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Disaster Management in Pakistan | Shazia Haris

Is resilience enough to deal with disasters, emergencies, and crisis?

Hurricane Katrina was one of the turning points not only in the lives of people of Louisiana and New Orleans, but also for the American politics. Within days of the hurricane that hit US on 29 th August, 2005, criticism started on delayed evacuation, images of hungry masses flooded the electronic media, and televised interviews of shaken and frustrated politicians were on the air who surely presented a case study of faulted crisis communication. It was also highlighted that following the 9/11 incident the Bush Administration had reduced the budget of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as most of the budget was diverted to counter terrorism, and today analysts say failure to deal with a natural disaster was one of the major reasons of Bush losing the elections. A lesson to be learnt by South Asian countries as to how poor disaster management may lead to political instability, something we all can’t afford.

These days the Mina tragedy, where thousands of lives were lost, has not only turned into a hot debate on disaster management but is taking a political turn in the mighty arena of global politics. That’s the power of disasters in today’s vulnerable world where crisis management, disasters and emergencies are tied together with economic, political preferences, human security and overall resilience of a government.

This last 8 th October, ten years after the earthquake that shook Pakistan, media had its eyes focused on what was lost and what has not been achieved, though the fact remains that Pakistan was neither prepared nor had the capacity ten years ago to deal with such a humongous disaster. Over the years, the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), an Authority that came into existence after the earthquake, has evolved into an expert organisation which should be utilised in broader framework of disaster management. We know there is hardly any Pakistani who has not felt the impact of crisis, emergency or a disaster in one form or another. Pakistan is vulnerable to natural disasters in the form of earthquakes or recurring floods, health crisis like dengue spreading quickly these days and manmade disasters like energy crisis, terrorism and bomb blasts. Though as a nation Pakistan has the resilience to bounce back in the face of worst natural and manmade disasters, yet a lack of continuity in disaster management policy mainly due to a non inclusive approach makes government as the sole problem solver and responsible for a remedial approach, thus making it more difficult for departments to manage perceptions of affectees.

The resilience, meaning an ability to bounce back to normalcy in the face of a disaster, is directly related to the frequency of disasters and vulnerability of population at risk. In other words, the sustained economic growth and daily life activities have a direct hit from any disaster or crisis, especially when unprepared. Similarly, the resilience to respond to a disaster at the government level is measured in the form of strong governance and planning ahead of a disaster, meaning preparedness for any unforeseen disasters. Pakistan at the moment is highly vulnerable to a unique set of security and disaster threats.

Our armed forces are the first respondents to any natural disaster of a large magnitude due to their well coordinated strategy and expertise, but they are also the front line fighters against terrorism. Imagine an area or a situation where the role of military has to change drastically from fighting the enemy to be the saviour in a natural disaster. That’s what is called a complex emergency. The question is: are we putting too much on our defenders? Another question is: are we well prepared to take charge of a natural disaster in a security zone e.g., IDPS in flood affected areas? If not, then this is the time to think of an inclusive approach to disaster management in Pakistan taking stakeholders like media, academia and disaster management authorities on board along with the armed forces for betterment of the masses.

Keeping in view the peculiar situation of human security, conflict and disaster management all intertwined in hazard areas of Pakistan, there is a strong need not only to introduce disaster management at the higher university level where organisations like ERRA can give input on practical aspects of the field, military can train government human resources for effective response mechanism, and media can be a partner in highlighting the needs and awareness about disaster risk reduction at the mass level.

The latest report on future vulnerability of Pakistan to natural and manmade disasters by the Government of Pakistan indicates that Pakistan is likely to face more natural disasters in the coming years, meaning that a direct impact on the economy and human safety is expected. The major challenge is to bring a mindset change where natural or manmade disaster preparedness is seen as a cost effective futuristic approach. What is needed to be realised is that the impact of crisis and disasters is not only directly related to human security but also has its impact on political, economic and social fabric with long term consequences. Until and unless we all join hands in our field of expertise, share knowledge, promote awareness and utilise the already trained human resources effectively, there will always be fingers raised at us.

Source: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2015/10/14/comment/disaster-management-in-pakistan/

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Pakistan Floods of 2022 & the Role of NDMA

I. introduction.

The Pakistan floods of 2022 were devastating natural disasters that affected millions of people in several provinces. Heavy monsoon rains caused flash floods, landslides, and overflowing rivers. They led to widespread damage to infrastructure and the displacement of millions of people. The floods also destroyed crops and livestock, leading to food shortages and economic losses.

