chapter 17 organizational design

Chapter 17 Organizational Design

Apr 05, 2019

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Chapter 17 Organizational Design. Learning Goals. Describe how organizational design coordinates activities in an organization and gets information to decision makers Discuss the contingency factors of organizational design

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  • strategic goals
  • organizational design cont
  • technical process
  • forms oforganizational design
  • emphasizes decision
  • ethical issues


Presentation Transcript

Chapter 17Organizational Design

Learning Goals • Describe how organizational design coordinates activities in an organization and gets information to decision makers • Discuss the contingency factors of organizational design • Distinguish between the organizational design effects of strategy, external environment, technical process, and size

Learning Goals (Cont.) • Describe the design features of functional, divisional, hybrid, and matrix organization forms • Explain the characteristics of several forms of organizations that are likely to evolve in the future

Chapter Overview • Introduction • The Contingency Factors of Organizational Design • Forms of Organizational Design • International Aspects of Organizational Design • Ethical Issues in Organizational Design

Introduction • Organizational design refers to the way managers structure their organization to reach the organization’s goals • Structural elements include • Allocation of duties, tasks, and responsibilities between departments and individuals • Reporting relationships • Number of levels

Introduction (Cont.) • Organizational charts show the formal design or structure. See text book Figure 17.1 • An incomplete picture because of informal arrangements and underlying behavioral processes • Two basic goals of organizational design • Get information to decision makers • Coordinate the interdependent parts of an organization

The Contingency Factors of Organizational Design • Overview • External environment: Includes the organization’s competitors, customers, suppliers, government, . . . • Strategy: The plan for reaching the goals of the organization • Open systems character of organizations tightly couples these two factors

The Contingency Factors of Organizational Design (Cont.) • Overview (cont.) • Technical process: The system an organization uses to produce its products or services • Size: The number of organization members

The Contingency Factors of Organizational Design(Cont.) Major tools forimplementationTechnical processForms oforganizational design MissionAchieveorganizationgoals Externalenvironment Strategy Relationships Among the Contingency Factors Roles of organizational culture and size.

Strategy • An organization’s strategy describes long-term goals and way of reaching the goals • Describes resource allocation • Plays a mediating role between the external environment and the tools of organizational design • Note the two headed arrows in the drawings • Example: Product innovation response

Strategy (Cont.) • Strategy’s mediating role in organizational design • “Structure follows strategy” • “Strategy follows structure” • In both views, the design of the organization is a major tool for carrying out the strategy

Strategy (Cont.) Strategy’s mediating role in organizational design (cont.) “Structure follows strategy” Choice of anorganizational form Reach strategic goals

Strategy (Cont.) Strategy’s mediating role in organizational design (cont.) “Strategy follows structure” Organizational design is anenvironment within whichmanagers form strategy. Prevents developing aneffective strategy Develop effective strategy

Managers assess the uncertainty in the external environment when considering design decisions Can design the organization to increase information about the environment Or make the organization more flexible in its response to the environment Information plays a key role because it can reduce risk in a manager's predictions about the future External Environment

Two elements of environmental uncertainty Complexity of the external environment. Ranges from simple to complex Simple environment has a few similar elements Complex environment has many different elements External Environment (Cont.)

External Environment (Cont.) • Static to dynamic external environment • Static external environment is unchanging or slowly changing • Dynamic external environment is filled with quickly moving events that could conflict with each other • Degree of change creates uncertainty in predicting future states of the environment

Four possible states of the external environment Simple-static: lowest uncertainty Complex-dynamic: highest uncertainty Simple-dynamicand complex-static environments are about midway between the other two Example: Internet commerce has created a complex-dynamic environment for much of the retail industry External Environment (Cont.)

Technical Process • Conversion of inputs to outputs • Manufacturing, service, or mental processes • Affects peoples’ behavior in many ways • Work pace • Worker control • Degree of routine • Predictability • Interdependence within the process • Various types of technical processes exist

Organization Size • As size increases, organizations have • More formal written rules and procedures • More management levels, unless managers decentralize • More complex organizational forms • Higher coordination requirements because of complexity • Size and technical process: more strongly associated with organizational design in small organizations than in large organizations

Forms ofOrganizational Design • Three major forms: functional, divisional, and matrix • Combine functional and divisional designs to get a hybrid design • Several variations of the divisional design • Several evolving forms of organizational design

Organizational Designby Function • Groups tasks of the organization according to the activities they perform • Typically configured into departments such as manufacturing, engineering, accounting, marketing, . . . • Functional configurations can vary from one organization to another depending on tasks and goals

Organizational Designby Function (Cont.) • Strategy: Focused on a few products or services in well defined markets with few competitors • External environment: stable, simple, little uncertainty • Technical process: Routine with little interdependence with other parts of the organization • Size: Small to medium

Organizational Designby Function (Cont.) • See Figure 17.1 in the text book for an example • Each major functional area helps align the company with each sector • Marketing, for example, focuses on customers. It does not manufacture products. That is the job of the manufacturing function

Organizational Designby Function (Cont.) • Line and staff • Line does the major operating tasks • Staff gives support and serve in advisory roles. Emphasizes technical skills within each function • Individuals work with others who share common backgrounds and views • Homogeneity can lead to narrow views of the function’s contribution to the organization

Organizational Designby Function (Cont.) • Strengths • Specialization • Brings specialists together • Collegial relationships develop among specialists • Encourages development of specialized skills and information sharing • Clear career paths for specialists

Organizational Designby Function (Cont.) • Weaknesses • Does not help managers respond quickly to external changes • Emphasis on specialization promotes a tunnel-vision view of the goal of the function • Functional design can produce a set of widely accepted behaviors and perceptions with the organization

Organizational Designby Division • Uses decentralization • Divisions formed around products, services, locations, customers, programs, or technical process • Often evolves from a functional design • As the external environment changes, managers may need to diversify its activities to stay competitive • A common management reaction to large organization size

Organizational Designby Division (Cont.) • Strategy: Focused on different products, services, customers, or operating locations • External environment: Complex, fast changing, with moderate to high uncertainty • Technical process: Nonroutine and interdependent with others parts of the organization • Size: large

Organizational Designby Division (Cont.) • Emphasizes decision-making autonomy throughout the organization • Has high interpersonal skill demands because of extensive contacts with people throughout the organization • Rewards behavior that goes toward the goal of decentralization: product, customer, service, or location

Organizational Designby Division (Cont.) • Strengths • Easily adapts to differences in products, services, clients, location, and the like • For example, products and differ in how manufactured and marketed • Products, services, and customers are highly visible • Often appear in division names

Organizational Designby Division (Cont.) • Weaknesses • Loses economies of scale because many functions such as accounting are duplicated within the divisions • Technical specialization is more diffuse compared to a functional design • Hard to get uniform application of policies and procedures across divisions

HybridOrganizational Design • Hybrid design uses both functions and divisions • Managers use a hybrid design to get the benefits and reduce the weaknesses of the two configurations • The divisions decentralize some functions, and the headquarters location centralizes others • Centralized functions often are the costly ones

HybridOrganizational Design (Cont.) • People in different parts of the organization fulfill different requirements • Functional areas reward technical expertise • Functional specialists often support the divisions • Divisions do the primary work of the organization

HybridOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Strategy: Focused on many products or services • External environment: Fast changing, moderate to high uncertainty, complex • Technical process: Both routine and nonroutine; high interdependence with functions and divisions • Size: Large

HybridOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Strengths • Focuses on products, services, and customers • Adapts well to complex environments • Economies of scale: expensive shared resources are centralized and support all divisions

HybridOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Weaknesses • Focus on division goals can lose total organization view • Non-uniform application of organizational policies • Potential for high administrative overhead if staff expands without control • Potential conflict between division managers and corporate headquarters. Managers want autonomy; headquarters wants control

MatrixOrganizational Design • Used when two sectors of the external environment demand management attention • Typically responding to the customer and technical parts of the environment • Customers have special needs • Technology changes fast • Emerged during the 1950s within the U.S. aerospace industry

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Rejects the unity of command principal described in Chapter 1 of the text book • Uses multiple authority structures, so that many people report to two managers • People from different functional areas work on various projects

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Each person has at least two supervisors or managers. One supervisor is in the functional area and the other is in a project • Mixture of people from the functional areas varies according the project needs • Multiple reporting relationships are a basic feature of matrix organizations See text book Figure 17.3 for a simplifiedmatrix organizational design.

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Conditions under which an organization may choose a matrix design • Pressures from the external environment for a dual focus • High uncertainty within the multiple sectors of the external environment • Constraints on human and physical resources

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • High conflict potential because of multiple authority relationships • Managers need well-developed conflict management skills • Demand high levels of coordination, cooperation, and communication • Requires high levels of interpersonal skill

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Different matrix uses and forms • Within specific functional areas such as marketing. Managers responsible for a brand or group of brands bring all marketing skills together to focus on the products • Temporary forms for specific projects • Permanent forms for the organization’s on-going work

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Strengths • Responsive, flexible, efficient use of costly resources • Potentially high levels of human motivation and involvement • Managers can respond fast to market changes • Shares scarce and expensive resources • People get information about a total project, not only about their specialty

MatrixOrganizational Design (Cont.) • Weaknesses • High levels of ambiguity because of multiple authority relationships • Ambiguity can encourage power struggles among managers • Multiple authority relationships can give opposing demands to people • High conflict potential can reach dysfunctional levels and act as significant stressors for people in matrix organizations

Evolving Forms ofOrganizational Design • Several new forms of organizational design • Self-managing teams, a team-based approach • A process view of organizational design focuses on work processes • The virtual organization. This unusual form links widely scattered organizations into a network

Self-Managing Teams • Customer focus and fast changing environments require decisions at lower levels in an organization • Decentralizes decision authority in the teams • Decision authority in these teams can focus on customers, processes, and product design

Self-Managing Teams (Cont.) • Often cross-functional membership • Helps flatten an organization by removing a layer of management • Results in a nimble organization that can respond to fast changing customer needs

A Process View ofOrganizational Design • Discards the view of packaging duties and tasks along functional or divisional lines • The organization is a set of interconnected processes that weave across multiple functions • Focuses on the results of a process not on people’s skills or functions • People have responsibility for all or part of a process with decision authority over those parts

The Virtual Organization • A temporary network of companies or people that focus on reaching a specific target • Information technology links members into a network no matter where they are in the world • Enter agreements to get needed skills or resources • Little direct control over functions done by other members of the network

The Virtual Organization (Cont.) • Features a need for high trust among members • Need conflict management and negotiation skills • Interdependent in reaching a mutually desired goal

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5+ Free Organizational Chart PowerPoint Templates (+ FAQs)!

Carla Albinagorta

An organizational chart is the perfect tool to showcase any institution or company’s internal structure. They are perfect for conveying visually the division of roles and responsibilities and, thus, can be very useful for business presentations. 

In this article, you’ll find some of the best organizational charts designed specifically for PowerPoint by our amazing team of professional presentation designers. And the best thing is they are completely free!

