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How Much to Charge (Or Pay) For a 500 to 1500 Word Article

December 10, 2021 • DJ Team

how much to charge for content writing

One of the hardest things a freelance website content writer will do is to set their pricing. Ask too much, and you risk losing the work to other bidders. Ask too little, and you’ll be locked into a cycle of unprofitable work with that client.

Finding the right freelance writing rate is a delicate balance between the rate you want to earn and the market value of your work. It usually takes new writers a period of trial and error to find the right pricing.

How Much Do Content Writers Make?

Content marketing freelance rates vary depending on project size, time commitment, and whether you are charging by the hour or by the project. Your experience will also impact your content writing services pricing. Having an online portfolio of your work that represents experience for a variety of projects in different industries will make you more valuable to potential clients.

How Much to Charge for a Blog Post

Before you set your pricing, you need to understand your value. Ask yourself:

  • How much experience do I have writing?
  • Do I have expertise in a certain industry or niche?
  • Am I providing any services in addition to writing? Some publishers may ask for SEO keyword research, content marketing strategy, image sourcing, or meta descriptions.
  • What costs do I need to cover? Consider your home office, software, insurance, and self-employment taxes.

Let’s break down how much you could charge per word depending on your experience level and how you can calculate your hourly rate.

Hourly Rate For a Freelance Writer

Some freelance writers charge an hourly rate for their writing services. While this can protect you in the case of a project taking longer than anticipated or excessive edit requests, this model doesn’t allow freelancers to grow earnings as they get more efficient.

Once a freelance writer can estimate their time per project well and become more efficient over time, charging per word or per article is a better option.

Nevertheless, to calculate your hourly rate, follow this formula:

(Goal income + estimated freelance expenses) / billable hours you expect to work

For example, if you want to make $6,000 a month and work 125 billable hours a month with expenses of $250 each month, your hourly rate should be $50.

While you are first starting out, you may not be able to charge your ideal rate to find work and build up your connections and portfolio. Once you have a full schedule of work, however, you can ask for a raise or start to drop your lowest-paying clients in favor of higher-paying ones.

how much to pay a freelance writer for an article

Per word rate

Freelance rates per word are a carryover from the journalism industry, where freelance article rates are determined by the number of words in the published article. How much should a writer charge per word?

Freelance rates can start as low as $0.05 per word for blogs or high-volume content sites, and range up to $1.50 or more per word or more for elite news sites or trade publications.

Calculate your per-word rate with this formula:

per-word rate formula

Be sure to research your target industry to learn what average rates are, and ask for a complete scope of work for each project to avoid surprise expectations.

Flat project rate

To simplify pricing for freelancers and clients, some freelancers use flat project rates. This model determines a flat rate for an article, usually with a predetermined length or scope of work.

What should I charge per article?

cost per blog table

To know what to charge per article, you need to know the length and amount of research required. Below are a few guidelines for how to price your article content writing based on your expertise and industry.

Basic ($0.05-$0.20 per word)

Entry-level professionals or students building a portfolio, non-native English speakers. Clients may be nonprofits or small businesses.

Intermediate ($0.20-$0.70 per word)

Professionals with results to show and experience in the industry. Articles may include some research and interviews. Clients are more likely to be B2B or online publishers.

Expert ($0.70-$1.50+ per word)

Advanced professionals with expertise in a subject matter area. Articles may include extensive research and interviews. Clients may be an elite news site or businesses in tech, finance, or other niche specialty areas.

How much should I charge for a 500-word article?

All things considered, 500 words is a fairly short article length, appropriate for a short newsletter article or personal profile. A typical rate for this would be $75-$200, but it could range much lower or higher depending on the factors mentioned above.

How much should I charge for a 1,000-word article?

One thousand words is a typical length for a blog and are considered mid-length web content. For a 1,000-word article, a typical rate would be $200-$700, but it could range much lower or higher based on the factors mentioned above.

Now that you know your value, before pitching a potential client, consider the value of content writing to them. What goals will the content help them reach? Framing the conversation this way can help you propose higher rates because of the real impact that it brings to their organization.

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How Much Does it Cost to Write My Essay?

Nayreth garcia.

  • Cost & Pricing

assignment writing price per page

Content Writer At Gradehacker

  • Updated June, 2024

If you are thinking about working with an academic writing service but aren’t sure how much it costs to write your essay, here you’ll find our pricing guide and what factors influence the cost.

How Much Does it Cost to Write my Essay?

The starting cost of an essay writing service can range between $10 to $80 per page , depending on the company you want to work with.

Here at Gradehacker, prices are $55 or $60 per page.

Factors that affect the price are:

  • Level of education
  • Number of pages
  • Time until deadline

In this blog post, you’ll find more information on why each of these factor impact the cost of your paper and what else this essay writing service includes.

assignment writing price per page

Get the essay help you deserve

Submit your request, get in touch with our team, and get an AI-free quality paper sample that meets all your rubric requirements

You can also find this information in our video:

This guide was created to help you clearly understand how the pricing for our essay service works if you are an undergrad or graduate student. Not only will you know exactly what you will pay , but you will also understand all the factors taken into account for a legitimate and honest experience with an essay writing service.

You can also use our pricing calculator to get a faster-estimated price. Just fill out the fields that meet your specific need.

6 Factors That Affect Gradehacker's Pricing

Sometimes cheap essays can cost you a bad grade, which is worse than paying a few extra bucks. College essays can’t be generalized and automated since they are actually custom papers.

Each has its own requirements and instructions depending on:

  • The variety of topics
  • Type of your essay assignment
  • Your academic career

So we believe having an automated standard price is not the best approach for getting a high-quality essay.

That’s why we are going to share with you the process Gradehacker uses to decide the price of essays based on students’ academic writing requests!

  • The Level of Your Class (Undergrad, Graduate or Nursing)
  • Number of Pages
  • Spacing Format (Single vs. Double Spaced)
  • Time Until Deadline

To ensure you can be confident and empowered to decide whether our reliable service with expert writers is a good fit for you, let’s go into more detail about each of these variables.

Is your essay for an undergraduate, graduate or nursing class?

Whether your first essay sample is more than 5 pages or you are coming back for more, our starting price per page is $55 for an undergrad essay sample and $60 for a graduate or nursing essay reference.  

This is extremely important as the topics and level of research for an undergraduate level are not as demanding as it is for a graduate level ; that’s the main reason the price is different.

Let’s say you need an essay about the digestive system, an introductory undergraduate biology assignment.

In that case, the topic complexity will be more simple than for a graduate class.

Now, what if you get the same subject for a master’s class? Obviously, the topic complexity and amount of research for sources that your essay will need will be higher.

That’s why the final price of an essay in Gradehacker will differ depending on the degree level you are pursuing.

How many pages does your essay need?

For our essay writing service, we have a starting fair price per page, as mentioned above. This means that the more pages your essay has, the lower the cost per page.

There will be tiered discounts per page after certain milestones, such as needing more than 4, 7, or 10 pages.

Sounds good, right?

With our paper writing services, you can rest assured that your work will be handled by experienced writers who deliver high-quality content on time and within your budget.

Is your essay single or double-spaced?

Now, let’s keep thinking about that digestive system essay topic.

Depending on the spacing formatting, the number of pages will vary even if it has the same amount of words.

Here’s an example:

If your essay needs to be written in a double-spaced format, your document will have 8 pages . But if your college paper is single-spaced, the number of pages would be slightly over 4.

Think about it as some sort of optical illusion experience. You may think there is less content because your document has fewer pages, but it’s about the same if you compare the word count.

Our professional paper writers will help you effectively convey your ideas and meet your word count requirements while maintaining the desired formatting.

What happens after you submit your request?

  • Confirmation
  • Meet your consultant
  • See in real-time how your sample is being written
  • Review your reference until it's up to your standards

What if your essay’s requirements are in terms of word count and not pages?

If your essay has a specific word count and not a number of pages, our Student Success team can still figure out the best reasonable price for you!

For our academic writing services, we have an internal tool that allows us to convert a specific word count to pages. This tool also considers other important aspects to reach an accurate page number.

Here’s the link to the site Wordcounter and we invite you to use it so you can see exactly where we get the page numbers. Just enter the font used, the spacing of the paper, and the font size.

In this sense, let’s suppose you have a 975-word complex assignment due soon. We put this into Wordcounter, which would tell us that those 975 words equal 4 pages of double-spaced content, with Time New Roman font size 12.

As you see, Wordcounter is a helpful internal tool that helps us determine the page count based on word count, font size, and spacing, and it also allows us to assess the cost associated with different kinds of papers accurately.

What happens if your essay’s requirements are given as a range of pages?

If your essay has a range of pages instead of a specific number, we find the average between the minimum and the maximum pages allowed.

We do this to ensure the best results for you so that you don’t receive any work with just the minimum requirements.

In our experience, we have found that going over the minimum is always beneficial for students to get high-quality papers. That’s why we provide the average pricing when you have a wide range of pages.

So, for example, you need an argumentative essay with a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 12 pages; we would calculate the average between these two limits. 

In this case, it would be 9. Therefore the price of having that essay on time will be offered based on those 9 pages.

With our paper writing services, we don’t want to offer you cheap essay references.

We strive for reasonable prices where you can trust you’ll have direct communication with our highly skilled writers and top-notch papers.

Do you need your paper in 72 hrs or less?

Based on our experience as a professional essay writing service, we know there’s always the possibility of needing a last-minute essay.

Maybe you forgot or thought you could squeeze it into your schedule, but life got in the way of the deadline.

You can always submit a request for review in these cases to find out if the short time frame will work.

Our team will review it, and if accepted, which is usually the case , an express service premium of 15% is added to the final price.  

This premium is due to having to prioritize these last-minute types of essays that have a limit of 5-6 pages , but you’ll be able to have your flawless papers on time.

For example, let’s say that under normal circumstances, your essay has a price of $150. If you need it in 72 hrs or less, the price will end up being $172.50

assignment writing price per page

Now that you know all this, you can see that this detailed pricing chart makes sense.

We prioritize time delivery and student-friendly prices. We understand the significance of meeting deadlines and offer the assurance that your essay will be delivered within the specified timeframe.

Is my essay sample plagiarism-free?

The answer to this question will always be YES .

When purchasing an essay service, hundreds of students feel understandable anxiety about the authenticity of the content or sources their essay could have.

Many of them think plagiarism risk is extremely high, and we recognize it’s a problem for many essay writing services platforms .

By trusting Gradehacker, you’ll get an original custom-made essay reference exclusively written for you and your requirements.

We ensure our work is completely original by checking the paper’s formatting, grammar, spelling, and plagiarism.

We also run the assignment through a plagiarism checker and send you a report that shows the percentage of content that could count as plagiarized.

Most professors accept essays with a plagiarism score of 30% or less , but we believe that is entirely too high and thus aim to have less than 10%, with most of our custom papers having less than 5%!

And if issues like this one concern you when you’re considering hiring an essay writing service, we have a guide on how to avoid their most common problems, and that includes how you can ensure to receive plagiarism-free papers!

Is my essay sample AI-written?

No. Everything we create is ALWAYS written from scratch.

We are aware that because of the rise of AI writers, it has become very common to find essay writing services that use them to deliver cheap papers that are low-quality and filled with plagiarized content.

That’s why we commit to making your investment worth it and delivering the quality you deserve.

While our team recognizes the value of AI writers such as ChatGPTT or QuillBot, these are seen ONLY as tools that can speed up the research and outline process.

NOTHING you will receive will be written by an AI.

You can verify this with the plagiarism report we’ll include with your final sample.

What is my guarantee?

To make you feel confident about our work with you, we have multiple guarantees to ensure your academic success.

Access your document from the go

By working with us, you access our assignment management platform.

Here, you’ll see all the assignments we’ll help you with, including their deadlines and a link to the Google Doc where your assigned writer will work on your sample.

Yes. You can see in real time how your reference is coming to life.

Unlimited revisions

After you receive your sample, feel free to review and ensure that it’s up to your standards and clearly follows the requirements.

In those strange cases where the reference you get does not follow what you requested, you can leave your comments directly in the document or get in touch with your writer to let them know what suggestions you have.

You have unlimited revisions and we won’t stop until what you have in your hands is of the quality you deserve.

AI-Free work

As we explained above, AI papers are a huge concern for college students looking for help.

That’s why we commit to always delivering an original sample that was written by a real human.

You will verify this with our next guarantee.

Plagiarism report

Every reference that we deliver will include a plagiarism report to ensure that your paper is 100% original.

Our samples will have less than 10% of plagiarism and be completely custom-made to meet your assignment requirements.

Two days in advance

If you submit your request with a reasonable timeframe and we confirm this before we start working with you, we’ll deliver your sample ready for your review two days before your final deadline.

This guarantee applies to most requests made at least five days in advance, but it may not apply depending on complexity level and collaborative standards.

How can I communicate with my assigned consultant?

You have multiple ways of contacting your academic expert.

  • 1-1 virtual meetings
  • Phone calls
  • Comments on the document

How quickly can I get assistance after making a request?

After you have submitted your request, we will communicate with you via email or text message as soon as possible.

We will get in touch in 24 hours or less.

In case you send your request over the weekend, we’ll contact you on Monday with all the information you need to know and the next steps to continue.

Why is working with Gradehacker's essay writing service an investment?

Money-wise, our tutoring service is a financial investment because you get a faster return on college while regaining more time to focus on your other responsibilities.

With our academic support, you can save semesters of complex assignments and tuition costs as you progress faster through school.

Imagine what a salary of $100k per year could represent in your family’s life a few years earlier than expected.

And trust us, as the first year of your next job position goes by, you’ll have already seen a return on your investment. After that, it’s all yours to enjoy.

Second, working with Gradehacker is a time investment because you get to experience what it’s like to get the best grades while prioritizing and optimizing your focus on your job and family.

With our team, you don’t need to spend 15 hours per week reading through the class material and feeling stuck whenever you have to write anything.

Student life is difficult, so worrying about a perfect essay shouldn’t feel like the end of the world when you can get help from a team of professional writers and study consultants with many years of experience.

We are the guarantee that lets you put focused attention into your life , knowing that you are partnered with experts who are 100% dedicated to helping and guiding you to become the professional you deserve to be.

assignment writing price per page

Transform your adult college journey

Book a 30-min coaching call for free and find the personalized support and mentorship you deserve!

When life keeps asking for more and more of you, looking for alternatives for your academic assignments is not only smart but needed.

We hope you have a clear picture of how our pricing works and feel ready to submit your request to get help with your paper.

And if you still have doubts, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! You can book a meeting with our team with no compromise or cost! 

However, if you want to explore other essay-writing companies or want to learn what tips you can use to write outstanding essays, check our these blogs:

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EssayPro Review 2023: The Essay Writing Service Under The Scope

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How to Write a Research Paper | The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

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PapersOwl Review 2023: Legit or Edubirdie Scam?

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Write an Essay From Scratch With Chat GPT: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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The 20 Best Assignment Writing Services

When you are doing homework late at night with matches holding your eyelids, you need to know one thing. There is a way to do it faster and easier. Even if you now feel desperate and lonely, you need to know that you are not alone. Somewhere out there, on the other side of your laptop screen (or maybe even on the other side of the planet), there is an expert writer who may save you.

Assignment writing services were invented for students who may lack time for doing tens and hundreds of papers teachers are thoughtlessly throwing at them. Who cares if you have other things to do? Who cares if you juggle work and study and have been sleep deprived for months? It is up to you to worry about your health and find the best ways to optimize your study process. In that regard, 24/7 online writing services can be a universal solution to myriads of homework problems.

At the same time, you need to be careful when choosing an appropriate service provider. The main criteria for your choice should be confidentiality, security, and quality guarantees. These parameters have been considered for compiling the following list of top 20 most reliable assignment writing services, selected and recommended by students.


The website claims that their assignment writing service is paradise of excellence for students. The mission of this company is to enhance your academic achievements and career. The reputation of clients is the main priority of this service. For this reason, the company employs only the best-accredited writers and editors. With this company, students are eligible for free unlimited amendments and money back guarantee.

Pricing : Prices range from $9 to $59 per page, depending upon quality standard, deadline and type of paper.

Customer Reviews :

“I had many research for a top assignment writing company, and found most of the customer given positive comments for So, I trusted them and made my first orders to was interesting and really top quality papers I got form them. They provide free draft for without any payment, which helps to verify the writing quality.” – Michelle T.
“The writers at ExtraEssay are the best of the best and so easy to reach via phone or chat. They make it a point to give individual attention to each and every student. Service is the motive for sure.” – ANGIE M.

2. AssignmentWriting.Services

In the years of their experience in this niche, this company has witnessed the evolution of writing services. They are continuously upgrading and improving the quality of their services. The company offers the innovative features and freebies, which make your cooperation with them effective and unforgettable. Their main characteristics are professionalism and perfection, which are highly rated and approved by their repeated users.


