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One of Europe's leading PhD programs in the Life Sciences

Autumn Call Opens

1 September 2024

Each year our students organize a symposium highlighting various disciplines present across our campus

Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, a Doctoral school of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Science, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max Perutz Labs.

Empowering Curious Researchers

As a student at the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program you will be supervised by a top scientist and have full access to state-of-the-art facilities, thus giving you an opportunity to launch a successful scientific career. Here you will find the freedom and means to develop a brilliant PhD project. The Vienna BioCenter Campus is extremely dynamic and highly multidisciplinary with research areas ranging from molecules to populations.

medical university of vienna phd application

At the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), we want to foster a world-class scientific environment where PhD students develop and excel. The purpose of the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program is to train rigorous, independent scientists through a comprehensive training program. The program encourages students to positively contribute to the advancement of science by making and publishing important scientific discoveries. The training program will allow students to acquire scientific skills, which are important for a career in science, but also for other career paths.

Our Mission

The mission of the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program is to promote interdisciplinary research in the Life Sciences at the highest level, and to help excellent PhD students develop into tomorrow's leading scientists through a comprehensive training program. The Vienna BioCenter is a world-class scientific research environment where students and group leaders from different backgrounds interact in an inter-disciplinary, open and creative environment. By promoting the exchange of ideas, by bringing together different and often complementary disciplines, and by supporting the development and adoption of novel cutting-edge technologies, we provide outstanding opportunities for ambitious and motivated students. Enrolled students are expected to contribute to the advancement of science by making important scientific discoveries and by publishing these in international, peer-reviewed journals. Our training program educates students in all areas relevant for a career in science and provides additional opportunities to acquire skills relevant for other career paths.

Check out the positions being offered in our latest call

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Medical Neuroscience Cluster

Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science: Mental Health and Behavioural Medicine

  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Medical Neuroscience Cluster

Biological, psychological and social factors play an important role in the etiology, course and therapy of psychiatric and somatic disorders. Behavioural medicine is concerned with the development and integration of psychosocial, behavioural and biomedical knowledge relevant to health and illness and the application of this knowledge to prevention, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The scope of behavioural medicine also includes disease prevention and health promotion. Its multi-disciplinary approach involves not only clinical psychiatry and psychology but also neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, educational sciences and public health.

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Cardiovascular Medicine Research Cluster

PhD Program "Vascular Biology"

  • Studies, Training and Further Education
  • Cardiovascular Medicine Research Cluster
  • PhD Program "Vascular Biology"

The PhD program provides cutting-edge research training and education in different fields of Vascular Biology and allows students to use their knowledge not only in basic research, but also in many clinical disciplines. The program is made up of many Medical University Vienna members from various departments with the goal of training students for careers as independent investigators for research-based positions both in academia and in industry with a focus on Vascular Biology.

Vascular biology is a rapidly evolving field in medical research. During the past decades it became more and more evident that blood vessels are a very complex system, which is involved in the regulation of a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes in the organism.

The cellular substrate of Vascular Biology are cells of the vascular wall such as endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, pericytes, and fibroblasts, as well as cells that interact with the vascular wall such as leukocytes or platelets, the products of megakaryocytes. Endothelial cells, leukocytes, and platelets participate in the regulation of blood coagulation, which prevents excessive blood loss after injury. However, if blood coagulation is disturbed, thrombus formation occurs. These thrombi may then lead to the occlusion of blood vessels, which results in malperfusion of the respective tissues and – depending on the localization – in events such as myocardial infarction or stroke. In addition, the process of clot dissolution or fibrinolysis is regulated by endothelial cells, but also by mast cells.

An important area within the field of vascular biology is the research on atherosclerosis, a major disease in Western countries with millions of affected patients in Europe and the United States. In atherosclerosis, initial inflammatory changes in the blood vessel lead to migration of monocytes/ macrophages into the vessel wall and to the development of “fatty streaks”. More and more macrophages invade the area and are transformed to so called foam cells, and smooth muscle cells proliferate. Inflammatory tissue edema, cellular proliferation, and matrix deposition increase the size of the lesion, which then protrudes into the vessel lumen and mechanically impedes blood flow. Such an atherosclerotic plaque can become instable with loss of vascular integrity and influx of plasma components into the vessel wall. The consequence can be plaque rupture with concomitant release of thrombogenic substances, which lead to the formation of a thrombus and to the complete occlusion of the blood vessel (see above). Finally, we should mention another area within the field of vascular biology: The formation of new blood vessels by sprouting from existing vessels (angiogenesis) or from stem cells (vasculogenesis), respectively. These processes play a central role in a variety of physiological and patho-(physio)logical processes. The formation of new blood vessels is essential for wound healing, reproduction, tumor growth and metastasis (to “survive” the tumor needs its own vessel supply).

For these reasons it is evident that the study of vascular biology, from which only a few have been mentioned above, should allow the students to use their knowledge not only in basic research, but also in many clinical disciplines, such as cardiology, angiology, oncology, dermatology, and reproductive medicine. It is the aim of this program to educate scientists, who are able to independently perform basic as well as clinical research at the university level as well as outside the university. To reach this goal students enrolled in this program should be made familiar not only with basic principles of cell- and molecular biological aspects of vascular biology, but also with the application of this knowledge for the understanding of diseases and therapeutic concepts. This should be assured by the participation of both, basic research and clinical institutes, in this program.

