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A "Personal Statement" is an important vehicle through which you introduce yourself to a third party for a specific purpose - enrolling in a graduate school, applying for a scholarship, seeking an internship opportunity, or applying for a job. To write a good Personal Statement, the skills required are as delicate as creating Coffee Art - and practice makes perfect! The following sections will introduce key qualities of good Personal Statements. The recommended links provide both practical and user-friendly tips, samples/templates, and textbook resources on writing Personal Statements (i) for Academic Purposes; and (ii) for Career Purposes.

Essentials for Personal Statements

Effective Personal Statements can open the door to an interview, selection for admission to graduate schools, or even help you to secure a scholarship – but just remember "COFFEE ART"

Contributions To demonstrate your worth through how you can contribute to the academic institution or organization,
Objectives and Plan To outline your objectives and plan in pursuing the immediate future goal -further studies, or entry positions into specific industry,
Fresh and Distinctive To stand out, you must be unique amongst thousands of candidates so that you will impress readers of your compelling Personal Statement. Focus on your features and core competitive advantage with concrete information,
Focused, Structured with Style To be well-organized, make your Personal Statement enjoyable and interesting to read,
Expressions To make sure your expressions and tone are used appropriately. You can also demonstrate your personality via your writing style,
Easy to Read To ensure that the content is concise and easily understandable,
Achievements To show your achievements, dedication, setbacks, and capabilities to overcoming hardships,
Reasons for Choosing Each Other To demonstrate specific reasons why you have selected the particular academic programme or organization; and convince them skillfully why they should choose you,
Theme To set out the theme or include headings for the content that you would like to communicate with the reviewer which fit with the specific purposes of your Personal Statement.

Recommended Links for Personal Statements

  • Brainstorming ideas Resources – from University of Winsconsin-Madison
  • Outlining a Personal Statement – from Fullbright Scholarship Application
  • Do's and Don'ts of Personal Statements (With Attribute Map, Accomplishment and Experience Table from from DePaul University.
  • Foci for Your Personal Statements - from University of Indiana Bloomington
  • Analysis of a Personal Statement Example
  • Tips for Writing Oxbridge Personal Statements Tips for Writing Oxbridge Personal Statements
  • 4 Top Tips to Show Difference

Samples For Academic Use - By Discipline

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  • Business – A sample for a master degree application
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  • Computer Science - Samples
  • Dentistry - Samples
  • Economics - Samples
  • Education - Samples
  • Electronic and Engineering - "Which Types of Skills are Expected to be Demonstrated?" (See Entry Profile Item in English on the left of the boxes) – Resources from University of Nottingham
  • Engineering - Samples
  • English - Samples
  • English Literature - Samples
  • English and Psychology - Samples
  • Environmental Science - Samples
  • Film - Samples
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  • History - Samples
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  • Theology - Samples
  • Travel and Tourism - Samples
  • Veterinary Science - Samples

