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Creative Writing Group

Date: Tuesday 18 October   Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Age range: 16 - 100+

  • Booking required: No

This is a recurring event - view more dates and times

Future dates

For those who would like to develop their writing skills further.

Sessions are led by group members and focus on different aspects of the creative writing process.

  • Special provisions:
  • No special provisions

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City of Sanctuary Bolton

City of sanctuary bolton is supported by:.

creative writing group bolton

  • Sanctuary Story Tellers

A lively supportive group of women who want to improve their skills in English across speaking,listening,reading and writing. We range from beginners who want basic language skills to highly proficient users of English.

In the past we have performed poetry and prose at the Library and the Museum and produced books of our written work.

We are supportive of each other and learn from each other.

The group is multi-lingual with Arabic, Urdu,Turkish Italian, French and Somali all spoken and used to help and enrich our learning.

Where Bolton Library (currently Crompton Place)

When Wednesdays  10-11:45

Tea, coffee and biscuits provided

A warm welcome and relaxed atmosphere with lots of smiles and chatter.

 A big thank you to the Library-Library and Museum of Sanctuary

Octagon Sanctuary drama group

Led by Lucie from the Octagon we are a highly diverse women’s group of mainly asylum seekers and refugees who meet to enjoy theatre games and collaborative drama. We all develop confidence and a range of performance skills in a supportive environment full of encouragement and laughter.

We do community performances from

time to time and these are always a lot of fun.

Sometimes we have free tickets for performances and input by visiting theatre groups.A big thank you to the Octagon-Theatre of Sanctuary

At the moment we are developing a theatre piece around hope, community and freedom.

Where Octagon Theatre BL1 1SB

When Thursdays

Sandwiches and biscuits provided by the Octagon

  • Sewing Sisters

A small supportive group of women with a range of sewing skills from complete beginners to highly competent seamstresses.

We help each other and laugh a lot. A very relaxing end to the week.

Currently we are all making zipped bags and bags with pockets and handles…some of us more easily than others!! However there is always someone on hand to help.

St Andrew and St George next to  Justicia

81,Knowsley St BL1 2BJ

Time Fridays

If you are interested in any of the groups or would like to know more about us please contact us on the email below.

Our email: [email protected] , or [email protected] .

City of Sanctuary UK newsletter- actions and job opportunities.

.After a year of campaigning, the Nationality and Borders bill is now entering its final stages.  . Whatever the result, we should all feel incredibly proud of the devoted, creative and empowering work we have all done to lobby MPs, promote a more compassionate politics and build this movement of welcome. The work you all do has never before been so important.Please continue to share updates on your work and good news stories so we can celebrate your achievements with the wider network. Stay in touch by emailing

Please help spread the word, share this newsletter round-up with your friends, supporters and networks.

Last week we were honored to join Together With Refugees and many others to take the Protect Not Punish message to parliament.  , share and tag your MP.
Huge congratulations to Joseph, one of our trustees, for running the Derby 10k all to raise funds for us and Upbeat Communities.  Thank you, Joseph!
Welcome to the team, Zaina!
Zaina has joined our little team in the brand new role of Wellbeing and Health Coordinator – she’s going to support the delivery of a wellbeing project for people seeking sanctuary across the UK, in particular Wales. 
This year’s City of Sanctuary AGM will be happening on   Please save the date! This will be an in-person event with some items streamed online. This event is for all City of Sanctuary groups and partner organisations. More information and how to apply for tickets will be available soon.
Congratulations and a warm welcome to   school in Coventry who are now an awarded School of Sanctuary,   who have voted to officially become a Council of Sanctuary,   and   who are both now awarded and   in Glasgow have applied for a maternity award. The    and   have made the first step towards becoming a University of Sanctuary and   and   are continuing their commitments by re-applying for the award. Jaw dropping fact: since the start of the year, 104 schools have signed the supporting organisation pledge!

Our t-shirts and bags are ethically and sustainably produced, made from 100% organic cotton and are printed to order so there is no waste.Every penny of profit will help us build the City of Sanctuary movement of welcome.⁣⁣P.S Our small team packs a punch, but we need your support to keep going. The very best way to support our work is by a regular monthly donation.   Thank you so much for your support.

The fight is not over. The Together With Refugees coalition will continue to sustain the pressure as the bill goes back to the Lords this week for the final stages of ‘ping-pong’ between the Commons before the end on the year’s parliamentary session at the start of May when all bills must be completed. In the meantime,   to keep the pressure up on MPs, and tag your local MP.
 calling on the government to abandon their offshore detention plans.
HUGE congratulations to Channel Rescue, Freedom From Torture, Care4Calais and PCS Union. They took the government to court on their plans to pushback refugee boats across the Channel, 
We have 200 x Pay as You Go SIMs that will each come with 20GB data each month plus unlimited calls and texts for a period of six months. Huge thanks to Vodafone’s
charities.connected initiative for this. We will provide these to groups within our networks to distribute to people seeking sanctuary. Please email

Join us on May 12th at 4pm for this event aimed at school staff and teachers on how best to support the wellbeing of students from a sanctuary seeking background. Hosted by Refugee Week and produced in partnership with Schools of Sanctuary. 

