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How to Write an Essay Cover Page

What you include in your cover page depends slightly on which citation style you are using, but the rules are generally the same.

Guide Overview

  • APA cover pages
  • MLA cover pages

For APA cover pages:

Include the title of the paper, running head, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and an author’s note.

Here is an example of a cover page in APA:

APA Cover Page

For MLA cover pages:

Cover pages are not as frequently used in MLA format, as the inclusion of headers is preferred.

A header looks like this:

Header in MLA

Cover pages can include the name of your school, your paper title, your name, your course name, your teacher or professor’s name, and the due date of the paper. If you are unsure of what to include, check with your instructor.

Here is an example of a cover page in MLA format:

Cover page in MLA

For more help making cover or title pages, visit our title page generator   here.

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How To Make A Cover Page For An Assignment? An Ultimate Guide

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How To Make A Cover Page For An Assignment? An Ultimate Guide

Level Up Your Assignment Game!

What if you made a shiny assignment but forgot to make the cover page? Remember that first impression in 'The Devil Wears Prada'? Well, your cover page deserves a standing ovation, not a silent groan from your teacher. But don't worry! Here's an ultimate guide on how to make a cover page for an assignment that will transform your cover page from 'blah' to 'wow' in no time!

What is a Cover Page in an Assignment?

The cover page, your essay's first impression, sets the stage for professionalism. It's where your name, course details, and due date greet your instructor. Though not always obligatory, its polished presentation can earn you favour. Following a good format often leads to higher scores, making it a smart academic move.

Why is a Cover Page Important?

As students, we all know the adage - you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That's where the cover page comes in - it's the gatekeeper to your assignment, and trust us, you don't want to drop the ball here. Mess it up, and your professor might write you off before they even start reading. But nail it? Well, that's like hitting a home run before you've even stepped up to the plate. 

If you are thinking about how to make a cover page for an assignment, a well-formatted, error-free cover page is the key to unlocking your instructor's curiosity. Following the institution's template is just the cherry on top, showing you're a team player who respects the rules of the game. 

How to Make a Cover Page for an Assignment?

When it comes to assignments, the cover page is our chance to grab the professor's attention right off the bat. Why settle for a drab intro when you can learn all about how to design the front page of an assignment? Let's dive into the essential elements of the cover page.

how to write the cover page of an assignment

1. Running Header

A running header goes on top of cover pages, separate from the main text. It's often used for APA style. Keep it short, 50 characters max, all uppercase.

Next is the title, explaining your work's content. Write it in the title case, capitalising most words. Avoid abbreviations and aim for 15-20 words. Centre the fully written title on the cover page.

3. Institution/ University Name

Your university or institution name belongs on the cover page, too. Different from the title, it shows readers where you're from and did the research. For reports or presentations, include your workplace or school.

4. Student’s Name and ID

Clearly state the author(s) name(s) and id(s) on the cover page. Include affiliations for multiple authors. For group projects, list all students' names and universities before the title. This ensures proper author credit.

Including the date on your cover page tells readers when you finished the work. Use the exact publication date. This also helps for future reference if someone needs to find work within a certain timeframe.

6. Instructor’s Information

Providing your instructor's details, such as name, designation, and department, shows you completed the work for their specific class. It ensures the assignment reaches the right person and department, avoiding any confusion.

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How to Make A Front Page of an Assignment: APA Format

The APA (American Psychological Association) format heavily emphasises the cover page details. To know how to make a cover page for an assignment in an APA format, follow these specific guidelines.

how to write the cover page of an assignment

1. Page Number Placement: Start by placing the page number in the upper-right corner, always as 1, aligning it with the one-inch margin. This will be part of your running head, a feature in APA format, but for student papers, it's just the page number.

2. Title Placement: Move down three or four lines (double-spaced) from the top and centre of your paper's title. Make it bold and use proper capitalization rules for titles.

3. Author's Name: After the title, leave an empty line, then write your name. Keep it simple without any special formatting. If there are multiple authors, separate their names with commas and use "and" before the last author's name.

4. Department and School: Below your name, write your department or division, followed by your school's name, separated by a comma.

5. Course Information: Directly below your school's name, include the course name along with its numeric code.

6. Instructor's Name: Under the course information, write your instructor's full name, including any titles like 'Dr.'

7. Date: Finally, on the last line, write the date. Spell out the month for clarity.

How to Create a Cover Page for an Assignment: MLA Format

In MLA (Modern Language Association) style, you usually don't need a cover page; instead, you list essential details at the start of the first page. If you are wondering how to make an assignment front page in MLA style, here are the instructions.

how to write the cover page of an assignment

1. Student’s Name: Begin with the first student’s name on the top-left corner of the page, double-spaced.

2. Additional Authors: If there are more authors, list each on a separate line following the first student’s name.

3. Instructor’s Name: Below the last author’s name, including the instructor’s title, like “Professor Willow,” on a new line.

4. Course Details: Write the course name along with its numeric code on the next line.

5. Date : Following the course details, write the date in full, avoiding abbreviations for months. You can use either day-month-year or month-day-year format.

6. Title of the Paper : Centre the title four or five lines below the date, maintaining double spacing. Remember to capitalise the title according to standard rules, avoiding bold or italics.

How to Design Cover Page for Assignment: CMS Format

CMS (Chicago Manual of Style), a citation method for acknowledging sources in academic papers, grants ownership rights to authors, preventing plagiarism and aiding readers in locating sources. However, mastering one style isn't sufficient due to varying rules.

how to write the cover page of an assignment

1. Margins: Leave one-inch margins on all sides of your cover page to give it a neat look and provide space for your text.

2. Font: Stick to Times or Times New Roman font in 12 pt size for a professional appearance that's easy to read.

3. Spacing: Double-space the text on your cover page to make it clear and readable.

4. Text Alignment: Align your text to the left to create a clean, organised appearance, avoiding fully justified text.

5. Indentation: Start paragraphs, block quotes, and bibliography entries with a 1/2" indent for a structured layout.

6. Page Numbers: Number your pages in the top right corner, excluding the cover page. Include your last name to avoid confusion if pages get mixed up.

7. Two-Sided Printing: Confirm with your teacher if you can print on both sides of the paper for eco-friendly printing.

8. Title: Centre the title of your paper halfway down the page for prominence and clarity.

9. Name: Centre your name under the title to identify yourself as the author.

10. Teacher's Information: Write your teacher's name, course title, and date at the bottom, centred in three lines.

11. Font Consistency: Maintain consistency by using Times or Times New Roman font in 12 pt size for the cover page. Avoid using bold, underline, or decorative fonts.

12. Page Numbering and Count: Exclude the cover page from page numbering and total page count. It's not necessary to add a page number to the cover page.

Tips and Tricks to How to Make a Good Cover Page for an Assignment? 

Now that you have understood how to make a cover page for an assignment, it is also necessary to understand the basic tips and tricks before you start writing one. To make a great cover page, follow the steps outlined in the guide.

1. Correct Information

The main tip for knowing how to design a cover page for an assignment is to ensure that the cover page includes accurate details such as your name, assignment title, course name, date, and any other required information to avoid confusion and errors.

2. Formatting

Use consistent formatting throughout the cover page, including font style, size, and spacing, to present a polished and organised appearance that aligns with academic standards.

3. Relevance

If you’re wondering how to write thea front page of an assignment, then include relevant details that provide context. This would help the reader understand the purpose and scope of your work. 

4. Clarity and Conciseness

Keep the content of the cover page clear and concise, using simple language and avoiding unnecessary information to communicate your message effectively.

5. Professional Tone

Maintain a professional tone on the cover page by using formal language and addressing the recipient respectfully, reflecting your commitment to the assignment and your academic integrity.

6. Proofreading

Carefully proofread the cover page for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies to ensure it reflects your attention to detail and presents a polished final product.

A well-crafted cover page can make your assignment shine like a diamond in the rough. Follow these tips for how to write the front page of an assignment, and you'll impress your professor right off the bat. Don't drop the ball on this crucial first impression; knock their socks off with an A+ cover page material!

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • APA Title Page (7th edition) | Template for Students & Professionals

APA Title Page (7th edition) | Template for Students & Professionals

Published on November 6, 2020 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on January 17, 2024.

APA provides different guidelines for student and professional papers. The student version of the APA title page should include the following information (double spaced and centered):

Paper title

  • Author name
  • Department and university name
  • Course number and name
  • Instructor name
  • Due date of the assignment

The professional title page also includes an author note (flushed left), but not a course name, instructor name, or due date.

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Table of contents

Title page example (student and professional version), institutional affiliation, course information, author note, page header, including an image on the title page.

