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Science and Engineering: Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Science and Engineering

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Closing date: Please see individual adverts

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With world-class research centres and sustained investment in our outstanding resources and facilities, we provide a superb environment in which to study or conduct research. Here are some of our research highlights .

The following scholarships are currently open for applications:

  • PhD scholarships in Aerospace, Civil, Electrical, General and Mechanical Engineering
  • PhD scholarships in Biosciences, Geography and Physics
  • PhD and EngD scholarships in Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • PhD scholarships in Mathematics and Computer Science

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Please see individual adverts for more information on eligibility.

NB:  If you hold a non-UK degree, please see the  Swansea University degree comparisons  to find out if you meet the eligibility criteria.

If you have any questions regarding your academic or fee eligibility based on the above, please email  [email protected]  with the web-link to the scholarship(s) you are interested in.  

Please see individual adverts for more information on funding.

How to Apply

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Ph.D. in ambito 5G

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships

by Alumni Team | Aug 2, 2022


How to apply, supporting documentation, advice for applicants, choosing a university/course, applicant eligibility.

  • Eligible countries

Completing the application form

  • Selection process and criteria

Tenure and placement

Financial assistance, general conditions, faqs and enquiries.

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for applicants from least developed countries and vulnerable states, as classified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), in the Commonwealth, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) provides the UK government scholarship scheme led by international development objectives. It operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and offers a vivid demonstration of the UK’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth. By attracting individuals with outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all backgrounds and supporting them to become leaders and innovators on returning to their home countries, the CSC’s work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and provides opportunities for international partnerships and collaboration.

Purpose: Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) , Commonwealth PhD scholarships contribute to the development needs of Commonwealth countries by supporting research that will have a developmental impact. They also enhance individual teaching and research capacity leading to increase institutional capacity in academic and other sectors in Commonwealth countries, and will contribute to UK higher education and research by attracting high-calibre international applicants and encouraging links and collaboration, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Intended beneficiaries: Commonwealth PhD scholarships are for high-quality graduates who have the potential to undertake world-class research of a developmental nature and to become influential leaders, teachers, or researchers in their home countries.

These scholarships are offered under the six  CSC Development themes .

Applications for Commonwealth PhD scholarships for the 202 5 /2 6 academic year are now open . The deadline for submitting an application is 16:00 hours BST (15:00 GMT) on 1 5 October 202 4 . The s cholarships are for study in the UK beginning in September/October 2 02 5 .  

Applications to the CSC must be made using the CSC’s online application system .

The CSC is unable to accept any applications or documentation not submitted via the online application system .

Applicants are advised to complete and submit applications as early as possible, as the online application system will be very busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.

As well as applying to the CSC, applicants must apply to a nominator.

There are three types of nominator invited to participate in the PhD scholarship programme:  

  • National nominating agencies  – this is the main route of application.
  • Selected universities/university bodies  – which can nominate their own academic staff.
  • Selected non-governmental organisations and charitable bodies .

Participating n ominators put forward an agreed number of candidates to the CSC for consideration . The CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships.

Each nominator oversees its own selection process and may have additional eligibility criteria. Applicants must check with the nominator for their specific advice and rules for applying, and their own eligibility criteria.

Nominators may set their own closing dates for applications. They will nominate candidates to the CSC in December 2024.  

Selections are made from the pool of nominations. Candidates are asked to note that a nomination is no guarantee of selection.

Applicants can expect to hear the outcome of their applications by July 2025. We will contact all applicants by email and they should ensure all folders of their email accounts are monitored, including junk mail and spam folders. A scholarship offer may be withdrawn if a candidate is emailed but does not respond within a specified time.  

Applications must include supporting documentation to be eligible.

Please note that applicants are required to collect references and supporting statements, either on institution letterhead or an email clearly showing the sender’s details, from referees and proposed supervisors in the UK, and then upload them in PDF format to the application system with their other supporting documentation.

The references and supporting statements must be uploaded to the application system by the deadline for applications and we are unable to accept references and supporting statements any other way or after this date.

Applicants must upload the following documents with the application:

  • Proof that they are a citizen or have refugee status in an eligible Commonwealth country: a copy of a valid passport (or national ID card) showing a photograph, date of birth, and country of citizenship.
  • Full transcripts detailing all higher education qualifications, including to-date transcripts for any courses currently being studied, with certified translations if not in English. Where any transcripts are missing or do not include all pages, the application will be considered ineligible.
  • References from at least two individuals, in PDF format, signed and on institutional letterhead or an email clearly showing the sender’s details.
  • A supporting statement, in PDF format, signed and either on institutional letterhead or an email clearly showing the sender’s details, from a proposed supervisor in the UK from at least one of the institutions named on the application form.

Applications will be considered ineligible if any of the required documentation is not included by the closing date.

The CSC will not accept supporting documentation submitted outside the online application system.

When completing the references, referees should be asked to comment as fully as possible on the applicant, keeping in mind the following points for inclusion, as appropriate:

  • How long, and in what capacity, the referee has known the applicant.
  • The referee’s views on the applicant’s suitability for the proposed Scholarship and the need for the particular subject of study in the UK.
  • capability to grasp concepts and reason analytically;
  • capacity for original thought;
  • and motivation and perseverance in achieving objectives.
  • Assessment of the applicant’s particular strengths and weaknesses.
  • The applicant’s potential to impact development in their home country.
  • Any other general qualities which the referee considers would make the applicant a good recipient of a Scholarship.

Please note that the CSC does not charge apply for any of its scholarships or fellowships through its online application system.

When completing supporting statements, proposed supervisors should be asked to confirm that they are, in principle, prepared to have the applicant working with them and that they have the facilities to undertake the research. They should also be asked how the applicant’s plan of study fits with the expertise of their department and to indicate how much of the applicant’s plan of study, if any, they wrote. Any additional comments they make will be appreciated by the Commission.

Applicants can find general information about applying for a Commonwealth Scholarship on our advice for applicants page .

Applicants may find the following resources useful when researching their choices of institution and course of study in the UK:

  • Study UK – British Council website, with guidance for international students and a course and institution search
  • Steps to Postgraduate Study – a guide to asking the right questions about taught postgraduate study in the UK
  • Postgrad.com  – information for postgraduate students, with a course search
  • Prospects – information on postgraduate study in the UK
  • Research Excellent Framework 2021 results – results of a system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions
  • UCAS Postgraduate – guidance on how to find and apply for a postgraduate course
  • Discover Uni – the official website for comparing UK higher education course data
  • UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs) – advice for international students on choosing a course of study

The CSC is not responsible for the content of external sites.

Applicants can also discover how Commonwealth Alumni are making an impact and leading change across critical development issues by visiting our development impact stories page .

To apply for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Be available to start academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2025.
  • By September 2025, hold a first degree of at least upper second-class (2:1) honours standard, or a lower second-class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)*.
  • Not be registered for a PhD, or an MPhil leading to a PhD, at a UK university or in their home country before September/October 2025.
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship.
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format.

*The CSC recognises that disabled people have often faced and overcome challenges or barriers in their education journey which have prevented them achieving the academic requirement for a Commonwealth Scholarship. Disabled applicants who can demonstrate their potential to contribute to international development but who do not hold a 2:1 Undergraduate degree may be considered for a contextualised nomination through the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum (CDPF) nominator. For more information, please contact CDPF directly using the details on our NGOs and charitable body nominators page .

The CSC aims to identify talented individuals who have the potential to make change. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination and encourage applications from a diverse range of applicants. For further information on the support available to scholars who share that they have a disability, see the  CSC disability support statement .

There is no age limit for CSC applications. Applicants are advised to confirm with their employers any age restrictions on leave entitlement they may have in place.

