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Cite A Presentation or lecture in Harvard style

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  • Select style:
  • Archive material
  • Chapter of an edited book
  • Conference proceedings
  • Dictionary entry
  • Dissertation
  • DVD, video, or film
  • E-book or PDF
  • Edited book
  • Encyclopedia article
  • Government publication
  • Music or recording
  • Online image or video
  • Presentation
  • Press release
  • Religious text

Use the following template or our Harvard Referencing Generator . For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator .

Reference list

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.

Popular Harvard Citation Guides

  • How to cite a Book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Website in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Journal in Harvard style
  • How to cite a DVD, video, or film in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Online image or video in Harvard style

Other Harvard Citation Guides

  • How to cite a Archive material in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Artwork in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Blog in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Broadcast in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Chapter of an edited book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Conference proceedings in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Court case in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Dictionary entry in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Dissertation in Harvard style
  • How to cite a E-book or PDF in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Edited book in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Email in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Encyclopedia article in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Government publication in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Interview in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Legislation in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Magazine in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Music or recording in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Newspaper in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Patent in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Podcast in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Presentation or lecture in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Press release in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Religious text in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Report in Harvard style
  • How to cite a Software in Harvard style


Harvard Referencing Guide: PowerPoint Presentations

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  • Four or More Authors
  • 2nd Edition
  • Chapter in an Edited Book
  • Journal Article - Online
  • Journal Article - Printed
  • Newspaper Article - Online
  • Newspaper Article - Printed
  • Webpage - Introduction
  • Webpage - Individual Authors
  • Webpage - Corporate Authors
  • Webpage - No Author - No Date
  • Film / Movie
  • TV Programme
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • YouTube Video
  • Images - Introduction
  • Images - Figure from a book
  • Images - Online Figure
  • Images - Online Table
  • Twitter Tweet
  • Personal Communication
  • Email message in a Public Domain
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  • PowerPoint Presentation

Audiovisual Media - Powerpoint Presentation

PowerPoint Pr esentation

E xample -  Presentation available online and accessible by anyone

The full reference should generally include

  • Year (in round brackets)
  • Title of the presentation (in italics)
  • [PowerPoint presentation] in square brackets
  • Available at: URL
  • (Accessed: date)


In-text citation

It is estimated that 95% of the UK population are monolingual English speakers (Grigoryan, 2014).

Full reference for the Reference List

Grigoryan, K. (2014) [PowerPoint presentation]. Available at: (Accessed: 1 July 2020).

Example: PowerPoint presentation from a learning management system such as the VLE

  • Author or tutor
  • Year of publication (in round brackets)
  • Title of the presentation (in single quotation marks)
  • Module code: module title (in italics)
  • Available at: URL of the VLE

Example : Full reference for the Reference List

Stevenson, G. (2018) 'Three-dimensional printing' [PowerPoint presentation]. . Available at: (Accessed: 1 May 2020).

Audiovisual Material

Film / movie

TV programme

PowerPoint presentation

YouTube video

Harvard Referencing Guide: A - Z

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  • Books / eBooks - 2nd Edition
  • Books / eBooks - 3 Authors
  • Books / eBooks - Individual Chapter
  • Books / eBooks - Introduction
  • Books / eBooks - More than 3 Authors
  • Books / eBooks - Single Author
  • Chapter in an edited book
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Harvard Style Guide: Lectures/ presentations

  • Introduction
  • Harvard Tutorial
  • In-text citations
  • Book with one author
  • Book with two or three authors
  • Book with four or more authors
  • Book with a corporate author
  • Book with editor
  • Chapter in an edited book
  • Translated book
  • Translated ancient texts
  • Print journal article, one author
  • Print journal article, two or three authors
  • Print journal article, four or more authors
  • eJournal article
  • Journal article ePublication (ahead of print)
  • Secondary sources
  • Generative AI
  • Images or photographs
  • Lectures/ presentations
  • Film/ television
  • YouTube Film or Talk
  • Music/ audio
  • Encyclopaedia and dictionaries
  • Email communication
  • Conferences
  • Official publications
  • Book reviews
  • Case studies
  • Group or individual assignments
  • Legal Cases (Law Reports)
  • No date of publication
  • Personal communications
  • Repository item
  • Citing same author, multiple works, same year

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Lectures or presentations

Reference : Author(s) Last name, Initial(s). (Year) 'Title of lecture/presentation' [Medium], Module Code: Module title . Institution. Day Month.

Example : De Burca, M. (2014) ' Geriatric radiography services in Ireland' [Lecture], RDGY30300: Clinical Practice of Radiography . University College Dublin. 11 May.

In-Text-Citation :

  • Author(s) Last name (Year)
  • (Authors(s) Last name, Year)
  • De Burca (2014) described the complicated system of radiographic services...
  • There is a complicated system of geriatric radiographic services in Ireland (De Burca, 2014).

Still unsure what in-text citation and referencing mean? Check here .

Still unsure why you need to reference all this information? Check here . 

Lectures or presentations (Online/Recorded)

Reference : Author(s) Last name, Initial(s). (Year) 'Title of lecture/presentation' [Medium], Module Code: Module title . Institution/Venue. Day Month. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).

Example : Dunphy, S. (2021) ‘History of Irish women in law’ [Recorded lecture], HIS2300: Modern Ireland . University College Dublin. 7 January. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2021).

  • Dunphy (2021) outlines the impact of the absence of female law makers...
  • The absence of Irish female law makers has led to a system with a blindness to key aspects of daily life (Dunphy, 2021).

Creative Commons License

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PowerPoint presentation

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  • Magazine article
  • Newspaper article
  • Online video
  • Radio and internet radio
  • Television advertisement
  • Television programme
  • Ancient text
  • Bibliography
  • Book (printed, one author or editor)
  • Book (printed, multiple authors or editors)
  • Book (printed, with no author)
  • Chapter in a book (print)
  • Collected works
  • Dictionaries and Encyclopedia entries
  • Multivolume work
  • Religious text
  • Thesis or dissertation
  • Translated work
  • Census data
  • Financial report
  • Mathematical equation
  • Scientific dataset
  • Book illustration, Figure or Diagram
  • Inscription on a building
  • Installation
  • Painting or Drawing
  • Interview (on the internet)
  • Interview (newspaper)
  • Interview (radio or television)
  • Interview (as part of research)
  • Act of the UK parliament (statute)
  • Bill (House of Commons/Lords)
  • Birth/Death/Marriage certificate
  • British standards
  • Command paper
  • European Union publication
  • Government/Official publication
  • House of Commons/Lords paper
  • Legislation from UK devolved assemblies
  • Statutory instrument
  • Military record
  • Film/Television script
  • Musical score
  • Play (live performance)
  • Play script
  • Song lyrics
  • Conference paper
  • Conference proceedings
  • Discussion paper
  • Minutes of meeting
  • Personal communication
  • Published report
  • Student's own work
  • Tutor materials for academic course
  • Unpublished report
  • Working paper
  • Referencing glossary

To be made up of:

  • Author or tutor.
  • Year of publication (in round brackets).
  • Title of presentation (in single quotation marks).
  • [PowerPoint presentation]
  • Module code: module title (in italics).
  • Available at: URL of VLE.
  • (Accessed: date).

In-text citation:

(Whittingham, 2014)

Reference list:

Whittingham, D. (2014). 'History of warfare' [PowerPoint presentation].  L252: War studies.  Available at:  (Accessed: 7 June 2014).

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How to Reference in a PowerPoint Presentation Harvard

A powerpoint slide with harvard referencing citations

PowerPoint presentations are a popular tool for presenting information and data in a visually engaging way. However, with the vast amount of information that can be included in a presentation, it is important to ensure that all sources are properly cited. This is where the Harvard referencing system comes in. In this article, we will discuss the importance of Harvard referencing in PowerPoint presentations and provide a comprehensive guide on how to use it effectively.

Table of Contents

Why Harvard referencing is important in PowerPoint presentations

Harvard referencing is important in PowerPoint presentations because it helps to establish credibility and authenticity. When sources are properly cited, it shows that the presenter has conducted thorough research and has used credible sources to support their arguments. Additionally, Harvard referencing helps to prevent plagiarism by giving credit to the original authors of the information used in the presentation.

Furthermore, Harvard referencing also allows the audience to easily locate and access the sources used in the presentation. This is particularly important in academic or professional settings where the audience may want to further explore the topic or verify the information presented. By providing clear and accurate citations, the presenter is facilitating the audience’s ability to engage with the material beyond the presentation itself.

Understanding the Harvard referencing system

The Harvard referencing system is a widely used referencing system that uses brackets in the text to cite sources, and a reference list at the end of the presentation to provide more detail about each cited source. The reference list should be organized alphabetically by the author’s last name, or by the title if there is no author. Each reference should include the author’s name, publication date, title of the work, place and publisher of publication for books, and the URL for online sources.

It is important to note that the Harvard referencing system is not the only referencing system available. Other commonly used referencing systems include APA, MLA, and Chicago. It is important to check with your instructor or supervisor to determine which referencing system is preferred for your specific project or assignment. Additionally, there are many online tools and resources available to help with the formatting and organization of references in the Harvard referencing system, such as citation generators and reference management software.

How to format in-text citations in Harvard style

In-text citations in Harvard style should be placed in brackets immediately after the information being cited. The citation should include the author’s last name and the year of publication. If the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence, only the publication year needs to be included in the citation.

For example:

“According to Smith (2020), the use of PowerPoint presentations has increased in recent years.”

“The use of PowerPoint presentations has increased in recent years (Smith, 2020).”

It is important to note that in Harvard style, if you are citing a source with multiple authors, you should include all of their last names in the citation, up to three authors. If there are more than three authors, you can use “et al.” after the first author’s name. For example:

“Several studies have shown the benefits of regular exercise (Jones, Smith, & Lee, 2018)”

“The benefits of regular exercise have been well documented (Jones et al., 2018).”

How to create a bibliography in Harvard style for PowerPoint presentations

The bibliography in Harvard style should be included at the end of the presentation and should list all sources used in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

The format for a book reference is as follows:

Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of book. Publisher.

The format for an online source is as follows:

Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of article. Website name. URL.

It is important to note that when citing sources in Harvard style, you should also include the page numbers for any direct quotes used. Additionally, if you are citing a source that has multiple authors, you should list all of their names in the order they appear on the source. If there are more than three authors, you can list the first author followed by “et al.” Finally, make sure to double-check your bibliography for accuracy and completeness before submitting your presentation.

