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: an empirical investigation of the iconic effect of language on the visual representation of fear.

Supervisor: De Cuypere, L. (Promotor)

Student thesis : Master's Thesis

: Externalization of the EU migration policy: Which cooperation pattern dominates the EU’s external migration policy with transit countries, Morocco, and Libya?- How did the refugee crisis impact the cooperation pattern?

Supervisor: Trauner, F. (Promotor) & Seyrek, D. M. (Jury)

: Vegf-a mRNA transfection to improve the vascularization, differentiation and proliferation of mouse islet cell grafts at extra-portal transplantation sites

Supervisor: De Leu, N. (Promotor)

¡En Bruselas se habla Español! De Spaanse gemeenschap in Brussel: een onderzoek naar hun talenkennis, taalgebruik en taalvitaliteit.

Supervisor: Vandenbussche, W. (Jury)

¿Se mantiene la identidad migrante en la traducción? Un análisis de la traducción al español de This Is How You Lose Her de Junot Díaz.

Supervisor: Humblé, P. (Promotor)

'...einander vielfach kreuzende Linien' - Zum narrativen Verfahren der Körperbeschreibungen in Franz Kafkas Romanfragment 'Der Process'

Supervisor: Muller, H. M. (Promotor) & Brandstetter, G. (External person) (Co-promotor)

(1)Analyzing the relationship between psycho-pedagogical factors and achievement motivation of agricultural students

Supervisor: Zhu, C. (Promotor) & Mohammadi, H. M. (External person) (Promotor)

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis

(2) Supporting collaborative learning among Cuban university students through the use of social software

Supervisor: Zhu, C. (Promotor)

(Andr)agologie en samenleving. Onderzoek naar de wijzigende wereldbeelden op de agogische theorievormingin Nederland van 1965 tot nu

Supervisor: Elias, W. (Promotor), Notten, A. (Jury) & Van Damme, D. (Jury)

(Cyber)pesten bij Vlaamse jongeren: kwalitatief onderzoek op basis van database Kinderen- en jongerentelefoon 'Awel'.

Supervisor: Lombaerts, K. (Promotor) & Zhu, C. (Jury)

(Gallo-)Romeinse Phalerae in Vlaanderen en het (Gallo-)Romeinse verdedigingsysteem te Rumst-Molenveld

Supervisor: De Bie, M. (Promotor)

(Het einde van) Het einde der ideologieën? Een kritische discoursanalyse in publicaties uitgaande van Cd&V, Open VLD en sp.a (en de recensies hierover) van het strategische gebruik voor het ideologieconcept

Supervisor: Carpentier, N. (Promotor)

(In)consistent leiderschapsgedrag en de invloed op de vertrouwenswaardigheid en waargenomen effectiviteit van de leidinggevende

Supervisor: Schreurs, B. (Promotor) & Distelmans, M. P. D. (Promotor)

(In)equity of access to senior center’s green spaces : Geospatial analysis of access to urban green infrastructure within and around the senior centers in the Brussels Capital Region

Supervisor: Baró Porras, F. (Promotor)

(Near) Video-on-Demand MPEG-1 video server en client

Supervisor: Goossens, M. (Promotor), Liefooghe, P. (Jury) & Goossens, G. (Jury)

(Non)medical measures in surgical procedures during breastfeeding: Experienced practices by breastfeeding women in infants after food diversification

Supervisor: Gorsen, S. (Advisor) & Muyldermans, J. (Advisor)

(Non)medical measures in surgical procedures during breastfeeding: Experienced practices by breastfeeding women in breastfed infants

(on)afhankelijke rechters in een (on)bezorgde rechtsstaat: een toetsing van de onafhankelijkheid van de belgische rechterlijke macht aan artikelen 19 veu en 47 handvest..

Supervisor: Van Doninck, J. (Promotor)

(On)eerlijke concurrentie tussen de platform economie en traditionele aanbieders: Uber in Brussel

Supervisor: Jegers, M. (Promotor) & Al Yussef, A. (Jury)

(On)evenredigheid bij tuchtstraffen binnen de geïntegreerde politie: status questionis

(on)gelukkiger door een variabel loon een cross-sectioneel onderzoek naar de impact van prestatiebeloningen op welzijn..

Supervisor: Schreurs, B. (Promotor) & Dirkx, I. (Jury)

(Over)diagnosticering van ADHD in een klinische populatie? Een onderzoek in MPI Levenslust.

Supervisor: Andries, C. (Promotor) & Westreich, S. (Jury)

(Over)leven met borstkanker: een kwalitatief onderzoek.

(post-)colonial hauntings and untraditional motherhood in jane urquhart's away.

Supervisor: Hauthal, J. (Promotor)

(R)Evolutie van het Vlaams Belang? Een analyse inzake de externe communicatie van het Vlaams Belang omtrent immigratie binnen een evoluerend extreemrechts politiek veld.

Supervisor: De Cleen, B. (Promotor) & Verhoest, P. (Jury)

(R)evolution in preimplantation genetic diagnosis : development and clinical application of different approaches to preimplantation genetic diagnosis for monogenic disorders.

Supervisor: Liebaers, I. (Promotor), Sermon, K. (Co-promotor), De Rycke, M. (Co-promotor), Van Schravendijk, C. (Jury), Van Der Auwera, B. (Jury), Geraedts, J. (External person) (Jury), Harper, J. (External person) (Jury), Santalo Pedro, J. (External person) (Jury), De Paepe, A. (External person) (Jury), Legius, E. (External person) (Jury) & Timmerman, V. (External person) (Jury)

(RCT) Health-related Quality of life in breast cancer patients prior to and three years following adjuvant radiotherapy: Comparison between conventional and short-course, image-guided radiotherapy

Supervisor: Adriaenssens, N. (Promotor)

(Ruimte): Een fenomenologische zoektocht naar de waarde van onze ruimtelijkheid door Tilde De Vylder

Supervisor: Ducheyne, S. (Promotor), Francois, K. (Jury) & Schilt, C. J. (Jury)

(Semi-) Automated Techniques for Synchronisation of Parallel Tasks in Object-Oriented Programs

Supervisor: Dirkx, E. (Promotor) & Stahl, R. (External person) (Co-promotor)

(Top)dokters in wording: het kijken naar het programma 'Topdokters' en de beeldvorming van het beroep arts.