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Medical University of Vienna

The primary mission of the Medical University of Vienna -autonomous since 1 January 2004 - is to serve research and education in the broadest sense. It seeks advances in medical science to cure and relieve the symptoms of illnesses, maintain health, and foster social prosperity in a thriving environment. Building on its research programs, educational facilities, and curricula, the Medical University of Vienna strives to respond effectively to the ever-changing needs of State and society. Our newly established university, with centuries of tradition and experience, should and will excel in the coming years with a research profile best suited to meet these challenges. It also will distinguish itself with a curriculum that guarantees our medical students a state of the art education and conforms to the highest standards. In all its endeavors the Medical University of Vienna will remain focused on the goals of humane society. It openly embraces the principles of justice and the equality of all human beings, regardless of gender, origin, ethnic background, and religion. It is dedicated to internationalism and consequently to shared responsibility for its recent history and the unjust deeds committed in its name during the years of Austrian National Socialism. In addition to the central principle of equal opportunity for its colleagues and students, our University dedicates itself equally to acknowledging and fostering individual achievement. The demands on academic medicine from all realms of healthcare grow almost daily and increasingly challenge the traditional role of medicine. Among these are the age pyramid inversion, the accelerating shift to outpatient care, as well as the intensifying demand for health maintenance, partnership between physician and patient, and evidence-based medicine. They also include the transition from primarily specialist-oriented to integrative approaches to treatment, and the integration of additional disciplines, such as ethics, law, nursing care research, palliative medicine and health economics into classical medicine. The newly autonomous Medical University of Vienna must and will meet all of these key challenges responsibly in the coming decades.

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Medical University of Vienna

Studierende auf Stiege

The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical institution in Austria and one of the most important research centres in Europe. With its long history and tradition, which covers 650 years, it has developed into a highly modern research institution. It employs a staff of more than 6,000, of which 4,200 are academic staff. 1,600 are medical doctors at Europe’s largest university hospital, the University Hospital Vienna. Each year more than 60,000 patients are treated as inpatients, 45,000 operations are conducted and about 500,000 outpatients receive initial treatment in the day clinics. Creating, sharing and applying knowledge are inextricably linked at the MedUni Vienna – research, teaching and patient care are in constant dialogue with each other.

Faculties and programmes

Medicine degree programme | Dentistry degree programme | Medical Informatics master’s programme | Molecular Precision Medicine master's programme | Postgraduate continuing education courses for health professionals 

PhD Programmes: Cardiovascular Tissue Regeneration and Repair; Endocrinology and Metabolism; Immunology; Infection Biology; Inflammation und Immunity; Malignant Diseases; Medical Imaging; Medical Informatics, Biostatistics & Complex Systems; Medical Physics; Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Biology; Molecular Signal Transduction; Neuroscience; RNA Biology; Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostatis; Vascular Biology

Doctoral Programmes of Applied Medical Science: Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition; Biomedical Engineering; Clinical Neurosciences; Programme for Organ Failure, Replacement and Transplantation; Clinical Experimental Oncology; Preclinical and Clinical Research for Drug Development; Musculoskeletal and Dental Research; Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease; Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine; Public Health; Epidemiology

The university’s five research clusters have been increasingly successful in bundling competences in interdisciplinary, cross-departmental research. They are focused on cancer research and oncology, medical imaging, cardiovascular medicine, medical neurosciences and immunology – areas in which the MedUni Vienna has established particularly extensive international networks and coordinates multinational research consortia and multicentre clinical studies.

The curricula for the medical and dentistry degree programmes impart integrated specialist knowledge with a focus on small-group teaching and clinical practice. Most students complete their studies within the regulation time frame and about 90% of those who start courses go on to graduate. The number of individuals participating in international mobility programmes is growing every year.

A centre for patient care in eastern Austria, Vienna’s university hospital deserves its reputation for providing comprehensive, high quality tertiary medical care. Transplantation medicine is a stand-out feature of the university’s broad portfolio of outstanding achievements and the hospital is one of the leading centres worldwide for organ transplants. Its 120 lung transplants, for example, make Vienna’s General Hospital the third largest centre in the field worldwide. Vienna also has a strong international reputation for heart transplants and implanting and developing heart pumps. It leads the way in the development and introduction of cochlear implants and bionic reconstruction for limbs.

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  • Medical University of Vienna
  • Posted on: 16 October 2023

11+ fully funded PhD studentships in Vienna

Job information, offer description.

The Medical University of Vienna is organizing a general Ph.D. call twice a year and  invites applications for all currently open PhD positions in its  18 PhD programs . Our university is a leader in transnational basic and applied (medicine) research and has an excellent infrastructure (E.g. Tesla7, MRI) that invites you to do research, learn state-of-the-art methods and network with your fellow researchers. Our research community is international and constantly growing, as is our campus. Three more research buildings will be added in the next few years. Last but not least, Austria, as a research location, offers young scientists many opportunities after graduation. 

