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10 Common French phrases: How to structure a speech or talk

Whether you’re giving a presentation or simply introducing yourself to a group of people, knowing how to structure a speech or talk in French can be a valuable skill.

In this lesson, we’ll go over 10 common French phrases for structuring a speech or talk.

Bonjour à tous. (Hello, everyone.)

This phrase is used to begin a speech or talk, and to greet the audience.

Je vais parler de ___. (I’m going to talk about ___.)

This phrase is used to introduce the topic or theme of the speech or talk.

Tout d’abord, je vais ___ . (First, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the first point or topic of the speech or talk.

Ensuite, je vais ___ . (Next, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the second point or topic of the speech or talk.

Après cela, je vais ___ . (After that, I’m going to ___ .)

This phrase is used to introduce the third point or topic of the speech or talk.

Pour résumer, j’ai parlé de ___. (To summarize, I talked about ___.)

This phrase is used to summarize the main points or topics covered in the speech or talk.

En conclusion, ___. (In conclusion, ___ .)

This phrase is used to wrap up the speech or talk, and to give a final statement or message.

Merci de votre attention. (Thank you for your attention.)

This phrase is used to express gratitude to the audience for listening.

Avez-vous des questions ? (Do you have any questions?)

This phrase is used to invite the audience to ask questions or seek clarification.

Je suis à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions. (I’m available to answer your questions.)

This phrase is used to indicate that the speaker is willing and available to answer any questions or concerns the audience may have.

Learning these common French phrases for structuring a speech or talk will help you to communicate more effectively in formal settings.

Additionally, it is helpful to learn basic French vocabulary and grammar rules to build your language skills. With practice and persistence, you’ll soon be able to deliver speeches and talks with ease in French.

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How to boost your presentation skills in french.

how to start presentation in french

How to give a strong and effective presentation in French ?

For many of us, public speaking is a hurdle we find difficult to overcome. Add to that the fact of presenting in another language and for many it becomes a task way too daunting.

Fortunately, you can learn how to give presentations with confidence even if you have to give your presentation in French!

With these 5 tips you will impress everyone during your next presentation.

1. Lead your audience.

Your audience will be able to follow and appreciate your presentation better if you signpost throughout. Use a variety of language to introduce the topics, outline the arguments or instructional points in your presentation and in your conclusion.

Tip: Arm yourself with signposting expressions to start your presentation in French:

Par exemple : Tout d'abord, je voudrais expliquer ce qui s'est passé au cours des trois derniers mois. Je voudrais maintenant aborder mon deuxième point concernant les domaines qui nécessitent une attention et des améliorations. Passons maintenant à la mise en œuvre de nouvelles actions. Finalement, je voudrais parler de la délégation des tâches.

2. Be persuasive: use emotion.

Nobody likes to listen to a monotonous tone filled with uninteresting terms. Whether you’re winning a client or convincing an employee, get them engrossed!

TIP: Practise your intonation and use persuasive expressions!

3. Keep it informative and relevant.

When presentations and subjects go off course, you lose the attention of listeners. Don’t get side-tracked. Get straight to the point.

TIP : Find expressions that explain your point accurately! Idioms are useful in these situations, for example:

  • When the meeting runs over scheduled time and you don't have much time left you could say: Je garderai ce point court car nous courons contre la montre.
  • If you want to summarise a point you could say: Voilà qui conclut la ... partie de ma présentation.

4. Answer questions effectively.

The end of the presentation usually comes with some questions that need to be answered spontaneously. You'll need time to think to prepare your response.

TIP: Equip yourself with phrases that give you some time and allow you to think and formulate a good answer!

5. Stay confident and smile!

Giving presentations in your own language can be tricky enough, but having to give one in another language can be ever more daunting and will no doubt play with your confidence.

TIP : Prepare in advance, practise at least twice and don’t forget to smile! 

More tips on boosting your presentation skills? These articles might also interest you:

  • Amaze your audience with your presentation skills

Do you need help with your presentation skills ?

Boost your presentation skills in French

Presenting is something you can learn  so be aware that you will become better and better at it as you gain experience.

Are your language skills the biggest obstacle to be able to present spontaneously? Then you can consult one of our language coaches on Squidll.

Together you can prepare your presentation, broaden your vocabulary, practise your text until you are confident enough to give your presentation.

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6 Must-Know Tips for Giving a Presentation in a Foreign Language Posted by meaghan on Oct 14, 2013 in Archived Posts

Speaking in a foreign language can be a challenge in and of itself—giving a presentation in a foreign language makes that challenge even more…. well, challenging. Whether you’re presenting to your classmates, your co-workers, or your community, you’ll want to practice a little harder than normal. These tips will help you perfect your presentation, leaving minds blown rather than tongues tied.

1. Practice, practice, practice—but don’t memorize.

Scripting yourself is a terrible idea for any presentation, regardless of language. It doesn’t make for a very compelling or natural presentation, and you might panic if you forget or veer away from your script, especially if it’s in another language!

Instead, narrow your focus. Acquire the specific vocabulary you need to discuss your topic, but rely on what you already know to fill in the gaps. Practice speaking about your topic out loud to yourself, so you’ll be prepared to improvise when all eyes are on you.

2. Prepare notes.

Didn’t I just tell you not to script your presentation? Yes I did, but here’s the loophole: prepare notes! Add speaker notes to your slides or jot down major points on a set of notecards.  Do not read directly off these notecards!  The less you look at them, the better.

The placebo effect of notecards is powerful—knowing you have an important statistic or difficult word in the language written down in front of you should make you less nervous that you’ll forget it. And just in case you do forget it, voila, there it is.

3. Practice speaking.

This is an obvious one, but seriously, if you’re preparing to speak in front of people for an extended period, you need to be comfortable speaking in the language in general.

You want to be comfortable speaking about your specific topic, but also in using the language fluidly and confidently. Talk out loud to yourself in your second language as much as you can—around the house, in the shower, while driving, etc. Say whatever it is you want! Rage about that guy who cut you off on the drive home, talk about what you want to do this weekend, make up a story about your neighbors who just walked by. Get comfortable pronouncing the language and speaking it fluidly. Then practice the specifics of your presentation.

