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Essay On ‘My Bicycle’ For Children Of Classes 1, 2 And 3


Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Bicycle’

10 lines on ‘my bicycle’, short essay on ‘my bicycle’, long essay on ‘my bicycle’, what will your child learn from this essay.

Children love their bicycles. As they grow old enough to ride, they enjoy their first cycle, and it is a memory that stays with them for a long time. Children enjoy little moments associated with their bikes. Whether it is cycling around the compound with friends or feeling like the responsible little helper by riding to nearby stores to bring small household requirements, children and their bicycles are inseparable. When asked to write an essay on the topic, they can write small paragraphs discussing their experiences or elaborate compositions bringing in some facts and general knowledge with detailed descriptions. This exercise will lay the foundation of their English grammar and improve their writing skills. It also improves their vocabulary. Let us guide your children of classes 1, 2 and 3 to write a beautiful composition on this topic.

Your child needs to remember a few points while writing an essay about their bicycle. Let us guide your child stepwise on an essay adventure about their bicycle:

  • Let your child think about the ideas they want to include in their mind.
  • Ask them to pen down their thoughts on paper and form an outline of the composition, ensuring they have covered all the points.
  • Let your child write easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • Guide your child not to get too descriptive about any single idea and stick to the word count.
  • Direct your child to write with the flow. This will make them enjoy writing the essay.
  • Your child can write about the description of their bike, when they got it, where they ride it, the best features of the bike and how they feel about it.

Here is a sample essay to guide your child to write about their bicycle in simple lines:

  • I have a glossy pink bicycle.
  • My parents gifted it to me on my birthday last year.
  • It has two small wheels on both sides to help me to balance.
  • My cycle has a basket in the front.
  • Our tiniest furry family member named Lucky enjoys a ride sitting in the basket.
  • I ride my cycle with my friends in the neighbourhood.
  • At first, I didn’t know how to ride the bicycle, but my father taught me how to ride smoothly.
  • I wear a helmet when I ride my bicycle for safety.
  • I take a lot of care of my cycle. I wipe it clean whenever it gets dusty.
  • My bicycle is the best gift I have ever received.

Your child’s bicycle makes them feel like they are flying without wings. They get a sense of independence while venturing out in the world around them, albeit safely under the guidance of their parents. Let us guide your little one to write an enjoyable essay on their bicycle, suitable for lower primary classes:

I have a shiny pink bicycle. My parents gifted it to me on my birthday last year. I love riding my cycle with my friends in the neighbourhood. I go out to cycle every afternoon, along with my friends. Sometimes I take my cute little puppy, Lucky, with me too. She sits in the basket in front of the bicycle and enjoys the ride with me. Sometimes I use the basket to collect flowers that have fallen from plants and trees. I look forward to going out on cycle rides every day. It is refreshing when the pleasant winds blow on my face while cycling. I take care of my cycle and wipe off the dust settled on it every weekend. I like it when it shines.

Your child’s first bicycle is very special to them. Let us help your little one compose an amazing essay, suitable for class 3:

I got my first bicycle on my birthday last year. It was the cycle of my dreams, and my parents got it for me as a surprise gift. 

Bicycles were first invented by a German. The first-ever cycle didn’t have brakes or chains or pedals. Today bicycles have many advanced features for people of all ages.

My cycle is glossy pink in colour. Its body is made of sturdy metal, and the tyres are made of rubber. It has two brakes on the handle to control the speed. The seat is purple coloured made of strong silicone material. I can adjust its height as per my comfort. 

I have decorated my cycle with cute stickers and have tied short bunches of glittering ribbons to both handles. My cycle has a bottle holder where I carry my water bottle that matches the colour of my cycle. My bicycle also has a basket in the front. I carry my tiny furry friend, Lucky, in the basket, and we go around the neighbourhood along with my other friends and my brother. I also fill the basket with beautiful fragrant flowers for my mother. I enjoy riding my bike every day. It feels amazing when the cool wind blows against my face while cycling. 

Initially, my father used to hold the cycle from behind to teach me how to balance. Soon, I started riding on my own. I lost balance and fell a few times, but now I can ride smoothly for a long stretch. 

Cycles are the best mode of transport. They are good for our environment because they do not cause air pollution. We also don’t need fuel for riding cycles, so we save a lot of money and conserve our resources. Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and makes our muscles strong. So by playing on my bike, I am becoming stronger every day. My parents say that cycling is also good for our hearts. Cycles are very safe to ride, especially when I wear a helmet. I get only a few small bruises if I fall, which can heal soon. My cycle won’t hurt anyone on the streets, so every person and animal is safe from a bicycle. 

Many older students use cycles to go to school or tuition classes. Some adults use cycles to go to the office because of the benefits of riding a bike.