Tips for citing sources in PowerPoint presentations using Harvard style

When citing sources in PowerPoint presentations, it is important to be consistent and use the same citation style throughout the presentation. Additionally, it is important to include all necessary information in the reference list to make it easier for readers to locate the sources.

One important aspect of citing sources in PowerPoint presentations using Harvard style is to include in-text citations for any information or ideas that are not your own. This helps to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism. In-text citations should include the author’s last name and the year of publication, and should be placed within parentheses at the end of the sentence or phrase where the information is used.

Common mistakes to avoid when referencing in a PowerPoint presentation

Common mistakes when referencing in PowerPoint presentations include forgetting to include in-text citations, using incorrect formatting for references, and failing to include all necessary information in the reference list.

Another common mistake is not properly paraphrasing information from sources. It is important to put information into your own words and give credit to the original source. Simply copying and pasting information without proper citation is considered plagiarism and can have serious consequences.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that all sources used in the presentation are reliable and credible. Using sources that are not reputable can damage the credibility of the presentation and the presenter. It is important to do thorough research and use sources that are trustworthy and relevant to the topic being presented.

How to use Microsoft Office tools to create Harvard references in PowerPoint presentations

Microsoft Office tools such as Word and PowerPoint have built-in tools for creating references in Harvard style. To use these tools, select the “References” tab in PowerPoint and select the Harvard referencing style. You can then enter the necessary information for each source and let the software format the reference list for you.

It is important to note that while the software can format the reference list for you, it is still your responsibility to ensure that the references are accurate and complete. Make sure to double-check the information you enter and verify that it matches the source material. Additionally, if you are using sources that are not included in the software’s database, you will need to manually enter the reference information.

Examples of properly formatted Harvard references in PowerPoint presentations

Some examples of properly formatted Harvard references in PowerPoint presentations include:

Smith, J. (2020). The use of PowerPoint presentations. PublishingCo.

Online source:

Williams, S. (2019). The benefits of PowerPoint presentations. BlogName.

Another example of a properly formatted Harvard reference in a PowerPoint presentation is:

Journal article:

Johnson, R. & Lee, K. (2018). The effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations in the classroom. Journal of Education, 45(2), 67-78. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2018.1434345

This reference includes the author’s names, the year of publication, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the volume and issue number, and the page numbers. It also includes a digital object identifier (DOI) which is a unique identifier for the article.

Best practices for creating a professional and accurate reference list in PowerPoint presentations

Some best practices for creating a professional and accurate reference list in PowerPoint presentations include being consistent with the citation style, including all necessary information for each source, and double-checking all references for accuracy and proper formatting.

Another important aspect to consider when creating a reference list in PowerPoint presentations is to ensure that the sources cited are relevant and credible. It is important to use sources that are reputable and reliable, such as peer-reviewed articles, academic journals, and books from reputable publishers.

Additionally, it is important to properly format the reference list according to the citation style being used. This includes proper indentation, punctuation, and capitalization. It is also important to ensure that the reference list is presented in a clear and organized manner, making it easy for the audience to read and understand.

How to handle referencing different types of sources, such as books, journals, and websites, in a PowerPoint presentation

Referencing different types of sources may require slightly different formatting in Harvard style. For example, book references include the place and publisher of publication, while online sources include the URL. It is important to refer to a comprehensive style guide for Harvard referencing to ensure proper formatting for each type of source.

In addition to proper formatting, it is also important to accurately cite your sources in your PowerPoint presentation. This means including in-text citations on each slide where you use information from a source, as well as a complete reference list at the end of your presentation. Failure to properly cite sources can result in accusations of plagiarism and damage to your academic or professional reputation.

Importance of citing sources correctly to avoid plagiarism

Citing sources correctly is important to avoid plagiarism, which is the act of presenting someone else’s work as your own. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and can lead to severe consequences. Proper citation gives credit to the original authors and helps to maintain academic integrity.

In addition to avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity, proper citation also allows readers to locate and verify the sources used in your work. This helps to establish the credibility and reliability of your research. Furthermore, citing sources correctly demonstrates your understanding and appreciation of the contributions made by other scholars in your field.

How to edit and update references in a PowerPoint presentation

To edit or update references in a PowerPoint presentation, open the reference list and make the necessary changes to the information. It is important to ensure that all references are consistent with the established citation style and that all necessary information is included.

Ways to integrate your references seamlessly into your PowerPoint presentation design

To integrate references seamlessly into a PowerPoint presentation, consider using footnotes instead of in-text citations, or displaying the references in a separate slide. It is also important to use a legible font size and format the reference list using clear headings and bullet points.

Creating an annotated bibliography using the Harvard referencing system for your PowerPoint presentation

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with brief summaries or evaluations of each source. To create an annotated bibliography using Harvard referencing, include the same information as a standard reference, followed by a brief summary of the source. The annotation should be a maximum of 150 words.

Harvard referencing is an important aspect of PowerPoint presentations that helps to establish credibility, prevent plagiarism, and maintain academic integrity. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can effectively use Harvard referencing in your own presentations and ensure that all sources are properly cited.

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how to cite a presentation in harvard style

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How to Cite a PowerPoint in Harvard Style?

Published by Alaxendra Bets at August 30th, 2021 , Revised On August 23, 2023

A PowerPoint is a .ppt extension file that is mostly used to prepare lecture presentations. Both teachers and students use it. Citing a PowerPoint is different from citing an online book or a PDF file in Harvard referencing.

Some institutions require students to cite and reference their (the students’) lecturers’ presentations. But some don’t. It should be checked with one’s institution first whether citing and referencing a PowerPoint presentation is even required or not.

In-Text Citation and Reference Formats with Examples

Citing and referencing unpublished powerpoint files.

If a student’s own lecturer course notes or PowerPoint slides are being sources in a text, they will most probably not be published or accessible online for readers. Format for citing and referencing such PowerPoint material in Harvard style is:

In-text citation: (Author Surname Year) OR (Author Surname Year: powerpoint presentation)

Reference list entry: Author’s Surname, Initial(s). Year. ‘Title.’ [PowerPoint presentation] Date. Institution name, Place of institution.

Note: Since the title of the PowerPoint file is written in single quotes within the reference list entry, it is NOT italicised.

For example:

In-text citation: Dlamini (2006) … OR

…. (Dlamin, 2006) OR

“…..” (Dlamini, 2006: PowerPoint presentation)

Reference list entry: Dlamini, N. 2006. ‘E-commerce trends in retail in South Africa.’ [PowerPoint Presentation] 4 November. Business Solutions Inc., Midrand.

Citing and referencing Published PowerPoint Files

The general Harvard format for citing and referencing PowerPoint slides that are accessible online is:

In-text citation:

Reference list entry: Author’s Surname, Initial(s). Year. ‘Title.’ [PowerPoint presentation] Date. Institution name, Place of the institution.

Author’s Surname, Initial(s). Year. Title in italics, [PowerPoint presentation] Date. Institution Name. Place of Institution. Date Accessed.

Note: Harvard contains the above two, slightly different reference list formats for PowerPoint files. Whichever needs are used depends on one’s host institution referencing guidelines and which format it has specified.

It should also be noted here that while referencing published PowerPoint files in Harvard style, the title of the file since it is not in single quotes, will be italicised.

In-text citation: (Bloggs 2016: powerpoint presentation) OR Bloggs (2016)

Reference list entry: Bloggs, J. (2016) Research Skills [PowerPoint presentation to BBS Year 4] WD096: Communication skills , Waterford Institute of Technology. 3 May.

Lastly, the phrase ‘PowerPoint Presentation’ is only mentioned when the entire in-text citation is within (). Otherwise, in the case of narrative in-text citations (for example, Bloggs (2016 mentions…), the phrase is left out.

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Frequently Asked Questions

To cite a PowerPoint in Harvard Style: Include the presenter’s last name, initials. (Year). Title of presentation [PowerPoint presentation]. Name of course or event, Institution. URL (if accessed online).

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Newspaper articles should be cited in Harvard style following this rule: AUTHOR(S) (Year) Article title. Newspaper title, Day and Month (abbreviated). Pages, use p. or pp.

You must cite any tables, maps, or figures that you use in your work in the text. Such citation is usually given at the end of the source

Protocols to cite a book in Harvard style: Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title. ed. City: Publisher, p.Pages Used.






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  • Leeds Harvard referencing examples

Conference presentation

Leeds harvard: conference presentation, reference examples.

Family name, INITIAL(S) (of the presenter). Year. Title of the presentation . Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference.

Newton, A.J. and Pullinger, D.J. 2012. Acting on PhD student feedback to create new learning resources. Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference, 11 April, Glasgow.

Slides from a conference presentation

Family name, INITIAL(S) (of the presenter). Year. Title of the presentation [PowerPoint presentation]. Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference.

Newton, A.J. and Pullinger, D.J. 2012. Acting on PhD student feedback to create new learning resources [PowerPoint presentation] . Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference, 11 April, Glasgow.

Citation examples

Author and date.

When the author name is not mentioned in the text, the citation consists of the author’s name and the year of publication in brackets.

It was emphasised that citations in the text should be consistent (Jones, 2017).

If you have already named the author in the text, only the publication year needs to be mentioned in brackets.

Jones (2017) emphasised that citations in the text should be consistent.

Three or more authors

If a source has three or more authors, the name of the first author should be given, followed by the phrase "et al."

It was emphasised that citations in a text should be consistent (Jones et al., 2017).

Jones et al. (2017) emphasised that citations in a text should be consistent.

Leeds Harvard does not use ibid to refer to previously cited items. If you are citing the same item twice in a row (i.e. you do not cite any other items in the text between the two citations) you must write the full citation again. As usual, if you are directly quoting or paraphrasing specific ideas, you should include a page number (if there is one). 

Jones et al. (2017, p.24) emphasised that citations in a text should be consistent and argued that referencing is a key part of academic integrity (2017, p.27). Furthermore, having a broad range of references in a text is an indicator of the breadth of a scholar's reading and research (Jones et al., 2017, p.14).

Common issues

When you're referencing with Leeds Harvard you may come across issues with missing details, multiple authors, edited books, references to another author's work or online items, to name a few. Here are some tips on how to deal with some common issues when using Leeds Harvard.