4.  Keep it simple.

When you present, you want to sound intelligent and compelling. There’s nothing wrong with that. But when you present in another language, focus first on being understood and making your point.

Trying to sound sophisticated only works if you actually sound… sophisticated! But if you mispronounce the big words you insisted upon using and mumble through those prolific examples you just had to include, you’re actually hurting your cause. Keep it simple and within the reach of your current language skills. Impress people with your message itself, not the way you phrase the message. Besides, giving a presentation in your second language is impressive enough as it is.

5. Don’t apologize.

Do  not  start off by apologizing for your language skills (or lack thereof). Instead of making that excuse for yourself, be aware of your shortcomings and address them without drawing attention to them.

If you have a thick accent when speaking in your second language, speak slower than you normally would so your audience can understand you. If you mispronounce a word, don’t get flustered or laugh it off—say it again once or twice so your listeners can catch on. Writing off your mistakes to the fact that “this is your second language” won’t challenge you to get better and do it right.

6. Be culturally appropriate.

This isn’t related to the language, but it’s just as important as the advice above. Unless it’s a class assignment, chances are you’re giving your presentation in another language because you’re abroad.  If that’s the case, research the culture of your audience.

Be aware of hand gestures or facial expressions that are potentially offensive. Figure out if humor is well-received, or if you should show your personality in another way. Speak to colleagues or native speakers who are aware of the culture—and while you’re at it, practice giving your presentation to them!

how to start presentation in french

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About the Author: meaghan

Meaghan is the Marketing Communications Manager at Transparent Language. She speaks enough French and Spanish to survive, and remembers enough Hausa to say "Hello my name is Meaghan, I'm studying Hausa." (But sadly that's it).

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Much needed! Thank you. I do a lot of hosting and presenting in Chinese and no matter how many times I have done it, I always feel nervous and at the end of it feel like I could have done better.

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Excellent article! As a foreign language tutor, I have had to teach public speaking presentation skills to my corporate students and I totally agree with you on the tips you have provided here. Thanks.

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I adore these tips!

I remind myself of many of these as I present but also as my novice learners start presenting. I tell them more often than not to take the risk and try.

My host brother once told me that he hopes he ever loses his accent completely as it helps tell his story even when he is fluent in other languages.

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How to Introduce Yourself and Others in French

Perfecting Les Présentations

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When you meet French speakers , you need to know how to introduce yourself and what to say when you are introduced. French can be a bit tricky when introducing yourself or others depending on whether you know the person to whom you are making the introduction(s) or even if you have had any contact with the person. In French, those circumstances all require different introductions.

Basic Introductions

French uses the verb  se présenter, not  introduire,  meaning to introduce something into something else, which translates into English as "to insert." The most basic introduction in French, then, would be:

  • Je me présente. = Let me introduce myself.

Using s’appeler is the common way of introducing yourself in French. Don’t think of it as “to name oneself” because it will only confuse you. Think of it in the context of introducing your name to someone, and link the French words to that context instead of applying a literal translation, as in:

  • Je m​'appelle ... = My name is...

Use je suis with people who already know your name, such as those you have already talked to on the phone or by mail but never met in person, as in:

  • Je suis... =  I am...

If you don't know the person or have never spoken to him on the phone or contacted him by email or mail, use  je m’appelle,  as noted previously.

Introducing by Name

There are also distinctions between formal and informal introductions, as well as singular versus plural introductions, as noted in the tables in this and the subsequent section.

Mon prénom est

My (first) name is

Je vous présente (formal and/or plural)

I’d like to introduce

Je te présente (informal)

I'd like to introduce


This is, Here is

Il s'appelle

His name is

Elle s'appelle

Her name is

Meeting People

In French, when you are meeting people , you have to be careful about using the correct gender , as well as whether the introduction is formal or informal, as in these examples.

Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal and/or plural)

What is your name?

Comment t'appelles-tu? (informal)

What is your name?

Enchanté. (masculine)

It's nice to meet you.

Enchantée. (feminine)

It's nice to meet you.

French Names

Nicknames — or  un surnom in French — are much less common in this Romance language than in American English, but they are not unheard of. Often, a longer first name will be shortened, such as  Caro  for Caroline or  Flo  for Florence. 

Le prénom

first name, given name

Le nom

last name, family name, surname

Le surnom


Cheek Kissing and Other Greetings

Cheek kissing  is certainly an accepted form of greeting in France, but there are strict (unwritten) social rules to follow. Cheek kissing is generally OK, for example, but not hugging. So, it's important to learn not only the words that go with cheek kissing — such as  bonjour  (hello) — but also the social norms that are expected when greeting someone in this manner. There are also other ways to say " hello " and ask " How are you? " in French.

  • Saying Hello in French
  • Kissing Hello in France: A French-English Dialogue
  • Properly Using 'Je Suis Plein' in French
  • How to Say Goodbye in French
  • How to Ask 'How Are You' in French
  • French Vocabulary: On the Phone
  • The French Expression 'J'arrive'
  • French Words for Kisses
  • How To Say I Love You In French
  • The Flaws in "Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir?"
  • French Love Vocabulary
  • French Vocabulary for Media and Communication
  • It's Your First Day Teaching French Class: Now What?
  • How to Conjugate "Retourner" (To Return) in French
  • 'Je Suis Fini': Don't Make This Mistake in French
  • French Present Tense

All French

Learn French: introduce someone

Welcome to this course that will help you learn how to introduce someone in French. Whether you're learning the language or want to improve your French skills, knowing how to introduce someone is an essential skill in social and professional situations.

Introduce someone in French

In this course, we will guide you through the different steps to make an effective presentation in French.

Greetings and polite expressions

When introducing someone in French, start by greeting those present. Use common expressions like

" Good morning "
" Good evening "

depending on the time of day.

Then, use polite expressions to introduce people.

For example, you can say:

“Allow me to introduce…” or
" I introduce you… ".

Be sure to use the appropriate pronoun based on the gender of the person you are introducing.

Give personal information

After greeting, it is common to give some personal information about the person you are introducing. You can mention their name, age, nationality, profession, or any other relevant details.