APA title page - student version (7th edition)

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how to write the cover page of an assignment

Write an informative, striking title that summarizes the topic of your paper. Try to keep the title focused and use relevant keywords.

Place the title three or four lines down from the top of the paper. Center align and bold it. Don’t forget to use title case capitalization (capitalize the first letter of each word, except small words such as articles and short prepositions).

Write the author’s name under the paper title (leave a blank line in between). Give their full names (first name, middle initial(s) and last name), but don’t include titles (Dr., Prof.) or degrees (Ph.D., MSc).

Multiple authors on the title page

List the authors in order of their contribution. If there are two authors, separate their names with the word “and”, like this:

If there are more than two authors, separate their names with a comma. Only write “and” before the last author, like this:

Write the author’s affiliation on the next line under the author names. Students should specify the department and institution where they’re attending school. Professional researchers should specify the department and institution where they conducted their research.

Multiple authors with different affiliations

Use superscript numbers on the author line to indicate which institution they’re affiliated with. Don’t use superscript numbers if all authors are affiliated with the same institution (and department).

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On a student title page, provide information about the course. List the following information on separate (double spaced) lines under the author’s affiliation:

  • Instructor(s)
  • Assignment’s due date

For professional papers, you may include an author note. This note may contain the author’s ORCID iD, affiliation changes, disclosures of conflicts of interest, brief acknowledgments, and contact information (in that specific order). Present this information in separate paragraphs.

Place the author note on the bottom half of the page. Center the label “Author note” and apply bold styling. The paragraphs in the author note are left-aligned. The first line of each new paragraph is indented.

For more information about formatting the author note, see section 2.7 of the APA Publication Manual.

For a student title page, the page header consists of just a page number in the top-right corner. There is no need for a running head (as was the case in APA 6th edition).

A professional title page does have a running head. The running head is an abbreviated version of the paper title in all capital letters. The maximum length is 50 characters (counting spaces).

Images are not usually included on an APA title page, and APA does not provide any guidelines for doing so. It’s usually viewed as unprofessional to include an image, since the title page is there to provide information, not for decoration.

If you do decide to include an image on your title page, make sure to check whether you need permission from the creator of the image. Include a note directly underneath the image acknowledging where it comes from, beginning with the word “ Note .” (italicized and followed by a period):

  • If you found the image online or in another source, include a citation and copyright attribution .
  • If it’s an image you created yourself (e.g., a photograph you took, an infographic you designed), explain this (e.g., “Photograph taken by the author.”).

Don’t give the image a label, title, or number. Only images within the text itself are labeled as figures .

image on APA title page

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Streefkerk, R. (2024, January 17). APA Title Page (7th edition) | Template for Students & Professionals. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/apa-title-page/

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APA Title Page (Cover Page) Format, Example, & Templates

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

In APA Style (7th edition), the cover page, or title page, should include:
  • A running head (professional papers only) and page number
  • The title of the paper
  • The name of the author(s)
  • The institutional affiliation
  • An author note; optional (professional papers only)
  • A student paper should also include course information
Note : APA 7 provides slightly different directions for formatting the title pages of professional papers (e.g., those intended for scholarly publication) and student papers (e.g., those turned in for credit in a high school or college course).

Professional paper APA title page

An example of an APA format reference page

Student paper APA title page

An example of an APA format reference page

Formatting an APA title page

Note : All text on the title page should be double-spaced and typed in either 12-point, Times New Roman font. In the 7th edition, APA increaded the flexibility regarding font options: which now include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, or Georgia 11. All words should be centered, and capitalize the first letter of important words.

Running Head

In the 7th edition of the APA style manual, running heads are only required for professional papers that are being submitted for publication (student papers do not require a running head, but still need a page number).

Your title page should contain a running head that is flush left at the top of the page and a page number that is flush right at the top of the page.

Place the running head in the page’s header:

  • The running head is the abbreviated title of the paper (IN UPPERCASE LETTERS) aligned left on the page header of all pages, including the title page. APA (7th edition) guidelines require that running heads be a maximum of 50 characters (spaces count as characters).
  • The “Running head:” label used in the APA sixth edition is no longer used.
  • Place the page number in this same header, but align right, beginning with page number 1 on the title page.
  • This header should be 1 inch from the top. Some instructors allow for 1/2 inch, too, but the default is 1 inch.

Paper Title

Position the title of the paper in the upper half of the page. The title should be centered and written in boldface, and important words should be capitalized.

The APA recommends that your title should be a maximum of 12 words and should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose.

Author Name(s)

Institutional affiliation.

Position the school or university’s name below the author(s) name, centered.

A student paper should also include the course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date.

Further Information

  • APA Student Title Page Guide
  • APA Referencing
  • How to Write a Lab Report
  • Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students
  • APA Style Citations & References
  • Example of an APA Formatted Paper

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Table of contents

  • 1.1 MLA Style Cover Page
  • 1.2 APA Style Cover Page Format
  • 1.3 Chicago Style Cover Page Format
  • 1.4 ASA Style Cover Page
  • 1.5 Harvard Cover Page Format
  • 1.6 Bottom line

A perfect cover page is an essential part of an essay’s presentation. It can make a great first impression on your instructor and set the tone for your essay. First, to write a cover page, understand your assignment’s formatting requirements. This includes the required format for the cover page, which may vary depending on your instructor’s or institution’s guide.

Once you have this information, you can create a title page that looks professional. It should include the title of your essay , your name, the course title, and other pertinent details. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to make a cover page for an essay. This article will show the following:

  • We’ll describe how a good cover page should look.
  • In the article, we offer you examples of different formats of a cover page, including MLA, APA, and more.
  • You’ll know the measurements you require to position some cover page aspects.

What Does a Paper Cover Page Look Like?

Creating a cover page for an essay in grade school was simple – add your name and date, and it’s done. However, structuring an essay and following grammar rules in university involves multiple steps that may be unfamiliar to you. But knowing how to format an essay can make the process easier. However, it can be overwhelming to determine the appropriate structure and ensure that your essay adheres to grammatical rules.

A well-designed cover page is crucial for an essay’s presentation; many students wonder how to make one. Therefore, we have compiled a guide on creating a title page for the most commonly used citation formats you may come across.

A cover page is a separate page at the beginning of your academic essay. It contains the title and author’s name and may also feature details like page number, course name, instructor name, and more. Remember that it’s essential to format your page consistently with the rest of your essay.

Use these tips when writing your cover page:

  • Keep every margin at 1 inch;
  • Select a font that’s easy to read. We’d recommend Times New Roman and Arial for this;
  • Always keep the font size at 12;
  • Use double-line spacing.

MLA Style Cover Page

The MLA cover page has a vague format for essay pages. Instead, formatting guidelines are based on your teacher’s preferences and standard MLA (Modern Language Association) text formatting. You can follow some best practices to create an MLA essay cover that looks professional. A typical sample MLA cover centers essay titles about one-third of the page’s length. You can also use italics or bold lettering to emphasize important words or phrases.

In our sample MLA format cover, including the necessary MLA heading in the top-left corner is crucial. Follow this guide for proper writing of the cover page template:

  • Instructor’s name;
  • Page number half an inch away from the top;
  • Your name is an inch away from the top;
  • The arrangement of the details is an inch away from the leftmost side of the sheet, while ensuring it’s double-spaced throughout;
  • A half-inch indent in the first paragraph.


APA Style Cover Page Format

The APA citation format is widely used in the academic and business worlds but has some challenging aspects. For this reason, many busy students order cheap essays to avoid dealing with the nuances of APA essay cover. For your APA cover page, keep your essay’s title brief, under 12 words, and center it. Below the title, include your first, middle, initial, and last names without academic credentials like a PhD. On the following line, indicate your research location, usually your university. Below are the properties of the APA cover page format:

  • The title of the paper, centered at the top of the page.
  • Your name (student’s name), centered below the title.
  • The institutional affiliation (college or university name), centered below your name.
  • Course name and number.
  • You professors’/instructor’s name.
  • Optionally, you can include a running head aligned to the left margin (with the words “Running head:” followed by a shortened version of the title).
  • Finally, include a page number in the top-right corner.


Chicago Style Cover Page Format

The Chicago page format, commonly called Chicago style paper, is a popular citation format used in the humanities department. The Chicago cover page format typically includes the following:

  • The title of your essay centered on the page and in the title case (i.e., the first letter of each major word is capitalized);
  • Your name is centered below the title;
  • The course title is centered below your name;
  • The instructor’s name is centered below the course title;
  • The due date is centered below the instructor’s name.


