101 Inspirational Quotes for Thesis: Finding the Words

Inspirational Quotes for Thesis Finding the Words

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of inspirational quotes to help you stay motivated and inspired as you work on your thesis. From words of encouragement to motivational reminders, these quotes are perfect for inspiring you to stay focused, positive, and productive throughout the writing process. So, if you’re looking for some inspiration to help you write your thesis or know someone who is, keep reading for 101 uplifting quotes that will inspire and empower you to achieve your academic goals.

101 Inspirational Quotes for Thesis

1. “In the pursuit of knowledge, one finds the courage to redefine possibilities.”

2. “A thesis is not just a conclusion; it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth.”

3. “Through the lens of perseverance, the thesis unveils its true brilliance.”

4. “Doubt not your abilities, for within a thesis lies the power to transform minds.”

5. “In the face of challenges, a thesis becomes a testament to unwavering determination.”

6. “The thesis is the symphony of ideas, harmonizing the rhythm of academia.”

7. “To write a thesis is to sow seeds of wisdom, nurturing the fields of innovation.”

8. “Amidst the darkest doubts, the thesis illuminates the path to enlightenment.”

9. “In the pursuit of truth, a thesis unveils the beauty of intellectual honesty.”

10. “A thesis is the manifestation of dreams woven into scholarly reality.”

11. “The thesis is the mirror reflecting the researcher’s soul.”

12. “Within the labyrinth of knowledge, the thesis becomes the guiding star.”

13. “Like a phoenix rising, the thesis transforms the ashes of uncertainty into knowledge.”

14. “A thesis stands tall on the pillars of curiosity and resilience.”

15. “Through the valleys of research, the thesis climbs mountains of understanding.”

16. “A thesis whispers the language of change, echoing across generations.”

17. “The thesis is the bridge connecting the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

18. “A thesis is a garden where ideas bloom and bloom again.”

19. “In the face of ambiguity, the thesis paints clarity with words.”

20. “Within the binding of a thesis, dreams ascend to new heights.”

21. “The thesis is the constellation of ideas, mapping the universe of knowledge.”

22. “A thesis is the masterpiece of dedication and intellectual artistry.”

23. “Through the storm of doubt, a thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

24. “Within the crucible of research, the thesis forges diamonds of understanding.”

25. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared through the corridors of time.”

26. “In the symphony of academia, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

27. “A thesis is not just an end, but a beginning of limitless possibilities.”

28. “Through the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the fabric of progress.”

29. “The thesis is the elixir of wisdom, nurturing minds for generations to come.”

30. “A thesis is a road less traveled, where innovation finds its way.”

31. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blossoms like a rare and precious flower.”

32. “The thesis is the compass guiding explorers through the seas of knowledge.”

33. “A thesis is the echo of countless voices, shaping the future of understanding.”

34. “Through the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

35. “The thesis is the flame that ignites the torch of wisdom in others.”

36. “A thesis stands firm, an everlasting monument to intellectual achievement.”

37. “In the silence of contemplation, the thesis speaks volumes of insight.”

38. “The thesis is the heartbeat of curiosity, pulsing with the rhythm of discovery.”

39. “A thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

40. “Through the tunnel of research, the thesis emerges into the light of knowledge.”

41. “The thesis is the lighthouse that guides scholars through uncharted waters.”

42. “A thesis is the constellation of ideas, illuminating the sky of academia.”

43. “In the realm of academia, the thesis reigns as the king of enlightenment.”

44. “The thesis is the gateway to new worlds, unlocked by the key of knowledge.”

45. “A thesis is the river that flows through the valleys of understanding.”

46. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

47. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

48. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

49. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

50. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

51. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

52. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

53. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

54. “A thesis is the catalyst that sparks the wildfire of curiosity.”

55. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blooms like a rare and exquisite flower.”

56. “The thesis is the constellation of insights, mapping the vast universe of knowledge.”

57. “A thesis is not just an end, but the beginning of a journey into unexplored realms.”

58. “Through the labyrinth of research, the thesis finds the hidden treasure of wisdom.”

59. “The thesis is the heartbeat of scholarly pursuit, pulsing with the rhythm of progress.”

60. “A thesis is the mirror reflecting the soul of the researcher, forever imprinted in ink.”

61. “In the symphony of ideas, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

62. “The thesis is the bridge that connects the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

63. “A thesis is the seed that sprouts into forests of innovation and progress.”

64. “Through the storm of doubt, the thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

65. “The thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

66. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared across generations.”

67. “In the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

68. “The thesis is the compass that guides explorers through the uncharted seas of knowledge.”

69. “A thesis is the lighthouse that shines light on the path of understanding.”

70. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

71. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

72. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

73. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

74. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

75. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

76. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

77. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

78. “A thesis is the catalyst that sparks the wildfire of curiosity.”

79. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blooms like a rare and exquisite flower.”

80. “The thesis is the constellation of insights, mapping the vast universe of knowledge.”

81. “A thesis is not just an end, but the beginning of a journey into unexplored realms.”

82. “Through the labyrinth of research, the thesis finds the hidden treasure of wisdom.”

83. “The thesis is the heartbeat of scholarly pursuit, pulsing with the rhythm of progress.”

84. “A thesis is the mirror reflecting the soul of the researcher, forever imprinted in ink.”

85. “In the symphony of ideas, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

86. “The thesis is the bridge that connects the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

87. “A thesis is the seed that sprouts into forests of innovation and progress.”

88. “Through the storm of doubt, the thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

89. “The thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

90. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared across generations.”

91. “In the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

92. “The thesis is the compass that guides explorers through the uncharted seas of knowledge.”

93. “A thesis is the lighthouse that shines light on the path of understanding.”

94. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

95. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

96. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

97. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

98. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

99. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

100. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

101. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

Written by Gabriel Cruz - Foodie, Animal Lover, Slang & Language Enthusiast

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Best Quotes For Phd Students And Graduates

Being a PhD student is a challenging and demanding journey. It requires perseverance, dedication, and a constant hunger for knowledge. Throughout this journey, there are moments of doubt, frustration, and exhaustion. However, there are also moments of joy, discovery, and accomplishment. To capture the essence of this unique experience, here are some of the best quotes for PhD students and graduates that will inspire and motivate them along the way.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes

“The purpose of education is not to fill the mind with facts, but to teach how to think.” – Albert Einstein

  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” – Colin R. Davis

  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

  • “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

These quotes serve as a reminder that the pursuit of a PhD is not just about obtaining a degree, but about personal growth, making a difference, and loving what you do. So, whenever you feel overwhelmed or uncertain, remember these words of wisdom and let them guide you towards success.

The Importance of Persistence

Persistence is crucial for PhD students and graduates as it is a key factor in achieving success in their academic journey. The pursuit of a PhD can often be challenging and demanding, requiring significant dedication, hard work, and perseverance.

One of the main reasons why persistence is important is that it allows individuals to overcome obstacles and setbacks that they may encounter along the way. From failed experiments to rejected research papers, the road to a PhD is filled with moments of frustration and disappointment. However, those who are persistent understand that these setbacks are a natural part of the process and use them as learning opportunities to improve and grow.