Supervisor: Jacobs, A. (Promotor) & Verhellen, A. (Jury)

(Un)Equal exposure to Nature-based Solutions from primary schools: A Comparative Analysis of Brussels, Barcelona, Rotterdam, and Paris

Supervisor: Baró Porras, F. (Promotor) & Gallez, E. (Co-promotor)

(Verder) Bouwen aan het collectief geheugen van de Belgische mode. Een onderzoek naar de wenselijkheid en haalbaarheid van een bibliotheek van de Belgische mode

Supervisor: Segers, K. (Promotor)

(Waarom) is de hindernis te hoog? Sport behoeftenonderzoek bij senioren en migrantenjongeren in de stad Antwerpen

Supervisor: Theeboom, M. (Promotor)

[Classification of an outpatient population of extra familial child molesters: Reliability & validity of the MTC:CM3 and suggestions for revision]

Supervisor: Sloore, H. (Promotor), Schotte, C. (Jury) & Brewaeys, A. (Jury)

[Isocrates], Ad Demonicum en P.Berol.Inv. 8935. Bijdrage tot de studie van de antieke tekstoverlevering

Supervisor: Van Rengen, W. (Promotor) & Saerens, C. (Jury)

[Onoma en rJh`ma vóór de grammatica. Een semantische en thematische studie van de woorden o[noma en rJh`ma tot en met Plato

"*im manuskript an den rand geschrieben" - weiblichkeit und schrift in rainer maria rilkes "malte laurids brigge".

Supervisor: Muller, H. M. (Promotor), Vanhelleputte, M. (Jury), Boussart, M. (External person) (Jury) & Dusar, I. (External person) (Jury)

#AchterDeFilters: Instagram en de impact op het lichaamsbeeld van jongvolwassenen.

Supervisor: Joris, W. (Promotor) & Truyens, P. (Jury)

#Blackfish De impact van de hedendaagse advocacy documentaire op sociale verandering: een analyse van Blackfish.

Supervisor: Deneulin, L. (Promotor) & Geerts, R. (Jury)

#business-likeness in de non-profitsector: wat zijn de oorzaken, de trends en de causale gevolgen? Een onderzoek bij Brusselse non-profitorganisaties.

Supervisor: Van Puyvelde, S. (Promotor) & Verbraecken, R. (Jury)

#LikeMe, een hype, maar hoe gaan jongeren om met de thema's?

Supervisor: Bauwens, J. R. (Promotor) & Vanhaeght, A. (Jury)

#MeToo als kapstokbeweging op Twitter.

Supervisor: Bauwens, J. R. (Promotor) & De Cleen, B. (Jury)

#TacklingFakeNews: The European Commission's approach to misinformation

Supervisor: Picone, I. (Promotor) & Boonen, M. (Jury)

#TACKLINGFAKENEWS: THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION’S APPROACH TO MISINFORMATION: To what extent can media and information literacy be a possible solution to eliminating fake news?

Supervisor: Donders, K. (Promotor) & Delaere, S. (Jury)

1. Lucas de Oliveira Cordeiro: Questões de vida ou morte em tradução: um estudo de caso (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Humanidades, POET – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução)

10 jaar na bruxelles/brussel 2000: bicommunautaire samenwerking in de brusselse culturele sector..

Supervisor: De Pauw, W. (Promotor) & De Mette, T. (Jury)

123I-2-Iodo-Tyrosine, a new tumour imaging agent: biodistribution, dosimetry and initial clinical evaluation in brain tumours

Supervisor: Bossuyt, A. (Promotor) & Lahoutte, T. (Advisor)

123I-MIBG imaging: influence of specific activity on imaging parameters and application in a rat model of diabetes

Supervisor: Lahoutte, T. (Promotor)

16-slice multidetector computed tomography: Evaluation of the normal appendix: Review and Study

Supervisor: Peeters, E. (External person) (Promotor)

Bachelor's and Master's thesis

Your bachelor's or master's thesis is often the last step towards obtaining your diploma. Study Guidance offers you help and support from start to finish!

Start on time

It might sound cliché, but starting on time is absolutely essential. Start looking for a good subject immediately, and talk to your promotor as soon as you can.

Would you like some help with those first steps? You can take part in one of our workshops . We'll help you get started, show you how to structure your thesis and how to avoid plagiarism. We also provide advice on correct use of language in an academic context.

Do you prefer personal feedback? Then you can request individual guidance or request a tutor .

2022_Thesis_Stapel papier_Ingebonden papieren_Eindwerk_S_778413115

Study Guidance organises workshops which contain tons of advice regarding the writing of your Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, making it a learning opportunity for other students and for the university staff. If you feel like you could use some help regarding the following topics, don't hesitate to participate!

Discover our workshops

Individual guidance

Study Guidance also offer individual guidance in the writing of your thesis.

Our study advisors are here to help with all your questions, help you plan or give concrete tips about how to structure your thesis. Don't hesitate to ask for their help and expertise!

Attention: Questions related to the specific content of your thesis are best directed at your own promotor . Make an appointment with a study advisor

Academic language

You can direct any questions on academic language in your thesis towards ACTO language centre. The ACTO advisors can help you with spelling, choice of words or how to structure your text. They also offer workshops!

All about ACTO

For academic Dutch, contact [email protected]

  • Guidelines and instructions

Social Sciences and Solvay Business School

Medicine and pharmacy, law and criminology, engineering, languages and humanities, physical education and physiotherapy, psychology and educational sciences, sciences and bioengineering sciences, specific guidelines and instructions, find all extra information and instructions on your thesis from your faculty here..

You can find all deadlines and instructions for the master's thesis of the programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences & Solvay Business School on  this Canvas page .

Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy

Students in the final year of the Master's degree program must - unless stated otherwise in the course guide of the Master’s thesis of the relevant program – provide the following information to the program council, which will transfer this information to the Dean after approval: •    the subject of the master's thesis; •    the supervisor's signature, through which he approves the subject; •    if necessary, the indication of the objective and method. The deadline for submitting this information is clearly noted in the relevant course guide. The master's thesis can be drawn up and/or defended in a language other than Dutch when approved by the relevant program council.

Changes in the subject of the Master's thesis and/or supervisor or renunciation by the supervisor of the supervisorship must be reported to the chairman of the program council at the latest before the spring break. A deviation from this can be granted by the program council of the relevant study program.

Turning in the master’s thesis

• First exam sessions, first exam period (only for those graduating in January): no later than 1 December, unless stated otherwise in the course guide of the master's thesis of the relevant study program. • First exam sessions, second exam period: last working day before May 30 at the latest, unless stated otherwise in the course guide of the master's thesis of the relevant study program. • Second exam sessions: last working day before August 18 at the latest, unless stated otherwise in the course guide of the master's thesis of the relevant study program.

The master's thesis is submitted to the student secretariat of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, unless stated otherwise in the course guide of the master's thesis of the relevant study program.

Form of submission

Under the responsibility of the program council of the relevant study program, the correct procedure in this regard is included in the course guide.

Release of the master's thesis

The digital version of the master's thesis for which the student has obtained a credit* is kept by the University Library. The master's thesis is only included in the library catalog with the explicit permission of the student and their supervisor. To this end, each student must attach a consent form to the master's thesis. This form can be found on the faculty website under student/'application forms'. When no consent form or an incomplete consent form is attached to the master's thesis, it is assumed that no consent has been granted.

*The additional education and examination regulations of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy explicitly state when a credit has been obtained, in other words from 10/20 and not 14/20.

The student is obliged to demonstrate the authenticity of the research material. All master's theses will be screened by plagiarism software.

Faculty of Law and Criminology

Coming soon!

Faculty of Engineering

Voor de deadline van elk formulier kan je kijken naar onze facultaire kalender. 

