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Grant an Assignment Extension

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This guide covers how to grant specific students an extension on an assignment by setting user overrides.

Overrides allow you to change the following settings:

This guide shows how to have a different assignment due date date for a specific individual, but the process is the same for overriding other assignment settings. Note that you cannot override the "Expect completed on" date.

  • Open the assignment you want to add an extension to.
  • On the page that opens, click the Add user override button. Then you'll be on the user override settings page.
  • Click Save .

Grant an Assignment Extension

  • Publication date November 21, 2017


Instructors may grant due date extensions to one or more students in Moodle assignment activities.

Visit the assignment page. Click  View all submissions.

instructions in article text

On the submissions page, you can view the submission and grading status for each student. Any overdue assignments are noted in red text.

If you want to grant an extension to any student(s), tick the checkbox next to their name in the  Select column.

instructions in article text

With the student(s) selected, scroll to the bottom of the list and choose  Grant extension  from the  With selected option box (1).

moodle assignment grant extension

Note: if you are making an extension for a single student, the option can also be access via the edit menu for that student (2).

If you see a pop-up asking you to confirm your choice, click OK.

moodle assignment grant extension

Set the extension date an choose Save changes

instructions in article text

The granted extension(s) will be noted on the submissions page.

instructions in article text

Grant extensions for a Moodle Assignment

Help for staff. Guide to granting an assignment extension to 1 or more students in Moodle.

moodle assignment grant extension

  • On the left, select  View all submissions .

For one student

moodle assignment grant extension

For multiple students

moodle assignment grant extension

Related Pages


Edit an assignment

Group assignment submissions

Revert an assignment to draft

Panopto assignments

Finding a student's assignment using filters

Submitting an assignment on behalf of a student

Turn on marking workflow

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.css-1lrpez4{margin-top:unset;}.css-1lrpez4:hover > span,.css-1lrpez4:focus-within > span{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:none;-ms-transform:none;transform:none;-webkit-transform-duration:0.1s;-ms-transform-duration:0.1s;transform-duration:0.1s;} Moodle - Granting Assignment Extensions (staff/faculty) .css-14vda7h{font-size:15px;margin-inline-start:0.5rem;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateX(-4px);-ms-transform:translateX(-4px);transform:translateX(-4px);-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;}

moodle assignment grant extension

How to grant assignment extensions to students when using a Moodle assignment activity. This will allow you to set the due date of an assignment for specific students to a later date to give them more time. Once the extension is granted, affected students will see an additional line with the "extension due date" when they view the assignment activity. If you prefer students see only the new due date, use the 'Override' method instead.

Navigate to the assignment and then click on the  View all submissions  button. 

moodle assignment grant extension

In the Edit column for the student you wish to grant the extension, click on  Edit , and then click  Grant extension .

moodle assignment grant extension

Tick the  Enable  box to enable the extension, enter in the  Extension due date , and click the  Save changes  button.

moodle assignment grant extension

Returning to the submission table, you should see in the Status column that an extension has been granted to this student.

moodle assignment grant extension

Related Articles

  • Page: Space Change Request (Equipment Moves)
  • Page: Moodle - Whole Forum Grading (staff/faculty)
  • Page: Computer Account Password
  • Page: Moodle - Updating profile & preferences
  • Page: Moodle - Finished Grading - Submitting Grades To Grade Approver (also, INC & EG)

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How to grant an extension in moodle assignment.

  • Navigate to the Moodle Assignment where you wish to add an extension to student submissions.

Initial Moodle assingment view, highlighting the option to view all submissions

  • Choose the option to Grant extension.  The selected user/users, due date and extension date will display.

enable extention display, where the extension due date and checkbox is highlighted

  • Click Save changes.

Student submission within assingment, displaying the new extension date and time under the marking workflow state dropdown

  • Add a submission or
  • Edit a submission 
  • Remove submission

Submission status, highlighting the extension due date

Get in Touch

.css-1lrpez4{margin-top:unset;}.css-1lrpez4:hover > span,.css-1lrpez4:focus-within > span{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:none;-ms-transform:none;transform:none;-webkit-transform-duration:0.1s;-ms-transform-duration:0.1s;transform-duration:0.1s;} M09a7 - Moodle Assignment - Questions & Answers .css-14vda7h{font-size:15px;margin-inline-start:0.5rem;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateX(-4px);-ms-transform:translateX(-4px);transform:translateX(-4px);-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;}

moodle assignment grant extension

On this page:

How do I grant one or more students an extension?