In addition, persistence is essential for staying motivated and focused on long-term goals. The pursuit of a PhD can often be a lengthy and arduous journey, lasting several years. During this time, it is common to face moments of doubt and fatigue. However, those who are persistent are able to stay on track and maintain their enthusiasm, even in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, persistence is vital for achieving breakthroughs and making significant contributions to the field of study. Many groundbreaking discoveries and innovations are the result of years of dedicated research and experimentation. PhD students and graduates who are persistent are more likely to make valuable contributions to their respective fields, as they are willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve excellence.

In conclusion, persistence is a crucial attribute for PhD students and graduates. It is the driving force that allows individuals to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and make significant contributions to their field of study. By embracing persistence, PhD students and graduates can enhance their chances of success and make a lasting impact on the academic community.

Embracing Challenges and Failures

PhD students and graduates face many challenges on their academic journey. From conducting extensive research to presenting findings and defending a thesis, each step presents its own set of obstacles. However, it is important to remember that these challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.

Embracing challenges allows PhD students and graduates to push beyond their comfort zones and develop their skills. Whether it’s tackling a complex problem or navigating a new field of study, each challenge provides a chance to expand knowledge and expertise.

Failures are also part of the journey towards a PhD. Research may not always yield the expected results, experiments may fail, and papers may be rejected. However, these setbacks should be seen as stepping stones rather than roadblocks. Each failure is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and improve.

As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” This mindset is crucial for PhD students and graduates. Failure is an inevitable part of academic research, but it is those who embrace it and learn from it who ultimately succeed.

A supportive network of mentors, colleagues, and peers is invaluable in navigating challenges and failures. Seeking guidance and support from these individuals can provide fresh perspectives and help overcome obstacles. Collaboration and the exchange of ideas can lead to innovative solutions and new avenues of research.

Ultimately, embracing challenges and failures is a testament to the resilience and determination of PhD students and graduates. It is through these experiences that they grow as researchers, thinkers, and problem solvers. Each challenge and failure is a stepping stone towards their ultimate goal of contributing to their field of study and making a meaningful impact in academia and beyond.

Key Takeaways:
– Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement.
– View failures as stepping stones and learn from them.
– Seek support and guidance from mentors, colleagues, and peers.
– Embracing challenges and failures is an essential part of the PhD journey.

The Power of Curiosity

Curiosity is the engine that drives innovation. It is the fuel that propels scientists and researchers into uncharted territories of knowledge. Without curiosity, the world would be a stagnant place, devoid of progress and new ideas.

Curiosity sparks the desire to explore, to question, and to dig deeper. It is the driving force behind the pursuit of a PhD, pushing students to constantly seek out new information and challenge established theories. It is the curiosity of PhD students that leads to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in their respective fields.

Curiosity is more than just a thirst for knowledge. It is a mindset, a way of approaching the world with an open mind and a willingness to learn. It allows us to see problems as opportunities, obstacles as challenges to be overcome. It encourages us to keep asking “why?” and “how?” until we find the answers we seek.

Embracing curiosity also means embracing uncertainty. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and venture into the unknown. But it is in that space of uncertainty that true growth and discovery happen. It is where we find the unexpected and the extraordinary.

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” It is this passion for curiosity that separates the extraordinary from the ordinary. It is what allows PhD students and graduates to push the boundaries of knowledge and make a lasting impact on the world.

So, to all the PhD students and graduates out there, embrace the power of curiosity. Let it guide you on your journey of exploration and discovery.

The Value of Collaboration

Collaboration is a key aspect of any research journey, and its value cannot be overstated. By working together with other researchers and experts in your field, you can gain unique insights, access to resources, and a wider perspective on your research topic.

One of the greatest benefits of collaboration is the opportunity to share ideas and learn from others. By engaging in discussions and brainstorming sessions with your colleagues, you can refine your own ideas and develop new perspectives. This collaborative environment fosters creativity and innovation, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in your field.

Collaboration also allows you to leverage the strengths and expertise of others. By pooling resources and sharing responsibilities, you can tackle larger and more complex research projects that would be difficult to accomplish on your own. This teamwork not only enhances the quality of your research but also increases your efficiency and productivity.

In addition, collaborating with other researchers promotes networking and professional growth. By building relationships with colleagues, you can create a strong research network that supports your career development. Collaboration opens doors to new opportunities, such as joint publications, conference presentations, and grants, which can significantly enhance your academic profile.

Furthermore, collaboration promotes diversity and inclusivity in research. Working with researchers from different backgrounds and perspectives brings a range of experiences and insights to the table. This diversity of thought sparks creativity, challenges assumptions, and drives interdisciplinary approaches that can lead to breakthroughs in your research.

In conclusion, collaboration is not only valuable, but it is also essential for PhD students and graduates. By embracing collaboration, you can tap into a world of knowledge, expertise, and support that will enrich your research journey and contribute to your success as a scholar.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Continuing to learn and adapt is crucial for PhD students and graduates. The pursuit of knowledge does not end with a PhD degree; it is an ongoing process that requires constant learning and adaptation to stay relevant in the field.

Here are some quotes that emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptation:

  • “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
  • “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein
  • “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” – Brian Herbert
  • “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler
  • “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” – Abigail Adams
  • “The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein

These quotes remind us that learning should be a lifelong pursuit, and that being open to new ideas and adapting to change is essential for growth and success.

Finding Inspiration and Motivation

Completing a PhD requires a great deal of inspiration and motivation. It is a long and challenging journey that can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are some quotes to help you stay inspired and motivated throughout your PhD:

  • “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.” – Kalpana Chawla

Remember, even on the toughest days, you are making progress and moving closer to your goals. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and believe in your ability to succeed!

Celebrating Small Victories

As a PhD student or graduate, there are often long periods of time where progress seems slow and the end goal feels out of reach. However, it’s important to celebrate the small victories along the way. These small victories serve as motivation and encouragement to keep pushing forward.

Here are some quotes to inspire and remind you to celebrate those small victories:

  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier
  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

Remember, every step forward is a step closer to achieving your goals. Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the small victories along the way. They are proof of your dedication and hard work, and they will ultimately lead you to success.

Making a Difference in the World

As a PhD student or graduate, you have the potential to make a significant difference in the world. Your research and expertise can contribute to solving complex issues and improving the lives of others.

Whether you are conducting research in the field of medicine, engineering, social sciences, or any other discipline, your work has the power to create positive change. Your innovative ideas and discoveries can spark advancements and transform industries.

Being a PhD student or graduate means you have dedicated years of your life to studying and gaining knowledge in a specific area. You have honed your skills and become an expert in your field. This expertise gives you the opportunity to be a thought leader, guiding others and shaping the future.

With your deep understanding and unique perspective, you can challenge existing norms and pave the way for new approaches. By questioning assumptions and pushing boundaries, you can drive innovation and inspire others to think outside the box.

But making a difference doesn’t always mean big, groundbreaking discoveries. Even small actions can have a ripple effect and create positive change. Sharing your knowledge and expertise with others, mentoring aspiring students, or advocating for important causes can all contribute to a better world.

It’s important to remember that making a difference in the world is not a solo endeavor. Collaboration and teamwork are often key to achieving significant impact. By working with colleagues, peers, and other experts, you can leverage collective knowledge and resources to address complex challenges.

So, as a PhD student or graduate, embrace your ability to make a difference. Your research, knowledge, and passion can create a lasting impact and leave a positive legacy for future generations.

