that can be assigned to the attendant (see section: System data > Housekeeping > ).

Create sheets

Clicking on the Create sheets button creates the attendants sheets based on the criteria entered.

A preview appears - see the following figure:

Creating a or loading one that already exists

If a sheet has already been saved for the selected date, the following message appears:

By clicking Yes, the attendance sheets saved most recently will be deleted for the selected date and new attendance sheets will be created (on the basis of the selected criteria in the screen to the left).

If you click No, new attendance sheets will not be created. Instead, the system calls up the most recent attendance sheets saved for the date.


Click Save to save the sheets displayed in the window for the selected date. You are now ready to print out the attendant sheets (next step).

. The view saved last is then loaded (see above " ).

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

The Print button isn't active until you have saved the preview ( Save button) or call up a previously saved preview (see above "Create a attendant sheet or load one that already exists ").

If you click on the Print button, a print overview appears - see the following figure:

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

The print overview lists all of the rooms that need to be cleaned, together with the respective information. 

Click on Print Tasks and select the Print command. protel Air then creates a PDF which opens in a new browser tab. The PDF is structured in such a way that there is a separate section in the document for each attendant (each attendant section starts on a new page).

By clicking on Print Tasks and selecting the Print as Excel list , protel Air creates an Excel file which is automatically downloaded to your browser's default download directory.  

NOTE : The PDF and the Excel lists are always printed as shown on the screen! You can individually determine which information is to be displayed and printed. For more information, go to the following section: Print overview .

Assigning rooms manually

Once you have created the attendant sheet, you can manually adjust the way the rooms appear on the preview, if necessary.

Rooms that have already been assigned can be assigned to another attendant via Drag & Drop. Rooms which have not yet been assigned can be assigned to an attendant, as well.

Moving rooms/tasks

Not allocated.

If the number of points/minutes required for the work to be performed cannot be distributed evenly among the attendants, the system creates an attendant sheet and names it: Not allocated . This sheet contains all of the rooms that could not be assigned to an attendant.

Other reasons for unassigned rooms can also be absent attendants (the attendant was not selected when creating the sheet or has been set to inactive in the system data). In this case, the rooms that fall within the absent attendant's area of responsibility also appear in the Not allocated list.

In the example shown there are 5 rooms without allocation.

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

You can allocate the rooms to the other attendant sheets via Drag & Drop.

To do this, select a room with your mouse and drag the room into the desired attendant sheet while holding down the mouse button. By releasing the mouse button, the room is added to the attendant sheet.

Hint : Make sure that you keep the location of the rooms in the building while distributing them. For example, you should assign rooms on the first floor to an attendant who works on or near the same floor.

Allocating rooms between attendant sheets

You can use Drag & Drop to move rooms from one attendant sheet to another (from attendant A to attendant B).

Allocating several rooms simultaneously

You can also move an entire block of rooms.

To do this, hold down the [Ctrl] key and click on all the rooms you want to move.

Now, use your mouse to drag the rooms into the desired attendant sheet.

It's even easier if the rooms you want to move are all located under each other in the list:

Click on the first room while holding down the [Shift] key.

Then click on the last room in the list while holding down the [Shift] key.

Print overview

Housekeeping > Attendant sheets > Create sheets > Save > Print

The print overview (Print dialog ) appears when you save an attendant sheet and then click the Print button.

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

The items in the print overview appear in ascending order based on attendant name and room number/name.

Date : If you wish, you can display the print overview for a specific date. This, for example, allows you to call up and print sheets that had been created in the past.

Click into the date field and select the desired date.

Attendants : You can reduce the display to one or more attendants. This is useful, for example, if you only want to print the attendant sheet for a particular attendant.

Click on the down arrow and select one or more attendants from the dropdown list.

Print configuration

Determine what is to appear in the print out of the attendant sheet!

You can hide information that you do not need by hiding the relevant column in the Print dialog box.

To do this, click on the small arrow in the column header of any column and then select the Columns command - see the following figure:

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

To hide a column, deactivate the respective checkbox.

If you wish, you can save the current list view - see the following screenshot (the list will then be called up the next time with the saved settings).

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

Result : When you print the sheet, only the information visible on the screen is printed. Hidden columns are not printed.

Room status display







Being cleaned

Out of service

Occupancy status display






Move in

Move out

Empty (see )

Creating sheets for particular attendants

If you work with permanent attendants, you can create the attendant sheets with the "Attendant Type: defined" option - see figure:

housekeeping daily assignment sheet


The pending service tasks are only distributed to the attendants who have been selected in the dropdown list. For example, if an attendant is absent, the attendant will not be selected in the sheet.

Creating an attendant sheet based on the provided number of attendants

You can create the attendant sheets by specifying the number of available attendants and the maximum available points/minutes per attendant.

Select the Custom option.

Select the number of attendants required per section ( Attendants per section dropdown list).

It is also advisable to specify the maximum number of minutes/points to be scheduled per attendant ( Max. minutes/points per attendant dropdown list).

Afterwards, select a section group (e.g., Section Group 1 for AM shift, Section group 2 for PM shift, or Section group 3 for a particular section of the building - based on your system's configuration).

Click the Create sheets button.

The system then calculates the workload required for each day for all rooms, divides it by the total number of housekeeping staff, and allocates the rooms to be cleaned accordingly. A sheet is created for each employee.

There are 5 housekeeping attendants available for one day.

10 double rooms have the "In the house | linen change ( 30 minutes each)" status = 300 minutes.

10 double rooms have the "Departure (45 minutes each)" status = 450 minutes.

-> A total of 750 minutes must be distributed among 5 attendants.

-> The system creates 5 attendant sheets with 150 minutes per attendant.

If the number of points/minutes cannot be evenly distributed per attendant, the system creates a separate list called "Not allocated" which contains the rooms which couldn't be allocated.

A total of 500 minutes must be distributed among 3 attendants. The system assigns 160 minutes to each attendant (=480 minutes in total). The remaining minutes (e.g. two turndown services of 10 minutes each = 20 minutes) are written to the Not allocated list and can be assigned manually from there.

Create the attendant sheets based on your requirements.

Check the attendant sheet you created to see if there are any non-allocated rooms.

If necessary, assign unallocated rooms.

Save and print out the attendant sheets.

Give the sheets to the supervisor and housekeeping staff.

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Room Attendant Basic Daily Duties

Room Attendant Basic Daily Duties

Morning shift.