Held onWednesday 27th at 5pm, this event is for people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary who have an interest in the natural environment. This informal friendly session is the first stage of an exciting new project with Climate and Migration Coalition. 

Do you have questions about the Homes for Ukraine scheme? Join us on April 28th for an informal Q&A session where we will try and answer your questions! 

Join STAR and Universities of Sanctuary on 11 May 10am for a session for university staff involved in administering scholarships for refugee and asylum-seeking students. An informal opportunity to connect with other institutions, ask questions, and share best practice. 

This session on May 5th at 1pm is open to everybody and will review considerations and practical tips for rural/semi-rural communities and hosts welcoming Ukrainian and other refugees into their area. 

Join us on May 17th 1pm for an introduction to City of Sanctuary, our networks, partnerships and work. This session is designed for new and emerging groups and people wanting to become involved. 

 are offering one scholarship to a student from a sanctuary seeking background studying on a three-year undergraduate programme. 

 are offering 1 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate scholarship to students from a sanctuary-seeking background. 

 are offering 12 scholarships to undergraduate students from a sanctuary seeking background. 

This is the UK’s only refugee and migrant led literature magazine. They are open for submissions for poetry, prose, essays and artworks. Everything published is paid for. 

This free programme is aimed at providing motivated newcomers living in South London (Lewisham, Lambeth, Wandsworth, or Southwark) with in-demand digital skills, helping them find full-time roles and apprenticeships in the digital sector. 

We have compiled a   for university and Higher Education staff looking to welcome and empower students from a sanctuary seeking background.

Thrive LDN is partnering with Nicola Lester Psychological Trauma Consultancy to deliver training in trauma informed practice in humanitarian crisis. 

Oxford University Maths department are offering information and connection sessions for people seeking sanctuary with a background in Maths or related area. 

are looking for  Apply by May 3rd  are looking for a  . Apply by May 1st  are looking for a  . Apply by May 15th  are looking for an  . Apply by May 16th.  are looking for   Apply by April 30th  are looking for a  . Apply by April 29th  are looking for a  . Apply by May 3rd  have eleven job openings.   are looking for a  . Apply by April 29th  are looking for a  . Apply by May 16th.  are looking for a  . Apply by May 16th.  are looking for a   Apply by May 8th  are looking for a  . Apply by April 27th  are looking for a   are looking for a   Apply by May 16th

creative writing group bolton

The team at the City of Sanctuary are continuing to receive a high volume of inquiries regarding the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, and we are doing our best to keep guidance updated on our website and offer webinars that we hope will be useful to you if you are considering hosting, or simply wish to stay informed about this fast-changing situation.

It is not too late to call on your MP to be on the side of humanity, not hostility. Please have a look at the 


Best wishes to you all,


creative writing group bolton

Currently, the need is for financial donations. Even the Polish government are asking for finances, they have enough physical items.

There are three methods of donating.

1/. AUGB has set up a GoFundMe donations link. it is


2/. A BACs transfer to the Bolton Branch bank account

Account name:  AUGB Bolton Branch

Sort Code: 01.01.42

Account number: 26160048

3/. Visit our Cultural Centre, address below, and leave a donation behind the bar.

All proceeds will purchase medical equipment, medical supplies, medicines and food packs. The agencies we are working with are the WHO, Red Cross Ukraine and Caritas Ukraine.

If you need any more information, please contact me.

Best regards

Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain

Bolton Ukrainian Cultural Centre

BL2 1JPTel: 07914 021511

Email:  [email protected]

FB:  Bolton Ukrainian Cultural Centre


The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) was founded in 1946 and is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales, Registration Number 449616

Registered Address:

49 Linden Gardens

Exciting News…….

Octagon Sanctuary Women’s Group

creative writing group bolton

Where: Octagon Theatre Bolton BL1 1SB

Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm (Thursdays only)

The Octagon Women’s Group for asylum seekers and refugees is an opportunity to develop drama skills and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. Workshops are led by an Octagon facilitator with support from volunteers from the City of Sanctuary.

‘It helps me keep my mental wellbeing healthy and active. I have found that I am not alone’   Farjana

Always a warm welcome. sandwiches and lots of laughter.

At the moment we are focusing on physical theatre and working towards a re-telling of the story of Rama and Sita.

[email protected] for more information

Follow us on City of Sanctuary Bolton | Facebook

creative writing group bolton

Where: St Andrew and St George BL1 2BS (next to Justicia)

Time:    Friday 2-4 pm

A quiet, friendly sewing session for women -both complete beginners and more advanced sewers.

We all help each other and it’s a relaxing, gentle way to finish the week.

Always refreshments and a warm welcome.

Sanctuary Storytellers

creative writing group bolton

A women’s writing group -lively, supportive, diverse and creative…. with lots of laughter!!!

Where: Bolton Central Library

Time:     Wednesday 10-12 am

Delighted to be currently working with Chris Salt.