“The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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5 inspiring PhD thesis acknowledgement examples

phd thesis quote

Crafting a PhD thesis acknowledgement can be a challenging task, but it can also be an enjoyable one. There are no strict rules or guidelines to follow, allowing for creative freedom. However, seeking inspiration from sample acknowledgements can greatly assist in initiating your own writing process. Here are five PhD thesis acknowledgement examples!

PhD thesis acknowledgement example 1

First and foremost, I would like to thank my PhD supervisors, Prof. Xiu Ling and Prof. Frederic Semoas. Their constant support, guidance, and encouragement have been invaluable throughout the entire process. From the initial stages of refining my research proposal to the final submission of my thesis, their unwavering presence and wealth of wisdom have been instrumental in shaping my academic growth. I highly valued the biweekly meetings we held, which not only served as crucial checkpoints to keep me on track academically, but also provided me with plenty of encouragement. I am profoundly grateful for the immeasurable contributions they made to my development.

In addition to my supervisors, I am indebted to my exceptional lab mates, whose support has been a constant source of motivation. Our collaborative writing sessions and informal chats, whether conducted via screens during lockdowns or in person whenever circumstances allowed, provided a lifeline during the most challenging times. I am proud to say that we became more than just lab partners, but good friends. Paul, thanks for always providing a steady supply of cookies that brought much-needed sweetness to our intense work sessions. Ina, your late-night phone calls helped me to keep my self-doubt in check. And Valeria, your enthusiasm and upbeat character made spending long hours in the lab an enjoyable experience.

Among the most memorable highlights of my PhD journey was the opportunity to participate in the Applied Chemistry Summer School in Belfast. This enriching experience would not have been possible without the dedication and expertise of Dr. Simone and Dr. Erek. I am deeply grateful for the knowledge, connections, and friendships that were forged during that time.

PhD thesis acknowledgement example 2

It takes a village to raise a child” is a well-known proverb, and I strongly believe that completing a PhD also requires the support of a village. Therefore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people who played significant roles in my PhD journey.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Patricia Renault. Your exceptional academic expertise, coupled with your commitment to support early career researchers truly make you a role model in the often competitive realm of academia. Your guidance and encouragement have been invaluable .

Furthermore, I want to thank all the interviewees who generously shared their thoughts and life stories for my research. Without your willingness to participate, my thesis would not have been possible.

PhD thesis acknowledgement example 3

When I embarked on my PhD journey five years ago, little did I know the profound experiences that lay ahead. Fulfilling my long-held dream of pursuing a PhD, time seemed to pass swiftly as I immersed myself in the world of academia. Transitioning from several years in professional practice back to the university environment was both daunting and exhilarating.

During my third and fourth years, I had the privilege of working as a teaching assistant for Prof. Susan Meyers. This role introduced me to the immensely fulfilling world of teaching, from which I gained invaluable knowledge and insights. Prof. Meyers provided exceptional guidance and unwavering support throughout my teaching endeavors.

My greatest aspiration is that my research proves beneficial and contributes to a better understanding of earthquakes. The drive to advance knowledge in this field continues to fuel my motivation and determination. I am deeply grateful to all the individuals mentioned, as none of this would have been possible without their guidance and encouragement. I am excited to see what the future holds.

PhD thesis acknowledgement example 4

“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” —Dr. Seuss

Throughout my PhD journey, I have been fortunate to explore various places and experiences. Moving to Chicago, I had the privilege of joining an exceptional literature department, surrounded by individuals who share a deep passion for reading. Relocating to a new city on my own was challenging, but fate led me to forge a wonderful friendship with my flat mate, Loreen. Loreen, I am grateful for your companionship and support from the very beginning of my PhD.

Participating in a three-minute research pitch competition not only pushed me beyond my comfort zone but also introduced me to an incredible partner, Joshua. It is remarkable how life leads us to unexpected places and introduces us to remarkable people when we least expect it.

Grandma and Grandpa, you made immense sacrifices and worked tirelessly to provide a better life for your children and grandchildren. Look how far we have come! Your dedication and resilience continue to inspire me as I reflect on my achievements.

PhD thesis acknowledgement example 5

To Katie, Felicitas, Aron, Xime, and Andy – you are the best PhD crew in the entire department. Together, we have navigated the challenges and celebrated the triumphs, and I am grateful to have had you by my side.

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Citation guides

All you need to know about citations

How to cite a PhD thesis in APA

APA PhD thesis citation

  • Google Docs

To cite a PhD thesis in a reference entry in APA style 6th edition include the following elements:

  • Author(s) of the thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to seven authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&). For eight or more authors include the first six names followed by an ellipsis (…) and add the last author's name.
  • Year of publication: Give the year in brackets followed by a full stop.
  • Title of the PhD thesis: Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  • URL: Give the full URL where the document can be retrieved from.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a PhD thesis in APA style 6th edition:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis (PhD thesis). Retrieved from URL

If the thesis is available from a database, archive or any online platform use the following template:

  • Author(s) of the thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to 20 authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&). For 21 or more authors include the first 19 names followed by an ellipsis (…) and add the last author's name.
  • Publication number: Give the identification number of the thesis, if available.
  • Name of the degree awarding institution: Give the name of the institution.
  • Name of Platform: Give the name of the database, archive or any platform that holds the thesis.
  • URL: If the thesis was found on a database, omit this element.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a PhD thesis in APA style 7th edition:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis ( Publication number ) [PhD thesis, Name of the degree awarding institution ]. Name of Platform . URL

If the thesis has not been published or is available from a database use the following template:

  • Location: Give the location of the institution. If outside the United States also include the country name.

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis (Unpublished PhD thesis). Name of the degree awarding institution , Location .

If the thesis is not published, use the following template:

Author(s) of the thesis . ( Year of publication ). Title of the PhD thesis [Unpublished PhD thesis]. Name of the degree awarding institution .

APA reference list examples

Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the APA style guidelines for a PhD thesis citation in action:

A PhD thesis found in an online platform

Confait, M. F . ( 2018 ). Maximising the contributions of PhD graduates to national development: The case of the Seychelles ( PhD thesis ). Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/2060
Confait, M. F . ( 2018 ). Maximising the contributions of PHD graduates to national development: The case of the Seychelles [ PhD thesis , Edith Cowan University ]. Edith Cowan Online Repository . Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/2060

An unpublished PhD thesis

Bowkett, D . ( 2015 ). Investigating the ligandability of plant homeodomains ( Unpublished PhD thesis ). University of Oxford , London, UK .
Bowkett, D . ( 2015 ). Investigating the ligandability of plant homeodomains [ Unpublished PhD thesis ]. University of Oxford .

apa cover page

This citation style guide is based on the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ( 6 th edition).

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PhD Quotes: Inspirational Quotes for Those Pursuing a PhD

Completing a PhD is challenging, and those who have graduated can offer valuable insights into the difficulties and rewards of the journey.

Motivational Quotes for PhD Students Facing Challenges

Navigating the PhD journey can often feel like scaling an endless mountain. It’s a common struggle among students.

“Every revision brings you closer to your goal, even if it doesn’t feel like it.”

In the world of academia, ‘good enough’ is often just around the corner from ‘I felt that it just wasn’t right.’

Funny PhD Quotes

Embarking on a PhD journey is akin to navigating a labyrinth where humor becomes a vital guide. Amidst the rigorous academic demands, moments of laughter can be as revitalizing as a good night’s rest.

“In PhD research, every breakthrough is like finding a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of needles.”

Getting a PhD is a journey where ‘good enough’ is an elusive beast, and ‘perfect’ might actually be good enough.