For example, you could say:

“Let me introduce you to Pierre, a close friend. He is 30 years old and he is an architect. »

Pay compliments and emphasize interests

To make the presentation more interesting, you can compliment the person you are introducing or highlight their interests.

“He is a very talented and creative person”
“She is passionate about music and has played the piano since childhood. »

Useful expressions

Here are some useful expressions you can use during a presentation in French:

  • “It’s a pleasure to introduce you…”
  • “This is my friend/colleague…”
  • “He/She is very good at…”
  • “He/She is passionate about…”

Practical exercise

Now put your knowledge into practice by introducing someone of your choice. Imagine a situation and use the expressions and steps mentioned above to give a presentation in French. You can also practice with a French-speaking partner or friend to get feedback and improve your pronunciation.

Congratulations ! You now have the knowledge to introduce someone in French effectively. Remember to practice regularly to improve your fluency and confidence. Introducing someone is a valuable skill in social and professional interactions, so keep practicing and exploring the richness of the French language. Good luck !

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French Public Speaking Topics available include, for example: Skills required to achieve mastery of public speaking and power presentations with the help of role-playing.

By the end of the French Public Speaking course you will be able to:

  • structure the presentation and link the various parts
  • use key language and a variety of rhetorical techniques
  • prepare and incorporate visual aids
  • send a clear, strong message
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How to present yourself during a french interview

When you're seeking employment, it's crucial to understand how to present yourself professionally in French. Whether it's during an interview, a conference, or a meeting, you must be able to discuss about yourself, your skills, your motivations, and goals. This is an opportunity to make a favorable impression on a potential employer and position yourself as the ideal candidate for the job. Here's a guide to some key phrases and examples to use during a professional presentation in French.

The initial interaction with the recruiter: "Parlez-moi de vous"

The first interaction with the recruiter is important. Your presentation, even if it’s brief, should capture your audience's attention and establish your credibility. The commonly asked first question is "Parlez-moi de vous." Introduce yourself with simple sentences (name, age, current position). For example, you can use the following phrases for self-introduction:

  • Bonjour, je m'appelle (...) et je suis (...) = Hello, my name is (...) and I am (...).
  • Je suis diplômé(e) de (...) en (...) .= I graduated from (...) (...) years ago with a degree in (...).
  • J'ai travaillé en tant qu'(...) durant (...) ans, chez (...). = I worked as (...) engineer for (...) years at (...).

Example: "Bonjour. Je m'appelle James et j'ai 38 ans. Je suis diplômé de Harvard en ingénierie. J'ai travaillé en tant qu'ingénieur durant douze ans chez Microsoft."

Discussing your work experience and skills

The second part of your presentation should demonstrate that you possess the skills and qualities required for the position. You should really read thorough the job description to tailor your responses according to the required skills. Highlight experiences relevant to the position you're interested in and use professional vocabulary. Also, don't forget to conduct some research on the company to distinguish yourself from other candidates.

  • J’ai de l’expérience dans le domaine de/du (...) = I have experience in the field of (...).
  • Par exemple, dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de (...) = For example, in my current position, I am in charge of (...).
  • Cela montre que je suis (...) = This shows that I am (...).
  • J’ai d’excellentes compétences en (…) = I have great (…) skills.
  • Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris au sujet de (…) = During my career, I learned a lot about (…)

Example: “J'ai de l'expérience dans le domaine de l'informatique. Dans mon poste actuel, je suis responsable de la gestion du cloud. Cela montre que je suis responsable et capable de gérer les situations d'urgence. J’ai d’excellentes compétences en résolution de problèmes. Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris sur la programmation.”

Presenting your strengths and weaknesses

It's very likely that the recruiter will ask you the inevitable question about strengths and weaknesses: “Quels sont vos qualités? Et quels sont vos défauts?” How you respond can significantly influence the recruiter's opinion. It's important to prepare for this question and answer it spontaneously. Be honest and focus on your interlocutor's expectations.

What are your strengths?

Highlight qualities related to the job you're applying for. Even though this exercise is challenging, don't be overly modest. Here are some examples of qualities to emphasize during an interview:

  • Organisé(e) = Organized
  • Ambitieux(se) = Ambitious
  • Créatif(ve) = Creative
  • Discipliné(e) = Disciplined
  • Flexible = Flexible
  • Curieux(se) = Curious
  • Empathique = Empathetic
  • Bon caractère = Good-tempered
  • Aimable = Kind
  • Serviable = Helpful
  • Rigoureux(se) = Rigorous
  • Compréhensif(ve) = Understanding

Here are some examples of phrases to present your qualities in different contexts:

  • “Mon souci du détail est un atout majeur, qui me permet de fournir en permanence un travail de grande qualité.” = “My attention to detail is a key strength, consistently delivering high-quality work.”
  • "Je suis connu pour ma capacité d'adaptation” = “I'm known for my adaptability”
  • "J'apporte un état d'esprit positif à chaque projet.” = “I bring a positive mindset to every project”
  • “Doté d'un grand sens de l'initiative, j'identifie les opportunités de manière proactive.” = “With a strong sense of initiative, I proactively identify opportunities”
  • “Mes solides compétences en organisation se sont manifestées dans ma capacité à gérer plusieurs tâches simultanément” = “My strong organizational skills have been evident in my capacity to manage multiple tasks”

What are your weaknesses?

Flaws are natural, and everyone has them. However, be honest during the job interview and opt for real flaws:

  • Distrait = Distracted
  • Autoritaire = Authoritarian
  • Sensible = Sensitive
  • Indécis(e) = Indecisive
  • Étourdi(e) = Thoughtless / absent-minded
  • Borné(e) / Têtu(e) = Narrow-minded / Stubborn
  • Susceptible = Touchy
  • Stressé sous la pression = Struggling under pressure
  • Bavard(e) = Talkative

You can also counterbalance your weaknesses with a positive statement, for example:

  • “Je suis bavard mais je sais lorsqu'il faut travailler.”= “I'm talkative but I know when it's time to work”
  • “Je suis très stressé sous la pression, mais j'ai récemment commencé à suivre des cours de yoga.” = “I am struggling under pressure but I've recently started yoga classes”
  • “Je suis d'un naturel timide et je dois donc faire un gros effort pour prendre la parole.” = “I am naturally shy so I have to make a big effort to speak up”

Don't hesitate to ask questions about the company and the position

When your presentation is finished and your interlocutor has asked their questions, you can in turn ask questions about the position and the company to demonstrate your interest and motivation.