Eligible Countries

Please note that only candidates from the eligible countries listed below can apply for Commonwealth PhD Scholarships .

Bangladesh Cameroon The Gambia Kenya Kiribati Lesotho Malawi Mozambique Nigeria Pakistan Rwanda Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tanzania Togo Tuvalu Uganda Zambia

In the application form, applicants are asked to:

  • List all undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications obtained.
  • List up to 10 publications and prizes.
  • Provide details of employment history and explain how the experience gained supports and is relevant to the programme to be undertaken in the UK.
  • List names and positions of three referees who are qualified to comment on both their capacity to benefit from the proposed Scholarship in the UK and their ability to deliver development impact afterwards. One of the referees must be a current employer (if applicable) and at least two references must be included with the application.
  • Provide a Development Impact statement in four parts.

In the first part applicants should explain how the proposed scholarship relates to:

  • Development issues at the global, national, and local level
  • Development issues connected to the chosen CSC development theme and the wider sector

The second part should explain how they intend to apply their new skills once the Scholarship ends.

The third part should outline what they expect will change in development terms following the Scholarship, including:

  • The outcomes that they aim to achieve
  • The timeframe for their implementation
  • Who the beneficiaries will be

In the fourth part applicants should write about how the impact of their work could be best measured and evidenced.

Applicants are also asked to:

  • Confirm what their award objectives are and how each of them will be met by the Scholarship programme.
  • Confirm what their career plans are for the 5 years following the Scholarship.
  • Confirm their long-term career plans.
  • Provide a detailed plan of study.
  • Provide a personal statement to summarise the ways in which their personal background has encouraged them to want to make an impact in their home country. Applicants may wish to highlight any areas where they have already made significant contributions, including overcoming personal or community barriers in accessing higher education or within their field.
  • Summarise the ways in which they have engaged in voluntary activities and the opportunities they have had to demonstrate leadership.

Selection Process and criteria

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit
  • Quality of research proposal
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s come country

For further details, see the Commonwealth Scholarships selection criteria .

Applicants should note the criteria carefully and link their answers in the application form to each point listed.

Scholarships are tenable at any approved UK university or higher education institution with which the CSC has a part-funding agreement for a specific programme of research for 36 months of full-time study only. For the full list, see here: cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/uk-universities

Scholarships are to obtain one degree; funding will not be extended to enable candidates to complete a qualification in addition to or higher than that for which the selection was made.

Scholarships are made in respect of full-time study only and no other course of study may be undertaken at the same time.

The CS C does not support four-year PhDs.  

The CSC does not provide new direct financial or promotional support for the fossil fuel energy sector overseas, defined as the extraction, production, transportation, refining and marketing of crude oil, natural gas or thermal coal, as well as any fossil-fuel fired power plants.

Applicants must make clear in the application which qualification they are applying for. This will enable the CSC to consider the application in the correct category. Applications which do not make this clear may be considered ineligible.

Applicants are advised to list three universities and supervisors that they think are the most appropriate for their study, in order of preference, and to explain their reasons. This is important because the CSC will not change the university or supervisor (or the order of preference) of a provisionally selected candidate after the point of selection, unless exceptional information becomes available that could not have been foreseen at the time of application.

The CSC will make the final decision on institution of study, and reserves the right to overrule any preferences indicated by the candidate. The CSC will consider the suitability of the course and its value for money when deciding on any overrule.

Applicants must take the necessary steps to apply for admission to their preferred universities in advance of their scholarship application. Many courses have strict admission deadlines and candidates should check admission requirements carefully when applying. If an applicant is selected for a scholarship and has not applied and been accepted for a course, it may not be possible to proceed with the scholarship.

Applicants must provide a supporting statement for a named supervisor from at least one of the UK universities to which they are applying. Details of what the supporting statement should include are outlined in the supporting documentation section. Applicants are strongly advised to provide a supporting statement from a supervisor at the first choice university. If not, the CSC reserves the right to select for placement at another university for which a statement is provided.

Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and return at the end of the award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before the award is confirmed).
  • Approved tuition fees: full fees are covered by agreement between the CSC and the UK university, and Scholars are not liable to pay for any part of the tuition fee.
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,378 per month, or £1,690 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at current levels).
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable.
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas.
  • Provision towards the cost of fieldwork undertaken overseas (the cost of one economy class return airfare to the fieldwork location), where approved.
  • Paid mid-term visit (airfare) to the Scholar’s home country, unless they have claimed or intend to claim spouse and/or child allowances during their scholarship or have received a return airfare to their home country for fieldwork.
  • If a Scholar is accompanied by their spouse but no children: spouse allowance of £297 per month for a maximum period of nine months, if they and their spouse are living together at the same address in the UK (unless the spouse is also in receipt of a scholarship; other conditions also apply).
  • If a Scholar is accompanied by their spouse and children: spouse allowance of £297 per month and child allowance of £297 per month for the first child, and £146 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if their spouse and children are living with them at the same address in the UK (unless their spouse is also in receipt of a scholarship; other conditions also apply).
  • If a Scholar has children and is widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of child allowance of £590 per month for the first child, and £146 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if their children are living with them at the same address in the UK.

If a Scholar shares that they have a disability, a full assessment of their needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC.

The CSC’s family allowances are intended to be only a contribution towards the cost of maintaining a Scholar’s family in the UK. The true costs are likely to be considerably higher, and Scholars must be able to supplement these allowances to support any family members who accompany them to the UK.

For more information, see the current Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows .  

Please note that the conditions outlined in the Handbook are subject to change.

A Commonwealth Scholarship covers fees, approved fares, and personal maintenance. Other scholarships, awards, or bursaries that cover the same costs may not be held concurrently.

For the CSC to administer the application effectively and efficiently after submission, it will be necessary to create a record in the applicant’s name. If they apply for an award to the CSC, their details will be kept on file. Basic anonymised demographic data for all applicants will be kept for analytical research. The CSC is committed to protecting personal information and to being transparent about the information we are collecting about applicants and what we do with it. To find out more, see our privacy notice .

Applicant’s personal information will be used to conduct necessary due diligence checks to CSC’s satisfaction, before CSC proceeds with any type of formal agreement or contractual relationship. In most cases, the due diligence checks will be straightforward, however further information may be requested, so we ask for full co-operation to speed up the process.

If an applicant does not agree to personal data being used for the purpose of conducting due diligence, unfortunately CSC will not be able to proceed further with the application process.

If an application is successful, the CSC will notify the applicant that they have been provisionally selected (selected for an award subject to the CSC agreeing terms of admission to the university) at which point they will be a provisional scholarship candidate.

The CSC does not require any applicants to take an IELTS (English language) test.

The CSC will not be able to offer a scholarship if it would contravene the terms and conditions of another scholarship previously held.

When terms of admission to the university have been agreed, the CSC will provide a Notification of Award (formal offer of a scholarship).

When all conditions of the Notification of Award have been met, the CSC will provide a formal Confirmation of Award.

Candidates will be required to submit a Health and Disability Form  before the Confirmation of Award can be issued.

Candidates will be required to sign an undertaking to return to their home country as soon as possible after the end of the award.

Candidates are expected to start the award on the date stated in the Notification of Award.

If a candidate requires a Student visa to come to the UK to study, they must meet all relevant immigration requirements set by UK Visas and Immigration. They should check the GOV.UK website for updated information.

All UK immigration regulations are set by UK Visas and Immigration and are subject to change. The CSC has no control over these regulations.

Candidates will be selected for an award based on the plan of study outlined on the application form, which is not expected to change significantly during the award. Any such changes must be agreed by the CSC.

Throughout their award, Scholars are expected to reside in the UK, and must seek approval from the CSC in advance of any overseas travel.