Getting Through Your Dissertation

It’s a long-term effort, not a quick sprint, and sometimes, a few words of encouragement can replenish your motivation. Here are three carefully selected motivational quotes to help you, the doctoral candidate, overcome the challenges of your dissertation.

The pursuit of a PhD is the art of constant refinement. What you think is average might actually be good enough. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Next, when you find yourself revising a chapter repeatedly and feeling like it’s still not perfect, hold onto this piece of wisdom:

This quote serves as a powerful reminder that obtaining your PhD involves a long and challenging journey, but each step forward brings you closer to the ultimate academic achievement—graduation.

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Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis (5 Samples and Guide)

January 12, 2024

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By Mohsin Khurshid

Embarking on your PhD journey? Unveil the art of crafting sincere acknowledgments with our guide. Explore 5 curated samples to master the skill of expressing gratitude in your PhD thesis. From mentors to contributors, discover the perfect tone for your acknowledgment section. Stick around for a comprehensive guide on crafting your own.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 PhD Acknowledgement Sample
  • 1.2 PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Sample
  • 1.3 PhD Dissertation Acknowledgement (Long Sample)
  • 1.4 Acknowledgement PhD Thesis (Short Sample)
  • 1.5 Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File
  • 2 How to Write Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis?
  • 3 Conclusion

Best Five PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Samples

Curious about exemplary PhD thesis acknowledgments? Dive into our handpicked collection of 5 samples. Each one offers a unique perspective, providing inspiration for expressing your gratitude in your dissertation. From mentor appreciation to acknowledging contributors, these samples serve as valuable templates for your own heartfelt acknowledgments.

PhD Acknowledgement Sample

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my esteemed supervisors, Prof. XXX and Dr. XXX, whose unwavering guidance, continuous support, and boundless patience have been the cornerstones of my PhD journey. Their wealth of knowledge and extensive experience has not only enriched my academic endeavors but has also been a source of inspiration in my daily life.

Special thanks to Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for their technical expertise, contributing significantly to the success of my study. The members of XXX have played a pivotal role in making my academic experience and life in the UK truly wonderful through their generous help and support.

Finally, I express deep appreciation to my parents, my wife, and my children, whose understanding and encouragement have been indispensable. Without their unwavering support, completing my study would have been an insurmountable challenge.

PhD Thesis Acknowledgement Sample

My sincere appreciation goes to my esteemed supervisor, Dr. XXX, whose invaluable supervision, unwavering support, and expert guidance have been instrumental throughout my pursuit of a PhD degree. I extend gratitude to the Faculty of XXX for providing the funding opportunity that allowed me to undertake my studies at the esteemed Department of XXX, University of XXX.

Dr. XXX deserves special acknowledgment for her influential support, significantly shaping my experimental methods and offering insightful critiques of my results. I also express my thanks to Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX, and Dr. XXX for their mentorship, which has greatly contributed to my academic growth.

Heartfelt thanks to my friends, lab mates, colleagues, and the research team – XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX – for the cherished time spent together in the lab and social settings. I am deeply thankful to my family and friends for their unwavering encouragement and support throughout my academic journey.

PhD Dissertation Acknowledgement (Long Sample)

I extend my sincere gratitude to my esteemed advisor, Prof. _______, whose unwavering support, patience, motivation, and profound knowledge have been instrumental throughout my Ph.D. study and related research. His guidance has been a beacon, shaping my research endeavors and enriching the writing of this thesis. I am immensely grateful for the privilege of having such a dedicated advisor and mentor.

In addition to my advisor, I express my heartfelt thanks to the members of my thesis committee: Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________. Their insightful comments, encouragement, and challenging questions spurred me to broaden my research perspectives.

Special appreciation is due to Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for providing me the opportunity to intern with their team and granting access to invaluable laboratory resources. Without their precious support, the successful conduct of this research would not have been possible.

I am indebted to my fellow labmates for their stimulating discussions, the collaborative efforts during sleepless nights leading up to deadlines, and the camaraderie that enriched the past four years. Gratitude extends to my friends at __________________________ for their companionship, with a special acknowledgment to Dr. Chen Fan for offering a first glimpse into the world of research.

Last but certainly not least, heartfelt thanks go to my family—my parents, brothers, and sister—for their unwavering spiritual support throughout the thesis writing process and in all aspects of my life.

Acknowledgement PhD Thesis (Short Sample)

I extend my deepest appreciation to my advisor, Prof. _______, for being a guiding light throughout my Ph.D. journey. His unwavering support, patience, and immense knowledge have been indispensable. My heartfelt thanks go to the members of my thesis committee—Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________—for their valuable insights and encouragement.

Special gratitude is reserved for Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for their support during my internship and providing access to vital research facilities. I am grateful to my labmates for their camaraderie and shared dedication, and to my friends at __________________________ for their constant support.

Last but not least, my family—parents, brothers, and sister—deserve profound thanks for their unwavering encouragement and spiritual support throughout this academic pursuit.

Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File

In presenting this PhD thesis, I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. _______, my dedicated advisor, for his invaluable guidance. My appreciation extends to the members of my thesis committee—Prof. __________, Prof. ___________, and Dr. ____________—for their constructive comments and motivation.

Thanks to Dr. _________, Dr. ______________, and Dr. __________ for providing a rewarding internship experience and access to essential research resources. To my labmates and friends at __________________________, your collaboration and support have been cherished.

Lastly, heartfelt thanks to my family—parents, brothers, and sister—for their enduring encouragement and unwavering belief in my academic journey. This thesis file stands as a culmination of collective support and collaborative effort.

Sample Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis File

How to Write Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis?

Writing the acknowledgment section for your PhD thesis is an essential expression of gratitude towards those who played a significant role in your academic journey. Follow these guidelines to craft a meaningful and well-structured acknowledgment:

1. Identify Key Contributors:

  • Acknowledge your primary advisor and thesis committee members first.
  • Recognize mentors, colleagues, and institutions that provided support.

2. Be Specific and Personal:

  • Mention individuals by name and specify their contributions.
  • Share personal anecdotes or experiences to make the acknowledgment genuine.

3. Use Gracious Language:

  • Employ a positive and appreciative tone throughout the acknowledgment.
  • Express gratitude for the specific ways each individual or institution contributed.

4. Order of Mention:

  • Typically, advisors and committee members are acknowledged first, followed by other contributors.
  • Consider grouping individuals by their role or contribution.

5. Include Professional Courtesy:

  • Follow any specific guidelines or formalities suggested by your institution.
  • If acknowledging professionals or organizations, maintain a respectful and professional tone.

6. Avoid Overuse of Formal Language:

  • Keep the language clear, concise, and heartfelt.
  • Strike a balance between formality and a personal touch.

7. Consider Length and Relevance:

  • Keep the acknowledgment section concise, focusing on individuals or entities directly related to your thesis .
  • Ensure that all acknowledgments are relevant to the academic context.

8. Express Gratitude to Loved Ones:

  • Don’t forget to express heartfelt thanks to family and friends who provided emotional support.

“I extend my deepest appreciation to my primary advisor, Prof. _______, for their unwavering guidance. Special thanks to my committee members—Prof. __________ and Dr. __________—for their insightful comments. Gratitude to Dr. _________ and Dr. ______________ for their valuable contributions during my internship. I am also indebted to my labmates, friends at __________________________, and my family for their enduring support. Crafting this acknowledgment allows me to express my profound gratitude to each contributor, without whom this PhD thesis would not have been possible.”