The page may also include a shortened title at the top and a page number in the header of each subsequent page. It’s essential to follow the specific structuring requirements set by your instructor or institution when creating your Chicago-style cover page. The Chicago and Turabian styles are similar in the following ways:

  • Both styles typically place the title of the paper one-third to halfway down the cover page, centered horizontally;
  • The title is usually in title case; the major words are capitalized;
  • The author’s name is listed below the title and centered horizontally;
  • The name of the institution with which the author is affiliated is often placed below the author’s name on the page;
  • Both styles generally don’t include a page number on the cover page.

Additionally, endeavor to use the same font on your cover page that you use in your paper. Follow proper capitalization rules for essay titles, using uppercase for keywords and lowercase for articles and prepositions unless they begin the title. This ensures consistency and professionalism throughout your research papers; if you have more questions, you can always check PapersOwl’s page for more information.

ASA Style Cover Page

The cover page format of ASA is based on APA and includes a running head. In ASA, keep your header below 60 characters. Another distinction is that ASA mandates the inclusion of a total word count on the cover sheet, encompassing footnotes and references.

Additionally, include your name and course. List them all vertically below your name and course, if you conducted research at several institutions. Apart from these differences, all other elements follow the APA essay format .

It’s worth noting that page numbers start on the title page and must be placed in the bottom-right corner.


Harvard Cover Page Format

The Harvard cover page is also known as the Harvard referencing style. It is primarily used in social science and humanities disciplines, including literature, history, and economics.

The Harvard cover page example typically includes the following information, arranged in this order:

  • Title of the research paper;
  • Author’s name (last name, followed by the first initial);
  • Date of submission;
  • Course name and number;
  • Name of instructor.


In addition to the cover page, the Harvard referencing format requires in-text citations and a reference list at the end of the document. The in-text citations include the author’s last name and year of publication, while the reference list provides complete bibliographic information for each source cited in the document.

Bottom line

Although formatting your work according to the requirements of your college might be challenging, it is vital. Undergraduate students, who sometimes take classes in several different areas at once, should be especially concerned about this. However, keep these requirements from obstructing your ability to learn. Use these suggestions to create the ideal cover page, and if you need assistance, we are always here to help. And if your professors require some changes, their instructions hold more weight than the guidelines mentioned here.

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how to write the cover page of an assignment

  • The Complete Guide to APA Format in 2020

APA Title Page / Cover Page

  • Headings and Subheadings
  • Discussion Section
  • Websites and Online Sources
  • Journals and Periodicals
  • Other Print Sources
  • Other Non-Print Sources
  • In-text Citations
  • Footnotes and Endnotes
  • Using MyBib Responsibly
  • Miscellaneous Questions

Image of daniel-elias

Details to include

The title page (also known as the cover page) is the front page of your paper. It should contain:

  • The running head , a header at the top of the page.
  • The first page number .
  • The title of the paper
  • The institution for which you writing.

Running head

The running head should be in the top-left corner of the page in uppercase. It should include a shortened title of your paper. On the front page only, it should also be prepended with "Running head:".

First page number

The first page number -- generally page 1 -- should be in the top-right corner of the page. Both the page number and the running head should be a half inch from the top of the page.

The title of the paper can contain upper and lowercase letters, and ideally should be no more than 12 words in length. It should be direct, and should not contain abbreviations or other unnecessary words. It should not span longer than 2 lines. The first letter of each word should be uppercase, except for articles (a, an, the), and conjunctions (and, but, for, or, yet).

Underneath the title should be your name (or the author's name if you're not the author). It should be displayed as the first name , middle initial , and last name . Do not add titles (such as Dr.) to the beginning, or qualifications (such as PhD) to the end of an author's name.

Your institution

Finally, underneath the author's name, state the full name of the institution or school you're writing the paper for.

The font for all text on the title page should be Times New Roman, size 12pt, with double line-spacing.

A correct title page will look like the below image:

APA format example title page

After completing your title page you will move on to writing an abstract of your paper.

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How to Make a Cover Page

Last Updated: January 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Amber Rosenberg, PCC . Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 146,606 times.

Many professional and academic documents will require a cover page, but the information required for a cover page varies depending on the nature of the document. Some cover pages, like those you would send with a resume, are actually letters. Others, like those used for academic essays, are actually title pages. For all cover letters, using a standard font such as Times New Roman, in at least a 12-point size, is recommended.

Formatting a Cover Page For Your Resume

Step 1 Keep the letter to one page.

  • You should usually use standard 1-inch (2.5-cm) margins, but you can use margins as small as 0.7 inch (1.8 cm) as long as they are the same on all sides.

Step 2 Include your contact information in the upper left corner.

  • If you have a fax number, you should include it below your phone number and above your e-mail address.

Step 3 Write the full date below your contact information.

  • Write out the full name of the month, rather than abbreviating by using a number. For example, rather than write 1/1/2001, you should write January 1, 2001.
  • Leave a blank line above and below the date.

Step 4 State the name and address of the receiver.

  • Note that you do not need to include an e-mail address, phone number, or fax number for the company.
  • If you do not know the name of a specific contact at the company, skip over that information.

Step 5 Address the receiver by name.

  • When you can determine the gender of the receiver, leave out his or her first name and address the receiver as "Mr." or "Ms." For example, "Dear Ms. Smith" or "Dear Mr. Johnson."
  • If you do not know the gender of the receiver, skip the title and use his or her full name. For example, "Dear Pat Roberts."
  • Leave a blank line before and after you address the receiver.

Step 6 Write an introduction.

  • If you are a student, state the university you attend and your major.
  • Indicate what position you are applying for as well as how or where you heard about the position.
  • You can also mention the name of a professional or academic contact you know who has a positive connection to the reader or company.

Step 7 Highlight your skills in one to three body paragraphs.

  • List any special projects, awards, or accomplishments that have a clear connection to the skill set requested by the employer.

Step 8 Briefly conclude your letter.

  • You can include your phone number and e-mail address, as well, but it is not entirely necessary since this information is included in your header.

Step 9 Close the letter formally.

  • Always use black ink to sign formal documents.

Making a Cover Page For a Fax

Step 1 Provide your name and address in the header.

  • Include your phone number and your fax number beneath your name and address.
  • Leave at least two blank lines below this header and the rest of the document.

Step 2 Format the cover sheet in two columns.

  • It's a good idea to save your document as a template for future fax use, since the general format will remain the same.
  • The most important quality to your fax cover sheet is that it be clear and easy to read.

Step 3 List the date, receiver's name, sender's name, and sender's phone number in the left column.

  • Label the date with "DATE," the receiver's name with "TO," your name with "FROM," and your phone number with "PHONE."
  • In the United States, the date will be written in "Month, Day, Year," while in most other countries, it will be written "Day, Month, Year."

Step 4 List the time, both fax numbers, and your e-mail address in the right column.

  • Label the time with "TIME," the receiver's fax number with "FAX," your fax number with "FAX," and your e-mail address with "EMAIL."
  • Note that the receiver's name and fax number should be placed on the same horizontal line. Likewise, your name and fax number should be placed on a shared horizontal line of their own.

Step 5 Indicate the number of pages.

  • Note that this line does not need to be in all capital letters.

Step 6 Include a brief message.

  • If you had previous contact with the receiver concerning this fax, state that information.
  • Introduce your message with the label "MESSAGE:"
  • Below your message, ask the receiver to verify the receipt of the document by calling the phone number provided or using the e-mail address provided.

Step 7 Write a disclaimer, if necessary.

  • Specific privacy guidelines for transmission of protected confidential information may vary. If you work for a health provider, you may need to follow additional guidelines to protect the privacy of your client.

Formatting a Cover Page For Your Manuscript

Step 1 Include your contact information.

  • Use your real name. If you are submitting the manuscript under a pen name, you can follow your real name with your pen name. Introduce a pen name with "A.K.A." or "(Pen name: John Doe)."
  • If you're submitting your work to a context that will be judged anonymously, you'll include your contact information on the cover page, while omitting your name and contact information from the title page.

Step 2 List the word count.

  • You do not need to use an exact word count. For instance, if your manuscript is 63,472 words, round it off to 63,000 or 63,500.
  • Introduce the word count with "Approximately ______ words."

Step 3 Include the title of your manuscript.

  • Typing the title in all capital letters is a fairly common practice, but it is not necessary.
  • It's not necessary to underline, italicize, or bold the title.

Step 4 Finish with the name of the author.

  • You don't have to include any indication of copyright protection, as your work is automatically protected.
  • Never bind or connect the pages of your manuscript in any way. Your cover letter, like the other pages of your manuscript, should be unbound and placed in an envelope or box.

Using APA Style For Your Cover Page

Step 1 Use a standard font and margin.