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></center></p><h2>Learn to Write HKU Personal Statement Through Examples and Pro Tips</h2><ul><li>January 2, 2024</li><li>Academic Writing Service</li><li>SOP Writing Service</li><li>Admission Essay Writing Service</li><li>Personal Statement Writing Service</li><li>LOR Writing Service</li><li>Motivation Letter Writing Service</li><li>Proofreading Service</li><li>Coursework Help</li><li>Thesis Help</li><li>Dissertation Help</li><li>Homework Help</li><li>Term Paper Writing Services</li><li>Essay Writing Services</li><li>SOP Writers Near Me</li><li>SOP Writing Service India</li><li>SOP Writing Service Hyderabad</li><li>SOP Writing Service Kerala</li><li>SOP Writing Service Bangalore</li><li>SOP Writing Service Delhi</li><li>SOP Writing Service Pune</li><li>SOP Writing Service Mumbai</li><li>SOP Writing Service Vijayawada</li></ul><p>Want to find out the simple but unspoken ways by which you can create an everlasting impression on your HKU personal statement? The reason why many personal statements fail to impress selectors is that they miss out on some important areas. Being aware of those areas will help you approach it differently. In this blog, we are discussing them in detail. </p><p>We have also included in it:  </p><ul><li>Proven writing steps and tips</li><li>Mistakes to keep away </li><li>Multiple HKU personal statement examples to download</li></ul><h2>What is the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement? Why Should You Have the Best One?</h2><p>University of Hong Kong personal statement is a document that consists of approximately 1000 words demonstrating your motivations for choosing HKU (Hong Kong University) and the particular higher education program. The document is considered to be a crucial one for your admission because: </p><ul><li>It helps the admission panel have an overall idea about your intentions.</li><li>From your personal statement for Hong Kong university, the admission panel can learn about your personality. </li><li>Personal statement for HKU provides insights into your aptitudes, strengths and soft skills with examples. </li><li>Personal statement helps selectors help the admission board to shortlist prospective candidates easily on a merit basis. </li><li>In the HKU personal statement, you can show what and how much you can contribute to the institute.  </li></ul><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Answers to These 7 Questions in Personal Statement Will Determine Your Admission to HKU</h2><ul><li>What is your academic and professional background? </li><li>What are your notable achievements? </li><li>How are you different from other applicants? </li><li>Why do you think you are suitable for this program? </li><li>What are your motivations behind choosing Hong Kong as your higher study destination? Why not other countries? </li><li>In what different ways can you contribute to Hong Kong University? </li><li>How have your previous experiences and exposure shaped your goals?</li></ul><h2>How to Format the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement?</h2><p>The way you format your HKU personal statement directly influences its acceptance rate. Stick to the following HKU personal statement word limit and other formatting factors.</p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td>Approximately 1000 words</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>About 5000 characters</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Two to three pages</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Maintain a 1-inch margin on either side, top and bottom</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>12 points</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Keep double spacing</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Times New Roman, Arial</td></tr></tbody></table><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>HKU Personal Statement</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table><h2>How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Hong Kong University In 6 Steps?</h2><p>Now, let’s get started with writing the city university of Hong Kong personal statement. Follow these step-by-step instructions.</p><h2>Read about Hong Kong and HKU:</h2><p>As you are specifically required to talk about the factors that draw you to HKU and Hong Kong, read about them to develop a strong perspective to show your motivation. </p><h2>Understand the requirements:</h2><p>Like other universities, HKU has its own admission criteria and personal statement requirements. Refer to the official HKU website and understand the requirements.  Also, review a few HKU personal statement examples. </p><h2>Make your outline:</h2><p>It is important to make an outline incorporating every point in your checklist first. Verify that your outline doesn’t overlap any point which is obvious elsewhere. For instance, your GPA score.</p><h2>Build your points:</h2><p>Once your outline is ready, develop each point. If you get stuck at the introduction, leave it and carry on with the rest of the body. Come to the introduction at last and write it without causing it to contradict the body. </p><h2>Modify your sentences:</h2><p>After you have finished, read the personal statement wholly and then word by word. If any word or sentence looks incoherent, modify them appropriately. Also, replace complicated words with simple ones. </p><h2>Get it reviewed:</h2><p>Finally, get your personal statement reviewed by an expert, a colleague or a professor who can guide you. They could read it from a different angle and spot areas where your write-up lacks engagement, readability and accuracy. </p><h2>HKU Personal Statement Examples</h2><p>The structure of the oral region has always fascinated me, considering its overall impact on facial construction. Considering that the human face enjoys utmost exposure, as compared to other parts of the body, my choice to become a dentist was a natural outcome of my instinct. I was 15 when I read ‘The Smile Stealers’. It was then that the history of dentistry appealed to my intellect. Nurturing this innocent interest with care, here I stand today, ready to embrace a dynamic career in dentistry. A person’s appearance and image largely rest on the way he/she talks, smiles and presents incidents. Given that a significant section of people across the globe experience difficulties due to injury in their oral region, a logical choice for me would be to put on the mask of a dentist.</p><p>In an effort to gain a better insight into the area of my interest, I capitalized on my last summer internship. Integrating myself into several dentistry settings, I gained first-hand knowledge for four weeks. Thoroughly enjoying the fresh knowledge-acquisition process, I worked on orthodontics and implants. Most importantly, I realized that dentists need to go beyond their core skills while establishing a compassionate association with their patients. Besides, I talked to experienced dentists to learn how frustrating and stressful certain patients and cases can be. All these experiences strengthened my desire to be a part of the dentistry world and take care of patients who are suffering.</p><p>Besides, I enhanced my foundational knowledge in dentistry, undertaking a job at a local clinic in Mumbai, India. This was an invaluable learning experience for me. During this phase, I came to realize the value that soft and hard skills in dentistry hold for the professionals. In particular, I carried out dental drills, which helped me gain manual dexterity. Apart from this, I was fascinated with the processes like laser frenectomy and other procedures that dentists carried out on the gums. This mechanism enabled the patient to gain normal movement of the lower lip, which previously got strained from the gum. This was the first time I saw how a CO2 laser works practically. I realized the depth of dentistry, as the professional used a specific dye and killed the bacteria around the oral region. Most importantly, the patient enjoyed a joyous experience, and I look forward to bestowing such gratifying feelings to my patients in the coming years.</p><p>I also noticed how the dentists developed a rapport with the patients at the outset, so that they felt at ease. It was interesting for me to study the different social elements in the life of each patient. However, the end goal of the dentists was to establish the rapport. Eventually, I realized that communication and interpersonal skills hold the secret for success for reputed dentists.</p><p>Apart from being consistent in my academics, I have demonstrated my competence in trekking, playing saxophone and flute. In the summer of 2016, I embarked on an expedition to Nepal, climbing the highest peak in the world. During this expedition, I combated both mental and physical challenges. My energetic character keeps me active. In several programs and assemblies, I have played the flute and the saxophone. I also love interacting with people, as it enhances my confidence and communication skills. Rather than playing solo, I prefer playing these instruments in small orchestras. This is where every musician works together, complementing each other’s efforts. The cohesive efforts result in a mellifluous symphony, the secret of which lies in teamwork.</p><p>I have been a fervent learner all these years and would like to be a part of the sophisticated academic environment at your institute. Aligning my passion and professional goals, I hereby commit myself to the dentistry profession. A berth in your revered institution would propel me closer to my professional goals. I look forward to integrating myself into the progressive student community at your university.</p><p>Click the below button to download your copy of HKU personal statement sample PDF. Compare your own writing with the sample and find out where the latter needs more attention.</p><h2>Common Mistakes Students Make in Their HKU Personal Statement</h2><p>HKU has a lower acceptance rate. The most cited reason is mistakes in the personal statement. The following are some of the mistakes that students often make. </p><p>Try to avoid them in your writing. </p><h2>Lack of engagement:</h2><p>The write-up contains only statements.</p><h2>Not self-reflective:</h2><p>The document looks too detached from the writer. </p><h2>Not tailor-made to HKU:</h2><p>The personal statement looks too generic.</p><h2>Not genuine:</h2><p>The writer has included fabricated info to impress the committee. </p><h2>Plagiarism:</h2><p>The document is a copy of another Hong Kong university personal statement sample. </p><h2>How Do Professionals Write Personal Statements for HKU? The Secret Tips</h2><p>Check out these secret tips from experts and use them diligently as you write your document.</p><h2>Strictly adhere to the requirements:</h2><p>First and foremost, write your personal statement exactly as you are expected to write it. Be it adhering to the format or meeting the requirements, do not fail.</p><h2>Answer the personal statement prompts:</h2><p>Answering the question prompts we shared earlier in this blog is necessary to ensure the completeness of your document.</p><h2>Catchy introduction:</h2><p>Selectors will not read your personal statement word by word. They will mostly scan it. By making your introduction attractive, you can win their attention quickly.</p><h2>Do revision:</h2><p>Sometimes, you may have to rewrite an entire paragraph or a point. Only through multiple revisions, you can know which one needs a bit of revamping.</p><h2>Submit on time:</h2><p>Don’t wait for the deadline to submit your personal statement. Submit it at least a week or two earlier. This will enable you to enjoy the benefit of early bird applications. </p><h2>Use standard English:</h2><p>The quality of the language used in your personal statement HKU influences what and how selectors understand your story. So, it is inevitable to use standard English without errors. </p><h2>Why Study in Hong Kong?</h2><p>A lot of students, not only from Asia but also from Europe, America, Africa and the Pacific, flock to Hong Kong for higher education. Why do they prefer to study in Hong Kong? </p><p>Here are some reasons.</p><h2>Fastest-growing metropolis:</h2><p>Hong Kong is one of the fastest-growing metropolises in the world. Needless to say, the sheer number of opportunities it offers is on the rise.</p><h2>The major hub of higher education:</h2><p>Hong Kong is a major hub for higher education in Asia. Universities like HKU offer a myriad of higher study programs for students from all academic and professional backgrounds. </p><h2>Diverse culture:</h2><p>Hong Kong is a hugely multicultural city with people from all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. It is a place where everyone can feel at home.</p><h2>Safe for everyone:</h2><p> Hong Kong has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Any incident of crime is taken seriously by authorities. The safety of the inhabitants is a priority concern for the government.</p><h2>Well connected:</h2><p>Hong Kong is well connected with other cities in the region as well as international capitals through direct flight services. </p><h2>How to Apply for HKU?</h2><ul><li>Register an account at the university’s official application portal. </li><li>Begin your application process. </li><li>Keep track of the date for the first round of evaluation and submit your application</li><li>Submit all your supporting documents including Hong Kong university personal statement and LORs </li><li>Wait for the response from the admission committee.</li></ul><p>Importance dates to remember</p><table><tbody><tr><th>Application to HKU</th><th>Date</th></tr><tr><td>Fall (full year)</td><td>1 April</td></tr><tr><td>Spring</td><td>2 September</td></tr><tr><th>Application Deadline</th><th>Date</th></tr><tr><td>Fall (full year)</td><td>1 May</td></tr><tr><td>Spring</td><td>28 September</td></tr><tr><th>Accommodation Application Deadline</th><th>Date</th></tr><tr><td>Fall (full year):</td><td>29 May</td></tr><tr><td>Spring</td><td>30 October</td></tr><tr><th>Visa Application Deadline</th><th>Date</th></tr><tr><td>Fall (full year)</td><td>12 June</td></tr><tr><td>Spring</td><td>31 October</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please note that this is a tentative chart of dates. Dates are subject to changes each year based on public holidays and weekends. </p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Top Higher Study Programs That HKU is Known For</h2><ul><li>Social Sciences</li><li>Architecture</li><li>Business School</li><li>Engineering</li></ul><h2>Did We Clear All Your Doubts?</h2><p>We are confident that we did. Do you have anything to suggest to us? </p><p>We are on a mission to make this blog the ultimate source of information for everyone out there who wants to make an impact on their application through a strong HKU personal statement. </p><p>Feel free to share your suggestion, feedback, doubts or questions regarding this blog in the comments below. </p><p>We greatly appreciate your time.</p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table><p><center><img style=

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Biochemistry personal statement example 7.