Skip straight to the issue that affects you:

  • Online items
  • URL web addresses
  • Multiple authors
  • Corporate author(s) or organisation(s)
  • Multiple publisher details
  • Editions and reprints
  • Missing details
  • Multiple sources with different authors
  • Sources written by the same author in the same year
  • Sources with the same author in different years
  • Two authors with the same surname in the same year
  • The work of one author referred to by another
  • Anonymising sources for confidentiality
  • Identifying the authors’ family name (surname)


Harvard Reference Style

  • Introduction
  • Harvard in-text references
  • Harvard reference list
  • Films (Motion pictures)
  • Government publications
  • Images/Figures/Tables
  • Journal articles
  • Lecturer notes/handouts
  • Magazine articles
  • Newspaper articles
  • Personal communication
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Proceedings from conferences
  • Secondary sources
  • Social media
  • Television programmes
  • Theses/Dissertations
  • Harvard: Reference list example

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Powerpoint slides: Reference format

A basic reference list entry for Powerpoint slides:

  • Author or authors; the surname is followed by initials
  • Year of compilation of Powerpoint slides 
  • Title of presentation (in italics)
  • [Lecturer notes or Powerpoint slides]
  • Available: URL [Date of access]

Kunka, J.L. 2018.  Conquering the comma  [PowerPoint slides]. Available:  [15 March 2018].

PowerPoint slides reference

PowerPoint slides: Examples


Author. Year. [Lecture notes or PowerPoint slides]. Available: URL [Date of access].

Kunka, J.L. 2018. [PowerPoint slides]. Available: [15 March 2018].


When PowerPoint slides/lecture notes are available only from the teacher, via course management software (such as Moodle, Blackboard), or from someone who took notes during a lecture, cite this as a .

The same approach would apply to notes taken during a lecture or material that was handed out in class but is not posted elsewhere (e.g., on the instructor’s public website).

… (Kunka, 2018:slide 2).


According to Kunka (2018:slide 5) …


Give the slide number in place of page number.


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There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. You will find further guidance available through the OU Library on the Cite Them Right Database .

For help and support with referencing and the full Cite Them Right guide, have a look at the Library’s page on referencing and plagiarism . If you need guidance referencing OU module material you can check out which sections of Cite Them Right are recommended when referencing physical and online module material .

This guide does not apply to OU Law undergraduate students . If you are studying a module beginning with W1xx, W2xx or W3xx, you should refer to the Quick guide to Cite Them Right referencing for Law modules .

Table of contents

In-text citations and full references.

  • Secondary referencing
  • Page numbers
  • Citing multiple sources published in the same year by the same author

Full reference examples

Referencing consists of two elements:

  • in-text citations, which are inserted in the body of your text and are included in the word count. An in-text citation gives the author(s) and publication date of a source you are referring to. If the publication date is not given, the phrase 'no date' is used instead of a date. If using direct quotations or you refer to a specific section in the source you also need the page number/s if available, or paragraph number for web pages.
  • full references, which are given in alphabetical order in reference list at the end of your work and are not included in the word count. Full references give full bibliographical information for all the sources you have referred to in the body of your text.

To see a reference list and intext citations check out this example assignment on Cite Them Right .

Difference between reference list and bibliography

a reference list only includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text

a bibliography includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text AND sources that were part of your background reading that you did not use in your assignment

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Examples of in-text citations

You need to include an in-text citation wherever you quote or paraphrase from a source. An in-text citation consists of the last name of the author(s), the year of publication, and a page number if relevant. There are a number of ways of incorporating in-text citations into your work - some examples are provided below. Alternatively you can see examples of setting out in-text citations in Cite Them Right .

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Harris, 2015).


It has been emphasised by Harris (2015) that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised (Shah and Papadopoulos, 2015) that good referencing is an important academic skill.


Shah and Papadopoulos (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Wong, Smith and Adebole, 2015).


Wong, Smith and Adebole (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (Wong , 2015).


Wong (2015) emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill.

Note: When referencing a chapter of an edited book, your in-text citation should give the author(s) of the chapter.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill (The Open University, 2015).

Information from The Open University (2015) emphasises that good referencing is an important academic skill.

It has been emphasised that good referencing is an important academic skill ( , 2015).

Information from (2015) emphasises that good referencing is an important academic skill.

You use secondary referencing when you want to refer to a source that is mentioned or quoted in the work you are reading.

To do this, you add the phrase ‘quoted in’ or ‘cited in’ (depending on whether the author of the secondary source is directly quoting or summarising from the primary source) to your intext citation, along with the details of the source that you are reading.

West (2007, quoted in Birch, 2017, p. 17) state that…
Positive identity can be affirmed in part by a supportive family environment (Leach, 2015, cited in The Open University, 2022).

You would then include full references to Birch and The Open University in your reference list as these are the sources that you have read. There is no change to the structure of the full reference for these sources.

You should include page numbers in your citation if you are quoting directly from or using ideas from a specific page or set of pages.

Add the abbreviation p. (or pp. if more than one page) before the page number(s).

Harris (2015, p. 5) argues that…

In the drying process "polyphenol oxidizing reactions" form new flavour compounds (Toker 2020, pp. 585–586)...

Add a lower case letter to the date in the in-text citation and in the matching full reference to distinguish between the sources.

: Snow is formed in part because the temperature drops enough that rain freezes (The Open University, 2022a), however the freezing temperature of water is often below 0°C under certain conditions (The Open University, 2022b).

The Open University (2022a) '1.2 What are clouds?'. . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

The Open University (2022b) '1.3.1 Snow and ice'. . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Note: this only applies when you are using multiple different sources with the same author and year – if you are referring to the same source more than once then you do not need to add a letter to the date. The citation will be the same each time and you only need to include the source once in your reference list.

Online module materials

(Includes written online module activities, audio-visual material such as online tutorials, recordings or videos).

When referencing material from module websites, the date of publication is the year you started studying the module.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

OR, if there is no named author:

The Open University (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Rietdorf, K. and Bootman, M. (2022) 'Topic 3: Rare diseases'. S290: Investigating human health and disease . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

The Open University (2022) ‘3.1 The purposes of childhood and youth research’. EK313: Issues in research with children and young people . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

You can also use this template to reference videos and audio that are hosted on your module website:

The Open University (2022) ‘Video 2.7 An example of a Frith-Happé animation’. SK298: Brain, mind and mental health . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

The Open University (2022) ‘Audio 2 Interview with Richard Sorabji (Part 2)’. A113: Revolutions . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Note: if a complete journal article has been uploaded to a module website, or if you have seen an article referred to on the website and then accessed the original version, reference the original journal article, and do not mention the module materials. If only an extract from an article is included in your module materials that you want to reference, you should use secondary referencing, with the module materials as the 'cited in' source, as described above.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of message', Title of discussion board , in Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Fitzpatrick, M. (2022) ‘A215 - presentation of TMAs', Tutor group discussion & Workbook activities , in A215: Creative writing . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2022).

Note: When an ebook looks like a printed book, with publication details and pagination, reference as a printed book.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title . Edition if later than first. Place of publication: publisher. Series and volume number if relevant.

For ebooks that do not contain print publication details

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title of book . Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).

Example with one author:

Bell, J. (2014) Doing your research project . Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy . Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2021).

Example with two or three authors:

Goddard, J. and Barrett, S. (2015) The health needs of young people leaving care . Norwich: University of East Anglia, School of Social Work and Psychosocial Studies.

Example with four or more authors:

Young, H.D. et al. (2015) Sears and Zemansky's university physics . San Francisco, CA: Addison-Wesley.

Note: You can choose one or other method to reference four or more authors (unless your School requires you to name all authors in your reference list) and your approach should be consistent.

Note: Books that have an editor, or editors, where each chapter is written by a different author or authors.

Surname of chapter author, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of chapter or section', in Initial. Surname of book editor (ed.) Title of book . Place of publication: publisher, Page reference.

Franklin, A.W. (2012) 'Management of the problem', in S.M. Smith (ed.) The maltreatment of children . Lancaster: MTP, pp. 83–95.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference.

If accessed online:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference. Available at: DOI or URL (if required) (Accessed: date).

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326.

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326. Available at: (Accessed: 27 January 2023).

Barke, M. and Mowl, G. (2016) 'Málaga – a failed resort of the early twentieth century?', Journal of Tourism History , 2(3), pp. 187–212. Available at:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Mansell, W. and Bloom, A. (2012) ‘£10,000 carrot to tempt physics experts’, The Guardian , 20 June, p. 5.

Roberts, D. and Ackerman, S. (2013) 'US draft resolution allows Obama 90 days for military action against Syria', The Guardian , 4 September. Available at: (Accessed: 9 September 2015).

Surname, Initial. (Year that the site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Organisation (Year that the page was last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Robinson, J. (2007) Social variation across the UK . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

The British Psychological Society (2018) Code of Ethics and Conduct . Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2019).

Note: Cite Them Right Online offers guidance for referencing webpages that do not include authors' names and dates. However, be extra vigilant about the suitability of such webpages.

Surname, Initial. (Year) Title of photograph . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Kitton, J. (2013) Golden sunset . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

stanitsa_dance (2021) Cossack dance ensemble . Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023).

Note: If no title can be found then replace it with a short description.

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  • Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples

Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples

Published on 1 May 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 7 November 2022.

In Harvard style , the bibliography or reference list provides full references for the sources you used in your writing.

  • A reference list consists of entries corresponding to your in-text citations .
  • A bibliography sometimes also lists sources that you consulted for background research, but did not cite in your text.

The two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. If in doubt about which to include, check with your instructor or department.

The information you include in a reference varies depending on the type of source, but it usually includes the author, date, and title of the work, followed by details of where it was published. You can automatically generate accurate references using our free reference generator:

Harvard Reference Generator

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Table of contents

Formatting a harvard style bibliography, harvard reference examples, referencing sources with multiple authors, referencing sources with missing information, frequently asked questions about harvard bibliographies.

Sources are alphabetised by author last name. The heading ‘Reference list’ or ‘Bibliography’ appears at the top.

Each new source appears on a new line, and when an entry for a single source extends onto a second line, a hanging indent is used:

Harvard bibliography

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Reference list or bibliography entries always start with the author’s last name and initial, the publication date and the title of the source. The other information required varies depending on the source type. Formats and examples for the most common source types are given below.

