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This article shows teachers how to create a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

Sue Soltis avatar

Google Drive Assignments allow you to create an assignment for your students and attach a Google Doc, Google Slides, or a Google Sheet file to the assignment. A copy of the template file is created for each student in your class, and that file is shared back with you.


Students MUST be logged into a Google account through their browser to work on and submit assignments using this feature. For students who do not have Google accounts, consider using a different approach or providing an alternative way to submit the assignment.

When you create an assignment with Google Drive Assignments, you are the “owner” of the file, and the file is “shared” with the student. When the file is shared with the student, the student has Edit access to the file and can modify the copied document.

Once a student clicks Submit , the file moves from the In Progress tab to the Submitted tab in the Schoology assignment. This also changes the student’s access to Comment only , which means the student cannot make changes to the document but can add comments.

If a student submits the assignment and needs to make changes before the due date, both you and the student can un-submit the assignment so the student can have Edit access again. After the due date, the student cannot un-submit the assignment and cannot edit the file.

PLEASE NOTE: Google Drive Assignments are used for independent student work and not collaborative work. If you want students to work together on an assignment, consider adding a link to the file in your course.

Steps to Creating a Google Drive Assignment

Navigate to your Schoology course and click the chevron to the left of one of your main folders to expand the folder.

google drive assignments in schoology

Hover your mouse pointer directly below the location where you want to add the assignment until you see a green dashed line.

google drive assignments in schoology

Left-click your mouse and then click Add Assignment .

google drive assignments in schoology

Name: Enter the assignment name, which will be displayed inside your folder. Provide a unique and meaningful name for every assignment in your course. This makes it easy for you and your students to locate the assignment in the gradebook. For example, add the week or topic number to the beginning of the assignment name.

Additionally, at the end of the name, it’s very helpful to add the approximate amount of time it will take students to complete the assignment along with the number of points that can be earned.

google drive assignments in schoology

Description: In the assignment description, provide clear and concise instructions on how to complete the assignment. Including an audio or video recording is recommended for your assignments to create a teacher presence and to enhance assignment instructions.

Use the rich text editor tools to apply formatting to the font; change the indent or alignment of selected text; insert a link, image, or table; spellcheck the description; apply paragraph headers; and switch between Visual and HTML.

REQUIRED: Per eAcademy course requirements, include the approximate amount of time it will take students to complete the assignment. Also include the number of points that can be earned.

google drive assignments in schoology

Here are Assignment Instructions you can include in your Description, if desired.

~ Click My Document to view the Google Drive file.

~ Review the assignment instructions and complete the assignment by typing directly in the file.

~ When finished, click Submit Assignment .

~ On the next screen, click Yes, submit , and finally, click Done .

~ Use the breadcrumb trail at the top left to return to the weekly topic or the course landing page.


STUDENT-Submitting a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

Format Options: Select Google Drive Assignments .

google drive assignments in schoology

If you have any issues connecting to your WIU Google Drive account, click Options , click Account Settings , and log into your WIU Google Drive account.

google drive assignments in schoology

Scroll down your list of files or type the file name in the Search Google Drive field and select the file you would like students to complete. Make sure the sharing permission is set to "anyone with the link can view."

google drive assignments in schoology

Click Attach. The file is now attached to the assignment.

google drive assignments in schoology

REQUIRED - Due date and Time : All graded eAcademy assignments must have a Due date and time. To provide students with plenty of time to submit the assignment, set the time to 11:59 PM . This is a soft End Date and students can submit the assignment after this date unless you use the Lock feature (see Lock information at the bottom of this resource).

pts: Enter the number of points the assignment is worth.

google drive assignments in schoology

Category: From the Category drop-down menu, select Assignments .

google drive assignments in schoology

Period: From the Period drop-down menu, select the grading period that aligns with the Due date. DO NOT select Set as midterm/final . This may negatively impact student grades.

google drive assignments in schoology

Factor: Leave the Factor setting at the default value.

google drive assignments in schoology

[ NEW ] Collected Type: Checking the box will disable the ability to add a traditional score to the assignment in the gradebook. This is an Exception code that allows you to forgo traditional grading on a material. You can keep track of student work on assignments without impacting grading calculations as appropriate (e.g., Field Trip Forms). Enabling this setting will create a new column in the gradebook.

google drive assignments in schoology

Scale/Rubric: Leave the Scale/Rubric setting at the default value.

google drive assignments in schoology

Click Create .

google drive assignments in schoology

If desired, change the Options at the bottom of the Create Assignment window.