  • Before reporting to Housekeeping office, you are requested to wear uniform with name badge.
  • Showered, clean sort hair, shaved (Female: if hair to long to shoulder, it must be tied back off the face). Nails are to be clean and short (Female; with only clear or very pale nail polish and always wear all make-up in moderation).
  • The only jewelry you may wear is a watch, one ring, (Female: small earrings).
  • Only plain black shoes may be worn and black socks, preferable in the style recommended. Female to wear light brown stockings.
  • Report on duty in Housekeeping office, and sign in on time.
  • Collect your worksheet, and check if no mistake, check if VIP in-house and VIP arrivals are indicated and sign for your Key Card. Keys place with Key Pouch by the Pocket before leaving Housekeeping Office.
  • Collect cleaning baskets with cleaning cloth, check if basket is complete and napkins are sufficient.
  • Go direct to your assigned floor.
  • Once there, check your equipment and trolley with linen and guest supplies.
  • Clean the corridor, ashtrays and elevator door.
  • Check and dust vacant rooms, and ensure that room status is correct with ROOM STATUS REPORT.
  • Make sure that you finish above tasks at 8:40 AM.
  • Move your service trolley and vacuum cleaner out from the pantry, then start to clean “VD” and “OD”.
  • Lock the pantry door and remember guest supplies are very expensive.
  • Start to clean room at 9.00 according to order of priority.
  • Early request cleaning of occupied rooms
  • Check-out rooms blocked for VIP or early arrivals
  • Interval service of other check-out and occupied rooms
  • Now go to the first room to be cleaned and place your trolley in front door of the room. Clean occupied room as required by guest or if you are sure guests are out, never clean occupied room before 9:00 if you re not sure that guests are not out of room, and avoid to disturb guest sleeping.
  • Place your vacuum cleaner neatly beside your trolley.
  • Remember never obstruct the corridor, fore cupboards or fire exits in any way.
  • Before ringing the bell, check if the room displaying a DO NOT DISTURB Sign, as these mean that the guest is in the room and does not wish to be disturbed. Place notes card into the room under the door after 14:00 to inform the guest if service is required to contact Housekeeping.
  • DND sign you must never ring or enter the room.
  • If occupied or check out room appears to be vacant ring the bell, (announce yourself as “good morning housekeeping”) wait about ten seconds and ring another two times.
  • If there is no response, unlock the door and announce yourself as “good morning housekeeping, may I come in?”
  • Leave the door open when you clean the room…
  • Clean the room, please refer to HOW TO CLEAN A ROOM procedure.
  • Take special care by collecting the bed linen from the bed, shake the linen over the bed and take one by one sheet, make sure clothing and other article are not mixed up with it.
  • In your duties, you should also
  • Check and replace Mini Bar (refer to Mini Bar procedure)
  • Check and collect guest laundry (refer to Guest Laundry Service)
  • Hand in guest’ losses to your supervisor (refer to guest lost & found procedure)
  • Provide shoe shine service
  • Provide other service as required
  • If on your section you are unable to clean rooms, because of guest still in the room or to many DND signs, contact your supervisor or exchange one room with one of your colleges. Don’t hang around it is waste of time.
  • If you have to leave your floor report to the supervisor, the same applies if you come back.
  • At 14:00 if you have rooms with DND signs or late service (after 16:00) report to the supervisor.
  • If you have rooms which are not used by guests report to the supervisor.
  • If you have done extra work inform the supervisor what kind of extra work you have done and in which room.
  • Every room cleaned need to be indicated on your worksheet the same applies for discrepancies.
  • After you have finished your last room inform the supervisor return your trolley and vacuum cleaner to the pantry.
  • Pay special attention to the corridors if the carpet is dirty, vacuum the carpet at once.
  • Clean your trolley and refill the guest supplies and linen, empty and clean your vacuum cleaner.
  • Clean your basket.
  • Clean the pantry and wait your supervisor to sign your paper before leaving your floor, Report any special matters to your supervisor.
  • Take your rubbish bag where it belongs to keep.
  • At the end of your shift return to the housekeeping office, hand in your keys and your work sheet.
  • Check your duty schedule for next day and sign out.


  • Before reporting to Housekeeping office, you are requested to ware uniform with name badge.
  • Report on duty in office and sign in on time, receive afternoon tasks from your supervisor and check special work for evening turn-down service. Then go to your working area as soon as possible.
  • Ensure that you complete assigned tasks before 4:30, and service trolley is refilled for turn-down service.
  • Help AM. Shift staff complete guest room cleaning as instructed if some “OD” or “VD” rooms are not cleaned
  • 30 minutes dinner time: 4:30 PM-5:00 PM,you should be back to the office on time after dinner
  • Attend a briefing given by your supervisor
  • Get room assigned room sheet
  • Write down special matters on your work sheet
  • Get keys from office clerk. Then go back to your floor and commence evening turn-down service for all rooms assigned to you.
  • Turn-down service houses: 5:30-9:30. you are required to do turn-down service according to the standard for all occupied and expect arrival rooms(refer to TURN-DOWN SERVICE)
  • After finishing turn-down service, start to clean the ashtrays and pantry, rearrange linen shelves and refill trolley for next day.
  • Check and lock all the doors, and turn off lights in the pantry before you leave the floors.
  • Submit your worksheets to your supervisor to sign.
  • Return keys to the clerk and sign out.

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Your Ultimate 2024 Hotel Housekeeping Checklist [with Downloadable Template]

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The appearance and condition of your guest rooms is a direct reflection of your brand and the unique experiences you provide. Guests will likely remember their stay at a clean, pleasant hotel but they will definitely never forget an experience at an untidy one. Which experience would you rather provide? In order to keep your guests loyal, the integrity of your guest room cleanliness needs to be a top priority.

To help you prevent problems and achieve better efficiency, we’ve developed the following hotel housekeeping checklist template to create a clear top-down procedure.

Easily print and distribute this Excel hotel housekeeping checklist to your team.

Improve your housekeeping operations.

Since dirty rooms are one of the most common complaints from guests on travel review sites, the need for an efficient cleaning process is an absolute must for every hotel. A housekeeping room inspection checklist is a great way to guarantee everything is in order and working properly.

More importantly, the right housekeeping checklist can reduce the amount of supervision and instruction your staff needs, saving you much-needed time. It will also make sure your housekeeping team doesn’t miss an item that could make guests unhappy and lead to negative reviews on popular sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp.

Using a cleaning checklist will help your hotel:

  • Reduce guest service recoveries and bad reviews
  • Improve room attendant work quality
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Improve communication between departments

Also, be sure to visit our ultimate guide to elevating guest satisfaction full of tips, insights and data points on how to improve your hotel service and ensure optimal guest satisfaction.

If you don’t want to download the full housekeeping checklist in Excel format, you can scan the entire list below.

ROOM – Temperature room comfortable upon arrival (between X & Xº) 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – HVAC functional and in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – DND Sign in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Entry door good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Entry door functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Entry door lock functional 2 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Entry door frame clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Telephone works 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – TV works 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – TV programmed correctly 2 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – TV remote works 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Thermostat operational 2 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – All electrical outlets functional 2 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – Safe instructions posted 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Minibar clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Minibar functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BED – Frame good condition 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BED – Bedding clean and free of stains 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BED – Frame good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BED – Headboard good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – All flooring/carpet clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – All flooring/carpet in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Carpet not fraying 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – All grouting and caulking lines clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Nightstands good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Nightstand drawers functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Trash bin clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Desk chair good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Desk chair clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Other chairs clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Other chairs good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Desk clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Desk good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Desk drawers functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – All accessories in closet present and in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – Light(s) functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – Doors open and close properly 1 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – Door good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
CLOSET – Interior clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Art hung straight 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Art/frame good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Mirrors clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Mirrors good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – General area lighting clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – General area lighting functional 2 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Light shades sturdy and straight 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – USB charging ports work throughout room 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Tables good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Tables clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Sofa clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
FURNITURE – Sofa good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Wall paint good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Walls damage free 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Windows clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Windows good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Windows function (if they can be opened) 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Drapes/sheers functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Drapes/sheers clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Ceiling clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Ceiling good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Ceiling paint good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – WiFi functional throughout room 0 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Floor baseboards good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Vents clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
ROOM – Vents good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All surfaces clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All bathroom tile and floor clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All tile and floor in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Shower glass streak free and clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All drains in room clean and non-obstructed 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Sink(s) clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All countertops and surfaces clean and streak free 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All lighting clean 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All lights functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All towels clean and in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – All amenities refreshed and present 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Trash bin clean and in good condition 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Toilet clean 2 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Toilet functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Water pressure functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No
BATH – Hair dryer functional 1 Yes/No Yes/No

Beyond a manual checklist, a software-based solution provides even more benefits. Housekeeping software automates daily housekeeping operations and streamlines the availability of guest rooms. These benefits lead to cost savings. In fact, Amadeus Service Optimization Housekeeping software has saved hotels $166 per guestroom, per year .