  • Entire book
  • Book chapter
  • Translated book
  • Edition of a book
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) . City: Publisher.
Example Coetzee, J. M. (2000) . London: Vintage.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Chapter title’, in Editor name (ed(s).) . City: Publisher, pp. page range.
Example Greenblatt, S. (2010) ‘The traces of Shakespeare’s life’, in De Grazia, M. and Wells, S. (eds.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–14.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) . Translated from the [language] by ranslator name. City: Publisher.
Example Saramago, J. (1997) . Translated from the Portuguese by G. Gontiero. London: Vintage.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) . Edition. City: Publisher.
Example Danielson, D. (ed.) (1999) . 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Journal articles

  • Print journal
  • Online-only journal with DOI
  • Online-only journal without DOI
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , Volume(Issue), pp. page range.
Example Maceachen, D. B. (1950) ‘Wilkie Collins and British law’, , 5(2), pp. 121–139.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , Volume(Issue), page range. DOI.
Example Adamson, P. (2019) ‘American history at the foreign office: Exporting the silent epic Western’, , 31(2), pp. 32–59. doi:10.2979/filmhistory.31.2.02.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , Volume(Issue), pagerange. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Theroux, A. (1990) ‘Henry James’s Boston’, , 20(2), pp. 158–165. Available at: (Accessed: 13 February
  • General web page
  • Online article or blog
  • Social media post
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) . Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Google (2019) . Available at: (Accessed: 29 April 2020).
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , Date. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Rakich, N. (2020) ‘How does Biden stack up to past Democratic nominees?’, , 28 April. Available at: (Accessed: 29 April 2020).
Format Author surname, initial. [username] (Year) or text [Website name] Date. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Dorsey, J. [@jack] (2018) We’re committing Twitter to help increase the collective health, openness, and civility of public conversation … [Twitter] 1 March. Available at: (Accessed: 29 April 2020).
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) [Medium]. Institution, City or Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Bosch, H. (1482) [Triptych]. Groeningemuseum, Bruges.
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) . Date. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Vox (2020) . 10 April. Available at: (Accessed: 29 April 2020).

Newspapers and magazines

  • Newspaper article
  • Magazine article
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , date, p. page number. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Butler, S. (2020) ‘Women’s fashion manufacturer to make reusable gowns for NHS’, , 28 April. Available at: (Accessed: 29 April 2020).
Format Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, , Volume(Issue) or (Month) or (Season), pp. page range. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Newman, J. (2020) ‘For autistic youths entering adulthood, a new world of challenges awaits’, , (May), pp. 20–24.

When a source has up to three authors, list all of them in the order their names appear on the source. If there are four or more, give only the first name followed by ‘ et al. ’:

Number of authors Reference example
1 author Davis, V. (2019) …
2 authors Davis, V. and Barrett, M. (2019) …
3 authors Davis, V., Barrett, M. and McLachlan, F. (2019) …
4+ authors Davis, V. (2019) …

Sometimes a source won’t list all the information you need for your reference. Here’s what to do when you don’t know the publication date or author of a source.

Some online sources, as well as historical documents, may lack a clear publication date. In these cases, you can replace the date in the reference list entry with the words ‘no date’. With online sources, you still include an access date at the end:

When a source doesn’t list an author, you can often list a corporate source as an author instead, as with ‘Scribbr’ in the above example. When that’s not possible, begin the entry with the title instead of the author:

Though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a difference in meaning:

  • A reference list only includes sources cited in the text – every entry corresponds to an in-text citation .
  • A bibliography also includes other sources which were consulted during the research but not cited.

In Harvard referencing, up to three author names are included in an in-text citation or reference list entry. When there are four or more authors, include only the first, followed by ‘ et al. ’

In-text citation Reference list
1 author (Smith, 2014) Smith, T. (2014) …
2 authors (Smith and Jones, 2014) Smith, T. and Jones, F. (2014) …
3 authors (Smith, Jones and Davies, 2014) Smith, T., Jones, F. and Davies, S. (2014) …
4+ authors (Smith , 2014) Smith, T. (2014) …

In Harvard style referencing , to distinguish between two sources by the same author that were published in the same year, you add a different letter after the year for each source:

  • (Smith, 2019a)
  • (Smith, 2019b)

Add ‘a’ to the first one you cite, ‘b’ to the second, and so on. Do the same in your bibliography or reference list .

To create a hanging indent for your bibliography or reference list :

  • Highlight all the entries
  • Click on the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the ‘Paragraph’ tab in the top menu.
  • In the pop-up window, under ‘Special’ in the ‘Indentation’ section, use the drop-down menu to select ‘Hanging’.
  • Then close the window with ‘OK’.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, November 07). Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 18 June 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

Jack Caulfield

Other students also liked, a quick guide to harvard referencing | citation examples, harvard in-text citation | a complete guide & examples, referencing books in harvard style | templates & examples, scribbr apa citation checker.

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How to Cite and Reference a Conference Paper in the Harvard Style

How to Cite and Reference a Conference Paper in the Harvard Style

  • 2-minute read
  • 8th March 2023

Conference papers are a common resource for academics . But how do you cite and reference one as a source using Harvard? Here’s our quick guide. We’ll focus on the Open University style , but Harvard conventions can vary between institutions, so make sure you check your own style guide too.

Citing a Conference Paper

An in-text citation includes the name and year in parentheses, like this:

If you use a direct quote, you’ll need to add page numbers as well:

If you’re citing two authors, include both surnames separated by and . If you’re citing three or more authors, list the first surname followed by “et al.” If you’re missing an author’s name, you can use the name of the organization that published the paper. And if you’re missing a date, you can use “n.d.”

Referencing a Conference Paper

When adding a conference paper to a Harvard reference list, follow this format:

Author, A. (year of publication) “Title of Paper”, Title of Conference. Location, date of conference. Place of publication, Publisher, page numbers.

If you found the conference paper online, format the entry this way:

Author, A. (year of publication) “Title of Paper,” Title of Conference. Location, date of conference. Publisher [Online]. Available at URL (Accessed date).

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If you’re referencing an unpublished conference paper, you can omit the publisher information:

Author, A. (year of publication) “Title of Paper,” paper presented at Title of Conference . Location, date of conference.

Variations of Harvard Referencing

As we’ve said, the Harvard style has many variations. We’ve looked at the Open University version in this post, but make sure you check your institution’s style guide. And when in doubt, be sure to keep everything consistent.

Of course, you can always send your work our way! Our editors are Harvard referencing experts and will make sure you’ve formatted your references and citations correctly. They’ll also check your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more! Try it out for free today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format for a harvard citation.

Harvard uses author–date citations, with the author’s name and the year of publication in parentheses: (Smith, 2012).

How do you add an online conference paper to a Harvard reference list?

Follow a typical Harvard reference format but omit the location, add [Online] after the publisher name, and include the URL as well as the date you accessed the site.

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Answered By: John Salinas Last Updated: May 13, 2020     Views: 3718

The Harvard System requires two elements: in-text citations throughout your assignment and a list of references at the end.

1. I n-text citations

Include three pieces of information about a source within the text of your work:

  • the name of the author or authors
  • the year of publication
  • the page number (when the information/idea can be located on a particular page or when directly
  • quoted).                                                                                                                                           

2. References

At the end of your text, you must include a list of references, that is, a list of all the sources of information you have used to research your assignment.

  • Each list item requires specific information. See Citing different sources with Harvard Referencing and How to cite references with Harvard Referencing .
  • List each item in alphabetical order, by author surname.
  • Titles should be in italics.
  • Each item should have a hanging indent.

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Note: When you add a text box in Normal view, the text is editable by anyone. When you add a text box in Slide Master view, the text you add to it will become permanent and un-editable outside the Slide Master.

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Format Your Paper & Cite Your Sources

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What is Harvard Style?

What you need to know, harvard style tutorial.

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Harvard Style

The Harvard referencing system is known as the Author-Date style . It emphasizes the name of the creator of a piece of information and the date of publication, with the list of references in alphabetical order at the end of your paper.

Unlike other citation styles, there is no single, definitive version of Harvard Style. Therefore, you may see a variation in features such as punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, and the use of italics. 

Always check with your instructor and follow the rules he or she gives you.

  • Harvard Style Guidelines Your class handout
  • Harvard Referencing Quick Guide From Staffordshire University

Harvard Style will affect your paper in two places:

  • In-text citations in the body of your paper, and
  • The reference list at the end of your paper
  • All in-text citations should be listed in the reference list at the end of your paper.
  • Reference list entries need to contain all the information that someone reading your paper would need in order to find your source.
  • Reference lists in Harvard Style are arranged alphabetically by first author.
  • Begin your Reference list on a new page after your text and number it consecutively.

Sample References List:

Example of Harvard References List

Click on the Links Below to See Additional Examples:

  • Sample Paper Paper provided by Kurt Olson
  • Harvard Citation Examples Document created by The University of Western Australia

Click on the image below to launch this tutorial that was created by the University of Leeds. The section on Citing in Text is especially useful.

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and CC BY-NC 4.0 Licenses .


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Harvard Guide to Using Sources 

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Citations provide information to help your audience locate the sources you consulted when writing a paper or preparing a presentation. Some of your instructors will specify which citation format you should use; others will tell you to choose your own citation format as long as you use it consistently. The most common citation formats are MLA (Modern Language Association) style, which is primarily used for papers in the humanities; APA (American Psychological Association) style, which is primarily used for papers in the social sciences; and Chicago style (The Chicago Manual of Style), which is used for both humanities and social science papers.

Some of your courses at Harvard will require you to use other citation formats. Some science courses may require you to use the citation style of the American Medical Association (AMA). AMA style is considered a standard citation format for academic writing in the sciences and is used in many textbooks and medical journals. The AMA Manual of Style is available online . The American Chemical Society publishes its own style guide , which you may be asked to use in chemistry courses. The Harvard Department of Economics provides students with a departmental style guide, which you can find  here . If you are not sure which format to use for a specific course, consult your instructor.

Both APA and MLA styles require you to credit your sources in two ways. First, you must include a parenthetical citation in the text of your paper that indicates the source of a particular quotation, paraphrased statement or idea, or fact; second, you must include a list of references at the end of your paper that enables readers to locate the sources you have used. You can read more about MLA style here and APA style here .

Chicago style also requires you to credit your sources both in the text and at the end of your paper. Chicago offers guidance on two types of in-text citations–notes or parenthetical citations. You can read more about Chicago style here .

If you have questions about which citation style to use, you should always check with your instructor.

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Harvard Style & Format: A 5-Minute Guide + Samples

Harvard referencing style

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The Harvard referencing style is a widely used system for citing and referencing sources in academic writing. It provides a consistent and standardized format for acknowledging the works of others that you have used in your research.