Everyone in my family loves riding bikes. My parents, brother, and I visit scenic locations for cycle rides on holidays.

I love cycling and will continue to ride bicycles even after becoming big. 

Writing about their bicycle will be a fun experience for children. While thinking of all the activities they enjoy associated with their bikes, they will learn to express their feelings in words. Thinking about the benefits of cycling will also make your child contemplate matters like health, fitness, nature and conservation.

These sample essays will help your little one write a beautiful composition on their first bicycle. It will also improve your child’s linguistic skills and enhance their vocabulary. Developing their writing skills will benefit your child and lay the foundation of good communication skills. Your child will remember their first cycle all their life and perhaps find this essay years later among their old possessions, making them reminisce all the fun moments of childhood.

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My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle

Being a child involves dealing with new issues almost every day and learning how to overcome your fears. My first experience of riding a bicycle at the age of five is among my most vivid memories when it comes to the joys of childhood and conquering fears. On that day in summer, I acquired new skills and became more confident in my physical abilities, and these memories still help me today.

As a five-year-old child, I regarded riding bikes as something exciting but scary. At that age, I was still riding my bike with one training wheel to develop a sense of balance and become confident enough. I still remember my bike with white, pink, and purple elements, a small bicycle bell, and two colorful handlebar pompoms. On one bright and sunny day during summer break, my uncle finally told me that training wheels were only for babies and that it was high time for me to start riding my bike without assistance.

My uncle’s determination to take the training wheel off deeply affected me and, to some degree, instilled mixed feelings in my heart. I actually wanted to prove that I was old enough to master the skill of riding a bike and said with confidence that I was not a baby. However, from the perspective of a young child, taking the training wheel off was similar to a drastic change in life.

To my surprise, my fear of falling gave way to excitement and enthusiasm a few minutes after we started practicing. My uncle devoted enough time to teach me how to turn, and we practiced near my grandfather’s house until I was able to ride to the corner without falling. Of course, that experience was not without unpleasant moments because I fell a few times and scraped my knee due to having no protective equipment.

In conclusion, I often remember that day with happiness and sweet sadness. Most importantly, the day when I learned to ride a bike bubbles to the surface of my memory when I hesitate to try something new. This experience has helped me to realize that what seems scary often turns out to be fascinating and refreshing.

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NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Download NCERT Class 2 English Book Solutions Lesson 1 My Bicycle Questions and Answers from this page for free of cost. We have compiled the NCERT Class 2 English Book Solutions for all topics in a comprehensive way to support students who are preparing effectively for the exam. You will discover both numerical and descriptive answers for all Lesson 1 My Bicycle, concepts in this NCERT English Solutions pdf. Make use of this perfect guide and score good marks in the exam along with strong subject knowledge.

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NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle Question Answers

Textual Exercise

Let us read

I have a red bicycle. I pedal and I ride. Trin… trin… trin… goes the bell. Makes my friends move aside.

The seat is blue in colour, The tyres and pedals are black. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, But my bicycle is always on track.

To keep my bicycle moving, All I need is some air. I put on my little helmet, And go happily everywhere.

Let us speak

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle (Page 3)

A. Share with the class

1. Have you seen a bicycle? Answer : Yes I have seen a bicycle.

2. Where have you seen it? Answer : I saw it my home.

3. What colour is it? Answer : It is red in colour.

4 . Who generally rides it? Answer : My elder sister generally rides it.

5 . Have you seen a tricycle? Answer : Yes I’ve seen a tricycle.

6 . Have you seen a wheelchair? Answer : Yes I’ve seen a wheelchair.

Let’s Listen

A. Listen to the sounds that your teacher has recorded on the mobile. Can you identify the sounds of different bells?

Answer : Note (As it is activity based so students are advised to do it yourself.)

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle (Page 5)

A. Write the names of the parts of the bicycle in the given boxes. You may use the help box for selecting names.

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle (Page 6)

Let us think

A. Imagine that you have a magic bicycle. Draw it in the box.

Answer : Do yourself.

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle (Page 7)

Let us Write

A. Complete the following sentences.

  • The child in the poem has a ______________bicycle.
  • The sound of the _ makes people move aside.
  • The __ and __ are black.

Answer : 1. The child in the poem has a red bicycle. 2. The sound of the bell makes people move aside. 3. The tyres and pedals are black.

B. Put a ✔️ for the correct sentences and a ❌ for the incorrect sentences.

  • The child has a blue bicycle. ( )
  • The bell goes trin… trin… trin. ( )
  • The child’s bicycle is always fast. ( )
  • The child needs some water to keep the bicycle moving. ( )
  • The child puts on a little helmet while riding the bicycle ( )
  • The child has a blue bicycle. ( ❌ )
  • The bell goes trin… trin… trin. ( ✔️ )
  • The child’s bicycle is always fast. ( ❌ )
  • The child needs some water to keep the bicycle moving. ( ❌ )
  • The child puts on a little helmet while riding the bicycle ( ✔️ )

Hope you’ve got all the question answers in this page and find this NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle useful for exam preparation. Please share with others who need this.