In the face of this crisis, the National Disaster Management Authority ( NDMA ) played a critical role in coordinating the national response. It provided emergency relief to those affected. NDMA is the primary government agency responsible for disaster management in Pakistan. It was tasked with ensuring preparedness, response, and recovery measures to mitigate the impact of the floods.

This essay will examine the 2022 Pakistan floods and the role of the NDMA in disaster management. The essay will provide an overview of the floods and their impact on Pakistan. It will also tell the analysis of the role of the NDMA in disaster management. The essay will also discuss lessons learned from the floods and make recommendations for improving disaster preparedness and response in Pakistan. Finally, the essay will emphasize the importance of disaster management in Pakistan and the role of the NDMA in ensuring preparedness and resilience in the face of future natural disasters.

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II. Overview of the 2022 floods

The 2022 floods in Pakistan were caused by heavy monsoon rains, which led to flash floods, landslides, and overflowing rivers in several provinces. The floods affected millions of people, causing widespread damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and buildings. The floodwaters also destroyed crops and livestock, leading to food shortages and economic losses.

According to the National Disaster Management Authority ( NDMA ), from 14 June to October 2022, floods in Pakistan killed 1,739 people and caused ₨ 3.2 trillion ( $14.9 billion ) of damage and ₨ 3.3 trillion ( $15.2 billion ) of economic losses. The most severely affected provinces were Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan, where thousands of people were displaced from their homes and forced to seek shelter in makeshift camps or with relatives.

The floods also had a significant impact on Pakistan’s economy, with damage to infrastructure and agriculture estimated to cost billions of dollars. Crops such as wheat, rice, and cotton were destroyed, leading to food shortages and rising prices. The floods also damaged transportation and communication networks, making it challenging to access affected areas and deliver emergency aid.

The 2022 floods in Pakistan highlight the country’s vulnerability to natural disasters, particularly in the context of climate change. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and heat waves are expected to increase in the coming years, making disaster management a critical priority for Pakistan’s government and people.

Pakistan Floods of 2022 & the Role of NDMA

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III. The role of the NDMA in disaster management

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is the primary government agency responsible for disaster management in Pakistan. The NDMA’s mandate is to ensure preparedness, response, and recovery measures to mitigate the impact of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and droughts.

In response to the 2022 floods, the NDMA activated the National Emergency Operations Center ( NEOC ). It was activated to coordinate the national response and deployed emergency response teams to the affected areas. The NDMA worked closely with provincial and district-level disaster management authorities. Furthermore, they worked with non-governmental organizations and international aid agencies, to provide emergency relief to those affected.

The NDMA’s response to the floods included a range of measures to address immediate needs. They did search and rescue operations, evacuation of affected communities, provision of food and shelter, and medical assistance. The NDMA also prioritized efforts to restore critical infrastructure. It included roads and bridges to enable the delivery of aid and support economic recovery.

Despite these challenges, the NDMA’s role in disaster management in Pakistan remains critical. The agency plays a crucial role in ensuring that the government is prepared to respond to natural disasters and is working to improve disaster risk reduction measures, such as investing in early warning systems, strengthening community resilience, and promoting disaster preparedness at all levels of society.

The 2022 floods in Pakistan serve as a reminder of the importance of disaster management and the need for continued efforts to improve preparedness and response in the face of future natural disasters. The NDMA’s role in this effort is essential, and the agency will need to work closely with other government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners to address the complex challenges posed by climate change and other natural disasters.

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IV. Lessons learned and recommendations

The 2022 floods in Pakistan highlighted several lessons that can inform future disaster management efforts. One key lesson is the importance of investing in disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures, such as early warning systems, flood mapping, and community-based disaster management plans. Improving these measures can help reduce the impact of natural disasters and ensure a more efficient and effective response.

Another lesson from the floods is the need for greater coordination and collaboration between different government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international partners. The floods highlighted the importance of having clear lines of communication and effective mechanisms for sharing information and resources, as well as the need for strong leadership to coordinate response efforts.

In addition, the floods underscored the importance of addressing the underlying drivers of vulnerability, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Efforts to reduce these drivers can help build resilience and ensure that communities are better prepared to withstand and recover from natural disasters.


