ई-वाचनालय : पुस्‍तकं आणि सामान्‍य प्रणाली

Ikigai (Marathi) (इकिगाई) दीर्घायुषी, निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य भाग-२ Part-2

नैसर्गिक कल , आवड-पॅशन शोधण्‍याची जापानी पद्धत


लेखक हेक्‍टर गार्सिया आणि फ्रन्सिस मिरेलस  

मराठी अनुवाद प्रल्‍हाद ढापरे

पुस्‍तक परिचय व सारांश-भाग-२ Part-२

ikigai book review in marathi

Marathi Translation of best seller book IKIGAI by the Author Hector Garcia & by Francess Mirellas

# पॅशन एवढे महत्‍त्‍वपूर्ण का आहे ? Why Passion is Important?

पुस्‍तक सारांश-भाग-२ Part-2

  ( भाग-१ वाचन करण्‍यासाठी येथून जा )

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  • जगभरातील लाखो लोकांनी गौरविलेले बेस्ट सेलर पुस्तक Act of staying Young.. while growing Old जपानी लोक असं मानतात की , प्रत्येक माणसाचा इकिगाई असतोच.
  • या पुस्तकासाठी इकिगाई या संकल्पनेची माहिती गोळा करत असताना लेखकाने शतायुषी लोकांच्या मुलाखती घेतल्या आणि त्यांच्या दीर्घायुष्याचं खरं रहस्य जाणलं.
  • ते त्यांनी या पुस्तकामधून आपल्यासमोर मांडलं आहे.
  • या पुस्तकामुळे आपल्यालाही आपला इकिगाई सापडायला नक्कीच मदत होईल. 
  • शारीरिक स्वास्थ्यासाठी 80 टक्क्यांचं रहस्य. उत्साही शरीर , उत्साही मन.
  • तणावाचा फायदा घेण्याची कला. स्टीव्ह जॉब्ज यांचे जपानी संस्कृतीवरील प्रेम. लोगोथेरपी आणि मोरिता थेरपी. तंत्रज्ञान आणि संस्कृतीचा संगम.

भाग-२ | Part-२

👉टीपः भाग-१ Part-1 वाचन करण्‍यासाठी आपण या पुस्‍तकाचा सारांश भाग-१ वाचन केला नसेल तर येथून वाचू शकता. ( भाग-१ वाचन करण्‍यासाठी येथून जा )

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अगोदर उल्‍लेख केल्‍या प्रमाणे तुमचे पॅशन , तुमची आवड शोधण्‍यासाठी तुम्‍हाला तुमच्‍या स्‍वतःबद्दल जाणून घेणे अत्‍यंत गरजेचे आहे. तर , दुसरी कवायत आपण येथे करणार आहोत ती एक ‘ व्‍यक्तिमत्‍व चाचणी ’-Personality Test आहे. ही चाचणी दिल्‍यावर तुम्‍ही स्‍वतःला चांगल्‍यारितीने ओळखू शकाल , जाणून घेऊ शकाल.

D I S C TEST डिस्‍क-व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व चाचणी

ही एक खूपच प्रसिद्ध व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व चाचणी आहे जी “ डिस्‍क टेस्‍ट ..!” इंग्रजी अद्याक्षरात ‘DISC’

ही व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍त्‍व चाचणी दोन मुलभूत निरिक्षणावर आधारित आहे. पहिले हे की , तुम्‍ही बहिर्मुखी आहेात की अंतर्मुखी . (Outgoing -आऊटगोईंग आहोत की Reserve- रिजर्व्‍ह ) म्‍हणजेच तुम्‍ही बाहेर जाऊन , लोकांशी मिसळणे अधिक पसंत करता की , घरी राहून फक्‍त काही विशेष लोकांसोबतच आपला वेळ घालवणे पसंत करता ?

बहिर्मुखी लोकं-व्‍यक्‍ती कोणालाही चटकन आपले मित्र बनवून घेत असतात. ते नेहमीच बाहेर जाण्‍यासाठी तय्यार राहतात. खरे तर , अशाच व्‍यक्‍ती बाहेर जाण्‍याचे नियोजन करत असतात , आणि इतर लोकांनाही हे आपल्‍यासोबत येण्‍यासाठी , बाहेर नेण्‍यासाठी तयार करत असतात. 

आऊटगोईंग म्‍हणजेच बहिर्मुखी व्‍यक्‍तींच्‍या उलट , रिझर्व्‍ह-अंतर्मुखी लोकं-व्‍यक्‍ती घरीच राहण पसंत करतात.   जर तुम्‍हाला अशा व्‍यक्‍तींना कुठेतरी फिरायला घेऊन जायचे असेल तर , खूप , अथक प्रयत्‍न करूनच ते मानतात. 

अंतर्मुखी व्‍यक्‍ती फक्‍त काही मोजक्‍याच लोकांसोबत आपला वेळ घालवतात , मोजक्‍याच लोकांत उठणे-बसणे पसंत करत असतात. आपल्‍या भावनादेखिल मोजक्‍याच लोकांसोबत बोलून दाखवत असतात.

डिस्‍क व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व चाचणीतील दुसरी चाचणी अशी आहे की , तुम्‍ही People Oriented or Task oriented म्‍हणजेच लोकांभिमुख आहात की , कार्याभि‍मुख ?

लोकांभिमुख व्‍यक्‍ती इतरांबद्दल जास्‍त विचार करत असतात.   त्‍यांची अधिक काळजी घेत असतात.

उदाहरणार्थ :

समजा , एखाद्या कंपनीचा मालक लोकांभिमुख म्‍हणजेच पीपल ओरिएंटेड आहे तर तो असा विचार करेल की , त्‍याचे कर्मचारी आरामाने काम करत आहेत की नाही , त्‍यांना काही त्रासतर होत नाही , कोणत्‍या गोष्‍टीची कमतरता तर नाही , त्‍यांना काही अडचण येत नाही इत्‍यादी.

तर लोकाभिमुख व्‍यक्‍तींच्‍या उलट टास्‍क ओरिएंटेड-कार्याभिमुख व्‍यक्‍ती असतात. अशा व्‍यक्‍ती कामाबद्दल अधिक विचार करत असतात , आणि कार्याची अधिक काळजी घेत असतात. 

वरील उदाहरणासारखेच परंतू लोकाभिमुख व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाच्‍या उलट व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचा कार्याभिमुख कंपनीचा मालक कामाबद्दल अधिक चौकस असेल , तो दिलेली कामं योग्‍यरितीने होत आहेत की नाही , वेळेवर काम होत आहे की नाही , कामाची गुणवत्‍ता उत्‍तम आहे की नाही असा विचार करेल.

आता वरील व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वामध्‍ये काहीही चूकीचे अ‍थवा काहीही बरोबर असे नसून फक्‍त ते वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे –Behavior- वर्तन आहेत. म्‍हणून स्‍वतःला एक प्रामाणिक उत्‍तर द्या की , वरीलपैकी तुमच्‍या व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचा प्रकार कोणता आहे ?

स्‍वतःला गृहित धरू नका की , तुम्‍ही जे उत्‍तर देणार आहोत ते शेवटचेच , अंतिम असेल असे स्‍वतःविषयी चुकीचे मत स्‍वतःविषयी बनवू नका , ह्या चाचणीमुळे तुम्‍ही फक्‍त स्‍वतःविषयी चांगल्‍या रितीने जाणून घेऊ शकता. म्‍हणून प्रामाणिकपणे ह्या प्रश्‍नांची उत्‍तरे स्‍वतःला द्या. 

