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Protein Synthesis Worksheet: Definition, Examples & Practice

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Meta: Need to learn how protein synthesis works? We’ve got your complete guide to the process on our protein synthesis worksheet, including the difference between DNA and RNA, important misconceptions about mutations, and an explanation of the central dogma of biology. Plus, get practice exercises and quiz questions. 

What is Protein Synthesis?

Protein synthesis is the construction of proteins within living cells. The process consists of two parts; transcription and translation.

Proteins are an important organic compound that exists in every living organism. They are an essential part of the majority of cell functions. Specific proteins are needed for particular functions. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids which can be arranged in either a linear pattern or can be folded to form a more complex structure.

Proteins can be complex in structure and so are filtered into four categories – primary secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

Protein synthesis is a biological procedure which living cells perform to create new proteins. When studied in detail, the chemical synthesis of proteins process is extremely complex. The process begins with the production of new and different amino acids, some of which are collected from food sources.

The process requires ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and a specific set of enzymes. All the different types of ribonucleic acids are needed for protein synthesis to work effectively. These are messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA), and ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA).

Protein Synthesis: Definition, Examples, and Practice

Let’s check out a couple of important definitions to better understand protein synthesis.

Most protein synthesis worksheets will require a working understanding of the following definitions:

Central Dogma of Biology

A polypeptide encoded in a gene is expressed in a directional relationship called the central dogma of biology . It recognizes that information moves from the DNA to the RNA to the protein.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (otherwise known as DNA), is the carrier of genetic info found in almost every found living organism to date. It is present in the nucleus of cells and is self-replicating, meaning it’s integral to protein synthesis.

RNA is ribonucleic acid, and it’s present in every living cell discovered to date. It is a messenger and vitally involved in translating genetic code from DNA to the ribosomes so that amino acids can be created.

There are three kinds of RNA: messenger RNA (mRNA) transfers the genetic code from the DNA in the nucleus out to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) provides the structure for the ribosomes. Finally, transfer RNA (tRNA) works during translation to bring the amino acids to the ribosome so that a polypeptide (an amino acid chain) can be built.


Transcription is the stage of manufacturing in which the DNA gene sequence is copied so that an RNA molecule can be made. We’ll explain more shortly.


The second stage of protein synthesis is translation. At this point in the process, a mRNA (messenger RNA) molecule is “read” and the information is used by the ribosome to build a polypeptide.


A polypeptide is a chain made up of amino acids.

Three nucleotides form a codon. This codon is then used to create amino acids.


It’s tempting to confuse RNA with DNA, but they’re very different, and it’s important to understand these differences. They are both made up of nucleotides, which are the basic units of nucleic acids (like DNA and RNA). These nucleotides contain a phosphate group, a nitrogenous base, and a 5-carbon sugar ribose.

Instead of DNA’s ribose, however, RNA uses deoxyribose, a different kind of sugar. Also, RNA is most often a single strand, while DNA is famously double-stranded. Finally, DNA contains thymine, while RNA uses uracil instead.


DNA is found by the meter inside even minuscule cells. During replication, the masses of coiled DNA called chromatin (shaped thanks to proteins called histones) organize into what are called chromosomes.

Different types of cells (eukaryotes) have chromosomes in varying amounts. Humans, as you probably know, have 46 chromosomes, while dogs, for example, have 78.

Transcription and Translation

To best understand your protein synthesis worksheet, let’s cover the complete protein synthesis process. It starts with transcription. Special enzymes in the nucleus arrive to gently pull apart the DNA code needed, and RNA begins to transcribe or rewrite the genetic material.

During translation, the mRNA connects with the ribosome and its information is decoded again so that the correct sequence of amino acids will connect to form a polypeptide. It’s important to note here that the ribosome doesn’t make protein nor does it make amino acids. It simply instructs already-made amino acids to form the correct sequence.

The amino acids’ sequence determines its protein’s shape, function, and properties and it can do so thanks to the RNA’s four bases (all of which are nucleotides): adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U). A codon, as we explained earlier, is a combination of three of these bases in a specific order: UUC, for example.

Some codons tell the ribosome to start or stop (UAA, UAG, and UGA indicate stop) and the rest indicate specific amino acids.

Understanding the Codon Table

codon table by cabal edu, protein synthesis worksheet

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The heart of protein synthesis (and what you’ll most likely see on a protein synthesis worksheet) is the codon table. It helps us work through translation to understand the amino acids the mRNA is prescribing. For example, if you want to know what the codon CAA translates to, you’ll use the first letter of the codon (C) to locate the corresponding row on the left side of the chart.