  • Investing in disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures, such as early warning systems, flood mapping, and community-based disaster management plans.
  • Strengthening coordination and collaboration between different government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international partners, including improving communication and sharing of resources.
  • Addressing the underlying drivers of vulnerability, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, through measures such as social protection programs, disaster risk reduction policies, and climate adaptation strategies.
  • Conducting post-disaster assessments and incorporating lessons learned into future disaster management plans to improve the effectiveness of the response.
  • Strengthening disaster governance and institutional frameworks to ensure that disaster management is prioritized and well-coordinated across all levels of government.

By implementing these recommendations, Pakistan can improve its disaster management capacity and build greater resilience to future natural disasters.

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V. Conclusion

n conclusion, the 2022 floods in Pakistan were a devastating natural disaster that highlighted the importance of disaster management and the critical role of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in responding to such events. While the NDMA played a vital role in coordinating the national response and providing emergency relief to those affected, there were also criticisms of the agency’s preparedness and coordination efforts.

Moving forward, it is essential that Pakistan invests in disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures strengthens coordination and collaboration between different government agencies and international partners, and addresses the underlying drivers of vulnerability to build greater resilience to future natural disasters.

By implementing these measures, Pakistan can ensure that it is better prepared to respond to natural disasters and protect the lives and livelihoods of its citizens. The NDMA will continue to play a critical role in disaster management, and it is essential that the agency is adequately resourced and supported to fulfill its mandate effectively. Ultimately, disaster management must be a priority for all levels of government, and concerted efforts must be made to reduce the risk of future disasters and build greater resilience in the face of climate change and other global challenges.

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December 12, 2015 CSS Special , December 2015 Leave a comment


  • What is a disaster?
  • Different types of disasters
  • A glimpse over the major disasters in Pakistan
  • What is disaster management?
  • Preparedness
  • Recovery and rehabilitation
  • Reconstruction
  • Legislative structure for disaster management in Pakistan
  • Institutional structure for disaster management in Pakistan
  • Contribution of disaster management institutions of Pakistan
  • Recommendations for further improvement

Perhaps the punishment is not over yet. Adam and Eve committed the mistake and their generations seem to be undergoing the punishment for it. At least the way natural disasters are wreaking havoc on the surface of the earth appears to be conveying the same message. How much helpless and miserable a man is, can be imagined only by those who have experienced and suffered some natural disaster. Man, the super creature, the conqueror of the universe; in the face of disaster is reduced to a mere weightless straw.

Pakistan, unfortunately, is among those countries where disasters are now a regular feature. Since 2005, when a horrible earthquake filled countless eyes with tears and numberless houses with darkness, we have lost thousands of precious lives and billions of rupees at the hands of disasters. With reference to the fateful day of 8th Oct 2005 — the day when the whole Pakistani nation realized that how much empty-handed and poorly-equipped it was in the face of disasters — another fact deserves to be acknowledged: the horrific earthquake that day led to the establishment of disaster management structure in Pakistan. Today, the incidents of disaster still happen, and that too quite frequently, but, thankfully, a complete legal and administrative system is now available to handle them. Nearly 9 National and Provincial Disaster Management Authorities are now there to protect the lives and properties of the citizens in the times of disasters. There might be deficiencies and shortcomings in this infrastructure, yet it is encouraging that at least some such thing is available the strings of hope can be tied to.

What is Disaster?

The United Nations defines disaster as: “A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.”

According to Section 2 of the National Disaster Management Act, 2010, “Disaster means a catastrophe, or a calamity in an affected area, arising from natural or manmade causes, or by accident which results in a substantial loss of life or human suffering or damage to, and destruction of property.”

Different Types of Disasters

Disasters and Their Impacts on Pakistan Since 2005

As regards the damage caused by disasters in Pakistan, the data maintained by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) reveals that since 2005 earthquake, floods and draughts have resulted in more than 79077 deaths and have inflicted injuries to over 198000 citizens while damaged nearly 4303150 houses. The 2005 earthquake alone caused 73338 casualties and 128309 injury cases. With reference to floods, 2010 was the deadliest and the most unpropitious year when crops, spread over 5171026 kanals, were submerged generating a direct loss of US$ 10056 million. Similarly droughts between 1998 and 2014 collectively affected a population of 4.5 million and killed more than 500000 cattle.

What is Disaster Management?

Process of Disaster Management

1. Mitigation

The process of disaster management starts from mitigation. These are the activities which actually eliminate or reduce the probability of disaster occurrence, or reduce the effects of unavoidable disasters. Mitigation measures include building codes, vulnerability analyses updates, zoning and land-use management, building-use regulations and safety codes, preventive healthcare and public education. Mitigation depends on the incorporation of appropriate measures in national and regional development planning. The mitigation phase particularly includes the shaping of public policies and plans that either modify the causes of disasters or mitigate their effects.