  ( 👉भाग-१ वाचन करण्‍यासाठी )

# तुमच्‍या सोईसाठी आम्‍ही (# Ikigai Book PDF in Marathi - PDFfile ) आवड निवड करण्याचे चौकोन पीडीएफ मध्‍ये तयार केले आहे येथून डाऊनलोड-प्रिंट करा व लिहा

👉 येथून डाऊनलोड करू शकता PDF   WORD

तर वरील चारही चौकोनात निवांतपणे बसून , विचार करून-करून आपली उत्‍तरे लिहा , आपल्‍याला काही घाई नाही. पाहिजेच तर तुम्‍ही हे पुस्‍तक सारांश वाचणे येथे थांबवून विचार करू शकता , लिहू शकता.

वरील दोन प्रश्‍नांच्‍या चाचणीमुळे व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचे चार प्रकार आपल्‍याला दिसून येतातः

व्‍यक्‍तीमत्त्‍व प्रकार चाचणी निष्‍कर्षः  

अद्याक्षर D =Dominating- Outgoing, Task Oriented

D =Dominating म्‍हणजेच वर्चस्‍व गाजवणारे = बहिर्मुखी आणि कार्याभिमुख

तुम्‍ही जर बहिर्मुखी आहोत आणि कार्याभिमुख असाल तर तुमचा व्‍यक्‍तीमतत्‍व प्रकार आहे -D म्‍हणजेच वर्चस्‍व गाजवणारे-डॉमिनेटींग Dominating .

  • अशी लोकं वेळेवर कामं करतात आणि
  • लोकांकडून , इतरांकडूनही वेळेवर कामं करवून घेत असतात.
  • कामं-कार्ये पूर्ण करण्‍यावर यांचा कल असतो.
  • एकदा हाती घेतलेले काम पूर्ण करूनच थांबतात.
  • मध्‍यभागी , अर्धवट कामं सोडत नसतात.
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍तींना नेता , पढारी या पदावर राहणे आवडते.

I= INSPIRING प्रेरणा देणारे

ज्‍या व्‍यक्‍ती लोकांभिमुख आणि बहिर्मुखी असतात त्‍या व्‍यक्‍ती DISC च्‍या आय- I या प्रकारात मोडतात.

आय- I - INSPIRING म्‍हणजेच प्रेरणा देणारे.

  • ही लोकं इतरांना आपल्‍या कामाने-कार्याने , बोलण्‍याने प्रेरित करत असतात.
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती जास्‍त बोलणारे असतात.
  • ते कल्‍पना-आयडिया ,   संकल्‍पना यावर बालतात.
  • Talkative Person, Idea, etc..
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती घासाघीस-मोलभाव करण्‍यात , बोलचाल करण्‍यात पटाईत असतात. 
  • Good in Negotiation, Haggling
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती इतरांची मदत करण्‍यासाठी नेहमी तयार असतात.
  • Helping Nature
  • ह्या प्रकारच्‍या व्‍यक्‍ती नेहमी सकारात्‍मक विचार करणारे असतात.
  • Positive Attitude

S= SUPPORTIVE समर्थन करणारे  

S= SUPPORTIVE= Reserved & People Oriented

ज्‍या व्‍यक्‍ती अंतर्मुखी- Reserved आणि लोकांभिमुख -People Oriented असतात अशा व्‍यक्‍ती ह्या प्रकारात येतात. म्‍हणून डिस्‍क व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व चाचणीमध्‍ये यांचा S - Supportive- सपोर्टीव्‍ह-समर्थन करणारे हा प्रकार येतो.  

  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती सर्वांना सोबत घेऊन चालणारे असतात. आश्‍वासक असतात. 
  • यांना मिळून-मिसळून कामं करणं आवडतं.
  • Companionable
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती नम्रपणाच्‍या असतात , विनयशील असतात.
  • Humble in Nature  
  • ह्या प्रकारातील व्‍यक्‍ती संवेदनशील असतात .
  • Sensitive & Slow
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती मंद , धीम्‍या स्‍वभावाची , चटकन कामं न करणारी असू शकतात.

C= CAUTIOUS - सावध , सतर्क , जागरूक    

C= CAUTIOUS - = Reserved & Task Oriented

C= CAUTIOUS - सावध , जागरूक = अंतर्मुखी आणि कार्याभिमुख

ज्‍या लोकांचे व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व अंतर्मुख आणि कार्याभिमुख असते या व्‍यक्‍तींना C= CAUTIOUS - सतर्क-सावध-जागरूक ह्या प्रकारात ठेवले आहे.

  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती खूपच सावधान असतात , सतर्क असतात.
  • Aware and Alert
  • यांचे लक्ष नेहमीच गुणवत्‍ता व दर्जा यावर असतो.
  • Look for Quality 
  • या प्रकारातील व्‍यक्‍ती आपल्‍या कार्यामध्‍ये कोणतीही चूक ठेवत नाहीत. 
  • Perfection 
  • यांना चूका करणे आवडत नाही.
  • don't like Mistakes
  • अशा व्‍यक्‍ती आपल्‍या कामामध्‍ये निःपुण असतात , तज्ञ असतात.  
  • Master in work 

तर हे होते DISC- डिस्‍क पर्सनालिटी टाईप म्‍हणजेच व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचे प्रकार. आता तुम्‍ही स्‍वतः विचार करा आणि प्रामाणिकपणे उत्‍तरे द्या की , वरीलपैकी तुमचे व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व कोणत्‍या प्रकारात मोडते. वरील चारपैकी तुम्‍ही कोणत्‍या प्रकारचे व्‍यक्‍ती आहोत.  

येथे प्रमाणिक उत्‍तर देणे खूप गरजेचे आहे.
प्रत्‍येक व्‍यक्‍तीमध्‍ये वरील चार गुणवैशिष्‍ट्ये कमी-अधिक प्रमाणात असतात. काहींमध्‍ये एखादे गुणवैशिष्‍ट्य जास्‍त असते तर काहींमध्‍ये कमी असते ज्‍यामुळे आपले वर्तन , व्‍यक्‍तीमतत्‍व आकारास येते.

तर वाचकमित्रांनो तुम्‍हाला हेच विचार करायचे आहे की , वरीलपैकी कोणते गुण तुमच्‍यामध्‍ये जास्‍त आहे आणि कोणते गुण कमी आहे. D,I,S किंवा C .

ह्या चाचणीचा हेतू तुम्‍हाला एखाद्या पुर्वनिर्धारित वर्गात , गटात-प्रकारात-चिकटवणे , बसवणे हा उद्देश येथे नाही.   तर तुम्‍हाला स्‍वतःला अधिक खोलवर जाणून घेणे , चांगल्‍याप्रकारे समजून घेणे हा खरा उद्देश आहे.   कारण जोपर्यंत तुम्‍ही स्‍वतःला चांगल्‍यापद्धतीने जाणून घेऊ शकणार नाही तोपर्यंत तुम्‍हाला तमचा पॅशन , तुमची आवड कळणार नाही , समजनार नाही.