Scholars must not undertake paid employment during the award without approval from the CSC in advance.

Collaboration is a feature of doctoral research. The CSC expects that participants in collaborative projects will develop a collaborative agreement to clarify the contributions and rights of each partner. The CSC will not get involved in negotiating an exploitation agreement but will need to be assured that an arrangement acceptable to all parties exists. Arrangements should be made to identify, protect, and value any arising intellectual property and to secure a suitable return to the institution and the investigators through exploitation. The CSC considers the intellectual property ownership to lie initially with the student; however, many universities have their own locally applicable policy. In many cases, it is in the best interest of a student for ownership to be vested with the university, which will have greater negotiating powers and will be likely to be able to seek the best returns in any exploitation agreement. Award holders are expected to notify the CSC when CSC-funded intellectual property is exploited.

The CSC will consider a request to extend a Scholar’s leave to remain in the UK after their award only if they wish to move from Master’s to PhD study. Strict conditions will apply.

The CSC cannot provide a letter of support or permission for Scholars to remain in or return to the UK after the award to enable them to work or undertake postdoctoral study.

The following are not eligible to apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship or Fellowship; an employee, a former employee, or relative of an employee of the Government of the United Kingdom; or a staff member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities or the British Council; or a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner, former Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner or a relative of a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner. Former employees of the organisations listed above are eligible to apply three years after ceasing their employment with them.

In line with the UK Bribery Act 2010, any applicant convicted of bribery will be banned from reapplying for a Commonwealth Scholarship or Fellowship for a period of up to five years.

Applicants are expected to adhere to the CSC’s Code of Conduct for award holders and the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure .

An award may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory conduct, progress, or attendance, or if registration is suspended or terminated by the university for any reason.

The CSC is committed to administering and managing its scholarships and fellowships in a fair and transparent manner. For more information, see the CSC Anti-Fraud Policy and Procedure at and the FCDO guidance on reporting fraud .

The CSC is committed proactively to safeguard and promote the welfare of our beneficiaries, and to protect its staff, Commissioners, beneficiaries and all those with whom the CSC comes into contact. The CSC requires staff, members of the Commission, applicants for and recipients of CSC awards and suppliers to act consistently with its requirements for safeguarding. Applicants should note the  CSC Safeguarding Policy which sets out the obligation for staff, members of the Commission, applicants for and recipients of CSC awards and suppliers to act consistently with its requirements for safeguarding.  Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to the Commission at:   [email protected]

All conditions of award are subject to UK local law and practices and are subject to change by the CSC.

For more information, see the current Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars . Please note that the conditions outlined in the Handbook are subject to change.

For general information about applying for Commonwealth Scholarships or Fellowships, please see our FAQs page.

For queries not covered on the website, please use the contact us form .

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List of PhD Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships for International Students

Gates cambridge scholarships for international students.

Deadline: 16 Oct/3 Dec 2024/7 Jan 2025 (annual) Study in:  UK Course starts October 2025

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

Deadline: 25 Nov 2024 (annual) Study in:  Canada Course starts May/Sept 2025

Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowships

Deadline: 31 Oct 2024 (Annual) Study in: Belgium Course starts July-Dec 2025

Fulbright Foreign Student Program in USA

Deadline: varies, Feb-Oct 2024 Study in:  USA Course starts AY 2025-2026

Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International Students

Deadline: varies, July-Oct 2024 (annual) Study in: UK Course starts October 2024

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students

Deadline: varies, Sept-Dec 2024 Study in: Switzerland Next course starts 2025

AAUW International Fellowships in USA for Women

Deadline: 15 Nov 2024 (annual) Study in: USA Next course is 1 July 2025-30 June 2026

Knight-Hennessy Scholars at Stanford University

Deadline: 9 Oct 2024 (Annual) Study in: USA Course starts Autumn 2025

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS)

Deadline: before 30 October 2024 (annual) Study in: Canada Course starts May/Sept 2025

East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowships

Deadline: 1 Dec 2024 (annual) Study in:  Hawaii, USA Course starts August 2025

University of Sydney International Scholarship

Deadline: 13 Sept/17 Dec 2024 Study in:  Australia Course starts 2025

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

Deadline: 14 June 2024 (annual) Study in: Italy Course starts AY 2024/2025

  • Top 15+ Study Abroad Scholarships for US Citizens
  • 10+ Scholarships in Canada for International Students
  • Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students
  • Top 25 Scholarships in USA for International Students
  • Top 5 Countries Where Tuition is Free in 2024
  • 10 Distance Learning Scholarships & Tuition Free Online Degree/Courses
  • Top 10 Scholarships in Italy for International Students
  • 35+ International Scholarships for Development-Related Studies
  • Top 10 Prestigious Scholarships for the Best International Students
  • Top 15 International Scholarships for Developing Country Students
  • Scholarships in Germany for International Students
  • 20+ Tuition Scholarships offered by Universities for International Students

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We have 37 wireless networks PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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wireless networks PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Reinforcement learning and generative ai for future wireless networks, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Competition Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

This research project is one of a number of projects at this institution. It is in competition for funding with one or more of these projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be awarded the funding. The funding is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Intelligent Metamaterials/Metasurfaces for 5G/6G Wireless Networks

Self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Smart city data security gateways efficient routing and IP capacity

Revolutionising connectivity of medical wearable devices: harnessing deep learning to enhance network performance and sustainability, design and development of green miniaturized wearable balanced antenna arrays for internet of things applications, enhancing video quality assessment for 6g networks: leveraging low latency, high data rates, and massive connectivity for improved user experience, fully–funded phd studentship with the optical networks group, department of electronic & electrical engineering, ucl, funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Cyber Security and Resilience

Funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Future Open SecuRe NeTworks (FORT) - Jointly with Queen’s University Belfast

Microwave long range wireless power transfer system, blockchain technology and smart contracts for the security of internet of things and wireless communications, distributed algorithm wireless sensor networks, competition funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Context-Aware Wireless Power Transfer Scheduling for Vehicular Edge Computing

Contextual awareness and intelligent data mining with end-to-end performance in 5g networks, distributed cloud, software-defined networking and network function virtualization evolution toward 5g architecture for ultra-low latency applications.

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The Best PhD Scholarships with Upcoming Deadlines

Apply below right now to the Best PhD Scholarships. Exclusive Scholarships found only in Bold.org!

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Augustus L. Harper Scholarship

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  • Race : BIPOC
  • Major : Accounting, finance, or business

CREATIVE. INSPIRED. HAPPY Mid-Career Writing Scholarship

  • Field of Study : Writing
  • Background : Experience in the workforce

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  • Background : Loves books
  • Education Level : High school, undergraduate or graduate students

Eduardo Uvaldo Memorial Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate or Graduate
  • Background : Lost a loved one

WayUp Dream Job No-Essay Scholarship

  • Graduation Year : Between 2020 and 2026

DK Memorial Sports Broadcasting Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Desired Career Field : Sports Broadcasting or Sports Journalism

Daily Upside Business News Scholarship

Oxstem educational scholarship.

  • Education Level : Undergraduate or graduate
  • Major : STEM
  • University Type : HBCU
  • GPA : 3.0 or higher

Eitel Scholarship

  • Education level : Graduate or Undergraduate student
  • Background : Female student attending a Baptist College
  • GPA : 3.0 and above

Training Future Data Experts Scholarship

Patrick stanley memorial scholarship.