Remember, the acknowledgment is a personal expression of gratitude, so tailor it to reflect your genuine appreciation for the support received during your PhD journey.

In wrapping up, these acknowledgments weave a story of collective support that fueled the success of your PhD thesis. Each thanked individual, from advisors to family, played a vital role in your academic journey. Beyond mere formalities, this acknowledgment is a tribute to shared dedication and encouragement. As you step into the next phase of your academic or professional pursuits, carry with you the echoes of gratitude and collaboration. Here’s to the collaborative spirit that turned challenges into triumphs and the connections that made your thesis journey remarkable.

6 Best Master Thesis Acknowledgement Samples

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Thesis Quotes

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phd thesis quote

It is part of my thesis that all our knowledge grows only through the correcting of our mistakes.

The average Ph.D. Thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.

Writing, therefore, is also an act of courage. How much easier is it to lead an unexamined life than to confront yourself on the page? How much easier is it to surrended to materialism or cynicism or to a hundred other ways of life that are, in fact, ways to hide from life and from our fears. When we write, we resist the facile seduction of theses simpler roads. We insist on finding out and declaring the truths that we find, and we dare to out those truths on the page.

The use of thesis-writing is to train the mind, or to prove that the mind has been trained; the former purpose is, I trust, promoted, the evidences of the latter are scanty and occasional.

I wrote my thesis on the benefits of war and very near got thrown out of college. But I can show you where the greatest advancement of mankind comes under stress and strain, not comfort.

Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.

Fortunately for me, I know well enough what I want, and am basically utterly indifferent to the criticism that I work to hurriedly. In answer to that, I have done some things even more hurriedly theses last few days.

Well the basic thesis is that there's a god in heaven who is all powerful who wants to help people. And that - he will answer prayer, and does miraculous things in people's lives. And so I've documented some of these wonderful things.

phd thesis quote

You should have an investment thesis that essentially says why you think this is potentially a good idea.

I wrote my thesis on welfare policy.

People will be discovering that the Internet helps their career. One of my theses is that every individual is now a small business; how you manage your own personal career is the exact way you manage a small business. Your brand matters. That is how LinkedIn operates.

My thesis in terms of all my art is finding the beauty in the ugly truth. Just find the beauty in realism and what's there.

I've always felt so grateful that I dropped out of school, that I never had to do a thesis. I wouldn't know how to organise and structure myself to film so that B follows A and C follows B.

You have to take those concepts and prove them, a little bit like you do a PhD thesis.

Truth is found neither in Marxism nor in traditional capitalism. Each represents a partial truth. Historically capitalism failed to see the truth in collective enterprise, and Marxism failed to see the truth in individual enterprise. Nineteenth century capitalism failed to see that life is social and Marxism failed and still fails to see that life is individual and personal. The Kingdom of God is neither the thesis of individual enterprise nor the antithesis of collective enterprise, but a synthesis which reconciles the truths of both.

In 1947 I defended my thesis on nuclear physics, and in 1948 I was included in a group of research scientists whose task was to develop nuclear weapons.

I'm not sure I agree with the thesis, because I think that even though something grotesque or gross has been part of film since way back, what we accept or what we can get away with on the screen is broader now.

The fundamental idea of modern capitalism is not the right of the individual to possess and enjoy what he has earned, but the ;thesis that the exercise of this right redounds to the general good.

Determinism is the thesis that is true at every moment that the way things then are determines a unique future, that only one of the alternative futures that may exist relative to a given moment is a physically possible continuation of the state of things at the moment. Or, if you like, we may say that determinism is the thesis that only one continuation of the state of things at a given moment is consistent with the laws of nature.

And this thesis is somewhat connected with general social and political observations, because it establishes the fact that the number of consumers is considerably larger than the number of producers, a fact which exercises a not inconsiderable social and political pressure.

It is generally my thesis then to insist on the importance of imagination in sex, to insist that the practice of sex, as performed among human beings, be accorded the same deliberate and playful application of fancy, imagination and intelligence as any other significant human activity.

Of course we're all programmed genetically to some extent. But the "selfish gene" thesis doesn't explain everything.

My thesis [is] that in order to design a tool, we must make our best efforts to understand the larger social and physical context within which it is intended to function

My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyroid gland of the three-toed sloth. I chose the sloth because its demeanour - calm, quiet and introspective - did something to soothe my shattered self.


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50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

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The culmination of years of research, sleepless nights, and countless revisions, a thesis defense is a significant milestone in any scholar’s academic journey. It marks the transition from student to expert, from learner to contributor. 

As friends, family, and colleagues, it’s our privilege and joy to share in this momentous occasion. 

And what better way to express our admiration and pride than with the perfect congratulatory message? 

Whether you’re seeking heartfelt words or a touch of humor, this guide offers some congratulatory messages tailored for thesis defenses, ensuring that you convey just the right sentiment. 

Dive in and discover the ideal way to celebrate this monumental achievement!

Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

  • Congratulations on your outstanding defense! The dedication and hard work you poured into your research truly shone through today. You’ve set the bar high for aspiring researchers.
  • Every step of your academic journey has led to this monumental achievement. You’ve not only defended your thesis but also upheld the spirit of inquiry. Well done!
  • Bravo! Your passion for your topic was evident in your defense. May this success open doors to even greater achievements in the future.
  • It’s not just about defending a thesis, it’s about standing strong for your ideas and insights. You’ve made everyone proud today! Keep reaching for the stars.
  • Your defense was nothing short of spectacular! Your depth of knowledge and eloquence truly impressed everyone. Celebrate this huge milestone!
  • Watching you defend your thesis was a clear reminder of the power of dedication and perseverance. You’ve achieved something truly remarkable. Kudos to you!
  • Your rigorous research, methodical approach, and confident defense have surely set you apart. You’re destined for greatness! Congratulations!
  • Celebrating your phenomenal achievement today! Your defense was a testament to the countless hours of hard work and commitment. Well done!
  • You’ve not only defended your thesis but also ignited inspiration in many. Your prowess and expertise were truly commendable. Hats off to you!
  • Today, you’ve added another feather to your academic cap. Your defense was articulate and insightful, paving the way for many more successes.

50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

  • Your success story is an inspiration. With every challenge, you’ve risen above and proved your mettle. Heartiest congratulations on a brilliant defense!
  • The way you handled the questions and presented your findings was truly commendable. You’ve defended more than a thesis; you’ve defended your dreams.
  • A monumental day in your academic journey! Your defense showcased not just your findings, but also your deep passion for your subject. Congrats!
  • The precision, dedication, and brilliance you displayed during your defense was unparalleled. May this success lead you to greater adventures!
  • Congratulations on turning your thesis into a masterpiece and defending it with such flair! You are indeed a force to be reckoned with in your field.
  • You came, you researched, and you conquered! Today’s defense was a shining moment in your academic journey. Take a bow!
  • Your meticulous research and eloquent defense have surely set a benchmark. Heartfelt congratulations on this remarkable achievement!
  • From the proposal to the defense, your journey has been a testament to hard work and perseverance. Today, you reaped the rewards. Cheers to you!
  • It’s one thing to write a thesis and another to defend it so proficiently. You’ve showcased true academic excellence. Congratulations!
  • Your defense was a powerful demonstration of your commitment to your field. You’ve made a mark, and this is just the beginning. Well done!