Option 1: the 'grant extension' option (useful if the assignment is not set to anonymous/blind marking).

To grant an extension to an individual student , go to the assignment grading screen by clicking 'View all submissions', click 'Edit' alongside the relevant student and choose ' Grant extension '.

To grant an extension to multiple students , tick the top-most 'Select' tick-box at the top left of student names.  Go to the bottom of the page and expand the 'With selected...' menu then select 'Grant extension'. 

Option 2: The User or Group override option

  • Navigate to the relevant Moodle assignment
  • Select More from the menu options at the top of the screen
  • Select Overrides
  • Select either User overrides or Group overrides from the drop down list
  • Click the Add user override (or Add group override) button
  • Search for or select a student name or group
  • Define the override restrictions as needed. The details initially visible in the Override section are the original details shared by all members of the class
  • Click Save, or Save and enter another override
  • The new user override details are displayed after saving

Why shouldn't I put all the Assignments in a separate, single Moodle space?

Sometimes departments are tempted to locate all Assignment submissions in a single Moodle course area. Below, we attempt to convince you  not  to do this. Although this may work well from an administrative point of view, looking at the set-up from an assessor's and student's point of view is the best way to illustrate how this can worsen their experience.

Below is a summary of the reasons.

  • If the Assignment isn't in the course area,  how will students know/remember it exists and be reminded of their deadlines? Moodle won't be able to help you remind them because there won't be a link to it in the course's Activities block, or Calendar, or Upcoming Events. It will look as though there are no assignments set up for that module - because there aren't, they're in a central area. This subverts the aspects of Moodle course areas designed to be student friendly, and instead turns Moodle into something arcane and difficult at the student face.
  • During the submission period  students' personal Moodle Calendar page (if enabled) will become bloated  with irrelevant information about other students' Assignment deadlines. The page will load more slowly. Students are consequently prone to become disaffected with Moodle's Calendar and stop looking at it, missing relevant information.
  • Students' Gradebook - the record of their feedback and marks which ideally is available for them to feed into future work - will be similarly  bloated with irrelevant information and its page will load more slowly. These things combined will hinder students accessing the feedback their markers have taken the time and effort to give them.
  • Students may be disorientated , since the information they need to succeed in their assignment (e.g. criteria, readings, notes) is likely to be on the course's own page, not on the central page. If required information is on a central page, this means it must either be duplicated for the course area, causing extra maintenance each time information changes, or there needs to be an explicit signpost to it from the course area. Students are prone to disorientation - this comes out very strongly from our evaluations.
  • Another cause of disorientation, students won't be able to use the Navigation bar to return to the front page of their course area - they will have to navigate via their My Home page.
  • Teachers' view of the  Gradebook will be inundated with irrelevant entries  for other colleagues' students and assignments. It will be very slow to load, and they will spend a lot of time scrolling through the superfluous information. In addition they will not conveniently be able to see which of their students have submitted, and which haven't. Yes, somebody could set up Groups to mitigate this - but that's an extra thing to do.
  • Many Students submitting to a single course area increases the likelihood of  submitting to the wrong Assignment by mistake . If using Turnitin, it is a very time consuming process to contact Turnitin and request that they delete the paper from their server so that it can be resubmitted to the correct place.  In a previous year, the Digital Education team spent around 25 hours on this.
  • Many Teachers marking in a single course area increases the likelihood of mistakes  e.g. if editing the grades directly in the Gradebook.
  • The shared Moodle area will have a huge cohort of students. This makes it  difficult to check which students have submitted and which are yet to submit , then take measures accordingly.  Enabling blind marking/anonymity exacerbates this.
  • Inefficiencies and confusion with External Examiners , who are ideally supposed to take their own samples of marked work, being presented with irrelevant records in the Gradebook. 
  • It increases the possibility of enrolment errors.  A student may be successfully enrolled on the 'main' course, but only find out at the last minute that they don't have access to the 'submission' course.

Are students required to tick/sign a submission statement to acknowledge work as their own before uploading work to a Moodle assignment?

Students will be required to confirm the following submission statement: 

'By submitting this assessment, I confirm that all the work is my own unless collaboration has been specifically authorised.'

moodle assignment grant extension

How can I give the same feedback to all or multiple students at once?

If you have feedback you want to give to an entire cohort, it is generally a good idea to give this feedback in the context of the assignment, rather than e.g. separately via a Forum. Moodle allows you to select some or all students and attach a single, common feedback file to their assignment feedback. This common feedback will appear to each student along with any other individual feedback files you have prepared for them.