2. Preparedness

Preparedness is aimed at achieving a satisfactory level of readiness to respond to any emergency through such programmes which strengthen the technical and managerial capacity of governments, organizations and communities. These measures can be described as logistical readiness to deal with disasters and can be enhanced by having response mechanisms and procedures, developing long- and short-term strategies, ensuring public education and awareness, and building an affective early warning system. Preparedness also ensures that strategic reserves of food, equipment, water, medicine and other essentials are maintained at suitable points to respond to the catastrophes effectively.

3. Response

4. Recovery

As the emergency is brought under control, the process of recovery begins. Activities to rehabilitate the people and to restore the infrastructure that supports them are undertaken in this phase. There is no distinct point at which immediate relief changes into recovery and then into long-term sustainable development. Ideally, there should be a smooth transition from recovery to development. Recovery activities include providing the affected populace with temporary housing, education and health facilities and these continue until everything returns to normality.

5. Reconstruction

Reconstruction involves repairing the damages to private properties and public infrastructure and undoing all the disaster effects. Although, it is the last phase of the disaster management process, it can be taken as the first step as well, as this is the reconstruction phase in which necessary preparatory measures are adopted to provide safety against future disasters.

Legislative Structure of Disaster Management in Pakistan

Calamity Act 1958 was the first piece of legislation aimed at providing immediate relief against the disasters and calamities. In the wake of 2005 earthquake, National Disaster Management Ordinance (NDMO) was promulgated in 2007 which, in 2010, became the National Disaster Management Act 2010 after the approval of the Parliament. As disaster management is a provincial subject, all the provincial assemblies have adopted the national law instead of making one on their own.

Institutional Structure

Emergency Relief Cells were established in 1971 and Federal Relief Commission in 2005. After the promulgation of NDMO 2007, a complete structure of disaster-fighting mechanism was established in the country. Now disaster management institutes are present at three levels in Pakistan: at national level, these are National Disaster Management Commission and National Disaster Management Authority; at provincial level, these are Provincial Disaster Management Commissions and Provincial Disaster Management Authorities; and at district level, these are District Disaster Management Authorities.

At all levels, the commission is the apex body on disaster management as it lays down policies, approves plans of the concerned governments and departments related; issues guidelines to the concerned governments and departments; arranges for, and oversees, the provision of funds for the purpose of mitigation measures, preparedness and response.

Contribution of DMAs in Disaster Management in Pakistan

When massive earthquake jolted the length and breadth of Pakistan in 2005, although, no specialized institution was present for disaster handling, yet the whole Pakistani nation and international community joined hands to help the affected populace. Since their establishment through NDMO 2007, the disaster management authorities in Pakistan have been leading the relief and rehabilitation activities across the country after any disaster struck the nation. They have undertaken indubitably commendable activities in alleviating the pains and sufferings of the disaster-struck people.

In addition to providing relief items, the DMAs perform many other functions for bringing ease in the life of those affected. Shifting of the injured to hospitals, evacuation of people from the vulnerable areas, repair of infrastructure damages, etc. are some of the functions which DMAs continuously perform in the wake of disasters.

Recommendations for Improvement

First of all, statutory structure of disaster management in Pakistan needs to be improved. As disaster management is a provincial subject, all the provincial assemblies should enact laws keeping in view the peculiarities of their respective territories. These laws should be followed by subordinate legislation in the form of rules and regulations, as no law can serve its purpose fully unless it is supported by a sound framework of rules and regulations. We need to realize that merely the establishment of legal framework cannot ensure the acquisition of targeted objectives and goals, and special attention will have to be given to the implementation of the disaster management laws in letter and spirit.

For better provision of disaster-related services, coordination at all levels must be improved. At national, provincial and district levels, disaster management forums should be established under the umbrella of concerned DMAs. These forums should provide a joint platform to all the national and international NGOs, government functionaries, media persons and the civil society to share their ideas regarding a collective and well-organized response to the disasters. The forum should also be used for the distribution of responsibilities among the organization in order to ensure more dexterous handling of the disasters.