50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

  • By successfully defending your thesis, you’ve proven that dreams coupled with hard work can lead to monumental achievements. Congrats!
  • The diligence with which you approached your thesis and the confidence with which you defended it were exemplary. Your future is bright! Cheers to your success.
  • A standing ovation for your impeccable defense! Your passion and dedication were palpable in every word you spoke. Congratulations!
  • Your thesis defense was more than a presentation; it was a performance of your unwavering commitment to your research. You’ve truly outdone yourself. Bravo!
  • Today, you’ve not only earned a degree but also the respect and admiration of many. Your defense was a masterclass. Here’s to many more accomplishments!
  • Your resilience and determination have culminated in this grand moment. Every slide, every word, every answer was a testament to your dedication. Congratulations!
  • The journey from hypothesis to conclusion is long and arduous. Yet, you navigated it with grace and brilliance. Your defense was simply extraordinary!
  • Today, you didn’t just defend a thesis; you showcased your unwavering commitment to knowledge. Your confidence and expertise were in full display. Cheers!
  • What a magnificent achievement! Your eloquent defense was a reflection of the hard work and sleepless nights you invested. Take a well-deserved bow!
  • Behind this success is a saga of challenges, perseverance, and undying passion. You defended with vigor and pride. Heartiest congratulations!

50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

  • Today, you’ve shown everyone that with passion and determination, even the loftiest academic goals can be achieved. Your defense was impeccable!
  • As you stood there, confidently presenting and defending, you personified academic excellence. Many congratulations on your momentous achievement!
  • Thesis defense is more than an academic ritual; it’s a rite of passage. You’ve transitioned with such brilliance. Here’s to the journey ahead!
  • Your defense today wasn’t just about your research; it was about your dedication, your passion, and your drive. You truly shined! Congratulations!
  • In the realm of academia, moments like these define a scholar. Your remarkable defense has undoubtedly set you on a path of greatness. Kudos!
  • Celebrating your incredible milestone! Every query you addressed showcased the depth of your understanding. Your defense was truly commendable.
  • In your defense, we didn’t just see slides and hear words; we witnessed your journey, your struggles, and your victories. A job splendidly done!
  • The brilliance with which you defended your thesis is indicative of the great things awaiting you in the future. Heartfelt congratulations!
  • Your defense was a harmonious blend of passion, precision, and prowess. It’s evident how much of yourself you’ve poured into this work. Salutations on your achievement!
  • To take a concept, research it thoroughly, and then defend it with such finesse is truly admirable. Your hard work has paid off! Cheers!

50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

  • This is not just a celebration of your defense but also a testament to your relentless pursuit of knowledge. You’ve made everyone immensely proud.
  • Not everyone can stand their ground and defend their years of research with such confidence. You were phenomenal! Here’s to this and many more successes.
  • The depth, the rigor, and the brilliance you showcased during your defense was a masterclass in itself. You’ve raised the bar! Congratulations.
  • Today’s success story is a combination of your determination, hard work, and an undying spirit of inquiry. You truly deserve all the accolades!
  • Thesis defense is a significant milestone, and the way you executed it was nothing short of perfection. You’ve etched a mark in everyone’s heart. Kudos!
  • The journey you embarked on led to this commendable defense. Every challenge faced has turned into a stepping stone for your success. Hats off to you!
  • Your defense was an exhibition of your depth of knowledge and commitment to your field. A triumphant moment truly worth celebrating!
  • Successfully defending a thesis is a monumental achievement, and today, you’ve proven your mettle. Warmest congratulations on this feat!
  • Your defense wasn’t just a presentation; it was a manifestation of your passion, hard work, and perseverance. Your success is truly well-deserved.
  • In your defense, we saw the culmination of years of dedication, learning, and growth. You’ve made a remarkable achievement. Heartiest congratulations!

50 Congratulations Messages for Thesis Defense

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PhD Jokes And Puns

These funny PhD jokes and puns are a real lesson in humor! In fact, they’re in a class of their own! No need to doctor them, they get top marks just as they are!

Funny PhD Jokes

Flight attendant: one passenger is having a heart attack and one passenger is having an asthma attack.

Dad: “My first son has a PhD in arts, my daughter has two degrees in communication and journalism and my youngest son is a burglar.”

The man, shocked, replies, “Then why are you celebrating?”

What’s the difference between a jungle cat who wrote his PhD thesis on the economic effects of taxation, and the order of insects that includes butterflies and moths?

So, I have this friend who studied to become an Egyptologist.

As far as I’m concerned, it is a pyramid scheme.

“Come on, you know that’s impossible! No one will publish such rubbish.” says the fox.

They both go into the rabbit’s dwelling and after a while, the rabbit emerges with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Hello, what are we doing these days?”

“I’m writing the second chapter of my thesis, on how rabbits devour wolves.”

“Are you crazy? Where is your academic honesty?”

The moral: It’s not the contents of your thesis that are important – it’s your PhD advisor that really counts.

What do you call someone who does a BA in Arts, a MA in English and a PhD in Gender Studies?

Luckily I’m a statistician.

What’s the difference between a PhD in mathematics and a large pizza?

A large pizza can feed a family of four.

An illiterate dad and his son who has a PhD in astronomy went camping.

After dinner they went to sleep.

He woke his son up and asked him, “What do you see?”

His father interrupted, “No you idiot, someone stole the tent.”

A brain sturgeon.

Jokes About PhDs

If you liked these hilarious pun and jokes about PhDs, be sure to check out the rest of LaffGaff for lots more funny jokes, such as these:

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Congratulations Message for PhD or Doctorate Degree Generator

Copied the message:, congratulations messages for phd or doctorate degree.

When someone close to you earns a PhD or doctorate degree, it's a big accomplishment. So, it's only natural to want to send a message of congratulations.

There are many benefits to sending congratulations messages for PhD or doctorate degrees. For one, it helps to show your support for the individual. This can be especially important during the challenging times that come with earning a higher degree.

Additionally, a congratulations message can be a great way to show your pride in the individual's accomplishment. It can also be a nice way to stay connected to someone you may not get to see as often as you'd like.

Finally, sending a congratulations message is simply a nice gesture. It's a way to let the person know that you're thinking of them and that you're happy for their success.

No matter what your relationship is to the person earning the degree, a congratulations message is always a thoughtful gesture. So, if you know someone who is celebrating this milestone, don't hesitate to reach out and let them know you're proud of them.

Below are various congratulations messages for PhD or Doctorate degree;

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

1.    Congratulations on your Doctorate! Today, we celebrate you.

2.    Congratulations! You earned this Ph.D.! Let me know what you're going to do with it.

3.    Congrats on your doctorate! With your new title comes all the bragging rights.

4.    Congratulations, you have completed your Doctorate Degree! We are proud of you and so happy for you.

5.    Congratulations! You've earned your Doctorate Degree! Here's to the next milestone in your education.

6.    Congratulations! You made it to the top of your field, and you deserve some recognition.

7.    Congratulations on your Doctorate!

8.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! You made it, congrats!

9.    Congrats on your Ph.D.!

10.    Congratulations!

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

11.    Congrats, doctor! We hope you're enjoying your new title. We know how much hard work it was for you to get there!

12.    Congratulations! We are beyond proud of you for achieving this monumental milestone. Your hard work in school has paid off.