Chris is a playwright, screenwriter, applied film and creative writing practitioner and also an associate lecturer who is very interested in community engagement projects.

He is co-founder of Edgeways Productions

Also, very pleased to be working with the Woodland Trust and Anita Sethi to write a poem celebrating the river which will be displayed along with one of the paths along Walker Fold.

Tea/Coffee /Biscuits/Cake/Fruit and a very warm welcome.

Our Story Tellers have restarted at the Library

Eileen, is once again, helping to facilitate the popular writing group hosted at Bolton central Library.  Its completely free, its open for all to join in and have a go at poetry, prose or even just to meet new friends and practice English.

creative writing group bolton

A Creative Writing group for all poets, writers and people that enjoy writing!

We meet every Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00pm at Bolton Central  Library

Make friends and practice English!

No previous knowledge required – come and have a go!

creative writing group bolton

Our Sewing Sisters group is re-starting – From the 8th October at 2.00pm at St Andrews and St Georges

creative writing group bolton

Please ask at Justicia when you arrive and they will help direct you to the group.

Great news about English Classes!

We will be able to re-start our Talk English classes later this month, October 2021!

Please click on the links below for more information on how to join a Talk English class

creative writing group bolton

About The Great Get Together

“The Great Get Together is inspired by Jo Cox, who was killed on the 16th of June 2016. In her first speech in Parliament, Jo said, ”We have more in common than that which divides us”. Through the Great Get Together, we ask people across the country to embrace Jo’s words and celebrate the belief that community makes us. We ask people to connect with others and show the power we have as a community.

Jo’s family and friends first organised the Great Get Together in 2017, and since then we have seen millions of people across the country take part in thousands of events”

The Great Bolton Connect Together Picnic – 20 th June 2020

It’s been a strange few months for the Bolton Community, and for communities around the world as we’ve all had to reduce our social contact a great deal during the pandemic. As we start to come out of the lockdown and return to something like normal, we wanted to share some of the positive community ventures that took place during this time.

The Great Get Together is a national initiative that begun in 2017 as a way of honouring the memory of MP Jo Cox. The event encourages people to get together with others in their community to celebrate what we have in common.

This year, we couldn’t get together in person, but organisations across Bolton wanted to ensure we could capture the spirit of the Great Get Together. The Woodland Trust, The Octagon theatre, City of Sanctuary and Bolton Interfaith council developed The Bolton Great Connect Together Picnic. Taking place on Saturday the 20 th June, The Great Bolton Get Together Picnic was an online event which encouraged families and individuals to hold a picnic in their garden, their front room or their local park.

As a collective, we created a digital pack of resources with suggested activities provided by the various organisations to make the event as interactive as possible. We made sure the most vulnerable in our community were able to take part by providing hard copies and resources for those who might otherwise not be able to take part.

We were thrilled to see the pictures from people across Bolton joining in!

©Imogen Welch—Octagon Theatre  Bolton

creative writing group bolton

Please see the link below to the full newsletter for this month…..

CoSB Newsletter July 2020

A Useful link for BAME

Some useful details from Healthwatch Bolton

Here is some information you may find useful if you are self-isolating or ‘shielding’ during the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. The companies below are doing home delivery services but please do check the areas where they deliver before placing any orders. We are merely sharing this informaton with you, we do not endorse nor or we advertising any of the private companies listed below. We hope you find this useful.

Food Banks: Bolton Nice: 07900 535403 Homeless Aid UK: 07940 004449 / 07973 214603 Urban Outreach: 01204 385848

Foods: (n.b. all listed services deliver)


A Small Good Thing – 07972 287108, [email protected] , – Various collection points

John Bates, Bolton Market, 01204 384520 – Bolton Wide Liptrott’s Fruit and Veg, Bolton Market, 07456 502250 – Bolton Wide Bannisters, Bolton Market, 07459 547960 – Bolton Wide Grundy’s Fruit and Veg, Bolton Market, 07870 648298 – Bolton Wide Strawberry Gardens, Bolton Market, 07890 587224 – Bolton Wide Martin R Taylor, 01942 617957,

Bettaveg, 0161 321 8244, MacVeg (independent hampers) 07543 585588

Oliver Turner, Access To Veg, 07527 018989 – Bolton Wide Spread Eagle, Eagley, 01204 227734 – BL7 Cross Guns, Egerton, 01204 291204 – BL7 Morrison’s Food Boxes: – National Oliver Kay Produce, 0844 847 9790, Produce House, Britannia Way, BL2 – National

Milk, Dairy & Eggs:

John Lowe, Milkman: 07791 393455. Holts Farm, Bromley Cross – BL7

Smithills Open Farm Dairy: 07885 764381 – BL1

Gareth, CSB Dairies, 07841 642073 – BL3

Mike, Henson’s Dairies, 079575 74460 – Farnworth and Kearsley

PS Wholesale Meats, Astley Bridge, 01204 597453 – Bolton Wide Zane, Walshes, Bolton Market, 07596 565400 – Bolton Wide Karl’s, Bolton Market, 01204 520980 – Bolton Wide Unsworth’s Deli Goods (also sells cheese), Bolton Market: 01942 269541 / 07702 515792 / 07809 336559 – Bolton Wide Salmon King, Bolton Market, 07581 185232 – Bolton Wide D Hamer, Bolton Market, 07526 590293 – Bolton Wide