Pricing : Pricing depends upon academic level. Particularly, undergraduate students can enjoy papers at $11 per page, while PhD writing costs $18 per page, and admission help costs $34 per page.

“My assignment had to be very good because my departmental head was a famous economist and it was very hard to make any impression on him. I struggled throughout the year until a desperate search led to AssignmentWriting.Services. The reference assignment they provided was meticulously written and proved extremely helpful. I owe my master’s success to assignment writing services.” – Tony R.
“I trust these guys because no matter what topic or kind of paper I had, they have done their best to deliver perfect assignment. Only couple of my papers were returned for revision by professor. But it absolutely didnt change my opinion about the website.” – Evelyn S.


The company offers assistance of expert academic writers with various types of academic assignments. The service emphasizes their intention to deliver papers within the chosen deadlines. Additionally, the company provides flawless writing at affordable prices. The delighted feedback of their happy clients is the best proof of their quality services.

Pricing : The main parameters used by the website price calculator include assignment type, urgency and number of pages. The price of a fourteen-day essay of standard quality is $12 per page. Meanwhile, an urgent PhD dissertation costs $35 per page.

“I was feeling completely exhausted after writing so much without a break, I wished if someone could help me write and there was this UniPapers company online. They finished my assignments and the best part was that they gave me an introductory discount. I’m completely satisfied with their writing service.” – Sean Mayor
“A breath of fresh air for a change! I’ve had some bad experiences with other writing services in the past who always delayed my assignments. I’m sticking with you guys from now on.” – Alastair


My Assignment Help is a reputable online writing service that can help with any problems in assignment writing. As one of the top writing companies in Australia, this website helps students from all over the world. The company employs over 3000 expert writers, holding PhD or other degrees. Writers’ knowledge, experience and creativity are central characteristics, which make this service one of the best in its niche. The company guarantees the best price possible.

Pricing : Pricing depends upon hour rate of the writer you select as well as other factors, including urgency, subject and complexity level.

“I ordered my English and Philosophy assignments from them last week. I received the solutions on the promised dates. Most importantly, the solutions were perfectly written. I found all the required information there. I was very tensed about the plagiarism issue. But these guys delivered me 100% plagiarism-free help material. I got A+. I am very happy. Their experts are just awesome.” – Olivia J.


This US-based assignment writing service offers affordable prices on writing assistance of premium quality. With this website, your privacy and satisfaction with the quality are guaranteed. Their live chat is available 24/7 and it allows placing even the most urgent assignments with them. All papers received from this company are plagiarism and error free.

Pricing : Prices start at $11.7 per page and can go as high as $17.55 per page if you decide to choose rush 6-hour delivery.

“This is the best assignment writing service provider company I have ever seen. The quality of the assignment provided by is just unbeatable. You should try this company at least once.” – Emi L.
“Got a timely response for my paper. The deadline was looming over my head. Thanks for saving my grade.” – Davinia


This online writing service offers invaluable help to anyone who has homework troubles. They complete every paper within the deadline and write every paper from scratch to comply with your individual requirements. The company provides original content and focuses on your result and complete satisfaction. Additionally, this company offers editing and proofreading services that may boost the quality of your projects.

Pricing : The two main parameters that influence the price are deadline and quality standard. The cheapest service is 2:2 standard one week essay ($8.99 per page), while the most expensive one is 24-hour delivery of a first class paper ($27.99 per page).

“Sometimes Im not able to complete off work regardless of receiving extensions because of facing unexpected illness, I have taken help from British Assignment Writers has often aided such college students in such regards and has provided them impeccable assignment aid and guidance.” – Jordan L.


Homework Help Global is one of the leaders in custom writing services. They serve students worldwide, making their lives easier and academic careers more successful. The website has no limitations in subjects and study levels. Their writers team is reliable and highly specialized. The service has high writing standards, which ensure proper quality and originality of the projects you receive.

Pricing : Pricing depends upon deadline and academic level. Prices start from $24.99 per page and can go up to $59.99 per page, depending upon deadline and study level.

“I am very glad to find out about Homework Help Global. Their team is very professional and helpful. Service and work they provide is exceptional. It has helped me to advance in my academic career as well. Their services are highly recommended to students all around the world who need help and would like to succeed in their academic career. Thank you for the great work you do, always happy to use your services.” – Mamie


Affordable prices are one of the biggest advantages of this online writing service. Moreover, the website offers a variety of seasonal and personal discounts, which make cooperation with them even more pleasant. Expert consultations from this writing company are free. The website has already completed over 15000 student projects so far. This instant assignment writing company is one of the most popular student choices in USA.

Pricing : Pricing starts at $14 per page, while a one-day quality paper can cost $20 per page.

“I had never taken any assignment writing services and was quite unsure about their writing services as well. As soon as I saw my document, my stress vanished. Thanks guys for helping me! I’ll recommend you to my friends also!” – Gregory
“Thanks a bunch fellas, I just had so much stuff going on… just couldn’t do this book report on my own.” – Lewis


This professional assignment writing service can help you with any trouble with your homework. They promise you complete satisfaction with the quality of writing product you receive. If you are interested in good grades without making too much effort, this service is for you. Located in United States, this company offers help to students all over the world. Along with their reasonable prices, they offer a variety of special discounts, which decrease pricing even more.

Pricing : Pricing depends upon number of pages you order and the deadline you choose.

“Amazing service, genuine work, timely assistance and reasonable prices. Job well done.” – Jake Mackellar
“I probably should have written this earlier but anyway, I just finished reading the essay you sent me and I gotta say I am very glad I decided to hire your services. I’m definitely coming back to you for more.” – John B.


The main advantages of this writing service include affordable prices and professional writers. This website is similar to an assignment writing lab, where only the best ingredients are used for creating papers of superior quality. Writers use an individual approach to every order and ensure clients’ satisfaction and delight. Urgent deadlines are available and affordable.

Pricing : Pricing is defined, taking into account the chosen deadline and study level. For instance, a high school essay with a two-week deadline costs $10 per page, whereas an urgent PhD project costs $49 per page.

“Your guidance is professional. My papers look much better when one of your experts complete them. Thank you!” – Finley Holden
“I’m completely satisfied with your service and the next time me or my friends find ourselves in trouble, we’re coming to you again.” – Davinia


This US-based assignment writing service is extremely popular with students from UK and Canada as well. The website promises to provide you with a thoroughly researched and neatly formatted paper within the deadline you choose. By sharing their expertise, this writing company will provide you with assignment help of superior quality. The writers team have access to the top rated databases with the latest resources.

Pricing : Prices range from $12 per page to $27 per page, depending upon your needs and requirements.

“If you want the best combination of good quality plus reasonable cost, then Great Assignment Help is just the company you should turn to.” – Jack Porter
“GreatAssignmentHelp delivered the most spectacular assignment I have ever seen, and they did it so quickly! I can’t believe I didn’t start using your services much earlier on.” – DZoe F.


This online writing company is well known for its premium quality of writing. Original papers received from this writing service can boost your academic performance and mood. With their international team of writers who live in the different corners of the world, the service is available 24/7. Plagiarism is out of the question, as every paper passes through careful plagiarism check procedure.

Studybay Assignment Writing Services

Pricing : Prices start at only $15.00 per page and depend upon urgency, topic and word count.

“I had completely forgotten about my essay assignment until the very last day! I was so worried and did not know what to do! I used to write a custom paper for me and I got my paper delivered to me in time. It was a perfect paper!” – Elizabeth


This assignment writing service helps Australian students face their academic challenges. This company has over 150 academic consultants who have PhD degrees. The service provides original content, created especially to meet your individual requirements. The company promises to improve your GPA and academic reputation. Along with meeting your individual needs, writers will make sure that your document follows the guidelines of your university.

Pricing : Pricing depends upon deadline and chosen writing standard. Particularly, the lowest standard with the deadline longer than 7 days costs AUD 9.51 per page, whereas the best writing standard delivered overnight costs AUD 35.70 per page.

“I was assigned Computer Science assignment from my university professor. I was not very adept at my coding skills and hence, was in a perplexed situation regarding completion of the work. It was then I decided to take online assignment help from Assignment Prime to submit an effective Computer Science assignment. Their expert team really helped me out and I was able to score great remarks from my professor.” – Paul A.


This service offers professional writing help with various assignment types, including those of essays, dissertations, courseworks etc. The company has a wide range of free features, such as outline, bibliography, formatting and unlimited amendments. The service guarantees privacy and security, which are extremely important for successful assignment writing. The website offers 24/7 live support.

Pricing : Prices depend upon urgency and quality standard of your choice. For example, a second standard paper with a 10-day deadline costs $14.62 per page. At the same time, an urgent first-class standard paper is much more expensive, $46.23 per page.

“One great service to get your assignments done. Good quality and whats more important – good communication with you during all the process. That really makes orders better – you have a possibility to change some details just on the run. I recommend!” – Steve Payne


An individual approach to every project and customized writing materials are one of the biggest advantages of this writing service. When you buy assignments from this company, you may feel safe that you will receive original materials, free of plagiarism. The website offers homework services to all tastes, including coursework, term paper, dissertation and other types of assignment help. The service is available 24/7 to battle all your problems and homework worries.

Pricing : Prices are calculated individually, taking into account urgency, assignment type and study level.

“For the first time in my life I came across an experience of enjoying my Environmental Sciences essays as the ideas given by your experts had specially focus on the technicalities of the subject. It seems as if your writers really understood the entire subject very well. Thanks to all of them for treating me personally.” – Sam


With over 1000 expert writers employed by this company, Grademiners provide professional writing help to anyone who may need it. All clients are eligible for free unlimited revisions. Additionally, the website offers a money back guarantee, which is rarely if ever used by the clients. No registration is needed, so that you may feel safe, as you don’t need to share your personal information. The service sends email and text message notifications whenever your order status changes.

Pricing : The main parameters that influence the total price are study level and deadline. The minimum price is $11.30 per page for a high school paper with the maximum deadline. The maximum price is $44.95 per page for a three-hour PhD project.

“Covered the points well, but the English grammar was not superb. I have waited to give the feedback after i receive the notes and comments from my professor and it’s quite GOOD. At the end I’m happy to know I could get an assistance from you, when I need to write a paper ASAP.” – Nick G.


Fast and cheap essay writing help is a good tradition with this online company. All academic materials provided by this service are custom made and plagiarism free. The service guarantees clients’ confidentiality and satisfaction. Every client is eligible for free unlimited revisions. Urgent projects are available with this website.

Pricing : Prices depend upon urgency and quality standard of your choice. A 24-hour paper of platinum quality costs $84 per page, while a +30 days paper of standard quality can be as cheap as $19 per page (the price is not the cheapest in the industry).

“It was my first experience with custom assignment writing service and I really enjoyed the services offered by to me. They helped me beyond my expectations and the writer wrote a good essay for me. I received better appreciation from my professor as well. Thanks a lot. ” – Agnus Johnny


This website provides professional assistance with all types of homework assignments. Importantly, you may expect high quality original research materials and on-time delivery of your orders. All study levels and subjects are available, including even Biology, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Nursing, Management, Marketing, Math, Physics and Programming. Even your Statistics assignment can get easier with this service. When in doubt, you may negotiate your homework problem in 24/7 live chat. Importantly, the company promises respect and privacy.

Pricing : Pricing depends upon complexity and study level, as well as deadline and assignment type.

“I really appreciated the assignments completed for me. They were completed in a timely fashion and thorough and everything was handled professionally and I could not have been happier. Thank you so much for all the help!” – Paul


Students who have difficulties with their essays or dissertations can make their lives easier by visiting this website and placing an order. The company offers a quick and easy to use order form. The company is registered in England and Wales and their services follow local legislative norms. All their writers have a UK degree and you may be certain that the paper you receive will follow guidelines of your university.

Pricing : The price will depend upon your requirements, deadline and complexity level. For example, dissertation topics suggestion costs $39.99 (5 topics for postgraduate dissertations or 2 topics for PhD students).

“I’ve used them only once, that was for my accounting assignment, which proved to be really difficult. I was struggling with it for days and then my friend said to me to try them – he used them 2 times before. I was rather sceptical, but decided to go ahead. they were very polite and caring – the writer asked me questions and asked for some clarifications (I even had to scan few pages from my book), but it was ok. I got my assignment on time, checked it with my supervisor and he said everything was correct.” – Stephen


The head office of this company is located in Sydney, but their custom assignment writers are ready to serve students from all over the world. Confidentiality and secure payment are guaranteed. Their expert writers are trusted by thousands of college students who tried this custom assignment writing service and recommend it to their friends. The service promises to keep their prices student friendly.

Pricing : Pricing is reasonable and it starts from $19.99 per page. Prices vary, depending upon urgency, academic level and subject.

“I have sent all my assignments to you and you have done them all with perfection. Thank you for working hard for me. I will not forget your efforts.” – Lucy Taylor
“The paper delivered by them is indeed top-class and there’s certainly no doubt that they are the perfect service.” – Albert

There is nothing easier than finding an assignment writing help online. At the same time, you may have a hard time choosing a service provider that is right for you. Hopefully, this list of top 20 legit services will help you make an informed choice, minimizing risks and maximizing results.

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Christina Walker

A professional freelance web copywriter with several years’ experience in web marketing and SEO copywriting.

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Comments (9)

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Assignment studio not only offers students with a complete assignment work that is done from the scratch by the writers but also offers professional advice to the students who are stuck in the middle of their assignment work. They make sure that the student would get the best advice possible for their assignments. Furthermore, the Assignment studio also makes sure that the students get the quality of assignment that they desire for. Any changes in the assignments that the student desired are done without any charge.

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It’s been an awesome year for me personally and professionally. Firstly, I got through the Law course, secondly I became dad to a chirpy baby girl. But, yes that has indeed brought along lot of responsibilities. While, I am just working part time, I earn enough to take care of my small family. However, what I began to get worried about was the timely turnaround of my college assignments. Since the first day of the course, I have absolute clarity on one thing that I have to make through this with top grades. And, for that to happen, I need to score well in all of my assignments. So, I got in touch with for assignment help in UK, Australia, USA, Singapore, UAE etc. I found that they have a registered office and I must tell you that I am super pleased with their quality of work and the timely turnaround of assignments. The team at gives enough and more time to understand the exact requirements of all students. I could also seek some expert advice for my own conceptual clarity.

Leona Bush

Hi, I am an expert thesis writer working with and this article has really a great piece of information. As a writer, I should put my self in searching for knowledge and update them to survive in this competitive industry. When I started my career as a writer in 2011, I joined here and still am working with this company. I am sure, one of the renowned company with great track records. Also, I am so surprised to see many sites that were on this list have started a similar business. Worth to try them as well. Thanks for this great information.

John Wilson

Great Information about The 20 Best Assignment Writing Services. Thanks for sharing such a nice information.

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The 5 Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

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The popularity of professional assignment help websites has grown significantly during the pandemic times when most students had to make a complex shift and start with their online studies.

There were numerous challenges that had to be faced, including heavy workload issues, misunderstanding of the grading rubric, and academic pressure.

The majority of students approach online help as a way to avoid plagiarism and receive better grades as they share their concerns with trained experts.

Still, finding the best assignment help services can be quite challenging!

Check out a list of reliable assignment help offerings online aimed at college students!

The Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

1. assignmentbro.

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Company’s History. This friendly company belongs to relatively new offerings, yet they have already earned the hearts and minds of school and college students worldwide. They are reputable and always place the client’s needs first, as they are managed by a great team of university graduates who know what students are going through.

Reliability. A plethora of online reviews and the presence of direct contact with a writer makes them reliable. There are free revisions and refunds available as well. Moreover, there are excellent citation tools and writing tools for paraphrasing, a words-to-minutes converter, and a conclusion generator.

Quality of Assignments. Our Law assignment has been delivered on time, and the paper has been free of grammar or style mistakes. The formatting has been done properly, and the content itself has been done professionally with all citations in place.

Prices. As we looked for the best assignment services, we wanted to approach only the most affordable services where the quality still remains high. At AssignmentBro, they do not have a fixed price, which is a good thing because you can negotiate the final price. Our price depended on our subject, the qualification of the writer, and the deadline. It was affordable!

Reviews. Their Sitejabber page shows that they have 4.7 stars based on 53 reviews. People praise them for their affordability and their friendly attitude. The Trustpilot page has 4.4 stars based on 29 reviews. Their writers are always praised as well as their support team.

Customer Support. It deserves six stars out of five because they are the most caring and friendliest when it comes to getting your challenges fixed.

Why Choose It? A young company that is aimed at getting you understood as you ask for academic writing help. Affordable and high-quality writing with a plethora of helpful free tools.

2. A Research Guide

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Company’s History. This great service has been around for more than 10 years now, yet they are rarely mentioned when the best assignment writing services are mentioned. The reason for that is that they are not your typical company because it is a great hub for all things research writing. They offer free materials, tutorials, and templates even before you place an order.

Reliability. They cooperate with numerous institutions and businesses as they offer innovative research paper writing assistance and explore all the latest and most efficient ways to deliver excellent research. They have won several awards in the field and represent a fully legit service.