  • Introduce the running head with the words "Running head." Follow this label with a colon.
  • The running head itself should be in all capital letters.
  • The running head should be no longer than 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

Step 3 Include the page number in the upper right corner.

  • The page number and running head should be evenly aligned horizontally.

Step 4 Center the title.

  • Capitalize the first letter of all major words but not for minor words. For example: How to Make a Cover Page
  • Do not italicize, bold, or underline the title.

Step 5 Include your name below the title.

  • For example, if you are submitting the paper for a class taken at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, you should include this in the line beneath the author's name (i.e. your name, and the names of your co-authors.)
  • Check with your professor for any additional guidelines.

Using MLA Style For Your Cover Page

Step 1 Use a standard font and standard margins.

  • Be aware that cover pages are not standard in MLA format, but some professors do request them.

Step 2 Center the title.

  • Do not bold, italicize, or underline either the title or the subtitle.

Step 3 Write your full name.

  • Your name should be written using the same font and size as the other words on your title page.
  • Don't try to use a cute or clever font for any part of your cover page, as professors don't care for this.

Step 4 List the receiver of your paper.

  • Introduce your instructor as "Dr." when appropriate. If you cannot use this title to address your instructor, at least introduce him or her as "Professor." For example, "Dr. John Doe" or "Professor John Doe."
  • Include both the course name and number.

Using Chicago Style For Your Cover Page

  • In Chicago style, cover page and title page refer to the same thing.
  • Your professor may have other requirements. Make sure you use the preferred formatting for your course.

Step 2 List the title first.

  • Capitalize the first letter of each major word in your title, but not those belonging to minor words. For example: How to Make a Cover Page
  • Alternatively, some style guides suggest that the title be presented in ALL CAPS.
  • Do not underline, italicize, or bold the title.
  • If you have a subtitle, place a colon following your title and write the subtitle on the following line.

Step 3 Write your full name.

  • Your name should be typed about three quarters of the way down the page.
  • Use the same font and size that you've used throughout the cover page.

Step 4 Specify the subject, instructor, and date in your final section.

  • Include both the name and course number of the subject.
  • Write your professor's full name and title. Use "Dr." only when appropriate. For example: "Dr. John Doe" or "Professor John Doe."

Expert Q&A

Amber Rosenberg, PCC

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  • ↑ https://careercenter.georgetown.edu/major-career-guides/resumes-cover-letters/resume-formatting-tips/
  • ↑ Amber Rosenberg, PCC. Pacific Life Coach. Expert Interview. 8 March 2022.
  • ↑ http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/549/01/
  • ↑ http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/create-edit-fax-cover-page#1TC=windows-7
  • ↑ https://winningwriters.com/resources/manuscript-tips
  • ↑ http://academictips.org/mla-format/mla-format-cover-page/
  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/02/

About This Article

Amber Rosenberg, PCC

To make a cover page using MLA format, start by setting your margins to 1 inch on all sides and keeping the alignment centered. Next, choose 12 point Times New Roman for your font and place your title roughly one-third of the way down, capitalizing the first letter of every major word in your title. Then, skip several lines below the title and write your full name, as well as any other collaborators. Finally, list the name of your instructor, the name of the class, and the date, making sure to separate each element with a double-spaced line. To learn more, like how to make a cover page using APA or Chicago Style, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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A step-by-step guide for creating and formatting APA Style student papers

The start of the semester is the perfect time to learn how to create and format APA Style student papers. This article walks through the formatting steps needed to create an APA Style student paper, starting with a basic setup that applies to the entire paper (margins, font, line spacing, paragraph alignment and indentation, and page headers). It then covers formatting for the major sections of a student paper: the title page, the text, tables and figures, and the reference list. Finally, it concludes by describing how to organize student papers and ways to improve their quality and presentation.

The guidelines for student paper setup are described and shown using annotated diagrams in the Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3.40MB) and the A Step-by-Step Guide to APA Style Student Papers webinar . Chapter 1 of the Concise Guide to APA Style and Chapter 2 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association describe the elements, format, and organization for student papers. Tables and figures are covered in Chapter 7 of both books. Information on paper format and tables and figures and a full sample student paper are also available on the APA Style website.

Basic setup

The guidelines for basic setup apply to the entire paper. Perform these steps when you first open your document, and then you do not have to worry about them again while writing your paper. Because these are general aspects of paper formatting, they apply to all APA Style papers, student or professional. Students should always check with their assigning instructor or institution for specific guidelines for their papers, which may be different than or in addition to APA Style guidelines.

Seventh edition APA Style was designed with modern word-processing programs in mind. Most default settings in programs such as Academic Writer, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs already comply with APA Style. This means that, for most paper elements, you do not have to make any changes to the default settings of your word-processing program. However, you may need to make a few adjustments before you begin writing.

Use 1-in. margins on all sides of the page (top, bottom, left, and right). This is usually how papers are automatically set.

Use a legible font. The default font of your word-processing program is acceptable. Many sans serif and serif fonts can be used in APA Style, including 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 12-point Times New Roman, and 11-point Georgia. You can also use other fonts described on the font page of the website.

Line spacing

Double-space the entire paper including the title page, block quotations, and the reference list. This is something you usually must set using the paragraph function of your word-processing program. But once you do, you will not have to change the spacing for the entirety of your paper–just double-space everything. Do not add blank lines before or after headings. Do not add extra spacing between paragraphs. For paper sections with different line spacing, see the line spacing page.

Paragraph alignment and indentation

Align all paragraphs of text in the body of your paper to the left margin. Leave the right margin ragged. Do not use full justification. Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5-in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. For paper sections with different alignment and indentation, see the paragraph alignment and indentation page.

Page numbers

Put a page number in the top right of every page header , including the title page, starting with page number 1. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert the page number in the top right corner; do not type the page numbers manually. The page number is the same font and font size as the text of your paper. Student papers do not require a running head on any page, unless specifically requested by the instructor.

Title page setup

Title page elements.

APA Style has two title page formats: student and professional (for details, see title page setup ). Unless instructed otherwise, students should use the student title page format and include the following elements, in the order listed, on the title page:

  • Paper title.
  • Name of each author (also known as the byline).
  • Affiliation for each author.
  • Course number and name.
  • Instructor name.
  • Assignment due date.
  • Page number 1 in the top right corner of the page header.

The format for the byline depends on whether the paper has one author, two authors, or three or more authors.

  • When the paper has one author, write the name on its own line (e.g., Jasmine C. Hernandez).
  • When the paper has two authors, write the names on the same line and separate them with the word “and” (e.g., Upton J. Wang and Natalia Dominguez).
  • When the paper has three or more authors, separate the names with commas and include “and” before the final author’s name (e.g., Malia Mohamed, Jaylen T. Brown, and Nia L. Ball).

Students have an academic affiliation, which identities where they studied when the paper was written. Because students working together on a paper are usually in the same class, they will have one shared affiliation. The affiliation consists of the name of the department and the name of the college or university, separated by a comma (e.g., Department of Psychology, George Mason University). The department is that of the course to which the paper is being submitted, which may be different than the department of the student’s major. Do not include the location unless it is part of the institution’s name.

Write the course number and name and the instructor name as shown on institutional materials (e.g., the syllabus). The course number and name are often separated by a colon (e.g., PST-4510: History and Systems Psychology). Write the assignment due date in the month, date, and year format used in your country (e.g., Sept. 10, 2020).

Title page line spacing

Double-space the whole title page. Place the paper title three or four lines down from the top of the page. Add an extra double-spaced blank like between the paper title and the byline. Then, list the other title page elements on separate lines, without extra lines in between.

Title page alignment

Center all title page elements (except the right-aligned page number in the header).

Title page font

Write the title page using the same font and font size as the rest of your paper. Bold the paper title. Use standard font (i.e., no bold, no italics) for all other title page elements.

Text elements

Repeat the paper title at the top of the first page of text. Begin the paper with an introduction to provide background on the topic, cite related studies, and contextualize the paper. Use descriptive headings to identify other sections as needed (e.g., Method, Results, Discussion for quantitative research papers). Sections and headings vary depending on the paper type and its complexity. Text can include tables and figures, block quotations, headings, and footnotes.

Text line spacing

Double-space all text, including headings and section labels, paragraphs of text, and block quotations.

Text alignment

Center the paper title on the first line of the text. Indent the first line of all paragraphs 0.5-in.

Left-align the text. Leave the right margin ragged.

Block quotation alignment

Indent the whole block quotation 0.5-in. from the left margin. Double-space the block quotation, the same as other body text. Find more information on the quotations page.

Use the same font throughout the entire paper. Write body text in standard (nonbold, nonitalic) font. Bold only headings and section labels. Use italics sparingly, for instance, to highlight a key term on first use (for more information, see the italics page).