Guidance on giving 'the same feedback file to multiple students' is available from Moodle Docs.

A student's submission has a page that is upside down, what can I do?

With the assignment submission open in Moodle grading view, you can rotate a submission page clockwise or anticlockwise by clicking the arrow icons pictured:

screenshot 'rotate' symbol

Why can't students see the grades and feedback I released?

  • Did you Save your changes?

While marking work, you will be prompted to Save your changes. Ensure you do this before closing down your browser.

  • Marking workflow - is the status set to ‘Released’?

If you have selected Use marking workflow in the assignment settings, ensure the status of the workflow is set to ' Released'.

  • Was Anonymous/Blind marking enabled?

Grades will not feed back to the Moodle gradebook and will not be visible to students unless blind marking has been ‘lifted off’ the assignment and student names have been revealed.  Note:   Once you reveal names you cannot revert to blind marking again.  You can do the following to reveal names:  

  • Navigate to the relevant assignment and click on View all submissions .
  • Using the drop down menu at the top of the screen select ‘ Reveal student identities’ . A prompt will then appear asking you to confirm that you would like to reveal the names as this action CANNOT be undone. Click continue if you wish to proceed.

moodle assignment grant extension

How can I download the inbox of submissions for offline marking and upload feedback?

Guidance on offline marking is available from Moodle Docs.

My assignment has been de-anonymised, how do I re-anonymise it?

Please fill out this MyServices form to request for an assignment to be re-anonymised.

This information is provided by Digital Education ( ) and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Academic Technology

Grant extensions for assessments in moodle.

  • Recipe Link

It may be necessary to allow students extra time to complete online assessments as a reasonable adjustment. This can be done in both the Moodle Assignment and Quiz.

Grant an extension for an Assignment

The Grant extension feature in the Assignment activity allows you to grant an extension to individual students.

  • Open the Moodle space where the Assignment sits.
  • Click on the Assignment link.
  • Click View all submissions .
  • Tick the box in the left-hand column next to each student who needs an extension. All those that you select must have the same new extension due date.
  • Scroll down to the With selected dropdown menu underneath the table of students, select Grant extension and click Go . Note: If the assignment does not have a due date, you will not see the Grant extension option.
  • Enter an Extension due date and click the Save changes button.
  • Repeat steps 4 onwards for students with a different due date.

You will see a comment in the Status column for that student that contains information on the new Extension due date.

Grant an extension for a Quiz

To grant a student extra time in a Quiz, you use the User Override feature. This enables you to change any or all of the following:

  • Open and close time
  • Number of attempts

Applying User Overrides

  • In the Moodle space, click on the Quiz you would like to apply a user override to.
  • Click on the Quiz Administration cog
  • Click User Overrides
  • Click the Add User Override button
  • Amend the required setting for the chosen student.
  • Click Save or Save and enter another override to make adjustments for another student.

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  • Introduction to communication and collaboration
  • Moodle - Teams Synchonisation

Assessment and feedback

  • Introduction to assessment and feedback
  • Create a custom certificate
  • Create and manage badges


  • Create an assignment activity
  • Assignment submission types
  • Assignment settings
  • Create an assignment for group submission
  • Use Turnitin for an assignment
  • Create and grade a submission using a rubric
  • Blind marking
  • Allocate markers to specific submissions
  • Hide or show grades and feedback
  • STACK and CodeRunner on MoodleX
  • Plan and set up a lesson

Tracking progress

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Add reusable content (artefacts)

  • Introduction to artefacts in Mahara
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  • Add personal information using a CV
  • Add files and images to Mahara
  • Use plans and tasks for organisation
  • Use journals and journal entries to record development

Create pages and add content

  • Create a page
  • Add content (artefacts) to a page
  • Add written content using text and notes
  • Add videos and external media
  • Edit the page layout
  • Remove content from a page

Structure and showcase your portfolio

  • Use Tags in Mahara
  • Create a page from Tags
  • Create a collection
  • Delete a page or collection
  • Share a page or collection

Assessment in Mahara

  • Copy a page or collection
  • Comment and peer review in Mahara
  • Create a template for others to work from
  • Create a Mahara assignment in Moodle

Working with Groups

  • Create a group and add members
  • Manage a group homepage
  • Share a group portfolio to group members