Struggling to remember tricky peculiarities of Harvard style referencing and formatting? Don’t worry, you have come across a helpful material. In this article, you will find the basics of Harvard style formatting which would be useful for your academic progress. This easy but detailed Harvard style guide contains all format requirements for a paper and some structural tips. Besides, it covers general rules on how to cite your sources properly in your text. Feel free to use these guidelines for your academic endeavors. Let us go through details of Harvard style referencing and formatting together!  

Reference Harvard Style: Basics

Harvard style is an author-date system of referencing. It’s similar to an  APA paper format  in terms of general formatting of pages and text. But this style follows its own rules for bibliography and in-text citations formatting. Harvard style is typically used for essays in such academic disciplines:  

  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Philosophy.

But this doesn’t mean you can’t use this paper format in other areas of study. The general rule is to put references to your sources in round brackets. Specify author’s name and publication year. These references should come after your quotes (direct or indirect) in the end of a respective sentence or paragraph. Full details about all sources you have used should be provided at the end of your work. This section should be named ‘Reference List’. Buy coursework or any other type of research paper that will be referenced for you by our experts. 

Harvard Format: General Requirements

Let us explore some general rules for Harvard formatting:

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial
  • Size: 12 pt
  • Text: double-spaced and left-aligned
  • Indent: first line of a paragraph has indent of 0.5 inch
  • Margins: 1 inch from each side

A Harvard style citation  must have a Title page, header (or running head), headings and Reference list. We will take a closer look at formatting each section down below.  

Harvard Style Title Page

What are the requirements for a Harvard style cover page? Title page is otherwise known as front page. This is the first page of your paper to be observed by your reader, i.e. your teacher first of all. Therefore, it is highly important to format it properly. Formatting rules for Harvard Title page:  

  • Paper title is fully capitalised and centered. Should be placed at approximately 33% of your page counting from its top.
  • Your name as an author, centered and placed at the middle of your page.
  • Course name at approximately 66% of the page.
  • Instructor’s name on a new line.
  • University’s name.
  • Submission date.

See the sample of a Harvard title page down below.

Example of Harvard  title page

Formatting a Header in Harvard

An important detail: you are required to use a header in  Harvard referencing  format. This section is repeatedly shown on all pages of your paper except the title page. You have to configure it once. Then, headers will get automatically added on each new page. Headers in Harvard referencing format contains such information:  

  • Page number, right aligned
  • Shortened title of your paper, not capitalized, right-aligned, to the left of page number.

It is important to use shortened title because there is not too much space in any header. Also, another requirement is putting exactly 5 spaces between your title and a page number in headers.

Harvard Style Heading

Now let us explore some rules of using subheadings in Harvard style, in detail. Typically there are 2 levels of section headings recommended for use in such papers. They have different formatting. This helps to tell one from another, without using different font sizes for them.

  • Level-1 subheadings for a bigger section. They must be centered, capitalized, but at the same time not indented, not bold, not underscored, not italicized.
  • Level-2 subheading for any subsection, typically 1-2 paragraphs. They must be capitalized, left-aligned, not indented. Besides, they should be italicized.

The plain text of any paragraph should go on a new line after subheadings in Harvard style, be it Level-1 or Level-2 subheading.

Harvard Reference List

Listing all sources you have used for your research in a proper order is a core element of Harvard style. Reference list should be the last part of your paper but absolutely not the least. Now let us explore some critical rules for a reference list formatting. The Harvard-style reference list section has its own subtitle, namely ‘Reference List’. Similarly to a Level-1 subheading, it should be capitalized and centered. The rest of your content in this section goes from a new line after your title. No extra empty lines are to be added. Your references in this list are numbered and sorted alphabetically. No lines are indented. Each item in this list starts from a new line. Below we will describe a format for referencing in detail.  

Harvard Style Bibliography

Sometimes your professor or instructor might ask you to create a Bibliography section instead of a common Reference list. So what is the Harvard Bibliography format? Harvard style bibliography includes not only those sources you have cited in your text but also. It also includes materials which you have read to get ideas for your research and to better understand the context of a selected problem. So, such section would contain more items than a Reference list. Apart of that, the general Harvard Bibliography format is the same:  

  • Heading, ‘Bibliography’ is formatted the same way as a Level-1 subheading
  • Sources are put into alphabetical order
  • List is double-spaced
  • Lines do not have any indent
  • Each item of this list starts from a new line.

Harvard Style Citations: General Rules

Another crucial element of Harvard style is referring to your sources inside your essay. That’s why you should know how to cite in Harvard style. Keep in mind that the main purpose of a proper format is to ensure your paper is plagiarizm-free. Sometimes, you should cite ideas from books, magazines or newspapers. But you can only refer to such ideas, otherwise it will be considered a form of plagiarism. Below we will show you how to cite in Harvard style, providing general information about published sources. So let us proceed and learn more about shortened quotes and full references.  

How to Quote in Harvard Style

Here are the rules of Harvard format in-text citation:

  • Add them in parentheses, usually at the end of quotes.
  • Put an author’s last name and a publication year into round brackets, add page number if needed.

Example of in-text citation a quote in Harvard style

  • When quoting a web page, give a paragraph number instead of a page since many websites don’t divide text into pages.
  • Direct citation requires quotation marks and a page number is mandatory in parenthesis
  • If you have mentioned an author’s name in your quote, do not include it into brackets, just leave a year and a page numbers there.

Example of Harvard style citation a quote with author’s name

  • Sometimes you might need to quote two different sources at once. In such case include both into the same parenthesis and divide them by a semicolon.

Example of Harvard style citation a quote from two different sources

Creating References in Harvard Style

And this is how you should be referencing in Harvard style, providing full descriptions of the sources you have used. Let us start with the general book format:

  • Last name of the author followed by comma and initials
  • If there are multiple authors, their names are separated with comma, except the last one which must be separated by ‘&’
  • Year of publication follows, without a comma
  • A full title of the book is given, italicized
  • Publisher name
  • City and country where this book was published are the last to be provided.

Example of Harvard style citing  references

Here are several Harvarvard referencing rules for other source types:

  • Refer to an edited book by putting ‘(ed.)’ or ‘(eds)’ after the editor name(s)
  • If a book was translated, add ‘trans. I Lastname’
  • Refer to an article in any book or journal by adding an article name in quotation marks but not italicized
  • Refer to a website by adding ‘viewed’ and the date when you’ve opened it, followed by the URL in angle brackets.

Bottom Line

In this article we have explored the Harvard referencing guide, one of the most popular ones for students in the UK. Feel free to use these tips and proceed to writing a winning essay with flawless formatting! Just keep in mind the following key concepts of the Harvard style:

  • Title or cover page
  • Headers and their contents
  • Subheadings of two levels with different formatting
  • Reference list with full-detailed description of sources
  • In-text citations with lots of different forms for various quote types.

In conclusion, consider our  custom term paper writing solution if you lack the time or got into writer's block.


If you have questions, please visit our FAQ section or contact our expert writers. They will gladly help you create references in line with all requirements. On top of that, our writers are highly experienced in academic writing and can assist you with any type of formatting.  

FAQ About Harvard Format

1. is harvard reference style used in colleges.

The Harvard style can be used in colleges as well as in other educational institutions and even by professional researchers. While it is relatively popular in many countries for research paper referencing, Harvard style is most widespread in universities of the UK nowadays. Other styles (APA, MLA and Chicago) dominate the US educational institutions.

2. What is the difference between Harvard and Oxford referencing styles?

The Harvard style format is a typical example of an author-date system as it requires using author’s names and publication dates for in-text referencing. You should create a complete reference list as a separate section in the end of your research paper. The Oxford style on the contrary uses numbered footnotes for citing sources used on your page. In-text citations on this page consist just from numbers of respective notes.  


Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.


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AMA reference page


Harvard Referencing Style: Images or Diagrams

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Images, Tables, Diagrams etc


Mintzberg(1979) ...

.... (Mintzberg, 1979)

"....." (Mintzberg, 1979:186)

  • ​Any image, diagram, table etc. needs a caption as well as an in-text citation to the original work
  • If the image, diagram, table etc. being cited belongs to the author of the book, then cite the book as normal, but include the page number as if you were performing a direct quote.
  • If the image, diagram table etc. being cited does not belong to the author of the book, then you will need to add additional information.


Author' s Surname, Initial. Year. Title of the Work. [Material Type]. In Author/Editors' surname, Initial. Year.  ​Title.  Place of Publication: Publishers. page number.


Mintzberg, H. 1979. The basic parts of organisations – Mintzberg’s model. [Diagram] In: Cole, G.A. 2004. Management theory and practice . 6th ed. London: Thomson. 186.

A caption should always include:

  • The word  Figure  (with a capital letter and in italics)
  • A number (from 1, in numerical order)
  • A title for the figure 
  • An in-text citation for the reference of the source, which includes the Author(s), date and page number of the source, i.e. (Saunders et al, 2007:102)
  • The caption always appears under the image, figure etc
  • They are always referred to by their number in the text.


how to cite a presentation in harvard style

Figure 6: The Research Onion (Saunders et. al, 2007:102)

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / Harvard Referencing / Harvard Referencing Style Examples / How to reference a YouTube (or an online) video in Harvard style

How to reference a YouTube (or an online) video in Harvard style

This guide covers how to reference YouTube videos in the Harvard referencing style. Since YouTube isn’t a conventional source for academic research, the rules for citing YouTube videos are a little different from those you have used for other sources. This guide will look at the conventions to be followed when referencing YouTube videos.

Citing a video from YouTube  

Keep in mind that if you are referencing a section of the video, you should include a time code in your in-text citation. The format for the time code is minutes:seconds .  

Alternatively, if the entire video is relevant, then you don’t need to include the time code. You’ll find two examples for each scenario below.  

In-text c itation template:

(Username/screen name, Year in which video was posted, mm:ss)

Reference list template:

Username or screen name (Year in which video was posted) Video title. Upload Day Month. Available at: YouTube or URL of the video (Accessed: Date).

When a specific part is highlighted

In-text citation  

George Smoot states that it is now possible to map an entire human brain and turn it into a computer model (TEDx Talks, 2014, 12:17) …

Reference list

TEDx Talks (2014) You are a simulation & physics can prove It: George Smoot at TEDxSalford . 12 February. Available at: (Accessed: 24 September 2020).

When the whole video is relevant

Elon Musk thinks that it is possible to make Mars habitable by nuking it (SciShow Space, 2015) …

SciShow Space (2015) Let’s nuke Mars! 18 September. Available at: (Accessed: 20 July 2020).

