math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

35 math problems for 5th graders

Here are 35 fifth-grade math problems that will help your child stay on track!

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Author Amber Watkins

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Published September 13, 2023

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

  • Key takeaways
  • 5th-grade math word problems help students apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.
  • In fifth-grade math, it’s important to master fractions, decimals, and order of operations.
  • Hard problems for 5th graders can be simplified by drawing a picture or using a method that makes them easier to solve.

Table of contents

  • Word problems

Numbers & place value

  • Multiplication

If this math page has 5 sections of math problems for 5th graders with an average of 7 questions in each section, can you guess how many problems there will be in all? That’s right, there will be a total of 35 math problems for 5th graders for us to practice. Without realizing it, you just solved one of our first 5th-grade math word problems . Excellent work! Together we will review fifth-grade math problems with decimals, fractions, order of operations, and rounding. We will even consider hard math problems for 5th graders, like multiplying using square models and number lines. Don’t worry about getting the answers right the first time, each section includes math problems for 5th graders with answers if you need a sneak peek. So grab a pad and pencil and let’s begin.

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  • Kindergarten

Measurement and data

Sample questions, word problems for 5th graders.

Let’s begin by covering math word problems for 5th graders.


Mia’s water bottle can hold 24 ounces of water. She drinks two full water bottles each day. How many total cups of water does Mia drink each day? [Conversions]

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

The playground is made up of four rectangular lots that are each 10 ft by 7 ft. What is the total area of the playground? [Finding area]


 Josh lives 2.5 miles away from the park. Josh rides his bike to the park and back home four days a week. How many miles does Josh ride his bike each week? [Calculations]

Place value

In this section, we will cover math problems for 5th graders that use place values, word form to standard form, standard form to word form, and expanded form.

Which digit in the number 245 is in the hundreds place?

Which digit in the number 4,602 is in the tens place?

Which digit in the number 752 is in the ones place?

Word form to standard form

Standard form to expanded form.

4,000 + 300 + 2 = 4,302

600 + 50 + 4 = 654

20,000 + 2,000 + 300 + 60 + 5 = 22,365

Practice 5th-Grade Math with DoodleMath

Want more practice with 5th-grade math? DoodleMath is an award-winning math app that’s proven to double a child’s rate of progression with just 10 minutes of use a day!

Filled with fun, interactive questions aligned to state standards, Doodle creates a unique work program tailored to each child’s needs, boosting their confidence and skills in math. Try it free  today!

for families

In this section, we will cover fifth-grade math problems that include comparing decimals and rounding decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandths place. Let’s get started.

8.9 and 8.900 are the same.

Remember if the number to the right is 5 or larger, you can borrow and become one digit larger. If the number to the right is between 0 and 4, you can’t borrow and the number remains the same.

In this section, we will review math problems for fifth graders that cover the topics of adding and subtracting two and three-digit numbers using transformation, division using area models, and the order of operations .

Adding and subtracting whole numbers by transformation

A large portion of fifth-grade math problems can be made easier to solve by transformation or changing numbers to make the problem simpler. Let’s practice adding and subtracting two and three-digit numbers by transformation.

How to add numbers using transformation?

When adding or subtracting numbers, look for ways to round to make the problem simpler. Don’t forget what you do to one number, you have to do the opposite to the other. This makes sure the problem stays balanced. Let’s see how this is done. What is 48 + 52? 48 + 2 = 50

52 – 2 = 50 

50 + 50 = 100.

It may be difficult to add 48 + 52 in your head, so we round 48 to 50 by adding 2. Since we added 2 to the first number, we have to make sure to subtract 2 from the second number. So now the problem is 50 plus 50, which is much easier to calculate! 

32 – 2 = 30 68 + 2 = 70 30 + 70 = 100 The answer is 100.

208 – 8 = 200 432 + 8 = 440 200 + 440 = 640 The answer is 640.

321- 1 = 320 199 + 1 = 200 320 – 200 = 120 120 + 2 = 122 The answer is 122

Division using area models

Don’t know what an area model is? See our area model guide to help with these problems.

Using an area model find the quotient of 365 ፥ 5 =

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Using an area model find the quotient of 504 ፥ 6 =

Using the area model below, find the quotient of 872 ፥ 2 =

Order of operations

Many people remember the Order of Operations with the acronym PEMDAS- “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”, with each letter representing an operation: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply or Divide, Add or Subtract. Solve the following equations using the order of operations.

Hard multiplication math problems

Some of the hardest math problems for fifth graders involve multiplying: multiplying using square models, multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form, and multiplying fractions using number lines. Let’s practice a few of each!

Multiplying using square models

Multiplying using square models is a method to help students “see” multiplication problems in a simpler way.

Multiply 42 x 35 using the square model below.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Multiply 55 x 76 using the square model below.

Multiply 98 x 42 using the square model below.

Multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form

Multiply ½ x 5 using expanded form.

Multiply ⅔ x 6 using expanded form.

Multiply ⅙ x 7 using expanded form.

Multiplying fractions using a number line

Multiply ½ x 4/6 by using a number line.

For more math practice for 5th graders , our app for math help provides 5th-grade math help in a way that makes math fun, rewards effort over being correct, and scaffolds learning. Plus, you’ll get access to a dashboard that displays your child’s participation and progression on math topics they struggle with. Check it out today!

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

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math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Word problem answer sheet

Mia drinks 6 cups of water each day. Explanation: There are 8 ounces in each cup. So 24 divided by 8 is equal to 3 cups each day.

280 square feet. Explanation: The area of one lot is 10 x 7 = 70 square feet. Take that area and times it by four, so 70 x 4 = 280 square feet.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Josh rides 20 miles on his bike each week. Explanation: Each day Josh rides 5 total miles: 2.5 miles to the park and 2.5 miles back home. If we multiply that number by 4 days a week, it equals 20 miles in all.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Writing numbers answer sheet

2 is in the hundreds place.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

0 is in the tens place.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

2 is in the ones place.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Division using area models answer sheet

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Multiplying using square models answer sheet

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form answer sheet

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Multiplying fractions using a number line answer sheet

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Explanation – First divide the number line into 6 equal parts and draw up a line up to 4/6. Then find the ½ way mark of that line you drew up to 4/6. You will now see the line is divided into three parts. So the answer would be ⅓. 

Lesson credits

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Amber Watkins

Amber is an education specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over 12 years of experience teaching and tutoring elementary through college level math. "Knowing that my work in math education makes such an impact leaves me with an indescribable feeling of pride and joy!"

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  • Fifth Grade

" class="arrow-title-img">5th Grade math word problems with answers and explanations

Lesson summary


How to solve multi-step word problems for grade 5

Get more contents on fifth grade..., multi-step word problems for grade 5 online.

Your kids will get super excited after engaging in our 5 th Grade math word problems with answers and explanations made of practice online, worksheets, and lessons. It comprises a math word problems curriculum for Grade 5 that covers all areas of real-life and math learning, ranging from addition and subtraction , multiplication , division , decimals , fractions and mixed numbers , time , money math , and all other math problems solving activities.

Our reason for designing these multi-step word problems for Grade 5 online is to give kids the opportunity to review any math concepts they had studied before or recently learned. All this depends precisely on the objectives pursued.

However, you will find that including numbers in real-life and/or fantasy scenarios we offer them in this program will make math more fun and interesting.

Well... let's start practicing.

Practice here

  • Addition And Subtraction Online Practice And Worksheets
  • Adding and subtracting decimals word problems
  • Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems
  • Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems
  • Addition and subtraction of whole numbers word problems
  • Divide 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
  • Divide multi digit numbers by 1 digit numbers
  • Dividing 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers word problems
  • Dividing decimals by whole numbers word problems
  • Dividing fractions and mixed numbers word problems
  • Dividing multi digit numbers by 1 digit number word problems
  • Dividing whole numbers ending in zeros word problems
  • Divisibility rules word problems
  • Division facts to 12
  • Division facts up to 12 word problems
  • Estimating Comparing Ordering Rounding
  • Estimate sums and differences word problems
  • Estimating products word problems
  • Estimating quotient word problems
  • Fractions And Mixed Numbers
  • Fractions of a number word problems
  • Fractions of whole numbers word problems
  • Mixed Operations
  • Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals word problems
  • Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions word problems
  • Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers word problems
  • Multi step word problems for Grade 5 learners
  • Multiplication
  • Multiply numbers ending in zeros word problems
  • Multiplying by one digit numbers word problems
  • Multiplying by two digit word problems
  • Multiplying decimals by whole numbers word problems
  • Multiplying mixed numbers word problems
  • Multiplying three or more numbers word problems
  • Multiplying two fractions word problems

Related contents

Download 5th-grade worksheets

Help your kids to master the shortest and most straightforward ways how to solve multi-step word problems for grade 5 . Such multi-step problems require that kids should evaluate and solve word problems involving two or more concepts. This is, however, done in two or more steps.