To learn how our software can help your hotel save time and money, talk to our team !

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30 Free Cleaning Schedule Templates (Daily / Weekly / Monthly)

The task of cleaning your house can become simpler and easier if you create a cleaning schedule template. It’s an ongoing process and involves time, resources and a great deal of effort so efficient planning is of importance when you plan the schedule. Having a cleaning schedule makes sure that you finish each chore before moving on to the next.

  • 1 Cleaning Schedule Templates
  • 2 What is a good house cleaning schedule?
  • 3 Cleaning Checklist Templates
  • 4 What to include?
  • 5 House Cleaning Checklists
  • 6 How do I create a cleaning schedule?

Cleaning Schedule Templates

What is a good house cleaning schedule.

A cleaning schedule template is a tool that you use to ensure that you accomplish all of your cleaning jobs completely and correctly. Here are the main types of cleaning schedules that you can make:

  • A daily cleaning schedule template is what you use in places where cleaning and sanitation are the topmost priorities like kitchens, hospitals, and restaurants.
  • A weekly cleaning schedule template is mainly used to ensure orderliness and cleanliness in medium-scale establishments like apartment buildings.
  • A monthly cleaning schedule template is normally used in fast food and retail store operations to periodically ensure the establishment’s overall cleanliness.

Cleaning Checklist Templates

What to include.

The task of cleaning your house can often feel overwhelming although it doesn’t have to be. You can easily overcome your apprehension by having a cleaning checklist template. Download one of these templates and use it to help you deep-clean and de-clutter your whole house.

The first obstacle you need to overcome is where to start cleaning. This can become a problem if you’re under a time constraint. But if you use a cleaning schedule template, you can break the chores down .

You will feel more relaxed as you accomplish one job after another and following your checklist. When making your template, here are the things to include:

  • The living room It’s recommended that you start your checklist with your living room since this is the first room people see when they come into your home. Keep in mind that first impressions matter. Your guests will appreciate a clean living room.
  • The kitchen This is one of the more difficult rooms to clean because in most cases, you will deal with oily and grimy substances. These accumulate almost everywhere in the kitchen from the cabinets to floors to walls to your appliances. What’s worse is the persistent odor that proliferates. In addition, you will need more effort in cleaning your kitchen because of the hygiene factor. Bacteria and germs generally thrive best in unsanitary conditions.
  • The bedroom If you sleep eight hours every day, that amounts to spending a third of your life in your bedroom and that doesn’t even include lying around lazily throughout the day sometimes or in the morning after you wake up. For this, it becomes very important to maintain a comfortable and clean bedroom.
  • The bathroom Many consider the bathroom as the most important room in the house. It is here where you “do your business.” It is also this room where you keep your body clean, which is why you should always keep this room should clean.
  • Lobbies and corridors These areas are often ignored because of their sizes and because they aren’t used for much, except for walking on. But without these, you would just have a house with one big room an all the other rooms adjacent to each other. Therefore, you should also give these areas should due importance.

House Cleaning Checklists

How do i create a cleaning schedule.

For all the members of your family to stay healthy, you should live in a home where hygiene and cleanliness play an important role. When you stay in a clean environment, you can avoid health problems and hazardous diseases that can affect your whole life.

Here are the steps you can use as a guide in creating your own cleaning schedule template:

  • Determine how long your house cleaning checklist will be It is a good idea to first determine how long your schedule will be before you start to write down your tasks. For instance, you can make a 4-week schedule. That way, you can include tasks that you do every day, week, and month. An example of the last one is to check on your smoke detectors that protect your home in case of fire.
  • Write down your tasks In your cleaning calendar, create a list of things that you think need regular cleaning. The jobs that you include on your list may vary from those of others since you have different needs and different homes.
  • Determine task frequency You can determine the frequency of certain tasks by thinking about what makes the most sense and what’s most reasonable for you. For instance, if you have a guest room that no one uses, this room might need a regular dusting just once a month. But if you have dogs at home that shed a lot, you will need to do more vacuuming than other households. Some tasks may only appear once or a couple of times each year. For these tasks, assign them a cleaning day in the fall and in the spring on your cleaning schedule template.
  • Assign certain tasks to certain days Make it a point not to assign tasks for the days in the week when you’re particularly busy. If you intend to take a couple of days off, fit this break into your schedule. Just do what makes the most sense to you. For instance, you can schedule your garbage day every Wednesday because that is when the truck comes to pick up the garbage from the neighborhood.
  • Assign some tasks to others If you can, you should make it a habit to assign specific jobs to the other people in your household. This makes things more manageable for you.
  • Write down your schedule You can write down your schedule in any way that you want. You can even customize a template that you have downloaded to suit your purpose better. Using a template is a good move as it’s easier to customize and print.
  • Stick with your schedule This is the most challenging part – sticking with the checklist you have made. To motivate yourself, deposit a dollar in a jar for every day that you don’t finish all of your tasks. This technique is also called the “Swear Jar Mentality.” Then you can put the money you accumulate into your savings!

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Home » Personal Template » Free Printable House Cleaning Schedule Template (Word, Excel, PDF)

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Free printable house cleaning schedule template (word, excel, pdf).

House cleaning schedule template contains daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal lists of chores. It helps you to organize and track your housekeeping chores.

Table of Contents

What is the house cleaning schedule template?

A house cleaning schedule template is a very useful tool that helps you to keep your house clean. However, keeping the house clean seems to be impossible. But, one great way to keep the house clean is to set a schedule. Making such a schedule will help you to keep every part of your house clean. Even, those parts that you pay less attention to. You may also like the rental property management template .

Basic house cleaning includes:

The basic house cleaning includes tasks such as;

  • Dusting, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping all the floors of your house.
  • Cleaning of bathrooms include mirrors, toilets, showers, and baths.
  • Whereas, in the kitchen, clean the appliances, counters, sinks, and cabinet doors. And, also washing and drying the dishes.

How to create a house cleaning schedule?

Creating a house cleaning schedule needs clear thinking. So, let us discuss how to create it step-by-step;

Firstly, decide the length of your schedule. It may be daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly. So, before listing out your task you have to do it.

Secondly, make a list of your tasks. This list includes all the things that need to be cleaned.

Next, decide the frequency of your chores. For this, you need to do specific chores, think that what makes sense and what is suitable for you. For example, if you have a guest room that no one uses on daily basis. Hence, you just have to clean it once a month.

Certainly, there are a lot of tasks that you just need to be done once a year. So, you can do these tasks in the fall and spring. Set a day in spring or in fall for them. You should also check the home inspection checklist template .

Then, assign certain tasks to specific days.

Assign the tasks to yourself, your servants, and your family members. Tell them what everyone has to do on a particular day, week, or month.

In the end, open MS Excel and select any house cleaning schedule template. Then, enter your schedule on it.

Hence, your house cleaning schedule is ready to use.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule Printable

weekly cleaning schedule printable

Spring Cleaning Checklist Template

spring cleaning checklist template

Sample Cleaning Schedule Template

sample cleaning schedule template

Printable House Cleaning Checklist

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Household Cleaning Schedule Template

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House Kitchen Cleaning Schedule Template

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House Cleaning Weekly Schedule Template

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Daily Cleaning Checklist Template

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Cleaning Schedule Example

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Why should you make a house cleaning schedule?

You should make a house cleaning schedule because it helps you in various ways such as;

  • Keeps your house clean all the time.
  • Most importantly, you know what chores have been done and what chores have to do.
  • You feel relax after doing all tasks you mentioned in the schedule.
  • Moreover, everything is mapped out for you to get started. However, you can prepare it to be your family members’ strengths and availability.
  • It makes you organized. Also, it enables you to stop and overcome procrastination. You may also see the painting estimate template .