Manage your portfolio

  • Save a snapshot of work using Timeline
  • Export all or part of a portfolio
  • Report and remove objectionable content
  • Vevox at Warwick
  • Information about Vevox for students
  • Introduction to Echo360
  • Getting started with Echo360 Lecture Capture
  • Lecture Capture enabled spaces
  • Schedule a lecture capture
  • Getting started with Universal Capture (Personal)

Echo360 automated lecture capture

  • Teaching modes in Lecture Capture-enabled rooms
  • Use a lecture capture camera

Manage Echo360 content

  • Access and manage Echo360 content
  • Share Echo360 content
  • Reuse Echo360 content
  • Use collections to share recordings
  • Upload external media to Echo360
  • Edit Echo360 content
  • Echo360 Automated Transcripts and Closed Captions
  • Echo360s Active Learning Platform
  • Echo360 Accessibility
  • Echo360 Analytics
  • Video assignments (via Moodle)

Student Module Feedback

  • Introduction to Student Module Feedback
  • 6 core questions
  • Who can access responses?
  • Step 1: Moodle template
  • Step 2: Publish to students
  • Step 3: Preview responses s
  • Step 4: Reports
  • Introduction to Padlet at Warwick

Get started with QMP

  • Introduction to QMP
  • The eAssessment lifecycle

Plan and design your assessment

  • Plan your assessment
  • Assessment types

Create question bank and questions

  • Working with questions and questionbanks
  • Question types
  • Drag & drop
  • Fill in blanks
  • Select a blank
  • Multiple response question (Right / Wrong)
  • Pull-down list
  • Multiple choice question
  • Knowledge matrix

Build your assessment

  • Assessment design

Deliver your assessment

  • Verification / peer review
  • Schedule an assessment
  • Deliver to students

QMP Administration

  • Unblock the user
  • Reset password manually
  • QMP Reports
  • Filters in reports
  • Assessment review

Other tools, guides and services

  • Academic Technology Super User Guide
  • Teaching in Teams Guides
  • Use Microsoft Stream to create, stream and caption video
  • Use Microsoft Bookings for office hours
  • TurningPoint
  • Plagiarism and Technology
  • Use of software and services for teaching and learning
  • Rapidmooc Green Screen Studios
  • Podcasting in Rapidmooc Studio Westwood
  • LEaD events
  • IT Self Service Portal

moodle assignment grant extension

Extensions and resubmissions guide

  • Get started - extensions and resubmissions

About Moodle Assignment extensions

Grant extensions, set up notifications to receive alerts about extensions, review extensions, workshop recording: manage extensions, late submissions and resubmissions for moodle assignments, related guidance.

  • Moodle Assignment - review previous attempts
  • Anonymous Moodle Assignment - extensions and resubmissions
  • Moodle timed assignment - additional time
  • Video Assignment - extensions and resubmissions
  • Turnitin Assignment - extensions and resubmissions
  • Moodle Quiz - extra time and reattempts

This guidance outlines how to grant extensions to students due to extenuating circumstances. This process avoids the need to set up a new assignment submission area.

Do not use restrict access groups to manage extensions as students can see which students are members of each group. 

Course office staff will need to set up extensions where anonymous marking is in use. Staff in this role have the facility to identify student names in order to provide an extension.

  • Open the assignment.
  • Select  View all submissions .
  • If you are granting different extension dates you will need to select students individually and set a different date for each student.

Student 10 selected to be granted an extension

  • Set the extension date.
  • Save changes .
  • Email the students to let them know their extension date. You can use the Quickmail block to do this.
  • On the module homepage, Turn Edit mode on.
  • Open the Assignment.
  • Select Settings  from the contextual navigation menu to open the Assignment settings.
  • Scroll to the  Notifications  settings, set  Notify graders about late submissions  to  Yes.
  • Scroll to the end of the page and select  Save and return to module .
  • All lecturers, Programme Administrators, Course Officers and Teaching Assistants enrolled on the module will receive email alerts as students submit their assignments after the due date.
  • Select the link to the assignment.

Granted extension filter applied

  • Scroll to the bottom of the assignment submission screen. Change the  Filter  to  Granted extension . Your submission inbox will now only display students that have been granted an extension.
  • Alternatively, you can download a grading worksheet (Select  Download grading worksheet  from the  Grading action  menu at the top of the assignment submission screen) and all extensions display in the submission column.

It is possible to override a deadline and cut off date for one or more students in the event of a technical problem by using Assignment overrides.