Thus, apart from providing genuine skills and strategies for solving these problems, we have used simple language for kids’ easy understanding. Hence, it will be easy for them to read and pull out important information, numbers, and keywords telling the correct operations needed to solve the problem.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers


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  • Add And Subtract Fractions
  • Comparing And Ordering
  • Divide Fractions
  • Fractions Worksheets And Online Exercises With Answers
  • Numbers Theory
  • Solving And Estimation
  • Subtraction
  • Whole Numbers
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Grade 5 Math Worksheets

Related Pages Math Worksheets according to Topics Math Worksheets according to Grades Interactive Zone Grade 5 Math Lessons

Free Printable Worksheets

These free interactive math worksheets are suitable for Fifth Grade or Grade 5. Use them to practice and improve your mathematical skills.

Free Online Math Worksheets 5th Grade

Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers (Up to 10) Prime Numbers (Up to 20) Prime Numbers (Up to 50) Prime Numbers (up to 100)

Prime Numbers (Sprint)

Multiples and Factors

Least Common Multiple Greatest Common Factor/Divisor

Addition Worksheets

Add two 4-digits Add two 5-digits

Chain Addition (2 digits, 3 addends) Chain Addition (3 digits, 3 addends) Chain Addition (4 digits, 3 addends) Chain Addition (2 digits, 4 addends) Chain Addition (3 digits, 4 addends) Chain Addition (4 digits, 4 addends)

Subtraction Worksheets

Subtract two 4-digits Subtract two 5-digits

Multiplication Worksheets

Printable Multiply Multi-digit by 1-digit (eg. 6,435 x 7) Multiplication Word Problems

2-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×) Multi-step Word Problems (using +, -, ×)

Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit (eg. 35 × 24) Multiply 3-digit by 2-digit (eg. 215 × 32)

Generated Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

Division Worksheets

Printable Division Facts (Random Order) Divide by Multiples of 10 (eg. 6,300 ÷ 300)

Long Division with or without Remainders Divide 2-digit by 1-digit (eg. 74 ÷ 3) Divide 3-digit by 1-digit (eg. 576 ÷ 5) Divide 4-digit by 1-digit (eg. 3,870 ÷ 4)

Divide by 2-digit Divisors

Division Word Problems Division Word Problems (2-digit ÷ 1-digit) Division Word Problems (3-digit ÷ 1-digit) Division Word Problems (4-digit ÷ 1-digit)

Generated Divide 2-digits by 1-digit Divide 3-digits by 1-digit Divide 2-digits by 2-digit Divide 3-digits by 2-digit Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (with remainder) Divide 3-digits by 1-digit (with remainder) Divide 2-digits by 2-digits (with remainder) Divide 3-digits by 2-digits (with remainder)

Order of Operations Worksheets (PEMDAS, BEDMAS)

Order of Operations (+, -, ×, parenthesis) Order of Operations (+, -, ×, ÷, parenthesis) Order of Operations (+, -, ×, ÷, parenthesis, exponents)

Order of Operations (+, –) Order of Operations (parenthesis, +, –) Order of Operations (×, ÷ ) Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷) Order of Operations (×, ÷, +, –) Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷, +, –) Order of Operations (parenthesis, ×, ÷, +, –) Order of Operations (parenthesis, exponent, ×, ÷ +, –) Order of Operations (mixed) Order of Operations (mixed) Order of Operations (mixed)

Decimal Worksheets

Write Decimals in Words Write Decimals in Numerals

Compare Decimals Order Decimals

Round Decimals (nearest whole number) Round Decimals (nearest tenths) Round Decimals (nearest hundredths) Round Decimals (different place values)

Adding Decimals Subtracting Decimals

Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, 1000 Divide Decimals by 10, 100, 1000

Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 3.2 × 10 3 ) Divide Decimals by Powers of 10 (eg. 74.2 ÷ 10 3 )

Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers (eg. 3.12 × 8) Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers (eg. 7.28 ÷ 4)

Rounding Decimals (nearest whole number) Rounding Decimals (nearest tenths) Rounding Decimals (nearest hundredths) Rounding Decimals (mixed)

Adding Decimals (Tenths) Adding Decimals (Hundredths) Adding Decimals (Thousandths) Adding Decimals (Thousandths) Subtract Decimals (Tenths) Subtract Decimals (Hundredths) Subtract Decimals (Thousandths) Subtract Decimals (Thousandths)

Multiply Decimals by Tens (10s, 100s, 1000s) Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (1-digit) Multiply Decimals by Whole Number (Multi-digit) Multiply two Decimals Divide Decimals by Ten (10s, 100s, 1000s) Division with Decimal Quotients (Tenths) Division with Decimal Quotients (Hundredths)

Decimal Word Problems (One-Step, Addition $ Subtraction) Decimal Word Problems (Two-Step, Addition $ Subtraction) Decimal Word Problems (Mixed Operations) Decimal Word Problems (Mixed Operations)

Changing Decimals to Fractions Changing Fractions to Decimals (with denominators 10, 100, 1,000)

Fraction Worksheets

Equivalent Fractions Reduce Fractions (proper fractions) Simplify Fractions (proper & improper fractions)

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

Add Like Fractions Add Unlike Fractions

Subtract Like Fractions Subtract Unlike Fractions Subtract Fraction from Whole Number

Add Mixed Numbers (like denominators) Add Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators)

Subtract Mixed Numbers (like denominators, no regrouping) Subtract Mixed Numbers (like denominators, regrouping) Subtract Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators, no regrouping) Subtract Mixed Numbers (unlike denominators, regrouping)

Multiply Fractions with Canceling Multiply Fractions & Whole Numbers Multiply Mixed Numbers

Equivalent Fractions Compare Fractions Improper fractions to mixed numbers Mixed numbers to improper fractions Greatest Common Factor Simplify Fractions

Add Fractions (with common denominator & no simplifying) Subtract Fractions (with common denominator & no simplifying) Add & Subtract Fractions (with common denominator & simplifying answers) Least Common Multiple or Least Common Denominator Add & Subtract Fractions (with unlike denominators & step-by-step guide) Add & Subtract Fractions (with unlike denominators) Add Fractions (mixed) Subtract Fractions (mixed)

Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers Multiply Two Fractions Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Divide Fractions by Fractions Divide Two Fractions

Adding Mixed Numbers Subtracting Mixed Numbers Add Mixed Numbers Subtract Mixed Numbers

Fraction Word Problems Adding & Subtracting Fractions Fraction Word Problems Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers (One-Step) Fraction Word Problems Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers (Two-Step) Fraction Word Problems Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers (Two-Step)

Measurement Worksheets

Temperature Conversion Celsius to Fahrenheit Temperature Conversion Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature Conversion Mixed

Standard Measurement Conversion Metric Measurement Conversion

Metric Length Conversion (mm, cm, m, km) Adding lengths (km, m, cm, mm) Subtracting Lengths (km, m, cm, mm) Multiplying Lengths (km, m, cm, mm) Dividing Lengths (km, m, cm, mm)

Metric Weight Conversion (kg, g, mg) Adding and Subtracting Weights (kg, g, mg) Multiplying Weights (kg, g, mg) Dividing Weights (kg, g, mg)

Time Worksheets

Time Conversion (weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds) Adding and Subtracting Time Multiplying and Dividing Time Time Word Problems (Elapsed Time) Convert from 12-hr System to 24-hr System Convert from 24-hr System to 12-hr System Calculate Time Intervals in 12-hr System and 24-hr System

Algebra Worksheets

Evaluate Expressions by Substitution Simplify Expressions by Combining Like Terms Simplify Expressions using Distributive Property Simplify Expressions using Distributive Property & Combine Like Terms

Solving One-Step Equations Solving Two-Step Equations Solving Equations by Combining Like Terms Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides Solving Equations by Distributive Property Solving Multi-Step Equations Solving Multi-Step Equations Solving Word Problems using Algebra

Ratio Worksheets

Ratio of Quantities Ratio Word Problems I Ratio Word Problems II Ratio Word Problems III Ratio Word Problems IV Ratio with Algebra

Percent Worksheets

Changing Percents to Decimals and Fractions Changing Percents to Fractions in Lowest Terms Changing Percents to Fractions Changing Fractions to Percents Changing Fractions to Percents Changing Decimals to Percents

Percentages (What is X% of Y) Percentages (X is what % of Y) Percentages (X is Y% of what) Percent of a Number Finding Percent Finding the Base

Geometry Worksheets

Names of Polygons Give the number of sides Names of Polygons Give the names of polygons Types of Angles (Acute, Obtuse, Reflex) Angles in a Straight Line Angles at a Point Complementary Angles Supplementary Angles