Hence, we conclude that the house cleaning schedule template relatively helps to keep all areas of your house clean. You can create the schedule according to your home and lifestyle. Living in a clean house will make you a relax and a happier person.

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House Cleaning Checklist

40 printable house cleaning checklist templates.

Before you conduct a general house cleaning, you will need a checklist of what chores to do. Don’t get overwhelmed by the work you’ll be facing. Because of your eagerness to do the job fast, you might want to do chores all at once. Only to find out later in the day that you really haven’t accomplished much.

Your cleaning checklist template should include scheduling of chores . Finish the chores according to schedule before moving on to the next is the best way. Cleaning is like having a meal. You don’t gobble everything on your plate all at once.

Table of Contents

  • 1 House Cleaning Checklist
  • 2 Basic parts of a house cleaning checklist
  • 3 Cleaning Schedule Templates
  • 4 Daily, weekly, and monthly house cleaning checklists
  • 5.1 Daily chores
  • 5.2 Weekly chores
  • 5.3 Monthly and seasonal chores
  • 6 Cleaning Calendar
  • 7 Helpful cleaning tips to pair with your house cleaning checklist
  • 8.1 Deciding what to keep and what to dispose of
  • 8.2 When you’re dusting
  • 8.3 When working with the floor

This would just lead to indigestion and might even get you sick. Break down your meal by eating small, manageable chunks. This analogy also works when planning your house cleaning.

Remember, using a cleaning schedule template will make things easier for you. Maybe you’re cleaning in preparation for guests or you’re doing annual spring cleaning. You may even use such a template if you’re in the business of housekeeping.

Then you’re subjected to rules that you need to follow. That is if you want to establish an excellent reputation for your business .

Such rules remain the same for all similar businesses. The difference will depend upon the client’s individual needs. For instance, you may have hotel, hospital or office clients. The objective for all is cleaning.

But each client will require different types of services. You will then have to cater to their individual specifications. For all these instances, you will need a house cleaning schedule or checklist. Use this to ensure that your professionalism will reflect in the work.

Such a checklist isn’t only a schedule but also a tool you can always refer to in case you miss something. Be sure to check the list every now and then when doing your chores. This is the surest way to know that you are covering everything.

Let’s start with a basic job of house cleaning for a client. Make a simple checklist of what you need to clean. Prioritize your cleaning jobs by starting with the most important items. Later, you can move on to smaller items and so on.

Free Daily House Cleaning Checklist - TemplateLab

Basic parts of a house cleaning checklist

When facing the daunting task of house cleaning, the first thing that comes to mind is where to start. As mentioned earlier, house cleaning can often be overwhelming. But don’t get threatened.

The simplest way to overcome your fears, if we may call it that, is to make a cleaning checklist template. You can download one here and it could help you declutter and deep-clean an entire house.

Where to start your cleaning is your first obstacle. This becomes worse if you’re under time constraints. A house cleaning schedule will help break down the chores. Following the list might make you feel more relaxed as you finish one job after another.

There will also be fewer chances that you overlook important tasks.

  • For your living room When possible, make the living room the first on your agenda. After all, it usually is the first place your client will inspect after you’re done. Remember, first impressions are lasting. A clean living room at first glance will be much appreciated by your client.
  • For your kitchen The usual problem in kitchens is the accumulation of grime and oily substances. These settle almost everywhere after oily cooking. Your walls will look soiled and there’s that persistent stale smell that proliferates. Sometimes, this can even spread to adjacent rooms. There should be more effort on the kitchen cleaning. This is because of the hygiene factor. Germs and bacteria can thrive due to unsanitary conditions.
  • For your bedroom Just think, we spend about one-third of our lives in the bedroom. That doesn’t even include when you’re lying around lazily in the morning. It’s therefore paramount to maintain a clean and comfortable bedroom.
  • For your bathroom There is no greater place in the house than this room where you can dispose of your problems in comfort, so to speak. It’s also the room where we can make ourselves clean, all the more reason that we should keep it clean as well. We love our bathrooms, especially when they are properly maintained.
  • For corridors or lobbies Maybe because of their limited sizes, these parts of the house tend to get ignored. But if you think about it, these are some of the most used areas as people unknowingly walk on them every day. Many do pay attention to them because corridors and lobbies always lead to the rooms they intend to go. Lobbies and corridors can make impressions as much as any other room in the house.

Cleaning Schedule Templates

Free house cleaning checklist 11

Daily, weekly, and monthly house cleaning checklists

Everybody wants to live in a clean, well-organized home. Cleaning it, of course, is a most important factor to consider. Again, the task of cleaning up an entire household could be overwhelming.

But if you make a cleaning schedule template on how to get things done, the task isn’t really that difficult. The first time, things may be a little challenging. But once you get the knack of it, household cleaning could be easy as pie.

You may also want to schedule cleaning on a regular basis. Do this so that the chores won’t accumulate and become too much and too frustrating. Imagine yourself facing a mountain of dirty laundry or a pile of unwashed dishes on the kitchen sink.

Talk about being totally overwhelmed. This is precisely the reason why you also need to do regular cleaning schedules. You can do these on a daily, weekly, monthly or seasonal basis.

House Cleaning Schedule

Free house cleaning checklist 21

Your house cleaning list should provide details on what chores you need to do and how often. You can even assign a time for cleaning. Do this by making a cleaning calendar. Use this to emphasize the frequency of certain jobs. Check out the following pointers on this:

Daily chores

These refer to chores that you need to do, well, daily. This would make your home always prepared when guests come to visit. You can share these chores among members of the family so that parents are not tasked to do everything.

  • Everyone in the house should make their own beds daily. Train your children to do this chore too.
  • After every meal, you should wash dishes either manually or by using the dishwasher. Finish the job by unloading the dishes when they are dry then putting them away. Seeing a pile of dirty dishes on the sink that have stayed there for a couple of days is certainly not a pretty sight.
  • Always handle the mail and don’t let them pile-up. Sort out bills and relevant papers from your mail and get rid of unnecessary ones. Recycling junk mail and envelopes make you more environment-friendly.
  • Always vacuum or clean high-traffic areas. These include the main entrance, the kitchen, and hallways.
  • Kitchen sinks and counters and stoves are always subjected to oil marks, so clean them daily. Don’t clutter your counters with kitchen utensils. Put them away after wiping them.
  • Clean up any dirt, spills, and other messy stuff when needed and ASAP.
  • Put things in all their proper places at all times. Place dirty clothes into the hamper and clean dishes in the cupboard. Also, make sure children’s toys are always kept in their room.
  • Take the trash out daily. Segregate your trash if needed.
  • To prevent any accumulation of grime on your bathroom sink and fixtures, do a daily quick wipe on them.

Weekly chores

Distribute your weekly chores over the course of the week. Avoid doing all weekly chores in one day. That practice may just lead to half-baked jobs that may need redoing.

Also, it would be very taxing on yourself. For instance, you can do your weekly laundry load on Saturday or you can clean your bathroom on Sunday. For days that give you less time to clean, schedule smaller chores for that particular day. Here are some helpful tips for your weekly chores:

  • Doing your laundry. This will include not only clothing apparels but towels, bed sheets, and covers as well. Be sure to hang or fold them to avoid getting wrinkles.
  • Vacuum and sweep the floors, both the carpeted and hard floors.
  • Use a mop on hard floor surfaces. Use a dust mop for hardwood floors.
  • Dust surfaces once a week to reduce allergens which may bring about allergies. Also dusting will protect surfaces from wearing and scratches.
  • Clean bathrooms thoroughly including the toilet bowl, the shower area, and mirrors. Use disinfectants for hygiene reasons.
  • With your refrigerators and freezers, be sure to get rid of stale or unused foods. You can save space and at the same time prevent germs from thriving. Wipe the insides and outsides. Take out the detachable parts then wash, rinse, and place them back.

