
Postgraduate Guidelines and Policies

um thesis guidelines 2023


Function overview:.

List of postgraduate brochure & kit based on academic year published.

Supervision Policy of Postgraduate Candidate at the University of Malaya

Role and Responsibility of the Supervisor Role and Responsibility of the Candidate

Conduct of Candidature Seminars

Plagiarism Guidelines

Publication Requirement and Publicaiton Guidelines for Postgraduate Candidates by Research

Guidelines of Preparation of Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis - Senat 23.05.2024

Thesis/Dissertation (MS Word Template) APA Formatting and Style Guide Original Literary Work Declaration Minimum and Maximum Word Limit (Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis)

Guidelines for Application of the Proposal Defence, Confirmation Defence, Candidature Defence and Thesis Seminar

  • Guidelines & Policies
  • Rules & Regulation
  • Thesis/ Disertation
  • Examination
  • Research Lab
  • Programme Handbook
  • Postgraduate Kit & Brochure
  • Class Timetable

Programme FEES

  • International
  • Forms & Template

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Last Update: 17/08/2024


postgraduate guidelines

um thesis guidelines 2023


1. Acceptance of Offer Letter

2. Self Enrolment

3. Application for Visa (International Candidates)

4. International Student Services Unit, Universiti Malaya

5. Staff in Charge (Visa Office)


1. Siswamail Registration

2. Siswamail Recovery

3. MAYA Portal Login

4. Spectrum Login

5. Introduction to MAYA Portal

6. Introduction to UM SPECTRUM


1. Academic Calendar

2. Registration Schedule

3. Teaching Schedule

4. Examination Schedule

5. Language Requirement

6. CTES Evaluation


1. Research Field

2. Graduate on Time (GOT) Guidelines

3. Colloquium Schedule

4. University of Malaya Research Ethics Committee (UMREC)

5. Progress Report

6. Registration for Dissertation for Mixed Mode Programme


1. Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines - Submission for Examination

2.  Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines - Submission for Graduation

3. Thesis/Dissertation Writing Guidelines (General)

4. Thesis/Dissertation Writing Guidelines (APIUM)

5. Turnitin Guidelines

Last Update: 23/08/2024

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Home > Resources > Databases

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On this page

Database info, guides & training, bachelor theses.

Included is the full text of (a selection of) bachelor theses from the following Maastricht University programmes:

  • Global Studies (FASoS), from 2023 onward

Master Theses

Included is the full text of (a selection of) master theses from the following Maastricht University faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), from 1994 to 2005, from 2013 onward
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), from 2023 onward
  • Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG), from 2002 onward
  • Maastricht School of Management (MSM), from 2022 onward
  • Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI),  from 2011 onward
  • School of Business & Economics (SBE), from 2016 onward

Access conditions:

  • The UM Theses are only open to Maastricht University.
  • Some theses are confidential and do not include a pdf with the full text

um thesis guidelines 2023

There are no Guides or trainings for this database at this time.

University of Michigan-Dearborn logo

In this section

  • Graduate Program-Specific Contacts
  • Doctoral Dissertation Guidelines and Procedures
  • Dissertation Release and Embargo Procedures
  • Guide to Enrolling in Master's Thesis
  • Thesis Release and Embargo Procedures
  • Graduate Studies Forms
  • Three Minute Thesis Competition
  • Graduate Student Appreciation Week

Master's Thesis

Master's thesis guidelines and procedures.

These guidelines have been prepared to assist you in getting the information you need for successful completion of your master's thesis at UM-Dearborn.

Deadline to Submit for Format Check

Fall 2024: December 9, 2024 Winter 2025: April 14, 2025 Summer 2025: August 8, 2025 Fall 2025: December 5, 2025

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .

Enrolling in Master's Thesis

Review our  Guide to Enrolling in Master's Thesis  for further information on how to start. Students should follow their individual program policies and procedures in order to successfully complete their program in a timely manner. Frequent communication with your committee members is essential. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all relevant deadlines and to plan accordingly.  Deadlines cannot be altered and missing one will delay your graduation.

