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Political Marketing and Political Communication: the relationship revisited

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Political marketing shares much in common with marketing in the business world and benefits from sociology, political phycology and of course mostly takes advantage of communication almost at its all levels. At its very simple description, politicians through political marketing just as done in the business marketing, tells what they have for people, why they should elect them as their representatives and explain them their future promises and guarantees if the follower faces any problem. The communication managers at this publicising process, direct the marketing steps, tell the politicians which services to use and what communication methods (e.g. advertising, social media activities) to practise. At the same time, they have a further strategy which depicts the support they might have in return and the voter loyalty they will receive if their strategy works. Throughout the election campaign, runners convey their promises and explain their future performances in exchange for the votes and supporters' contributions. However, although political communication strategies look similar in different countries, the local culture, traditions and values force politicians to develop new ways of election campaigns special to that indigenous demands which will attract the voters and make them feel that the politician is one of them. Therefore, this conceptual paper while giving mostly a theoretical background for political marketing in general terms, it also tries to explore the relationship and benefits gained by practicing cultural traditions and the local outlines the politicians mostly apply in their communication campaigns. The outcomes of the study suggest that the political communication campaigns in Turkey have local patterns but also are particularly carrying the similar futures of American strategies. BİR TÜRKİYE KONTEKSTINDE SİYASAL PAZARLAMA: DEĞERLER ve PRATİKLER ÖZ Siyasal pazarlamanın, iş dünyasındaki pazarlama yöntemleriyle ortak birçok yanı vardır ve sosyoloji, politik psikoloji ve elbette bütün seviyelerinde iletişimden çokça faydalanır. En basit tanımlamasıyla, politikacılar siyasal pazarlama yoluyla, ticarette yapıldığı şekliyle, müşteriler için neleri olduğunu söyler; neden kendi ürünlerini seçmeleri gerektiğini ve gelecekte herhangi bir sorunla karşılaştıklarında ne türlü garantilere sahip olduklarını anlatırlar. Bu kampanya sürecinde, iletişim koordinatörleri, pazarlamayı adım adım yönetir ve politikacılara hangi mecraları ve iletişim yöntemlerini (reklam, sosyal medya aktiviteleri gibi) kullanmaları gerektiğini anlatırlar. Aynı zamanda, bu yöntemler karşılığında, her şey yolunda giderse, nasıl bir desteğe sahip olacaklarını ve ulaşacakları oy oranını öngörebildikleri stratejileri olur. Seçim kampanyası boyunca, rakipler, vaatlerini aktarır ve oy vermelerine ve katkılarına karşılık seçmenlere gelecekteki icraatlarını açıklarlar. Ne var ki, siyasal iletişim stratejileri farklı ülkelerde aynı özellikleri gösterse de yerel kültür, gelenekler ve değerler; siyasetçilerin, yerli halkın taleplerine özel, onların oylarını cezbeden ve politikacının onlardan biri olduğunu hissettiren, yeni seçim kampanyaları

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The Role of Political Capabilities and Political Strategies in Marketing

--> Balabanis, John (2021) The Role of Political Capabilities and Political Strategies in Marketing. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

This study tries to integrate two streams of research, marketing strategy and corporate political activity (CPA). After a review of the literature, Resource Based View theory was judged to be the most appropriate as it has been used by both streams of research and the underlying assumptions were compatible with the phenomena examined: marketing and corporate political activity. Literature suggests there are many complementarities and synergies between the two functions that can be effectively mobilised to improve the implementation effectiveness of marketing and corporate political strategies as well as the overall organisational performance. Based on that observation and scarcity of research in this field, this study: (1) proposes and empirically tests a comprehensive conceptual framework that links marketing strategy and CPA strategies; (2) examines the relationship between marketing and CPA strategies with capabilities and the implementation effectiveness of the chosen strategies; (3) investigates how the level of coordination between marketing and CPA functions assists the implementation effectiveness of strategies and performance; and (4) examines the impact of the business environment on the effect capabilities have on strategy implementation. The model is calibrated with the use of qualitative research of managers of corporate political activities within corporations as well as public affairs agencies that undertake most of the CPA on behalf of their corporate clients. The model was tested on a sample of 306 American companies using a survey data collection method. The results of the study confirmed that CPA and marketing have equal contributions to organisational performance and firms have to pay attention to both. Furthermore, CPA can aid in the implementation of marketing strategies and marketing capabilities can help in the development of specific CPA capabilities. The coordination between the two functions is beneficial to both CPA and marketing when the business environment is poor in critical resources and high in operational constraints.

Supervisors: Katiskeas, Constantine and Morgan, Neil and Spyropoulou, Stavroula
Keywords: Corporate Political Activity, CPA, Corporate Political Strategy, CPS, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Political Marketing, Politics, Lobbying, Coordination, Political Resources, Political Capabilities, Resource Based View, RBV
Awarding institution: University of Leeds
Academic Units:
Academic unit: Marketing Division
Depositing User: Dr John Balabanis
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2021 15:29
Last Modified: 04 May 2022 15:03