  • << Previous: Get started - extensions and resubmissions
  • Next: Moodle Assignment - resubmission >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024 9:07 AM
  • URL:

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  • Assignment FAQ
  • Assignment settings
  • Using Assignment
  • 1.1 I get a blank screen when trying to annotate online text or uploaded Word/LibreOffice submissions
  • 1.2 I can’t annotate directly on the students’ submissions
  • 1.3 Can I record my feedback to students?
  • 1.4 I don’t see the submit button when testing my assignment as a student
  • 1.5 Can I grade work that’s been done offline outside of Moodle?
  • 1.6 Can I grade assignments on my tablet/mobile/iPad?
  • 1.7 Can I specify which files my students can submit?
  • 1.8 How can I have a timed assignment?
  • 1.9 What’s the point of the Due date?
  • 1.10 Can I have different dates for different groups or individuals?
  • 1.11 How can I find assignments I haven’t yet graded?
  • 1.12 How can I grant extensions to individual students (or groups in group assignments?)
  • 1.13 How can I be notified when students submit work?
  • 1.14 How can I stop being notified for some submitted assignments?
  • 1.15 Can I delete a student’s assignment?
  • 1.16 Can I download assignments to view them offline?
  • 1.17 I can’t edit the grades for assignment submissions
  • 1.18 What’s the difference between ‘Revert submissions to draft’ and ‘Allow another attempt?’
  • 1.19 I see submissions closed even though the dates are in the future
  • 1.20 How can a selected outcome be removed from an assignment?
  • 1.21 How can I export the rubric levels and criteria along with students' submissions?
  • 1.22 Can I use assignments for teaching and assessing music?
  • 1.23 What is a good procedure to issue a certificate based on a face-to-face final test?
  • 1.24 Is there a tool on Moodle where groups can collaboratively draft a document and I can see what they are doing in real time or near real time, before they save their work?
  • 1.25 How can I make the text display correctly in assignment submission PDF files?
  • 2.1 How do I change assignment defaults?
  • 2.2 How do I set up Ghostscript?
  • 2.3 How do I set up unoconv?
  • 2.4 How do I list all assignment files for a user and/or a course
  • 2.5 How do I fix an Error 500 for the View submissions page?
  • 3 Any further questions?

I get a blank screen when trying to annotate online text or uploaded Word/LibreOffice submissions

The most likely reason for this is that your Moodle site does not have a Document converter installed which converts submissions to PDF so the teacher can annotate them.

You can still grade these submissions, but you can't comment directly on them. You can collapse the blank screen by clicking icons at the bottom right:


I can’t annotate directly on the students’ submissions

Check with your administrator that your site has Ghostscript and one of the Document converters enabled.

Can I record my feedback to students?

Yes! See the video Assignment feedback enhancements

I don’t see the submit button when testing my assignment as a student

This feature is intended for teachers so that they can see how their course appears for students. It isn't a reliable view however, as some features do not display correctly when viewed by a teacher who has switched their role to a student. For that reason it is always preferable where possible to have a "test" student log in to use.

Can I grade work that’s been done offline outside of Moodle?

Yes. Just untick all submission types when setting up the assignment and just use it for grading.

Can I grade assignments on my tablet/mobile/iPad?

Yes. Try it!

Can I specify which files my students can submit?

Yes! When you set up the assignment, you can make this selection in the Submission settings. See Assignment settings for more information.

How can I have a timed assignment?

Ask your administrator to enable the time limit feature from Site administration > Plugins > Assignment settings > Enable timed assignments and you will then have the option from the Availability section.

What’s the point of the Due date?

The Allow submissions from and Due date settings are useful for keeping learners on schedule. Using the Allow submissions from setting will make it possible for learners to preview upcoming activities, while at the same time, prevent them from finishing the course in the first week and not returning for additional activities or information. Likewise, the Due dates help keep the learners from lagging too far behind and decrease the likelihood that the learner will become overwhelmed by having to complete several weeks worth of work at once.

Can I have different dates for different groups or individuals?

You can use the assignment override feature accessed from the assignment settings as mentioned in Using Assignment .

How can I find assignments I haven’t yet graded?

Click on the assignment and then click 'View all submissions'. Click the 'Grade column and it will sort the submissions, with already graded ones at the top of the list.

How can I grant extensions to individual students (or groups in group assignments?)

See Using_Assignment#Granting_extensions (direct link to that section.)

How can I be notified when students submit work?

When setting up or editing the assignment, set the 'Notify graders about submissions' dropdown to 'Yes'.

How can I stop being notified for some submitted assignments?

