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Home Visits

Consistently provide quality patient care during home visits and address safety concerns as they arise.

visita de un médico a un paciente de edad avanzada|Visita a domicilio para un paciente de edad avanzada|Lista de comprobación de la visita a domicilio - Modelo de informe|Home Visit Checklist|Lista de comprobación de la visita a domicilio

Home Visit Checklist

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Home visit checklists are used by healthcare professionals when conducting house calls to assess the medical condition of patients and provide patient care. This digital home visit checklist covers the patient’s immobility, nutrition, home environment, other people, medications, examination, safety, spiritual health, and other services needed (INHOMESSS). Used with SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) on a mobile device, this home visit checklist allows you to:

  • Make notes on corresponding areas of concern during house calls
  • Take optional photos (with patient approval) for tracking of treatment and other medical concerns
  • Generate reports on the spot for easy documentation of house calls
  • Do not miss another house call with SafetyCulture’s scheduling feature
  • Geotag completed house calls for reference

Home Visit Checklist

What is a Home Visit?

A home visit or a house call in the medical field is the practice of medical professionals visiting patients at their homes to address medical conditions and provide patient care. It also aims to educate young children with health or developmental concerns to be familiar with their environment. It provides clear, regular, and flexible terms considering the needs of the patient and family.

Home visits are also conducted in the fields of education, early childhood development, social services, and real estate, but this article will focus on the medical house call.

What is a Home Visit Checklist?

A home visit checklist is a tool used by medical professionals when conducting house calls. It helps ensure that all aspects of a home visit are checked and that they are in line with the goal of the home visit, which is to address the medical concerns of the patient and improve overall patient care.

The Benefits of Home Visits

Only around 13% of doctors in the US currently conduct home visits, but the demand for the practice is expected to increase due to the aging population. Home visits have advantages over conventional medical appointments done at the doctor’s office. Below are the three main benefits.

Improved patient care

Home visits help improve patient care and prevent more serious and possibly more expensive medical issues. Medical practitioners that visit patients’ homes can help address patient mobility and safety and assess the patient’s living conditions. By observing a patient’s daily routine, the medical practitioner can recommend modifications that address the patient’s needs. Patients in a house-call program report to have fewer hospitalizations and visits to the emergency room.

Satisfied patients

Home visits contribute to higher levels of patient satisfaction . Patients save time and enjoy doctor’s appointments in the comfort of their own home, instead of having to go out and wait for their turn at the doctor’s office.

Satisfying medical practice

The medical practitioners who conduct house calls are reportedly more satisfied with their medical practice and have a more positive attitude for conducting home visits than those who do not.

Types of Home Visits

Home visits are tailored according to the needs of the patient. Here are the 4 types of home visits that address the needs not only of the patients but also of their family members and help create an environment conducive to providing quality patient care.

Illness home visits

For this type of home visit, the medical professional visits the patient to assess the illness and provide appropriate care. These visits are usually done for patients with acute or chronic illness.

Dying patient home visits

This is conducted for terminally ill patients who are at home so the health practitioner can provide palliative care and make conditions as comfortable as possible for the patient and family members. Medical professionals also provide emotional support to the coping family members of the dying patient.

Assessment home visits

The medical professional assesses the patient’s living conditions and aims to ensure that the home is safe and conducive to the well-being of the patient.

Hospitalization follow-up home visit

This type of home visit is for follow-up of major events such as the birth of a baby or after treatment of a major illness or post-surgery. This home visit helps the patient and family members cope and ensure that the home is made ideal for patient care.

Components of Home Visits

The objective of home visits is to provide medical service at your doorsteps. According to 2013 home visits health care benchmark, the following are the top components of home visits:

  • Medication Reconciliation – is a process of accurate listing of patient’s medication that has been compared to medical orders or patient’s records.
  • Clinical Assessment – is a process of diagnosing, evaluating, and planning treatment for patients who have psychological problems.
  • Patient / Caregiver Education – caregivers provide all-around support to the patient’s needs including personal assistance.
  • Fall Assessment – is a process of evaluating the likelihood of falling for elderly patients.

Home Visits Inspection Tool

With a lot to cover during home visits, medical professionals need to be prepared even before heading out for house calls so they can appropriately address medical concerns. Using paper home visit checklists can get in the way of delivering seamless patient care and use time that could have been better spent addressing the concerns of patients. With the SafetyCulture app on your iPad, smartphone, or other mobile device, you can:

  • Proactively identify all possible safety issues to improve patient care
  • Receive prompts for scheduled home visits
  • No more re-entering of information from paper forms to computers. Preview a sample web and PDF home visit report.
  • Use for free with small home visit groups. Unlimited reports and storage for Premium accounts .

Download Free & Customizable Home Visit Templates

Home visit assessment checklist.

Conduct home visit assessments using this checklist and ensure that the patient home is safe and conducive to the patient’s wellness. Include optional photos so you can show to patients or their family members what needs to be addressed or what is the ideal situation for the patient.