Since the University of Hong Kong is the oldest university in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive, research-intensive education. Internationally renowned teachers, first- rate libraries, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are attracted me.

Choosing The University of Hong Kong is an excellent choice for me to apply for a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Biochemistry studies, as it provides students with basic and advanced knowledge in contemporary biochemistry and molecular biology.

The curriculum emphasizes experimental learning through laboratory exercises. It takes on a practical approach in learning biochemistry and equips students with the critical thinking.

My deepening interest in my A level subjects confirmed my belief that Biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward. I particularly interested in induced pluripotent stem cells. These cells can differentiate into different kinds of cells under certain culture.

These are important in research and potentially have therapeutic uses. Also, the faculty’s laboratories in HKU are equipped with advanced scientific instruments. Therefore, I want to take up postgraduate studies after my Bachelor of Science degree and pursue a career in advanced scientific and medical research. My ultimate goal is to play a leading role in research and to make a contribution to society.

As I was a senior student, I have developed the ability to analyze and think critically, especially in chemistry. During the experiments, I have developed my all-round analysis and observation skills.

Through the experiments, I have found myself that I am a patient and determined person. Although I have faced many difficulties and failures, I still continued my work repeatedly to obtain a nearly perfect result. Also, through my laboratory reports, these reflect me that I am a perfectionist and prudent person.

I pay much attention to prepare and design an experiment well before the experiment. When I face some academic problems, I must ask teachers thoroughly in order to overcome the problems.

Creativity has been a quality I had. I thought that it is possible to introduce chloroplasts into the human cell. If it is possible, human need not eat.

Taking Science Club in Form 4 has inspired me to read some science reports in Wikipedia and American science magazine. I could acquire information related to biology and chemistry by myself.

Now, I like to watch online lectures. Recently, I have watched a lecture called "The Origins of ES Cells". This lecture was present the history of ES cell discovery and evidence for the homology of ES cells.

I am looking forward to experiencing university life. I fully believe “knowledge is power”, which is why I aspire to go to university. I hope that I will have the privilege of pursuing my studies at your reputable university.

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This personal statement was written by nelsontsang911 for application in 2011.

This personal statement is unrated

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Quite good. did you get an.

Sun, 11/12/2011 - 01:25

Quite good. Did you get an offer?

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Blog » Undergrad » Hong Kong » Application Process » How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement when Applying to Universities in Hong Kong for an Undergraduate Degree?

How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement when Applying to Universities in Hong Kong for an Undergraduate Degree?

The personal statement is the application component in which the students have the opportunity to articulate their skills and experience. This section is an essential component in your application when applying to universities in Hong Kong for an undergraduate degree.

What is a Personal Statement?

  A Personal Statement is a very important part of your application because it is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, personality and achievements to the university. It is a 4000-character essay written by you which allows universities to understand why you are applying and why you are the best fit for the university.

While writing your personal statement, make sure to answer: 

  • What is your background?
  • What have you achieved? 
  • What have you done which stands out from other applicants?
  • Why are you a good fit for the course?
  • Why do you want to study in Hong Kong? 
  • How can you contribute to the University?
  • What have you learnt from your previous experiences? 

Tips to write a good personal statement

To produce an effective and well written personal statement, we have a few tips:

  • First off, plan the structure of the essay. Do this by creating a mind map which will include your background, your extracurricular activities, why you want to apply and other important details.
  • Emphasize the things you have done and the experiences you have been through. This could include a personal story or an anecdote which stands out from other applicants.
  • Be honest about your strengths, achievements and most importantly, make it your own work.
  • Remember to always keep in mind the character count. The personal statement should be coherent, concise and easy to understand.
  • Make sure to proofread your essay . Grammatical errors, sentence structure and language play a very important role as they can greatly influence your application decision.

Remember that the personal statement speaks about you so the most important thing is to be yourself while writing the personal statement.

If you need help with personal statements or application essays, get in touch with our university-specific mentors at UniRely. For more information, please visit our website to learn more about the process of applying to universities in HK for an undergraduate degree.

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10. what should i write in my personal statement.

You may wish to explain why you are interested in the exchange programme, and why have you chosen HKU as host university. There is no word limit.

  • 升學 Personal Statement (Jupas SLP、Non-Jupas、Postgraduate)

📨 Personal Statement 點寫?

Personal Statement 係你用嚟說服Professor 收你嘅文,理應由你自己諗,覺得得有適合嘅內容就寫落去。 一般而言,BU、City 約 600字英文,其他大學約950字係合適嘅長度,你可以按需要加減。 建議使用英文填寫。 如果你申請中文/中文教育之類科目,可以 Bilingual 咁寫。 HKU / CUHK / HKUST / CityU 會提供位置俾你上傳 Personal Statement , 而其他學校唔要求。 PolyU 需要 PS 嘅科目列表 除以上四間大學外,請喺 Other documents 度上傳(非強制)。

  • CityU 表示你必須要填寫 Applicant statement 並於繳交報名時完成,但過後你亦可用 PDF 格式上傳到 Other documents,可以被視為有效。
  • 如果您喺同一間學校報多過一科,而學校只容許你提交一份嘅,我地鼓勵按照你嘅 first choice 嚟交。
  • 您可使用同一篇 Statement 交到唔同嘅學科/學系,但如果提及學校/課程嘅,請確保您使用官方嘅學校/課程名稱,並請確保你交嘅果間大學係你篇 statement 裡面提嘅大學。建議內容要提及學校及課程,讓 admission 知道你冇交錯。
  • 過往有同學無寫仍然收到 Offer。
  • 如果你打算寫嘅可以參考以下嘅指引,但如果你決定用其他方法、想後補或者唔想寫嘅,請按自己意思做便可。我地唔會評論話「寫左一定好過唔寫」。
  • 即使你報讀嘅學系冇要求,但有可能 Referee 會想睇你嘅 Personal Statement 以決定是否推薦你,所以寫定冇壞。
  • ⚠️ 請勿於 @nonjupas 群內詢問 Personal Statement 係咪一定要交 / 可否後補,亦唔好pm admin詢問。
  • 亦唔好問「我之前無寫,見到報讀嘅科目派左 Interview,應唔應該補」或者「收到 Interview 應唔應該補」。
  • PolyU 嘅大部分科目並唔要求申請人交 Personal Statement / Ref letter。 引述官網FAQ: You NEED NOT submit more documents than required as non-required documents will not be considered by departments. Please check the “Additional Documents Required” section of e-prospectus for the details.