Helpful Guides When Researching/Writing the Thesis

  • Mardigian Library Resources for Graduate Students
  • Graduate Student Research Grants
  • Obtaining Copyright Permission
  • Formatting Your Thesis With Microsoft Word
  • ITS Student Computer and Software Resources

Archiving Master’s Thesis

The resources below will help you format your thesis in accordance with university guidelines and archive your final thesis upon successful defense.

The format check/archiving process is required in order to release your final thesis grade. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all relevant deadlines and to plan accordingly. Individual department deadlines to defend may be different from the University's deadline to submit your defended thesis for the format check/archiving process. 

Thesis Release and Embargo Options

Format check for thesis, related resources, office of graduate studies.

  • Graduate Catalog
  • Mardigian Library
  • Academic Calendar

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Faculty of Graduate Studies

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University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2

Thesis and practicum examinations and MSpace submission

When you have finished writing your Master’s or Ph.D. thesis or practicum, it must be examined and passed by your examining committee before being revised, if necessary, and submitted to MSpace, the university’s digital repository, where it will become available worldwide.

On this page

Thesis submission deadlines and requirements, submitting your ph.d. thesis for examination, thesis examination process, submitting your thesis or practicum to the mspace digital repository, thesis and practicum submission checklist, archiving of your thesis and practicum.

Procedures for the submission and examination of Master’s theses and practica may vary between programs and are carried out at the unit level. For details, please consult the program’s supplementary regulations .

Doctoral theses must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies office via the Graduate Studies Hub (University of Manitoba account login required) to initiate the written examination process. The Ph.D. thesis examination process is carried out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies; please see below for details.

Students are strongly encouraged to submit their theses and practica well in advance of the relevant deadlines outlined in the table below to ensure that they will be able to graduate in their intended graduation period (May, October, or February).

Timelines for completing thesis examinations and satisfying outstanding requirements can vary significantly; students who leave the distribution of their theses and practica until the deadline often have difficulty getting their work approved in time to meet graduation deadlines. Failing to meet these deadlines will result in delays to your convocation.

Required actionDeadline to graduate in February 2025Deadline to graduate in May 2025Deadline to graduate in October 2025
Recommended deadline for submitting your and the “ ” form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for examination. September 1December 1 May 1
Recommended deadline for distributing your to your examining committeeOctober 15January 15June 15

To be submitted by the :

To be submitted by :

Table notes:

1 The “Approval to Proceed to Thesis Examination” form verifies that each member of the advisory committee has read the complete version of the thesis and has provided the candidate with a detailed review and comments including any necessary revisions. Please contact your unit/department for internal procedures and deadlines regarding review of your thesis by the internal examiners.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements are delivered to the Faculty of Graduate Studies office by the deadline noted.

  • Students cannot be added to the potential graduand list after the final deadline listed in the table above.
  • When a submission date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

Before submitting your thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for examination, your advisory committee must verify that they have read the complete thesis and provided you with a detailed review and comments, including any necessary revisions, by signing the Approval to Proceed to Ph.D. Thesis Examination form (PDF available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies Forms page ). This form must be signed by all parties and submitted by the student alongside the thesis. Signing the Approval to Proceed form does not constitute a formal evaluation of the thesis.

The thesis will be eligible for examination if:

  • No more than one (1) member of the advisory committee indicates on the Approval to Proceed to Ph.D. Thesis Examination form that they do not support proceeding to the formal examination of the thesis; and
  • The department/unit indicates on the Approval to Proceed to Ph.D. Thesis Examination form that they do support proceeding to the formal examination of the thesis.

Once the Approval to Proceed to Ph.D. Thesis Examination form is signed by all parties and the thesis is ready for examination, you must submit it, your thesis, and any related files (if applicable) to the Faculty of Graduate Studies via the Ph.D. Thesis Submission Form on the Graduate Studies Hub (University of Manitoba account login required). Below are complete instructions on how to submit your thesis to the committee and for what to expect after your thesis has been submitted.

Graduate Studies Hub

Note on advisors, co-advisors, and internal examiners from outside of the University of Manitoba Individuals who do not have a UMNetID and University of Manitoba email address (e.g., faculty from the University of Winnipeg who do not have an appointment at the University of Manitoba) must be added to the University of Manitoba's Microsoft user directory in order to access the Graduate Studies Hub and the administrative processes hosted on that site, including the Ph.D. thesis examination process. For additional details, please see the External Users page on the Graduate Studies Hub site (University of Manitoba account login required).