Monthly and seasonal chores

These are the chores which you don’t need to do frequently. Doing them once a month or once every season is usually enough. If you want to remember all these chores, write them down. You can make a monthly/seasonal cleaning schedule template.

Either that or download and use a cleaning calendar. Then place it somewhere visible so you’re reminded when the right time comes along.

Cleaning Calendar

Free house cleaning checklist 31

Helpful cleaning tips to pair with your house cleaning checklist

There are some professional cleaning services that can clean your house. They do so in an organized fashion. They clean according to their professional rules. They are also flexible enough to cater to their client’s wishes.

This company not just loves to clean but is also willing to train their clients on house cleaning tips.

House Cleaning Template

Free house cleaning checklist 41

Some professional house cleaners don’t hesitate to share their trade secrets. To them, sharing isn’t unusual. Here are some tips from the professionals. You can use them to clean your home thoroughly and efficiently:

Deciding what to keep and what to dispose of

  • Before starting the chores in any room, play some lively tunes. Sounds like fun and pretty sure work will come on easier. With that music playing, start picking up clutter. Try to discern which items to throw away and which to keep.
  • Remember, the fewer items you have, the less you need to put away, dust and clean. Scrutinize every item like books, newspapers, toys, and more. Dispose of the things that your kids have outgrown or those that you no longer need.
  • 3. Hoarders usually fear to open their closets. This is because of the mess they have hoarded inside. Well, it’s time to face your fear, it’s time to organize and minimize. Unclutter your closets for more room. After you have sorted out the items, it’s time to call the Salvation Army for some donations. Materials that you can recycle should also go to the proper agencies.

When you’re dusting

  • When doing your dusting chores, use microfiber cloths. These will reduce allergens and can improve the quality of air inside your home.
  • For removing those pesky cobwebs, use a dampened cloth attached to the end of a mop or a broom.
  • Don’t forget to dust the top of doors, light fixtures, fans, and picture frames.
  • For items with glass, apply glass cleaners on some cotton cloth or microfibers. This will prevent streaking.
  • When vacuuming, make sure that your bag isn’t already full. Choose the appropriate settings and attachment. This will depend upon the surface you will be working on. Hit all floors of the house and all upholstered furniture.

When working with the floor

  • When mopping, always start at the farthest corner. Then gradually move back towards the entrance. Remember to rinse your mop once in a while. This will ensure that the mop does not accumulate too much dirt.
  • Do this in every room, except the kitchen.
  • You need to wax wooden furniture every so often so they can retain their shine.
  • Always prepare yourself when doing mopping or sweeping chores. Be sure to have all your cleaning supplies ready to maintain continuity in your chores.

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Workplace Housekeeping Checklist

Free workplace housekeeping checklists.

Keep your workplace clutter free and organized with ready-to-use housekeeping checklists and templates.

Agent d'entretien des locaux|l'entretien des lieux de travail||Workplace Housekeeping Checklist Template|Housekeeping Duties Checklist|Industrial Housekeeping Checklist|Office Housekeeping Checklist|OSHA Housekeeping Checklist

  • Eliminate paperwork with digital checklists
  • Generate reports from completed checklists
  • Free to use for up to 10 users

A workplace housekeeping checklist is a tool used to ensure cleanliness and organization within the workplace. It can help eliminate workplace hazards and promote safety for all your employees. Common workplace housekeeping checklist items include:

  • Conduct an inspection on all work areas (i.e., floors, aisles, stairways), waste disposals and storage areas
  • Check if waste disposals and absorbents were disposed of promptly and safely
  • Evaluate equipment and machinery if properly maintained
  • Check storage area if safe and accessible to all employees
  • Provide recommendations and overall assessments

Workplace Housekeeping Checklist

What is a Workplace Housekeeping Checklist?

A workplace housekeeping checklist is a tool used to ensure that the workplace is well organized, hygienic, and safe for all employees. Good housekeeping prevents workplace hazards such as slips, trips, falls, and more. Regular housekeeping in the workplace also improves productivity, boosts morale, and helps employers avoid potential fines for non-compliance.

7 Standards of Housekeeping

The concept of 5s , along with two additional principles can be applied to promote good housekeeping in the workplace. The 7 rules of good housekeeping are as follows:

  • Sort – All items should be neatly organized and all unnecessary items should be disposed of or removed.
  • Set in order – All items should be placed in their appropriate locations. Assign labels and the appropriate labels.
  • Shine – The workplace, tools, equipment, and machinery should be regularly cleaned . Broken or damaged items should be fixed.
  • Standardize – The processes for the previous rules (sort, set in order, and shine) should be standardized and implemented across the business.
  • Safety – Any visible hazards or risks should be removed from the vicinity of the workplace or at least be kept in appropriate locations.
  • Spirit/support – The willingness as a group to establish an adequate implementation of the 7s standards of good housekeeping.
  • Sustain – A monitoring system should be in place to continuously and consistently practice good housekeeping.

Example of Housekeeping Duties

A good example of a workplace where housekeeping is crucial in running the business is in the hospitality industry. The following are examples of housekeeping duties in hospitality:

  • Floors in all rooms are vacuumed, swept, and mopped
  • Windows are cleaned
  • Common areas are cleaned
  • Kitchen is cleaned and appliances, counters, sinks, and cabinet doors are wiped down
  • Bathrooms are cleaned and supplies are re-stocked
  • Trash is collected for recycling and disposal
  • Furniture are cleaned and shined
  • Linens are changed and re-stocked
  • Spills are mopped right away
  • Report any damage for possible repair

What to Include in a Workplace Housekeeping Checklist?

A comprehensive workplace housekeeping checklist should contain general but essential items that allow workplaces to extensively review and implement housekeeping best practices. This checklist can include the following items plus smaller elements under them:

  • General information
  • Floors and other relevant areas
  • Aisles and stairways
  • Spill control
  • Waste disposal
  • Equipment and machinery
  • Storage area
  • Fire prevention practices

This can further be modified according to the liking and needs of the business. What’s important is that it can guide organizations in performing their housekeeping duties better and more efficiently.

How to Conduct a Workplace Housekeeping Inspection

To reach a significant and useful result in performing housekeeping inspections, workplaces should follow an organized and well-thought of process. To do this, try these three simple steps:

1. Prepare a workplace housekeeping inspection plan

Design a set of documents that details how the inspection should be executed. Ideally, this should include the name of the inspectors or authorized people assigned to the initiative. Adding the preferred inspection frequency from the get-go also helps establish consistency to ensure the plan’s effectiveness.

Additionally, listing down other tools to be used throughout the cycles of inspection would also be beneficial as there’s significant visibility for everyone involved.

2. Carry out the housekeeping inspection

Once a document has been prepared, a successful inspection should positively answer the following but not limited to questions such as:

  • Are slips, trips, and falls prevented?
  • Are air filters regularly cleaned and maintained?
  • Are aisles and stairways cleared of possible hazards?
  • Are spills controlled and managed in a timely manner?
  • Are wastes disposed of and managed properly?
  • Are equipment and machinery well-maintained? 
  • Are storage areas used appropriately?
  • Are fire hazards and other related incident-causing factors eliminated?

If there are factors that particularly hinder proper workplace housekeeping, provide a solution for them with the next step.

