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Urban Planning Dissertation Topics Ideas and Examples

Published by Owen Ingram at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On March 24, 2023

Urban planning is an essential tool in creating vibrant and healthy communities. It is the practice of balancing the needs of a society with limited resources to ensure equitable development and long-term sustainability. Urban planners work at all scales, from local communities to global initiatives, helping to shape cities, regions and even entire countries.

At its core, urban planning focuses on improving the quality of life through efficient use of land, transportation networks and public services such as education and healthcare facilities.

Planning can be a powerful tool in tackling social issues like poverty, inequality and environmental degradation by finding smart solutions that meet people’s needs while preserving natural resources.

This can include everything from designing walkable neighbourhoods that promote physical activity to creating green spaces that clean air pollutants out of the atmosphere.

Conducting research on urban planning topics is essential for students writing dissertations because it allows them to understand the field better while developing critical thinking skills.

Researching urban planning topics gives students insight into life within various cities and towns worldwide. Knowing how different areas have developed over time can help inform future decisions shaping our society.

Research projects give students hands-on experience conducting surveys and collecting data, which can then be used to formulate opinions about current issues facing cities and regions today.

How to Choose the Best Urban Planning Dissertation Topic

Choosing a dissertation topic for urban planning can be one of the most challenging and rewarding. It’s essential for students to take the time to carefully research and assess different topics, as this will form the basis for their entire dissertation project.

The following tips will help students choose a dissertation topic that connects with their interests while also contributing something new and exciting to urban planning literature.

  • First, students must consider what topics they are passionate about within urban planning.
  • Doing so may reveal potential research gaps or intersections, which could become their project’s focus.
  • Identifying any specific industry trends or current debates in this area is also beneficial and could provide an impetus for conducting original research.

List of Urban Planning Dissertation Topics

  • Chinese urban planning at fifty: an assessment of the planning theory literature
  • Shifting approaches to planning theory: Global North and South
  •  Disintegrated development at the rural-urban fringe: Re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice
  • Computer-supported participation in urban planning from the viewpoint of “Communicative Planning Theory.”
  • Jaqueline Tyrwhitt: a transnational life in urban planning and design
  • A serious Digital game for urban planning: “B3—Design your marketplace!”
  • The value of community informatics to participatory urban planning and design: a case study in Helsinki
  • Urban planning and development in Tehran
  • Application of system dynamics model as a decision-making tool in urban planning process toward stabilising carbon dioxide emissions from cities
  • Property, politics, and urban planning: a history of Australian city planning, 1890-1990
  • The making of urban America: a history of city planning in the United States
  • Slope instability in static and dynamic conditions for urban planning: the ‘Oltre Po Pavese’case history (Regione Lombardia–Italy)
  • The impact of sanitary reform upon American urban planning, 1840-1890
  •  The capital of Europe: Architecture and urban planning for the European Union
  • Settlement history and urban planning at Zincirli Höyük, southern Turkey
  • Urban transportation planning in the United States: history, policy, and practice
  • Beyond the colonial city: Re-evaluating the urban history of India, ca. 1920–1970
  • Shadows of planning: on landscape/planning history and inherited landscape ambiguities at the urban fringe
  • White cities, linguistic turns, and Disneylands: The new paradigms of urban history
  • Analysis of problems in urban green space system planning in China
  • Lagos (Nigeria) flooding and influence of urban planning
  • Reusing organic solid waste in urban farming in African cities: A challenge for urban planners
  • An assessment of public participation GIS and Web 2.0 technologies in urban planning practice in Canela, Brazil
  • City of change and challenge: Urban planning and regeneration in Liverpool
  • Urban planning in Russia: towards the market

What is the Importance of Choosing the Correct Urban Planning Research Topic

Urban planning is a very important topic for students to study, as it helps them understand the complexities of city life and its many related disciplines. When researching an urban planning dissertation topic, students should carefully consider their approach and the structure of their research project.

An excellent urban planning dissertation topic can help students better understand the issues, provide insight into potential solutions, and even develop new ideas for further investigation.

When selecting an urban planning dissertation topic, it is important for students to consider their interests in the subject matter. Choosing a topic that aligns with students’ interests will often result in more meaningful results and may lead to exciting discoveries.

Students should also be aware of current events or trends relevant to their chosen field, as these can provide invaluable insights into urban planning topics.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

FAQ’s About Urban Planning Dissertation Ideas

When to choose the urban planning dissertation topic.

In terms of choosing a topic for the dissertation, students should take into account the time of their academic year. Having enough time for research is important. In case you do not have time to write your dissertation, visit our website and see our services .

How do I choose the most appropriate urban planning dissertation topic?

The best way to choose an appropriate topic is by doing research on various topics related to urban planning. Consider what research you want to do and how much time you have to write your dissertation.

Examining journals and publications that explore urban planning issues can give you ideas about potential topics for your dissertation. Additionally, attending conferences or seminars related to urban planning can provide insight into current research in this field.

Can I use these topics for my dissertation?

The topics listed here can be used for your dissertation. There are a variety of topics you can use depending on the type of research project you are doing.

Have other students used these topics already?

These dissertation topics may have already been used by other students. You can order unique dissertation topics on our website if you need topics that have never been used before.

Can ResearchProspect provide unique and customised urban planning dissertation topics?

Yes, ResearchProspect provide unique and customised Urban Planning dissertation topics.

Can you make a research proposal on my selected topic?

Yes, we can develop a research proposal for your chosen topic. On our website, you can order research proposal topics or learn more about our proposal writing services .

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Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design

  • January 8, 2022
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  • urban design terminology , urban design theory , Urban design thesis , urban glosary , Urban Planning , urban research

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning

Once you enter the final year of your postgraduate study in urban design. Each student’s postgraduate architecture thesis project is a chance to demonstrate their creativity and ability. We’ve compiled a list of Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and design to assist you in choosing a topic for your research project. This section contains the best and most relevant topics related to urban design projects for your knowledge and understanding of new trends in urban design.

Urban design thesis topics list:

  • Urban aesthetics and new trends in urban design
  • Eco-friendly development.
  • 3D Pedestrian Flow Modeling.
  • Sensing, Monitoring, Modeling and Adapting the Urban Micro Climate.
  • Deconstructing Eisenman: Cultural presemantic theory and social realism
  • Modern and historical landscapes.
  • Discourses of Futility: Expressionism in the works of Archigram.
  • Sub dialectic desemanticism and constructivism in the works.
  • Sub constructivism and De-objectivism: Crucifying the cross.

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning

Source:  Architecture renewal in relationship to public space as a catalyst for urban regeneration :: Future Architecture (futurearchitectureplatform.org)

  • Waste as a Resource – Urban Metabolism.
  • 3D Indoor space analysis for way finding.
  • The Urban Heat Island (UHI).
  • Campus Project.
  • The mobility of People.
  • Optimal Cycling Infrastructure.
  • Solar Energy Potential Calculation.
  • New design methodologies.
  • Preservation methods of architectural heritage.
  • Urban property and regeneration.
  • Building multicultural cities

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 2

Source: Studio Wessendorf – Urban Development – Hannover City 2020+ (studio-wessendorf.de)

Urban design and health.

Spatial changes in big cities.

Design of infrastructure as a reflection of public policy.

Coding the urban form

Designing density: increasing functionality through flexibility in family neighborhoods.

Resurgent Networks of cities.

Suburban Revisions.

Urban design in the wake of deindustrialization.

Urban Mobility: Transference and Public Transit.

The role of technology in changing how a city works.

Open exhibitions.

Modern Marketplace.

When is a design labeled as intrusive?

Is architecture about creativity or economy?

Should heights correspond with surrounding buildings?

Are there natural alternatives to lighting signage?

How to identify utility facilities in an eco-friendly manner.

Urban Street Design.

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 4

Source: Gallery of ‘Shenyang International Automobile City’ Winning Proposal / SBA International – 6 (archdaily.com)

Vestiges of urban spirit Isfahan’s urban fabric through socio-spatial transformations.

Critical Soviet Design: Senezh studio and the utopian imagination in late socialism.

A marketing design approach to destination development.

Separations in Multi vocality: Reconfiguring Dialogue through Design.

Suburban Navigation Structural Coherence and Visual Appearance in Urban Design.

URBAN SEGREGATION AND URBAN FORM From residential segregation to segregation in public space.

Evolving Urban Culture in Transforming Cities Architectural and Urban Design in a Fluid Context.

Light Design: Outdoor Urban Public Places – Urban Lighting: Design and Technologies.

  • Sustainable Economic Urban Fringe Plan for an Internationally Important Trade Center
  • Planning Interventions to address industrial Disparity,
  • Change in Agricultural Pattern And Impact On the cities
  • Potential for Eco-Tourism Development.
  • Spatial Transformation through Agriculture.
  • Impact of Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises on Regional Development:

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 6

Source: Gallery of Vancouver to Buy Old Rail Corridor for Future Public Greenway – 1 (archdaily.com)

Port and Port City Development in an Economically Emerging Coastal Region.

  • Integrated Rural Cluster Action Plan for Agricultural Development.
  • Impact of mining on Regional Development.
  • Transformation of Villages under Urban Influence.
  • Water Resource Management in a Drought Prone regions.
  • Selection and Strategies formulation for modal villages.
  • Planning Implications of Highway Corridor on Levels of Development and Settlement Pattern.
  • Impact of Religious Tourism in Regional Development.
  • Role of Agro- based industries in Regional Development.
  • Legality and Illegality in Urban Fringe Development.
  • Fiscal Decentralisation and Millennium Development Goals.
  • Uncommon Ground : Urban Form and Social Territory
  • Data-Driven Approaches for Traffic State and Emission Estimation
  • Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes.
  • Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels
  • Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows.
  • The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach,

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 8

Source: Postareal Kiel — CROSS Architecture | Architekturbüro | Aachen & Amsterdam (cross-architecture.net)

Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use

Impact of urban sprawl on provision of public services

Implications of airport expansion on the surrounding areas

Assessing linkage between the parent city and satellite town

Planning for sustainable neighbourhood

Assessing the liveability in the residential areas of IT parks

Changes in building bye-laws and its implications on urban development

Planning implications of highway corridor on settlement pattern

Socio-economic impact assessment of metro rail

Impact of urban expansion on small towns

Role of International aid in urban poverty alleviation

Impact of urbanization on land use in the rural-urban fringe

Evolving a mechanism for public participation in urban planning and implementation

Role of urban local bodies (ULBs) in urban governance

Quality of life assessment in residential areas

  • GIS modelling of Land Information System
  • Urban Growth Modelling in GIS
  • Urban Sprawl Pattern analysis using GIS
  • Role of GIS in revenue improvement
  • Municipal Information System using GIS in Property Tax Management
  • Application of GIS for property tax Geo-Spatial Information System Based Model for Micro-Level 
  • Integration of land records to GIS, a model for municipal application 
  • Application of GIS Technology in Watershed management
  • Use of the Geo-Informatics in land suitability analysis for Industrial Development
  • Integrated public transportation systems using GIS

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 10

Source: Fountain City (archi.ru)

Tourism Potentiality of pilgrim centres

Impact of Tourism on Rural Livelihood

Water tourism: An Exploration of the Role of Inland Water Transport in Tourism Development

Strategies for Heritage Tourism Development

Strategies for Ecotourism Development

Potential of Community based Ecotourism

Tourism Development Plan for Inter State Border Conflict areas

Spatiotemporal movement patterns of international tourists

Potential of Urban Wetlands for Ecotourism Development

Impact of Religious Tourism in Regional Development

Planning for tourism circuit

Impact of tourism on the development of Local Areas

Eco-Tourism development strategies for Coastal Town

Impact of Ecotourism on Local Community

Impact of tourism on district development

Best thesis topics for Urban Planning and Design 12

Urban Design Lab

About the author.

This is the admin account of Urban Design Lab. This account publishes articles written by team members, contributions from guest writers, and other occasional submissions. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

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Urban Studies and Planning Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Embodied Urban Political Ecology of Oil: Social Reproduction in Oil ‎Geographies Case Study: Ahwaz, Khuzestan, Iran , Maryam Amiri (Dissertation)

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The Central Role of Perceived Safety in Connecting Crash Risk Factors and Walking Behavior , Kyu Ri Kim (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

E Hui me ke Kaiāulu: To Connect with the Community , Heather Kayleen Bartlett (Thesis)

The Affective Discourses of Eviction: Right to Counsel in New York City , Hadley Savana Bates (Thesis)

A Just Futures Framework: Insurgent Roller-Skating in Portland, Oregon , Célia Camile Beauchamp (Thesis)

Factors Affecting Community Rating System Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program: A Case Study of Texas , Ryan David Eddings (Dissertation)

LEED Buildings and Green Gentrification: Portland as a Case Study , Jordan Macintosh (Thesis)

Wasted Space , Ryan Martyn (Thesis)

The Use and Influence of Health Indicators in Municipal Transportation Plans , Kelly Christine Rodgers (Dissertation)

Uncovering the Nuance and Complexity of Gentrification in Asian Immigrant Communities: A Case Study of Koreatown, Los Angeles , Seyoung Sung (Dissertation)

Defining Dementia-Friendly Communities From the Perspective of Those Affected , Iris Alexandra Wernher (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Heat, Wildfire and Energy Demand: An Examination of Residential Buildings and Community Equity , Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Dissertation)

The Connections Between Innovation, Culture, and Expertise in Water Infrastructure Organizations , Alice Brawley-Chesworth (Dissertation)

The New Shiny Penny? Regenerative Agriculture Beliefs and Practices Among Portland's Urban Agriculturalists , Melia Ann Chase (Thesis)

Fortunate People in a Fortunate Land: Dwelling and Residential Alienation in Santa Monica's Rent-Controlled Housing , Lauren E.M. Everett (Dissertation)

In Favor of Bringing Game Theory into Urban Studies and Planning Curriculum: Reintroducing an Underused Method for the Next Generation of Urban Scholars , Brian McDonald Gardner (Thesis)

Transportation Mode Choice Behavior in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles: The Application of Discrete Choice Modeling and Machine Learning , Sangwan Lee (Dissertation)

An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Tulsa Remote Program, As an Effective Economic Development Strategy , Kristen J. Padilla (Thesis)

Geographies of Urban Unsafety: Homeless Women, Mental Maps, and Isolation , Jan Radle Roberson (Dissertation)

The Impact of New Light Rail Service on Employment Growth in Portland, Oregon , Lahar Santra (Thesis)

Examining Emergency Citizen Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Emergent Groups Addressing Food Insecurity in Portland, Oregon , Aliza Ruth Tuttle (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes , Lorena Alves Carvalho Nascimento (Dissertation)

Gas Stations and the Wealth Divide: Analyzing Spatial Correlations Between Wealth and Fuel Branding , Jean-Carl Ende (Thesis)

'There are No Bathrooms Available!': How Older Adults Experiencing Houselessness Manage their Daily Activities , Ellis Jourdan Hews (Thesis)

The Mode Less Traveled: Exploring Bicyclist Identity in Portland, OR , Christopher Johnson (Thesis)

The Soniferous Experience of Public Space: A Soundscape Approach , Kenya DuBois Williams (Dissertation)

Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels , Huajie Yang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows in Colombo, Sri Lanka , Katie Ann Conlon (Dissertation)

Unpacking the Process and Outcomes of Ethical Markets: a Focus on Certified B Corporations , Renée Bogin Curtis (Dissertation)

The Persistence of Indigenous Markets in Mexico's 'Supermarket Revolution' , Diana Christina Denham (Dissertation)

The Electronic Hardware Music Subculture in Portland, Oregon , James Andrew Hickey (Thesis)

"I Should Have Moved Somewhere Else": the Impacts of Gentrification on Transportation and Social Support for Black Working-Poor Families in Portland, Oregon , Steven Anthony Howland (Dissertation)

The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach , Wei Shi (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

"Poverty Wages Are Not Fresh, Local, or Sustainable": Building Worker Power by Organizing Around (Re)production in Portland's "Sustainable" Food Industry , Amy Katherine Rose Coplen (Dissertation)

Manufacturing in Place: Industrial Preservation in the US , Jamaal William Green (Dissertation)

Can Churches Change a Neighborhood? A Census Tract, Multilevel Analysis of Churches and Neighborhood Change , David E. Kresta (Dissertation)

An Examination of Non-waged Labor and Local Food Movement Growth in the Southern Appalachians , Amy Kathryn Marion (Thesis)

Making Imaginaries: Identity, Value, and Place in the Maker Movement in Detroit and Portland , Stephen Joseph Marotta (Dissertation)

Recognizing and Addressing Risk Ambiguity in Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning: a Case Study of Miami-Dade County, Florida , Mary Ann Rozance (Dissertation)

The Impact of Implementing Different Cordon Size Designs on Land Use Patterns in Portland, OR , Asia Spilotros (Dissertation)

Gentrification and Student Achievement: a Quantitative Analysis of Student Performance on Standardized Tests in Portland's Gentrifying Neighborhoods , Justin Joseph Ward (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Environmental Justice in Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy and Planning: a Case Study of Flood Risk Management in Johnson Creek, Portland, Oregon , Seong Yun Cho (Dissertation)

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Consciousness Against Commodifcation: the Potential for a Radical Housing Movement in the Cully Neighborhood , Cameron Hart Herrington (Thesis)

News Work: the Impact of Corporate Newsroom Culture on News Workers & Community Reporting , Carey Lynne Higgins-Dobney (Dissertation)

Recent Advances in Activity-Based Travel Demand Models for Greater Flexibility , Kihong Kim (Dissertation)

An Analysis of the BizX Commercial Trade Exchange: the Attitudes and Motivations Behind Its Use , Ján André Montoya (Thesis)

Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Economic Development and Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam , Khanh Katherine Pham (Thesis)

Neighborhood Economic Impacts of Contemporary Art Centers , Steve Van Eck (Closed Thesis)

Urban Geocomputation: Two Studies on Urban Form and its Role in Altering Climate , Jackson Lee Voelkel (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Explaining Unequal Transportation Outcomes in a Gentrifying City: the Example of Portland, Oregon , Eugenio Arriaga Cordero (Dissertation)

Identifying Clusters of Non-Farm Activity within Exclusive Farm Use Zones in the Northern Willamette Valley , Nicholas Chun (Thesis)

Drivers' Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Bicyclists: Intermodal Interactions and Implications for Road Safety , Tara Beth Goddard (Dissertation)

Grassroots Resistance in the Sustainable City: Portland Harbor Superfund Site Contamination, Cleanup, and Collective Action , Erin Katherine Goodling (Dissertation)

Responsible Pet Ownership: Dog Parks and Demographic Change in Portland, Oregon , Matthew Harris (Thesis)

The Tension between Technocratic and Social Values in Environmental Decision-making: An'Yang Stream Restoration in South Korea , Chang-Yu Hong (Dissertation)

Regulating Pavement Dwellers: the Politics of the Visibly Poor in Public Space , Lauren Marie Larin (Dissertation)

Making Software, Making Regions: Labor Market Dualization, Segmentation, and Feminization in Austin, Portland and Seattle , Dillon Mahmoudi (Dissertation)

Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the 'Eco-Techno' Spectrum of Green Infrastructure in Portland & Baltimore , Annie Marissa Matsler (Dissertation)

Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Travel on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Portland, Oregon , Zakari Mumuni (Thesis)

Trade-offs: the Production of Sustainability in Households , Kirstin Marie Elizabeth Munro (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Kazaks of Istanbul: A Case of Social Cohesion, Economic Breakdown and the Search for a Moral Economy , Daniel Marc Auger (Thesis)

Citizen-led Urban Agriculture and the Politics of Spatial Reappropriation in Montreal, Quebec , Claire Emmanuelle Bach (Thesis)

Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes , Joseph Broach (Dissertation)

Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in England , Allison Boyce Duncan (Dissertation)

Star Academics: Do They Garner Increasing Returns? , James Jeffrey Kline (Dissertation)

Configuring the Urban Smart Grid: Transitions, Experimentation, and Governance , Anthony Michael Levenda (Dissertation)

The Effects of Frequency of Social Interaction, Social Cohesion, Age, and the Built Environment on Walking , Gretchen Allison Luhr (Dissertation)

The Village Market: New Columbia Goes Shopping for Food Justice , Jane Therese Waddell (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Developing Key Sustainability Competencies through Real-World Learning Experiences: Evaluating Community Environmental Services , Erin Lorene Anderson (Thesis)

Beyond Fruit: Examining Community in a Community Orchard , Emily Jane Becker (Thesis)

Challenges, Experiences, and Future Directions of Senior Centers Serving the Portland Metropolitan Area , Melissa Lynn Cannon (Dissertation)

Building Social Sustainability from the Ground Up: The Contested Social Dimension of Sustainability in Neighborhood-Scale Urban Regeneration in Portland, Copenhagen, and Nagoya , Jacklyn Nicole Kohon (Dissertation)

The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting Patterns , Sung Moon Kwon (Dissertation)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Attitudes: An Exploration of a Landscape of Choices , Mersiha Spahic McClaren (Dissertation)

The Impact of Communication Impairments on the Social Relationships of Older Adults , Andrew Demetrius Palmer (Dissertation)

The Scales and Shapes of Queer Women's Geographies: Mapping Private, Public and Cyber Spaces in Portland, OR , Paola Renata Saldaña (Thesis)

Caring for the Land, Serving People: Creating a Multicultural Forest Service in the Civil Rights Era , Donna Lynn Sinclair (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Determinants of Recent Mover Non-work Travel Mode Choice , Arlie Steven Adkins (Dissertation)

Changing the Face of the Earth: The Morrison-­Knudsen Corporation as Partner to the U.S. Federal Government , Christopher S. Blanchard (Dissertation)

Participation, Information, Values, and Community Interests Within Health Impact Assessments , Nicole Iroz-Elardo (Dissertation)

The Objective vs. the Perceived Environment: What Matters for Active Travel , Liang Ma (Dissertation)

Implications of Local and Regional Food Systems: Toward a New Food Economy in Portland, Oregon , Michael Mercer Mertens (Dissertation)

Spirituality and Religion in Women's Leadership for Sustainable Development in Crisis Conditions: The Case of Burma , Phyusin Myo Kyaw Myint (Dissertation)

Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, OR , Alexander G. Novie (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technology in Commercial Buildings: An Analysis of the Commercial Building Partnerships Program , Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Thesis)

Faulty Measurements and Shaky Tools: An Exploration into Hazus and the Seismic Vulnerabilities of Portland, OR , Brittany Ann Brannon (Thesis)

Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Older Adults: A Case Study of Factors that Affect Development in Portland, Oregon , Alan Kenneth DeLaTorre (Dissertation)

The Historical, Political, Social, and Individual Factors That Have Influenced the Development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Options Counseling , Sheryl DeJoy Elliott (Thesis)

Neighborhood Identity and Sustainability: A Comparison Study of Two Neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon , Zachary Lawrence Hathaway (Thesis)

Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Change: Portland, Oregon 1990-2010 , Kelly Ann Howsley-Glover (Dissertation)

Public Space and Urban Life: A Spatial Ethnography of a Portland Plaza , Katrina Leigh Johnston (Thesis)

Green Mind Gray Yard: Micro Scale Assessment of Ecosystem Services , Erin Jolene Kirkpatrick (Thesis)

The Impacts of Urban Renewal: The Residents' Experiences in Qianmen, Beijing, China , Yongxia Kou (Dissertation)

The Dynamics of Creating Strong Democracy in Portland, Oregon : 1974 to 2013 , Paul Roland Leistner (Dissertation)

Neighboring in Strip City: A Situational Analysis of Strip Clubs, Land Use Conflict, and Occupational Health in Portland, Oregon , Moriah McSharry McGrath (Dissertation)

Bicycle Traffic Count Factoring: An Examination of National, State and Locally Derived Daily Extrapolation Factors , Josh Frank Roll (Thesis)

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MUP Theses + Professional Projects

Students in the Master of Urban Planning program may do a thesis or a professional project. Titles and authors for student theses and professional projects are sorted by year below. Theses can be viewed on the UW ResearchWorks Archive , and hard copies prior to 2012 may be held in the College of Built Environments Library – both of which are accessible to the public

Forms and guidelines regarding theses and professional projects for currently enrolled students can be accessed on the MUP Forms webpage.

Redeveloping Gas Station Sites to Pocket Parks in the City of Seattle – A Benefit-Cost Analysis (Thesis)

Anzlovar, Isaac

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Whittington

The role of urban parks in crisis communications: A content analysis of local park and recreation department online communication strategies during a public health emergency using COVID-19 as a case study (Thesis)

Archer, Megan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nicole Errett and Professor Andrew Dannenberg

Accessing Assessibility: The Role of Data in Pedestrian Accessibility Planning (Professional Project)

Brown, Rachel Lee

Chair of Supervisory Committee:

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Access to Culturally Sensitive Food in Seattle (Thesis)

Chen, Tristan

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

The Legacy of Redlining and the Disproportionate Exposure to Extreme Heat in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

D’Aquila, Kellee

Becoming Green Places: Attachment to Public Green and Recreational Space Among Multi-Unit Dwellers in Ballard (Thesis)

Claire Farrington

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Coastal Forests as a Tsunami Mitigation Measure in Pacific Northwest Coastal Communities (Thesis)

Goodwin, Brook A.

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ken Yocom and Professor Daniel Ambramson

The Social Life of Privately-Owned Public Spaces (Thesis)

Harrang, Owen

Environmental Justice Analysis of the Washington State Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (Professional Project)

Hohlbien, Charlotta

Chair of Supervisory Committee

An Equity Analysis of the Scooter Share Program in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Hong, Barnabas Soonhoo

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Community Engagement is Harming Cities: Disrupting Racial Planning for a Planning End of Shared Well-being (Thesis)

Johnson, Markus

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

“Where’s My Money?” Analysis of Federal COVID-19 Rent Relief in Washington Local Governments (Thesis)

Lansing, Arthur

Safe and Slow Seattle: Pedestrian Safety and Racial Bias on City Streets (Professional Project)

Larson, Nicole

How We Faced a Pandemic: Narrative Approaches to Disaggregating Asian Pacific American COVID-19-Related Experiences through a Cultural, Place-Based Lens (Thesis)

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou and Professor A.Gita Krishnaswamy

Minecraft as a Tool for Investing Adolescents in Climate Adaptation: A Case Study in Westport Washington (Thesis)

Lukins, Sarah

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambrason and Professor Ken Yocom

Night Riders: Accessibility, Land Use, and Late-Night Transit (Thesis)

Margetic, Benjamin

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Himanshu Grover

E-Governance in Urban Planning: Use and management of websites in Puget Sound planning offices  (Thesis)

McDaniel, Sarah Johanna

Why Don’t We Plan for Climate Change? Reaffirming Planners’ Roles and Ethical Responsibilities in the Climate Crisis  (Thesis)

Mu, Adela Hah Chin

The Kernel-Up Polycentric Model: A Modular, Community-based Urban Development Framework (Thesis)

Perkins, Jona

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambramson

Bicycle Access to Opportunity in Bellevue, Washington: An Assessment of Proximity, Comfort, and Network Connectivity between People and Places  (Professional Project)

Piller, Andreas G.

Defining A Cultural Landscape: A Mixed-Modal Conversation on Whidbey Island  (Thesis)

Pitts, Joshua Robert

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Pedestrian Safety Implications on the Lack of Sidewalks Along Aurora Ave N in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

Popoca, Pedro

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney

Beyond the Status Quo: What’s Possible Under a Form-Based Code in Central Issaquah (Professional Project)

Smith, Tyler

Prioritizing Locations for the Implementation of Multimodal Mobility Hubs (Professional Project)

Randall, Andrew

Federal Subsidy Overlap in Affordable Rental Housing in the United States (Thesis)

Ressler, Samara N.

Portland’s 20-Minute Neighborhoods after Ten Years: How a Planning Initiative Impacted Accessibility (Thesis)

Simon, Chaim

Perceptions of Homelessness in Seattle’s Green Lake/Lower Woodland Park (Thesis)

Smith, Carmen Claire

The Goat Next Door: An examination of the underlying community dynamics in agrihoods and the policy strategies that can assist in the expansion of this model (Thesis)

Stinnett, Antonia

Opportunities and Challenges of Light Rail Station Development for Women and/or Minority Owned Businesses in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

Urban Faith-Based Organizations and Community Economic Development: Understanding the Characteristics and Context of a Movement (Thesis)

Tempel, Flora Shannon

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

“Dancing Until…?” A Community Strategy for Preserving the Black and Tan Club’s Cultural Heritage in Seattle’s Chinatown International-District (Thesis)

Tevlin, Liam

Formal Planning and Neighborhood Change in Ballard, Seattle: An Assessment of the Impacts of 1990’s Planning Policy on Attachment and Identity (Thesis)

Trevino, Anna

Sustainable Transportation for all: An Analysis of Non-Motorized Transport (Thesis)

Turner-Brady, Ryan-Alexander

Established and emerging group build (Baugruppen) development processes (Thesis)

Walker, Benjamin

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sofia Dermisis

Does Climate Investment Funding Intensify Green Gentrification in San FranciscoOakland-Berkeley Bay Area? (Thesis)

2021 MUP Thesis and Professional Projects

The Cost of Cruise: Estimating a Shadow Price of Carbon for the Port of Seattle’s Shore Power Infrastructure (Thesis)

Abunaja, Michelle

Baker, Olivia

Equity of the Pierce Transit System: A Geospatial Comparison of Accessibility for Key Population Groups (Thesis)

Bean, Veronica Michelle

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Community and Agency Perspectives on Local Self-Reliance in Disasters (Thesis)

Cano-Calhoun, Christina Geneva

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambramson and Professor Cynthia Chen

Cheung, Theodore

Examining the Effects of Common Carrier Lockers on Residential Delivery (Thesis)

Diehl, Caleb

A Proposal for Using Geonarratives in Hazard-Adaptive Planning: Coastline Change in South Beach, Washington (Thesis)

Donovan, Cara

Intermodal Transfers to Light Rail: Using smartcard data to estimate transfer barriers in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Eager, James Mccall

Access to Opportunity and Locational Equity in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: A Case of the Seattle Metropolitan Area (Thesis)

Efthimiadis, Nicholas

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sofia Dermisi

Urban Traffic Congestion Pricing: Literature Review and Real-world Applications (Thesis)

Pre-Pandemic, Pandemic, and Post-Pandemic Engagement: A Qualitative Look at the Changes to Engagement Cause by the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts on the Future of Engagement (Thesis)

Hagstrom, Gillian

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

A Comparative Study of Transit-Oriented Development Projects in China and the United States (Thesis)

Huang, Jing

Visual interactive urban design in commemorative public spaces (Thesis)

Huang, Liang

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Winterbottom and Professor Daniel Ambramson

How variations in design, site selection and regulations affect ADU programs (Thesis)

Kennedy, Stephanie

Krause, Gregory

Diversity, Inclusion, Underrepresented Communities, and Historic Preservation: A Study of Preserving Jewish Heritage in the Seattle Central Area Engaging an Intersectional Framework (Thesis)

Merriman-Cohen, Jamie Elyse

From Past to Present: An Examination of the Effects of Historic Redlining on Net Worth Within Seattle (Thesis)

Mitchell, Dejai

Child Walkability Across Seattle Census Tracts: Comparing Child-Friendliness Through Geospatial Analysis and an Equity Lens  (Thesis)

Mulhausen, Eli

Policing Art: An Investigation of Protest Art, Policy, and Identity in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA. (Thesis)

Nauert, Laura

Cities for the People: Evaluating Democratic Spatial Practices in Bogotá and New York City (Thesis)

Nautiyal, Arpana

Romaneko, Aleksandr

Incremental Housing as a Strategy to Address Coastal Hazard-Related Housing Precarity and Vulnerability for Rural Low-Income Households: A Case Study in Westport, WA (Thesis)

Ross, Courtney

Creating Maximum Pedestrian Benefit in an Open Street Design: A Case Study of Alki’s Keep Moving Streets Project 

Sliz, Jordan

Shoreline Master Program Competitive Grant Pilot Program Application for the City of Westport, Washington (Professional Project)

Smith, Trajan Coke

Estimating Carbon Sequestration of Green Roofs and Elevated Green Courtyards in Seattle  (Thesis)

Steinberg, Jason

Exploring Tax Base Implications of Sea Level Rise in Westport, WA  (Thesis)

Stevens, Lauren

Hubs and Stewards: A Proposed Expansion of the Seattle Community Emergency Hubs in West Seattle and the South End  (Thesis)

Stueve, Nathan F

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana and Professor Jeffrey Hou

EV Friendly Cities: A Comparison of Policy and Infrastructure in Sixteen Global Cities  (Thesis)

Suravi, Romana, Haque

Do Complete Streets Offer Cyclists High Levels of Service? Applying David Harkey’s Bicycle Compatibility Index to Seattle and Copenhagen’s Complete Street Networks  (Thesis)

Tiedeman, Kerry Ann

Barriers to Transportation and Well-being in King County: An exploration of how subsidized public transportation could eliminate barriers to transportation and increase opportunities for improved well-being (Thesis)

Walsh, Jason

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney and Professor William Daniell

Investigating the Relationship Between Transit Planning for Leisure and Household Vehicle Ownership in King County (Thesis)

Young, Grace

How do socioeconomic and urban form factors affect the spatial distribution of coworking spaces? The case of Shanghai, China  (Thesis)

Zhai, Liwangzhi

A Case Study of COVID-19 Impact on Public Transportation Ridership in Seattle — From Social Demographic Perspective  (Thesis)

Zhang, Yunkai

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rents in the City of Seattle limits  (Thesis)

Zhu, Jianxia

Living With Water: How Flexible Structure Types Build Resilience in a Dynamic Landscape? (Thesis)

Zou, Jianeng

Urban Experience Design: A Human-Centered Method Applied to University District in Seattle (Thesis)

Bu, Jingjing

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer and Professor Daniel Winterbottom

Exploring the Potentials of Interdisciplinary Studios in the University of Washington College of Built Environments (Thesis)

Cai, Yuansi

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Professor Julie Johnson

Pedestrian Exposure to PM2.5 in Commercial Core, Seattle (Thesis)

A study of senior-friendly transportation services in Beijing (Thesis)

Cheng, Linya

Efficacy of Military and Community Compatibility Planning in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis)

Cloutier, Daniel

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Freitag

Does Rail Transit Induce Displacement? A Longitudinal Study of 24 US Metro Areas From 2000-2017 (Thesis)

Clute, Eric

Prioritizing Areas for King County Metro Transit’s Feeder-to-Fixed Route Flexible Services: A Preliminary Approach for the Systematic Locational Prioritization of Future Services (Thesis)

Cowick, Morgan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen and Professor Joaquín Herranz

Planning for Meaningful Public Art & Youth Engagement Around Transit in Bellevue, WA (Professional Project)

Gray, Joseph

Cultural Resilience in Diasporic Communities: The Case of the Arab Community in Greater Seattle Area (Thesis)

Hasan, Rawan

Community governance and Urban Design in an Historic Preservation District: The Case of Pingjiang Historic Block in Suzhou, China (Thesis)

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dan Abramson

Design Implication from Public Life Data Around Bus Stations: Two Case Studies in Seattle (Thesis)

Reclaiming the Right of Way: A New Infill Model for the Urban US A Seattle Case Study (Thesis)

London, Kristian Tapio

Site-specific Transportation Demand Management in Seattle: A review of transportation management programs in Downtown and South Lake Union (Thesis)

McKnight-Slottee, Mairin

Investigating Grassroots Strategies for Sea Level Rise Adaptation A Review of Island County’ Sea Level Rise Strategy Study (Thesis)

Mulkern, Dorothy

Munkel, Daniel

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen and Professor Joaquín Herranz

The Impact of Light Rail Station Type on Single Family Residential Property Value in the City of Portland, OR (Thesis)

Ning, Siman

Documenting the Impact of Lifeline Service Disruptions on Healthcare System Performance Following Earthquakes Since 2000: A Reconnaissance Report Analysis (Thesis)

Pederson, Katherine

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Himanshu Grover and Professor Nicole Errett

Building a Better Bus Lane A Quantitative Analysis of Dedicated Bus Lane Traffic Control Devices on Bus Reliability and Non-Bus Driver 

Phillips-White, Alexander

Exacting the Sidewalk: Legal Bases for Right-of-Way Improvements Under Nollan/Dolan Criteria (Professional Project)

Riddle, Mary

A False Promise of Green, Equitable Urban Growth? A Critical Review of the Literature and Implications for Seattle (Thesis)

Shields, Chloe

Tactical Urbanism Demonstration Projects as Community Participation (Thesis)

Simpson, Charles

The Seattle Waterfront an Exploration in Site Analysis (Thesis)

Wallace, Sarah

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Daniel Winterbotom

The Use of Braess Paradox for Urban Planning A Case Study Analysis in Downtown Seattle (Thesis)

Xia, Zhengguo

Let the Street Dance Back into the Street: How a Danceable Public Realm May Support a More Inclusive Seattle (Thesis)

Growth Management Planning’s Effect on Employment Trends in Washington State Rural Counties (Thesis)

Alcorn, Samuel

Equity Impacts of Central Link (Thesis)

Armstrong, Jacob B

23 rd and Union: Land Value Patterns in an Upzoned Urban Village (Thesis)

Barimani, Curowsh Ali

Investigating the Asset Based Approach to Housing and Homelessness: a Phenomenological Case Study (Thesis)

Campbell, Hayden

Free-floating Bikeshare: Lessons for Transit Integration (Thesis)

De Simone, Anthony Generoso

Emotional Infrastructure: Through time, place and disruption, fostering a culture of care in post-earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand (joint thesis with Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Durgerian, Laura

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney and Professor Lynne Manzo

Factors associated with the rate of bike plan implementation in American cities (Thesis)