If you want ALL teachers to stop receiving notifications for a particular assignment then simply set 'Notify graders about submissions' to 'No' in the assignment settings.

By default, teachers and non-editing teachers have the capability Capabilities/mod/assign:receivegradernotifications . If you don't want either teachers or non-editing teachers to receive notifications for a particular assignment, then from the Permissions link in the Administration block of that assignment, set this capability to "prevent" for the role in question.

Can I delete a student’s assignment?

Yes, if the admin has given you the capability Capabilities/mod/assign:editothersubmission .

Can I download assignments to view them offline?

Yes. You can either download all assignment submissions by clicking 'View all submissions' and then 'Download all submissions' OR you can tick the boxes of certain submissions you wish to download and then, from under the list of students, choose 'With selected...Download selected submissions'.

I can’t edit the grades for assignment submissions

If you edit assignment grades directly in the gradebook, an "overridden" flag is set, meaning that the grade can no longer be edited from the Grading summary page. If required, the flag can be removed by turning editing on in the grader report , then clicking the edit grade icon, unchecking the overridden box and saving the changes.

What’s the difference between ‘Revert submissions to draft’ and ‘Allow another attempt?’

'Revert submission to draft' is basically an 'undo' for students who have incorrectly submitted an assignment - it allows them to go back and change the files before submitting again. 'Allow another attempt' saves the submission and the feedback into the submission history and allows them to create a new submission (optionally based on their original submission), which will have its own feedback associated with it.

I see submissions closed even though the dates are in the future

This message will appear if you are trying an assignment as an administrator without actually being enrolled in the course, even thought the dates might look correct. Try with a student account of someone enrolled in the course.

How can a selected outcome be removed from an assignment?

  • Follow the Grades link from the Course administration block.
  • On the Grader report page, select the Categories and items tab.
  • Locate the assignment for which the outcome is to be removed. The outcome is listed directly below it.
  • Click the delete icon opposite the outcome.

How can I export the rubric levels and criteria along with students' submissions?

This is not yet possible. If you'd like this functionality, please vote for MDL-32089 . (You need to create a tracker account and to log in to be able to vote.)

Can I use assignments for teaching and assessing music?

For music notation, chord charts, & even "Grigson grids," MuseScore , (free & open source of course) is a richly featured, flexible, & relatively easy to use addition to students' digital tool kits. There's also large libraries of shared transcriptions & scores in MuseScore file formats

Students can submit their MuseScore files for feedback, advice, & grading as Assignments. MuseScore can also export scores as PNG images or post them as attachments in Moodle forums so that they can demonstrate what they mean. This would be better for studying music theory than MIDI files or audio recordings, i.e. keeping the focus on music structure rather than on performance.

What is a good procedure to issue a certificate based on a face-to-face final test?

If the offline assignment is aimed at showing mastery of specific skills or behaviors, you could also set up the Assignment activity in such a manner that:

  • there are no submissions possible (no files, no online text)
  • the assessment is by marking guide or rubric
  • the marking guide or rubric is visible to participants
  • With a passing grade and access restriction on the certificate, this will only become available to those who have successfully shown they master what's been assessed offline.
  • This works well for master-apprentice type learning situations.
  • The coolest thing about this approach is that the offline assessor can use the marking guide of rubric on his tablet, to assess on the go... and that a result will be available as soon as the grade has been saved and released... Plus: there's room to add feedback for the student (which, of course, most important).

Is there a tool on Moodle where groups can collaboratively draft a document and I can see what they are doing in real time or near real time, before they save their work?

  • Unfortunately Moodle doesn't currently contain an easy to use tool for collaboratively drafting a document.
  • Use Google Docs, but it's independent of Moodle. Please see here:
  • There's a Moodle-Etherpad integration module here: that may be of use to you. However, you need to set up Etherpad on your server or at least on the same top-level domain (TLD). Etherpad:
  • There's also an integration with Collabora Office, i.e. the online version of LibreOffice (similar to Google Docs but free and open source & without the GDPR issues): Collabora Office:

How can I make the text display correctly in assignment submission PDF files?

If the text in your language (such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew or Arabic) displays as ???? in downloaded PDF files, your site admin needs to enable PDF fonts in Site administration > General > Language settings then specify fonts for the languages used on your site in $CFG->pdfexportfont in config.php.

You can then select the font for your language in the new course setting PDF font.


How do i change assignment defaults.

Go to Site administration >Plugins >Activity modules >Assignment and check out the Assignment settings, Submission plugins and Feedback plugins links.