We’ll also tackle other FAQs about organizational charts and how to use them, as well as some tools on how to create your own organizational chart in PowerPoint. 

Feel free to jump around to see which section is more useful to you!

  • What is an organizational chart?

Why use organizational charts?

Is powerpoint good for making organizational charts, can i create my own organizational chart.

  • Free organizational chart PowerPoint templates
  • How to create an organizational chart in PowerPoint (step-by-step guide)
  • Other tools to create organizational charts

organizational design ppt presentation

FAQs: What is an organizational chart?

Organizational charts, also called organization charts or org charts, are visual representations of a company’s structure. They allow people to see a company's hierarchical structure from top-level management to everyone at the ‘bottom.’ 

Organizational charts can be very versatile depending on the information that's added to them. They can be used for the whole company or specific departments or teams and combined with other information, such as projects, roles, responsibilities, or geographical locations. 

Organizational charts are very useful to show people where they fall in the company’s hierarchy and how they relate to everybody else, as well as their direct and indirect managers. 

Org charts are incredibly useful if you want to outline everybody’s role in the company. It helps to ensure that there are no overlapping responsibilities and that everyone has an official role in the company’s success.

Organizational charts can be a key tool for project planning, especially for ones involving different departments and onboarding presentations for new employees. 

If you plan to add your organizational chart to a presentation, using PowerPoint to create it from the start might be a great idea! PowerPoint is a more versatile tool than people give it credit for, and it offers many automatized options for creating an organizational chart, even for the most inexperienced designers. 

PowerPoint is also great for organizational charts, as you’ll be able to find a wide array of options and templates online that are easily editable and customizable to your needs. 

Keep scrolling to find our free organizational chart templates or to learn how to make your own organizational chart in PowerPoint. 

Yes! If you can not find an organizational chart that catches your eye, you can always make your own. Jump to this article's ‘How to create an organizational chart in PowerPoint' section to get the step-by-step guide. Or, jump to the other organizational charts tools section for some other online options. 

And, if all of this seems like too much of a hassle, then you can always hire professional help! 24Slides team of presentation designers will create a custom-made organizational chart just for you for as little as $11 per slide. 

organizational design ppt presentation

5+ Free Organizational Chart Templates for PowerPoint

Without further ado, here are our best free PowerPoint organizational chart templates! All you need to do is register your email address, and you can download every single one of them - completely free!

Even better, they are all fully editable and customizable for your needs. If you’re still struggling with it, check out our complete guide to creating and editing PowerPoint templates . 

Organizational Chart PowerPoint Template by 24Slides

If you’re unsure which type of organizational chart template you should be looking for, you should check out this free 10-slide template from 24Slides.

Here you’ll find different types of organizational chart templates, like a Horizontal Organizational Chart, a slide for a Divisional Organizational Chart, or a Hierarchical Organizational Chart. 

Horizontal organizational charts are great for smaller companies like start-ups. It’s because employees are likely to wear many hats and take on shifting roles and responsibilities.

Divisional organizational charts are great for companies with clearly defined and fully independent departments. For example, if you run a restaurant with 3 independent branches, then you can use a chart like this. You can have restaurant 1 in the left column, restaurant 2 in the middle column, and restaurant 3 in the third column. You’ll then list down the names of the managers, assistant managers, and staff in each branch. And you can add more columns and rows as you see fit.

The Hierarchical Organizational Chart is the most common chart you’ll see on office walls. Of course, if you have a lot of middle managers in your company, then you’d need to move around some of the boxes. But overall, this slide should give you a good start and allow you to show your organization’s hierarchy with just a few tweaks.

This free organizational chart template even includes a slide with a map! If you work for a global or multinational corporation, then you may only want to present the top managers in each location. If you require more than just 5 names, you can duplicate the elements you need to add. There are a lot of different ways you can customize this template.

Looking for free PowerPoint map templates? Check out our Templates hub for more options

Free Maps Templates for PowerPoint by’s Organizational Chart Templates

If the first one isn’t your cup of tea, don’t worry! Here there is a completely different Organization Chart Template pack for PowerPoint!

Just like the last one, it offers different kinds of slide layouts for your org chart, among other designs that will help you convey the roles and responsibilities within your organization. 

If you want to add photos to your organizational charts, then this is the template pack you need to download. This is the perfect presentation template to introduce the CEO and other top-level managers. If they have staff beneath them, you can add their names and position. If you want to add their photos as well, then simply edit the slide as necessary.

If you want to give more information about the company’s CEO or one of your managers or anyone on the team for that matter, you’ll also find more slides to elaborate on it. 

Or, if you want to give recognition to a particular team or department, you can put up a team photo on the left side of the slide and then list down the names of the team leader and the members!

You can also use this organizational charts PowerPoint template to showcase some fun facts about your organization and present your team members to your audience in a more fun, engaging way!

Company Organizational Chart PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a more professional and business-like organizational chart template, this is the one for you.  Its more corporate style makes it the perfect fit for companies and enterprises to show their team’s organization and hierarchy. 

Just like the previous organizational chart templates, this one offers a wide range of options to show your team structure. 

Showcasing their whole team can be a challenge for big companies, but this template includes slides that will help you display the perfect overview in just one slide, from the CEO to up to 6 different departments and the key players and responsibilities of each. 

It also features slides that will complement any organizational chart. For example, the Project Team Structure Chart is perfect for defining roles within a single project and ensuring everyone knows who they answer to, which is key to a project’s success —especially for cross-departmental projects. 

Other slides in this organizational chart PowerPoint template also tackle the fact that sometimes, a little more explanation is needed! You’ll find slides with extra text boxes to get into detail about your org chart, as well as role description slides.  

Corporate Hierarchy Template

If you’re looking for ways to show your organization’s hierarchy but you’re not dead set on a classic tree format, then you might want to check out this one! Here you’ll find different layouts for organizational chart templates. 

The stairs diagram is perfect if you want to showcase the different roles and responsibilities within a department and how people can grow within your company. It also includes different types of organizational chart templates you can use for your team.

Even better, you can use these different layouts to showcase the workload priority or the production funnel for your team to understand how they fit into the company’s objectives. 

The hierarchy tree is a less common but also incredibly useful organizational chart, especially for those companies or projects that need different departments or teams to interact with each other constantly. 

Company Family Tree Template

If, on the contrary, you want a completely traditional tree organizational chart, you might want to give this PowerPoint template a look. It offers different options to showcase your organization’s structure and teams.

The organizational chart templates you’ll find in this pack are ideal for introducing your team to a new member, as these include space for adding photos and titles to the hierarchy chart. 

You can also use the ‘Close-Up Profile’ slide to give a quick overview of key people in your company or the more relevant people for the presentation’s objective. This free template truly offers different slide layout styles to ensure that your team is correctly introduced into your organizational chart. 

Creative Team Structure PowerPoint Template

Looking for a more playful and creative way to showcase your team’s structure? Then this organizational chart template is the one you’re looking for. Its hierarchy chart is perfect for conveying the different departments and their managers, while the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ slides will allow you to elaborate on how the tasks are divided between team members. 

This free PowerPoint template also includes slides to showcase the team leader and the project’s goals and objectives. You can also use its circle diagram to add the recurrent tasks within the production process. 

This template also features a unique Kanban board slide so you can easily see an overview of the different stages of a project and the stakeholders involved in each one!

More free organizational charts PowerPoint templates 

If none of these organizational chart templates is what you’re looking for, don’t worry! 24Slides’ Templates Hub offers hundreds of free PowerPoint templates. 

While most of these templates are not specifically targeted toward org charts, you’ll find that many of these packs also include organizational charts in one or two of their slide layout options.  

organizational design ppt presentation

You’ll find from sober, more sober designs like this Business Presentation Template to super creative, out-of-the-box options, like this Star Wars Themed Presentation ! 

In short, take a look around the Templates by 24Slides platform . You might find an organizational chart template that is perfect for you!

How to Manually Create Your Own Organizational Charts In PowerPoint

If you still find that none of the free organizational chart templates is to your liking, then you can always make your own! 

Learning how to create your very own organizational chart in PowerPoint is pretty easy and straight to the point, thanks to the SmartArt feature. 

1- Click on Insert > SmartArt . 

2- The ‘Choose A SmartArt Graphic’ dialog box will open. Click on Hierarchy and select the organizational chart format you want to use (note that clicking the SmartArt graphic will load up that graphic’s description).

selecting the right org chart format in SmartArt

These are the available SmartArt graphics for organizational charts in PowerPoint:

  • Organization chart
  • Picture organization chart
  • Name and title organization chart
  • Half-circle organization chart
  • Circle picture hierarchy
  • Labeled hierarchy
  • Table hierarchy
  • Horizontal organization chart
  • Architecture layout
  • Horizontal multi-level hierarchy
  • Horizontal hierarchy
  • Hierarchy list
  • Horizontal labeled hierarchy

3- Hit OK for PowerPoint to load up your selected SmartArt graphic onto your slide. For this tutorial, I selected the Organization Chart graphic.

4- Add your text by clicking on the [Text] boxes and begin typing your information

SmartArt graphic for organizational chart in PowerPoint

5- If you want to change the graphic’s design or format , click on it and the SmartArt Tools menu will appear > go to the Design tab to change the layout, colors, SmartArt Styles, add and rearrange the graphics, etc. 

In the Format tab , you can change the shapes, shape styles, shape fill/outline/effects, use WordArt, and so much more!

PowerPoint's SmartArt Tools Menu

Tip from PowerPoint experts

Do you want to add a new section or branch to your organizational chart? PowerPoint smart features make this easy! 

Once you have inserted your SmarArt org chart into your slide, click it and go to SmartArt Design > Text Pane to open the simplified overview of your chart. 

By adding a new bullet point to this structure, PowerPoint will automatically rearrange your organizational chart to fit the new elements you need. 

Using An Organizational Chart Maker

If you work for a relatively small company, then your org chart is going to be simple and straightforward. Canva has some good templates for simple organizational charts. It’s a good starting point if you don’t need to create complicated org charts, and you just want a free organizational chart maker.

But, if you work for a company that employs hundreds or thousands of people, then you or the people in charge of updating the chart (usually HR or human resources) will need to get creative.

Fortunately, with technological advances, no one needs to create an organizational chart by hand. Software like SmartDraw and eDraw make the whole process extremely easy. While these don’t come for free, the good news is you can try them before you buy.

SmartDraw Org Chart Maker

For SmartDraw, you can use their online edition free for 7 days. You simply need to create an account, and you’ll be able to access the web tool. This is what their Org Chart templates look like:

Cloud interface of SmartDraw

Click on the template you want to use, and your browser will open up a new tab. You’ll then see this screen below:

How to edit an org chart on SmartDraw

Editing the template is fast and easy. As you can see on the left side of the screenshot above, you can easily add more boxes. You can edit the employee properties, chart properties, and so much more. The software autosave, so you don’t need to worry about losing any of your data.

eDraw’s OrgCharting Software

Just like SmartDraw, you can also check out eDraw for free. You can download a trial copy of their OrgCharting software here. Once you’ve installed the software, you’ll see this on the welcome screen:

interface of eDraw orgcharting software

As you can see, you can choose from either Blank Templates or their Local Examples. Click on the one you like, then hit the Create button on the right side. For this example, I chose the Hire Date template. This is what the editing screen looks like:

eDraw OrgCharting software - Editing the Hire Date template

As you can see from the screenshot above, there are many different options on eDraw. You may need time to get acquainted with all the different features as it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the plethora of options available. If you want to maximize your free trial, I suggest you read their OrgCharting software manual or watch their video tutorials .