  • Education Level : Must be an undergraduate or graduate student
  • Path : Must be a non-traditional student returning to school after a gap
  • Age : Must be at least twenty-five years old
  • Major : STEAM

Susan Leslie Wood Memorial Nursing Scholarship

  • Education level : Undergraduate or Graduate students
  • Future Career : Nursing

Gloria J. Willis Memorial Scholarship

  • Background : First-generation
  • Field of Study : Pre-med, medical school, nursing, or psychology

She Rose Initiative's "More Than a Conqueror" Scholarship

  • Gender : Female
  • Medical History : Diagnosed with a systemic autoimmune disease
  • Field of Study : STEM, healthcare, health, public health, or medicine
  • Race : African American

Kamyar Afshar Advancement for Higher Education Scholarship

  • Education Level : 4-year undergraduate student or graduate student
  • Race/Ethnicity : Middle Eastern
  • Citizenship : US Citizen or Immigrant
  • Field of Study : Pharmacy, Medicine, Law

Derrick Richardson Law Student Scholarship

  • Ethnicity : Black
  • Education : 2nd or 3rd year student in Law School

Andrea M Taylor Future Doctors Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Field of Study : Medicine
  • Financial Background : Low-income

About PhD scholarships

The PhD, also known as the Doctor of Philosophy, is a graduate research degree. It is the highest level of academic qualification awarded by universities in the United States.

Although the name contains the term ‘philosophy,’ a PhD is not exclusively for philosophers. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor, which is connected to its original Greek meaning which means 'lover of wisdom'.

As the name implies, a PhD program will train you to become a researcher. While other doctoral degrees may focus on practice as well as research, the emphasis of a PhD is on academic research and the new knowledge that you can bring to your field of expertise. You can get a PhD in a variety of subjects, including but not limited to science, humanities, business, education, engineering, and law.

A PhD degree is normally obtained after at least 3 years of full-time study and research after earning a master's degree or sometimes just a bachelor's degree. During this time, doctoral students will do research at an accredited university. At the end of their PhD, they will present their doctoral research in the format of a dissertation.

While a PhD is a major achievement, you may be unsure of how to pay tuition. The average annual cost of a PhD is $96,800. The majority of Ph.D. students offset the cost of their degree with teaching and research assistantships, but if you still need help covering some of the tuition and fees that come with a doctoral program, there is plenty of financial aid available, including grants and scholarships that do not have to be repaid.

If you're looking for scholarships to help fund your PhD, you can find a variety of options on Bold.org . On our website, we have a variety of scholarships for graduate students, including PhD and doctoral students. Create a profile and start applying to our scholarships on our website.

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What types of scholarships are there for PhD students?

Most scholarships for PhD and doctoral students are either merit-based or need-based scholarships, but some PhD scholarships combine these principles.

Merit-based scholarships are intended to help the most academically able students complete a PhD. To win one of these you need to be amongst the best students who apply, based on your transcripts, GPA, and research experience.

Need-based scholarships are intended to support students whose background or personal circumstances might make it harder for them get a PhD. You might be eligible for one of these if you are from a demographic that is under-represented at the PhD level.

How to qualify for PhD scholarships

Be a phd student.

In order to get a PhD scholarship, you must be getting your Doctor of Philosophy at an accredited university. PhD students can also qualify for more general scholarships for graduate or doctoral students in addition to PhD scholarships. If you're a student who is about to get your PhD, you can also apply for PhD scholarships.

Meet any other eligibility requirements

Some scholarships have additional requirements beyond just being a PhD student. Students could need to have a certain field of study, education level, or career goals in order to get financial assistance. Student eligibility may also depend on the types of extracurricular activities that a student participates in. Make sure you check all of the eligibility criteria for scholarships before you apply.

How do you get a PhD scholarship?

At certain graduate schools, there are fellowships, grants, and scholarships that students can apply for. Most of the financial aid is given out based on your financial need and academic qualifications, meaning that your expected research contribution will be taken into consideration.

Doctoral scholarships are incredibly competitive, so in order to get fellowship programs and grants, you will have to stand out. You can do this by writing compelling essays or research proposals that will impress the scholarship committees.

Graduate students can also get scholarships either by submitting the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or applying for scholarships online. Undocumented students and international students are ineligible to complete the FAFSA but are still eligible for university scholarships or private scholarships.

If you are worried about the competitiveness of financial aid for PhD's, Bold.org has a variety of scholarships for any graduate student. You can easily apply to scholarships on Bold.org. Just make sure that you have a strong profile before you apply.

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How to find scholarships for PhD students

You can find plenty of scholarships on Bold.org. If you go to our website, you can use the filter feature to browse scholarships by category. By restricting your search by education level, you will be able to see all of the scholarships available to graduate and PhD students. You can even bookmark scholarships you're interested in so you can go back to them later and apply.

If you are getting your PhD in a certain field, you can also find specific scholarships by going to the "education" category or by searching for scholarships by major . There, you will find scholarships that apply to specific programs.

How to apply for PhD scholarships

Applying for financial aid can be a daunting process, but it is an important step for your college education. Many graduate schools have scholarships that you can apply for through the FAFSA or through your university. If you want to find scholarships with an easy application process, though, Bold.org is the perfect place.

On Bold.org, it is extremely easy to find and apply for scholarships. Once you have a profile, you can apply for scholarships in only a few clicks. Applying for scholarships typically requires an essay submission , but no-essay scholarships often just require a few minutes to apply. Each scholarship will have relevant instructions or essay prompts in the description, making the application process simple.

When you apply for scholarships, keep in mind that there are certain ways to increase your chances of winning , such as having a detailed profile, earning as many bold points as possible, and writing impressive essays.

When to start applying for PhD scholarships

When it comes to securing financial aid for your college degree, it's never too early to start. You can begin applying for scholarships as early as high school so that you can apply for a larger range of scholarships and minimize your need for student loans. Many students begin applying for scholarships as high school seniors, but applying earlier will give you a head start on tackling your college costs.

However, don't worry if you're already in college and just starting to apply. Many scholarships are geared towards students pursuing college degrees or even graduate students, so you have plenty of time to apply. Bold.org has college scholarships for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.

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Frequently asked questions about PhD scholarships

What gpa is required for a phd scholarship.

In order to get a PhD, many programs require students to have a college GPA of at least 3.0. For students who want to get a scholarship, and especially to get a merit scholarship, students will have to have a GPA far above the minimum GPA. A GPA above 3.5 is usually an excellent GPA to have in order to get a PhD scholarship, but there are scholarship options for students with a lower GPA .

What is the difference between a PhD and a doctorate degree?

Doctorate, or doctoral, is an umbrella term for the highest degrees that one can get. There are research doctorates and applied doctorates. PhDs are a kind of research doctorate, and they are the most common doctoral degree.

While a PhD and other research doctorates are more academic and research-focused, an applied doctorate degree allows students to master a subject in both theory and practice. Applied doctorates are generally paired with very specific careers, such as medical doctors, optometrists, psychologists, and law professionals. 

Doctoral students also present their research in different ways than PhD students. At the end of their doctoral degree, PhD candidates present their research findings in the format of a dissertation, while doctoral candidates present their findings in the format of a doctoral study.

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Are PhD programs fully funded?

Most PhD programs are fully funded. These programs typically provide waived tuition and fees, as well as an annual stipend for living expenses. Some also offer health insurance and other benefits. For students who need help funding their research, there are plenty of research grants available. If you are in an accredited doctoral program that does not offer full funding for doctoral students, though, there are still plenty of options to help with the cost.

If your school does not fully fund your doctoral degree, there are other routes of funding available. Government-provided fellowships and grants are extremely useful, but there are options that don't come from public funds. Industry-sponsored PhDs allow students to pursue their research while developing excellent transferrable skills and providing you with business experience.

Can you get a full-ride scholarship for a PhD?

Yes, you can get a full-ride scholarship for a PhD. But, for PhD students who do not have their tuition and fees fully funded, private scholarships are a great option . You may be able to get private scholarships from local organizations or online websites. Bold.org has a wide array of scholarships for graduate school .