Area & Perimeter of Rectangles Area & Perimeter of Rectangles Area & Perimeter of Rectangles Area & Perimeter of Parallelogram Area of Triangle Area of Parallelograms Area of Triangle & Parallelogram Area of Trapezoid Area of Shapes Area of Shaded Region (rectangles & triangles)

Printable Volume of Rectangular Prisms Volume of Composite Rectangular Prisms

Generated Surface Area & Volume of Cubes Surface Area & Volume of Rectangular Prisms or Cuboids

Statistics Worksheets

Mode Median Mean Range Mean, Median & Mode Mean, Median & Mode Find the possible values for the Median Given the Mean, find the missing number(s) in a set Word problems that involve the Mean Word problems that involve the Mean

Prime Numbers (up to 10, 20), Prime Numbers (up to 50, 100), Least Common Multiple, Greatest Common Factor,

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Division with Remainder, Order of Operations (PEMDAS),

Rounding Decimals, Adding Decimals, Subtract Decimals, Multiply Decimals by Tens, Multiply Decimals by Whole Number, Multiply two Decimals, Divide Decimals by Ten, Division with Decimal Quotients, Decimals and Fractions, Decimal Word Problems,

Equivalent Fractions, Simplify Fractions, Compare Fractions, Convert between Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Add Fractions with Like Denominators, Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators, Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers, Multiply Two Fractions, Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers, Divide Two Fractions, Add Mixed Numbers, Subtract Mixed Numbers, Fraction Word Problems,

Add and Subtract Lengths, Add and Subtract Weights, Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit,

Convert Time, Add and Subtract Time, Multiply and Divide Time, 12-hr and 24-hr System,

Types of Angles, Number of sides of Polygons, Names of Polygons, Perimeter and Area (Rectangles), Perimeter and Area (Triangles), Perimeter and Area (Parallelogram), Perimeter and Area (Trapezoids), Volume of Cubes, Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Surface Area of Cubes, Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms,

Add and Subtract Like Terms, Distributive Property, Solve One-Step Algebra Equations, Solve Two-Step Algebra Equations, Solve Equations involving Like Terms,

Ratio, Proportion, Percent,

Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Statistics Word Problems.

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  • 5th Grade Math
  • Problem solving

5th Grade math problems worksheets with answers: Practice makes perfect

If you have a 5th grader who loves solving math all the time or needs some motivation and extra practice to perfect their problem-solving skills in math, you've come to the right place! This article will offer you outstanding 5th Grade math problems worksheets with answer s fit to challenge even the most savvy math whiz.

Solving 5th Grade math problems: Worksheets with step-by-step answers

Get ready to make math a thrilling adventure for your 5 th graders with a range of fun and easy solving 5th Grade math problems . These worksheets are given with step-by-step answers sheets guide, helpful in assessing student performance and solving skills quickly.

These exciting 5th Grade math problems worksheets with answers cover topics such as addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, geometry and measurement, data and probability, and more.

In addition to the types of worksheets, this article will give you 10 awesome math problems for 5th grade with solutions and tips and tell you how to use math problems worksheets to prepare for tests and assessments. And finally, we'll point you to some of the best free and paid resources where you can find more math problems worksheets for 5th grade. Ready to dive in? Let's go!


Download free worksheets, 5th grade math topics.

  • Number sense
  • Addition and subtraction


  • Number theory
  • Add & subtract decimals
  • Multiply decimals
  • Divide decimals
  • Fractions & mixed numbers
  • Add & subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Divide fractions
  • Mixed operations
  • Problems solving
  • Ratios and rates
  • Percentages
  • Number sequences
  • Coordinate graph
  • Variable expressions
  • Data and Graphs
  • Probability and statistics
  • Telling time
  • Unit of measurements
  • Triangles & quadrilaterals
  • Symmetry & transformations
  • Geometric measurements

5th Grade math problems worksheets with answers: Practice makes perfect - How do you solve multi step word problems?

Start practice on Fifth Grade here

How to make math fun and engaging for your 5th grader.

Math can be challenging for many students, especially as they advance to higher grades and encounter more complex concepts and operations. Some students may feel bored, frustrated, or anxious about math and lose interest or confidence in their abilities. That's why it's important to make math fun and engaging for your 5th grader and to show them that math is practical, enjoyable, and rewarding.

Here are some tips on how to make math fun and engaging for your 5th grader

  • Use games, puzzles, riddles, and brainteasers to stimulate your child's curiosity and creativity . Games can help your child develop logical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic skills and reinforce essential math facts and operations. You can find many online games suitable for 5th graders or create your games using cards, dice, dominoes, or other materials.

You can also ask your child questions that require them to use math skills or concepts, such as "How much change will we get if we buy this item?" or "How long will it take us to drive to this destination?"

You can help your child discover the connections between math and their hobbies or passions by exposing them to books, videos, websites, podcasts, or other resources that showcase the beauty and diversity of math.

  • Praise your child's efforts and achievements in math . Math can be challenging sometimes, but it can also be very satisfying when your child solves a problem or learns a new concept. You can boost your child's confidence and motivation by acknowledging their hard work and progress in math and celebrating their successes. You can also encourage your child to set goals for themselves in math and to track their improvement over time.

The benefits of using worksheets to practice and reinforce math skills

One of the best ways to make math fun and engaging for your 5th grader is to use worksheets to practice and reinforce math skills. Worksheets are practical tools for learning and reviewing math concepts and operations. Also, they are versatile, flexible, and customizable. You can use worksheets to supplement your child's school curriculum or homework assignments and worksheets as independent practice or enrichment activities.

Here are some of the benefits of using worksheets to practice and reinforce math skills :

  • Worksheets provide structured and organized practice for your child . Worksheets help your child focus on specific topics or skills they need to master or improve in math. Worksheets also provide clear instructions, examples, and feedback for your child.
  • Worksheets offer variety and challenges for your child . Worksheets can include questions or tasks requiring your child to apply their knowledge or skills differently. Worksheets can also vary in difficulty level, so you can choose the ones that suit your child's needs or goals.
  • Worksheets allow your child to work at their own pace and level . Worksheets give your child the freedom and flexibility to work on math problems whenever needed. Worksheets allow your child to work at their own pace and level; they can skip or repeat questions.
  • Worksheets foster self-reliance and independence for your child . Worksheets encourage your child to take responsibility for their learning in math. Worksheets also foster self-reliance and independence for your child; they can check their answers using the answer keys provided or the hints or tips in some worksheets.

Discover 5th Grade math problems worksheets with answers

If you're looking for high-quality, engaging, and challenging math problems worksheets for 5th graders, you've come to the right place! At , we have created a collection of 5th Grade math problems worksheets with answers covering all the major topics and skills your child needs to know and practice in grade.

Mathskills4kids’ math problems worksheets are designed to help your child develop and improve their math skills and prepare them for tests and assessments. These math problems worksheets are also aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, so you can be sure your child is learning the right content and skills for their grade level.

Mathskills4kids math problems worksheets for 5th graders include the following topics:

  • Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
  • Multiplication and Division Word Problems
  • Fractions and Decimals Word Problems
  • Geometry and Measurement Word Problems
  • Data and Probability Word Problems

Each topic has several worksheets that contain different types of word problems requiring your child to use different strategies or methods to solve them. Some word problems are simple; others are more complex and multi-step. Some word problems are realistic and relatable; others are more abstract or creative. Some word problems are easy and familiar; others are more difficult and novel. The word problems challenge your child's thinking and reasoning skills and test their understanding and application of math concepts and operations.

Also, each worksheet has an answer key showing the correct solution and explanation for each problem. Some worksheets also include hints or tips that provide additional guidance or support for your child. You can use these hints or tips to help your child if they get stuck or need a clue.

Addition and subtraction word problems

Addition and subtraction are two of the most basic and essential math skills your child needs to master in 5th grade. Addition and subtraction are used to perform calculations with whole numbers, decimals, or fractions and to solve various word problems involving adding or subtracting quantities, distances, times, money, etc.

In 5th grade, your child is expected to be able to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers, decimals up to thousandths, and fractions with unlike denominators. Your child is also expected to be able to solve word problems that involve addition and subtraction of these types of numbers, using different strategies such as estimation, rounding, regrouping, decomposing, or using properties of operations.

To help your child practice and reinforce their addition and subtraction skills, we have created several worksheets that contain different types of addition and subtraction word problems .

Below are some examples of addition and subtraction word problems:

  • Alice has 3,456 stickers in her collection. She buys 2 more packs of stickers, each containing 128 stickers. How many stickers does Alice have in total?
  • Ben has $45.67 in his bank account. He withdraws $12.50 to buy a gift for his friend. How much money does Ben have left in his account?
  • Cindy has 2/3 of a pizza left over from lunch. She eats another 1/6 of a pizza for dinner. How much pizza does Cindy have left?
  • David ran 7.5 miles on Monday. He ran 2.25 miles less on Tuesday than on Monday. How many miles did David run on Tuesday?

