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(2021) PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.

--> - Submitted Version

The first chapter of this thesis leverages micro data from 179 reproductive health surveys to shed light on a macro puzzle: fertility rates are exceptionally high in sub-Saharan Africa conditional on GDP per capita. The paper first establishes an important empirical fact: the relationship between wealth and desired fertility is, on average, steeper in sub-Saharan Africa. It then explores the links to the relative scarcity of salaried employment opportunities in these countries. A quantity-quality trade-off model of fertility choice featuring a fixed human capital requirement for entry into salaried employment predicts that a feedback loop can arise, where poorer families get stuck in a high fertility - informal occupation equilibrium in which they also under-invest in their children’s education. Rich micro data assembled from reproductive health surveys, censuses and household expenditure surveys provide empirical support for the model’s key assumptions and predictions. The findings suggest that differences in occupational choice sets across the income distribution represent an important driver of sub-Saharan Africa’s exceptional fertility trend. The second chapter exploits variation in exposure to the reform across birth cohorts and locations to evaluate the impacts of primary school fee abolition on female education, employment and fertility outcomes in Malawi, Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania. The findings suggest that fee elimination improved educational attainment among cohorts most exposed to the reform: the effects range from a 5% increase in years of schooling in Malawi to a 17% increase in Ghana. The probability of completing primary school also increased in Tanzania, Ghana and Uganda, but not Malawi, for which I find a small but negative effect. The FPE reform is also associated with an increase in employment and a reduction in fertility. In Malawi, the increase in women’s labor market participation is concentrated in the education sector, with a small share of women shifting away from agriculture. In Tanzania, employment effects are driven by increased participation in the education sector and self-employed retail. In Ghana and Uganda, the share of women engaging in self-employed non-agricultural activities increases. The employment effects are largest in Ghana, where they are driven by entry into self-employed retail, manufacturing and food/accommodation services. Correlational evidence suggests that heterogeneity in policy impact may be partly attributable to differences in schooling productivity before the reform and in how the governments accommodated the enrolment increase. The third chapter is joint work that leverages a randomized experiment to study the diffusion of the impacts of an agronomy training program through the social and geographic networks of coffee farmers in Rwanda. We find no evidence of diffusion through geographic networks or from the treatment group to the control group. Our results suggest a reinforcement of treatment effects within the treatment group, concentrated around leaf health improvements. This is driven by farmers who attended the training sessions with people to whom they already had a social connection at baseline. The program also caused a re-sorting of social networks: we find that both treatment and control group households increased social links to individuals trained in their village.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Additional Information: © 2021 Céline Zipfel
Library of Congress subject classification:

Supervisor: Bandiera, Oriana and Bryan, Gharad and Burgess, Robin and Meager, Rachael

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Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

PhD Theses (1928-)

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Applications of Applied Economics Utilizing Geographic Information Systems Data and Regression Discontinuity Designs , Edward Powell Seyler

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Socio-Eonomic Impact of Immigration and Diversity in the U.S. , Peter Gingeleskie

Agricultural Policies and Economic Development in Vietnam , Kien Le

Essays on the Economics of Education , My Tra Nguyen

Three Essays on the Economics of Education , Tianheng Wang

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Essays on the Chinese Economy , Fan Duan

Essays on Education and Crime , Swarup Joshi

Effects of U.S. Financial Regulations on Labor Markets , Anindo U. Sarker

Essays on Interplay Between Economics and Culture , Ishita Tripathi

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Essays on Health Economics: The Impact of Public Policy on Health and Labor Market Outcomes , Grace Ellis Arnold

The Impact of Cultural Attitudes on Economic Outcomes and the Political Behavior of Blacks , Jhacova Williams

Essays on the Impact of Parents' Investment and School Curriculum on Educational Outcomes in China , Han Yu

Essays on Estimation for Nonlinear Spatial Models , Xiaoyu Zhou

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Essays on the Impact of Education on Economic Outcomes in a Developing Country , Omer Bahadir Dursun

Essays on Economic Growth In India , Sujana Kabiraj

Essays in Health and Public Economics , Sara Oloomi

Essay on Incentives, Economic Conditions, and Human Capital Formation , Masayuki Onda

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Essays on the Externalities of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of India , Satadru Das

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A Bayesian Approach to Small Area Estimation of Health Insurance Coverage , Zhengjia Sun

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Essays on incentives, economic conditions, and educational choices , Gregory Brian Upton Jr.

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Essays on the impact of income on family and child well-being , Christian Werner Raschke

On contests with complementarities , Matthew Wiser

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Investigating the role of genetic variation in long run economic outcomes , Charles Justin Cook

Regional effects of monetary policy , Taehee Han

Assessing cost efficiency and economies of scale in the European banking system, a Bayesian stochastic frontier approach , Ana Maria Ichim

Essays on social networks , Emre Unlu

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Essays on the economics of crime , Duha T. Altindag

Essays in health economics and public policy , Colin Darren Cannonier

Monetary policy shocks: analyzing the quasi-narrative approach , Daniel Matthew Groft

The Economics of Discrimination in the Court System: Police, Technology, and Their Interaction , Sarah Marx Quintanar

Essays on risk and volatility , Junyue Xu

Essays on the Random Parameters Logit Model , Tong Zeng

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A kernel weighted smoothed maximum score estimator for the endogenous binary choice model , Jerome Krief

Productivity growth of US states , Bibhudutta Panda

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Appropriate technology, human capital, and economic development , Beatrice Farkas

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Neglecting parameter changes in GARCH option pricing models and VAR , Burak Hurmeydan