Those who hold adjunct appointments or are otherwise eligible to claim a UMNetID must claim their UMNetID to be able to access the Graduate Studies Hub and other University of Manitoba services and systems. For additional information, please visit the Claim UMNetID page on the University of Manitoba website.

If your Advisor, Co-Advisor, and/or examining committee members do not have an appointment (including adjunct) at the University of Manitoba, they must be granted access to the Graduate Studies Hub before you submit your thesis for examination.

Submission instructions

The Ph.D. thesis examination process is located on the Graduate Studies Hub Sharepoint site, which is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students. This is the method Ph.D. students must use to submit their thesis for examination.

To access the thesis submission form, you will need to:

  • If you accessed the login page from a link to the Graduate Studies Hub, you will be directed to the Graduate Studies Hub home page once you have logged in using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you were already logged into your account in your web browser, you will not be prompted to log in again.
  • If you accessed the login page from another link (e.g., portal.office.com), you can navigate to Sharepoint from the Apps waffle menu in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Once you are on the Sharepoint homepage, search for the Graduate Studies Hub using the search bar at the top of the screen. For more information on navigating Sharepoint, please visit the Microsoft website .
  • From the Graduate Studies Hub home screen, select the “Ph.D. Thesis Examinations” button or navigate to the page from the navigation toolbar at the top of the screen (under “Program Requirements”).
  • Read the “Before you begin” section on the Ph.D. Thesis Examinations page for details about submission requirements. Ensure that you have all of the proper documents and information available before navigating to the submission form.
  • Once you are ready to submit your thesis, select “Submit your Ph.D. thesis for examination”. This link is available in multiple places along the right-hand side of the screen and will open in a new tab in your web browser upon selection.
  • Preamble (eligibility for examination and anticipated graduation date)
  • Student Information (student name, number, email address, program)
  • Thesis Information (title, abstract, PDF thesis file, Approval to Proceed to Ph.D. Thesis Examination Form, supplementary file(s) and/or descriptions of revisions, if applicable)
  • Examining Committee Information (for each examiner: name, email address, role, department/unit)
  • Review all information entered for accuracy before proceeding to the next section and ensure that the correct documents are uploaded. When you are ready to submit the form, select the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after the thesis has been submitted.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .

As per University policy, students are required to check their @myumanitoba.ca email account regularly as continuous information is emailed to students throughout the examination process.

The Ph.D. thesis examination process consists of the examination of the written thesis by an examining committee comprised of the Advisor/Co-Advisor, internal examiners, and an external examiner selected by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. If the thesis is passed at the written examination stage, it will be permitted to proceed to the oral examination.

The Ph.D. thesis examination process begins with the submission of the Ph.D. Thesis Submission Form (including the thesis and Approval to Proceed form). Once this form has been successfully submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies:

  • The student will receive an email confirming that their thesis has been received.  
  • The thesis submission number and student number (included in the email notification);
  • The Advisor (and Co-Advisor, if applicable) name and email address;
  • Full name, email address, department/unit, and University
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) listing their scholarly publications, research activities, and Ph.D. student supervision/examination experience in Word or PDF format;
  • A short statement explaining the rationale for the nomination; and
  • Acknowledgements of each of the eligibility requirements with room to elaborate, if necessary.  
  • If there is a Co-Advisor, they will receive an email asking them to approve the nominations. This email will contain instructions for submitting their approval or rejection.  
  • The external examiner will be chosen and invited to serve by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Associate Dean and will remain anonymous until the external examiner’s report is received.  
  • The student and Advisor/Co-Advisor informing them that the thesis examination has begun. They are reminded that while the thesis is undergoing review, no communication is permitted with examining committee members regarding the thesis until all internal and external examiner reports have been received
  • Internal and external examiners providing them with a link for accessing a .pdf copy of the candidate’s thesis (and supplementary files if applicable) and instructions for submitting their report. Internal and external examiners are requested to submit their detailed reports via the appropriate Report Form within four (4) weeks. Automated reminders will be sent one (1) week before the report deadline and one (1) day after the deadline. The Faculty of Graduate Studies will contact examiners who have not submitted their report by one (1) week after the deadline.  
  • Once all examiner reports are received, they will be reviewed by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and sent via email to the Advisor/Co-advisor, internal examining committee members and the Department/Unit Head. The Advisor/Co-Advisor will be asked to share the reports with the student. If the written examination is passed, they will also be provided with information concerning scheduling the Ph.D. Oral Examination at this point.