Headings format

For detailed guidance on formatting headings, including headings in the introduction of a paper, see the headings page and the headings in sample papers .

  • Alignment: Center Level 1 headings. Left-align Level 2 and Level 3 headings. Indent Level 4 and Level 5 headings like a regular paragraph.
  • Font: Boldface all headings. Also italicize Level 3 and Level 5 headings. Create heading styles using your word-processing program (built into AcademicWriter, available for Word via the sample papers on the APA Style website).

Tables and figures setup

Tables and figures are only included in student papers if needed for the assignment. Tables and figures share the same elements and layout. See the website for sample tables and sample figures .

Table elements

Tables include the following four elements: 

  • Body (rows and columns)
  • Note (optional if needed to explain elements in the table)

Figure elements

Figures include the following four elements: 

  • Image (chart, graph, etc.)
  • Note (optional if needed to explain elements in the figure)

Table line spacing

Double-space the table number and title. Single-, 1.5-, or double-space the table body (adjust as needed for readability). Double-space the table note.

Figure line spacing

Double-space the figure number and title. The default settings for spacing in figure images is usually acceptable (but adjust the spacing as needed for readability). Double-space the figure note.

Table alignment

Left-align the table number and title. Center column headings. Left-align the table itself and left-align the leftmost (stub) column. Center data in the table body if it is short or left-align the data if it is long. Left-align the table note.

Figure alignment

Left-align the figure number and title. Left-align the whole figure image. The default alignment of the program in which you created your figure is usually acceptable for axis titles and data labels. Left-align the figure note.

Bold the table number. Italicize the table title. Use the same font and font size in the table body as the text of your paper. Italicize the word “Note” at the start of the table note. Write the note in the same font and font size as the text of your paper.

Figure font

Bold the figure number. Italicize the figure title. Use a sans serif font (e.g., Calibri, Arial) in the figure image in a size between 8 to 14 points. Italicize the word “Note” at the start of the figure note. Write the note in the same font and font size as the text of your paper.

Placement of tables and figures

There are two options for the placement of tables and figures in an APA Style paper. The first option is to place all tables and figures on separate pages after the reference list. The second option is to embed each table and figure within the text after its first callout. This guide describes options for the placement of tables and figures embedded in the text. If your instructor requires tables and figures to be placed at the end of the paper, see the table and figure guidelines and the sample professional paper .

Call out (mention) the table or figure in the text before embedding it (e.g., write “see Figure 1” or “Table 1 presents”). You can place the table or figure after the callout either at the bottom of the page, at the top of the next page, or by itself on the next page. Avoid placing tables and figures in the middle of the page.

Embedding at the bottom of the page

Include a callout to the table or figure in the text before that table or figure. Add a blank double-spaced line between the text and the table or figure at the bottom of the page.

Embedding at the top of the page

Include a callout to the table in the text on the previous page before that table or figure. The table or figure then appears at the top of the next page. Add a blank double-spaced line between the end of the table or figure and the text that follows.

Embedding on its own page

Embed long tables or large figures on their own page if needed. The text continues on the next page.

Reference list setup

Reference list elements.

The reference list consists of the “References” section label and the alphabetical list of references. View reference examples on the APA Style website. Consult Chapter 10 in both the Concise Guide and Publication Manual for even more examples.

Reference list line spacing

Start the reference list at the top of a new page after the text. Double-space the entire reference list (both within and between entries).

Reference list alignment

Center the “References” label. Apply a hanging indent of 0.5-in. to all reference list entries. Create the hanging indent using your word-processing program; do not manually hit the enter and tab keys.

Reference list font

Bold the “References” label at the top of the first page of references. Use italics within reference list entries on either the title (e.g., webpages, books, reports) or on the source (e.g., journal articles, edited book chapters).

Final checks

Check page order.

  • Start each section on a new page.
  • Arrange pages in the following order:
  • Title page (page 1).
  • Text (starts on page 2).
  • Reference list (starts on a new page after the text).

Check headings

  • Check that headings accurately reflect the content in each section.
  • Start each main section with a Level 1 heading.
  • Use Level 2 headings for subsections of the introduction.
  • Use the same level of heading for sections of equal importance.
  • Avoid having only one subsection within a section (have two or more, or none).

Check assignment instructions

  • Remember that instructors’ guidelines supersede APA Style.
  • Students should check their assignment guidelines or rubric for specific content to include in their papers and to make sure they are meeting assignment requirements.

Tips for better writing

  • Ask for feedback on your paper from a classmate, writing center tutor, or instructor.
  • Budget time to implement suggestions.
  • Use spell-check and grammar-check to identify potential errors, and then manually check those flagged.
  • Proofread the paper by reading it slowly and carefully aloud to yourself.
  • Consult your university writing center if you need extra help.

About the author

how to write the cover page of an assignment

Undergraduate student resources

  • How to setup your software
  • Sample MLA Paper – normal paper
  • Sample MLA Paper – has cover page
  • Sample APA Paper
  • Sample Chicago Paper
  • Sample CSE Paper
  • APA Format Guidelines
  • MLA Format Cover Page

The Modern Language Association (MLA) does not require you to create a cover page when you complete your research paper, but some instructors may require it.

If your instructor requires your paper to have a cover page, here is how to make it (very easy). This cover page should include: your school name, your research paper title, your name, your class, your professor name and your paper due date.

How to Format Your MLA Cover Page:

  • This page is double spaced and the letters are centered.
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • The first letter of each word should be capitalized with the exception of very short words such as: the, and, of, or, a, an, in, to, for. Note: the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, regardless of what kind of word it is.
  • Type the name of your university or college.
  • Skip to about one-third of the page and type your research paper title, include a subtitle if you have.
  • Skip several lines down and type your name, your course name and number, your instructor name and your paper’s due date.

Sample MLA Format Cover Page:

how to write the cover page of an assignment

Sample MLA Format Cover Page

Alternate First Page:

If your instructor requires a cover page, you would omit the main heading on your first page. Here is an example of the first page if a cover page is used. You still need your last name and page number on the first page and every other page.

how to write the cover page of an assignment

Sample MLA Format First Page with Cover Page

how to write the cover page of an assignment

Sample MLA Paper:

Visit here for a sample paper with the cover page. The cover page can vary slightly. This paper also has the outline page for your sample.

If you find this website useful, please share with a friend:

How do I get the header on the second page on down? I tried editing it but then it takes the header away from all the pages.

In word select the header then go to: Header & Footer>Page Number>Format Page Numbers>Page Numbering>Start at page>Set to 0

How do I get the header on the second page on down? I tried editing it but then it takes the header away from all the pages. I am using windows. Also, the page numbers are not working for me either. Please help me.

How should I start the page after my cover page?


Thank you so much Stephen !!! Helped a lot in my written assignments 🙂

Great site ! Thank you so much. Just returned to school to complete my bachelors and needed a little refreshing. Has all the information I needed !

Thanks so much for all of the great information! I have not used MLA before and was a little panic stricken. I have found all of my answers here. This is now saved to my favorites so I can use it regularly. Thanks again!

Should the lines on the cover page be double spaced?

Thanks so much for the picture of the cover page it has helped a lot. But, I was wondering do I still need to put my Title at the top of every page after the header?

Hello Lydia. You do not.

After your cover page, your next page’s heading should look like the “Alternate First Page” above.

After the “Alternate First Page” => your next pages should have “The Inner Pages” heading: https://mlaformat.org/mla-format-heading/

Sample paper: https://mlaformat.org/mla-format-sample-paper-with-cover-page-and-outline/

hey Lydia you don’t need to but if you want to you can

Thank you so so much. I love the simplicity of the website, very easy to understand. I finally have a cover page for my paper!!

I love this website!! It helped so many times with all my essays. I’m working on a college one and this was very useful. Thank you soo much. And thanks for the examples im a visual person I needed that 🙂

Hi Kaylin, I am glad you find this site useful. Take care!

By the way (sorry i forgot!) for the coverpage, would the text font be 12 times new roman???

You can set everything 12, Times New Roman. Or you can set the Title a little larger than 12, that should work too.

In the example above, I have the title larger than 12.

Here is an example with everything set at 12.

Thank you so much for your help on this useful website! I found it very organized and I’m very glad that I came across this particular article. Thanks!!!!!!!:)

I have a question regarding the cover page and the following pages. If I have a cover page as the example provided, do I still need the heading on the next page? And should the pages after that contain my last name on the top left as the header does on the on the previous pages? or do I not need the header at all if I have the cover page and just my name?

Excellence question, Stella! I have updated this article with information on the first page if a cover page is used. Please see “Alternate First Page” above.