What’s really awesome about eDraw is that if you need to present your organizational chart, you don’t need to export it to a different file type to show it on PowerPoint. You just need to click on the Slideshow tab, and you’ll be able to present your chart! Here are the options on the Slideshow tab:

eDraw OrgCharting software - slideshow tab

Slideshow options include presenting your chart by box or by branch (great if you have multiple departments in your organization). Alternatively, you can also display your chart in full-screen mode.

Exporting to PowerPoint

Both SmartDraw and eDraw make it easy to export your organizational charts to PowerPoint. However, you’ll need to buy a subscription for both software if you want to remove the watermark on the exported file.

Get a Professionally Designed Organizational Chart 

If all of these options sound too much of a hassle, you can always call in for backup! If you want an organizational chart that will wow your audience and be perfectly executed from start to finish, then 24Slides designers can help you out with that. 

With customers from some of the biggest companies worldwide, our designers are absolute experts at creating outstanding and unique organizational charts. You’ll not only get the basic structure, but also a fully editable PowerPoint file, custom-made illustrations to accompany your slides, and of course, an organizational chart that fits your brand’s visual guidelines and makes your presentation look cleaner and more professional. 

organizational design ppt presentation

You might also find this interesting: 

  • How To Work With Tables, Graphs, and Charts In PowerPoint
  • 10 PowerPoint Productivity Tips for Designing Presentations
  • 11 Time-Saving PowerPoint Hacks For Creating Quick Presentations

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Organizational design PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

DISPLAYING: 60 of 251 Items

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Organizational Readiness Powerpoint Slides Design

This is a organizational readiness powerpoint slides design. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are competitive advantage, strategic alignment, organizational readiness, customer insights.

Organizational Design Methodology Sample Diagram Powerpoint Show

Organizational Design Methodology Sample Diagram Powerpoint Show

This is a organizational design methodology sample diagram powerpoint show. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are education and planning, team development, definition and analysis, mission and vision, organization design, implementation and evaluation, implementation planning, feedback learning adjustments, performance management system.

Organizational Effectiveness To The Management Diagram Ppt Design

Organizational Effectiveness To The Management Diagram Ppt Design

This is a organizational effectiveness to the management diagram ppt design. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, structure, leadership, process, employee engagement, customer experience, organizational performance.

Organizational Design Methodology Ppt Presentation Slides

Organizational Design Methodology Ppt Presentation Slides

This is a organizational design methodology ppt presentation slides. This is a nine stage process. The stages in this process are education and planning, definition and analysis, mission and vision, team development, organization design, implementation and evaluation, implementation planning, feedback, learning, adjustments, performance management system.\n\n

Organizational Change Management Methodology Diagram Design

Organizational Change Management Methodology Diagram Design

This is a organizational change management methodology diagram design. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are meaningful change measurement, visible change leadership, smart engagement, and communication, strong individual performance, supportive organization and culture.

Organizational Culture Leadership Design Ppt Example

Organizational Culture Leadership Design Ppt Example

This is a organizational culture leadership design ppt example. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, process, people, technology, structure.

Management And Organizational Development Program Ppt Design

Management And Organizational Development Program Ppt Design

This is a management and organizational development program ppt design. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, management, enterprise diagnosis, organizational development, executive coaching, talent management.

Organizational Management Plan Template Ppt Design

Organizational Management Plan Template Ppt Design

This is a organizational management plan template ppt design. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are task based change, leadership, work process, group learning, technology, inter relationships, structure, communication, reward, value, role models, rites and rituals, cultural infrastructure.

Workforce Analysis And Organizational Design Ppt Powerpoint Slide Background

Workforce Analysis And Organizational Design Ppt Powerpoint Slide Background

This is a workforce analysis and organizational design ppt powerpoint slide background. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are personal management, practical management, workforce analysis, workforce planning model, effective workforce.

Organizational Change Management Process Diagram Ppt Slide Design

Organizational Change Management Process Diagram Ppt Slide Design

This is a organizational change management process diagram ppt slide design. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are sports, communication, training, leadership engagement, benefits realization, change impact.

Organizational Design And Employee Behavior Ppt Sample

Organizational Design And Employee Behavior Ppt Sample

This is a organizational design and employee behavior ppt sample. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are individual variance, span of control, performance, work specialization, centralization.

Organizational Design And Learning Ppt Sample File

Organizational Design And Learning Ppt Sample File

This is a organizational design and learning ppt sample file. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, structure, processes, rewards, people.

Organizational Design Chart Ppt Samples Download

Organizational Design Chart Ppt Samples Download

This is a organizational design chart ppt samples download. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are owners, stockholders and shareholders, board of directors president, chief, executive officer ceo, senior vice president.

Organizational Design Development And Change Management Ppt Slides

Organizational Design Development And Change Management Ppt Slides

This is a organizational design development and change management ppt slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are executive vision, measurement and rewards, change management, organizational design, core competencies development.

Organizational Design Factors Powerpoint Slides Influencers

Organizational Design Factors Powerpoint Slides Influencers

This is a organizational design factors powerpoint slides influencers. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are human resource, technology, environment, strategy.

Organizational Design For Change And Innovation Ppt Ideas

Organizational Design For Change And Innovation Ppt Ideas

This is a organizational design for change and innovation ppt ideas. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are funding, leadership, research, policy, media.

Organizational Design For Corporate Entrepreneurship Ppt Icon

Organizational Design For Corporate Entrepreneurship Ppt Icon

This is a organizational design for corporate entrepreneurship ppt icon. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are partner for scale, use technology, focus with flexibility, scale your solution.

Organizational Design For Innovation Ppt Infographics

Organizational Design For Innovation Ppt Infographics

This is a organizational design for innovation ppt infographics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are projects, r and d, market development, business plans, long term marketing.

Organizational Design For Knowledge Management Ppt Icon

Organizational Design For Knowledge Management Ppt Icon

This is a organizational design for knowledge management ppt icon. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are structure and processes, knowledge and systems, market and strategy, people and motivation.

Organizational Design Human Resource Management Ppt Icon

Organizational Design Human Resource Management Ppt Icon

This is a organizational design human resource management ppt icon. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are competency frameworks, development, consulting, assessments, executive coaching.

Organizational Design Key Elements Ppt Slides Design

Organizational Design Key Elements Ppt Slides Design

This is a organizational design key elements ppt slides design. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are geographic, functional, customer based, market channels, service.

Organizational Design Management Example Of Ppt

Organizational Design Management Example Of Ppt

This is a organizational design management example of ppt. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are organizational competitiveness, talent management, organizational culture, capability requirements, organization alignment.

Organizational Design Methodologies Powerpoint Guide

Organizational Design Methodologies Powerpoint Guide

This is a organizational design methodologies powerpoint guide. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are requirements, design, implementation, verification, maintenance.

Organizational Design Of Logistics Presentation Slides

Organizational Design Of Logistics Presentation Slides

This is a organizational design of logistics presentation slides. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are logistics performance, organizational design, logistics strategy.

Organizational Design Preference Presentation Visuals

Organizational Design Preference Presentation Visuals

This is a organizational design preference presentation visuals. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are identify purpose and goals define workflow, roles and responsibilities, determine relationships, build systems.

Organizational Design Roles And Responsibilities Ppt Design

Organizational Design Roles And Responsibilities Ppt Design

This is a organizational design roles and responsibilities ppt design. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are implementation, consideration, prioritize, issues, root cause analysis, corrective action plan.

Organizational Design Strategy Powerpoint Presentation

Organizational Design Strategy Powerpoint Presentation

This is a organizational design strategy powerpoint presentation. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are clarity, alignment, capabilities, follow through, execution.

Organizational Design Structure Culture And Control Ppt Ideas

Organizational Design Structure Culture And Control Ppt Ideas

This is a organizational design structure culture and control ppt ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are organizational culture, strategy, structure, operations.

Organizational Behaviour Structure Powerpoint Slide Design Ideas

Organizational Behaviour Structure Powerpoint Slide Design Ideas

This is a organizational behaviour structure powerpoint slide design ideas. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are work groups and teams, development, organizational, compliance, maximizing your leadership, environment safety.

Organizational Alignment Powerpoint Slides Design

Organizational Alignment Powerpoint Slides Design

This is a organizational alignment powerpoint slides design. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are information system, organizational alignment, value proposition renewal, supply chain, optimization.

Future Of Organizational Design Layout Powerpoint Slide Deck

Future Of Organizational Design Layout Powerpoint Slide Deck

This is a future of organizational design layout powerpoint slide deck. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are enterprise strategy, create holistic vision, generate concepts, knowledge, services, information.

Organizational Milestone Timeline Ppt Design

Organizational Milestone Timeline Ppt Design

This is a organizational milestone timeline ppt design. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, icons, strategic, management.

Organizational Timeline With Success Milestones Ppt Design

Organizational Timeline With Success Milestones Ppt Design

This is a organizational timeline with success milestones ppt design. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, icons, strategy, management.

Collaborative Design Of Organizational Effectiveness Example Powerpoint Guide

Collaborative Design Of Organizational Effectiveness Example Powerpoint Guide

This is a collaborative design of organizational effectiveness example powerpoint guide. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are corporate learning, organizational effectiveness, strategic change.

Organizational Design And Structure Chart Powerpoint Images

Organizational Design And Structure Chart Powerpoint Images

This is a organizational design and structure chart powerpoint images. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, structure, rewards, people, processes.

Cubes For Organizational Structure And Design Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Master Slide

Cubes For Organizational Structure And Design Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Master Slide

This is a cubes for organizational structure and design ppt powerpoint presentation portfolio master slide. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are basics, foundations, fundamentals.

Organizational Structure Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Design Templates

Organizational Structure Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Design Templates

This is a organizational structure management ppt powerpoint presentation styles design templates. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are business, planning, strategy, marketing, management.

Organizational Change Management Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Show Graphics Design

Organizational Change Management Plan Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Show Graphics Design

This is a organizational change management plan ppt powerpoint presentation show graphics design. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are change strategy, change plan, change approach.

Thank You Organizational Efficacy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Graphics Design

Thank You Organizational Efficacy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Graphics Design

This is a thank you organizational efficacy ppt powerpoint presentation portfolio graphics design. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are thank you, word, greeting.

Steps To Achieve Organizational Effectiveness Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Graphics Design

Steps To Achieve Organizational Effectiveness Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Graphics Design

This is a steps to achieve organizational effectiveness ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration graphics design. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are marketing, business, management, planning, strategy.