For example, you can ask the following questions:

  • “À quoi ressemble une journée type au sein de votre entreprise?” = “What does a typical day at your company look like?”
  • “Comment est l’ambiance de travail?” = “What's the working atmosphere like?”
  • “Comment se passe l'intégration dans l'entreprise?” = “How does the integration process work?"
  • “Est-ce que vous organisez des activités team building?” = “Do you organize team-building activities?”
  • “Est-ce un nouveau poste?” = “Is this a new position?”
  • “Quelles sont les prochaines étapes du processus de recrutement?” = “What are the next steps in the recruitment process?”

Concluding the interview

When the job interview is about to end, don't hesitate to ask the recruiter if they have any further questions. If they don’t, you can then thank them for the time they've spent with you.

  • “Est-ce que vous avez d'autres questions?” = “Do you have any other questions?”
  • “Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me rencontrer aujourd'hui!” = “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today!”

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Lawless French



French presentatives are words or short expressions that introduce something and draw attention to it at the same time. Presentatives do not constitute a single part of speech, but rather a category of terms including prepositions, verb conjugations, and expressions used in this particular way.

 All French presentatives are invariable in gender and most are also invariable in number. The four presentatives that include a conjugation of être are exceptions, as you’ll see below.

The French preposition à is used to invite or order people to a place or situation.

  To the table! (Dinner time!)
  To arms! (Get your weapons!)

 Note that à contracts with the definite article as usual: à + les armes –> aux armes .

À bas calls for something to be removed or avoided:

  Down with tyrants!
  No nukes!

C’est  |  Ce sont

C’est and ce sont mean "this / that is" and "these are," respectively.

  That’s a good idea.
  These are my parents.

Dire que means "to think / imagine that":

  To think that he could have done it!
  And to think that it was a lie all along!

Disons que is the nous imperative of dire and means "let’s say / imagine":

  Let’s say he’s right ….
  Let’s say you can do it ….

Étant donné (que)

Étant is the present participle of être , donné is the past participle of donner . Together in front of a noun, they mean "given" or "considering":

  Given the situation ….
  Considering the circumstances ….

Que must be added in front of a clause :

  Given that he’s late ….
  Considering that we don’t have a car ….

Il y a means "there is / are":

  There’s a problem.
  There are a lot of books.

Soit  |  Soient

Soit and soient , the third person singular and plural, respectively, subjunctive of être are used in math to mean "let there be" or "given":

  Let there be a rectangle …
  Given two circles ….

Vive is the third person singular subjunctive of vivre and means "long live" or "hurray for":

  Long live France!
  Hurray for vacation !

Voici , from the phrase (tu) vois ici (literally, "you see here"), means "here is / are":

  Here is my car.
  Here they are.

Voilà from the phrase (tu) vois là ("you see there"), means "there is / are," but is also commonly used in place of voici . ( learn more ):

  There / Here is my car.
  There / Here they are.

Vu is the past participle of voir and is used like étant donné : "given, considering, in view of":

  Given the situation ….
  In view of the circumstances ….

Again, que must be added in front of a clause:

  Given / Seeing that he’s late ….
  Considering that we don’t have a car ….

 Related lessons

  • Contractions
  • Definite articles
  • Past participles
  • Prepositions
  • Present participles
  • Subjunctive
  • Voici vs voilà

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Speech in French. Plus, How to Write a Speech in French.

How to start, what to include.

Spearheaded by the French Academy, the people in France take their language very seriously. While Spanish radio announcers laugh at their language mistakes, their northern neighbors are terrified of getting something wrong. So even though you know you may be judged critically by a French audience, you can prepare a good presentation by following the rules of good speech writing. Once you break the process down into small steps, it isn't as frightening as it appears. ‌ Writing a speech in French follows the same basic rules as writing one in English: introduction, body of the speech and conclusion. ‌

‌ Begin by welcoming your audience ‌. "Bonjour (or bonsoir) mesdames et messieurs" will do nicely, as it is the expected French greeting.

‌ Apologize for not speaking French perfectly. ‌ Unless you are a bilingual Parisian who refers to french as français, it is a good idea to admit up-front that your language skills are not perfect. Your audience will sympathize more with you if you are honest.

‌ Start your speech in French with a topic sentence that indicates you are witty and well-versed in French literature. ‌ If you can't think of anything, use a quote from a known French writer bordered by quotation marks, such as Sarte, Renard or Voltaire.

‌ Outline what your speech is going to be about in your opening. ‌ Open with j’ai and let your French audience know where you are going with your speech. It is important to stick to your topic, as the French will expect you to deliver what you promise. This could be an example of indirect speech.

‌ Shy away from humor unless you are practically a native speaker and understand the subtle way the French use double innuendos. ‌ Slap-stick American jokes will alienate your audience and leave you looking like a bumpkin.

‌ Pull your speech together in your concluding paragraph ‌. Politely thank your audience for attending, and giving you the courtesy of listening to your speech. Remember that the French stress manners. This could be an example of direct speech.

‌ End your speech in French with a memorable line that links back to your topic sentence. ‌ If you can't think of anything, resort to repeating the quotation you started with, or using another equally as memorable phrase. Pay attention to verb tenses and french grammar.

‌ Edit your speech in French for common grammatical mistakes. ‌ Remember that the French language has masculine and feminine pronouns, so check to make sure you use "le" and "la" are correct. Try to alternate seamlessly between past tense, present tense, subjunctive, and infinitive. Double check conjugation.

‌ Pronunciation takes practice, especially with french words. ‌ Practice your reported speech out loud and sound out your french vocabulary in order to avoid stumbling. Beginning learners should spend extra time on this.

  • Ask a native French speaker to check your speech to be sure you got everything right.

It takes time to learn French, so go easy on yourself but you still must sound professional.

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Jody Hanson began writing professionally in 1992 to help finance her second around-the-world trip. In addition to her academic books, she has written for "International Living," the "Sydney Courier" and the "Australian Woman's Forum." Hanson holds a Ph.D. in adult education from Greenwich University.