You can omit the main heading but you still need your last name and page number on the first page and all subsequent pages. Take care!

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Copyright © 2011–2024 • MLA Format • All rights reserved. Currently, MLA is at its 8th edition. This website has no official relationship with the Modern Language Association and is not endorsed by the MLA.

American Psychological Association

Title Page Setup

A title page is required for all APA Style papers. There are both student and professional versions of the title page. Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor or institution has requested they use the professional version. APA provides a student title page guide (PDF, 199KB) to assist students in creating their title pages.

Student title page

The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.

diagram of a student page

Title page setup is covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 2.3 and the Concise Guide Section 1.6

how to write the cover page of an assignment

Related handouts

  • Student Title Page Guide (PDF, 263KB)
  • Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3MB)

Student papers do not include a running head unless requested by the instructor or institution.

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names

Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Cecily J. Sinclair and Adam Gonzaga

Author affiliation

For a student paper, the affiliation is the institution where the student attends school. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author name(s).

Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

Course number and name

Provide the course number as shown on instructional materials, followed by a colon and the course name. Center the course number and name on the next double-spaced line after the author affiliation.

PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology

Instructor name

Provide the name of the instructor for the course using the format shown on instructional materials. Center the instructor name on the next double-spaced line after the course number and name.

Dr. Rowan J. Estes

Assignment due date

Provide the due date for the assignment. Center the due date on the next double-spaced line after the instructor name. Use the date format commonly used in your country.

October 18, 2020
18 October 2020

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Professional title page

The professional title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation(s), author note, running head, and page number, as shown in the following example.

diagram of a professional title page

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the professional title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names


Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Francesca Humboldt

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals after author names to connect the names to the appropriate affiliation(s). If all authors have the same affiliation, superscript numerals are not used (see Section 2.3 of the for more on how to set up bylines and affiliations).

Tracy Reuter , Arielle Borovsky , and Casey Lew-Williams

Author affiliation


For a professional paper, the affiliation is the institution at which the research was conducted. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author names; when there are multiple affiliations, center each affiliation on its own line.


Department of Nursing, Morrigan University

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals before affiliations to connect the affiliations to the appropriate author(s). Do not use superscript numerals if all authors share the same affiliations (see Section 2.3 of the for more).

Department of Psychology, Princeton University
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University

Author note

Place the author note in the bottom half of the title page. Center and bold the label “Author Note.” Align the paragraphs of the author note to the left. For further information on the contents of the author note, see Section 2.7 of the .


The running head appears in all-capital letters in the page header of all pages, including the title page. Align the running head to the left margin. Do not use the label “Running head:” before the running head.

Prediction errors support children’s word learning

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


how to write the cover page of an assignment

How to Make a Cover Page for Assignment

Table of Contents

What Is the Cover Page of an Assignment

What does the title page contain, how to make assignment first page, assignment cover page example, some useful resources to approach cover page making.

Without a doubt, if you have already written at least one college assignment, the chances are high that you know a bit about the rules of composing an assignment cover page. Even if this concept sounds new to you, the importance of an accurate cover assignment cannot be ignored. It is one of the most crucial attention grabbers. It provides metadata with all the vital information like your name, course number, university specifics, and so on. While it will always depend on each particular course, there are still rules that one must know and check along the way as the assignment is composed.

Another reason why a cover page is important for every college assignment is the first impression factor. It is the first element that your college professor would encounter by seeing your paper. Therefore, if your cover sheet is not done properly in terms of style and format or has anything missing, it will make an instant impression that you are not focused and attentive. Likewise, it can impact your final grade in a negative way. As you might be asking for some assignment help online , make sure that you share detailed information about your cover assignment requirements to do everything correctly. It is exactly the case where being precise matters!

While the rules might differ for every style format and the university in question, there are still obligatory parts that will be met in almost every institution. As you may be asked to follow the classic MLA header format with the name and the title written on the left top part of the page, you may still be required to create a separate cover page. It is done to help the teachers see the content and to avoid mixing up subjects they have to check. The obligatory cover page elements must include (in the following order):

  • Assignment Title . This is your name part of the cover page that takes the central part of the page. The title is always centered. As for the cover page for assignment font size, always consult your academic advisor.
  • Student’s Name . The cover assignment format requires your full name as written on the student’s card. You may also have to include your academic advisor below your name if your course requires so. It is also the part where your registration number or any other critical details may be mentioned.
  • Academic Details . It means that you should provide your academic information like the name of the professor, class name, section number, relevant paper details, subject name.
  • The Date and Signature . Always provide the current date according to your format and style. In certain cases, you may have to include your handwritten signature, especially for the final college assignment cover page or when you are granted laboratory access.

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You have two options to write an assignment first page:

  • Download your university’s cover page template.
  • Make your own from scratch.
  • Find free templates and replace the information for your paper type with all the obligatory fields that must be included.

In either case, your assignment title page will always depend on your academic writing format (APA, MLA, etc).

Below is the basic university cover page sample that you can use as a visual reference. Do not forget that in certain cases you will have to use your university’s cover page template that will have a shiny header included, unlike this one.

Assignment Cover Page Example

Essentially, you should always check with your college professor regarding what kind of information must be included and how your cover page must be formatted. It is always good to have a good example.

Here are some useful resources related to cover page tasks for all purposes (not only your university assignments!):

  • Design Cover Pages Online for Free.
  • Professional Report Cover Page Templates.
  • Free Cover Page Images.
  • Purdue Owl’s APA Formatting Guide.
  • 43 Free MS Word Cover Page Templates .

Remember that these should be used as assignment front page templates. It means that you can download any of them and adjust things to match your course name and the other requirements. Do not forget to check every point regarding space and indents twice!

As you are done with your cover page, check the spelling of your name for mistakes and verify the other important spellings twice. Next, take a look at the current date to ensure that you have the correct formatting. As the final measure, check the general formatting rules in terms of spacing and fonts. If your university does not provide you with a template, you can approach one of the free templates above or have a talk with your college professor in case of any doubts!

how to write the cover page of an assignment

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how to write the cover page of an assignment


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7 best tips for your assignment cover page with example.

Someone rightly said, “The first impression is the last impression.” As in your cover sheet is the first thing your teacher shall see at university and it can create an immediate impact. This can either make or break your grades.

What is an assignment cover sheet?

A cover sheet in an assignment is basically a page used by the student on completion of their assignment which includes a brief data of what topics and concerns are included in the project. This helps the reader to go through a project briefly in a short duration of time. Also, some universities provide cover sheet templates which are in a standard format and it just requires print and filing like any other form. Therefore it is an important sheet in any assignment as it can bring you into the limelight and get you noticed.

assignment cover sheet

What are the essentials of a cover page?

If a teacher is going through any of your assignments he/she should feel that they are absolutely not wasting their time and henceforth certain important elements must be included which are as follows:

  • Title of the project.
  • Subject on which the assignment has been written.
  • Details of the students which includes name, roll number etc.
  • Date of submission.
  • Information of the university.

7 Tips for Writing Assignment Cover Sheet

Fonts and display:.

One should always take care while writing a cover sheet as they should completely avoid using fancy texts and instead should always choose bold, clear and simple texts. This helps in easy understanding and also students should avoid using a picture as a background in the cover sheet as it might create issues in a proper visibility of the texts.


Presentation is  the most essential thing. As said before, this page creates an impact on the teacher who shall decide your grades on this basis. Therefore, students should make sure that their cover sheet should convey the best options.

Grammar and spellings:

Before the submission of the projects students must review their assignment as spelling errors can create a bad impression of the student on the reader.

Always be honest with what you are writing as you might not have gone to the best of school or university but you still have enough to present. Plagiarism or any kind of dishonesty can bring down your grades and impression. These assignments given by universities are very important as they might help you in job interviews too. So, a student should be very serious and honest with whatever they are writing.

The flow is important:

The pattern or order in which you write is very important. The content should of course flow in a proper sequence and should seem to us as inter connected. Each paragraph should share one thought and then should flow into the other.

Do not miss out on your personal details:

One should make sure that they write down their name.  Also the name should always be written in a slightly bigger font size than the font size used in describing your assignment.

Restrict your word limit:

It is not the quantity of words that matter, it is usually the quality of words that usually matter. In a cover sheet one should make sure that you don’t unnecessarily insert stuff which are not required and instead make sure that you include just the major ideas.

Example of a cover sheet

assignment cover sheet template

Fig: format or an example of cover sheet of a college assignment.

Therefore a cover sheet in any of the assignment has rightly been said as one of the most important pages as it incorporates  the necessary details of the project which includes the title, certain important information about the project along with the declaration and authorship which also includes the detail of the writer of the project. Nowadays, we also have a pre-designed sheets in many software in the form of templates which make our work easier as you simply have to download, print and fill in the necessary information.