Next, use the second letter of the codon (A) to identify the corresponding column on the top of the chart. The box indicated includes four codons that began with C and A; if you’d like, you can simply identify your codon there, or you can use the right side of the chart to identify the corresponding order of the third letter in the codon (A).

Either way, the single amino acid for CAA is Gln (glutamine).

Mutations sound scary, but don’t worry–we’re not talking about superheroes with latent power and plans for world domination. Instead, we’re talking about what happens when there’s a mistake in the transcription or translation process.

Mutations come in three forms: silent, missense, and nonsense. A mutation that is silent means that the amino acid will not be impacted during translation. Missense mutations mean that the single amino acid has been changed and a nonsense mutation ends prematurely.

How are Mutations Caused?

There are several different reasons a mutation may occur. If at least one base is added to a DNA sequence, this is referred to as an insertion. A deletion, however, occurs when at least one base has been removed from the DNA sequence.

Similarly, when a change is made to the codons so that the reading frame of the sequence is changed, the resulting mutation is called a frameshift mutation. For example, a mRNA codon that reads AUG-AUA-CGG-AAU might experience an insertion of a T in the DNA sequence.

This frameshift mutation leads to a new codon: AUG-UAC-GGA-AU.

If we utilize the codon chart, we find that the polypeptide mutates from Met-Ile-Arg-Asn to Met-Tyr-Gly.

Common Misconceptions About Mutations

Something important to note is that sometimes the DNA sequence experiences an insertion or deletion of three nucleotides in a row. This doesn’t cause a frameshift mutation. Instead, it will just impact whether or not the deleted or inserted amino acids are added or not.

This can cause a dramatic change in the outcome of the polypeptide.

Another common misconception is that a mutation is always dramatic. While this is sometimes the case, mutations are common and provide the genetic variation we so appreciate in life. Many mutations have little to no impact on life, and some mutations even create good changes.

It’s a very limited number of mutations that survive to be problematic.

What Exactly Are Genes?

A gene is a short section of DNA that acts as an instruction manual for our bodies. DNA is found inside almost every cell in the body.

Genes contain the instructions that tell cells to create new proteins via protein synthesis. Every gene carries certain instructions which make up who you are such as eye color, height, and hair color. Genes come in many different types and versions for each feature. For example, one variant of a gene may contain instructions for blue eyes whereas another contains instructions for brown eyes. Genes are so small that there are around 20,000 inside each cell in the body. The entire sequence of your genes is named the genome.

How Do Genes Work?

Genes are responsible for telling each of your cells what to do and when to do it. They do this by making proteins. Why are proteins important? Well, our bodies are made up of proteins. Around 50% of a cell is some form of protein. Proteins are also responsible for many bodily functions such as digestion, immunity, circulation, motion, and communication between cells. These are made possible by the estimated 100,000 different proteins that are produced in the body.

Genes within your DNA don’t make proteins directly. Instead, enzymes read and copy the DNA code. The section of DNA that is to be copied gets unzipped by an enzyme which then uses that segment of DNA as a template to build a single-stranded molecule of ribonucleic acid. This ribonucleic acid then leaves the nucleus of the cell and enters the cytoplasm where ribosomes then translate the code to create the specific protein.

In certain genes, not all of the DNA sequence is used to make a protein. The section of DNA that is non-coding is known as introns. The coding sections of DNA are called exons.

The Structure of DNA

DNA is made up of pairs of nucleotides on a phosphate and sugar backbone. There are four different nucleotides: thymine, cytosine, guanine, and adenine. Each of the types of nucleotides only pairs with one other type. Hydrogen bonds connect to those nucleotide pairs. The sugar and phosphate backbone, along with the nucleotide pairs form a ladder-like structure that twists to form the double helix structure of DNA. Each side of this ladder shape is known as a strand of DNA.

Nucleotides consist of a base, a phosphate group, and five carbon atoms. Each of the different types of nucleotide has a base with a different structure, however, all the bases contain nitrogen. The four bases can be split into two groups. These are pyrimidine bases and purine bases. Pyrimidine bases are small and have one six-atom ring. Purine bases are larger and are made up of a six-atom ring plus a five-atom ring which are joined by two shared atoms. Thymine and cytosine are pyrimidine bases and adenine and guanine are purine bases.

