English Compositions

Report Writing on Educational Tour [With PDF]

In this article you are going to learn how to write a report on Educational Tour organize by your school. So with out much delay let’s jump in.

Report Writing on Educational Tour

Educational Tour From School

By Ashlyn Tony

February 23, 2018; Karnataka: A bright morning, our tutor came in and announced we are going for a field trip. We were excited but most of us didn’t know what was a field trip and what was the motive behind it. We packed ourselves and led ourselves to our school bus.

During the ride, our tutor explained to us what a field trip was and why it was conducted. We went to a zoological park. It was a different experience from classroom learning. We students grasped the concept much faster. The method of learning through experience was different. We could learn things outside textbooks.

This is done so that students can look into a particular topic from all possible perspectives enabling them to learn everything. It has also been proved that field trips are an excellent way for incorporating knowledge into young minds. This also helps students to learn and understand topics on their own without further explanations.

They help indirect learning and help students in finding things by themselves which is better than spoon-feeding information. This experience helps students to retain in their memories what they have learnt for a much longer period. 

Field Trip To A Butterfly Garden

By Rachel Harris

January 1, 2019; New Delhi: A field trip to a nearby butterfly garden was arranged for the kindergarten students. They were all excited about the idea of visiting a butterfly garden. We took the school bus to the garden. The students were so excited to see different types of butterflies.

Students observed different varieties and their teachers helped them understand the different features. They studied the different stages of growth. They saw a huge variety of butterflies. The students were so excited. By the end, students started recognising the different varieties of butterflies. They learnt all they could about Butterflies.

Also, they used this experience for instilling in students the importance of nature. They understood that the reason behind why they could not see butterflies like before is because of the disturbances humans create in the environment.

They were also taught the importance of trees in nature. They pledged that they would not hurt mother nature and will prevent unnecessary cutting of trees. Thus, the field trip was successful.

College Field Trip

By Saira Rajput

March 2, 2016; Bombay: We students were looking forward to the field trips. We were eagerly waiting for the days to come. We had pre-planned everything. Every single detail was planned and everything was set. We were visiting places with magnificent architectural designs.

The different varieties of ideas used made us think about the brilliance of the architecture. The designs, mural paintings, the statues, and the engraving on the walls. For some of us, this was the first experience. We learned about things that one should think about before planning and executing architectural designs.

This trip also taught us about the importance of precision in planning a design. One should be able to foresee everything before starting the actual construction. The quality of the materials, the materials used and also how much is the design applicable in a particular place.

Since some materials cannot be used in some climatic conditions, one should take utmost care in selecting materials for the construction. The trip made us realise our potential and also the importance of planning and precision in our field.

Field Trip To A Cow Farm

 By Mark Anthony

September 5, 2015; Gujarat: This field trip was planned so as to make students understand how a farm works. On reaching the farm, students saw a large number of cows, of different varieties. One could see the huge machines used for milking the cows. The farm had a large number of workers. There was a veterinarian for weekly checkups.

There were employees cleaning the farms. There were separate employees for each pair of cows. Cows at this farm were given high-protein foods. The sheds were cleaned regularly to control diseases that might affect the cows. One could see the care given to the cows by looking at them. After the milking process, they are sent to a nearby plant for pasteurization and packaging.

There are special sheds for pregnant cows so as to give them special care. The calves are very well taken care of. The students could understand the importance of cleanliness and regular checkups. This experience made the students realise something new and made them learn new things.

There You Have It

So you have seen the example reports on Educational Tour, I hope these examples indeed help you.

Do let me know if you have any other topic ideas that you want me to cover by leaving a quick comment just below the article.

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  • लौ आयो ताजा खबर
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  • जलस्रोत र उर्जा

26 Nepali -- लौ आयो ताजा खबर

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प्रतिवेदन लेखन

↪  कुनै पनि विषय वा घटनाको विस्तृत अध्ययन र सोधखोजपछि तयार पारिने विवरणलाई प्रतिवेदन भनिन्छ । प्रतिवेदन जुनसुकै उल्लेखनीय घटना पनि लेख्न सकिन्छ र यो कुनै गोष्ठी वा सभामा विशिष्ट व्यक्तिहरूका अगानि प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ । ↪  सभा-समारोह, भ्रमण, जात्रा, मेलापर्व, शैक्षिक गतिविधि, वनभोज दुर्घटना, अनुसन्धानात्मक कार्य, नवीन वैज्ञानिक खोजी आदि प्रतिवेदनका विषय बन्न सक्छन्। ↪  घटनाको अवस्था वा विषय वस्तुको क्षेत्र हेरी प्रतिवेदनको आयाम निर्धारण गरिन्छ त्यसैले प्रतिवेदन यति नै आयाममा लेखिन् पर्छ भन्ने छैन । ↪  तर, यहाँ लेखिने प्रतिवेदन चाहिँ १००-१५० शब्दसम्मको हुने गर्छ । प्रतिवेदन एक अनुच्छेददेखि दुई -तीन अनुच्छेदसम्म पनि लेख्न सकिन्छ । ↪  तर, विषयको क्रमिकता चाहिँ यसमा पनि अनिवार्य मानिन्छ। .

⁕  प्रतिवेदन लेख्दा ध्यान दिनु पर्ने कुराहरू

१) प्रतिवेदनका विषयमा गम्भीरता पूर्वक मनन गर्नु पर्छ। २) सम्बन्धित विषयमा बुंदागत रूपमा तथ्य सङ्कलन गर्नु पर्छ। ३) सङ्कलित बँदाहरूको आदि, मध्य र अन्त्य स्थान निर्धारण गर्नु पर्छ। ४) तथ्यहरूको सत्यता परीक्षण गर्नु पर्छ। ५) विषय वस्तुलाई क्रमबद्ध तरिकाले लेख्दै जानु पर्छ र प्रतिवेदनकै शैलीमा खेसा लेखन गर्नु पर्छ। ६) आवश्यक परिमार्जन सहित विश्वसनीयताका साथ साफी लेखन गर्नु पर्छ । ७) त्रुटि रहित साफी लेखन गरि सकेपछि प्रतिवेदनका अन्त्यमा दायाँतिर प्रतिवेदकको नाम, पद र संस्था लेख्नु पर्छ।