Organizational Structure Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates

Organizational Structure Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Design Templates

This is a organizational structure template 1 ppt powerpoint presentation design templates. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are client solutions, investment strategy, innovation and partnerships, risk management.

Organizational Structure Template 2 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Design Inspiration

Organizational Structure Template 2 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Design Inspiration

This is a organizational structure template 2 ppt powerpoint presentation model design inspiration. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are ceo, product manager, product manager, product manager, marketing.

Organizational Structure Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Design Ideas

Organizational Structure Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Design Ideas

This is a organizational structure template 1 ppt powerpoint presentation pictures design ideas. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are amit clark, jenny clark, even turner, john smith, elisabeth parker, john wood.

Organizational Design Approach Define Deploy Reflect Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Maker

Organizational Design Approach Define Deploy Reflect Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Maker

This is a organizational design approach define deploy reflect ppt powerpoint presentation file maker. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are organizational efficiency, organizational development, organizational effectiveness.

Organizational Culture Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Designs Cpb

Organizational Culture Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Designs Cpb

This is a organizational culture ppt powerpoint presentation file designs cpb. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are organizational culture.

cross organizational competency design code test deploy ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template graphic images

cross organizational competency design code test deploy ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template graphic images

This is a cross organizational competency design code test deploy ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template graphic images. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are cross functional team, cross sectional team, teams structure.

Organizational Succession Planning Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Designs Download Cpb

Organizational Succession Planning Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Designs Download Cpb

This is a organizational succession planning ppt powerpoint presentation ideas designs download cpb. This is a stage process. The stages in this process are organizational succession planning.

Organizational Skills Program Matrix Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Infographic Template Design Inspiration

Organizational Skills Program Matrix Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Infographic Template Design Inspiration

This is a organizational skills program matrix ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template design inspiration. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are schedulers, facility planners, production supervisor, marketing, planning.

Organizational Structure Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Design Ideas Cpb

Organizational Structure Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Design Ideas Cpb

This is a organizational structure ppt powerpoint presentation ideas design ideas cpb. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are organizational structure.

Banking Organizational Hierarchy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Designs Download

Banking Organizational Hierarchy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Designs Download

This is a banking organizational hierarchy ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration designs download. The topics discussed in this diagram are marketing, business, management, planning, strategy This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation, and is available for immediate download.

Aligning Organizational System Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Graphics Design

Aligning Organizational System Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Graphics Design

Presenting this set of slides with name aligning organizational system ppt powerpoint presentation layouts graphics design. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are strategy, structure, mckinsey seven s modal. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Time Management Organizational Skill Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Design Inspiration Cpb

Time Management Organizational Skill Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Design Inspiration Cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name time management organizational skill ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration design inspiration cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint five stages graphic that deals with topics like time management organizational skill to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Management Organizational Structure Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Background Designs Cpb

Management Organizational Structure Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Background Designs Cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name management organizational structure ppt powerpoint presentation show background designs cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint four stages graphic that deals with topics like management organizational structure to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Organizational Alignment Organization Design Ppt Image

Organizational Alignment Organization Design Ppt Image

This is an organizational alignment organization design ppt image. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are organization design, organization culture, organizational alignment, capability requirements.

Organizational Culture Of Company Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Designs Download

Organizational Culture Of Company Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Designs Download

This is a organizational culture of company ppt powerpoint presentation designs download. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are organizational, business, company, strategy, marketing.

Core Team Members Organizational Chart Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Background Designs

Core Team Members Organizational Chart Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Background Designs

This is a core team members organizational chart ppt powerpoint presentation background designs. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are manager, designer, developer, marketing.

Roles In Organizational Change Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Background Designs

Roles In Organizational Change Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Background Designs

This is a roles in organizational change ppt powerpoint presentation background designs. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are roles in organizational change, change target, change agents, change sponsor.

Key Organizational Strength Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Designs Download

Key Organizational Strength Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Designs Download

This is a key organizational strength ppt powerpoint presentation outline designs download. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are strength, business, management, organizational, strategy.

Strategy Ppt Background Organizable Process 6 Steps Business Communication PowerPoint 1 Design

Strategy Ppt Background Organizable Process 6 Steps Business Communication PowerPoint 1 Design

We present our strategy PPT Background organizable process 6 steps business communication powerpoint 1 design.Use our Advertising PowerPoint Templates because; the ideas and plans are on your fingertips. Use our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because, you have the product you are very confident of and are very sure it will prove immensely popular with clients all over your target areas. Use our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because, to strive to give true form to your great dream. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because, the plans are in your head, stage by stage, year by year. Use our Finance PowerPoint Templates because, are the tools that helped most of us evolve. Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Business, chart, clipart, commerce, competitor, components, concept, corporate, design, diagram, executive, financial, goals, guide, guidelines, hierarchy, icon, idea, management, marketing, mba, mind, mind map, mission, operations, organization, performance, plan, process, product, project. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Purple, Green, and Pink

Business Ppt Background Organizable Process 6 Steps Working With Slide Numbers 2 Design

Business Ppt Background Organizable Process 6 Steps Working With Slide Numbers 2 Design

We present our Business PPT Background organizable process 6 steps working with slide numbers 2 designs. Use our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because, However you are aware of some pitfalls ahead where you need to be cautious not to over and avoid a stall. Use our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because, transmit your thoughts via our slides and prod your team to action. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because; Outline your targets to your team. Use our Process and Flows PowerPoint Templates because, Start with the fundamental basic activities and slowly but surely hone them down to the top of the pyramid, the ultimate goal. Use our Metaphor PowerPoint Templates because, Show how one can contribute to the overall feeling of wellbeing. Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Arrow, Background, Business, Chart, Diagram, Financial, Graphic, Gray, Icon, Illustration, Management, Orange, Perspective, Planning, Process, Reflection, Stages, Steps, Text, Transparency. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Green, Gray, and Black

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  • Business Plans

How to Create Organizational Charts in PowerPoint With PPT Templates (+Video)

Andrew Childress

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The way that you put together your teams matters. Creating a properly structured organization chart ensures that you've got the right people as supervisors, and the right teams configured to get work done.

PowerPoint Org Chart

An organization chart, or  org chart,  helps you illustrate how your company is structured. Showing "who reports to who" gives outsiders a sense of how the structure and decision-making process works.

One of the best ways to build and document an org chart is with an organizational structure chart in PowerPoint. With a documented PowerPoint organizational chart, employees can see how your company is put together. It also shows who to contact for subject-area knowledge.

In this tutorial, you'll learn to build an org chart in PowerPoint . We'll use a combination of SmartArt for flexible org charts and custom PowerPoint templates to create great-looking organizational charts.

What Is an Organizational Chart?

Organizational design is an art. How do you put together your company so that the most work gets done? Who needs to report to who to best enable them to move effectively and accomplish work?

Much of this comes down to organizational design. Every company has a different way of thinking about this. But the most important part is that they actually do the thinking about structure.

The way that you document this is with an  organizational chart (org chart).  An org chart is a graphic that shows the reporting structure of a company. It's organized as a hierarchy, showcasing the reporting structure. The top of an org chart shows the highest-ranking manager, with each box under it

Check out the organizational chart example below:

Org Chart PowerPoint example

Almost anyone within a company can use org charts to understand the reporting structure. Often, employees in other areas of the company will check the org chart to determine who to speak to about an issue. Let's learn how to build our own.

Create Organization Charts Quickly With PPT Templates (Video)

Are you ready to learn more about creating organizational charts in PowerPoint? Watch this quick video to get a headstart on using PowerPoint to add org charts to your next PPT presentation.

organizational design ppt presentation

To learn even more about using organizational chart in PowerPoint, continue reading the complete written tutorial below.

Use SmartArt to Create Org Charts in PowerPoint

SmartArt is one of my favorite features in PowerPoint, and I'll show you why in this section. Think of SmartArt as a way to build interactive charts. While you might have used graphic design apps like Photoshop or Illustrator to build graphics in the past, you can build impressive graphics with PowerPoint alone.

organizational design ppt presentation

Learning how to draw organization charts in PowerPoint hinges on learning SmartArt. SmartArt is a feature that you can use for a variety of graphics, including building an org chart in PowerPoint. Let's look at how to do that.

To get started with SmartArt org charts, jump over to the  Insert  tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Click on the  SmartArt  menu option to open the SmartArt builder.

On the SmartArt window, you've got a variety of chart types that work well as org charts. Select the  Hierarchy  category to browse the choices that work best as organizational charts. For this example, let's try out the basic organization chart.

Org Chart Insert in SmartArt

Once you press OK , you'll see a new chart on your slide. You'll also see a text box on the left side in outline form where you can build the structure of the company and see it auto-populate the SmartArt chart.

Simply type in these boxes to fill out the PowerPoint organizational chart template. Each bullet point in the list will show as a box on the chart. A second level bullet point will show underneath the higher-level bulleted item.

Filled out SmartArt outline chart

For most org charts, it's ideal to list not only the employee's name but also their role in the organization or job title. Add a line break with  Ctrl + Enter  to create a second line with the job title beneath the name. It makes your organization structure PowerPoint easier to read.

If you've never used PowerPoint for charts and illustrations, you might be surprised by its flexibility. Thanks to its easy-to-use interface and drag-and-drop design tools, you can build practically any visual in PowerPoint. Check out this example of 15 templates that you can use to build infographics in Excel to tell stories with data:

organizational design ppt presentation

How to Create an Organizational Chart Using PowerPoint Org Chart Templates 

How can you get ahead on building presentations of your own? Start by using PowerPoint org chart templates from other graphic designers to skip the work of designing new slides from scratch.

One service that I subscribe to is Envato Elements. If you haven't already heard about Elements, it's one of the most cost-effective solutions to build creative projects. There are over 1,000,000 assets included, and PowerPoint org chart templates are one category of them.

In Elements' lineup, there's truly a PowerPoint template for everything . You can create org charts in PowerPoint with the help of these templates. Use these templates instead of starting from a blank slate to save the time involved with designing slides.

The advantage of Elements is that it's a flat-rate service. One subscription nets you all the assets for that single flat-rate fee. For me, one of the single largest values is the ability to build PowerPoint presentations using starter design slides that are built into premium templates.

Org charts in PowerPoint template

When you start with a pre-built slide, you only have to fill in your own details to complete the design. Add employee names, titles, and headshots to show a finished PowerPoint organizational chart.

If your budget only allows for a one-time download, we've got you covered for that too. GraphicRiver has thousands of PowerPoint templates for you to buy individually, including many great org chart PowerPoint templates. 

In this tutorial, we're going to use the Organizational & Data Chart presentation template that's included as part of an Elements subscription. This template has some excellent choices for PowerPoint organizational charts that we'll customize. Let's walk through those steps.

1. Select the Slide to Use

In the Organizational & Data Chart template, you'll find a wide variety of styles for readymade PowerPoint organizational charts. Every organization is structured differently. So, it works best if you choose a slide that's most like the structure of your own company.

Not all companies are organized exactly the same. Check out all the slide designs to see the potential org chart designs that you can create in PowerPoint.