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Learn A Language Through Stories

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79 Common French Phrases To Survive Your First Conversation With A Native Speaker

Olly Richards Headshot

Are you learning French?

Would you love to chat to French speakers with ease, without stumbling over your words?

Getting to a decent level in any language takes time because there's lot of vocabulary you need to learn. 

But, one big shortcut you can use at the beginning is to work out which words and expressions you are likely to need right from the start and focus on those.

And the good news is you don’t have to worry about it doing it for yourself – because I’ve done it for you!

Here’s my list of the 79 essential French phrases you need to start speaking right away.

Thanks to these common French phrases, you'll know exactly what to say in your first conversations with native speakers.

They'll serve you for your first interactions and well into the future.

Anyway, back to our common French phrases…. let's discover what they are!

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Need-To-Knows About French To Use These Common French Phrases

street in Antibes France

Before we dive into the phrases themselves, there are a couple of need-to-knows about French that'll help you make the most of this list of common French phrases.

French Pronunciation

I’ve included an approximate guide for how to pronounce each of the phrases in this post based on phonetic English. Although this is no substitute for listening to recordings or native speakers pronouncing the words, it'll help you get started.

I've used ‘j’ to represent the French ‘j’ sound. But be aware that in French, it has a soft pronunciation, not like the English ‘j’ in ‘John’.

For a more detailed look at dive into pronunciation, you can check out my comprehensive  French pronunciation  guide.

A Note On T u A nd V ous

French, like many other languages, has two ways to say “you” depending on your level of familiarity with the person you are speaking to.

The basic rule is:

  • When you're speaking to strangers, especially people who are older than you, you should use vous. 
  • When you're speaking to someone you are on familiar terms with or when you speak to children, you can use tu .

In my list, I've given the form you are most likely to need for that each phrase. Where you might need either, I've included both.

Finally, in very informal spoken French , tu es and tu as can be abbreviated to t’es and t’as respectively.

While this might not be considered strictly ‘correct’, it is quite common.

So I've used this form in my list for a couple of the more informal expressions to show where you might come across it.

By the way, if you're interested in informal language, you can also check out  this post on 23 colloquial French phrases for impressing the locals.

Common French Greetings You Already Know 

First, let's look at the basic greetings in French. These are fairly simple. And you no doubt already know at least some of them.

  • (on shon tay)

Common French Phrases For Continuing The Conversation

cyclist on Parisian street

After greeting someone, you'll want to move the conversation on with some small talk. Here are a few of the standard questions and answers.

  • (komon va too, komon too va, komon tallay voo) – the ‘n’ is nasal and not pronounced strongly
  • (sa va/juh vay byan)
  • (sa va luh tra vai, luh boo low, luh taff – the last syllable of travail rhymes with “eye”)
  • (komon va ton pair, ton pair va byan)
  • (too fay kwah kom tra vai/say kwah ton tra vai)

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Must-Know French Phrases For Being Polite 

Next, here are the basic expressions of courtesy that you need to know right from the start.

  • (mair see byan)
  • (mair see bo coo)
  • (ill nee ah pah duh kwah)
  • (eh skyoo zay mwah/pah don)
  • (eh skyoo zay mwah/komon)
  • (juh swee dehsolay/ pah don)
  • (va zee, allay zee, sair twah)

Basic French Phrases For Dealing With Problems

Paris tuileries garden

Another situation you might find yourself in is one where you have to deal with a problem. Here are some important questions and expressions to use when you are having difficulties or when everything is not going according to plan.

  • (poo vay voo)
  • (poo vay voo parlay ploo lon tuh mon sih voo play)
  • (poo vay voo luh reh peh tay sih voo play)
  • (poo vay voo mayday sih voo play)
  • (juh nuh compron pah)
  • (juh nay rien compree)
  • (juh nuh pahl pah bo coo duh fron say)
  • (juh swee pair doo)
  • (kess kuh sa vuh deer)
  • (parlay voo fron say/ong glay)
  • (juh nuh muh son pah tray byan)
  • (juh swee ma lad)
  • (jay onvee duh vomeer)
  • (ah ton sion, fay/fet ah ton sion)
  • (oh suhcoor)

French Question Words

chenonceau castle France

Learning the basic question words can get you a long way, even if you don’t know much else of the language. Here they are in French:

  • (pour kwah)

Check out this post on forming questions in French for more details on how to ask questions correctly.

Common French Questions

Ok, so now you know the essential French question words. But what about using them to form real questions? Here are some of the most common French questions you're likely to ask or be asked.

  • (komon too tappel, too tappel komon)
  • (kel aj ah too, too ah kel aj)
  • (kel er et ill/ill ay kell er)
  • (say kom byan, sa coot kom byan)
  • (too vyen doo/tay doo)
  • (too kom pron)
  • (too pahl ong glai/fron say)
  • (parlay voo ong glai/ fron say)
  • (oo ay lah sal duh ban/oo son lay twah let)

Important Answers In French 

Here are some indispensable expressions for giving information about yourself as well as answering some other basic questions in French.

  • (juh mappel)
  • (juh swee roh jay/ear lon day/ear lon days/proh feh suhr)
  • (jay tront on)
  • (juh vyen dekoss/juh swee duh lekoss)
  • (too luh ton/too lay jour)
  • (pah fwah, day fwah)
  • (byan sure – pronounced with an ‘s’ sound and not a ‘sh’)

Simple French Phrases For Special Occasions

baguettes and wine on French beach

If you're lucky and make some French friends, you may even be invited to some special occasions in France. Here are the phrases you'll need for those situations.

  • (ah myooz twah byan, ah myoozay voo byan)
  • (bon voyaj)
  • (bonn vah konce)
  • (bon appuh tee)
  • (fay liss ee tah sion)
  • (byan vuh noo)
  • (jway uh zannee ver sair)
  • (jway uh no ell)
  • (bonn annay)

Essential French Expressions For Saying Goodbye

Parisian bridge by night

Finally, here are a few useful phrases for saying goodbye.