How do I set up Ghostscript?

See and visit Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Assignment > Feedback plugins > Annotate PDF to make sure you have the correct path to Ghostscript.

How do I set up unoconv?

See Installing unoconv for details.

How do I list all assignment files for a user and/or a course

Install the Assignment files report additional plugin.

How do I fix an Error 500 for the View submissions page?

If you have courses with more than 100 students, you can limit the number shown on the View submissions page by setting a maximum value for the setting 'Maximum assignments per page' in Site administration > Plugins > Assignment settings.

Any further questions?

Please post in the Assignment forum on

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moodle assignment grant extension

In a competency based assessment, a student is Not Yet Satisfactory until all the condition for a particular task are not satisfied. As a trainer you will need to apply the due dates for the activities so that the student complete their work in time and you can track/mark your group’s work and progress in timely manner. In any case a student fails to submit their work in time, you will need to grant extension to the student so that they can update their work or make another attempt. There are two types of activities that a student will need to complete based on the qualification they are doing. Those activities are Assignments and Quizzes. Below are the instructions on how to grant extension to a student for both quiz and assignment activity.

  • 1 For Quizzes
  • 2 For Assignments
  • 3 Video Instructions

For Quizzes

You can also use the below instructions to add due date for a single student.

Go a quiz that you would like to allow another attempt for and click More button from the top.


From the More dropdown select Overrides .


After selecting User Overrides from the dropdown, click on Add user override .

Select a student that you need to grant extension for.

Enable the Close the quiz date. Select a new date and time that the student is granted extension until.

Click on Save after making the necessary changes.

If you need to allow more attempts to the student for the same quiz, you can select the number higher than what is there by default. To allow one more attempt, select 4, to allow two more attempt, select 5 and so on.

For Assignments

Go to the submission link that you would like to grant extension to a student for.

Select the group the student is in and click on View all submissions .

Filter your student and click on Edit button, from the drop-down, select Grant extension .

If you would like to grant extension to more students in bulk, you can select them and click on Grant extension from the bottom dropdown and click Go .

5. When the new page opens, select the Extension due date and click on Save changes .

Video Instructions

Related articles.

  • Page: Another attempt to students - Assessment and Quizzes (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Mark Assessment (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Accessing your courses and units in Moodle (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Attempt a quiz in Moodle (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Attempt a quiz in Moodle - Axis Institute (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Send email from Moodle – Students’ Guide - Axis Institute (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Assessment Submission Guidelines - Axis Institute (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Mark Assessment - Axis Institute (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Due date in Moodle - Assessment and Quizzes (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: How to use course progress report - Staff (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Grant Extensions in Moodle - Assessment and Quizzes (IT Service and Maintenance)
  • Page: Assessment Submission Guidelines (IT Service and Maintenance)


  1. Grant an Assignment Extension

    moodle assignment grant extension

  2. Moodle Teachers

    moodle assignment grant extension

  3. Grant an Assignment Extension

    moodle assignment grant extension

  4. How to grant an extension for an assignment in Moodle

    moodle assignment grant extension

  5. Grant extensions for a Moodle Assignment :: University of Waikato

    moodle assignment grant extension

  6. Grant an Assignment Extension

    moodle assignment grant extension


  1. What is Moodle Assignment

  2. How to set up a Moodle assignment (no Turnitin)

  3. How to grant special permission to student in Moodle quiz (user override)

  4. Assignment in Moodle 4.4

  5. Navigating Moodle code with MDLCode

  6. Allocating markers to a Moodle assignment


  1. Grant an Assignment Extension

    Steps. Open the assignment you want to add an extension to. Click the gear icon at the top right of the page then select User overrides . On the page that opens, click the Add user override button. Then you'll be on the user override settings page. Select the student you want to add an extension for from the user dropdown.

  2. Using Assignment

    Granting extensions. If an assignment has a deadline, a teacher can grant individual or group assignment extensions by selecting the Edit link next to a particular student or group. To grant an extension, open the assignment; Click on "View all submissions" Locate the student who is to be allowed to submit after the "Cut-off date"To

  3. Grant an Assignment Extension

    Instructors may grant due date extensions to one or more students in Moodle assignment activities. Step 1. Visit the assignment page. Click View all submissions. ... With the student(s) selected, scroll to the bottom of the list and choose Grant extension from the With selected option box (1). Note: if you are making an extension for a single ...

  4. Granting Assignment Extensions in Moodle

    In this video, CBU's Dr. Rob Power demonstrates how to grant an extension to an individual student for an assignment in Moodle.