Stanley Gittins, The Quality Stall, Bolton Market, 07849 293550 – Bolton Wide

Choice Cuts Meat, Bolton Market: 07788 457551 / 07787 833489 / 01204 559549 – Bolton Wide TPB Foods, Tonge Bridge, 01204 528357 – Bolton Wide Fraser’s, 272 Rishton Lane, Great Lever, 01204 523278 – BL3 [email protected] contactless drive by, collection, delivery for shielding group. Spread Eagle, Eagley, 01204 227734 – BL7 Cross Guns, Egerton, 01204 291204 – BL7

Fishmongers: Jessica Kay, MPJ, Bolton Market, 0754 3585588 – Bolton Wide Salmon King, Bolton Market, 07581 185232 – Bolton Wide D Hamer, Bolton Market, 07526 590293 – Bolton Wide

Groceries including household cleaning and toiletries

Fresh bread:

Pretzel and Spelt, Crompton Way – 07401 131522

Greenhalgh’s Craft Bakery, 01204 696204, – Bolton Wide

Local Breweries:

Northern Monkey Brew Co: Nelson Square, Bolton, 07737 125629 Twitter: @NMonkeyBrewCo

Pet Supplies:

Lee Lane Pets, 135-137 Lee Lane, Horwich, BL6. 01204 692938

Allbreeds Pet Supplies, 444 Tonge Moor Rd, Bolton, BL2. 01204 307170

Useful Numbers: Bolton Council “Shielding Group” helpline: 01204 337221 Childline: 0800 1111 Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247 National Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247 Endeavour Project (Abuse/Domestic Violence): 01204 394842 Samaritans: 116 123 Bolton Carers Support: 01204 363056 Bolton At Home: 01204 328000 MIND: 0300 123 3393 Greater Manchester Mental Health (GMMH, for existing users and carers) Age UK: 0800 169 6565


In order to comply with the government guidelines we have currently suspended all activities -theses include all the planned activities and the groups that we help to run:

  • Talk English
  • Ladies Drama

These will remain suspended until further notice – We will update his as we can.

We are also postponing our AGM until we can set a new date – this as originally planned for the 2nd April.

The calendar section of this website has been removed to avoid any conflicting information – this will be re-instated once we get more news.

We have set up a City of Sanctuary Bolton WhatsApp group so that we can still stay in touch and share experiences and news – please share this link and please do join us. (You may have to copy and paste the link in your phone browser)

Please see below the March Newsletter

creative writing group bolton

Newsletter March 2020

City of Sanctuary is a national movement committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for refugees seeking sanctuary from war and persecution. City of Sanctuary’s network of local groups includes over 50 towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, all working to build to building this culture of welcome across every sphere of society.

For many years Bolton has offered a home to people whose lives were in danger in their own countries. Many have lost their homes and families, but they have brought new skills, music, food and hard work to build up our town. City of Sanctuary supporters in Bolton so far include Bolton at Home, the Octagon Theatre, Bolton Council of Mosques, Bolton Hindu Forum, Bolton Wanderers Community Trust, Bolton CVS, Urban Outreach, British Red Cross, BRASS, the Destitution Project, Bolton Parish Church and a range of churches and community groups. Supporting organisations promise to welcome and include people seeking sanctuary in their activities. The group would like more local organisations and individuals to help in making Bolton proud to be a place of safety. It is planning to organise talks and events to bring Bolton people together, to fund raise and recruit volunteers

Latest News

  • The Cotton Queens celebrate the Coronation with residents from Longsight Lodge 8 May 2023
  • The Cotton Queens 6 May 2023
  • The Cotton Queens – previous work and projects 6 May 2023
  • City of Sanctuary UK News 31 August 2022
  • The Story Tellers: Waiting 25 August 2022

Follow me on Twitter

  • The Humphrey Spender Collection at Bolton Museum and Library
  • Allen Clarke - Lancashire's Romantic and Forgotten Radical
  • Lancashire Dialect in Worktown
  • Childhood Memories
  • Happiness in the Worktown and today
  • A trip to the People's Museum
  • A Visit to a Mine!
  • A visit from Singer and Songwriter Claire Mooney
  • Cotton Queens visit Lancashire Authors' Association Collection at the University of Bolton
  • Lancashire Dialect with Sid Calderbank
  • The Pit Brow Lasses
  • The work of the Cotton Queens
  • The Cotton Queens Open Day

Explore the map

Learn about the Writing Bolton project

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  • category_nicename; ?>/" data-category-id="events">Events
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Bolton Literature Map

Explore our literature map for bolton.

Writing Bolton is a digital literature project run by Word Life in collaboration with the University of Bolton . It is a literature map of Bolton. Explore the different categories and markers to watch performances from local poets, find out about local organisations and explore literary references to Bolton locations.