Multiplication and division word problems

One of the most important math skills that your 5th grader needs to master is solving word problems involving multiplication and division. These problems require them to apply their knowledge of the four operations and their understanding of place value, factors, multiples, and patterns. They will also use logical reasoning and critical thinking to find the best strategy to solve each problem.

To help your 5th grader practice and improve their multiplication and division word problem skills, we have created a set of worksheets that cover a variety of scenarios and situations. Each worksheet has 10 problems, including one-step and multi-step problems and problems with remainders. The worksheets also include answer keys with detailed explanations and tips on how to solve each problem.

Fractions and decimals word problems

Another key topic your 5th grader needs to master is solving word problems involving fractions and decimals. These problems require them to apply their knowledge of equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, comparing fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals, and converting between fractions and decimals. They will also use estimation and rounding skills, proportional reasoning, and problem-solving strategies.

To help your 5th grader practice and improve their fractions and decimals word problem skills, we have created a set of worksheets that cover a variety of scenarios and situations. Each worksheet has 10 problems, including one-step and multi-step problems and problems with mixed numbers and improper fractions. The worksheets also include answer keys with detailed explanations and tips on how to solve each problem.

Geometry and measurement word problems

Another essential topic your 5th grader needs to master is solving word problems involving geometry and measurement. These problems require them to apply their knowledge of angles, polygons, circles, area, perimeter, volume, surface area, units of measurement, conversions, and coordinate grids. They will use spatial reasoning, geometric reasoning, and algebraic thinking skills to solve these problems.

To help your 5th grader practice and improve their geometry and measurement word problem skills, we have created a set of worksheets that cover a variety of scenarios and situations. Each worksheet has 10 problems, including one-step and multi-step problems and problems with diagrams and graphs. The worksheets also include answer keys with detailed explanations and tips on how to solve each problem.

Data and probability word problems

Another fun topic your 5th grader needs to master is solving word problems involving data and probability. These problems require them to apply their knowledge of mean, median, mode, range, graphs, tables, charts, surveys, experiments, outcomes, events, probability models, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and rates. They will also use statistical reasoning and inferential thinking skills to analyze data and make predictions.

To help your 5th grader practice and improve their data and probability word problem skills, we have created a set of worksheets that cover a variety of scenarios and situations. Each worksheet has 10 problems, including one-step and multi-step problems and problems with graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams. The worksheets also include answer keys with detailed explanations and tips on how to solve each problem.

10 Awesome math problems for 5th Grade with solutions and tips

To give you a taste of our math problem worksheets for 5th grade, we have selected some of the most awesome math problems from each topic for you to try. These are not your typical math problems, but rather challenging and fun problems that will make your 5th grader think outside the box and use their creativity and logic to solve them. We have also provided the solutions and tips for each problem, so you can check your answers and learn from your mistakes.

Are you ready to take on these excellent math problems?

1. Multiplication Word Problem

Amanda has 12 boxes of chocolates. Each box has 24 pieces of chocolate. She wants to share them equally among her 18 friends. How many pieces of chocolate will each friend get?

Solution : To solve this problem, we need to multiply 12 by 24 to find Amanda's total number of pieces of chocolate. Then, we need to divide that number by 18 to find how many pieces of chocolate each friend will get.

12 x 24 = 288

288 ÷ 18 = 16

Therefore, each friend will get 16 pieces of chocolate.

Tip : To check your answer, reverse the operation and multiply 16 by 18 to see if you get back to 288.

2. Division Word Problem

A school bus can carry 48 students. 216 students are going on a field trip. How many buses will transport all the students?

Solution : To solve this problem, we will divide 216 by 48 to find how many buses are needed to transport all the students.

216 ÷ 48 = 4.5

However, we cannot have half a bus, so we must round up to the following number.

Therefore, 5 buses will transport all the students.

Tip : To check your answer, reverse the operation and multiply 5 by 48 to see if you get more than or equal to 216.

3. Fractions Word Problem

A recipe for a cake requires 3/4 cup of sugar. If you want to make one-third of the recipe, how much sugar do you need?

Solution : To solve this problem, we will multiply 3/4 by 1/3 to find how much sugar we need for half of the recipe.

3/4 x 1/3 = 3/12

Therefore, we need 3/12 cup of sugar for half of the recipe.

Tip : To simplify fractions, you can divide the numerator and the denominator by a common factor. For example, 3/12 can be simplified by dividing both by 3, which gives us 1/4.

4. Decimals Word Problem

A pizza costs $12.50 and has 8 slices. If you eat 3 slices, what fraction of the pizza did you eat? What percentage of the pizza did you eat? How much did you pay for the slices that you ate?

Solution : To solve this problem, we will find the fraction, percentage, and cost of the slices we ate.

To find the fraction, we will divide the number of slices we ate by the total number of slices in the pizza.

3 ÷ 8 = 3/8

Therefore, we ate 3/8 of the pizza.

To find the percentage, we will convert the fraction to a decimal and then multiply by 100.

3/8 = 0.375

0.375 x 100 = 37.5%

Therefore, we ate 37.5% of the pizza.

To find the cost per slice, we will divide the price of the pizza by the total number of slices in the pizza. Then, we will multiply that by the number of slices we ate.

12.50 ÷ 8 = 1.5625

1.5625 x 3 = 4.6875

Therefore, we paid $4.6875 for the slices that we ate.

Tip : To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, 3/8 = 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375

5. Fraction of a whole word problem

A pizza is cut into 12 equal slices. Amy eats 3 slices, Ben eats 2, and Chris eats 4. What fraction of the pizza is left? How many slices are left?

Solution : To find the fraction of the pizza left, we will subtract the fractions that Amy, Ben, and Chris ate from the whole pizza. The whole pizza is 12/12 or 1. Amy ate 3/12, Ben ate 2/12, and Chris ate 4/12. So, we have:

1 - (3/12 + 2/12 + 4/12) = 1 - (9/12) = 1 - (3/4) = 1/4

So, the fraction of the pizza that is left is 1/4. To find how many slices are left, we can multiply the fraction by the total number of slices:

1/4 x 12 = 3

So, there are 3 slices left.

Tip : To subtract fractions with the same denominator, subtract the numerators and keep the denominator. To subtract fractions with different denominators, you must first find a common denominator.

6. Probability word problem

A bag contains 20 marbles: 8 red, 6 blue, and 6 green. What is the probability of randomly picking a red marble from the bag? What is the probability of picking a blue or a green marble?

Solution : To find the probability of an event, we need to divide the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. In this case, the total number of possible outcomes is the number of marbles in the bag, which is 20. The number of favorable outcomes for picking a red marble is the number of red marbles in the bag, which is 8. So, we have:

P (red) = 8/20 = 2/5

So, the probability of picking a red marble is 2/5. To find the probability of picking a blue or green marble, we need to add the probabilities of picking a blue marble and a green marble. The number of favorable outcomes for picking a blue marble is the number of blue marbles in the bag, which is 6. The number of favorable outcomes for picking a green marble is also 6. So, we have:

P (blue) = 6/20 = 3/10

P (green) = 6/20 = 3/10

P (blue or green) = P (blue) + P (green) = 3/10 + 3/10 = 6/10 = 3/5

So, the probability of picking a blue or a green marble is 3/5.

Tip : To add fractions with the same denominator, add the numerators and keep the denominator. To add fractions with different denominators, you must first find a common denominator.

7. Geometry and measurement word problem

A rectangular prism has a length of 10 cm, a width of 6 cm, and a height of 4 cm. What is its volume? What is its surface area?

Solution: The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula: length × width × height. In this case, the length is 10 cm, the width is 6 cm, and the height is 4 cm. Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is:

10 cm × 6 cm × 4 cm = 240 cm³

The surface area of a rectangular prism can be calculated using the formula: 2lw + 2lh + 2wh, where l is length, w is width, and h, is height. In this case, we have:

2(10 cm × 6 cm) + 2(10 cm × 4 cm) + 2(6 cm × 4 cm) = 248 cm²

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is  240 cubic centimeters , and its surface area is  248 square centimeters .

8. Addition and Subtraction Word Problem

Lucy has 12 red apples and 8 green apples in her basket. She gives 5 red apples and 3 green apples to her friend Amy. How many apples does Lucy have left in her basket?

Solution: To solve this problem, we need to use addition and subtraction. First, we need to find out how many apples Lucy had before giving some to Amy. We can do this by adding the number of red apples and the number of green apples:

12 + 8 = 20

Lucy had 20 apples in total.

Next, we will determine how many apples Lucy gave Amy in total. We can do this by adding the number of red apples and the number of green apples that she gave:

Lucy gave 8 apples to Amy.