Org chart PowerPoint presentation

No matter which slide design you choose, you can drop your own company's details into the PowerPoint org chart template. In this tutorial, I'm going to use slide design 10 in the original deck to customize with example details.

2. Build the Structure

Every organization is going to be organized a bit differently. Customize the structure so that it matches your own.

Of course, many companies can't fit the entire organization on a single slide. Consider building a slide deck to break down a large organization, with each slide representing a different group.

For this example, let's use slide design 10. This is a pretty simple PowerPoint org chart template design that includes photo placeholders for the employees.

For now, let's keep it simple by filling in the names on this slide. Click on any of the boxes and delete them if the pre-built structure doesn't fit your organization.

Change org chart slide design

At this step, focus on building the structure of the company to match your own. You might need to duplicate boxes as well to add more employees to the team.

3. Add Team Information

After you lay out the basic slide structure with the organizational structure, add some more explanatory details. This is one of the advantages of using a completely custom template.

The slide template that we chose above has placeholders for job titles as well as photo thumbnails. Putting a name with a face on a PowerPoint organizational chart will help anyone who's browsing the org chart to know key team members when they see them in the hallways.

Be descriptive when it comes to titles. Many times, new employees will be browsing the org chart to learn more about what each person does. You can even use that title box to list key areas of expertise to contact that employee about.

Click on the job title description box to add your own job titles to the slide. Also, click on the photo thumbnails to browse to and add your own employee photos.

4. Publish and Share

Now that you've built the perfect org chart in PowerPoint, it's time to publish and share the finished file with others.

First, make sure that the PowerPoint organizational chart is shared or stored somewhere that everyone can access it who needs to. That might be stored on your intranet or distributed periodically.

I recommend that you save this file in a format other than a PowerPoint (PPTX) file format. Saving it as a PDF is often the best way to ensure that everyone can open and view the org chart regardless of the device they're viewing it on.

To save a copy as a PDF, go to the File menu, choose  Export,  and then  Create PDF / XPS  to save a PDF edition of your org chart.

Save as PDF 2

Also, make sure that the PowerPoint version of the presentation is carefully stored and monitored for needed updates. Teams are always evolving and changing, and the org chart needs to stay updated to match. It's best if you've got someone assigned to keep the chart up-to-date with the current team structure.

5 Quick Tips to Make Great Organizational Charts for Presentations

You already know that organizational chart PPTs save you time. It helps make expectations and structures clear. And, a PowerPoint hierarchy chart is the best way to do it.

Let's look at five tips that you can use for your best PowerPoint org chart yet. They'll teach you how to build an org chart in PowerPoint in less time.

1. Show Multiple Layers in Your PowerPoint Org Chart

Many times, an organizational chart PPT will be shared in a town hall or with the entire organization. There's nothing worse than the moment when your individual contributors feel "lost" and missing from the chart.

That's why it pays to show a  deep  PowerPoint org chart. That means showing as many layers as possible, from key leaders down to individual contributors.

multiple layers in PowerPoint org chart

2. Create Functional Org Charts in PowerPoint

Most people think of organization chart PPT's as slides that show "who reports to who." This is a very common structure. There's nothing wrong with showing individuals reporting to a manager.

But, it's also okay to "zoom out" and show functional org charts too. For example, many CFO's (Chief Financial Officers) have a broad range of functions that report to them. That might include groups like strategy, IT, and corporate development. Use a slide to show how those functions fit together in your organization.

Functional PowerPoint Org Chart

3. Add Images of Your Staff

Most of my favorite PowerPoint organizational charts include profile photos. In the case of distributed companies, "putting a name with a face" can build camaraderie from afar. Many PowerPoint org chart templates include image-centric slides.

If you haven't mastered the art of working with PowerPoint images, use our tutorial below. You'll see that PowerPoint can help you handle images with no other apps needed.

organizational design ppt presentation

4. Don't Forget About Dotted Lines

Not everyone reports directly one person. As an example, many organizations have Financial Analysts report through finance organizations.  But  they support a business leader like a Product Manager.

In that case, we might say that the financial analyst reports "dotted line" to the Product Manager. They still report through their functional areas for administrative reasons. In an org chart, you can use a dotted line to show this type of reporting relationship.

Dotted line organization

5. Assign a Maintainer

The problem with org charts is that they go out of date quickly. Employees move around through an organization, and your org chart needs to stay in sync. That's why you should assign a maintainer to the hierarchy chart PowerPoint.

This is the singular person that'll keep the PowerPoint org chart up to date. Give them the PowerPoint org chart template and keep them in the loop, and yours will never be out of style.

PowerPoint org chart maintainers

Learn More About How to Make Great PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint is a powerful app. It's used by companies of all shapes and sizes. Skilled presenters stand out from their peers. 

To level up your PowerPoint skills, it helps to have a few resources. Our deep dive into the app, How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) , has everything you need to create a presentation. Here are three tutorials from the guide to help you get started:

organizational design ppt presentation

The Best Source for PowerPoint Organizational Chart Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Envato Elements is the best source for PowerPoint org chart templates - and so much more. With one simple subscription, you unlock unlimited downloads. That includes the best organizational chart PPT files.

Envato Elements unlimited downloads

As we discussed in this tutorial, a PowerPoint org chart template is the best way to kickstart your design. When you use Envato Elements, you'll unlock all the following:

  • Stock photos  to spice up your slides
  • Graphics and illustrations  to drive understanding of your content with easy-to-read visuals
  • Unlimited PowerPoint templates  to give you ideas for your presentation and build confidence in your speaking skills (including PowerPoint organizational chart templates!)

Check out these articles for more examples of top PowerPoint templates you'll unlock:

organizational design ppt presentation

Design a PowerPoint Org Chart Today

PowerPoint organizational charts are a hallmark of most companies. Org charts in PowerPoint create an understanding about how the company is structured. Most importantly, you might even reconsider how your company is structured as you set up your own org chart in PowerPoint!

Don't forget: as you learn how to do an organizational chart in PowerPoint, it's best to use templates. Source unlimited org chart PPTs from Envato Elements. Or, grab a single organization chart from GraphicRiver. Both are outstanding choices for PowerPoint hierarchy charts.

How do you build your own org charts? Do you use PowerPoint or another app to showcase how a company is structured? Let me know in the comments section below.

Note: This post was originally published in July of 2018. It's been updated with assistance from Andrew Childress .

Andrew Childress

Organizational Charts

Discover our extensive collection of 27 organizational chart templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. These professionally designed templates are perfect for illustrating your company’s hierarchy, team structure, or departmental divisions. They are highly customizable and adaptable to any presentation need.

Organizational charts, also known as org charts, are visual representations of a company’s hierarchical structure. They display the relationships among employees, teams, and departments, making it easy to understand reporting lines and communication channels.

Org charts are ideal for presentations involving human resources, management, team building, and corporate restructuring. With our templates, you can easily showcase your company’s structure, highlight key positions, or demonstrate the flow of authority within your organization.

Elevate your presentations with our sleek, professional organizational chart templates. They offer a variety of styles and formats, allowing you to choose the perfect design to fit your brand and convey your message effectively.

Preview of 5-Position Org Chart for PowerPoint presentation template

5-Position Org Chart

Google Slides , PPTX

Preview of Neumorphic 5-Node Hierarchical Template for PowerPoint Presentations

Neumorphic 5-Node Hierarchical

Preview of the 4-Position Org Chart template for PowerPoint presentations.

4-Position Org Chart

Preview of Neumorphic 4-Node Hierarchical slide for PowerPoint presentations, showcasing the central node and connected elements.

Neumorphic 4-Node Hierarchical

Preview of 1-2-3 Horizontal Hierarchy template for PowerPoint presentations

1-2-3 Horizontal Hierarchy

Template showcasing an Organizational Chart for PowerPoint presentations

Organizational Chart for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Editable Organizational Hierarchy Chart in PowerPoint Format

Organizational Hierarchy Map for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Four Pillar Hierarchy for PowerPoint

Four Pillar Hierarchy for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Four-Branch Diagram for PowerPoint that features a gray fork shape with four horizontal tines, resembling a tree with four branches.

Four-Branch Diagram for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Mirrored Horizontal Org Chart for PowerPoint

Mirrored Horizontal Org Chart for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Horizontal Pyramid Org Chart for PowerPoint

Horizontal Pyramid Org Chart for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free 3-Group Hierarchy for PowerPoint

3-Group Hierarchy for PowerPoint and Google Slides

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Home PowerPoint Templates Organization

Organization PowerPoint Presentation Templates & Slides

Download organization PowerPoint templates and slide designs with awesome org charts ready to be used in Microsoft PowerPoint. Under this category you can find affordable and creative org chart designs for PowerPoint including animated Org Chart templates, circular organizational chart ideas , organizational charts with avatars and picture placeholders.

Cover Slide for Employee Training Plan Template

Employee Training Plan PowerPoint Template

6 Steps Hofstede Cultural Framework Template

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions PowerPoint Template

organizational design ppt presentation

Organization Structure Template with Spheres for PowerPoint

Infogrpahic OKR Diagram Template

OKR PowerPoint Template

10 Steps Organization Power Styles

Sources of Power in Organizations PowerPoint Templates

Ladder of Accountability Concept Presentation

Accountability Ladder PowerPoint Template

Presentation of Non-Profit and Profit Organizations

Non-Profit Vs For-Profit PowerPoint Diagram

Infographic Canvas for Strategic Process Alignment

Operating Model Canvas PowerPoint Template

4 Segment Binocular View Slide

Flat Vision Statement PowerPoint Graphics

PowerPoint Template Organizational Chart

Organizational Charts PowerPoint Template

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Manpower Planning Concept for PowerPoint

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Talent Management Word Cloud Picture for PowerPoint

An Organization Template is a graphical representation of the structure of a company. You can use it to create a systematic Organization Presentation Template that effectively communicates with your audience at a glance. It can also demonstrate employees’ various positions and roles within an organization. For that very reason, creating such templates necessitates creativity and expertise. At, we thought about the color, shape, icon, clip-arts, and other PowerPoint elements that help illustrate the hierarchy and structure of each industry. As a result, our ready-made downloadable and 100% editable templates can help an organization’s audience understand its structure.

Organization Templates are available in various specifications, making them applicable to multiple industries. You can use these templates to depict the hierarchy in any industry, including business, education, science, and technology. Without a doubt, Organization PPT Templates help to represent a company’s structure. Thanks to these Organization PowerPoint Templates, the audience quickly understands the organization’s structure. An excellent example of an organization’s organogram template is the Organization Structure Template with Spheres for PowerPoint.

Furthermore, Mission and Vision PowerPoint Templates are one of the editable Organization Powerpoint Templates that help organizations communicate their values, goals, cultures, and other details that help to introduce the organization to the populace is the PowerPoint Template. These templates are extremely adaptable and simple to modify. Once downloaded, you are free to alter any aspect of these templates to suit your needs.

How to Make a PowerPoint Template for an Organization?