Individually Assign: Use this setting to only display the assignment to one or more members of the course or a grading group.

Lock: This setting prevents students from making submissions.

By default, this feature is disabled. Click the Lock icon to get started. From the drop-down menu, select either Lock on… or Lock now . If you select Lock on… , enter the date and time you wish to lock the assignment.

Submissions Enabled: You can choose to disable submissions if the assignment does not require something in return from the student - for example, reading homework.

Published to students: Use this setting to display or hide the assignment from the student view. The assignment is published by default and immediately available to students.

Grade Statistics: When enabled, this setting displays the statistics for the assignment to the students, which is located in an icon above the assignment submissions.

Comments: This setting is enabled by default and allows students to comment on the assignment. Use care with this setting because students may think the Comment box is used for assignment submissions. You may want to disable this setting.

[ NEW ] Count in Grade: This setting is enabled by default.

If disabled, this setting allows you to exclude a material’s scores from the grade calculations. This allows you, students, and parents to know immediately if a material is used in grading.

An example might be a pre-test you don’t want to count in grade calculations. The assignment grade will appear in purple italics in the gradebook and will not impact a student’s overall grade.

Copy to Courses: This setting allows you to copy the assignment with the current settings and options to another course.

PLEASE NOTE: At the current time, the attached Google file DOES NOT get copied when you copy a Google Drive Assignment to other courses. If you choose to use this feature, you will need to edit the copied assignment and attach the Google file.

google drive assignments in schoology

Viewing Student Submissions

Navigate to your Schoology course and click the assignment name.

google drive assignments in schoology

Click In Progress to see how the students are doing with the assignment and if they opened the assignment yet.

google drive assignments in schoology

Click Submissions to view and grade each student’s assignment.

google drive assignments in schoology

Use the breadcrumb trail at the top left to return to your course landing page or weekly topic.

google drive assignments in schoology

From the course landing page under Reminders on the right, you’ll see the total number of ungraded assignment submissions.

google drive assignments in schoology

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Co-Teaching and Google Drive/OneDrive Assignments in Schoology

This past fall, Schoology released a new system that connects assignments directly with documents from your OneDrive or Google Drive, creating a copy of your document for each student, and adding a host of additional useful features for teachers! For more on those systems, Schoology provides some help articles for both Google Drive Assignments   and OneDrive Assignments  in their Help Center. This article is to provide some help for those teachers currently using either of these systems.

Along with the many benefits of these new direct integrations, there are a couple of hiccups, as these are both new systems to the Schoology ecosystem. One hiccup, in particular, applies to co-taught classes using Google Drive Assignments or OneDrive Assignments. Even though Schoology allows a course to have multiple administrators to accommodate co-teaching, these new assignment types do not support co-teachers well. Continue below for a brief explanation of the issue and a quick and easy solution!

The Short Version

Only the teacher that specifically creates the Google Drive Assignment or OneDrive Assignment can access students’ copies of the file associated with an assignment.

The Longer Version

When a teacher creates an assignment in Schoology and uses the Google Drive Assignments or Microsoft OneDrive Assignments app, she or he selects a file from his/her own Google Drive or OneDrive, then Schoology creates a new copy of this file for each student. All of these new copies are shared with students in the “Shared with Me” section of their Google Drive or OneDrive. The teacher also gets a copy of each student’s document in a Schoology folder within her/his own Google Drive or OneDrive. This is a cool system that works really well, except that co-teachers are not included in this “chain of access,” and thus do not have any way to view students’ documents.