Frazier, Jonathan

Privatized Public Spaces in Seattle: Incorporating Well-designed Water Features as a Focal Point for Engagement Opportunities (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Hoerr, Lauren A

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Keep Your Habitat: Preventing the displacement of vulnerable homeowners in Seattle’s Central District  (Thesis)

Johnson, Benjamin

Exploring the Impact of Mixed-Impact/ Mixed-Use Redevelopments in Building Community Cohesion at Seattle’s Yesler Terrace (joint thesis with Public Health and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Joseph, Jonathan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Professor William Daniell

Seattle Municipal Golf Courses: A Hole in One for Affordable Housing  (Thesis)

Kapsa, Marlo

Analysis of TNC passenger and driver responses to curb-space allocation in urban land use contexts (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Kennan-Koch, Jackson A

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti and Professor David Layton

Incorporating Social Equity in Transit Service and Capital Planning: A Preemptive Analysis of Preliminary Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Design in King County, Washington (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Kowalski, Ian

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington and Joaquin Herranz

Analysis of the Intended Implementation Strategies of Municipal Climate Action Plans  (Thesis)

Mathurin, Zachary

The Black Spatial Imaginary in Urban Design Practice: Lessons for Creating Black-affirming Public Spaces  (Thesis)

Nunez Pedraza, Ishmael

Street Vitality: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of S Jackson St  (Thesis)

Design for Trust: A Relationship-Centered Approach to Community Engagement in City Planning (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Prusia, Kizz S

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Racial Justice-Oriented Grantmaking: A Community Driven Improvement Plan Design for Seattle’s Equitable Development Initiative Fund (joint thesis with Public Health and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Rasmussen, Elise

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell and Professor A. Gita Krishnaswamy

Traffic Impacts of an SOV Mode Split Target Policy: Evaluating Seattle’s New Transportation Concurrency System (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Simons, Lucas Tyler

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Urban Design for Resilience to Multiple Uncertain Hazard Scenarios Robust Strategies for Coastal Resilience in Westport, Washington  (Thesis)

Sreenivasan, Sreya

The Legacy We Leave Behind: Rehabilitating Single Room Occupancy Hotels in Seattle’s Chinatown International District through Use of a Legacy Development Fund  (Thesis)

Surber, Michelle

A Different Kind of Gentrification: Seattle and its Relationship with Industrial Land  (Thesis)

Tomporowski, David

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ed Donald McCormack

Planning for Seattle’s Mandatory Retrofitting Policy: A Retrofitting Plan for the Northern Pacific Hotel  (Thesis)

Vickers, Rachel Ashley

Planning for Climate Change in Seattle, Exploring Energy Infrastructure through Scenario Planning Processes  (Thesis)

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Identifying Valued Community Resilience Indicators and Dimensions for King County (Thesis)

Argiroff, Emma L

The impact of peer-to-peer ridesharing on travel mode: empirical study of Uber effects on travel mode in Seattle (Thesis)

Examining the efficacy of rent control: an empirical analysis for consideration of rent control in Seattle (Thesis)

Conley, Allison

Pedestrianizing Pike Street: continuing to re-envision the right of way of Pike Street in Capitol Hill (Thesis)

Cotchett, Kyle

Regional open-space conservation strategies: a case study of the Intertwine Alliance’s Regional Conservation Strategy (Thesis)

Curry, Travis Richard

Comfort, safety, delight & aesthetics: an evaluation of S Henderson Street’s pedestrian realm (Thesis)

Duffy, Kaylie

Rethinking the right-of-way: exploring Seattle’s autonomous future (Thesis- joint with Landscape Architecture)

Gawne, Joshua D

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Manish Chalana and Ken Yocom

Planning for community resilience: a spatial planning approach to New Orleans’ Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (Thesis)

Green, Timothy

Preparing for an autonomous future: transportation planning for autonomous vehicles in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis)

Halberg, Alicia Anne

Examining opportunities to improve the pre-construction schedule performance of Seattle Public Utilities scope in Seattle Department of Transportation capital projects (Thesis- joint with Public Policy & Governance)

Herrera, Marlon Dylan

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Jan Whittington and Joaquin Herranz

An investigation of evaluation methods of weighted-point landscaping policy — in Seattle and Malmö (Thesis)

Hoff, Joshua B

[Dis]placed by illness : Lyme disease as a case for re-imagining everyday places to recognize invisible chronic illnesses (Thesis- joint with Landscape Architecture)

Janicki, Sylvia H

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Rachel Berney and Ken Yocom

Equitable improvements to public space in the right-of-way (Thesis)

Killebrew, Chase

Retail spaces in mixed-use developments: supporting small businesses and creating place in Seattle’s neighborhoods (Thesis)

Lee, James Adam

Increasing access to solar energy in Seattle, Washington through the framework of energy democracy (Thesis)

Membrino, Pauline

Approaches to scenario planning at the intersection of urbanization and climate change (Thesis)

Moore, Lauren

Urban Forest Restoration and Park Design, A Study of Improvements in Habitat Conditions and Open Space Amenity in Kirkland, WA (Thesis)

O’Brien, Hallie

Urban freeway removal: building a case for the re-purposing of I-5 through downtown Seattle (Thesis)

Ryan, Lee Ann

Seattle’s year-round neighborhood-scale farmers markets: a study of inclusivity (Thesis)

Sampson, Meredith Anne

From process to product: An analysis of Seattle’s Design Review Program (Professional project)

Scott, Meagan,

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor, Manish Chalana

Serving the public in neighborhood design review: a case study of Seattle’s Capitol Hill design guidelines (Thesis)

Settlemeyer, Diana

Observing goods delivery activities and identifying opportunities to improve the design of commercial vehicle load zones in Seattle (Thesis)

Sheth, Manali

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ed McCormack

The effects of Commute Trip Reduction Program on employee non-SOV travel frequency (Thesis)

Wu, Xiatian

Comparative research on rural redevelopment planning in the linpan landscape: case study of Sandaoyan town, Chengdu (Thesis)

Zhu, Liying

What makes people feel at home? Reframing home and homelessness through stories from Seattle’s Tent City 3 (Thesis)

Al-Abweh, Ru’A

The influence of climatic conditions, demographic variations, and water demand management policy on domestic per-capita water use in the United States ( Thesis)

Cai, Yingying

Analyzing Measurements of Housing Affordability (Thesis)

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Military Installations: Design and Planning Principles for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Thesis)

Caponigro, Michelle

Planning for equity: recommendations for drainage and wastewater system planning at Seattle Public Utilities (Professional Project)

Combs, Connie Elizabeth

Developing a quantitative method for the measurement of public life-supportive urban form: eight test sites and applications in Seattle, WA and Copenhagen, Denmark    (Thesis)

Crozier, Ian

Are Neighborhood Bicycle Greenways the Answer? Analyzing the Impact of Bicycle Greenways on Collisions between Bicycles and Motor Vehicles (Thesis)

Gibson, Grant M

A post-design evaluation of park design and usage: Cal Anderson and Judkins Park (Seattle, WA) (Thesis) Harris, Melanie R

Barriers to a successful and sustainable dynamic car-pooling system (Thesis)

He, Xinchang

Urban nature for well-being: design recommendations for psychological benefits in urban public spaces (Thesis)

Kaiserman, Joanna

Commercial zoning code revisions for the city of Bellingham, Washington (Professional Project)

Keim, Elise K

Disasters are not inevitable: social vulnerability, hazard losses, and adaptive learning in communities of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal watersheds (Thesis)

Lambrick, Jennifer E

A Case Study in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office Division of Facilities Pilot Project (Thesis)               

Langley, Mathew I

Native cultural design: exploring design to address historical trauma and assist with village relocation on the Quinault Indian Nation in Taholah, WA (Thesis)

Lehman, Timothy Archer

Equity analysis of paid parking at King County Metro park & rides (Professional Project)

Manford, Brian T

Sustainable Urban Transportation: Examining Cargo Bike Use in Seattle (Thesis)

Masterson, Ali Rose

Seattle neighborhood greenway evaluation (Thesis)

Miller, Joel M

Exploring walkability: a spatial analysis of vibrancy in New Holly, a new urbanist community in south Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Nautsch, Annegret H

An equity analysis of bicycle infrastructure around light rail stations in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Osmonson, Bryanna L

Training wheels: designing traffic playscapes into Seattle’s Safe Routes to School program (Thesis) Panganiban, Justin M

Reflections on recovery: analyzing disaster recovery frameworks for the cities of Seattle and Wellington through a lens of reflexive sociology (Thesis)

Ripley, Samuel John

What Contributes to Successful Commute Trip Reduction in the State of Washington? A Focus on Transit Accessibility (Thesis)

Wieben, Zachary James

Beyond Integrity: Prioritizing Historic Significance over Historic Integrity for a Representative Landscape of Built Cultural Heritage in Seattle’s Central District (Thesis)

Yellin, Michelle

Public Risk Interpretation and Community Resilience Planning: A Case Study in Aberdeen, Washington  (Thesis) Bennis, Ashley

Business Signage Control in Seattle’s Chinatown International District, Pursuing Healthy Balance of Preservation and Commercial Vitalization in a Historic Commercial Districts   (Thesis) Cartier, Misa

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Alterations to the Public Right-of-Way (Thesis) Faulkner, Katherine

Redefining Urban Alleywalls: Urban Design for Active Public Space in Maynard Alley, Chinatown-International District, Seattle (Thesis) Liu, Jialing

Policy and Design Guidelines for Trees in a Growing Seattle (Thesis) Moll, Elizabeth

Design Guidelines and Development Policies for an Adaptable Historic Urban Street: The Case of West Street in Quanzhou, Fujian, China (Thesis) Pan, Meicheng

The Impact of Light Rail Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in Seattle, WA (Thesis) Wang, Ze

Under the Bridge: Utilizing Covered Liminal Spaces for Formal Homeless Encampments in the City of Seattle (Thesis) Baker, Maxwell

Thinking local about self-driving cars : a local framework for autonomous vehicle development in the United States (Thesis – joint with Public Policy & Governance) Brett, Jacob

From process to product : an analysis of Seattle’s design review program (Thesis) Cutler, Scott

The relationship of built environment and weather with bike share : evidence from the Pronto Bike Share System in Seattle (Thesis) Ding, Wei

Urban design guidelines for human wellbeing in Martian settlements (Thesis) Donoghue, Matthew

Place and urban experience in the suburbs : Microsoft’s campus location and its long-term competitiveness (Thesis) Flanigan, William

Privacy in the smart city : implications of sensor network design, law, and policy for locational privacy (Thesis) Gaughan, Melissa

Public land for affordable housing : an evaluation of a HALA proposal in Seattle (Thesis) Janet, Joshua

Case study : commercial gentrification in the Pike/Pine corridor (Thesis) Johnson, Elizabeth

Promote neighborhood character : a case study of Pike/Pine neighborhood (Thesis) Liu, Jingchen

Multimodal Transportation in Northeast Seattle: An Integrated Design (Thesis) Martinucci, Domenico

Traffic-Related PM2.5 Air Pollution and Schools in Proximity to Major Roadways in Shanghai, China (Thesis) Lu, Yougeng

Relocation and Resilience: Exploring Co-Benefits in Aberdeen, WA (Thesis) Poff, Colin

Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary and Lessons for Shanghai and Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Urban Agglomeration, China (Thesis) Pu, Ziqin

A Review of the Residential Parking Management Program in Bellevue, WA (Thesis) Roth, Dillon

Therapeutic streetscapes : a new bell street designed to accommodate those on the Autism Spectrum (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Saitelbach, Joshua

Expanding bicycle access to transit : providing increased secure bicycle parking at light rail stations in the Seattle area (Thesis) Scanlan, Brandt

A Site Analysis for Programming Public Art on the University of Washington’s Burke-Gilman Trail  (Thesis) Seivert, Ana

An Exploratory Assessment of Parklet Usage in Seattle: Methods and Findings (Thesis) Smith, Ellie

Online Video as a Tool for Planning Education and Engagement: A Content Analysis of U.S. City Planning Departments’ YouTube Channels (Thesis) Velasco, Stephanie

Modeling Seasonal and Weather Impacts on Cycling Count (Thesis) Zhao, Weiran

An Investigation of the Potential for Side Sewer Infiltration to Local Freshwater Systems – Thornton Creek, Seattle WA: A Case Study (Thesis) Hockett, Angelique

Rose color light (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Ray, Finis

A New Direction for Bellevue: From Cars to People and a Livable Community (Thesis) Wagner, Solomon

Corporate Real Estate Office Building Leasing Strategy: Case: T-Mobile Bellevue Campus Maximization Project : A professional project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban Planning, University of Washington  (Professional Project – joint with Real Estate) An, Junyong

Urban Planning and Housing: An Assessment of Fair Housing Laws Providing Protective Status to Veterans (Thesis) Davidson, Lisa

Protecting Neighborhood Character: Pike/Pine’s Conservation Overlay District (Thesis) Piona, Amber

Bellevue College connection multimodal transportation corridor : transportation urban design concept (Professional Project) Abed, Stela

Lightning in the Night: Transgression in Urban Design (Thesis) Castagno, Cory

Historic Alley Reactivation in Seattle’s Chinatown International District  (Thesis) Chan, Ching

A Comparative Study of Design Guidelines for Chinatowns in North America: A Reference for Façade Design Regulation in Seattle’s Chinatown – International District (Thesis) Jiang, Xiao

Applying Climate Change Models to Risk Assessment and Flood Hazard Scenario Modeling in Snohomish County (Thesis) Veith, Stephen

Accessibility and Population Density in the Linpan Landscape: A Study of Urbanization in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China (Thesis) Wang, Xingyu

Buying Time for the Farmers of Chengdu: Settlement Form, Labor Time Allocation, and their Implications for Resilient Land Use Planning in a Rapidly Urbanizing Region (Thesis) Xiao, Lei

Let’s Bury I-5: An Urban Design Framework for Freeway Lids in Downtown Seattle (Thesis) Bonjukian, Scott

Incorporating and measuring social equity in transit service allocation (Thesis) Brick, Andrew

A Study of backyard cottage policy in Seattle, Washington: existing conditions study, capacity analysis, and survey in conjunction with Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (Thesis) Buker, Gerald

Community-driven public spaces : strategies for developing Seattle’s pavement to parks program (Professional Project) Burgesser, David

Shared Transit Parking in Multifamily Developments: A Geospatial Analysis for King County Metro Transit (Thesis) Burseth, Sonja

Equity & The Public Meeting: Are Public Meetings Engaging the Community? (Thesis) Cubillos, Sarah

The Location of Public Schools: Implications for Communities and Planners, and School District Decision-Making in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis) Garnham, Jason

Adaptive Reuse and Rehabilitation: Connecting Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Developments in Seattle, Washington (Thesis) Joe, Monica

The Impact of New Urbanism on Single Family Housing Values: The Case of Issaquah Highlands (Thesis) Kim, Jinyhup

Parking in and around mixed-use buildings in designated growth areas with frequent and reliable transit service : a Puget Sound Region study (Profesisonal Project) Kopca, Cole


The Walking City is a Better City: Promoting Human Social-Spatial Understanding as a Foundational Framework for Urban Planning (Thesis) McFarland, Ross

Residual San Francisco: Evaluating Identity and Creating Distinction for Bayview’s PDR Districts (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Murillo, Erik

SEATTLE CENTER: Exploring ways to document, designate and reactivate the Modern era exposition site as a historic district (Thesis) O’Lone, Katie

Bicyclists’ Stopping Behaviors: An Observational Study of Bicyclists’ Patterns and Practices (Thesis) Silva, Catherine Marie Caverly


Urban Forestry in a Time of Climate Change: Can Seattle, Washington Become More Resilient Through the Effective Management of Urban Forests? (Thesis) Titcomb, Sarah

Quantifying and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Local Government Cement and Asphalt Purchasing (Thesis) Tracy, Jacob

An equity analysis of the 2014 Seattle Bicycle Master Plan: initial findings and recommended methods improvements (Thesis) Ullmer, Michael

Suggesting future uses of Mercer Street parking garage through real estate market assessments and stakeholders’ interests identification (Professional Project) Wong, Sing

The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in King County, WA (Thesis) Xu, Simin

Establishing a framework for landscape narrative exploration within Seattle’s Pioneer Square Historic District (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Garnier, Ian

Physiosocial landscape interventions for the Holy Child Program, a school for children with behavioral difficulties in Beit Sahour, Palestine (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Giampietro, VeraEve

The Good, the Bad, and the Robust: Climate Change Adaptation Choices for the Port of Rotterdam, Port of San Diego, and Naval Base Kitsap – Bremerton  (Thesis) Smith, Riley

Title: How an Asset-Based Appreciative Inquiry Risk Assessment Approach Could Improve the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Risk Map Process Student Name: Maximilian Dixon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Maximizing Ecological and social Benefits of Habitat Restoration in the Lower Duwamish River: A Spatial Framework for Site Selection Student Name: Tess Brandon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Evaluating the Impacts of Discount Function and Rate Selection on the Net Present Valuation of Coastal-Wetland Ecosystem Services: An Exploratory Meta-Analysis Student Name: Kristen A Vitro Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Traffic-Related Air Pollution, PM2.5: The Case of Shanghai Student Name: Shijia Ling Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Economic Approaches to Managing Stormwater Runoff in the Seattle Area Student Name: Mori Wallner Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Washington State Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Benchmarks: How Might They Be Reached? Student Name: Jonathon Olds Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: The Use of Patient Capital to Promote Real Estate Development in Walkable Communities Student Name: Francisco Traverso Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Operationalizing Jan Gehl’s 12 Quality Criteria on Ballard Avenue Student Name: Aaron C Lykken Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Sustainable Urban Community Development: A Case Study of Flood Design in Sonqualmie, WA, USA Student Name: Huang Pin-Hao Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Howard Street Artisan Manufacturing District: Operationalizing the Quadruple Bottom Line in Corridor Design and Development Student Name: Stacy Cannon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: The Lake City Commons: A Catalytic Approach for Generating Urban Coherence Student Name: Katy Haima Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: A Review of the Traffic Safety Culture in Europe to Improve Pedestrian Safety in the U.S.: Lessons from France and Sweden Student Name: Jean Kim Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Landscape Infrastructure Strategies for Post-Industrial Reuse Student Name: Jessica N Michalak Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou

Title: A Preliminary Assessment of Adding New Retail Space in the City of Snoqualmie, Washington: The Case of Highway 18/Interstate 90 Interchange Student Name: Lynn Marion Fredenburg Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frederick Wagner

Title: Assessing the Relationship between City Growth and Electricity Use Over Time: A Comparative Analysis of Chandigarh and Seattle Student Name: Reid R Haefer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: 1000 Campus Parkway: Seattle’s New Gateway to the University of a Thousand Years Student Name: Nathan Daum Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Tactical Urbanism and the Right to the City Student Name: Lana K Alisdairi Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Sharing the Street: Shared Space in an American Context Student Name: Gregory Behrens Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: Public Involvement as an Opportunity for Multicultural Sociability in an Urban Context Student Name: Ian Nunley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Process Based Learning in Planning Studio Pedagogy: A Theoretical Model for Planning Education Student Name: Kelly R Hostetler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Title: Preserving Place for Transient Populations in Gentrifying Urban Spaces Student Name: Erica Bush Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou

Title: Planning Effectively for Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use: An Assessment of Community Land Use Ordinances in Washington State Student Name: Kali F Hollenhorst Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Planning for Small & Ordinary Natural Urban Spaces to Enhance Mental Health & Well-Being: The Psychological Health Benefits from Contact with Nature Student Name: Wren McNally Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: A Guidebook for Implementing Role-Playing Simulation Games in the Planning Process Student Name: Michele M Hill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Prioritizing Pedestrian Safety Improvement Locations: A Spatial Analytical Approach Using Network Kernel Density Estimation Student Name: Scott Beckstrom Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: How to Increase Revenue for King County Metro Operations Student Name: Brian Macik Chair of Supervisory Committee: Qing Shen

Title: A Geodesign Inspired Multiple Criteria Decision Tool for Prioritizing Levee Setback Project Sites Student Name: Jesse Reynolds Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Within the Edge: A revised Approach to Urban Containment within the Chandigarh Periphery Student Name: Abigail Weber Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Moving Forward towards Sustainability: Contributions of the Living Building Challenge to Triple Bottom Line Reporting Student Name: Jiajia Ge Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Bicycle Infrastructure Safety: A Review and Application of the Case-Control Methodology Student Name: Lisa Enns Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: How Urban Planners can Promote Education Equality Student Name: Sophie Glass Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sharon E Sutton

Title: Land Value under Growth Control in King County Student Name: Yang Liu Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Bitter

Title: Planning for Self-Organized Homeless Camps: Policy, Community Relations, and Locational Process Student Name: Virginia C Werner Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana & Professor Lynne Manzo

Title: The Cost of On-Site Parking: How Supply-Side Decisions Affect Developers and Tenants of Multifamily Housing Student Name: Jesse London Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Planning for Resilience: A Proposed Landscape Evaluation for Redevelopment Planning in the Linpan Landscape Student Name: Jennifer L Tippins Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Recommendation of Residential Property Taxing for the City of Wenzhou Student Name: Daren Dai Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: From Recess to Community Resource: Adaptive Reuse Options for Mountain View Commons, Port Townsend, Washington Student Name: Anna Kristina M. Gallant Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Swinomish Tribal business Opportunity Program Student Name: Travis English Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: To Evaluate and Recommend a Design Model for the Public Plaza in Overlake Village Student Name: Lawrence Chung Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: A Preliminary Exploration of the Differences Between Two Financing Options for University Real Estate Projects Under Public-Private Partnerships : A Case Study of 501(c)3 and 63-20 Tax Exempt Bond Processes Student Name: Leanna Man Li Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Westlake Union Traverse Student Name: Andrea Fitch Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer & Professor Thaisa Way

Title: Waterfront Transit Alternatives Analysis Student Name: Erin Holly Walter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Up an Urban Creek: The Role of Development Patterns in Stream Health Student Name: Maria Sandercock Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Factors Associated with Accessory Dwelling Units Student Name: Cynthia Krass Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: The Dilemma of Urban Road Space Reallocation: An Outreach and Engagement Strategy for Bus Rapid Transit on Seattle’s Madison Street Student Name: Drew Dresman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Seattle’s Experience with Traffic Calming on Arterial Streets Student Name: Stephen K Padua Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Seattle Apartment Market Alignment Analysis (2011-2016) Student Name: Adrien Renaud Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Bitter

Title: Turn Left at the Station: How Safety and Way finding Influences the Transit User’s Experience Student Name: Michelle Marie Whitfield Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Evaluating Public Participation Techniques: Improving the Planner’s Tool Box Student Name: Zachary T Ambrose Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect in Copenhagen Student Name: Erik Alskog Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nancy Rottle

Title: Fish and Floods: Implementation of the 2008 Biological Opinion on the National Flood Insurance Program in Washington State Student Name: Margaret Olson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Spatial and Process Strategies Toward the Formalization and Integration of the Informal Settlement, Villa 31, In Buenos Aires, Argentina Student Name: Timothy A Trujillo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Frozen Landscapes, Swirling History: Constructing Meaning at San Juan Island National Historical Park Student Name: David Smolker Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Using GIS to Assist Location and Site Selection Student Name: Adriana Abramovich Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Exploring the Relationship between Walkability and the Built Environment: A Case Study of Three Intersections in Seattle’s University District Student Name: Laura Barker Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Feasibility Analysis of an Affordable Mixed-Use Development: The Case of El Centro de la Raza Student Name: Matthew J Beal Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: The Eatonville Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 8 Shorelines – Mashel River Greenbelt, Town of Eatonville, Washington Student Name: Nicholas M Bond Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: Perspectives on Seattle Women’s Decisions to Bike for Transportation Student Name: Anne Broache Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Cross-Cultural Communication for International Urban Design Practice: Lessons from a Field Studio in China Student Name: Ting Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The Civic Waterfront: Public Participation in Urban Megaproject Design Student Name: Magdalena Celinska Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: New Urbanism in Oregon’s Growth Managed Communities Student Name: Cameron AM Duncan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Raze-or-Retrofit: Institutional Influences on Redevelopment for Energy Efficiency Student Name: Sean Shannon Engle Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: The Exclusionary Benefit in Multifamily Housing Student Name: Michael HK Goldman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Ecosystem Service Values in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Flood Mitigation Projects Student Name: Patrick Green Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Tools and Policies for Promoting Social Equity in Seattle Transit Communities Student Name: Erika Harris Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Feasibility Analysis Case Study: Seattle Central Community College’s Development in the Surplus Space of Sound Transit’s Capitol Hill Light Rail Station Student Name: Janice Ruth Jarman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe Title: An Analysis of Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Incentives in Seattle’s Chinatown – International District Student Name: Brian Kalthoff Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Governance of Public Development Authorities in the State of Washington: Variations and a Prospective Application Generated by a Case-Study Review Student Name: Michael L Lazarus Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Tomorrow Was Yesterday: Urban Options for Preserving Historic, Modern Chandigarh Student Name: Emily Anne C Lindsey Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Vikramāditya Prakāsh

Title: Homestays as Livelihood Strategies in Rural Economies: The Case of Johar Valley, Uttarakhand, India Student Name: Ian Christian Macek Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Potential Initiatives that Military Leadership Can Take to Reduce Automobile Dependency for Service-Members and Employees at Naval Base Kitsap – Bremerton and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA Student Name: Joel McMillan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: To Walk or Not to Walk? The Barriers and Facilitators of Walking for Recreation and Transport Student Name: Erin Marie Montgomery Chair of Supervisory Committee: Jan Whittington

Title: Stretching the Limits of Walkability: Comparing Walk and Bus Trips in Urban Seattle Neighborhoods Student Name: John Murphy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Cynthia Chen

Title: Mobile Food Vending and the Public Realm: A Seattle Study Student Name: Jenny Ngo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Urban Design for a Local Merchant Community: The Case of “Uptown” Bellevue, WA Student Name: Gloria L Ramirez Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The Food Access Policy and Planning Guide Student Name: Eva Elise Ringstrom Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: An Empirical Study of Urban/Suburban Residential Location Choice in the Seattle Metropolitan Area Student Name: Eun Jin Shin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor C-H Christine Bae

Title: New Urbanism and Neighborhood Revitalization: A Case Study Analysis of Social and Economic Development in HOPE VI Student Name: Joshua Richard Vitulli Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: Appropriate Parking Management Strategy for Successful Transit Oriented Development Student Name: Bo Wang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: The Production of Value: A Study of Urbansism in South Lake Union Student Name: Michael K Ward Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Multifamily Residential Parking Demand and Walkable Food Access in Suburban Transit Corridors Student Name: Jonathon Morrison Winters Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect in the Puget Sound Region: Adaptation and Biomimetic Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change Student Name: Stefanie R Young Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Interim Land Uses: An Analysis of Seattle’s Vacant and Underused Lot Pilot Program Student Name: Diana K Benson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: The Role of Civil Engineering Design in Addressing Community Need Student Name: Patricia DeMarco Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Living Streets: Woonerf-based, People-oriented Street Policy and Design for the City of Seattle Student Name: Seth Geiser Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nancy Rottle

Title: Cultural Facilities Planning and Land Use Planning: Seattle Case Study Student Name: Noa Ginger Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Joaquin Herranz Jr

Title: Reducing Vulnerability through Public Participation in Hazard Mitigation: Strategies, Practices, and Lessons Learned from Everett’s Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Process Student Name: Derrick C Hiebert-Flamm Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Bicyclists’ Exposure to Air Pollution in Seattle and Seoul: A Hybrid Analysis Using Personal Monitoring and Land Use Regression Student Name: E-Sok Andy Hong Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Local Governments: Methods, Models and Two Washington State Case Studies Student Name: Jennifer Lail Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Promising Approaches for Reducing Urban Congestion? A Comparative Case Study of Seattle, Washington, and Guangzhou, China Student Name: Yifan Li Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: The Effect of Urban Renewal Act Building Bulk Incentives on Real Estate in Taipei City, Taiwan Student Name: Yi-Chieh Lin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: A Case Study of Beijing’s Economical and Applicable Housing Program Student Name: Yifei Ma Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Economic Efficiency of Green Buildings: A Pilot Study of Green and Non-green Buildings Held by Japanese Real Estate Investment Trusts Student Name: Hiroshi Maruyama Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: 130th Avenue NE Light Rail Station Area Bicycle Improvements: Analysis and Recommendations Student Name: Patrick B McGrath Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Urban Design with Global Publics: West African Immigrants’ Appropriation of Space in the Rainier Valley Student Name: Rachel Miller Supervisory Committee: Professors Manish Chalana and Lynne Manzo

Title: The Influence of Cultural Values on the Text of Environmental Laws and Regulations: Lummi Nation and City of Bellingham Student Name: Helen O’Neil Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Lessons Learned from Assessing Three Affordable Housing Models: In Conjunction with the Haines Apartment Project with Capitol Hill Housing in Seattle, WA Student Name: Katie Porter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan Student Name: Danielle Rose Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner Title: Applicability of Health Impact Assessment to Road Diets Student Name: Peter Schmiedeskamp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Public Participation Tools in Megaprojects to Increase Public Acceptance and Support: A Lesson in What Not to Do in Airport Expansions from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Third Runway Student Name: Amanda Snypp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Boulevard Design Guidelines for 148th Avenue SE/150th Avenue SE in Bellevue, WA Student Name: Jessica Elizabeth Stein Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Developing Capitol Hill Apartments Without On-site Parking: A Literature Review and Real Estate Feasibility Study Student Name: Paul William Allen Symington Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Resilience and Collaborative Planning for Freight Movements: The Case of the Washington Department of Transportaion Student Name: Chilan Tran Ta Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Best Practices in Designing Affordable Multi-story Apartment Buildings for Families with Children Student Name: Courtney E Thomson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Suitability Analysis of Park-and-Ride Facilities Locations: Case Study of Seattle Student Name: Eiji Torikai Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Shared Space: Harmony between Movement and Place Guidelines for Adaptation to the Seattle Context Student Name: Adam Chester Webber Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Seattle’s Historic Unreinforced Masonry Buildings: Mapping, Developing Strategies and Policy Recommendations to Support a Seattle URM Program Student Name: Jeana C Wiser Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Mapping Suitable Locations for Development in King County Using LEED-ND as a Guide Student Name: Jason Woycke Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Reimagining the Waterfront: Revitalizing the Port and City of Blaine, Washington through Connections Student Name: Christy Alexander Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: West Seattle Triangle Urban Design Plan Student Name: Jeff Arango Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: From Ladder to Lattice: A Consideration of Activation in Urban Environmental Stewardship and Citizen Participation Student Name: Weston Brinkley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: The Dutch Response to Sea Level Rise: Lessons for the Outer Banks of North Carolina Student Name: Wendy W Buffett Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: Seattle’s Link Light Rail System: A Preliminary Examination of the Mount Baker and Othello Stations and the Impact of Policy Changes to Foster Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Student Name: Sung-Zhi Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Developing a Continuity Plan for the City of Redmond, Washington: A Means for Improving Local Government Disaster Response and Resiliency Student Name: Amanda Engstfeld Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Blurring Edges: Connecting the Seattle Center to Surrounding Neighborhoods Student Name: Jaclyn M Gault Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Planning for Sustainability: Approaches for the City of Mukilteo, Washington Student Name: Jennifer Gregerson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Protecting Seattle’s Auto Row: Next Steps for the Pike Pine Conservation District Student Name: Cecelia Gunn Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Creating Public Value for Public Bicycles Student Name: Max Hepp-Buchanan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Urban Consolidation: An Analysis of Accessory Dwelling Units and Backyard Cottages in Seattle Student Name: Nathaniel Taylor Hickey Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Greening or Greenwashing? Indicators of Successful Commute Trip Reduction Student Name: Zachary Northup Howard Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Using Multicriteria Evaluation to Select Stormwater Management Alternatives for Sums in Sub-Saharan Africa Student Name: Daniel Kastoryano Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Developing a Guidebook to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers in Washington Student Name: Katherine Killebrew Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Transportation Barriers, Health Care Utilization, and Health Outcomes among Urban, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Two-spirit American Indians and Alaska Natives Student Name: Ruth Lindberg Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell Title: The Land Use Policy Project, 1978-1988: Seattle’s First Generation of Land Use Policy Development Student Name: Catherine R McCoy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Providing Access and Promoting Prosperity: A Proposed Framework for Sustainable Urban Planning in a Constrained-Resource Environment Student Name: William J McGurk Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Does the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s HOPE VI Program Result in Communities of Legible Urban Design? An Evaluation of the Emergent Urban Design Patterns of HOPE VI Communities in the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Douglas Daniel McIntyre Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Feasibility Study for the Relocation of Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets (PSKS) Student Name: Cynthia D Padilla Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: The Process of Seattle’s Clear Alleys Program Student Name: Michael Pickford Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Multicriteria Evaluation of Stormwater Management Systems in Seattle Student Name: Sheena Pietzold Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Sunlight for Solar Panels: The Nexus Between Sustainable Planning and Solar Access Protection in Seattle Student Name: Kirk Rappe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Real Estate Feasibility Study Student Name: Noah U Roehl Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Assessing Multifamily Residential Parking Demand and Transit Service: A Comparison of Two Urban Centers in King County Student Name: Daniel H Rowe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Impact Mitigation of Commercial District Streetscape Revitalization Projects Student Name: Emily Davis Slotnick Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Mixed Use Alternatives for Rainier Beach Economic Development: Low-impact Production Businesses Student Name: John Vander Sluis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Ecosystem Services in the Urban Landscape: How to Prioritize the Implementation of Ecological Streets Student Name: Dana Matz Spindler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Reintegrating Isolated Historic Buildings: The Hong Kong Shophouse as a Case for Continuity in Design Student Name: Nathan Arthur Farn-Wing Tseng Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail: A Study in Project Planning Student Name: Michael G Xenakis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Public Use Bike Share Feasibility Study for King County, Washington: Demand Analysis Student Name: Tyler Benson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Balancing Recreation Demand and Wildlife Protection: A Compilation of Management Strategies Used in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: Jami Carter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Gordon Bradley

Title: Discovering and Developing Carbon Forest Indicators: Combating Climate Change at the International Level Student Name: Chia-Yu Joyce Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Gordon Bradley

Title: Making Seattle’s Streets Livable: A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding Seattle’s Transportation Policies and Planning Student Name: Grace Cho Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Effects of Privatization on Cooperative Housing Estates in Poland. Cases of Gdansk, Gdynia and Lublin Student Name: Maja Hadlock Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: “When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It”: Urban Reclamation, Placemaking, and Sustainable Traffic Design at Skewed and Multi-Leg Intersections in US Cities Student Name: Casey Hildreth Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Risk Management in LEED-NC Private Development Student Name: Ming-Yi Hsu Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: A Strategy for Preserving Seattle’s Industry: A Systematic Approach to Evaluate the City’s Industrial Land Using a Multi-Criterion Model Student Name: Charles Klocow Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Assessing the Food and Fitness Environments of Neighborhood Schools in Delridge and White Center Student Name: Donald Jerome Kramer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Quantification of Transportation Demand Management Factors Affecting the Shift from Drive-Alone to Other Commute Modes in Bellevue, WA Student Name: Alexander Lazar Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Planning for Access to Transit: A Proposed Multicriteria Evaluation Matrix for Sound Transit’s System Access Program Student Name: Katherine Jean Lichtenstein Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Floodplain Storage Opportunities for Flood Mitigation in the Puyallup River Basin, Pierce County Student Name: Tzu-Yu Lin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Farmers’ Perceptions of Farming in King County: The Challenges, Industry Trends and Needed Resources and Services Student Name: Kara E Martin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Street Design Components in Hub Urban Villages of Seattle: An Analysis of the Relationships Between Street Design and Context Student Name: Yosuke Oi Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Implementation of Inclusionary Zoning in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Torence J Powell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Denny Regrade (1893– 2008): A Case Study in Historical GIS Student Name: Aaron Raymond Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Improving Pedestrian Accessibility Around the Northgate Mall Through Urban Design Interventions Student Name: Angie C Salicetti Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: LEED ND as a New Urbanist Metric Student Name: Nicole Sanders Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Metropolitan Agriculture: The Changing Face of Farming Student Name: Katherine E Sommers Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Case Study Comparison of Bicycle Ridership in Bellevue, Washington and Groningen, the Netherlands Student Name: Sarah Squires Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Active Transport to School: Influence, Outcomes, and Implications Student Name: Orion Stewart Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: The Impact of Gasoline Prices on Automobile and Transit Travel in Washington State Student Name: Victor Stover Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Balance on the Urban Waterfront: A Comparative Study of Sustainable, Mixed-Use Development in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: J Scott Surdyke Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Using a GIS Suitability Analysis to Identify Locations for Floodplain Reconnection in Seattle’s Salmon-bearing Streams. Student Name: Scott H Williamson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Beyond New Heaven and Earth: Historic City-Center Redevelopment in Qingdao, China Student Name: Jie Yang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Parking Pricing: Its Potential Impacts on the Economic Vitality of Central Business Districts Student Name: Melissa A Young Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Protecting Customer Parking: Strategies for Businesses near Light Rail Stations in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Michelle D Zeidman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A New Era in Urban Ballpark Development in the United States: A Chronological Analysis of Ballpark Development in the United States and a New Model Proposed for Manhattan’s West Side Rail Yards Student Name: Aaron Asis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: To What Extent Has the City of Seattle Achieved Distributional Equity Within the Neighborhood Street Fund? Student Name: Kadie R Bell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Joaquin Herranz, Jr

Title: REITs in the Thrift Savings Plan: Should REITs be Available to Service Members? Student Name: Toby Birdsell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James DeLisle