आता तुम्‍हाला एकच काम करायचे आहे आणि ते म्‍हणजे तुमच्‍या व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाच्‍या प्रकारानुसार तुम्‍हाला कामं करायला पाहिजे. 


समजा तुमच्‍या व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचा प्रकार आहे सी- C म्‍हणजेच सतर्क-सावध व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व अंतर्मुख आणि लोकाभिमुख-रिजर्व्‍ह आणि टास्‍क ओरिएंटेड तर अगोदर जे आपण चार-चौकोन काढलेले होते त्‍यांच्‍यामध्‍ये वरच्‍या चौकोनामध्‍ये आपण लिहिले होते संगणक-कोडींग किंवा वक्‍ता (Public Speaking and Coding) तर तुमच्‍या व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाचा प्रकार सी- C येत असेल तर तुम्‍हाला संगणक-कोडींगवर अधिक भर द्यायला पाहिजे.

कारण संगणकाची-कोडींग तुमच्‍या व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍वाला जास्‍त शोभेल , रूचेल , समजेल.     हे फक्‍त एक उदाहरण आहे खरी चाचणी तुम्‍हाला प्रामाणिकपणे द्यायला पाहिजे ज्‍यामुळे तुमचे खरे व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व वर येण्‍यास मदत होईल. ज्‍यावरून तुम्‍हाला हे कळेल की कोणत्‍या गोष्‍टींना-कामांना जास्‍त वेळ द्यायला पाहिजे.

ज्‍यामुळे तुम्‍हाला ती कामे , त्‍या गोष्‍टी करताना मजा येईल , आनंद होईल , त्‍यामध्‍ये तुम्‍ही नक्‍कीच यशस्‍वी व्‍हाल. 

👉एक गोष्‍ट लक्षात ठेवा की ,

अयशस्‍वी किंवा अपयशी लोकं आपला अधिकतर वेळ अशा गोष्‍टींमध्‍ये घालवतात ज्‍यामध्‍ये ते उत्‍तम , उत्‍कृष्‍ट नाहीत किंवा चांगले नाहीत आणि अशी कामे करताना त्‍यांना मजा देखिल येत नाही , त्‍याचा आनंद त्‍यांना होत नाही.

याउलट , यशस्‍वी लोकं आपला अधिकतर वेळ अशा कामांना करण्‍यात घालवतात ज्‍यामध्‍ये ते खूप चांगले-उत्‍तम-उत्‍कृष्‍ट-तज्ञ असतात आणि ते करताना त्‍यांना मजा येते , आनंद होतो.  

Failed People are not good enough at their work and not enjoy but, Successful people are well and good at their work and they enjoy as well. 

सारांश समाप्‍त

( भाग-१ वाचन करण्‍यासाठी येथून जा )

Ikigai (Marathi) (इकिगाई) दीर्घायुषी, निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य

वाचकमित्रांनो , तुम्‍हाला या आमच्‍याद्वारे पर्यायाने पुस्‍तकाद्वारे तुमची आवड-पॅशन शोधण्‍याची एक अतिशय उत्‍कृष्‍ट पद्धत समजलेली आहे. आता हे संपुर्णतः तुमच्‍यावर अवलंबून आहे की , तुम्‍ही शिकलेल्‍या ह्या पद्धतीचा वापर , उपयोग किती व कुठे करता.

आता तुम्‍हाला हे कळेल की तुमची नक्‍की आवड कोणती , नैसर्गिक कल कोणता , तुम्‍हाला कशामध्‍ये रस आहे , कोणत्‍या गोष्‍टी करणे तुम्‍हाला आनंद देतात , कोणती कामे करताना तुम्‍हाला मजा येते. शेवटी तुम्‍हाला तुमच्‍या आयुष्‍याचे ध्‍येय-उद्दिष्‍ट कळेल , जगण्‍याचे कारण तुम्‍हाला कळेल.

आशा आहे तुम्‍हाला या पुस्‍तक सारांशामधून काही नवीन शिकायला भेटलं असेल.
🙏 धैर्यपुर्वक पुस्‍तक सारांश वाचन केल्‍याबद्दल आपले मनःपुर्वक धन्‍यवाद.

इतर अवांतर वाचनासाठी , खालील काही दुवे अवश्‍य वाचा व आपले जीवन सुधारा.

Ikigai (Marathi) ( इकिगाई) दीर्घायुषी , निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य इकिगाई म्हणजे काय आणि ते कसे कार्य करते ?     इकिगाई म्हणजे काय ?  (ikigai meaning   n marathi)

पॅशन-नैसर्गिक कल , आवड शोधाण्‍याची जापानी पद्धत ( भाग-१ वाचन करण्‍यासाठी येथून जा )

  • Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai.
  • The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. 
  • And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life. 
  • Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions.
  • Bring meaning and joy to your every day with ikigai. 'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives.
  • Science-based studies weave beautifully into honest, straight-talking conversation you won’t be able to put down.
  • Warm, patient, and kind, this book pulls you gently along your own journey rather than pushing you from behind.
  • Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation.

Ikigai (Marathi) ( इकिगाई) दीर्घायुषी , निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य

👉# तुमच्‍या सोईसाठी आम्‍ही (# Ikigai Book PDF in Marathi - PDFfile ) पीडीएफ मध्‍ये तयार केले आहे येथून डाऊनलोड-प्रिंट करा व लिहा


पुस्‍तकातील सारांश पुरेसे वाटलं नसेल आणि अधिक तपशिलवार , सविस्‍तरपणे पुस्‍तक वाचन करून आपले व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व सुधारा , आपला विकास करा , यशस्‍वी व्‍हा.

वैयक्तिक विकास , स्‍वयंमदतीवर ही पुस्‍तक तुम्‍हाला कशी वाटली याबद्दल आम्‍हाला अवश्‍य कळवा.   तसेच , ई-वाचनालय ह्या संकेतस्‍थळावरील अशाच संवाद कौशल्‍यांवर , लोकव्‍यवहारावर , सवयींवर , मेंदूचे कार्य , यावर आधारित इतर पुस्‍तक सारांश अवश्‍य वाचा.

Communication Skills | संवाद कौशल्‍ये   |   स्‍वयंविकास -Self Development स्‍वयंमदत -Self Help वैयक्तिक विकास -Personality Development स्‍वयंसुधार- Self-Improvement

ikigai book review in marathi

Keep Reading, Keep Learning and Keep Growing. 

  ☯ ई- वाचनालय | www.evachnalay.in


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  📗📘 📖 📘📙

पुस्‍तकं आपल्‍याला एखाद्या गोष्‍टीसाठी कार्य करण्‍याची योग्‍य शिस्‍त, माहिती, रीत, पद्धत, प्रथा, प्रक्रिया, आयोजन, नियोजन, संयोजन, समन्‍वय, प्रयोजन...एक व्‍यवस्‍था, प्रणाली ( SYSTEM) समजावून सांगतात.

________ ☯ ई- वाचनालय | www.evachnalay.in ________

ई-वाचनालय संकेतस्‍थळ हे एक असे व्‍यासपीठ आहे जिथे तुम्‍ही स्‍वयंसुधार , व्‍यक्तिमत्‍व विकास यांची कौशल्‍ये आत्‍मसात करून , यांद्वारे आपले जीवन चांगले बनवून एक यशस्‍वी जीवन जगू शकता.