  • (oh ruh vwah)
  • (bonn jour nay)
  • (bonn swah ray)
  • (bonn nwee)
  • (ah byan toe)
  • (ah duh man)

Never Get Lost For Words In French Again

view of eiffel tower from place trocadero

So there you are! 79 common French phrases to help you take your first steps in your new language.

You'll be amazed by how far these greetings, questions and basic courtesy phrases will get you in your first conversation with a French speaker.

With this list, you'll be able to greet a French speaker politely, introduce yourself, get to know them better and deal with any problems that might come up.

So now, all that remains is for you to go find someone to talk to in French. Armed with this list, you'll never be lost for words again.

And maybe, it might just be the start you need to go on to learn to speak French fluently!

If you're at beginner or false beginner level in French and want to learn to speak the language confidently, then I recommend my French Uncovered course.

It's a complete beginner programme that teaches you through the power of story. So you not only will you improve your French quickly, you'll have fun doing it!

Unlike traditional methods where you learn through grammar rules, in French Uncovered, you immerse yourself in a story and learn as you read and listen.

It's the same method I used to learn Italian in 3-months from home. Find out more and try it out by clicking here .

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How to Introduce Yourself in French in 10+ Lines + Audio

Want to speak French? Yes? Good – keep reading.

This is for those that truly want to learn the language. Here’s how you introduce yourself in French in 10 easy lines… and this might take you 2 to 3 minutes or less. You can also listen to audio by pressing the play button.

There’s also a PDF for these phrases at the end!

But if you’re JUST looking for the ONE French phrase, it’s this:

  • My name is ______.
  • Je m’appelle ______.
These colorful and printable PDFs teach you French words and phrases… and they’re free for new learners. Lessons

1) Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.

“Hello” and “Nice to meet you” are must-know phrases. Any introduction will probably will start with these words.

  • Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
  • Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.

You should also listen and hear real French – Press play below. Try this Free Lesson from (click here to visit) for the complete explanation about introducing yourself!

Press play to listen below.

Now, let’s say someone asks for your name in French.

They would say….

2) Comment t’appelles-tu?

  • What’s your name?
  • Comment t’appelles-tu?

3) Je m’appelle ______.

This is simple. To say “my name is” in French, you just need the phrase “Je m’appelle.” Then say your name. For example, if the name is Linguajunkie, it would be like this…

  • Je m’appelle Linguajunkie.

introduce yourself in french

Here’s another example:

  • Je m’appelle Robert. Comment t’appelles tu ?
  • My name is Robert. What’s your name?

4) Je viens de ____.

So, where are you from? America? Europe? Africa? Asia? Just stick the name of your country inside this phrase. We’ll use France as an example.

  • Je viens de France .
  • I’m from France .

introduce yourself in french

5) J’habite à ______.

What about now – where do you live? Just fill in the blank with the country or city (if famous) into this phrase. I’ll use Paris as an example.

  • J’habite à Paris .
  • I live in Paris .

introduce yourself in french

6) J’apprends le français depuis _____.

How long have you been learning French for? A month? A year?

  • J’apprends le français depuis un an .
  • I’ve been learning French for a year .

introduce yourself in french

7) J’apprends le français sur _____.

Where are you learning French? At school? At home? This would be a great line to know and use when you’re introducing yourself. Here’s my example:

  • J’apprends le français sur .
  • I’m learning French at .

introduce yourself in french

8) J’ai  ___  ans.

Here’s how to say how old you are in French. Just add the number in. You will want to know French numbers from 1 to 100 , so click the link to review and find out how to say your age in French.

  • J’ai      ans.
  • J’ai 27 ans.
  • I’m 27 years old .

introduce yourself in french

9) Je suis ______.

What about your position? Are you a student? Yoga teacher? Lawyer for the potato industry? Potato salesman? Super important question that people like to ask (and judge you about – Hey, I’m just a blogger! ). Just use “ani” meaning “I” and add your position.

  • Je suis enseignant (e).
  • I’m a teacher .

introduce yourself in french

Here are some examples of other jobs:

  • ingénieur – engineer
  • programmeur – programmar
  • infirmière – nurse
  • professeur – professor
  • employé de bureau – office worker/clerk
  • ouvrier de société – company worker
  • gérant – manager
  • secrétaire – secretary
  • docteur – doctor
  • agent comptable – accountant
  • officier de police – police officer
  • pompier – firefighter
  • avocat – lawyer
  • cuisinier – cook

10) Un de mes passe-temps est la lecture. _____.

Now, let’s move onto personal interests – hobbies! My hobbies are languages, linguajunkieing and such. How about you? You’ll definitely need this line when introducing yourself in French.

Here’s an example to use:

  • Un de mes passe-temps est la lecture.
  • One of my hobbies is reading.

introduce yourself in french

11) J’aime écouter de la musique.

Now, this is just another example line about your hobbies . You can use something else where.

  • J’aime écouter de la musique.
  • I enjoy listening to music.

introduce yourself in french

So now you know how to introduce yourself in French.

Remember, if there’s only ONE phrase you’ll remember me, Lingajunkie, let it be:

If you want a French PDF lesson for this Introductions lesson, check out the link below. You can download it for free.

french introduction pdf

Let’s recap the French phrases for self-introduction:

I’m sure there’s a ton more you can say – but this is an easy, simple start that any beginner can put to use. It’s all about starting easy. Here are the French lines for your self-introduction.

introduce yourself in french

See if you can introduce yourself below. Leave me a comment.

I read all comments!

Hope you enjoyed this!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for French learners. If you REALLY want to learn French with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at FrenchPod101 (click here) and start learning!

how to start presentation in french

tomorrow is my french exam and this helped me a lot

Stacey Ngina

Merci,this helps alot

Kayode olufade

Wow I love this it help a lot


Merci beaucoup


merci becoup


I found this very useful as I prepare myself for the oral test thanx for this


how to say daddy in french




merci madam


how do you say ” I am taking 6 classes this semester” ?


merci bonjour je m’appelle Malveer J’habite a mosh

chitrangda singh

um…could you write an introduction for students?????