Quality of Assignments. This is where they truly stand out, as their specialists will ask you all the possible questions before they match you with a specialist in their field. We have approached them for a Political Sciences research paper, and they have delivered an excellent paper with credible sources, formatting, and high-quality research.

Prices. The prices start at $14.99 per page and belong to more expensive writing solutions. Still, when you think about the direct communication and assistance that you receive, it’s totally worth it.

Online Reviews. This is where things get rather rough, as the number of reviews is extremely limited. Still, we could find out feedback from professional educators, online course creators, and dissertation-writing students who needed complex research. Their testimonials speak in favor of the company’s reputation.

Customer Support. The support agents represent experienced researchers who will happily guide you through the website and help you with anything. They are available 24/7.

Why Choose It? Look no further if you need serious research paper writing help and want to enjoy freebies that will help you to deliver a perfect assignment.

3. EduBirdie

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Company’s History. The company is one of the most famous names in the industry. Their website states that they have been offering legit academic help since 2014. The company runs a blog and stands at the top of technical and academic innovations.

Reliability. They let you talk to your writer directly and provide free paper revisions. If you are not happy with the paper, they offer full refunds. The reviews online show that they are safe to use and follow their promises.

Quality of Assignments. Speaking of online assignment help websites, they offer timely delivery and focus on anything from essay writing and dissertations to personal statement writing and online exams. Placing an order with them, our experts received expert assistance, and the paper contained no grammar, style, or plagiarism issues.

Prices. The prices here start at $13.99 per page and remain affordable if we compare these services to similar offerings online. They implement a bidding system so your final price will depend on the writing quality chosen, the subject, the deadline, and the popularity of your subject.

Online Reviews. This company is constantly mentioned on Sitejabber, Trustpilot, and YouTube (they have their channel), and they are popular among social media users. They are rated at 4.7 out of 5 total points, which is a sign of reliability. Most of their clients are happy with the results.

Customer Support. They are trained well and respond immediately. We had a nice experience talking to the support agents. They are available 24/7 and offer human help with no bots.

Why Choose It? The positive reputation of the company and the chance to talk to your writer directly place them at the top of the most popular assignment help websites you can find these days. They are plagiarism-free and offer reliable quality at an affordable price.

4. SameDayPapers

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Company’s History. The company has been around since 2017 and started out in Great Britain and Australia. Later on, they added affordable writing help services in the United States as well. They are the best choice if you are an ESL student or a learner looking for complex custom assignments that focus on Sociology, Psychology, History, or Engineering.

Reliability. They offer free paper revisions and also provide you with a free tool to check your grammar. Regarding the plagiarism, they also let you check things free of charge. Employing native English speakers, they are very strict about their writers and let you cooperate with verified specialists.

Quality of Assignments. Placing an order is easy and logical here, which clearly shows that we are dealing with the best website for assignment help. Checking the paper on Psychology, we can state that it has been delivered even earlier than our deadline. The paper was original, had excellent formatting, and the content has been up to the highest standards.

Prices. They represent an affordable and the best website to do assignments, with their prices starting at $12.99. If you are looking for reliable editing services, the prices will start at $5.5 per page.

Online Reviews. Researching this company’s background, we could locate over two hundred reviews. Most of them are positive and come from the United States, the UK, and Australian users. The total rating is 4.38/5 points.

Customer Support. It’s available for American users, and they respond right away by assisting you with anything from placing an order to finding a specialist that matches your needs.

Why Choose It? It’s one of the global companies that implement verified writers and can offer professional assistance. There are also UK and Australian branches, should you need specific help or sources.

5. EduZaurus

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Company’s History. The story of this amazing sample essay database and academic writing company dates back to June 2015. Since then, they have collected a great resource for students coming from all disciplines. The company’s website claims that they have completed over 100,000 assignments as 2021 has started. They provide hundreds of skilled writers, yet what makes them unique is a great collection of free essay samples. It makes them one of the best choices when you need inspiration.

Reliability. Offering legit academic assistance, they can be safely marked as the best assignment writing help service for their collection of samples alone that showcases their work and provides a general idea of what can be expected. There are free revisions and refunds.

Quality of Assignments. Placing an order for the coursework paper in Journalism, we received an excellent document that has been formatted correctly and contained high originality. The grammar and style have been done well. The delivery has been set to only eight hours, yet the paper has been delivered on time.

Prices. Since there are many factors that affect the price per page (writer’s level, your deadline, task specifics), our price has started at $25 per page, yet the general pricing can vary between $20 and $50 if your order is urgent. The prices with a longer deadline start at $12.99 per page. Remember that you should always wait for the best bids to appear.

Online Reviews. Sitejabber users gave them 4.52 stars out of 5 based on 29 reviews. As for TrustPilot, they’ve earned 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 15 testimonials. Most people praise them for being legit and trustworthy.

Customer Support. They have an online chat feature, which is available 24/7. The support remains friendly even if you run into problems.

Why Choose It? This service is the best choice when it comes to finding free samples for inspiration, yet their writing assistance is also up to the highest standards. They cover a wide range of subjects and have a minimum deadline of 3 hours that actually works.

Where Can I Find Trustworthy Assignment Help?

You can find it online, as there are numerous offerings.

As a way to save time, we have tested and evaluated five of the best homework help websites that can be trusted.

Take your time to explore them and see which of them fits your academic needs first.

What is The Best Assignment Help Website You Can Recommend?

While the “best” is always subjective, you may safely check these five entries explored above.

Each of them is different and provides specific benefits in each case

A Research Guide service is the best choice for research paper writing, while EduZaurus will provide you with a great selection of free samples!

Is Assignment Help Described Legit?

Absolutely! Every assignment help website on our list has been tested in terms of being legit .

These services are acknowledged providers of academic help online and are absolutely safe to use, as many online reviews can confirm.

Sharing Your Instructions Well is Essential!

As you are looking through websites that do your homework online, remember that you should always start with careful preparation and sorting of your instructions.

These must be shared with a chosen specialist and have a clear description because it is the only way to achieve success and the necessary degree of clarity.

Although many services like EduBirdie or AssignmentBro let you talk to your writer directly, you must be precise with your instructions and share anything from the assignment grading rubric to the comments and recommendations from your college professor.

It will help you to get the best quality and save time as you avoid mistakes and explain what you expect to see as you place your assignment request.

Regardless if you require research paper writing services or seek an expert who can proofread your work and fix grammar mistakes, sharing your instructions should always come first!

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How to Price Your Writing Services

Jennifer Xue

By Jennifer Xue


Writing professionally is one of the most flexible careers out there. You can work from anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night. In addition, you can make anywhere from $10 to thousands of dollars for your work, depending on your rates.

If you charge at the higher end of the industry rates, you can expect to make a good living and, most likely, you can do work as a writer full time without having to keep a day job. However, pricing is more of an art than a science, which explains why some writers' rates are too low and they're unable to turn their passion into a full-time career.

It takes more than what you "want" to price right. Here are several tips on how to build confidence in pricing, types of freelance writing rates, and how to start charging the rate.

The Mindset

Types of freelance writing rates, charging the rate, ready to price.

Working on your own takes a lot of courage. As a freelance writer, you're both an expert in the trade and an entrepreneur: the buck starts and stops with yourself.

If you're like most writers who prefer writing instead of marketing, I bet you also do not like pricing your services.

However, embracing your entrepreneurial side is crucial to making a good living from writing. Also, be prepared to negotiate for better rates . For this, start with adopting the so-called "entrepreneurship mindset." What is it?

First, acknowledge that your finances depend on how you market and price your works.

This is the heart of being an entrepreneur. You're on your own, literally. Also, you feel good about it because it shows how confident you are about your skills and ability to make a good living out of writing.

This "feeling good" (a.k.a. self-acceptance) about being an entrepreneur and not a hobbyist serves as the fundamental philosophy of your one-person business. It is the basis of why you're charging a right amount of money for your services. Writing is a hard-earned skill, just like other trade skills.

Second, recognize that your services have financial values.

If you're the "artsy-creative" type, most likely you don't think much about money, until you need it to buy something. Well, change this mindset, if you want to be successful.

Your works (articles, ebooks, reports, etc.) have financial value to your clients. In other words, they asked you to write, with an intention to make more money either directly or indirectly. Thus, it's a natural consequence for them to pay you well. Keep this in mind whenever you send out price quotes and invoices.

Third, with the right pricing strategies, you can earn more with the same amount of workload.

This means you can live and enjoy life better without having to increase work hours. Isn't it awesome? The key is being creative in finding clients .

Charging the right rates or increasing them is like having a salary raise. And you'll be feeling better appreciated by clients.

In general, you can charge freelance writing services by project (flat rate), by the hour, by word, by page, and monthly retainer fee. I choose the rate type depending on the type of work that need to be done and the clients.

There are pros and cons of each type:

By the project

If you already have expertise in a specific type of assignment, charging by the project is probably the best. This way, you can finish it up quickly, but still earn handsomely. Charging per hour would place you at a disadvantage as most likely it only requires a couple of hours to complete.

By the hour

This could be your best bet when the project requires many human hours to complete. However, most clients are cautious about paying hourly, so you'd need to show accountability for proving the hours worked. I refrain from accepting hourly-paid projects.

By the word

It's one of the best metrics to charge your writing services. It's fair to both clients and the writer, as you'll only be paid for the words you've typed. However, be cautious about "how the clients count the words." Is it based on the accepted final draft or the revised published version? Whenever possible, ask the client to use "whichever is greater" to be fair to you.

By the page

It must be clear in advance what constitutes a "page." State the page size, font type, font size, character spacing, and line spacing (single, 1.5, or double) before agreeing to write. Once you and the client have agreed, find the approximate word count per page, so you can multiply it with your current price per word and come up with the rate per page.

Retainer fee

It's ideal for long-term clients. However, you want to be clear about the monthly workload beforehand. For instance, if you charge $500 per month for four blog posts, be clear about the word count per post. Any excess words or additional works will be charged separately, which must also be stated in advance to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.


Each project is unique, which requires special handling. Thus, when charging for each project , you'd need to consider all the factors individually. Of course, if you've done similar projects for the same client, you can use the past price rates or have them adjusted to the new project.

First, monetary value to the client.

Most writers don't consider how much money the project would potentially bring to the client. Well, if you write for businesses, your works are essential to bringing new leads and, eventually, close sales. For instance, if you're asked to write a business white paper, most likely it will be used for lead generation. Thus, it's common to charge $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the research and work hours involved.

Second, the level of research involved.

A client probably "just" needs a blog post, but no two blog posts are identical. Ask the details of the project, such as the topic and the specifics, before starting. Who is the audience? Is it for the public or specific personas? Does it require a technical understanding of specific concepts? How familiar are you with the technical concepts?

How many hours would you need to spend in researching the concepts? What's the word count? In-depth articles sometimes include 3,000+ words, so you want to charge accordingly. A blog post may cost anywhere from $100 to $3,000, so you must perform due diligence before agreeing to accept the assignment.

Third, total hours needed to complete it until publication.

Be honest about the total hours you need to research, write, and revise the article. If the topic is something you're familiar with, you might be able to reduce research time.

However, how about the client? Are they easy or hard to work with? I've encountered a client who changed the article more than five times. Make sure to cover the revision hours so that you don't spend too much time on one project.

In conclusion, pricing your writing services requires a deep understanding of your research, writing, and typing skills, as well as the topic, its level of depth and the client's work style. You need to be honest about your financial expectations and overall skills, too. Once you've found the "right" rates, you can enjoy the full benefits of being a professional writer.

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Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Jennifer Xue

Jennifer Xue is an award-winning e-book author with 2,500+ articles and 100+ e-books/reports published under her belt. She also taught 50+ college-level essay and paper writing classes. Her byline has appeared in Forbes, Fortune, Cosmopolitan, Esquire,, Business2Community, Addicted2Success, Good Men Project, and others. Her blog is Follow her on Twitter @jenxuewrites].

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When you feel that completing academic assignments takes too much of your time and effort, getting some writing help will be a good move. Our team of professional writers will take care of your assignments so that you can get both good grades and free time for yourself.

Get Help from Assignment Writing Service!

Studybay helps students from the USA and more than 100 other countries write high-quality papers. Our professionals know how to deal with basically any type of paper, from a high school essay to a Ph.D. thesis. We provide plagiarism-free papers that adhere to academic assignment standards. Our writers will ensure the right formatting, whether it is APA, MLA, CMS, or any other specific writing style required by your school. Need theology assignment help ? It's easy!

When ordering assignment writing services from us, you will have an opportunity to state your requirements in detail so that you get exactly what you need. Using the given form on our site, you can easily specify the required area of research and type of paper. You will also have a chance to choose between the experts from your field to find the one you want to help you and communicate with them directly.

We have assisted students struggling with their assignments since 2013. Till now, we have helped more than 3 million people to improve their grades. Many of them have expressed their gratitude on our website. Most of the students asking us for help were satisfied with the results, and many are coming back.

Assignment Writing Service for Any Topic You May Need

You can get top-notch academic writing on almost any topic. We cover all of the high school subjects and university areas of research, be it humanities, science, or the arts. We can write an English literature essay or research paper for you, solve your Math problems, prepare a Chemistry lab report or case studies. We can help you create excellent coursework on nuclear physics as well as a thesis on religious studies. Whatever you need, with us, you will get the best grades, regardless of how hard the subject may seem at first.

Team of Highly Skilled Paper Writers

We have a pool of more than 52,000 experts. Our assignment writers are professionals from various fields with years of experience in writing academic papers. They possess academic degrees related to the fields they are writing about. Before working with our assignment writing service, all of the experts had to go through a strict selection process and pass exams to prove their level of expertise.

Every writer has a detailed profile on our website, which you can easily look through. Besides, any client can leave a public review of their expert's work. You can use those reviews for reference and make a final decision on who could become the best essay writer for you.

Plagiarism-Free Custom Assignments

Although plagiarism is a common problem, people face when looking for assignment writing services, with Studybay, you can be sure your paper will be unique. We strictly monitor the work of our writers, so they do their best to conduct the proper research and create authentic papers on the required subject. By including proofreading and formatting in the writing process, we ensure that the assignment will measure up to academic standards.

Optimal Balance Between Pricing and Quality

Our goal is to provide cheap assignment writing services while preserving excellent quality. Unlike many other providers of homework help services, we care about maintaining affordable prices. We have clear pricing policies, so when placing an order for your assignment writing service, you can be sure there would be no hidden costs.

There are discounts for those who are using our service for the first time and for our regular clients. We also offer free revision for academic papers when needed. Most of the students are happy with the results they get from us. However, if you are not satisfied with our work, we provide a money-back guarantee.

Convenient Custom Assignment Writing Services

You can quickly and easily find the best writer for your assignment, even if you need a professional bio writer . Our website allows you to customize your writing requirements and choose the expert who can fulfill them. We provide a variety of choices so that you can go for the best option. You will also have an opportunity to communicate with your academic writers directly in real-time to clarify any questions if such arise.

You don't have to worry about privacy, as we don't disclose your personal information to anyone. In case you have any problems or unresolved questions, our customer support team will be there to help you anytime, 24/7. The usual time for us to react to our client's inquiry is within 5 minutes. With Studybay, you can relax and be sure everything will be done on time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any discounts for assignment writing services.

We offer a welcome five dollar discount for every new student using our services. We also provide various promo codes for our clients. Subscribe to our account on social media in order not to miss them.

How can I pay for a paper writing service?

The payment for the assignment can be made instantly through our website. We support various payment means, including Visa and MasterCard, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. All of them are safe and secure, so you can be sure no personal data is revealed to third parties.

How much do I have to pay for an assignment writing service?

Prices of assignment writing at Studybay depend on the type and specific topic of the task. However, we strive to keep our pricing affordable for students. As for high-school essays, prices start from $3 per page. For grad-school level quality research writing, it will be about $10 per page.

How do I get help with my assignment?

To get assignment help from Studybay, first, you will need to create an account on our website. It's free, and you'll only need an e-mail address. Then you will be able to create a project for our experts by filling in a simple order form to specify your requirements.

When you are done with it, you will see a list of available experts to whom you can entrust your task. You can check the information in their profiles (education background, areas of proficiency, etc.) and feedback from previous clients to choose the best writer for your assignment. After choosing an expert, make an online payment for their work, and your task will be taken care of.

Can I get my money back?

If the quality of our assignment writing service falls short of the expected standards, we will make a refund. To get the full amount of money back, you need to make a refund request within 20 days after placing the assignment project on our website.

Can I cancel my assignment writing request?

If the circumstances have changed and you no longer need the paper you ordered, it is possible to cancel your order. To do so, you should notify the writer, who is working on your task, and obtain an agreement from them. Note that our basic policy is that the order can be canceled when more than 50% of the time till the deadline is left.

Can I ask for revisions to my assignment?

Yes, we do offer free revisions of academic papers. If the written assignment you get from us does not comply with the standard requirements, our expert will make all the necessary alterations to it.