Finally, we will find out how many apples Lucy has left in her basket. We can do this by subtracting the number of apples that she gave from the number of apples that she had:

20 - 8 = 12

Lucy has 12 apples left in her basket.

Tip : When solving word problems involving addition and subtraction, it helps to identify the keywords that indicate what operation to use. For example, words like "in total," "altogether," "combined," or "sum" indicate addition, while words like "left," "remain," "difference," or "take away" indicate subtraction.

9. Multiplication and Division Word Problem

A pack of pencils contains 12 pencils. How many packs of pencils are needed to supply a class of 30 students if each student needs 2 pencils?

Solution: To solve this problem, we will use multiplication and division. First, we will determine how many pencils are needed for the class. We can do this by multiplying the number of students by the number of pencils per student:

30 x 2 = 60

The class needs 60 pencils in total.

Next, we will determine how many packs are needed to provide 60 pencils. We can do this by dividing the number of pencils by the number of pencils per pack:

60 ÷ 12 = 5

The class needs 5 packs of pencils.

Tip : When solving word problems involving multiplication and division, it helps to identify the keywords that indicate what operation to use. For example, words like "each," "per," "every," or "times" indicate multiplication, while words like "how many,” "groups," "quotient," or "divide" indicate division.

10. Fractions and Decimals Word Problem

A pizza is cut into 8 equal slices. John eats 3 slices, Mary eats 2 slices, and Tom eats 1 slice. What fraction of the pizza is left? What decimal number is equivalent to this fraction?

Solution : To solve this problem, we will use fractions and decimals. First, we will find out how many slices of pizza are left. We can do this by subtracting the number of slices that were eaten from the total number of slices:

8 - (3 + 2 + 1) = 8 - 6 = 2

There are 2 slices of pizza left.

Next, we will find out what fraction of the pizza is left. We can do this by writing the number of slices left as the numerator and the total number of slices as the denominator:

This fraction represents the part of the pizza that is left.

Finally, we will determine what decimal number is equivalent to this fraction. We can do this by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

2 ÷ 8 = 0.25

This decimal number represents the same part of the pizza that is left.

Tip : When solving word problems involving fractions and decimals, it helps to remember that fractions and decimals are different ways of representing parts of a whole.

To convert a fraction to a decimal, you can divide the numerator by the denominator.

To convert a decimal to a fraction, write the decimal as a numerator over a denominator of a power of ten (such as 10, 100, or 1000) and simplify if possible.

How to use 5 th Grade math problems worksheets with answers to prepare for tests and assessments

5 th Grade math problems worksheets are great tools to help students prepare for tests and assessments . They can help students review their learned topics, practice their skills and strategies, and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips on how to use math problems worksheets effectively:

  • Choose the worksheets matching your student's grade level and the topics they will study . You can find many free and paid resources online.
  • Set a goal for each worksheet , such as how many problems you want kids to solve, how much time you want them to spend, or what score you want them to achieve.
  • Read the instructions carefully and ask your learners to follow them . They can ask you for help if they are unsure what to do.
  • Tell your 5 th graders to show their work and explain their reasoning for each problem . This will help students to check their answers and understand their mistakes.
  • Use a calculator only when allowed or necessary . Encourage your 5 th Grade students to do mental math or use paper and pencil whenever possible.
  • Check your learner's answers with the answer key or a reliable source . If your students got a problem wrong, try to figure out why and how to fix it.
  • Keep track of learner progress and results . You can use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or an online tool to record the worksheets your learners have completed, the problems they have solved, the time they have spent, and the scores they have obtained.
  • Review students' work and feedback regularly . Look for patterns in students' errors, such as common mistakes, misconceptions, or gaps. Focus on improving the areas that they need to work on.
  • Celebrate their achievements and reward them . Recognize learners’ efforts and accomplishments, and treat them with something they enjoy, such as a snack, a game, or a break.

Where to find more 5th Grade math problems worksheets

If you are looking for more 5 th Grade math problems worksheets , you are in luck! Many websites offer students, teachers, and parents free and paid resources. Here are some of the best ones that we recommend:

  • [Math Worksheets 4 Kids]( .) - This website has thousands of free printable math worksheets for various topics and grade levels. You can also customize the worksheets according to your preferences and needs.
  • [Math-Drills]( .) - This website has over 50,000 free math worksheets covering basic skills, operations, and math concepts. You can also download the worksheets as PDF files or print them directly from the website.
  • [K5 Learning]( .) - This website offers free math worksheets, online lessons, quizzes, and kindergarten to grade 5 games. You can also sign up for a free trial or a paid subscription to access more features and resources.
  • [Math-Aids]( .) - This website provides free math worksheets that are dynamically generated, meaning that you can create different versions of the same worksheet with different numbers and problems. You can also choose the worksheets' difficulty level, format, and layout.
  • [Education. Com]( .) - This website has an extensive collection of free and premium math worksheets for preschool to grade 5. You can also find other educational resources such as games, activities, lesson plans, and articles.

Thank you for sharing the links of with your loved ones. Your choice is greatly appreciated.

Conclusion: Practice Makes Perfect

Math problems worksheets are excellent ways to practice and improve 5 th graders' math skills and problem-solving abilities. They can help kids review what they have learned, reinforce their knowledge, and challenge what they can do.

These worksheets can also prepare students for tests and assessments and boost their confidence and interest in math.

The key is to use them regularly and effectively. Choose the worksheets that suit your student's level and goals, follow the instructions and tips, Encourage them to show their work and check their answers, keep track of their progress and results, review their work and feedback, and celebrate their achievements.

Remember: practice makes perfect ! The more your students practice, the better they will become. So grab some math problems worksheets today and start solving them with your 5 th graders! They'll be amazed by how much fun and rewarding math can be!

Math Skills For Kids - 100% Free Resources For Math Practice - Math Worksheets, Games And Printable


This is a premium math quality website with original Math activities and other contents for math practice. We provide 100% free Math ressources for kids from Preschool to Grade 6 to improve children skills.



Telling Time

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  • Number Charts
  • Multiplication
  • Long division
  • Basic operations
  • Telling time
  • Place value
  • Roman numerals
  • Fractions & related
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide fractions
  • Mixed numbers vs. fractions
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Prime factorization & factors
  • Fraction Calculator
  • Decimals & Percent
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide decimals
  • Fractions to decimals
  • Percents to decimals
  • Percentage of a number
  • Percent word problems
  • Classify triangles
  • Classify quadrilaterals
  • Circle worksheets
  • Area & perimeter of rectangles
  • Area of triangles & polygons
  • Coordinate grid, including   moves & reflections
  • Volume & surface area
  • Pre-algebra
  • Square Roots
  • Order of operations
  • Scientific notation
  • Proportions
  • Ratio word problems
  • Write expressions
  • Evaluate expressions
  • Simplify expressions
  • Linear equations
  • Linear inequalities
  • Graphing & slope
  • Equation calculator
  • Equation editor
  • Elementary Math Games
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Math facts practice
  • The four operations
  • Factoring and number theory
  • Geometry topics
  • Middle/High School
  • Statistics & Graphs
  • Probability
  • Trigonometry
  • Logic and proof
  • For all levels
  • Favorite math puzzles
  • Favorite challenging puzzles
  • Math in real world
  • Problem solving & projects
  • For gifted children
  • Math history
  • Math games and fun websites
  • Interactive math tutorials
  • Math help & online tutoring
  • Assessment, review & test prep
  • Online math curricula

→ → Grade 5

This is a comprehensive collection of free printable math worksheets for grade 5, organized by topics such as addition, subtraction, algebraic thinking, place value, multiplication, division, prime factorization, decimals, fractions, measurement, coordinate grid, and geometry. They are randomly generated, printable from your browser, and include the answer key. The worksheets support any fifth grade math program, but go especially well with , and their brand new lessons at the bottom of the page.

The worksheets are randomly generated each time you click on the links below. You can also get a new, different one just by refreshing the page in your browser (press F5).

All worksheets come with an answer key placed on the 2nd page of the file.

Algebra - three 2-digit numbers (missing addend) - four numbers, up to 4 digits (missing addend) - 2-digit numbers (missing minuend or subtrahend) - 4-digit numbers (missing minuend or subtrahend) - using 2-digit numbers and variables  - using 3-digit numbers and variables based on the multiplication tables (mental math) - using a two-digit divisor or two-digit factors (solve using long multiplication or long division)

by Edward Zaccaro

A good book on problem solving with very varied word problems and strategies on how to solve problems. Includes chapters on: Sequences, Problem-solving, Money, Percents, Algebraic Thinking, Negative Numbers, Logic, Ratios, Probability, Measurements, Fractions, Division. Each chapter’s questions are broken down into four levels: easy, somewhat challenging, challenging, and very challenging.