Please see the Faculty of Graduate Studies Academic Guide for policies and regulations regarding the Ph.D. thesis examination process.

The Ph.D. oral examination Please visit the Ph.D. oral examination page for details about Ph.D. oral examination scheduling and procedures.

If both the written and oral examinations are passed, the final copy of the thesis (including any necessary revisions) must be submitted to MSpace.

All theses and practica are submitted electronically to MSpace, the University of Manitoba digital repository. Here they become searchable and available to a worldwide audience.

You must submit your thesis or practicum to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by the deadlines indicated in the Academic Schedule in the Graduate Calendar to be eligible for graduation for a specific graduation period. The Faculty of Graduate Studies does not provide extensions for thesis or practicum submissions beyond these final deadlines.

You submit your thesis or practicum to MSpace following the approval of the work by the examining committee and the completion of any revisions required by that committee. The digital copy is required for the University of Manitoba library and remains the property of the University of Manitoba.

To be eligible to receive your parchment and official transcripts, you must pay all outstanding university fines and fees (library, parking, tuition, etc.) and your file must not be on hold.

Learn more about MSpace

Benefits of mspace.

Having your thesis or practicum in the university's digital repository has a number of advantages.

Global exposure and self-promotion

Your thesis/practicum can be read from anywhere in the world in full text by prospective employers, researchers, colleagues, friends and relatives. You can promote your thesis/practicum by adding its MSpace URL to your CV and your home page.

Faster and wider accessibility

Your thesis/practicum will be processed quickly and will be accessible from MSpace, Google, Google Scholar, the UM Libraries’ catalogue, and elsewhere. 

URLs and accompanying files (including multimedia files)

You can add URLs with active links within your e-thesis. You can also add audio or video or other accompanying files to MSpace as separate files.

Lower costs and less paper

You save money and trees by providing everyone with the MSpace URL to your thesis/ practicum.

Before you submit your thesis or practicum

Please review these points to ensure you are prepared to submit your thesis or practicum. 

Log in to MSpace

You log in to MSpace using your UMNetID user name and password.

Prepare your thesis/practicum PDF

  • You must submit the electronic version of your thesis (”e-thesis”) in portable document format (PDF). 
  • Convert your electronic thesis into a single unsecured (not password protected) PDF file with fonts embedded. The PDF file must remain unsecured for full text indexing and processing. For help, please see the Libraries’ Depositing Help page .
  • Name the PDF file as your last and first name.  For example: doe_jane.pdf
  • Remove signatures and personal information. Make sure your thesis does not contain any personal contact information (e.g., addresses, email addresses, and/or telephone numbers).
  • Any signatures on scanned letters or forms should be removed before sending your thesis to the printer (if stipulated in your program’s supplementary regulations) and submitting to MSpace.

Information to have on hand

Before posting your thesis, please review  What you need before you deposit  

Submitting additional files

Please review What you can deposit .

Submit an electronic thesis

  • Submit one electronic copy of your thesis or practicum according to the instructions on the MSpace website. Ensure there are no missing pages in your document. Submit additional files separately.
  • You will be asked to agree to the MSpace license before your submission can be completed.

Submit to the Faculty of Graduate Studies:

  • Master’s students: The original Thesis/Practicum Final Report form. This is signed by your examining committee after you have successfully defended and/or completed your thesis and practicum revisions.
  • PhD students: The Faculty of Graduate Studies provides the Chair Report Form to the Chair of the Ph.D. oral examination. These forms must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by the Chair and Advisor/Co-Advisor, respectively, following the oral examination.

Other Requirements:

  • The Thesis Release form – this is a copyright license declaration form that you must complete in MSpace when you submit your thesis
  • A copy of the Ethical Review Board approval letter (if applicable) received from the Research Ethics Board and any other pertinent access approval forms (if applicable).

It is your responsibility to provide copies of your thesis or practicum to your department if required in the supplementary regulations for your program.