寫文巴 @ugfn1000 有 Personal Statement consultation 服務,以下建議係 2023 年 consult得出嘅要點: (  2024 年版 ) 

睇咗咁多篇personal statement之後,發現8成同學有個通病,就係唔夠personal。記住只有記描抒嘅文章先係personal,論說文一定唔personal。 ❎因為我有好強嘅communication skills所以我適合讀XXX →唔敍事邊個知你有幾強嘅communication skills? ❎我讀咗某某HD/AD,我學識咗XXXX →你交表有寫你讀緊咩,而你啲同學個個都學識咗果樣嘢,點解要收你唔收第二個 ✅我參加咗某某嘅課外活動,每年得15個位,我學識咗XXX ✅我屋企係開XX舖頭嘅,我F6果年暑假去幫手,發現XXX,所以我想讀XXX ✅我去過做義工,某個活動我好深刻,果時得我一個負責XXX

如果你需要人proofread,可以講埋自己報邊間咩科,俾 @ugfn1000 望望,睇睇大路嘢啱唔啱。


Personal Statement常見問題: 問:我啲活動完全唔關事,所以唔知寫咩好。 答:活動唔需要關你果科事,只需要關你性格事。例如你aim finance但活動係去家庭服務中心做義工,你可以寫你因為服務小朋友同老人家而變得十分細心,有利你讀啲要對數字嘅科目。

問:我返啲工同果科冇關,係咪skip咗佢唔寫好啲? 答:寫part time唔係寫job duties為主,因為都會同人撞,unless你嘅工作係兒子/女兒。寫part time應該集中喺返工某日最深刻嘅經歷,例如有客打爛嘢你點處理等等,所以無關科系嘅工依然可以寫。

問:我中學嘅活動、比賽可唔可以寫? 答:絕對可以,有幾多人ad/hd有活動啫,唔寫冇嘢寫啦,但小學、幼稚園果啲就真係唔好寫了。

問:我冇參加活動,又冇返part time,你又叫我咪寫讀書學到咩,咁我寫咩好? 答:寫你成世人最深刻嘅經歷同體會,例如有日你放學返屋企,執紙皮個婆婆突然扭親腰,你叫佢放低啲紙皮去睇跌打仲要陪佢去,佢都唔肯放低啲紙皮,你最後如何解決呢件事。

如果有其他PS相關問題隨時pm我 @ugfn1000 寫好想比我望下都可以pm。只限一般問題,深入意見需酌情收費。


As an aspiring computer scientist, I am keen to pursue a degree in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The university’s strong reputation as one of the top institutions to study this field is both inspiring and humbling.

To prepare for this academic journey, I have proactively acquired relevant knowledge, including coding skills, and dedicated time to self-study in areas like mathematics and computer science concepts. In addition, I plan to delve into Computer Science topics like Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and machine learning, broadening my skills beyond the curriculum.

Participating in extracurricular activities has played a crucial role in my personal development. While my experiences with 3D printing and robotics workshops were valuable, it was working on a drone that sparked my interest in applying scientific principles to develop useful products. This experience ignited a passion for creating applications or even organizing drone performances in the future.

Throughout my academic career, I have developed a passion for understanding how technology operates and works on multiple levels. My studies have provided me with enough knowledge to begin work on coding projects as well as experience working in both Mac OS X and Windows environment. In addition, I have gained exposure with multiple programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, etc. which have helped me build the confidence necessary to continue advancing in the field. 

My goal is to continue enriching my technical skills while also exploring new theories in computer science through research and projects. Participating in various related extracurricular activities, competitions,and hackatons has enabled me to gain further insight into problem-solving approach’s within the discipline, allowing me to experiment more effectively with innovative solutions. 

Upon graduation, I envision myself working as a Software Engineer, engaging in projects, securing internships, and expanding my horizons internationally within five years.

I believe the courses offered by HKUST will help develop my existing strengths and provide the flexibility needed for personal growth within this subject area whereas its practical applications equipped with modern technological resources will allow for independent initiatives leading towards research opportunities that capture my interests deeply. If admitted to your program, I would channel a significant portion of my time into academics, exploring potential collaborations with school projects or competitions to enhance both my academic and practical skills. I believe that pursuing this program is a great fit for me due to its prestige and outreach within Asia Pacific region providing an excellent pathway towards pursuing higher academic goals in future if desired as well. 

  • Non JUPAS 報名階段注意事項 (2025-26學年更新)
  • 各大學報名系統相關嘅注意事項
  • Non JUPAS 派位記錄
  • 年長生 / Quit U / Trans U / Second degree 嘅注意事項
  • Senior entry / Advanced Standing
  • 銜接學位 (Top-up degree)
  • 缺少特定條件但仍然或取錄之記錄
  • Reference Letter
  • Non JUPAS 排位懶人包
  • 應該報 JUPAS 定 Non JUPAS?
  • 經 Asso / HD 入大學嘅若干須知
  • 「Asso仔心得一篇」如何可以第一年脫離太空煉獄
  • Non JUPAS 註冊相關
  • 社工科目嘅 Interview 題目
  • Nursing Interview 護理系面試題目
  • Business 科 Interview 問題 (包括 Business Management, Marketing )
  • 報名系統入面填寫嘅日期
  • Design Portfolio 相關

personal statement sample hku

General requirements, application procedures, scholarships, fees, interviews, and overseas applicants for admissions to the MALCS programme.

2025-2026 Admission to be announced soon.

For MALCS application enquiries, please contact our Programme Officer (Application): Miss Christina Chow at [email protected]

Study mode and choosing your stream.


Scholarships offered for MALCS.

General Requirements

Basic qualifications for MALCS.

Application Procedures

Application for admission and deadline.

Composition fees for Full-time/Part-time.

Interview for short-listed applicants.

Overseas Applicants

Information for non-local applicants.

personal statement sample hku

Full-time: 1 year

Part-time: 2 years.

The MALCS programme is designed to be completed by full-time student in one academic year or part-time students in two academic years. Each academic year comprises two semesters: Semester 1 (Fall) and Semester 2 (Spring). Semester 1 normally commences in September and ends in December, while Semester 2 normally commences in January and ends in May. Exact starting and ending date of a semester shall be prescribed by the School Senate.

The semester courses offered by the programme may vary from time to time. For full-time students, one core course and three electives will be taken in the first semester, and three electives will be taken in the second semester of the programme. For part-time students, one core course and three electives will be taken in the first year of the programme and three electives in the second year.

Courses in our programme are primarily offered during weekdays evening from 6:30PM to 9:30PM. Occasionally, courses may be offered on weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings.

Choosing your stream

Students are encouraged to pursue either a LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES stream, or a FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES stream within the Programme. Students are also allowed to not pursue any specific streams.

  • LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES stream elective courses: Students are encouraged to select any 3 from the following: CLIT7006, CLIT7007, CLIT7008, CLIT7009, CLIT7010, CLIT7011, CLIT7013, CLIT7016, CLIT7018, CLIT7020, CLIT7023, CLIT7024, CLIT7025, CLIT7027, CLIT7028, CLIT7029.
  • FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES stream elective courses: Students are encouraged to select any 3 from the following: CLIT7007, CLIT7014, CLIT7016, CLIT7019, CLIT7020, CLIT7021, CLIT7022, CLIT7023, CLIT7025, CLIT7027, CLIT7028, CLIT7029.

Students are required to declare their choice of streams (or not declaring) by the start of the second semester of their academic study. Any request for subsequent change in stream after declaration shall be approved by the Programme Chairperson.

The MALCS programme offers two types of scholarship for students: The Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Scheme and The Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies (MALCS) Entrance Scholarship . Interested prospective students should apply by 12:00 noon (GMT +8), January 5, 2024. Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

For more information regarding application and details on the scholarships please visit here .

And to view our scholarship awardees visit here.