[…] learn bonus lines for introducing yourself in French in part […]


Bonjour , enchante de faire votre connaissance. je m’appelle Gloria Ewoigbe . Je viens de Nigeria. J’ai 17 ans. J’habite ‘a England . J’apprends Francais depuis trois mois. j’apprends Francais ‘a mon Ecole, ma maison et sur French pod 101 .com un de mes passe -temps est la lecture. J’aime ecouter la Chritienne musique . J’aime Paris repas il est de’licious. Je suis une etudiante . Aussi J’aime Dieu. Et Toi? qui es -tu?

[…] This next section of French phrases contains basics you’d need for conversations. Like, how to say “yes,” “thank you,” “how are you,” or even introduce yourself in French. […]


whats up yo

Kavya Trivedi

Thank you for helping

Gavish kumar yadav

It was not easy and unable to understand for a 7 class child


Very nice! I love it! It helped me a lot!!


Wow I can’t read?


agréable de vous rencontrer copains


Mille merci


Merci, C’est tres simple et utile 😉


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Presenting yourself or someone in french (les présentations).

Je m’appelle Krishna
Je suis étudiant (e)
J’aime voyager
Je suis végétarien
Il habite aux États-Unis, à New Jersey
IL travaille à L’IBMR


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Asking Introductory Formal and Informal Questions (Introduction Formelle et Informelle)

Most common phrases used in french (la plupart des phrases françaises communs), basic greetings in french (salutations en français).

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Lesson 1 of French for beginners: introduce yourself in French

French lesson 1 of communication: introduce yourself in french.

Knowing how to introduce yourself is the first thing you need to learn in French. This will allow you to establish a simple first contact with a French speaker. This lesson will also be useful for the first part (guided conversation) of the DELF A1 speaking test. The video below will teach you how to simply introduce yourself in French. You will be able to greet and express your first name, your age, your nationality, the city where you live, your occupation (your profession):

Introduce yourself in French: example of a dialogue in video

Oral production and interaction activities to introduce yourself in French

Activity 1 : Using this presentation template as inspiration:

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Thomas. J’ai 26 ans. Je suis français. J’habite à Paris. Je suis professeur de français.

Introduce yourself by making a video and post your video in Flemotion's Vimeo group:

We will select some videos to make a nice cut that we will post on our Youtube channel.

Activity 2 : With a friend, make a video using the model below and post your video in Flemotion's Vimeo group:

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Thomas. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je m’appelle (son prénom). J’ai 26 ans. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : J’ai (son âge) ans. Je suis français. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je suis (sa nationalité). J’habite à Paris. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : J’habite à (sa ville).

Je suis professeur de français. Et toi ? Votre interlocuteur répondra : Je suis (son métier).

Written production activity to introduce yourself in French

Introduce yourself at delf a1.

During the first part (guided conversation) of the DELF A1 speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions to know your first name, your age, your nationality, the city where you live, your occupation. The video below is a very good example of the first part (guided conversation) of DELF A1 speaking test:

Once you have mastered this first French lesson for beginners “introduce yourself in French”, you can move on to the next French communication lesson:

Lesson 2 of French for beginners: introduce someone in French

You can find other communication lessons in French  by clicking here . You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:

French conjugation lessons

French grammar lessons

French vocabulary lessons

French culture lessons

DELF-DALF exams lessons

We regularly publish new content to learn French. To be kept informed of new publications, subscribe to the Youtube channel Flemotion : apprendre le français (video 100% in French but still useful for English speakers to learn French) and to the Youtube channel Learn French with Flemotion (videos with explanations in English) and to the Facebook page Flemotion : apprendre le français .

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How to Introduce Yourself in French

What’s the most important first step when learning French ?

Is it mastering essential daily French phrases ? Is it getting down  travel vocabulary ?

But think about it: for the first conversations you’ll have in French, you’ll need to know how to say hello and introduce yourself.

These easy to use greeting words, phrases and questions will boost your French-speaking skills and give you confidence in your early French conversations.

Simple French Introductions

Basic information about you in french, french pleasantries and goodbyes, how to practice french introductions in the real world, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)


French is a language that really embraces its greetings, so learning how to greet someone and introduce yourself is especially important in the language.

When you enter a boulangerie    (bakery), épicerie   (grocery store) or bistro     (small restaurant), it’s generally expected that you greet the employees there even if you don’t necessarily require service at that time. 

You can use the informal version with people younger than you or if you find that your conversation partner is referring to you as tu   (you — informal), but it’s often best to start with the formal vous   (you — formal).

Greeting phrases
Good day
Good evening
Good morning
Good night
What is your name? [informal]
What is your name? [formal]
I call myself...
I am...
And you? [informal]
And you? [formal]
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance
It's a pleasure to meet you

Once you’re feeling confident, check out a French greetings quiz from Quizizz  or a more open-ended one from ProProfs to practice your French greetings.

Now that your conversation partner knows your name, they may want to know some more information about you! Sharing basic information is the first step to making French friends and acquaintances.

It’s always good to meet people, but French-speaking friends are especially valuable if you’re trying to learn the language. They can help you with tricky aspects of language-learning as well as introduce you to the culture of France and the Francophone world .


Q : D’où venez-vous ?     (Where are you from? [formal]) Q : D’où viens-tu  ?     (Where are you from? [informal])

This question is generally asking for a country or region of origin, but you’re welcome to name your city or town if it’s a major or well-known one like New York City or London.

A: Je viens de…   (I am from…) 

Or you may be asked:

Q: Où habitez-vous  ?   (Where do you live? [formal]) Q : Où habites-tu ? (Where do you live? [informal])

A: J’habite à…   (I live in…) and the name of the city where you live.

In return, to keep the conversation going, reply:

Q : Et vous ?   (and you? [formal]) Q : Et tu ?   (and you? [informal])

Are you interested in learning how to say country names in French? Practice with this quiz from Sporcle !


As in many parts of the world, it’s sometimes perceived as impolite to ask about age in France, especially if you’re a man asking a woman her age. But if it does come up:

Q: Quel âge as-tu  ?   (How old are you? [informal]) Q: Quel âge avez-vous ?   (How old are you? [formal])

To respond, you can say:

A : J’ai … ans. (I am … years old.)

You’ll notice that in French, you use  avoir (to have) when talking about how old you are, not  être (to be). So, it’s kind of like saying: “How many years do you have?” “I have … years.”