Minority doctoral students may also be able to find many full scholarships to get their PhD, as many donors want to encourage diversity in academia. Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship is a great option for PhD students who have a lot of debt from their undergraduate or graduate degree.

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Commonwealth PhD Scholarships 2025/26: Apply for Fully Funded Doctoral Study in the UK

Posted by Pratiksha Govil | Sep 16, 2024 | Africa , Asia , Education , PhD , Scholarships | 0 |

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships 2025/26: Apply for Fully Funded Doctoral Study in the UK

The Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are now open for applications from individuals in least developed countries and vulnerable states, as classified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). These scholarships offer an exceptional opportunity for full-time doctoral study at UK universities, aiming to support outstanding talent from across the Commonwealth.

Overview Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), these scholarships are part of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s (CSC) effort to promote international development objectives. The CSC operates within the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP), showcasing the UK’s commitment to the Commonwealth by nurturing future leaders, innovators, and researchers.

Scholarship Purpose The Commonwealth PhD Scholarships contribute to the development of Commonwealth countries by supporting impactful research. The program enhances individual teaching and research capacities, leading to strengthened institutional capacity in both academic and professional sectors. This initiative also supports UK higher education by fostering international collaboration and attracting talented students from across the globe.

Who Can Apply? The scholarships are aimed at high-quality graduates who demonstrate the potential to conduct world-class research that addresses developmental challenges. Recipients are expected to become influential leaders, educators, and researchers in their home countries, contributing to long-term national and global development.

Key Scholarship Details

  • Application Deadline: October 15, 2024, at 16:00 BST (15:00 GMT)
  • Study Start Date: September/October 2025
  • Scholarship Themes: Applications are accepted under six CSC Development themes ..
  • Submission Process: Applications must be submitted through the CSC’s online application system. The CSC will not accept any applications outside this system. Applicants are advised to apply early to avoid system delays near the deadline.

Financial Assistance Each Commonwealth PhD Scholarship provides:

  • Approved Airfare: Covering the cost of travel from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and return at the end of the award. Note: Dependents’ fares and any journeys before the award confirmation are not reimbursed.
  • Tuition Fees: Full fees are covered by agreement between the CSC and the UK university; Scholars are not liable for any part of the tuition fee.
  • Stipend: A living allowance of £1,378 per month, or £1,690 per month for those studying in the London metropolitan area (rates at current levels).
  • Warm Clothing Allowance: Provided where applicable.
  • Study Travel Grant: Contributing towards study-related travel costs within the UK or overseas.
  • Fieldwork Provision: Cost coverage for one economy class return airfare to the fieldwork location, if approved.
  • Mid-term Visit: Paid airfare for a visit to the Scholar’s home country, unless they have claimed or intend to claim spouse and/or child allowances or received a return airfare for fieldwork.
  • Spouse allowance of £297 per month for up to nine months if living with the Scholar in the UK (conditions apply).
  • Child allowance of £297 per month for the first child, and £146 per month for the second and third children under 16, if living with the Scholar in the UK (conditions apply).
  • For widowed, divorced, or single parents, a child allowance of £590 per month for the first child, and £146 per month for the second and third children under 16.
  • Additional support may be available for Scholars with disabilities.

Please note that these allowances are intended as contributions towards the cost of maintaining a family in the UK, and Scholars should be prepared to supplement these allowances as needed. For more details, refer to the current Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows .

Eligibility Criteria To apply for the Commonwealth PhD Scholarships, applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of or have refugee status in an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Be available to commence studies in the UK by September 2025.
  • Hold a first degree of at least upper second-class (2:1) honours, or a lower second-class degree with a relevant postgraduate qualification by September 2025.
  • Not be registered for a PhD or MPhil leading to a PhD at a UK university or in their home country before September/October 2025.
  • Demonstrate financial need for the scholarship.
  • Provide all required supporting documentation.

Disabled applicants who may not meet the standard academic requirements but can demonstrate significant potential are encouraged to apply through the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum (CDPF) nominator.

Application Process Applicants must:

  • Apply through the CSC’s online application system .
  • National nominating agencies (main application route)
  • Selected universities/university bodies (for their academic staff)
  • Selected NGOs and charitable bodies

Each nominator manages its own selection process and may set additional eligibility criteria or deadlines. Nominators will forward their shortlisted candidates to the CSC by December 2024.

Application Components Applicants are required to:

  • List qualifications, publications, and prizes.
  • Provide employment history and relevance to the proposed research.
  • Include details of three referees.
  • Submit a Development Impact statement outlining the scholarship’s relevance and expected outcomes.
  • Provide a detailed study plan, personal statement, and career plans.

Tenure and Placement Scholarships are tenable at any approved UK university or higher education institution with a CSC part-funding agreement for a 36-month full-time study. Scholarships cover one degree only and are not extended for additional qualifications. The CSC does not support four-year PhDs or the fossil fuel energy sector.

Applicants should list preferred universities and supervisors and apply for admission in advance. Supporting statements from named supervisors are required.

For further details and to apply, visit the CSC website .

Apply now to seize this transformative opportunity for impactful research and development.

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New York Medical College a Member of Touro University

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Admission to Our Ph.D. Program

If you’re driven to discover new biomedical breakthroughs and engage in thorough research alongside some of the brightest minds in science, we encourage you to submit an application. While you should be eager to advance biomedical knowledge and pursue complex study and research, you don’t need prior graduate work to be considered. As long as you have a strong foundation in math and science and scientific research experience, we look forward to hearing from you. Whether you’re a NYMC M.S. graduate, or entering our school for the first time, we have an academic path for you.

You may apply online to only one GSBMS program at a time. If you’re not quite ready to apply and would like to learn more, you can contact us to request information.

Ph.D. Admission Paths

There are three ways to enter the Ph.D. program:

Integrated Ph.D. Program (IPP)

The Integrated Ph.D. path is open to graduates of colleges and universities who have not previously studied at NYMC. As an IPP student, you will complete the program in approximately five to six years. No GRE, advanced degree or prior coursework is required, but you should have significant research experience and a strong foundation in the sciences. As you’ll rotate through different labs early on in the program and explore your interests in biomedical science, you don’t need specialized knowledge in one specific discipline to be admitted as a Ph.D. candidate. Visit our Integrated Ph.D. Program page for more program info or see our admission requirements below.

Advanced Standing

If you have earned an M.S. degree in the GSBMS at NYMC, and found an advisor to continue your research, you can then pursue your Ph.D. By entering with advanced standing, you can finish the Ph.D. program in approximately four years. In order to be accepted into the program, you must submit a formal application with all of the same materials as the IPP program. With advanced standing, the majority of your didactic credits will already be fulfilled, you’ll be able to start dedicated lab research much sooner and you will earn your Ph.D. in a shorter time.

M.D.-Ph.D. Program

Application to this dual-degree program is only open to current NYMC School of Medicine (SOM) students. If you’re interested in this program, it’s best to begin discussions early on with the M.D.-Ph.D. program director and the program director in the academic departments you’re most interested in. Formal application takes place in the fall of the student’s second year of medical school in the SOM, with a complete application due in the GSBMS Office of Admissions office by November 1. Visit the M.D.-Ph.D. program page on the School of Medicine site for detailed program and admissions info.

Admissions Requirements

You will need a baccalaureate degree, or higher, from an accredited institution before the start of the term for which you are admitted. An advanced degree is not required to apply to our Ph.D. program, but we do expect you to have significant research experience. For some Ph.D. tracks there are specific prerequisites, which you can find on each individual track page. Evidence of appropriate motivation and character are also considered in the admissions decision.