Procedure for submitting the Master's thesis title

For submitting the thesis title follow the procedure as mentioned below.

Step 1: fill in the online form:

          For Bruface programmes             For other master programmes

Step 2: After completing the online form the promotor automatically receives an email with a link to the completed form

Step 3: The promotor accepts or declines the proposal. This is done through an automated email.

Deadline for submitting the thesis title: the 15th of October

The  consent form for disclosure  of the master thesis has to be submitted together with the thesis title.

  • Master's thesis title page (for all non-bruface programmes)
  • Master's thesis abstract (for non-bruface)
  • Bruface master's thesis title page (pdf)
  • Bruface master's thesis title page (word)
  • Master’s thesis title page for Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Languages and Humanities

Choosing a thesis topic.

  • Register your master's thesis course unit through the  Student SelfService .
  • Register your master's thesis subject and supervisor through  MaThis .  

Submitting your master's thesis

Please respect the deadlines below.

  • First exam period of the first exam session : 8 January 2024 until 15h via Canvas
  • Second exam period of the first exam session : 27 May 2024 until 15h via Canvas
  • Second exam session : 5 August 2024 until 15h via Canvas

If you wish to apply for an extension due to unexpected circumstances, you must do so at the latest on the day of the deadline. You can obtain an extension of maximum 10 days.   However, we advise you to submit your application at least one week before the regular deadline so that we can inform you before the submission date whether your application has been approved.

The following situations are recognised (Education and Examination Regulations, Article 111). 

  • medical reasons e.g. illness, accident
  • familial reasons e.g. the death of a relative by blood or marriage in the first degree (parents and/or children) or in the second degree (grandparents, grandchildren and/or brother/sister) or of a person domiciled under the same roof; 
  • legal reasons e.g. summons or subpoena to a court of law;
  • force majeure e.g. an event that has nothing to do with you as a student and that could not be foreseen, prevented or overcome. 

Bear in mind: your application can only be approved if you follow the correct procedure and submit your application in time (see above). 

  • Ask your supervisor for approval by filling in the  template "Postponement of submission of Bachelor's paper/Master's thesis " (in Dutch) and have it signed. 
  • Collect supporting documents to substantiate your application.  
  • Send everything to [email protected]

Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy  

All deadlines and instructions for the master's thesis of the programmes Movement and Sport Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, and Manual Therapy can be found on this Canvas page .

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences  

All information, documents, and deadlines for the master theses can be consulted on CANVAS:

  • Agogische wetenschappen
  • Onderwijskunde
  • Psychologie: Arbeids- en Organisatie psychologie
  • Psychologie: Klinische psychologie
  • Master Educational Sciences

Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences

Guidelines and information are communicated through the program-specific Canvas page.

Publication Master's thesis

Any master's thesis for which the student has obtained a credit (for some faculties you need at least 14/20), and for which no non-disclosure agreement (NDA) was drawn up, can be included at no charge in the catalog of the University Library as long as the student has given their prior explicit consent.

Consent form


Master theses Collection home page

  • 42 QUAX, Peter
  • 40 HENS, Niel
  • 36 LAMOTTE, Wim
  • 36 SHKEDY, Ziv
  • 31 LUYTEN, Kris
  • 25 BEKAERT, Philippe
  • 20 FAES, Christel
  • 20 MOLENBERGHS, Geert
  • 20 NEVEN, Frank
  • 2 BOYEN, Peter
  • 1 ABRAMS, Steven
  • 1 AMELOOT, Tom
  • 1 BARZAN, Arno
  • 1 BOLLEN, Jeroen
  • 1 BRUNINX, Carl
  • 1 BYLOIS, Niels
  • 1 Cardinaels, Dries
  • 1 COPPERS, Sven

Academic Bibliography

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  • Advances in numerical bifurcation sof...

thesis university belgium

Advances in numerical bifurcation software : MatCont

  • Department of Applied mathematics, computer science and statistics
  • open access

Please use this url to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-8615817

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  • Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
  • Information for students
  • Master Dissertation

Master's dissertation

All about master's dissertation at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering UGent.

Latest news Starting your master's dissertation? What can you expect from your promotor and tutor? What is expected of you? Timeline Question about the master's dissertation? Mail to   [email protected]

1. How to choose your master's dissertation subject?

Choose your master's dissertation subject

Master's dissertation abroad?  

2. How is your master's dissertation subject assigned? What do you do before the start of your master's dissertation? 

Assigning of your master's dissertation

Before the start of your master's dissertation

3. What can you expect during your master's dissertation process?

Timeline 2024-2025

Guidance by promotor/tutor

Student rights and obligations

4. Are there specific guidelines for the report and presentation?

Written dissertation: content and layout

Master's dissertation presentation: content and layout

5. How to submit? What are the evaluation criteria?

Submission deadlines and defence dates

Evaluation criteria

6. Are there any awards/prizes for master's dissertation?

View all awards and prizes you can win with your master's dissertation.

7. In case of questions or problems?

Question? Send a mail to  [email protected]

Problems? Contact your ombudsperson .

  • Career Center
  • CFA Institute

CFA Society Belgium logo. This will take you to the homepage

Belgium University Master Theses Prize

Belgian master theses awards 2024.

In promoting the highest standards of education, the CFA Society Belgium also supports the local development of future investment professionals.

Universities are invited to participate with their students' best work for the 4th edition of the Belgian Best Master Thesis in Finance for the academic year 2023-2024. The deadline for receiving the entries is Friday 27th September 2024, noting that we only accept the best two Theses as decided by the university. All Theses should come through the university, we do not take direct entries from students. We accepted Theses in English, Dutch or French.

The prizes will include a monetary award of € 3.000 (first prize), € 2.000 (second prize) and € 1.000 (third prize), and a scholarship covering 50% of the cost of enrolling in the three levels of the CFA exam. The allocation of the awards and scholarships is at the full discretion of the CFA Society Belgium's board. Scholarship details below.* 

Winners of the 2023 Awards

First prize Mr Damien Assa - HEC Liège Tmax strategy and lottery-like demand in the cryptocurrency and mutual funds market.   Supervised by Professor Julien Hambuckers and Professor Wouter Torsi

thesis university belgium

Second prize Antoine Duysinx - HEC Liège Financial uncertainty and asset volatility dynamics: insights from an extended stochastic volatility model.  Supervised by Professor Julien Hambuckers, Professor Maren Ulm and Professor Romain Crucil

Third prize Leanne Strum - ULB Solvay Identifying the contagion risk from extreme events between Europe and North America during the 2006-2020 period. Supervised by Professor Mathias Schmit and Professor Marie-Paule Laurent

For 2022-2023 entries were received from the following six institutions:

  • College of Europe
  • University Gent

The jury consisted of:

Professor Theo Vermaelen, Insead - Chair

Gérard Bekerman, President of Afer and director of the Chaire Essec Finance 

Professor Christian Wolff, University of Luxembourg

Philippe Longerstaey, CFA , Board Member 

Winners of the 2022 Awards

CFA Society Belgium received and reviewed 15 high quality entries for the second edition of the Master Thesis Awards from the following universities for the academic year 2021-2022:

  • LSM (Louvain)

With the following winning 2022 Theses:

thesis university belgium

First prize Ms. Céleste Hardy - HEC Liège Has the Covid-19 crisis changed the way investors look at ESG criteria in their investment strategy?