Who will write my paper?

We have a large pool of expert writers who will help you with your assignment. When placing an order at our website, you will have an opportunity to look through profiles of recommended experts from your field and choose the one you want to work with.

When will my assignment be ready?

As a general rule, our experts deliver their work just on time or even earlier. You will be able to specify the deadline for your assignment when filling the order form on our website. We strongly advise you to avoid strict deadlines to have some extra time for revisions.

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AssignmentPay Review: Offerings, Prices and Customer Support

Published on May 29, 2023 by Editorial Team

AssignmentPay Review: Offerings, Prices and Customer Support

With their flexible prices and customer-oriented policies, they’re certainly worth checking out. In this AssignmentPay review, we’ll explore the offering range, pricing structure, and customer supports services; plus we’ll talk about several pros and cons of using the company’s services.

Whether you’re a student who needs help with research paper editing or thesis writing help – read on to find out whether AssignmentPay provides what you need!

Overview of AssignmentPay

AssignmentPay is a versatile online service offering a wide array of academic writing services for students globally. They specialize in numerous types of assignments, including essays, research papers, coursework, dissertations, and more. The service’s primary goal is to support students in reaching their academic objectives by delivering high-quality, tailored writing assistance.

Custom Writing Services

AssignmentPay’s main service is providing personalized writing solutions for different academic levels and subjects. Their team of skilled writers can tackle a variety of topics and tasks, ranging from argumentative essays and term papers to book reviews, case studies, and intricate dissertations.

Editing and Proofreading

Besides writing services, AssignmentPay also offers editing and proofreading assistance, ensuring that students submit well-crafted and error-free work. This service is especially helpful for those who have already completed their assignments but require professional guidance to fine-tune their content.

Admission Essays

AssignmentPay aids students in creating persuasive admission essays, personal statements, and scholarship essays to boost their chances of being accepted into their preferred colleges or universities.

Writer Selection

AssignmentPay enables clients to select their ideal writer based on their profiles, which feature ratings, reviews, and the number of finished orders. This option allows customers to pick a writer with the appropriate expertise and experience for their specific assignment.

Revision Policy

AssignmentPay has a revision policy that permits clients to request modifications to the finished work if they are not satisfied with the quality. This ensures that customers receive a final product that aligns with their expectations and requirements.

According to Robert S Hicks, a literature professor:

assignment writing price per page

“A revision policy is essential for students who use essay writing services because it ensures that their work meets the professor’s expectations and requirements. Here are some key reasons why a strong revision policy is crucial: quality assurance, customization, error correction, feedback incorporation, and academic growth.”

Customer Support

AssignmentPay offers customer support through various channels such as live chat, email, and phone. Their support team is accessible 24/7 to address any inquiries or concerns clients may have throughout the process.

Price Points for Different Assignments & Discounts Available

Generally, prices are calculated on a per-page basis, with more complex assignments and tighter deadlines costing more.

Here’s a rough breakdown of price points for different assignments:

High school level assignments: Prices for high school level tasks are usually the lowest, ranging from $10 to $38 per page.

College-level assignments: College-level work typically costs between $14 and $40 per page.

University-level assignments: University-level tasks, including undergraduate and graduate work, may range from $16 to $38 per page or more, depending on the complexity and urgency.

More complex tasks: Theses, dissertations, and other intricate assignments usually have higher price points, starting at around $22 per page and going up to $580 or more.

As for discounts, AssignmentPay offers various promotions and discount programs to attract new customers and retain existing ones. These include:

First-time order discounts: The service provides a discount for first-time customers, which could range from 10% to 20% off the total order cost.

Loyalty program: A loyalty program is available for returning customers, offering a certain percentage off future orders after a specific number of completed assignments.

Seasonal or special promotions: AssignmentPay runs seasonal or special promotions throughout the year, offering discounts or bonus services during specific periods.

Payment Options and How to Pay for Services 

AssignmentPay offers a range of payment options to ensure a seamless experience for its clients. The available payment methods include:

Credit and Debit Cards: AssignmentPay accepts widely-used credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

PayPal: As a trusted and secure online payment service, PayPal is also accepted by AssignmentPay for processing transactions.

Direct Bank Transfers: In certain situations, clients may be allowed to pay through direct bank transfers or wire transfers.

To pay for services on AssignmentPay, you would generally follow these steps:

Place your order: Fill out the order form on the website, providing all the necessary details about your assignment, including type, academic level, deadline, and any specific requirements.

Choose a writer: Review the available writers’ profiles and select one that best fits your needs based on their skills, experience, and customer reviews.

Deposit funds: Once you’ve chosen a writer, you may be required to deposit the funds for your order. This ensures the writer that you’re committed to the project and ready to proceed.

Release payment: After the writer completes the assignment and you are satisfied with the work, you’ll release the payment to the writer.

Customer Testimonials & Feedback 

assignment writing price per page

Testimonial 1

“I am extremely impressed with AssignmentPay’s editing and proofreading services. I submitted my completed assignment for review, and they returned it polished, error-free, and ready for submission. Their attention to detail and suggestions for improvement helped me achieve a much better grade than I would have without their assistance. Thank you, AssignmentPay!”

Testimonial 2:

“Applying for college can be a daunting task, but AssignmentPay made it so much easier for me. Their team helped me craft a compelling admission essay that truly showcased my strengths and achievements. Thanks to their assistance, I was accepted into my top-choice university! I highly recommend AssignmentPay for anyone looking for professional guidance on their admission essays.”

Support Team Overview

AssignmentPay’s support team is committed to providing exceptional customer service to ensure a smooth and satisfying experience for clients. Here’s a review of AssignmentPay response time, helpfulness, and knowledge base:

Response Time

AssignmentPay’s support team is available 24/7 to address any questions or concerns that clients may have throughout the process. They offer multiple channels for communication, including live chat, email, and phone. The live chat feature typically provides the fastest response, with most inquiries being answered within minutes. Email and phone support are also prompt, with response times usually ranging from a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the complexity of the issue.


The support team at AssignmentPay is dedicated to providing clients with the assistance they need, whether it’s related to placing an order, choosing a writer, or resolving any issues that may arise during the project. They are friendly, professional, and genuinely committed to ensuring customer satisfaction. Their goal is to address any concerns promptly and effectively, making the entire process as seamless as possible for clients.

Knowledge Base

AssignmentPay’s support team is well-equipped with the necessary knowledge about their services, policies, and procedures. They can provide detailed information regarding the ordering process, pricing, writer selection, revision policy, and more. In addition, the team is trained to handle common issues that may arise during the course of a project, ensuring that clients receive accurate and helpful solutions to their inquiries.

Pros & Cons of Using AssignmentPay

Wide Range of ServicesPricing
Skilled WritersLimited Direct Communication
Writer SelectionDependency
Revision Policy
24/7 Customer Support

AssignmentPay FAQ

Q: What is AssignmentPay?

A: AssignmentPay is an online service offering scholarly writing assistance to students in need of academic support. They help with various assignments, including essays, research papers, dissertations, and more, ensuring high-quality work and timely delivery.

Q: How much does AssignmentPay cost?

A: The pricing for their services depends on the complexity, urgency, and length of your assignment. To get an accurate quote, please fill out the order form with all the required details.

Q: Is my personal information safe with AssignmentPay?

A: Yes, they take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. They use advanced encryption technology to protect your personal information, and they never share your data with third parties without your consent.

Review Checklist

  • AssignmentPay is an online pservice that offers academic writing services for students of all levels.
  • They provide personalized writing solutions, editing and proofreading services, and admission essay assistance.
  • Clients can select their ideal writer, and there is a revision policy to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Pricing is calculated on a per-page basis and varies based on the type of assignment, academic level, and deadline.
  • Discounts are available for first-time customers and returning clients through a loyalty program or seasonal promotions.
  • Payment options include credit and debit cards, PayPal, and direct bank transfers.
  • Testimonials praise AssignmentPay’s editing and proofreading services and admission essay assistance.


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Peak Freelance

The Community for Freelance Writers

Freelance Writing Rates: How Much to Charge for Freelance Writing Services (New Data for 2022) 

Freelance Writing Rates: How Much to Charge for Freelance Writing Services (New Data for 2022) 

posted on 6 November 2022

In this post, we will use a survey sent to 213 part-time and full-time freelance writers to determine the average freelance writing rates. Using that data, we’ll answer a question we’ve heard quite a bit in the industry. 

What should I charge? 

Of course, a new writer isn’t going to charge $1,000+ per article after one day. Writing rates are meaningless if you can’t provide the client value and ultimately drive leads and revenue for them. 

And every writer is different in terms of (1) how quickly they can write, (2) pricing models, and (3) business goals. 

So, in this review, we’ll use the new data gathered, plus our experience doing freelance writing for enterprise clients and other companies, to give you the insights you need to:

  • Charge competitive rates that make the most sense for your freelance business
  • Get the most out of your marketing efforts by targeting the right channels for leads

This a big post, so here’s a snippet of the patterns that emerged when we poured through the data:

What’s a fair freelance writing rate?

  • $250 to $399 is the most popular rate for a 1,500 word blog post.
  • $500 to $999 is the most popular rate for writing a whitepaper.
  • The most popular pricing model is per project.

Key findings 💡

🙌 All freelancers earning over $100K have been writing for 2+ years. 👻 Most writers don’t charge extra for ghostwriting. Of those who do, the majority charge a premium of between 16% and 20%. 💰 Word-of-mouth referrals are the biggest sources of high-paying freelance writing gigs. 


In this edition of Peak Freelance’s annual Freelance Writing Rates report, we surveyed 213 freelance writers to gain perspective on what they charge for writing services. 

Writers ranged from newbies (less than a year) to industry vets with over 11 years of experience. We asked questions around finding high-paying gigs, scope creep, and displaying rates on websites. 

We encourage you to share the text, data, and graphics in this report. Please cite and link back to the original.

Thoughts from our founders

We sat down with Michael Keenan and Elise Dopson, the founders of Peak Freelance, to get their reaction to the data and see what it means for freelancers in the year ahead.

  • The amount of ecommerce writers surveyed was surprisingly low! I think we’ll see more writers specialize in ecommerce in coming years as brands establish their digital presence. They’ll need resources and education to market to consumers online, and freelance content writers can help them improve SEO, produce high-converting landing pages, and more.
  • Average freelance writing income was at a lower rate than I expected. There is room for improvement and resource development to help writers build their skill sets, provide more value, and charge more. Community and education will be a strong theme in 2022.
  • I was shocked that most writers aren’t charging more for ghostwriting services. I’ve always felt if you aren’t getting the byline, you should charge a premium for your work. A good reminder for everyone as we move into a new year! 
  • I was surprised to see how experience impacts the rates freelancers charge. This likely boils down to a few things: testimonials and results to back up your work, and the confidence to charge higher rates. Beginner’s charged very low rates and found clients on content mills like Upwork.
  • Whitepapers are massively undercharged for. This format has huge revenue potential for clients; they easily see how much money (or leads) they’ve collected off the back of it, which is often in the thousands. Writers: charge a reasonable rate! 
  • One in five six-figure writers find high-paying writing gigs through communities. I totally identify with that… hence the creation of Peak Freelance 😉

The state of freelance writing in 2022

Freelance writers have been important business assets for years. When COVID-19 emerged and businesses and consumers moved online, freelance writers and content marketers became even more in demand. 

To understand how many freelancers arose through a pandemic, 16% of freelancers started less than a year ago as of November 2021. Some 19% reported freelancing for between one and two years. Though the majority of freelancers (65%) have been writing professionally for between two and 10 years. 

freelance writing experience levels

When we dove into freelance writing niches, one industry was more popular than others.

Some 27% reported working in software (SaaS). Another 14% wrote for agencies , and 12% wrote for ecommerce. 

what's the most popular freelance writing niche?

Understanding what niches writers work in leads us to the next section. We wanted to know how much people were changing. So, we asked freelance writers to disclose their yearly earnings. 

More than half of freelance writers earn less than $30K per year 💔

The next income level was $31K and $50K, with 18% of freelance writers claiming that was their annual freelance income for 2020. When you combine the percentages of these two groups, almost three quarters of freelance writers make less than $50K per year. 

That suggests there is room for business improvement in a majority of freelance writer’s businesses. Think about your own operations. Where can you provide more value for clients to charge more? 

Of the remaining writers in the survey, 9% said they made six figures. Some 5% reported making between $100K and $125K, and 4% earned over $125K in 2020. 

average freelance writing salary

When it comes to time spent versus income as a freelance writer, the longer you’ve been around, the more you earn. 

It’s probably no surprise that people bringing in larger incomes have been in business for longer. If we look at those who’ve been freelance writing for less than a year, the vast majority (91%) earn less than $30K. 

To reach the six-figure salaries, it seems you need to have been working on your business and growing it for at least a couple of years. Of those earning over $100K, all have been freelance writing for at least two years, with 65% writing for more than six years.

how long does it take to make six figures freelancing?

💰 Read about how Peak Freelance’s very own Elise Dopson grew her freelance writing business to six figures over three years.

How much should freelance writers charge?

As noted earlier, the majority of freelancers earn less than $50K, with a small percentage of writers making over $100K per year. Because of this, we wanted to know what price writers charge for different services. 

The average freelance writer charges $250-399 for a blog post

Blog posts are one of the most popular freelance writing services, with the vast majority (98%) offering it to clients. A brand’s desire for regular content and a strong presence in the search engine results page means they tap into freelance writing talent to produce blog content. 

So, what do freelancers charge for blog posts?

Between $250 and $399 was the most popular response, with 27% of respondents saying this is what they’d charge for a 1,500 word blog post. Just 8% charge four figures or more.

what's the average rate for blog post writing?

How much you charge per blog post impacts your overall earnings. Of writers that break the six-figure yearly income mark, half charge at least $1,000 per blog post. A quarter demands more than $1,500 for a single 1,500 word article. 

Just 10% of six-figure freelance writers charge less than $399 for a blog post.

how much to charge for a blog post

The average freelance writer charges $500-999 for a whitepaper

Whitepapers are longer than blog posts. Brands typically use them to attract leads, especially if the whitepaper is gated (hidden behind an email capture form). 

Almost half of the writers in our survey offer whitepaper writing services to clients. 

The most popular rate was between $500 and $999, with almost three in 10 respondents claiming that to be their whitepaper writing rate. 

However, 55% charge more than $1,000 per whitepaper. Some 17% charged more than $3,000.

how much to charge for a whitepaper

An interesting trend we noticed was that more experienced writers take on whitepaper assignments. 

Some 60% of writers with six or more years under their belt take on whitepapers, compared to 44% of writers with less than that. 

who writes whitepapers

The average freelance writer charges $99-$249 for an email 

Email writing is another popular service that freelancers offer. Half of surveyed writers produce this type of content for clients. 

As the graph below shows, 39% charge less than $99 for an email, followed by 32% charging between $100 and $249. 

For writers that don’t specialize in email copywriting, this seems to be a lower-priced service, with only 4% charging more than $600 per email. 

how much to charge for email copywriting

The average freelance writer charges 16-20% extra for ghostwriting

A freelance ghostwriter offers content writing services to clients. The only difference is their name isn’t attached to the piece when published. 

Out of the freelance writers we surveyed, the majority (83%) take on ghostwriting work. 

Interestingly, just 36% of those writers charge an additional fee if their name is scrapped from the published piece. Of those who do charge extra, almost half whack on at least a 16% premium to their ghostwriting project rate. 

how much to charge for ghostwriting

How to choose a pricing model

To set a freelance writing rate, you need a pricing model—the method you use to develop a figure for the client.  

The most popular pricing model is a flat fee per project, with 63% opting for this method when pricing freelance projects. They give the client a figure based on the project scope, rather than the minor details (like word count or hours of their time).

However, per word rates comes in as second most popular. Around one in five writers prefer to charge per word; some 11% bill an hourly rate for time spent on the project. A very small number by revenue share (1%). 

what pricing model should i use as a freelance writer

Charging a flat rate per project is the most popular option, no matter how many years of experience writers have—though 84% of those charging by the word are in their first year of business. 

It suggests that many agree with this content writer who anonymously said:

“I started with per word pricing but as I gained experience I realized it didn’t truly reflect the work needed to create a high quality post. So I switched to per project rates.”

Wondering why per project pricing comes top? We received lots of comments about the benefits of pricing per project. This respondent sums up what many had to say:

“Per project factors in research , thinking time, writing, editing and procrastination. It’s easier to quote what you’re worth. With per-hour and per-word anything other than the actual writing of the words becomes harder to justify and/or is commonly queried by clients.”

Dealing with revisions and scope creep

Clients asking for revisions is a normal part of writing. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll nail things the first time around. Different clients have different expectations.

We asked our writers how many rounds of revisions they would typically include within their regular rate before charging extra.