Microsoft word has definitely made our work easier by providing us a ready made cover sheets which can either be readily used or can also be customized accordingly. It can definitely help you prepare the best cover sheets within a limited word and also time.

Cover page has to be inserted in almost all kinds of work assignments which comprise lab reports, research paper, essay or any other classroom projects. Some assignment cover sheet might have a restricted word limit which needs to be followed therefore the author must learn to put every detail in a concise manner avoiding compound sentences.

Hence, cover sheet is a very important sheet creating a first impression on the teacher and thus it should be prepared nicely with all the important details filled in.

HelpWithAssignment offers the best assignment help and homework help for all undergraduate and post-graduate courses. We have a pool of best tutors online equipped with Masters and Ph.D. in their respective fields and they can help you with your assignment needs ensuring top grades in your respective courses.

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Fill up the assignment help request form on the right or drop us an email at [email protected] .  Feel free to contact our customer support on the company 24/7 Live chat or call us on 312-224-1615.

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how to write the cover page of an assignment

How to Write Assignment Cover Page Explained with Examples

William James

William James

One of the crucial queries of the assignment is how to draft an Assignment, Cover Page. Being the attraction point of an assignment holds great importance in the presentation. It usually requires the assignment title to be significant to the subject. For instance, if the subject is literature, you must find a title with literary essence. Nonetheless, when the subject is maths or any other technical course, the title should describe the specific subject according to the discipline. Many people do not know the essential tricks of writing a cover page, and therefore we thought of shedding some light on the steps of writing an Assignment Cover Page.

What is the commonly known guideline for the Assignment cover page?

Generally, students are required to follow the MLA format for university assignments. The name and assignment and that page are regarded as the cover page.

However, some universities ask students to make a separate page dedicated to the use of a cover page. It represents the assignment by adding it before the assignment's first page. It includes the assignment cover page, which has appropriate information that helps teachers get more clarity on the topic, students' details and overall content.

Here is a quick example by assignment help experts- if you are working on the mathematics assignment and the topic is the relationship between the radius, circumference and diameter of a circle, now it clearly shows that it is related to geometry. Now you can look further to read the paper that comes with more interest.

In any Assignment Cover Page, there has to be uniformity in providing titles. There are various title ethics based on the subject of your writing. But do not worry if you have little knowledge about the cover page, and read the blog below!

Furthermore, consult the Online Assignment Expert for some unique ideas along with samples that motivate you to complete your Assignment Cover Page within the set guidelines.

What is a cover page?

According to the assignment help mentors, a cover page is a part of an assignment or any academic project meant to provide the reader with general information regarding the assignment. It is known as the introductory section, which should include requisite information for submitting the project. In certain cases, courses and fields, there are those dealing with medical or legal issues. In that case, there will be content required for the cover page that includes your name, contact information, mailing address, and other relevant information.

What key points should a cover page have for a college assignment?

As we all know, the Assignment Cover Page is a vital part of the project, whether it is a case study, research or thesis. It also provides general detail about the entire assignment and helps readers find the necessary information. The assignment's main purpose is to give the reader a gist of what you have done and why.

Additionally, the main purpose of the cover page is to mention the student's name, teacher’s name, roll number, and what course the assignments belong to. Here is what essay helper experts suggest you include in your next Assignment Cover Page for much clarity.

● Title- an attractive title for the assignment.

● Credits- All the acknowledgements, people involved as the supporters and your instructor’s name.

● Date- The date on which the assignment is submitted.

● page- The precise page that states that the professor has read and approved the essay.

● Copyright page- This page includes a statement that the document belongs to the student. It can include statements forbidding duplication or distribution without a person's permission.

With these easy tips and steps, one can easily compose the Assignment Cover Page. However, if nothing works out, ensure you attain the assignment help in Australia for an impeccable learning experience with the Online Assignment Expert. Book your session now!

How to Score HD Grade In Nursing Assignments? Your Roadmap To Success!

William James

Written by William James

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how to write the cover page of an assignment

28+ Best Free Assignment Cover Page Formats for MS Word

What is an assignment cover page, key elements for a comprehensive front page.

  • Institution Details: Begin by prominently featuring the name of your school, college, or institute. This establishes credibility and provides context for your assignment.
  • Personal Information: Include your own name to indicate authorship and ownership of the assignment. This adds a personal touch and facilitates easy identification.
  • Assignment Title: Clearly state the title of your assignment, conveying its purpose and focus. A concise and informative title sets the tone for your work.
  • Course Information: Specify the relevant course title or code to indicate the academic context in which your assignment was completed. This assists in proper categorization and organization.
  • Instructor’s Name: Acknowledge the teacher or professor who will be evaluating your assignment by including their name. This demonstrates respect and professionalism.
  • Due Date: Clearly indicate the deadline or due date for the assignment submission. This ensures timely assessment and helps you stay organized.

What are the basic tips?

  • Font style : It is always in the best interest to use bold, simple, and clear text instead of using fancy text fonts and styles. This helps the reader understand things in a better way.  Moreover, the usage of pictures behind texts must be avoided as it creates poor visibility for the reader when reading the text printed on it.
  • Presentation: Presentation plays an important role in expressing what you need to convey to someone and how you need to communicate it. Presenting the title page in the most effective manner is essential as this leaves an impression on the teacher reading the assignment. It also acts as a decisive tool for the teacher whether or not he/ she interestingly goes through the whole document.
  • Spell Check: Before handing over the assignment, one should take a brief review of all the spelling and also look for any grammatical errors.
  • Avoid plagiarism: A student must always be honest in what he writes. He should avoid copying material or texts from anywhere.
  • Personal detail: One should never forget to mention his/her name. The font size used for writing the name must be bigger so that it makes the name visible to the teacher.

Advantages of an Impressive Assignment Cover Page

  • Showcasing Professionalism: By meticulously designing your cover page, you demonstrate a strong commitment to professionalism. This attention to detail reflects positively on your work ethic and sets you apart as a dedicated student.
  • Creating a Positive Impression: A well-crafted front page sets the tone for your assignment, capturing the attention of your teacher or professor. It establishes a positive first impression, arousing their interest and encouraging them to delve further into your work.
  • Enhancing Visual Appeal: A visually appealing cover page enhances the overall presentation of your assignment. With carefully chosen fonts, colors, and layouts, you create an engaging and aesthetically pleasing introduction that captivates the reader’s attention.
  • Communicating Pertinent Information: It provides a concise summary of essential details, such as the assignment title, your name, and the due date. This ensures clarity and facilitates seamless identification and organization of your work.
  • Reflecting a Professional Attitude: By dedicating time and effort to creating an impressive cover page, you exemplify a professional attitude towards your academic pursuits. This level of dedication and care leaves a lasting impression on your teacher or professor.

Download Free Cover Page Templates

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Versatile Designs and Layouts for Every Purpose

  • Assignment Types: Our templates are designed specifically for different types of assignments, such as case studies, critical reviews, essays, syllabi, and business projects. Each template is tailored to suit the requirements and objectives of its respective assignment type.
  • Academic Disciplines: Our collection includes templates suitable for various academic disciplines like biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, English, geography, mathematics, physics, and social studies. Each template aligns with the themes and aesthetics of its corresponding discipline.
  • Purposes: Whether you are a student, educator, or professional, our templates serve multiple purposes. They can be used for university assignments, school projects, research papers, or any academic or professional endeavor that requires a polished cover page.
  • Designs, Layouts, and Styles: Our templates offer a diverse range of designs, from minimalistic and clean to visually captivating and sophisticated. You can choose from different layouts that creatively arrange text, images, and graphics. Our templates cater to a variety of styles, ensuring there is something for everyone’s preferences.

User-Friendly Customization: Make It Your Own

  • Easy Modifications: We believe in keeping things simple. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly modify our templates to suit your specific requirements. Change colors, fonts, and layouts with ease, and watch your cover page transform before your eyes.
  • Colors and Themes: Infuse it with the perfect color scheme and themes that truly represent your assignment. Our templates offer a wide range of options, so you can find the ideal palette and theme that resonate with your content.
  • Font Selection: The right font can make all the difference. Choose from our diverse selection of fonts to enhance the visual appeal and readability. From elegant and professional to modern and bold, we have fonts to suit every style.
  • Layout Flexibility: It should reflect your unique presentation style. With our templates, you have the freedom to experiment with different layouts, arranging titles, subtitles, images, and text blocks in a way that best suits your assignment.