Second prize   Mr. Jorg Boeykens and Mr. Maarten Contant - Universiteit Gent On the financial implications of climate initiatives

Third prize Mr. Victor Slüyters - Université de Namur Quel est l'impact des agents chartistes machine learner sur la stabilité des marchés de change? Simulations via un modèle à agents hétérogènes

*Scholarships: the CFA Society Belgium may reimburse the registration fees up to 50% of the level of the Early registration fee for the three years of study. The scholarship has the following conditions: the initial scholarship should be requested within 24 months from the prize announcement date. This means that your registration for the exam and well as your request for a scholarship should have occurred before this date.  Each applicant for a scholarship should provide for proof of registration and a proof of payment (ideally a copy of your credit card monthly statement, showing as well at which rate the amount was converted to Euro). Each applicant for a scholarship should confirm that he/she did not receive any other scholarship to cover the same registration fees.  The scholarship request can be sent to [email protected]. The allocation of the Awards and subsequent payment of the scholarship is at the full discretion of the CFA Society Belgium's board. 

Is your university is not yet participating?

Then please discuss with your Department co-ordinator or feel free to reach out to us directly

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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

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Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.

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thesis university belgium

About OATD.org

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,231,427 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .

Visual OATD.org

We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the OATD.org collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

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2024 Recipients of the Wolfe Fellowship

collage image of six headshots of fellowship recipients

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The Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce that six PhD candidates have been awarded the 2024 Wolfe Fellowship.

The Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy supports the Wolfe Graduate Fellowship for McGill graduate students in the Faculty of Arts. The Fellowship supports the research of PhD candidates whose thesis work reflects the themes of the Chair, whose mandate is to conduct research, teach, and perform public outreach regarding the intellectual foundations, nature and methods of scientific and technological innovation and to provide support to well-rounded students capable of making constructive contributions to debates surrounding science, technology, and society.

Congratulations to all of this year’s recipients.

Discover the 2024 cohort of Wolfe Fellows

Discover the 2024 Wolfe Fellows



Thesis subject/title *:

Communication Studies

“Psychoanalysis for a Blue Humanities.”

Art History and Communication Studies

“Long Time, First Time: A History of Call-In Radio in the United States and Canada 1945-1975.”

Jay Ritchie


Intermedia and the effects of digitality on poetic production, circulation, and reception from 1970 to 2020


Temporary marriage among disadvantaged women in Iran

Communication Studies

School of Information Studies

Technologies to better support the interrelated needs of older adults living alone for physical activity.

* title mentioned where specified on the Wolfe webpage.

Emma Blackett (she/they), is a PhD candidate in Communication Studies whose work is informed by queer/feminist studies, psychoanalytic theory, film studies, and ecocriticism. Her dissertation, “Psychoanalysis for a Blue Humanities”, offers a critique of environmental subjectivity, taking as its premise the failure of public communications about ecological collapse to provoke action adequate to halting it.

Sadie Couture is a PhD candidate in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University working at the intersection of media history, sound studies, and science and technology studies. During her tenure as a Wolfe Fellow, she will be working on my dissertation project, entitled “Long Time, First Time: A History of Call-In Radio in the United States and Canada 1945-1975” which focuses on the origins, development, and conventionalization of call-in radio and traces how technologies, policies, economies, and cultural desires impacted the format and pummeled it—imperfectly—into the shape it is today. Calling-in—using a telephone to connect to a radio station and subsequently be broadcast live—is simultaneously a technical process, a feedback system, satisfies the ‘public good’ criterion of many regulatory regimes, offers an additional way to shape an audience, and generates cheap, usable content.

Jay Ritchie, is a PhD candidate in the Department of English. His SSHRC CGS-funded doctoral research examines how poets created what Fluxus artist Dick Higgins called “intermedia” art, where two or more different artistic media are combined to create an artwork both between and beyond the artwork’s component media. Situating the turn towards intermedia in the context of the emergence of digital technology, his research examines the effects of digitality on poetic production, circulation, and reception from 1970 to 2020.

“Apart from providing vital, sustaining support for research and dissertation writing in the final year of my PhD, the Wolfe Fellowship allows me to attend conferences on digital media, the digital humanities, and science and technology more broadly,” says Jay. “The opportunity to share the research I have conducted while supported by the fellowship and to learn from other academics deepens my intellectual engagement with science and technology in the arts.”

Maryam Roosta , is a PhD candidate in the department of Anthropology at McGill University. Her doctoral dissertation is focused on the practice of temporary marriage among disadvantaged women in Iran. In Twelver Shi’a Islam, temporary marriage or mut’ah is a contract lasting anywhere from an hour to 99 years between a man and an unmarried woman. While mut’ah has traditionally been an urban phenomenon, the introduction of internet has reshaped the social arrangements between men and women who intend to contract mut’ah. Maryam’s research shows that to better understand the boundaries between mut’ah and transactional intimate relations is necessary to attend to the ways in which digital technologies such as the internet both enable and constrain women in contracting such relationships. In addition to Wolfe fellowship, her doctoral research is supported by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC) and Wenner-Gren foundation.

Mehak Sawhney (she/her) is a PhD candidate and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar in Communication Studies at McGill University. Her doctoral project titled Audible Waters: Sounding and Surveilling the Indian Ocean traces the production of oceanic territory through underwater sonic technologies in postcolonial India and the subcontinental Indian Ocean. Through a focus on hydrography, military security, conservation, and resource extraction, the project explores the politics of underwater monitoring technologies such as sonars as well as scientific disciplines such as underwater acoustics and bioacoustics. In so doing the project offers media theoretical reflections on the idea of the planetary, ongoing submarine colonialisms, and geopolitically situated ways to think about the relationship between sound, media and the environment.

“The Wolfe fellowship will support me in completing my dissertation as a final year PhD candidate at McGill,” says Mehak. “My dissertation titled Audible Waters: Sounding and Surveilling the Indian Ocean focuses on the production of oceanic territory through underwater sonic technologies in postcolonial India and the subcontinental Indian Ocean. It is based on ethnographic and archival research in India and the US. The fellowship will be very helpful in supporting my work and stay for the next academic session as an international student in Canada.”

Muhe Yang is a PhD candidate in the School of Information Studies at McGill University. Her doctoral research investigates how to design technologies to better support the interrelated needs of older adults living alone for physical activity. Older adults engage in physical activity for myriad purposes, including health benefits, associated sensory pleasures, and increased opportunities of socializing. Yet, older adults, especially those living alone, often encounter various barriers to maintaining their exercise routines, contributing to inactivity and falling short of recommended physical activity levels. Those barriers, including health problems, lack of motivation and social support, lack of exercise resources, not only span across individual, social, and environmental levels but also are often interrelated, as revealed in Muhe’s research findings to date.

