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sibyvt / Assignment: swirl Lesson 1: Basic Building Blocks

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| In this lesson, we will explore some basic building blocks of the R
| programming language.
|== | 3%
| If at any point you'd like more information on a particular topic related to
| R, you can type help.start() at the prompt, which will open a menu of
| resources (either within RStudio or your default web browser, depending on
| your setup). Alternatively, a simple web search often yields the answer
| you're looking for.
|==== | 5%
| In its simplest form, R can be used as an interactive calculator. Type 5 + 7
| and press Enter.
> 5+5
[1] 10
| One more time. You can do it! Or, type info() for more options.
| Type 5 + 7 and press Enter.
> 5+7
[1] 12
| You nailed it! Good job!
|====== | 8%
| R simply prints the result of 12 by default. However, R is a programming
| language and often the reason we use a programming language as opposed to a
| calculator is to automate some process or avoid unnecessary repetition.
|======= | 11%
| In this case, we may want to use our result from above in a second
| calculation. Instead of retyping 5 + 7 every time we need it, we can just
| create a new variable that stores the result.
|========= | 13%
| The way you assign a value to a variable in R is by using the assignment
| operator, which is just a 'less than' symbol followed by a 'minus' sign. It
| looks like this: <-
|=========== | 16%
| Think of the assignment operator as an arrow. You are assigning the value on
| the right side of the arrow to the variable name on the left side of the
| arrow.
|============= | 18%
| To assign the result of 5 + 7 to a new variable called x, you type x <- 5 +
| 7. This can be read as 'x gets 5 plus 7'. Give it a try now.
> x<-5+7
| Excellent job!
|=============== | 21%
| You'll notice that R did not print the result of 12 this time. When you use
| the assignment operator, R assumes that you don't want to see the result
| immediately, but rather that you intend to use the result for something else
| later on.
|================= | 24%
| To view the contents of the variable x, just type x and press Enter. Try it
| now.
> x
[1] 12
| You are amazing!
|================== | 26%
| Now, store the result of x - 3 in a new variable called y.
> y<-x-3
| You are quite good my friend!
|==================== | 29%
| What is the value of y? Type y to find out.
> y
[1] 9
| Nice work!
|====================== | 32%
| Now, let's create a small collection of numbers called a vector. Any object
| that contains data is called a data structure and numeric vectors are the
| simplest type of data structure in R. In fact, even a single number is
| considered a vector of length one.
|======================== | 34%
| The easiest way to create a vector is with the c() function, which stands for
| 'concatenate' or 'combine'. To create a vector containing the numbers 1.1, 9,
| and 3.14, type c(1.1, 9, 3.14). Try it now and store the result in a variable
| called z.
> cc(1.1, 9, 3.14)
Error: could not find function "cc"
> c(1.1, 9, 3.14)
[1] 1.10 9.00 3.14
| Give it another try. Or, type info() for more options.
| Inputting z <- c(1.1, 9, 3.14) will assign the vector (1.1, 9, 3.14) to a new
| variable called z. Including single spaces after the commas in the vector is
| not required, but helps make your code less cluttered and more readable.
> z<-c(1.1, 9, 3.14)
| Excellent work!
|========================== | 37%
| Anytime you have questions about a particular function, you can access R's
| built-in help files via the `?` command. For example, if you want more
| information on the c() function, type ?c without the parentheses that
| normally follow a function name. Give it a try.
> ?c
| Keep working like that and you'll get there!
|============================ | 39%
| Type z to view its contents. Notice that there are no commas separating the
| values in the output.
> z
[1] 1.10 9.00 3.14
| You are really on a roll!
|============================= | 42%
| You can combine vectors to make a new vector. Create a new vector that
| contains z, 555, then z again in that order. Don't assign this vector to a
| new variable, so that we can just see the result immediately.
> c(z,555,z)
[1] 1.10 9.00 3.14 555.00 1.10 9.00 3.14
| All that practice is paying off!
|=============================== | 45%
| Numeric vectors can be used in arithmetic expressions. Type the following to
| see what happens: z * 2 + 100.
> z*2+10
[1] 12.20 28.00 16.28
| Try again. Getting it right on the first try is boring anyway! Or, type
| info() for more options.
| Enter z * 2 + 100, without assigning the result to a variable. The `*` symbol
| is used for multiplication and shares a key with the number 8 on many
| keyboards.
> z*2+100
[1] 102.20 118.00 106.28
| That's correct!
|================================= | 47%
| First, R multiplied each of the three elements in z by 2. Then it added 100
| to each element to get the result you see above.
|=================================== | 50%
| Other common arithmetic operators are `+`, `-`, `/`, and `^` (where x^2 means
| 'x squared'). To take the square root, use the sqrt() function and to take
| the absolute value, use the abs() function.
|===================================== | 53%
| Take the square root of z - 1 and assign it to a new variable called my_sqrt.
> sqrt(z-1)
[1] 0.3162278 2.8284271 1.4628739
| Keep trying! Or, type info() for more options.
| Assign the result of sqrt(z - 1) to a variable called my_sqrt.
> my_sqrt<-sqrt(z-)
Error: unexpected ')' in "my_sqrt<-sqrt(z-)"
> my_sqrt<-sqrt(z-1)
| You nailed it! Good job!
|======================================= | 55%
| Before we view the contents of the my_sqrt variable, what do you think it
| contains?
1: a vector of length 3