⁕  प्रतिवेदन लेख्ने तरिका

१. विषयको चयन गर्ने अथवा कुन शीर्षकसँग सम्बन्धित भएर प्रतिवेदन लेने हो भन्ने बारेमा स्पष्ट हुने, २. विषयको गहन अध्ययन गरी आवश्यक विभिन्न स्थानबाट प्राप्त सामग्रीको विश्लेषण गरी समस्याको मूल जरो पत्ता लगाई समाधानको उपाय प्रस्तुत गर्ने, ३. प्रतिवेदनको आदि भागमा प्रतिवेदन लेखनको विषयको बारेमा सामान्य जानकारी दिइन्छ ४. मध्यभागमा प्रतिवेदन लेखनका लागि सङ्कलित तथ्यहरूको विश्लेषण क्रमबद्ध रूपमा संक्षेपमा प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ ५. अन्त्य भागमा तथ्यहरूको विश्लेषणबाट प्राप्त निष्कर्ष दिई आवश्यक परेमा सुझाव दिइन्छ ६. प्रतिवेदनको भाषा विवरणात्मक वा वर्णनात्मक तथा विश्लेषणात्मक हुन्छ । ७. प्रतिवेदन प्रायः अन्य पुरुष शैलीमा लेखिन्छ। ८. छोटा पत्र शैलीका प्रतिवेदनमा प्रथम पुरुष शैली पनि प्रयोग गरिन्छ। ९. प्रतिवेदनमा सामान्य भूत वा पूर्ण भूतका वाक्यहरू प्रयोग गरिन्छ। १०.निष्कर्ष र सुझाव खण्डमा वर्तमान काल वा भविष्यत् कालका ढाँचाका वाक्य प्रयोग गरिन्छ। ११. प्रतिवेदनको अन्तिममा बायाँपट्टि तिथिमिति र दायाँपट्टि प्रतिवेदकको नाम, थर तथा पद बुलाएर लेखिन्छ। १२. कुनै कार्यालय वा संस्थामा बुझाउनुपर्ने पत्रशैलीका प्रतिवेदनमा सम्बोधन पनि गरिन्छ

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educational tour report writing in nepali

आफनो विधालय आयोजित बिदाइ तथा स्वागत समाहोरको सबै घटना समेटि एउटा पति वेदन त्यार पार्नु होस ।

More notes on लौ आयो ताजा खबर

प्रतिवेदन नमुना १, प्रतिवेदन नमुना २, प्रतिवेदन नमुना ३, प्रतिवेदन नमुना ४.

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Students educational tour in nepal.

The life of a student is full of learning and the students educational tour in Nepal is a perfect way to learn about various aspects from their practical knowledge.

Deepak Raj Bhatta

Nepal, nestled between the soaring peaks of the Himalayas and the lush plains of the Terai, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ecosystems. As a destination for educational tours, Nepal provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to immerse themselves in a country that boasts a tapestry of ethnic groups, languages, and traditions. With its historic cities, UNESCO World Heritage sites, abundant wildlife, and warm hospitality, Nepal offers a transformative learning experience that goes beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. By engaging with local communities and exploring the country's breathtaking landscapes, students can develop a deep understanding of global issues, cultivate cultural sensitivity, and gain valuable life skills.

The purpose of educational tours for students:

Educational tours serve multiple purposes for students, providing unique opportunities for learning, personal growth, and cultural exchange. Some of the primary objectives of such tours include:

Experiential Learning: Educational tours enable students to learn through direct experiences, offering hands-on activities and real-world applications of classroom concepts. This immersive approach to learning can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and helps students retain knowledge more effectively.

Broadening Perspectives: Educational tours expose students to different cultures, lifestyles, and viewpoints, which can help them develop empathy, open-mindedness, and cultural sensitivity. By interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, students can challenge their preconceived notions and gain a broader understanding of the world.

Personal Growth: Educational tours often involve overcoming challenges, problem-solving, and decision-making in unfamiliar environments. These experiences can foster the development of essential life skills, such as adaptability, leadership, teamwork, and communication.

Global Awareness: By exploring new countries and engaging with local communities, students can develop a greater understanding of global issues, including environmental conservation, socio-economic disparities, and cultural preservation. This awareness can inspire students to become active global citizens and contribute positively to the world.

Building Friendships and Networks: Educational tours provide a platform for students to form lasting friendships and create connections with peers, educators, and local communities. These relationships can lead to future collaborations, personal growth, and an expanded worldview.

Creating Lifelong Memories: Educational tours can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many students, filled with unforgettable memories, personal achievements, and transformative moments. These experiences can ignite a passion for learning, travel, and cross-cultural exploration that lasts a lifetime.

This blog post will cover:

Why Nepal is an ideal destination for educational tours, including its rich cultural and historical heritage, unique biodiversity, community engagement opportunities, and adventure-based learning experiences.

Preparing for an educational tour in Nepal, including setting learning objectives, collaborating with local organizations, managing travel logistics and budgeting, and considering health and safety aspects.

Top destinations for educational tours in Nepal, such as Kathmandu Valley, Pokhara, Chitwan National Park, and the Annapurna or Everest regions.

Integrating educational activities into the tour, including interactive workshops, field visits, collaborative projects with local students, and language and cultural immersion.

Encouraging community engagement and service learning through volunteering, cultural exchange programs, and supporting local businesses and social enterprises.

Making the most of the educational tour in Nepal by promoting reflection, facilitating group discussions, and providing opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

Table Of Content

Why nepal for educational tours.

Nepal is an exceptional destination for educational tours due to several factors that make it a unique and enriching learning environment. Here are some reasons why Nepal stands out as a prime location for educational excursions:

A. Rich Cultural and Historical Heritage:

Nepal is home to a diverse tapestry of ethnic groups, languages, and traditions, offering students a wealth of cultural and historical experiences. With numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites , ancient temples, and historical cities such as Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur, students can delve into the region's fascinating past and explore the intricate art, architecture, and religious practices that have shaped Nepal's identity.

B. Biodiversity and Unique Ecosystems:

Nepal's varied landscapes, ranging from the towering Himalayas to lush subtropical forests, provide students with the opportunity to study a wide range of ecosystems and unique biodiversity. They can learn about the conservation efforts in protected areas like Chitwan National Park or Annapurna Conservation Area, discover rare and endangered species, and gain insights into the delicate balance between human activities and the environment.

C. Opportunities for Community Engagement and Service Learning:

Educational tours in Nepal offer numerous opportunities for students to engage with local communities and participate in service-learning projects. By collaborating with schools, health centers, or environmental conservation initiatives, students can contribute to sustainable development efforts while gaining valuable insights into the challenges faced by local populations. These experiences can help students develop empathy, communication skills, and a greater understanding of social and global issues.

D. Adventure and Outdoor Learning Experiences:

Nepal's stunning natural landscapes provide a perfect backdrop for adventure and outdoor learning experiences. Students can embark on treks through the breathtaking Annapurna or Everest regions, participate in team-building activities, and learn essential survival skills. These adventures allow students to challenge themselves, foster resilience, and develop a deep appreciation for nature and the importance of preserving our planet's precious resources.

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Preparing for the educational tour.

Preparing for an educational tour in Nepal requires careful planning and coordination to ensure a successful and meaningful experience for students. Here are some key aspects to consider during the preparation process:

A. Setting Learning Objectives:

Before embarking on the tour, it is crucial to define clear learning objectives that align with the students' curriculum and interests. Consider discussing these objectives with educators, students, and parents to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The goals may include cultural immersion, environmental awareness, community engagement, or personal growth, among others.

B. Collaborating with Local Organizations and Educational Institutions:

To enhance the educational value of the tour, consider partnering with local organizations, NGOs, or educational institutions in Nepal. These collaborations can provide valuable insights, resources, and expertise to facilitate interactive workshops, seminars, or volunteer opportunities. Collaborating with locals also ensures that the tour is culturally sensitive and respectful of local customs and traditions.

C. Travel Logistics and Budgeting:

Effective planning of travel logistics is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for students. This includes arranging transportation, accommodations, meals, and entry fees for various attractions. Develop a detailed itinerary and budget, taking into account factors such as group size, travel dates, and specific requirements of the group. It may be helpful to work with a local travel agency or tour operator who can assist with arrangements and provide on-the-ground support.