3. Analyze the data

After each inspection, review the result and determine whether a workplace is at par with the current housekeeping standards that they have or if there are areas for improvement.

Take appropriate corrective actions, convey the changes to employees, and monitor their proper implementation to make sure that a desired result will be reached. The goal of housekeeping inspections is to continuously improve the way a workplace operates on a daily basis.

To establish the importance of routine workplace housekeeping inspections, consider leveraging tools that provide documentation, ready-to-use templates, and communication abilities all in one place.

Workplace Housekeeping FAQs

What is workplace housekeeping.

Workplace housekeeping refers to a set of activities taken to create a neat and orderly workplace . However, it doesn’t just refer to maintaining cleanliness. Workplace housekeeping also deals with keeping the workplace organized, uncluttered, and hazard-free.

Why is housekeeping important in the workplace?

Proper housekeeping is important in ensuring not only a pleasant but safe environment which the organization and employees benefit from. Workplace housekeeping helps prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses by controlling and eliminating hazards.

What are good housekeeping practices in the workplace?

Below are some examples of good housekeeping practices in the workplace:

  • Regular maintenance of buildings and equipment
  • Good organization of tools, equipment, materials, and even employee’s personal belongings.
  • Regular collection, grading, and sorting of waste
  • Wiping floors, walls, and other surfaces to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt and harmful microorganisms that can cause illness.

Perform Workplace Housekeeping Inspections with SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor)

Use SafetyCulture , the world’s leading inspection app , to conduct housekeeping inspections and maintain a clean and organized workplace. Aside from having a pre-existing workplace housekeeping checklist , SafetyCulture also allows you to do the following:

  • Document housekeeping operations using mobile devices to ensure that all areas are clean, organized, and hazard-free.
  • Create corrective actions and provide further information by adding notes, annotations, and recommendations.
  • Take photo and video evidence of compliant and non-compliant items for a comprehensive report.
  • Assign issues to the right people and ensure time-sensitive responses with in-app communication capabilities.
  • Generate inspection reports and secure them with cloud-based recordkeeping.

Featured Workplace Housekeeping Checklists

Office housekeeping checklist.

An workplace office housekeeping checklist is used to inspect the overall office environment to lower worker exposure to hazards (i.e., slips, trips, falls, etc). Use this checklist to visually inspect the cleanliness and condition of the building, stairways, aisles, floors, and equipment.

OSHA Housekeeping Checklist

This digital OSHA Housekeeping Checklist converted using SafetyCulture can be used to inspect housekeeping activities. Evaluate if walkways, working surfaces, lighting, storage, and sanitation facilities are clean and regularly maintained. This checklist also covers storage and maintenance of tools and equipment, materials handling and proper waste disposal.

Housekeeping in the Workplace Checklist

A housekeeping in the workplace checklist is used as a guide in performing a housekeeping inspection in the workplace. Aside from helping check the cleanliness and orderliness of work and storage areas, this checklist can also be used to check if equipment are in good working condition and if they are placed in designated areas.

Housekeeping Duties Checklist

Use this housekeeping duties checklist to ensure that daily housekeeping duties are completed for the day in your hospitality business.

Housekeeping in Industries Checklist

Use this housekeeping in industries template to evaluate work, storage, and sanitation areas and determine the presence of hazards, dangerous depressions, holes, and obstructions. This checklist can also be used to gauge employees’ housekeeping practices within the workplace.

5S Housekeeping Checklist

This 5S housekeeping checklist follows a standard procedure that applies the 5S principles . The checklist aims to organize workspaces so your workers can perform efficiently, effectively, and safely. Use SafetyCulture to capture photo evidence of the items that need to be removed from the workplace and assign corrective action to other employees. Browse for more 5S checklists

Housekeeping Room Inspection Form

This housekeeping room inspection form provides some basic requirements for auditors to thoroughly check the cleanliness and orderliness of work and storage areas, as well as the various aspects of a guest room. Use SafetyCulture to document inspection and generate on-site reports.

Jona Tarlengco

Jona Tarlengco

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Housekeeping Schedule: Daily, Weekly, Monthly Cleaning Schedule

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Do you always feel behind on the housekeeping or wish you could keep your home clean on a regular basis? I used to have the same problem before following a simple housekeeping schedule.

I used to wait until the messes piled up, and then spend hours cleaning big messes in my home. Finally, I got tired of taking care of my housekeeping this way.

I found a simple solution for keeping my house clean without spending lots of time cleaning every day. 

That’s when I started following a simple cleaning schedule by staying on top of daily cleaning habits and spreading out all of my weekly cleaning chores throughout the week.

I also love following a cleaning checklist for those monthly and quarterly cleaning tasks.

This method has saved me time and my sanity! 

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

Housekeeping Schedule:

1. daily cleaning chores.

All of these daily habits are pretty simple and don’t take much time to do each day once they become a habit.

  • Sweep the floors
  • Do the dishes
  • General tidy of main living areas
  • Pick up toys
  • One load of laundry

Each morning I start a load of laundry as soon as possible. A daily load helps me stay on top of the laundry and it never gets out of control.

Another task I like to do every day is dishes. Every night after supper, it is my habit to wash all the dishes and clear and wipe down the countertops. Nothing beats waking up to a clean kitchen in the morning! 

After I do the dishes each night, I quickly sweep up the dining room and kitchen. If your kids are old enough, you can have them help with the dishes and sweeping too! Here are age appropriate cleaning chores for kids .

We also make sure the main living areas and the kids bedrooms are tidy. A big help in keeping a tidy home is to simply put things away once you are done using them. This cuts back on a lot of clutter build up during the day.

The kids’ rooms aren’t perfect, but we like for most of the their toys to be put away. It is part of their evening routine. Then they get to watch a little TV before bed which is very motivating! 

Example Cleaning Schedule:

7:00 AM – Throw in load of laundry (2 min)

7:30 – Clean up kitchen after breakfast (10 min)

8:00 – Put clothes in the dryer after breakfast (1 min)

12:30 – Clean up kitchen after lunch, fold and put away laundry (15 min)

6:30 – Wash dishes, wipe down countertops, and sweep floors after dinner (20 min)

7:00 – General tidy up of house (2 min)

ONLY 50 minutes total of cleaning! 

Here’s a detailed kitchen cleaning checklist .

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

2. Weekly Cleaning Checklist

Next, the big tasks that take longer to do and only need done once a week can be scheduled throughout the week.

Depending on your home’s needs, your list of household cleaning tasks maybe different than mine. However, here is a list of ideas to get you started. 

  • clean bathrooms
  • change bed sheets
  • detailed vacuum
  • wipe down appliances
  • clean kitchen sink
  • wash towels

Once you have written out your list of weekly cleaning tasks, assign them to days throughout the week. I like to write them down in my planner, and I usually only assign one or tow big tasks to the same day.

For example, I’ll wash the towels on the same day that I clean the bathrooms. But I’ll save dusting for a different day. 

Doing one chore a day, helps maintain a clean home. There is always something that is clean whether it’s the floors, the bathrooms, or the dusting.

This helps make the home feel cleaner because not everything is a total disaster at one time. 

Sunday: Rest and Plan for the Week

The start of the week is a great time to make a plan for the week ahead. I like to use a paper planner and assign homemaking tasks to each day.

Monday: Clean Bathrooms and Wash Towels

I like to get the bathrooms cleaned at the beginning of the week to get this dreaded chore out of the way. 

Tuesday: Change Bed Sheets and Dust

It doesn’t take long to change the bed sheets especially if the rest of the family helps out! That way I have time to quickly dust the house. 

You can save time dusting by using a multisurface dusting spray with a microfiber cloth. Also, don’t try to be perfect. You’ll save a lot of time by dusting the main surfaces instead of trying to get every nook and cranny.