View all or choose:

  • Literary References
  • Organisations
  • Performances

creative writing group bolton

Writing Bolton is created by:

  • University of Bolton

Writing Sheffield is a literature map for Sheffield. There is a lively and dynamic culture of writing in the Steel City that doesn't always get the press it deserves. We have one of the best literature festivals in the country, Off The Shelf Festival of Words. There are five monthly literature events with opportunities to watch nationally known poets and perform on open mics. There are a range of venues including theatres, pubs and art spaces that also programme one off literature events. Sheffield Theatres is also the largest theatre complex outside of London. There are public poems mounted across buildings in Sheffield that thousands of people walk or drive past every day. Through notable figures such as John Ruskin and Edward Carpenter Sheffield has also contributed to the history of radical writing that has hugely influenced the formation of the labour party, socialism in general and LGBT activism. There is a large amount of content here, but there will be more to come, please email us if you think there is something we are missing. We are very grateful to Sheffield Hallam University who have funded and supported this project.

[email protected]


creative writing group bolton


How about Writing

Write Yourself: Creative Writing and Personal Development

Jessica kingsley publications 2011.

Write Yourself is the ideal introduction to how to facilitate groups and individuals in finding inspiration for their creative personal writing voices. This book explains how and why writing is such an illuminative and cathartic process, and provides many practical exercises that encourage the exploration of emotions, memories and experiences.

Write Yourself is a complete introduction to facilitating creative writing for therapy or personal development, both with individuals and groups. Clear and practical, and with a strong theoretical base, it is also an essential handbook for individuals embarking on their own personal writing journeys. Topics covered include the nature, values and principles of therapeutic creative writing, how to begin – illuminated with a wealth of examples from the author’s extensive and varied experience – and how to write with specific client groups, including children, the very sick, those with mental health or substance misuse problems, as well as those receiving psychotherapy or counselling, and for professional development. Also included are detailed instructions for running a writing group or a longer or residential writing programme, as well as 175 exercises for readers to use in their own personal writing practice, or with their groups or clients.

An invaluable resource for creative arts therapists, professionals working in the caring professionals, this book is also for everyone interested in the therapeutic potential of creative writing.

Foreword by Nicholas F.Mazza, Ph.D

Praise for Write Yourself

‘Gillie Bolton’s latest book is filled with wonderful and moving insights that speak to the value of creative writing. It is inspiring, challenging and also practical. All those who read it can learn from it how to help themselves and others – trust the method and give it a try!’ Amanda Howe, FRCGP, Professor of Primary Care, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia

‘Write Yourself is a powerful handbook that is the culmination of Gillie Bolton’s sustained scholarship and wisdom focusing on therapeutic creative writing for reflective self- insight. Her ideas and practical knowledge provide uplifting support for writing group facilitators, as well as individuals, in exploring practical approaches to expressive writing. This work is an important and lasting contribution to the field.’ John D.Engel, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Behavioral Sciences, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine

‘Persuading your inner person to tell you your true name is the most intricate and fateful of all quests – but even to venture a little way on it can make your life richly creative. Gillie Bolton’s Write Yourself is an essential field guide to all of the territory.’ Les Murray, Poet

‘Write Yourself offers ways into expressive writing, information on writing with specific groups, and detailed advice on how to facilitate writing groups. It is a handbook for anyone interested in the field of creative writing and personal development, which Bolton believes should be an “open and less rule bound field”. Nurses, doctors, therapists and social workers are named as potentially “excellent facilitators”. It is this feeling of generosity and inclusiveness which infuses the book and Bolton’s work.’ Lapidus Journal

‘Writing becomes therapeutic to the extent that it is a way of communicating with the self, and this is where I believe the book is of particular interest to the counselling profession.’ Therapy Today

‘Write Yourself is the ideal introduction to how to facilitate groups and individuals in finding inspiration for their creative personal writing voices. This book explains how and why writing is such an illuminative, healing, and cathartic process, and provides many practical exercises that encourage the exploration of emotions, memories and experiences… Clearly exemplified, engaging and accessible, the series is appropriate for therapeutic, healthcare, or creative writing practitioners and facilitators, and for individual writers or courses. Tilt Magazine

Buy here ISBN: 9781849051101


Creative Writing at the University of Bolton

Live Literature returns in new virtual format for Autumn/Winter 2020

The University of Bolton’s English and Creative Writing department are proud to again deliver a new season of exciting live literature events this Autumn/Winter 2020. In this…… Read more “Live Literature returns in new virtual format for Autumn/Winter 2020”

“Bolton isn’t like anywhere else”

Bolton isn’t like anywhere else. Everything they do is about the students Our wonderful and talented students have made this brilliant short film about their experience of…… Read more ““Bolton isn’t like anywhere else””

#BlackLivesMatter: A (Very Partial) Reading List

The literary canon is a problematic concept; the texts that are often – usually – referred to as representing the most exemplary, interesting, or illuminating of historical and contemporary…… Read more “#BlackLivesMatter: A (Very Partial) Reading List”

‘A Poetry of Ourselves’: Creative Writing students pen poetry on Bolton life

In the 1930s, Bolton was at the heart of Mass Observation, a large-scale investigation into the habits and customs of the people of Britain. One of the…… Read more “‘A Poetry of Ourselves’: Creative Writing students pen poetry on Bolton life”

Live Lit returns for Spring 2020!

