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Essay on Cleanliness


Cleanliness refers to the art of keeping our body, mind, house, work area and our surroundings clean. We can divide cleanliness into various types such as cleaning clothes, cleaning streets, clean surroundings, clean homes and personal cleanliness. We should make cleanliness our habit because cleaning of our body is important for good physical and mental health. Cleanliness of our surroundings and environment is essential for social and intellectual health. We should never compromise with cleanliness. Parents and teachers must encourage children to adopt the habit of cleanliness and make this a part of our lives. 

Cleanliness is not other’s responsibility. It is our own responsibility. It is very important to have a healthy living so basic cleanliness is significant in life. It is as essential as we need food, water and clothes to live. Absence of cleanliness leads to various types of diseases, illness and breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches. 

Basic cleanliness starts from our own personal cleanliness and hygiene. To start with, we must wash hands regularly. Washing hands keeps germs and bacteria away. So, it is very important to wash hands before eating a meal. When we come back home from outside, the first thing we should do is wash hands to clean all dirt and germs. Every day we should take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clothes should be washed daily. After using the toilet, we must always wash hands with soap. We must cut or trim nails regularly. Cutting nails is essential for personal hygiene. If we don’t cut or trim nails regularly, then there is a high possibility for the dirt and germs to enter our body. In addition, brushing and flossing twice daily are also important for oral hygiene.

We must keep our homes clean all time. We should ensure that dusting, sweeping and mopping are done daily. Instead of littering our house with papers and wrappers, we must inculcate the habit of throwing them in wastebaskets. We should clean our bathrooms daily.  Our kitchen, where food is being cooked and stored should be cleaned and hygiene must be maintained. We must cover food all times so that flies and other insects don’t get into them. Utensils should be covered while cooking. After cooking and eating, dishes, spoons, glasses and other vessels should be thoroughly cleaned with hot water and soap. We should wash raw vegetables and fruits before consuming. We must eat fresh and hygienic food and avoid eating outside. If we leave food items out for a long time then there could be a growth of bacteria and viruses so refrigeration or other ways of storing food items is important. The source of drinking water should be proper. Drinking water should be either boiled or filtered through modern UV technology. Pest control and sanitization should be done periodically at homes to keep away cockroaches and flies. 

We must realize that keeping our surroundings and environment clean is as important as keeping our homes clean. It is the responsibility of every individual to keep the public places clean. One important way to keep the public places clean is to stop littering roads and streets. People should be educated not to spit and urinate in public. Proper toilets should be built in public places to avoid this. Proper sanitization of the drain pipes should be done. Everyone is responsible for the country’s environment. Cleaning the environment plays an important role in the development of a country. Cleaning our surroundings encourages people to do better work because it helps to reduce stress and focus well on work. It also provides employment to many people and thus reduces poverty.

Our Prime Minister, Sri. Narendra Modi has launched the campaign of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ to promote cleanliness of our environment. We should support this initiative started by our government for a better and clean country. There is a proverb saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” which explains maintaining clean surrounding results in a fresh mind and body, which leads to a successful life. Cleanliness helps in bringing spirituality and concentration. Cleanliness is the responsibility of every citizen for a peaceful and healthy living.


FAQs on Cleanliness Essay

Q1. Why is Cleanliness Important?

Ans. Cleanliness is important for a healthy living. It plays an important role in the development of a country.

Q2. How do we Take Care of our Personal Hygiene?

Ans. Following is the ways to maintain our personal hygiene:

Wash hands before eating meals.

Take a shower daily and wear clean clothes.

Do brushing and flossing twice in a day for oral hygiene.

Cut or trim nails regularly to remove dirt.

Q3. What Steps Should be Taken to Keep our Environment Clean?

Don’t litter on roads and streets.

Don’t spit and urinate in public places.

Proper sanitization of drain pipes.

Build proper toilets in public places.

Q4. Which Campaign the Government of India to Promote Cleanliness has Initiated?

Ans. The government of India has launched the campaign Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to promote cleanliness of our surroundings.

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8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean

Litter on beach. Image credit: NOAA.