Pyrimidine bases bond to purine bases because the shapes of these bases allow hydrogen bonds to form between them. The base pairing rules states that guanine pairs only with cytosine and adenine pairs only with thymine. This rule is known as complementary base pairing. Three hydrogen bonds form between a guanine and cytosine pair whereas only two hydrogen bonds form between an adenine and thymine base pair.

Protein Synthesis Worksheet Practice

It’s helpful to utilize practice protein synthesis worksheets . To help you, here’s a list of questions–and their answers–that you’re likely to find on tests, worksheets, and protein synthesis projects:

  • During translation, which RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome? (transfer RNA or tRNA)
  • Is DNA made with uracil or thymine? (thymine)
  • In which part of the cell does transcription happen? (in the nucleus)
  • Which RNA carries the genetic code to the ribosomes from the DNA? (messenger RNA or mRNA)
  • What is the central dogma of biology? (DNA → RNA → protein)
  • What are the building blocks of proteins? (amino acids)
  • What are the three causes of mutations? (insertion, deletion, and frameshift)
  • What is a codon? (three nucleotides)
  • What are the three differences between DNA and RNA? (RNA uses deoxyribose instead of ribose, is single-stranded instead of double-stranded, and contains uracil instead of thymine)
  • In what phase is tRNA molecules used? (translation)
  • Does protein synthesis build protein? (no; protein synthesis builds amino acids)
  • What are polypeptides? (chains of amino acids)
  • What do codons do? (indicate the specific amino acid and in what order, and indicate when to stop and start the amino acid chain)
  • Which leaves the nucleus: DNA or RNA? (RNA)
  • What are the three kinds of mutations? (silent, missense, and nonsense)
  • Which codons indicate stop? (refer to the codon chart for the answer; UAA, UAG, and UGA)
  • What does chromatin organize into during replication? (chromosomes)

Practice with the Codon Chart

Another great way to increase your knowledge of protein synthesis and better prepare for protein synthesis worksheets is to practice with the codon chart . You can find the solutions in parenthesis after the example:

  • CUU-CGU-AAU-UGG-AAG (leu-arg-asn-trp-lys)
  • ACU-ACA-AGU-UGC-UUU (thr-thr-ser-cys-phe)
  • AAC-AAG-GUC-GUC-AGG (asn-lys-val-ile-arg)

Protein synthesis is a complex, highly tuned process that enables life to flourish. Understanding it, from the DNA to the RNA to the amino acids, gives us a better appreciation for life itself. Use our protein synthesis worksheet practice questions to help you learn the ins and outs of protein synthesis and remember the informaion.

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Protein Synthesis Review

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Carolyn Chunyo

Review covering main concepts of protein synthesis

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Label: Protein Synthesis

biology worksheet protein synthesis

In the past, I have used Transcription Coloring to reinforce the concept of the central dogma. The worksheet shows how DNA is converted to RNA which travels to the ribosomes. The ribosomes then build a protein is created from individual amino acids. Three bases make a codon. One codon correlates to one amino acid. Amino acids forms chains called proteins.

There are three slides on this activity, the first two show images of the process and the last slide asks students to answer text questions that describe various parts of the process. For example: “What is the role of tRNA in the process?”

Students can also practice with this worksheet on the Genetics of Sickle Cell Disease which goes into greater detail about the relationship between the proteins and functions of those proteins.

A single switch in a base, can lead to the nonfunctional protein found in hemoglobin. There is also a labeling handout that is similar but is designed for students to do on paper, in class.

DNA to RNA to Protein


See also: Notes and Google Slides of the Central Dogma

Shannan Muskopf

Home » Worksheets » Step-by-Step Protein Synthesis Worksheet

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Step-by-Step Protein Synthesis Worksheet

Finding the right worksheets for your students can sometimes seem nearly impossible. Luckily, there are some easier ways of locating the worksheets that you need, to not only keep your students engaged, but to ensure that they’re able to retain the information they’ve learned. If you’re looking for the perfect protein synthesis worksheets, regardless of grade level, then here is an overview of 12 great choices to choose from.

The Best Protein Synthesis Worksheets

Protein synthesis crossword puzzle by wordmint.

Protein Synthesis Worksheets

Since all kids enjoy playing games, nothing can make learning about protein synthesis more fun than doing a crossword puzzle. This particular crossword puzzle is challenging, while enabling students to learn new terminology related to the topic of protein synthesis. Not only will your students become familiar with key terms by completing the crossword, but they can also experience enjoyment while simultaneously learning the definitions of these terms. You also have the ability to customize this and other crossword puzzles to meet your needs and the needs of your students.