Addition and subtraction in columns (numbers under each other)

Place Value and Rounding (print in landscape) or hundred millions (print in landscape)
(print in landscape) , parts are scrambled , parts are scrambled (print in landscape)

- round to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand - round to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, or ten thousand - as above but rounding to the underlined digit - round to the underlined digit, up to rounding to the nearest million

(such as 20 × 3000)
(using partial products mentally) (such as 3 × 97 or 4 × 208, using distributive property)

- using long division, 1 or 2-digit divisor - use either long division or multiplication

— (the divisor is any two-digit number) — (the divisor is any two-digit number)
(missing factor; solve by long division) (missing dividend or divisor; solve by long multiplication or long division)

Fraction addition & subtraction

Fraction multiplication
- special easy denominators - denominators 2-12 - three fractions, denominators 2-12 - challenge; denominators 2-25
- easy - denominators 2-12

Fraction division

- easy (mental math), answers are whole numbers - easy (mental math), answers are whole numbers
Convert fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa (the answers are NOT simplified; 12 problems per page) (the answers are NOT simplified; 18 problems per page) (the answers are simplified)
(the answers are simplified; 12 problems per page) (the answers are simplified; 18 problems per page) (the answers are simplified)
(the answers are NOT simplified; 12 problems per page) (the answers are simplified; 12 problems per page) (the answers are simplified; 18 problems per page) (the answers are simplified)
Equivalent Fractions and Simplify Fractions

Write Fractions as Decimals and Vice Versa

(the numbers are less than 1)

(the numbers are less than 1) (the numbers are less than 1)

Decimal Addition

(challenge) (easier) (harder)

(three addends) (four addends)
(0-2 decimal digits; 2 addends)   (0-2 decimal digits; 3 addends) (0-2 decimal digits; 4 addends)
(0-3 decimal digits; 2 addends) (0-3 decimal digits; 4 addends)
Decimal Subtraction

(such as 4.5 − 0.3 − 0.9) (such as 4.5 − ___ − 0.9 = 2.1)

(0-2 decimal digits) (0-3 decimal digits)

(0-1 decimal digits) (0-2 decimal digits (0-1 decimal digits) (0-2 decimal digits)
Decimal Multiplication

(one decimal digit) (one decimal digit) (one decimal digit)
(1-2 decimal digits) (1-2 decimal digits)
(1-3 decimal digits) (1-3 decimal digits)

(1-2 decimal digits) (1-2 decimal digits) (1-2 decimal digits)
(1-3 decimal digits) (1-3 decimal digits) (1-3 decimal digits) (1-3 decimal digits)

(0-2 decimal digits) (0-3 decimal digits) (1-2 decimal digits)
(0-2 decimal digits) (challenge; 0-3 decimal digits)
Decimal Division

(1 decimal digit)   (1-2 decimal digits)
(Think of how many times the divisor fits into the quotient.)
(1 decimal digit)

(1-3 decimal digits; single-digit divisor) (1-3 decimal digits; two-digit divisor) , round the answers to three decimals
(need to add zeros to the dividend) , round the answers to three decimals
(need to add zeros to the dividend)
, rounding the answers to three decimals
Measuring units

- easier - harder
- easier - harder - use a calculator
- use a calculator - use a calculator
- easier - harder
- easier - harder
- use a calculator
- a challenge

- use a calculator

- using decimals - using decimals - using decimals
- using decimals
(mm, cm, dm, m, dam, hm, km) (mg, cg, dg, g, dag, hg, kg) (ml, cl, dl, L, dal, hl, kl) Coordinate grid (grid is scaled from 0 to 10) (grid is scaled from 0 to 20)
(grid is scaled from 0 to 10) (grid is scaled from 0 to 10) (grid is scaled from 0 to 20)

(kite and scalene quadrilateral are excluded)
(easy) (more challenging)

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Grade 5 Word Problem Worksheets

Free printable fifth grade math worksheets to help your students improve their ability to solve word problems! Applying mathematical concepts to solve word problems can be challenging. These free worksheets are great repetition for your students! Scroll down to access all of the free grade 5 word problem worksheets. For more word problem resources, click on the image to the right to check out the word problem task cards. They cover a range of different math concepts for students in grades 4 & 5. 

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Word Problems

Click to preview.

Grade 5 word problems

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Personification Lesson

This personification lesson includes a PowerPoint, activities and a worksheet. All ready to go to save your time!

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Multi-Step Word Problems 5th Grade Worksheets

Multi-step word problems 5th grade worksheets help students in understanding how to solve word problems in a step-by-step process. Each problem is different and requires multiple steps in reaching the solution. These worksheets help students in practicing problems to understand each step used.

Benefits of 5th Grade Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheets

Multi-step word problems 5th grade worksheets follow a stepwise mechanism which makes it easier for students to approach a problem and gives them time to solve problems at their own pace. These 5th grade math worksheets have visual simulations that help students see things in action. Also, these worksheets come along with an answer key showcasing detailed step-by-step solutions to all the practice questions that in return help students in understanding the concept better.

Printable PDFs for Grade 5 Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheets

Multi-step word problems worksheets for grade 5 are simple and easy to work with, students can download the PDF format of these worksheets to practice at their own pace.

  • Math 5th Grade Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheet
  • Grade 5 Math Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheet
  • 5th Grade Math Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheet
  • Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheet for 5th Grade

Explore more topics at Cuemath's Math Worksheets .

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Free ready-to-use math resources

35 Math Questions For 5th Graders: Answers With Worked Examples

Anantha Anilkumar

In 5th grade math, the toughest questions are often the reasoning questions. In this article, we’ve put together a collection of math questions for 5th graders, organized by the different kinds of reasoning questions that students may encounter on standardized tests and beyond.

Why focus on math reasoning questions?

Most fifth graders find reasoning questions to be the most difficult. Unsurprisingly, we teach thousands of students in the weeks leading up to standardized tests. Teaching them math reasoning skills at the elementary level is a big part of what we do here at Third Space Learning.

We even recently made the decision to restructure our elementary lessons to introduce math reasoning questions earlier in their learning journey as the difficulty level was just too high at the end of the lesson. We  definitely feel fifth grade teachers’ pain!

Whatever level your students are currently achieving in math, math reasoning questions will appear from elementary to high school, so it is an essential skill for the future.

If you find you have children in your class with a lot more catching up to do than others, then we may be able to support them with some personalized one-on-one tutoring if you get in touch.

Reasoning Questions for 5th Grade

Reasoning Questions for 5th Grade

Looking to help your 5th grade students to develop reasoning skills? Our reasoning questions cover a range of 5th grade math content, including addition and subtraction, place value and decimals. Includes helpful answer key and additional guidance for teachers.

35 math questions for 5th graders

There are 7 types of math reasoning questions that fifth graders are likely to encounter:

For each of these types we’ll examine an example problem, looking at the question, the correct answer, and how to go about answering this problem.

We’ll also look at further examples of each type of math reasoning question and answer, again with worked examples and an explanation of how to answer each.

Our aim is to provide you with a sample of the types of math reasoning questions and how to teach the reasoning and problem solving skills they’ll need to solve them.

For more word problems like this, check out our collection of 2-step and multi-step word problems . For advice on how to teach children to solve problems like this, check out these math problem solving strategies.

Math Question Type 1: Single step word problems

The simplest type of reasoning question students are likely to encounter, single step problems are exactly that: students are asked to interpret a written question and carry out a single mathematical step to solve it.

Take a look at the question below:

Reasoning Question 1

single step word problem for 5th graders with money

Answer: $0.65

A relatively easy question to interpret–the first step will be to rewrite the amounts given so that they can properly line up the place values in order to solve. From here the simple mathematical step is subtraction i.e. $2.00 – $1.35 = 0.65.

The most crucial skill for grade schoolers in this question is a solid understanding of money as relating to place value. If this understanding is present, the mathematical step itself is quite easy.

Below are several more examples:

Reasoning Question 2

reasoning question for 5th graders using time

Answer : 7 hours 24 minutes

Students need to understand that one hour is equal to 60 minutes. From here the single mathematical step is division: 444/60, to find a whole number answer with a remainder.

Reasoning Question 3

single step reasoning questions for 5th graders to find volume of 3d shape

Answer : 48 cm 3

Students must multiply length by width by height, using the amounts provided by the question.

Reasoning Question 4

single step reasoning question for 5th graders involving volume

Answer : 1,488 cubic cm

A simple enough calculation (multiplying) if students are aware that the volume of a rectangular prism can be found by multiplying the area of the base by the height.

Reasoning Question 5

single step reasoning question for 5th graders

Answer : 7,590

A single, relatively simple rounding problem – students should recognize that ’94’ is the place they should focus on for this problem.

Math Question Type 2: Multiple step worded problems

A more complex version of the single step word problem, multi-step problems require students to interpret a written problem, but solving it then requires the use of two or three math skills.