D. Health and Safety Considerations:

Ensuring the health and safety of students is of paramount importance during an educational tour. Take into account factors such as altitude sickness, food hygiene, and travel-related illnesses. Provide students and their families with a comprehensive pre-departure briefing on vaccinations, travel insurance, and any necessary medications. Make sure to have a contingency plan in place for emergencies and establish clear communication channels between students, chaperones, and tour organizers. Familiarize yourself with local hospitals and medical facilities and consider hiring a local guide with first aid training to accompany the group.

Top Destinations for Educational Tours in Nepal

Nepal offers a diverse range of destinations, each with its unique attractions and learning opportunities. Here are some top destinations for educational tours in Nepal and the highlights they offer:

A. Kathmandu Valley:

Cultural and historical sites: The Kathmandu Valley is home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites , ancient temples, and historic cities such as Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur. Students can explore the region's rich cultural heritage, architectural marvels, and religious practices that have shaped Nepal's history.

Educational institutions and museums: The valley houses several universities, schools, and museums where students can attend lectures, workshops, and interact with local students and educators. Visiting institutions like the Tribhuvan University or the Patan Museum can provide valuable insights into Nepal's educational landscape and cultural history.

B. Pokhara:

Natural wonders and adventure activities: Known for its stunning lakes and panoramic mountain views, Pokhara offers various outdoor activities such as boating, paragliding , and zip-lining. Students can enjoy these adventure sports while learning about the geological formations and the importance of preserving the region's natural beauty.

Local community projects: Pokhara is home to several NGOs and community-based organizations working in areas like education, health, and environmental conservation. Students can engage with these organizations to learn about their initiatives and contribute to local projects through volunteering or service learning.

C. Chitwan National Park:

Wildlife and conservation education: Chitwan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists. Students can learn about the park's diverse flora and fauna, including endangered species like the Bengal tiger and the one-horned rhinoceros, and understand the challenges of wildlife conservation in Nepal.

Eco-tourism and sustainable practices: Chitwan National Park offers various eco-tourism initiatives and sustainable practices that protect the environment and benefit local communities. Students can learn about responsible tourism, community-based conservation efforts, and the importance of balancing development with ecological preservation.

D. Annapurna or Everest Region:

Trekking and outdoor learning experiences: Trekking through the breathtaking Annapurna or Everest regions exposes students to spectacular landscapes, challenging terrains, and valuable outdoor learning experiences. These treks can teach students essential survival skills, teamwork, and resilience while fostering a deep appreciation for nature.

Understanding local mountain communities and their culture: During their trek, students can interact with local mountain communities, learn about their unique traditions, lifestyles, and the challenges they face, such as climate change and limited access to resources. This cultural exchange promotes empathy and understanding, inspiring students to reflect on their own lives and the world at large.

Integrating Educational Activities

Integrating educational activities into the tour is essential for maximizing the learning experience and ensuring that students remain engaged throughout the trip. Here are some suggestions for incorporating educational activities during the tour in Nepal:

A. Interactive Workshops and Seminars:

Organize workshops and seminars led by local experts, educators, or community leaders to provide students with in-depth knowledge on specific subjects such as Nepali history, culture, environmental conservation, or social issues. These sessions can encourage critical thinking, active participation, and stimulate intellectual curiosity among students.

B. Field Visits and Hands-on Experiences:

Arrange field visits to sites relevant to the learning objectives of the tour, such as temples, historical landmarks, wildlife reserves, or local NGOs. Hands-on experiences, like participating in traditional crafts, cooking classes, or community-based projects, can offer a more tangible understanding of the subject matter and create lasting memories for students.

C. Collaborative Projects with Local Students:

Facilitate opportunities for students to work together with their Nepali counterparts on collaborative projects, such as conducting research, developing solutions to local problems, or creating art and cultural performances. These interactions can foster cross-cultural communication, promote teamwork, and develop a sense of global citizenship among students.

D. Language and Cultural Immersion:

Encourage students to learn basic Nepali phrases and engage in cultural immersion activities, such as homestays, traditional dance lessons, or attending local festivals. This exposure to the local language and culture can deepen students' understanding of Nepal's rich heritage and traditions while enhancing their communication skills and cultural sensitivity.

Community Engagement and Service Learning

Community engagement and service learning are valuable components of an educational tour, allowing students to connect with local communities, contribute to meaningful projects, and gain a deeper understanding of social and environmental issues. Here are some ways to incorporate community engagement and service learning during a tour in Nepal:

A. Volunteering Opportunities in Schools, Health Centers, or Conservation Projects:

Organize volunteer placements for students in schools, health centers, or environmental conservation projects. Students can assist with teaching English, supporting healthcare initiatives, or participating in reforestation and wildlife conservation efforts. These experiences can help students develop empathy, problem-solving skills, and a greater understanding of the challenges faced by local communities.

B. Participating in Cultural Exchange Programs:

Arrange for cultural exchange programs that provide opportunities for students to interact with local families, participate in traditional ceremonies, or learn about indigenous customs and practices. These exchanges can foster cross-cultural understanding, break down stereotypes, and promote long-lasting friendships between students and local communities.

C. Supporting Local Businesses and Social Enterprises:

Encourage students to support local businesses and social enterprises during their tour. This can include purchasing handicrafts from local artisans, dining at community-run restaurants, or staying in eco-friendly accommodations. By supporting these ventures, students can contribute to the local economy, promote sustainable tourism practices, and learn about the importance of responsible consumption and social entrepreneurship.

Making the Most of Your Educational Tour in Nepal

To ensure that students fully benefit from their educational tour in Nepal, it's essential to create an environment that encourages reflection, fosters personal growth, and promotes open communication. Here are some suggestions for making the most of the educational tour:

A. Encouraging Reflection and Journaling:

Encourage students to engage in regular reflection and journaling throughout the tour. By writing about their experiences, feelings, and observations, students can process new information, make personal connections to the subject matter, and enhance their overall learning experience. Reflection also helps students internalize the lessons learned and enables them to apply these insights to their future endeavors.

B. Facilitating Group Discussions and Debriefing Sessions:

Organize group discussions and debriefing sessions where students can share their experiences, thoughts, and insights with their peers and educators. These sessions provide a platform for students to ask questions, clarify doubts, and learn from one another's perspectives. They can also serve as an opportunity for educators to address any concerns, offer guidance, and reinforce the learning objectives of the tour.

C. Providing Opportunities for Personal Growth and Skill Development:

Design activities and experiences that foster personal growth and skill development among students. These may include team-building exercises, leadership opportunities, or challenges that push students out of their comfort zones. By engaging in such activities, students can develop essential life skills such as adaptability, resilience, communication, and problem-solving. Providing these opportunities can help students gain confidence, independence, and a greater sense of self-awareness, making their educational tour in Nepal a truly transformative experience.

In conclusion, an educational tour in Nepal offers students a unique and unforgettable learning experience, enriched by the country's diverse cultural heritage, breathtaking natural landscapes, and welcoming local communities. By exploring historic sites in the Kathmandu Valley, participating in adventure activities in Pokhara, engaging with wildlife conservation efforts in Chitwan National Park, and trekking through the majestic Annapurna or Everest regions, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the many facets that make Nepal a truly remarkable destination.