The Steps Involved in Protein Synthesis By Course Hero

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Protein Synthesis Chart Worksheet By StudyLib

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This worksheet enables students to learn about protein synthesis by referring to the chart while answering the questions. The worksheet was created to make learning about this process fun, and it simply focuses on the main components of this overall process, increasing the likelihood that your students will learn as much as possible about protein synthesis. 

Practicing Protein Synthesis Worksheet By Laney Lee

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As the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect,” the more your students complete practices regarding protein synthesis, the easier the learning process will become. Frequent practices help to embed the information in their heads, and the eye-popping colors make this particular worksheet more appealing.  

Cut & Paste Protein Synthesis Worksheets From Biology Roots

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If you’re teaching biology to younger children under 12, then this worksheet will be especially helpful. The more interactive a worksheet is, it doesn’t matter what the topic is, the more students are likely to learn as much as possible. This cut and paste assignment is more than

Multiple Choice Worksheets on Protein Synthesis From Worksheet For Education

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Some students may know a subject well, but when it comes to completing a worksheet or test about that particular subject, they might become nervous and fail the assignment because they were unable to think clearly. This multiple choice worksheet helps to make many students feel at ease, because being provided with four possible answers is sometimes less intimidating. That is the beauty of this particular worksheet, which you and your students will likely enjoy.

DNA & Protein Synthesis Worksheet By Worksheeto

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This is actually multiple worksheets on the topic of protein synthesis. Students need to know what DNA is as well as its role in protein synthesis in order to learn the true fundamentals of this biological process. There are 19 worksheets offered on this site, and if some don’t work, then simply don’t use them. However, you are almost guaranteed to find some worksheets that help you to teach your students in a more practical manner that they’re able to grasp.

If you’re teaching biology to younger children under 12, then this worksheet will be especially helpful. The more interactive a worksheet is, it doesn’t matter what the topic is, the more students are likely to learn as much as possible. This cut and paste assignment is more than just a worksheet, but it’s an activity that requires students to cut, paste, and perform activities that make learning fun

Back-to-basics Protein Synthesis Worksheets By Laney Lee

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These worksheets with answer sheets are great to use in your introductory lessons on the topics. In order for students to fully understand protein synthesis and how it works, they need to learn the basics, which is what these worksheets offer. Students will be engaged and have an easier time grasping the subject, which will make future lessons much simpler to understand.

DNA Code & Protein Synthesis Worksheets By Worksheeto

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Again, DNA is an essential part of protein synthesis, and these worksheets focus on DNA , which gives students the opportunity to learn all they need to know about this important hereditary material. Choose from 14 different worksheets, with many, if not all, that are guaranteed to keep your students interested and learning. 

Graphic Organization and Protein Synthesis By Science Tutor

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Once students are able to properly organize a chart containing the necessary components of protein synthesis, then it shows that they fully understand the process. This worksheet requires students to create their own story that explains how this natural technique functions. This will likely make learning about protein synthesis more fun as well as more real, instead of simply a text-book process that’s taught in biology class. There aren’t many students who wouldn’t enjoy creating a story, even if that story is about a science-related process.

Protein Synthesis: DNA Mutations Worksheets By Liveworksheets

biology worksheet protein synthesis

Teaching students about protein synthesis involves all aspects of this important biological process, including DNA mutations. It is important for students to become knowledgeable about the different DNA mutations that are possible and how they can affect the people whose DNA has these mutations. There are a number of different worksheets to choose from on the topic, so you can easily choose the ones that work best for how you want to teach your students. 

The ability to simulate protein synthesis signifies a true understanding of this biological process. The worksheet requires students to simulate the functioning of RNA and DNA, both of which are important factors in the protein synthesis system. Just prior to, or while completing the worksheet, students will be directed to a specific website that provides a lesson on the material that they’re studying, which will enable them to successfully answer the questions on the worksheet.

Protein synthesis can sometimes be a complex topic for some students, and whenever a subject seems complex, students can quickly lose interest. However, learning about this exciting process doesn’t have to be boring or difficult, as it can actually be quite exciting depending on how it’s taught. By choosing the right protein synthesis worksheet, learning this topic can be very effective by making learning about protein synthesis fun instead of a dreaded task. Hopefully, at least some of the worksheets provided in this article can help you to make teaching this subject easier and a lot less stressful for you as well as your students. 