परंतू , यासाठी चांगले मार्गदर्शक किंवा गुरू मिळणे आजच्‍या घडीला अवघड , कठीण झालेले दिसून येईल. पुस्‍तकं ही आपली उत्‍तम मार्गदर्शक व गुरू ठरू शकतात.   यासाठी पुस्‍तकांचा सार आम्‍ही सारांश रुपाने आपल्‍यासाठी घेऊन येतो. ज्‍याद्वारे तुम्‍ही तुमचे जीवन सफल बनवू शकता.

जीवनात पुस्‍तकं असतात आपली, मित्र, मार्गदर्शक आणि तत्‍वज्ञानी. म्‍हणून पुस्‍तकं वाचा.
, and in life. So, Read Books.


कारण , प्रचंड वेगाने बदलणारे अंतरजाल आणि दिवसेंदिवस किचकट , गुंतागुंतीचे होत जाणारे तंत्रज्ञान यामुळे माहितीचा प्रचंड स्‍फोट झालेला दिसून येईल. यामध्‍ये त्‍याबरोबरच भरमसाठ वाढत जाणारी माहिती यांच्‍या प्रचंड साठ्यातून आपल्‍यासाठी सोयीस्‍कर असे , सोप्‍या आणि सहज भाषेत पुस्‍तकांद्वारे मिळणारे ज्ञान , माहिती सारांश रूपाने ग्रहण करून , आत्‍मसात करू शकता.

उत्‍तम आणि यशस्‍वी जीवन जगू इच्छितात अशा लोकांना मदत व्‍हावी , आपले नेमके मार्गदर्शन व्‍हावे , योग्‍य दिशा मिळावी यासाठी अशा अनुभवी , लेखकांच्‍या दर्जेदार पुस्‍तकांद्वारे तुम्‍ही ते मिळवू शकता. 

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जीवनमान उंचावून यशस्‍वी जीवन जगण्‍यासाठी लागणारी माहिती , कौशल्‍ये , मार्गदर्शन हे पुस्‍तकांद्वारे   मिळवून जीवन सार्थक , यशस्‍वी ठरवू शकता.  

जीवनात पुस्‍तकं असतात आपली , मित्र , मार्गदर्शक आणि तत्‍वज्ञानी. म्‍हणून पुस्‍तकं वाचा.

Books are our Friend , Philosopher and Guide in life. So, Read Books.

  ☯ ई-वाचनालय | www.evachnalay.in

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स्‍वयंविकास, वैयक्तिक सुधार (Personality Development), स्‍वयंमदत (Self Help) यांवर हजारो वर्षापासून लेख-साहित्‍य, पुस्‍तकं उपलब्‍ध आहेत.

आपले जीवनमान उंचावण्‍यासाठी स्‍वतःविषयी, स्‍वतःच्‍या भाव-भावनांविषयी, जाणीवांविषयी जाणून घेऊन आपणही जीवनात यशस्‍वी होऊ शकतो.  खास तुमच्‍यासाठी ह्या संकेतस्‍थळवर उपलब्‍ध उत्‍कृष्‍ट अशा पुस्‍तकांचे सारांश.  अवश्‍य वाच. 

👉 वाचन करण्‍याचे फायदे : वाचन करा आणि श्रीमंत व्‍हा

👉 वाचनाचे महत्‍व/फायदे : पुस्‍तकांचे महत्‍व 📖📙📘📗📕📔

जागतिक स्‍तरावर गाजलेले लेखक व दर्जेदार पुस्‍तकांची पुस्‍तकांची यादीः 

१.        सॅपियन्‍स- मानव जातीची संक्षिप्‍त कथा

२.        का-पासून सुरूवात-स्‍टार्ट विथ व्‍हाय - सायमन सिनेक

३.        अति-परिणामकारक लोकांच्‍या सात-सवयी

४.        हॅबिट्स- दैनंदिन सवयींचा सापळा

५.        गोल्‍स- ब्रायन ट्रेसी

६.        सर्वांत अवघड काम सर्वात आधी- ईट दॅट फ्रॉग-ब्रायन ट्रेसी

७.        हायपर फोकस - ख्रिस बेले  

८.        दृष्‍टीकोन हेच सर्वकाही-एटीट्यूड इज एव्‍हरीथींग  

  ९ .        गेले करायचे राहून... द टॉप फाइव्‍ह रिग्रेट्स ऑफ डायिंग

 ⏰ Two Minute 📖 Book Short 

📖 दोन मिनिटात मॅगी तर मग , दोन मिनिटात पुस्‍तक... ! 

खरेदी केलेली मॅगी दोन मिनिटात संपेल परंतू पुस्‍तक एकदाच खरेदी करा व परत-परत वाचून समजून घ्‍या. एकदाची गुंतवणूक करा.

दरवेळेस परतावा देणारे उत्‍तम आर्थिक साधन कोणते ?

👉पुस्‍तक...! 📕📙📘📗 ..

जीवनात पुस्‍तकाचे ज्ञान उतरवा , चांगले आयुष्‍य जगा , यशस्‍वी व्‍हा.  
  • व्‍यक्‍तीमत्‍व विकास | Personality Development
  • बड़ी सोच का बड़ा जादू | The Magic of Thinking Big
  • एकावेळी एकच काम The One Thing

☯ ई- वाचनालय | www.evachnalay.in

ikigai book review in marathi

👉ई-वाचनालय या संकेतस्‍थळावरील आर्थिक विषयांवरील इतर लोकप्रिय , उत्‍कृष्‍ट अशी पुस्‍तक सारांश

  • रिच डॅड-पुअर डॅड 
  •   रिच डॅड्स- गाईड टू इन्‍वेस्‍टींग
  • रिच डॅड्स कॅशफ्लो क्‍वाड्रंट- गाईड टू फायनान्‍शि‍यल फ्रिडम
  • रिच किड स्‍मार्ट किड
  • हाऊ टू अट्रक्‍ट मनी
  • द पैरेबल ऑफ़ द पाइपलाइन
  • गुजराती धंदो की बात.!-दि धंधो इन्‍व्‍हेस्‍टर मराठी पुस्‍तक सारांश
  • पैश्‍याने पैसा कमावण्‍याची आधुनिक पद्धत - फॅल्‍कन मेथड
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बदल हवा असेल तर विचार बदला , तेच तुमचं आयुष्‍य बदलतील. तसेच आपल्‍या सवयींचेदेखिल आहे , एरिस्‍टॉटलनेसुद्धा असे म्‍हटले आहे की , तुम्‍ही जे काही करता त्‍या तुमच्‍या सवयींचा भाग असतो.

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इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला mahendra sharma द्वारा book reviews मराठी में पीडीएफ.

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Ikigai Book Marathi Review book and story is written by Mahendra Sharma in Marathi . This story is getting good reader response on Matrubharti app and web since it is published free to read for all readers online. Ikigai Book Marathi Review is also popular in Book Reviews in Marathi and it is receiving from online readers very fast. Signup now to get access to this story.

इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला.