Title: Achieving Leed for Neighborhood Development in the Center of the City Student Name: Vivian Chang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Advancing Urban Ecohousing: Barriers and Pathways to Resource Conservation in Urban Multifamily Housing Student Name: Heather Flint Chatto Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Guide to Building a Backyard Cottage in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Andrea R Clinkscales Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Creating Connections: Strategies for Improving Accessibility in the High Point Community of West Seattle Student Name: James Kingston Dewar Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Where did the Traffic Go: A Study of Spatial, Modal, and Time-Diversion Resulting from the August 2007 Seattle North Bound Interstate 5 Partial Road Closure Student Name: Wes Edwards Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Improving Bicycle Safety in Seattle: An Analysis of Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Collisions Student Name: Tessa Greegor Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: A Multi-criteria Evaluation of Transit Service Areas on the Tulalip Indian Reservation Student Name: Mark D Hamilton Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Comparing Bus Rapid Transit to LINK Light Rail Transit from the University District of Northgate Student Name: Brian W Henry Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Planning for Sea Level Rise in Seattle, Washington: Seawall Replacement at Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook as a Case Study Student Name: James D Rufo Hill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Growing Green: An Inventory of Public Lands Suitable for Community Gardening in Seattle Washington Student Name: Megan Horst Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Conservation Framework Proposal for Xijie, a Street in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China Student Name: Katherine Idziorek Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Brew Uses for Old Buildings: The Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings as Microbreweries in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: Nicholas J Kindel Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Local Improvement Districts: A Creative Financing Tool for Infrastructure Projects in Seattle Student Name: Chelsea Levy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: An Analysis of Retailing Methods for Superstores in Urban Markets Student Name: David Major Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James DeLisle

Title: Sixth Avenue South Urban Design Study: Reclaiming Urban Remnant Spaces Student Name: Jessica Caroline Majors Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The City of Bellevue’s 2008 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan Update Student Name: Stephanie R Parkins Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Locating Farmers Markets: An Evaluation Methodology to Inform Site Selection for Farmers Markets Student Name: Matthew J Peters Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Assessing Ffarmer Interest and Identifying Barriers to Participation in Washington State’s Farm to School Program Student Name: Meghan E Pinch Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Community Compact: The Social Role of Neighborhood Temples in Quanzhou, China Student Name: Lee Stephen Roberts Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Growing Homes: Increasing House size in King County, 1997-2006 Student Name: Christian Rusby Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Institutionalizing Sustainability at the Woodland Park Zoo Student Name: Joel P Sisolak Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: An Assessment of the Seattle Green Factor: Increasing and Improving the Quality of Urban Green Infrastructure Student Name: Elizabeth Stenning Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: LEED-ing Eustits Florida: An Evaluation and Remediation of Proposed Land Development Regulations for Compatibility with LEED-ND Standards Student Name: John D Tovey III Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: An Evaluation of the Impact of Dwellings on Land in Farm and Forest Zones in Hood River County, Oregon Student Name: Clay Harris Veka Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Suburban Walkability: A Triangulated Approach Strategies for Transportation Planners in Oregon Student Name: Jana A Wright Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Best Practices and Emerging Trends in TDR Programs Student Name: Jeffrey Aken Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Interdisciplinary Tsunami Workbook for Tsunami Planners Student Name: Nicolas Arcos Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: A Tale of Two Cties: An Exploration of Strategies for Acquisitioin of Large Scale Contaminated Properties & the City’s Approach in the Puget Sound Area Student Name: Rebecca A Buttitta Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Urban Redevelopment in Washington State: Legal Issues, Administrative Models and Seattle’s Central Waterfront Student Name: Paul Chasan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: A Community Land Trust in White Center, Washington: Enhancing Residential Stability and Building Community Wealth Student Name: Katherine Cote Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Increasing Bicycle Trips to the University of Washington Using the Four E’s: A Guide for Promoting Bicycle Use Student Name: Douglas Cox Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Charicteristics of Successful Programs for the Interjurisdictional Transfer of Development Rights Student Name: Mark J Daniel Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Bicycle Travel: What Can Seattle Learn from Copenhagen’s Success Student Name: Lisa Dulude Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Walk-Up Windows: Study of an Urban Retail Type in Seattle Student Name: Andrew Fenstermacher Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Moudon

Title: Hold-Sell Analysis of an Industrial Property within the North Puget Sound Region and in the Context of Institutional Portfolio Investment Student Name: Thomas Greer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George R Rolfe

Title: Brownfield Remediation and Associated Financial Instruments in the State of Washington Student Name: Sterling Hamilton Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Integrating Design into Long-Range Regional Planning Through Collaborative Process Student Name: Talia Henze Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Conservation Districts as a Preservation Tool: Responding to Seattle’s Neighborhood Plans Student Name: Heather Hines Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Two Wheels to Public Transit: How Implementing a Bicycle-Transit Program Can Reduce Personal Automobile Dependency Student Name: Ryan E Jones Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz W Wagner

Title: Understanding Livability: A Case Study of Seattle and the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Sean Keithly Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Columbia City Feasibility Analysis Student Name: Joon H Kim Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Anticipating Commercial Passenger Service at Paine Field: An Application of Scenario Planning Student Name: Jennifer Kipp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Pedestrians and Bicyclists in the Bel-Red Corridor: Planning for Non-motorized Users Early in the Redevelopment Process Student Name: Wesley Kirkman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: The Challenge of Homeownership for Seattle’s Hispanic Community: A Preliminary Study Student Name: Josue Licea Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Defabrication of the City: A Plan for Restructuring Urban Form Between Pike Place Market and the Seattle Waterfront Student Name: Kenneth Loen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Bicycle Parking and Transit: A Demand Analysis for Bicycle Lockers at King County Metro Park and Ride Lots Student Name: Hannah McIntosh Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: Youth-focused Urban Agriculture: Innovative Programs that Meet Multiple Needs Student Name: Jenifer Naas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Evaluating the Design of Planned Unit Developments: The Case of Mount Vernon, Washington Student Name: Alyce Nelson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Using Triage to Priortize Environmental Restoration Student Name: Peter Noonan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: An Assessment of the Stream Provisions within the 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Ordinance Student Name: Karis Puruncajas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Low Impact Development and Transportation Infrastructure: The Puyallup-White Watershed Student Name: Andrew Redman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Small Neighborhood Commercial Centers: Seattle Precedents Student Name: Gwen Rousseau Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Navigating the Fog of Uncertainty: Scenarios for the Puget Sound Nearshore Student Name: Michal Russo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: LEED Cost and Value in Private Development: A Sample Methodology Student Name: Jesus Alejandro Sandoval Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Distinguished City of Seattle Professional Work Student Name: Diane Sugimura Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Evaluating a Private Concession Proposal at Saint Edward State Park: Decision Criteria and Case Studies in a Park Planning Context Student Name: Peter Sullivan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Planning for Third Place Plazas: Creating Meaningful Public Outdoor Living Spaces Student Name: Mary K Warman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Look at the Past, Present and Future Roles of Historic Preservation in Seattle’s Central Waterfront Student Name: Tara Ballentine Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: A Feasibility Analysis of Condominium Conversion and Affordable Home Ownership for Capitol Hill Housing Student Name: Alfredo-Jude Arriola Cari Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jim DeLisle

Title: Redmond Community Indicators Program Student Name: Jeffrey Douglas Churchill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: ULI Workforce Housing Report: Expanding Housing Options for Seattle Households Student Name: Christine Clifford Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Re-Defining Value: Strategies for Greening Affordable Housing in Compliance with Washington State’s High-Performance Building Legislation Student Name: Ric Cochrane Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Parking Management at University of Washington: An Alternative, Market-based Approach Student Name: Jeremy R Fitcher Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Collaborative Conservation in Mount Baker Neighborhood Student Name: Andrea Flower Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Bridging the Digital Divide in Public Participation: The Roles of Infrastructure, Hardware, Software and Social Networks in Helsinki’s Arabianranta and Maunula Student Name: Charles J Gabbe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Bringing Publicly Owned Brownfields to the Private Market in the State of Washington Student Name: Matthew T Hoffman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Property Valuations Student Name: Mark Hoyt Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Kirkland’s Innovative Housing Demonstration Program: New Housing Choices Within Single-Family Neighborhoods Student Name: Janet L Hyde-Wright Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Redmond Overlake Neighborhood Plan Implementation and Refinement Project: Report on Existing Conditions and Challenges and Opportunities to Redevelopment Student Name: Jayme M Jonas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Risk Management in Brownfields Redevelopment Student Name: Taketoshi Kawakami Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: A Survey of Attitudes Towards and Understanding of Green Home Attributes Among Green Homebuyers in the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Aaron Keeler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Title: Beacon Hill and McClellan Light Rail Station Areas Feasibility Analysis Student Name: Douglas J Larson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Feasibility Analysis For The 125th Street Business Improvement District (Harlem, NYC) Boundary Expansion Project Student Name: Pearl Hei-Ching Leung Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Does Public School Quality Matter to Home Prices? Evidence from the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Yi-Ying Liang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jim DeLisle

Title: A Site Planning and Feasibility Analysis of the Hathaway Parcel Student Name: Christopher Meyer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Planning for Hazard Mitigation Opportunities in the City of Everett, Washington Following a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Student Name: Kristin C Meyers Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Reversing the Trend: Strategies to Make Center City Seattle Livable and Attractive to Families with Children Student Name: Dara P O’Byrne Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Public Transportation for an Emerging Interstate Region: Evaluating the Alternatives and Feasibility for Providing Regional Public Transportation for the Counties of Spokane, WA, and Kootenai, ID Student Name: Karl R Otterstrom Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G. Scott Rutherford

Title: Strategies to Increase Investment Along Tukwila International Boulevard Student Name: Jaimie R Reavis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Moudon

Title: Improving Community Participation In the Urban Design Field: Applications from Community-Based Social Marketing Student Name: Sara M Robertson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Assessing the Impact of Urban Form on Travel Behavior: A Case Study in the City of Groningen, the Netherlands Student Name: Brennon E Staley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Moudon

Title: Securing Affordable Housing in White Center: Choosing the WCCDA’s Next Affordable Housing Development Project Student Name: Catherine G Stineback Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Planning for Diversity: Seattle’s Multicultural Planning Platform Student Name: Irene Tang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Title: Shaping the Public Realm: An Analysis of Form-Based Codes in Hercules and Petaluma, California Student Name: Diego Velasco Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Comparative Review of the CEDCO Market Analysis Student Name: Ross Beckley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Displacement and Change in the Portland Region: Neighborhood Change and Growth Management Student Name: Katie Benski Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Kleit

Title: Sustainable Campus Master Planning: Current Status and Case Study Student Name: Daniel Bertolet Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Towards a Regional Design Strategy: Application of Classical Chinese Landscaping and Garden Art to the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Lan-Yin Sophia Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Public-Private Collaboration: Challenges and Strategies for Small Towns in Washington State Student Name: Joshua Curtis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Measuring the Success of Compensatory Wetland Creation in King County, Washington Student Name: Peter Drakos Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Urban Youth and Politics of Space: The Inclusion of Skateparks in Downtown Centers Student Name: Carrie Duncan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Mixed-Income and Mixed-Population Models for Permanent Supportive Housing: A Survey of Non-profit Housing Providers Student Name: Christopher Fiori Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Washington State’s Growth Management Act: A Matched Pairs Approach to Evaluating Urbanized Density Student Name: Melissa Guilbeau Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: The Matter of Amenities and Amenities That Matter Student Name: Susanne Hamilton Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: A Project Designed to Assess the Needs of Local Communities Participating in the National Flood Insurance Program Student Name: Sarah Hawkins Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Towards A Regional Design Strategy Student Name: Michael Hintze Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Copenhagen’s Water City Strategy: The Creation of the Øresund Region and its Effects on Urban Waterfront Redevelopment Student Name: Katherine Howe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: King County Flood Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis Student Name: Heidi Kandathil Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Planning for Food Secure Communities: A Preliminary Food Assessment of Seattle’s Chinatown-International District Student Name: Laurie Karlinsky Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Why We Can’t All Just Get Along: An Exploration of Interdisciplinary Group Dynamics Student Name: Japhet Koteen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: An Analysis of Whether Regulations Constrain the Implementation of Transit Oriented Development Student Name: Kokila Lochan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: The Production of Sustainable Urban Space: A Comparative Analysis of Wallingford and the Carfree Reference District Student Name: Robert Matthews Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Bob Mugerauer

Title: Gaining Effective Voice: Officials Listen When Community Groups Use GIS Student Name: Stanley May Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Public/Private Partnerships in Real Estate Development Student Name: Meredith Messmer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Bicycle Travel Patterns in Gothenburg, Sweden: Environment and Behavior Student Name: Joshua Miller Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Moudon

Title: Respectful Negotiations: The Importance of Cultural Sensitivity in Land Use Agreements Student Name: Rodney Proctor Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Demographics of Walkable Neighborhoods in Seattle Student Name: Belen Roca Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: A Strategy for Community Economic Development: Increasing Purchasing of Washington Agricultural Products by Washington Institutions Student Name: Erin Schau Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Seattle’s Neighborhood Business District Strategy: Mapping Pedestrian Designations Student Name: Catherine Sheehy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: Culturally Relevant Indicator Selection For The Calista Region of Western Alaska Student Name: Aren Sparck Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Urban Development and Native Avifauna Student Name: John Walsh Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Developing a Management Plan for Jetty Island Student Name: Jennifer Witzgall Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

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Urban Design and Planning (UrDP): Research Topics

Urban design and planning.

thesis topics related to urban planning

Image: Bogue Plan Map - Rapid Transit & Boulevards Author: Virgil G. Bogue License: Public Domain Date: 11/1911

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94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best urban planning topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting urban planning topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about urban planning, ❓ urban planning research questions.

  • Urban Planning Problems in New Delhi The growth of urban centers is usually a sign of economic stability and the political maturity of a country. The size of the population in Delhi is the driver behind its environmental problems.
  • Governmental Relations in Urban Planning This verse highlights the importance of having a clear and meaningful vision for the future, which is reflected in the city’s approach to planning.
  • Gentrification: Urban Planning in Canada It is important to find a way of addressing the concerns that stakeholders have to eliminate the current controversies in the new approach to urban planning.
  • The Impact of the Urban Planning Housing, neighborhoods, and real estate markets are primarily determined by urban planning, policies, and practices, the failures of which are the causes for the existing housing problems, but a healthy neighborhoods approach can be a […]
  • Urban Planning and Redevelopment Urban planning is a discipline that explores aspects of the built and environment of communities and municipalities. The Harrapan civilizations, the Mesopotamia, Ur, and cities of the Indus valley in India are among the earliest […]
  • Urban Planning and Zoning Categories The goal of zoning is to ensure that the different types of land use are separated and that the uses are compatible with one another. Zoning categories are very important because they regulate the use […]
  • Development and Theories in Urban Planning Mainly, conceptual planning and the rational-comprehensive planning theories are frameworks builders should adopt to cater to diverse issues and fulfil their responsibility to the earth as stipulated in the bible.
  • Urban Planning Code of Ethics Ethics can help planners foster an integral, moral, and trustworthy environment in the planning process and make socially acceptable approaches/ For instance, explaining to stakeholders existing and anticipated social problems that may occur in the […]
  • Urban Planning Development and Theories For example, during the period of city creation in the 17th century in Europe, urban planning, the creation of architectural ensembles and public spaces, and the design of local facilities have long been actively used.
  • Professional Urban Planning and Practices Reviewing the knowledge, skills, and components of the curriculum to ensure that they address the planning needs of the evolving world is a great example of an approach that focuses on the future of professional […]
  • Internet, Architecture, and Urban Planning: William J. Mitchell’s “City of Bits” Professor William Mitchell, a professor of ‘Architecture and Media Arts and Science in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’, has written the book called “City of Bits”, which deals with the relationship among internet, architecture and […]
  • The City Beautiful Movement and Urban Planning This quickly led to conflict with public interest and led to the formation of city planning commissions, intended to account for public input in city planning.
  • Michael Apted’s “Thunderheart”: Urban Planning His role was to investigate the circumstances that led to the murder of a Native American who was a follower of the American Indian Movement.
  • Urban Planning Optimization and Homelessness Therefore, the urban planning should be revised regarding those private providers’ interests: the risk of failure for future city development would strongly increase in the areas of possible economic concern.
  • Optimizing Urban Planning to Address Homelessness Researchers use sensitivity analysis to assess the contribution of single preference parameters to the uncertainty of the ranking of alternatives. In the same manner, authorities can create a database consisting of all the shelters for […]
  • Internet of Things in a Work of an Urban Planning Specialist Due to the fact that urban planning ultimately targets the experiences of urban dwellers, the internet of things and is vital to consider for a city designer.
  • Urban Planning: City Summary Grayslake, IL It is located to the north of Chicago’s downtown approximately 64km away, and the west of Lake Michigan approximately 23km away, and to the south of Wisconsin border approximately 24km away.
  • Urban Planning: Transit-Oriented Development Lynch defines efficiency in terms of cost: the less costly the creation and the maintenance of a system is, the more efficient it can be considered.
  • Urban Planning: “The Great Good Place” by Ray Oldenburg The author wrote the book in 1999 in an attempt to show the significance of casual and open gathering places, which he referred to as “third places”.
  • Sustainable Urban Planning in West Loop Area Due to the global and ubiquitous nature of environmental challenges and the adverse effects of the pollution of the atmosphere and oceans, deforestation, and the destruction of sea beds and ecosystems, the need for sustainable […]
  • Urban Planning Issues in the “Boyz n the Hood” Film Boyz n the Hood reveals the problem of the suburbanization of the society and non-functional urban environment, which is typical of the areas similar to the one shown in the movie.
  • Green Communities in Urban Planning Under such circumstances, much attention is paid to green communities as the most appropriate form of living in balance with nature one of the examples of such a green community in Copenhagen.
  • Issues Affecting Urban Planning in “City of God” Film The author of the movie draws the reader’s attention to some of the factors that affect urban planning. Therefore, this call for a combined effort to see that each issues is addressed fully in order […]
  • Urban Planning Issues About the Movie “City of God” This is where he also discovers corruption and collaboration in between the Kenyan government, the pharmaceutical corporation, and his fellow British colleagues. The main cause for lack of social mobility is limited of education.
  • Urban Planning Issues About the Movie “Julie and Julia” Paris is portrayed as superior to the New York City and Julia’s recipes seem to influence the way the residents of Paris as well as the New Yorkers eat.
  • “Gone Baby Gone” Movie: Urban Planning Issues The residents of the area are also suspicious that the police are not honest in their dealings and this makes it difficult for the two detectives to resolve Amanda’s abduction.
  • Urban Planning Aspects: “Before Sunset” Urban planning is defined as the process of controlling the utilization of design and land of an urban development, with the aim of ensuring that communities and settlements in the urban areas are orderly developed.
  • Canadian Urban Planning, Housing, and Women
  • When Urban Planning Doctrine Meets Low Density Countryside
  • Urban Planning, Modern and Postmodern Design
  • Project and Urban Planning at the University of California
  • European Urban Planning Systems: Diversity and Convergence
  • Smart Methods for Environmental Externalities: Urban Planning, Environmental Health and Hygiene in the Netherlands
  • Geographic Information System and Its Application in Urban Planning and Environment
  • Environmental Management and Urban Planning Practices
  • Urban Planning and Information and Communication Technology: Ideas and Facts
  • Ecological Urban Planning and Design: A Systematic Literature Review
  • The City Beautiful Movement: The Urban Planning Practices
  • Urban Planning Management System in Los Angeles: An Overview
  • Urban Planning and the Geographic Information System
  • Kevin Lynch and His Contribution to the Urban Planning Theory
  • Urban Planning: The History of Cycling Infrastructure
  • Handbook for Gender-Inclusive Urban Planning and Design
  • Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure in Urban Planning
  • Women, Housing and Urban Planning in Canada
  • Urban Planning Community and Economic Development
  • Multitype Green-Space Modeling for Urban Planning Using GA and GIS
  • Social Mix and the City: Challenging the Mixed Communities Consensus in Housing and Urban Planning Policies
  • Urban Planning and Its Role of the Public
  • Urban Planning Critical Issues on Urban Development
  • Environmental Holism and the Biophilic Hypothesis in Urban Planning
  • The Similarities and Differences in Urban Planning in Italy and The Netherlands
  • Classifying and Valuing Ecosystem Services for Urban Planning
  • Urban Planning and Development Theories of Paul Peterson
  • How The Urban Planning and Development of Jane Jacobs
  • Urban Planning and Railway Corridors: Resolving Regulatory Dysfunction in Australia
  • Urban Heat Island Adaptation Through Urban Planning and Design: The Struggle of the City of Los Angeles
  • Urban Planning and the Location of Environmental Amenities
  • Urban Planning with the Aid of Factor Analysis Approach: The Case of Isfahan Municipality
  • Urban Planning, Architecture, and the Contributions of Rome
  • Washington, D.C.: The First Example of Urban Planning
  • Urban Planning Policy for Realizing Public Objectives Through Private Development in Seoul
  • Urban Planning for the New Buildings
  • Scientific Reasoning and Methods in Urban Planning
  • Risk, Uncertainty, and Spatial Distinction: A Study of Urban Planning in Stockholm
  • Paris and London: Late 19th Century Urban Planning
  • Overcrowding and Urban Planning in Victorian London
  • What Does an Urban Planning Do?
  • Why Urban Planning Is Important?
  • What Does Urban Planning Focus On?
  • What Are the Goals of Urban Planning?
  • What Is Urban Planning in Simple Words?
  • What Are the Types of Urban Planning?
  • How Does Urban Planning Affect the Environment?
  • Which City Has the Best Urban Planning?
  • Is Urban Planning Similar to Civil Engineering?
  • What Is the Difference Between Urban Design and Urban Planning?
  • What Is an Example of Urban Planning?
  • What Are the Factors of Urban Planning?
  • How Can Urban Planning Be Improved?
  • Which Software Is Used for Urban Planning?
  • Is Urban Planning and Architecture Same?
  • What Are the Challenges of Urban Planning?
  • How Urban Planning Affects Economy?
  • What Is the Most Important Issue in Urban Planning?
  • How Does Urban Planning Affect Quality of Life?
  • How Is Urban Planning Sustainable?
  • What Influences Urban Planning?
  • How Does Urban Planning Relate to Architecture?
  • What Are the Reasons for Urban Planning Failure?
  • What Is Level of Urban Planning?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/urban-planning-essay-topics/