The DMAs should ensure the availability of advanced rescue machineries and equipment and at such places from where they could be shifted to the disaster-hit points without any delay. Wheel dozers, trolley blades, excavators, rock drills, hydraulic cranes, air compressors and all such paraphernalia indispensable to successfully carrying out rescue operations, should be procured on immediate basis and a meticulous plan for ensuring their proper maintenance should also be devised. Prior to the procurement, the DMAs should thoroughly study the hazard maps in order to ensure that the machinery being procured would be sufficient to cater for rescue needs.

Similarly hazard mapping of all the vulnerable areas should also be conducted. Services of technical persons should be hired for the purpose. All development activities in the districts should be carried out keeping in view their vulnerabilities to different sort of disasters as highlighted in the hazard maps.

Advanced early warning systems are also required to be set up in Pakistan, particularly for the flood and earthquake forecast. The systems, presently in place, do not provide a forecast that is early enough to adopt requisite precautionary measures. For this sake, Pakistan Meteorological Department needs to be invigorated. The staff of PMD should be given special trainings to enable them to perform their responsibilities more skilfully.

Special focus should be on Disaster Risk Reduction instead of mere Disaster Management as minimizing the adverse effects of disasters can be more productive than responding to the miseries caused by it. For the purpose, special emphasis should be laid on devising and implementing building codes, land-use regulations and city development plans. No new building construction or city development should be allowed unless it adheres to all the statutory requirements provided for creating resilience against the disasters.

Community sensitization can also be helpful in minimizing the disaster-related damages. Hectic campaigns should be launched through media and in educational institutes and people should be educated regarding the best-suited immediate response at the time of disaster.

Climate change is casting its evil eye on the whole world and Pakistan is one of the worst-hit countries. Disasters have become a recurring feature here. Presence of a specialized institution for fighting the disasters was immensely imperative to the safety of people of Pakistan and thanks to Allah Almighty that a complete framework is now available in the country for the said purpose. Every year, all tiers of disaster management authorities play a leading role in the mitigation of the effects of disaster and distribution of relief items in the disaster-hit areas. However, quite understandably, there is still enough room for improvement in the overall disaster-combating mechanism of the country. Some deficiencies will definitely come to an end with the passage of time, while for the rest some sincere and serious measures will have to be adopted.

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Disaster Management in Pakistan

  • First Online: 05 December 2021

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disaster management in pakistan css essay

  • Abdur Rehman Cheema 5  

Part of the book series: Islam and Global Studies ((IGS))

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This chapter presents the analysis of five decades of the development planning history of Pakistan. Disaster management was highly centralised and skewed towards the response and relief phases of the disaster management cycle. Before the 2005 earthquake, Pakistan did not have a single federal organisation for disaster management with a multi-hazard approach. The 2005 earthquake was a lesson-producing event for the whole nation and the government in terms of renewed awareness of disaster preparedness and the mitigation of other hazards beyond flooding. Despite a paradigm shift from a flood-based and highly centralised contingency disaster risk approach to a multi-hazard and integrated disaster policy incorporating a broad range of stakeholders in disaster management, the disaster management structure is marred by myopic and ad hoc tendencies, which override objectivity and hinder the stable progression towards mitigation of climate change effects and a reduction in vulnerability in a hazard-prone Pakistan.

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UNISDR. (2015c). Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction . UNISDR. https://www.preventionweb.net/files/43291_sendaiframeworkfordrren.pdf

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Abdur Rehman Cheema

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Cheema, A.R. (2022). Disaster Management in Pakistan. In: The Role of Mosque in Building Resilient Communities. Islam and Global Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7600-0_3

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7600-0_3

Published : 05 December 2021

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Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies


  • Amna Shafique
  • March 12, 2022
  • CSS , CSS Essays , PMS , PMS Essays

CSS, PMS Solved Essays | Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies

The essay is attempted by Inspector Amna Shafique on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali  teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns.

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The imposing tower of miseries resting on Pakistan’s heart has its soul foundation in the presence of a crisis of good governance. It has started robbing the national notion of socio-economic stability in the country. However, pragmatic steps, such as reforming institutional efficiency, upholding accountability and ensuring transparency, can curb the menace of bad governance in Pakistan.

What is a governance crisis in its real sense?  A glimpse of the Governance Crisis in Pakistan How has Pakistan been affected because of bad governance nowadays? Why does Pakistan face the Crisis of Good Governance?