This means that intervention specialists cannot view students’ documents that they have turned in via a Microsoft OneDrive Assignment or a Google Drive Assignment, whether for grading, conferencing, or some other purpose. Luckily, there are a couple of quick and easy work-arounds for this!

A Good Option

One possible approach to this issue is to simply split up the students into two groups- whether by students requiring accommodations and modifications, by student groups, or some other method. One teacher creates a copy of the assignment and assigns that copy to his/her group of students. The other teacher creates a copy of the assignment and assigns that one to his/her group of students. To aid in this pursuit, teachers can employ the Grading Groups feature within Schoology ( details here ).

This results in a setup where one teacher has access to assignments from the students under her/his purview and her/his co-teacher has access to assignments the other group of students. Each teacher can grade assignments, provide feedback, etc. However, the drawback here is that there is always a subset of students to whom each teacher does not have access.  This leads to our better solution.

The Better Option

As I mentioned in the longer explanation of the issue above, Schoology shares copies of each student’s document with the teacher who created the assignment in Schoology. All of these student assignments go into a folder in the teacher’s OneDrive or Google Drive (depending on the source of the original file).

Either way, every teacher that uses Google Drive Assignments and/or OneDrive Assignments has a “Schoology Google Drive Assignments” or “Schoology Microsoft OneDrive Assignments” folder created in each respective cloud storage location. Inside of that folder, a folder is created for each of your courses within Schoology, and inside of  that folder is a folder for each Google Drive Assignment or Microsoft OneDrive Assignment you have created.

This setup makes it very easy to provide access to your co-teacher(s). All you need to do is open your Schoology Google Drive Assignments folder or Schooology Microsoft OneDrive Assignments folder, then right click on the folder for any course that you co-teach. From there, you can choose to share the entire folder with your co-teacher(s), providing access to every assignment currently within that folder, as well as any future assignments.

After this, you and your co-teacher will both be able to view any student’s document within a Schoology Google Drive or OneDrive assignment!

Google Assignments by Google

Profile picture for <b>Google Assignments</b>


Assignments is an LTI application from Google that helps you distribute, analyze, and grade student work.

Getting started

  • Assignments is included with G Suite for Education and is for schools that provide school-issued Google accounts through G Suite for Education.
  • Instructions for installing Assignments in Schoology--including creating a key and secret--are here: https://support.google.com/edu/assignments/answer/9927421
  • Schoology Help Center: Google Assignments App Administrator Guide


  • Instructions for getting started after your admin installs Google Assignments for your courses are here: https://support.google.com/edu/assignments/answer/9074068
  • Schoology Help Center: Using the Google Assignments App

Benefits of using Google Assignments

Distribute personalized Google Drive templates and worksheets to students

  • Assign and collect virtually any file type, including Google Docs and Microsoft® Word files.
  • Automatically distribute a personalized copy of assignment files for each student.
  • Each distributed copy will be labeled with a student’s name and organized in a Drive folder.

Spot missed citations and possible plagiarism with originality reports

  • Assess student work for originality without leaving your grading tool.
  • Searches hundreds of billions of web pages and 40 million books.
  • Help students learn to support their ideas by letting them scan their work for missed citations up to three times before submitting.
  • For G Suite Enterprise for Education customers, originality reports will scan past student submissions for student-to-student matches within your school’s domain.

Save time grading while providing rich feedback

  • Prevents students from editing their work while you grade.
  • Grade with rubrics to keep grading consistent and transparent.
  • Give rich feedback and suggestions on student work using the power of Google Docs, including margin comments, strikethroughs, and highlighting.
  • Easily reuse frequent margin comments with a personalized comment bank.
  • Grades save to Schoology's gradebook

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Screenshot for Google Assignments

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  • Schoology Learning

Instructor - Reconnect Google Drive Assignments App

Reconnecting the google drive assignments app.

The Google Drive Assignments App leverages the permission-sharing capabilities of Google Drive. A student copy of the assigned document is created when a student opens an assignment using the Google Drive Assignments App. This copy is only shared with the instructor who created the assignment and the student who opens it.