Two personal statements

One must address your decision to pursue graduate study and your long-term career goals; a second describe the type of research you are most interested in pursuing as a graduate student at NYMC.

Three professional or academic letters of recommendation

Each PhD. application must be supported by three (3) letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to their research skills and/or commitment to research.

The letters must be signed, dated, and written (in English) on the letterhead of the writer’s institution. These letters must be sent directly by the writers to the GSBMS Office of Admissions in sealed envelopes, via Interfolio, or our online application system. The official recommendation form should be completed by each recommender. It includes a place for the applicant to waive his or her right to see the recommendation.

Two letters from outside New York Medical College are required. Additional letters, including those from NYMC faculty, will also be accepted. Letters from friends or relatives will not be reviewed.

Official transcripts from prior institutions

Official transcripts must be sent directly to GSBMS from the issuing college or university. They may be sent electronically to  [email protected]  or via postal mail . They must bear the official seal or stamp of the university, and must indicate the date and name of any degree(s) awarded. Official, but non-final, transcripts are acceptable during the application process, if the applicant is still enrolled in the undergraduate or graduate institution. A final transcript showing the degree awarded must be submitted to the GSBMS before the student’s initial enrollment. Failure to submit such a final transcript may prevent the student’s enrollment. If the student is allowed to enroll on a provisional basis pending the receipt of the required document(s), a registration hold will be placed on their account until these documents are received. Transcripts must be submitted from  all  post-secondary schools attended, even if the applicant was not a matriculated student or even if only a single course was taken.

Each transcript should be accompanied by an explanation of the credit hour and grading system. This is particularly true for foreign institutions or if a grading system other than the traditional American 4-point system (4.0) is used. Applicants should ask their Registrars to provide such an explanation if it is not already included on the official transcript. All submitted transcripts, diplomas and certificates of completion must be in English or must be accompanied by a complete, verified translation into English.

In the event that official transcripts cannot be provided by the applicant’s previously attended institutions – such as because of political prohibitions or the destruction of the institution’s records – the applicant should submit an official letter from an official of the institution or the country’s Ministry of Education that explains the situation. In these extreme cases, the GSBMS may allow the submission of authenticated copies of the required documents. Any and all such exceptions must be authorized by the GSBMS Office of Admissions, which retains final authority in this matter.

Standardized Test Scores (optional)

Standardized test scores are not required as part of your application. The GRE can be submitted as an optional supplement to your Ph.D. application.

Should you choose to submit test scores,  they must be received by the GSBMS by the deadline date. GRE scores should be mailed directly to the GSBMS Office of Admissions by ETS. The ETS institution code is 2553. We accept GRE scores taken within the last 5 years.  

Application Fee

The application should be submitted electronically with the $100.00 non-refundable application fee, which is paid by credit card. Application fee waivers will only be granted to those applicants using Touro’s Online Application System for the following situations (note - we are unable to offer fee waivers to international applicants) :

  • Applicants with a demonstrated financial hardship, supported by appropriate documentation.
  • McNair scholars.

Please include your CV and/or resume in your application.

How to Apply

You may apply to only one GSBMS program per application cycle . Apply online using Touro's Online Application System . If you have been denied admission, or have been placed on a wait list, you can declare interest in another program in writing. No additional application fee will be charged within a single academic year. Only one such change will be allowed per application cycle.

You must complete all sections of the application and the application must be ‘signed’ electronically. We expect that the applicant will reply truthfully to all information requested on the application. Any false statements or withholding of information that is requested may result in the College revoking any offer of admission or in the student’s subsequent dismissal from GSBMS.

An application is considered “complete” when the GSBMS Office of Admissions has received the application, personal statement(s), application fee, transcripts, standardized test scores (if required), and letters of recommendation. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation are submitted to GSBMS by the appropriate institutions or individuals in a timely manner.

If selected for consideration, you’ll be invited in for an interview.

Supporting Documents

All supporting documents should be sent to:

Office of Admissions Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Basic Sciences Building #A41 New York Medical College

40 Sunshine Cottage Road Valhalla, NY 10595

Tuition Scholarships for Ph.D. Candidates

Incoming Ph.D. students (both U.S. and international) receive a scholarship package that includes a full waiver of tuition, an annual stipend, hospitalization and medical insurance, and a waiver of the Student Health Services fee. This offer is based on merit. Only students who plan to pursue the Ph.D. degree on a full-time basis are eligible for this scholarship. Be advised, due to funding limitations and budgetary restraints for international travel, the GSBMS will only accept applications to the PhD program from international students if they are currently undergraduate or graduate students in the U.S. with an F1 visa.

Applications for admission and all supporting documents must be received by the GSBMS by the deadline date listed below (11:59 p.m. EST). Since offers of admission are made on a rolling basis, it’s important to submit applications and support documentation as early as possible.

PhD deadline- Completed applications, including all supporting documents, must be received by January 1 for the Integrated Ph.D. Program.

Advanced Standing deadline- Completed applications, including all supporting documents, must be received by December 1 for the Advanced Standing Ph.D. Program.

MD/PhD deadline- Completed applications, including all supporting documents, must be received by November 1.

Timely receipt of application materials is particularly important for international applicants because of the extra time needed to obtain an entry visa.

Stipend Award Deadlines

Stipend awards, which are offered only to Ph.D. students, must be accepted by April 15 or two weeks after the date of the offer letter—whichever is later. After April 15, acceptance of Ph.D. admission offers with stipend and fellowship by applicants is considered binding. That is, an applicant should not accept any other offer without first obtaining release from the already accepted NYMC offer.

International Students

Due to funding limitations and budgetary restraints for international travel, the GSBMS will only accept applications to the PhD program from international students who are currently undergraduate or graduate students in the U.S. with an F1 visa. International applicants can speak with our international students advisors.

Visiting Campus

We enjoy meeting prospective students at visits to our suburban Valhalla campus. If you’re applying to the GSBMS and want to visit our campus, call ahead to schedule your visit and we will be ready to greet you, answer your questions and acquaint you with our offerings.

We ask that all visitors to the campus check in at the Office of Public Safety upon arrival. The office is located at the entrance to the Basic Sciences Building at 15 Dana Road. A public safety officer will provide you with a campus map, advise you where to park your vehicle and register you for the day. We look forward to seeing you.

If you have questions, want to schedule a visit, or would like to speak to an admissions representative, call GSBMS Office of Admissions at (914) 594-4110 or fill out the request information form . We’ll do our best to answer your questions or set up an appointment that accommodates your schedule.

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10 UCF Students Selected for 2024 DoD SMART Scholarships

The opportunity provides students with hands-on research experiences, mentorship and guaranteed employment after graduation — empowering them to contribute to national security.

By Marisa Ramiccio ’11 and Nicole Dudenhoefer ’17 | September 17, 2024

A row of black shield with a yellow shield glowing next to it

Receiving paid tuition, annual stipends, an internship and guaranteed employment after graduation sounds like a dream come true to any college student. But for several UCF students, that dream is about to become a reality.

Eight Knights were selected for the 2024 Department of Defense (DoD) Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship, an educational and workforce opportunity available to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing STEM degrees. The program covers the cost of tuition and education related expenses, provides an annual stipend of at least $30,000 a year, provides a mentored internship experience during the summer and offers employment at a DoD facility upon degree completion. The goal of the program is to build a workforce of leaders in the STEM disciplines.

The recipients are:

Brandon Allen

Matthew hadad, emily kinkead, thomas nguyen.

  • Conner Parsay

Jordyn Sitson

Jeffery smith, enilda velazquez ’20.

Brandon Allen

Master’s in electrical engineering student

As a gifted math and science student, Allen says he always wanted to be an engineer, something his mom encouraged during his childhood. He chose electrical engineering for its novelty compared to other more well-known disciplines.