  5. Grant extensions for a Moodle Assignment :: University of Waikato

    Grant extensions for a Moodle Assignment. Help for staff. Guide to granting an assignment extension to 1 or more students in Moodle. Jump to. Select the Assignment that you wish to add an extension for. On the left, select View all submissions. For one student.

  6. Assignment settings

    After that date (or time) a teacher may, on request, grant an extension by going to the class assignment grading screen, clicking the "Edit" column and choosing "grant extension" for the relevant student. For more details, see this Youtube screencast Assignment Extensions Moodle 2.4. Always show description

  7. Moodle Teachers

    This guidance outlines how to grant extensions to students due to extenuating circumstances.Select the link to the assignment.Select View all submissions.Sel...

  8. Assignment Submission Date Extensions

    If it is still before the final date, the marker can grant the student an extension which will allow only this student to edit and submit their assignment. The fact that an extension was granted is indicated on the grading page and in the grading table. If a submission is graded before the final date, a warning is shown on the grading page to ...

  9. Moodle

    How to grant assignment extensions to students when using a Moodle assignment activity. This will allow you to set the due date of an assignment for specific students to a later date to give them more time. Once the extension is granted, affected students will see an additional line with the "extension due date" when they view the assignment ...

  10. How to grant an extension in Moodle assignment

    How to grant an extension in Moodle assignment Last modified on Fri, 10 May 2024. Navigate to the Moodle Assignment where you wish to add an extension to student submissions. Click View all submissions. Navigate to the student you wish to give an extension to and select the Edit dropdown.

  11. M09a7

    To grant an extension to an individual student, go to the assignment grading screen by clicking 'View all submissions', click 'Edit' alongside the relevant student and choose 'Grant extension'. To grant an extension to multiple students, tick the top-most 'Select' tick-box at the top left of student names. Go to the bottom of the page and ...

  12. Grant extensions for assessments in Moodle

    Grant an extension for an Assignment. The Grant extension feature in the Assignment activity allows you to grant an extension to individual students. Open the Moodle space where the Assignment sits. Click on the Assignment link. Click View all submissions. Tick the box in the left-hand column next to each student who needs an extension.

  13. Moodle Assignment

    Moodle Assignment - extensions. About Moodle Assignment extensions; Grant extensions; Set up notifications to receive alerts about extensions; Review extensions; Workshop recording: Manage extensions, late submissions and resubmissions for Moodle assignments; Related guidance; Moodle Assignment - resubmission Toggle Dropdown. Moodle Assignment ...

  14. PDF Adding Extensions to Assignments Extending a Moodle Assignment Deadline

    Extending a Moodle Assignment Deadline for a Particular Student It is possible in the Moodle Assignment activity to grant an extension for particular students to allow them to submit after the assignment's cut-off date. Extending a cut-off date for a particular student is currently only available in the Moodle Assignment activity.

  15. Assignment FAQ

    Click on the assignment and then click 'View all submissions'. Click the 'Grade column and it will sort the submissions, with already graded ones at the top of the list. How can I grant extensions to individual students (or groups in group assignments?) See Using_Assignment#Granting_extensions (direct link to that section.)

  16. Grant Extensions in Moodle

    For Assignments. Go to the submission link that you would like to grant extension to a student for. Select the group the student is in and click on View all submissions.. Filter your student and click on Edit button, from the drop-down, select Grant extension.. If you would like to grant extension to more students in bulk, you can select them and click on Grant extension from the bottom ...

  17. How do I grant an extension for an Assignment activity?

    On the main assignment page, click on the "View all submissions" button at the bottom of the page. Locate the student for which you wish to grant the extension. Click on the "Edit" drop-down menu in the "Edit" column. From the drop-down menu, click on the "Grant extension" option. Update the "Extension due date" and save ...

  18. Moodle in English: Extension Requests via Moodle?

    Further, rather than extension requests being made by students over e-mail, we use a work-around: Students complete a fillable PDF. then upload that as a file on the assignment module in question. This is useful because it creates a paper trail for the request that is easily accessible. However it is cumbersome because it means that the grader ...

  19. Grant extensions

    Grant an extension on individual basis. Click the assignment and select View/grade all submissions. (You can do this regardless of whether there have been any submissions). Select the student or students to whom you want to grant an extension. Scroll down to the end of the page and, from the With selected drop down, select Grant extension and ...

  20. Moodle in English: Grant extension details displayed in follow up

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