Citing a video embedded in a website

Sometimes, you’ll find videos embedded on a web page. To reference these, Harvard style recommends pointing the reader to where you found the source. It is possible that you will need to click through to the original source of the embedded video to obtain all the information you need to reference it, but you can still use the original URL to build your citation.

In-text c itation structure:

Reference list structure:

Username or screen name (Year in which video was posted) Video title. Upload date. Available at: URL (Accessed: Date).

During the annual Groundhog Day celebrations in Punxsutawney (CNN, 2020, 01:12) …

CNN (2015) Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring . 2 February. Available at: (Accessed: 20 July 2020).

Key takeaways

  • Keep in mind that if you are highlighting just a section of the video, you should include a time code in your in-text citation. The format to be used is minutes:seconds.
  • Alternatively, if the entire video is relevant, then you don’t need to use the time code.

Published October 29, 2020.

Harvard Formatting Guide

Harvard Formatting

  • et al Usage
  • Direct Quotes
  • In-text Citations
  • Multiple Authors
  • Page Numbers
  • Writing an Outline
  • View Harvard Guide

Reference Examples

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Why acknowledge sources?

When is citing necessary, citing textual sources, citing images and non-textual sources, citing generative ai, links to style guides and citation resources.

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Reasons for citing sources are based on academic, professional, and cultural values. At the GSD, we cite to promote

  • Integrity and honesty by acknowledging the creative and intellectual work of others.
  • The pursuit of knowledge by enabling others to locate the materials you used.
  • The development of design excellence through research into scholarly conversations related to your subject.

Cite your source whenever you quote, summarize, paraphrase, or otherwise include someone else's

  • Words 
  • Opinions, thoughts, interpretations, or arguments
  • Original research, designs, images, video, etc.
  • Chicago Style

Citations follow different rules for structure and content depending on which style you use. At the GSD, mostly you will use Chicago or APA style. Often you can choose the style you prefer, but it's good to ask your professor or TA/TF. Whichever style you use, be consistent. We recommend using Zotero , a citation-management tool, to structure your citations for you, but you should always check to make sure the tool captures the correct information in the correct place.

 Chicago Style 

Citing print sources.

Footnote - long (first time citing the source)

1. Joseph Rykwert, The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World , (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1976), 35.

Footnote - short (citing the source again)

1. Rykwert, The Idea of a Town , 35.

In-text citation (alternative to footnotes)

(Rykwert 1976, 35)

Bibliography (alphabetical order and hanging indentation)

Rykwert, Joseph. The Idea of a Town: the Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World . New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1976.


1. Diane Favro, “The Street Triumphant: The Urban Impact of Roman Triumphal Parades,” in Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space , ed. Zeynep Çelik , Diana Favro, and Richard Ingersoll (Berkeley: University of California Press,1994), 153.

1. Favro, “The Street Triumphant,” 156.

In-text citation (called "author-date," an alternative to footnotes)

(Favro 1994, 153)

Bibliography  (alphabetical order and hanging indentation)

Favro, Diane. “The Street Triumphant: The Urban Impact of Roman Triumphal Parades.” In Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, edited by Zeynep Çelik, Diane G. Favro, and Richard Ingersoll, 151-164. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Journal Article 

1. Hendrik Dey, “From ‘Street’ to ‘Piazza’: Urban Politics, Public Ceremony, and the Redefinition of platea in Communal Italy and Beyond” Speculum 91, no.4 (October 2016): 919.

1. Dey, “From ‘Street’ to ‘Piazza,’” 932.

Dey, Hendrik. “From ‘Street’ to ‘Piazza’: Urban Politics, Public Ceremony, and the Redefinition of platea in Communal Italy and Beyond.” Speculum 91, no.4 (October 2016): 919-44.

 APA Style 

In-text citation  

(Rykwert 1976 p. 35)

Footnote  (for supplemental information)

1. From  The idea of a town: The anthropology of urban form in Rome, Italy and the ancient world by Joseph  Rykwert, 1976, New Jersey:  Princeton University Press.

Bibliography/Reference  (alphabetical order and hanging indentation)

Rykwert, J. (1976).  The idea of a town: The anthropology of urban form in Rome, Italy and the ancient world .  Princeton University Press.

In-Text Citation

(Favro   1994 p.153)

Footnote (for supplemental information)

1. From the chapter "The street triumphant: The urban impact of Roman triumphal parades" in  Streets: Critical perspectives on public space,  edited by Zeynep Çelik , Diana Favro, and Richard Ingersoll, 1994, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Favro, D. (1994) “The street triumphant: The Urban Impact of Roman Triumphal Parades.” In Zeynep Çelik, Diane G. Favro, and Richard Ingersoll (Eds.),  Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space ( pp.151-164). University of California Press.

(Dey 2016 p.919)

Footnote  (for supplemental material)

1. From the article “From ‘street’ to ‘Piazza’: Urban politics, public ceremony, and the Redefinition of platea in Communal Italy and Beyond” by  Hendrik Dey in   Speculum 91(4), 919.

Dey, H. (2016). From "street" to "piazza": Urban politics, public ceremony, and the redefinition of platea in communal Italy and beyond.  Speculum 91 (4), 919-44.

Citing Visual Sources 

Visual representations created by other people, including photographs, maps, drawings, models, graphs, tables, and blueprints, must be cited.  Citations for visual material may be included at the end of a caption or in a list of figures, similar to but usually separate from the main bibliography.

When they are not merely background design, images are labeled as figures and numbered. In-text references to them refer to the figure number. Sometimes you will have a title after the figure number and a brief descriptive caption below it. 

If you choose to include the citation under the caption, format it like a footnote entry. If you would prefer to have a list of figures for citation information, organize them by figure number and use the format of a bibliographic entry. 

A map of Harvard Campus with an example caption and citation below it. Immediately under the map are the words, "Figure One." Under those words is a caption stating that the image is a map of Harvard campus from 1935. Under that caption is the citations, which is as follows: Edwin J Schruers, cartographer, Tercentenary map of Harvard, 1935, color map, 86x64 cm, Harvard University Archives, http and the rest of the permalink code.

The construction of citations for artwork and illustrations is more flexible and variable than textual sources. Here we have provided an example with full bibliographic information. Use your best judgment and remember that the goals are to be consistent and to provide enough information to credit your source and for someone else to find your source.

Some borrowed material in collages may also need to be cited, but the rules are vague and hard to find. Check with your professor about course standards. 

Visual representations created by other people, including photographs, maps, drawings, models, graphs, tables, and blueprints, must be cited. In APA style, tables are their own category, and all other visual representations are considered figures. Tables and figures both follow the same basic setup. 

When they are not merely background design, images are labeled as figures and numbered and titled above the image. If needed to clarify the meaning or significance of the figure, a note may be placed below it. In-text references to visual sources refer to the figure number (ex. As shown in Figure 1..."). 

Citations for visual material created by other people may either be included under the figure or note or compiled in a list of figures, similar to but usually separate from the main bibliography.

Figures may take up a whole page or be placed at the top or bottom of the page with a blank double-space below or above it.

If you choose to include the citation under the figure, format it like a bibliographic entry. If you would prefer to have a list of figures for citation information, organize them by figure number and use the format of a bibliographic entry. Here is a detailed example. Some figures will require less bibliographic information, but it is a good practice to include as much as you can.

how to cite a presentation in harvard style

The construction of citations for artwork and illustrations is more flexible and variable than for textual sources. Here we have provided an example with full bibliographic information. Use your best judgment and remember that the goals are to be consistent and to provide enough information to credit your source and for someone else to find your source.

Citing Generative AI

The rules for citing the use of generative AI, both textual and visual, are still evolving. For guidelines on when to cite the use of AI, please refer to the section on Academic Integrity. Here, we will give you suggestions for  how to cite based on what the style guides say and what Harvard University encourages. We again recommend that you to ask your instructors about their expectations for use and citation and to remain consistent in your formatting.

The Chicago Manual of Style currently states that "for most types of writing, you can simply acknowledge the AI tool in your text" with a parenthetical comment stating the use of a specific tool. For example: (Image generated by Midjourney). 

For academic papers or research articles, you should have a numbered footnote or endnote

Footnote - prompt not included in the text of the paper

1. ChatGPT, response to "Suggest three possible responses from community stakeholders to the proposed multi-use development project," OpenAI, March 28, 2024,

Footnote - prompt included in the text of the paper

1. Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, March 28, 2024,

Footnote - edited AI-generated text

1. Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, March 28, 2024, edited for clarity,

In-text citation  (called "author-date," an alternative to footnotes)

(Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI) or (Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, edited for clarity)

Chicago does not encourage including generative AI in a bibliography unless the tool also generates a direct link to the same generated content.

The APA style team currently says to "describe how you used the tool in your Methods section or in a comparable section of your paper," perhaps the introduction for literature reviews and response papers. In your paper, state the prompt followed by the resulting generated text. Cite generative AI use according to the rules you would use for citing an algorithm. Include the URL if it leads directly to the same generated material; otherwise, the URL is optional.

(OpenAI, 2024) 

Footnote   (for supplemental material)

APA does not yet provide a structure or example for a footnote. If you need to mention generative AI in a footnote, stay as consistent with formatting as possible.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].

These links take you to external resources for further research on citation styles.

  • Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition Online access to the full manual through Hollis with a quick guide, Q&A, video tutorials, and more.
  • CMOS Shop Talk: How Do I Format a List of Figures? A brief description of how to format a list of figures with an attached sample document.
  • Documenting and Citing Images in Chicago A Research guide from USC with nice examples of images with citations.
  • Harvard Guide to Citing Sources A guide from Harvard Libraries on citing sources in Chicago style.
  • A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers A Chicago manual specifically for students with clear and detailed information about citing for papers rather than publications.
  • Chicago Manual of Style Q&A Citing Generative Artificial Intelligence
  • APA Style The main page of the official APA website that directs you to various topics on style and formatting
  • APA Style Manual 7th Edition Online access to the full APA Style Manual (scanned) through Hollis.
  • APA Style Common Reference Examples A list of sample references organized by type.
  • APA Style Sample Papers Links to sample papers that model how to create citations in APA.
  • Formatting Checklist This page is a quick guide to all kinds of formatting, from the title page to the bibliography, with links to more detailed instructions.
  • Harvard Guide to Citing Sources A guide from Harvard Libraries on citing sources in APA style.
  • Journal Article References This page contains reference examples for journal articles.
  • In-Text Citations in APA Style A place to learn more about rules for citing sources in your text.
  • Tables and Figures This page leads to explanations about how to format tables and figures as well as examples of both.
  • How to Cite ChatGPT Here are the APA's current rules for citing generative AI and ChatGPT in particular.
  • << Previous: Academic Integrity
  • Next: Academic Writing >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 17, 2024 3:42 PM
  • URL:

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American Psychological Association

Reference Examples

More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual . Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual .

To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of work (e.g., journal article ) and follow the relevant example.

When selecting a category, use the webpages and websites category only when a work does not fit better within another category. For example, a report from a government website would use the reports category, whereas a page on a government website that is not a report or other work would use the webpages and websites category.

Also note that print and electronic references are largely the same. For example, to cite both print books and ebooks, use the books and reference works category and then choose the appropriate type of work (i.e., book ) and follow the relevant example (e.g., whole authored book ).

Examples on these pages illustrate the details of reference formats. We make every attempt to show examples that are in keeping with APA Style’s guiding principles of inclusivity and bias-free language. These examples are presented out of context only to demonstrate formatting issues (e.g., which elements to italicize, where punctuation is needed, placement of parentheses). References, including these examples, are not inherently endorsements for the ideas or content of the works themselves. An author may cite a work to support a statement or an idea, to critique that work, or for many other reasons. For more examples, see our sample papers .

Reference examples are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Chapter 10 and the Concise Guide Chapter 10

Related handouts

  • Common Reference Examples Guide (PDF, 147KB)
  • Reference Quick Guide (PDF, 225KB)

Textual Works

Textual works are covered in Sections 10.1–10.8 of the Publication Manual . The most common categories and examples are presented here. For the reviews of other works category, see Section 10.7.

  • Journal Article References
  • Magazine Article References
  • Newspaper Article References
  • Blog Post and Blog Comment References
  • UpToDate Article References
  • Book/Ebook References
  • Diagnostic Manual References
  • Children’s Book or Other Illustrated Book References
  • Classroom Course Pack Material References
  • Religious Work References
  • Chapter in an Edited Book/Ebook References
  • Dictionary Entry References
  • Wikipedia Entry References
  • Report by a Government Agency References
  • Report with Individual Authors References
  • Brochure References
  • Ethics Code References
  • Fact Sheet References
  • ISO Standard References
  • Press Release References
  • White Paper References
  • Conference Presentation References
  • Conference Proceeding References
  • Published Dissertation or Thesis References
  • Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis References
  • ERIC Database References
  • Preprint Article References

Data and Assessments

Data sets are covered in Section 10.9 of the Publication Manual . For the software and tests categories, see Sections 10.10 and 10.11.

  • Data Set References
  • Toolbox References

Audiovisual Media

Audiovisual media are covered in Sections 10.12–10.14 of the Publication Manual . The most common examples are presented together here. In the manual, these examples and more are separated into categories for audiovisual, audio, and visual media.

  • Artwork References
  • Clip Art or Stock Image References
  • Film and Television References
  • Musical Score References
  • Online Course or MOOC References
  • Podcast References
  • PowerPoint Slide or Lecture Note References
  • Radio Broadcast References
  • TED Talk References
  • Transcript of an Audiovisual Work References
  • YouTube Video References

Online Media

Online media are covered in Sections 10.15 and 10.16 of the Publication Manual . Please note that blog posts are part of the periodicals category.

  • Facebook References
  • Instagram References
  • LinkedIn References
  • Online Forum (e.g., Reddit) References
  • TikTok References
  • X References
  • Webpage on a Website References
  • Clinical Practice References
  • Open Educational Resource References
  • Whole Website References

Visual instrument co-design embracing the unique movement capabilities of a dancer with physical disability

  • Trolland, Sam
  • Smith, Melinda
  • Ilsar, Alon
  • McCormack, Jon

This paper explores the design of an expressive visual instrument that embraces the unique movement style of a dancer living with physical disability. Through a collaboration between the dancer and an interaction designer/visual artist, the creative qualities of wearable devices for motion tracking are investigated, with emphasis on integrating the dancer's specific movement capabilities with their creative goals. The affordances of this technology for imagining new forms of creative expression play a critical role in the design process. These themes are drawn together through an experiential performance which augments an improvised dance with an ephemeral real-time visualisation of the performer's movements. Through practice-based research, the design, development and presentation of this performance work is examined as a 'testbed' for new ideas, allowing for the exploration of HCI concepts within a creative context. This paper outlines the creative process behind the development of the work, the insights derived from the practice-based research enquiry, and the role of movement technology in encouraging new ways of moving through creative expression.

  • Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction;
  • Computer Science - Multimedia

how to cite a presentation in harvard style

Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work

Mar 16, 2023 | Jared Spataro - CVP, AI at Work

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Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to innovate. Each of us seeks to do work that gives us purpose — to write a great novel, to make a discovery, to build strong communities, to care for the sick. The urge to connect to the core of our work lives in all of us. But today, we spend too much time consumed by the drudgery of work on tasks that zap our time, creativity and energy. To reconnect to the soul of our work, we don’t just need a better way of doing the same things. We need a whole new way to work.

Today, we are bringing the power of next-generation AI to work. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work . It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivity tool on the planet.

“Today marks the next major step in the evolution of how we interact with computing, which will fundamentally change the way we work and unlock a new wave of productivity growth,” said Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, Microsoft. “With our new copilot for work, we’re giving people more agency and making technology more accessible through the most universal interface — natural language.”

Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 in two ways. It works alongside you, embedded in the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more — to unleash creativity, unlock productivity and uplevel skills. Today we’re also announcing an entirely new experience: Business Chat . Business Chat works across the LLM, the Microsoft 365 apps, and your data — your calendar, emails, chats, documents, meetings and contacts — to do things you’ve never been able to do before. You can give it natural language prompts like “Tell my team how we updated the product strategy,” and it will generate a status update based on the morning’s meetings, emails and chat threads.

With Copilot, you’re always in control. You decide what to keep, modify or discard. Now, you can be more creative in Word, more analytical in Excel, more expressive in PowerPoint, more productive in Outlook and more collaborative in Teams.

Microsoft 365 Copilot transforms work in three ways:

Unleash creativity. With Copilot in Word, you can jump-start the creative process so you never start with a blank slate again. Copilot gives you a first draft to edit and iterate on — saving hours in writing, sourcing, and editing time. Sometimes Copilot will be right, other times usefully wrong — but it will always put you further ahead. You’re always in control as the author, driving your unique ideas forward, prompting Copilot to shorten, rewrite or give feedback. Copilot in PowerPoint helps you create beautiful presentations with a simple prompt, adding relevant content from a document you made last week or last year. And with Copilot in Excel, you can analyze trends and create professional-looking data visualizations in seconds.

Unlock productivity. We all want to focus on the 20% of our work that really matters, but 80% of our time is consumed with busywork that bogs us down. Copilot lightens the load. From summarizing long email threads to quickly drafting suggested replies, Copilot in Outlook helps you clear your inbox in minutes, not hours. And every meeting is a productive meeting with Copilot in Teams. It can summarize key discussion points — including who said what and where people are aligned and where they disagree — and suggest action items, all in real time during a meeting. And with Copilot in Power Platform, anyone can automate repetitive tasks, create chatbots and go from idea to working app in minutes.

GitHub data shows that Copilot promises to unlock productivity for everyone. Among developers who use GitHub Copilot, 88% say they are more productive, 74% say that they can focus on more satisfying work, and 77% say it helps them spend less time searching for information or examples.

But Copilot doesn’t just supercharge individual productivity. It creates a new knowledge model for every organization — harnessing the massive reservoir of data and insights that lies largely inaccessible and untapped today. Business Chat works across all your business data and apps to surface the information and insights you need from a sea of data — so knowledge flows freely across the organization, saving you valuable time searching for answers. You will be able to access Business Chat from Microsoft, from Bing when you’re signed in with your work account, or from Teams.

Uplevel skills. Copilot makes you better at what you’re good at and lets you quickly master what you’ve yet to learn. The average person uses only a handful of commands — such as “animate a slide” or “insert a table” — from the thousands available across Microsoft 365. Now, all that rich functionality is unlocked using just natural language. And this is only the beginning.

Copilot will fundamentally change how people work with AI and how AI works with people. As with any new pattern of work, there’s a learning curve — but those who embrace this new way of working will quickly gain an edge.

Screenshot Microsoft 365 Copilot

The Copilot System: Enterprise-ready AI

Microsoft is uniquely positioned to deliver enterprise-ready AI with the Copilot System . Copilot is more than OpenAI’s ChatGPT embedded into Microsoft 365. It’s a sophisticated processing and orchestration engine working behind the scenes to combine the power of LLMs, including GPT-4, with the Microsoft 365 apps and your business data in the Microsoft Graph — now accessible to everyone through natural language.

Grounded in your business data. AI-powered LLMs are trained on a large but limited corpus of data. The key to unlocking productivity in business lies in connecting LLMs to your business data — in a secure, compliant, privacy-preserving way. Microsoft 365 Copilot has real-time access to both your content and context in the Microsoft Graph. This means it generates answers anchored in your business content — your documents, emails, calendar, chats, meetings, contacts and other business data — and combines them with your working context — the meeting you’re in now, the email exchanges you’ve had on a topic, the chat conversations you had last week — to deliver accurate, relevant, contextual responses.

Built on Microsoft’s comprehensive approach to security, compliance and privacy. Copilot is integrated into Microsoft 365 and automatically inherits all your company’s valuable security, compliance, and privacy policies and processes. Two-factor authentication, compliance boundaries, privacy protections, and more make Copilot the AI solution you can trust.

Architected to protect tenant, group and individual data. We know data leakage is a concern for customers. Copilot LLMs are not trained on your tenant data or your prompts. Within your tenant, our time-tested permissioning model ensures that data won’t leak across user groups. And on an individual level, Copilot presents only data you can access using the same technology that we’ve been using for years to secure customer data.

Integrated into the apps millions use every day. Microsoft 365 Copilot is integrated in the productivity apps millions of people use and rely on every day for work and life — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and more. An intuitive and consistent user experience ensures it looks, feels and behaves the same way in Teams as it does in Outlook, with a shared design language for prompts, refinements and commands.

Designed to learn new skills.  Microsoft 365 Copilot’s foundational skills are a game changer for productivity: It can already create, summarize, analyze, collaborate and automate using your specific business content and context. But it doesn’t stop there. Copilot knows how to command apps (e.g., “animate this slide”) and work across apps, translating a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation. And Copilot is designed to learn new skills. For example, with Viva Sales, Copilot can learn how to connect to CRM systems of record to pull customer data — like interaction and order histories — into communications. As Copilot learns about new domains and processes, it will be able to perform even more sophisticated tasks and queries.