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इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला by Mahendra Sharma in Marathi


परिचय:"इकीगाई" हा एक जपानी शब्द आहे ज्याचा अर्थ आहे "जीवनाचा हेतू" किंवा "जिवंत राहण्याचा कारण". हेक्टोर ग्रेगोरिया आणि फ्रांसिस मिरलेस यांनी लिहिलेली ही पुस्तक ओकिनावा द्वीपाच्या जीवनशैलीवर आधारित आहे, जिथे लोकांसाठी दीर्घकालिक आयुष्याची गम्मत प्रसिद्ध आहे. या पुस्तकात इकीगाईच्या संकल्पनेंच्या माध्यमातून जीवनाला अर्थपूर्ण बनवण्याचे, आनंद मिळवण्याचे आणि दीर्घकालिक आरोग्य राखण्याचे रहस्य स्पष्ट करण्यात आले आहे. पुस्तकाच्या मुख्य संकल्पना: 1. इकीगाईची संकल्पना: - इकीगाई (Ikigai) हा शब्द "इकी" (iki) म्हणजे जीवन आणि "गाई" (gai) म्हणजे मूल्य किंवा हेतू यांच्यापासून तयार झाला आहे. इकीगाई म्हणजे ते घटक जे जीवनाला अर्थपूर्ण आणि प्रेरणादायक बनवतात. इकीगाईच्या संकल्पनेंमध्ये चार प्रमुख घटकांचा समावेश आहे: - पॅशन

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इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला mahendra sharma द्वारा पुस्तक पुनरावलोकने मराठी में पीडीएफ.

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Ikigai Book Marathi Review book and story is written by Mahendra Sharma in Marathi . This story is getting good reader response on Matrubharti app and web since it is published free to read for all readers online. Ikigai Book Marathi Review is also popular in Book Reviews in Marathi and it is receiving from online readers very fast. Signup now to get access to this story.

इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला.


Mahendra Sharma

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इकीगाई: जपानच्या दीर्घकालिक आनंदाची कला द्वारा Mahendra Sharma in Marathi

परिचय:"इकीगाई" हा एक जपानी शब्द आहे ज्याचा अर्थ आहे "जीवनाचा हेतू" किंवा "जिवंत राहण्याचा कारण". हेक्टोर ग्रेगोरिया आणि फ्रांसिस मिरलेस यांनी लिहिलेली ही पुस्तक ओकिनावा द्वीपाच्या जीवनशैलीवर आधारित आहे, जिथे लोकांसाठी दीर्घकालिक आयुष्याची गम्मत प्रसिद्ध आहे. या पुस्तकात इकीगाईच्या संकल्पनेंच्या माध्यमातून जीवनाला अर्थपूर्ण बनवण्याचे, आनंद मिळवण्याचे आणि दीर्घकालिक आरोग्य राखण्याचे रहस्य स्पष्ट करण्यात आले आहे. पुस्तकाच्या मुख्य संकल्पना: 1. इकीगाईची संकल्पना: - इकीगाई (Ikigai) हा शब्द "इकी" (iki) म्हणजे जीवन आणि "गाई" (gai) म्हणजे मूल्य किंवा हेतू यांच्यापासून तयार झाला आहे. इकीगाई म्हणजे ते घटक जे जीवनाला अर्थपूर्ण आणि प्रेरणादायक बनवतात. इकीगाईच्या संकल्पनेंमध्ये चार प्रमुख घटकांचा समावेश आहे: - पॅशन

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Ikigai in Marathi

Ikigai in Marathi

Miki Keira Updeshe K.T.

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इकिगाई मराठी | [Hardcover] | Ikigai (Marathi Book) | दीर्घायुषी निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य | Japanese secret of Happy and long healthy life : In search of Purpose of life

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Héctor García

इकिगाई मराठी | [Hardcover] | Ikigai (Marathi Book) | दीर्घायुषी निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य | Japanese secret of Happy and long healthy life : In search of Purpose of life Hardcover – 19 September 2020

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  • Reading age 3 years and up
  • Print length 192 pages
  • Language Marathi
  • Dimensions 18.5 x 13.5 x 2 cm
  • Publisher MyMirror Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Publication date 19 September 2020
  • ISBN-10 9388550196
  • ISBN-13 978-9388550192
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इकिगाई मराठी | [Hardcover] | Ikigai (Marathi Book) | दीर्घायुषी निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य | Japanese secret of Hap

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From the Publisher

Ikigai Marathi Blue

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ MyMirror Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.; First Edition (19 September 2020); MyMirror Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Language ‏ : ‎ Marathi
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 192 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9388550196
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9388550192
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 3 years and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 400 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.5 x 13.5 x 2 cm
  • Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India
  • Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1 Count
  • Importer ‏ : ‎ MyMirror Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Packer ‏ : ‎ MyMirror Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
  • Generic Name ‏ : ‎ Book
  • #1,018 in Healthy Living & Wellness

About the author

Héctor garcía.

Héctor García was born in Spain and worked at CERN in Switzerland before moving to Japan, his home for 16 years and counting. In Tokyo, when he is not writing his next book, he makes a living in the IT industry. His popular blog led to his international bestseller A Geek In Japan. He is the author of the bestselling Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life; translated to 57 languages, has the strange honor of being the most translated book ever originally written in Spanish language. To this day he has published seven books, his latest one is: The Book of Ichigo Ichie.

Aapke Avchetan Mann Ki Shakti (The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind In Hindi)

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Customers say

Customers find the book helps them boost their health and maintain a good life. They also say it's interesting to understand and implement in their daily lives. Readers mention the concept is good and the tips in the book are important for a happy life.

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Customers find the content interesting and easy to understand. They say it's a nice self-help book that talks about a Japanese way of living. Readers also mention the book provides important tips for a happy life and energy for daily life.

"...It reveals Japanese secret of long and happy life. It energies our daily life . Helps in achieve oor goala" Read more

"I like this book .I read this book concept is very good .ekigai is nice concept in Japan.there life styale,eating methods and there is one beautiful..." Read more

"Ites very intresting to understand and implement in your daily life" Read more

"A must read book for anyone. Simple techniques which we can easily follow to know our IKIGAI . … ." Read more

Customers find the book helps them boost their health and maintain a good life. They say it helps them achieve their goals.

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"Excellent book, help maintain good healthy life ." Read more

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Ikigai by by Héctor García & Francesc Miralles is book which talks about finding your purpose and then following it with all heart to live a happy and satisfying life. The authors take us in this search along with them and make us understand how people of Japan have been living a long and a happy life.

Are you worried about leading a happy and satisfying life? Or, do you often worry if you are living the true purpose of your life? Or, are you stuck in a job that is not your passion?

If you are looking for the answers, this summary of the book Ikigai is just for you as we are going to address all these queries a few moments from now.

Today we will discuss the book “Ikigai” by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles .

Ikigai is a Japanese secret concept that tells you about longevity and happiness. This book tells us how by following the Japanese concept of Ikigai, you can make your life long and happy.

It is a fact that people living on Okinawa Island, Japan, live the longest and happiest life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world’s highest life expectancy record is in their name, but what is their secret?

Its secret is Ikigai, which is a Japanese concept. It means the joy of being busy.


Ikigai is a Japanese word that means – the reason for being, a reason to be alive. Purpose of life. The reason for your coming into the world.

The Japanese believe that every person has at least one Ikigai, which they get after understanding themselves. Ikigai is hard to find.

People’s whole lives go out looking for it. You will be surprised to know that you also have an Ikigai.

Reasons for reading Ikigai

The authors say about Ikigai that this is a concept of our Ikigai, which helps make the body strong so that we can live longer.

Once you feel like you have no clear purpose for living, no matter how healthy your other daily habits may be, your life span can be seriously shortened.