Once a month, I’ll do a deep clean of dusting. That’s when I dust the ceiling fans and window sills with my handled duster . 

Wednesday: Clean Appliances and Kitchen Sink

Wednesdays are a busy day for me and I don’t have much time to clean. If you have a certain day that is busier than others, this is a good day to clean the kitchen sink and wipe down the exterior of your appliances.

These cleaning tasks don’t take long to do. Also, if you have to skip a week, it’s not a really big deal.

Thursday: Mop and Vacuum Floors

Since you have already dusted and cleaned the bathrooms, now is a great time to clean the floors. 

You have probably been keeping up with daily messes that need swept or vacuumed. However, today you will do a deep clean by mopping hard floors and vacuuming all your carpets.

About once a quarter, you’ll want to clean under furniture and appliances too.

Friday: Meal Plan and Grocery Shop

So grocery shopping isn’t a cleaning task, but I like to do my grocery shopping on a day when I don’t have any major cleaning tasks.

Grocery shopping takes a lot of energy!

Saturday: Rest or Catch Up

You worked hard throughout the week, so take the day off! Or you could use Saturday for catching up on monthly and quarterly cleaning.

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

3. Monthly Cleaning Tasks

Some things on your housekeeping schedule will only need to be done once a month. These items are still important, but sometimes they are forgotten about.

The best way to remember them is to write them down and again assign them to a day each month. 

  • clean coffee maker
  • wash floor mats
  • change air filter
  • wipe down cabinets
  • dust blinds
  • clean light fixtures and light switches
  • vacuum furniture
  • clean windows and window sills
  • clean doors and doorknobs
  • remove cobwebs
  • check smoke detectors
  • clean garbage cans

4. Quarterly Cleaning Tasks

Last, here are even more cleaning tasks that don’t need to be done every week, but are still important to do throughout the year.

  • deep clean the fridge
  • clean oven and range hood
  • declutter cabinets and pantry
  • wash shower curtain
  • declutter linen closet
  • declutter medicine cabinet
  • flip mattress
  • clean air vents and air returns
  • dust behind and under furniture
  • dust lampshades
  • dust ceiling fans
  • wash curtains
  • wash outdoor garbage cans
  • clean up porch and decks

Once you have your housekeeping schedule figured out, you will feel so much freedom! Instead of devoting hours all at one time, you can do just a little each day to always maintain a clean home. 

You can get a free list of daily and weekly cleaning tasks when you sign up for the free Balanced Mom Checklist . 

And if you want to get all of the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly cleaning tasks on an easy to use printable, I’ve made all these available in my Etsy shop here: Whole House Cleaning Checklist .

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

Also, here is a video showing my weekly cleaning routine.

Pin it for later!

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

By Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson is a successful blogger who teaches thousands of stay at home moms through her online content. Read how she went from overwhelmed and burned out to a thriving and motivated stay at home mom on the about page. To contact Emily, send a message to her on the contact page.

8 thoughts on “ Housekeeping Schedule: Daily, Weekly, Monthly Cleaning Schedule ”

We don't have any kids yet and just live in an apartment, but I used to do the same thing as you-dedicate a weekend day to cleaning. I loved that everything was clean at the same time but I hated how it took a chunk out of my weekend! I've switched to doing a few small things each day and it's going so much better! I love your schedule!

Thanks, Laura! Yes, that was the downside to doing it all on the weekend. It took up so much time. I'm glad that you enjoy doing a few things each day too. It really is so much easier!

Keeping up on chores can be so difficult but a schedule helps keep me on track. Thanks so much for sharing. Visiting from SHINE

Thanks for visiting, Kelly! A schedule helps keep me on track too. Otherwise I forget when was the last time I mopped the floors!

I spread out my chores like that too! I find them a lot less overwhelming by cleaning in this manner.

Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

Wishing you a lovely day. xoxo

It is so much easier to spread the chores out! When I tried to get them all done in one day it overwhelmed me. I always love linking up to the Shine Blog Hop. Thank you for hosting a great link up!

I love this! I always try to do it all in a day and the next day its a mess again!

Great tips! Remember that it helps if you start off with the guideline that every item should have a home. Cleaning cluttered surfaces is difficult, but if you already have clear spaces, it’s just a matter of keeping them dust- and grime-free.

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This Daily Cleaning Checklist Gets the Job Done in 20 Minutes

Save deep cleaning for another day. This quick chore list helps you breeze through everyday cleaning with just a few tasks in each room.

Jessica Bennett is an editor, writer, and former digital assistant home editor at BHG.

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

Most of us don't have time to complete an elaborate deep-cleaning routine every day. A quick daily cleaning checklist can make life easier since between work, taking care of kids, preparing meals, and other household duties, there typically isn't a lot of time left for scrubbing floors or dusting the furniture.

Fortunately, you can save most of those time-consuming chores for a more substantial weekly once-over or an in-depth monthly cleaning routine . For your daily cleaning checklist, focus on a few trouble spots, such as countertops crowded with dishes or that pile of clutter on your coffee table, to maintain order and keep housework under control. Set up a daily cleaning checklist that includes a handful of quick tasks in each room. By zeroing in on specific spots for just a few minutes each, you can breeze through daily cleaning in 20 minutes or less. If you get the rest of the family involved, it'll take even less time.

Daily Cleaning Checklist By Room

Consider running through this to-do list at the end of each day so you can go to sleep with a clean house and wake up ready to start the next day. Alternatively, you can easily divide the tasks up throughout the day so you're only dedicating a few minutes here and there to cleaning. Figure out what works best for you and adjust your daily cleaning checklist to fit your schedule.

Kitchen Daily Cleaning Checklist

Kitchens see a lot of traffic throughout the day, which means clutter, crumbs, and debris can quickly add up. To remedy the day's messes, follow this daily cleaning checklist for the kitchen after all the cooking is done. This will help bring your kitchen back to order so it's ready to use again first thing the following day.

  • Put away dishes: Unload the dishwasher, then fill it back up with dirty dishes from the sink. Quickly wipe out the sink with a sponge when you're done.
  • Wipe down countertops and range tops: Use a cloth and an all-purpose cleaner to wipe away spills, splatters, and crumbs.
  • Clean messy spots on the floor: Wipe up any spills or sticky areas on the floor. Grab a broom and a dustpan to sweep up crumbs.
  • Tidy up clutter: Relocate anything that doesn't belong in the kitchen, and straighten up items on countertops. Fold and hang dish towels .

Bathroom Daily Cleaning Checklist

Bathrooms need regular mopping and scrubbing, but you don't need to complete either task every day. You can keep germs and grime at bay with a few simple daily cleaning steps. Use this bathroom daily cleaning checklist for a speedy clean each day.

  • Wipe down the sink, mirror, and countertops: Wet a paper towel or washcloth with a bit of water (or an all-purpose cleaner if you store one in the bathroom) to wipe down surfaces. You can use the same cloth to quickly swipe the sink, clean splatters off the mirror, and wipe off the countertops.
  • Clear countertop clutter: Return any cosmetics, toiletries, or other clutter to their rightful homes.
  • Pick up and hang towels: Keep towels from getting mildewed by hanging them up as soon as possible after using them.

Living Room Daily Cleaning Checklist

Forget vacuuming or washing the walls for now. Daily living room cleaning is about finding simple ways to restore order. Keep everyday clutter and messes under control with this quick living room daily cleaning checklist .

  • Reset the sofa: Fold throw blankets , fluff pillows, and straighten the cushions.
  • Pick up clutter: Get toys, games, or miscellaneous objects off the floor and stash them. Remove extra items from the coffee table , then straighten any books and accessories on top.
  • Tackle quick messes: Give main areas, such as the sofa and area rug, a once-over with a handheld vacuum to pick up crumbs or dust bunnies.