For more information on the Wolfe Fellows please visit the Wolfe Fellowship homepage . 

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American Fellowships

Funding:  $8,000–$50,000 Opens: September 3 Deadline:  November 15

The American Fellowship program began in 1888, a time when women were discouraged from pursuing an education. It is AAUW’s largest fellowship program and the oldest non-institutional source of graduate funding for women in the United States.  

AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated based on scholarly excellence; quality and originality of project design; and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.  

Dissertation: The purpose of the American Dissertation Fellowship is to offset a scholar’s living expenses while they complete their dissertation. F ellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Applicants must have completed all course work, passed all preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposals or plans by the preceding November. Students holding fellowships for writing a dissertation in the year prior to the AAUW fellowships year are not eligible. Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering , and math fields or those researching gender issues are especially encouraged to apply.  

Postdoctoral: The primary purpose of the American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship is to increase the number of women in tenure-track faculty positions and to promote equity for women in higher education. This fellowship ’s purpose is to assist the candidate in obtaining tenure and further promotions by enabling them to spend a year pursuing independent research. Tenured professors are not eligible. Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering , and math fields or those researching gender issues are especially encouraged to apply.  

Publication: The Short-Term Research Publication Grants provide support to scholars to prepare research manuscripts for publication. AAUW’s funding priority is for applicants whose work supports the vision of AAUW: to break through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Time must be available for eight consecutive weeks of final writing and editing in response to issues raised in critical reviews. These fellowships can be for both tenure-track and part-time faculty, and to new and established researchers. The purpose is to assist the candidate in obtaining tenure and other promotions. Tenured professors are not eligible. Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering , and math fields or those researching gender issues are especially encouraged to apply.  

Award Amount

Dissertation Fellowship: $25,000

Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship: $50,000

Short-Term Research Publication Grant: $8,000

September 3, 2024 Application opens.

November 15, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Deadline for online submission of application, recommendations, and supporting documents.

April 15, 2025 Notification of decision emailed to all applicants. AAUW is not able to honor requests for earlier notification.

July 1, 2025–June 30, 2026 Fellowship year

When a date falls on a weekend or holiday, the date will be observed on the following business day.  


Applicants of all American Fellowships must meet the following criteria:  

  • Members of the AAUW Board of Directors, committees, panels, task forces and staff, including current interns, are not eligible to apply for AAUW’s fellowships and grants. A person holding a current award is eligible for election or appointment to boards, committees, panels and task forces.  
  • American Fellowship candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  
  • Fellowships are open to women, including people who identify as women, in all fields of study at an accredited institution of higher education. AAUW will make final decisions about what constitutes eligible institutions.  
  • Applicants may not apply for another AAUW national fellowship or grant in the same year.  
  • Distance learning/online programs: Fellowships support traditional classroom-based courses of study at colleges or universities. This fellowship program does not provide funding for distance learning or online programs or for degrees heavily dependent on distance learning components. Final decisions about what constitutes distance learning under these fellowships will be made by AAUW. AAUW will accept applications from applicants who are temporarily studying remotely due to COVID-19 precautions at their institution.  
  • American Fellowships are not open to previous recipients of any AAUW national fellowship or grant (not including branch or local awards or Community Action Grants).

A pplicants of Dissertation Fellowships must also meet the following criteria :  

  • The American Dissertation Fellowship must be used for the final year of writing the dissertation. Applicants must have completed all coursework, passed all preliminary exams, and had the dissertation research proposal or plan approved by November 1, 2023 . The doctoral degree/dissertation must be completed between April 1 and June 30, 2025 . Degree conferral must be between April 1 and September 15, 2025 .  
  • Dissertation Fellows are not required to study in the U.S.  
  • Students already holding a fellowship or grant for the purpose of supporting their final year of writing or completing the dissertation the year before the fellowship year are not eligible to apply for the American Dissertation Fellowship.  
  • The Dissertation Fellowship is intended for applicants who are completing their first doctoral degree.  
  • Applicants may apply up to two times for a fellowship for the same dissertation project.  

A pplicants of Postdoctoral Fellowships must also meet the following criteria :  

  • American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship applicants must hold a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., M.F.A., J.D., M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.S.W., or M.P.H. at the time of application.  
  • Tenured professors are not eligible.  

Applicants of Publication Grants must also meet the following criteria :  

  • American Short-Term Research Publication Grant applicants must hold a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., M.F.A., J.D., M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.S.W., or M.P.H. at the time of application.  
  • Tenured professors are not eligible.
  • American Short-Term Research Publication Grants are for tenure-track, part-time, and temporary faculty, as well as new and established researchers at universities. Scholars with strong publication records should seek funding elsewhere. Applicants must have time available for eight consecutive weeks of final manuscript preparation. While many recipients, especially full-time faculty members, will use the award s during the summer, recipients may use the funds at any time during the award year. Applicants must demonstrate that the support will result in a reduction of their ongoing work-related activities during the eight-week period .  
  • American Short-Term Research Publication Grants are not for preliminary research. Activities undertaken during the grant period can include drafting, editing, or modifying manuscripts; replicating research components; responding to issues raised through critical review; and other initiatives to increase the likelihood of publication.  
  • The grantee must be listed as the sole author, senior author, first author, or an author of equivalent significance.  

Selection Criteria and Application Review

The panel meets once a year to review applications for funding. Awards are based on the criteria outlined here. The panel’s recommendations are subject to final approval by AAUW. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis according to funds available in a given fiscal year.  

To ensure a fair review process, AAUW does not comment on the deliberations of the award panels. AAUW does not provide evaluations of applications. No provisions exist for reconsidering fellowship proposals.

Applications and supporting documents become the sole property of AAUW and will not be returned or held for another year.  

In selecting fellowship recipients, the following criteria will be considered:  

  • Applicant’s scholarly excellence.  
  • Quality of project design.  
  • Originality of project.  
  • Scholarly significance of project to the discipline.  
  • Feasibility of project and proposed schedule.  
  • Qualifications of applicant.  
  • Applicant’s commitment to women’s issues in the profession/community.  
  • Applicant’s mentoring of other women.  
  • Applicant’s teaching experience.  
  • Potential of applicant to make a significant contribution to the field.  
  • Applicant is from an underrepresented racial/ethnic background.  
  • Applicant will be in an underrepresented area of the country and/or type of university other than a top-level research institution during the award year.  
  • Financial need.  

The primary criterion for fellowship awards is scholarly excellence. Applications are reviewed by distinguished scholars and should be prepared accordingly.  

American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship and American Short-Term Research Publication Grant: When comparing proposals of equal merit, the review panel will give special consideration to women holding junior academic appointments who are seeking research leave, women who have held the doctorate for at least three years, and women whose educational careers have been interrupted. Preference will also be given to projects that are not simply a revision of the applicant’s doctoral dissertation and applicants whose work supports the vision of AAUW: to break through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.  