By: Amanda Laverty, Knauss fellow with NOAA’s Marine Debris Program

April 18, 2017 — Here at the NOAA Marine Debris Program, Earth Day is every day and we are always encouraging others to get involved and support efforts working toward a clean environment and healthy planet.

Our oceans are filled with items that do not belong there. Huge amounts of consumer plastics, metals, rubber, paper, textiles, derelict fishing gear, vessels, and other lost or discarded items enter the marine environment every day, making marine debris one of the most widespread pollution problems facing the world's ocean and waterways.The ultimate solution to the problem lies with every single one of us—preventing marine debris in the first place.

First, consider how you might personally contribute to marine debris and follow the “4Rs” whenever possible. Refuse unnecessary single-use items, like plastic straws or cutlery when possible. Reduce the amount of waste you produce by choosing products with less packaging. Reuse items when you can and choose reusable items over disposable ones. And, Recycle as much as possible — bottles, cell phones, ink cartridges, and many other items can be recycled.

Next, spread the word to others! Tell your family, friends, community, and more about this important issue and what they can do to help.

Here are a few easy and effective ways you can choose to reduce your daily impact and make a world of difference:

  • Bring a bag. Remember to bring reusable bags to the grocery store or for any other shopping activities to reduce consumption of disposable bags.
  • Invest in a reusable water bottle. Acquiring a reusable water bottle would not only greatly reduce the amount of single-use plastic you use, but it would also save you money in the long run! If you’re concerned about the quality of your tap water, consider using a water filter.
  • Bring your own reusable cup. Think about how many disposable cups are used every day in just your local coffee shop. Bringing a mug for your morning coffee can reduce the amount of waste you produce annually. Imagine how much waste we could reduce if we all made this simple daily change!
  • Refuse single-use items. Take note on how often you rely on single-use items and choose to replace them with more sustainable versions. Refusing plastic straws and disposable cutlery when you go out and bringing your own containers for leftovers are a few ways you can start today.
  • Avoid products with microbeads. Facial scrubs and beauty products containing plastic microbeads were banned in the United States in 2015, but won’t be fully phased out until 2019. Read the labels when purchasing products and opt for ones that contain natural scrubbing ingredients like salt or sugar.
  • Shop in bulk. Consider the product-to-packaging ratio when purchasing items and choose larger containers instead of multiple smaller ones. When you have the option, also consider purchasing package-free foods and household goods.
  • Make sure your waste goes to the right place. Do your best to ensure that the waste you dispose of ends up where it should. Recycle the materials that are recyclable in your area and make sure to reduce the likelihood of your garbage ending up in the environment by keeping a lid on your trash can when it’s outside.
  • Compost. Composting at home reduces the volume of garbage sent to landfills and reduces the chance of some products becoming marine debris.

These are just a few ways that we can incorporate taking care of our ocean and Great lakes into our everyday lives. By doing our part to work toward a sustainable and debris-free planet, we’ll also be providing others with inspiration and a good example to follow. As individuals we have the potential to make a big difference and together we can change the world.  

Learn more about NOAA’s Marine Debris Program and its mission to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris.

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Essay on Cleanliness | Cleanliness Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Cleanliness: Cleanliness is the state of a room or a place that is clean and tidy. It’s one of the values which you learn from when you are a kid. You can’t force someone, to be honest, and trim; the one thing that you can do is to encourage it. Being clean and keeping your surroundings clean improves the quality of life.

Everyone needs to encourage others to keep their surroundings clean. Cleanliness doesn’t only refer to keeping your surroundings clean but also refers to keeping yourself clean and tidy. You must have heard your parents and teachers talk about cleanliness.

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Long and Short Essay on Cleanliness in English for students and Kids

Below, we have provided one extended essay on cleanliness of 400-500 words and one short essay on cleanliness of 200 words.

Long Essay on Cleanliness in English 500 words

Essay on Cleanliness is suitable for students of grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

There are many essential things that we need in life, like food, water, and clothes. Another thing that we need in life is cleanliness. It’s one of the things that we need to learn and make a part of our lives. Keeping our selves and surroundings clean is one of the lessons we learn from a young age.