“I chose electrical engineering because it deals with concepts that are so unknown to most people, almost as if it were a form of magic,” Allen says.

He was drawn to UCF for two reasons: his family in close proximity, and for its optics programs , which are ranked in the top 30 worldwide according to U.S. News & World Report .

“I chose UCF because of its optics program. In my line of work, I deal with infrared cameras and other electro-optical devices,” Allen says. “Also, I have family members in the area that will help make UCF feel like a home away from home.”

Allen adds that he applied to the SMART scholarship program for the financial opportunity to attend school full time.

“I plan on using my education to help foster innovation within the Air Force,” he says. “Also, I have hopes that an M.S. degree will help me obtain promotions and take on more of a leadership role.”

Matthew Hadad

Bachelor’s in electrical engineering student

Electrical engineering major Hadad knew he had a penchant for electrical engineering from his interest in circuit math from a high school course, AP Physics I . His pursuit of the field is also an homage to his mom, who had planned on studying electrical engineering herself.

“My mother was going to be an electrical engineering major, but she could not finish because she had given birth to me, and I was a bigger priority for her than her major,” Hadad says.

UCF wasn’t the school he dreamed of growing up, but a high school friend convinced him to become a Knight and he hasn’t looked back since. When he learned of the opportunity to pursue the SMART scholarship, its military ties were a natural fit for him. Hadad says he was always fascinated with naval history, particularly of navies during World War II.

“I am very grateful for the SMART Scholar program. After I receive my M.S. degree, I plan to work for the U.S. Department of Defense for as long as possible,” Hadad says. “It’s something I have wanted to do and could see myself doing in the future.”

Bachelor’s in photonics science and engineering student

As a transfer student, Kinkead has yet to step foot on the UCF campus, but she’s already made quite the impact. The photonics science and engineering major spent the summer at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center at the Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey, where she’s already participated in several STEM outreach programs. She says she’s excited for the opportunity to intern there and looks forward to learning as much as she can from the experience.

“There is so much to learn and experience,” Kinkead says. “Having the ability to do so with the support of SMART means that I will be pushed and challenged as I pursue my degree, which I hope one day will make me an invaluable member of the DoD family.”

Doctorate in chemistry student

After serving on the front line for the U.S. Army, Lee aims to make a difference in military labs to advance nuclear security research. As a chemist, his doctoral research, which is conducted under the guidance of Assistant Professor Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, focuses on understanding the interactions of radioactive elements, such as actinides, with molecules found in nature. Applications for this work can range from radioactive waste management — including response to events such as Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 — to efficient use of nuclear fuel and even recycling.

“I aspire to join the Airforce Technical Application Center (AFTAC) located on Patrick Space Force Base upon my graduation,” Lee says. “There I will have the opportunity to contribute to the nation’s mission related to nuclear security and global monitoring of nuclear activities under the DoD.”

With the SMART Scholarship, Lee is on the right path to his dream career as he’ll be interning at AFTAC each summer until he graduates.

“The DoD is offering opportunities for the next generation of subject matter experts in the field of nuclear science and technology,” Lee says. “Along with this, UCF is providing me the fundamental academic resources and training as a graduate student. These opportunities will provide me with a unique skillset in the future of scientific progression.”

Doctorate in biomedical engineering student

Nguyen is no stranger to prestigious internships. The biomedical engineering doctoral student previously completed the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP), sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Fittingly, Nguyen completed his DoD SMART internship with the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD). He says both his time at UCF and his experience with NREIP have prepared him for this opportunity.

“Notably, my involvement in projects like the T-45 Flight Simulator Development and the Dental Aerosol Reduction System (DARS) project during my NREIP internships has provided me with firsthand experience in applying engineering principles to defense-related simulations,” Nguyen says. “These experiences have prepared me to excel in a dynamic and challenging environment, where innovation and technical expertise are paramount.”

Nguyen will work under the mentorship of senior research and development engineer Rocco Portoghese, assisting with projects that leverage simulation technologies to enhance the effectiveness of military training. Through his work, Nguyen hopes to enhance his knowledge of simulation technologies, develop technical skills in electrical circuitry and 3D design, and emerge from the internship as a leader ready for a career with a defense organization.

“This opportunity represents a pivotal moment in my academic and professional journey, allowing me to contribute directly to defense technology while furthering my education,” Nguyen says. “I am eager to immerse myself in challenging projects and collaborate with experts in the field, ultimately making meaningful contributions to the defense industry.”

Bachelor’s in information technology  student

After graduation, Jordyn Sitson plans to become a cyber analyst and researcher. Now in her senior year, she’s already lined up a job with the DoD.

“My favorite part of the cybersecurity field has always been finding the clues that lead up to a cyber-attack, and by pursuing a career as an analyst and researcher I’ll be able to search for these traces firsthand and stay up to date on any trends that may be related to the cause of potential cyberattacks,” Sitson says.

The computer science major heard about the SMART Scholarship through a speaker at the Women in Cybersecurity Club at UCF. “The scholarship is still relatively unknown and easy to apply for,” Sitson says. “I encourage anyone in STEM that is looking for a chance to get a head start working and gaining experience at a DoD facility to apply for this scholarship.”

This summer, Sitson gained experience as a cybersecurity intern at NAVFAC, the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command in Jacksonville, Florida. There she worked with four cybersecurity teams, which helped her decide to work with the Operational Technology team for the following summers.

“Learning information and applying it are completely different so I hope that with this real-world experience I become a better cyber analyst that can help contribute to NAVFAC’s mission,” Sitson says.

Master’s in civil engineering student

UCF’s reputation for engineering education , its proximity to prominent engineering organizations and its partnerships with industry giants like the DoD persuaded Smith to become a Knight. That decision paid off for Smith, who will conveniently complete his internship at his current workplace, the Jacksonville District Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Smith works under the mentorship of civil engineer Tony Ledford, learning how to apply the concepts he’s learned in the classroom to the real world.

“I look forward to benefiting from Tony Ledford’s experience as a mentor and learning about creative engineering techniques, efficient project management techniques and problem-solving techniques,” Smith says. “In addition, I’m excited to expand my professional networks and ties inside the DoD, which will be very helpful for my future job.”

Smith says the opportunity to work for the DoD, and to receive financial support for his graduate students, were just a few benefits that drew him to the SMART Scholar program.

“Getting chosen as a SMART Scholar is a thrilling and incredibly fulfilling experience,” Smith says. “Knowing that my efforts and commitment have been acknowledged in a fiercely competitive sector is a great source of pride and achievement.”

Doctorate in human factors and cognitive psychology student, bachelor’s in psychology alum with minors in cognitive sciences , and international and national security

Inspired by her parents’ work in civilian defense through the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, Velazquez aims to be a scientist contributing to U.S. national security. At UCF, Velazquez has engaged in several research experiences, including previous efforts with the Transportation Research Group Lab and current work with the Minds in Technology, Machines in Thought (MIT2) Lab.

“My research is on visual performance, but specifically multi-target search, [which is] how we look at multiple things of interest in a scene that has other things that are not of interest,” she says. “The biggest impact of my work is safety.”

While Velazquez says she’s had some valuable research experiences at UCF, she’s looking forward to taking her work to the next level with optics work at the C5ISR Center, which is one of eight science and technology domains within the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM. She also says she’s looking forward to serving as an apprentice to a mentor working in the field. “I’m very excited just be on hands-on projects and kind of learn by doing. I love learning by doing. I feel like that’s most of my career has been learning by doing,” Velazquez says. “And so just to be on projects where I can see this kind of research be applied real time, I feel like that’s honestly the most invaluable part of this entire thing. student

Doctorate in aerospace engineering student

Before Louis Vest decided a doctoral degree, he debated following in his father and grandfather’s steps to join the military. With the SMART Scholarship program, he’s able to serve his country in a different way.