We’re more than a bit chuffed to announce another brilliant season of Live Literature, in partnership with Bolton Library and Museum Services and their Central Library art…… Read more “Live Lit returns for Spring 2020!”

Graduate success!

The English and Creative Writing staff team were delighted to see ten students from our programmes graduate with first class honours from the university this summer. The…… Read more “Graduate success!”

A Man Booker longlisted novel, the poetry of running, and a riot of a play: Live Lit returns for Autumn 2019

2018-19 was another fantastic year of Live Literature performances in collaboration with Bolton Library and Museums Services, bringing world-class writing talents to Bolton Library’s majestic theatre space.…… Read more “A Man Booker longlisted novel, the poetry of running, and a riot of a play: Live Lit returns for Autumn 2019”

Live Literature returns for Autumn 2018!

2017-18 was another fantastic year of Live Literature performances in Bolton Library’s majestic theatre space. In the Autumn, Kayo Chingonyi wowed us with his Dylan Thomas-winning collection of poems…… Read more “Live Literature returns for Autumn 2018!”

Lecturer highly commended in prestigious Forward Prizes

Dr Ben Wilkinson, lecturer in Creative Writing in the School of the Arts, has been highly commended in what The Telegraph describes as ‘the poetry Oscars’. Wilkinson…… Read more “Lecturer highly commended in prestigious Forward Prizes”

Lecturer’s play a triumph at the Edinburgh Fringe

Described by The Stage as ‘a riotously entertaining and deeply moving drama-cum-documentary’ and possibly the ‘best thing’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018, University of Bolton lecturer…… Read more “Lecturer’s play a triumph at the Edinburgh Fringe”

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  • PEEL Paragraphs/SEED your writing: Essay Writing Advice(GCSE English Tuition Bolton Manchester)
  • Free Essay Library
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Phoenix Writers' Group Horwich Bolton: Thursdays 10-12

  • by Janet Lewison
  • March 16, 2012 October 8, 2012

Yesterday the exercise was about ageing and feeling lonely. We had about 15 minutes and all sorts of writing ensued. This was my effort!

What did all these things mean? The pale mouth moved  again  over the question.  The queue at the bank began to shift. A young girl in uniform pointed at this service till.

‘That’s where I go when I get stuck.’

The mouth stayed closed. Some words were there, but rusty, shy. She didn’t remember being shy. The red bag had flowers in it for Henry because it was around this time…

‘Can I help you love?’

So much suit on so small a man. He smelt like a holiday. Where was it? He smelt like that duty free shop. Was he on commission? She looked around.

‘I want to talk about my insurance policy with somebody today.’

Three heads turned.

Was this the right thing to say? She felt so wrong, so very wrong most days now.

6 thoughts on “Phoenix Writers' Group Horwich Bolton: Thursdays 10-12”

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Hi Janet, I am due to finish at Uni soon and am interested in joining your writing group?

When and where do you meet?

And do I just turn up?

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Hi Simon I’ve been a member of Phoenix Writers for some years and am still enjoying it. We are a small friendly group of about 8+ and are a mix of members old and established with interests in all forms of writing. We meet on Thursdays between 10 -12 and there is a small charge to include coffee. Our venue is Horwich Resource Centre and is easy to find near the centre. You would be very welcome to join us, just turn up! If you want more details please email me Andre look forward to seeing you soon. Good luck with your finals!

Regards, Pam

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I have tried my hand at poetry writing only…bit unsure of other genres. Worth coming ? Tony

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do you still meet at the resource centre ?

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Yes, Phoenix Writers still meet at the Resource Centre.

Thank-you, hope to see you all on 5th sept.

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Creative Writing

Our BA (Hons) Creative Writing degree, taught by a dedicated team of professional writers, aims to help you develop your writing and harness your creativity so you can turn your ideas, abilities, and ambitions into achievements.

Our BA (Hons) Creative Writing degree, taught by a dedicated team of professional writers, aims to help you develop your writing and harness your creativity so you can turn your ideas, abilities and ambitions into achievements.

Course details

Our BA (Hons) Creative Writing degree explores ‘how to put the best possible words in the best possible order’. Your imagination is boundless and we’ll help you to focus and control your ideas to give them shape, energy and structure. Our dedicated team of professional writers and lecturers will guide you on a journey through the worlds of prose, poetry and drama, and contemporary creative practice.

We’ll nurture and support you in exploring the rich, expressive potential of the English language and your development of the crafts of writing. Alongside this, we’ll examine, from a writer’s point of view, a wide range of creative work in various forms. Small group teaching and one-to-one support are central to our approach, allowing our expert team to offer personalised guidance that’s tailored specifically for you.

