1. Quantum Computing: What It Is, Why We Want It, and How We're Trying to Get It

    Quantum mechanics emerged as a branch of physics in the early 1900s to explain nature on the scale of atoms and led to advances such as transistors, lasers, and magnetic resonance imaging. The idea to merge quantum mechanics and information theory arose in the 1970s but garnered little attention until 1982, when physicist Richard Feynman gave a talk in which he reasoned that computing based on ...

  2. 40 years of quantum computing

    Nature Reviews Physics 4 , 1 ( 2022) Cite this article. This year we celebrate four decades of quantum computing by looking back at the milestones of the field and forward to the challenges and ...

  3. Quantum Computing Review: A Decade of Research

    Quantum computing (QC) has the potential to be the next abstruse technology, with a wide range of possible applications and ramifications for organizations and markets. QC provides an exponential speedup by employing quantum mechanics principles, including superposition and entanglement. The potential advantages offered by the revolutionary paradigm have propelled scientific productions ...

  4. PDF A Study on the basics of Quantum Computing

    2.2.4 Simulation of quantum system by classical computer. 2.3 Quantum Computing: A whole new concept in Parallelism 2.4 Quantum Superposition and Quantum Interference: Conceptual visualization of Quantum Computer. 2.5 Quantum Entanglement 2.5.1 Bertleman's Socks 2.5.2 EPR situation, Hidden Variables and Bell Theorem An EPR situation


    ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing publishes high-impact, original research papers and selected surveys on topics in quantum computing and quantum information science. The journal targets the quantum computer science community with a focus on the theory and practice of quantum computing including but not limited to: models of quantum computing, quantum algorithms and complexity, quantum ...

  6. Quantum Computing: Circuits, Algorithms, and Applications

    Quantum computing, a transformative field that emerged from quantum mechanics and computer science, has gained immense attention for its potential to revolutionize computation. This paper aims to address the fundamentals of quantum computing and provide a comprehensive guide for both novices and experts in the field of quantum computing. Beginning with the foundational principles of quantum ...

  7. What is Quantum Computing?

    Quantum computing uses specialized technology—including computer hardware and algorithms that take advantage of quantum mechanics—to solve complex problems that classical computers or supercomputers can't solve, or can't solve quickly enough. Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware—a tool that scientists only began to imagine ...

  8. [2403.02240] Quantum Computing: Vision and Challenges

    The recent development of quantum computing, which uses entanglement, superposition, and other quantum fundamental concepts, can provide substantial processing advantages over traditional computing. These quantum features help solve many complex problems that cannot be solved with conventional computing methods. These problems include modeling quantum mechanics, logistics, chemical-based ...

  9. PDF MIT Open Access Articles Quantum computing

    the quantum computer's electronic and internal processes. Thus, quantum computers and classical computers form a quantum computing system that enables quantum comput‑ ers to perform quantum computing. To depict the dier‑ ent layers of a quantum computing system, we adopt the model of Ding and Chong (2020) for three reasons. First, it

  10. Introduction to Quantum Computing

    The course introduces the basic concepts of quantum computing, discusses the implementation of algorithms in quantum simulators and actual quantum computers (such as the ones available through the IBM Quantum Experience and D-Wave Leap), and much more. To find out all about the course, read the announcement here. video.

  11. Quantum Computing 2022

    pursued at the industrial level, NMR quantum computing has important conceptual significance. Many of the key quantum computing concepts were first uncovered in this context and many of the first experimental implementations were done using NMR quantum computing [29], [28]. While light sources are important for manipulating super-

  12. Quantum Computing: Beyond The Limits of Traditional Computers

    Quantum computing is the area of study focused on the development and developing computer technologies based on the quantum theory. The quantum theory is a theory which explains the nature and behaviour of energy and matter on a quantum (atomic and subatomic) level.

  13. Explainer: What is a quantum computer?

    A quantum computer harnesses some of the almost-mystical phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver huge leaps forward in processing power. Quantum machines promise to outstrip even the most ...

  14. What's next for quantum computing

    Last year, both Google Quantum AI and Quantinuum, a new company formed by Honeywell and Cambridge Quantum Computing, issued papers demonstrating that qubits can be assembled into error-correcting ...

  15. What is the future of quantum computing?

    A World Economic Forum issue briefing on quantum computing explored the technology, where it's come from and where it's heading. Experts from academia and industry discussed the challenges, next steps and where we might be in five years and beyond. There's a lot of uncertainty, but all participants stressed the need for collaboration.