We currently offer up to  11 fully funded Ph.D. positions  to ambitious and creative researchers with a background in (bio)physics, (bio)engineering, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, immunology, biology, medicine  or a related field to take their first steps with us as professional researchers .

Where to apply


Each Ph.D. position requires different skills and/or educational background. More information on the skills and qualifications requirement for each Ph.D. position can be found online on our Ph.D. opportunities website. 

Ideally, you have/are

  • Master's degree or equivalent in (bio)physics, (bio)engineering, mathematics, (bio)informatics, computer science, (bio)chemistry, biology, pharmacology, neuroscience or cell/molecular biology, medicine or a related field. Students who have not yet completed their Master's degree can apply if they are within 6 months of completion of their degree.
  • First practical experiences in a relevant research area in the context of an internship, job or project.
  • Interest in developing new and creative solutions for humans and their health.
  • Passion for science and interest in a career in research.
  • Interest in conducting your own research and leading your own project.
  •  Willingness to travel abroad for conferences.
  • Ability to work both in a team and independently.
  • Excellent English skills (C1 level) - we are an international crowd and English is our working language!

Each Ph.D. position requires different skills and/or educational background. More information on the skills and qualifications requirement for each Ph.D. position can be found online on our Ph.D. opportunities website: https://oc.meduniwien.ac.at/en/open-phd-positions&nbsp ;

Additional Information

  • Fully funded Ph.D. positions
  • No tuition fee (but student union fee of approx EUR 25/semester applies) 
  • Health insurance
  • Advanced Training & Mentoring offers
  • Wellbeing offers
  • Pension scheme
  • Alumni club
  • International science community

In order to be able to enroll for a Ph.D. program at MedUni Vienna, you must have completed your Master´s degree. However, you can also apply for a Ph.D. positon before graduation and indicate the expected graduation date in your application. 

The PhD Call consists of a three-step selection:

1st step: After submitting your application, all formalities will be checked. Later all applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the recruitment board

2nd step: Online interviews

3rd step: Organised visit to the Medical University of Vienna for personal interviews with our faculty and scientists. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Ph.D. coordinator at [email protected] Thank you!

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PhD Program

MIT Biological Engineering’s mission is to generate and communicate new knowledge in the application of engineering principles in biological systems and to educate leaders in our discipline. We focus at the interface of engineering and biology on combining quantitative, physical, and integrative engineering principles with modern life sciences research. MIT BE offers a graduate PhD degree, and only accepts PhD applications through the annual Departmental process for admission fall term of the following year.

PhD-level training in BE prepares students to conduct research that will:

  • Explain how biological systems function in terms of biological/chemical/physical mechanisms, and how they respond when perturbed by endogenous, environmental, and therapeutic factors
  • Engineer innovative technologies based on this understanding and apply technologies to address societal needs across all sectors including, but not limited to, biomedicine
  • Establish new biology-based paradigms for solving problems in areas of science and engineering that have not historically been impacted by biological approaches

In addition, PhD-level training in BE prepares students to translate this research for positive impact in the world by developing skills to:

  • Explain technical subject matter clearly, accurately, and in a compelling and contextual manner for a range of audiences
  • Engage collaboratively in diverse teams to contribute biological engineering expertise needed for multidisciplinary projects
  • Exercise intellectual and operational leadership to advance on goals in technically and organizationally complex scenarios
  • Exhibit integrity and ethical judgment in the design of research and the application of research results

Degree Requirements

BE PhD students complete two core courses in the first year, supplemented with four additional electives ( Course Requirements ). Individual students pace their own progress through elective coursework in consultation with their academic advisor.

In addition to the course requirements, students present an oral thesis qualifying exam to be completed by the end of the fall term in their third year.

BE PhD students complete research rotations in the fall and winter of their first year and select a BE Faculty member as a research and thesis advisor. Students carry out thesis research with the guidance and support of their advisor and a thesis committee formed by the student. Technical communication is an important part of the BE PhD curriculum. Students gain and practice scientific communication skills through one or more terms of teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate level and research-focused activities including poster and oral presentations at Departmental events including our retreat, the Bioengineering and Toxicology Seminar (BATS) seminar series, and culminating in delivery of a written PhD thesis and oral defense of their thesis work.

For More Information

  • Graduate application
  • Graduate student FAQ
  • BE Application Assistance Program
  • Graduate student life
  • Graduate student handbook
  • Meet the graduate students

Please contact the BE Graduate Academic Office for additional information regarding BE educational programs.

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CU Campuses

Cu anschutz medical campus.

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College of Nursing

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Masters Program Admissions Requirements

The following requirements/materials are needed for a complete application. Admissions decisions will be made after each deadline, following a faculty review. All materials submitted become the property of the University of Colorado College of Nursing.

Applications are submitted through Nursing’s Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS).

Application Requirements

3.0 undergraduate nursing gpa.

Applicants must have achieved a minimum undergraduate nursing degree GPA of 3.0.

For those applicants whose undergraduate nursing degree GPA is less than 3.0, the GRE and/or (12) credits of graduate level coursework is required. The official GRE score and/or graduate coursework must be completed prior to the application deadline.