You need to keep our surroundings clean if you want to avoid diseases. One of the things that happen if we don’t keep things fresh and tidy is that it becomes a breeding place for bugs. If you keep your environment clean, you will not fall ill. The presence of a clean environment means the absence of the possible growth of cleanliness.

If you leave things like food items out for a long time, there’s a growth of bacteria and viruses. However, if you keep throwing away things that are wrong or have expired, there won’t be any growth of bacteria and viruses. You can enjoy living your life healthy without worrying about the bacteria.

One of the things that you need to remember is that you need to keep the country clean as well. Many people think that keeping your house clean is enough. However, you need to realize that you need to keep your country clean too. Instead of thinking that it’s someone else’s responsibility, you need to take on yourself to make that you don’t contribute negatively to the country’s environment.

There are various ways in which you can keep the country clean. One of the first and most important ways is to stop littering the roads and public places. It would be best if you started thinking of public places as your home and treat it the same way. If a person litter, other people also begin littering, so you need to make sure that you don’t start such things around you.

It’s not tough to be clean and have a hygienic life. When we talk about personal cleanliness, it means taking a shower regularly. Another thing is that you need to remember to wash your hands before eating a meal. When you wash your hands, you are getting rid of the bacteria that may be on your side.

Another thing is that you need to make sure that you always eat healthy and clean water. Avoid eating food from outside because you won’t know if the food is fresh and hygienic. Don’t drink water from unhygienic places because it may be harmful to you. It would help if you took of things like trimming your nails regularly before they grow too long. Cutting your nails is one of the essential parts of personal hygiene. If you don’t trim your nails, there will be dirty in your nails which can enter your body.

Clean your surroundings clean and tidy by cleaning your house fresh daily so that you can get rid of the dirt. Instead of littering the place by throwing an empty packet or a wrapper, throw these in a bin.

Short Essay about Cleanliness in English for Kids 200 words

The short essay on Cleanliness is for students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Students can also get an essay on  Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay .

The lesson of cleanliness is a significant one. When you put effort into keeping your surrounding neat and tidy, it is called freshness. It would be best if you always remembered to be a clean and smart person.

You should start following the lesson of cleanliness by keeping yourself need a clean. There are a few things that you need to follow to be an honest person. You should take a shower daily, wash your hands before a meal, and brush your teeth twice a day. If you follow all these things, you will be a clean and healthy person.

While keeping yourself clean, you need to keep your surroundings clean too. To keep your surroundings clean, you need to make sure that you clean your house daily so that it is dust-free and disease-free. If you don’t keep your home clean, it will become a place for the diseases to come and settle.

It would be best if you extended the lesson of cleanliness towards public places too. Pubic places belong to everyone, so you need to make sure that you don’t litter it. When you don’t scatter, other people will not litter the place. Give every situation the same respect as your house.

Essay on Cleanliness

10 Lines on Essay on Cleanliness in English

The ten lines are helpful for competitive exam aspirants and making speeches.

  • Cleanliness is one of the lessons that you should always follow in your life.
  • When you are clean and tidy, you are making sure that you are healthy and disease-free.
  • When everyone learns to keep their surroundings clean, their quality of life will improve immensely.
  • A clean and tidy environment is a necessity of life.
  • Many diseases and illnesses spread because of an unhygienic environment.
  • The ‘ Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’ is an initiative for keeping the country clean.
  • Washing your hands before and after each meal is an essential habit that everyone should develop.
  • While keeping your house clean, you should keep the country clean too.
  • Treat public places the same way you are going to treat your house.
  • For a clean country, the entire nation should follow steps of cleanliness.

FAQ’s On Essay on Cleanliness

Question 1. What is cleanliness?

Answer: Cleanliness is an important habit where you need to make sure that you clean your surroundings neat and tidy.

Question 2. Why is it important to keep your surroundings clean?

Answer: It is essential to keep the surroundings clean because it prevents the development of bacteria and viruses.

Question 3. How can you keep your self clean?

Answer: There are many ways in which you can keep yourself clean. One of the methods is to take a shower daily.

Question 4. How can you keep the non-personal spaces clean?

Answer: You can keep the public places clean by not littering them.