Sometimes, errors can occur for students and instructors using this workflow because:

  • A student attempts to view a file and discovers they no longer have access. A Google account and/or privileges had previously given them access to the file, but now they are using a different Google account and cannot access it.
  • A student or instructor attempts to view a file and discovers they no longer have access. They are logged into Schoology but are not actually logged into a Google account.

These errors can be resolved by logging out of the Google Drive Assignments App and logging back in. Schoology has added a link to make this process easier. This allows instructors and students to reconnect to the app with the correct Google account and load the document successfully.

This link appears for:

  • Students viewing their own documents in the My Document tab.
  • Instructors viewing student documents in the In Progress tab of the assignment.
  • Instructors viewing student documents in the Submissions tab of the assignment.

If your students are encountering these issues, they can follow the steps in our article on Reconnecting the Google Drive Assignments App with Force Log Out for Students.

If you are an instructor experiencing one of these issues while viewing student documents, use the following steps to force log out and reconnect the app:

Step 1 — Click the link in the top right corner above the document.

This will log you out of the Google Drive Assignments App. It will not affect how students are logged in.

google drive assignments in schoology

Step 2 — Click Connect to log in to your Google Drive account.

This will launch a new window prompting you to log in with your Google Drive account.

google drive assignments in schoology

For instructors viewing assignments they’ve created, it’s important to log in to the Google Drive Assignments App with the Google account that was used to create the assignment. Co-teachers and other faculty members cannot view the student copies in the In Progress or Submissions tabs because the copy is only shared with the instructor who created the assignment and the student who opens it.

Once you’ve logged in, Schoology will automatically reload the document. If the document still does not load, submit a ticket to the Schoology Support team.

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.

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  1. Schoology Google Drive Assignments Part 1

    google drive assignments in schoology

  2. Google Drive Assignments App

    google drive assignments in schoology

  3. Accessing and submitting a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

    google drive assignments in schoology

  4. How to Submit an Assignment to Schoology from Google Drive

    google drive assignments in schoology

  5. Schoology Assignments and Google Drive integration

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  6. Google Drive Assignments in Schoology deploying, interacting, and

    google drive assignments in schoology


  1. Using the Google Drive Assignments App

    Using the Google Drive Assignments App The Google Drive Assignments App enables instructors to assign Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slideshows, and Drawings from directly within the Schoology platform. When a student opens the assigned file, an individual student copy is automatically generated so that the student can work on it and submit, and the instructor can then provide feedback and grade ...

  2. How to submit Google Drive files to an Assignment (Students)

    Add content from Google Drive to Schoology Content has to be individually shared from Google Drive to Schoology before it will display within the Resource App or an assignment. To share content from Google Drive: Navigate to the Google Drive Resource App, and click Add Resources. From the drop-down menu, click Add files from Google Drive.

  3. Using the Google Assignments App

    Using the Google Assignments App The new Google Assignments app integrates with Google Assignments which enables instructors to create Google Assignments directly in Schoology. Students can work on and submit assignments and the instructor can then provide feedback and grade the submissions, all without leaving Schoology.

  4. How to Create a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

    Learn how to create an assignment in Schoology that pulls a document from your Google Drive and automatically makes a copy for each student.

  5. Using Google Drive Assignments in Schoology + Tips/Troubleshooting

    To use Google Drive Assignments, the teacher must first add the app. Here's how: In Schoology, click the Apps button (the 4-squares in the top of the Schoology screen). Click App Center. Select Google Drive Assignment. Click Install LTI App. Select the courses/sections to which you would like to add the app. You will be asked to click " I ...

  6. Schoology + Google: Using Google Drive Assignments inside Schoology

    In this video, a colleague and I demonstrate the workflow for adding a Google Drive assignment within Schoology. Seamless workflow. Work smarter, not harder :)

  7. Creating a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

    Instructional video on how teachers can create a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology. (Newer Feature)

  8. Use Assignments LTI™ with Schoology

    With Assignments, you can distribute and grade student work, analyze student submissions for plagiarism detection, and use Google Docs and Drive with Schoology.