Complete the Application Before the Deadline

All applicants are encouraged to submit their application to NursingCAS at least 6 weeks before the deadline listed, as it can take up to 4-6 weeks for NursingCAS to receive and verify applicant transcripts.  Please do not wait for transcripts to be received by NursingCAS before submitting your application . This will help to ensure that your application is reviewed on time. The application includes the receipt and verification of all official college transcripts and required letters of reference. This will help to ensure that your application is reviewed promptly.

Application Fee

Technical standards.

Within your NursingCAS application, you will be asked to upload an essay which responds to the following prompts. Your completed essay can be uploaded into the “Documents” section of your NursingCAS application.

  • Describe your past work in your proposed specialty, including educational and non-course educational experiences, laboratory research, teaching or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, or other scholarly activities.
  • Describe your plans for graduate study and a professional career and how this program will contribute to them.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Research and statistics prerequisite courses, current, unencumbered rn license, three letters of reference (one academic reference preferred), applicant interview.

Selected applicants are required to attend Interview Day if they wish to proceed with the admissions process. The interview date is listed on the Application Deadlines  page.

In select cases, a telephone interview may be substituted for an on-site interview.

  • Transcripts

Official Transcripts (Domestic)

All applicants must request official transcripts from each former/current institution attended. You will need to order all official transcripts to be sent directly to NursingCAS for verification (regardless of the years attended or previous coursework completed). This includes any concurrent/dual enrollment courses you took in high school; you must submit official transcripts for any post-secondary school(s) from which you earned college credit while in high school. For additional information regarding submitting official transcripts, please visit the NursingCAS transcripts help section .

International/Foreign Transcripts

Applicants holding a degree from an international or foreign institution require a course-by-course transcript evaluation. For additional information regarding submitting international transcripts and course-by-course evaluations, please visit the NursingCAS transcripts help section .

Clinical Education Requirements

All offers of admission are contingent upon students meeting the following criteria. Inability to meet these requirements may result in an offer of admission being rescinded.

Negative Drug Screen

Negative drug screens are required of all admitted students.

Students who take legally prescribed medication (see note regarding marijuana below) that may result in a positive drug screen need to contact American Databank/Complio ( http://uccollegeofnursingcompliance.com ) before completing the drug screen to inquire about necessary steps.

Note that marijuana usage, regardless of type of usage (recreational or medicinal), is strictly prohibited.

Criminal History Cleared for Admission

Criminal background reports are processed through the American Databank/Complio system.

Any past criminal convictions, regardless of year, must be disclosed during the application process. Convictions are reviewed on an individual basis and must be vetted by the college for admission.

Note that admission is contingent upon the University of Colorado College of Nursing being able to place students in clinical rotations at healthcare agencies. If criminal history or a pending criminal charge prohibits the possibility of clinical placements, admission will be rescinded/denied.

Prospective students who have criminal convictions (or pending criminal activity) are encouraged to contact an Admissions representative prior to submitting an application.

Application for nursing licensure requires all criminal convictions be reported in the application process. The State Board of Nursing approves licensure for individuals with a criminal charge on an individual basis.

Proof of American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification

Through the American Databank/Complio system, students will upload proof of BLS certification. Note that American Red Cross certification is not acceptable; certification must be through the American Heart Association.

Submission of Immunization Requirements

Admitted students must submit documentation of required immunizations by the Clinical Compliance deadline. The list of immunization requirements and compliance deadline are provided to students upon admission to the program.

Additional Requirements

English language proficiency.

Due to the clinical nature of the nursing profession, all students must meet the following communication standards, as outlined in the Technical Standards of our Student Handbook :

  • A student must be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English with clients, teachers and all members of the health care team. Written and oral communication must use standard, professional medical terminology.
  • He/she must communicate with clients clearly and effectively in English to elicit information regarding history, emotional status and activity, and to perceive nonverbal communications.
  • Communication includes speech, hearing, reading, writing and computer literacy.
  • A student must be able to clearly and effectively report in English to members of the health care team. Additionally, students must be able to relay appropriate information to clients, as well as teach, explain, direct and counsel a wide variety of individuals.
  • In some instances the student will be required to provide clear, direct communication in English during highly stressful, crisis situations. These skills necessitate a strong command of the English language and prompt, timely interpretation of pertinent patient data.
  • Students must be able to communicate online in a timely, professional manner, e.g., enter an electronic medical record immediately after the patient visit.

If your primary language is not English, or if you are an International Student, you will need to demonstrate required English language proficiency by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • You are a citizen of a country whose official language is English including Australia, Belize, Botswana, Canada (except Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, United Kingdom, Ireland, Kenya, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
  • You have obtained a total score of at least 560 on the paper-based TOEFL and 50 or above on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); a score of 83 on the Internet-based TOEFL with 26 or above on the spoken English section. For other minimum subscores see internationaladmissions.ucdenver.edu . The College of Nursing TOEFL Exam Code is 3377. Be sure to use this code when registering for the exam to ensure that we will receive the results.
  • You have obtained a total score of 6.5 on IELTS with a minimum speaking subscore of 8. Official IELTS scores must be sent directly to the College of Nursing.
  • You have graduated from the University of Colorado Denver’s ESL Academy.
  • You have graduated from a US/UK accredited school abroad with English as the medium of instruction.
  • You have earned a Bachelor’s degree in the U.S. or you have successfully completed a minimum of 2 semesters of full-time study in a master’s program at an accredited institution in the U.S.