The benefits of experiential learning and cultural exchange during an educational tour in Nepal cannot be overstated. Students can immerse themselves in hands-on activities, interactive workshops, and collaborative projects, fostering a deeper understanding of the subjects they encounter. By engaging with local communities through service learning, volunteering, and cultural exchanges, students can develop essential life skills, empathy, and global awareness that extends far beyond the classroom.

Educators are encouraged to consider Nepal as a destination for student educational tours, as it offers a wealth of opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and intellectual exploration. A well-planned and carefully executed educational tour in Nepal can ignite students' passion for learning, inspire them to become global citizens, and create lasting memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best time for an educational tour in Nepal is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these months, the weather is generally clear and pleasant, making it ideal for trekking, outdoor activities, and sightseeing.

Nepal offers a range of accommodation options suitable for student groups, including hostels, guesthouses, hotels, and homestays. Depending on your budget and preferences, you can choose the most suitable option for your group.

Nepali cuisine typically consists of rice, lentils, vegetables, and meat dishes, with the national dish being "dal bhat." Nepal also offers a variety of international cuisines, including Indian, Chinese, and Western dishes. Most restaurants and accommodations can cater to dietary restrictions such as vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diets with prior notice.

Most nationalities require a visa to enter Nepal, which can be obtained upon arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu or at certain land border crossings. It is essential to check the visa requirements for your specific nationality before planning the educational tour.

It is advisable to consult a travel health specialist or your local healthcare provider for up-to-date vaccination recommendations before traveling to Nepal. Some commonly recommended vaccinations include Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, and routine vaccinations such as MMR, DPT, and Polio.

Nepal is generally considered safe for travelers, including student groups. However, it is essential to take necessary precautions, such as avoiding travel at night, being aware of personal belongings, and following the advice of local guides and tour operators. It's also crucial to have a contingency plan and maintain open communication between students, chaperones, and tour organizers.

To ensure a culturally sensitive and responsible tour, collaborate with local organizations and tour operators who can provide guidance on respectful practices and cultural norms. Encourage students to learn about Nepali customs and traditions, dress modestly, and seek permission before taking photographs of people or religious sites. Additionally, supporting local businesses and participating in eco-friendly practices can contribute to sustainable tourism in Nepal.


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Education Tour

Education Tour Education Tour in Nepal | Student Tour in Nepal - 1 Day to 10 Days

  • Duration 1 Days
  • Trip Destination Kathmandu Valley
  • Starts at Kathmandu
  • Ends at Kathmandu
  • Trip Type Tour
  • Transport Private Vehicle/Tourist Bus
  • Information on all attractions and Trips
  • Enjoy major social and historical areas in Kathmandu (or outside Kathmandu)
  • All entry expenses and confirmations paid in advance
  • Provide private Bus, Jeep, and Van according to numbers of student and on demand
  • Tour grade: Easy

Education Tour is significant in many aspects. Educational trip majorly focuses on the educational element. The educational tour doesn’t only mean going out and visit new places with teacher and friends and have fun, Education Tour helps the student to know the outer world better, and it shows them how society precisely looks. It shows the real places they have been reading in their books. It also helps the student in making their bonding stronger. Education tour promotes practical education. This will help the student in gaining a new perspective on the world. Visual learning can be advantageous than classroom teaching process.

Nepal is rich in art and culture. Nepal is one of the best destinations for an educational tour because it has many historical places and natural beauty to gaze. Nepal has assorted land-formation from the high Himalayas to arenas. Himalayan flora and fauna are of fervor for the researcher. The community works can also be done during the excursion that can be beneficial for local people. Some are listed below:

Cultural performance (with the different custom of dances)

  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational exchange & Friendship with Nepali students
  • Social awareness drama
  • Nepali Agricultural learning
  • Building water storage Tank
  • Compounding the school wall
  • Distributing the water pipeline to the villagers home
  • Community Maintenance Program

All these kinds of activities can be done with the consultation with local higher authority and people residing in a particular selected area. Bits of help, donations, and funds can be raised and this community works can be done as well for the welfare of society.

Education Tour in Nepal (excursion) will last according to your choice either one day or more. But recently, Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition provides one-day excursion only around Kathmandu Valley. So, if you are planning a one-day education tour then you will be visiting high points of Kathmandu city for sure. Kathmandu Valley is full of temple, stupas, authentic royal residences from where one can find out much about the Art and Architecture of antiquated Nepal. On one-day education tour, we will visit Narayanhiti Durbar/museum, Chauni museum, and the Nepal National library, Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, and Bhaktapur Durbar Square. On the other hand, a candid visit to any of these place additionally gives knowledge to the Students. If you are planning of educational tour more than one day then you will visit Kathmandu, CG temple, Lumbini, Nawalparasi, Pokhara along with Chitwan National Park sheltering deer, monkeys, crocodiles, tigers, bears in addition to numerous types of birds and plants for wildlife studies.  Nepal has many interesting places for an educational visit for any students of Arts, Culture, and Religion too.

Education tour is fundamentally a chance to learn and improving students' life by exposing them to an alternate lifestyle and culture. Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition has been arranging education tour featuring Art, Culture, History, and Wildlife. We have arranged an education tour for students from primary to higher secondary level. We also arrange education tour out of the country like; Agra, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Goa. We are much more than happy to provide education tour like this. But all the services and aids will be limited to your demand and suggestions only. So feel free to contact us for the education tour in Nepal.

Book now and get free t-shirts, caps, and stickers.

What's Included

If you are liable to accomplish 1 Day educational tour in or around Kathmandu valley, then here is listed the major cost includes:

  • Lunch package (according to the suggestion of a tour organizing institute)
  • Touring vehicle (collaborating with Nepal Rental Car, we provide the best vehicles like car, jeep, Hi-Ace, normal bus, etc. according to the demand) with varying but best luxury facilities
  • Tour locations’ details
  • Permits and entry fees (if required)
  • Line and queue maintaining assistants (if demanded)

If you are liable to accomplish educational tour of more than one day, then here is listed the major cost includes:

  • All the services available for a 1-day educational tour
  • Meal for three times a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • Hotels and lodges (with twin-sharing rooms)
  • Overall food and accommodation
  • Emergency vehicle changing facility in case of any unpredicted circumstances

What's Excluded

  • Fees for an additional day of vehicle hire amid the tour
  • Fees for an additional day of hotel booking and lodging
  • Alcoholic beverages and other drinks
  • Shopping and laundry including other personal expenses
  • All other costs that are not mentioned in cost include’ list

Availability & Private Trip

Start DateStart: Monday End DateEnd: Monday PricePrice StatusStatus

If you are moving forward for the one-day education tour, then there will be no need for accommodation and all. But if you are visiting for a day plus education tour, then this information will be much more than useful for you.