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Essay on Save Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on globalization.

Environment refers to the natural surroundings and conditions in which we live. Unfortunately, this Environment has come under serious threat. This threat is almost entirely due to human activities. These human activities have certainly caused serious damage to the Environment. Most noteworthy, this damage risks the survival of living things on Earth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to save the Environment.

Essay on Save Environment

Ways of Saving Environment

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above all, a tree is the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to construction, many trees have been cut down. This certainly reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests are vital for the Environment. However, deforestation certainly reduces the area of forests around the World. The government must launch programs to conserve the forests. The government must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Soil conservation is yet another important way to save the Environment. For this, there must be control of landslides, floods, and soil erosion . Furthermore, there should also be afforestation and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace farming and using natural fertilizers are some more ways.

Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the environment. There must be proper disposal of wastes. Most noteworthy, this would help to keep the surroundings healthy. The government must ensure to clean the streets and other polluted land areas. Furthermore, there should be toilets in every house. Also, the government must provide enough public toilets.

Pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment. Smoke, dust, and harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of air pollution come from industries and vehicles mostly. Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water pollution.

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Benefits of Saving Environment

First of all, the world climate will remain normal. Harming the Environment and causing pollution have caused global warming. Due to this many humans and animals have died. Hence, saving the environment would reduce global warming .

The health of people would improve. Due to pollution and deforestation, the health of many people is poor. Conserving the Environment would certainly improve the health of people. Most noteworthy, saving Environment would reduce many diseases.

essay on how to keep our surroundings clean

Saving Environment would certainly protect the animals. Extinction of many species will not take place due to saving Environment. Many endangered species would also increase in population.

The water level would rise. Damage to Environment has severely reduced the level of groundwater. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of clean drinking water around the World. Due to this, many people fell ill and die. Saving Environment would certainly avoid such problems.

In conclusion, Environment is a precious gift on this planet. Our Environment is facing a big danger. Saving Environment is the need of the hour. Probably, it is the biggest concern of Humanity right now. Any delay in this regard could be disastrous.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name any two ways for soil conservation?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “First of all, the ways for soil conservation are many. Two of them are afforestation and using natural fertilizers.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How world climate would become normal because of saving the Environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Saving Environment would certainly make the world climate normal. This is because there would a reduction of global warming.”} }] }

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FAQs on Essay on Keeping our Surroundings Clean - Essays for Class 4

1. Why is it important to keep our surroundings clean?
2. How can we keep our surroundings clean?
3. What are the benefits of keeping our surroundings clean?
4. How can children contribute to keeping our surroundings clean?
5. What are the consequences of not keeping our surroundings clean?
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Essay on Save Environment


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 24, 2020

Essay on Save Environment

Essay writing is an important part of the school curriculum, competitive exams like GRE , IELTS , TOEFL , etc. and higher education as well. One must know how to precisely select arguments, collect the data based on them and put it all together in their write-up. Usually, the essay topics given to students are based on the latest political, social and environmental issues. Due to the changes occurring in our surroundings, essays based on saving the Environment are becoming very popular. Keeping that in mind, this blog presents you some sample essays on Save Environment. 

Sample Essay 1 on Save Environment

In the 21st century, environmental concern has sent shockwaves to the world leaders and people living on the planet. The unprecedented climate changes and natural calamities have become a major global pandemic of contemporary times. The superpowers of the world are boasting high on their technological innovations, but they seem helpless in tackling environmental affairs efficiently. 

The environment constitutes the soil, trees, animals, flora and fauna. It comprises plants, air, water, sunlight and the dynamism in eco-system.  We cannot imagine living on this planet earth without environmental sustainability. There is a dire need of saving the environment, especially when the humungous urbanisation activities are taking place. Trees are being cut down mercilessly and the concentration of toxic gases are poisoning the planet. The heavy presence of Methane gases, as well as Cholorofloro Carbons, have massively lead to the depletion of Ozone Layer, which resulted in Acid rain and Skin Cancer in many areas on the planet. 

At such crucial juncture, the inspirational speech of Greta Thunberg on Save Environment and other environmental activists should be taken into utmost consideration. There is a dire need for saving the environment & be protagonists for sustainable development in order to do away with the natural calamities. 