Almost all writers (98%) include at least one round of revisions within their standard rate. It’s a fairly even split between those including one round (46%) and two rounds (44%). Some 8% will include three or more rounds within their standard fee.

how many writing revisions should i include in my rate

Revisions may be routine, but what do you do if you start work on a project and realize it is far more extensive than expected?

Responses from our writers varied widely on the topic of scope creep. When the situation happens, most writers (44%) would ask the client for an increase in the budget as soon as it becomes clear the work is more considerable. Some 8% would wait until they submitted a draft to ask for an increase.

Worryingly, almost a third would not say anything at all, and absorb the cost of scope creep—likely to avoid the awkward conversation with the client.  

how to handle scope creep as a freelance writer

There were a lot of comments on this question. Most people tend to make decisions based on the specific circumstances. 

Many felt that making an error with quoting would be their fault, so they should be the ones to absorb the costs. But if the project scope had changed, they would review the fee:

“If I’ve misjudged the scope of the project, that’s my fault and I work to the agreed rate. If, however, the client moves the goalposts or adds to the scope after we’ve agreed the fee, I tell them straight away and revise the fee.”

For a lot of freelancers, approaching the difficult conversation of scope creep depends on the relationship they have with the client:

“It all depends on the client. I request a change for long-term clients. For clients I work with sporadically, I tend not to ask for anything additional.”

While many wouldn’t ask for an increase on a current project, they would mention the issue so that clients were aware future projects would cost more.

“If it’s a one off project I’d absorb it at my loss. If there’s potential for an ongoing relationship I’d be honest and say I underquoted on this one, so they’re aware future jobs may cost more.”

Should I show my rates on my website?

Still unsure on whether to show your rates on your website? If you keep them hidden behind email, you’re in good company. 

Around three quarters of freelance writers do not display rates on their website.

assignment writing price per page

Comments on this topic suggest it is not a straightforward yes or no question. Quite a few writers don’t have a website at all. Many people don’t display detailed rates but do have a “starting from” rate to give potential clients an approximate idea of costs.

“Some clients have a smaller budget. I want to be flexible as much as I can, yet still stay within amounts I’m comfortable with. I know what the lowest rate I am willing to go is, so I want to hear what their budget is before I give a fixed rate. It has allowed me to work with clients and build my portfolio without worry of turning down clients.”

The most common reasons for not displaying rates? Flexibility and having rates that vary significantly between clients.

“I don’t want pricing to scare folks away in case I need to pick up business quickly, or it’s a company I really believe in and would be willing to do work for at a discount. I’d rather folks reach out so I can screen and potentially have the conversation.”

Of those that do display rates on their freelance writing website , the reasons include helping clients make an informed choice and weeding our time wasters.

“Ghosting has become a big problem. Lots of leads and enthusiastic intro calls, but silence as soon as I sent proposals. Publishing guide rates on my site has filtered out the low-end clients, so the ones I end up speaking to know my approximate cost and are more likely to convert.”

Where do freelancers find high-paying gigs?

This one is the million-dollar question, regardless of how long you’ve been freelancing for:

Where do people find lucrative high-paying freelance writing gigs ?

Our survey shows the most effective way to get jobs is through referrals and word-of-mouth, with 42% voting it as the channel that drives the highest-paying freelance gigs. 

That’s followed by social media (17%), cold pitching (11%), communities (14%) and freelance writing job boards (6%).

where to find freelance writing jobs

For writers earning six figures, the majority (85%) of their work comes through referrals and word of mouth, compared to just 64% of those earning under $30K finding work in this way. It is clear that making contacts and building relationships can have a huge impact on your career.

how to find high-paying freelance writing jobs

Do your freelance writer rates fall short?

Running this survey has given a fascinating snapshot into how and why writers set their rates as they do.

Charging per project is definitely the most popular pricing method across all levels of experience. It appears to be the method most people move to as they build experience and start increasing their rates.

If you’ve dove into the results of this survey and found your own freelance writing rate falls short, now’s the time to raise them.

Comments suggest people start off very cautiously with their pricing but gradually increase their rates as they gain experience and as they start to see the value they are bringing to clients.

“My first retainer gig with a content agency was $300/post. Using that as a baseline anytime I took on a new client I’ve added 10-20% to my rate, maybe a little more if it’s right in my niche.”

Either way, being upfront about your rates in advance of meeting clients appears to be surprisingly controversial. Many people value the flexibility of being able to vary their rates depending on the client.

There is a strong argument, though, to at least display a ballpark range or “starting from” figure to save wasting time on calls with clients that will never end up working with you.

Ready to scale your freelance writing business?

Peak Freelance is the support group we wish we had when building our freelance writing businesses to six-figures.

Become an All Access member and get access to:

  • A private community to make friends and network.
  • Expert interviews with content managers and successful freelancers like Kat Boogaard, Kaleigh Moore, and Joel Klettke.
  • Monthly Zoom calls with other freelance writers.
  • A members podcast sharing unGoogleable freelance writing tips for scaling a business.
  • Pro courses, templates, and worksheets to make your business more efficient. 

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About Elise Dopson

Elise Dopson is a freelance writer leading B2B SaaS companies. She has bylines on sites like Shopify, Content Marketing Institute, and Business Insider. She's also the founder of Help a B2B writer, a service that connects B2B writers with top-quality sources.

More posts from Elise 👉

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Below you can find an approximate price for 1 standard written page (double spacing, Arial / Times New Roman, 12 pt, around 300 words). The final price is calculated based on the type of assignment, academic level and deadline.

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The perks of using our essay writing service

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When you pay for essay writing at EssayPro, you get straightforward guidance every step of the way. Our highly skilled essay writers will edit your work for free within 14 or 30 days depending on your order's details.

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Make your studies effortless with our essay service

Your essay writing service with tons of experience.

EssayPro has been providing top-quality essay writing services for over a decade. This means managing our customers’ assignments and helping them succeed. So, why do clients keep choosing our services?

We carefully handpick all our paper writers to ensure that each of them demonstrates the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. This approach allows us to deliver top-notch papers for everyone who turns to us with a "write my essays" request.

Our experienced essay help team specializes in crafting all types of papers at any complexity level. From a simple one-page essay to a thorough and complex dissertation - EssayPro has you covered.

Thanks to our vast experience, we create papers tailored to every customer’s unique needs. And we’re ready to handle any learning challenges you are facing. When you turn to us for help, you will receive the best quality of service within your specified timeframe!

How can hiring an expert essay writer help me?

You're probably going through a wide range of challenges, such as combining studies with sports and other extracurriculars. On top of that, you probably have a side hustle or even a full-time job to cover your expenses. So, if your life is intense and fast-paced, it will never hurt to have a trusted assistant by your side. And that’s why EssayPro is here!

By hiring professional essay writers, you get an opportunity to take some load off your shoulders. When you are busy with a job, sports, family commitments, or anything else, all it takes is to say, “please write my essays for me,” and we will help you get your papers done right and without effort.

We have everything to satisfy your "write my paper" request. Whether you need an essay or any other paper - we’ll take up the challenge. When your papers are due in a week or in just 3 hours - we’ll deliver them on time, or you will receive a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy. And, if you have other things to do or simply want to rest from your struggles - try our essay writer help to regain control of your life!

The fastest way to write my essay for me

Our paper writing service team knows that a learner’s life often involves juggling lots of responsibilities and pursuing several important goals at once. But what if you’re constantly drained? You might feel like it’s impossible to keep up with your seemingly successful peers despite your best efforts.

We’ve been there - it’s not your fault. The thing is, there’s almost always too little time to handle all your assignments properly. This can put too much pressure on you, causing you to be too hard on yourself just to tick all the boxes on your list. Pushing yourself to achieve unrealistic goals brings even more problems, including burnout and even depression.

Our "write my paper for me" service was created to help you avoid this. With our essay writing help, every learner can delegate their tasks to professionals who will complete them right on time and at the highest level possible. Starting from just $11 per page, we give you an opportunity to save your energy for things that matter without harming your performance. And even that’s not all!

We realize that you can be in a tight spot when there is no time to complete a paper due in just a few days. The good news is that you can hire an essay writer to overcome this challenge. Even if you’re in a rush, we can deliver your paper ASAP without compromising the quality!

Say “write my paper” and get help from top-rated writers

Whether you have a last-minute essay or some extensive research work that you are dealing with, you shouldn’t worry about it when there’s EssayPro by your side. Our essay writing service is always here to give you a helping hand, with top-level professionalism guaranteed.

Our service collaborates with the best paper writers. Our experts hold Bachelor’s, Master’s, and even Ph.D. degrees, and each of them has vast experience crafting papers in their respective fields.

Before we let a new partner work on your "write essay for me" orders, we make them undergo several rounds of verification and tests to check if their qualifications are high enough to deliver high-level help. And we require them to study and follow our thorough quality control procedures for the best results.

What else allows us to reach almost 100% satisfaction? Apart from selecting the best authors, we also work with seasoned managers who will supervise their work. We believe that effective supervision is the key to ensuring consistently high quality for all papers that we deliver. So, when you pay for essay with us, you always have a quality guarantee.

To reap these benefits, just start an order with our service and pick your perfect expert. Our service operates 24/7, so you can reach us whenever you need.

Once your order is placed and assigned to an expert, they will complete it per your instructions. Our experienced authors will tailor every paper to your unique requirements. And, once the order is ready, you can always download and check it before releasing payment.

Lastly, we give every client 14 or 30 days after an order's completion to request amendments for free.

All these factors make us one of the best writing service providers for you. So, don’t waste any time and get your professional assistance now!

A professional paper writing service you can afford

Whether requesting an essay, or any other type of assistance, with EssayPro, you can afford it! When you place your "write my essay online" order with us, you get:

  • user-friendly interface and seamless ordering process
  • the best paper writers for hire
  • professional assistance with all kinds of papers
  • customer-centered approach
  • round-the-clock support
  • on-time delivery
  • amendments until you consider your paper flawless

And we make all of it affordable for every learner!

The price for our "write paper for me" services starts from as low as $11 per page. What’s more, we always provide generous discounts to help you save even more money while also saving your precious time. For instance, the further your completion date - the lower the price.

Also, the more pages you order, the more cost-effective our service will be.

EssayPro is the perfect balance of accessibility and professionalism. With us, everyone can afford to hire an expert essay writer. It's an investment in the future that results in better performance with less stress. So, don’t miss this chance!

Pick the paper writer you like most

At our essay writing help service, you will find a large pool of qualified essay writers ready to lend you a helping hand. What’s more, when you pay for essays with us, we give you an opportunity to select the author who suits your needs best.

Choosing your perfect expert is simple. You can browse specialists by their field of expertise and experience. You will also be able to see their bios, rate of success, customer reviews, and overall ratings, so it’ll be much easier to make the right choice. In addition, you’ll be able to chat with professionals bidding on your order. This way, you can find out even more information about the person who’ll work on your paper.

Need extra help? Don’t worry! Our friendly support team is there for you 24/7. Just drop them a line saying, “I want to pay someone to write my paper,” and they will tell you how to order and pick the most suitable author.

Exceptional write my essay experience

We want every customer to have the best experience when they hire an online paper writer. Our paper writing service team does everything possible to deliver a positive client experience. To make this real, we made the interface of our service extremely user-friendly. It is easy to navigate, so even new clients can quickly get used to it and place their "do my essay" orders without wasting too much of their precious time.

Apart from this, we keep our support team operating 24/7. This lets our customers ask their questions, receive prompt assistance with their issues, and place their “write a paper for me” orders at any time.

We provide high-quality guarantees, collaborate with the best authors, and offer a wide range of other benefits. So, if you are looking to pay someone to write your essay, there is no better place than EssayPro!

🏆 Elite experts

Superior writers

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Papers from scratch

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Diverse essay selection

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✅ Customized assistance

Personalized guidance

What if I’m not 100% satisfied with my write my essay for me order?

Although dissatisfaction is nearly impossible with our professional essay writers, as we always strive for excellence, there may be additional adjustments that you want to make in your paper. And that’s okay!

Sometimes, especially when your "write my paper" order is complex and comes with a broad set of requirements, you may have the need for extra edits. Our team is always open to this. After your order's delivery, you can request unlimited amendments free of charge. So, if it turns out that the final draft of your paper doesn’t match your expectations completely, don’t hesitate to ask for corrections.

To request edits, you only need to contact the author who completed your paper and explain your concerns. Then, together with our expert QA team, the author will make all the necessary edits to ensure you’re 100% happy with the paper you ordered from our essay writing service online.

If it turns out that you are completely dissatisfied with the work, which is rare, refunds are possible according to our Refund Policy. If you pay for an essay and are not happy with its quality, you can request a refund within 14 or 30 days upon completion of your order, depending on its details.

Do my essay perfectly!

Ready to get top-quality "write a paper for me" assistance? With EssayPro, you are in good hands! All you need to do is say, “please, write my paper for me,” and we will do everything possible to help you succeed!

To ensure that learners can delegate any type of assignment to us, we partner with qualified paper writers from all fields of study. We can easily handle any order regarding business, literature, chemistry, marketing, etc.

Choosing your ideal essay writer online is also easy. We keep our experts’ profiles and ratings publicly visible. So, it never takes too long to find the right professional for your order.

Regardless of the type of help you need and the author you select, with our essay service, you can always expect the best results. All our experts are native English speakers and each of them is capable of:

  • Performing in-depth research and finding credible sources
  • Completing even the most complex assignments on time
  • Meeting the client halfway
  • Keeping customer requirements and comments in mind
  • Coping with any paper's topic within their area of proficiency

Get help from an online essay writer now

Want to request professional essay writer help and get it right this moment? We have you covered! Just reach out to us and say, “write my paper,” and we will do it for you, regardless of whether it’s due in a week or a day.

Here is how you can make the most of our essay writing service.

Create a Personal Account

To join EssayPro as a customer, simply provide us with your name and email address or phone number. Then, come up with a password for your account and verify your email.

Give Us Your Requirements

When your personal account is ready, place your "do my essay" order right from your dashboard. It takes a few moments to fill out a form and tell us more about your assignment.

Assign a Suitable Author

Check out a database of our professionals and choose one based on their field of expertise, rating, success rate, and customer feedback. Or just drop a line, “I want to pay someone to write my essay” to our customer support and let us find the right expert for you.

Communicate Your Last-Minute Requirements

Forgot to mention something important in your "write an essay for me" order? No problem! Use the direct chat feature to contact your author and pass on any last-minute requirements that you have for your paper. Our experts keep your comments in mind when working on your assignment.

Stay in Touch

Keep in contact with your assigned expert through every stage of the order process. Use the direct chat feature to monitor the process, provide additional requirements, or ask your questions.

Get Your Flawless Paper

When your order is done, you will find a notification in your mailbox. You will be able to download the final draft and ensure that the author has abided by all your instructions. If you are happy with the result, pay for your order. And if there is anything that needs to be fixed or changed, feel free to ask for amendments.

That’s how easily you can get help from us!

Get more done with an expert essay writer by your side

Are you completely overwhelmed with work? Struggling to handle completing daily work and other responsibilities? You've come to the right place as we're set up to alleviate your worries. Make a "write my paper" request and we will make hundreds of qualified and experienced writers available to you. Pick a writer, send them your requirements, and use the opportunity to catch up with your work or other duties, safe in the knowledge that you are getting a guaranteed high-quality paper before your due date.

When you leave us your "do my essay" request, you are assured of highly original work based on the requirements you provided to our essay writing service. We put all our papers through the most commonly used originality software. You can request this report upon order completion to confirm authentic work.

The choice is simple. Get an expert to do your paper writing and give yourself room to breathe. Rest assured, your comfort and confidence in our services remain our top priority. So if you want to "pay someone to write my essay," you've come to the best place. The final result is a great piece of writing that is affordable and will help you reach your career and life goals!

Essay writing service that keeps your data safe

Getting paper writing help is not a shameful practice, yet we understand the wishes of our customers to keep their personal information safe. That's why we only partner with world-renowned payment gateways, which implement the highest levels of encryption, ensuring that both your personal data and card information are in safe hands.

Say "help write my essay" knowing that you won't be exposed and that your data is protected using bank-level security standards. Hire essay writers and work with real pros. Gain access to a unique set of bonuses and enjoy more free time for what you love!

We have zero tolerance for AI usage or plagiarism. Verify your paper's handwritten originality with free non-AI and plagiarism reports upon order completion.

Content Writing Rates in 2024 (Per Word, Per Project, Per Hour)

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If you want to raise your content writing rates, but you are afraid that they may be too high or too low, I have good news.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The seven factors that define your content writing rates (it’s not just your experience)
  • How much you could be charging (it’s probably more than you currently do)
  • How you should charge your clients (hint: it’s not per word)

Let’s get started.

How to Define Your Content Writing Rates

Writing experience.

Experience, or lack thereof, plays a key role in your content writing rates. The more experienced you are, the more you can earn, and vice-versa.

This rule applies to writing as to any other skill. As  your writing skills improve , your content will improve likewise.