For example, consider this question below:

multiple step worded problem for 5th graders using money

Answer: $1.85

This question encompasses three different math skills: multiplying (and dividing) decimals, addition and subtraction. Students can choose to work out the multiplication or division first, but must complete both before moving on.

Once these values have been worked out the next steps are relatively simple – adding the two values together, and subtracting the total from $5.

Multi-step problems are particularly valuable to include in practice tests because they require children to apply their knowledge of math language and their reasoning skills several times across the course of a single question, usually in slightly different contexts.

More examples:

multistep worded problem for 5th graders calculating profit

Answer : $5,520

There are two steps to this problem, but both are multiplication. The first is to work out how much money is made per day – 92 x $15. This product is then multiplied by 4 – the number of days – to get to the answer.

multistep worded problem for 5th graders calculating distance using fractions

Answer : 1360 miles

Another two step problem. The first step is to work out 4 of 3,400 miles. Then divide this by 10 to solve for 4/10 of 3,400.

multistep word problem for 5th graders

Answer : $153

There are four steps involved in solving this problem: multiplication (doubling $51), division (dividing $51 in half), multiplication again (doubling half of $51–which some students may recognize those last two steps were unnecessary as that brings us back to $51), and addition (putting the two costs together).

Given the number of steps involved it can be easy for students to make arithmetic mistakes.

multistep word problem for 5th graders

Answer : 11.45 lbs

A two-step problem again: multiplying 3.45 lbs by 4, then subtracting 2.35 lbs from the total. 

Math Question Type 3: Problems involving measurements

As their name suggests, these questions ask students to solve a problem that includes one or more units of measurement.

TSL slide on metric measurements for 5th graders

Answer: 40 washes

This is a two step problem; students must first be able to read and convert kilograms to grams (and therefore know the relationship and conversions between the two units- 1,000 grams to 1 kilogram), multiply 2.6 by 1,000 which equals 2,600, then divide 2,600 by 65. The quotient is the number of washes possible.

Further examples:

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Answer : 50g

A relatively simple division problem, relying on students having knowledge that 200g is one fifth of a kilogram.

math problem for 5th graders using distance

Answer : 5.12 miles

Another three step problem, and this requires students to subtract and divide decimals – subtracting 12.63 miles from the total amount, taking the difference, 13.91, and subtracting 3.67 miles, and then dividing that difference, 10.24, in half to obtain the distance the other two friends ran.

math problem for 5th grader using height

Answer : 84 inches/7 foot

To find 8 feet in inches, students must multiply 8 by 12. This gives the answer 96 inches. Students must then divide 96 by 40 to find the height of one box: 2.4 inches. Multiply 2.4 by 5 and minus this from the original 96 inch tower. 

Interesting to note that the units for the answer may or may not be specified – an answer given in inches or feet will be accepted, however sometimes the unit will be specified in the answer box. This is why we encourage students to keep an eye on whether units are provided in the answer box.

math problem for 5th graders using weight

Answer : 0.05 lbs

As with the running question there are three steps involved to solve this problem: subtracting the heaviest car from the total amount (3.85 – 1), figuring out the weight of the remaining three cars (2.85/3) and subtracting 0.95 from 1 to get the remaining amount of 0.05 lbs.

Question Type 4: Problems involving drawing

Problems involving drawing require students to construct an accurate drawing by following a set of instructions, or through reflection, translation, or scaling.  

math problem for 5th graders using shape

Answer: Any pair of lines that make a square of 4 units, a rectangle of 6 units, and a square of 25 units.

This question is considerably more complex than it appears, and incorporates aspects of multiplication as well as spatial awareness. One potential solution is to work out the area of the card (35), then work out the possible square numbers that will fit in (understanding that square numbers produce a square when drawn out as on a grid), and which then leave a single rectangle behind.

A lot of work for a single point!

Some further examples:

math drawing shape problem for fifth grader

Answer : Any quadrilateral made by joining the dots that has 3 acute angles e.g. an arrowhead shape.

math drawing angles problem for 5th graders

Answer : An accurately drawn angle.

This question demands students to have an understanding of and ability to accurately use a protractor. Often, a mark scheme allows some room for error – “between 34 and 36 degrees” is acceptable.

math problem for 5th graders drawing accurate angles

As with the question above, a small amount of room for error is given as it acceptable to be between 139 and 141 degrees.

math problem for 5th grader to plot coordinates

Answer : Points drawn at (2,1), (5,1) and (2,4).

Math Question Type 5: Explanation questions

These problems ask children to explain a mathematical statement or error.

As an example:

math problem for 5th graders asking students to explain an error

Answer: If the distance from P to R is 800 yards and the distance from P to Q is (Q -> R x 4), it must be 4/5 of 800 = 640 yards. Therefore Olivia is wrong.

More than most problems, this type requires students to actively demonstrate their reasoning skills as well as their mathematical ones. Here students must articulate either in words or (where possible) numerically that they understand that Q to R is 1/5 of the total, that therefore P to Q is 4/5 of the total distance, and then calculate what this is via division and multiplication.

Further examples below:

reasoning math problem for 5th graders

Answer : No, 2/100 is the same as 2 divided by 100, which equals 0.02.

reasoning math problem for 5th graders

Answer : No; multiplication and division have the same priority in the order of operations, so in a problem like 40 x 6 ÷2, you would carry out the multiplication first as it occurs first.

math reasoning problem for 5th graders

Answer : No

Any explanation that provides a counter-example is acceptable e.g. “Not if the number is 1”, “Not for 0,” “Not if the number is less than 1” etc.

math reasoning question for 5th graders

Answer : Any answer that refers to the fact that there is a 5 in the hundredths place, AND a 9 in the thousandths place, so that the number has to be rounded up as far as the ten-thousands place.

Math Question Type 6: Sequence questions

Another relatively simple kind of reasoning question, sequence problems involve students completing mathematical sequences.

Consider this example:

sequence question for 5th graders

Answer: 35 , 42, 49, 56 , 63, 70

The question’s instructions point clearly to the solution: figure out what the increase between numbers is, then apply this via addition or subtraction to find the missing numbers.

Higher achieving students might quickly pick up that this is in fact the 7 times table and rely on their knowledge of multiplication facts to obtain the answer – this should be encouraged so long as they then check their answer in the normal method to ensure they haven’t made a mistake.

sequence question for 5th grade

Answer(s) : 8/8 or 1 and 2 1/8 (OR 17/8)

Both answers must be correct to receive the point. Students must recognize that 3/4 is the same as 6/8, so the sequence is increasing in 3/8 each time. The first number is 3/8 less than 1 3/8 and the final number is 3/8 greater than 1 3/4. They then must be able to add and subtract fractions to obtain the answers.

math question for 5th grade using decimals

Answer(s) : 4.2 and 7

math question for 5th graders on sequences

Answer(s) : 128, 135 and 156.

math question for 5th graders completing sequence

Answer(s) : 0 and 24

This number line question can be a little tricky; students need to figure out that the marks on the line represent increments of 3, and count backwards and forwards in 3’s to obtain the missing numbers.

Math Question Type 7: Ordering questions

A slightly more complex variation of the sequence question, ordering problems require students to put a set of numbers, fractions or measures in the correct order.

A good example is this fifth grade math question below:

math question for 5th graders ordering question

Answer: 3/5, 3/4, 6/5

This question throws a wrench in things by including an improper fraction, but this is hardly unusual. These sorts of questions are just the place to find other ‘curveballs’ such as equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions all mixed into one problem.

A good knowledge of the fundamentals of fractions is essential here: students must understand what a larger denominator means, and the significance of a fraction with a numerator greater than its denominator.

math question for 5th graders ordering

Answer : D,C,A,B

Encourage students to convert all the fractions to one denominator value to make ordering easier.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Answer : (descending down the ‘Place’ column) 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 4th

Students could use many strategies to solve this problem. The most time consuming would be to rewrite all the fractions with a common denominator. More efficient strategies would include reasoning about the size of the fractions in comparison to ½ or 1. For instance, a student may notice that ⅜ is the only fraction less than ½, putting Ben in 5th place. 4/8 is exactly ½ whereas the others are greater than ½, putting Michael in 4th place. Then the student may recognize that 10/12 is closer to 1 than ¾, completing the rest of the table.

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Answer : C, B, D, A

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

Answer : D, A, C, B

7 Top Tips For Answering 5th Grade Math Reasoning Questions

Now that we’ve covered how to answer some specific types of reasoning questions, here are some more generic tips for success in standardized tests. They may not all be applicable to every single question, but will apply to at least two, usually more.