  • Non-participation of citizens
  • The Weak rule of law
  • Absence of a transparent system
  • Retarded responsiveness of institutions
  • Lack of equity and non-inclusive decision-making
  • Poor institutional efficacy and inefficiency
  • Lack of accountability
  • Lack of consensus among institutions

In what obstacles Pakistan has stuck itself?  Political impacts

  • Political instability 
  • Political polarization

Economic Impacts

  • Economic declivity 
  • Unemployment and poverty

Social Impacts

  • Societal degradation
  • National disintegration

Psychological Impacts

  • Promotion of anti-state elements
  • Tarnished image of the country

What available tools are there for Pakistan to religiously fix the crisis of good governance? 

  • To promote public-private partnership for effective administration
  • To hold the culprits accountable by strengthening the transparency mechanism 
  • To equip the youth with equitable opportunities 
  • To uphold meritocracy in the recruitment process 
  • To reform bureaucracy for a better functioning
  • To bring consensus among the political leadership at provincial and federal levels 
  • To revamp the criminal justice system
  • To transform societal attitudes by effective use of media and technology
  • To ensure access of the public to information

Critical Analysis Conclusion

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The imposing tower of miseries resting on Pakistan’s heart has its soul foundation in the presence of a crisis of good governance. It has started robbing the national notion of socio-economic stability in the country. There is no doubt that good governance is the only tool through which Pakistan can settle all its monumental problems. However, the country has remained unable to sustain its political maturity and socio-economic development due to the prevailing crisis of good governance. Since independence, governance issues have been a part of the debate in Pakistan. The inefficient political leaders, multiple military interventions and delay in constitution-making have manifested poor governance in the country. The plight of governance in Pakistan is due to the non-participation of citizens, the weak rule of law, and the absence of a transparent system. In addition to them, retarded responsiveness of institutions, non-inclusive decision making and poor efficiency of institutions increase the woes of a governance crisis. It is certain that in the absence of good governance, the country cannot integrate into the international economy, and these conditions will lead it toward chaos and instability. Moreover, it cannot drive its people out of poverty; thus, social degradation and the promotion of anti-state elements is inevitable. Now, Pakistan is at a crossroads. It needs to reform its institutional structures by promoting public-private partnerships for effective administration. Furthermore, reforming bureaucracy for better functioning, ensuring accountability and revamping the criminal justice system would enable Pakistan to get its desired position among nations. The need for governance has been rightly remarked by  Benigno Aquino, “With proper governance, life will improve for all” . This essay throws light on the crisis of good governance, its socio-economic and political impacts, and the available tools to fix this crisis.

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Governance simply implies the manner and actions governing an organization or a state. It finds its deep roots in the country’s administration, and so is the case in Pakistan. For the first time, the concept of governance was introduced in the late 1980s by United Nations to elaborate on the acute social problems in sub-Saharan Africa. For decades, governance issues have been a part of the debate in Pakistan, stressing their impact on the daily lives of the masses. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been unable to take practicable steps to solve its governance crisis; thus, weakening the socio-economic fabric and political institutions and destroying the precious future of its generations. In order to be seen through the prism of modern economies, Pakistan must ensure exemplary governance, as it is the key to stability and prosperity.  Etounge Manguella  remarked,  “Good governance implies the presence of the rule of law, safeguard of human rights, the existence of honest government, accountability, transparency, predictability and openness.”

Good governance has always been an important issue since the inception of Pakistan. It is evident that the country has always been affected by instability in the political system, both by the civilians and military regimes. Moreover, the delay in constitution-making has also aggravated the country’s governance system. Although Pakistan is rich in resources, its poor management has wreaked havoc on the persistent economic crisis. The quantum of good governance relies on the efficient working of state organs; however, in Pakistan, state institutions face a shortage of accountability, transparency, meritocracy and the weak rule of law. The country is not a collapsed one, but a governed state, lacking equity and non-inclusive decision making. Therefore, the crisis has resulted in political instability, economic declivity and societal degradation. Moreover, the country is dominant in a race of nukes but crawling on the belly in terms of human development. This has accelerated the poverty and unemployment rate. It has been seventy-four years since Pakistan came into being, but it cannot ensure sustainable growth because the Pakistani political leadership has not learned from their previous mistakes. Furthermore, some power-hunger politicians are trying to topple the elected government on the pretext of massive rigging in the 2018 Elections. Until this political thinking prevails, Pakistan cannot materialize its dream of good governance. As  Quaid I Azam  stated,

“If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely concentrate on the wellbeing of the people and especially of the masses and the poor.”