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Essay on Cycling in English for School Students

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  • Feb 1, 2024

Essay On Cycling

Essay on Cycling: As part of their curriculum, students are frequently assigned a range of topics to write essays on. Essay on my favorite hobby , activity, athlete, etc. An essay on cycling is one of them. A lot of students have cycling as one of their hobbies, as they enjoy chasing winds and racing with their friends. Here we will provide an essay on cycling in English for school students, which will provide you with some interesting details about cycling, its history, benefits, sporting activity, etc. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Cycling as a Hobby
  • 2 Essay on Cycling in 250 Words
  • 3 Benefits of Cycling
  • 4 Paragraph on Cycling

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Essay on Cycling as a Hobby

‘One of my hobbies is cycling. Every day, I cycle for about 1 hour with my friends, where we take a tour of our neighborhood, the nearby cricket stadium, and the central market. My mother always warns me to ride safely as she is worried about me. For me, cycling is not just a hobby. It is my stress reliever. It allows me to explore the world and be physically active. I bring all my grocery items by bicycle, visit the nearby temple on it, and go on little trips with my friends. 

Cycling is one of the most preferred choices for people who want to lose weight and those who have knee problems. Some people are not able to jog or run. When we run or job, we have to push our feet against the ground, it is quite exhausting. Cycling can be the best alternative for these people to stay physically active.

A bicycle is a very useful vehicle for both humans and the environment. While riding a bicycle, we are generating kinetic energy using our legs. There is no fuel or battery required, meaning it is 100% environmentally friendly. 

Every cycle is made of two wheels, a steel body, a handle with two sides, and two pedals. There is a leather or plastic seat in the middle. Some bicycles even have gears for better control and handling. 

Cycling is for everyone and every person must know how to ride a bicycle. There is no age or gender discrimination in cycling. To promote cycling among people, cycle stations and cycling tracks have been constructed, where we can safely ride. 

Cycling can be a hobby of anyone and it is a basic physical activity, offering many health and social benefits. On top of that, it is environmentally friendly and requires very low maintenance.’

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Essay on Cycling in 250 Words

‘Cycling is one of the basic and popular fun activities, where a person rides on it using his legs and hands. A German inventor Karl von Drais, invented the bicycle in 1817 and he called it ‘swiftwalker .’ Later on, modifications were made to bicycles and it was transformed into the types of bicycles we have today. 

The person who rides a bicycle is known as a cyclist. As the name implies, a bicycle consists of two wheels, two pedals, a metal or aluminum body, one seat, and one handle. A bicycle is one of the simplest modes of land transportation, as it is cheap, low maintenance, environmentally friendly, and keeps you physically fit. 

Cycling is a fun and healthy activity that everyone must practice. It has been proven that people who daily ride bicycles have better cardiovascular systems than those who are not into physical activity. 

Cycling is a great way to strengthen your legs, shoulders, and core muscles. It builds stamina and endurance and helps in maintaining our weight. Cycling is the best alternative option for old, obese, people with knee problems, as they don’t have to push their feet on the ground surface like in running. 

At the professional level, there are international and national cycling competitions, such as the WCI World Tour and Tour de France. People from different countries represent their nation and are filled with passion and energy. They are not only testing their body strength and cycling skills but also representing their countries at global competitions. 

Cycling doesn’t require any additional equipment or investment. It’s a simple and environment-friendly exercise built for everyone.’

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Benefits of Cycling

Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy while riding a bicycle:

  • Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that increases heart rate and improves blood circulation.
  • Cycling is a great way to burn calories and manage weight.
  • Cycling can help you build your legs, core, and upper body muscles.
  • Cycling stimulates the release of endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Regular cycling can help with better sleep quality.
  • Cycling can help boost your immune system.
  • Cycling is an eco-friendly mode of transportation with zero emissions.
  • Cycling builds stamina and endurance.

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Paragraph on Cycling

Cycling is a simple physical exercise, which requires us to use our legs for peddling. The parts of a bicycle include 2 wheels, a strong metal body, two pedals, one handle, and one seat. As kids, we all have ridden bicycles and some might even have gotten injured while learning. I guess that’s how we grow, we fall so that we can pick ourselves and learn how to grow. Young children, aged 10 to 16 years have the highest craze of cycling. They want to feel the chilled wind on their face and grind pedals using their legs. That humming sound of tires and the communion with nature create a meditative experience that relieves all our mental stress and vitalizes the spirit. On top of that, cycling offers several physical and mental benefits to us and is also environmentally friendly due to zero carbon emissions. Everyone must ride a bicycle for an hour or 2, not just for physical benefits, but for the environment also. 