Select a SmartArt Graphic gallery; then click hierarchy; then an organization chart layout (such as Organization Chart), and finally press OK. Make sure you enter your text carefully to avoid glitches. To easily create an org chart, download and customize a pre-designed org chart template. We’ve created amazing downloadable and completely customizable templates to relieve stress and allow you to enjoy your presentation without interruption.

Why should you use an organizational template?

Organizational templates are visual representations of the structure of a company. It assists people in understanding the hierarchical structure from top to bottom. The Org Chart Template for PowerPoint is extremely useful if you want to outline everyone’s role in the company. Designing this from scratch may be stressful, so we’ve put together editable templates that will make your presentation flawless.

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TOPIC 7 – CHAPTER 6 Organizational Structure and Design

Published by Teguh Kartawijaya Modified over 6 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC 7 – CHAPTER 6 Organizational Structure and Design"— Presentation transcript:

TOPIC 7 – CHAPTER 6 Organizational Structure and Design

The term 'organization' is used in many ways.  A group of people united by a common purpose.  An entity, an ongoing business unit engaged in utilizing.

organizational design ppt presentation

Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

organizational design ppt presentation

Describe six key elements in organizational design

organizational design ppt presentation

Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education

organizational design ppt presentation

Foundation of Organizational Design

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Foundations of Organization Structure

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PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook

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Organizational Structure and Design

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Chapter 10 Structure and Design.

organizational design ppt presentation

Basic Organizational Design

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organizational design ppt presentation

Organizational Structure

organizational design ppt presentation

© Farhan Mir 2007 IMS Principles of Management BBA (Hons) 4 th Semester (Lectures 28,29,30) The Organizational Structure & Design By: Farhan Mir.

organizational design ppt presentation

Designing Organizational Structure

organizational design ppt presentation

Foundations of Organizational Structure What Is Organizational Structure?  Organizational Structure – How job tasks are formally divided, grouped,

organizational design ppt presentation

Chapter 10: Foundations of Organizational Design

organizational design ppt presentation

HSA 171 CAR. 1436/4/26  the process of establishing the orderly use of resources by assigning and coordinating tasks. The organizing process transforms.

organizational design ppt presentation

Copyright ©2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Organizational chart for employee position flat powerpoint design

Made up of sufficient slides of high resolution. Authentic content with flexible data. Adaptable background with color, font and layout. It can be easily converted into PDF and JPG format. Alluring graphs for comparison and fascinating figures to illustrate the concepts. Beneficial for the students, business professional, corporate people and researchers.

Marketing Agency Departmental Organization Chart

This slide covers structure chart for marketing agency team. It includes key stakeholders such as cofounder. executive assistant, marketing manager, marketing research head, marketing strategy executive, marking analysis, sales promotion, business development, vice president strategy director, etc. Presenting our set of slides with Marketing Agency Departmental Organization Chart. This exhibits information on one stage of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Marketing, Business Development, Operations, Technology.

Logistics Company Organization Chart Supply Chain Company Profile Ppt Demonstration

This slide highlights the organization chart of supply chain or logistics company which includes transportation and warehouse, international forwarding, shipping agency and finance department. Introducing Logistics Company Organization Chart Supply Chain Company Profile Ppt Demonstration to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stage, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on International Forwarding, Shipping Agency, Business Planning Department, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Functional org chart for human resource department

Presenting our set of slides with Functional Org Chart For Human Resource Department. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Recruitment, Employee Relations, Training And Development, Compensation And Benefits.

Cs three staged organizational chart with icons flat powerpoint design

User friendly and amendable PowerPoint templates. Images do not pixelate when projected on wide screen. Professionally equipped and aesthetically designed visuals. Compatible with Google slides. Total freedom to any sort of manual editing. Effortless conversion into PDF/ JPG format. Easy insertion of company trade name/ logo. Beneficial for entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, business analysts, marketers and financiers, researchers, etc. Can be easily downloaded.

Team hierarchy and reporting chart presentation ideas

5 unique designs with well-explored content. Instantly download with a single click. Standard and widescreen support available. Can be viewed in Google Slides also. Edit the templates as per your liking. Suitable for businessmen, HR manager, and organizations. Premium Customer support service.The stages in this process are business, people, management, analysis, success, strategy.

Flow chart for business process flat powerpoint design

User friendly designed flowchart for business process PPT Design which is obtainable in standard and widescreen view. Fully compatible with Google slides. Amendable PowerPoint template designs to meet the industry requirements. Downloadable PPT diagram to insert data and share. Easy to convert into JPEG or PDF document. Available in high quality resolution display. Useful for industry professionals, teachers, lawyers, students, strategists and management planners.

Hierarchy chart for organizational structure ppt inspiration

This presentation includes 5 slides. Appropriate for standard as well as widescreens. Can be used by businessmen, top management, HR department, organizations. Premium Customer Support service. Instantly downloadable with just a click. Compatible with Google Slides also. Fully editable design to match your requirement.The stages in this process are business, management, strategy, organizational, success.

Five Stages Of Procurement Process Flow Chart

The following slide delineates procurement process flow chart used to buy high quality of raw material from a supplier. It provides information about purchasing request, bidding, evaluation, negotiation and purchase order. Presenting our set of slides with name Five Stages Of Procurement Process Flow Chart. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Evaluation, Bidding, Purchase Order, Purchasing Request.

Org chart business team structure

Presenting, org chart business team structure PPT deck. This PPT Template can be used by business-related executives for representing their workforce and employees. Alter the colors and position of the elements shown in the slide. This PowerPoint template is also be converted into pdf or jpeg format as per the need. Can be instantly downloaded with just a click, saves time.

Multilevel hierarchy for business organization flat powerpoint design

All PowerPoint slides are perfect with Google slides. Different show alternatives, for example, standard and widescreen see. Professionally planned slide to meet your business necessities. Comparable plans available with various hubs and stages. Completely editable plans to give tweak alternatives, for example, shading and content. Ideal for promoting correspondence i.e. new item or administration, business, entrepreneurs, marketers, advertiser, sellers, and collages.

Five levels business corporation org chart with profile

Presenting this set of slides with name - Five Levels Business Corporation Org Chart With Profile. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Org Chart, Organization Chart, Project Team Structure.

Peoples in network for business organization flat powerpoint design

Images can be resized and colored. Color, style and position can be standardized, supports font size which can be read from a distance. PPT slide is compatible with Microsoft 2010 and 2013 versions. Beneficial for business people, entrepreneurs, lawyers, trade and nonprofit organizations. Background in PPT graphic is subtle and consistent to avoid presentation look flashy or vibrant.

Transition plan deployment flowchart for transition project

This slide highlights the process flowchart for the successful implementation of technological change solution in the organization. It provides information about both pre-installation and post installation common configurations of solution.Introducing Transition Plan Deployment Flowchart For Transition Project to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Make Preparations, Import A License, Install A Server Driver using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Hierarchal Growth Chart Of Employee Roles And Responsibilities

This slide represents the hierarchy flowchart of employee roles and responsibilities in an organisation. It includes director, vice president of product and sales and design, development manager. Introducing our premium set of slides with name Hierarchal Growth Chart Of Employee Roles And Responsibilities. Ellicudate the two stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Manager Design, Manager Development, Manager Support. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Inbound Marketing Team Organisation Chart

This slide covers organisation structure chart of inbound marketing team. It includes roles of key stakeholders such as marketing board, brand and buzz team, TOFU , MOFU, marketeering with key responsibilities such as to increase brand awareness, product awareness, generate and nurture leads, make products, etc. Introducing our premium set of slides with Inbound Marketing Team Organisation Chart. Ellicudate the one stage and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Make Products, Board Marketing, Marketeering. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Organization Structure Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Organization Structure PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This deck comprises 9 slide designs. PPT templates are completely editable. Modify the color, text and background colors as per your requirement. Add or delete the content as per your convenience. Easy to download. The presentation is downloaded in both widescreen and standard screen aspect ratio. East to save the PowerPoint presentation in PDF or JPG format. These templates are compatible with Google Slides too.

City infrastructure administration org chart

Presenting city infrastructure administration org chart PPT template. Proficient and solid PPT template graphics. Hues and content can be effectively changed as the PPT slide is totally editable. Customize the introduction with individual organization name and logo. Accessible in both Standard and Widescreen slide estimate. Simple to get ready and converge with no blunders. Effortlessly pursues the client directions without taking much time. Prepared to do effectively catching the eye of the watchers without putting much endeavors. Educational slides are provided for guidance. Template is available with various stages.

Functional org chart for logistic organization

Introducing our premium set of slides with Functional Org Chart For Logistic Organization. Ellicudate the five stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Customs Supervisor, Merchandiser Supervisor, Materials Supervisor, Logistics Supervisor, Purchasing Supervisor. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Project team structure org chart for value attribution infographic template

This is a single slide titled Project Team Structure Org Chart For Value Attribution Infographic Template. It is crafted using high-quality vector-based visuals that are 100 percent editable and available for immediate download in standard and widescreen aspect ratios.

B2B Digital Marketing Department Org Chart

This slide covers organization chart for B2B digital marketing department. It includes key stakeholders such as marketing head, director of product marketing, demand generation, brand marketing, channel marketing, event marketing, creative head, content head, etc. Introducing our premium set of slides with B2B Digital Marketing Department Org Chart. Ellicudate the one stage and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Product Marketing, Demand Generation, Director Brand Marketing. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Cross functional org chart with functional manager

Presenting this set of slides with name Cross Functional Org Chart With Functional Manager. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Functional Management, Staff, Executive. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Types Of Organizational Structures And Org Charts Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Introducing Types Of Organizational Structures And Org Charts Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Design a visually-grabbing business presentation using this 100% editable complete PPT template deck. Gain access to 46 professionally-built PowerPoint slides. Customize text, background, colors, font, patterns, orientation, and shapes as desired. Change the PowerPoint presentation into various file formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG as and when convenient. Use Google Slides to view this presentation. It is also compatible with standard and widescreen display aspect ratios.

Organization Chart After Organizational Restructuring

This slide is covering organizational chart where chairman is at the top of the hierarchy and the other key board members with sub members.Introducing Organization Chart After Organizational Restructuring to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Board Audit Committee, Recruitment And Remuneration, Steerling Committee using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Organization hierarchy for department reporting powerpoint themes

Presenting organization hierarchy for department reporting powerpoint themes. This is a organization hierarchy for department reporting powerpoint themes. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, organization, hierarchy, department.

Teamwork for social networking flat powerpoint design

Availability to exhibit Presentation design in standard and widescreen view. Quick download and can be shared with no trouble. Flexibility to transform the PPT template into JPEG and PDF. Completely modifiable PowerPoint slide as colour, text and font easily editable. 100% compatibility with Google slides. Perfect for management leaders and executives.