Astonishingly, the governance crisis does not revolve around any one factor; it is ingrained in various structural factors. The policy to keep the majority aloof from administrative matters lies at the heart of this evil. 

Appallingly, it results in a reactive policy instead of a proactive one; the persistent natural gas crisis in winters every year stands evident to this docile policy. Furthermore, lack of transparency results in the exploitation of resources, which in turn is aided by the weak accountability system. According to the latest transparency index report ,  Pakistan ranks 124 among 180 nations, which means it does not do enough on the governance parameter. Besides this, the accountability institutions of Pakistan are unable to perform their duties as credible independent organizations. Dejectedly, they have become a tool of political victimization in the hands of governments; consequently, the incapacity of the institutions to enforce across the board accountability is adding fuel to the fire. As a fact, Pakistan has been entangled between the devil and the deep blue sea, making the country lag behind politically, socially and economically. Moreover, the gap between the masses and the ruling elite continues to widen, aggravating the governance crisis further into a trench.

In addition to the unaccountability across the board, the weak rule of law is a significant hurdle that exacerbates the crisis of good governance in Pakistan. As a result, meritocracy has merely become a dream, concentrating power only in a few hands. Furthermore, the absence of an uninterrupted local government system has also played its part in weakening the country’s governance structure. Similarly, the lack of coordination among institutions is a severe predicament to the prevailing crisis, as the house divided cannot stay long. Evidently, the meagre political system, uprooted on various occasions, has also been an obstacle to consensus building. Therefore, a sense of insecurity is depicted in the Politicians, trying to consolidate power only with their trustworthy people. However, this non-inclusive decision-making has become a double-edged sword; on the one hand, it makes ineffective decisions, and on the other, inefficient by adding to the lengthy procedural complications. Above all, the slow solution of complaints and inability to utilize the resources and opportunities at best have further aggravated Pakistan’s governance structures. The significance of timely decision making is correctly described by  Piyush   Goyal, “The speed of decision making is the essence of ensuring good governance”.  Thus, it is a fact that many factors contributed to making poor governance a daemon, severely impacting the political, economic and social wellbeing of the masses. 

Like every problem has some impacts, poor governance gives birth to political instability and socio-economic chaos. Instead of fulfilling its task and duties, the corrupt bureaucracy gets involved in political engineering and wreaks havoc on the governance system of Pakistan. Besides this, political polarization, another outcome of bad governance, divides the country into religious, ethnic and cultural domains. As a result, the sense of unity and feelings of nationalism disintegrates, which fuels the cultural provincialism in the country. It is evident in Pakistan that the facts and moral truths are losing weight due to political vote blocs. Furthermore, the opposition leaders leave no stone unturned to thwart the political policies and projects of the incumbent government; consequently, the leg-pulling attitude of the opposition cause hindrance and delay in political policy implementation. Thus the country fails to overcome this crisis and disintegrates due to political polarization. A.P Memon rightly says it 

“The unstable government, inefficient political parties and a weak political culture create a scenario of poor governance for a politically unstable state”.

Apart from political instability, economic declivity has grabbed its hold in Pakistan. It is a fact that economic growth is a driving force in reducing poverty. Still, the experience has shown that poor governance has significantly impaired the country’s economic progress. As a result, unemployment and poverty rates have increased with time. According to  the multidimensional poverty index (2016) , around 39% of the population lives in poverty. Thus, bad governance misallocates the resources; consequently, this resource inequality allows the elite to subvert the political regulatory and legal institutions for their gains and oppose institutional reforms against their vested interest. Therefore, these conditions give birth to inequality, and the state fails to provide employment opportunities and other basic services to its people. However, the poor governance of Pakistan has failed to implement economic policies to alleviate poverty.  M.H Mushtaq  has aptly remarked,  “Good governance drives economic development”.

In addition to Pakistan’s political and economic crisis, the deterioration of the social fabric has led to moral bankruptcy. Likewise, Pakistan’s society has, obviously, become a victim of moral degradation. The changing moral fabric and cultural norms of a country induced moral panic, moral transformation and status anxieties within the public. As a result, people violate laws, traffic rules, and other common violations that create distress. Moreover, the use of foul language is common among traffic wardens, health officers and everywhere. Thus the governance system has failed to implement strict punishments in the different sectors; consequently, social chaos has ridden the societal peace. Besides this, national integration is strongly dependent on good governance at the national level where all rights are equally respected without any linguistic, regional or cultural identities. Although Pakistan is multilingual, multicultural, multiethnic and multi-religious, the crisis of good governance has exacerbated the issues of national integration. 