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Ans: Cycling is one of the most preferred choices for people who want to lose weight and those who knee problems. Some people are not able to jog or run. When we run or job, we have to push our feet against the ground, it is quite exhausting. Cycling can be the best alternative for these people to stay physically active.

Ans: ‘One of my hobbies is cycling. Every day, I cycle for about 1 hour with my friends, where we take a tour of our neighborhood, the nearby cricket stadium, and the central market. My mother always warns me to ride safely as she is worried about me. For me, cycling is not just a hobby. It is my stress reliever. It allows me to explore the world and be physically active. I bring all my grocery items by bicycle, visit the nearby temple on it, and go on little trips with my friends. 

Ans: Cycling is a simple physical exercise, which requires us to use our legs for peddling. The parts of a bicycle include 2 wheels, a strong metal body, two pedals, one handle, and one seat. As kids, we all have ridden bicycles and some might even have gotten injured while learning. I guess that’s how we grow, we fall so that we can pick ourselves and learn how to grow. Young children, aged 10 to 16 years have the highest craze of cycling.

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My Bicycle: Explanation & Answers – NCERT Class 2 Unit 1 Chap. 1

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NCERT Class 2 Unit 1 ‘Fun with Friends’ Chap. 1 ‘My Bicycle’ Question & Answers, explanation in Hindi and English. Students would enjoy the poem with learning from here. So, start now to learn and enjoy.

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Explanation In English & Hindi

This poem is all about a child’s red bicycle, how he rides it, its colours, and how he takes care of it while having lots of fun riding it.

I have a red bicycle. मेरे पास एक लाल रंग की साइकिल है I pedal and I ride. मैं पैडल मार कर सवारी यानी साइकिल को चलाता हूँ Trin… trin… trin… goes the bell. ट्रिन… ट्रिन… ट्रिन… करते हुए घंटी बजती है Makes my friends move aside. मेरे मित्र बगल हो जाते हैं


The speaker i.e. the poet says that he has a red bicycle. He pedals (use feet to make it go) and rides it. The bicycle has a bell that goes “trin… trin… trin…”. This “trin” sound makes his friends move away to give space and clear the way so that bicycle goes uninterrupted.

“The seat is blue in colour, सीट नेले रंग की है The tyres and pedals are black. टायर्स ओर पेडल्स काले रंग के हैं Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, कभी तेज तो कभी धीरे But my bicycle is always on track.” पर मेरी साइकिल हमेशा सही पथ ओर दिशा में ही रहती है

Here, the poem describes the bicycle’s features. The seat is blue, and the tires and pedals are black. The bicycle can go both fast and slow, but it always stays on the right path or track.

It means that the speaker, sometimes, goes driving really fast, and sometimes goes driving slowly, but no matter what, the bicycle stays on the right path or track. It shows the that the rider is expert in driving.

“To keep my bicycle moving, अपनी साइकिल को चलती हालात में रखने के लिए All I need is some air. मुझे सिर्फ थोड़ी हवा की जरूरत होती है I put on my little helmet, मैं अपना छोटा सा हेलमेट पहन लेता हूँ And go happily everywhere. ”   ओर खुशी-खुशी हर जगह चला जाता हूँ

In this stanza, the poet tells us how he keeps the bicycle working. He just needs to put some air in the tires. He also wears a small helmet to keep safe. With the bicycle, he can go happily to lots of different places and have lots of fun!

It shows that the speaker feels happy while riding his bicycle through different places around his home and nearby areas.

Textbook Question & Answers

Let us speak.

A. Share with the class

  • Have you seen a bicycle?
  • Where have you seen it?
  • What colour is it?
  • Who generally rides it?
  • Have you seen a tricycle?
  • Have you seen a wheelchair?
  • Yes, I have seen a bicycle.
  • I have seen it in the park and on the street.
  • The bicycle I saw was red.
  • Generally, kids and adults ride bicycles.
  • Yes, I have seen a tricycle.
  • Yes, I have seen a wheelchair.

Let us write

A. Write the names of the parts of the bicycle in the given boxes. You may use the help box for selecting names.

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

Answer: Names of the parts of the bicycle

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

Let us think

A. Imagine that you have a magic bicycle. Draw it in the box.

Answer: An image of magic bicycle, as an example, is given below

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

What would you do with your magic bicycle?