Accommodation During Educational Tour

We will remain at an excessive hotel of your choice in Kathmandu. In Chitwan and Pokhara, you will go through two evenings each, separately. Twin sharing premise is the criteria for settlement. For single settlement, you have to pay extra $ 300 US. [Prices may vary according to the places you visit]

Meals During Educational Tour

Systematized group meals will be served on a daily basis all through the trip. Breakfast will be provided by the hotel you stay in Kathmandu. Your stay in Pokhara and Chitwan includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Traveler Checklist For Educational Tour

We prescribe you to get detail information on Nepal before you book your outing to Nepal. The travel checklist may differ according to the month you are traveling. For instance, if you are traveling in winter then you have to carry some fluffy clothes. Summer is typically warm. In the event that you are trekking in the Himalayas, you have to convey some additional attire.

NOTE: All these services will be provided according to the demanded criteria of the school, colleges or other institutions from where the educational tour will be organized.

Personal Belongings

  • Personal Baggage
  • Personal medical kit and first aid kit
  • Water bottles or small thermos
  • Safety Pouch (i.e., cash belt) for passport, individual archives, cash
  • Light/heavy snacks for appetite (for one-day education tour)
  • Clothes can be worn according to the climate in Nepal

Thus, these are some of the information that can be useful for everyone who has the craving of visiting diverse places of Nepal (or inside Kathmandu valley only). Concentrating on this information will benefit you in your tour a lot.

  • Reserve now and pay later
  • Change dates
  • You can pick a different tour
  • Trip transfer to your friends
  • We accept PayPal payment
  • 24 hours response time

binod sapkota

Binod Sapkota

What our clients say, productive educational tour around kathmandu, pokhara, and tour.

A huge thanks to Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition for arranging Educational tour. This excursion helped our students to know about new places. The tour was helpful not only for students it helped to teachers also. This education tour helped all the students to visit new places and as well help them to make their bonding stronger. We had our one-week educational tour successful under Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition. At first, I thought it will be hard for me to manage 20 students because I was the only teacher. The guide provided by Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition was so friendly and helpful he helped me throughout our tour.  We visited high points of Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Chitwan. As a teacher, I found this tour productive and motivating.


Full Service with a Smile

Binod & the Nepal Trek Adventure team will take great care of you across the board. I was working with Binod on coordinating two student education trips traveling through Nepal. Binod goes above and beyond to make sure all his traveler have an incredible experience, and he knows the people and ways to achieve whatever is needed. Definitely, a great person and company to work with for all of your Nepal needs.

Overall Rating


Why travel with Nepal Trek Adventure?

Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition is one of the best local travel companies based in Kathmandu with leading adventures.

Our experienced guides have extensive knowledge of the local area and culture, ensuring a safe and authentic adventure.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, from personalized trip planning to attentive support throughout your journey.

We understand that travel plans can change, which is why we offer flexible itineraries and customizable tours to meet your specific needs and preferences.

We strive to provide the best value for your money, with competitive pricing and transparent, all-inclusive pricing that eliminates hidden fees.

Get Your Free Guide Now

Download a detailed PDF with all the information you need to plan an enjoyable vacation in Nepal.

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Travhill Travel and Tourism, Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal

Itinerary Sample For Student Tour In Nepal

To The Principal

Subject: Proposal for Education/Student Tour in Nepal with TravHill.

Namaskar from the Himalayan country Nepal! We hope this email finds you well. 🙂

We are writing this to introduce you to our educational/student tour in Nepal from the reputed & best travel agency in Nepal, TravHill. We specialize in organizing educational tours for schools and have successfully arranged trips for numerous institutions in the past from various parts of the world. We plan an itinerary on the basis of the student’s age group, and difficulty level (easiest to moderate and safe) which consists of hiking in the deep green jungle, trekking on the snow-capped mountain along with safe water rafting. We also make sure to have a village tour for students to experience well-managed hospitality from the local people.

Our team of experienced travel professionals is dedicated to providing a seamless and enriching travel experience for students. We understand the importance of educational tours in providing students with hands-on learning opportunities and cultural immersion, and we believe that Nepal has much to offer in these regards.

Nepal is home to a variety of cultural, historical, and natural attractions that we believe would be of great interest to your students. From the bustling city of Kathmandu to the breathtaking natural beauty of the Himalayas, there is something for every student to experience and enjoy.

We would love the opportunity to work with your school to plan an unforgettable educational tour in Nepal. Let’s rejuvenate, let’s energize, let’s distress, and let’s go to NEPAL.

We love to hear from you. We will schedule a time to speak to you to confirm the tours we offer and how we can tailor a trip to meet your specific educational goals.

Click here to see our company profile

Thanks and regards, TravHill Kathmandu, Nepal Whatsapp +9779812383900

[pdf-embedder url=”https://travhill.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Student-Tour-to-Nepal-Generic.pdf” title=”Student Tour to Nepal Generic”]

Mr. Greg's English Cloud

Report Writing: Educational Tour

An Educational Tour is a perfect blend of learning and fun, offering students the opportunity to explore new places while gaining practical knowledge beyond the classroom. Writing a report on an educational tour involves capturing the key experiences, documenting the learning outcomes, and reflecting on the overall value of the trip. The report should provide a clear and detailed account of the tour while emphasizing the educational aspects and insights gained from the experience.

This article will guide you through the steps of writing a comprehensive and engaging report on an Educational Tour .

Table of Contents

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Report on an Educational Tour

2. introduction.

An educational tour to [Location] was organized by [Name of the School/College/Organization] on [Date] . The tour aimed to provide students with hands-on learning experiences in [mention subject, e.g., history, science, etc.] and to broaden their understanding of the topics discussed in the classroom. A group of [number] students, accompanied by [number] teachers, participated in this enriching experience.

3. Objectives of the Tour

The primary objective of the educational tour was to help students learn beyond the confines of the classroom by exposing them to real-world applications of the subjects they study. The tour aimed to spark curiosity, encourage inquiry, and enable students to gain practical insights into [mention subject, e.g., historical events, scientific phenomena, etc.] .

4. Planning and Organization

The planning for the educational tour began weeks in advance, with the teachers coordinating with the travel agency and the management of the destination site. Students were given a pre-tour briefing, where they were informed about the significance of the location and what they could expect. They were also given a set of questions and topics to explore during the tour to ensure an enriching learning experience.

5. Description of the Tour

A) day 1: departure and arrival.

The journey began early in the morning, with students and teachers gathering at the school campus. The group traveled by [mention mode of transport, e.g., bus/train] to [Location] . After a [mention travel time] journey, we arrived at our destination and were welcomed by the local guides. The students were excited and eager to explore the site.

b) Day 2: Visits to Key Landmarks or Institutions

C) educational activities, d) day 3: exploration and group discussions, 6. learning outcomes, 7. challenges faced, 8. conclusion.

The educational tour to [Location] was a memorable and enriching experience for all participants. Students not only gained valuable insights into [mention subject] , but they also developed a deeper appreciation for the importance of experiential learning. The feedback from students and teachers was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a desire for more such tours in the future.

Key Points to Remember When Writing a Report on an Educational Tour

Sample report format.

Introduction : A brief introduction explaining the purpose of the tour, who organized it, and its significance in enhancing students’ learning experiences.

Challenges and Solutions : Mention any challenges faced during the tour and how they were addressed.