2: a vector of length 0 (i.e. an empty vector)
3: a single number (i.e a vector of length 1)
Selection: 1
| You nailed it! Good job!
|========================================= | 58%
| Print the contents of my_sqrt.
> my_sqrt()
Error: could not find function "my_sqrt"
> print(my_sqrt)
[1] 0.3162278 2.8284271 1.4628739
| Give it another try. Or, type info() for more options.
| Just type my_sqrt and press Enter to view its value.
> my_sqrt
[1] 0.3162278 2.8284271 1.4628739
| You got it!
|========================================== | 61%
| As you may have guessed, R first subtracted 1 from each element of z, then
| took the square root of each element. This leaves you with a vector of the
| same length as the original vector z.
|============================================ | 63%
| Now, create a new variable called my_div that gets the value of z divided by
| my_sqrt.
> my_div<-(z/my_sqrt)
| Nice try, but that's not exactly what I was hoping for. Try again. Or, type
| info() for more options.
| Enter my_div <- z / my_sqrt. The spaces on either side of the `/` sign are
| not required, but can often improve readability by making code appear less
| cluttered. In the end, it's personal preference.
> my_div<-z/my_sqrt
| Keep up the great work!
|============================================== | 66%
| Which statement do you think is true?
1: my_div is undefined
2: The first element of my_div is equal to the first element of z divided by the first element of my_sqrt, and so on...
3: my_div is a single number (i.e a vector of length 1)
Selection: 2
| You nailed it! Good job!
|================================================ | 68%
| Go ahead and print the contents of my_div.
> my_div
[1] 3.478505 3.181981 2.146460
| Perseverance, that's the answer.
|================================================== | 71%
| When given two vectors of the same length, R simply performs the specified
| arithmetic operation (`+`, `-`, `*`, etc.) element-by-element. If the vectors
| are of different lengths, R 'recycles' the shorter vector until it is the
| same length as the longer vector.
|==================================================== | 74%
| When we did z * 2 + 100 in our earlier example, z was a vector of length 3,
| but technically 2 and 100 are each vectors of length 1.
|===================================================== | 76%
| Behind the scenes, R is 'recycling' the 2 to make a vector of 2s and the 100
| to make a vector of 100s. In other words, when you ask R to compute z * 2 +
| 100, what it really computes is this: z * c(2, 2, 2) + c(100, 100, 100).
|======================================================= | 79%
| To see another example of how this vector 'recycling' works, try adding c(1,
| 2, 3, 4) and c(0, 10). Don't worry about saving the result in a new variable.
> c(1,2,3,4)+c(0,10)
[1] 1 12 3 14
| All that hard work is paying off!
|========================================================= | 82%
| If the length of the shorter vector does not divide evenly into the length of
| the longer vector, R will still apply the 'recycling' method, but will throw
| a warning to let you know something fishy might be going on.
|=========================================================== | 84%
| Try c(1, 2, 3, 4) + c(0, 10, 100) for an example.
> c(1, 2, 3, 4) + c(0, 10, 100)
[1] 1 12 103 4
Warning message:
In c(1, 2, 3, 4) + c(0, 10, 100) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
| Your dedication is inspiring!
|============================================================= | 87%
| Before concluding this lesson, I'd like to show you a couple of time-saving
| tricks.
|=============================================================== | 89%
| Earlier in the lesson, you computed z * 2 + 100. Let's pretend that you made
| a mistake and that you meant to add 1000 instead of 100. You could either
| re-type the expression, or...
|================================================================ | 92%
| In many programming environments, the up arrow will cycle through previous
| commands. Try hitting the up arrow on your keyboard until you get to this
| command (z * 2 + 100), then change 100 to 1000 and hit Enter. If the up arrow
| doesn't work for you, just type the corrected command.
> c(1, 2, 3, 4) + c(0, 10, 1000)
[1] 1 12 1003 4
Warning message:
In c(1, 2, 3, 4) + c(0, 10, 1000) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
| Nice try, but that's not exactly what I was hoping for. Try again. Or, type
| info() for more options.
| If your environment does not support the up arrow feature, then just type the
| corrected command to move on.
> z*2+1000
[1] 1002.20 1018.00 1006.28
| Perseverance, that's the answer.
|================================================================== | 95%
| Finally, let's pretend you'd like to view the contents of a variable that you
| created earlier, but you can't seem to remember if you named it my_div or
| myDiv. You could try both and see what works, or...
|==================================================================== | 97%
| You can type the first two letters of the variable name, then hit the Tab key
| (possibly more than once). Most programming environments will provide a list
| of variables that you've created that begin with 'my'. This is called
| auto-completion and can be quite handy when you have many variables in your
| workspace. Give it a try. (If auto-completion doesn't work for you, just type
| my_div and press Enter.)
> my_div
[1] 3.478505 3.181981 2.146460
| Keep working like that and you'll get there!
|======================================================================| 100%
| Would you like to receive credit for completing this course on
1: No
2: Yes
Selection: 2
What is your email address? [email protected]
What is your assignment token? Mj94HXH2Ty2k1bjM
Grade submission succeeded!