Benefits of Using Professionally Designed Templates: Make an Impact with Ease

  • Time and Effort Saving: Our professionally designed templates eliminate the need to start from scratch. With pre-designed layouts, styles, and graphics, you can save valuable time and effort in creating visually appealing front pages. Simply customize the template to suit your assignment’s requirements, and you’re ready to impress.
  • Consistency and Professionalism: Using our templates ensures consistency in your assignment submissions. The standardized design elements and formatting guidelines help maintain a professional appearance throughout your work. Presenting your assignments with a polished title page enhances the overall quality and credibility of your content.
  • Visual Appeal: A visually appealing title page grabs attention and sets the tone for your assignment. Our templates are thoughtfully crafted by design professionals, incorporating aesthetically pleasing elements, color schemes, and typography. By leveraging these designs, you can effortlessly create eye-catching cover pages that captivate your professors or readers.
  • Positive Impression: First impressions matter, and a well-designed cover page leaves a positive impact on professors and readers alike. Showcasing your assignment in a professional and visually appealing manner demonstrates your dedication and attention to detail. It sets the stage for an engaging reading experience, encouraging your audience to delve deeper into your work.
  • User-Friendly Customization: Our templates are designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to add your personal touch without technical expertise. You can modify text, colors, images, and other elements to align with your assignment’s theme and requirements. This flexibility ensures that your cover page reflects your unique style while maintaining a professional look.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact: Make Your Cover Page Stand Out

  • Choose Colors Wisely: Select colors that complement your assignment’s theme and evoke the desired emotions. Vibrant colors can grab attention, while muted tones create a sense of elegance. Maintain consistency with your assignment’s overall design and avoid using too many colors that may distract from the main message.
  • Opt for Legible Fonts: Use clear and readable fonts to enhance the accessibility and professionalism of your cover page. Avoid overly decorative or complex fonts that may hinder readability. Opt for fonts that align with your assignment’s tone and maintain consistency throughout the document.
  • Incorporate Relevant Graphics: Graphics can enhance the visual appeal of your cover page and reinforce the assignment’s subject matter. Choose images or icons that are directly related to the topic or convey the assignment’s main concept. Ensure that the graphics are high-quality and appropriately sized to maintain clarity.
  • Organize Information Effectively: Arrange the information in a logical and visually appealing manner. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down content and make it easier to read. Highlight key details such as the assignment title, your name, course information, and submission date.
  • Maintain Simplicity: While it’s important to make it visually appealing, avoid cluttering it with excessive elements. Keep the design clean and uncluttered, allowing the key information to stand out. Remember, simplicity often has a greater impact than complexity.
  • Preview and Proofread: Before finalizing, preview it to ensure that all elements are properly aligned and visually balanced. Proofread the content to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. A polished and error-free cover demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.

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  3. Simple way to write the front page of any assignment in Stylish

  4. Assignment cover page design

  5. Cover Page Design #shorts #viral #drawing

  6. Ms Word Cover Page Design


  1. How to Write an Essay Cover Page

    Cover pages can include the name of your school, your paper title, your name, your course name, your teacher or professor's name, and the due date of the paper. If you are unsure of what to include, check with your instructor. Here is an example of a cover page in MLA format: For more help making cover or title pages, visit our title page ...

  2. How To Make A Cover Page For An Assignment? An Ultimate Guide

    1. Margins: Leave one-inch margins on all sides of your cover page to give it a neat look and provide space for your text. 2. Font: Stick to Times or Times New Roman font in 12 pt size for a professional appearance that's easy to read. 3. Spacing: Double-space the text on your cover page to make it clear and readable.

  3. APA Title Page (7th edition)

    The student version of the APA title page should include the following information (double spaced and centered): Paper title. Author name. Department and university name. Course number and name. Instructor name. Due date of the assignment. The professional title page also includes an author note (flushed left), but not a course name, instructor ...

  4. APA Title Page (Cover Page) Format, Example, & Templates

    In APA Style (7th edition), the cover page, or title page, should include: A running head (professional papers only) and page number. The title of the paper. The name of the author (s) The institutional affiliation. An author note; optional (professional papers only) A student paper should also include course information.

  5. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Title Page Elements • The affiliation consists of the department of the course and the name of the university. • Write the course number and name and instructor name as shown on course materials. • Use the date format used in your country for the assignment due date. • Page number 1 appears in the top right of the page in the page header.

  6. How to Make a Cover Page: Templates for Different Essay Formats

    The cover page format of ASA is based on APA and includes a running head. In ASA, keep your header below 60 characters. Another distinction is that ASA mandates the inclusion of a total word count on the cover sheet, encompassing footnotes and references. Additionally, include your name and course.

  7. How to Create A Cover Page in Word

    An easy to follow tutorial demonstrating all the tools and techniques needed to create a cover page for your assignment, report or thesis. The themes, graph...

  8. APA Title Page / Cover Page

    The running head, a header at the top of the page. The first page number. The title of the paper; Your name; The institution for which you writing. Running head. The running head should be in the top-left corner of the page in uppercase. It should include a shortened title of your paper. On the front page only, it should also be prepended with ...

  9. How to Make a Cover Page: APA, MLA & Chicago

    1. Include your contact information. Type your full name, address, phone number, and e-mail address in the upper left corner of the cover page. While you may choose to include the title of your manuscript on the cover page, this is a separate document from the title page. Use your real name.

  10. How to Create a Cover Page in Microsoft Word (Built-In and Custom)

    You can quickly create a cover page using a built-in design. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon. Figure 1. Insert tab. Select Cover Page in the Pages group. Figure 2. Cover Page button. Choose a built-in design from the gallery in the drop-down menu. (Hover over More Cover Pages from Office.com for additional options.)

  11. How to write a cover page (including cover page examples)

    To write this cover page, include your institution, the title of your paper and the author's name. Use Times New Roman font in size 12, centre it on the page and ensure it's double spaced. Example: Pollution in the Arctic Effects of Pollution: An Arctic Environmental Study Henry Smith Birmingham University.

  12. A step-by-step guide for creating and formatting APA Style student papers

    Write the assignment due date in the month, date, and year format used in your country (e.g., Sept. 10, 2020). Title page line spacing. Double-space the whole title page. Place the paper title three or four lines down from the top of the page. Add an extra double-spaced blank like between the paper title and the byline.

  13. MLA Format Cover Page

    How to Format Your MLA Cover Page: This page is double spaced and the letters are centered. Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12; The first letter of each word should be capitalized with the exception of very short words such as: the, and, of, or, a, an, in, to, for.

  14. Title page setup

    Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page. Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize major words of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired.

  15. How to Make a Cover Page for Assignment Guide

    Student's Name. The cover assignment format requires your full name as written on the student's card. You may also have to include your academic advisor below your name if your course requires so. It is also the part where your registration number or any other critical details may be mentioned. Academic Details.

  16. Creating a Cover Page for an Assignment

    Learn how to use Microsoft Word to create a cover page for an assignment

  17. 7 Best Tips For Your Assignment Cover Page with Example

    7 Tips for Writing Assignment Cover Sheet Fonts and display: One should always take care while writing a cover sheet as they should completely avoid using fancy texts and instead should always choose bold, clear and simple texts. This helps in easy understanding and also students should avoid using a picture as a background in the cover sheet ...

  18. How to Write Assignment Cover Page Explained with Examples

    Here is what essay helper experts suggest you include in your next Assignment Cover Page for much clarity. Title- an attractive title for the assignment. Credits- All the acknowledgements, people ...

  19. How to Make Your Assignment Stand Out with a Killer Cover Page

    Basic cover page: This type of cover page typically includes the title of the assignment, the student's name, the instructor's name, the course name and code, and the submission date. APA cover page : APA style is a commonly used citation style in academic writing, and includes specific requirements for the formatting of the cover page.

  20. How to Do an Assignment Cover Page

    They include the following: 1. Name of the task's executor. If an article has a couple of authors, then their names are written in the sequence of their authorship disclosure. It's preferable to use full names and avoid using initials, in order to avoid confusion. 2. Assignment's topic.

  21. 28+ Free Assignment Cover Page Templates for MS Word

    Download Free Cover Page Templates. Explore our collection of 23 beautifully designed cover page templates in Microsoft Word format. These templates feature captivating colors and layouts that are sure to make a lasting impression. Simply click on the preview image of each template and download it for free.

  22. How to do a Cover Page Design for Assignment in MS Word

    In this video, you will watch that how to design a cover page for an Assignment Template in Microsoft Word.You can also download this Assignment Cover Page T...

  23. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.

  24. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    4. Write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. Start your cover letter with an informative, direct introduction.. In the first one or two sentences, mention the position and organization you're applying for, where you found the position, and why you're excited about the opportunity.