This essay on save environment can help you in the PTE Writing Essay, TOEFL Essay Topics and TOEFL Sample Essays !

Sample Essay 2

As human beings, we exist because of environmental support. Had there be no air, no freshwater, no other natural resources, our existence would have been impossible. It is because of innumerable trees around us, we are able to breath fresh air. We eat when the process of photosynthesis takes place in plants. We are living comfortably in our habitats when there the food chain in the ecosystem is properly maintained. 

Whenever there is any ecological disturbance, be it rise of harmful gases in the environment rise of earth’s temperature due to global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, glacier melting, unprecedented climatic changes, extreme air pollution, and water pollution are taking a heavy toll on human lives and certainly, this is the creation of anthropogenic approach. 

Delhi is the best example of poor air quality that engulfed the capital city last year. It happened due to the presence of toxic gases emitting from industrial units and countless vehicles. The poor air quality has forced to change the vehicular movement strategy which resulted in massive human sufferings and hardships. 

We have so many examples from the northernmost belt of India, where the massive soil erosion is washing away residential areas away in a harsh deluge. Such conditions arise when trees are being uprooted mercilessly. 

There is a dire need to embrace the concept of ‘Sustainable Development’ that talks about the judicious usage of natural resources. It is the time when we have to Save Environment from further degradation. It is the time when human beings have to utilise their collective consciousness towards environmental sustainability and refrain using those resources and products which causes environmental degradation

Sample Essay 3 on Save Environment

We have mesmerizing landscapes and breathtaking water bodies which constitute a great contribution to fresh air and houses various species of animals and aquatic life. But, the unfortunate part is the rise of humungous plastic pollutions which lead to a disastrous impact on environmental change. Other than a climatic change, plastic pollution posing a massive threat to the environment, it is affecting not only the quality of soil but affecting the aquatic life as well. 

It would grow more alarmingly if concrete steps are not being taken at the right time; it is sure that we may lose water bodies at a vast scale. 

Same is the case with the excessive usage of Carbon gases in the environment which is causing the depletion of the Ozone layer in the Stratosphere. Joseph Farman first time discovered the ozone depletion over the South Pole. Its depletion has caused acid rains in many parts of the globe as well as skin diseases. 

Another level of environmental degradation is taking place when a large chunk of trees are being cut. Humans not only cut down the vast land of the forest for the construction of houses but destroy the natural habitat of wildlife. When the wildlife is losing their dwelling places, they migrate to human settlements areas, causing a heavy imbalance in the food chain, ecosystem and insecurity for human beings. The massive rise of deforestation has caused floods to enter into human settlements, causing loss of precious lives and property.

Now that the environmental issues are buzzing at the international forums, many awareness programs are being conducted to keep people updated about the repercussions of environmental exploitation. A number of campaigns are being launched to spread the message of Saving Environment. 

It is a need of the hour to the hour to protect the environment, come what may otherwise face the brutal repercussions. 

[Bonus] Apart from these sample essays on Save Environment, check out other trending topics for essay writing!

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How To Make Our Surroundings Clean And Green (Essay Sample)

How to make our surroundings clean and green.

Everyone loves to stay in a clean and green environment, we always dream of a clean and pollution free environment. Very few people make an effort to take any action to maintain a clean environment. Even though civic agencies are charged with the responsibility to ensure that the environment is clean, it is also important to support them to maintain a clean and a green environment. It is our responsibility to keep our surroundings neat because this will help us live healthily.

There are many we can do to keep our surroundings clean since every household generates wastes, we should avoid throwing the waste everywhere. Garbage pollutes our environment, especially the plastic bags. We need to be eco-friendly by using bags that can be recycled like paper or jute bags instead of plastic bags.  We can only maintain a green environment by planting trees and plants to make our environment beautiful. Plants can help in cleaning the air, having them in the house will reduce indoor pollution by more than half. Since we live in the society and we are part of the environment, we have the moral responsibility to contribute to a clean environment.