  16. Biology begins to tangle with quantum computing

    D-Wave and other companies have made quantum computers that use, as qubits, electrons with spins up and down to represent 1s and 0s. In the case of the D-Wave, computing operations involve ...

  17. Quantum computing

    Quantum computing. Quantum System One, a quantum computer by IBM from 2019 with 20 superconducting qubits [1] A quantum computer is a computer that exploits quantum mechanical phenomena. On small scales, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves, and quantum computing leverages this behavior using specialized hardware.

  18. Quantum Computing: Principles and Applications

    Section 3 describes three applications: Glover's quantum search algorithm, Shor's quantum integer factoring algorithm, and Quantum key distribution protocol. In section 4, a brief survey of the current status and research challenges in quantum computing is presented. Qubit.

  19. [2201.09877] Quantum Computing 2022

    Quantum Computing 2022. Quantum technology is full of figurative and literal noise obscuring its promise. In this overview, we will attempt to provide a sober assessment of the promise of quantum technology with a focus on computing. We provide a tour of quantum computing and quantum technology that is aimed to be comprehensible to scientists ...

  20. Quantum computing for the very curious

    This essay explains how quantum computers work. It's not a survey essay, or a popularization based on hand-wavy analogies. We're going to dig down deep so you understand the details of quantum computing. ... "Quantum Computing for the Very Curious" is, instead, like a video game or book or movie, a single one-off project for you to work ...

  21. Here, there and everywhere

    The odds are good; the goods, odd. Everything in the natural world can be described by quantum mechanics. Born a century ago, this theory is the rule book for what happens at atomic scales ...

  22. Quantum Computing: A New Era of Computer Science

    Quantum computers are the new emerging and exciting field of computer science. The Quantum computer technology is based on the laws of quantum physics which have high processing using the capability to be in multiple states, and simultaneously perform all possible permutations. At the time when Quantum computers will get started, it will become very easy to solve many problems which include ...

  23. What Is Quantum Computing And Why Is It So Hard To Explain?

    Quantum computing is different because instead of a binary system, it functions using four principles of quantum physics. Don't worry; you don't need to understand quantum physics to understand ...

  24. Embracing Our Quantum Future

    But quantum computers also pose a challenge for one important area of digital life: encryption. The Crypto Conundrum . As detailed in a recent essay from IBM Research, advances in quantum computing will eventually present a significant information security challenge. The world is already heavily reliant on cryptography to protect data and ...

  25. The Best Qubits for Quantum Computing Might Just Be Atoms

    For a long time, the broader research community agreed that neutral-atom quantum computing was a great idea in principle, Lukin said, but that "it just doesn't work out" in practice. "But 20 years later, the other approaches haven't closed the deal," Saffman said. "And the skill set and the techniques needed to make neutral atoms ...

  26. Quantum Computing Essay

    Although quantum computing is not the end to all advancement in computing it will vastly improve our cyber security, research capabilities in different areas such as pharmaceutical and mathematical to name a few, and improve logistics for different things throughout the world such as optimal routs for the least amount of fuel.

  27. Quantum computers' unexpected advantage

    The research emerging from Sandia and Boston University now points to a different area where quantum advantage is possible. "Much of the focus in quantum advantage research has been on achieving time advantage," said Nadezhda Voronova, a Ph.D. candidate in Boston University's department of computer science."Research on quantum advantage with respect to other resources, like memory, has ...

  28. Regulatory Conversations in Quantum Computing: Insights into ...

    This article analyses academic scholarship on the regulation of quantum technology, with a focus on quantum computing, to identify common topics, values and positions on its governance in the academic literature and to discuss patterns that are emerging. ... PAPERS. 10,663. This Journal is curated by: Timothy R. Johnson at University of ...

  29. Huge fault-tolerant quantum computers on the agenda at Commercialising

    Quantum factories millions of qubits will soon be connected to create fault-tolerant quantum computers, said conference speakers. (Courtesy: iStock/Olemedia) On 5-6 June I was in the City of London for Economist Impact's Commercialising Quantum 2024 conference. Held in a shiny new skyscraper in Bishopsgate, the technology being discussed felt as new and exciting as the venue itself.

  30. Scalable tomography of many-body quantum environments with ...

    Describing dynamics of a quantum system coupled to a complex many-body environment is a ubiquitous problem in quantum science. General non-Markovian environments are characterized by their influence matrix~(IM) -- a multi-time tensor arising from repeated interactions between the system and environment. While complexity of the most generic IM grows exponentially with the evolution time, recent ...