CU Anschutz

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Admission to the doctoral/PhD programme in the area of Life Sciences

To be able to apply for admission to the doctoral programme at the University of Vienna, the applicant must hold a subject-related diploma or master's degree or another subject-related degree of at least the same level of higher education, issued at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution. In addition, documents on the planned dissertation project must be submitted (see link below). Applications for admission will be forwarded to the responsible doctoral programme director for content review. Please note that the processing may take several weeks. The result of the examination will be communicated by an admission letter. 

Application takes place online via u:space and is possible throughout the year.

Please note that you have to renew your enrollment every semester. This has to take place within the regular admission period.


Application and admission to a Doctoral degree programme in the Life Sciences is open throughout the year.   Exception Molecular Biology : For open calls please visit the website of the VBC PhD Program ( www.training.vbc.ac.at )

 Semester start

  • winter semester: 1 October
  • summer semester: 1 March

Schedule of the academic year

Please also read the FAQs. Here you will find further useful information for your application.

To the FAQs

Required documents

  • Description of the intended doctoral project Exception: Molecular Biology: Overview of previous research activities and future research objectives
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Indication of Willingness to Supervise a Doctoral/PhD Candidate
  • Optional: Proof of language competence: Depending on the field of doctoral research and the intended doctoral project, a prerequisite for admission to the doctoral programme is usually language proficiency in German or English corresponding to level C1. Please specify any relevant language skills during the admission procedure and provide relevant evidence.

If you have a degree from another university or university of applied sciences, please additionally submit the following documents: 

  • Your passport or personal ID
  • A passport photograph
  • Your bachelor and master/diploma certificates and transcripts with the required legalisation for the issuing country
  • All for the application process necessary documents have to be translated, if they are not issued in German or English. This translation has to be done by a court sworn translator after the documents were legalised.

Your steps in the admission procedure

Step 1: Application for admission via u:space

Register in u:space and activate your u:account. You will need this account during your studies at the University of Vienna. Log in to u:space, select the degree programme of your choice and upload the above mentioned required documents as PDF. Then click on "submit application."

Please note: Documents that have already been processed in earlier applications are saved in your application as "Nachweisvorhanden.pdf" or "pseudo.txt" and do not have to be uploaded again.

As soon as the status of your application in u:space is "submitted", the admission office will take care of your application.

Please note that any missing or formally incorrect document will prolong the processing time and lead to a later admission. Only submit your application once you uploaded all required documents. The admission office needs several weeks to process your application.

Where required, interviews with candidates will take place. In this case, you will be contacted by E-Mail.

Step 2: Waiting for your admission letter

Due to administrative reasons it is not possible to inform you about the status of your application. Your admission letter will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in u:space.

Step 3: Admission to the doctoral programm

The admission may be either

  • without stipulations,
  • with stipulations of additional exams (up to a maximum of 60 ECTS) from the bachelor or master programme which you have to pass before the public presentation or
  • rejected due to qualitative deficiencies

You will be notified about possible stipulations in the admission letter. A seperate admission to a bachelor/master programme to participate in the required courses is not necessary. Please note: Required stipulations need to be passed before the public presentation!

You are admitted as soon as the prescribed tuition fee/students' union fee is registered as paid.

DLE Research Services and Career Development | Admission Doctoral/PhD Programmes

Berggasse 7 1090 Vienna | 2nd floor E-Mail: [email protected]


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Department of Healthcare Policy, Economics and Management

Effective Fall 2023 Applicants: A personal interview with admission committee member(s) will be required if applicant meets other requirements.


  • Preferred overall GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale, and a 3.0 in the field of study.
  • Applicant must be in the final year of undergraduate work or hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.
  • Cover letter, announcing interest in the program.
  • Personal Statement, addressing why the applicant is interested in the program and goals upon program completion.
  • Current Resume or Curriculum Vita outlining education, training, and experience.
  • Three Letters of Recommendation by former professors, and/or employers to highlight why the applicant would do well in the MHA program.
  • Official transcripts from all universities/colleges attended.
  • Official transcripts must be mailed or electronically sent directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions from their primary source.
  • An interview with the program’s admission committee is required.

Applicants with bachelor’s degrees from foreign institutions must provide satisfactory English proficiency exam scores [Minimums: TOEFL (79), IELTS (6.5 band with at least a 6.0 in each subsection), PTE (53), or Duolingo English Test (105)] and a course-by-course international transcript as outlined here .

Application Process

  • Complete and submit the on-line graduate program application.
  • Submit the additional documents as outlined in the program requirements section.
  • There is a $60 application fee for domestic applicants and a $75 application fee for international applicants.  Application fee waivers are available for eligible students.

Send documents, or request official documents be sent to [email protected] .