The basic qualification for admission to the MALCS is a good honours degree from HKU or an equivalent qualification from comparable institutions. Qualified applicants may be holder of:

a BA Degree (in any discipline), Division 2 or above (2B)

Applicants with qualifications from a university or comparable institution outside HK where the language of teaching or examination is not English are required to obtain:

  • a score of 550 or above (paper based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), in which a score of 4 or above in the Test of Written English (TWE), or a score of 25 or above in the Writing section of the Internet-based TOEFL; or

a minimum overall band of 7 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Only TOEFL / IELTS score recorded in the two years before the date of application is considered for admission.

Application for admission should be made online via


Important notes about online application

Applicants are advised to submit their online applications early so as to avoid systems congestion near the deadline for application. In addition to the online applications, applicants should upload the required supporting documents and checklist before the application deadline and within four weeks from the date of the creation of application account.

For more details, please go through the followings page/document:

Admissions FAQ

Additional Information for Applicant

Enquiries relating to application procedures could be directed to the Admissions Office at [email protected] .

The application fee for the MALCS is HK$300 (non-refundable). Payment of application fee should be made online at . Payment by cash will NOT be accepted. Your online application cannot be processed unless you pay your application fee online by VISA or MASTERCARD.

Composition fee of the MALCS academic year 2024-2025 (Subject to the University's approval):

(paid in 2 equal instalments)

(paid in 4 equal instalments)

Applicants should note that the first installment of the composition fee is payable at the time of acceptance of a conditional/firm offer of admission. Once paid, the composition fee cannot be refunded.

personal statement sample hku

Short-listed applicants may be invited to take a qualifying test and a follow-up Skype interview.

Dates for the qualifying test: To be confirmed.

personal statement sample hku

All non-local candidates should obtain a valid visa to enroll to the MALCS programme.

Please refer to the following website of the Centre of Development and Resources for Student on the procedures for visa application:

Further details on the entrance requirements and admission can be found on the HKU Postgraduate Prospectus at:

Scholarships & Prize

Targeted taught postgraduate programmes fellowships scheme.

personal statement sample hku

Successful Applicants will receive a subsidy of up to HK$120,000 (for Local Applicants only). Application for Fellowship Scheme 2025-2026 to be announced soon.

MALCS Entrance Scholarship

Successful applicants will each receive a scholarship up to 100% of the tuition fee (for Local and Overseas Applicants). Application for MALCS Entrance Scholarship 2025-2026 to be announced soon.

MALCS Enrichment Scholarship

Six scholarships shall be awarded annually to both full-time and part-time students who participated in exchange coordinated by MA in Literary and Cultural Studies on the basis of academic merit. Successful applicants will receive a scholarship of HK$25,000.

Esther MK Cheung Memorial Prize for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

In honour of Dr. Esther Cheung's commitment to academic rigour, CGSC and her family established a memorial prize for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Department.

Please submit your application via - the Online Application System before the deadline. Applicants are required to fill in the online application form by providing information including qualifications, working experience, professional qualifications, English Language Proficiency Test Results, and contact information of 2 referees. Applicants shall state their interests or/ and background in literary and cultural studies in English and indicate which emphasis they would like to pursue in (Literary and Cultural Studies or Film/ Screen Studies) in the "Reasons for interest in this programme" section when they go through the online application.

The application fee for each taught postgraduate programme is HK$300 (non-refundable). Payment of application fee should be made online at . Payment by cash will NOT be accepted.

The online application system will be open for public exercise from around October. The application deadline is subject to be announced/revised by MALCS.

Commencement date for the Programme will be September 1 (subject to change in every academic year). No second round admission for Spring Semester.

Academic transcript -

Applicants who will graduate soon shall upload a photocopy of their most up-to-date transcripts before the application deadline and within four weeks from the date of the creation of application account. Potential applicant with BA degree to be awarded will be granted conditional offer, and required to submit a complete transcript by the due date shown on the letter of conditional offer issued by the Arts Faculty.

Graduation certificate -

Not applicable to candidates who will graduate soon.

IELTS/ TOEFL report –

For applicants with qualifications from a university or comparable institution outside HK where the language of teaching or examination is English, it is not necessary to submit IELTS/ TOEFL reports as supporting documents.

Academic referee's reports –

Applicants are required to invite 2 academic referees to complete a standard report* and send it to the Department of Comparative Literature (MALCS) by post, in sealed envelope marked with name of applicant and application number. (*Please refer to the downloadable documents "Supporting Documents" at . Alternatively, applicants may invite 2 academic referees to complete a standard report via the Online Application System.

Writing Sample(s) -

English language is the medium of instruction in the MALCS. Applicants are required to submit writing sample(s) in English only, which may serve as review materials regarding applicants' language capacity in essay writing in advanced studies (length: 1,000 – 1,200 words). [Note: Personal Statement does not serve as English Writing Sample.]

*All submitted documents will not be returned.

a score of 550 or above (paper-based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), in which a score of 4 or above in the Test of Written English (TWE), or a score of 25 or above in the Writing section of the Internet-based TOEFL;

Literature, film and cultural studies are three emphases of the MALCS Programme. Candidates with literature/ film/ cultural studies background will certainly have an advantage in the advanced studies in the MALCS.

Nonetheless, diversity is also an emphasis in the Programme. Students in the Programme come from different professions, e.g. education, law, filmmaking, creative industry, media, art administration, fine art, and so on.

Find out the Programme objective for our students here .

You may like to take a look at the course descriptions and lists of recommended text/films available here .

Short-listed applicants may be invited to take a qualifying test and a follow-up Skype interview. Our Programme Committee would like to better know the interests/background of applicants in literary and cultural studies. Test and interviews are conducted in English.

There will be on-going screening of applications. Invitations will be sent out to selected applicants throughout the admission process.

Only full-time students in the Programme will be allowed to apply for student visas. Details of the application to student visa will be stated in the offer letter issued by the Arts Faculty.

(paid in 2 equal instalments)

(paid in 4 equal instalments)

MA is Taught Postgraduate Programme (TPG). MALCS is a self-funded MA Programme offered by the Department of Comparative Literature (HKU). Students are required to take regular courses and complete a dissertation or its equivalent to complete the Programme. In recent years, MA graduates with outstanding academic results have been admitted to the research postgraduate PhD programme at HKU.

MPhil is Research Postgraduate Programme (RPG). MPhil students are Postgraduate Studentship holders who will undertake independent research-based studies under supervision.

The Department of Comparative Literature offers Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and 3-year and 4-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees organized around a clearly defined research project culminating in a dissertation.

Yes, you should submit a separate online application for alternative study mode in the MALCS.

Applicants will be notified by letter of their application results latest by the end of July.

You shall require to re-apply for admission for the next year.

The academic year starts in early September.

For general University FAQ, please refer to

Enquiries, please feel free to contact our Programme Officer Ms. Amy Kwan at [email protected] or (852) 3917-2760. For MALCS application enquiries, please email: [email protected]

personal statement sample hku

UK and HK Personal Statement Guide + 2 example formats

personal statement sample hku

Personal Statement Examples That Show Your Colors

personal statement sample hku

A personal statement is a window into your character, offering a glimpse of your personality, your values, and your vision. By writing one, you can tell your unique story in your own voice, and make a lasting impression that will linger in the minds of those who read it.