American Fellowships funds are available for:  

  • Educational expenses (American Dissertation Fellowship and American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship only).  
  • Living expenses.  
  • Dependent child care.  
  • Travel to professional meetings, conferences, or seminars that does not exceed 10 percent of the fellowship total (American Dissertation Fellowship and American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship only).  

Additionally, American Short-Term Publication Grant funds are available for:  

  • Clerical and technical support.  
  • Research assistance related to verification (not basic research).  
  • Office supplies, postage, copying and related expenses.  
  • Journal fees.  

American Fellowships funds are not available for:  

  • Purchase of equipment.  
  • Indirect costs.  
  • Research assistants.  
  • Previous expenditures, deficits, or repayment of loans.  
  • Publication costs (except for American Short-Term Publication Grants).  
  • Institutional (overhead) costs.  
  • Tuition for dependent’s education.  
  • Tuition for coursework that is in addition to credits required for maintaining full-time status while completing a dissertation.  
  • Extended field research (applicable to American Dissertation Fellowships only).  

Additionally, American Short-Term Research Publication Grants funds are not available for:  

  • Salary increase.  
  • Doctoral dissertation research or writing.  

AAUW regards the acceptance of a fellowship as a contract requiring fulfillment of the following terms:  

  • All American Fellowship recipients are required to sign a contract as acceptance of the award. Retain these instructions as they will become part of the fellowship contract if the applicant is awarded a fellowship.  
  • An AAUW American Fellow is expected to pursue their project full time during the funding period (July 1–June 30). No partial fellowships are awarded. Fellowships may not be deferred.  
  • American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellows and American Short-Term Research Publication Grantees cannot pursue a degree during the award period.  
  • Any major changes in plans for the award year must have prior written approval from AAUW.  
  • AAUW must be notified promptly of any change in the status of an application resulting from acceptance of another award.  
  • Stipends are made payable to fellows, not to institutions.  
  • The determination of whether there is a tax obligation associated with the receipt of an AAUW award is the sole responsibility of the applicant. Specific questions regarding income tax matters should be addressed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the applicant’s financial aid office or a personal tax adviser. AAUW cannot provide tax advice. AAUW is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity founded for educational purposes.  

Required Components*

Start the application process by clicking the Apply Now button below to access the application and create an account through our vendor site. Complete all required components in the following tabs.  

  • Recommendations: Standardized or form-letter recommendations are discouraged. AAUW does not accept references from dossier services such as Parment or Interfolio.
  • Dissertation Fellowship applicants: Applicant must provide two recommendations from the applicant’s advisers, colleagues or others well acquainted with the applicant, their project and their teaching. One of the two recommendations must be from the applicant’s dissertation advisor.
  • Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship applicants: Provide two recommendations from the applicant’s advisers, colleagues or others well acquainted with their project or work.
  • Short-Term Research Publication Grant applicants: Provide two recommendations from the applicant’s advisers, colleagues or others well acquainted with the applicant, their project/work and their teaching.
  • Dissertation Fellowship applicants: Submit transcripts for all graduate work and courses listed in the application. Transcripts must show grades for coursework transferred in. If the transcript shows transfer courses and credits without grades, a transcript from the institution where the courses were taken is required. If you studied at an institution that does not require coursework or provide transcripts, an institutional letter stating that is required.
  • Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship and Short-Term Publication Grant applicants: Proof of degree: Submit transcript(s)** or original letter showing proof of a Ph.D., Ed.D., M.F.A., J.D., M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., D.B.A., D.S.W., or M.P.H. degree.
  • Dissertation Fellowship applicants: Dissertation certification form: Submit the form verifying the completion of all required coursework and qualifying examinations for the doctorate and approval of your dissertation research proposal (plan of research) signed by an institutional officer. No substitutions for this form will be accepted.
  • Dissertation applicants: If you will conduct your project at an institution other than your own during the fellowship year, submit the form that indicates you have approval from the institution and the authority with whom the work will be done to conduct the research, laboratory or office space, and library privileges during the fellowship year. No substitutions for this form will be accepted. If you will conduct your project at your home institution, no project institution form is needed.
  • Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship and Short-Term Publication Grant applicants: Submit the form that indicates you have approval from the proposed institution and the authority with whom the work will be done to conduct the research and have institutional affiliation, laboratory or office space, and library privileges during the fellowship year. No substitutions for this form will be accepted.

*A certified English translation is required for all components provided in a foreign language. Translations must bear a mark of certification or official signature that the translation is true and complete.

**All transcripts provided must include the applicant’s full name, the school’s name, all courses and all grades, as well as any other information requested in in the application instructions.  

See More Fellowship and Grant Opportunities

For questions or technical support from ISTS, our technical consultant, please email [email protected] . Enter AAUW-AF if the website prompts you for a program key. We encourage applicants not to opt out of communications from ISTS, to ensure you receive important communications from AAUW.  

Meet a Recent American Fellow

thesis university belgium

Sarah Biscarra Dilley ’s research is focused on matrifocal and gender-expansive governance from northern villages of yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini to Mokupuni o Hawai‘i, rooted in shared land and kinship-based epistemology. Her written, visual and material practice is grounded in collaboration across experiences, peoples and place, connecting extractive industries, absent treaties and enclosure to emphasize movement, embodied protocol and possibility. Her aspirations are toward cultural resurgence and the return of land to her families’ stewardship.

Our Alumnae

head shot of 2010-11 American Fellow Ayana Johnson

Ayana Johnson

2010–11 American Fellow and marine biologist, policy expert and conservation strategist. She is the founder and CEO of Ocean Collectiv and founder of Urban Ocean Lab.

Head shot of 2013 AAUW Alumnae Recognition Awardee Melissa Harris-Perry

Melissa Harris-Perry

2001-02 AAUW American Fellow and Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University, a columnist for the Nation, editor-at-large for ZORA, author of Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America , and former host of The Melissa Harris-Perry Show on MSNBC.

Head shot of AAUW 1997-98 American Fellow Kimberly Ennico-Smith

Kimberly Ennico-Smith

1997-98 AAUW American Fellow and staff scientist with NASA who served as deputy project scientist for NASA’s New Horizons Mission, the historic project responsible for capturing unprecedented photos of Pluto.

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ECE PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu, win awards at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT)

Congratulations to electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu . Both students, under the supervision of Professor Sherman Shen , have won prizes at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT) competition held at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 in Denver, Colorado in June. ICC is one of two of IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences.

Mingcheng He won Second Prize for his thesis talk “Resource Slicing with Cross-Cell Coordination in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks.” His project proposes a novel resource slicing scheme for satellite-terrestrial integrated networks to satisfy diversified network service requirements with efficient resource usage. The proposed scheme introduces a hybrid data-model co-driven approach, which enables efficient and flexible resource management in heterogeneous networks.

Shisheng Hu won Third Prize for his thesis talk “Digital Twin-Assisted Edge AI for Integrated Sensing and Communication.” In this project, a digital twin-based framework is developed for accurate and adaptive modeling of the performance of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) systems. This approach enables closed-form and reliable optimization of edge AI, enhancing the system performance.


Electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu win awards at IEEE’s ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT)

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Moko kauae dissertation earns first class honours

10 September 2024

Te ao Māori , Pacific , Faculty of Arts , Sustainable impact , Graduation , Library news

Masters graduate in Indigenous Studies says moko kauae symbol of survival and resistance.

Image of Mia-Mae Taitimu-Stevens with her parents Shawn Stevens and Kataraina Taitimu

Mia-Mae Taitimu Stevens crossed the stage on 5 September, earning first class honours for a Masters degree in Indigenous Studies, she wrote her dissertation on moko kauae (traditional tattoo that adorns the chin of Māori women.) 

Her dissertation Moko Kauae Online: Social Media as a tool of resurgence for young Māori wahine receiving moko kauae,  has long been a topic of huge significance to her.

“I wrote my dissertation on the perceptions of moko kauae eligibility for wāhine Māori on TikTok, in reaction to the ever growing presence of moko kauae on social media, on the news, and out in te ao.

"This topic has always been one I’ve wanted to explore, and the discussion around expectations as a wāhine Māori, speaks to my own journey with my identity security, and moko kauae supported me in interrogating that.

"The extent of historical and generational unlearning done by wāhine Māori today significantly contributes to the growing number of wahine receiving their kauae.”

Taitimu-Stevens says two dominant perspectives of kauae eligibility were identified:

“If you whakapapa Māori, it’s your birthright. 

“If you whakapapa Māori and meet certain expectations, such as speaking fluent te reo Māori or contribute to your community in specific ways, it’s your birthright.

“Kauae is preserved by wāhine Māori; it is the only body adornment that continued unbroken despite prejudice and criminality. It is a symbol of survival and resistance in our contemporary colonial context. 

“Kauae to me says - we are here, we are proud and we are not going anywhere!" 

Raised in a small rural community about 30 minutes outside of Wellsford with her family, Taitimu-Stevens enjoyed an idyllic upbringing on a lifestyle block with animals, living close to the beach, and catching fresh kaimoana. 

“It was a great place to grow up and my parents sacrificed a lot for us to live this way. I went to a predominantly Pākehā college, but it was there that I first began connecting with my Māoritanga and took te reo Māori and joined Kapa haka.” 

The Masters graduate is also the University’s Māori Academic Engagement Adviser for Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services. Her academic journey began through the Undergraduate Targeted Admission Scheme UTAS. 

“I was lucky to get into a Bachelor of Arts through UTAS, a targeted admission scheme which provided a scaffolded degree to ease me into study.” 

Taitimu-Stevens completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ancient History and Sociology, before going straight into a Postgraduate Diploma in History. 

“During my Postgrad diploma, I saved hard and after graduating I went on my big ‘OE’ visiting all the places I studied, like Greece and Egypt.” 

Once home, she began working in Māori and Pacific pastoral care, and academic support, and in her current role focuses on Māori engagement with Te Tumu Herenga. 

Working and studying at the University brought new challenges she says, especially having to switch hats while having colleagues and peers assess your course work. 

“Being assessed by someone I respect and work with was terrifying, and I felt this enormous weight to perform well. Imposter syndrome sucks, but my support whānau helped me to remember to be kind to myself, and that it’s important to let ourselves be proud of our work.”

Kauae is preserved by wāhine Māori; it is the only body adornment that continued unbroken despite prejudice and criminality. It is a symbol of survival and resistance in our contemporary colonial context.

Mia-Mae Taitimu-Stevens Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland

Taitimu says the decision to resume her studies, and leave the financial comfort of fulltime work was helped by Indigenous Studies being taught at Masters level.

“I came to a point in my career where I felt the call to come back to studying. What drew me away from the comfort of working fulltime and going back to the adventure that is ‘student life’ was wanting to expand my understanding of Indigenous experiences, theories and methods, and have informed wānanga.”

There was also synergy while studying for her Masters degree and her role of supporting students from the Māori and Pacific student community.

“Working in support of such diverse Māori and Pacific students, this degree felt vital to my mahi. But, it also provided a reconnection to the student experience, which I missed a lot. Readings became my favourite thing, when they used to be the worst, and I was excited by every assignment question, which is typically like impossible.”

Graduation day was a great celebration with whānau, friends and colleagues. However Taitimu-Stevens used her moment when receiving her degree, to support the plight of Palestinians. Crossing the stage, she held up a bright red flax fan with the words ‘Free Gaza’ in plain view.

“It is important for me, as tangata whenua, to advocate for Indigenous peoples and I believe that being able to walk across the graduation stage is a privilege. It was important for me to acknowledge that this privilege is not afforded to Palestinians, and to remind others.”

She is grateful to whānau and friends, helping her to navigate university life and aspire in her career.

“My whānau have always been a massive support, even though like most post grad students they don’t really know what my dissertations about,” she laughs. 

She’s fortunate and thankful for the friends within academia, who provided invaluable support. 

“I had amazing friends, fellow class mates, and tuākana to offer guidance, their shoulder and a drink or two after the chapter was due. One friend in particular is completing her PhD in Pacific Studies, Zoe Henry. 

“She still found time for my manic requests for feedback on the 5th final draft, she’s meant a lot to me getting across this stage. Also, Te Fale Pouāwhina and their pō ako were my saving grace. They helped hold myself accountable to my writing goals, and they always have the best playlists to jam to while working.” 

Taitimu-Stevens hopes there will be time for more travel soon – ‘do the mahi get the treats’ before resuming work and developing her professional work practice. There are plans to embark on a PhD at a future stage. 

“I can see a PhD in my future, but for the now my focus is on mahi… I also want to put more time into animal welfare, a kaupapa I am passionate about, through supporting animal rescue and shelters in my community.”  

Media contact

Kim Meredith | Pacific media adviser 

E:  kim.meredith@auckland.ac.nz

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  1. Dissertations

    Paper copies of dissertations. Dissertations before 2000 are available in the Artes University Library Always check Limo first! Starting 2000: only available online via Limo. Master dissertations FEB Antwerpen: all non-confidential dissertations are online available. EBIB - Doctoraten. Last update: Mar 15, 2024.

  2. Search for a dissertation

    Archives: the copies in the archives can only be consulted on site. Make an appointment for this. Electronically submitted dissertations can be consulted on campus, using a UAntwerpen-username and password. Only dissertations where the author agreed to public access, are available for consultation.

  3. Find Student theses

    Author: De Cuypere, L. & Alba Cortes, S. P., 2021. Supervisor: De Cuypere, L. (Promotor) Student thesis: Master's Thesis. : Externalization of the EU migration policy: Which cooperation pattern dominates the EU’s external migration policy with transit countries, Morocco, and Libya?-. How did the refugee crisis impact the cooperation pattern?

  4. Ghent University Academic Bibliography

    Search 200 years of publications by Ghent University researchers. Search publications and datasets Advanced search. 1 - 10 of 14226 publications. Publication type. dissertation (14226) Publication status. in press (6) published (13793) unpublished (427) Year. ... PhD Thesis; Contrôle lithostructural de la circulation des fluides ...