Please see  Expectations and obligations in a deposit for more information.

Delay before your thesis appears on MSpace

After you post your e-thesis, it goes into the MSpace submission pool, and the status will appear as “Awaiting Editor’s Approval”. Your e-thesis will appear in MSpace after a Graduate Studies staff member has reviewed and accepted it.

For help and information about submitting electronic theses, please see Depositing help & FAQ .


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11 September 2024 MDPI’s 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards—Winners Announced

um thesis guidelines 2023

MDPI’s Best PhD Thesis Awards are granted to promising young scholars whose PhD theses are deemed exceptional within their respective research fields. These awards aim to encourage young scholars to continue their outstanding accomplishments and further contribute to their field.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the 54 winners of the 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards and wish them success with their future research endeavors.

MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community. To learn more about all the awardees and their research projects in your field of study, please visit the following pages:


About MDPI Awards:

To reward the academic community, especially young researchers, and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the influence of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here .

Further Information

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  4. Amir Narimani

  5. 2024 Watson Undergraduate Thesis Conference

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  1. Faculty of Science

    Guidelines for the Preparation of Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis 2023. APA Formatting and Style Guide (for thesis/dissertation writing) Guidelines for Handling Plagiarism. Guidelines For The Preparation of Research Report, Dissertation and Thesis 2021

  2. PDF Table of Contents

    The thesis (with the publications or equivalent works) must meet the criteria and outcomes established for a doctoral award and assessed through a viva voce. The article style format should not be confused with the format for thesis by retrospective or prior publication. Similar to the conventional format, a research report/dissertation/thesis in

  3. Institute for Advanced Studies

    Guidelines for Preparation of Research Project , Dissertation and Thesis APA Guidelines (UM Library) ... Presentation Deputy Dean (Sem 1 2022-2023) Publication Criteria for Postgraduate Candidates ; Last Update: 25/03/2024. About UM. Vision & Mission; Our History; UM Fact Sheet; Career; 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Quick Links. Academic ...

  4. PDF Rules and Regulation of Universiti Malaya Master Degree & Doctoral ...

    d) Submit one (1) research report of not more than 6,000 words on: Introduction and scope of research; Research objective; Research Methodology; Research Plan which would lead to the Doctoral level; e) Submit the outcome throughout the Master's programme of study, for example: journal paper accepted for publication and a seminar presentation ...


    Chapter 6 - Conclusion. This is the final chapter in the dissertation and therefore this chapter has to concisely and succinctly give an overall summary of the whole research process adopted in this project (including the implications for practice). Includes most important results. Includes recommendations for further research.

  6. Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

    Minimum and Maximum Word Limit (Research Project, Dissertation and Thesis) Guidelines for Application of the Proposal Defence, Confirmation Defence, Candidature Defence and Thesis Seminar. Last Update: 17/08/2024. Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology.

  7. Department of Electrical Engineering

    Candidature Seminars (Proposal Defence, Candidature Defence, Thesis Seminars) Guidelines for Application of the Candidature Defence in Faculty of Engineering. Application For Confirmation Defense/Candidature Defence/Seminar. Seminar Attendance Sheet. Application for Postponement of Candidature Seminar. Research Project (Master by Coursework)

  8. PDF Guidelines for The Preparation of Research Reports, Dissertations ...

    ABSTRACT. Is a short summary project/dissertation/thesis. of. the. research. Should briefly describe the objectives (problem statement), the significance of research, research methodology, as well as the findings and conclusion of the research. Must not exceed 500 words. Type in a single paragraph. Double-spacing.

  9. Academy of Islamic Studies

    International Student Services Unit, Universiti Malaya. 5. Staff in Charge (Visa Office) SISWAMAIL, MAYA PORTAL & SPECTRUM GUIDELINES. 1. Siswamail Registration. 2. Siswamail Recovery. 3. MAYA Portal Login ... THESIS/DISSERTATION GUIDELINES. 1. Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines - Submission for Examination. 2.

  10. PDF Guidelines for Postgraduate Dissertations 2024 Version

    7. Deadlines. The approximate deadlines for the submission of Postgraduate Dissertations are as follows: M.A. in Financial Services: last week of January (on full-time basis) or first week of May (on part-time basis) M.A. in Law: first week of September.