mariaoduwaiye commented Dec 31, 2018

Sorry, something went wrong.


Lerato93 commented Aug 4, 2020

Very helpful, thank you


LeonByer commented Dec 10, 2020

What a voluminous code. How much effort has gone into displaying it all for educational purposes.


mswest1 commented Jul 10, 2021

Very helpful for me learning R basics!!! :)


Robert2Connolly commented Jul 13, 2022

Thanks for the tip, I will definitely use it. Right now I'm working on a project for service with research proposal writing for students. That way we are trying to help with training so that students can learn more quickly and have the opportunity to start working on their careers while they are still at university.


Parimahajializadeh commented Jul 22, 2022


Aus-tin commented Mar 27, 2023

very helpful, thank you so much

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I cannot start a lab on Coursera

Qwiklabs is a third party tool for Coursera. So when you click on the open tool button from Coursera it will redirect you to the Qwiklabs login page for LTI enrollment. You need to add your Coursera credentials to complete the LTI enrollment.

Follow these steps in order to take a lab:

  • Clear all caches and close all the browser windows.
  • Restart the browser and go to  
  • Log in to Coursera. Find your lab and click the " Open Tool " Button.
  • Open tool button will redirect you to the Qwiklabs sign-in page where you need to log in with your registered Coursera credentials for the LTI enrollment. (Sign in page comes sometimes while accessing the Coursera lab)
  • You will get redirected to the actual lab page, where you will see the Start Lab button to start the lab.

Please make sure you are not logged in to your personal Google/Gmail account in the same browser where you are going to start the lab. (Prefer Incognito mode in the latest version of Chrome browser to start the lab).

If you face an error like "Invalid email or password" then please reset your password from and try login again. You will receive a link on the email id with which you will be able to change your password.

Small Revolution

Don’t Pay For Coursera: How to Get Free Access to Top Courses

free Coursera courses featured image

Coursera offers hundreds of top courses for a fee.

And while that may be the case, you don’t have to pay to access the material. There are ways to access free Coursera courses in any field, from Productivity to Data Science and more.