And research has shown that there is a hack in life. Having a goal can prevent the development of genes associated with inflammation in the body, as well as slow down the process of cell death.

Along with this, the authors of this book give us the following reasons:

1. It shows the purpose

It could be as little as finding a better job or looking to buy a home, cooking a special, or passing an exam. But it helps us to be active. Because our goals, no matter how big or small, keep us going, which allows us to be active and happy.

But to start anything, first of all, knowing about it and deciding the purpose is essential, as it is crucial to allocate the time to start health, wealth, or business.

The author tells his story and says that when he became aware of his big goal, he started getting peace and happiness in every small and big work related to it, and every action made him feel that his life would be happy, which is true today.

It also gave peace to his mind that he is living a purposeful and meaningful life. Even though he sometimes got minor failures, focusing on the goal was essential to his happiness.

2. It inspires happiness 

We often miss some of the most critical moments we like or need to be in our busy lives. But Ikigai advises that instead of being grateful for them, we should focus more on living those moments the next time we get the chance.

This book gives you tips to imagine in your mind your happy activities, your best moments, present moments and how it looks, and how good you feel in them.

Because we seldom notice that, instead of how well we can do in the present, we keep worrying about the future.

Therefore, taking time out and think about where I am in life, where I want to reach, and the necessary things to do to help human happiness and peace of mind both in the present and future.

3. Happiness lies in simplicity

The people of Japan like simplicity. Many people have made significant inventions, written books, researched, and achieved great success, but they give importance to simplicity in life.

They believe the spirit of being together, an active daily routine, matters for a peaceful, healthy, happy, and long life. Apart from this, the Okinawa residents of Japan also give a mark of kindness.

4. It promotes health awareness

The book Ikigai makes us aware of how to be healthy; it tells us to constantly move the body to be active and to keep it at the moment; you can walk or walk in your row in the office or do your desired activity.

5. It helps in increasing positivity 

Apart from this, this book also helps us to stay positive while teaching our desired work and positive thinking.

Find your Ikigai

Here are the 12 steps suggested to find your Ikigai about whom we will talk in detail. Understand every step very carefully because every step can change your life completely.

Step 1: What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of your life? This question haunts all of us at some point or the other. Could you take a look at it? If you find the purpose of your life. That purpose of life we ​​are looking for.

Ikigai Book

So understand, one will find a reason to wake up in the morning and sleep peacefully at night. A purpose that can be the reason for your happiness throughout your life. Ikigai helps to find this thing.

To find your Ikigai this way, you should ask yourself these four questions:

Question 1: What is love?

This question is probably the easiest. For this, think about what work you like best, which gives you energy, which you enjoy doing. In doing this, you stay energized and energized. This can be anything. Like – painting, singing, cooking, teaching, reading, traveling, or Youtube like me, etc. Any work that attracts you a lot. This could be your office work. Family work can happen. This can be your interest.

Question 2: What are you good at?

What work are you good at? In which work are you an expert? What skills do you have? In which you are already good naturally, or you have an interest in doing and learning it.

It can be different for each one. Therefore, find such a thing in which even if you have a little bit of natural skill, even if there is no perfection, then it will come slowly while doing it.

Question 3: Do you get paid for this?

If you talk only about love and good, then you can like to do anything. But it is optional that for this thing, you should be paid. Maybe you love cleaning the house. But for this thing, no one will pay you. So find some work that the world also needs so that they will pay you in return.

Question 4: What does the world need?

For this, you see, whether the people you like need anything. So what does the world need from these so that their problem can be solved? So that you can solve people’s problems through your favorite work and improve your lifestyle by earning money.

Step 2: Knowing Ikigai and knowing the circle

Ikigai circles

1. Know the Passion

What is expected is called your passion between the first and the second circle. That is, do whatever work you like, in which you are good too. That is called your passion.

2. Professional Circle

Circle between the second and third circles; what is expected is your profession. That is, the work you are good at.

3. Vocation Circle

Between the third circle and the fourth circle, what is expected is your vocation. That is, for whatever work, you can get money. In the same position, if the world even needs it, it can become your vocation.

4. Mission Circle

Between the fourth circle and the first circle, which is expected, is where your mission lies. That is what the world needed. You loved doing the same thing. So that becomes your mission, and both benefit.

In this way, if there is some work you like to do in your life, you are also better at that work than others, then you can get money also. And according to you, people need that work in the world too. So much work is called in Japanese – Ikigai.

To live a happy and fulfilling life, you’ll have to find your Ikigai. And when you see your Ikigai in your life, only then can you live a fulfilling life; otherwise, always in life, something will remain incomplete. And for all this, with all sincerity, you have to find answers to these four questions.

Step 3: How to find your Ikigai?

First of all, make a big square. Then, divide it into four equal square parts.

Write in the first square: I love this work and am also an expert in it. You write all those things in it which you love to do and are an expert in them.

Write in the second square: I like this job but don’t know how to do it well. That is such work that you love very much. But they don’t let you do it. But your heart does too much to make that work.

Write in the third square: Just not my cup of tea. But they have to be done. That is, doing things you don’t like to do. But it has to be done under compulsion. If you don’t like programming, it has to be done to stay in the job and earn money.

Write in the fourth square: Just not my cup of tea. I can’t even do well. What are things that you don’t even like? You are not even his expert. Still, you have to do it under compulsion, like you have to clean your room.

After writing these, you see that in what activities do you spend most of your time? How much time do you spend doing those things?

Which you are good at and you also like. How long do you spend doing something you don’t like? The author recommends doing this because most people spend more time doing work they do not like. That’s why they can’t get their passion. And there is a feeling of incompleteness in life.

Meaning that such people spend more time in the bottom two squares. But to find your passion, you should devote more time to the above two works.

You should spend more time on the above tasks without quitting your job. In these tasks, please focus on the ones you like the most and enjoy doing them too. By which later on, you can earn money too.

And have faith that you will find your Ikigai if you look for it honestly.

Step 4: Four Secrets of long, happy life and healthy living

Some particular habits are included in the life of the people of Okinawa, Japan. Because of this, they live a long, happy, fulfilling, and quality life.

Ikigai Summary

The people of Japan believe that stress and depression are the enemies of longevity. Therefore, stress should always be avoided to lead a happy life.

2. Food and drink

People of Japan never eat full stomach; they always eat only 80% of their hunger. For this, when you eat food, stop eating immediately as soon as your stomach is about to fill. Initially, you may not know when you have eaten 80% of your food, but you will learn as you do it slowly.

In a recent study, it has been found that the people of Okinawa consume an average of 1800 to 1900 calories per day; apart from that:

  • The people of Japan eat an average of 18 different types of foods every day.
  • Take five servings of fruits and vegetables daily containing different colored capsicum, carrot, spinach, cabbage, potato, legume, and soybean.
  • 30% of the calories of the people of Japan come from vegetables only.
  • Wheat is the foundation of Japanese people; they eat white rice daily.
  • Fish is eaten three times a week.
  • Salt is eaten on an average ranging from 7 grams to 12 grams.
  • Apart from this, Japanese people also consume green tea and white tea.

3. Doing one thing at a time

Whatever work you do, having focus brings flow to your work so that you can do that work very quickly and without getting tired.

Therefore, always choose the work you have to research; you will have to work hard, and your mind will always have to think so that your focus remains.