“My father instilled in me a very serious work ethic and a dedication to take advantage of opportunities that he did not have, in this case, being able to go to school,” Vest says. “I think the biggest driving force for [why I applied to] SMART was …  having the opportunity to serve my country as a civilian contractor with the DoD.”

Vest always knew he wanted to be an engineer, but his journey at UCF solidified his career would be in the aerospace industry. The doctoral student’s research focuses on fundamental fuel chemistry, and he is mentored by Professor Subith Vasu, who studies clean energy and hypersonic travel advancement.

“Upon connecting with [Dr. Vasu], he was the reason that I came out to UCF,” Vest says. “I had done a little bit of reading on research opportunities with Vasu that students were able to pave their way through, and it felt like a very natural fit. … The environment, and by extension the community, that UCF fosters, particularly in the sciences, is unparalleled.”

Next summer, he’ll intern at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Indian Head, Maryland, gaining hands-on experience and industry insights that would normally take years to achieve, he says.

“I hope to be a part of the next generation of researchers who find the most efficient fuels to be used in the aerospace and astronomical industries,” Vest says, “And I’m hoping to gain the opportunity to work alongside other engineers and partners to effectively help pave the way for the next frontier, which I believe is a space.”

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14 wireless-communication PhD scholarships

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: www.securityandtrust.lu . The SigCom research group carries out research activities in the areas of signal processing for wireless communication systems including satellite communications and radar systems and is currently

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is the working language. Chalmers has a long tradition of international research in wireless communications in close collaboration with top international academia as well as both local and

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they integrate space and terrestrial networks while future mobile broadband will offer the opportunity of sensing information because the wireless communication services can be easily reconfigured at software

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Undergrads skilled up for graduate studies and careers in public service at HKS this summer

15 JSI@HKS Summer Scholars standing in the HKS Courtyard

Fifteen undergraduates from across the United States spent their summer on the Harvard Kennedy School campus for the inaugural Junior Summer Institute (JSI@HKS) as JSI Summer Scholars.

The fully funded, seven-week program prepares rising seniors for graduate studies and careers in public service. JSI is the signature summer offering of the Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Program , which partners with public policy schools across the country to develop the next generation of public leaders. JSI Summer Scholars have gone on to receive merit-based scholarships to top public policy graduate schools.

The JSI curriculum focuses on writing, critical thinking, public speaking, and quantitative reasoning. Students also take coursework in economics and statistics, analyze the role of race and racism in public policies and practices, and receive training to craft a policy briefing by the end of the program—skills essential to be effective and compassionate leaders in public service.

“Through courses like Race and Racism and the Public Policy Incubator, I learned ways to challenge systemic inequities through policy work, such as advocating for expanding federal benefits for undocumented immigrants by writing a policy memo,” says Gaby Salazar JSI@HKS 2024 who returned to the University of California, Santa Barbara for her senior year. “At HKS, my passion for public service and advocacy flourished, especially as I focused on uplifting my undocumented community.”

Gaby Salazar JSI@HKS 2024

“I learned ways to challenge systemic inequities through policy work, such as advocating for expanding federal benefits for undocumented immigrants by writing a policy memo.”

Gaby salazar jsi@hks 2024.

Outside of the classroom, JSI@HKS Summer Scholars take part in co-curricular workshops where they build public speaking skills, hear from professionals working in international development, delve into case studies about topics such as immigration and transportation policy, and learn how to apply to graduate school.

But there was plenty of opportunity for some New England summer fun, too. In addition to going kayaking in the Charles River, the JSI@HKS Summer Scholars took a break from the books to root for the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park, go candlepin bowling at Sacco’s Bowl Haven in Somerville, and bask on the Cape Cod beaches.

Kayaking on the Charles River on a sunny summer day.

In the JSI@HKS classroom, learning about Quantitative Methods class with Josh Yardley.

A selfie during a weekend trip to New York City, with downtown Manhattan in the background.

A Career Advancement in Public Policy workshop with Natascha F. Saunders, associate director in the HKS Office of Career Advancement. 

Outside Fenway Park before cheering on the Boston Red Sox baseball team.

In the HKS student lounge, in between classes.

A Case Study on Democratic Governance lunch workshop with Professor Archon Fung .

“I developed a deeper understanding of community,” says Jamya Davis JSI@HKS 2024, who returned to Xavier University of Louisiana for her senior year. “Being able to foster connections with individuals who are just as passionate about changing the world as you are not only is empowering but also makes me feel like I’m not alone when this sort of passion can feel isolating.” Davis has her fair share of highlights from the summer but her favorite was “talking about colonialism, imperialism, racism, society and culture, literally anywhere but most often in J.P. Licks,” a popular café and ice cream shop in Harvard Square.  

Jamya Davis JSI@HKS 2024

“Being able to foster connections with individuals who are just as passionate about changing the world as you are not only is empowering but also makes me feel like I’m not alone when this sort of passion can feel isolating.”

Jamya davis jsi@hks 2024.

JSI@HKS Summer Scholars are selected from a competitive PPIA applicant pool and rank their preferred host institutions during the application process. In addition to HKS—the newest institution added to the PPIA Program—students have the option to attend Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs, University of California, Berkeley’s Goldman School, and the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

“I am grateful for the doors it opened for me,” said Abdoulaye Ba JSI 2018 (Princeton University) who is now associate director of PPIA Program Development and Management at HKS and oversees the JSI@HKS Program. “Seeing students get trained in quantitative analysis and feeling more confident in those courses showed me what is possible when the right information is shared. With these new skillsets, I can see each of the 15 students playing a key role in further serving their communities.”

Applications to JSI@HKS Summer 2025 are due November 1, 2024 . Undergraduates currently in their junior year who are from underrepresented backgrounds and interested in public policy and public service are strongly encouraged to apply.

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By Emily Gonçalves MPP 2025


Boston College Linebacker Joe Marinaro Speaks On Earning Scholarship, Being Named Captain

Kim rankin | 0 minutes ago.

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  • Boston College Eagles

Boston College linebacker Joe Marinaro has had an eventful past month. 

Prior to the start of the season, the Wayzata, Minn., native was named one of six teams captains for the season and received a full scholarship by head coach Bill O’Brien last week. 

On Tuesday, Marinaro spoke on what that moment meant to him when he found out he had earned a scholarship. 

“Yeah, it was awesome,” said Marinaro. “I’ve been here for a long time and it really meant a lot that Coach O’Brien did that for me, kind of validates all the work over the years and means a lot to my family, it meant a lot to me, and I think it meant a lot to the team. It was really a really special moment for me.” 

The graduate is currently in his fifth year with the Eagles. He has appeared in 27 games, including Boston College’s first three of the year and has primarily played on special teams. So far this season, he has recorded a pair of solo tackles. 

Marinaro also shared his feelings on being named a team captain which is voted on by the players on the team. 

“I grew up coming to BC games, always wanted to come play here,” said Marinaro. “Grateful to have the opportunity to come here. My whole family is really happy that I’m here, especially my dad and to be selected as a leader of this team is a great honor and I couldn’t be more honored to be able to lead this group of guys. Everyone’s awesome, we’re really like a family and it means a lot to me, means a lot to my family, and I’m very appreciative of that.” 

Kim Rankin


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  24. Undergrads skilled up for graduate studies and careers in public

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  25. Boston College LB Joe Marinaro Speaks On Earning Scholarship, Being

    The graduate is currently in his fifth year with the Eagles. He has appeared in 27 games, including Boston College's first three of the year and has primarily played on special teams.

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