  11. PDF Guidelines for The Preparation of Research Project, Dissertation ...

    e postgraduate candidates in writing a research project, dissertation o. thesis. Minor variation of the format as recommended by the faculty is allowed. Candidates are advised to discuss with their supervisor. at is best suited for the nature of their research work.1.1 Conventional Format.

  12. UM Theses

    Included is the full text of (a selection of) master theses from the following Maastricht University faculties: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), from 1994 to 2005, from 2013 onward. Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), from 2023 onward. Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG), from 2002 onward.

  13. Guidelines and policies

    MTL Dissertation Guidelines 2023 [PDF] Notes from the FREC Chairman [PDF] Submission Dates 2024 Submission Requirements for MTL Dissertations. ... Phone: +356 2340 3058 Email: [email protected]. Address: Faculty of Education, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta. Phone: +356 2340 3058 Email: [email protected]

  14. PDF Thesis Formatting & Submission Guidelines

    The thesis must be submitted online and approved by GSSP by 4 pm on or before the last business day of the intended month of degree completion. Students remain responsible for ensuring that the thesis meets the University's formatting requirements outlined in this document as well as program- and field-specific guidelines.

  15. Faculty of Education


  16. PDF Guidelines in Submitting Thesis/Dissertation for Examination

    STEP 5 - Finalize your thesis/dissertation according to : • Guidelines for the Preparation of Research Reports, Dissertations and Thesis 2021. It is also suggested that you refer to your faculty if there is other formatting requirements based on your discipline. • UM Library APA Formatting and Style Guide

  17. Master's Thesis

    These guidelines have been prepared to assist you in getting the information you need for successful completion of your master's thesis at UM-Dearborn. Deadline to Submit for Format Check. Winter 2024: April 15, 2024 Summer 2024: August 9, 2024 Fall 2024: December 9, 2024 Winter 2025: April 14, 2025

  18. PDF The University of Macau Guidelines Governing the Format of ...

    Guidelines Governing the Format of Theses of PhD and Other Doctoral Degree Programmes ... 17/5/2023 Effective date: 17/5/2023 Supersedes: GRS.09-4/201502/400.r01 Page 1 of 16 Keywords: binding of thesis, PhD, Doctoral, thesis, thesis format Remarks: Major revisions are to state the thesis language shall appear before the English translation.


    The thesis (with the publications or equivalent works) must meet the criteria and outcomes established for a doctoral award and assessed through a viva voce. The article style format should not be confused with the format for thesis by retrospective or prior publication. Similar to the conventional format, a research report/dissertation/thesis in

  20. Guidelines

    Ph.D. Proposal Guidelines updated April 2023 [PDF] Ph.D. Thesis Format and Submission Guidelines [PDF] The Malta Parliamentary Ombudsman Prizes in Law [PDF] ... Phone: +356 2340 2836 Email: [email protected]. Address: Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta.

  21. PDF Faculty of Education University of Malaya

    For final submission prior to graduation, a research report/dissertation/thesis submitted to the faculty should be bound in hard cover rexine with the colour indicated below: 1. Research report: Ocean blue or Light bright blue 2. Dissertation: Dark red or maroon 3. Thesis: Dark red or maroon The thesis cover must be of A4 size (210mm x 297mm).

  22. Submit your thesis or practicum

    Recommended deadline for submitting your Ph.D. thesis and the " Approval to Proceed to Thesis Examination " form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for examination. 1. September 1. December 1. May 1. Recommended deadline for distributing your Master's thesis or practicum to your examining committee. October 15.

  23. MDPI's 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards—Winners Announced

    We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the 54 winners of the 2023 Best PhD Thesis Awards and wish them success with their future research endeavors. MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community. To learn more about all the awardees and their research projects in your field of study, please visit the ...

  24. PDF Undergraduate Dissertation Guidelines

    Ms Mariella Gambin, Tel 23403358 Email: [email protected] B.A. (Hons) Public Management Ms Lorna Genovese Tel: 23403987 Email: [email protected] Ms Melanie Vassallo Tel:23402730 [email protected] 1.6 PLAGIARISM Plagiarism, that is, the wilful representation of another person's work, without the acknowledgement