If mailing, address to:

The University of Texas at Tyler Graduate Admissions HPR 248 3900 University Blvd Tyler, TX 75799

First-Year Requirements

In addition to your UC application, we take both your academic record and your personal experiences into consideration during the review process . At UCLA, we seek students who have excelled academically and gained valuable perspective from the personal experiences that have helped shape their lives.

Read on to find out more.

The Criteria We Consider

When reviewing an application, we implement a holistic review process, which includes looking at some of the following criteria:

  • Achievement in high school or college coursework
  • Personal qualities
  • Likely contributions to the intellectual and cultural vitality of our campus
  • Achievement in academic enrichment programs
  • Other achievements in any field of intellectual or creative endeavor, including the performing arts, athletics, community service, etc.

Academic Preparation

You must complete 15 A-G courses with at least 11 courses finished prior to the beginning of your last year of high school. To be competitive in the UCLA admission process, applicants should present an academic profile much stronger than any minimum UC admission requirements.  See below for a listing of the A-G requirements:

  • 2 years history/social science
  • 4 years of college-preparatory English
  • 3 years of mathematics (4 years recommended)
  • 2 years of laboratory science (3 years recommended)
  • 2 years of language other than English (3 years recommended)
  • 1 year of visual and performing arts (if available)
  • 1 year of college-preparatory elective

Keep in mind that there is no single academic path we expect all students to follow. However, competitive applicants earn high marks in the most rigorous curriculum available to them.   Each application for admission is reviewed within the context of courses available to that student. If a particular required subject is not available, we’ll consider your application without it.

Standardized Testing (SAT/ACT)

UCLA will not consider SAT or ACT scores for admission or scholarship purposes.

If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.

UCLA’s ACT number: 0448 UCLA’s College Board (SAT) number: 4837

Personal Insight Questions

These personal questions are just that — personal. This is your chance to augment the information elsewhere in your application and give us more insight into you during the review process.  Our hope is to hear your true, authentic voice in your responses.   As a first-year applicant, you may respond to four of eight questions. Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words. Which questions you choose to answer is entirely up to you. You should select questions that are most relevant to your experience and that best reflect your individual circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Because we receive more applicants than we have room to accept, admitted students usually have academic achievements far higher than the minimum requirements. So, to be “competitive” is to be among the strongest achieving students to apply.

We look for students who take advantage of the academic opportunities available to them. If you have advanced courses, we encourage you to take advantage of them. The University of California adds extra weight to grades received in UC-certified honors, AP, IB and transferable college courses.

We do not require or accept letters of recommendation in our process and we do not collect transcripts at the point of application . However, once admitted, students are required to submit official transcripts f rom any high school or college they have attended . Some professional schools may request a letter of recommendation as part of their supplemental application process.

We do not offer admission interviews. Applicants are considered for admission based upon the information they submit in the UC application . However, some majors in our  specialty schools require a supplemental application as part of their admission process. Supplemental applications may involve an audition, portfolio submission and/or letters of recommendation. Find out more from the supplemental applications page.

Supplemental Applications

Of course, a strong academic performance combined with sustained, meaningful involvement in extracurricular activities is the ideal. But if it comes down to a choice between excelling in your coursework or your extracurricular activities, choose your academics.

UCLA will honor full IGETC certification from a first-year student if the requirements were completed before entering UC. Partial IGETC, however, will not be accepted from entering first-years at any UC campus and IGETC is not recommended for applicants to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Degree Programmes at the Medical University of Vienna

  • Studies & Further Education
  • Degree Programmes

From the programmes in Medicine and Dentistry to PhD and doctoral programmes to numerous courses - the largest German-speaking medical training facility is located in Vienna.

The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical school in the world. With its history, its size and its excellent scientific performance it is among the most important and renowned medical universities in the world. Thanks to the triple track of education, research and patient care research results and their practical application are directly integrated into the teaching.

Medical Science and the Practice of Medicine

A total of over 8,600 people from Austria and abroad currently receive their medical training at MedUni Vienna. 1200 teachers are available to them.

Apart from the programmes in Medicine and Dentistry future and fully trained doctors as well as other scientists are also offered an attractive array of other programmes and continuing education. This goes from PhD and doctoral programmes to a Master's degree in Medical Informatics to 18 postgraduate courses.

Just in the doctoral and PhD programmes, which have developed in a very dynamic way in the short time since their creation, there are already more than 1400 students. Many of those pursue their studies as permanently employed staff of the University. In order to further strengthen the international spirit at MedUni, exchange programmes - such as foreign exchange scholarships, visiting researcher or partner universities - are being continuously expanded.

Anita Rieder

"Over the course of the next few years MedUni Vienna will become an international competence center for medical education and PhD programmes as well as a best practice reference model for medical curricula."

Courses of Study at MedUni Vienna

The Medical University of Vienna educates hundreds to thousands of students every year in the following programmes: 

  • Medicine degree programme
  • Dentistry degree programme
  • Medical Informatics master’s programme
  • Molecular Precision Medicine master's programme
  • PhD-programmes (16 different programmes)
  • Doctoral Programme of Applied Medical Science (10 different programmes)
  • 18 post-graduate university courses

For the clinical practical training there are 84 accredited teaching hospitals and 2 teaching departments.