  9. Create an assignment

    Link your account to Assignments The first time you use Assignments in a course, you need to link your Google Workspace for Education account. When you do, Assignments creates a folder in Google Drive for student assignments and automatically sends grades to the LMS. Students can't submit classwork until you link your account. After you select Google Assignments as an external tool, choose an ...

  10. TEACHER-Creating a Google Drive Assignment in Schoology

    Google Drive Assignments allow you to create an assignment for your students and attach a Google Doc, Google Slides, or a Google Sheet file to the assignment. A copy of the template file is created for each student in your class, and that file is shared back with you.

  11. Create Google Doc Assignments in Schoology

    The Google Drive Assignments App enables instructors to assign Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slideshows, and Drawings from directly within the Schoology platform. Once assigned, students can make their own copies of the content to work on and submit, and the instructor can then provide feedback and grade the assignment, all without leaving Schoology.

  12. Google Drive Assignments App

    The Google Drive Assignments app enables your instructor to assign Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slideshows, and Drawings from directly within Schoology. Once assigned, you can automatically create copies of the assignment to complete and submit.

  13. Schoologys' Google Assignments Explained

    Getting To Know Google Drive Assignments in Schoology When Google Drive Assignments first came out in Schoology, I really thought it was going to change the way instruction happens in many classrooms. Gone were the days of "Untitled Documents" and hundreds of email notifications when my students share files with me.

  14. Co-Teaching and Google Drive/OneDrive Assignments in Schoology

    All you need to do is open your Schoology Google Drive Assignments folder or Schooology Microsoft OneDrive Assignments folder, then right click on the folder for any course that you co-teach. From there, you can choose to share the entire folder with your co-teacher (s), providing access to every assignment currently within that folder, as well ...

  15. Set up Google Drive LTI™ in Schoology

    Set up Google Drive LTI™ in Schoology On your browser, go to Schoology. Sign in to Schoology as an admin. Go to the Schoology Apps Center. Select the Google Drive (LTI 1.3) app. Click Install LTI 1.3 App. Click Add to School to see your Organization Apps. Next to "Google Drive (LTI 1.3)," click Install/Remove. Check the box next to "All Users," then click Submit.

  16. Reattaching Google Drive Assignments

    Google Drive Assignments will require manual re-attachment once the Schoology assignment has been added to its destination course. As a best practice, be sure to match the names of your Google Drive content and Schoology Assignment to utilize the search function easily when re-attaching.

  17. Google Assignments by Google

    Description Assignments is an LTI application from Google that helps you distribute, analyze, and grade student work.

  18. Schoology Assignments and Google Drive integration

    A demonstration of how Google Drive integration works in Schoology Assignments. Schoology's Google Drive Assignment app needs to be installed in Schoology fi...

  19. PDF How to resolve issues with Google Drive Assignments in Schoology:

    How to resolve issues with Google Drive Assignments in Schoology: Typically, when students click "Submit" on a Google Drive Assignent in Schoology, they are prompted to confirm that they want to submit. Once they click the "Yes Submit" button, the document is officially submitted to the teacher and students will not be able to edit their document.

  20. Set up Assignments LTI™ in Schoology

    Sign in to Schoology as an admin. Go to the Schoology Apps Center. Select the Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) app. Click Install LTI 1.3 App. Click Add to School to see your Organization Apps. Next to "Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)," click Install/Remove. Next to "All Courses," click the box Submit. After an instructor adds materials to a ...

  21. Troubleshooting the Google Drive Assignments App

    To permanently remove an assignment from the student's Google Drive, you must delete the assignment from your Google Drive and Schoology. From the Google Drive document, click the Trash icon to delete the assignment.

  22. Instructor

    These errors can be resolved by logging out of the Google Drive Assignments App and logging back in. Schoology has added a link to make this process easier. This allows instructors and students to reconnect to the app with the correct Google account and load the document successfully.

  23. Schoology... Google Assignments not being added.

    Google Help Assignments Send feedback about our Help Center