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CASE Study ( Highway) (1)

System analysis and design (dfc40243), politeknik ungku omar.


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Civil engineering department, dcc30103 highway and traffic engineering, diploma od civil engineering, title : case study, name & matrik no : hani sufiah binti mohamad hanafi, (01dka20f2037), nor sabrina binti ahamd mukhris, (01dka20f2041), nur adriana syahirah binti azlim, (01dka20f2054), fadhli ammar bin hammad, (01dka20f2014), nur ayuni izrin binti zulkifli, (01dka20f2059), class : dka 3b, lecturer’s name : ms. rozina binti muhamad, content pages, 1 introduction 3, 2 objective 3, 3 theory of intersection 3, 4 design of diagram 4, 5 problem statement 5, 6 recommendation 5, 7 conclusion 5, 8 reference 5.

9 APPENDIX (table and exhibits as appropriate) 6


5 problem statement.

The problem identified from the one we chose is that the Bakawali Road is congested when entering and exiting the junction because the road’s size is small and very limited, and the host on the side of the road’s negligence has parked vehicles on the side of the road, causing traffic congestion in the area.

In addition, factors from small roads also contribute to congestion when road users want to enter and exit intersections. in fact, the condition of the road is not safe when users want to enter the road by turning. so far this year, there have been many road accidents have been recorded but only minor accidents such as car crashes and car side collisions, no casualties have been recorded in the Bakawali Road area so far


 Build complete roads.  Reduce traffic speeds.  Make special lane for lorry or heavy vehicles.


In Malaysia road network, the junction is the determines of road network capacity. Grade junctions also play an important role in providing safe pedestrian road crossing. Traffic delays at junction contribute greatly to air pollution because the emission rates (for almost all pollutants) of idling vehicles are much higher than at free flow. Well- designed junction that support modern traffic signal control systems can minimize delays and traffic stoppages and reduce emissions.


  • google/maps/@3,101,677m/data=!3m1!1e
  • google/search? q=theory+of+intersection+road+junction&rlz=1C1GCEU_enMY947MY947&sxs rf=ALiCzsY-oTBYO98bPdxNgp53GY_rMUE45g %3A1654282362328&ei=eliaYtPVE9KR4-EPw_qDwAM&ved=0ahUKEwjT- sGE- pH4AhXSyDgGHUP9ADgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=theory+of+intersection+roa d+junction&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgjELADECc6BwgAEEcQsAM6BA gjECdKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ4wFYkQ1g4hVoAXABeACAAUKIAakCkgE BNZgBAKABAcgBCcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
  • trafficsafetystore/blog/5-ways-cities-can-design-better-roads/
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Course : System Analysis and Design (DFC40243)

University : politeknik ungku omar.

case study engineering design politeknik

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  • More from: System Analysis and Design DFC40243 Politeknik Ungku Omar 5   Documents Go to course

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Image of Case studies in engineering design

Case studies in engineering design

— Matthews, Clifford - Nama Orang;

A multidisciplinary introduction to engineering design using real-life case studies. Case Studies in Engineering Design provides students and practising engineers with many practical and accessible case studies which are representative of situations engineers face in professional life, and which incorporate a range of engineering disciplines. Different methodologies of approaching engineering design are identified and explained prior to their application in the case studies. The case studies have been chosen from real-life engineering design projects and aim to expose students to a wide variet


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