A few examples of these top free Coursera courses include: 

  • Writing in the Sciences . This course teaches beginner writers how to compose excellent scientific publications for general audiences. It’s a self-paced course that takes 30 hours to complete. Up to 20% of students have advanced their careers—for example, earning a higher salary —after taking this course. 
  • Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification . This beginner-level course introduces students to advanced machine-learning concepts by teaching them to build prediction and classification models in Python. The course is self-paced and takes 33 hours to complete. 
  • Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand, and Behavior . This 17-hour-long, self-paced course teaches students how to build a brand identity that offers a superior customer experience. Course statistics show that 33% of those who completed this course launched a new career. 
  • Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills . This 17-hour course imparts the skills necessary to effectively communicate with employers, businesses, and other people to get what you want, e.g., a job opportunity , better contract terms for a partnership, or handling a difficult client . 

All courses on Coursera offer a certificate upon completion. However, you can only get a certificate once you’ve paid for a class. So although you can complete a course for free, you won’t be able to share your accomplishments on LinkedIn or with your employer until you’ve paid. 

That said, how do you go about enrolling for these or other top courses for free on Coursera? 

Step 1: Audit a Course

Auditing a course means gaining free access to some parts of a paid class.

However, when you audit a course, you won’t receive a grade or certification. Therefore, you should only use this option if you: 

  • Want to explore a subject out of curiosity
  • Feel that a course might provide you with extra knowledge that complements a course you’re majoring in 

Auditing is only an option for specializations and Professional Certificate courses. 

  • A Professional Certificate Course is a collection of several standalone courses created by a company (such as Google or LinkedIn) with expertise in a professional area.  For example, Google UX Design Professional Certificate has courses including Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design , Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD , and Build WireFrames and Low-Fidelity Prototypes . 
  • A course specialization is a collection of related courses designed to help learners master a professional field . Specializations are offered by a learning institution and not a company.  A good example is the user experience specialization course provided by the University of Michigan.

steps to audit a course on Coursera

To audit a course: 

  • Type in the course name or keyword in the search box at the top of Coursera’s home page.
  • Click the “Explore” button next to the Coursera logo and select your course by goal or subject. 
  • Pick a course category from the “popular courses and certificates” section at the bottom of the web page. Once the category page loads, you can scroll through the courses to find one that piques your interest. 
  • Click on a specialization to load its landing page. 
  • From the course’s landing page, scroll to the section that lists the number of specialization or professional certificate classes offered. 
  • Click on the course you’d like to audit. This will load a landing page. 
  • In the hero section of the landing page, click “Enroll for Free”. This action loads a 7-day free trial pop-up window. 
  • You’ll find the “Audit the Course” option at the bottom of the free trial window. Click on it to get free access to all course material. 

Step 2: Sign Up for the Coursera for Campus Basic Plan

Coursera for Campus is designed for university and college-level use. The program has three plans: Basic, Career Academy, and Full Catalog. 

The basic plan is free for the first 500 students. 

To join Coursera for Campus, a faculty member (such as a department head) needs to create an account using an email address provided by your institution. They can then admit students to the program.

three Coursera for Campus price plans

If you’re one of the first 500 students registered under the Coursera for Campus basic plan, you will: 

  • Get unlimited access to course content and assessments 
  • Receive a verified certificate for every course you complete 

Step 3: Enroll for a Full Paid Course Without Certification

The only way to access a course in full without paying (and without receiving certification) is to do so with a standalone course . You can’t use this method with any of the other course types on Coursera.

Skills In Demand Checklist

You’ll notice that when you choose a standalone course, two course-enrollment options will come up. The first option is Purchase Course while the second one is Full Course, No Certificate . 

Choosing “Purchase Course” will prompt you to pay for the course first while “Full Course, No Certificate” will allow you to access course content and even have your work graded. 

It’s worth noting, however, that you will not get a certificate after completing a full course without certification.

steps for enrolling for a full course with no certificate

Once you load the web page of the standalone course you’re interested in, proceed as follows:

  • Click the “Enroll for Free” option on the page. Doing so will load a pop-up showing the two enrollment options discussed above.
  • Since your aim is to get free access to a course, click “Full Course, No Certificate” and then click “Continue” to be directed to the learning material.

So far, we’ve looked at the different methods you can use to access free courses on Coursera, and now you know how to level up without spending a penny.

But at this point, you must be wondering, “Is Coursera the only place I can go to learn a new skill online?” 