13.    Congratulations! You've just received your Ph.D. - congratulations!!

14.    Congratulations, Doctor! I'm so proud of you.

15.    Congratulations! You made it to the top of your field with this honor. You're so talented, and I couldn't be more excited to see what you do next.

16.    You have earned your doctorate in medicine! Congratulations. Keep up the good work, and let us know if you need any help.

17.    Congratulations on receiving your Ph.D.! Take this opportunity to plan what you'd like to publish and share it with the world. So many possibilities.

18.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! We're happy to support you as you pursue your dream.

19.    Congratulations! You earned your Ph.D. degree! From all of us at ______. We are so proud of you.

20.    Congrats! You're a Doctorate degree-holder now. We celebrate with you.

Congratulations Messages for PhD or Doctorate Degree

21.    Congratulations! This is such a milestone achievement. Here are a few messages to help you celebrate.

22.    You're so incredibly amazing! Congratulations on your Doctorate.

23.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! We can't wait to celebrate all your success together.

24.    Congratulations, doctor! You made it. You're officially a Ph.D. holder and you deserve to be celebrated.

25.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Your tenacity and hard work have paid off.

26.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! Graduation Day is Here.

27.    Congratulations on your Ph.D. degree! You deserve it.

28.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.!

29.    You did it! You made it through all the studying and research. Congrats on your Doctorate Degree.

30.    Congratulations! You're almost finished with your journey to becoming a Doctor. Your hard work has paid off.

31.    Congrats on your new doctorate!

32.    You've been accepted as a University lecturer and completed your final exams! Congrats on an impressive and well-deserved Ph.D.!

33.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Here's an exclusive $500 gift card and our best wishes for your future endeavors.

34.    After years of hard work and dedication, you've finally earned a Ph.D. Congrats on graduating!

35.    Congratulations! You've earned this Ph.D./ Doctorate!!!

36.    Congratulations! Your hard work really paid off and you've earned your PhD.

37.    Congratulations! You have finally completed your PhD.

38.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! I am here to help with whatever you need - let me know how I can provide.

39.    Congratulations! You've successfully defended your thesis. Your hard work has paid off. I'm so proud of you.

40.    Congrats, on your lifelong goal!

41.    Congratulations on graduating! You've been a busy genius the last few years and need a break. Come on get some rest!

42.    You're ready for your time in the spotlight! Congratulations on your PhD.

43.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! You deserve this hard-earned degree!

44.    Congratulations! Your hard work paid off and now you're a doctor!

45.    Congrats! Your hard work paid off and you've earned your Doctorate! Here's to the next chapter of your life.

46.    Congratulations, you made it! You've earned your Ph.D. I am proud of you.

47.    Congrats on your Doctorate Degree! We're so happy for you. You deserve a celebration and maybe some cake.

48.    Congratulations on your new doctorate! I am hosting a celebration party for you.

49.    Congratulations on your doctorate! You're awesome.

50.    Congratulations on earning your Doctorate Degree! May we send you flowers to celebrate?

51.    Congratulations on receiving your Ph.D. Hard work pays.

52.    Congratulations on getting your Ph.D.! I'm so proud of you, and on behalf of the whole family, please accept our sincere congratulations.

53.    Congratulations! I'm so proud of you for having the courage to achieve this great milestone.

54.    Congratulations on your Doctorate Degree! You're a star! We are proud of you.

55.    Congratulations on obtaining your Ph.D.! It's a prestigious degree that requires years of studying and researching - a job well done!

56.    Congratulations on your new degree! Here's a lovingly designed card to celebrate.

57.    Congrats on your Ph.D.!

58.    Congratulations on your Ph.D.! Here's a gift from the team to congratulate you on this big accomplishment-a $100 Amazon gift card.

59.    Congratulations, Doctor.

60.    Congratulations! We're so happy for you!

61.    Congratulations on your recent Doctorate Degree! Let's celebrate.

62.    So proud to be your mom! You've been working hard and we're so proud of you. Congrats on your Doctorate.

63.    Congratulations on getting your Doctorate! You're smart, beautiful, and inspiring. You deserve the best in life.

64.    You did it! You've just completed your Doctorate Degree, and we're so proud of you. Congrats on all the work you've done and all that you'll do.

65.    You're so brilliant! We should celebrate getting your Doctorate Degree.

66.    Congratulations! You've earned this.

67.    Congratulations! You've made a significant contribution to society. Let's celebrate this big achievement.

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Self-Plagiarism in PhD thesis

I am a final year PhD in UK in a scientific discipline and I am writing my thesis. I have already published 2 journal papers and I have submitted 2 more papers for publications. My department does not allow a "publications-based" thesis so I need to write a thesis in the context of a book etc.

As I write my thesis in a couple of places, especially in the literature review, I tend to reuse sentences from my publications. I try to restate them a bit, maybe change some words for their synonyms etc. but it is practically me writing about what I wrote before. It goes without saying that I cite/quote me at the end of a passage if I say something non-obvious (I found that slightly funny. :) ). The problem is that occasionally I am just explaining for instance how a certain estimation technique works; in that case I cite the original authors and not myself. The syntax in those occasions though is practically the same as the original passage I used in my publication; as I have explained it once and was consider good, I find no reason to reinvent myself (I do a mild rewording as I mentioned but that is quite insignificant). Same things goes for listings. I do cite my paper in the beginning of a big list as the list's source but the list itself is almost identical as the one in "my" paper; in those cases I don't use quotations, just attribution "[]".

Is there an obvious guideline? The basic definition of plagiarism " reproducing the work of another person's as your own " is not (directly) applicable to me because I am the other person (almost *); if I am using other people's work I do cite them but I don't cite myself, citing them, in quotation marks!

I am a bit "fuzzy" about how not to plagiarize myself in my thesis (I have had no problem regarding my journal publications).

(* In all publications mentioned I am the first -but not sole- author.)

  • self-plagiarism

jakebeal's user avatar

  • Did you look at the other question ? –  Nobody Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 4:30
  • @scaaahu: This is a slightly different question, asking about how to use papers when a "stapler" or "sandwich" thesis is not allowed, although the answer is similar. –  aeismail Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 4:32
  • 27 This is one reason why this entire "self-plagiarism" notion is ridiculous. The word has been usurped to mean something which it is not, stealing another's work. It should be called what it is, duplicate publication. There are issues with copyright when reusing ones own work, however the ethics should be clear, plagiarism is stealing another's work and presenting it as one's own, which is far worse than duplicate publication, or passing off past work as new. The latter is unethical, but it is not plagiarism! –  daaxix Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 22:40
  • 9 Additionally, companies like iThenticate are now capitalizing on this trend. As a scientist, I want a concise, clear, and well worded paragraph describing some method, phenomenon, or mathematical model. For many scientists, such paragraphs are often reproduced over and over again since they work in narrow subfields, even when the meat of a publication is new, the introduction, methods, etc. may be refined to a point where it is about the best it can be. Should this then be re-worded just to avoid being flagged by iThenticate and clones? I don't think so, but it appears that we are headed there –  daaxix Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 22:47

7 Answers 7

Even if your department does not allow a "stapler" thesis, it is entirely reasonable to expect that you should be able to freely use this material in a thesis. In general, I would expect that you would have to include a copyright statement similar in form to hose that would be used were you to copy the entire paper outright.

To cover against charges of plagiarism, I would simply acknowledge something like "Some passages have been quoted verbatim from the following sources," and list them. Also, when you reuse figures, I'd include the "reprinted with permission" tag.