You’ll have opportunities to refine and develop your skills at every stage, from initial concept, through planning, background research and first drafts, to editing, re-writing and self-critique. The final year combines the creative, the critical and the practical. You’ll write a significant piece of creative work: a calling card script, collection of poetry or an extended piece of fiction; you’ll research and analyse a chosen area of creative practice; and you’ll undertake a work placement in an area associated with your individual career goals. Throughout the course, you’ll gain confidence, skills and knowledge, preparing you for a successful career in a multitude of industries.

If you feel Creative Writing is for you, contact us via the button below and one of our lecturers will be in touch to provide you with more information. Don’t forget you can try one of our selected courses for free right now!

creative writing group bolton

Key features

You’ll be encouraged to get to know your peers from other subjects such as English, Theatre, and Media, Writing and Production, with whom you’ll be participating in a variety of external creative events and/or collaborative projects.

Your tutors

All our lecturers are professional writers and researchers who’ve produced and continue to publish poetry, prose, plays and papers with national and international periodicals and imprints.


Develop a range of skills alongside your writing that are highly valued by employers, such as creative thinking, problem solving, communication, team working, time management, research and critical analysis, IT, cultural awareness and lifelong learning.

Guest lecturers

There’ll be guest lectures from professionals from all aspects of the writing industry: producers, scriptwriters, poets, novelists, agents, publishers, promoters, and directors. Names you may recognise such as Sally Wainwright, Patrick Ness and Jenn Ashworth have given presentations in recent years.

Professional recognition

The University of Bolton is linked via creative partnerships with Bolton’s own Octagon Theatre and Carcanet, a leading and prize-winning poetry publisher based in Manchester. The university is currently fostering links with South Yorkshire’s leading literary development organisation, The Poetry Business. Writers and lecturers who teach on the course have established links with a variety of media and organisations, including The Guardian, The Poetry Society, NAWE, The British Council and Arts Council England.

  • Our dedicated lecturers are active professional writers and researchers whose work continues to be published, or produced on stage, screen or radio. They bring this wealth of expertise and practical knowledge to their teaching.
  • We have excellent industry contacts and strong links with external creative organisations such as publishers, production companies, theatres, libraries, art galleries, schools, funding bodies and arts development agencies that allow us to offer work experience placements in a wide variety of settings.
  • In particular, our partnership with the nationally acclaimed Octagon Theatre, Bolton means you have opportunities for privileged access to rehearsals, dress rehearsals, professional actors and directors, and discounted tickets for productions.
  • In your final year, you’ll have the opportunity to enter the Octagon Student Prize. Awarded annually for outstanding achievement in writing drama, the winning piece is given a professional presentation with practitioners.
  • We’ll encourage you to submit your work to our ISSN recognised literary magazine ‘The Bolton Review’, and to our annual poetry competition.
  • The annual New Writing Showcase offers you a chance to perform your work at the Bolton Octagon Studio or similar venue.
  • As a Creative Writing student, you’ll be eligible to enter work for the Carcanet Poetry Prize and for the And Other Stories Fiction Prize.

creative writing group bolton

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  1. What's on in Bolton

    Creative Writing Group. Date: Tuesday 18 October Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Cost: free. Age range: 16 - 100+ Booking required: No; This is a recurring event - view more dates and times ... My Life in Bolton is published by Bolton Council Get email updates. Keep in touch with things to do in Bolton. Enter your e-mail and subscribe to our events and ...

  2. Centre for Literature and Community

    The Cotton Queens are a diverse group of women from in and around Bolton. The aim of the Cotton Queen's project is to support members in developing their knowledge, skills and confidence through creative writing and performance by engaging with cultural and historical archives of the Bolton area and its community.

  3. Writing groups in Bolton

    York Writers' Group. 731 Writers. All upcoming events. Saved events NEW. Your groups and suggestions. Your groups only. Your events only. Find local Writing groups in Bolton, England and meet people who share your interests. Join a group and attend online or in person events.

  4. Find Events & Groups in Bolton, H2

    Become an organizer. Starting a Meetup group connects you with passionate people looking to share experiences in real life. Create your own Meetup group. Get Started. Find groups in Bolton, H2 to connect with people who share your interests. Join now to attend online or in person events.

  5. Sanctuary Story Tellers

    Our Sanctuary Story Tellers have had a busy year. In September 2022 they performed the play that they have written and directed, Waiting, at Bolton Central Library. The performance was the culmination of work completed on their writing and performance project which was made possible with funding from Bolton CVS, who we would like to thank. Have ...

  6. About

    Bank Street Writers is an independent writing group, based in Bolton, Lancashire, UK whose aim is to provide assistance and companionship for writers of all ages and at all levels of experience. Members' interests include poetry, short stories, playwriting, performance .... We usually meet on the first Wednesday of each month, and the venue ...

  7. Home

    A Creative Writing group for all poets, writers and people that enjoy writing! We meet every Wednesday 10.00am - 12.00pm at Bolton Central Library. ... We have set up a City of Sanctuary Bolton WhatsApp group so that we can still stay in touch and share experiences and news - please share this link and please do join us. ...