Technology diffusion and total factor productivity growth , Subaran Roy

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The Hausman test, and some alternatives, with heteroskedastic data , Viera Chmelarova

The microeconomics of international price dispersion , Ozlem Inanc

The role of networks in labor markets , Nongnuch Soonthornchawakan

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Income inequality and economic growth , Nor Azam Abdul Razak

Essays on group lending: evidence from Jordan , Moh'd Al-Azzam

Essays on the Bayesian estimation of stochastic cost frontier , Xia Zhao

Dissertations from 2005 2005

Three essays in labor and health economics , Christopher K. Coombs

Health and Growth , Petia Stoianova Stoytcheva

Risk properties of a Stein-like estimator for multinomial choice models , Vera Alexandrova Tabakova

Dissertations from 2003 2003

An empirical investigation of tax policy in G-7 countries , Kerim Peren Arin

Empirical analysis of economic growth , Winford Henderson Masanjala

Marginal income tax rates and the U.K. economy: three essays , Eon-Seon Rym

Dissertations from 2002 2002

Essays on international trade and Bayesian forecasting , Dennis S. Edwards

An empirical analysis of the macroeconomic effects of government purchases , Eric Horent

Essays on the Bayesian inequality restricted estimation , Asli K. Ogunc

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

An Economic Analysis of the Allocation of Research Funding at the National Institutes of Health. , Janet B. Daniel

Essays on Semiparametric Estimation. , Kang-sun Lee

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Three Essays on Political Economy and International Trade. , Far-tsair Lai

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

An Empirical Examination of Maximum Entropy Estimation. , Randall Charles Campbell

Essays on Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks in Vector Autoregressive Models: Alternative Identification Schemes and Lag Structures. , Keuk-soo Kim

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

The Effects of Fiscal Structure, Leviathan, and Interdependent Demands on Local Public Spending Behavior. , Rebecca J. Campbell

An Analysis of Reimbursement Methodologies and Cost Containment Policies in Medicaid Inpatient Hospital and Pharmaceuticals. , Etienne Elmer Pracht

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

An Empirical Examination of the Grant Induced Price and Income Effects of Lump-Sum Intergovernmental Aid. , Peter Michael Mitias

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

Bureaucrats, Bureaucracy and Utility Maximization: Empirical Evidence From Taiwan. , Chinkun Chang

The Effects of AMA Contributions in the United States Senate: An Analysis of Roll Call Votes, 1979--1992. , Karen Gutermuth

Three Essays on VAR Techniques. , Omer Ozcicek

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

Forecasting the Economic Effects of Produced Waters Discharge Regulations on Oil and Gas Activity in Coastal Louisiana. , Allen Paul Dupont

Theses/Dissertations from 1992 1992

Three Essays on International Linkages of the Korean Economy. , Jai-ki Lee

A Regional Market Model for Construction Aggregate Materials. , Alicia Norma Rambaldi

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

Three Essays in the Economics of the Physician Firm. , William David Bradford III

Three Essays on Sampling Techniques: Small Sample Performances of Estimators and Predictors. , Parisun Chantanahom

An Empirical Analysis of Ricardian Equivalence and Macroeconomic Interdependence in Korea. , Jang Cheon Jin

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Small Sample Properties of Estimators and Test Statistics in Nonlinear Regression: The Box-Cox Transformation. , Minbo Kim

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Toward the Inclusion of Environmental Factors in the Concept and Measure of National Income. , George Edward Foy Jr

Three Essays on the Determinants and Effects of Public Sector Bargaining Laws. , Melissa S. Waters

Theses/Dissertations from 1988 1988

Stein-Like Estimation and Inference. , Lee Chester Adkins

Three Essays on the Welfare Effects of Factor Immobility and Price Uncertainty for a Country Experiencing Growth, Entering a Customs Union and Giving or Receiving a Unilateral Transfer. , Carolyn Margaret Landry

Theses/Dissertations from 1986 1986

Effect of Ownership Structure on Efficiency: a Comparative Analysis of Various Organizational Forms (Stochastic Frontier, Allocative Efficiency). , Daniel Omer Cote

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

An Empirical Inquiry Into the Variation of Interest Rates, 1959-1983 (Time Series Analysis, Spectral, Money Supply, Inflation Rate). , Umit Erol

Alternative Regimes of Common Property Exploitation for Manganese Nodules and Their Market Structure Impact. , Akbar Barzegar Marvasti

Determinants of the Money Supply in the United Kingdom, West Germany, and Canada (Central Bank, Reaction Function, Inflation, Fiscal, Monetary Policy). , Deep Shikha

Theses/Dissertations from 1984 1984

The Habitat and Cost of Production of Domestic Petroleum Resources. , John Daniel Grace

Stewardship of Creation: Some Implications for Economic Theory and Policy. , John Harlan Mcdonald

Female Labor Force Participation and Fertility in Nigeria: a Study of Lagos. , Amon Okechukwu Okpala

Theses/Dissertations from 1979 1979

A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Fiscal Policy and the Money Supply. , William Douglas Mcmillin

Theses/Dissertations from 1976 1976

An Economic Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation in Louisiana. , Robert Charles Brown

A Disaggregate Model of the Automobile Market: the Demand for Cars of Different Sizes. , Rodney Lee Carlson

Frictional, Structural, and Cyclical Factors in Louisiana Unemployment. , Jeffrey Alan Reed

Theses/Dissertations from 1975 1975

An Economic Analysis of Interregional Migration in Louisiana and Its Policy Implications for Population Distribution. , Koong-lian Kao

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An Economic Analysis of Governmental Exchange. , Ralph William Lange

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