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Title: Political marketing: An Indian perspective
Keywords: Political science;Political marketing;Democracy
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Series/Report no.: PGP_CCS_P9_176
Abstract: Democracy, as an idea, had come to existence during the ancient Greek empire close to 6th century BC. Plato, the philosopher, professed an alternate form of government from the existing monarchy and oligarchy forms prevalent during those terms. Though this was the beginning, the ancient Greek1 form of democracy had two features: 1. Right to franchise lay in the hands of a limited number of ‘citizens’, 2. All citizens had to attend the assembly. Another serious claim for early democratic institutions comes from the independent "republics" of India, sanghas and ganas, which existed as early as the sixth century BC and persisted in some areas until the fourth century AD. The evidence is scattered and no pure historical source exists for that period. The more contemporary forms of democratic governments took shape during the 18th century, more specifically with the Declaration of Independence by United States and as an after effect the French Revolution in 1790s. The fall of the Imperial Nations post World War II led to formation of many new countries with democratic governments all over the world. The main features of a Democratic Government are captured by the statement: ‘By the people, for the people and from the people’. In essence, people have the right to elect the candidate or representative of their choice by exercising their vote. But how does one decide when there might be many to elect from? Here comes another fundamental feature of most democratic societies: The existence of Political Parties. In today’s scenario, these Parties play the most important role in assisting the citizen or the voter in making a choice. Barring a few exemplary individuals, most candidates are given a vote due to their alliance to a particular party and its ideals. India, being the largest democracy, has seen the existence of numerous political parties in its vibrant political culture. With varied ideologies, all of them proposed different solutions to common problems and issues faced by the common man. All of them want to be heard and noticed by the electorate and many of them resort to vote bank politics. The situation becomes all the more complex as many of these parties are active in particular regions and states and hence do not attempt to attract the voters pan-India. All of these parties portray a particular ideology, which more than often than not is unique in its cause and effect. Hence in this big cauldron of varied promises and affiliations, how does one maintain their relevance in the common voter’s mind? By the sheer no. of active parties, it can be safely assumed that most of them are trying to reach their target audience to garner support by various means of communication. The stage of National politics in India has been recently dominated by two opposites, the traditional reform oriented Congress party and the new-age radical rightist Bhartiya Janata Party. They are active in almost all states in the Union, with sinusoidal popularity trends with time. Also, with the growing clout of regional parties, it has become important to inculcate them to the national political scenario. This is mainly because more of often than not, in recent times, Central Governments have been formed and disbanded based on the support of such regional parties. Marketing is one of the most important activities followed by all parties, more so during the time of elections. Varied strategies are employed to reach out to the voters and gain their support along with votes. We changing demographic dynamics, these strategies have been modified to suit the target audience. Political marketing as a subject and practice has gained license among strategists. The advent of marketing activities in politics has been clearly identified in many western nations, primarily the US. Lot of literature is available for the same and some academicians have researched and formulated campaign strategies and marketing strategies based on the actual activities. Such documentation is currently absent in the Indian context. Through this research we aim to build a basic understanding of Political Marketing in the Indian context and its application as done by political parties during elections. The report begins with a view on the research objectives along with methodology adopted for the research. Following this would a brief section on the basics of Political Marketing, which would highlight both strategic and tactical aspects of it. Next would a section on Political Marketing as practiced in the USA, with specific analysis on Obama presidential campaign. After this, analysis of each general election since 1952 would follow, with detailed analysis of the last 3 General Elections. Lastly, there is a section on the Voter Survey Analysis which would be followed by the conclusions.
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PhD Dissertation Defense, Isabella Ciampa, Marketing

political marketing dissertation

Congratulations to Dr Isabella CIAMPA, Marketing, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at HEC Paris on the 29th of August, 2024.

Specialisation: Marketing


Supervisor: Professor Kristine De Valck, HEC Paris

Jury members: 

Professor Robert V. Kozinets, USC Annenberg, School for Communication and Journalism, USA Associate Professor Laetitia Mimoun, ESCP Business School, France Professor Tina Lowrey, HEC Paris, France Professor Kristine de Valck, HEC Paris, France Professor Fleura Bardhi, City University of London, Bayes Business School, UK

This dissertation explores the platformisation of consumer creativity and its professionalization. Drawing on theories of marketplace exchange, consumer creativity, and platformisation, I examine how consumers gather on digital platforms to exchange creative content, co-create, and build digitally mediated careers, transitioning into professionals. This investigation is presented in three essays: two empirical and one conceptual, utilizing a qualitative methodology comprised of netnography, narrative interviews, and guided introspections.

In Essay 1, I introduce the concept of co-creative gift systems to explain how consumers and creators gather on digital platforms and co-create a creative digital gift (i.e., a novel). I focus on Wattpad, a platform for hobbyist writers, where interactions among givers and recipients, specifically writers and readers, influence the development of the digital gift through editorial support, narrative co-creation, and independent reviews. 

In Essay 2, I explore the longitudinal experience of 17 consumers aspiring to become professional writers. This study introduces a platform-enabled marketization process of consumer creativity, illustrating how consumers gradually transition from hobbyist writers to professionals. They utilize digital platforms to orient themselves, learn, seek support, and manage their digital brands. I show how this transition aligns with an evolution in their consumer creativity, moving through four phases: instinctive, rookie, constrained, and marketoriented consumer creativity.

Lastly, Essay 3 conceptualizes the platformisation of creativity by examining how creators generate content on digital platforms. It introduces a typology that highlights the democratizing potential of digital platforms and the ways they provide creators with tools to sustain their professional careers over time.

Keywords: consumer creativity, platformisation, professionalization, consumer research, qualitative research

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