We feel that doing more than one thing at a time saves time and can finish more work in less time, but the scientific evidence of doing this is just the opposite.

Research has proved that people who do more than one work at a time finish the work late and are not productive at all while doing that work.

That’s why we should do only one thing simultaneously with complete focus.

Step 5: Ikigai retirement and health lessons

Did you know there is no word like retirement in Japanese? The people of Japan never retire from their work; they keep on working their whole life.

On the other hand, if we talk about other countries, people need early retirement. They should get rid of their work by any means which happens because they do not love their work.

When you do any work forcibly or just for money, then you are not happy with that work. The company you work for also does not get more value from you.

Therefore, to live a long and happy life, you should love your work; then, you will never think of retirement because your happiness will now be in your work and not sitting at home and rusting your body.

If you sit for too long, you will get old sooner. Sitting for a long time may give you physical comfort, but it will damage your cells, and cause food imbalance, hypertension, and even cause cancer.

And to avoid this, you should add these few habits in your daily life:

  • Walk for at least 21 minutes daily
  • Do not use a lift or elevator
  • Participate in social activities so you do not sit in front of the TV for a long time.
  • Replace your junk food, and packaged food with good food
  • Get good quality sleep, and take 7 to  9 hours of sleep. Do not sleep more than this
  • Play with your children or your pet
  • In the beginning, you can also set a timer so that you remember that it is time to walk,
  • You can also use the app from Google, which gives you the task of walking daily.

Step 6: Focus on Work

It is essential to have focus while doing whatever work you do. Having focus brings flow to your work so that you can do that work very efficiently and without getting tired.

To bring focus and flow to the work, you should follow the mentioned things:

1. Choose the hard work

As we discussed earlier, always choose the work that you have to do research on. You will have to work hard, and your mind should always be thinking so that your focus remains.

Keep in mind that do not choose any such work which is out of your ability and it is so difficult for you to do it that after a few days, you stop doing it. Don’t even do what is easy for you as you will feel bored. Stop doing it.

2. Clear objective

Before starting any work, you should have a clear objective of doing it, what you have to do, when to do it, and why to do it. You should know all these things in advance. There should be a deadline so that you can finish it on time and not postpone it further.

3. Only one task

And as we have known earlier, only one thing at a time.

Step 7: 10 Short rules of success through Ikigai

  • Surround yourself with good friends
  • Live life at a slow pace
  • Do not fill your stomach entirely while eating.
  • Make your body in shape
  • Be in the present
  • Always smile
  • Be active, don’t retire
  • Connect with nature
  • Learn to be grateful
  • Find and follow your Ikigai

Step 8: Okinawa elder’s advice

Ikigai English

Elders have a lot of wisdom to share with the world from their years of experience. Those of us young can sometimes pretend we know everything, but we should learn essential things about life from generations senior to us, who know better than us.

And at the same time, focus on enjoying life with what you have rather than what’s going wrong or isn’t.

A great way to do this is to connect with everyone around you, even strangers. And that’s what the old-timers in Okinawa suggest: smile and talk openly to everyone you meet.

The friendly attitude that develops from this will help you develop friendships with many people throughout your life.

Okinawa elders also recommend building such loving relationships and maintaining those relationships.

To learn more about making friends, please read the summary of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” The link is just down below:

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Step 9: Keep moving throughout the day

Okinawa residents suggest you are not required to play a sport or run to be healthy. For this, you can decide on any running work according to your convenience.

Because speed can inhibit consistency from the start, Okinawans try to keep their forms of running exercise simple. Jogging around, days in the garden, or singing for fun are just a few simple ways they go through the bar.

Keeps up the pace. Apart from this, Radio Tasso, a Japanese radio show, has helped Okinawas to exercise for years. It plays tunes in a big station in Japan, and people listen to the directions to exercise.

To maintain body and mind movement, you should also get up in the office for some time and walk in your row or office.

Step 10: Japanese people’s secret to living a long life

Japanese elders share these five secrets to living a long life:

1. They Don’t worry

The secret to a long life is not to worry. And to keep your heart young, don’t let it grow old. Open your heart to people with a friendly smile on your face.

If you smile and open your heart, your grandchildren and everyone else will want to see you. The best way to avoid worrying is to get out and socialize.

Older people in Japan often do this. That’s why they have been able to live so long. According to them, you need to be happy instead of worrying about living a long life.

Spending time with others without causing trouble to anyone and having fun is all that matters.

2. Cultivate good habits

Good habits matter the most for long life. In today’s time, getting up late has become the most significant bad habit.

Your body is not active, due to which your body becomes tired. So, first of all, make a habit of getting up early and doing some work in the morning , which will make your body agile.

Do something that relaxes you. You can run or walk after getting up early in the morning.

You can also do some work at home, like yoga, watering plants, or planting new plants. After this, come home and make breakfast with your hands.

Use green vegetables in your breakfast. Just find your Ikigai no matter what you’re doing. The key to staying sharp in old age is at your fingertips. If you keep your fingers busy, you can live for 100 years.

Remember that if you do not work after getting up in the morning, your body becomes weak. After this, pray to God for your good health and good life.

And do these things consistently every day. Keep in mind – eating vegetables helps you live longer. You need to do three things to live a long time:

  • Exercise to be healthy
  • Spend time with people.

3. Nurture your friendships every day

Ikigai Hindi

Keeping in touch with your friends, keeps adding another year to your life. Because your friends are those people who make you feel happy and memorable.

And being with friends is the most pleasurable thing in life. The people you love are the secret to a long life. To understand the importance of this thing and spend time with friends.

Chatting, drinking tea, and singing with your neighbors are the best things in life. Go to new places with your friends; it will make you happier. The secret of a long life is mixing with people and moving from place to place.

4. Live an incomplete life

For long life, focus on doing ‘slow’ and ’at ease.’ If you are not in a hurry, you will live longer. Many old men in Japan share this secret to live longer.

They wake up early, exercise, and have a good breakfast. And when they get tired after all this, they meet their friends.

Doing many different things every day prolongs your life. Nowadays, people are very busy due to their busy schedules, and sometimes they also become overwhelmed with their work.

But doing so can never increase your life. Therefore, when crushed, focus on one task at a time. By doing this, you can also complete your current work correctly. Remember, the secret to a long life is to go to bed early, rise early and go for a walk.

If you live in peace, enjoy small things, and meet your friends, no one can stop you from living more.

5. Be optimistic

Tell yourself every day, ‘Today will be a day full of health and energy. Live it to the fullest.’ Of course, no matter how old or weak you may feel, tell yourself I still have much to do.

And laugh out loud while saying this. Laughter is the most important thing. Wherever you go, laugh there; it will put you and the person living with you in a good mood.

And you will get the motivation to work. The mood in which you spend your time matters a lot. If you look at the statistics, people who are sad, unhappy, or angry die before people who laugh more and be happy.

So make laughing your priority. Consider yourself lucky to be in this life. Say thank you, and help others; it will give you a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. To live longer is in your hands; embrace it.

Step 11: Logotherapy to Ikigai 

People are not happy due to a lack of purpose in their lives. Due to a lack of meaning in life, life does not seem meaningful.

And it becomes the reason for your sadness, which makes it impossible to be happy for a long time. Even many people give up hope and try suicide, which is a big problem. You can use the logotherapy technique mentioned in the book to overcome this problem.

Logotherapy… What is it?