  5. Dissertations

    Search for dissertations in Limo. How to find a dissertation in Limo? In Limo: click on "Advanced search", type in the following search terms: ANY: contains: faculteit AND psychologie AND pedagogische.In the drop-down menu for "Material Type", select "Dissertations".; Master's theses submitted from academic year 2023-2024 onwards, and for which a result of 14/20 or higher has been obtained ...

  6. Master's dissertation

    Master's dissertation. A master's dissertation is a paper or research project with which you complete your master's degree. In your master's dissertation, you demonstrate analytical and synthetic ability or independent problem-solving skills. Your master's dissertation reflects your general critical-reflective attitude or research mindset.

  7. Guidelines for your dissertation

    General guidelines. Your dissertation should be a stand alone publication in book form. A compilation of peer-reviewed scientific papers is allowed. If two or more publications which are closely related are used as separate chapters in the doctoral dissertation, it is advised that these are partially rewritten so that repetitions are avoided ...

  8. Master's Thesis

    The Master's thesis is considered to be a very important period in academic engineering programmes, since it is an opportunity for students to be actively involved in research in their chosen field. The study load of the Master's thesis is equivalent to 24 credits, meaning that you will spend between 600 and 720 hours working on your Master ...

  9. Dissertations

    Dissertations. Dewan, S. (2019) Effects of maternal temperature on offspring performance of temperate forest trees. PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium, 194 p (download) Proesmans, W. (2019) The importance of small forest fragments for pollination services in agricultural landscapes. PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium, 152 p (download)

  10. Research and thesis

    Research and thesis. Research work represents the very essence of the doctorate. W. ell supervised by their thesis committee, the main mission of the doctoral student consists in the success of their doctoral project within the given deadlines. Creating the dynamics needed to control temporal, material, financial and human resources is ...

  11. Bachelor's and Master's thesis

    Publication Master's thesis. Any master's thesis for which the student has obtained a credit (for some faculties you need at least 14/20), and for which no non-disclosure agreement (NDA) was drawn up, can be included at no charge in the catalog of the University Library as long as the student has given their prior explicit consent. Consent form.

  12. Doctoral programme

    The doctoral process alternates between doctoral training, research work, including publications and communication, and drafting of the thesis, leading to the ultimate stage: the thesis defence. I n practice, the doctorate is a long-term test, a source of great satisfaction and of big and small difficulties, where one learns to excel and assert oneself. International openness is undoubtedly ...

  13. Preparing the thesis

    Preparing the thesis. 1. Deciding on the thesis language. The thesis should be written and defended in Dutch or English. It may be written in another language provided that written permission has been obtained for this from the faculty. This permission is not necessary if the topic of the thesis is another language, culture or literature.

  14. Doctoral thesis

    You are obliged to offer your doctoral (PhD) thesis to the University of Antwerp Library for preservation. Please send two copies of your publication to the University of Antwerp Library. If you have requested an ISBN for your doctoral thesis, you should send two extra copies for the Royal Library of Belgium. Deliver your copies to the contact ...

  15. Master theses

    Theses and Dissertations. T2. 2023. Bayesian distributed lag non-linear models (DLNM) to describe association between air pollution and COVID-19 in Belgium. Espinasse, Marina. Theses and Dissertations. T2. 2023. Expected performance of testing and isolation strategies in Belgium to manage COVID-19 in Winter 2022-2023.

  16. Master thesis

    The master thesis is a substantial individual project that can also be realized in (collaboration with) a private company, in Belgium or abroad. We generally consider that it amounts to 4 months of full time work. The subject must be proposed or approved by an advisor who must be an academic member or a permanent researcher. For geological engineers, it includes, in most of the cases, an ...

  17. Templates and documents

    Timely preparation of the master's thesis administration is also important to succeed on your master's thesis. You will find all the necessary templates and documents below. Master's thesis topic. Only campus Brussels. Orientation overview document supervisor s and research domains Brussels;

  18. Advances in numerical bifurcation software : MatCont

    Matcont is a toolbox that computes bifurcation diagrams through numerical methods, namely continuation. This dissertation describes the advances and innovations that were made including the detection and continuation of new bifurcations in discrete-time systems. bifurcation software, graphical interface, Matcont, MatcontM, Iterated map ...

  19. Master's dissertation

    Mail to [email protected]. Defending your dissertation? What are the requirements? How will you be evaluated? 1. How to choose your master's dissertation subject? Choose your master's dissertation subject. Master's dissertation abroad? 2.

  20. Your PhD @ ULB

    A PhD can lead to a wide variety of professional activities, as doctoral candidates develop skills that are valued in many different industries. Attending a PhD thesis defense. PhD thesis defenses are open to the public, without any registration. How to attend an online PhD thesis defense with Teams: [email protected]. Updated on August 18, 2022.

  21. Belgium University Master Theses Prize

    Belgian Master Theses Awards 2024. In promoting the highest standards of education, the CFA Society Belgium also supports the local development of future investment professionals. Universities are invited to participate with their students' best work for the 4th edition of the Belgian Best Master Thesis in Finance for the academic year 2023-2024.

  22. OATD

    OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 7,225,126 theses and dissertations. About OATD (our FAQ). Visual OATD.org

  23. 2024 Recipients of the Wolfe Fellowship

    The Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce that six PhD candidates have been awarded the 2024 Wolfe Fellowship. The Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy supports the Wolfe Graduate Fellowship for McGill graduate students in the Faculty of Arts. The Fellowship supports the research of PhD candidates whose thesis work reflects the themes of the Chair, whose mandate is to conduct ...

  24. Joint doctoral thesis

    PhD candidates can conduct their research in the framework of a Joint PhD thesis, which involves two Universities or Higher Education Institutions from Belgium or abroad entitled to deliver doctoral degrees (3rd cycle). What's a joint doctoral thesis ? The joint doctoral thesis favours international mobility of doctoral candidates, contribute to develop scientific cooperation between ...

  25. Master's thesis defence

    Master's thesis defence - Camille Lacroix. Wednesday, September 11, 2024 9:00 am - 11:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00) iCal Development and Electronic Characterization of Graphene-Based Hall Effect Devices ... The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg, and ...

  26. American Fellowships

    The American Dissertation Fellowship must be used for the final year of writing the dissertation. Applicants must have completed all coursework, passed all preliminary exams, and had the dissertation research proposal or plan approved by November 1, 2023. The doctoral degree/dissertation must be completed between April 1 and June 30, 2025.

  27. ECE PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu, win awards at the IEEE

    Congratulations to electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu.Both students, under the supervision of Professor Sherman Shen, have won prizes at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT) competition held at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 in Denver, Colorado in June.ICC is one of two of IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences.

  28. Moko kauae dissertation earns first class honours

    Her dissertation Moko Kauae Online: Social Media as a tool of resurgence for young Māori wahine receiving moko kauae, has long been a topic of huge significance to her. "I wrote my dissertation on the perceptions of moko kauae eligibility for wāhine Māori on TikTok, in reaction to the ever growing presence of moko kauae on social media, on ...