"94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/urban-planning-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/urban-planning-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/urban-planning-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/urban-planning-essay-topics/.

RTF | Rethinking The Future

15 Architecture Thesis Topics for Urban Architecture

thesis topics related to urban planning

Urban Architecture has consistently been a trending architecture thesis topic among the students. And before we go deep into the variety of topics that can be used we must understand what exactly is Urban Architecture?

One could say urban architecture refers to any building type that establishes an appreciable relationship with its surrounding context, the built environment , and the community itself. It comprises buildings that are mostly located in urban areas, are accessible, and are meant to serve the public at large. Its purpose hence would be to make society better. Indeed, people are indeed strongly affected by building forms and facades. According to research, the main cause of ‘social stress’ in urban environments is often the absence of social bonding and interconnection in city landscapes . Design that stimulates social and urban cohesion is hence, very important for good community living. This is where urban architecture comes in; a holistic approach to the subject may result in projects like iconic skyscrapers or even residential developments . However, the focus revolves around enhancing the experience of people who are connected to the architecture.

When choosing to do a architecture thesis project on the subject of urban architecture, one needs to understand the platitude of areas and scopes encompassed by the field. There are indeed endless possibilities and avenues to explore that intend to serve the interests of the public, and also make community life better.

Before you delve into the list of topics of urban architecture to choose from, make that:

  • You understand the subject thoroughly. Choose a topic relevantly and appealing to your interests, especially prospects, masters, or a job.
  • You discuss it with your thesis advisor so that he can comprehend your intent and help you through the course of the project .
  • The topic does not necessarily have to be unique. It also should not be something that has been tried and tested far too many times.it is because your work is what would represent you. Make sure, it speaks of who you are and what you want to do.

Here are a few options for viable architecture thesis topics that you could choose to look at.

1. Low-cost housing | Architecture Thesis

As more and more people are moving to dense urban cities like New York , in search of a better quality of living and opportunities, the city population is on the rise. As is the cost of living, making low-cost housing a dire need of societies, as low-income residents have limited choices for affordable living. When affordable housing complexes were being constructed ever since the mid-20 th century, these projects were often seen as monumental solutions to provide economical living spaces to large groups of people. Hence, even with the best of intentions of the designers, the imposing towers often turned out to be negligent of human scale, and were often more inhospitable and discouraging for communities, leaving them feeling more isolated and unwelcome.

However, a rising interest in the area since recent years has seen a rise in alternative solutions to the outdated models. Low-cost, affordable housing is not seen as merely buildings creating decent spaces for living, but also using sustainable building features to reduce costs, maintenance and to help improve the quality of life and belongingness for residents, allowing them to feel more connected to not just the resources, but also to communities and the spaces outside.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet1

2. Art and Heritage museum

To design a building that is important not only for the preservation of the history of the community but to also integrate members of the community and to what they share. This topic uses a method that looks at the study not only qualitatively, but also based on a theoretical foundation, with the acute understanding that comes from familiarizing oneself with concepts and standards of museums, exhibition spaces, contextualism, and exhibit care and preservation.

The project should not only focus on respecting the importance of the historical context, but also ensure that it avoids the damage of pieces of its past. It should shed light on the concept of the museum itself, the types of functions and activities it would encourage, the form and physicality of the building, and the interconnectivity between different elements of the museum . The journey of a user and the enriching experience that the museum provides, concerning its displays but to communal spaces of social interaction and discussion should also be of high value when taking this topic.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet2

3. Airport of Urban Architecture Thesis

Many countries in the world, including the USA, are suffering from outdated aviation infrastructure, with most airports being more than 40 years old, and a lot of money being spent on the revamp, expansion or construction to meet the challenging new needs of today. Design-wise, architects need to not only provide solutions for the necessary functioning and program of the airport , but also to enhance the experience of travel for the visitors, which includes interesting features for wayfinding, atriums for nature incorporation and natural light, state-of-the-art visual elements, and huge spaces for sightseeing and rest, as well cultural experiences which encapsulate the context of the airport, gardens, and desert landscapes. The project area also has a lot of potential for experimentation with physical form and modelmaking, which could induce a sense of awe for the public at large.

The functional aspects, of course, include catering to huge parking spaces, checking and security posts, luggage management areas, lobby areas, airport maintenance spaces, airplane ramps, and cargos, and many others, as well as allowing for the potential for future expansion. Thus, airports not only present an interesting challenge for a thesis topic but are also one that provides extensive avenues to understand the flexibility of a space which is in fact the cardinal space a visitor comes into contact with when entering a new city or a country. Hence, holding great social importance. The change seen in recent airport designs does indeed seem like a promising area to work in.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet3

4. Cinema and theatre architecture

Cinemas and theatres are interesting places, where the anticipation to experience is just as important as the actual film or performance itself. This is why the design and nature of the building hold such great importance.  It should in some way, either reflect the magnitude of the experience that it would showcase, or subdue itself against the marvel of the performance . Either way, it should be taken as a work of art, as architectural icons as done so in the past, which communicate the spirit of the times through the design.

The building requires a careful understanding of the program; it features their relationships with one another, the type of circulation from one space to another, and the allowance of gathering spaces with technical ones as well. The seating arrangement, sound buffering, technical knowledge must be handled as meticulously as possible, as close attention to the sound, visuals, and theatrics are what greatly enhance the experience of the performance. This is why this is also a very fascinating topic, for a building that integrates different groups of society and brings them together to experience a shared feature.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet4

5. Skyscraper design | Architecture Thesis

Living in a time when the competition to rise, to go higher, and to reach greater heights resonates with the fact that there is an ever-increasing desire to build very tall buildings. By definition, a skyscraper is a building that exceeds 330 feet in height. Yet the contemporary approach is not only to reach unattainable heights in construction, but it is also to rejuvenate thinking abilities, and present inventions with cutting-edge designs, that also meet the function of the building with elegance and pride. From encompassing different architectural movements like art deco and modernism, skyscraper designs also look at the intensive technical understanding of how high-rise work, the relationship of functionality between different floors, structural knowledge, and the municipalities that come with handling such delicate tasks.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet5

6. Suburban housing community

Suburban homes provide an avenue to understand a huge sector of society without directly destroying existing structures. They should be able to cater to the needs of the ever-changing dynamic of the public, to provide a potential for future expansion, and to provide an environment of ownership that allows for a comforting feeling of belongingness that leads to greater social integration.

The nature of the task often involves dealing with multiple stakeholders that are directly associated with such regions, including developers and the municipal government. Therefore, this subject involves a meticulous understanding of the way rules and regulations work, sizing, areas and appropriate zoning, transportation, and also a critical comprehension of the associated infrastructure required to cater to the needs of residential living, and of course, the quality of life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet6

7. Marine park design of Urban Architecture

Projects paying attention to marine life can help bring new life into waterfront areas and can also provide a point of interest for the entire region itself. There exists in our society an absence of awareness regarding marine ecosystems, especially informal sectors, which has resulted in a lack of opportunities, care, and resources available for marine life. Thus, a thesis project on this topic would not be addressing the administrative concerns related to marine life, but could also cater to providing a recreational public space , where visitors can appreciate and interact with marine life along with exhibition spaces intended to create awareness for the general public.

Whilst taking the project a step ahead, a proper research institute could also be designed to further the knowledge available of the oceans and the organisms that inhabit them. These institutes with research facilities and equipment could provide areas for analysis, experimentation, and research for discovery. Thus, this project would not only help educate the public at large, but help generate revenue as a popular tourist attraction, and plant seeds for much-needed research of marine life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet7

8. Convention center of Urban Architecture

A convention center is a public building of urban architecture meant to convey ideas and knowledge. It is also perceived to be more like the expansion of a town hall, where people having shared interests, goals, though, religion, or professions, could gather to interact, communicate, learn, and make decisions regarding the public realm. Hence, it is a space that caters to large groups of people, providing them with communal spaces that encourage different uses as well as appropriate exhibition spaces. 

Furthermore, since a convention center is meant to act as a medium for discourse, the first thing to consider is to develop a concept that would intend to attract people. It should have easy accessibility, be welcoming and fascinating and its spaces should be able to provide the necessary means for it to function efficiently and effectively. 

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet8

9. Library of Urban Architecture Thesis

In the modern age of digitalization, the internet and technology have greatly transformed the manner in which we consume information. With this rapidly changing paradigm, the traditional function of a library is put on a pedestal and called to question. While it is true that the physical collection of books in a certain environment as compared to quick access to data using the internet does question the sustainability of a public library and the resources it offers, we must also keep in mind that a library also functions as a flexible space, that can be transformed to an active social space, agent for interaction and societal growth.

It must not only be considered to be a space that allows access to information, but also an environment that encourages discourse, communication, and exchange of meaningful ideas between people from different ages and social groups. With this in mind, a public library must be considered as one of the most democratic building types available, and one that has huge potential to add value to community development, growth, resource, and service. Therefore, with the sensitivity that comes with designing a library comes great responsibility, and this must be looked at as an area with the potential to be explored as a vital public asset.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet9

10. School of art and design

Projects that are practical solutions to community needs also have greater impacts on communities socially as well as economically. A thesis of urban architecture at a School for Art and Design could immensely help in this regard. It would only provide a platform for artists, architects, students, and citizens from various fields and social groups to gather and interact, share ideas and learn through conventional as well as modern ways and activities. This center would also enable these artists to share and exhibit their work and experiences through exhibition spaces, seminars, events, and conferences with members of their own community and the wider world through event halls, conference rooms, and libraries for research and learning.

With a learning institute as part of the program, the center would also allow aspiring artists to develop skills through formal training as well as informal activities. Thus, this institute would help create inclusivity in society but integrating different groups of people with a shared interest throughout the day and hence, year. It would also act as a viable magnet for social interaction between professionals, beneficial for the community and the campus. This, in turn, would enhance and regenerate the urban fabric, add depth to the context of the city and help drive the society forward in a positive direction. A thesis conducted on this topic, therefore, would allow you to look at art as a potential field to a group and bring communities together to appreciate the marvel that is an art and its ability to create change in the contemporary world.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet10

11. Bus terminal cum commercial complex

Transit facilities are indeed one of the most important and vital functions of a city itself. They constitute some of the most important goals of the city and its government by inviting a large number of people to the city, merges different groups of crows, and bring in opportunities of work and living for the masses, thus building the scope of urban architecture. Therefore, smooth and better transit provides ground for future development and helps the urban fabric to grow incredibly. Transit not only improves the urban squares and nodes, and provides a push to less developed areas to allow them to be at par with the rest of the city.

Understanding the scope of development associated with a bus terminal with a commercial complex attached as an additional function thus presents itself as an interesting topic to pursue. It would not only group different travelers with one another but also with the locals, allowing them to appreciate and value local culture and tradition, as well as activities that integrate the urban living community.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet11

12. Sports stadium of Urban Architecture

A stadium is one of the building typologies that have the power to shape the city or town it is located in. it not only helps put the city on the maps but also establishes an identity for the community and provides a tourist attraction and a focal point in its landscape. It is thus, a huge actor of theatrics that represents the output of a sport, and has a significant role for the city with regards to politics, geography, as well as socio-economics.

Thus, a sports stadium should not be looked at as a revenue-generating machine, but a building type that should be sustainable, iconic in design, with strong structural understanding for it to be considered a marvel in civic urban architecture. It requires a comprehensive understanding of various issues related to planning and design, which also cater to increased interaction and ease of access to its activities, and the environment is contained and encouraged.


13. Resort design | Architecture Thesis

A resort is a place that caters to accommodation, leisure, and recreation. It provides for a variety of activities and luxury in scenic areas and is able to house different groups of people together. Some facilities provided include rooms or huts, swimming pools , sports grounds, gyms, fine dining areas, halls for events, and many others.

Resort tourism is an area that is rapidly gaining popularity. It has a lot of municipalities involved that are often delicate in nature so as to provide high levels of comfort for its users. Therefore, it often talks about large scales, an attractive form that is meant to attract the general public, and advanced equipment and management strategies. It is indeed an interesting topic to consider when one wants to work on an area that not only deals with program efficiency but also the psychological impacts of effective design strategies. 


14. Religious buildings

An architecture thesis of urban architecture on religious buildings is a fascinating area to work on. It provides an avenue to create places with identity and an environment that awakens the senses and the emotions, enhances the experience, and provides a platform for spiritual practice. It should be kept in mind that the metaphysical concerns and experiences can largely be enhanced using effective space strategies that will come with a keen understanding of spatial and urban architecture.

Thus, space aims to heighten the experience of religion and spirituality and tends to cater to the tangible and intangible aspects of architecture, that involve senses. It is, therefore, a great challenge for architects to design spaces for religious activities, but also one that provides that greater amount of emotional appraisal. The modern religious building not only functions as only a religious center but also provides opportunities for people to come together and engage in communal activities. This is another aspect that architects need to consider when designing religious centers for contemporary times.


15. Educational Institute for rural children

With the understanding that urban architecture paves the way for enhancing the educational process with effective plan strategies and expression of detail, the topic provides an opportunity to explore this area with the development of an educational institute for rural children. This would not only emphasize the importance of education for all sectors of society but would allow meaningful involvement of the community for development projects meant to improve the quality of life for the rural sectors.

The planning involved would recognize the basic functions needed to run a school, especially in a rural setting with a standard of quality education kept in mind. There is an urgent need for developers to look at this area in society, as existing schools do not meet the typical standard, which in turn affects the educational lives of its students, making them unable to perform effectively to become important assets for their society. Thus, this topic for social responsibility helps to integrate schools and the community, with the building serving as a reflection of ideas of both its place and time through its design, concept, and function.


An Architect by profession, a writer, artist, and baker by interest, Amna Pervaiz sees Architecture and Urban Planning as a multifaceted avenue allowing her to explore a plethora of disciplinary elements. She sees the field as an untapped canvas; a journey she hopes would one day lead her towards social responsibility and welfare.

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thesis topics related to urban planning

University Library

Doctoral Theses in Urban and Regional Planning

A chronological checklist.

The following are doctoral theses completed by individual students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Please see Find Dissertations for more details about locating doctoral theses in general.  Check the online catalog for doctoral theses not listed here.

Most call numbers and locations are given after each entry; if not available, search the online catalog under author or title. Call numbers are linked to the entry in the online catalog or IDEALS when available.