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Subject: Biology

Age range: 14-16

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Save precious planning time and elevate your classroom experience with our all-in-one Biology teaching package. This resource includes meticulously crafted lesson PowerPoint with learning objectives, quality content, and multiple-choice plenary questions, engaging worksheets, and multiple practice question PowerPoints complete with model answers. Designed to align with GCSE curriculum standards, these materials ensure comprehensive coverage of key topics. Ideal for busy teachers seeking high-quality, ready-to-use resources that facilitate effective learning and assessment.

Protein Synthesis - Translation

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This is a complete, hassle-free, off-the-shelf resource package designed to save you time and ensure your students excel. Elevate your teaching and provide your students with the tools they need to succeed with the “Protein Synthesis - Translation” lesson.

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Unlock the Fascinating World of Genetics with "Unit 10 - Inheritance" Are you looking to simplify your planning and deliver high-quality, engaging lessons that make complex genetic concepts accessible to all students? Our "Unit 10 - Inheritance" teaching resource package is designed with you in mind. Aligned with GCSE curriculum standards, this comprehensive unit covers everything your students need to understand the principles of inheritance, from DNA to evolution. **What’s Included in the Unit?** LESSON 1: DNA, GENES & CHROMOSOMES: Explore the building blocks of life and understand how genetic information is stored and transmitted. LESSON 2: GENETIC TERMS & MONOHYBRID INHERITANCE: Learn key genetic terminology and practice predicting genetic outcomes using monohybrid crosses. LESSON 3: PEDIGREE ANALYSIS: Analyze family trees to trace the inheritance of traits and understand genetic disorders. LESSON 4: MITOSIS: Discover the process of cell division that ensures genetic continuity in somatic cells. LESSON 5: MEIOSIS: Study the specialized cell division process that leads to genetic diversity in gametes. LESSON 6: VARIATION: Understand the sources of genetic variation and how they contribute to the diversity of life. LESSON 7: PROTEIN SYNTHESIS - TRANSCRIPTION: Learn how genetic information is transcribed from DNA to mRNA in the first step of protein synthesis. LESSON 8: PROTEIN SYNTHESIS - TRANSLATION: Follow the process of translating mRNA into functional proteins, the workhorses of the cell. LESSON 9: MUTATIONS: Explore how changes in the genetic code can lead to variations and sometimes harmful effects. LESSON 10: EVOLUTION & NATURAL SELECTION: Delve into the mechanisms of evolution and the role of natural selection in shaping the diversity of life. **Why Choose This Resource?** * Detailed Lesson Plans: Perfect for both new and experienced teachers, each plan provides clear objectives, key points, and teaching strategies to ensure effective lesson delivery. * Engaging PowerPoints: Visually appealing and easy to follow, our PowerPoints are designed to keep students engaged and make complex topics understandable. * Student-Friendly Summary Notes: Comprehensive notes that address common misconceptions, ensuring students have a solid understanding of each topic. * Differentiated Questions: Challenge all levels of learners with at least 10 mixed/differentiated questions per lesson, promoting critical thinking and deeper understanding. * Ready-to-Use Worksheets: Practical and relevant worksheets reinforce lesson content, allowing students to apply what they've learned in meaningful ways. Make Teaching Genetics Easy and Fun This off-the-shelf, hassle-free resource package is designed to save you time and enhance the quality of your teaching. With "Unit 10 - Inheritance," you can confidently cover every essential topic in genetics, providing your students with the tools they need to excel. Don’t miss out! Purchase "Unit 10 - Inheritance" today on TES and bring the fascinating world of genetics to life in your classroom.

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    Key Points. DNA is used to make a copy of mRNA (Transcription) mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to ribosomes. 3 bases = codon. 1 codon = a single amino acid. A chain of amino acids = a protein. Protein synthesis is also called Translation. Biologists use a codon chart or a codon wheel to determine the amino acids.

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    A bunch of amino acids attached together is called? polypeptide. Use your Codon chart to determine the amino acid sequence. 1. DNA>>> CCT CTT TAC ACA CGG AGG GTA CGC TAT TCT ATG ATT ACA CGG TTG CGA TCC ATA ATC. mRNA>>>. protein>>>. 2. DNA>>> AGA ACA TAA TAC CTC TTA ACA CTC TAA AGA CCA GCA CTC CGA TGA ACT GGA GCA.


    The first step of protein synthesis is called Transcription. It occurs in the nucleus. During transcription, mRNA transcribes (copies) DNA. DNA is "unzipped" and the mRNA strand copies a strand of DNA. Once it does this, mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes into the cytoplasm. mRNA will then attach itself to a ribosome.