In this article, we're providing examples of personal statements that will inspire you and give you a sense of what makes a strong application. With these templates as a guide, you'll feel more confident in your ability to get into top graduate schools. And if you ever need paper help , our service has got your back.

What is a Personal Statement

A personal statement is a narrative that provides insight into who you are as an individual, what drives you, and how your experiences have shaped your goals. Whether you're applying to a university, seeking a scholarship, or vying for a residency spot, your personal statement serves as a key element of your application that can set you apart from other candidates.

At its core, it is your opportunity to communicate your story in a way that resonates with the reader. It lets you go beyond grades and test scores to reveal the motivations, challenges, and passions that define you.

Personal statements often follow prompts or guidelines provided by the institution or organization to which you're applying. However, the most impactful statements are those that creatively respond to these prompts while still maintaining a strong, coherent narrative that ties your past experiences to your future goals.

Stuck in a Personal Statement Rut?

 Let us craft a compelling narrative that will leave admissions committees wanting more!

The List of Personal Statement Examples

Below is a collection of unique personal statements, each designed to stand out with memorable themes and specific narratives that break away from the ordinary. These examples prepared by our personal statement writing services highlight how to turn your experiences, challenges, and passions into compelling stories that capture the essence of your journey and the vision for your future.

good personal statement

Personal Mission Statement Examples

Title: Building Bridges with Words

My mission is to build bridges—not of steel or stone, but of words, ideas, and connections that bring people together in meaningful ways. I believe that every conversation, every piece of writing, and every interaction is an opportunity to create understanding where there was once division, to spark curiosity where there was once indifference.

From a young age, I've been captivated by the power of language. I saw how a well-crafted sentence could change a mind, how a simple word of encouragement could lift someone's spirit. But I also witnessed how words could be used to hurt, to divide, and to isolate. This duality fueled my desire to harness language for good, to use it as a tool for connection rather than a weapon for division.

In my work, I strive to be a connector—a person who can bring diverse perspectives together, who can translate complex ideas into accessible concepts, and who can find common ground even in the most polarized conversations. I see every challenge as an opportunity to build another bridge, to link people across cultural, ideological, or experiential divides.

My mission extends beyond my professional life. In my personal interactions, I aim to listen deeply, to speak thoughtfully, and to approach every conversation with empathy and openness. I believe that by understanding others, we can better understand ourselves and the world around us.

I am committed to lifelong learning, recognizing that each day brings new opportunities to grow, to learn, and to build more bridges. My mission is not just to achieve personal success but to create a legacy of connection, where the words I choose and the actions I take bring people closer together, fostering a world where understanding, compassion, and unity are the foundation of every bridge we build.

Law School Personal Statement Examples

Title: A Passion for Justice: My Journey to Law School

Growing up in a small town where the law was often seen as distant and impersonal, I witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of legal injustices. My grandmother, a hardworking immigrant, faced years of discrimination and exploitation in her workplace. Despite her tireless efforts, she was unable to find justice through the legal system. It was this experience that ignited my passion for law and my determination to become a force for positive change.

During my undergraduate studies, I delved deep into legal theory and history, exploring the ways in which the law has been used to uphold and challenge social hierarchies. I was particularly drawn to the intersection of law and social justice, recognizing the power of the legal system to address systemic inequalities.

One summer, I had the opportunity to intern at a public interest law firm specializing in immigration law. There, I worked closely with clients who faced deportation and separation from their families. I learned the immense stress and uncertainty that these individuals endured, and I witnessed the transformative impact that legal representation could have on their lives.

Through my experiences, I have developed a strong commitment to using the law as a tool for social justice. I believe that lawyers have a unique responsibility to advocate for the marginalized and to challenge unjust systems. I am eager to pursue a legal career that will allow me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

I am confident that my academic background, combined with my personal experiences, has prepared me to excel in law school. I am eager to contribute to a diverse and intellectually stimulating learning environment, and I am committed to using my legal education to create a more just and equitable society.

Medical School Personal Statement Examples

If you're seeking exceptional med school personal statement examples, the following template can serve as a valuable starting point.

Title: A Needle's Purpose

The sting of the hypodermic needle, a sensation I've come to know intimately. Not as a patient, but as a volunteer at the local clinic. It's a sensation that simultaneously elicits a pang of fear and a surge of purpose. I recall a particular afternoon when a young boy, no older than ten, was brought in with a severe asthma attack. His wheezing was labored, his eyes wide with terror. As the attending physician administered a nebulizer treatment, I watched, my heart pounding in my chest. When the boy's breathing finally steadied, a sense of relief washed over me. In that moment, I knew that medicine was my calling.

Beyond the clinical setting, I've also had the opportunity to explore the intersection of healthcare and public policy. As a research assistant on a project studying the impact of healthcare reform in my region, I gained a deeper understanding of the systemic challenges facing our healthcare system. This experience has fueled my desire to become a physician who is not only skilled in patient care but also committed to advocating for equitable access to healthcare for all.

My experiences have taught me that medicine is more than just treating diseases; it's about caring for individuals and communities. I am drawn to the challenge of applying my scientific knowledge and clinical skills to improve the lives of others. I am eager to contribute to the medical field and to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of my patients.

If this template hits the right note, our medical school personal statement editing services are ready to fine-tune it for you!

Personal Statement for Graduate School Examples

Title: From Failure to Fuel

"Failure is not the opposite of success; it's the catalyst that has driven my most significant achievements."

As a psychology undergraduate, I faced a daunting challenge: a research project that yielded unexpected, disappointing results. Initially, I viewed this outcome as a failure, a blemish on my academic record. However, through reflection and guidance from my mentor, I realized that the very unpredictability of research is its greatest strength. This experience sparked an intense curiosity in me, leading to a deeper understanding of the complexities of human behavior and the importance of resilience in the face of adversity.

Rather than shying away from this challenge, I embraced it, using the opportunity to develop a more nuanced approach to research. I delved into advanced statistical methods and honed my ability to think critically about data that didn't conform to expectations. This experience taught me that research is not about finding easy answers but about asking better questions, even when the answers are elusive.

This perspective has shaped my academic journey and fuels my desire to pursue graduate studies. I see my perceived weakness—initially feeling overwhelmed by unexpected results—as a critical strength. It has made me more adaptable, resourceful, and committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

I am eager to bring this mindset to your graduate program, where I can contribute to and learn from a community of scholars who share my passion for psychology. My journey has been defined not by easy successes but by the challenges I've embraced and the growth they've spurred. I am ready to take the next step, confident that my ability to turn setbacks into opportunities will serve me well in the rigorous, rewarding environment of graduate study.

If one of these templates catches your eye, feel free to buy a personal statement that's made-to-measure just for you!

Personal Vision Statement Examples

Title: In the Space Between Notes

My life's symphony is composed in the spaces between the notes. In music, the rests are as crucial as the melody, defining the rhythm, the pace, and the emotional impact of the piece. I see my life's journey much the same way—not just in the actions I take, but in the pauses, the reflections, and the moments of stillness that allow me to hear the music more clearly.

In the past, I used to focus solely on the crescendo—the big achievements, the high points. I believed that life was a series of grand performances where only the loudest, most spectacular notes mattered. But as I grew, I began to understand that the true beauty of a symphony lies in its balance, in the harmony between sound and silence.