About Mr. Greg

educational tour report writing in nepali

Educational Tour In Nepal

Educational Tour In Nepal

A traditional stone thatch roof House in Ghandruk

Volunteer Tour in Nepal

Ghale Gaon Village

Trip Highlights of Educational Tour In Nepal

  • “Nepal is home to 02 % of all the flowering plants in the world.
  • Explore local culture to historical and religious sites.
  • Thrilling white water Rafting and Hiking.
  • including more than 500 species; as well as 600 indigenous plant families with
  • 123 native spoken languages, the country with the world’s highest mountains”.
1 Pax.
2-4 Pax.
5-7 Pax.
8-10 Pax.
11-14 Pax.
Over 15 Pax.


Overview of Educational Tour In Nepal

Educational Tour in Nepal is one of the most interesting and exciting ways to enjoy, with boundless various activities to experience.

‘A country for all types of exciting tours from educational to cultural and adventurous’

For a small country, occupying only 0.03% of the earth with an area of 147, 181 sq. km. It is the most unique place on earth with biodiversity. Due to its unique geographical position and altitude variation. Where elevation ranges from 60 m above sea level to the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest, at 8,848.86 m, visitors can enjoy these dramatic changes all within a distance of 150 km.

As well as the climatic differences from Subtropical to alpine and extends to Arctic Zone cold temperatures. The incredible changes in landscapes, climate, and vegetation make Nepal a premium country for all types of visitors. The country offers a wide range of educational tours in Nepal from the lowlands of the Terai belt to the mid-hills. As well across the whole Himalayan ranges from Far East to Western Nepal. Travelers can experience all kinds of things to learn for educational purposes, from local culture to historical and religious sites with flora and fauna.

The list carries on for interested students in geology, botany, zoology, and studying of various species of bird life, including, the anthropology of 125 ethnic tribal groups with 123 Native spoken languages and different cultures around each country zone.

Nepal is a paradise for explorers, geologists, anthropologists, naturalists, botanists, zoologists, historians, archeologists, ornithologists, and more.

Nepal is also renowned as the safest country to travel from the mainstream areas to off-the-beaten trails. As well as around the remote and far-hidden corners, where all visitors will find a haven in Nepal.

Education Tour also includes mountaineering and climbing training indoors or outdoors around the high Himalayan ranges. Nepal boasts the 8th highest peak from the world’s 14th tallest mountains. The students can also enjoy and learn the art of rafting the Himalayan Glacial Rivers, including kayaking. Nepal is also a premier adventure ground for various adrenaline sports activities. Learn the skill of Paragliding and biking on the rough Himalayan Mountain Trails.

The country treasures Ten Renowned World Heritage Sites, from ancient historical and religious monuments to natural habitats of wildlife national parks. The famous Lumbini, the official birthplace of Lord Buddha, the Light of Asia. Education Tour in Nepal for all, from school and college students to people with academics. As well as for the scientists and researchers in rare herbal medicinal plants. Including the students to learn the art of meditation and yoga or cooking Nepali, Newari, and Tibetan foods.

Detail Itinerary of Educational Tour In Nepal

On arrival at Kathmandu International Airport Terminal, our staff and guide of Vertex Holidays receive you with a traditional welcome. Then transfer to respective hotels in the hub of Kathmandu around the interesting area of Thamel.

After refreshments, our guide/leader will brief us with information regarding educational tours in Nepal with a group welcome dinner in a typical Nepalese restaurant with a folk cultural program.

In Kathmandu a full-day sightseeing tour around places of interest, the Kathmandu three cities offer beautiful World Heritage Sites.

The tour led by our company expert guide shows you the wonders of Nepal and Kathmandu landmarks. As it were for past hundreds of centuries, visits of Interesting old Royal Palace and courtyard.

From Old Durbar Square tour extends west of the city to a green hillock, where Swyambhunath a Buddhist Stupa. A famous monument of more than 2,500 old histories, as well as the famed landmarks of the country.

After an exciting visit to Swyambhunath, a short drive east of the city to the holy Hindu temple of Pashupatinath. Adorned with a golden roof, surrounded by four cardinal silver doors. For non-Hindus are not allowed to enter the main premises but can enjoy religious activities from the opposite bank of the river.

The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, an annual religious festival that takes place in the month of February as per the Hindu calendar. The event is called Shiva Ratri, and thousands of pilgrims and devotees visit from all around Nepal and India.

From Pashupatinath Temple, the tour leads to Bouddhanath Stupa, also known as Little Tibet. Due to the local inhabitants of Tibetan origin people reside around the Bouddhanath Stupa premises. The dome stupa of three tiers, white-washed with an orange-colored design, appears like a lotus. After Bouddhanath a short drive to Bhaktapur, a magnificent place to experience. The whole city is a Living Museum, enjoy the tour of the famous Golden Gate with the palace of 55 Windows.

Then walk to another small square where the famous Nytapola stands high above the old Bhaktapur city. A five-storied roofed pagoda, a great world of craftsmanship and architecture. Visit the Dattatraya Square east of the city, a walking distance, and enjoy the fine old temple of the god Bhairab.

As well as the famous Peacock Window nearby, then visit the classic pottery place. Observe the ancient work of craftsmanship of making potteries from fine clays, after an interesting time in Bhaktapur. Drive to Kathmandu city and back to your hotel, the rest of the evening at leisure.

Morning an interesting drive beyond Kathmandu Valley to reach the Rafting Point at Trisuli River. The Captain and River guide will brief on safety measures, after being equipped with paddles, a helmet, and a life jacket. Then enjoy the scenic and float downstream encountering exciting bouncy waves and rapids, as well observe river life. As well as watching the river birds, cormorants, King Fisher, Sand Piper, Egrets and Eagles. Then paddle to the bank of Trisuli River to end the rafting of a few hours. Transfer to a nice river resort, and have time to explore the rural village and farm activities of the local villagers.

From the Resort at Trisuli Riverside, the morning drive heads towards the main highway, and then leaves the Trisuli River. The drive follows the Mid-West towards Bhesishar, a large town and headquarters of the Lamjung district.

From here the drive continues heading on winding up a rough country road, and through a forest of rhododendrons, oaks, and pines. The drive follows past nice smaller farm villages past Baglung Pani, facing views of Annapurna, Lamjung Himal, and Manaslu Himalayas. The drive continues towards Ghale Gaon village, a traditional welcome awaits you by the villagers. Enjoy the traditional hospitality of the Ghale Hill tribe of the Lamjung Himal areas. Then check into a nice homely cottage, afternoon explore the village, and interact with the locals. As well as soaking into the impressive cultures and customs of the Ghale people renowned as Gorkha Soldiers also. Evening entertainment before dinner is performed by the village ladies and men with folk songs and dances.

Enjoy the full day at Ghale-Gaon with the backdrop of Annapurna, Lamjung, and Manaslu Himalayas. From Ghale-Gaon explore the next village Bhujung, the largest Gurung settlement around the Lamjung area. Located at 1,600 meters, a short day hike of a few hours, an enjoyable pleasant walk downhill.

At Bhujung visit the traditional Gurung communities’ houses and their scenic surroundings. After a wonderful moment head back to Ghale-Gaon for the last overnight, the villagers present a cultural program. Where all guests can enjoy dancing along with the folk songs of the mountains and having traditional Nepali meals.