Corporate Healthcare Organization Hierarchical Chart

This slide covers the details related to a healthcare organization. The purpose of this template is to define the healthcare structure and organization chart. It covers information about different positions in healthcare industry. Introducing our premium set of slides with name Corporate Healthcare Organization Hierarchical Chart. Ellicudate the three stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Healthcare Organization, Corporate Healthcare, Hierarchical Chart. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Ecommerce Marketing And Operational Department Organization Chart

This slide covers organization chart for ecommerce marketing, operations and merchandising teams. It includes key stakeholders such as director of e commerce, customer service. customer acquisition manager, retention manager, brand manager, social media manager, etc. Presenting our set of slides with Ecommerce Marketing And Operational Department Organization Chart. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Merchandising, Marketing, Operations.

Org Chart Of It Department With Future Focused Technology

Following slide depicts org chart of IT department with future focused technology. This slide provides relevant information about multiple teams of chief information officer like administration, information security, enterprise applications, analytics etc. Presenting our set of slides with name Org Chart Of It Department With Future Focused Technology. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Application, Strategy, Client Services, Operations, Analytics.

Organizational system for team introduction flat powerpoint design

Simple and swift download without any hassles. Undiminished resolution of PPT infographics after editing any number of times. Absolutely editable color scheme and contrast of PPT images. Insert text to suit the context of your presentation. Change the size and orientation of PPT icons as per your requirement. Insert your own company logo, tagline, trademark etc.

B2C Ecommerce Marketing Department Org Chart

This slide covers organization chart for B2B ecommerce marketing department. It includes key stakeholders such as chief marketing officer, product marketing director, creative head, acquisition director, marketing analytics director, ecommerce director, etc. Presenting our set of slides with B2C Ecommerce Marketing Department Org Chart. This exhibits information on one stage of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Product Marketing, Acquisition Director, Marketing Analytics.

Yes no decision tree diagram for financial market trends infographic template

This is a single slide titled Yes No Decision Tree Diagram For Financial Market Trends Infographic Template. It is crafted using high quality vector based visuals that are 100 percent editable and available for immediate download in standard and widescreen aspect ratios.

Cross Functional Org Chart Construction Management Marketing Departments Product

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Cross Functional Org Chart Construction Management Marketing Departments Product and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of twelve slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Work Breakdown Structure For Data Migration Project

This slide showcases breakdown structure that can help organization to assign responsibilities and control the deliverable and milestones of data migration project. Its key components are initiation, planning, execution and closure. Presenting our set of slides with Work Breakdown Structure For Data Migration Project. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Data Migration Project, Planning, Execution.

Lean Implementation Framework Team Structure For Implementing Lean Approach Ppt Slides

This slide shows organizational hierarchy structure for executing the lean implementation approach in the organization to identify and remove the defects effectively, etc. Introducing Lean Implementation Framework Team Structure For Implementing Lean Approach Ppt Slides to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Team Structure, Implementing Lean Approach, Sales Team Coordinator, Execution Team, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Marketing Team Hierarchy Structure Model Optimizing E Commerce Marketing Program

This slide represents marketing team hierarchy structure. It covers director of e commerce, marketing analytics, customer retention manager, brand marketing director. Introducing Marketing Team Hierarchy Structure Model Optimizing E Commerce Marketing Program to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Website Merchandiser, Email Marketing, Loyalty Program, Brand Strategy, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Functional org chart for research department

Introducing our premium set of slides with Functional Org Chart For Research Department. Ellicudate the three stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Market Research, Analytics, Design. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Transforming Corporate Performance Revamping Organizational Structure Through

This slide portrays information regarding transforming present organizational structure during managerial change. Firm is focusing to bring change in leadership in order to restore confidence across shareholders, etc. Introducing Transforming Corporate Performance Revamping Organizational Structure Through to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Accounts Treasury, Operations And Recruitment, Staff Development, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Software Development And Maintenance Process Mapping

This slide consists of a process of developing and maintaining software of various clients for easy operations. Key elements covered in this slide are issue reported by customer, contact customer, collection of client information, feasibility analysis, final deployment and testing. Introducing our premium set of slides with Software Development And Maintenance Process Mapping. Ellicudate the one stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Software, Development And Maintenance, Process Mapping. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Product profitability tree with revenue improvement strategies

This slide showcases profit tree that can help organization to improve the revenue per customers and decrease the variable costs incurred in production. It also showcases strategies to improve the revenue of business. Presenting our set of slides with Product Profitability Tree With Revenue Improvement Strategies. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Profit, Revenue, Costs.

Organization chart ppt summary slide

Presenting this set of slides with name - Organization Chart Ppt Summary Slide. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Sofia William, Chris Tucker, Marry Graves, John Graves, Business.

Airlines org chart corporate management and communication

Presenting Airline Company with our airlines org chart corporate management and communication PowerPoint layout. This PPT slide offers you plenty of space to put in titles and sub titles. High resolution based presentation layout, does not change the image even after resizing. This presentation icon is fully compatible with Google slides. Quick downloading speed and simple editing options in color text and fonts.PPT icons can easily be changed into JPEG and PDF applications. This diagram has been designed for entrepreneurs, corporate and business managers.

Org chart with multiple departments and icons

Easy get with different nodes and stages as required. Amendable PowerPoint slide comes with amazing picture quality. Modification is possible with color, text, font and shape. Prompt download and can be changed in JPEG and PDF format. Gives specialized effect to your Presentation design. PPT graphic exhibited in standard and widescreen view. Alternate to customize the design by adding business name, icon and symbol. Presentation diagram can be shared with Google slides as works merge well with them.

Organization chart for company profile flat powerpoint design

High resolution PPT slides. No issue of pixilation when projected on wide screen. Extraordinary picture quality which d not deter with modifications made. Harmonious with wide variety of format and software options available. 100 percent editable slide design. Include or exclude the content data as per choice. Personalize and customize the presentation with company name and logo. Used by human resource professionals, entrepreneurs and students.

Project Management Task Flow Chart

This slide illustrates the project management workflow diagram. It includes tasks performed by major parties involved in the process such as concept design by board members, report progress by the project management committee, feasibility validation by the project manager, budget approval by the financial director. Introducing our premium set of slides with Project Management Task Flow Chart. Elucidate the one stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Project Management, Task Flow Chart. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Organizational chart for web design and advertising flat powerpoint design

The slide is 100% editable to your liking. Can be downloaded within a few seconds. Standard and widescreen support provided. Google Slides compatible designs. Suitable for use by designers, advertisers, managers, and organizations. Premium Customer support service.

Purchasing And Procurement Flow Chart

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Trade enterprise shareholder board director org chart

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Qw three staged organizational chart for designation flat powerpoint design

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Project team structure org chart

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Team tree with leader and coworkers

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Four levels business corporation org chart with profile

Presenting this set of slides with name - Four Levels Business Corporation Org Chart With Profile. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Org Chart, Organization Chart, Project Team Structure.

Government constitution architecture org chart

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Four levels org chart matrix structure with names and profile

Presenting this set of slides with name - Four Levels Org Chart Matrix Structure With Names And Profile. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Org Chart, Organization Chart, Project Team Structure.

9 Box Matrix For Talent Management And Performance Review

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Technical training project specialist org chart

Presenting this set of slides with name - Technical Training Project Specialist Org Chart. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are Org Chart, Organization Chart, Project Team Structure.

Organization chart after restructuring audit organizational chart and business model restructuring

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Revamping Organizational Structure Through Managerial Change Revamping Corporate Strategy

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Cross functional org chart with multiple boss employee

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Organizational Design PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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Organizational design provides an in-depth breakdown of an organization on the basis of different parameters. Its objective is to identify flaws related to a firm’s structure, processes, workforce, etc. The concept is closely associated with organizational architecture and can be used to provide significant results related to various factors like customer retention, profit generation, internal operations, employee satisfaction, and more. To help you explain the design model and its implementation to your audience, we have come up with this highly comprehensive and editable Organizational Design PowerPoint template.

The template set will be of a great help to every business analyst, company owner, department head, managers, and even HR executives. With this, you can easily educate your colleagues how to bring a radical change in any firm. After all, it is the overall architecture of a company that forms its foundation. If you are a consultant or an entrepreneur, then you can easily use this set and help your team lay a productive structure of your organization. It would be easier for any academician to educate their students about various aspects related to a firm's overall design in a simpler manner.

Our experts have drafted this editable set after performing an extensive research to make things easier for you. It is a highly comprehensive set that consists of various vector-based and high-definition illustrations that can be edited with a single click. Use these readily available PPT slides and educate others about the overall framework of a company. Discuss the design model and compare different strategic and human elements with each other. Provide a formal and informal breakdown and help others understand various factors affecting the overall design of an organization. You can easily compare the mechanical and organic flow of your organization and focus on every phase of the design.

We are sure that this informative set will help you save your time and efforts while drafting your next slideshow. It is available in different color themes and can be edited entirely. You can easily alter the overall look and feel of these slides to meet your requirements on the go. Save your resources and be ready to impress your audience while drafting your next presentation on Organizational Design.

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Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

It seems that you like this template, organizational behavior in the workplace presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Download the "Organizational Behavior in the Workplace" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were looking for all this time. Use the slides to give your presentation a more professional approach and have everything under control.

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  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Organizational Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