I envision my future as one where I create not just a career, but a life that resonates with this balance. My goal is to become a leader in my field, not by rushing from one achievement to the next, but by being thoughtful in my actions, intentional in my decisions, and open to the unexpected melodies that life offers. I want to lead with empathy, understanding that the quiet moments often speak the loudest, that listening is as powerful as speaking.

In my personal life, I aspire to cultivate deep, meaningful relationships, to be present in the moments that matter most, and to find joy in the simple, unplanned interludes. I seek to live with purpose, but also with grace, allowing myself the freedom to pause, to reflect, and to adapt as the music of my life changes.

Ultimately, my vision is to compose a life that is rich with meaning, where every note and every rest contributes to a harmonious whole. I aim to create a legacy that isn't just remembered for its achievements, but for the way it moved others, for the way it lingered in the spaces between.

Personal Statement Examples for College

The below narrative is one of our unique college personal statement examples you can use as inspiration.

Title: The Art of Folding Paper

I learned more about life from a sheet of paper than from any textbook. My fascination with origami started as a simple hobby, a way to pass the time on rainy afternoons. But as I folded my first crane, I realized I was doing more than just creating art; I was practicing patience, precision, and perseverance.

Origami is deceptively complex. A single wrong fold can distort the entire figure, but with each mistake, I discovered something new. I learned that a wrong fold doesn't mean the end—it's an opportunity to start again, to reshape the paper, and, often, to create something entirely unexpected and beautiful.

In high school, I brought my love for origami into the classroom, using it to explain complex concepts in physics and geometry to my classmates. A paper crane became a lesson in symmetry, a folded frog, an exploration of potential and kinetic energy. I even started an origami club, where we explored the intersection of art and science, creativity and logic. What began as a solitary pursuit transformed into a way to connect with others, to share ideas, and to look at problems from different angles.

Outside of school, origami helped me navigate the challenges of adolescence. When my parents divorced, folding paper became my refuge, a way to process emotions that words couldn't capture. Each fold was a step toward understanding, each completed figure a small triumph of order over chaos. It taught me that even in the most complicated situations, there's a way to create something meaningful if you're willing to keep folding, keep trying.

Now, as I look ahead to college, I see it as a blank sheet of paper—full of possibilities, ready to be shaped by the choices I make and the experiences I seek. I'm eager to bring my passion for both the arts and sciences to your campus, to fold my love for learning into every aspect of my education. Just as I've done with origami, I plan to explore the unexpected intersections, to create something unique and intricate from every opportunity.

In the end, a piece of paper, like life, can be anything you want it to be. It's all in how you fold it.

Residency Personal Statement Examples

Title: The Night I Decided to Stay

Residency wasn't always in the plan. In fact, the night I decided to stay in medicine, I had my resignation letter drafted. I was a third-year medical student, standing alone in a dimly lit hospital hallway, utterly drained from another 30-hour shift. The endless rotations had blurred into a monotonous routine of rounds, notes, and more rounds, and I began to question whether this was truly the life I wanted.

That night, I was assigned to the emergency department, where I met Mrs. Greene, a 67-year-old woman with a history of heart disease. She had collapsed at home and was brought in by ambulance, unconscious and unresponsive. Her family was frantic, desperate for answers I didn't have. As I followed my attending into the room, I felt a wave of anxiety. This wasn't a textbook case; it was a real person whose life hung in the balance.

The resuscitation was intense. I was there, chest compressions, adrenaline injections, the relentless rhythm of the defibrillator. As the team worked, I could see the fear in her daughter's eyes, and it struck me that this was about more than just a medical emergency. This was about a family in crisis, a life teetering on the edge.

After what felt like an eternity, Mrs. Greene's pulse returned. The attending physician calmly directed the team, and we stabilized her enough to move her to the ICU. As we wheeled her away, her daughter grabbed my hand and whispered, "Thank you." It was a simple phrase, but it cut through my exhaustion, through the doubts and the fatigue.

I didn't leave the hospital that night. Instead, I sat down with my resignation letter, re-read it, and then ripped it up. I realized that medicine wasn't just about the science or the protocols—it was about moments like this, moments when you're not just treating a condition, but caring for a person, when your presence and perseverance can mean the difference between despair and hope.

Residency will be grueling, I know that. But I also know that it's where I'm meant to be. The night I decided to stay was the night I realized that medicine isn't just a career; it's a calling. And I'm ready to answer it.

Common App Personal Statement Examples

Title: The Day I Became an Engineer

I became an engineer on a blistering summer afternoon, though I didn't know it at the time. I was eight years old, crouched over the engine of my father's old Ford truck, hands smeared with grease, staring intently at a mess of wires and bolts. The truck had died in the middle of nowhere, miles from home, and with no mechanic in sight, my father turned to me and said, "Let's figure this out."

There was no manual, no diagram, just a young girl and her father armed with determination and a rusty toolbox. The heat was relentless, but I was captivated. Together, we deciphered the puzzle of the engine, tracing wires, testing connections, and slowly piecing together how the machine worked. After hours of trial and error, a spark of understanding ignited within me. When the engine finally roared to life, I felt a surge of pride that was as much about solving the problem as it was about discovering my own potential.

That moment in the desert wasn't just about fixing a truck; it was the first time I understood the power of curiosity and persistence. The feeling of triumph in the face of uncertainty stayed with me, and it became a defining aspect of who I am. It's what led me to join the robotics team in high school, where I spent countless nights debugging code and reassembling circuits, chasing that same spark of understanding.

But engineering, I've come to realize, isn't just about building machines. It's about constructing solutions, piece by piece, for problems that seem unsolvable. Whether I'm designing a new prototype or figuring out how to balance equations in physics, I approach each challenge with the same mindset I had as that eight-year-old in the desert: Let's figure this out.

I'm applying to college not just to learn, but to continue building—ideas, innovations, and a future where no problem is too complex to tackle. I've been an engineer at heart since that sweltering afternoon, and I'm ready to take the next step, not with all the answers, but with the confidence that I can figure them out.

Personal Statement for University Examples

Title: Designing the In-Between

"I've always been fascinated by the spaces between—those fleeting moments when science meets art, where precision meets creativity."

Growing up, I was equally enthralled by the elegance of mathematical equations and the expressive power of a blank canvas. While most saw these as distinct, even opposing interests, I found a profound connection between them. Mathematics, with its rigid structure and logic, offered me a way to understand the world's complexities. Art, on the other hand, gave me the freedom to express the nuances that numbers alone couldn't capture.

In high school, this dual passion led me to an unlikely pairing: architecture. It was in drafting rooms and design studios that I discovered my true calling. Here, the geometric precision of calculus met the boundless creativity of artistic vision, and I found a space where I could truly thrive. Designing structures that were not only functional but also aesthetically compelling was more than a challenge; it was a thrilling pursuit that combined everything I loved.

My projects, often inspired by natural forms and abstract patterns, have taught me to see beyond the obvious, to push boundaries and explore unconventional solutions. In one project, I designed a library that mimicked the flow of water, using mathematical principles to create a space that was both serene and dynamic. This project was a turning point for me, solidifying my belief that the most innovative designs emerge when you allow different disciplines to inform each other.

I believe that the future of design lies in the spaces between—where art and science, creativity and precision, meet. I am ready to contribute my unique perspective and learn from a community that values innovation as much as I do. This program is not just a step in my academic journey; it's the place where I can turn my vision into reality.