Salary comparison site  Payscale , shows the way rates change for US-based freelance writers according to their experience:

  • Beginners  with  less than a year  worth of experience  earn an average of $ 19.25 an hour .
  • Early-career writers with  one to four years  of experience make  $20 per hour .
  • Intermediate  writers with  five to nine years  of experience  earn, on average, $ 29.29 per hour .
  • Experienced  writers with  more than ten years   earn $34,13 per hour on average —those with  20+ years make an average of $49 per hour .

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Clearvoice shows a similar relationship between experience and rates, with most beginner and intermediate writers charging between $0.01 to $0.50 per word, and “professional” and expert writers charging from $0.50 to more than $1.00.

assignment writing price per page

If you’re just starting, I recommend  starting with $0.10 per word . This is only a bare-minimum suggestion; I started charging $0.20 per word because I had experienced writing and doing marketing.

The complexity of the work required also affects your content writing rates. Some of the factors that define a work’s complexity include:

  • Research : The more research your content requires, the more time it will take you to create it.
  • Interviews : These take time, especially if you have to research the interviewee and the right questions to ask.
  • Quotes : This involves finding the right people to quote, emailing them, editing the answers, and adding them to your content.
  • Graphic design : Creating graphics is a separate skill cost more. If you have to use a tool like Adobe Photoshop or Canva, you also deserve a higher rate.

In every case, you should compute the complexity in your rate calculation and increase them accordingly.

These tasks don’t affect your rate because they require more time; that’s irrelevant to your client. What matters is that  they add value to your content . As you will see later on, you want to charge based on value, not time.

If you want to increase your rates fast, take research seriously. The more you have to do to write a piece, the more you can charge. It’s a small effort that can increase your profits significantly.


Complex content based on technical concepts and ideas—ideas that require time to explain—will increase your content writing rates.

Unlike content writing, which you can easily learn in a few months, technical writing is a skill of its own. It requires understanding complex concepts, breaking them down, and explaining them to less technically-apt crowds.

Some technical fields that affect the rates positively include:

  • Electricity

If you have technical skills, make sure to leverage them in your career.

In theory, your location shouldn’t be a factor in your content writing rates. Whether you are Malaysian, Indian, American, or Brazilian doesn’t matter; what matters is that you  write great content .

Sadly, this fact doesn’t apply for many writers, either because:

  • They think they can’t command higher rates from economically-underdeveloped countries, or because;
  • The companies that hire them think they can only pay high rates to writers from economically-developed countries.

Costs of living do affect wages. For example,  Buffer , a fully remote software company, uses location as one factor in their salary calculator.

assignment writing price per page

This mostly affects writers working as employees. But when you are a freelancer, your location is secondary because your clients hire you for your services.

You can choose to let your location affect your rates, but it’s not necessary. If a client ever tries to lower your rates due to your location, consider that client gone. That should never be a topic of discussion, just as your age, gender, or skin color.

If your location or nationality ever becomes a topic of discussion, clarify that it’s not. All that your client should care about is your content’s quality. If you can deliver on your promise, then there’s nothing to discuss. Don’t let your clients bully you into lowering your costs due to it.

Content Type

There is a long list of content types writers can create:

  • Ebooks and white papers
  • Video and webinar scripts
  • Social media content
  • Sales letters

Content types like blog posts and social media content tend to be cheaper as they are less complex. They are also the farthest to the sale, which downgrades their importance.

Emails, ebooks, and sales letters, in contrast, play a greater role in sales. This increases their market value significantly.

As a rule of thumb, the more complicated the content type, and the closest it is to a sale, the higher your content writing rates.

If you are a beginner, start with blog posts, but try to move up to the other sales-focused content types as soon as possible.

Client Relationship

There are two types of client relationships you can have:

  • Direct : The client works with you without any intermediaries. They either contact you because they want to work with you, or you contacted them and hired you.
  • Indirect : The client uses an intermediary to hire you. That’s the case of freelance marketplaces, gig sites, agencies, and content mills.

The benefits of using an intermediary like Upwork or Fiverr is that a freelance content writer can focus on their work and not on client acquisition. The problem is that:

  • They take a fee, lowering your profit margins.
  • They incentivize a race to the bottom between writers—clients focus on costs and not quality—lowering your margins even further.

That’s not to say there are no benefits to these companies. New freelance writers can benefit by giving them experience and a client base quickly, but they shouldn’t be part of your business strategy as they are not sustainable.

Working directly with clients allows you to command higher rates . You become an equal in the relationship with your client, even if you are the one reaching out to them. What’s more, you can get repeat work and referrals, both highly profitable business tactics.

If you are starting, you can use Upwork and other freelance sites. But as soon as possible, aim to  start your writing site  and attract clients there through SEO and email outreach.

The audience to which a writer works for plays an essential role in their content writing rates. Broadly speaking, we can segment an audience into two groups:

  • Beginners : People who have little experience or knowledge for a given topic.
  • Advanced : People who have experience and knowledge.

More technical and experienced audiences require more expertise. The more expertise you have, the scarcer your skills, and thus, the higher your rates.

If all you write is “ beginner guides ” or “ 101 tutorials ,” and you wonder why you can’t make more money, it’s your audience. Aim to write for advanced audiences, and you will command higher rates.

To write for advanced audiences, specialize in one industry. The more you write, the more you will learn, and the easier it will be two cover advanced topics.

Does Gender Affect Rates?

Sexism is an ever-lasting factor in any wage-related discussion. In theory, you would expect that female freelance writers had lower rates than men as it happens in almost every industry.

As surprising as this may seem, a  ClearVoice  survey found  women charge an average of 11.7% more per word and 8.3% more per hour .

The company doesn’t explain why this happens, but it’s a shocking fact nonetheless.

How Much Can You Expect to Earn?

We could talk a lot about how much you could charge and how much you deserve to make, but that would be nothing but fluff.

Let’s look at what actual content writers make in real life and what you can expect to make.

The salaries I show below apply mostly to content writers who work as employees. Still, you can use the data in  your freelance writing business . After all, these are market-based prices.

Content Writer Salary

Payscale  shows that US-based freelance writers  make an average of $24.22 . The lowest 10% of writers charge as little as $12.02, while the highest 10% charges above $63.22.

assignment writing price per page

The average annual salary is  $39,555 . The lowest 10% generate $15,000, while the highest 10% make $76,000. Since the lowest 10% makes less than minimum wage, we can assume that these prices are for part-time workers, and vice-versa with the highest-paid writers.

Taking bonuses, profit-sharing, and commissions in place, the total pay ranges between  $24k to $117k . I have never heard of these bonuses in freelance content writing, but that can be something to consider in your calculations.

Ziprecruiter shows the  average annual salary is $63,213 , and ranges go from $25,000 (25th percentile) to $75,000 (75th percentile).

Ziprecruiter shows the average rate is 25% higher than Payscale’s. However, that’s taking the average, which includes the outliers. The distribution shows a closer number to Payscale’s, with most rates being closer to the $25 per hour range.

Content Writer Hourly Rate

As a comparison,  Payscale  shows that US-based  freelance copywriters make an average of $29.29 per hour , with prices ranging between $14.57 to $72.72.

assignment writing price per page

On the other hand,  Payscale  shows that  freelance editors make an average of $25.04 per hour , with rates ranging from $12.51 to $65.64.

assignment writing price per page

Payscale shows little difference between freelance content writers and editors, with the former making 80 cents less than the latter.

Unsurprisingly,  copywriters make 20% more than both content writers and editors .

assignment writing price per page

As a point of reference, Payscale data from freelance content writers from several countries, including:

  • Australia : The average hourly rate is AU$32.50 (U$S23.94).
  • Canada : The average hourly rate is C$24.63 (U$S18.79).
  • United Kingdom : The average hourly rate is £20 (U$S26.70).

This data shows that  Australian content writers make the same as their American  counterparts, while  Canadians make 22% less than Americans . On the other hand, the  British make 10% more than Americans .

assignment writing price per page

Ziprecruiter  shows the average hourly rate for US-based freelance content writers is  $30 per hour .

Breaking the data further, we can see:

  • 18% of writers make between $5.29 to $11.78. (The company states these writers are the exception, not the rule.)
  • 12% make between $11.78 and $18.27.
  • 16% make between $18.27 and $24.76.
  • 20% make between $24.76 and $31.25 .
  • 14% make between $31.25 and $37.74.
  • 8% make between $37.74 and $44.23. (The company states these rates and the following ones are the exceptions, not the rule.)
  • The final 8% make between $44.23 to $76.68.

assignment writing price per page

What Is a Good Hourly Rate for a Freelance Writer

The question you may be asking yourself is, “ what’s a good hourly rate I could charge my clients? “

If you work in the US, or for US-based companies, then your rates could be anywhere from $15 to $30 per hour. Remember to adjust them based on to the factors described at the beginning. For example, if you don’t have any writing experience, then this will affect your rates. The same applies to the content types you specialize in, your client relationship, and more.

If you work for companies that aren’t located in any of the countries mentioned above, consider lowering or increasing your rates accordingly.

Freelance Writing Rates per Word

Clearvoice  data shows that freelance content writers make the following per word:

  • 14% of writers make between $0.01 to $0.10.
  • 18% make between $0.11 to $0.25.
  • 18% make between $0.26 to $0.50.
  • 13% make between $0.51 to $0.75.
  • 25% make between $0.76 to $1.00.

12% of writers surveyed didn’t indicate their per-word fee because they didn’t use it as a pricing method (smart people, I’d say).

assignment writing price per page

Clearvoice data is harder to compare with the previous one as I can’t translate the per-word pricing to per-hour or yearly wages.

Still, it shows that a quarter of writers charge high rates, and another quarter charge from low to medium rates.

Overall, Clearvoice differs the most from the other two sites but offers interesting data.

How to Charge: Per Word, Per Project, or Per Hour?

So far, we covered the factors that affect your rates and the market values for your writing services. The last point we need to discuss is the way you can charge your clients.

There are three ways freelancers can charge their clients:

  • Per project

Each of these three methods has its advantages and disadvantages, which deserve a discussion of their own.

Let’s take a look at each of these three pricing methods so we can then define which one is the best for you.

There are other pricing methods, like retainers, value-based, and profit-sharing, but these are more advanced and don’t even apply for writers and these three methods.

Charge Per Word

  • Ideal for beginners  who want a simple pricing method. At an early stage, your clients may not trust you due to your small or nonexistent writing portfolio. By charging per word, you promise the client that you charge by performance.
  • Your clients get a clear cost-benefit relationship . They can lower their costs by reducing your word volume, and they will not get any surprises in their bill.
  • Your clients can easily compare you  and make a cost-based decision. If your price is low or competitive for your quality, they will make an easy decision.
  • There’s a blurred line between cost and benefit . What’s the difference between a $0.20-per-word writer and a $0.30-per-word one? Some factors correlate with higher fees, as shown before, but none explain causation. Consequently, with per-word pricing, you can end up undercharging your clients.
  • The more edits, research, interviews  you have to do,  the less you earn . You can override this issue by increasing your price per word accordingly.
  • You focus on words, not output —that is, quality content.

Conclusion : Per-word pricing is ideal for a new freelance content writer. It’s what I used, and it helped me get started.

As you progress in your career, you want to switch to any of the other two methods. Remember: your clients want quality content and results, not words on a page.

Charge Per Project

Per-project pricing means you charge a flat fee for a predefined type of content—something that’s called the “ scope ” of the project. For example, my per-project fee starts at $500 per article for 1,500 words. That’s the scope of my services for articles; more complex projects cost more.

  • You focus on the output , not on the words you write.
  • Ideal if you offer more than content . For example, you could add promotional, editing, or design services to your services and increase your average sale value.
  • The client can’t see what they get clearly . They may discuss the reason why you charge what you charge. They may also want changes in your offer to lower their costs.
  • Scope creep . You can end up offering more than you get paid for either because you didn’t think your offer well or because your client pushed you to add more services to it.

Conclusion : Per-project pricing is what I and most  professional content creators  use. Once you know the time it takes you to create content, you can define a project fee that guarantees a healthy margin and a high hourly rate.

Charge Per Hour

  • You maximize your value per hour , if you are efficient. You can use a  calculator  to find your ideal hourly rate.
  • Clients may worry you will overcharge them . They will discuss and negotiate every little task you do to minimize their  content marketing costs . If you can’t explain the time you spend creating your content, you can get in trouble with your client.
  • You must be efficient ; otherwise, you risk hurting your client relationship.

Conclusion : Hourly rates aren’t standard among freelance content writers as most spend a similar amount of time per content.

After a while, you get a feeling of the time it takes you to create, say, an article, ebook, or email sequence and use a per-project fee based on your hourly rate.

Hourly rates are better suited when you offer a monthly retainer. Since I don’t cover this one, then I’d steer away from hourly rates.

Define Your Content Writing Rates

If you are looking to define your content writing rates, then here’s what you need to know:

  • The more experienced you are, the more you focus on content close to sales (like copywriting and ebooks), and the more complex the project, the more you can charge.
  • Aim to work outside freelance marketplaces; develop your writing site, and attract clients there. Focus on building relationships with your clients so you can get repeat and referral work.
  • Per-project fees are better than per-word. Per-hour pricing isn’t common, although you can use it to base your project fees.
  • English Native speakers from countries like the US and Australia make an average of $25 per hour, while Canadians make 22% less than them, and British writers make 10% more. If you live outside these countries, you can adapt your fees accordingly. But remember, your location shouldn’t be the only factor you take in your calculations. What matters is your content quality, not where you live.

These writing rates are only a point of reference. If you can develop your brand and provide a unique, high-value service to your clients, you can charge as much as you want.

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Survey Results: How Much Should I Pay a Freelance Writer? [Infographic]

  • Written By Allie Freeland
  • Updated: August 28, 2024

At ClearVoice, we probably get asked this question more than any other: “How much should I pay for a freelance writer?” As creating content for marketing becomes more popular, everyone wants to know what the going freelance pay rates are for well-written blog posts, email newsletters, social media content, and ebooks.

On the flip side, we know freelancers are curious about how they stack up to others in terms of pay. Let’s face it, it’s a seldom-spoken topic. If you do a quick search on pay for freelance writers, you’ll see that many other publications begin to answer this question, but most fail to actually list any rates. That’s because the answer depends on many factors, but it’d still be nice to see some actual numbers.

How much should you pay a freelance writer for your marketing content?

How much should you pay a freelance writer for your marketing content?

This FAQ doesn’t have a simple answer. Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between $0.10 and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. But, the way they bill that average range will vary. Some freelance writers bill at a flat rate, per hour, or per monthly retainer for frequent work (in this case, a volume-based discount should apply), rather than per word. Typically, freelance writers who use one of those last three billing methods will include services beyond just the content.

In addition, rates change per industry, company, writer, location, and project ( and many other variables ), which is probably why this question often goes unanswered on the Interwebs. But, that’s not helpful for anyone.

Freelance writing rates explained

So we decided the best way to give you a useful answer on freelance writing rates was to ask freelance writers themselves what they charge:

Methodology of our freelance writer payment survey

We addressed a big question in content marketing: How much should you pay freelance writers? Or, if you are a freelance writer, how much should you charge? It’s kind of hard to know unless someone tells you, right?

The best way to get an answer to “how much to pay a freelance writer” was to take it to the streets. We polled 500+ freelance writers from around the country to see what they charge, how they charge, what type of content they produce, the corresponding level of experience, and even gender to see if a gap exists like in so many other industries.

Questions we asked in our survey on freelance writing rates:

1. how many years of experience do you have as a professional freelance writer.

  • Beginner — 0–3 years’ experience
  • Intermediate — 3–7 years’ experience
  • Professional — 7–15 years’ experience
  • Expert — 15+ years’ experience

2. How do you charge?

  • Retainer/ project fee
  • A mix — depends on the client

3. What do you charge per hour? (Approximate if N/A)

4. what do you charge per word (approximate if n/a).

  • $0.11–$0.25
  • $0.26–$0.50
  • $0.51–$0.75
  • $0.76–$1.00
  • $1.00 and above

5. What tasks do you complete for clients?

  • Blog posts/articles
  • Email newsletters
  • Social media content
  • Print collateral
  • Ebooks/white papers
  • Research papers
  • Other [Specify]

6. What is your gender?

  • Prefer not to answer

2018 How Much Should Freelancers Charge For Work?

Key findings around freelance writer pay, experience, and gender

After months of collecting data from freelancers near and far, we were able to see some pretty cool trends on freelancer pay rates. Some were expected and obvious. Others were a bit surprising.

There were several common themes:

1.  You get what you pay for: Rates and level of experience are correlated.

When asked the question, “What do you charge per hour?” rates were cut pretty evenly, aside from the $1 to $20 range.

Here is the breakdown per hour and per word:

  • $21–$40: 19%
  • $41–$60: 18%
  • $61–$80: 14%
  • $81–$100: 19%
  • $0.01 –$0.10: 14%
  • $0.11–$0.25: 18%
  • $0.26–$0.50: 18%
  • $0.51–$0.75: 13%
  • $0.76–$1.00: 25%
  • 12% did not answer because they did not charge per word.