House Call Equipment Checklist

Use this checklist before going out for home visits to ensure that all equipment and documents are prepared and ready for the house call. All SafetyCulture templates are customizable to fit the house call needs of medical professionals.

Home Visit Safety Checklist

A home visit safety checklist is used to document the patient’s medical alerts, consent, and home conditions including communication lines, house access, premisses, and parking. It helps prepare emergency teams in case of an incident.

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Family Home Visiting (FHV)

  • Funding and Grants Management
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Training and Professional Development

Information for

  • Home Visitors and Supervisors
  • Tribal Governments

Related Programs

  • Children and Youth with Special Health Needs
  • Follow Along Program
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Program

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Family home visiting screening and assessment recommendations.

MDH FHV Program recommends universal screening for child development, child’s social-emotional growth, caregiver depression, intimate partner violence (domestic/sexual violence and coercion), chemical and tobacco use and home safety. Screening reinforces parent and child strengths and supports the home visitor in strategizing interventions.

  • Which home visiting model, agency protocol and screening tool used are all considerations when considering when to screen.
  • Home visitors might also consider screening between the ages your program recommends (intervals) if professional judgement indicates it is needed or previous screens indicate a need for monitoring or rescreening.
  • Screening will lead to referrals. Part of screening is preparing for referrals by developing a referral network and protocol for home visitors. Tips for developing referrals are included in some protocols linked to this page. 

The words screening and assessment are often used inter-changeably. For purposes of these materials, screening is short in length, quick to administer and score, and typically identifies if there is a need for further evaluation. Screening results can be used by the home visitor to partner with the family to set goals, plan for activities and develop resources to strengthen parenting skills.

Assessment is comprehensive and may be used by health care providers or other professionals to diagnose a health condition and to plan for treatment or intervention services. An assessment in home visiting programs can also be used in partnership with the family to set goals, plan for interventions and activities and develop resources to strengthen parenting skills. There are tools that have both screening and assessment components.

Child development and social-emotional screening  

Child development and social-emotional screening

MDH Family Home Visiting encourages programs follow the Minnesota Interagency Developmental Screening Task Force (Task Force) recommendations. Public screening programs should have transitioned from the ASQ: SE to the Second Edition: the ASQ: SE-2 on or before July 1, 2017.

Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: The ASQ 3 and the ASQ SE 2 are reliable, family-friendly ways to screen children for strengths and areas of concern and provide guidance as to the need for further assessment. The tools screen children between one month and five and a half years of age. MDH provides training on scoring and interpreting the ASQ's, Introduction to Using the Ages Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) Training (PDF) . Brookes Publishing has more information about the tool and materials available for purchase.

  • ASQ SE2 Algorithm (Decision Tree) (PDF)
  • ASQ SE2 Referral Guidance (PDF)
  • Referral: Minnesota Help Me Grow: helpmegrowmn.org Help Me Grow is an interagency initiative partnering with local services agencies to provide a referral mechanism for Early Intervention (EI) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)s. The site also includes parent and caregiver friendly information and short videos about developmental milestones.

Depression screening  

Depression screening

The US Preventive Services Task Force found convincing evidence that:

  • Screening improves the accurate identification of adult patients with depression, including pregnant and postpartum women.
  • Programs combining depression screening with adequate support systems in place improve clinical outcomes.

Depression Screening Tools:

The following list is not comprehensive but includes frequently used and evidence based depression screening tools.

  • Crisis Algorithm (Decision Tree) to adapt or adopt: Crisis Intervention Algorithm (PDF)
  • Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (PDF) - The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a concise, self-administered mental health screening and diagnostic tool. Nine (9) refers to the number of questions (There are shorter versions of the PHQ available on-line).
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale (PDF) . A self-reported questionnaire for screening and severity measuring of generalized anxiety disorder.
  • Depression or Anxiety During and After Pregnancy Information Sheet and Maternal Well Being Plan Information sheets in English and translated into other languages for distribution to new moms.
  • Guidance for Maternal Depression Screening & Treatment (PDF)
  • Maternal Depression Screening Algorithms (PDF)

Depression or Anxiety During and After Pregnancy Info Sheet and Maternal Well Being Plan Information sheets in English and translated into other languages for distribution to new moms.

Home safety checklist and safe sleep  

Home safety checklist and safe sleep

The Home Safety Checklist (HSC) is neither a screening nor an assessment tool and can be left with a client or reviewed in person. The checklist is meant to be used as a teaching tool. Reading the Home Safety Reference Guide will give home visitors the research and reasoning behind the checklist. TIP: Introduce the checklist by saying “There are so many things that can be unsafe for babies. They grow so fast it's hard to keep up with the new things they are learning to do. We use this home safety checklist to help you and I look at what to do to anticipate your baby's increased mobility”. The Home Safety Checklist Resource Guide has information about resources that will support a caregiver's access to safe equipment.