Suggestions for teachers

To initiate a discussion in the class about what they would do with their magic bicycle, you can start by asking questions and encouraging students to share their thoughts. Here are some questions and prompts you can use to help them visualize and speak their thoughts:

  • “Imagine you have a magic bicycle that can take you anywhere you want to go. Where would you go first?”
  • “What kind of place or adventure would you like to experience with your magic bicycle?”
  • “Tell me, what would you do once you arrive at this special place?”
  • “What interesting things do you think you would see or encounter during your journey with the magic bicycle?”
  • “Is there a specific person or friend you would like to bring along on your magical ride?”
  • “Would you prefer to explore real places, like a far-off city or a tropical island, or would you rather visit imaginary worlds, like a land of talking animals or a kingdom of candy?”
  • “What would be the best part of having a magic bicycle for you?”

By asking these questions and encouraging students to share their ideas and imaginations, you can create an engaging and creative discussion in the class, allowing them to express their thoughts and creativity.

A sample of answers for students

If I had a magic bicycle, I would use it to go on amazing adventures! Let me tell you what I would do with it by answering those questions:

Where would you go? I would go to many exciting places!

What would you do there? In some places, I would explore hidden caves, and in others, I’d have picnics with my friends.

What would you see there? I might see magical creatures in the forests, colourful fish in the deep ocean, and even visit outer space to see stars and planets up close!

Here are some specific adventures I would have with my magic bicycle:

  • Jungle Journey: I’d ride my bicycle deep into the jungle and discover all sorts of interesting animals and beautiful birds.
  • Underwater Expedition: My magic bicycle could transform into a special underwater bike, and I’d pedal through the ocean to see colourful coral reefs and friendly dolphins.
  • Space Exploration: I’d fly my bicycle into space and visit the moon and other planets. Maybe I’d even make friends with an alien or two!
  • Enchanted Forest: I’d enter a mysterious enchanted forest, where the trees talk and the fairies play. Who knows what adventures await there?
  • Time Travel: With my magic bicycle, I could travel back in time to meet famous people from history, like dinosaurs, ancient kings, and even pirates!
  • Candy Land: I’d visit a land made entirely of candy, with chocolate rivers and candy cane trees. I’d have the sweetest adventure ever!

So, with my magical bicycle, I’d go on incredible journeys to both real and imaginary places, have exciting experiences, and see things that most people can only dream of!

A. Complete the following sentences.

  • The child in the poem has a ________bicycle.
  • The sound of the ________ makes people move aside.
  • The ________ and ________ are black.
  • The child in the poem has a red bicycle.
  • The sound of the bell makes people move aside.
  • The tires and pedals are black.

B. Put a ✔ for the correct sentences and a ✘ for the incorrect sentences.

  • The child has a blue bicycle.
  • The bell goes trin… trin… trin.
  • The child’s bicycle is always fast.
  • The child needs some water to keep the bicycle moving.
  • The child puts on a little helmet while riding the bicycle.
  • The child has a blue bicycle. ✘
  • The bell goes trin… trin… trin. ✔
  • The child’s bicycle is always fast. ✘
  • The child needs some water to keep the bicycle moving. ✘
  • The child puts on a little helmet while riding the bicycle. ✔

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Life is Like Riding a Bicycle

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my first bicycle ride essay for class 2


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Class 2 English Chapter 1 My Bicycle


Chapter 1 My Bicycle

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

NCERT Class 2 Engl ish Mridang  Chapter 1 My Bicycle

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Question Answers

Let us read

I have a red bicycle. I pedal and I ride. Trin… trin… trin… goes the bell. Makes my friends move aside. The seat is blue in colour, The tyres and pedals are black. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, But my bicycle is always on track. To keep my bicycle moving, All I need is some air. I put on my little helmet, And go happily everywhere.

Let us speak

A. Share with the class 1. Have you seen a bicycle? Answer :  Yes I have seen a bicycle.

2. Where have you seen it? Answer :  I saw it my home.

3. What colour is it? Answer  : It is red in colour.

4. Who generally rides it? Answer :  My elder sister generally rides it.

5. Have you seen a tricycle? Answer :  Yes I’ve seen a tricycle.

6. Have you seen a wheelchair? Answer :  Yes I’ve seen a wheelchair.

Let’s Listen

A. Listen to the sounds that your teacher has recorded on the mobile. Can you identify the sounds of different bells? Answer : Note (As it is activity based so students are advised to do it yourself.)

A. Write the names of the parts of the bicycle in the given boxes. You may use the help box for selecting names.


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my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

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Essay – how i learned to ride a bicycle.

my first bicycle ride essay for class 2

How I learned to ride a bicycle

I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I must have been seven or eight years old when I rode my first bicycle, and the day I learned to ride my bike is very memorable to me. Learning how to ride a bicycle can be exciting as well as painful. But I found it really exciting indeed. I was starting to realize that all of the other kids where riding two-wheelers, and I was the only one still riding a small bike with those ridiculous training wheels. I felt that it was time for me to make a transition from training wheels to a “big kid” bike.