Absolutely not.

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn each and every skill you can think of on Coursera, it’s important to explore other learning options as well. After all, a single course platform may not have all the courses you need.

For example, Coursera is great for access to longer courses. But if you’re looking for a course in a niche area to complete in under an hour, Coursera may not be the right place. A platform like Udemy might be more suitable for shorter specialized courses. 

To give you a better idea of what you stand to gain from Coursera or Udemy, let’s compare the two platforms below.

free Coursera courses photo snippet

Coursera vs Udemy

There are several differences between Udemy and Coursera. Firstly, educators and large companies such as Google create the courses on Coursera, while individuals—like you and me—create the courses on Udemy . 

Secondly, the majority of courses on Coursera are long and take months to complete. 

By contrast, the courses on Udemy tend to be short, and some can even be completed within an hour. This makes Udemy an excellent alternative to Coursera when your aim is to learn and apply a skill immediately.

For example, How to Design & Prototype in Adobe XD is a short Udemy course that’s approximately one hour long. If, for example, you take this course, you will learn how to navigate around Adobe XD and other design apps, in just one hour. 

The table below provides a comparison of Udemy to Coursera to help you understand these two platforms even better.

Best forBudget-friendly courses customized to your current work needsTake weeks or months to gain in-depth knowledge in a career field (e.g., Machine Learning)
Budget-friendlyCostly, but instructors frequently discount courses to as low as $12Cost varies, but you should expect to pay between $49 and $79 for a standalone course
PartnershipsAnyone can create and upload courses on UdemyOnly partners with accredited universities and leading companies to create and offer courses
CommunityNo community, so no additional supportAccessible forum where students can share ideas and receive help

At this point, we hope you have a clear understanding of the differences between Coursera and Udemy. 

To summarize, Udemy is a great place to start if you aren’t prepared to pursue longer and more complex free courses on Coursera. 

Sign up for Udemy today to acquire new skills now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will i get a certificate after i audit a course on coursera .

You’ll have access to learning material and assessments when auditing a course on Coursera, but you will not get a certificate. 

However, you will get a certificate if you pay for a course you’ve audited.

If I enroll for a full Coursera course without a certificate, will I get the certificate later? 

If you enroll for a full course with no certificate, Coursera will certify you in future for that course once it’s been paid for. 

Are all Coursera certificates internationally recognized?

All certificates on Coursera are internationally recognized because they’re offered through reputable universities and companies. 

Can I take a degree course for free on Coursera? 

Only standalone courses and courses within Specializations and Professional Certificates can be accessed for free, not degree courses. 

Is there a limit to the number of courses I can access for free on Coursera? 

As long as you have time, you can enroll in any number of free courses on Coursera.

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution . With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass

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  1. What is your assignment token? (Coursera)

    What is your assignment token? (Coursera) Mohamed Samy 226K subscribers Subscribed 141 28K views 7 years ago ...more

  2. Complete and submit programming assignments

    Programming assignments will use one of two submission methods: Script submission: Run your code in your local coding environment, then enter the submission token to complete the assignment. Web submission: Follow the on-screen steps to upload your files. Programming assignments may include multiple coding tasks for you to complete.

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    Then how do I submit assignments?? The instructions on the swirl setup page say, "At the end of every swirl lesson you will be presented with a choice to submit the completion of your assignment to Coursera or for swirl to generate a code. If you're unable to connect to Coursera in Setting Up Swirl then you should always choose to generate a code.

  4. Coursera FAQ · swirldev/swirl Wiki · GitHub

    From the course home page navigate to Course Content, and then click on the swirl assignment that corresponds to the lesson you have completed. The token should be located on the right side of the page. Every lesson has its own submission token.

  5. How to Find a token to submit swirl assignment #885

    Some Coursera courses, such as the the Johns Hopkins Data Science Foundations course, use swirl as part of the curriculum. If you are enrolled in a Coursera course, you'll have a token for each assignment. That course might require a swirl lesson as an assignment. You use this token in swirl to show that you've completed the swirl lesson.

  6. Solve problems with Coursera Labs

    If your issue isn't covered here, you may find these articles helpful: Using your Coursera Labs workspace - Learn how to use Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, and VSCode. Complete and submit programming assignments - Learn about programming assignments that don't use a Lab workspace. Solve problems with Qwiklabs - Learn to solve problems with Qwiklabs assignments.