As we suspected, rates and level of experience are connected. Of the writers who charged the lowest rate, 25% were beginner freelancers, while only 1.5% of expert-level writers charged within that range. In fact, of the writers who charged the highest rate – $100+ per hour – most were experts (41%).

The findings were the same for per-word rates. Of the freelancers who charged between $0.01 and $0.10 per word, 32% were beginner writers, while only 0.8% were experts. And of the writers who charged more than a dollar per word, 54% were experts, while only 5% were beginners.

More on pay rates and quality

Interested in learning more about pay rates, experience, and quality? We previously reported on the correlation between pay rates and quality in our pay rate study for the travel industry and subsequent study for the  tech industry . It was no surprise to find that writers with more experience, who charged more, were overwhelmingly better than more affordable, less experienced writers.

2. We found a gender pay gap in our sample that was the opposite of most industries.

Interestingly enough, we didn’t find the traditional gender pay gap in freelance writing, at least in our survey pool. Women, on average, charged more than men except in one category, which was at the intermediate level. When we scale-adjusted the pay ranges to the percentages within each group, it came out to…

Average of all pay levels:

  • Women charged an average of 11.7% more per word.
  • Women charged an average of 8.3% more per hour.

At the beginner level:

  • Women charged an average 25.4% more per word and 37.8% more per hour than men.

At the intermediate level:

  • Men charged an average of 5.4% more per word and 6.3% more per hour than women. *It was the only level where men charged more than women.*

At the professional level:

  • Women charged an average 20.5% more per word and 11.1% more per hour than men.

At the expert level:

  • Women charged an average 11.3% more per word and 5.7% more per hour than men.

Note: Only eight respondents in the survey selected “Prefer not to answer” on the gender question. In future studies, we will add a “non-binary” selection.

3. Most freelance writers are flexible in how they charge.

When asked the question “How do you charge?” freelancers overwhelmingly responded that “it’s a mix – it depends on the client.” In fact, nearly 60% of respondents vary their rates based on different clients, while 12% charge per hour, another 12% by word, and nearly 16% charge by retainer (or per project). This is good news for brands, as budgets and payment terms vary from business to business.

One data point that stuck out was that men were about twice as likely to charge per word than women.

4. No surprise, but articles and blogs are the most common type of content produced.

Overwhelmingly, blogs and articles are the most common type of content produced by freelance writers. In fact, 90% of respondents produce articles and blogs, a rate that was consistent across all experience levels. Here is a breakdown of all the content types in our survey:

  • 90% produce blog posts and articles
  • 52% produce email newsletters
  • 56% produce social media content
  • 30% produce “other” types of content
  • 26% produce print collateral
  • 25% produce ebooks and white papers
  • 14% produce research papers
  • 13% produce books
  • 10% produce website copy

For the most part, men and women produced content types at about the same rate, with one exception: 41% of men reported producing ebooks and white papers while only 25% of women reported the same — the biggest gap for any content type.

5. Counter to popular opinion, older and more experienced freelancers were far more likely to do social media content.

While 80% of experts (those freelance writers with 15+ years of experience) reported doing social media content for clients, substantially fewer beginners, only 47%, reported the same. We found this point to be most surprising, as it counters the notion that social media is dominated by those who are younger. Perhaps putting your brand’s reputation in the hands of a freelancer requires the assurance they are more experienced?

Translating pay rates into the cost of content types

Translating pay rates into the cost of content types

Although charging per word might not be the ultimate method of calculating pay with your freelancers, knowing the approximate word count for the content types you need can help you estimate initial cost figures to work from.

What type of content do you want to produce?

  • Quality posts should be 800–2,200 words, depending on strategy
  • Typically 5–150 words per post.
  • Usually billed monthly or per project for bulk work.
  • Intermediate to expert freelancers should include some strategy and research.
  • Typically 100–800 words.
  • Usually billed at a flat rate per email.
  • Rate could be higher if research, media, distribution, or cross-publishing is required.
  • Design is not included in the content rate.
  • Typical ebooks range from 1,500–5,000+ words, while case studies often range from 300–900 words (usually translating into 1–3 pages for print collateral).
  • Ebook writers are often more experienced freelancers  (and quite possibly subject matter experts).
  • Should always include research, sources, and media.

Parting Words

Sending a special thanks to the hundreds of freelance writers out there who took time out of their day to participate in this study. After viewing the study, we hope freelancers have a better pulse on what others charge. And same goes for brands! Now you should have a better idea of reasonable rates based on levels of experience.

Related articles to help you determine pay and hire quality freelancers

Related articles to help you determine pay and hire quality freelancers:

  • 5 Great Reasons to Hire Freelance Writers : Whether you don’t have the time yourself or your team is already overloaded, learn the big benefits of hiring freelance writers.
  • The Power of Pay: Are Freelance Rates and Quality Correlated? [TRAVEL STUDY] : We assigned one travel article to seven writers and had 30 editorial pros rate the quality of the submissions. Did vetted experts outperform less experienced writers?
  • Survey Results: Factors in Determining Freelance Rates for Different Assignments : Different assignments, different rates, but same freelancer. Do really value and understand your freelancers’ time? If you need more editorial insight on gauging the work that goes into assignments, Jenna Rose Robbins captures many points marketers and newbie publishers need to know from the freelancer’s perspective.
  • 15 Scenarios When You Should Pay Freelance Writers More : Developing a solid working relationship with freelancers is no less important than fostering respect with your fellow FTEs. Educate yourself on the most common contingencies and special circumstances that warrant you paying a freelancer above and beyond their normal rate.

And related articles for freelance writers trying to boost their income:

  • How to Make $100k or More as a Freelance Writer: Successful Women Share Their Advice : Get ready to make more than ever before after hearing how these freelancers hit the $100k mark—and beyond.
  • How to Address Clients When Rates Are Higher Than They Expect : Hear directly from successful freelancers on how they proved their worth to clients and got the rates they deserve.
  • How to Grow Your Freelance Writing Rates (and When It’s Time to Ask for More) : When you become your own boss: How do you know when you’re due for more money? Learn when to ask clients for more.

Looking to outsource your content? Connect with a content strategist today and discuss your content needs, goals, and budget.

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  • Freelance Writer Rates: What's a Normal Per Word or…

Freelance Writer Rates: What's a Normal Per Word or Hourly Rate?

James Parsons

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Average Cost for Freelance Writer Rates

If you're a business looking to get a writer to handle your blog, you will run into the complex world of pricing. Some writers charge a lot! Some charge a minimal amount. You might be suspicious of the price points you see, and with good reason. There are a lot of questions that spring up.

  • Is this rate higher than the service is worth?
  • Is this rate  lower  than the service is worth?
  • Does this rate include additional non-copywriting services?

Pricing for writing can be broadly varied, and there are many considerations that you should keep in mind. I want to do what I can to elucidate freelance writing rates with some guidelines for those who haven't been steeped in it for a decade as I have.

Let's dig into the subject, shall we?

30 Second Summary

Businesses seeking blog writers face various pricing models: per-word, per-project, per-hour, and retainer. Per-word is exact but can lead to fluctuating costs; per-project provides stability but may exclude extras like research and images. Hourly rates depend on writer efficiency and range of services, and retainer pricing promises stability but might necessitate an employee classification. Prices, varying vastly, typically reflect quality - cheap, fast, or good, pick two. Rates generally fall into three tiers: low, where you risk poor quality or plagiarism; middle, a reasonable balance of price and quality; and high, where you pay for expertise, marketing, and successful content. Lotto avoid pitfalls, don't underspend on content or overspend on quantity over quality.

Varying Pricing Methodologies

There are generally four pricing models for writing. This post is largely focused on one (pay-per-word articles), but I want to touch on the others as well.

Price Per Word

One of the most common pricing models is the per-word model. Content mills like Textbroker commonly use the pay-per-word model, and it's the model used by many freelance writers and used throughout various publishing programs.

This model is great because you pay for exactly what you get, no more, no less. You know what you're ordering, and the writer provides.

Price Per Word Example Chart

It has a few drawbacks, though.

  • Unless your writer strives to write the exact word article count every time – to the point of adjusting sentences to meet it – your precise cost per week/month will vary. It will usually be within a specific budgetary range, but the price will change with every new article.
  • A sentence full of fluff and a sentence tightly focused on the subject cost the same. Low-tier writers will fluff up their posts to get paid for less effort on their parts.
  • Additional Services. Do you want the writer to research, publish through your CMS, and find and use images? You'll have to negotiate additional fees for those services.

I'll talk more about this model throughout this post since it's the article's subject as a whole. For now, suffice to say that it's ubiquitous in this industry, though not always the best.

Price Per Project

The second option, which is very common amongst mid-tier and high-tier freelancers, is a price-per-project model, and it's also prevalent in the publishing industry. For example, novelists get paid per project at a flat rate, with an advance and a cut of profits from their future sales.

Pricing per project has some advantages, like stability. You know that, say, a given blog post will cost you $200 every time you order one, regardless of subject, exact word count, or complexity. These predictable flat fees can be good for both businesses and writers, who value consistency.

Upwork Writing Jobs for Blog Writers

On the other hand, the price per project cannot include additional services, like research/images/publishing. It depends on whether you're hiring the writer to write copy or manage content, and one will be somewhat more expensive than the other.

Price Per Hour

A per-hour rate is familiar with some types of freelancing but not with others. In the world of blogging and copywriting, a per-hour rate is typically seen with freelancers who do more than just content writing. If they're doing research, finding and editing images, handling publication, handling promotion, monitoring analytics - all of that requires money, and the easiest way to charge for it is a per-hour rate.

A per-hour rate can be more expensive (or less expensive) than comparable services in other pricing plans. Freelance writer rates vary a lot and depend on their efficiency, the services rendered, and more. I often find that it's more expensive, but it changes from freelancer to freelancer.

Hourly Writing Price

Whether you decide to hire a part-time or full-time writer, be mindful that there are only so many words of quality content that a person can create in a certain amount of time. Depending on the type of content, a single blog post can take an entire day, and a whitepaper could take a full week. As an extreme example, a large eBook can take months to finish. Hiring a writer by the hour doesn't necessarily mean you can squeeze as much as possible out of them and maintain a high level of quality.

Retainer Pricing

Retainer pricing is the ultimate in stability but runs into other problems. Essentially, you pay your freelancer a fixed fee each week/month, and they render services as needed. Sometimes that might be 10 hours' worth of work; sometimes, it might be 30. If the work adds up too much, the freelancer might want to negotiate a higher rate to better compensate them for the work they're doing. Or, you may just end up with a large invoice at the end of the month for your entire content calendar .

Content Calendar Example

The biggest issue with this is that it becomes very similar to a salaried position . In that case, you can run into labor laws that require you to classify them as an employee rather than a freelancer, with all the details that entail, like benefits and other labor laws.

On the other hand, you might pay them a fixed monthly fee for a set amount of work, like when you're contracting a content marketing agency. Then you're simply hiring an outside firm to handle outsourcing your content marketing.

Is one of these models better than the others? Not really. They all exist because there are use cases for them, and it all depends on the services you need and the individuals or companies offering them.

Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick Two

There's common wisdom in commerce that there are three qualities every service can have: it can be good, it can be fast, and it can be cheap.

Good Fast and Cheap Diagram

You can never get all three; you have to pick two.

  • Good, fast work won't be cheap.
  • Good, cheap work won't be fast.
  • Fast, cheap work won't be good.

This saying became popular because  work requires investment . You can invest in either time or money. You can get good work for a low rate if you don't have time constraints. You can get good work fast if you have the money to spend on prioritizing it. And, if you don't want to invest time or money, you can get work, but it won't be good.

I have to bring this up because one of the pitfalls of per-word pricing is very little reinforcement of this triangle. Per-word rates can be below-average and will still give you great content if you give the freelance writer time to make it. However, the writer gets paid the same amount whether they give you their project in a day or a month.

From the writer's perspective, they have to balance their work with numerous clients, prioritizing the projects with the best effort-to-return ratio. If your project is very complex, and someone else's is simple, they'll write the straightforward content first. You have to wait simply because someone else is asking for less.

This scenario can even vary from week to week, and different volumes of work at various times change the equation for the freelance writer. They also have to consider longevity; if they go above and beyond to work with you, are you more likely to stick with them for years, or do they suspect you're only in it for a few weeks or months? They'll usually prioritize consistent work over valuable work because it eliminates a significant source of stress for a freelancer.

The Broad Range of Per-Word Prices

If you spend any time looking for a freelance content writer online, you'll see a large variety of freelance writing rates, from a penny per word to $1.50 per word or more.

We create blog content that converts - not just for ourselves, but for our clients, too.

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Content marketing has two ingredients - content and marketing. We've earned our black belts in both.

Let's dig into each of the different rates and pricing tiers and what you can expect from them:

At the cheapest level, you can find writers offering their services for $0.01 to $0.03 per word.

Textbroker Homepage Screenshot

These writers typically fall into one of a few categories.

  • For such a low price rate, it's barely worth spending time looking into a topic. These writers will Google the subject, find content that suits, run it through an article spinner or quickly rewrite it and send it over. This is especially common with gigs on freelance writing businesses, content mills, and other affordable writing services.
  • At such a low price, it's entirely possible that the freelance writer finds content out in the wild, copies and pastes it for you, and calls it a day. You aren't paying enough for original thought, after all.
  • ESL/Foreign. Sometimes a writer lives in a region where the cost of living is so low that they can charge a low fee and still make a decent living. In many cases, the writers are often not entirely familiar with the language you want them to write in and might produce sub-par content. Grammatical errors, typos, and funky-sounding paragraphs could kill your rankings.
  • Poor Quality. Good, Fast, Cheap; you've picked Cheap. Good is relative.
  • You'll rarely find a good blogger toiling away for sub-par rates. It's possible, of course, but it's hard to say how long that situation will last and if they'll remain reliable.

These situations are, of course, usually why it's better to avoid these price ranges when creating writing jobs. Sure, you might find a diamond in the rough, but you'll have to dig through a lot of freelance writers to get one, and it's not worth the time, effort, or energy to sort through. These are mostly brand new writers or individuals who speak English as a second language.

Quality articles can take days to write when you factor in research, graphic design, editing, formatting, optimizing, and other critical steps.


A somewhat higher level price rate is around $0.05 to $0.20 per word. This rate is middle-to-high-end content mill writing, the kind of content you see at the 4-5-star level on sites like Writer Access or Upwork, and the quality you'll find in private teams and curated love lists. It's uncommon to find any quality assignments on most of these websites, as most open assignments are 500-word articles on average or occasional 1,000-word articles.

Writers Access Pricing

This rate range is also the rate for freelancers who are confident in their skills, produce decent content, and either lack confidence or lack a client list.

Remember that if you're going through a content mill, the freelance writer is getting paid less than you're paying. The mill takes their cut, after all. They do provide a service – they protect you from bad writers, protect writers from bad clients, and do copyright checks – but if you can handle that on your own, a content mill isn't worth it.

Working with a freelancer directly when they charge this much is the peak of the bell curve, where the majority of businesses and freelancers work. It's a reasonable rate and a natural balance between price and quality.

The higher tiers of freelancing are all over the place. There are experienced writers out there working for high rates between $0.25 to $1.50 per word, and that's an extensive price range. The quality between those ranges could vary drastically, or not at all.

Content Powered Homepage

This range is hard to generalize because there aren't many writers capable of producing content at this price point. More out there think that their writing skills place them in this category, but it's very uncommon, and they don't have a lot of success with repeat clients. Plus, the writers genuinely worth this price are hard to find because they tend to find a stable client or a writing career and roll with it. They don't actively seek more work because they don't necessarily have to.

These top-tier writers usually have personal blogs of their own, and they may be industry authorities and icons themselves. At that point, you're barely hiring them as writers; your pay rate is a consulting fee to produce content for you.

These writers do a lot more than write, too, of course. They do SEO work, social media marketing, and email marketing, they can promote content with their audiences, and they do everything required for your content to succeed with little to no revisions. They usually have a wide range of high-profile clients, years of writing experience, and their articles are very successful. They're worth every penny, but they don't come cheap, and you'll never have to worry about proofreading.

Traps and Pitfalls

When hiring a freelance writer to handle your blog, you have a lot to think about.

One of the most common mistakes I see people make is when they cheap out on services. You have a small budget and want to conserve it, so you hire writers for low prices.

This practice is a mistake because it's going to get you nothing. Sure, you'll get writing, but is the writing any good? Or is it absolute surface level, bare-minimum kind of stuff? Does it have any focus on SEO, any deep research? Probably not.

500 Word Article

When you under-pay for content, you lose out on:

  • You're not paying the writer enough for them to think about what they're writing or perform the necessary research. It might be information off the top of their head or thin surface-level content that doesn't satisfy your visitor's search query.
  • A writer who is an expert in a subject is going to charge expert rates. Everyone else is just parroting Google search results.
  • Additional services. Promotion, research, SEO, images, fact-checking; all of these are services that you don't get when you pay a low rate.