It was my sister who taught me how to ride a bicycle “The training wheels are coming off today” was the first thing she said at the breakfast table. Mom just finished a batch of her secret ingredient blue berry pancakes with butter on top. Walking outside that morning I can remember how sunny it was and how there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was a bright warm day and the perfect summer day.  Everyone seemed to be enjoying the afternoon.

She and I went to the park to see what we could do there. There was nobody in the park when we arrived. My sister brought her bicycle and told me to sit on it and place my feet on the pedals. The bike was a blue, white seated two wheeler that had a basket in the front. The event stuck in my head because it was the first thing I can remember my sister and I doing together.

“Pedal slowly!”, she advised me while she held the bicycle and ran slowly along.

The road on which I was learning was smooth. My sister was holding the rear of the seat to make sure I wouldn’t fall. She assured me that I was not going to fall because she would be running right behind, holding the bicycle. She reassured me by saying that it was the word of a sister and I could trust it.

“You’re gonna do great!”, she said.

My sister was kind. She spent several hours trying to teach me how to ride. She did not let go of the bicycle even once. I was indeed very much excited at this opportunity to learn how to ride a bicycle. I thanked my sister for her kindness and patience. By the time I got the hang of it, the sun was going down so she said we could continue tomorrow on the stopping. At dinner my mom cooked my favorite foods, because of the hard work I put in.

The next day, again, my sister took me to a road. I started to pedal and the bicycle moved. Once it started to move, I felt pedaling was much easier than I remembered.

“Would it be as easy to ride the bicycle without you holding on it?”, I asked.

She did not answer me because she couldn’t run, hold the bycicle, and talk at the same time. Or this is what I thought. In a few seconds, I will have known the reason for her silence, but for the time being  I told her we could stop if she was tired. Again, she did not reply. I turned to see if she was feeling O.K. I saw her, except she wasn’t where I expected her to be. She was about fifty yards away from where I was. Suddenly, I felt quite giddy. I was scared to death that I was going to fall and hurt myself. When I was scared, my mind went blank from peddling, and I just wanted off. I forgot how to use the brakes, lost control and fell right off the bike.  I cried but no one looked at me because…well…no one was there.

She ran over and said she let me go because she could no longer keep up. After I was done crying, she told me there was nothing more she could teach me,  that I had learned enough. I only needed some practice now. I was extremely happy to hear this. She said that if I could ride it the way I rode it for that fifty yards, I had no problems.

I practiced for a few more hours and I was getting pretty good. But it was painful, for I fell several times and received some cuts on my hands and legs. My sister, however, told me not to lose heart. Soon I found that I could pedal some distance without falling. My sister told me I was the fastest learner that she had ever seen. I told her that she was the best teacher that I’d ever met. We came home hand in hand as if we were best cronies.

Not long after, dad bought me a brand new bicycle. It was neon-red! As soon as I set my eyes on my own bicycle I fell in love with it. I nurtured the bicycle like a baby, replacing all the worn cables, carefully oiling all the necessary parts, aligning the brakes.

A few days ago, I took a ride with my sister and had all the memories back. When I think of those times, one of my most memorable childhood experiences would definitely be learning to ride a bike. Almost every child will encounter this event in some period of their lifetime, and will actually discover a great deal from it.

This event not only represents freedom for me, but it also helped me establish the foundation on which I base my existence. Learning to ride a two-wheeler demonstrated a new way to have fun, and also illustrates how will-power and perseverance help overcome challenges throughout life: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”(Albert Einstein)

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Your a great writer

very very very very good heard touchable 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

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Essay on My Bicycle

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Bicycle in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Bicycle


My bicycle is my best friend. It’s red and shiny, with a comfortable seat and smooth pedals.

My Daily Companion

Every day, I ride it to school. It helps me stay fit and active, and I enjoy the fresh air.

Adventures and Learning

On weekends, my bicycle takes me on adventures. I’ve learned to balance, handle speed, and navigate roads.

My bicycle is not just a means of transport. It’s my partner in fitness, adventure, and learning. I love my bicycle.

250 Words Essay on My Bicycle

My bicycle, a humble mechanical invention, has become an integral part of my life. It is not merely a means of transportation, but a symbol of freedom and a tool for exploration. Its simplicity and efficiency are a testament to human ingenuity.

The design of my bicycle is a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. The sleek frame, made of lightweight metal, is robust yet elegant. The gears, a marvel of mechanical engineering, allow me to navigate varied terrains with ease. The ergonomic handlebars and saddle ensure a comfortable ride, while the vibrant color of the frame adds a dash of personality.