Yu, Chenxi. Three papers in urban and regional economic and development/ by Chenxi Yu. Dissertation (Ph.D.) – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign , 2015. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Regional Planning/    Found in IDEALS

Kashem, Md Shakil Bin. Moving towards disaster: examining the changing patterns of social vulnerability in a multi-hazard urban environment/ by Md Shakil Bin Kashem. Dissertation (Ph.D.) – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign , 2015. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Regional Planning/    Found in IDEALS

Lee, Sungwon. The role of urban spatial structure in reducing VMT and GHG emissions/ by Sungwon Lee. Dissertation (Ph.D.) – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2015. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Regional Planning/   Found in IDEALS

Vincentelo Lupa, Claudia Mariella . Planning in cyberenvironments: an analysis of the impacts of open data in Chicago / by Claudia Mariella Vincentelo Lupa. Dissertation (Ph.D.)—University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2015. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Regional Planning/    Found in IDEALS

Figueroa, Carlos. Wage equations and the regional economics in Guatemala/ by Carlos Figueroa. Dissertation (Ph.D.)—University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2014. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Regional Planning/    Found in IDEALS

Green, Timothy. Cluster Planning and Cluster Strategy in Regional Economic Development Organizations/ by Timothy Green. Thesis (Ph.D.)—University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2014. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Irawan, Andi. Regional Income Disparities in Indonesia: Measurements, Convergence Process, and Decentralization/ by Andi Irawan. Thesis (Ph.D.)—University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2014. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Allred, Dustin. Examining the Effectiveness of Voluntary Coordination among Local Governments: Evidence from a Regional Land Use Planning Process/ by Dustin Allred. Thesis (Ph.D.)—University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2013. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Boyer, Robert. Transitioning to Sustainable Urban Development: A Niche-Based Approach / by Robert Boyer. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Rahe, Mallory. Building Prosperous Communities: The Effects of Social Capital, Financial Capital, and Place / by Mallory Rahe. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Honey-Roses, Jordi. Ecosystem Services in Planning Practice for Urban and Technologically Advanced Landscapes / by Jordi Honey-Roses. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Found in IDEALS

Nesse, Kate. How Do We Know? Determining School District Fiscal and Administrative Policy in Rural Hispanic Boomtowns in the Midwest / by Kate Nesse. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Found in IDEALS

Sarraf, Saket. Three essays on Social Dynamics and Landuse Change: Framework, Model, and Estimator / by Saket Sarraf. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Found in IDEALS

Borich, Genevieve. The Broader Social Network of Community Planning: A Diagnostic Tool for Communities to Assess Their Planning Capacity / by Genevieve Borich. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Wan, Jun. Three Papers in Regional Economics: Energy Productivity Convergence, Water Resource Planning, and Workforce Occupation-Industry Dynamics / by Jun Wan. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Araj, Fidaa I. Planning Under Deep Political Conflict: The Relationship Between Afforestation Planning and the Struggle Over Space in the Palestinian Territories / by Fidaa Ibrahim Mustafa Araj. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Brody, Jason. Constructing Professional Knowledge   :  The Neighborhood Unit Concept and the Community Builders Handbook / by Jason Brody. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning   /    Found in IDEALS

Budhathoki, Nama R. Participants’ Motivations to Contribute Geographic Information in an Online Community / by Nama Raj Budhathoki. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning   /    Found in IDEALS

Chandrasekhar, Divya. Understanding Stakeholder Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery (Case Study: Nagapattinam, India) / by Divya Chandrasekhar   .  Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning   /    Found in IDEALS

Dringo, Marina V. Why Use Agent-Based Models To Explore Social Issues? The Case Of Intimate Partner Violence and Social Support Systems / by Marina V. Dringo. 2010.   Found in IDEALS

Gamal, Ahmad. Appropriating decentralization: how urban poverty project triggers advocacy / by Ahmad Gamal. 2010.   Found in IDEALS

Ganning, Joanna P. Growth Effects of Urban-Rural and Intra-Regional Linkages on Non-Metropolitan Counties and Communities in the U.S. / by Joanna Paulson Ganning. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning   /    Found in IDEALS

Iuchi, Kanako. Redefining a Place to Live: Decisions, Planning Processes, and Outcomes of Resettlement after Disasters / by Kanako Iuchi. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Kim, Jae H. Land Use, Spatial Structure, and Regional Economic Performance: Assessing the Economic Effects of Land Use Planning and Regulation / by Jae Hong Kim. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Found in IDEALS

Robles, Johanna D. The FDI and regional development in Chile / by Johanna D. Robles. 2010.  Found in IDEALS

Finn, Donovan. Our Uncertain Future: Can Good Planning Create Sustainable Communities? / by Donovan Flinn. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. iv, 203 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-202). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Q. 338.927 F497o

Li, Jinghuan. Developing a Markup Language for Encoding Graphic Content in Plan Documents / by Jinghuan Li. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Found in IDEALS

Sandiford, Glenn. Transforming an Exotic Species: Nineteenth-Century narratives about Introduction of Carp in America / by Glenn Sandiford. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. xiv, 320 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 639.37483 Sa568t

Zapata, Marisa. Planning Across Differences: Collaborative Planning in the California Central Valley / by Marisa Zapata. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Found in IDEALS

Ha, Soo J. Integrated Assessment of Structural Change and Sustainability in the Chicago Region / by Soo Jung Ha. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. v, 117 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-111). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 354.34 B433r

Kang, Sangjun. Spatial Distribution of Best Management Practices for Stormwater Management / by Sangjun Kang. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. v, 113 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-99). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /   Q. 628.1 K131s

Kaza, Nikhil. Reasoning With Plans: Inference of Semantic Relationships among Plans about Urban Development / by Nikhil Kaza. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. xiv, 181 leaves, bound : ill., maps (some col.) ; 29 cm. + cdrom. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 168-175). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning / Q. 711.4 K189r ; Found in IDEALS

Koschinsky, Julia. Modeling Spatial Spillover Effects from Rental to Owner Housing: The Case of Seattle / by Julia Koschinsky. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. ix, 172 leaves, bound : ill., maps (some col. ) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-114). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning / Q. 307.76097977 K846m

Warren, Drake Edward. The regional economic effects of commercial passenger air service at small airports / by Drake Edward Warren. viii, 414 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 398-413). Q. 338.1 Tbp08w

Wildermuth, Todd A. Yesterday’s city of tomorrow : the Minnesota Experimental City and green urbanism / by Todd A. Wildermuth. v, 278 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 271-276). Q. 630 Tbp08w

Xiao, Yu. Local Labor Market Adjustment and Economic Impacts after a Major Disaster: Evidence from the 1993 Midwest Flood / by Yu Xiao. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008. xii, 219 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 197-205). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning / Q. 363.34097738 X4l

Bendor, Todd K. Redistribution effects of wetland mitigation over space and time / by Todd K. Bendor. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. v, 117 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-111). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 354.34 B433r

Lim, Jaewon. Interregional Migration and Regional Economic Structure / by Jaewon Lim. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. xiii, 143 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 129-134). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 304.81 L628i

Lufin Varas, Marcelo Leonardo. Essays in social space : applications to Chilean communities on inter-sector social linkages, social capital, and social justice / by Marcelo Leonardo Lufin Varas. v, 254 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 153-173).  Q. 711.40983 L967e

Maeng, Da-Mi. Information and Communications Technologies and Urban Environment: Empirical Analysis of the Washington DC Metropolitan Region / by Da-Mi Maeng. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. x, 119 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-115). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 711.4 M268i

Silva, Carlos E. Three Essays on Regional Economics / by Carlos Eduardo Silva. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. iv, 112 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-111). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 330.9 Si382t

Sorensen, Janni. Challenges of Unequal Power Distribution in University-Community Partnerships / by Janni Sorensen. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. ix, 212 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-189). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 711.58 So684c

Varas, Marcelo L. Essays in Social Space: Applications to Chilean Communities on Inter-Sector Social Linkages, Social Capital, and Social Justice / by Marcelo Leonardo Lufin Varas.Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007. v, 254 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 153-173). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 711.40983 L967e

Wang, Yun. Predicting long-term impacts of urbanization in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area on regional emissions of air pollutants from residential fuel combustion : a dynamic geographic information systems approach / by Yun Wang. viii, 142 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-69).  Q. 711.40977866 W184p

Aldegheishem, Abdulaziz J. Geospatial sharing as an effective governance tool for policy decision : comparative analysis and implication to Saudi Arabia / by Abdulaziz J. Aldegheishem.  Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006. xiv, 221 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 204-220). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 910.28509538 Al21g

Shammin, Md Rumi. Opportunity and challenges for sustainability in urban planning and the energy sprawl / by Md Rumi Shammin. xvi, 211 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-145).  Q. 630 Tbp06s

Sofhani, Tubagus Furqon. Toward empowered participatory planning: the role of planners in the local planning paradigm change in Indonesia / by Tubagus Furqon Sofhani. xii, 173 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 158-167).  Q. 307.1216 So232t

Vial, Jose Fernando. Interlinking interregional economic models with infrastructure networks : three essays / by Jose Fernando Vial. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006. ix, 184 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-182). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 330.9 V651i

Bonet, Jaime Alfred. Decentralization, structural change and regional disparities in Colombia / by Jaime Alfred Bonet. x, 128 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-113).  Q. 986.1063 B641d

Guo, Dong. Structure and structural change in China’s economy / by Dong Guo. 2005. xi, 130 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 116-125). Theses –UIUC –2005 –Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 338.951 G959s

Jang, Sung-Gheel. Interoperable multimodal travel guide system : modeling and implementation – a canonical model approach / by Sung-Gheel Jang. 2005. xi, 132 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 119-128). Theses –UIUC –2005 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.  Q. 388.0285 J254i

Lee, Jong Sung. Developing spatio-temporal models for retrofit and reconstruction strategy under unscheduled events / by Jong Sung Lee. 2005. x, 102 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-98). Theses –UIUC –2005 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library City Planning /  Q. 353.9 L517d

Prasai, Sagar R. Transnational migration-development nexus and the capability approach : reframing the linkages/ by Sagar R. Prasai. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005. vii, 145 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 132-140). Theses –UIUC –2005 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 331.544 P886t

Balta, Nazmiye. Climate change policy in an enlarged European Union : institutions, efficiency, and equity / by Nazmiye Balta. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004. xvii, 285 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 279-284). Theses–UIUC–2004–Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 363.7 B216c

Kim, Jungik. An assessment of the discommodity effects of swine production on rural property values : a spatial analysis / by Jungik Kim. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004. xi, 186 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 177-185). Theses–UIUC–2004–Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.   Q. 333.3352 K56a

Plotnikova, Maria. Determinants of household housing privatization decision in Russia / by Maria Plotnikova. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004. vii, 98 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-97). Theses–UIUC–2004 –Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.   Q. 363.50947 P724d

Sumadi, Pungky. Governance in a democratic transition : the case of the Urban Poverty Project in Cirebon / by Pungky Sumadi. 2004. xv, 225 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 204-218). Theses –UIUC –2004 –Urban and Regional Planning. Printout.  Q. 320.85095982 Su61g

Budthimedhee, Kanjanee. Effective visualization interfaces for planning support systems / by Kanjanee Budthimedhee. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. vi, 158 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-156). Theses–UIUC–2003–Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /    Q. 005.118 B859e

Deal, Brian Michael. Sustainable land-use planning: the integration of process and technology / by Brian Michael Deal. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. viii, 115 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-85). Theses–UIUC–2003–Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /    Q. 307.1216 D342s

Haddad, Monica Amaral. Human development and regional inequalities: spatial analysis across Brazilian municipalities / by Monica Amaral Haddad. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. xiv, 144 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 133-140). Theses–UIUC–2003–Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 307.140981 H117h

Nazara, Suahasil. An exploration of interaction effects in Indonesian regional economic development / by Suahasil Nazara. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. xiii, 156 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-155). Theses–UIUC–2003–Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning./   Q. 330.9598 N236e

Henne, Lisa Jean. Power and science in participatory watershed planning: a case study from rural Mexico / by Lisa Jean Henne. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002. ix, 170 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-166). Theses–UIUC–2002–Regional Planning.Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 333.730972 H391s

Song, Yan. Valuing the impacts of new urbanism on prices of single-family homes: a case study of Portland, Oregon / by Yan Song Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002. xvi, 137 leaves, bound : ill., maps. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-136). Theses–UIUC–2002–Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 728.370979549 So581v

Wu, Yueming. Seismic risk analysis for Mid-America communities / by Yueming Wu Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002. ix, 208 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 203-207). Theses–UIUC–2002–Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning. /  Q. 551.220287 W950s

Kumar, Sandeep. Role of information in design review : a case study / by Sandeep Kumar. 2001. ix, 189 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Vita. Theses–UIUC–2001–Regional Planning. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001.  Q. 711.40973 K96r

Tyler, Elizabeth Holl. Development of an environmental values typology / by Elizabeth Holl Tyler. xi, 256 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-146).  Q. 363.7 T971d

Matier, Debra Anne. A cross-national study of policy entrepreneurship on the part of technical-professional bureaucrats in national environmental agencies : the case of household waste reduction policy in Germany, France and the United States / by Debra Anne Matier. 2000. vii, 269 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Theses–UIUC–2000–Regional Planning. /  Q. 658.421

Tyler, Elizabeth Holl. Development of an environmental values typology / by Elizabeth Holl Tyler. 2001. xi, 256 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-146). Theses –UIUC –2001 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning.  Q. 363.7 T971d

You, Jinsoo. Development of a hybrid travel time forecasting model with GIS : design and implementation issues / by Jinsoo You. 2000. xv, 171 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Vita. Theses–UIUC–2000– Regional Planning. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-167).  Q. 388.10113 Y83d

Alvares, Lucia Maria Capanema. Classifying intermediary non-governmental organizations according to their strategies to empower local grassroots groups / by Lucia Maria Capanema Alvares. c1999. xiv, 443 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Data for this research was collected in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 427-440). 1. Non-governmental organizations–Case studies. 2. Community development–Brazil–Belo Horizonte–Case studies. I. Title. Other: Theses–UIUC–1999–Regional Planning.   361.763 Al86c

Carvajal N., Ana Maria . Evaluating the impact of rail-trail conversion projects on property values : empirical evidence from the Illinois Prairie Path / by Ana Maria Caraval N. 1999. vi, 37 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 34-37).   796.509773 C253e

Hanley, Paul Francis, 1965- Simulating land developers’, sewer providers’, and land owners’ behavior to assess sewer expansion policies / by Paul Francis Hanley. 1999. viii, 89 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. “The research design uses a stochastic simulation model of development behavior to capture alternative explanations of sewer provider and developer behaviors. The input data and model parameters are based on 26 years of historical data for a 12 square mile study area in Washington County, Oregon…”–p.2. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-80) 1. Sewage disposal–Mathematical models. 2. Stochastic processes. 3. Sewerage–Oregon–Washington County–Mathematical models. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Regional Planning.   363.7284 H194s

Okuyama, Yasuhide. Analyses of structural change : input-output approaches / by Yasuhide Okuyama. 1999. xii, 141 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-136). Analyzes structural change in the Chicago economy between 1980 and 1997 and the effects of the 1998 earthquake in the Hanshin region of Japan. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. 1. Input-output analysis. 2. Chicago (Ill.)–Economic conditions. 3. Hanshin region (Japan)–Economic conditions. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Regional Planning.   339.23 Ok7a

Ellis, Christopher D. The effectiveness of qualitative spatial representation in supporting spatial awareness and spatial decision making / by Christopher D. Ellis. 1998. xii, 154 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-151). Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. 1. Space perception– Case studies. 2. Qualitative reasoning–Case studies. 3. Geographic information systems. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1998–Regional Planning.  Q.910.285El59e

Larsen, Larissa Susan. A comparison of Chicago’s scattered site and aggregate public housing residents’ psychological self-evaluations / by Larissa Susan Larsen. c1998. viii, 171 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Includes bibliographical records (leaves 144-152). Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. 1. Public housing– Resident satisfaction. 2. Public housing–Illinois–Chicago–Case studies. 3. Human ecology–Case studies. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1998– Regional Planning.  Q.363.58509773L329c

Lindsey, Timothy Craig. Promoting the adoption of pollution prevention innovations with the assistance of publicly owned treatment works / by Timothy Craig Lindsey. c1998. x, 220 leaves, bound ; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 209-212). Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. 1. Sewage–Purification. 2. Membrane separation. 3. Pollution prevention–Case studies. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1998–Regional Planning.  Q. 628.50286 L645p

Brodjonegro, Bambang. The econometric input-output model of Jakarta, Indonesia, and its application for economic impact analysis / by Bambang Brodjonegoro. 1997. viii, 142 leaves, bound: ill.; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph.D.) — University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-141). 1. Econometric models–Indonesia–Jakarta. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1997–Regional Planning.   Q.330.015195 B784

Guo, Jiemen. Comparative study of economic structure of Chinese regional economies using new input-output techniques / by Jiemen Guo. x, 139 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-135).   Q. 338.951 G957c

Kim, Sung-Ho. Modeling resident satisfaction : comparison of the Francescato and Fishbein-Ajzen TRA models / by Sung-Ho Kim. 1997. xiii, 180 leaves, bound: ill.; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997. 1. Action theory–Research. 2. Housing– Resident satisfaction. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1997–Regional Planning.   Q.155.945 K56m, cop.2

Knowles-Yanez, Kimberley Lynne. Contested land use planning: a case study of a grassroots neighborhood organization, a medical complex, and a city / by Kimberley Lynne Knowles-Yanez. xiv, 178 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 140-144).   Q. 333.77 K764c

Miller, Claire Ellen. Managing local sustainability : a game theoretic analysis of natural resource conservation / by Claire Ellen Miller. 1997. vii, 195 leaves, bound: ill.; 28 cm. Printout. Thesis (Ph.D.) — University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-175). 1. Conservation of natural resources–United States. 2. Habitat conservation–United States–Planning. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1997–Regional Planning.   Q.333.72M612m

Montagu, Allen Simon. Natural resource management in Papua New Guinea : an analysis of the forestry sector / Allen Simon Montagu. xiii, 308 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 284-304).   Q. 337.75 M76n

Chin, Yoihee. Multi-stage and multi-objective allocation procedures of urban parks using location decision support system (UPLDSS). vi, 129 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 100-103).   Q. 711.5580113 C441M ;   Found in IDEALS

Ding, Chengri. Managing urban growth for efficiency in infrastructure provision : dynamic capital expansion and urban growth boundary models / by Chengri Ding. 1996. x, 118 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 112-117). Infrastructure (Economics). Capital –Management. Urban economics –Management. Theses –UIUC –1996 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International.   Q. 658.152 D613M ;   Found in IDEALS

Moore, Alan Wesley. An investigation of a collaborative meeting room supporting small group planning and decision making / by Alan Wesley Moore. x, 163 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-162).   Q. 658.4030285 M781I ;   Found in IDEALS

Mukherjee, Jaideep. Environment and development : a study of north-south conflict / by Jaideep Mukherjee. 1996. xvii, 274 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 264-268).  Theses –UIUC –1996 –Regional Planning. Printout.   Q. 333.70285 M896E ;  Found in IDEALS

Ortiz, Alexandra. Economic analysis of a land value capture system used to finance road infrastructure : the case of Bogota, Colombia / by Alexandra Ortiz. 1996. viii, 109 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-91). Theses –UIUC –1996 –Regional Planning. Printout.   Q. 333.332 Or8e ;   Found in IDEALS

Schintler, Laurie A. Managing pavement in a busy urban highway network / by Laurie Shintler. 1996. iii, 103 leaves, bound ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-99).   Q. 388.411 Sch34m ;   Found in IDEALS

Vos, Jacobus Johannes . Environmental perceptions and participation in environmental decision-making among blacks : a study of environmental justice and solid waste management planning in two Illinois counties / by Jacobus Johannes Vos. 1996. xii, 142 leaves, bound : map ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-118).   Q. 363.72850977 V92E ;   Found in IDEALS

Westervelt, James Dahl. Simulating mobile objects in dynamic landscape processes / by James Dahl Westervelt. 1996. ix, 144 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 105-114).  Digital computer simulation. Landscape –Computer simulation. Theses –UIUC –1996 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International.   Q. 003.3 W525S ;   Found in IDEALS

Al-Kodmany, M. Kheir Al-Din. Cultural change and urban design: women’s privacy in traditional and modern Damascus / by M. Kheir Al-Din Kodmany 1995. viii, 199 leaves, bound: ill.,maps; 28 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 172-196). 1. Neighborhood–Syria–Damascus. 2. Community development–Syria–Damascus. 3. City planning–Syria–Damascus. 4. Women in Islam–Syria–Damascus. 5. Women and city planning–Syria–Damascus 6.Theses–UIUC–1995–Regional Planning. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Vita. City Planning Call Number:   Q. 307.09569101 ;   Found in IDEALS