To make our environment clean and green, we need to take action and be the change that we want to see in others; everyone keeps on complaining about how other people are polluting the environment without taking any corrective measure.  Most of the time we also pollute the environment by engaging in several activities like littering.  As change agents, we need to set a good example by using dustbins and burning waste to keep our environment clean.

Reuse products whenever you can, manufacturers use a lot of materials when packaging hence we end up with many waste products, instead of throwing some of the items used for packaging we can try reusing them.  For instance, boxes used for packaging can be used for storage. If only we can be creative, you will be surprised to know many ways of reusing items that you thought were trash. To maintain a clean environment, it is important to buy items made of non-toxic and recycled materials to help conserve valuable resources. Instead of buying disposable plates, cups invest good quality items that can be washed and be reused.

One of the simplest ways of maintaining a good environment is to take care of our trees because tree helps in purifying the air and controlling air pollution. Having allotted of trees within our neighborhood will enable us to stay healthy. Proper use of water is equally important since water is the most important resources proper use and storage of water will help have enough to use. Excess or deficit of water is harmful, water logging around the houses  can result to disease because mosquitoes will breed causing malaria and other deadly diseases. There are several ways we can get involved to save the environment.

Many charity events in our community are devoted toward saving the environment. You can choose to participate in these events at the local level to make a difference in the society. You will feel great by helping in a worthwhile course and set a good example for others. We do not need allot of resources to save the environment, sometimes the best thing to do is to make small changes in our everyday activities. The small things will add up to make a significant difference in our environment. You need to review everything you do and see what you can do differently to maintain a clean and green environment.

essay on how to keep our surroundings clean

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How to Keep Your School Clean

Last Updated: November 16, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Susan Stocker and by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger . Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan’s Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of green cleaning practices. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 768,577 times.

Keeping your school clean isn’t just the janitor’s job. By helping to keep your school clean, you’ll begin to take pride in your school’s appearance and you’ll gain valuable experience caring for your environment. Whether you take small steps each day or you participate in a school-wide cleanup, you can help keep your school clean!

Practicing Everyday Cleaning Habits

Step 1 Wipe your feet on mats before you enter the school building.

  • If your school doesn't have mats, lightly scuff your feet on the sidewalk before you walk inside.
  • Ask your principal about getting mats if your school doesn't have any. Offer to start a fundraiser to pay for the mats if your school doesn't have room in the budget.

Step 2 Throw any trash you see into wastebaskets.

  • If you see a used tissue or something gross on the ground, use a napkin to pick it up so you don't have to touch it with your hands.
  • Encourage your friends to follow your example in picking up trash when they see it.

Step 3 Recycle paper, glass, and plastic.

  • If your school doesn’t participate in a recycling program, ask your teachers or your principal about starting one.

Step 4 Put things away after you use them.

Organizing a Beautification Event

Step 1 Ask your school’s administration for permission to organize a cleaning event.

  • Visit the office and ask the secretary if you can set up an appointment to talk to the principal about organizing an event. Make notes beforehand about some of the specific things you’d like to accomplish during the event.
  • For instance, you might say, “We’d like to have a group of students come in on a Saturday to pick up trash on the playground and wash windows in the classrooms.”
  • Before your meeting, ask teachers and students to sign a petition showing their support for the event.

Step 2 Gather your cleaning supplies.

  • Rubber gloves
  • A bleach cleaner
  • Feather dusters
  • Toilet brushes
  • Gardening supplies

Susan Stocker

Susan Stocker

Expert Hack: Try mixing a teaspoon of castille soap with a quart of deionized water in a spray bottle for an all-purpose cleaner. Deionized water is water that has had its electrically charged atoms and molecules removed; it is a powerful cleaning agent that can clean almost anything.

Step 3 Spread the word about the event.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Ask your friends to help you find other students who are interested in signing up.
  • Try saying something like, "Hey, a few of us are getting together on Saturday to clean up around the school. We might even meet up for pizza afterwards. You should come by and help!"

Step 4 Organize students into groups on the day of the event.

  • For instance, you might want to have one group cleaning marker off of bathroom walls, while another group could pull weeds and rake around the outside of the school.

Step 5 Focus on cleaning areas that are often ignored.