Another common question that people will ask during introductory conversations is “what do you do for work?” In French, you ask:

Q : Quel est ton travail ?   (What is your job? [informal]) Q: Quel est votre travail ?   (What is your job [formal])

To answer, simple say:

A: J e suis …   (I am) and state the job or profession .

Keep in mind that you don’t add the article “a” (un  or  une) before the job in French like in English. For example, you would simply say:

A: Je suis professeur.   (I am a teacher.)

And in order to understand your conversation partner’s response, you’ll want to have a solid vocabulary base of French professions. To practice popular profession names in French, try this quiz from Lawless French .


Learning languages is fun, and since you’re learning French, you’ll probably get asked about what languages you speak. People may ask: 

Q: Quelle langue parles-tu ?   (What language do you speak? [informal]) Q : Quelle langue parlez-vous ? (What language do you speak [formal])

To answer, you say:

A : Je parle…   (I speak…) and then name the language.

You can add multiple languages by linking them with  et  (and).

You can also say what languages you’re studying by saying

A: J ‘ étudie…     (I am studying).

For example, as a learner, you might say:

A: J e parle anglais et j’étudie français     (I speak English and I’m learning French).


Okay, your conversation is going well: you’re past the basics and now you need something interesting to talk about. This is a great time to discuss interests and hobbies. Someone may ask:

Q: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ?   (What do you like to do? [informal]) Q : Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire ?   (What do you like to do? [formal])

To answer, you can say:

A: J’aime…   (I like) and then list a noun or a verb.

For example, I would say something like:

A : J’aime voyager, lire et étudier les langues étrangères.   (I like to travel, read and study foreign languages).

You could also say:

A: Je m’intéresse à…   (I am interested in) and then name a noun or two, such as: like,

A: Je m’intéresse à la culture française.   (I am interested in French culture).

I would recommend looking up your hobbies and interests in French so you’re prepared, and then taking a look at this Sporcle quiz of common hobbies .


All good things come to an end, don’t they?

When the conversation is over, you could simply say:

Enchanté   (charmed) to indicate you’re happy to meet someone.

In formal contexts, you could say:

C’est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance . (It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.) C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer . (It is a pleasure to meet you).

Note the difference in pronoun use here. In the first sentence, you are using the possessive pronoun votre (your), whereas in the second, you have to use the object pronoun vous (you).

To say goodbye, say:

au revoir   (goodbye) à bientôt   (see you later)

À bientôt  is less formal than au revoir , but I’d say it’s an appropriate way to say goodbye to your nouvel ami français     (new French friend).

At this point, you may be thinking: sure, reading and typing these greetings is one thing. But what about when I actually want to say them?

We don’t all have the opportunity to step out the front door and introduce ourselves to a native French speaker. But that’s no excuse not to practice your French listening and speaking skills!

There are hundreds of online resources where you can learn and practice your French greetings: check out the language exchange apps HelloTalk and Tandem for meeting and greeting native French speakers through voice messages and calls.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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And with that, my friend, I say  adieu   (goodbye)! You’re off to your first French conversations. Remember—every bonjour or bonsoir could be the first step in a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews, documentary excerpts and web series, as you can see here:


FluentU brings native French videos with reach. With interactive captions, you can tap on any word to see an image, definition and useful examples.


For example, if you tap on the word "crois," you'll see this:


Practice and reinforce all the vocabulary you've learned in a given video with learn mode. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning, and play the mini-games found in our dynamic flashcards, like "fill in the blank."


All throughout, FluentU tracks the vocabulary that you’re learning and uses this information to give you a totally personalized experience. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Real Madrid can now officially start selling Kylian Mbappe shirts

Back on June 3, Real Madrid officially announced that they had agreed a long-term contract with superstar forward Kylian Mbappe.

However, while the deal was official, the French attacker was still in contract with PSG until June 30.

Now, though, with his deal with the French champions expiring officially last night, Mbappe is, in all the sense, a Real Madrid footballer, having signed on a free transfer.

In fact, with his contract expiring at PSG, Real Madrid have updated their official squad list on the club’s website, with Mbappe being included in the ‘forwards’ section, although it has since been deleted.

But, with Mbappe’s contract at PSG being done and dusted, Le Parisien now reports that Real Madrid can start selling Kylian Mbappe shirts at the club.

While it is yet to be officially confirmed, the 2018 FIFA World Cup winner is expected to take the No. 9 shirt, left vacant since last year following the departure of his compatriot, Karim Benzema.

There is likely to be a huge demand for shirts with Mbappe’s name printed on them moving forward and fans can now get their hands on them.

Presentation on July 16

Mbappe may now be a Real Madrid player completely but his official presentation is yet to take place. After all, the world-class attacker is currently away at the UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany, where he is representing France.

As such, it has been reported that Real Madrid have scheduled his presentation for July 16 , a couple of days after the Euro 2024 final.

The plan is to make that event into a grand one, with the new Santiago Bernabeu expected to be overflowing with supporters to see their latest Galactico signing.


  1. Lesson 1 -Presentation in French ( Présentation en français )

    how to start presentation in french

  2. How to say 'presentation' in French?

    how to start presentation in french

  3. French presentation (routine)

    how to start presentation in french

  4. How can I start a presentation in French?

    how to start presentation in french

  5. French Lesson 15 INTRODUCE YOURSELF in French Basic conversation Se présenter Presentarse en francés

    how to start presentation in french

  6. Beginner French Presentations MEGA BUNDLE by FullShelf Resources

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  2. Presentation French II 🥘

  3. Français pour débutants

  4. 25 Questions pour se présenter en Français

  5. French Music for Film, Presentation, Paris Music for Commercial Ads

  6. Introduce yourself in French in 5 minutes


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  22. How to Introduce Yourself in French

    And in order to understand your conversation partner's response, you'll want to have a solid vocabulary base of French professions. To practice popular profession names in French, try this quiz from Lawless French. Languages. Learning languages is fun, and since you're learning French, you'll probably get asked about what languages you ...

  23. Real Madrid can now officially start selling Kylian Mbappe shirts

    Now, though, with his deal with the French champions expiring officially last night, Mbappe is, in all the sense, a Real Madrid footballer, having signed on a free transfer.

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