After an enjoyable time at Ghale Gaon with its interesting culture and customs drive leads to the beautiful city of Pokhara. Blessed with the natural beauty of snow-capped mountains and serene lakes, a renowned tourist destination for domestic and foreign visitors. The hotels are situated close to serene Phewa Lake, with views of Snow Mountains towards North.

Early morning, before breakfast a short drive uphill to the top of Sarankot scenic hill at 1,460 m. From Sarankot Hill, enjoy the stunning sunrise over snow-capped mountains. Facing fabulous views of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Annapurna and Mt. Manaslu Himalayan range with Mt. Machhapuchare “Fish Tail”.

Sarankot is also a popular spot for paragliding and Zip Line, one of the popular adventure sports. After a refreshing morning back to the hotel for a hearty breakfast, having time to get refreshed. Afternoon options tour of Pokhara, with a visit to Devi’s Water Fall, or Patale Chhago (Hell’s Fall). An impressive cascading waterfall, amidst a nice pleasant park garden. From here visit the large deep cave of Gupteswor with a Hindu shrine of Lord Shiva. The tour then leads north around the local market area and visits the Brindabhasini Temple.

A lovely area for views and observing the devotees with religious rituals and prayers. Excellent views of Pokhara old Bazaar with the views of Annapurna peaks, the visit the Seti river gorge. Time permitting visit the International Mountaineering Museum, information and history of the Himalayas. Those who are not interested in the tour can enjoy practicing meditation, and yoga at the green lawn of the hotel. As well as have a leisurely a relaxing time with the serene vibration practicing the Singing Bowl. After a great day in Pokhara, the rest of the day is for individual activities or one can enjoy boating at Phewa Lake.

Morning drive back to Kathmandu after a wonderful trip on the high hills of Bandipur and Annapurna range. During the Bandipur observe the typical Newari cultures of the villagers, an interesting way to catch the local life.  reaching Kathmandu transfer to respective hotels with afternoon free at leisure for relaxation and shopping around.

Last day in amazing Nepal, as time for the international flight our staff will transfer you to the international airport. For the flight back home or to the next port of call, after a great enjoyable time at Ghale Gaon on an Educational Tour in Nepal.


What's included.

  • All arrival and departure transportation from the start to the end of the tour.
  • Twin-sharing accommodation on the Three-star category hotel in Kathmandu and Pokhara on a bed and breakfast basis.
  • 2 Night homestay at Ghale Gaon
  • Twin-sharing accommodation at Riverside Resort
  • White Water Rafting at Trishuli River
  • Guided tour throughout the trip with an expert cultural city guide.
  • private car or comfortable coach as per group size throughout the tour
  • All entrance fees and tickets on a sightseeing tour
  • All kinds of Government Taxes and office service charges

What's Excluded?

  • Personal Travel and Medical Insurances.
  • Personal expenses include hard or soft drinks, laundry bills, snacks, and other refreshments, gratitude,
  • tipping hotel staff, guides, and drivers.
  • Single room supplement for private rooms on request at extra cost.
  • Cancellation or leaving the tour due to personal domestic or medical problems, where clients have to Borne
  • all the expenses incurred themselves.
  • International airfare
  • Optional program fee

Essential Information - Educational Tour In Nepal

Following details to enjoy educational tour in nepal:, 01: health:.

To enjoy the educational tour in Nepal all needs to be in good physical shape and in sound health. As the educational tour might lead to hiking or trekking as per the interest of visitors to chosen destinations. Along with good health, all need to purchase Travel and Medical Insurance for safety and precautions. In case of unfortunate situations, might arise sometimes, especially on hikes and trekking around the Himalayan mid-hills.

02: Environment:

Visitors to Nepal for various tours, hikes, treks, and adventures must be aware of and careful. Following the rules of Responsible Tourism or Eco Trekking, before starting the hike, tour, and treks. Collect full information on the destination chosen for the education tour in Nepal. Respecting the local culture, and religion and not damaging the pristine environment, as well as an Educational Tour in Nepal learning the effects of global warming.

03: Enjoyable Activities:

Educational Tour in Nepal is an exciting and enjoyable activity as per the chosen subjects of interest. Besides discovering new things from age-old cultures and rural farm life, along with magnificent scenery of the Himalayan peaks.

As well the warm and friendly hospitality of the Nepalese people makes all tours and adventure activities more enjoyable.

04: Cultures:

Besides spectacular scenery of beautiful landscapes terrains and the high Himalayan snow peaks. Nepal is enriched with various different cultures with colorful festivals that one can enjoy. The country with 125 ethnic groups and 123 native speakers of different languages, makes Nepal a mosaic of cultures. The varieties of cultures extend from the low land of the Terai belt to the mid-hills and towards the mountainous Himalayan zone.

Nepali people follow the Hindu religion and culture, the country with 75% Hinduism. Includes 20 % Buddhism, the rest 5% with minor religions, due to the vast majority of Hinduism. Which is mostly spread around the south and mid-hills and valley of Nepal. But in higher hills and mountainous regions, people follow the Buddhist religion and culture. Visitors can enjoy and observe both ancient cultures of the Hindu and Buddhist religions.

05: Fitness:

Fitness and health go together, and all visitors to Nepal for the Educational Tour need to be well prepared. Being fit on the average level as per the areas of region chosen for the tour, hike, and treks. Similarly, all need to be in sound medical health to enjoy the Educational Tour in Nepal.

Nepal and Nepali are fond of music, singing, and dancing, visitors can observe most of the traditional folk music. All different ethnic tribes as their own taste in music, dance, and songs as per the festive occasions and celebrations.

Nepal from ancient times where folk music has existed, as well as the instruments. Like the ‘Madal’ a drum normally slung around the neck, the rhythm and beat as per the regions of Nepal. Every village from south to north, east or west, all tribes enjoy traditional music. Especially during ceremonies like weddings, festivals, or other events. Besides Madal the drums of various sizes and sounds, include cymbals, and harmoniums (like Accordions or small Keyboard). As well blow and jaw harps have existed in Nepal since ancient times along with traditional folk music.

07: Kindness, Love and Respect:

Educational Tour in Nepal Visitors will be amazed at the kindness, love, and respect shown to all guests. Kindness, love, and respect the traditional hospitality are intact among Nepali, to greet and welcome visitors in Nepal. This makes Nepal, one of the safest, friendly countries in the world, where all guests can experience it.

08: Nature and Environment:

Nepal is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of nature and biodiversity. Due to its unique geographical position and various altitude levels across the country. The elevation ranges from low 60 m above sea level to the highest point on earth. Which is Mt. Everest at 8,848.86 m, all within a mere distance of 150 km. Resulting in climatic changes from sub-tropical alpine to Arctic cold zone, the Himalayas. Nepal is also rich with networks of rivers that flow from the high Himalayan range of peaks. This makes Nepal the 2nd biggest country with the capacity for natural hydro-power energy.

09: Art & History:

Art and History are the backbone of the country, from ancient times till the present where visitors can enjoy historical tours. Nepal is blessed with arts and history, which makes the country enrich in culture. Due to the immense and impressive backdrop of ancient art and history, that still exists.