Symbol of Freedom

My bicycle represents freedom. It allows me to break free from the shackles of routine, to explore uncharted territories, and to engage with the world in a more intimate manner. The feeling of wind rushing against my face as I pedal through the streets is an exhilarating reminder of this freedom.

A Tool for Exploration

Beyond transportation, my bicycle is a tool for exploration. It has taken me through bustling city streets, quiet country lanes, and everything in between. Each journey is a new adventure, filled with unexpected discoveries and encounters that enrich my understanding of the world.

In conclusion, my bicycle is more than just a vehicle. It is a symbol of freedom, a tool for exploration, and a testament to human ingenuity. It is a constant companion that has shaped my worldview and enriched my life in countless ways.

500 Words Essay on My Bicycle

My bicycle: a symbol of freedom.

My bicycle is an embodiment of personal freedom. It is a tool that allows me to navigate the world on my terms, unbounded by schedules or routes of public transportation. The sense of liberation I feel when I mount the saddle and push the pedals is incomparable. It is a freedom that transcends physical movement, seeping into my thoughts and emotions. The bicycle is an extension of my being, a conduit through which I exercise my autonomy and explore the world around me.

My Bicycle: An Exercise in Sustainability

In an era defined by climate change and environmental degradation, my bicycle serves as a reminder of the importance of sustainable living. It is a zero-emission mode of transport that reduces my carbon footprint and contributes to the preservation of our planet. It is a tangible manifestation of my commitment to environmental stewardship. Moreover, it challenges the conventional narrative of progress, demonstrating that technological sophistication does not always correlate with improved quality of life or environmental sustainability.

My Bicycle: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

My bicycle: a tool for social connection.

My bicycle has also served as a tool for social connection. It has been a conversation starter, a shared interest, and a means of participating in a larger community of cyclists. Whether it’s a friendly nod to a fellow cyclist or participating in group rides, my bicycle has fostered a sense of belonging and camaraderie. It has allowed me to connect with diverse individuals, bridging gaps of age, culture, and background.

In conclusion, my bicycle is more than just a two-wheeled vehicle; it is a symbol of freedom, a tool for sustainability, a catalyst for personal growth, and a means of social connection. It is a constant companion that has shaped my life in profound ways. As I continue to traverse the roads and trails, I look forward to the lessons and experiences that await me in the company of my bicycle.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle

April 17, 2024 by Veerendra

We have compiled the Mridang Class 2 Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle textbook exercises and questions comprehensively to help students practice and prepare for exams effectively.

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Let us speak :

A. Share with the Class

Question 1. Have you seen a bicycle? Answer: Yes I have seen a bicycle.

Question 2. Where have you seen it? Answer: In my house.

Question 3. What colour is it? Answer: It is blue in colour.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Question 4. Who generally rides it? Answer: Do it yourself.

Question 5. Have you seen a tricycle? Answer: Yes, I have seen a tricycle.

Question 6. Have you seen a wheelchair? Answer: Yes, I have seen a wheelchair.

Let us listen :

A. Listen to the sounds that your teacher has recorded on the mobile. Can you identify the sounds of different bells?

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 1

Let us write :

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 4

Let us think :

A. Imagine that you have a magic bicycle. Draw it in the box.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 7

What would you do with your magic bicycle?

A. Complete the following sentences.

  • The child in the poem has a ______ bicycle.
  • The sound of the _______ makes people move aside.
  • The ______ and ______ are black.
  • tyre, pedals

B. Put a ✓ for the correct sentences and a ✗ for the incorrect sentences.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 3

  • The child has a blue bicycle. [✗]
  • The bell goes trin … trin… trin. [✓]
  • The child’s bicycle is always fast. [✗]
  • The child needs some water to keep the bicycle moving. [✗]
  • The child puts on a little helmet while riding the bicycle. [✓]

Mridang Class 2 English Chapter 1 My Bicycle Summary

Mridang Class 2 Chapter 1 My Bicycle Summary in English

This poem is about Bicycle. You all must have rode a bicycle. Some bicycles have bottle carrier and some have other accessories. But you know that we should take some precautions while riding a Bicycle like wearing a helmet and seat belt. It protects us from falling and getting hurt.