  • The Home Safety Checklist Reference Guide (PDF) was developed as background information for professionals who use the Home Safety Checklist. Updated November 2015.
  • The Home Safety Checklist - English (PDF) is a tool designed for use with parents about safety risks for babies and young children.
  • Home Safety Checklist - Spanish (PDF)
  • For translations in Burmese, Karen, Russian and Somali go to: Healthy Sleep-Multiple Languages: MedlinePlus

Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative: For information about safe sleep and other initiatives, visit the Infant Mortality Reduction webpage.

Intimate partner violence (IPV/Sexual violence and coercion) screening  

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV/Sexual Violence and Coercion) Screening

Domestic violence and abuse, sometimes called intimate partner violence, is the use of physical, emotional, financial, reproductive coercion and sexual force or threats by the perpetrator to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships. For information about prevalence go to Violence Data Brief: Intimate Partner Violence (PDF) . It is recommended that home visiting agencies develop protocol that includes home visitor safety as well as guidance about “what to do” with an IPV screen that indicates violence or coercion.

  • Injury and Violence Prevention Sample Protocol for Home Visiting Agencies (PDF) Includes the Relationship Assessment Tool in the appendix (RAT).
  • Intimate Partner Violence Sample Algorithm (Decision Tree) (PDF)
  • Intimate Partner Violence Crisis Intervention Sample Algorithm (Decision Tree) (PDF)
  • HARK is an abuse assessment screen which measures intimate partner violence.
  • Futures Without Violence Healthy Moms Happy Babies Safety Cards : After developing a protocol, the cards can be given universally to all clients. They were developed to support the home visitor in teaching about healthy relationships which may lead to a conversation about abuse. To download (free PDF form) or order free copies visit the Futures without Violence website.

Parent survey assessment  

Parent survey assessment

The Parent Survey (also called HFA Assessment Core Training) is an evidence-based, standardized, and comprehensive home visiting assessment tool. It is designed to learn about the strengths and challenges facing new and expectant parents and determine which families in your community will most benefit from intensive home visiting and other available parenting resources. The Parent Survey tool is used to assess for factors that could contribute to increased risk for child maltreatment or other adverse childhood experiences.

This tool is used by Healthy Families America and other home visiting programs. Training is required for home visitors and supervisors in order to use the Parent Survey and is offered by MDH FHV. See the Training and Professional Development web page.

Parent-child interaction assessment  

Parent-child interaction assessment

Assessing parent-child interaction offers the following benefits: home visitors are able to observe and build on parent strengths, provides opportunities to build parent skills and abilities to interpret and respond to their child's cues and supports planning interventions based on evidence-based assessment.

Parent-Child Interaction Assessment Tools:

  • NCAST-PCI scales are used for assessing parent-child interaction and communication behaviors. The Sleep Activity Record (SAR) can help caregivers promote predictable behaviors in their babies through specific activities, routines and interactions. Professional level practitioners who are serving families through home visiting, are required to take in-depth training before using NCAST-PCI Feeding and Teaching scales. After taking NCAST-PCI it is recommended to take NCAST Re-Reliability every three years. Training is offered by MDH FHV. See the Training and Professional Development web page.
  • NCAST guidance for supervisors who oversee NCAST implementation (PDF)
  • DANCE: Available to Nurse Family Partnership sites only. Contact the NFP National Service Office .
  • Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO™)
  • family home visiting

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Analysis of an interprofessional home visit assignment: student perceptions of team-based care, home visits, and medication-related problems

Profile image of Ivy Click

2014, Family medicine

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Interprofessional education (IPE) is recommended by many as a means by which to prepare clinicians for collaborative practice and a mechanism by which to improve the overall quality of health care. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of an interprofessional medicine-pharmacy student home visit experience on students' self-assessments of skills and abilities related to team-based care and identification of medication-related problems. METHODS Third-year medical and fourth-year pharmacy students completed an interprofessional home visit centered on identification of medication-related problems. Students were surveyed before and after the IPE assignment to assess changes in self-assessed skills and abilities. Survey items consisted of Likert-type statements on a 5-point scale (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) and free-text responses. Students also completed reflection papers regarding their experiences. RESULTS Twenty-two medical ...

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  11. (PDF) Analysis of an interprofessional home visit assignment: student

    Interprofessional education (IPE) is recommended by many as a means by which to prepare clinicians for collaborative practice and a mechanism by which to improve the overall quality of health care. The objective of this study was to determine the

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    MDH FHV Program recommends universal screening for child development, child's social-emotional growth, caregiver depression, intimate partner violence (domestic/sexual violence and coercion), chemical and tobacco use and home safety. Screening reinforces parent and child strengths and supports the home visitor in strategizing interventions.

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    Home Visiting and Bag Technique - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides information about home visiting in community health services. It begins with an introduction that defines a home visit as allowing a health worker to assess a family's home and situation to provide necessary nursing care.

  14. Unclassified Foreign National Visits and Assignments Questionnaire Part

    Unclassified Foreign National Visits and Assignments Questionnaire Part I Fillable pdf, Attachment 602-3 This form is required to comply with Headquarters U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) security requirements and ensure that your time with the DOE goes smoothly.

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