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    Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

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    Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

  11. Assignment: swirl Lesson 1: Basic Building Blocks · GitHub

    To take the square root, use the sqrt () function and to take. | the absolute value, use the abs () function. ... | Take the square root of z - 1 and assign it to a new variable called my_sqrt. | Keep trying! Or, type info () for more options. | Assign the result of sqrt (z - 1) to a variable called my_sqrt.

  12. Article Detail

    Coursera About What We Offer Leadership Careers Catalog Professional Certificates MasterTrack™ Certificates Degrees For Enterprise For Government For Campus Coronavirus Response

  13. Welcome to swirl!

    Hi, I have taken a course in Coursera for R programming. I need to use the swirl for the same. The issue is that my assignments are linked to swirl topics. Ones done they ask to type in the token and my assignment submission gets completed. The issue is from week 2 my assignmnet grading fails. the below is the error. Grade submission failed.

  14. Token for completing the practical R excercise in "Getting and ...

    If you're both sure you're looking at the correct page you you still don't see you assignment token I recommend posting in the course forums or getting in contact with Coursera.

  15. I cannot start a lab on Coursera

    Clear all caches and close all the browser windows. Restart the browser and go to Log in to Coursera. Find your lab and click the " Open Tool " Button. Open tool button will redirect you to the Qwiklabs sign-in page where you need to log in with your registered Coursera credentials for the LTI enrollment. (Sign in page comes sometimes while accessing the Coursera lab) You will get ...

  16. Don't Pay For Coursera: How to Get Free Access to Top Courses

    And while that may be the case, you don't have to pay to access the material. There are ways to access free Coursera courses in any field, from Productivity to Data Science and more.

  17. 0.1 How to submit coursera 'Machine Learning' Assignment

    Here is complete guid ...more WATCH MODIFIED VIDEO: How to submit coursera 'Machine Learning' Andrew Ng Assignment.

  18. Get Shareable Link for Peer Review Missing : r/coursera

    Hi I want to ask people in discussion forums to review my assignments. However I found out that there is no 'get shareable link' option for me to generate my assignment review link. Any Ideas on how to generate the link for peer review?

  19. Assessment deadlines

    Assessment deadlines Most courses generate deadlines based on a personalized schedule that begins when you enroll in a course. If you're taking a limited availability course, the info in this article may apply to you. Learn more about assessment deadlines for limited availability courses.

  20. Learn TypeScript

    Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

  21. What Is ChatGPT? (And How to Use It)

    Get your creativity flowing with generated writing prompts. Build an outline or structure from the key points you want to include. Generate a first paragraph to build upon. You can go back and revise or delete it later. Find that word that's on the tip of your tongue. 3. Strengthen an existing piece of writing.

  22. Get the Reddit app

    29K subscribers in the RStudio community. A place for users of R and RStudio to exchange tips and knowledge about the various applications of R and…

  23. Submission of assignments Coursera R Course

    I see there was an issue opened a month ago with no response or resolution. We are supposed to be able to find or use a "token" to get codes to take either the quiz or do a manual assignment submission. But I can't find a code next to the lesson name (for the quiz) and the "assignment token" Coursera generates for this is rejected by swirl.

  24. JetBrains Academy

    Turn on the free educational features in your IDE to learn programming from scratch, expand your current skill set, or create your own interactive courses to share...

  25. How can I generate new token after my deadline expires

    How can I generate new token after my deadline expires Hi, am offering Introduction to Deep Learning. The submission date for week 3 assignment has expired, so I use "Reset Deadline" button to reactivate my course.

  26. Build a Product Card with Tailwind CSS

    Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. If you take a course in audit mode, you will be able to see most course materials for free. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. If you don't see the audit option:

  27. How to submit coursera assignment with trick

    How to submit your coursera assignment with trickQueries solved• without watch videos you can get certificate in coursera

  28. Introduction to Blockchain

    What will I get if I purchase the Certificate? When you purchase a Certificate you get access to all course materials, including graded assignments. Upon completing the course, your electronic Certificate will be added to your Accomplishments page - from there, you can print your Certificate or add it to your LinkedIn profile.