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> ./prog -alg [FIFO|SJF|PR|RR] [-quantum integer(ms)] -input [input_file_name.txt]

The order of command line arguments and their associated data could be given in different orders:

For Part 1 (FIFO), you can run it as:

> ./prog -alg FIFO -input input1.txt

> ./prog -input input1.txt -alg FIFO

For the given input file input1.txt , the output of your program will be as follows:

In the other parts, you will implement and test the other three CPU scheduling algorithms. They will also have the same output format with different values.

Part 1 (FIFO): Detailed Steps

  • set all PCB->Reg[8] to the Process ID (e.g., for(k=0; k < 8; k++) PCB->myReg[k] = id; ) , 
  • set PCB->queueEnterClock and PCB->waitingTime to 0, then
  • Remove the PCB from the head of the linked list (but don't free it yet)
  • For each input file, copy/paste your screen output into a textfile (say output1.txt)

Part 2 (SJF): Detailed Steps

For Part 2 (SJF), you will just run it as:

> prog -alg SJF -input input1.txt

> prog -input input1.txt -alg SJF

Part 3 (PR): Detailed Steps

For Part 3 (PR), you will just run it as:

> prog -alg PR -input input1.txt

> prog -input input1.txt -alg PR

Part 4 (RR): Detailed Steps

For Part t (RR), you will just run it as:

> prog -alg RR -quantum 5 -input input1.txt

> prog -input input1.txt -alg RR -quantum 5


Prepared by Turgay Korkmaz

Fall 2020


Please upload your answers in LMS .

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