Last but not least, the poor governance structure in Pakistan has given a constant mental dither to its masses. As a result, the anti-state elements create a disturbance and spread anarchy. Besides this, a negative image of Pakistan has been portrayed around the globe; consequently, the worth of the Green Passport has been lost and Pakistanis are perceived as unethical, unprincipled and corrupt individuals. Thus Pakistan has given scant attention to providing good governance not only in recent times but throughout its history. 

  Ibne Khaldun  said,  “Throughout history, many nations have suffered a physical defeat, but that has never marked the end of a Nation. But when a Nation has become the victim of a psychological defeat, then that marks the end of a Nation”.

 As every problem has a solution, there are specific ways to improve the governance structure in Pakistan. The first and foremost option is to promote Public-Private Partnerships for the effective administration of public institutions. Unfortunately, the country’s different sectors, such as the Pakistan steel mill Pakistan International airline, are responsible for aggravating the financial burden on the country’s economy. According to the Prime Minister, Imran Khan, the Pakistan steel mill is the largest loss-making unit that costs 17 billion rupees a year. Therefore, Public-Private Partnership is important to keep losses at a minimum level. Moreover, an unbiased accountability system is an indispensable tool to strengthen the governance mechanism and curb irregularities in the institutional processes. Although the National Accountability Bureau holds politicians accountable, it must uphold unbiased accountability towards all public institutions and their officials.  Quaid e Azam said, “With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” It is proved from the above saying of Quaid e Azam that a nation can achieve whatever it wants without involving any corruption.

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In addition to accountability, another significant step is to equip the youth with an equitable opportunity in all sectors and uphold meritocracy in the recruitment process. According to the Trading Economics Global Macro Model, the unemployment rate in Pakistan would reach 5% by the end of 2021. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to abolish nepotism and uphold merit in the recruitment process. Moreover, the provision of equal opportunities would provide equal chances to all the applicants and encourage them to participate positively. Furthermore, the reforms in the bureaucracy would focus on capacity building and training programs, which will enable the civil servants to strengthen their capabilities to respond to the humanitarian crisis. Moreover, an inclusive approach of involving the people and the stakeholders in the decision-making by the field officers of the administrative services would result in the effective and efficient delivery of services.

Besides bureaucratic reforms, the consensus among the political leadership at provincial and federal levels and revamping the criminal justice system are essential elements for good governance. The consensus among politicians on different matters such as E-voting and free and fair elections can curb the political rigging; the present government’s focus on constitutional developments of provincial set-ups and the independent functioning of the election commission of Pakistan can improve governance. Besides political consensus, reconstructing the criminal justice system is the need of the hour; consequently, it would eradicate criminalization based on sex, gender and equality. The following quote of Quaid e Azam throws light on the importance of law and order. He stated,  “The first duty of a government is to maintain law and order so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the . Last but not least, a change in social attitude towards politics and free flow of information to the public would create awareness among the masses and arouse positive feelings towards politicians and administration. As the role of media has impacted the social, economic, and political aspects of a nation, advanced technology and updated information and its access to people would reduce the crisis of governance in Pakistan.

Pakistan needs bold steps to be taken to be placed in the list of countries with good governance, where it may gain respect and honour in the international community. However, since its inception, it is evident that it has not been on sustainable economic growth, social progress, and cultural development. The reason is that Pakistani political leadership has not learned from their previous mistakes. And, when formidable challenges have surrounded the country, some power-hunger politicians are trying to topple the elected government on the pretext of massive rigging in the 2018 Elections. However, it’s the government, and all the institutions of the state and the masses as well are responsible for such a deteriorated society of Pakistan. To conclude, governance impacts a country’s affairs socially, politically and economically.

In a nutshell, good governance in Pakistan would pave the way toward building morale and upright institutions. Thus, to resolve the governance crisis, there is a need to implement an actual model of democracy that can actually deliver services to its citizens. Moreover, the country cannot flourish until it has skilful leadership, strong accountability, the rule of law and meritocracy. However, national integration and social transformation are essentially needed to root out poor governance. Likewise, coordination among public and private sectors for the uplift of state institutions; and reforms in bureaucracy would promote good governance in the country. Unless the governance crises are not curbed, socio-economic growth and political instability are inevitable. According to  Jairam Ramesh, “There never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an election or something else. You have to pick courage and do it. Governance is about taking tough, even unpopular decisions”.

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