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  6. PDF Protein Synthesis Worksheet

    A. Transcription. Protein synthesis begins with DNA in the nucleus. Transcription takes place in the nucleus of the cell. During transcription messenger RNA (mRNA) reads and copies DNA's nucleotide sequence in the form of a complimentary RNA strand. Then the mRNA carries the DNA's information in the form of codons to the ribosome.

  7. PDF Protein Synthesis Worksheet

    The first step of protein synthesis is called Transcription. It occurs in the nucleus. During transcription, mRNA transcribes (copies) DNA. DNA is "unzipped" and the mRNA strand copies a strand of DNA. Once it does this, mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes into the cytoplasm. mRNA will then attach itself to a ribosome.


    They each have a phosphate, sugar and nitrogen base. Name 2 main parts of protein synthesis and where in the cell they take place. Transcription and translation. How many stands of mRNA are transcribed from the two "unzipped". 2. If the following were part of the DNA chain, what mRNA bases would pair with it to transcribe the DNA code onto mRNA?

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    A simple practice of the processes of transcription and translation within protein synthesis. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Biology (1061845) Main content: Protein synthesis (2049684) From worksheet author: ...

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    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Biology (1061845) Main content: Protein Synthesis (1998127) From worksheet author: Use this as a tool to test your knowledge of how proteins are made from a strand of DNA. ...

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    Review covering main concepts of protein synthesis. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Biology (1061845) Main content: Central Dogma, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis (1759607) From worksheet author: ...

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    Cut & Paste Protein Synthesis Worksheets From Biology Roots. If you're teaching biology to younger children under 12, then this worksheet will be especially helpful. The more interactive a worksheet is, it doesn't matter what the topic is, the more students are likely to learn as much as possible. This cut and paste assignment is more than


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  17. PDF Worksheet: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis

    Worksheet: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis B I O L O G Y : C h a p t e r 6 - 9 Directions: Use your notes and book to answer the following questions concerning Replication, Transcription, and Protein Synthesis. 1. Define the following terms: a. Replication - b. Transcription - c. Translation - 2. Break the following DNA sequence into triplets ...


    Hand out the SAY IT WITH DNA Protein Synthesis Practice Sheet. Assign each student one of the practice messages. Have them decode the message making sure to show each step in the "Decoding a DNA Message" section of their practice sheet. They can do more, if interested and have the time. To check for accuracy of the decoded messages, use the ...

  19. Protein Synthesis GCSE

    Protein Synthesis GCSE. Subject: Biology. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. I am a teacher of Biology and Chemistry based in Devon. Currently teaching in Exeter. Currently teaching Edexcel iGCSE for Year 9-11 pupils and teaching AQA Biology to AS/A2 pupils. I try to make engaging resources that involve a mix of collaborative ...

  20. Worksheet on DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis (1-16)

    Deoxyribose. The type of sugar found in DNA is ____________. ATCCGAGT. If the sequence on the right hand side of the DNA molecule was TAGGCTCA, the complimentary side would have a sequence of _____________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Deoxyribonucleic acid, Nucleotides, Sugar and more.

  21. Mrs. Holes Website

    Mrs. Holes & Ms. Clements Biology Syllabus: File Size: 457 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Regular Biology Syllabus: File Size: 447 kb: File Type: pdf: ... Protein synthesis coloring worksheet mRNA processing worksheet and activity - link to Teachers Pay Teachers DNA Mutations notes presentation

  22. Protein Synthesis and Mutations Worksheet-Sum20 (1)

    Biology document from Wichita State University, 3 pages, 96 Name: _ Worksheet for Section V; Exercise 3: Protein Synthesis and the Effect of Mutations I. The double stranded DNA molecule is composed of two strands of DNA. Only one of the two DNA strands is used to transcribe mRNA. This strand is called the "tem

  23. **iGCSE Biology Edexcel

    Save precious planning time and elevate your classroom experience with our all-in-one Biology teaching package. This resource includes meticulously crafted lesson PowerPoint with learning objectives, quality content, and multiple-choice plenary questions, engaging worksheets, and multiple practice question PowerPoints complete with model answers.

  24. Worksheet on DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Flashcards

    The three parts of a nucleotide are. Phosphate Group, Deoxyribose, Nitrogen Base. The four nitrogen bases found in DNA are called. Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine. Two of the nitrogen bases are single ring structures known as __________. These two bases are. Pyrimidines, Cytosine and Thymine.