  • Get students in the habit of identifying what information they’re given in a question, and what they need to know to solve the problem. This helps them start to form the steps needed to find the solution.
  • Ask students to ‘spot the math’ in a question – which operations or skills do they actually need to use to solve the problem? This is useful even for arithmetic questions – it’s no surprise how often children can misread a question.
  • Check the units! Especially in questions involving multiple measures, it can be easy to give the answer in the wrong one. The answer box might give a specific unit of measurement, so students should work to give their answer in that unit.
  • In a similar vein, remind students to convert different units of measurement in a question into the same unit to make calculations easier e.g. lbs to oz.
  • Encourage numerical answers where possible. Even in explanation questions demonstrating the mathematical equation is a better explanation than trying to write it out.
  • The bar model can be a useful way of visualizing many different types of questions, and might make it easier to spot the ‘steps’ needed for the solution.
  • Check your work! Even if the work is ultimately irrelevant to the question, you can lose points if it is wrong.


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The content in this article was originally written by Anantha Anilkumar at Third Space Learning and has since been revised and adapted for US schools by elementary math teacher Katie Keeton.

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Multiplication Problems Printable 5th Grade

Welcome to the Math Salamanders Multiplication Problems Printable for 5th Grade. Here you will find our range of printable multiplication problems which will help your child apply and practice their multiplication and times tables skills to solve a range of 'real life' problems at a 5th grade level.

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Multiplication Problems Printable

5th grade multiplication problems.

Here you will find a range of problem solving worksheets involving multiplication.

Each sheet involves solving a range of written multiplication problems.

There are 3 levels of difficulty for each worksheet below: A,B and C.

Worksheet A is the easiest level, suitable for children at the beginning of their grade.

Worksheet B is a medium level worksheets for children who are working at the expected level in their grade.

Worksheet C is set at a harder level, suitable for children who are more able mathematicians.

The problems in each worksheet are similar in wording, but the numbers involved become trickier as the level gets harder.

To encourage careful checking and thinking skills, each sheet includes one 'trick' question which is not a multiplication problem. Children need to spot this word problem, and work out which operation they need to solve it.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • apply their multiplication and times tables skills at a 5th grade level;
  • apply their times table knowledge to work out related facts;
  • recognise multiplication problems, and try to spot 'trick' problems;
  • calculation multiplication facts involving decimals;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems.

Some of the sheets have a UK version with spelling and currency symbols set for the UK.

5th Grade Multiplication Problems Printable Sheets

Series 5 sheet 1 set.

  • Series 5 Sheet 1A (easier)
  • Series 5 Sheet 1B (medium)
  • Series 5 Sheet 1C (hard)

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  • PDF Series 5.1 (6 sheets)

Series 5 Sheet 2 Set

  • Series 5 Sheet 2A
  • UK Version Sheet 2A
  • Series 5 Sheet 2B (medium)
  • UK Version Sheet 2B
  • Series 5 Sheet 2C (hard)
  • UK Version Sheet 2C
  • PDF Series 5.2 (6 sheets)
  • PDF Series 5.2 UK version (6 sheets)

Series 5 Sheet 3 Set

  • Series 5 Sheet 3A (easier)
  • UK Version Sheet 3A
  • Series 5 Sheet 3B (medium)
  • UK Version Sheet 3B
  • Series 5 Sheet 3C (hard)
  • UK Version Sheet 3C
  • PDF Series 5.3 (6 sheets)
  • PDF Series 5.3 UK version (6 sheets)

Looking for some easier Multiplication Problems?

In our 4th Grade Multiplication word problem area, you will find a range of multiplication problems printable aimed at 4th graders.

The following areas are covered:

  • multiplication fact sheets;
  • multiplying by tens and hundreds;
  • 2/3 digits x 1 digit
  • Multiplication Word Problems 4th Grade

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

More 5th Grade Math Problems

Here you will find more of our 5th grade math word problems.

Each sheet is availabel in both standard and metric units (where applicable).

Each sheet comes complete with a separate answer sheet.

All the problems are based around 'real life' such as the planets, heights of mountains, or length of rivers.

Using these sheet will help your child to:

  • apply their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of problems including "real life" problems and ratio problems.

All the worksheets help to support Elementary math benchmarks.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • 5th Grade Math Problems

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • 5th Grade Math Word Problems

These sheets involve solving a range of ratio problems.

Finding all Possibilities Problems

This is our finding all possibilities area where all the worksheets involve finding many different answers to the problem posed.

The sheets here encourage systematic working and logical thinking.

The problems are different in that, there is typically only one problem per sheet, but the problem may take quite a while to solve!

  • Finding all Possibilities problems
  • Math Logic Problems

This is our logic problems area where all the worksheets involve using reasoning and logical thinking skills.

The sheets here are designed to get children thinking logically and puzzling the problems out.

There are a range of different logic problems from 1st through 5th grade!

  • Multiplication Math Games

Here you will find a range of Free Printable Multiplication Games.

The following games develop the Math skill of multiplying in a fun and motivating way.

  • learn their multiplication facts;
  • practice and improve their multiplication table recall;
  • develop their strategic thinking skills.

All the multiplication sheets in this section follow the Elementary Math Benchmarks.

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Solve Word Problems - Part 1

In this interactive math lesson, students will learn strategies to solve multi-step word problems involving multiplication, division, and addition. They will practice breaking down word problems into steps and understanding the mathematical ideas behind each step. Through engaging tasks and activities, students will develop their problem-solving skills and gain confidence in tackling complex word problems.

Solve Word Problems - Part 1

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Understanding Equal Sharing

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.

TEKS 4.8C Problem Solving with Time, Measurement and Money Task Cards

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math problem solving for grade 5 with answers


Embark on a learning journey with your students with these 4th Grade Math Task Cards. These task cards are aligned with TEKS 4.8C Problem-Solving with Time, Measurement , and Money . Crafted with precision to match the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards, these task cards offer a valuable resource for educators and students seeking targeted math practice. These task cards also include New STAAR 2.0 Question Types .

Whether used during math centers, as part of guided instruction, or for independent practice, these cards offer flexibility and versatility for teachers and students.

For your convenience, the printable and digital versions of the task cards are included in this product!

What's Included?

  • 25 Task Cards
  • Printable Full-Size Version of Task Cards (1 Card Per Page)
  • Printable Standard Size Version of Task Cards (4 Cards to a Page)
  • Google Forms™ Version of Task Cards
  • Recording Sheets


Print standards size version of task cards. Laminate for more durability. Place task cards in a small group station. Provide each student with a recording sheet. Have students complete task cards during math rotations. Students can self-check their work using the printable answer key or by completing the Google Form™ Version of the task cards.


Print full-size version of task cards. Place task cards around the classroom. Provide each student with a recording sheet and clipboard. Have students walk around the classroom to complete task cards. Students can self-check their work using the printable answer key or by completing the Google Form™ Version of the task cards.

OPTION #3 - GOOGLE FORMS™ or BOOM Cards™ Digital Math Activity

Assign the Google Form™ Version or BOOM Cards™ Version of the task cards to students. Use the task cards as a digital station, enrichment activity, review activity, or as a quiz.

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Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice
  • Measurement
  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Sentences & passages
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


  • Word Problems

Math Workbooks for Grade 5

Download & Print From only $2.60

Grade 5 mixed word problems

Mixed word problem worksheets.

Below are mixed word problems including the 4 basic operations, fractions, decimals, LCM / GCF and variables.  Mixing different types of word problems encourages students to read and think about the questions, rather than simply recognizing a pattern to the solutions. 

math problem solving for grade 5 with answers

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Explore all of our math word problem worksheets , from kindergarten through grade 5.

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K5 Learning offers free worksheets , flashcards  and inexpensive  workbooks  for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member  to access additional content and skip ads.

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  22. Solve Word Problems

    Through engaging tasks and activities, students will develop their problem-solving skills and gain confidence in tackling complex word problems. Go to Lesson Plan. See full lesson plan. STANDARD . 4.NBT.6. SUBJECT & GRADE ... Grade 5 Math Lesson Plans Grade K English Lesson Plans Grade 1 English Lesson Plans Grade 2 English Lesson Plans Grade 3 ...

  23. TEKS 4.8C Problem Solving with Time, Measurement and Money Task Cards

    Embark on a learning journey with your students with these 4th Grade Math Task Cards. These task cards are aligned with TEKS 4.8C Problem-Solving with Time, Measurement, and Money.Crafted with precision to match the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards, these task cards offer a valuable resource for educators and students seeking targeted math practice.

  24. Grade 5 Addition & Subtraction Worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. 5th grade addition and subtraction worksheets including adding and subtracting large numbers, missing addend problems and missing minuend or subtrahend problems.

  25. Grade 5 Mixed Word Problems Worksheets

    Below are mixed word problems including the 4 basic operations, fractions, decimals, LCM / GCF and variables. Mixing different types of word problems encourages students to read and think about the questions, rather than simply recognizing a pattern to the solutions. Worksheet #1 Worksheet #2 Worksheet #3 Worksheet #4 Worksheet #5 Worksheet #6.