  8. Writing Bolton

    Explore our literature map for Bolton. Writing Bolton is a digital literature project run by Word Life in collaboration with the University of Bolton. It is a literature map of Bolton. Explore the different categories and markers to watch performances from local poets, find out about local organisations and explore literary references to Bolton ...

  9. Bolton English

    Our English and Creative Writing degree is taught by professional writers and academics in an inclusive environment tailored to your ambitions. Dynamic and industry-focused, our programme is designed to help you realise your creative potential and sharpen your critical thinking through engagement with extraordinary works of literature. You'll ...

  10. Creative Writing at Bolton (@writingbolton)

    593 Followers, 340 Following, 187 Posts - Creative Writing at Bolton (@writingbolton) on Instagram: "@BoltonUni's centre for creative writing. Fiction, poetry, script & more. Led by prize-winning writers. Ranked #2 in UK by @Guardian Uni Guide 2020."

  11. Amherst Writers & Artists

    Amherst Writers & Artists is an organization that has offered me a way into writing, into my voice. Its philosophy and belief that every person has a story to tell no matter their station has been proven before my eyes…. When I return to these workshops, it feels like coming home. My AWA writing workshop provides a safe and supportive space ...

  12. Write Yourself: Creative Writing and Personal Development

    'Write Yourself is a powerful handbook that is the culmination of Gillie Bolton's sustained scholarship and wisdom focusing on therapeutic creative writing for reflective self- insight. Her ideas and practical knowledge provide uplifting support for writing group facilitators, as well as individuals, in exploring practical approaches to ...

  13. Win a prize with Horwich Creative Writers group

    Horwich Creative Writers meet each Thursday morning at the Brewed Coffee café in Lee Lane, Horwich. Members frequently have guest speakers and are a support and self-help group. For more ...

  14. CW@UB

    Read more "'A Poetry of Ourselves': Creative Writing students pen poetry on Bolton life" February 6, 2020 by benwilkinsonpoet Live Lit returns for Spring 2020!

  15. Phoenix Writers' Group Horwich Bolton: Thursdays 10-12

    Phoenix Writers' Group Horwich, meets every Thursday between 10-12, except during school holidays at Horwich resource centre. Their book entitled Fleeting Moments has just been published and will shortly be available on Amazon and kindle.Anyone interested in joing the grouip can come along and just join in. There is always an exercise and Horwich resource centre is easy to find and parking ...

  16. BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing

    96. UCAS Code. QW38. The University of Bolton's BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing degree is taught by professional writers and academics in an inclusive environment tailored to your ambitions. Dynamic and industry-focused, our programme is designed to help you realise your creative potential and sharpen your critical thinking through ...

  17. Bolton BA Hons Creative Writing

    The University of Bolton is linked via creative partnerships with Bolton's own Octagon Theatre and Carcanet, a leading and prize-winning poetry publisher based in Manchester. The university is currently fostering links with South Yorkshire's leading literary development organisation, The Poetry Business.

  18. Creative writing

    A CREATIVE writing group will meet in Horwich on Thursday. The Creative Minds Writing Group is aimed at anyone who is passionate about writing, and is designed to offer support and fuel creativity ...

  19. Creative & Digital Arts, English & Creative Writing

    Plan your route into Creative & Digital Arts, English & Creative Writing with the University of Bolton. 5 Jul 2024. Clearing opens. 15 Aug 2024. Results Day. 15 Aug 2024. Admissions Drop-In. 16 Aug 2024. Admissions Drop-In. 17 Aug 2024. ... Part of the University of Bolton Group

  20. BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing

    Check out the course outline for more information about enrolling, call +44 (0)1204 900 600 or email [email protected]. *Complete University Guide 2021, 2020, 2019 - North West Region. Help improve diversity in the publishing world by studying English and Creative Writing in an enjoyable and nurturing environment at the University of Bolton.

  21. PDF Stories at work: reflective writing for practitioners

    the group (occasionally the writing is too personal for any to be shared). Groups are always closed and small, ... teaching of creative writing (the writing process itselo, therapeutic principles (eg, unconditional positive regard ... The emotional release of writing. GP Dec 13, 1996. Bolton G. The therapeutic potential of creative writing ...

  22. Are there any group trips on English and Creative Writing courses?

    English and Creative Writing courses typically have one local and national trip per semester, usually to sites of local literary interest: Dove Cottage in Grasmere, the Bronte Parsonage in Haworth, St ... The Bolton Award Alumni Enquiries Help and Advice Course Information Transcripts Facilities ...

  23. Psychological Benefits of Creative Writing

    Creative writing is said to be helpful in decision-making and stress relieving, improving mental health. In summary, creative writing can help with the following psychological factors: - Gaining mental clarity. - Increasing self-esteem. - Improving attention span. - Expressing feelings. - Enhancing and boosting creativity. - Strengthening memory.

  24. English

    Queen's is ranked 2nd in the UK for Creative Writing in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022. English - Creative Writing highlights Student Experience. Students have access to workshops with visiting authors, publishers, editors and agents, and have a wide range of opportunities to present their work in print and performance.