Art and History is an interesting and important part of the country for its civilization. The history dates back to the immemorial time’s era of more than 3,000 years ago. As the people migrated from all around neighboring countries bringing the arts and cultures. The history of Nepal is enormous from Gupta, Kirat to Malla and Shah Rulers periods. Visitors can observe the famous ancient landmarks of monuments, ancient palaces, and royal courtyards to historical sites. Most of these ancient places are on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites within Kathmandu and beyond.

10: Market and Bazaar:

One of the most interesting places to visit is the local market, its bustling colorful bazaar. From domestic utensils, vegetables,s, and farm products to other provisions the daily necessities of the Nepali. Every city, towns, and village have markets and a weekly bazaar, where local brings farm and dairy products. An opportunity for visitors to observe the local cultures and traditional way of life of different faces of the Nepali people.

11: Social Work & Volunteering:

Social Work and Volunteering programs are interesting ways to enjoy along with the Educational Tour in Nepal. There are various rural areas around the hidden corners of the country, which trekkers hardly visit. Where most social work and volunteering programs are active, it is the best way to soak in local cultures. As well as interacting with the local villagers, makes the educational tour more interesting. Social Work & Volunteering programs are organized on request and choosing the areas for the social activities. Where visitors can volunteer to work on farms, maintenance of trails, and safe drinking water, and hygiene.

12: Organic Farming:

The original method of growing vegetables, crops, and fruits is almost vanished in the present Hi-Fi World of modern civilization. Due to the fast active life, in the major towns and metropolitan cities. The food at present is not as healthy or nutritious as used to be in the good old back days. But good fresh foods, from vegetables, and fruits to major crops are available in Nepal. Where visitors can travel to respective places and can observe the organic farming maintained by the villagers. The demand is large, but the productivity is small at present. In Nepal, there are a number of Organic Farming and Horticulture farms around the outskirts of cities and towns. When visiting the rural hills and valleys or the mountainous areas. Visitors can find and enjoy the foods served fresh from the organic farms.

13: Home Stay Programs:

The other interesting related to the Educational Tour in Nepal is the Home Stay Programs. Managed and run by the local Village Communities in order to offer the best overnight accommodations and local foods. Visitors can enjoy lively moments, in the close harmony of traditional hospitality of the villagers.

Home Stay Programs are all over the country around rural farm villages, outskirts of towns and cities. A great way to immerse amidst local villagers and soak into the cultures and traditional way of simple life.

14: Village Tours:

Village Tours is another exciting way to gain knowledge of the local villagers, as it were from age-old days. The Educational Tour in Nepal won’t be complete without a visit to the hills of rural farm villages. An interesting part of the tour is that some short trekking and hiking are involved in exploring the villages. Village Tours is a vast program and wide areas to choose from various options near Kathmandu city. As well as heading far beyond Nepal Mid-West, the best will be the visit Ghale Gaon Tour. More details of Ghale Gaon are mentioned on the itinerary for interested people to enjoy this educational tour.

Ghale Gaon Village Tour

‘exploring cultural and scenic viewpoints around Nepal Mid-West Hills’

Short Profile of Ghale Gaon: Ghale Gaon Village Tour takes you around Nepal Mid-West in the district of Lamjung. Located east of the Annapurna Himalayan range and beneath Lamjung Himal 6.983 m/22,910 feet high. From Ghale Villages and its surrounding visitors can enjoy the breathtaking views of Mt. Machhapuchare the famous Fish-Tail Peak 6,693m. Includes Annapurna-I 8,091m, Annapurna-II 7,939m Annapurna-IV 7,525m, Lamjung Himal, Manaslu peak with Boudha Himal 6,974m, Himal-Chuli 6,747m. The Ghale tribe are farmers and cattle herders and follow Tibetan Buddhism religion with the ancient Bonpo cult (pre-Buddhism sect).

Ghale Gaon is a typical mountain village, travelers can interact with the locals and observe the traditional farm life. An interesting village to get into local cultures at Ghale Gaon.

Most Asked Questions by Travellers

What is the educational tour of nepal.

The Educational Tour of Nepal is a full travel experience that includes cultural, historical, and adventure activities. It provides an opportunity to learn about Nepal’s biodiversity, geography, and cultural legacy, making it suitable for students, educators, researchers, and scholars.

Who can participate in the Educational Tour in Nepal?

The journey is appropriate for school and college students, scholars, researchers, naturalists, and anybody interested in learning about Nepal’s rich cultural, historical, and natural history.

What are the Educational Tour's most notable highlights?

Highlights include visiting the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur, rafting down the Trisuli River, visiting the cultural village of Ghale Gaon, exploring Pokhara, and learning about Nepal’s unique flora, animals, and ethnic cultures.

What should I pack for Educational Tour in Nepal ? tour?

Comfortable attire, strong hiking shoes, personal prescriptions, travel documents, a camera, and any instructional materials you may need are all essential. Vertex Holiday will provide a full packing list.

Do I need travel insurance?

Yes, full travel insurance is required. It should include medical crises, trip cancellations, and any adventurous activities planned for the tour.

What level of physical fitness is required for this tour?

A moderate level of fitness is required. The program includes hiking, rafting, and walking tours.

What educational activities will be included in the tour?

The journey includes excursions to cultural and historically significant places, nature hikes, village explorations, rafting on the Trisuli River, and lectures about local flora, fauna, and cultural diversity.

Are there any cultural considerations that I should be aware of?

Yes, adhere to local norms, dress humbly, and be careful of practices related to religion. Your guides will share cultural insights and etiquette suggestions.

How can I stay connected throughout the tour?

Mobile networks are available in most places, but coverage might be patchy in isolated areas. Consider buying a local SIM card. Some lodges and hotels may provide WiFi.

What are the safety precautions for the tour?

Safety is a top priority, and all activities are carried out with appropriate safety equipment and professional guides. Travel insurance is required, and first aid is provided throughout the journey.

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essay on educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमण को निबंध

Last Update: 2024-05-02 Usage Frequency: 20 Quality:

essay educational tour

निबंध शैक्षिक भ्रमण

Last Update: 2018-12-24 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay on educational tour importance

Last Update: 2024-01-20 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay in educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा निबन्ध

Last Update: 2020-01-26 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay on educational tour in nagarkot

नगरकोटमा शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा निबन्ध

Last Update: 2022-11-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay about educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमण को बारे मा निबन्ध

Last Update: 2023-12-19 Usage Frequency: 2 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay on educational tour nepali language

Last Update: 2021-06-24 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

essay importance to educational tour

Last Update: 2019-06-07 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

letter on educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा पत्र

Last Update: 2024-09-25 Usage Frequency: 24 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

c/letter on educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा ग/पत्र

Last Update: 2024-03-18 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

report writing on educational tour

शैक्षिक भ्रमणको रिपोर्ट लेखन

Last Update: 2022-04-11 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

letter on educational tour to principal

प्रिन्सिपललाई शैक्षिक भ्रमण सम्बन्धी पत्र

Last Update: 2024-09-04 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

educational tour report writing

शैक्षिक भ्रमण प्रतिवेदन लेखन

Last Update: 2024-06-02 Usage Frequency: 16 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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    Nepali. essay on educational tour. Last Update: 2024-01-20 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. English. essay in educational tour. Nepali. शैक्षिक भ्रमणमा निबन्ध ... educational tour report writing. Nepali.