Remember, writing is just part of the content marketing process; marketing is the other half. User experience, CRO, and SEO are equally important, and if somebody isn't doing those things, then your content won't perform as well as it should.

That is, a shotgun filled with birdshot fills the air in a given zone with pellets, increasing the likelihood that at least one of them will hit a flying bird. The bird is small and fragile, so only one shot needs to hit.

Blog Quality vs Quantity

In blogging, the concept then becomes, the more blog posts you have published and produced, the more likely one is to hit an audience and go viral. This strategy is how sites like HuffPo and Buzzfeed got their start.

The problem is that the less investment each post has, the smaller the pellet and the broader the area it must fill. The overwhelming majority of businesses cannot afford to fill the air with enough pellets to succeed. They try to hire cheap freelance writers to produce new posts every day, and it just doesn't work.

What works much better is condensing that budget into single shots, with the time taken to aim. A single shot with one hit, that's all you need. It's more expensive per post, but you only need one post weekly;  the frequency isn't that important .

Write Right

I strongly encourage everyone to invest in high-quality writing, especially when your writer is ghostwriting your content and your name and face are on it.

You want that "Good" in the "Good Fast Cheap" triad at all costs, and it's up to you to balance whether you're investing in it with time or money. I recommend money. If you invest money into blogging and start slow, once your blog begins to bring in returns, you can reinvest those returns in ramping up your blog. It's harder to do that the other way around.

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James Parsons is the founder and CEO of Content Powered, a premier content marketing agency that leverages nearly two decades of his experience in content marketing to drive business growth. Renowned for founding and scaling multi-million dollar eCommerce businesses through strategic content marketing, James has become a trusted voice in the industry, sharing his insights in Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, and other leading publications. His background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like eBay and Expedia. James's expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimization, and effective content strategies, making him a pivotal figure in the industry.

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January 27, 2022

Thank you! This gives me a good idea of how much I should budget for this. I definitely agree that investing in high-quality writing is a must.

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January 28, 2022

Thanks, Bryce! I'm happy this was useful to you. Good luck with your hire!

' src=

September 09, 2022

Hi! Are blog writing rates different from say, writing an instruction manual? I found this content very useful by the way, thank you!

October 07, 2022

You're welcome!

This is called "technical writing" and it's usualy more expensive than ordinary article writing. I wrote a guide on Technical Writing here:

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December 03, 2022

This is very helpful and insightful. How we can find long term clients who can pay us well!

December 05, 2022

Thanks Monika!

My best advice is to apply to jobs on job boards, write cover letters, and do a great job for those clients. After picking up a handful of different clients you'll find that some are more stable and like your work better than the rest, and you can focus your efforts more on your best clients.

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How Much to Pay Someone to Write Essays: Tips before Paying

Pay Someone to Write Essays

Pay Someone to Write Essays

Essay writing is an everyday business that has been gaining popularity in the academic corridors. However, with a burden of assignments and a lack of time, many graduates prefer to hire someone to write an essay paper at a cost.

This creates an open field where many writers offer their services to eager students to get their assignments done. With many providers of writing services, there is a variation in the prices charged to write an essay. So, what is the correct amount to pay?

The average amount to pay someone to write your essay is between $12 and $35 per page, depending on the paper’s urgency and the assignment’s technicality. Most writers charge up to $12 for simple essays that have a longer deadline while charging up to $35 for technical orders whose deadline is urgent and within a few hours.

assignment writing price per page

The cost really depends on several factors that we will discuss in detail later in this article. Before that, I must note that you need to be careful when you are charged anything lower than this. This is because no quality writer will charge anything less than $12.

At the same time, no legit essay writing service will charge way more than $35 because it is way too high. A price of $35 is higher than the target market can afford. The market in this case is students.

The cool thing about the price for cheap college essay services because the writers are open to edits and unlimited revisions. If the clients need several changes in the documents, they are flexible to make edits to the customer’s satisfaction. Let’s dig in.

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Why People Opt to Pay Essay Writers

cost of education

Offering an essay writing service to your client comes at a cost. You are at liberty to charge an essay based on several factors.

That said, you should have the advanced skill to handle any order that comes your way so that you do not produce shoddy work.

Many people opt for professional essay writing services because they want to enjoy premium quality. The essays from such professionals are of outstanding quality.

Additionally, most of such articles are 100% original and unique. Be sure that you will not be duplicating someone’s work.

Besides, by hiring someone to write you an essay, the chances of getting your work on time are high.

Some can write top-notch content within hours or days and get the feedback to you on time. Still, these essays are usually free of grammatical and spelling errors.

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Factors that determine the Cost of an Essay or Paper

Pricing your essay paper depends upon several factors. You must consider such elements while negotiating with your potential client to strike a balance. Generally, the standard way of pricing for any paper is by involving the following components:

1. The Urgency of the Paper – Deadline

Not all essay papers ought to get delivered in the same timeframe. Some can take months, weeks, days, and others may require hours.

For instance, if the paper is exceptionally urgent to a tune of six hours, you must be ready to pay for more.

That is because the essay writer needs to suspend other duties and focus on that paper within the time limit. Essay writing is a complex work when subjected to a short time frame.

urgent essay costs

The main disadvantage of short time frames is that mistakes and errors may occur. If the writer is conversant in the field, be sure to make minimal mistakes.

Many writers charge expensively when you give them such orders with strict deadlines that require just some hours. 

On the other side, you can opt to charge averagely if the deadline is for a few weeks. That is because you are not under pressure to deliver that work. You have ample time to research and give to the expectation of your client.

Lastly, if the deadline is for a month or so, you have an option to charge less than shorter deadlines.

The essay writer can write the paper and have adequate time to revise and correct any visible error without feeling the pressure.

The trick that comes with such orders is that you should also write them in advance and take more time to revise and make any meaningful amendments as per the client’s wishes.

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2. Your Level of Study for the homework

The level of study is a vital aspect that one should price any order. There are different levels of analysis to factor in your services.

First off, we have college-level diplomas and undergraduate degrees. Given such tasks to write a specific essay on their level, we expect that you charge lower. 

essay costs change with Study level

On the other hand, you should charge higher when you are handling master’s level projects.

That is because they are so involving and require extensive research.

For that matter, such projects are time-consuming and tedious.

Charge the essay according to the level to appear professional.

Last but not least, a PhD essay will command high rates from the writer. That is because you must perform comprehensive research and come up with practical and helpful information to prove your facts.

Just like a master’s level, it also requires more time for the writer to research and gets the right points about a specific topic in focus.

3. The Technicality of the assignment

Some essays are easy to write without demanding much effort from the researcher. As such, the student expects the writer to charge lower because one will not scratch the head looking for more materials to make them appear complicated.

Also, some of the topics that you may be researching are available readily on different platforms.

Surprisingly, some essays are difficult to develop and construct into valuable and meaningful forms. You need to perform complex and extensive research and come up with an accurate conclusion that is devoid of errors.

Some may include performing some mathematical calculations and developing intricate formulae before resolving to a certain point.

Given a task that is not too technical, you should charge less. If you are handling a technical paper, charge more since you will require more effort to make it acceptable in the end.

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4. Editing vs. Writing Task

Some assignments from students may come in two formats. Firstly, it may just be to edit existing work and do some meaningful changes to make it acceptable.

Editing requires less research as the writer may be eliminating some grammatical and spelling errors and other mistakes.

Additionally, editing may be to change facts and tailor them to agree with the demands of the topic in question. Overall, you will charge less when editing since little effort is what you require to make matters done.

Interestingly, writing from scratch can be time-consuming. You have to perform thorough research before you align those facts into a usable form.

Unlike editing, writing will consume more time since you have to write each and every part of the context. For that matter, you have to charge higher since it is time-consuming and involving.

5. The Spacing of the Paper

Spacing is another fact that one should never overlook when dealing with essay writing tasks.

Each client may come with varying instructions regarding spacing. You should see if the customer prefers single spacing or double spacing.

If you are using the single-spacing format, you should double charge the essay. The main argument behind such a rule is that a single-spaced page is the same as two double-spaced pages. Ensure that you stick to this rule and make a kill.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anxious readers are ever looking for answers on different aspects. This section will be highlighting some of the common questions that you expect from the market.

How much to charge for essay editing?

Essay charging is dependent on several factors. Firstly, before you charge for your essay, consider the urgency of the task.

Cost of Editing an Essay

If the deadline is near, then you should make the charges higher.

Additionally, determine the level of study. If you are dealing with a Ph.D. content, then charge higher than an undergraduate or a master’s level project.

More importantly, if the paper is too technical, it calls for higher rates and vice versa.

Lastly, know if the project is for editing only or developing it from scratch.

If you are writing from scratch, then charge higher than when you are just editing.

Do Essay Writing Services Really Work?

Indeed, essay writing is a common way of assisting college students in handling their assignments through outsourced services.

The writer must have extensive knowledge in the field and deliver quality work, which should challenge the supervisor. You can read a related discussion that essay writing services do work if they are run professionally and provide quality work.

Essay writing is a thriving business around the world. Some people opt for it because they may be handling other issues such as family and work affairs. However, you must seek the services of a reputable organization or person to avoid shoddy work.

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Are you still unable to determine how much to charge or pay for an essay writer? The cool thing is this piece has been giving you a clue of the facts you may focus on to determine the pricing.

This write-up is for you if you want to stay updated on the key things that determine how the essay writer should charge a student. Overall, the information above is a must-know to understand how organizations are pricing coursework.

Though getting such services is not illegal in several institutions , ensure that you get a good writer who has vast experience in such a particular field.

Alicia Smart

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our managing editor and is in charge of the writing operations at Grade Bees.

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  1. Pricing for Assignment writing Services

    assignment writing price per page

  2. Pricing (With images)

    assignment writing price per page

  3. Pricing assignment

    assignment writing price per page

  4. How to Write an Assignment: Step by Step Guide

    assignment writing price per page

  5. The best Assignment Writing Service_ top quality and affordable prices

    assignment writing price per page

  6. How to Write an Assignment: Step by Step Guide

    assignment writing price per page


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  3. The Price of Bananas Class 9 Question Answer। Class 9 Lesson 10 The Price of Bananas Exercise Solved

  4. Handwriting Assignments Work

  5. Get Paid to Write Articles 2023: 8 Websites That Offer $400+ for Your Writing

  6. How this website agency approaches pricing for new projects


  1. How To Set Your Freelance Writing Rate

    Your rate for a technical article will most likely be different than a creative blog. Next, divide each of those rates by 1000; that is your per-word rate for each category. Example: You charge $100 for a 1000-word article. 100/1000 = 0.10. If you charge $100 for a 1000-word article, your per-word rate is $0.10.

  2. How Much to Charge (Or Pay) For a 500 to 1500 Word Article

    Freelance rates can start as low as $0.05 per word for blogs or high-volume content sites, and range up to $1.50 or more per word or more for elite news sites or trade publications. Calculate your per-word rate with this formula: Be sure to research your target industry to learn what average rates are, and ask for a complete scope of work for ...

  3. How Much Does it Cost to Write my Essay?

    The starting cost of an essay writing service can range between $10 to $80 per page, depending on the company you want to work with. Here at Gradehacker, prices are $55 or $60 per page. Factors that affect the price are: Level of education. Number of pages. Spacing.


    Online assignment writing service. Let us worry about your assignment. ... Nice prices, easy to use, allows for all instructions to be input, good selection of writers with lots of experience and reviews. Diane F. Feb 2, 2024. ... In a nutshell, our per-page rate fluctuates based on:

  5. TOP 20 Assignment Writing Services of 2024

    A 24-hour paper of platinum quality costs $84 per page, while a +30 days paper of standard quality can be as cheap as $19 per page (the price is not the cheapest in the industry). Customer Reviews: "It was my first experience with custom assignment writing service and I really enjoyed the services offered by to me.

  6. The 5 Best Assignment Help Websites for College Students

    Prices. They represent an affordable and the best website to do assignments, with their prices starting at $12.99. If you are looking for reliable editing services, the prices will start at $5.5 per page. Online Reviews. Researching this company's background, we could locate over two hundred reviews.

  7. How to Price Your Writing Services

    State the page size, font type, font size, character spacing, and line spacing (single, 1.5, or double) before agreeing to write. Once you and the client have agreed, find the approximate word count per page, so you can multiply it with your current price per word and come up with the rate per page. Retainer fee. It's ideal for long-term clients.

  8. Our Prices for Custom Assignments are Affordable

    All prices are given in USD for writing 1 page. You will be able to choose currency during checkout. For over nine years now, we approach every order individually to ensure that the most suitable writer is assigned to complete it on time and according to specific instructions. ... Prices for writing assignments start at $10. If you choose the ...

  9. Assignments Writing Services in USA ᐉ Homework Writing ...

    Prices of assignment writing at Studybay depend on the type and specific topic of the task. However, we strive to keep our pricing affordable for students. As for high-school essays, prices start from $3 per page. For grad-school level quality research writing, it will be about $10 per page.

  10. AssignmentPay Review: Offerings, Prices and Customer Support

    University-level assignments: University-level tasks, including undergraduate and graduate work, may range from $16 to $38 per page or more, depending on the complexity and urgency. More complex tasks: Theses, dissertations, and other intricate assignments usually have higher price points, starting at around $22 per page and going up to $580 or ...

  11. What's the Average Freelance Writing Rate in 2022? (New Data)

    The average freelance writer charges $99-$249 for an email. Email writing is another popular service that freelancers offer. Half of surveyed writers produce this type of content for clients. As the graph below shows, 39% charge less than $99 for an email, followed by 32% charging between $100 and $249.

  12. Prices

    Check our prices for academic and business writing services. About; Testimonials; Prices; ... Below you can find an approximate price for 1 standard written page (double spacing, Arial / Times New Roman, 12 pt, around 300 words). The final price is calculated based on the type of assignment, academic level and deadline. our prices. Academic ...

  13. Write My Essay For Me

    Trust your assignments to an essay writing service with the fastest delivery time and human-written content. Write my paper. 4.9. 4.8. ... The price for our "write paper for me" services starts from as low as $11 per page. What's more, we always provide generous discounts to help you save even more money while also saving your precious time.

  14. Content Writing Rates in 2024 (Per Word, Per Project, Per Hour)

    Content Writer Hourly Rate. As a comparison, Payscale shows that US-based freelance copywriters make an average of $29.29 per hour, with prices ranging between $14.57 to $72.72. On the other hand, Payscale shows that freelance editors make an average of $25.04 per hour, with rates ranging from $12.51 to $65.64.

  15. Freelance Writing Rates: How Much Should I Pay? [Infographic]

    The findings were the same for per-word rates. Of the freelancers who charged between $0.01 and $0.10 per word, 32% were beginner writers, while only 0.8% were experts. And of the writers who charged more than a dollar per word, 54% were experts, while only 5% were beginners. More on pay rates and quality. Interested in learning more about pay ...

  16. Pricing

    We offer 'affordable assignment' writing, the best cheap services available for you to pay online to write my assignment in the required timeframe with all the supporting documents. ... Price Per Page. 8+ Days; 6-7 Days; 4-5 Days; 3 Days; 2 Days; 24 Hours; 12 Hours; High School. $30 $11.99; $30 $11.99; $31 $11.99; ... Our standard academic ...

  17. Freelance Writer Rates: What's a Normal Per Word or Hourly Rate?

    There are experienced writers out there working for high rates between $0.25 to $1.50 per word, and that's an extensive price range. The quality between those ranges could vary drastically, or not at all. This range is hard to generalize because there aren't many writers capable of producing content at this price point.

  18. Affordable Assignments

    Affordable Assignments has earned enormous recognition across major states of the USA for offering premium quality assignment help at unbeatable market competitive prices, leveraging students to achieve academic success. Our pricing strategy is focused on being student-friendly. Get Your Quote. Talk to us. Estimate Your Project.

  19. How Much to Pay Someone to Write Essays: Tips before Paying

    With many providers of writing services, there is a variation in the prices charged to write an essay. So, what is the correct amount to pay? The average amount to pay someone to write your essay is between $12 and $35 per page, depending on the paper's urgency and the assignment's technicality. Most writers charge up to $12 for simple ...

  20. Fair Essay Writing Price at GrabMyEssay

    The price for your custom paper depends mainly on three aspects: Urgency. Academic level. Number of pages. The given table shows the price per 1 page of your order for writing from scratch. Use Type of Service button to choose the specific type of assignment and/or service you need. I'm a new customer (15% OFF)

  21. Assignment Price Calculator

    Assignment Price Calculator - Calculate your assignment price. Assignment Price Calculator - Calculate your assignment price. 0 +61 481607654 . [email protected] ... Avail the Best Assignment Writing Services in Just One Tap! Add "5% extra off on app" Top Searches. Do My Assignment; Homework Help; MBA Assignment Help; Law Assignment Help;