Finally, ask your advisor or other members of your department for guidance! Since you're not the only person subject to this restriction, they've gone through this situation before, and can provide you with information on how former students have handled this.

aeismail's user avatar

The letter of the copyright law is extremely weird in such cases (formally you may need to request a permission from the journal editor to reproduce something, especially a picture, you made and submitted there yourself a few years ago, if you have assigned copyrights-some journals require copyright transfer, some do not). However, the spirit of the law is that you are free to use your own work several times even if you assigned your copyright away as long as you clearly state that it is not the first time you present (this is not required if you both retain all the rights and no originality expected) it and that the previous publications are such and such. To be on the safe side, write to the editors and request a permission to reprint (it is automatic unless the editor is an evil villain having personal grudge against you). However anyone trying to accuse you of using your own work without his permission will make such a fool of himself in the scientific world that his reputation there will plummet to negative infinity, so I don't think the chances of trouble are above those that some crank will accuse you of plagiarizing his work or that the outcome of the accusation, if it occurs, will be essentially different.

Erkin Alp Güney's user avatar

  • Thanks, given your answer and that of Peter's I guess I need to come in contact with an editor indeed. –  user8448 Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 17:48
  • 1 Correction: you are mostly right about plagiarism issues, but not about copyright. Self-plagiarism is a real thing (and misconduct in some cases)—but reusing your papers in your thesis (with citation!) is completely fine. "The spirit of the law is that you are free to use your own work several times even if you assigned your copyright away" seems wrong about copyright. Publishers' copyright transfers can have specific provisions for theses (ACM has), but I strongly believe they're needed. –  Blaisorblade Commented Jul 11, 2017 at 6:23

I use sentences like "The results described in this chapter have been published as [xx]." or "This chapter gives the argumentation published in [yy]".

However, my primary reason for this is less concern about self-plagiarism (papes and thesis are in different languages) than pointing out that these findings/developments have passed peer-review during a publication process. But if you give the appropriate citations also to your paper, I think it is important to make it easy for the reader to see whether the citation is your contribution or not.

slightly off-topic: I even go one step further and at the very beginning (in a section about abbreviations, symbols and conventions) explain that papers [1 - x] were written in direct connection with the thesis, and are put to the front of the literature list to allow the reader to easily detect my contributions to the field. You could also solve this by giving reference lists "my contributions" and "other people's contributions" (similar to how some fields give primary literature lists and secondary literature lists).

cbeleites's user avatar

  • Interesting suggestion (about the literature lists), thank you. –  user8448 Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 17:46
  • With regard to your slightly off-topic comment, that only works in fields where the norm is for the bibliography to be sorted in order of citation. In many fields (e.g., pure maths and computer science), the bibliography is normally sorted alphabetically by first author so this trick wouldn't work. –  David Richerby Commented Apr 23, 2014 at 9:29

The papers you have published and that my be under review in a journal require permission to rproduce. It is therefore necessary to write to the journals and ask for permission to reproduce the contents in a thesis. I have heard of journals that refuse but they are very few. What you should remember, however, is that the copyright usually covers the final product or versions of the manuscript that have been altered as a result of work done within the journal, in other words gone through or in some stage of review. It would therefore be safe to reproduce your original submitted manuscript. You will need to acknowledge the permissions in your thesis (e.g. if you include a list of published paers and manuscripts in prep.).

All this may seem complicated but I have not experienced any publisher that has refused reproduction (either of a reprint or the text itself) in a thesis. After all, publishers live off of scientists writing papers and a PhD candidate (and scientists involved with her/him) is another "customer" to put it bluntly. It would therefore potentially be pretty self-destructive to refuse use of materials for a thesis with very limited distrubution.

Under any circumstances, please contact publishersand tell them what you intend to do andaskfor permission. Also check on the copyrights (which you usually sign at some point during the publication process. It is "better safe that sorry" that applies. And, I repeat, I would be surprised if you are given a no.

EDIT: A good way to find out what "your" journal adheres to is ot use the SHERPA/RoMEO site classification for self-archiving. They use a four part classification as follows:

green - can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF blue - can archive post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF yellow - can archive pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing) white - archiving not formally supported

The level or archiving indcates what also falls under the copyright agreement of each journal and hence also what you may be free to reproduce in a thesis, and what you are not.

Community's user avatar

  • 11 Most of the copyright transfer agreements I met so far explicitly say that you retain the right to reuse your paper for a thesis. Depending on the exact wording, you may not even need to ask for permission. –  cbeleites Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 13:44
  • 6 and that my be under review — Huh? Transfer of copyright only happens after the paper is accepted. What am I missing? –  JeffE Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 15:24
  • @JeffE The fact that one may easily sign the transfer without reading after all passages are reproduced but before the thesis appears in print, i.e., that human beings are forgetful and lazy by nature (I am, at least). However you are 100% right from the formal standpoint. –  fedja Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 16:07
  • Also, many publishers have either explicitly posted policies stating exactly what is required or "clearance websites" where such permissions can be obtained. –  aeismail Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 17:27
  • 1 Thank you for the SHERPA/RoMEO website, it was really helpful. (Apparently my currently submitted work is on "green" journals, my published one on a "yellow" and a "white" one...) I will look the copyright agreements in detail. –  user8448 Commented Sep 1, 2013 at 17:44

Are your papers really your own papers, or maybe you have some coauthors? That's when it becomes complicated. It will be hard to claim that the text you copied is exclusively your own work when the original paper is drafted and signed off by other people. On the other hand the thesis should be your own work exclusively.

iliasfl's user avatar

  • 1 That is the primary difference between "stapler thesis" style and the reuse discussed here -- in the stapler method the thesis will contain contributions of coauthors. But repeating one's own contributions is still perfectly fine, and the automatic assumption will be that the parts so used are the portions which the thesis author was responsible in the earlier work; only the coauthors themselves will have any basis for thinking otherwise. So it's worth noting that one shouldn't claim the work of coauthors as one's own, but that possibility hardly disqualifies use of prior published work. –  Ben Voigt Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 14:58

If you quote from your own paper, you may have to justify to the degrees committee how much of the paper was your work. If you are first author, it should be no problem, otherwise can you put a figure on what percentage was your own work ? Even if not all your own work, if the actual research was done by you, it should be possible to put a different slant on it. Having your ideas published already helps with the defence, as you can demonstrate successful peer review

jrrk's user avatar

Talk to your advisor/sponsor of your thesis!!!

Read your school's and department's policy of plagiarism. Some will include "self-pgagiarism" some don't.

It is all up to the advisor and school. If they accept it, then it is fine. If they do not accept it, it is not fine.

If you are the copyright holder (or have rights), then there is no legal issue. Even if you aren't the holder, there are provisions in the law for academic references.

MikeP's user avatar

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    Nursing Program Director, faculty advisor, or Dissertation Chair. The PhD in Nursing program reserves the right to make changes affecting policies, fees, curriculum, or any other matters announced in this publication. ... The following quote from Tekippe (1996) provides the essence of learning in ...

  25. Had to include my favorite quote in my PhD dissertation dedication!

    I wrote my thesis on control theory (which has applications in everything including robotics). I'd just as likely add a quote from Ted Faro or Elizabet, but the point is mine would be relevant. An inspiring quote on the title page is great, but if you're writing a paper on robots or AI, it hits harder because it's relevant. 18.

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