Committed to building responsibly

At Microsoft, we are guided by our AI principles and Responsible AI Standard and decades of research on AI, grounding and privacy-preserving machine learning. A multidisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and policy experts reviews our AI systems for potential harms and mitigations — refining training data, filtering to limit harmful content, query- and result-blocking sensitive topics, and applying Microsoft technologies like InterpretML and Fairlearn to help detect and correct data bias. We make it clear how the system makes decisions by noting limitations, linking to sources, and prompting users to review, fact-check and adjust content based on subject-matter expertise.

Moving boldly as we learn  

In the months ahead, we’re bringing Copilot to all our productivity apps—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, Viva, Power Platform, and more. We’ll share more on pricing and licensing soon. Earlier this month we announced Dynamics 365 Copilot as the world’s first AI Copilot in both CRM and ERP to bring the next-generation AI to every line of business.

Everyone deserves to find purpose and meaning in their work — and Microsoft 365 Copilot can help. To serve the unmet needs of our customers, we must move quickly and responsibly, learning as we go. We’re testing Copilot with a small group of customers to get feedback and improve our models as we scale, and we will expand to more soon.

Learn more on the Microsoft 365 blog and visit WorkLab to get expert insights on how AI will create a brighter future of work for everyone.

And for all the blogs, videos and assets related to today’s announcements, please visit our microsite .

Tags: AI , Microsoft 365 , Microsoft 365 Copilot

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how to cite a presentation in harvard style


  1. How To Cite A Website In Text Harvard

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style

  2. Harvard Referencing

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style

  3. How to Reference in a PowerPoint Presentation Harvard

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style

  4. how to cite a tv show harvard

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style

  5. přebytek Typicky z harvard style format Předčasné Poradit si s Bezvýznamné

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style

  6. Harvard Citation Style

    how to cite a presentation in harvard style


  1. Harvard University's 359th Commencement, 2010 (Afternoon Program)

  2. Harvard Style Referencing Made Easy. By Leonard Miller PART ONE

  3. Demystifying Harvard Citations: The No Author, No Date Dilemma

  4. Using Cite Them Right

  5. Using Cite Them Right Online (CTRO)

  6. Mastering Multiple Authors in Harvard Style!


  1. Cite A Presentation or lecture in Harvard style

    Search. Use the following template or our Harvard Referencing Generator. For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator.

  2. Harvard Referencing Guide: PowerPoint Presentations

    The full reference should generally include. Author or tutor. Year of publication (in round brackets) Title of the presentation (in single quotation marks) [PowerPoint presentation] in square brackets. Module code: module title (in italics) Available at: URL of the VLE. (Accessed: date) Example : Full reference for the Reference List.

  3. LibGuides: Harvard Style Guide: Lectures/ presentations

    Harvard Style Guide: Lectures/ presentations. This guide explains how to use the Harvard Style. It includes a short tutorial. Introduction; Harvard Tutorial; Quotation; ... Reference: Author(s) Last name, Initial(s). (Year) 'Title of lecture/presentation' [Medium], Module Code: Module title. Institution.

  4. Guides and databases: Harvard: PowerPoint presentation

    This guide introduces the Harvard referencing style and includes examples of citations. Welcome Toggle Dropdown. ... Title of presentation (in single quotation marks). [PowerPoint presentation] Module code: module title (in italics). Available at: URL of VLE. (Accessed: date). In-text citation: (Whittingham, 2014) Reference list: Whittingham, D ...

  5. How to Reference in a PowerPoint Presentation Harvard

    The citation should include the author's last name and the year of publication. If the author's name is mentioned in the sentence, only the publication year needs to be included in the citation. For example: "According to Smith (2020), the use of PowerPoint presentations has increased in recent years.". Or.

  6. How to Cite a PowerPoint in Harvard Style?

    Format for citing and referencing such PowerPoint material in Harvard style is: In-text citation: (Author Surname Year) OR (Author Surname Year: powerpoint presentation) Reference list entry: Author's Surname, Initial (s). Year. 'Title.' [PowerPoint presentation] Date.

  7. Powerpoint Presentations

    Year. 'Title.' [PowerPoint presentation] Date. Institution, place. Please note that in this case, the title is not italicised. EXAMPLE OF A REFERENCE TO A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. Dlamini, N. 2006. 'E-commerce trends in retail in South Africa.' [PowerPoint Presentation] 4 November. Business Solutions Inc., Midrand.

  8. A Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing

    When you cite a source with up to three authors, cite all authors' names. For four or more authors, list only the first name, followed by ' et al. ': Number of authors. In-text citation example. 1 author. (Davis, 2019) 2 authors. (Davis and Barrett, 2019) 3 authors.

  9. Leeds Harvard: Conference presentation

    Slides from a conference presentation. Family name, INITIAL(S) (of the presenter). Year. Title of the presentation [PowerPoint presentation]. Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference. Example: Newton, A.J. and Pullinger, D.J. 2012. Acting on PhD student feedback to create new learning resources [PowerPoint presentation].

  10. LibGuides: Harvard Reference Style: PowerPoint slides

    A basic reference list entry for Powerpoint slides: Author or authors; the surname is followed by initials. Year of compilation of Powerpoint slides. Title of presentation (in italics) [Lecturer notes or Powerpoint slides] Available: URL [Date of access] Example: Kunka, J.L. 2018. Conquering the comma [PowerPoint slides].

  11. Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right)

    There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. You will find further guidance available through the OU Library on the Cite Them Right Database. For help and support with referencing and the full Cite Them Right guide, have a look at the Library's ...

  12. Harvard Style Bibliography

    Formatting a Harvard style bibliography. Sources are alphabetised by author last name. The heading 'Reference list' or 'Bibliography' appears at the top. Each new source appears on a new line, and when an entry for a single source extends onto a second line, a hanging indent is used: Harvard bibliography example.

  13. How to Cite Sources in Harvard Citation Format

    Citing a Secondary Source: In this case, state the reference you used first followed by 'cited in' and the original author: Smith 2000 (cited in Mitchell, 2017, p. 189) or (Smith, 2000, cited in Mitchell, 2017, p. 189) 3. How to Cite Different Source Types. Reference list references vary quite a lot between sources.

  14. How to Cite and Reference a Conference Paper in the Harvard Style

    Referencing a Conference Paper. When adding a conference paper to a Harvard reference list, follow this format: Author, A. (year of publication) "Title of Paper", Title of Conference. Location, date of conference. Place of publication, Publisher, page numbers. If you found the conference paper online, format the entry this way:

  15. Harvard Referencing Style Examples

    Reference example for the above in-text citation: Author Surname, Initials. (Publication Year) Title of the text in italics. Place of Publication: Publisher. Bloom, H. (2005) Novelists and novels. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers. Below are Harvard referencing examples of in-text citations and reference list entries for the different ...

  16. How do I place an in-text citation into a PowerPoint slide using the

    The Harvard System requires two elements: in-text citations throughout your assignment and a list of references at the end. 1. In-text citations. Include three pieces of information about a source within the text of your work:

  17. Harvard Style

    The reference list at the end of your paper; Rules: All in-text citations should be listed in the reference list at the end of your paper. Reference list entries need to contain all the information that someone reading your paper would need in order to find your source. Reference lists in Harvard Style are arranged alphabetically by first author.

  18. How to cite and reference in the Harvard style

    This DMU narrated interactive presentation ' How to cite and reference in the Harvard style' is based on the presentation delivered as part of the Open Programme workshops. << Previous: Harvard Next: Other referencing styles >>

  19. Citing Sources

    First, you must include a parenthetical citation in the text of your paper that indicates the source of a particular quotation, paraphrased statement or idea, or fact; second, you must include a list of references at the end of your paper that enables readers to locate the sources you have used. You can read more about MLA style here and APA ...

  20. How to Cite Sources in Harvard Citation Format

    Harvard Referencing Basics: Reference List; 2. Harvard Referencing Basics: In-Text; 3. How to Cite Different Source Types; 4. Ultimate Citation Cheat Sheet; 5. Back to Citation Hub; Mendeley Supports Responsible Sharing Learn how you can share. Products. Reference Management; Datasets; Careers; Premium Packages; Support.

  21. Harvard Referencing Style & Format: Easy Guide + Examples

    Text: double-spaced and left-aligned. Indent: first line of a paragraph has indent of 0.5 inch. Margins: 1 inch from each side. A Harvard style citation must have a Title page, header (or running head), headings and Reference list. We will take a closer look at formatting each section down below.

  22. LibGuides: Harvard Referencing Style: Images or Diagrams

    A caption should always include: The word Figure (with a capital letter and in italics) A number (from 1, in numerical order) A title for the figure. An in-text citation for the reference of the source, which includes the Author (s), date and page number of the source, i.e. (Saunders et al, 2007:102) The caption always appears under the image ...

  23. How to reference a YouTube (or an online) video in Harvard style

    The format for the time code is minutes:seconds. Alternatively, if the entire video is relevant, then you don't need to include the time code. You'll find two examples for each scenario below. In-text citation template: (Username/screen name, Year in which video was posted, mm:ss) Reference list template: Username or screen name (Year in ...

  24. Using Sources and AI

    Chicago Style Citing Print Sources . Book . Footnote - long (first time citing the source). 1. Joseph Rykwert, The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World, (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1976), 35. Footnote - short (citing the source again). 1. Rykwert, The Idea of a Town, 35. In-text citation (alternative to footnotes)

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out ...

  26. Reference examples

    More than 100 reference examples and their corresponding in-text citations are presented in the seventh edition Publication Manual.Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual.. To find the reference example you need, first select a category (e.g., periodicals) and then choose the appropriate type of ...

  27. Visual instrument co-design embracing the unique movement ...

    This paper explores the design of an expressive visual instrument that embraces the unique movement style of a dancer living with physical disability. Through a collaboration between the dancer and an interaction designer/visual artist, the creative qualities of wearable devices for motion tracking are investigated, with emphasis on integrating the dancer's specific movement capabilities with ...

  28. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot

    Copilot knows how to command apps (e.g., "animate this slide") and work across apps, translating a Word document into a PowerPoint presentation. And Copilot is designed to learn new skills. For example, with Viva Sales, Copilot can learn how to connect to CRM systems of record to pull customer data — like interaction and order histories ...