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 8

Mridang Class 2 Chapter 1 My Bicycle Summary in Hindi

बच्चो! आप सभी के पास साइकिल होगी। सभी बच्चे अपने घर पर साइकिल चलाते होंगे। किसी की साइकिल में बोतल रखने वाला स्टैंड होगा। सभी की साइकिल अलग-अलग तरीके की होंगी। लेकिन आपको पता है हमें साइकिल चलाते समय कुछ सावधानी भी रखनी होती है। जैसे हेल्मेट पहनना, सीट बेल्ट लगाना जिससे हम गिरे तो हमें चोट न लगे और अगर हम गिर जाएँ तो ये सभी सावधानियों के कारण हम बच सके।

Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle 9

Mridang Class 2 Chapter 1 My Bicycle Word Meanings

Words Meanings in English Meanings in Hindi
Pedal Pages 1-2 the part of a bicycle साइकिल का वह भाग जिसे चलाने के लिए अपने पैरों से दबाते हैं।
Aside on or to one side एक ओर, किनारे
Sometimes on some occasions कुछ मौको पर
Track a natural path लोगों के चलने से बना रस्ता।
Helmet a type of hard hat that protects your head. सिर का बचाव करने वाला एक प्रकार का कड़ा टोपा।
Everywhere to every place हर जगह

Mridang Class 2 Chapter 1 My Bicycle Hindi Translation

I have a red bicycle.

I pedal and I ride. Trin… Trin… Trin… goes the bell.

Makes my friends move aside.

The seat is blue in colour, The tyres and pedals are black.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, But my bicycle is always on track.

To keep my bicycle moving,

All I need is some air.

I put on my little helmet,

And go happily everywhere.

मेरे पास लाल रंग की साइकिल है।

मैं पैडल मारता हूँ और मैं सवारी करता हूँ। ट्रिन… ट्रिन… घंटी बजती है।

मेरे दोस्तों को किनारे कर देती है।

उसकी सीट नीले रंग की है।

उसके टायर और पैडल काले रंग के हैं।

कभी तेज, कमी धीरे लेकिन मेरी साइकिल हमेशा अपने रास्ते पर चलती है।

अपनी साइकिल को चालू रखने के लिए।

मुझे बस थोड़ी हवा की जरूरत होती है।

मैं अपना छोटा हेलमेट पहनता हूँ।

और हर जगह खुशी से जाता हूँ।

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    One of the most fundamental aspects of riding a bicycle is balance. In order to stay upright and move forward, a cyclist must carefully maintain their balance, making constant adjustments to keep themselves steady. Similarly, in life, balance is crucial. We must juggle various responsibilities, relationships, and personal needs, all while ...

  14. Paragraph on First Experience Of Riding A Bicycle

    Paragraph on First Experience Of Riding A Bicycle in 100 Words. My first bicycle ride was an amazing adventure. I was five years old. My dad held the back of the bike as I sat on the seat. At first, I wobbled a lot and my heart was pounding. My little legs pedaled fast. Then, something magical happened. Dad let go, and I was riding all by myself!

  15. Class 2 English Chapter 1 My Bicycle

    NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Chapter 1 My Bicycle Question Answers, download pdf, video and all sorts of solutions to score good marks.

  16. Essay

    The bike was a blue, white seated two wheeler that had a basket in the front. The event stuck in my head because it was the first thing I can remember my sister and I doing together. "Pedal slowly!", she advised me while she held the bicycle and ran slowly along. The road on which I was learning was smooth.

  17. My Bicycle Essay For Class 1, 2 & 3 In English: 10 Lines, Short & Long

    Your little one has a strong emotional attachment with their first bicycle. Let us guide your child to write a beautiful bicycle essay for class 1, 2 & 3 in simple and easy language. Facebook Instagram Twitter Vimeo Youtube

  18. Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

    100 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories My First Bicycle Ride. I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bike. It was a bright, sunny morning. My dad held the back of the seat, running beside me. Suddenly, he let go, and I was riding on my own. The wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom were incredible.

  19. Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

    Students enjoy working on Mridang Class 2 English Worksheets Chapter 1 My Bicycle as they make learning fun and interactive. NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle. A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle. It runs on the land. The main parts of a bicycle are: the handle, the rims, the frame and ...

  20. my first bicycle ride essay

    Answer: Explanation: I remember the day when I first learned to ride a bike. It was a frightening, yet fun experience. My granddad was the one who taught me, and he helped me when I got hurt. The first time I ever got on a bike, I had no idea what I was doing, and just about everything went wrong. The handlebars were backwards, and so was my ...

  21. 100 Words Essay on My Bicycle

    The ergonomic handlebars and saddle ensure a comfortable ride, while the vibrant color of the frame adds a dash of personality. ... 500 Words Essay on My Bicycle Introduction. The bicycle, a simple yet profound invention, has been a part of human history for over two centuries. It is more than just a means of transportation; it is a symbol of ...

  22. Mridang Class 2 English Solutions Chapter 1 My Bicycle

    Mridang Class 2 Chapter 1 My Bicycle Summary in English. This poem is about Bicycle. You all must have rode a bicycle. Some bicycles have bottle carrier and some have other accessories. But you know that we should take some precautions while riding a Bicycle like wearing a helmet and seat belt. It protects us from falling and getting hurt.