Dickson, Bruce C. Ecorestoration of riparian forests for nonpoint source pollution control : policy and ecological considerations in Illinois agroecosystem watersheds / by Bruce Cameron Dickson. 1995. vii, 119 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-117). 1. Environmental policy–Illinois. 2. Ecosystem management–Illinois. 3. Water–Pollution–Illinois. 4. Riparian forests–Illinois. 5. Riparian ecology–Illinois. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1995–Regional Planning.   Q.363.73946D55E ;   Found in IDEALS

Kim, Hyong-Bok. Capacity expansion modeling of water supply in a planning support system for urban growth management / by Hyong-Bok Kim. 1995. xiv, 216 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 206-215). Water-supply –Mathematical models. Urbanization –Water-supply. Water resources development –Mathematical models. Theses –UIUC –1995 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International.   Q. 363.61011 K56C ,   Found in IDEALS

McGurty, Eileen Maura. The construction of environmental justice : Warren County North Carolina / by Eileen Maura McGurty. 1995. ix, 220 leaves, bound : maps ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 206-220). Environmental responsibility –North Carolina –Warren County. Hazardous waste sites –North Carolina –Warren County. Sanitary landfills –North Carolina –Warren County. Land use –North Carolina –Warren County. NIMBY syndrome –North Carolina –Warren County. Environmental ethics –North Carolina –Warren County.  Theses –UIUC –1995 –Regional Planning. Printout. Vita.    Q. 363.7009756 M179C ;   Found in IDEALS

Simon, Allison. Sequencing infrastructure development in the barrios marginales of Quito, Ecuador : policy findings of a hedonic price model. 1995. ix, 104 leaves, bound : col. maps ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references.   Q. 307.1409866 SI53S ; Found in IDEALS

Douglas, Judy Carol. Aesthetic-based conflict in highway planning : Federal Highway Administration putting planners at risk / by Judy Carol Douglas. 1994. xiii, 223 leaves ; ill. ; 30 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 210-219). 1. Highway planning–United States. 2. Roads–United States–Design and construction. 3. Highway law–United States. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1994–Regional Planning.   Q.625.725D746A ;   Found in IDEALS

Lee, Insung. Development of procedural expertise to support multiattribute spatial decision making / by Insung Lee. 1994. xi, 153 leaves ; 29 cm. Vita. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Thesis ( Ph. D. )–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-151). 1. City planning–Computer programs 2. City planning I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1994–Regional Planning.   Q.307.1L521D ;   Found in IDEALS

Choi, Keechoo. The implementation of an integrated transportation planning model with GIS and expert systems for interactive transportation planning / by Keechoo Choi. 1993. xviii, 217 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993. Bibliography: leaves 198-216. 1. Transportation–Planning. 2. Geographic information systems. 3. Information storage and retrieval systems–Transportation 4. Expert systems. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1993–Regional Planning.   Q.388.0285C452I ;   Found in IDEALS

Edwards, Hazel Ruth. The role of the residential environment in defining quality of life / by Hazel Ruth Edwards. 1993. xix, 402 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 368-394) 1. Quality of life 2. Housing–Resident satisfaction I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1993–Regional Planning.   Q.155.945ED96R ;   Found in IDEALS

Mitchell, Martin D. Changes in landscape forms and functions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 1920-1993 / by Martin D. Mitchell. xii, 329 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-328).   Q. 333.7153 M6946C

El-Kholei, Ahmed Osman. The role of the government in housing in developing countries : the case of Egypt / by Ahmed Osman El-Kholei. 1992. xviii, 181 leaves, bound : ill., map ; 29 cm. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 160-169). 1. Housing–Developing countries. 2. Housing–Egypt. 3. Housing–Economic aspects–Egypt. 4. Housing policy–Egypt. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1992–Regional Planning.   Q.363.5EL52R ;   Found in IDEALS

Fields, Deborah Lynn. The application of computer-aided expert decision support systems to developing countries : a case of rural development in Kenya / by Deborah Lynn Fields. 1992. xiii, 283 leaves, bound: 29 cm. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 267-281). 1. Rural development–Kenya–Decision making. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1992–Regional Planning.   Q.307.1412F46A ;   Found in IDEALS

Shiffer, Michael Joseph. A hypermedia implementation of a collaborative planning system / by Michael Joseph Shiffer. 1992. ix, 188 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 180-184) 1. Hypermedia systems. 2. User interfaces (Computer systems) 3. City planning I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1992–Regional Planning.   Q.307.120285SH61H ;   Found in IDEALS

Almansouri, Majdi Ahmed. The role of the Friday mosque (Al-Jami) in Islamic cities / by Majdi Ahmed Almansouri. 1991. xv, 301 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991. Includes bibliographic refernces (leaves 248-291) 1. Architecture, Islamic–Middle East 2. Cities and towns, Islamic–Middle East–Planning–History. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1991–Regional Planning.   Q.711.40956AL62R ;   Found in IDEALS

Sen, Siddhartha. Role of Indian NGO’s in housing and development : a critical appraisal / by Siddhartha Sen. 1991. vii, 204 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 187-198) 1. Poor–Housing–India. 2. Non-governmental organizations– India. 3. Community development, Urban–India. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1991–Regional Planning.   Q.363.596942SE55R ;   Found in IDEALS

Tazik, David J. Proactive management of an endangered species on army lands : the black-capped vireo on the lands of Fort Hood, Texas / by David John Tazik. 1991. x, 247 leaves, bound : ill., maps (some col.) ; 29 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 218-226) 1. Birds, Protection of–Texas–Fort Hood. 2. Black-capped vireo–Texas–Fort Hood. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1991–Regional Planning.   Q.333.954816T219P ;   Found in IDEALS

Chin, Yangkyo. Resident housing satisfaction in multi-family housing environments in Korea / by Yangkyo Chin. 1990. x, 222 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Vita. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. Bibiliography: leaves 118-130. 1. Housing–Resident satisfaction–Korea. 2. Apartment houses– Korea. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1990–Regional Planning.   Q.155.94509519C441R ;   Found in IDEALS

Doak, Jill Ann. Regional economic development marketing : process, preparation and organization / by Jill Ann Doak. 1990. v, 83 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. Bibliography: leaves 79-83. 1. Regional planning–Illinois–Economic aspects. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1990–Urban Planning.  Q.338.9773D65R

Han, Sang-Yun. The application of computer-based information systems to urban planning and public policy making / by Sang-Yun Han. 1990. xvi, 206 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Vita. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Thesis (Ph. D)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 188-205) 1. City planning–Decision making–Automation. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1990–Regional Planning.   Q.307.120285H19A ;   Found in IDEALS

Lai, Shih-Kung. A comparison of multiattribute decision making techniques using an iterative procedure to derive a convergent criterion / by Shih-Kung Lai. 1990. viii, 144 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-141) 1. Multiple criteria decision making. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1990–Regional Planning.   Q.658.4035L14C ;   Found in IDEALS

Lee, Man-Hyung. Chinese housing policy : socio-historical analysis and policy evaluation / by Man-Hyung Lee. 1990. xi, 229 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Printout. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 187-218) 1. Housing policy–China–History. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1990–Regional Planning.   Q.363.50951L514C ;   Found in IDEALS

Glosser, Deanna Simmons. Differing perceptions and the resulting uncertainty of public policy : an examination of the Clean Water Act’s Section 404 regulatory program / by Deanna Simmons Glosser. 1989. viii, 165 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Vita. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Regional planning–Decision making. 2. Water–Pollution–Law and legislation–United States. 3. Policy sciences I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1989–Regional Planning.   Q.307.12068G516D ;   Found in IDEALS

Suh, Sunduck. Implementation and evaluation of nonlinear bilevel programming model of equilibrium network design problem / by Sunduck Suh. 1989. xiii, 179 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references.   Q. 388.3140113 SU36I;     Found in IDEALS

Rho, Jeong Hyun. Implementation and evaluation of a nonlinear three dimensional urban activity model / by Jeong Hyun Rho. 1988. xii, 164 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Vita. Printout. Available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Thesis (Ph. D.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Traffic congestion–Mathematical models. 2. City traffic– Illinois–Chicago. 3. Land use, Urban–Mathematical models. I. Title. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1988–Regional Planning.  Q.388.41310151R346I ;  Found in IDEALS

Briassoulis, Helen. An integrated modeling approach for the study of the impacts of acid deposition control regulations / by Helen Briassoulis. 1985. vii, 178 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 171-177.   FILM 1985 B762 ;   Found in IDEALS

Planning Tank

Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 2)


To attain a degree in the field of Planning, one needs to write a thesis inevitably. But writing a thesis may turn into a nightmare if the topic is picked up inappropriately. It is a very careful decision to select a topic that produces a good thesis or else. Below discussed are some important points to be considered while deciding a topic for thesis:


Transport planning, disaster management, energy and carbon emission.

Current urban planning process does not ensure energy efficient cities completely. For instance, urban sprawl which is a result of human activities, is directly related to the global energy consumption. Thus, the promotion of adequate urban planning practices is a key point to create opportunities for reducing energy consumption.

Urban Planning – Land Use

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Ucla urban planning theses and projects.

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  • Center for Research Libraries (CRL) Foreign Dissertations Search the CRL Catalog for dissertations already held at the Center. If a foreign dissertation is not at CRL, UCLA's Interlibrary Loan Service will request that CRL acquire it for your use. This special issue of Focus on Global Resources describes CRL's extensive collection of foreign dissertations.

For research from students in UCLA's Urban Planning Program, see the below instructions for searching the Library Catalog .  Some of the projects are available full-text online, others are deposited in the SRLF.  

To locate a UCLA U.P. dissertation:

  • Do an Any Field search for dissertations urban planning ucla .
  • To see the most recent dissertations, Sort by Date — newest .
  • You can also browse dissertations by call number
  • From the Browse search screen, copy and paste the following call number LD791.9 U7; select Call Number from the drop-down menu.

To locate a UCLA M.A. thesis:

  • Do an Any Field search on thesis urban planning ucla m a
  • You can also browse theses by call number
  • From the Browse search screen, copy and paste the following call number LD 791.8 U7; select Call Number from the drop-down menu.

To locate a UCLA M.A. client project or comprehensive project:

  • Do an Any Field search on projects ucla urban planning

UCLA Urban Planning Research

  • Urban Planning Student Research Links to the undergraduate capstone projects, master's theses, comprehensive projects, applied research projects and dissertations.
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  • Last Updated: Aug 5, 2024 3:12 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.ucla.edu/urban-planning

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Thesis (Faculty of Planning_PG) Collection home page

Issue Date Author(s)Guide(s)
  • 2 Kalsariya, Sunita
  • 2 Kumar, Abhishek
  • 2 Kumar, Narender
  • 2 Patel, Chintan
  • 2 Shah, Dhwani
  • 2 Shah, Nidhi
  • 2 Shah, Ruchita
  • 2 Sharma, Parul
  • 2 Sharma, Pragya
  • 2 Sharma, Ravi
  • 187 Sharma, Utpal
  • 147 Shivanand Swamy, H. M.
  • 124 Acharya, Shrawan Kumar
  • 123 Ray, Chandranath N.
  • 108 Bharti, Madhu
  • 99 Parthasarathy, R.
  • 83 Bandyopadhyay, Saswat
  • 83 Vyas, Anjana
  • 77 Iyer, Mona
  • 74 Mehta, Dinesh
  • 414 2020 - 2023
  • 1148 2010 - 2019
  • 544 2000 - 2009
  • 328 1990 - 1999
  • 155 1980 - 1989
  • 54 1975 - 1979

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Urban planning aims to improve the built, natural, social and economic aspects of towns and cities. This sub encourages thoughtful discussion of related topics, like transportation, land use, and community development here among enthusiasts and professionals.


I'm just wondering if you can help me because all of the topics that i have told my adviser were rejected

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  1. Urban planning thesis topics

    thesis topics related to urban planning

  2. Get Inspiration for the Urban Planning Dissertation Topics by Experts

    thesis topics related to urban planning

  3. Urban planning thesis topics

    thesis topics related to urban planning

  4. Best Thesis Topics For Urban Planning & Design

    thesis topics related to urban planning

  5. Best Thesis Topics For Urban Planning & Design

    thesis topics related to urban planning

  6. Best Thesis Topics For Urban Planning & Design

    thesis topics related to urban planning


  1. Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 1)

    Urban Planning. Urban Planning is a technical and political process concerned with development of open land or greenfield sites as well as revitalization of existing parts of the city. Primary concern of urban planning is public welfare. Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use.

  2. Urban Planning Dissertation Topic Ideas

    An excellent urban planning dissertation topic can help students better understand the issues, provide insight into potential solutions, and even develop new ideas for further investigation. ... The best way to choose an appropriate topic is by doing research on various topics related to urban planning. Consider what research you want to do and ...

  3. PDF Urban Planning and Design Recent Theses 2010/11-present

    Kaplan, Jennier. "Rebuildin as Opportunity: Youth Enaeme nt as Planning in Post-Tsunami Miyai." (Advisor: Abby Spinak) Ndam Njoya, Amirah. "Public Markets the Stae o Food Distribution and Urban Dialogues— The ase o Moundi Market." (Advisor: Sai alakrishnan) O'onnor, Eamon. "Sharin More Than Space: Social Integration on a Diverse Urban

  4. Best Thesis Topics For Urban Planning & Design

    Also Read: 50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning. Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use. Impact of urban sprawl on provision of public services. Implications of airport expansion on the surrounding areas. Assessing linkage between the parent city and satellite town.

  5. PDF Urban Planning and Design Recent Theses 2010/11-present

    Anderson, Raven. Policy Levers and Urban Growth: A Study of Rapid Urbanization and its Management in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. (Advisor: Michael Hooper) Barrera, Mariana. Añelo, Argentina, and the Urban hallenges of a Shale oom Town. (Advisor: Diane Davis) Hwang, hristine. Ungluing Detroits Stained-Glass Mosaic: Parochial Schools as Spaces of ...

  6. PDF Urban Planning and Design Thesis Handbook 2022-2023

    2.1. Identifying a Prospective Thesis Topic Identifying a prospective thesis topic and a thesis advisor go hand in hand. When approaching candidate advisors , it will be important to have some concrete ideas about the broad topics that you would like to investigate in the thesis. Identifying a final topic will likely be an iterative

  7. Master's Theses in Urban and Regional Planning

    An exploration of the relationship between urban planning and human behavior : toward the identificaiton of professional responsibilities. Urbana [1968]. v, 222 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 208-222. 1. Cities and towns-Planning. 2. City planners. 711.01C23e. Galloway, Kaye Bruce. The treatment of urban planning in the magazine press.

  8. Urban Studies and Planning Dissertations and Theses

    In Favor of Bringing Game Theory into Urban Studies and Planning Curriculum: ... (Thesis) PDF. Citizen-led Urban Agriculture and the Politics of Spatial Reappropriation in Montreal, Quebec, Claire Emmanuelle Bach (Thesis) PDF. Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes, Joseph Broach (Dissertation) ...


    This handbook provides a summary of key thesis requirements and provides an overview of the thesis process, from selection of a topic to submission of the final thesis. For UPD students interested in completing a thesis, the process begins in the first year of their degree.

  10. MUP Theses + Professional Projects

    Students in the Master of Urban Planning program may do a thesis or a professional project. Titles and authors for student theses and professional projects are sorted by year below. Theses can be viewed on the UW ResearchWorks Archive, and hard copies prior to 2012 may be held in the College of Built Environments Library - both of which are accessible to the public Forms and guidelines ...

  11. Fifty Theses on Urban Planning and Urban Planners

    The aim of this essay is to propose a common basis of definitions and principles for the field of urban planning. A general thesis places a number of dilemmas and paradoxes at the heart of planning; the next nine theses explain the meaning and origins of planning; another ten pertain to the substance and uses of professional planning; ten more suggest what makes for good planning and good ...

  12. Urban Design and Planning (UrDP): Research Topics

    Articles & Research Databases Literature on your research topic and direct access to articles online, when available at UW.; E-Journals Alphabetical list of electronic journal titles held at UW.; Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Resources for looking up quick facts and background information.; E-Newspapers, Media, Maps & More Recommendations for finding news, audio/video, images, government ...

  13. 94 Urban Planning Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Urban Planning Issues About the Movie "City of God". This is where he also discovers corruption and collaboration in between the Kenyan government, the pharmaceutical corporation, and his fellow British colleagues. The main cause for lack of social mobility is limited of education.

  14. 15 Architecture Thesis Topics for Urban Architecture

    1. Low-cost housing | Architecture Thesis. As more and more people are moving to dense urban cities like New York, in search of a better quality of living and opportunities, the city population is on the rise. As is the cost of living, making low-cost housing a dire need of societies, as low-income residents have limited choices for affordable ...

  15. Doctoral Theses in Urban and Regional Planning

    The following are doctoral theses completed by individual students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Please see Find Dissertations for more details about locating doctoral theses in general. Check the online catalog for doctoral theses not listed here.. Most call numbers and locations are given after each entry; if not available ...

  16. Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 2)

    Related. Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 1) Getting started with Thesis Writing 'Preferable' Thesis Tenure Working for Students of 'Bachelor of Planning' Thesis Statement | Meaning, Importance, Steps and Types; Difference between a research paper, dissertation & thesis; Tips for Writing a Thesis

  17. Fifty Theses on Urban Planning and Urban Planners

    The aim of this essay is to propose a common basis of definitions and principles for the field of urban planning. A general thesis places a number of dilemmas and paradoxes at the heart of ...

  18. Successful thesis proposals in architecture and urban planning

    DOI10.1108/ARCH-12-2019-0281. 504. s/he is allowed to submit a"Thesis Proposal " (TP) to her/his department whose main concern is to assess whether the topic is suitable for a graduate study and for the time and resources available (Afful, 2008; Kivunja, 2016; Reddy, 2019).

  19. Dissertations / Theses: 'Urban planning'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Urban planning.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver ...

  20. Dissertations

    To locate a UCLA U.P. dissertation: Do an Any Field search for dissertations urban planning ucla. To see the most recent dissertations, Sort by Date — newest. You can also browse dissertations by call number. From the Browse search screen, copy and paste the following call number LD791.9 U7; select Call Number from the drop-down menu.

  21. DSpace at CEPT University: Thesis (Faculty of Planning_PG)

    Author (s) Guide (s) 2022. Analysis of provisions for TOD planning In cities with metro corridors And recommendations for improving them:using transit oriented principles Case of Kolkata. Guha,Sukanya. Bhasin,Hersh Vardhan. 2022. Green and Blue Network Plan, Amalner: Improving Carbon Sequestration Potential and Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect.

  22. Guys Can You Suggest Thesis Topic That Is Related to Urban Planning?? I

    Idea 2) Or you could examine the failure of state environmental planning laws to conduct meaningful plan-level analysis. This forces the analysis at the project level, which then costs more time and money for developers, thereby killing some really good projects.