Logotherapy inspires patients to consciously search for their life’s purpose to confront their neurosis. Their search to fulfill their destiny leads them to mental blocks of the past, breaking and overcoming all obstacles that stand in the way.

The process of logotherapy steps can be best understood in these five steps:

  • The person feels empty, hopeless, or anxious.
  • The therapist shows him that he desires to have a meaningful life.
  • By which the patient comes to know his life’s purpose at that particular time.
  • He decides to accept or reject his destiny with which his whole life is connected.
  • And when the patient finds this new passion. This new passion of his helps him to overcome obstacles and sorrows.

If the person needs help doing this, logotherapy helps him by visualizing the picture. He needs guidance in the search for his life’s purpose and overcoming troubles to move toward his purpose. According to logotherapy, discovering one’s life purpose helps the individual fill that gap.

Step 12: Important lessons


Life lessons from the book:

  • An intelligent person should not avoid the pleasures of life but should always be aware that dependence on them can make him a slave to satisfaction. That’s why you should make it a habit to be happy from the heart instead of being prepared for those pleasures which vanish in no time.
  • The present is everything that exists, and it is the only powerful thing we can control and through which we can control our today and future life.
  • The things we love are like the leaves of a tree. They can fall at any time with the gust of wind. Everything we have, and the ones we love, will eventually disappear. So we have to be aware to be happy with it without being pessimistic about it. We should be happy in the present, which helps us avoid much pain during loss.
  • There is no exact plan to connect with our Ikigai. So don’t worry too much about finding it. Just be engaged in what you love while surrounded by people who love you.
  • We don’t make meaning of our life; we find it by doing the work we love, so we do the work passionately.
  • Each one of us has a unique reason to be alive. Find it and live life to fulfill the purpose of life.

Daily healthy habits:

  • Japanese stop eating when their stomach is 80% full.
  • Stress is a proven killer. While challenges in life are suitable for keeping the mind and body active, we should focus on solving the fundamental challenges and avoid the rest.
  • Take rest. Start slow and keep doing it. Eat well and sleep. Everything is fine. Life is a marathon, not a 100m sprint.
  • Keep your mind and body busy.
  • People with a clear purpose never retire and stay with their passion till their last breath.
  • Smile and meet people.
  • Work hard, but on your Ikigai. Work as little as you can on the rest.
  • Just get started, and start with the most accessible and most comfortable steps. Keep improving it with time and information.

Eating habits

  • Eat everything in a little. Diversity is key. Eat a variety of foods, especially vegetables.
  • Apart from this, the people of Okinawas rarely eat sugar. But no sweets or chocolates or negligible, so diseases like sugar are rarely heard in Japan. So to avoid sugar and stay healthy, you should also use this method.
  • Eat lots of citrus fruits. They contain chemicals that prevent cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

So, friends, this is the secret of Japanese people’s happiness and healthy living, which is called Ikigai. We learned that more time, energy, and attention should be given to working passionately, adding value to people’s lives with the work you want so that you also work on your passion and people’s problems should be solved. And one should live for it by making a clear goal in life.

I hope you have learned about passion, happiness, and health. Now adopt them in your life and become successful by doing your passionate work.

Ikigai Book Review

So, I hope that you liked the summary of the book “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. I found this book to be a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration.

“Ikigai” is a Japanese concept that roughly translates to “a reason for being.” It’s the idea that a fulfilling and happy life comes from discovering and pursuing one’s true passion and purpose. This book takes you on a journey through the lives of the inhabitants of Okinawa, a small Japanese island known for its high concentration of centenarians, people who live well into their 100s.

The authors, García and Miralles, expertly weave together a narrative that is both engaging and informative, combining interviews, personal anecdotes, and scientific research. What I found particularly captivating was how they managed to uncover the secrets of the Okinawans’ longevity and happiness, and how these lessons can be applied to our own lives.

One of the key lessons I took away from the book was the importance of having a clear purpose in life. In Okinawa, people are encouraged to discover their “ikigai” early on and dedicate their lives to it. This resonated with me deeply, as I realized that I too needed to find my own “ikigai” and live a more purpose-driven life.

The book also emphasizes the importance of balance in life. Okinawans manage to strike a perfect balance between work, leisure, and social connections. This holistic approach to living was refreshing, as I often find myself caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, neglecting important aspects of my well-being.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the practical advice the authors provided for applying the concept of “ikigai” to our own lives. They propose simple yet powerful strategies like fostering a sense of community, staying active, and eating healthily. These are ideas that may seem obvious, but the way García and Miralles present them makes you see their importance with newfound clarity.

The prose is easy to read and engaging, making the book a pleasure to read. The authors’ passion for the subject matter is apparent throughout, and their genuine enthusiasm for the Okinawan way of life is contagious.

In conclusion, “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” has had a profound impact on the way I view life and happiness. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking inspiration, wisdom, or simply a fresh perspective on living a more fulfilling life. It’s a journey that will surely stay with me for years to come.

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173 thoughts on “ikigai by héctor garcía & francesc miralles”.

Day—9–ikigai is complete

Day 9. This book teaches us the Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” explores the concept of Ikigai, which is the Japanese philosophy of finding one’s purpose in life. It provides insights and practical tips on how to identify and pursue your Ikigai, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Day 9 book Ikigai This book summary helped me a lot to find the purpose of my life. Stay happy and healthy be happy.thankuuu Amit sir for amazing book summary.

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    Warm, patient, and kind, this book pulls you gently along your own journey rather than pushing you from behind. Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation. Ikigai (Marathi) (इकिगाई) दीर्घायुषी, निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य

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    इकिगाई | Ikigai | Book Review in Marathi. 103 subscribers in the marathibooks community. मराठी वाचकांना एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव देण्यासाठी आम्ही प्रयत्नशील आहोत. जास्तीत जास्त मराठी ...

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    What is Ikigai? Ikigai is the art of living life in a way that a person is always inspired to remain focused on their goal. The meaning of Ikigai is to make your life meaningful. The people who use the principles of Ikigai always wake up in the morning with a sense of meaning. This is the reason why despite having been destroyed in the second world war Japan did not only develop but also ...

  15. आनंदी आणि दीर्घायुषी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य । IKIGAI book summery in

    #netbhet #ikigai #lifetips #findyourpassion मराठी मधून संपूर्ण MBA चे शिक्षण !💰💰लाखो रुपये फी भरून जे ...

  16. Ikigai (इकिगाई) (Marathi Edition)

    Ikigai (इकिगाई) (Marathi Edition) [Miki, Keira] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ikigai (इकिगाई) (Marathi Edition) Skip to main content.us. Delivering to Nashville 37217 Update location ... Delivering to Nashville 37217 Update location Books. Select the department you ...

  17. Buy इकिगाई मराठी

    Ikigai इकिगाई, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind in Marathi Books Gift Pack मराठी पुस्तक Motivational Combo Book Set ईकीगाई, ईकिगाई, इकीगाई [paperback] Ken Mogi,Joseph Murphy [Jan 01, 2021]…

  18. Ikigai Book Summary and Review [All Important Points Covered]

    Today we will discuss the book "Ikigai" by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. Ikigai is a Japanese secret concept that tells you about longevity and happiness. This book tells us how by following the Japanese concept of Ikigai, you can make your life long and happy. It is a fact that people living on Okinawa Island, Japan, live the ...