organizational design ppt presentation

Organizational Design

People practices & policies. to support the strategy ... peoples practices. staffing and selection. performance feedback. learning and development ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • MBA Course 51-454-02Fall 2006
  • Get organized make it work
  • To get the job done!
  • Configuring
  • Reward systems
  • People practices policies
  • An Organization
  • A SOCIAL Institution
  • Made of PEOPLE
  • Playing a ROLE
  • And INTERACTING between each other.
  • Things evolve New people comes in and both can have some impact
  • Beyond the formal line of authorities there are relationships, formal and informal, between people
  • Training 6 1
  • Inf., consultation involvement 5 9
  • Nature of the work 3 1
  • Monetary 2 3
  • Hiring a consultant 1 0
  • HR policies and practices 0 3
  • Respecting the line of authorities
  • You can change people through training
  • Money does not fix everything
  • Operational innovation
  • How the work is done.
  • T.E.K Key strategic actions
  • Restructure work so that each employee performs all 25 operations involved on the assembly line. Change technology and organisation of work stations accordingly
  • Revise salaries so that they are slightly higher than the industry average.
  • Implement a company share purchase plan for employees using a wage deduction system.
  • Innovation can blossom almost anywhere in an organisation that is properly structure to encourage it.
  • Toyota's success encourages every worker, no matter how far down the production line, to consider himself a knowledge worker and to think creatively about improving his particular corner of the organisation.
  • Facing the growing complexity
  • Matrix forms
  • process organization
  • The growing complexity of health care and social problems.
  • The aging of the population the chronicity.
  • The nature of the problems
  • forces to call upon
  • various disciplines and various health care centres,
  • leading to better integrated services.
  • The growing complexity
  • the nature of the problems
  • various disciplines
  • To meet new challenges
  • rethink our ways of delivering care and services to the population, with a view to situating the client at the centre of our concerns.
  • André Ducharme, GM, MRH
  • rethink the way of delivering products and services to the client
  • beyond the organizations structure
  • cultivate a
  • collective sense of responsabilitity
  • among employees
  • A distance-insensitive company held together by electronic glue.
  • Spread all over the world The workplace is where the employee is.
  • A virtual corporation
  • is created by the extensive contracting out of activities IT allows independent firms to join together in networks, which then act as if they are single corporations.
  • Also call the networked organization.
  • A virtual team
  • is a group of coworkers, geographically and/or organizationally dispersed, who is assembled using a combination of telecommunications and information technologies to accomplish an organizational task.
  • Todays information technology has a dramatic impact on the way organizations work
  • IT enables work to be organized in many and in very different ways
  • Splitting IBM businesses or
  • Integrating into 1-activity
  • How to explain the two logics?
  • Splitting IBM businesses
  • In reaction to the new environment new competitors providing narrow/horizontal slice of the total package
  • Customers support
  • To break up IBMs pricing umbrella (bundle prices)
  • Interest in getting computing power to the individual employees
  • To bring more competition into the marketplace
  • A financially-market driven strategy IPO of many companies
  • For many IBM executives, an organizational and cultural logic, where each entity already first perform in its own turf.
  • A client-driven logic at the end of the day, the customer needs an integrator, to create value
  • Problem solving
  • Ability to apply complex technologies to solve business challenges
  • integration
  • In this new environment (with tens of thousands small companies) IBM s scale and broad-based business capabilities were its competitive advantage
  • A new organizational and cultural logic performance is measured in terms of contribution to the whole
  • A new conception of IBMs business model
  • Based on two emerging forces
  • Customers would increasingly value companies that could provide solutions that integrated technology from various suppliers and integrated technology into the processes of an enterprise.
  • Networked model of computing would replace the PC-dominated world of 1994.
  • Creating a Global Enterprise
  • Capitalizing on its ability to integrate all the parts for the customers.
  • A services-led model
  • Designs, builds and delivers integrated technology solutions.
  • Build the largest and the most influential services business in the IT industry.
  • Pulling together all of IBMs software assets under a single executive In a world of open standards focus on the middlewareworking cross platform
  • Acquiring Lotus to complete the middleware portfolio and enter in the world of collaborative computing.
  • Leaving application software and partnering with application software developers
  • Enter the technology components marketplace.
  • Integrating IBM
  • Organization / Brand Image / Compensation
  • Organization
  • Breaking up the fiefdoms from geographical organization to a global, customer-oriented organization.
  • Brand Image
  • Global and unified brand
  • Compensation
  • Pay for performance stock-based compensation bonus link to overall IBMs performance
  • Which activities should be kept, outsourced or abandoned.
  • To protect and develop
  • the integrator" role,
  • to better-served the client
  • stay on focus
  • Sell unproductive assets and not essential for the company, to raise cash (examples Expensive training centers, Fine-art collection, Federal Systems Company/national security and space programs)
  • Leaving application software and partnering with application software developers (no longer competing against them)
  • Selling the IBM network (5 billion) to ATT a part of the stack that was not strategically vital and avoid huge capital investment to maintain the network.
  • Exit the DRAM business exit the hard-disk-drive business
  • Selecting markets and competing on the basis
  • of a distinctive, sustainable competency.
  • IBM transformation of the management roles and organizational culture.
  • A culture of collaboration
  • Organizational structure and processes that favour the collaboration the expression of a new culture.
  • Managing by principles
  • Focus on the outside the client.
  • For the Mature Business (H1)
  • Operators deep functional expertise
  • For the rapidly Growing Business (H2)
  • Business Builders entrepreneurial
  • For the Emerging Business (H3)
  • Visionaries unconventional thinkers.
  • Culture isnt just one aspect of the game it is the game.
  • We have to let go the old command-and-control structure if we were going to grow
  • The business must adopt a culture of collaboration both within their four walls and outside
  • Linda Sanford, Senior Vice-president, IBM Let Go to Grow
  • An organizations structure is not an end in itself. But it sets the context for managerial action.
  • Structure is just one tool that managers can employ to achieve the objectives that have been set.
  • The Functional Form
  • Activities grouped by common function production, sales, finance, RD
  • The Divisional Form
  • Grouping diverse functions into divisions products, region, client-based
  • The Matrix Form
  • Divisional and functional structures are implemented employees report to both of them.
  • Moving away with the functional silos
  • To create new organizational structures process-complete unit
  • each able to perform all the cross-functional steps or tasks required to meet
  • customers' needs.
  • The disaggregated virtual networked
  • Creating smaller sub-units with significant decisions rights
  • Decreasing the layers of management and the extent of central staff
  • Joint-venture and strategic-alliance and outsourcing the line of what is inside and what is outside has blurred.
  • Linked closely where opportunities to create values and loosely where values lie in differentiation
  • And where IT becomes an electronic glue
  • Redrawing the boundaries
  • Building from small front-line operating units
  • Cross-unit integrative process
  • Commitment to empowerment
  • in building and managing a company that stimulates people to take initiatives, to collaborate, to renew themselves and the organization
  • The Entrepreneurial Process
  • Looking for innovation opportunities
  • The Integration Process
  • Linking resources and competencies
  • The Renewal process
  • Challenging its own beliefs and practices
  • more responsibilities handed down to the workforce at large, many more people than before are having to exercise authority.
  • hold on knowledge workersessentials to its operations and who are not motivated only by money.
  • the compass that steers employees in the way the organisation wants them to go, is its culture.
  • To the reconfigurable organization
  • Active leadership
  • The organization as a source of competitive advantage
  • Knowledge management
  • Collect and share knowledge across boundaries IT connected
  • People who have learning aptitude and can move around
  • Flexibility
  • And more changes to come tolerance for ambiguity and unpredictability
  • Get the right people at the right place is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

You might even have a presentation you’d like to share with others. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5 slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music, pictures, animations and transition effects. Then you can share it with your target audience as well as’s millions of monthly visitors. And, again, it’s all free.

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World's Best PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  1. Organizational Structure PowerPoint Template, Keynotes and Slides

    organizational design ppt presentation

  2. Organizational Structure PPT Template and Google Slides

    organizational design ppt presentation

  3. Organizational Design PowerPoint Template

    organizational design ppt presentation

  4. PPT: Organizational Design (23-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation)

    organizational design ppt presentation

  5. Organizational Structure PowerPoint Template, Keynotes and Slides

    organizational design ppt presentation

  6. Organizational Charts PowerPoint Template

    organizational design ppt presentation


  1. Designing Organizational Structure

  2. Organizational design presentation

  3. Organizational Design, Structure, & Change Presentation

  4. BENCHMARK Organizational Design, Structure, and change presentation

  5. Basic Organizational Design Part I

  6. How to Make an Organizational Chart in PowerPoint


  1. Organizational Design

    1 Organizational Design. The process of coordinating the structural elements of an organization in the most appropriate manner The process of choosing and implementing a structural configuration. The choice of an appropriate organizational design depends on the firm's: Size. Operations and information technology. Environment.

  2. PPT

    Chapter 17 Organizational Design. Learning Goals. Describe how organizational design coordinates activities in an organization and gets information to decision makers Discuss the contingency factors of organizational design. Download Presentation. strategic goals. organizational design cont. technical process. forms oforganizational design.

  3. Organizational Structure and Design

    1. Organizing is the process of creating an organization's structure. That process has several purposes, as shown in Exhibit 9.1. 2. An organizational structure is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. 3. Organizational design is the process of developing or changing an organization's structure.

  4. 5+ Free Organizational Chart Templates For PowerPoint (+ FAQ)

    1- Click on Insert > SmartArt. 2- The 'Choose A SmartArt Graphic' dialog box will open. Click on Hierarchy and select the organizational chart format you want to use (note that clicking the SmartArt graphic will load up that graphic's description). How to select the right org chart format in SmartArt.

  5. Organizational design PowerPoint templates, Slides and Graphics

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  6. Organizational Design Project Proposal

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template . Where structure meets strategy and efficiency reigns supreme—organizational design is a critical component of any successful business, as it involves shaping the framework and alignment of an organization to optimize performance and achieve strategic goals. ...

  7. Management Chapter 11 Designing Organizational Structure

    Download ppt "Management Chapter 11 Designing Organizational Structure". Learning Objectives 11.1 Describe six key elements in organizational design Contrast mechanistic and organic structures Discuss the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design Describe traditional organizational ...

  8. Organization Structure Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    Find predesigned Organization Structure Powerpoint Presentation Slides PowerPoint templates slides, graphics, and image ... what their responsibilities. Users can describe the reporting structure, divisions, and roles. Organizational design ppt slides enable customers to make presentations on functional structure, divisional structure, project ...

  9. Create Organizational Charts in PPT With Templates (+Video)

    Show PowerPoint organizational charts from top-to-bottom to build a sense of community. 2. Create Functional Org Charts in PowerPoint. Most people think of organization chart PPT's as slides that show "who reports to who." This is a very common structure. There's nothing wrong with showing individuals reporting to a manager.

  10. Organizational Chart Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Organizational Charts. Discover our extensive collection of 27 organizational chart templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. These professionally designed templates are perfect for illustrating your company's hierarchy, team structure, or departmental divisions. They are highly customizable and adaptable to any presentation need.

  11. Organization PowerPoint Presentation Templates & Slides

    Talent Management Word Cloud Picture for PowerPoint. An Organization Template is a graphical representation of the structure of a company. You can use it to create a systematic Organization Presentation Template that effectively communicates with your audience at a glance. It can also demonstrate employees' various positions and roles within ...

  12. Company Organizational Structure

    Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of ...

  13. CHAPTER 6 Organizational Structure and Design

    Download ppt "TOPIC 7 - CHAPTER 6 Organizational Structure and Design". Learning Outcomes Describe six key elements in organizational design. Identify the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design. Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary organizational designs.

  14. Free Organizational Charts for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Organizational Charts, also known as organigrams or organograms, present the ranks and relationships within a company or its structure. They typically have three to four levels. In this template, there are many organizational charts with different styles and designs.

  15. Organizational Structure PowerPoint Templates, Presentation Designs

    Presenting government constitution architecture org chart PowerPoint template. Presentation slide accessible in Standard 4:3 and Widescreen 16:9 view. Fully compatible PowerPoint design with Google slides. Easy instructions have been provided for customization. Transform and personalize the presentation by including the organization name and ...

  16. Organizational Design PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Google Slides. Animation: Yes. Slide Formats. 16:9. 4:3. Organizational design provides an in-depth breakdown of an organization on the basis of different parameters. Its objective is to identify flaws related to a firm's structure, processes, workforce, etc. The concept is closely associated with organizational architecture and can be used ...

  17. Organizational Design

    People. A good organizational design provides people with. the supporting structures they need to achieve. both high performance and satisfaction in their. work. 16. Contingencies in Organization Design. Environment. Organization design aligns structures with.

  18. Organizational Behavior in the Workplace Presentation

    Download the "Organizational Behavior in the Workplace" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and ...

  19. Organizational Design

    For many IBM executives, an organizational and. cultural logic, where each entity already first. perform in its own turf. 36. Learning fromIBM. Integrating into 1-activity. A client-driven logic at the end of the day, the. customer needs an integrator, to create value. Problem solving.