Bedroom Daily Cleaning Checklist

Complete this daily cleaning checklist to make sure your bedroom is tidy and ready for you to climb into bed at night. A space that's free of clutter can help you relax and rest easier. Take just a few minutes in the morning or at night to reset your bedroom.

  • Make the bed: Do this every morning as soon as you get out of bed.
  • Pick up and put away clothes: Clear floor space of clothing and quickly fold or hang clean items. To make this easier, get in the habit of putting clothes away as soon as you take them off.
  • Spruce up your nightstand: Clear off any clutter or trash and straighten books and accessories.

Favorite Cleaning Products and Supplies

  • These Natural Cleaning Products Keep Chemicals Out of Your House
  • The 8 Best Upright Vacuums of 2024, According to Testing
  • 9 Best Bathroom Cleaning Supplies for a Spotless Space
  • We Tested 45 of the Best Carpet Cleaners in 2024—These 11 Will Save You From Stains
  • The 7 Best Dusting Tools for Hard-to-Reach Places In Your Home

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  • Allows your housekeeping staff to make comments, request fixes, report any issues
  • Form tracks date & time, room/apartment number, occupancy, linen change, room shortages and repairs that may be necessary
  • Maids Report Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
  • Material: Bond paper
  • Color: White with Black printing
  • Quantity: Sold in 5 pads of 100/pad
  • Pack Weight: 1 lb.


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The Ultimate Cleaning Checklist

Which ones can you assign to your kids?

Erica Finamore is Real Simple 's home director, sharing her knowledge on decorating, organizing, cleaning and DIYing. She has over 10 years' experience and favors statement sofas, gallery walls and organizing books in rainbow order.

housekeeping daily assignment sheet

Daily Cleaning Tasks

Weekly cleaning tasks, monthly cleaning tasks, laundry room, tasks to do every three to six months, tasks to do every six to 12 months, seasonal cleaning tasks.

Let's face it: Very few people actually like cleaning. Sure, we like a clean house , but who wouldn't happily shun scrubbing a toilet or vacuuming the stairs (though there are plenty of models of vacuums to tackle that easily) to hang out with friends or disappear into a good book? There's a reason why robot vacuums were invented. You can even level up your hands-free game with a self-emptying vacuum . For everything else, there are ways to make cleaning less of a chore—even tackling the inside of your oven . By setting household jobs on a regular schedule—put your washer and dryer set to good use—you can keep your home clean without spending all your time with a sponge.

This cleaning checklist includes all of the essential chores to address all year long, so there’s no reason to spend the start of a spring scrubbing our hearts out. Instead, follow this plan to keep up with your home bit by bit throughout the year, and take it a little easier come March and April. Scroll down to check out this to-do list, then click the links to get into the nitty gritty of the trickier tasks.

Illustrations by Bayoun Kim

  • Make your bed (you'll feel better, we swear!).
  • Wipe down and sanitize the counters in the kitchen, bathroom(s), and laundry room.
  • Empty/ load the dishwasher .
  • Take out kitchen trash (you can skip a day to two if it's not full and doesn't contain food waste)
  • Do a nighttime sweep to put toys, loose papers, and other stray objects in their place.
  • Wipe down kitchen counters, table, and sink.
  • Vacuum and/or mop floors.
  • Wipe down major appliances, like smudgy fingerprints on the fridge.
  • Clean up any spatters or grease along the kitchen backsplash and inside the microwave.
  • Wipe down mirrors .
  • Scrub and disinfect the kitchen sink.
  • Disinfect the toilets . Hit the bowl, seat, sides, tank, and flusher.
  • Clean and scrub showers and tubs.
  • Launder your linens: sheets, all towels (the bath, hand, and dish varieties), and bath mats. Want to  keep your towels smelling fresh ? Here's how.
  • Toss any food that has expired . It happens!
  • Sanitize high-touch points: doorknobs, faucets, light switches, pulls and handles, keyboards, and remote controls.

Some spots take a little longer to get dirty. Tackle these every four weeks or less.

  • Dust all surfaces: side tables, your TV and con-sole, bookshelves, picture frames, etc. You may need to do this biweekly. Read more about  how to get rid of dust  from all your surfaces.
  • Spritz and wipe the inside of the windows with glass cleaner and a clean rag.
  • Dust the baseboards with a microfiber cloth, then clean them cleaning solution.
  • Dust blinds with the brush attachment on your vacuum, or wipe each slat with a microfiber cloth. If they're looking super filthy, consider a deeper clean.
  • If you can, rinse your vacuum’s filter. (Deep-clean the entire machine once a year.)
  • Dust ceiling fans and vents.
  • Clean mirrors  and fixtures. Spray solution onto your microfiber cloth instead of the mirror to keep spots from forming.
  • Launder your shower curtain and liner if they can go into the washing machine. (Most can!) If you need to clean yours by hand, try an enzyme stain spray.
  • Scrub stovetop, including icky sticky burner grates.
  • Scrub the cabinet doors  and appliance fronts with a microfiber cloth and warm, soapy water.
  • Wipe out and disinfect wastebaskets.
  • De-stink the dishwasher  by running a cycle with just a bowl of distilled white vinegar on the top rack. And clean the filter. While you're at it, wash the door rack and gasket too.
  • Dust and clean the top of the fridge if it’s exposed.

Living Room

  • Vacuum the couch and other upholstered furniture. Use the  appropriate attachment  and remove the cushions to get every last crumb. Be on the look-out for loose change.
  • Deep- clean your washing machine . Don’t forget the gasket. Tip: Leave the door open between cycles to help prevent mildew.
  • Clean blinds
  • Clean and condition leather and wood furniture
  • Deep-clean your carpets and rugs .
  • Polish stainless steel appliances
  • Clean and descale coffee maker
  • Launder  throw pillow covers  and fluff inserts.
  • Deep-clean your oven . Clean the range hood too—and the  toaster  while you’re at it.
  • Empty and clean cabinet and pantry shelves.
  • Vacuum or dust refrigerator condenser coil .
  • Vacuum your mattresses with the upholstery attachment. If you need to,  spot treat it , too.

It helps to mark the tasks on your calendar. Or just save these pages until you’re in the groove.

  • Disconnect the dryer and use the hose attachment on your vacuum to remove lint from the vent and  clean it .
  • Clean the windows —this time, the outside ! Hire someone to do the second story (or the entire task).
  • Deep-clean your grill. Start by turning off the propane tank, carefully detach the gas tubes and burner, and then  follow these steps .
  • Sweep and power-wash the deck, patio, and driveway. Scrub mold off of unpainted siding with bleach and water and a stiff-bristle brush.
  • Clean outdoor furniture  and  wipe down the cushions  using a soft bristled brush. (Stash the cushions inside when not in use.)
  • Give your HVAC system a checkup. Schedule a tech visit to make sure every-thing is in working order before the weather turns.Note: Filters should be changed every season.
  • Do a yard cleanup and pick up errant sticks.
  • Reset the garage. Dust, sweep, vacuum, and  organize all that equipment .
  • Clean out your medicine stockpile. Cold and flu season is approaching, and you don’t want. expired stuff taking up space in there. Remember, makeup and toiletries have  expiration dates , too!
  • Remove ash from the fireplace regularly. A yearly inspection by a chimney sweep will help keep the flue clear.
  • Shake out and wipe down boot trays or shoe racks.
  • Have rugs professionally cleaned (unless they're washable rugs ).
  • Pull out large appliances and furniture to clean behind and underneath.

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