Personal Statement for Scholarship Examples

Title: Language as a Bridge

As a child, I watched my parents meticulously fill in forms in a language they barely understood. They had immigrated to this country with dreams of a better life but lacked the resources to fully grasp the complexities of their new world. This experience ignited in me a passion for language—not just as a means of communication, but as a bridge to opportunity.

I began tutoring English as a second language in high school, working with students from diverse backgrounds who, like my parents, struggled with the nuances of a new language. Each session was more than just a lesson; it was an opportunity to empower someone else with the tools they needed to navigate and thrive in society. Through this work, I realized that language is power, and education is the key to unlocking it.

This passion for language led me to pursue a degree in linguistics, where I explored the intricacies of phonetics, syntax, and semantics. I became fascinated by the ways in which language shapes our perceptions and interactions. But I didn't stop at theory—I sought to apply my knowledge practically, volunteering in legal clinics to assist non-English-speaking immigrants with their cases. I translated, I advocated, and most importantly, I listened.

The scholarship I am applying for will enable me to continue this work, allowing me to pursue a graduate degree focused on language acquisition and policy. With this education, I plan to develop programs that not only teach language but also empower individuals to use their voices for change.

My journey has taught me that a blank page is not to be feared—it is a chance to create something meaningful. I am determined to turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth, not just for myself, but for those I am committed to helping. This scholarship would be the next step in my mission to ensure that language is a gateway, not a barrier, to a better life.

The Bottom Line

Remember, your personal statement should be unique to you. Don't try to imitate someone else's style or story. Be honest, be yourself, and let your passion shine through. With careful planning and thoughtful writing, you can create a statement that will help you stand out from the crowd. Meanwhile, check out our separate guide on how to write education on resume —you’ll need it to back up that stellar statement!

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Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

personal statement sample hku

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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    You should upload a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words detailing your interest in applying to the University, the programme(s), etc. ... However, if you have indicated interest in our HKU-UCL Dual Degree Programme in Law, a separate personal statement is required. Qualification. HKDSE (Non-local Students) International/Overseas ...

  2. PDF Application Guideline Step 0: Prepare your application

    Personal statement Reference Letter A valid credit card (VISA or Masterard) for payment of the ... or teacher, or by an academic referee (Sample of a referee's report: Word format / pdf format). Reference letter is acceptable. The standard HKU referee's report is a template only. ... Join "Future HKU Students" Facebook pages and visit ...

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    Step by Step Guide to Common Application HKUSte. ur personal profile:Complete application byCommon Application Fee. Waiver is NOT applicable to HKU appl. d to the consideration of your application It is recommended that you only. rovide minimal information in this section. If you wish to skip this part, input "I have limited information about ...

  4. My HKU & CUHK Personal Statement

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  5. Tips on Writing Personal Statements and Sharing from HKU ...

    While you are working hard on your university application, we are hosting a series of online information sessions to assist you in every possible way! Here i...

  6. Personal Statements

    Through this analysis and our Fifteen Steps to Success, you'll learn (1) How to pick a topic; (2) How to structure your essay; (3) How to keep the reader entertained; and (4) How to avoid common pitfalls. How to write a winning personal statement for graduate and professional school (3rd ed.) ( CC LB2351.52.U6 S74)

  7. PDF Personal statement advice

    Personal statement advice You will be asked to complete a personal statement (300-500 words) describing why you want to study on MA Design Management. You should give us information about yourself and why you want to join the course. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate critical knowledge of and

  8. TPg Application

    Attend the information session (s) of preferred programmes. Request for the reference letters and draft the personal statement. November. Polish your personal statement with CAES Communication Support Services. Gather and double-check the application documents and materials. Discuss the postgraduate studies plan with your Academic Adviser.

  9. How to Write an HKU Personal Statement with Examples

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  10. How to Write a Personal Statement for HKU

    How to Write a Personal Statement for HKU - Download as a PDF or view online for free

  11. Faculties' Requirement Regarding Submission of ...

    For MPhil applicants: Research Proposal (no standardized template) Length: 3 to 4 pages Format: Double-spaced Instruction: It should include a brief account of the applicant's academic history (including what he/she studied and what in particular has interested him/her; also, where relevant, the reason why he/she wants to undertake research at HKU).

  12. How to Apply

    One personal statement of no more than 1000 words; One writing sample, which should be an assignment or coursework submitted during undergraduate or postgraduate studies, and of no more than 10 double-spaced pages (font size 12); ... Applicants are advised to add [email protected] and [email protected] to their address book or safe senders list ...

  13. Admissions Requirements

    Applicants are required to submit a personal statement and a writing sample in English. 3. An interview may be used to ascertain the most suitable candidates. ... Applicants shall hold a Bachelor's degree of HKU or an equivalent qualification from a comparable institution, and preferably have three years of relevant post-qualification working ...

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    I hope that I will have the privilege of pursuing my studies at your reputable university. This personal statement was written by nelsontsang911 for application in 2011. This personal statement is unrated. Since the University of Hong Kong is the oldest university in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive, research-intensive education.

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    A Personal Statement is a very important part of your application because it is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, personality and achievements to the university. It is a 4000-character essay written by you which allows universities to understand why you are applying and why you are the best fit for the university.

  16. 10. What should I write in my personal statement?

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    HKU / CUHK / HKUST / CityU 會提供位置俾你上傳 Personal Statement , 而其他學校唔要求。. PolyU 需要 PS 嘅科目列表. 除以上四間大學外,請喺 Other documents 度上傳(非強制)。. CityU 表示你必須要填寫 Applicant statement 並於繳交報名時完成,但過後你亦可用 PDF 格式上傳到 ...

  18. MALCS

    English language is the medium of instruction in the MALCS. Applicants are required to submit writing sample(s) in English only, which may serve as review materials regarding applicants' language capacity in essay writing in advanced studies (length: 1,000 - 1,200 words). [Note: Personal Statement does not serve as English Writing Sample.]

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    Applicants are required to submit a personal statement and a writing sample in English. 3. An interview may be used to ascertain the most suitable candidates. ... Dr Otto Heim (Full Time Programme) Email: [email protected]: Dr Agnes Kang (Part Time Programme) Email: [email protected]: Contacts. Tel: 3917 7282: Website: ...

  20. Inspire

    16 January 2024. 12 December 2023. 07 November 2023. 03 October 2023. 05 September 2023. Inspire. UK and HK Personal Statement Guide + 2 example formats. One Stop Shop - Personal Statement (UK and HK) Report abuse.

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  22. Personal Statement Examples that Hit Home

    Personal Statement Examples for College. The below narrative is one of our unique college personal statement examples you can use as inspiration. Title: The Art of Folding Paper. I learned more about life from a sheet of paper than from any textbook. My fascination with origami started as a simple hobby, a way to pass the time on rainy afternoons.

  23. Tips on Writing Personal Statements and Sharing from HKU Scholarship

    Here is a virtual information session to guide you through the preparation of a compelling personal statement, and you can also learn more about the scholarships available from HKU! Register now and get some tips from our students ... Webinar Topic: Tips on Writing Personal Statements and Sharing from HKU Scholarship Recipients. Date: 4 ...

  24. PDF THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Personal Information Collection Statement

    this privacy notice is the Personal Data Protection Controller, Graduate School, Room P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (email: [email protected]). For applicants to the following programmes at the University: - EMBA-Global Asia - Executive Master of Business Administration