Degree programme: Course ref. no. Semesters/Period phases Semesters-Internship- "Famulatur" hours ECTS-credits
UN 202 12 / 3 18 weeks 360
UN 203 12 / 3 72 weeks 362,8
Master’s programme: Course ref. no. Semesters Contact hours per semester ECTS-credits
UN 066 936 4 80 120
UN 066 329 4 80 120
Doctoral programme: Course ref. no. Semesters Contact hours per semester ECTS-credits
UN 790 202 6 38 180
UN 094 202 6 30 180

Studying Successfully with a Modern Curriculum

Student in the Lecture Hall

MedUni Vienna has a modern curriculum, which conveys integrated expert knowledge and focuses on teaching in small groups and clinical practice. This way the Medical University of Vienna has developed one of the most modern certified curricula in Europe.

Since its implementation the key data in the area of education have improved significantly. The drop-out rate was reduced from 60% to 13%, the majority of the over 7500 students finish their degree in the prescribed period and the number of those taking part in international mobility programmes increases every year.

Focus on Clinical Practice and Small Groups

The medical curriculum at MedUni Vienna focuses especially on subject integration, problem orientation, method-guided examination, calculation of the training capacity, evaluation and quality assurance. In the first and the second study phase, classes are clearly structured by content and time in thematic blocks. These are accompanied by practical courses or seminars in small groups ("lines") in order to establish a special connection with the clinical instruction

In the courses of the Lines the necessary clinical skills are also taught. Since 2014 the students complete their last year as a Clinical Internship ("KPJ") at accredited teaching hospitals, where they are prepared to enter the profession and to pursue post-graduate training. This is a further step for quality assurance in the Vienna medical curriculum.

Social Skills and Interactive Learning

The topic of "social competence" is already part of the curriculum in the first semester, and innovative projects, such as those using actor patients set priorities in the development of a professional demeanour. E-Learning and interactive learning are two additional pillars of the programmes at MedUni Vienna: A few lectures, seminars and examinations are held with the assistance of a voting technology. This way the comprehension of the presented teaching content can be checked immediately during the lecture.

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  1. Application and Admission to PhD and Doctoral Programmes at the Medical

    You can enrol for two study programs at MedUni Vienna: PhD program UN094/UN794620/UN794455; Doctoral program of Applied Medical Science UN790; For the registration for all Ph.D. and doctoral programs at the Medical University of Vienna, a prior commitment by a relevant thesis supervisor is necessary.

  2. Our PhD and Doctoral Programs

    Our office is located in the Study Departement Building of the Medical University Vienna at the following address: Währinger Straße 25a. A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Contact for general inquiries. Dieter Breitenbaum. Vesna Dominkovic. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21029. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21030. Contact for PhD Call recruiting.

  3. Application to Study at the Medical University of Vienna

    Information for students with Ukrainian refugee status MedUni Vienna is offering support to Ukrainian students to help them gain a foothold in the university environment in Austria and to continue their studies even during the war in their homeland (within the meaning of the Ordinance on a Temporary Right of Residence for Displaced Persons from Ukraine - Displaced Persons Ordinance, Federal ...

  4. PhD application portal

    Important note: Medical University of Vienna processes your personal data in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations. By registering for an applicant profile, you simultaneously agree to our data protection regulations.

  5. PhD program in Molecular Bioscience, Life Sciences, Biology

    Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, a Doctoral school of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Science, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Max Perutz Labs.

  6. PhD-Programmes

    There are several thematic PhD programmes at the Medical University of Vienna that cover topics in the field of Neuroscience. The main difference between the various PhD programmes is whether they represent an "open" PhD program in which PhD students are recruited via application to an individual research laboratory or whether PhD students ...

  7. Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science: Mental Health and

    Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science: Mental Health and Behavioural Medicine. Biological, psychological and social factors play an important role in the etiology, course and therapy of psychiatric and somatic disorders. Behavioural medicine is concerned with the development and integration of psychosocial, behavioural and biomedical ...

  8. PhD Program "Vascular Biology"

    The PhD program provides cutting-edge research training and education in different fields of Vascular Biology and allows students to use their knowledge not only in basic research, but also in many clinical disciplines. The program is made up of many Medical University Vienna members from various departments with the goal of training students for careers as independent investigators for ...

  9. Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical research institution in Austria. It was founded in 1365 as a Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna and has operated as an independent institution in the scope of autonomous university and self administration since 2004. The attractive spectrum, which includes doctoral and PhD ...

  10. PhD

    The primary mission of the Medical University of Vienna -autonomous since 1 January 2004 - is to serve research and education in the broadest sense. It seeks advances in medical science to cure and relieve the symptoms of illnesses, maintain health, and foster social prosperity in a thriving environment. Building on its research programs ...

  11. Current PhD vacancies

    Currently there are no active positions, please come back later. © MedUni Wien — [email protected]. Nutzungsbedingungen für eLearning Plattformen

  12. Epidemiology, Ph.D.

    The Epidemiology program at the Medical University of Vienna offers advanced doctoral-level research training that builds on multiple disciplinary perspectives to understanding origins and determinants of health and disease across populations in the context of epidemiological methods. The TOEFL iBT® is given online through the internet at ...