  • If you like, you could ask for permission to plant some flowers around campus, like in a flower bed near the school’s entrance.

Step 6 Practice safe cleaning practices.

  • To avoid getting sick, avoid touching used tissues when you empty waste baskets. Wear disposable gloves or wash your hands with soap and water after you’re finished.

Step 7 Start a club to make this a regular event.

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Susan Stocker

If you want to keep your school clean, start with small steps you can do yourself, like wiping your feet on a mat as soon as you enter so you don’t track in mud and leaves. If you ball up a piece of paper or finish eating a snack, make sure to throw the trash into the wastebasket, and recycle paper, plastic, and cans if your school has a recycling program. You can also help in the classroom or cafeteria by making sure you put things away after you use them and by cleaning off your table or desk before you leave the room. For tips on organizing a deep cleaning event for your school, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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It is important for a person’s health to be in a healthy environment. you should be able to breathe clean, healthy air because your surrounds should be clean. a healthy environment is created by having a clean and fresh environment, thus don’t let your house’s exteriors and interiors get dirty. keeping our surroundings clean will only benefit society in the long run. garbage or waste should not be thrown anywhere but in garbage cans. garbage strewn around will contaminate our surrounds and harm the ecosystem. controlling the usage of plastic bags will aid in the cleaning of our environment..


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Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

Students are often asked to write an essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green


Keeping the Earth clean and green is our duty. It means reducing pollution and waste while promoting a healthy environment.

Importance of Cleanliness

A clean Earth promotes good health. It reduces the spread of diseases, making our world safer.

Importance of Greenery

Greenery absorbs carbon dioxide, reducing global warming. It also provides habitat for wildlife.

We can plant trees, recycle, and reduce waste. Every small action helps.

250 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

Our planet Earth, the blue gem of our solar system, is the only known celestial body that supports life. It is our collective responsibility to keep it clean and green, ensuring the survival of the multitude of species it houses, including us.

The Importance of a Clean and Green Earth

A clean and green Earth is not merely an aesthetic ideal. It is a necessity for the survival and well-being of all life forms. A clean environment reduces the spread of diseases, while a green environment helps to maintain biodiversity and balance in the ecosystem.

Our Role in Keeping the Earth Clean and Green

As humans, we have a significant role in maintaining the cleanliness and greenery of our planet. We can accomplish this through simple actions like reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, planting more trees, using renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable living.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the apparent simplicity of these actions, implementing them on a global scale is a colossal challenge. The key to overcoming this lies in education and awareness. By spreading knowledge about the importance and methods of keeping the Earth clean and green, we can motivate people to take action.

In conclusion, keeping the Earth clean and green is a shared responsibility that we must all undertake. Through conscious efforts and sustainable practices, we can ensure a healthier and more balanced ecosystem for future generations. Let us remember that we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

500 Words Essay on Keep the Earth Clean and Green

The imperative of keeping the earth clean and green.

A clean and green Earth is the bedrock of human survival. Cleanliness ensures the absence of harmful pollutants that can damage our health and biodiversity. Greenery, on the other hand, plays a pivotal role in mitigating the impact of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas.

The green spaces also provide habitats for a myriad of species, thereby preserving biodiversity. They contribute to our mental well-being, providing spaces for relaxation and recreation, and contribute to the aesthetic beauty of our planet.

The Challenges

The challenge is exacerbated by the fact that the damage is often invisible or delayed, leading to a lack of urgency in addressing these issues. Additionally, the problem is systemic, intertwined with our economic and political systems that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

Potential Solutions

The solutions to these challenges require a multifaceted approach. At the individual level, we can reduce, reuse, and recycle to limit waste production. We can also adopt more sustainable lifestyles, such as using public transportation, eating less meat, and using renewable energy sources.

Education is also a key solution. By instilling a sense of environmental stewardship in future generations, we can ensure that they will make decisions that prioritize the health of our planet.

The call to keep the Earth clean and green is a call to safeguard our future. It is a call that requires us to rethink our relationship with the Earth, to transition from exploiters to stewards. It is a monumental task, but with concerted effort at all levels – individual, societal, and systemic – it is a task that we can accomplish. The future of our planet depends on it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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