  13. Life Sciences

    Doctoral/PhD Programme in the Natural Sciences in the field of Life Sciences. The doctoral programme and the PhD programme in Life Sciences at the University of Vienna serves to prepare doctoral candidates for scientific work in their field of doctoral research. It provides an academic education of international standard.

  14. Medical University of Vienna

    It employs a staff of more than 6,000, of which 4,200 are academic staff. 1,600 are medical doctors at Europe's largest university hospital, the University Hospital Vienna. Each year more than 60,000 patients are treated as inpatients, 45,000 operations are conducted and about 500,000 outpatients receive initial treatment in the day clinics.

  15. Medical Imaging, Ph.D.

    The Medical Imaging programme at Medical University of Vienna aims to train the next generation of researchers from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including -but not limited to- radiology, nuclear medicine, ophthalmology, medical physics, molecular biology and (radio)chemistry, and computer science. The TOEFL iBT® is given ...

  16. PhD opportunities

    P: +43 (0)1 40160-21030. Contact for PhD Call recruiting. Stephanie Danzinger. P: +43 (0)1 40160-21033. Discover the next chapter of your academic career and visit our PhD opportunities website! We not only open the door to academic excellence, but also invite you on an enriching personal journey.

  17. 11+ fully funded PhD studentships in Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna is organizing a general Ph.D. call twice a year and invites applications for all currently open PhD positions in its 18 PhD programs.Our university is a leader in transnational basic and applied (medicine) research and has an excellent infrastructure (E.g. Tesla7, MRI) that invites you to do research, learn state-of-the-art methods and network with your fellow ...

  18. Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna

    FAQs - Admission to Doctoral/PhD Programme; Contact Research Services and Career Development Center for Doctoral Studies Berggasse 7 (2nd Floor) 1090 Vienna. Icon facebook; Icon twitter; Icon youtube; ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0. Sitemap ...

  19. FAQs

    To study at the University of Vienna, language proficiency in German and/or English corresponding to at least level B2 is required. The director of the doctoral study programme assesses your application and finally decides which language skills (German/English) corresponding to which level is required for the admission to a doctoral/PhD programme.

  20. Nurse-Midwifery

    Application to apply available Fall 2024 If you have questions about the Rural Midwifery Track or the application process, please contact Project Coordinator Dr. Shannon Pirrie, DNP, CNM . You can review the recorded info session from November 2023.

  21. PhD Program

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Biological Engineering 77 Massachusetts Avenue Building 56-651 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 (617) 253-3159

  22. Vascular Biology, Ph.D.

    The Vascular Biology programme at Medical University of Vienna provides cutting-edge training in the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system. The TOEFL iBT® is given online through the internet at designated testing site. The test measures your English-language abilities in an academic setting.

  23. Postgraduate Medical Education at the Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna supports this principle of "Life-Long-Learning" by numerous continuing education programs. Postgraduate Programs at the Medical University of Vienna Currently, this offer includes numerous postgraduate programs - ranging from medicine to theme areas of health sciences (eg Public Health) and management (eg ...

  24. Clinical Medical Physicist

    Boston Medical Center (BMC) is a 514-bed academic medical center located in Boston's historic South End, providing medical care for infants, children, teens and adults. BMC is the largest safety net hospital in New England, and the primary teaching hospital of the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian SOM, with a mission of "exceptional care ...

  25. Masters Program Admissions & Applications

    The application includes the receipt and verification of all official college transcripts and required letters of reference. This will help to ensure that your application is reviewed promptly. Your application must be complete, fees must be paid, and supporting documents must be received before the deadline to be considered for admission.

  26. Admission

    Step 1: Application for admission via u:space. Register in u:space and activate your u:account. You will need this account during your studies at the University of Vienna. Log in to u:space, select the degree programme of your choice and upload the above mentioned required documents as PDF. Then click on "submit application."

  27. Admissions

    Application fee waivers are available for eligible students. An interview with the program's admission committee is required. Send documents, or request official documents be sent to [email protected]. If mailing, address to: The University of Texas at Tyler Graduate Admissions HPR 248 3900 University Blvd Tyler, TX 75799

  28. First-Year Requirements

    You must complete 15 A-G courses with at least 11 courses finished prior to the beginning of your last year of high school. To be competitive in the UCLA admission process, applicants should present an academic profile much stronger than any minimum UC admission requirements. See below for a listing of the A-G requirements: 2 years history/social science

  29. Post-Master Certificate Family/Individual Nurse ...

    State restrictions may apply to some programs. Program. With a focus on applying advanced practice nursing knowledge, Drexel University's online Family/Individual Across the Lifespan with Emergency Specialization post-master's certificate program will help you to gain the physical, psychosocial, and environmental assessment skills you need to manage common health and illness problems of ...

  30. Degree Programmes at the Medical University of Vienna

    The Medical University of Vienna educates hundreds to thousands of students every year in the following programmes: Medicine degree programme. Dentistry degree programme. Medical Informatics master's programme. Molecular Precision Medicine master's programme. PhD-programmes (16 different programmes)